Unmanned Vehicles 2015 Buyers Guide PDF

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The document discusses forecasts for growth in the commercial AUV sector driven by deepwater oil & gas activities. It also covers various sectors like military, research, and commercial that use underwater vehicles.

The document discusses sectors like military, research, commercial, deepwater oil & gas, and others that utilize underwater vehicles.

The document covers types of underwater vehicles like AUVs, ROVs in categories like heavy, medium, light workclass and trenchers, as well as AUVs, USVs, gliders.


The Unmanned Vehicles
Buyers Guide

Ladd Borne 2015 Unmanned Vehicles
MJ McDuffee
Buyers Guide
PRODUCTION COORDINATOR Throughout the Product and Operator sections of this directory,
Suzanne Short markets served are identified by unique symbols
Suzanne Short Legend for Market Symbols
Samantha Burn
[email protected]
Defence Seabed Offshore Science Ocean Environmental
Minning Oil & Gas Renewables

Table of Contents
MJ McDuffee
Tel: +1 (772) 617 6836
Fax: +1 (772) 221 7715
[email protected] 6 Summary
Lisa Chilik Product Listings
Tel: +1 (574) 261 4215
Fax: +1 (574) 255 1006
7 ROVs – Heavy Workclass
[email protected] 15 ROVs – Medium Workclass
TExAS/LOUISIANA 29 ROVs – Light Workclass
Janelle Galvan
Phone: 281-787-0181
53 ROVs – Trenchers
Fax: 772-221-7715 59 AUVs
[email protected]
75 USVs
Zinat Hassan
89 Gliders
Tel/Fax: +44 (0) 845 6522 483
Mobile: +44 (0) 781 1200 483
[email protected]
93 Manufacturing Company Listings

Mimi Shipman
Mob: +44 (0) 777 6017 564 103 Operating Company Listings
Ph: +44 (0) 193 5508 698
[email protected]
118 Advertiser Index
Copyright ©2015 Technology Systems Corp., Ocean News & Technology Underwater Vehicle Buyers Guide ISSN# 2376-6301 is published semi-annually by Technology Systems Corporation,
7897 SW Jack James Dr., Suite A, Stuart, FL 34997, telephone 772-221-7720. All rights to editorial content are reserved. No article, photograph, or illustration may be reproduced in whole or part
without the written permission of the publisher. Unless otherwise stated in writing by the contributor, all images submitted to TSC may be used in other promotional materials belonging to TSC without
permission. Subscriptions are free to qualified individuals or companies. For all others, call TSC for subscription information. Printed in the USA.

Unmanned Vehicles, Going Forward
- Industry experts look to the future

AUV and ROV Forecast USV and Gliders Forecast

- By: Douglas-Westwood - By: Unmanned Vehicle Systems Consulting, LLC
AUVs are on their way. With vast scope for their appli- Unmanned Surface Vessels
cation, autonomous underwater vehicles are finally It is estimated that over 600 USVs were manufac-
gaining pace in the commercial sector. The technol- tured over the last 10 years. Sales to date have been
ogy, which has its origins in military activities such driven by the need for ‘surface targets’ where un-
as mine counter-measure and rapid environmental manned vessels are remotely controlled for target-
assessment (MC & REA), also has a strong presence ing practice at sea.
in research activities, from research mapping to envi-
ronmental sensing. In fact, the military and research Going forward, we can expect the oil & gas offshore
sectors have strong links which enable collaboration market to start taking USVs seriously. Recently we
and, therefore, some units can be used across the sec- have seen a joint venture between Schlumberger &
tors. The two sectors currently form 97% of AUV de-
Liquid Robotics announced. The scientific commu-
mand. However, Douglas-Westwood’s Word AUV Mar-
ket Report 2014-2018 forecasts an annual growth of nity’s interest (public and private non-profit), and a
36% in the commercial sector, predominantly driven robust service industry for hydrography are start-
by deepwater oil & gas activities, expanding the share ing to take off. It is forecast that the military will
of the total market from 3% in 2014 to 8% in 2018. sustain its current pace of purchases. The security
market is very volatile as linked to local conflicts,
The increased economic challenges of deepwater especially for maritime border and EEZ protection
oil & gas developments lead to a desire to introduce and surveillance.
cost-effective approaches. AUVs have proved to be
an optimum cost-effective solution for surveys and Over the next 5 years, 350 vehicles are forecast to
inspections, as opposed to the higher costs of vessel- be manufactured and sold.
based activities. Factors include operation and time
costs, and reducing direct human involvement in ac- As a whole, the market for USV manufacturers is
tivities in high risk environments. Douglas-Westwood competitive, with many new companies seeking
expects further increases in AUV use in deep waters to develop improved designs, propulsion, and reli-
and under-ice as an alternative to ROVs. ability. Liquid Robotics, with over $75M raised, has
educated many customers and the media about
In Douglas-Westwood’s World ROV Operations Mar- current USV abilities, resulting in many companies
ket Forecast, annual expenditure on work-class ROV sailing on that wave.
operations is expected to increase from $1.6 billion
(bn) in 2013 to $2.4bn in 2017, a compound annual Subsea Gliders
growth rate (CAGR) of 11.3%. The market is expect- It is estimated that 450 gliders to date have been
ed to total $9.7bn over the period, a growth of 79% manufactured, with an order of approximately 150
over the previous five years. Expenditure is forecast
by the U.S. government being the largest single
to increase more than operational days due to the
move towards deeper waters and more complicated purchase. Sales to date have been driven by govern-
offshore field development programmes. These are ment agencies requiring oceanographic services.
demanding higher specification, higher cost ROVs to
cater for their support needs. Going forward, a larger scientific community will
turn to gliders for remote and insitu sensing of the
Drilling support, of both exploration and appraisal ever-changing oceans. Offshore energy compa-
(E&A) and subsea development (DV) wells, is the main nies will use gliders through service operators, and
ROV activity demand driver, accountable for 75% of the government oceanographic will use gliders for
the total expenditure between 2013 and 2017. Con- more sophisticated missions.
struction support accounts for 20% and repair and
maintenance (R&M) for 4%. The largest regional mar- Over the next 5 years, 200 glider vehicles are fore-
ket is expected to be Africa, with Latin America, North cast to be manufactured and sold. However volume
America and Asia also important players. The ‘Golden purchases from oil & gas and the government make
Triangle’, comprised of Brazil, the Gulf of Mexico and highly accurate predictions difficult with a large
Africa, is forecast to account for the majority of global spread in numbers sold.
ROV demand, but Asia will see significant growth.
Heavy Workclass

Market Symbols

Defence Seabed Offshore Science Ocean Environmental

Minning Oil & Gas Renewables
Argus Remote Systems ECA ROBOTICS
Heavy Workclass


Argus Worker XL H1000 : work class ROV H2000 : work class ROV

Class: Electric:  Hydraulic: Class: Electric:  Hydraulic: Class: Electric:  Hydraulic:

Size (m): LxWxH: 2.5 x 1.7 x 1.6 Size (m): LxWxH: 1.34 x 1.09 x 1.0 Size (m): LxWxH: 2 x 1.24 x 1.15
In-Air Weight (kg): 3200 In-Air Weight (kg): 525 In-Air Weight (kg): 900
Max Depth (m): 3000 (6000) Max Depth (m): 1000 Max Depth (m): 2000
Thrust Bollard Pull (kgf): Thrust Bollard Pull (kgf): Thrust Bollard Pull (kgf):
Forward/Aft: 1290 Vertical (Lift): 865 Forward/Aft: 80 Vertical (Lift): 50 Forward/Aft: 260 Vertical (Lift): 170
Thrust Speed (kts): Thrust Speed (kts): Thrust Speed (kts):
Forward: 3+ Lateral: 2.5 Vertical: 2.5 Forward: 3.0 Lateral: 2 Vertical: 1.5 Forward: 3 Lateral: 2.5 Vertical: 1.5
# of Thrusters: 8 electric and 2 hydraulic # of Thrusters: 6 # of Thrusters: 6
Thruster Configuration: 6 horizontal, 4 vertical Thruster Configuration: 4x H vectored + 2x V Thruster Configuration: 4xH vectored + 2xV
Maximum Payload (kg): 250 Maximum Payload (kg): 15 Maximum Payload (kg): 80
Max Through Frame Lift: 3 tons Max Through Frame Lift: N/A Max Through Frame Lift: N/A
Power Requirements: 130kW / 175HP Power Requirements: 70 KVA Power Requirements: 40KVA for ROV + TMS;
Deployment System: LARS Deployment System: LARS 35KVA for LARS
Tether Management System: Yes Tether Management System: Yes Deployment System: LARS
Standard Equipment: Standard Equipment: Tether Management System: Yes
Camera: 1-4 HD camera, 6 Composite Camera: 2x color + 1x low light B/W Standard Equipment:
Camera Platform: Camera Platform: Pan/Tilted Camera: 4x color + 2x low light B/W
Lighting: 6 x LED lights , 69,000 lumen Lighting: 7 lights of 75W + 1 of 35W Camera Platform: Pan/Tilted
Navigation: Gyro Navigation: sonar & low light camera Lighting: 7 LED lights : 2x7300lm + 4x4200 lm + 1x430 lm
Manipulator: Schilling T4 Manipulator: hydraulic : 1x4 functions+ 1x5 functions Navigation: sonar & low light cameras
Auto Functions: Yes Auto Functions: depth, heading, altitude Manipulator: hydraulic : 1x5 functions + 1x7 functions
Auxiliary Tooling Power: 25 - 60HP Auxiliary Tooling Power: N/A Auto Functions: depth, heading, altitude
Optional Equipment Available: Yes Optional Equipment Available: Yes Auxiliary Tooling Power: N/A
View PDF: View PDF: Optional Equipment Available: Yes
Website: www.argus-rs.no Website: http://www.ecagroup.com/en/solu- View PDF:
Contact: tions/inspection-pipelines-rov Website: www.ecagroup.com/en/solutions/
Email: [email protected] Contact: rovs-object-recovery
URL to Distributors/Dealers/Agents: Email: [email protected] Contact:
Mftr Notes: High performance: Electric ROVs can run full power URL to Distributors/Dealers/Agents: Email: [email protected]
on all thrusters simultaneously, as opposed to hydraulic ROVs. Fully Mftr Notes: Work class type ROV, operational up to URL to Distributors/Dealers/Agents:
operational and reliable in all water temperatures: Electric propul- 1000m depth, ECA Group’s H1000 is a hybrid vehicle which
sion works independently of water depths and temperatures, while swims as an ROV, and, when reaching the vertical struc- Mftr Notes: Main highlights of H2000 are : Powerful while compact
hydraulic propulsion cannot operate in shallow/warm waters, and ture, crawls along it while remaining, even in rough sea in size, High performance viewing and sonar system , two manipulator
becomes very massive in ultra-deep/cold waters. conditions, firmly stuck onto it thanks to its strong thrust. arms, validated and used by French Navy, Air transportable.
2015 Unmanned Vehicle Buyers Guide 8 Ocean News & Technology
FMC Technologies
Heavy Workclass

FMC Technologies ISE

Schilling Robotics Schilling Robotics


Class: Electric: Hydraulic:  Class: Electric: Hydraulic:  Class: Electric:  Hydraulic: 

Size (m): LxWxH: 2.9 x 1.7 x 1.9 Size (m): LxWxH: 3.5 x 1.9 x 2.1 Size (m): LxWxH: 2.5 x 1.4 x 1.5
In-Air Weight (kg): 3700 In-Air Weight (kg): 5500 In-Air Weight (kg): 1723.5
Max Depth (m): 3000 Std, 4000+ Opt. Max Depth (m): 3000 Std, 4000+ Opt. Max Depth (m): 1000 - 5000
Thrust Bollard Pull (kgf): Thrust Bollard Pull (kgf): Thrust Bollard Pull (kgf):
Forward/Aft: 900 Vertical (Lift): 850 Forward/Aft: 1200 Vertical (Lift): 1000 Thrust Forward/Aft: Vertical (Lift):
Thrust Speed (kts): Speed (kts): Thrust Speed (kts):
Forward: 3.2 Lateral: 2.3 Vertical: 2.4 Forward: 3.2 Lateral: 3.2 Vertical: 2.5 Forward: Lateral: Vertical:
# of Thrusters: 7 x SA380 # of Thrusters: 7 x SA420 # of Thrusters: 6
Thruster Configuration: 3 Vertical, 4 Horizontal Thruster Configuration: 3 Vertical, 4 Horizontal Thruster Configuration: Multiple
Maximum Payload (kg): 250 Maximum Payload (kg): 450 Maximum Payload (kg): 90.7
Max Through Frame Lift: 3000 Max Through Frame Lift: 3500 Max Through Frame Lift:
Power Requirements: 400-480VAC, 60Hz Power Requirements: 400-480VAC, 60Hz Power Requirements: 480 VAC, 3 phase, 60Hz, 100KW
Deployment System: 9.7 Te Min. SWL Deployment System: 12.7 Te Min. SWL Deployment System: Multiple
Tether Management System: Yes Tether Management System: Yes Tether Management System: Yes
Standard Equipment: Standard Equipment: Standard Equipment:
Camera: Customer Preference Camera: Customer Preference Camera: Color, B&W
Camera Platform: Schilling Robotics Camera Platform: Schilling Robotics Camera Platform:
Lighting: Customer Preference Lighting: Customer Preference Lighting: 5 LED or 250 W Halogen
Navigation: Customer Preference Navigation: Customer Preference Navigation:
Manipulator: Any Schilling Robotics Manipulator: Any Schilling Robotics Manipulator: 1x5, 1x7
Auto Functions: StationKeep Auto Functions: StationKeep Auto Functions:
Auxiliary Tooling Power: 40hp Auxiliary Tooling Power: 150hp Auxiliary Tooling Power:
Optional Equipment Available: Yes Optional Equipment Available: Yes Optional Equipment Available:
View PDF: View PDF: View PDF:
Website: www.fmctechnologies.com/Schillin- Website: www.fmctechnologies.com/Schillin- Website: www.ise.bc.ca
gRobotics gRobotics Contact: Linda Mackay
Contact: Peter MacInnes Contact: Peter MacInnes Email: [email protected]
Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] URL to Distributors/Dealers/Agents:
URL to Distributors/Dealers/Agents: URL to Distributors/Dealers/Agents:
Mftr Notes: The HYSUB 50HP is an advanced offshore
Mftr Notes: Heavy-duty, work-class ROV system suit- Mftr Notes: Ultra-heavy-duty, work-class ROV sys- oil drilling and salvage vehicle. This vehicle has been
able for demanding IRM, drill support, and heavy- tem suitable for the most demanding construction fitted with sophisticated master slave manipulators.
duty construction tasks. and intervention tasks.

Ocean News & Technology 9 2015 Unmanned Vehicle Buyers Guide

Heavy Workclass


Hysub 150HP ROV Constructor Surveyor

Class: Electric:  Hydraulic:  Class: Electric: Hydraulic:  Class: Electric: Hydraulic: 

Size (m): LxWxH: 3.02 x 1.8 x 1.9 Size (m): LxWxH: 3.22 x 1.70 x 1.87 Size (m): LxWxH: 5.50 x 2.00 x 1.34
In-Air Weight (kg): 3800 In-Air Weight (kg): 4600 In-Air Weight (kg): 4500
Max Depth (m): 1000 - 5000 Max Depth (m): 3000 Max Depth (m): 2000
Thrust Bollard Pull (kgf): Thrust Bollard Pull (kgf): Thrust Bollard Pull (kgf):
Forward/Aft: Vertical (Lift): Forward/Aft: Vertical (Lift): Forward/Aft: Vertical (Lift):
Thrust Speed (kts): Thrust Speed (kts): Thrust Speed (kts):
Forward: Lateral: Vertical: Forward: Lateral: Vertical: Forward: 6-8 Lateral: Vertical:
# of Thrusters: 7 # of Thrusters: 7 # of Thrusters: 9
Thruster Configuration: Multiple Thruster Configuration: vectorized Thruster Configuration: 4xfwd, 2xlat, 3xvert
Maximum Payload (kg): 200 Maximum Payload (kg): ~500 Maximum Payload (kg): ~600
Max Through Frame Lift: Max Through Frame Lift: 3000 Max Through Frame Lift: N/A
Power Requirements: 3000VAC, 3 phase, 60 Hz Power Requirements: 270 kVA Power Requirements: 270 kVA
Deployment System: Multiple Deployment System: Deployment System:
Tether Management System: Yes Tether Management System: Yes Tether Management System: Yes
Standard Equipment: Standard Equipment: Standard Equipment:
Camera: 1HD, 1 Low light, 3 High res Camera: Customer spec. Camera: Customer spec.
Camera Platform: Camera Platform: Customer spec. Camera Platform: Customer spec.
Lighting: 8 LED or 250W Halogen Lighting: Customer spec. Lighting: Customer spec.
Navigation: Navigation: Customer spec. Navigation: Customer spec.
Manipulator: 1x5, 1x7 Manipulator: Customer spec. Manipulator: N/A
Auto Functions: Auto Functions: Yes Auto Functions: Yes
Auxiliary Tooling Power: Auxiliary Tooling Power: 160 l/min @ 210bar Auxiliary Tooling Power: N/A
Optional Equipment Available: Optional Equipment Available: Yes Optional Equipment Available: Yes
View PDF: View PDF: View PDF:
Website: www.ise.bc.ca Website: www.kystdesign.no Website: www.kystdesign.no
Contact: Linda Mackay Contact: Contact:
Email: [email protected] Email: Email:
URL to Distributors/Dealers/Agents: URL to Distributors/Dealers/Agents: URL to Distributors/Dealers/Agents:
Mftr Notes: The HYSUB 150HP is designed to perform Mftr Notes:
several functions including cable burial, salvage, research Mftr Notes: Purpose made for seabed mapping and
and survey. It is equipped with four lateral and three verti- pipeline inspection.
cal thrusters, two manipulators, a full sensor package and
ISE’s customized control system, ACE.
2015 Unmanned Vehicle Buyers Guide 10 Ocean News & Technology
Heavy Workclass


XLX Evo – 150 HP XLX Evo – 200 HP

Class: Electric: Hydraulic:  Class: Electric: Hydraulic: 

Size (m): LxWxH: 3.6 x 1.9 x 2.28 Size (m): LxWxH: 3.6 x 1.9 x 2.28
In-Air Weight (kg): 5.85 In-Air Weight (kg): 5.85
Max Depth (m): 4000 Max Depth (m): 4000
Thrust Bollard Pull (kgf): Thrust Bollard Pull (kgf):
Forward/Aft: 1200 Vertical (Lift): 1230 Forward/Aft: 1200 Vertical (Lift): 1230
Thrust Speed (kts): Thrust Speed (kts):
Forward: 4.4 Lateral: 3.2 Vertical: 3.4 Forward: 4.4 Lateral: 3.2 Vertical: 3.4
# of Thrusters: 8 # of Thrusters: 8
Thruster Configuration: 4 x 4 Thruster Configuration: 4 x 4
Maximum Payload (kg): 300 Maximum Payload (kg): 300
Max Through Frame Lift: 3000 Max Through Frame Lift: 3000
Power Requirements: 440Vac, 60Hz, 3 ph. Power Requirements: 440Vac, 60Hz, 3 ph.
Deployment System: LARS Deployment System: LARS
Tether Management System: Yes Tether Management System: Yes
Standard Equipment: Standard Equipment:
Camera: 8 Camera: 8
Camera Platform: PAL/NTSC/HD Camera Platform: PAL/NTSC/HD
Lighting: 6 Lighting: 6
Navigation: CDL TOGSNAV Navigation: CDL TOGSNAV
Manipulator: 7-F & 5-F Manipulator: 7-F & 5-F
Auto Functions: Yes Auto Functions: Yes
Auxiliary Tooling Power: Yes Auxiliary Tooling Power: Yes
Optional Equipment Available: Yes Optional Equipment Available: Yes
View PDF: View PDF:
Website: www.f-e-t.com Website: www.f-e-t.com
Contact: Sales Contact: Sales
Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected]
URL to Distributors/Dealers/Agents: URL to Distributors/Dealers/Agents:
Mftr Notes: Mftr Notes:

Ocean News & Technology 11 2015 Unmanned Vehicle Buyers Guide

Saab Seaeye Ltd SMD
Heavy Workclass

Systems Inc.

Jaguar Quantum TRV-HD Extreme

Class: Electric:  Hydraulic: Class: Electric: Hydraulic:  Class: Electric:  Hydraulic:

Size (m): LxWxH: 2.2 x 1.325 x 1.5 Size (m): LxWxH: 3.68 x 2.0 x 2.0 Size (m): LxWxH: 1.5 x 1.2 x 1.4
In-Air Weight (kg): 5000
In-Air Weight (kg): 2100 In-Air Weight (kg): 800
Max Depth (m): 4000
Max Depth (m): 3000 Thrust Bollard Pull (kgf): Max Depth (m): 1000m Live Boat, 3000m w/ TMS
Thrust Bollard Pull (kgf): Forward/Aft: 1300 Vertical (Lift): 900 Thrust Bollard Pull (kgf):
Forward/Aft: 325 Vertical (Lift): 225 Thrust Speed (kts): Forward/Aft: 300 Vertical (Lift): 150
Thrust Speed (kts): Forward: 3.5 Lateral: 2.5 Vertical: 2.2 Thrust Speed (kts):
# of Thrusters: 8
Forward: 3 Lateral: Vertical: Forward: 5+ Lateral: 2 Vertical: 2
Thruster Configuration: 4x Horizontal, 4x Vertical
# of Thrusters: 8 Maximum Payload (kg): 350 # of Thrusters: 7
Thruster Configuration: 4 horizontal SM8 and 4 Max Through Frame Lift: 4000 Thruster Configuration: Conventional
vertical SM7 500V brushless DC thrusters Power Requirements: 186kW (250HP) Maximum Payload (kg): 150
Maximum Payload (kg): 225 Deployment System: 12Te telescopic A-Frame, Max Through Frame Lift: 1000
12Te 3500m winch, 150kW HPU
Max Through Frame Lift: 1 Te Power Requirements: 25kw Vehicle Only
Tether Management System: Yes
Power Requirements: 3-phase 380-480 VAC, 50/60 Hz Standard Equipment: Deployment System: Any (A Frame or Crane)
Deployment System: TMS10 Camera: 1x Color Zoom, 1x Mono low light, 1x mono tool- Tether Management System: Yes
Tether Management System: ing, 1x mini color Standard Equipment:
Standard Equipment: Camera Platform: 2x Pan & Tilt Camera: 4
Camera: Lighting: 2x HID + 12 Halogen or LED Camera Platform: 2 x fwd, 1 x Aft, 1 x Remote
Camera Platform: Navigation: Teledyne CDL TOGS NAV Lighting: 5 x Variable LED
Lighting: Manipulator: 1x 7F pos feedback + 1x 5F Grabber Navigation: Rate Gyro / Fluxgate
Navigation: Auto Functions: Position Hold\Nudge\Step. Optional auto Manipulator: 2 x 5 function Hydraulic
Manipulator: fly, auto survey, cruise, heading, depth, altitude Auto Functions: Depth, Heading and Altitude
Auto Functions: Auxiliary Tooling Power: 230lpm @250 bar Auxiliary Tooling Power: If Required
Auxiliary Tooling Power: Optional Equipment Available: Yes Optional Equipment Available: Yes
Optional Equipment Available: Yes View PDF: View PDF:
Website: http://www.smd.co.uk/products/work-
View PDF: Website: www.ssirovs.com
Website: www.seaeye.com/jaguar.html Contact: Michael Atkinson Contact: Wolfgang Burnside
Contact: James Douglas Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected]
Email: [email protected] URL to Distributors/Dealers/Agents: URL to Distributors/Dealers/Agents:
URL to Distributors/Dealers/Agents: Mftr Notes: The Quantum is SMD’s largest work class ROV Mftr Notes: The TRV-HD Extreme is a serious, compact Work-
www.seaeye.com/contact.html suitable for heavy construction duties. Utilizing the latest
multi-platform Curvetech™ components, the vehicle offers class vehicle with a very small footprint. When offshore real
class-leading in-current performance and extensive free tool estate is at a premium the TRV-HD is the only logical choice.
Mftr Notes:
and instrument space. Designed to cope with power intensive Most Manipulator options are available.
deepwater tasks, the Quantum is the ultimate subsea con-
struction and survey tool.
2015 Unmanned Vehicle Buyers Guide 12 Ocean News & Technology
ROVs Heavy Workclass

Ocean News & Technology 13 2015 Unmanned Vehicle Buyers Guide

Medium Workclass

Market Symbols

Defence Seabed Offshore Science Ocean Environmental

Minning Oil & Gas Renewables
Ageotec Srl Ageotec Srl
Medium Workclass

Argus Remote Systems



Class: Electric:  Hydraulic: Class: Electric:  Hydraulic: Class: Electric:  Hydraulic:

Size (m): LxWxH: 1.8 x 1.1 x 1.3 Size (m): LxWxH: 1.3 x 0.95 x 0.7 Size (m): LxWxH: 1.7 x 1 x 0.95
In-Air Weight (kg): 600 In-Air Weight (kg): 170 In-Air Weight (kg): 500
Max Depth (m): 1500 Max Depth (m): 1500 Max Depth (m): 3000 (6000)
Thrust Bollard Pull (kgf): Thrust Bollard Pull (kgf): Thrust Bollard Pull (kgf):
Forward/Aft: 140 Vertical (Lift): 110 Forward/Aft: 70 Vertical (Lift): 48 Forward/Aft: 155 Vertical (Lift): 100
Thrust Speed (kts): Thrust Speed (kts): Thrust Speed (kts):
Forward: 3.2 Lateral: Vertical: Forward: Lateral: Vertical: Forward: 3 + Lateral: 2.5 Vertical: 2.5
# of Thrusters: 6 # of Thrusters: # of Thrusters: 6
Thruster Configuration: 2 vertical and 4 vectorized Thruster Configuration: 2 vertical 4 horizontal Thruster Configuration: 4 horizontal, 2 vertical
Maximum Payload (kg): 60 Maximum Payload (kg): 40 Maximum Payload (kg): 50
Max Through Frame Lift: Max Through Frame Lift: Max Through Frame Lift: 500kg
Power Requirements: 400-440 V AC, 3-phase, 50-60 Hz Power Requirements: 400 V AC 3-phase, 50-60 Hz, 8 kW Power Requirements: 18kW / 25HP
Deployment System: Electric winch, optional TMS Deployment System: Electric winch Deployment System: LARS / Crane
Tether Management System: No Tether Management System: No Tether Management System: Yes
Standard Equipment: Standard Equipment: Standard Equipment:
Camera: 1 HR monochrome, 1 HR Colour Camera: 1 HR monochrom, 1 HR colour Camera: 1 x HD camera, 3 Composite
Camera Platform: tilt Camera Platform: tilt platform Camera Platform:
Lighting: 2 x 250 W halogen lamps & 2 x 24 V DC led lamps Lighting: 2 x 150 W halogen lamps Lighting: 4 x LED lights , 46 000 lumen
Navigation: Fluxgate compass unit, solid state gyro sensor, Navigation: flux-gate compass; electronic solid-state rate Navigation: Gyro
eectronic depth sensor gyro sensor depth sensor Manipulator: Hydro-lek
Manipulator: 5 f manipulators Manipulator: 5 f manipulator optional Auto Functions: Yes
Auto Functions: auto heading, auto depth, opt. auto Auto Functions: auto heading; auto depth Auxiliary Tooling Power: 8 HP
altitude Auxiliary Tooling Power: Optional Equipment Available: Yes
Auxiliary Tooling Power: Optional Equipment Available: Yes View PDF:
Optional Equipment Available: Yes View PDF: Website: www.argus-rs.no
View PDF: Website: www.ageotec.com
Website: www.ageotec.com Contact:
Contact: Roberto Galletti
Contact: Roberto Galletti Email: [email protected]
Email: [email protected]
Email: [email protected] URL to Distributors/Dealers/Agents:
URL to Distributors/Dealers/Agents:
URL to Distributors/Dealers/Agents:
Mftr Notes: Argus’ modular ROV design, based on a stan-
Mftr Notes: The Perseo GTV multipurpose class ROV has been
Mftr Notes: The Pegaso ROV has been developed for a wide developed for a wide range of inspection activities in offshore dardized electronic and software platform, reduces complex-
range of inspection tasks in offshore and harbour environ- and harbour environments with more power and a heavier ity and maintaining flexibility to tailor make.
ments including visual and instrumental inspection, search payload than the baseline Perseo ROV. Tasks include visual and
and survey. instrumental inspection, search and survey.

2015 Unmanned Vehicle Buyers Guide 16 Ocean News & Technology

Deep Ocean
Medium Workclass

Deep Ocean DOER Marine

Engineering, Inc. Engineering, Inc.

Lionfish L4N & L5N Swordfish S5N H3000

Class: Electric:  Hydraulic: Class: Electric:  Hydraulic: Class: Electric: Hydraulic: 

Size (m): LxWxH: 1.054 x 0.724 x 0.660 Size (m): LxWxH: 1.270 x 0.800 x .763 Size (m): LxWxH: 2.56 x 1.52 x 1.53
In-Air Weight (kg): 113 In-Air Weight (kg): 350 In-Air Weight (kg): 2295
Max Depth (m): 500 Max Depth (m): 1000 Max Depth (m): 3000
Thrust Bollard Pull (kgf):
Thrust Bollard Pull (kgf): Thrust Bollard Pull (kgf):
Forward/Aft: 73 Vertical (Lift): 16
Forward/Aft: 73 Vertical (Lift): 16 Forward/Aft: Vertical (Lift):
Thrust Speed (kts):
Thrust Speed (kts): Forward: Lateral: Vertical: Thrust Speed (kts):
Forward: Lateral: Vertical: # of Thrusters: 5 Forward: Lateral: Vertical:
# of Thrusters: 4 or 5 Thruster Configuration: 4 vectored 1 vertical # of Thrusters: 7
Thruster Configuration: Standard or vectored Maximum Payload (kg): Variable Thruster Configuration: 4 quad/3 vertical
Maximum Payload (kg): Variable Max Through Frame Lift: Maximum Payload (kg):
Max Through Frame Lift: Power Requirements: Max Through Frame Lift:
Deployment System: Winch and/or Lars
Power Requirements: Power Requirements:
Tether Management System: Yes
Deployment System: Winch and/or Lars Deployment System:
Standard Equipment:
Tether Management System: Yes Camera: Analog, IP, or HD SDI
Tether Management System: Yes
Standard Equipment: Camera Platform: Yes Standard Equipment:
Camera: Analog, IP, or HD SDI Lighting: Yes Camera: 3 video channels HD capable
Camera Platform: Yes Camera Platform: pam & tilt
Navigation: Yes
Lighting: Yes Lighting: 6 channels, 2 dimmable
Manipulator: single - five function
Navigation: Yes Navigation:
Manipulator: single - five function Auto Functions: Heading, depth, altitude Manipulator: dual sea mantis or 3rd party
Auto Functions: Heading, depth, altitude Auxiliary Tooling Power: customer specified Auto Functions: depth/heading/altitude
Auxiliary Tooling Power: customer specified Optional Equipment Available: Yes Auxiliary Tooling Power: yes
Optional Equipment Available: Yes View PDF: Optional Equipment Available: Yes
View PDF: Website: http://www.deepocean.com/sword- View PDF:
Website: http://www.deepocean.com/lionfish- fish-s5n.php Website: www.doermarine.com
l4n.php Contact: AJ Cecchettini
Contact: AJ Cecchettini Email: [email protected]
Email: [email protected] URL to Distributors/Dealers/Agents:
URL to Distributors/Dealers/Agents:
URL to Distributors/Dealers/Agents: Mftr Notes: S5N is a portable high performance ROV that
combines superior power, telemetry, and payload with Mftr Notes: Solid, versatile multi mission system for off-
Mftr Notes: The L4N is a portable high performance ease of use, ruggedness and reliability. This provides a shore, defence, science and submersible support/rescue,
ROV that combines superior power, telemetry, and pay- powerful overall performance envelope and versatility
load with ease of use, ruggedness and reliability. This 4000m option available 25 to 75 hp options. Can be customiz-
compared to other vehicles of its class. It has five high able.
provides a powerful overall performance envelope and performance 2hp brushless thrusters.performance 2hp
versatility compared to other vehicles of its class. brushless thrusters.
Ocean News & Technology 17 2015 Unmanned Vehicle Buyers Guide
Medium Workclass



Class: Electric: Hydraulic:  Class: Electric:  Hydraulic: Class: Electric:  Hydraulic:

Size (m): LxWxH: 2.03 x 1.4 x 1.47 Size (m): LxWxH: 0.99 x 0.72 x 0.55 Size (m): LxWxH: 1.11 x 1.09 x 0.65
In-Air Weight (kg): 1225 In-Air Weight (kg): 99 In-Air Weight (kg): 135
Max Depth (m): 6000 Max Depth (m): 800 Max Depth (m): 100
Thrust Bollard Pull (kgf): Thrust Bollard Pull (kgf): Thrust Bollard Pull (kgf):
Forward/Aft: 254 Vertical (Lift): 272 Forward/Aft: 59 Vertical (Lift): 34 Forward/Aft: 48 Vertical (Lift): 80
Thrust Speed (kts): Thrust Speed (kts): Thrust Speed (kts):
Forward: Lateral: Vertical: Forward: 4.5 Lateral: 2 Vertical: 2.5 Forward: 2 Lateral: Vertical:
# of Thrusters: 7 # of Thrusters: 6 # of Thrusters: 6 + 2 motorized tracks
Thruster Configuration:4 quad/3 vertical Thruster Configuration: 4xH vectored + 2xV Thruster Configuration: 2xH + 4xV
Maximum Payload (kg): 50 Maximum Payload (kg): 11+30 by additional buoyancy Maximum Payload (kg): 15
Max Through Frame Lift: Max Through Frame Lift: N/A Max Through Frame Lift: N/A
Power Requirements: Power Requirements: 9 KVA Power Requirements:
Deployment System: Deployment System: direct from surface Deployment System:
Tether Management System: Yes Tether Management System: No Tether Management System:
Standard Equipment: Standard Equipment: Standard Equipment:
Camera: 3 video channels HD capable Camera: zoom colour + low light B/W Camera: 1 dome colour zoom camera +1 B/W camera
Camera Platform: pan & tilt Camera Platform: colour : mounted on a P/T Camera Platform:
Lighting: 6 channels, 2 dimmable Lighting: 4x LED lights of 4000 lm each Lighting: 2 x 150W
Navigation: Navigation: by sonar & low light camera Navigation: by sonar & cameras
Manipulator: dual sea mantis or 3rd party Manipulator: electric or hydraulic on skid Manipulator: No
Auto Functions: depth/heading/altitude Auto Functions: depth, heading, altitude Auto Functions: depth, heading
Auxiliary Tooling Power: yes Auxiliary Tooling Power: N/A Auxiliary Tooling Power: N/A
Optional Equipment Available: Yes Optional Equipment Available: Yes Optional Equipment Available:
View PDF: View PDF: View PDF:
Website: www.doermarine.com Website: www.ecagroup.com/en/solutions/h800-ins Website: www.ecagroup.com/en/solutions/
Contact: Contact: rover-hull-inspection-and-cleaning
Email: Email: [email protected] Contact:
URL to Distributors/Dealers/Agents: URL to Distributors/Dealers/Agents: Email: [email protected]
Mftr Notes: Multi mission system well suited to deep water Mftr Notes: ECA Group developed its H800 , an observation URL to Distributors/Dealers/Agents:
intervention work including support for ocean observing sys- Class ROV and light duty work system for the mooring inspection Mftr Notes: It not only swims as a ROV, but, thanks to
tems. 25 hp. Can be customized. in strong currents and up to 1000m depth. Modular and easily its 4 vertical thrusters it tilts,rolls, sticks onto a vertical
configured according to your needs thanks to a wide range of surface (such as a ship's hull) and then crawls along it
sonar, manipulator arms and tools, and any type of sensors. for inspection & cleaning.

2015 Unmanned Vehicle Buyers Guide 18 Ocean News & Technology

Forum Subsea
Medium Workclass



Class: Electric:  Hydraulic:

Size (m): LxWxH: 2.1 x 1.3 x 1.25
In-Air Weight (kg): 1130
Max Depth (m): 6000
Thrust Bollard Pull (kgf):
Forward/Aft: 240 Vertical (Lift): 225
Thrust Speed (kts):
Forward: 3 Lateral: 2.5 Vertical: 1.5
# of Thrusters: 7
Thruster Configuration: 4x Lateral, 3x Vertical
Maximum Payload (kg): 285
Max Through Frame Lift: 225
Power Requirements: 35kW
Deployment System: Crane/Winch/LARS
Tether Management System: Yes
Standard Equipment:
Camera: User Defined (SD/HD)
Camera Platform: Pan & Tilt Function
Lighting: LED as standard
Navigation: DVL/Gyro/Compass
Manipulator: User Defined
Auto Functions: Auto Position, Waypoint Follow, Return
Home Function
Auxiliary Tooling Power: 15kW
Optional Equipment Available: Yes
View PDF:
Website: http://www.f-e-t.com/our_products_tech-
Email: [email protected]
URL to Distributors/Dealers/Agents:
Mftr Notes: Customers include DOF Subsea, Bibby Offshore,
Oceanteam 2000, Bluestream, Oceaneering, IKM, Neptune.

Ocean News & Technology 19 2015 Unmanned Vehicle Buyers Guide

Medium Workclass



Class: Electric: Hydraulic:  Class: Electric:  Hydraulic: Class: Electric: Hydraulic: 

Size (m): LxWxH: 2.75 x 1.70 x 1.65 Size (m): LxWxH: 1.050 x 0.58 x 0.57 Size (m): LxWxH: 2.8 x 1.7 x 1.9
In-Air Weight (kg): 3600 In-Air Weight (kg): 75 In-Air Weight (kg): 4.1
Max Depth (m): 3000 Max Depth (m): 750 Max Depth (m): 3000
Thrust Bollard Pull (kgf): Thrust Bollard Pull (kgf): Thrust Bollard Pull (kgf):
Forward/Aft: 550 Vertical (Lift): 800 Forward/Aft: 32 Vertical (Lift): 16 Forward/Aft: 850 Vertical (Lift): 850
Thrust Speed (kts): Thrust Speed (kts): Thrust Speed (kts):
Forward: Lateral: Vertical: Forward: 2,5 Lateral: 2 Vertical: 2 Forward: 4 Lateral: 3.1 Vertical: 3.3
# of Thrusters: 7 # of Thrusters: 4 # of Thrusters: 7
Thruster Configuration: vectorized Thruster Configuration: Brushless Thruster Configuration: 4 x 3
Maximum Payload (kg): ~400 Maximum Payload (kg): 15 Maximum Payload (kg): 200
Max Through Frame Lift: 3000 Max Through Frame Lift: Max Through Frame Lift: 3000
Power Requirements: 210 kVA Power Requirements: 110-240 VAC/3,5 KW Power Requirements: 440Vac, 60Hz, 3 ph.
Deployment System: Deployment System: Deployment System: LARS
Tether Management System: Yes Tether Management System: Tether Management System: Yes
Standard Equipment: Standard Equipment: Standard Equipment:
Camera: Customer spec. Camera: 2 X HI RESOLUTION COLOR Camera: 8
Camera Platform: Customer spec. Camera Platform: Camera Platform: PAL/NTSC/HD
Lighting: Customer spec. Lighting: 3 X 1400 LUMEN LED Lighting: 6
Navigation: Customer spec. Navigation: Navigation: CDL TOGSNAV
Manipulator: Customer spec. Manipulator: OPTIONAL Manipulator: 7-F & 5-F
Auto Functions: Yes Auto Functions: AUTO DEPTH Auto Functions: Yes
Auxiliary Tooling Power: 78 l/min @ 210bar Auxiliary Tooling Power: Auxiliary Tooling Power: Yes
Optional Equipment Available: Optional Equipment Available: Yes Optional Equipment Available: Yes
View PDF: View PDF: View PDF:
Website: www.kystdesign.no Website: www.mariner.gr Website: www.f-e-t.com
Contact: Contact: Marinos Pittas Contact: Sales
Email: Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected]
URL to Distributors/Dealers/Agents: URL to Distributors/Dealers/Agents: www.mariner.gr URL to Distributors/Dealers/Agents:
Mftr Notes: Option: 4000msw and 6000msw depth rat- Mftr Notes:
ing available. Mftr Notes:

2015 Unmanned Vehicle Buyers Guide 20 Ocean News & Technology

QinetiQ North America
Medium Workclass



C-TALON Magnetic Track Crawling SUPER SEAKER ROV

Class: Electric: Hydraulic: Class: Electric: Hydraulic: Class: Electric: Hydraulic: 
Size (m): LxWxH: .91 x .61 x .45 Size (m): LxWxH: 1.04 x 0.99 x 0.16 Size (m): LxWxH:
In-Air Weight (kg): 45 In-Air Weight (kg): 150 In-Air Weight (kg):
Max Depth (m): 30.5 Max Depth (m): 61
Max Depth (m):
Thrust Bollard Pull (kgf): Thrust Bollard Pull (kgf):
Forward/Aft: Vertical (Lift): Forward/Aft: Vertical (Lift): Thrust Bollard Pull (kgf):
Thrust Speed (kts): Thrust Speed (kts): Forward/Aft: Vertical (Lift):
Forward: 1.3 Lateral: Vertical: Forward: Lateral: Vertical: Thrust Speed (kts):
# of Thrusters: NA # of Thrusters: NA Forward: Lateral: Vertical:
Thruster Configuration: NA Thruster Configuration: NA # of Thrusters:
Maximum Payload (kg): 90 Maximum Payload (kg): 44
Thruster Configuration:
Max Through Frame Lift: Max Through Frame Lift:
Power Requirements: Power Requirements: 260W at 12 volts Maximum Payload (kg):
Deployment System: Boat or shore Deployment System: Small davit crane Max Through Frame Lift:
Tether Management System: Yes Tether Management System: No Power Requirements:
Standard Equipment: Standard Equipment: Deployment System:
Camera: 2x Color CCD Camera: (4) Digital B&W Tether Management System:
Camera Platform: mast or body mount Camera Platform: Solid mount
Standard Equipment:
Lighting: LED Lighting: LED
Navigation: GPS (land), dead reckoning &USBL (UW) Navigation: Encoders
Camera Platform:
Manipulator: NA Manipulator: NA
Auto Functions: Waypoint navigation Auto Functions: Vehicle control and obstacle avoidance
Auxiliary Tooling Power: Auxiliary Tooling Power:
Optional Equipment Available: Optional Equipment Available: Yes Auto Functions:
View PDF: View PDF: Auxiliary Tooling Power:
Website: www.qinetiq-na.com/products/ Website: https://www.qinetiq-na.com/products/ Optional Equipment Available:
unmanned-systems/c-talon/ unmanned-systems/hull-crawlers/ View PDF:
Contact: Ken Heller Contact: Ken Heller Website: www.rovtechsolutions.co.uk
Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Contact: Howard Smith
URL to Distributors/Dealers/Agents: www.QinetiQ-NA.com URL to Distributors/Dealers/Agents: www.QinetiQ-NA.com Email: [email protected]
URL to Distributors/Dealers/Agents:
Mftr Notes: Underwater derivative of the US Military Mftr Notes: The unmanned crawler provides a stable
fielded TALON platform. This platform is geared towards platform with sufficient holding force to maneuver un-
research and exploration users who are looking for an derwater in significant currents. Unmanned crawler ca-
Underwater Crawler to operate in the Surf Zone, River- pable of traveling along vertical ferrous structures, such Mftr Notes:
ine Environments or Limited-Access Harbor Areas. The as a vessel hull or other waterborne or water immersed
platform is designed specifically for customization and structures. The crawler is capable of transporting pay-
tuned to customer specific needs. loads for inspection and maintenance.
Ocean News & Technology 21 2015 Unmanned Vehicle Buyers Guide
Saab Seaeye Ltd Saab Seaeye Ltd
Medium Workclass

Saab Seaeye Ltd


Cougar Compact Cougar XTi Leopard

Class: Electric:  Hydraulic: Class: Electric:  Hydraulic: Class: Electric:  Hydraulic:

Size (m): LxWxH: 1.3 x .9 x .784 Size (m): LxWxH: 1.515 x 1 x .905 Size (m): LxWxH: 2.15 x 1.16 x 1.174
In-Air Weight (kg): 270 In-Air Weight (kg): 580 In-Air Weight (kg): <1200
Max Depth (m): 300 Max Depth (m): 3000 Max Depth (m): 2000/3000
Thrust Bollard Pull (kgf): Thrust Bollard Pull (kgf): Thrust Bollard Pull (kgf):
Forward/Aft: 170 Vertical (Lift): 110 Forward/Aft: 170 Vertical (Lift): 110 Forward/Aft: 493 Vertical (Lift): 225
Thrust Speed (kts): Thrust Speed (kts): Thrust Speed (kts):
Forward: 3.8 Lateral: Vertical: Forward: 3.2 Lateral: Vertical: Forward: 3.5 Lateral: Vertical:
# of Thrusters: 6 # of Thrusters: # of Thrusters: 7 or 11
Thruster Configuration: 4 vectored horizontal and Thruster Configuration: Thruster Configuration: vectored SM9 500v brush-
2 vertical brushless SM7 500 Volt DC Maximum Payload (kg): 80 less DC thrusters
Maximum Payload (kg): 60 Max Through Frame Lift: Maximum Payload (kg): 200 (105 after manipula-
Max Through Frame Lift: Power Requirements: 3-phase 380-480 VAC 50-60 Hz tors fitted)
Power Requirements: 3-phase 380-480 VAC Deployment System: Max Through Frame Lift: 1 Te
Deployment System: Tether Management System: Power Requirements:
Tether Management System: Standard Equipment: Deployment System:
Standard Equipment: Camera: Tether Management System:
Camera: Camera Platform:
Standard Equipment:
Camera Platform: Lighting:
Lighting: four long-life LED lamps Navigation:
Camera Platform:
Navigation: Manipulator:
Manipulator: Auto Functions:
Auto Functions: Auxiliary Tooling Power:
Auxiliary Tooling Power: Optional Equipment Available: Yes Auto Functions:
Optional Equipment Available: Yes View PDF: Auxiliary Tooling Power:
View PDF: Website: www.seaeye.com/cougar-xti.html Optional Equipment Available: Yes
Website: www.seaeye.com/cougar-xt-compact.html Contact: James Douglas View PDF:
Contact: James Douglas Email: [email protected] Website: www.seaeye.com/Leopard.html
Email: [email protected] URL to Distributors/Dealers/Agents: Contact: James Douglas
URL to Distributors/Dealers/Agents: www.seaeye.com/contact.html Email: [email protected]
www.seaeye.com/contact.html Mftr Notes: URL to Distributors/Dealers/Agents:
Mftr Notes: www.seaeye.com/contact.html
Mftr Notes:

2015 Unmanned Vehicle Buyers Guide 22 Ocean News & Technology

Saab Seaeye Ltd
Medium Workclass

Saab Seaeye Ltd Saab Seaeye Ltd

Panther XT Panther XT Plus Sabertooth

Class: Electric:  Hydraulic: Class: Electric:  Hydraulic: Class: Electric:  Hydraulic:

Size (m): LxWxH: 1.750 x 1.06 x 1.217 Size (m): LxWxH: 2.14 x 1.06 x 1.217 Size (m): LxWxH: 3.6 x 0.66 x 0.45
In-Air Weight (kg): 500 In-Air Weight (kg): 800 In-Air Weight (kg): 650
Max Depth (m): 1500 Max Depth (m): 1000 Max Depth (m): 1200
Thrust Bollard Pull (kgf): Thrust Bollard Pull (kgf): Thrust Bollard Pull (kgf):
Forward/Aft: 180 Vertical (Lift): 110 Forward/Aft: 353 Vertical (Lift): 248 Forward/Aft: 100 Vertical (Lift): 80
Thrust Speed (kts): Thrust Speed (kts): Thrust Speed (kts):
Forward: > 3 Lateral: Vertical: Forward: > 4 Lateral: Vertical: Forward: 5 Lateral: Vertical:
# of Thrusters: 6 # of Thrusters: 10 # of Thrusters: 4 SM4 + 2 SM9
Thruster Configuration: 4 vectored horizontal Thruster Configuration: 8 vectored horizontal Thruster Configuration:
and 2 vertical brushless SM7 500V DC and 2 verticle brushless SM7 500V DC Maximum Payload (kg):
Maximum Payload (kg): 110 Maximum Payload (kg): 150 Max Through Frame Lift:
Max Through Frame Lift: Max Through Frame Lift: Power Requirements: 2 kW 240 VAC
Power Requirements: 3-phase 380-480 VAC Power Requirements: 3-phase 380-480 VAC Deployment System:
Deployment System: Deployment System: Tether Management System:
Tether Management System: Tether Management System: Standard Equipment:
Standard Equipment: Standard Equipment: Camera:
Camera: Camera: Camera Platform:
Camera Platform: Camera Platform: Lighting: 2 LED lamps, equivalent to 400W Halogen
Lighting: four long-life LED lights Lighting: Navigation:
Navigation: Navigation: Manipulator:
Manipulator: Manipulator: Auto Functions:
Auto Functions: Auto Functions: Auxiliary Tooling Power:
Auxiliary Tooling Power: Auxiliary Tooling Power: Optional Equipment Available: Yes
Optional Equipment Available: Yes Optional Equipment Available: Yes View PDF:
View PDF: View PDF: Website: www.seaeye.com/sabertooth.html
Website: www.seaeye.com/pantherxt.html Website: www.seaeye.com/Panther-XT-Plus.html Contact: James Douglas
Contact: James Douglas Contact: James Douglas Email: [email protected]
Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] URL to Distributors/Dealers/Agents:
URL to Distributors/Dealers/Agents: URL to Distributors/Dealers/Agents: www.seaeye.com/contact.html
www.seaeye.com/contact.html www.seaeye.com/contact.html Mftr Notes: Hybrid ROV/AUV
Mftr Notes: Mftr Notes:

Ocean News & Technology 23 2015 Unmanned Vehicle Buyers Guide

Medium Workclass

Sperre AS

Atom Quasar ROV SF10K

Class: Electric: Hydraulic:  Class: Electric: Hydraulic:  Class: Electric:  Hydraulic:

Size (m): LxWxH: 2.61 x 1.5 x 1.5 Size (m): LxWxH: 3.2 x 1.8 x 1.8 Size (m): LxWxH: 1.40 x 0.81 x 0.90
In-Air Weight (kg): 2000 In-Air Weight (kg): 3500
In-Air Weight (kg): 410
Max Depth (m): 4000 Max Depth (m): 4000
Thrust Bollard Pull (kgf): Thrust Bollard Pull (kgf): Max Depth (m): 6000
Forward/Aft: 550 Vertical (Lift): 330 Forward/Aft: 800 Vertical (Lift): 500 Thrust Bollard Pull (kgf):
Thrust Speed (kts): Thrust Speed (kts): Forward/Aft: Vertical (Lift):
Forward: 3.5 Lateral: 2.5 Vertical: 1.8 Forward: 3.2 Lateral: 2.5 Vertical: 1.9 Thrust Speed (kts):
# of Thrusters: 6 # of Thrusters: 7
Forward: 3.2 Lateral: 1.8 Vertical: 1.9
Thruster Configuration: 4x Horizontal, 2x Vertical Thruster Configuration: 4x Horizontal, 3x Vertical
Maximum Payload (kg): 150 Maximum Payload (kg): 250 # of Thrusters: 5
Max Through Frame Lift: 1500kg Max Through Frame Lift: 3000kg Thruster Configuration: Horizontal 3, Vertical 2
Power Requirements: 75kW (100HP) Power Requirements: 110kW (150HP) Maximum Payload (kg): Approx. 20
Deployment System: 6Te A frame, 6Te 3500m winch Deployment System: 8Te A-Frame 8Te 3500m Max Through Frame Lift:
Tether Management System: Yes winch integrated 75kW HPU or 12te LARS
Tether Management System: Yes Power Requirements: 230/400/440/690V, 3 phase 10kW
Standard Equipment:
Camera: 1x Colour Zoom, 1x Mono low light, 1x mono tooling Standard Equipment: Deployment System: LARS/Crane
Camera Platform: 1x Pan & Tilt Camera: 1xColourZoom,1xMonolowlight,1xmonotooling,1xminicolour Tether Management System: Yes
Lighting: 2x HID + 6x Halogen or LED Camera Platform: 1x Pan & Tilt, 1x Tilt Standard Equipment:
Navigation: Teledyne CDL TOGS NAV Lighting: 2x HID + 6 or 12 Halogen or LED Camera: Zoom, color
Manipulator: 1x 7F pos feedback + 1x 5F Grabber Navigation: Teledyne CDL TOGS NAV Camera Platform: Pan/Tilt
Auto Functions: Position Hold\Nudge\Step. Optional auto Manipulator: 1x 7F pos feedback + 1x 5F Grabber Lighting: Led-lamps
fly, auto survey, cruise, heading, depth, altitude Auto Functions: Position Hold\Nudge\Step. Optional auto Navigation: Customer preference
Auxiliary Tooling Power: fly, auto survey, cruise, heading, depth, altitude Manipulator: Electric grabber/rope cutter
Optional Equipment Available: Yes Auxiliary Tooling Power: 90LPM @210bar Auto Functions: Depth, Heading, Altitude
View PDF: Optional Equipment Available: Yes Auxiliary Tooling Power:
Website: http://www.smd.co.uk/products/work- Optional Equipment Available: Yes
class-rov-systems/atom.htm View PDF:
Contact: Michael Atkinson Website: http://www.smd.co.uk/products/work- View PDF:
class-rov-systems/quasar.htm Website: www.sperre-as.com
Email: [email protected] Contact: Michael Atkinson
URL to Distributors/Dealers/Agents: Email: [email protected] Contact: Wenche Haugerud
Mftr Notes: Ultra-compact work class ROV comparable in URL to Distributors/Dealers/Agents: Email: [email protected]
size to an electric ROV system. Suitable for drill support, URL to Distributors/Dealers/Agents:
survey and light construction duties and can be mobilised Mftr Notes: The Quasar is the medium size vehicle in
on vessels and rigs with limited deck space. Designed with SMD’s Q Series work class ROV range. Utilising the lat-
est multi-platform Curvetech™ components, the vehicle Mftr Notes: ROV designed for tough conditions. Reliable and
ease of operation and maintenance in mind, the Atom well proven design. Quick and easy mobilization. Very good
boasts the latest DVECSII distributed control, graphical offers class-leading in-current performance, tooling and
instrument space and access for maintenance. Quasar is stability. Plenty of power. Interface for std. tools. Quality at
displays and pilot aids coupled with proven powerful Cur- an affordable price. Require a min. of maintenance. Made in
vetech™ components. Can be supplied as a complete pack- an excellent all round performer capable of survey, con-
struction and drill support operations. Norway. Can build after customer specification.
age with SMD’s ultra compact TMS and LARS.

2015 Unmanned Vehicle Buyers Guide 24 Ocean News & Technology

Sperre AS
Medium Workclass


Class: Electric:  Hydraulic:

Size (m): LxWxH: 1.62 x 0.90 x 0.96
In-Air Weight (kg): 550
Max Depth (m): 6000
Thrust Bollard Pull (kgf):
Forward/Aft: Vertical (Lift):
Thrust Speed (kts):
Forward:: 3.5 Lateral: 1.8 Vertical: 1.9
# of Thrusters: 7
Thruster Configuration: Horizontal 5, Vertical 2
Maximum Payload (kg): Approx. 20
Max Through Frame Lift:
Power Requirements: 230/400/440/690V, 3 phase 15kW
Deployment System: LARS/Crane
Tether Management System: Yes
Standard Equipment:
Camera: Zoom, color
Camera Platform: Pan/Tilt
Lighting: Led-lamps
Navigation: Customer preference
Manipulator: Electric grabber/rope cutter
Auto Functions: Depth, Heading, Altitude
Auxiliary Tooling Power:
Optional Equipment Available: Yes
View PDF:
Website: www.sperre-as.com
Contact: Wenche Haugerud
Email: [email protected]
URL to Distributors/Dealers/Agents:
Mftr Notes: ROV designed for tough conditions. Reliable
and well proven design. Quick and easy mobilization. Very
good stability. Plenty of power. Interface for std. tools. Quality
at an affordable price. Require a min. of maintenance. Made
in Norway. Can build after customer specification.

Ocean News & Technology 25 2015 Unmanned Vehicle Buyers Guide

Submersible Submersible
Medium Workclass
Underwater Robotics
Systems Inc. Systems Inc. Ltd.

TRV-005 TRV-M SuperGNOM Pro

Class: Electric:  Hydraulic: Class: Electric:  Hydraulic: Class: Electric:  Hydraulic:

Size (m): LxWxH: 1.5 x 1.2 x 0.5 Size (m): LxWxH: 1.5 x 1.2 x 0.6 Size (m): LxWxH: 0.45 х 0.30 х 0.28
In-Air Weight (kg): 240 In-Air Weight (kg): 450 In-Air Weight (kg): 10
Max Depth (m): 1000 Live boat,3000 with TMS Max Depth (m): 1000 Live Boat, 3000 w/ TMS Max Depth (m): 150
Thrust Bollard Pull (kgf): Thrust Bollard Pull (kgf): Thrust Bollard Pull (kgf):
Forward/Aft: 150 Vertical (Lift): 100 Forward/Aft: 150 Vertical (Lift): 100 Forward/Aft: Vertical (Lift):
Thrust Speed (kts): Thrust Speed (kts): Thrust Speed (kts):
Forward: 5+ Lateral: 2 Vertical: 3M / second Forward: 4 Lateral: 2 Vertical: 1 Forward: Lateral: Vertical:
# of Thrusters: 5 # of Thrusters: 5 # of Thrusters:
Thruster Configuration: Conventional Thruster Configuration: Conventional Thruster Configuration:
Maximum Payload (kg): 20 Maximum Payload (kg): 90 Maximum Payload (kg):
Max Through Frame Lift: 250 Max Through Frame Lift: 350 Max Through Frame Lift:
Power Requirements: 15kw Vehicle Only Power Requirements: 15kw Vehicle Only Power Requirements: 1200 Watt
Deployment System: Any (A frame or Crane) Deployment System: Any (A Frame or Crane) Deployment System:
Tether Management System: Yes Tether Management System: Yes Tether Management System:
Standard Equipment: Standard Equipment: Standard Equipment:
Camera: 4 Camera: 4 Camera: Yes
Camera Platform: 2 x fwd, 1 x Aft, 1 x remote Camera Platform: 2 x fwd, 1 x Aft, 1 x Remote Camera Platform: Yes
Lighting: 5 x Variable LED Lighting: 5 x Variable LED Lighting: Yes
Navigation: Rate Gyro / Fluxgate Navigation: Rate Gyro / Fluxgate Navigation: Yes
Manipulator: 1 x 4 function Hydraulic Manipulator: 2 x 4 Function Hydraulic Manipulator: Option
Auto Functions: Depth, Heading and Altitude Auto Functions: Depth, Heading and Altitude Auto Functions: Yes
Auxiliary Tooling Power: If required Auxiliary Tooling Power: If Required Auxiliary Tooling Power:
Optional Equipment Available: Yes Optional Equipment Available: Yes Optional Equipment Available: Yes
View PDF: View PDF: View PDF:
Website: www.ssirovs.com Website: www.ssirovs.com Website: http://www.gnomrov.com/
Contact: Wolfgang Burnside Contact: Wolfgang Burnside Contact: Evgeny Sherstov
Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected]
URL to Distributors/Dealers/Agents: URL to Distributors/Dealers/Agents: URL to Distributors/Dealers/Agents:
Mftr Notes: The Ultimate ROV for serious Offshore Platform Mftr Notes: A versatile vehicle often undertaking Workclass tasks
Inspections and Pipeline Survey Work, no other ROV comes in areas that prohibit access to larger Vehicles. The moderate payload
also allows the secure attachment of additional Equipment / Sensors Mftr Notes: ROV of the professional line of ROVs GNOM
close to the rugged, reliable and incredibly maneuverable to the T6061 Aluminum frame. The TRV-M high mass / Thrust en- family.
TRV-005. sures easy transitions from the Surface to the Seabed to either its stan-
dard depth rating of 1000m or to the optional 3000m depth rating.

2015 Unmanned Vehicle Buyers Guide 26 Ocean News & Technology

Light Workclass

Market Symbols

Defence Seabed Offshore Science Ocean Environmental

Minning Oil & Gas Renewables
Light Workclass


AC-CELL 100 AC-ROV 100 AC-ROV 3000

Class: Electric: Hydraulic: Class: Electric:  Hydraulic: Class: Electric:  Hydraulic:

Size (m): LxWxH: 0.199 x 0.073 x 0.089 Size (m): LxWxH: 0.203 x 0.152 x 0.146 Size (m): LxWxH: 0.204 x 0.152 x 0.168
In-Air Weight (kg): 1.65 In-Air Weight (kg): 3 In-Air Weight (kg): 3.6
Max Depth (m): 100 Max Depth (m): 100 Max Depth (m): 3000
Thrust Bollard Pull (kgf): Thrust Bollard Pull (kgf): Thrust Bollard Pull (kgf):
Forward/Aft: Vertical (Lift): Forward/Aft: Vertical (Lift): Forward/Aft: Vertical (Lift):
Thrust Speed (kts): Thrust Speed (kts): Thrust Speed (kts):
Forward: Lateral: Vertical: Forward: 1.5 Lateral: 1.5 Vertical: 1 Forward: 1.25 Lateral: 1.25 Vertical: 1
# of Thrusters: NA # of Thrusters: 6 # of Thrusters: 6
Thruster Configuration: NA Thruster Configuration: vectored Thruster Configuration: vectored
Maximum Payload (kg): NA Maximum Payload (kg): 0.2 Maximum Payload (kg): nil
Max Through Frame Lift: NA Max Through Frame Lift: NA Max Through Frame Lift: NA
Power Requirements: 300w Power Requirements: 300w Power Requirements: 500w
Deployment System: Hand Deployment System: Hand Deployment System: TMS
Tether Management System: No Tether Management System: Yes Tether Management System: Yes
Standard Equipment: Standard Equipment: Standard Equipment:
Camera: Color front / B&W rear Camera: 650t vl 0.1lux Camera: 650 tvl x 0.1lux
Camera Platform: Camera Platform: Camera Platform:
Lighting: 2 x front / 1 x rear LED Lighting: 4 x camera tracking LEDs Lighting: 2 x camera tracking LEDs
Navigation: NA Navigation: Yes - option Navigation:
Manipulator: NA Manipulator: Yes - option Manipulator:
Auto Functions: NA Auto Functions: 3 axis trim Auto Functions: 3 axis trim
Auxiliary Tooling Power: NA Auxiliary Tooling Power: Auxiliary Tooling Power:
Optional Equipment Available: No Optional Equipment Available: Yes Optional Equipment Available: No
View PDF: View PDF: View PDF:
Website: www.ac-cess.com Website: www.ac-cess.com Website: www.ac-cess.com
Contact: John Morrison Contact: John Morrison Contact: John Morrison
Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected]
URL to Distributors/Dealers/Agents: URL to Distributors/Dealers/Agents: URL to Distributors/Dealers/Agents:
Mftr Notes: Developed as a stand alone Remote Visual In- Mftr Notes: The world leading micro ROV, the AC-ROV is the Mftr Notes: The AC-ROV 3000 is the first ever deep ocean mi-
spection (RVI) tool, this small, wet or dry environment crawler most capable and portable underwater inspection system on cro ROV. To maximize its capability it comes fully packaged with
the market. A complete system comes in one rugged waterproof a TMS allowing it to operate as a 3000m depth rated “Fly-Out”
is fully compatible with the industry proven AC-ROV 100 Un- hand carry case with an all up weight of just 18kg. It defines the
derwater Inspection system. from many types and size of host submersibles.
“HAND CARRY” class in underwater inspection systems.

2015 Unmanned Vehicle Buyers Guide 30 Ocean News & Technology

Ageotec Srl
Light Workclass

Ageotec Srl


Class: Electric:  Hydraulic: Class: Electric:  Hydraulic:

Size (m): LxWxH: 0.98 x 0.71 x 0.51 Size (m): LxWxH: 0.59 x 0.56 x 0.45
In-Air Weight (kg): 80 In-Air Weight (kg): 38.5
Max Depth (m): 600 Max Depth (m): 300
Thrust Bollard Pull (kgf): Thrust Bollard Pull (kgf):
Forward/Aft: 35 Vertical (Lift): 22 Forward/Aft: 16 Vertical (Lift): 15
Thrust Speed (kts): Thrust Speed (kts):
Forward: 2 Lateral: Vertical: Forward: 1.5 Lateral: Vertical:
# of Thrusters: 6 # of Thrusters: 4
Thruster Configuration: 2 vert. 4 hor. vect. Thruster Configuration: 2 horiz. 2 vert. vect.
Maximum Payload (kg): 15 Maximum Payload (kg): 10
Max Through Frame Lift: Max Through Frame Lift:
Power Requirements: 220 V AC single phase, 50-60 Hz, 6 kW Power Requirements: 200-240 V AC single phase
Deployment System: Electric Winch Deployment System: Manual winch
Tether Management System: No Tether Management System: No
Standard Equipment: Standard Equipment:
Camera: 1 HR monochrom, 1 HR colour Camera: 1 colour camera
Camera Platform: tilt platform Camera Platform:
Lighting: 2 x 150 W halogen lamps Lighting: 2 LED Lights
Navigation: Flux-gate compass; electronic depth sensor; Navigation:
solid-state rate gyro sensor Manipulator: 1 or 2 functions
Manipulator: 5 f manipulator optional Auto Functions: autoheading, auto depth
Auto Functions: auto heading, auto depth Auxiliary Tooling Power:
Auxiliary Tooling Power: Optional Equipment Available: Yes
Optional Equipment Available: Yes View PDF:
View PDF: Website: www.ageotec.com
Website: www.ageotec.com Contact: Roberto Galletti
Contact: Roberto Galletti Email: [email protected]
Email: [email protected] URL to Distributors/Dealers/Agents:
URL to Distributors/Dealers/Agents:
Mftr Notes: The Perseo observation/multipurpose class ROV
Mftr Notes: The Sirio ROV has been developed for a wide
has been developed for a wide range of inspection activities
in offshore and harbour environments. Tasks include visual range of inspection activities in offshore and harbour
and instrumental inspection, search and survey environments.

Ocean News & Technology 31 2015 Unmanned Vehicle Buyers Guide

Light Workclass


HydroView Inspector HydroView Pro 5MWI HydroView Pro 7M

Class: Electric: Hydraulic: Class: Electric: Hydraulic: Class: Electric: Hydraulic:

Size (m): LxWxH: 0.37 x 0.48 x 0.18 Size (m): LxWxH: 0.37 x 0.48 x 0.30 Size (m): LxWxH: 0.37 x 0.48 x 0.30
In-Air Weight (kg): 4.5 In-Air Weight (kg): 6.8 In-Air Weight (kg): 6.8
Max Depth (m): 100 Max Depth (m): 100 Max Depth (m): 100
Thrust Bollard Pull (kgf): Thrust Bollard Pull (kgf): Thrust Bollard Pull (kgf):
Forward/Aft: Vertical (Lift): Forward/Aft: Vertical (Lift): Forward/Aft: Vertical (Lift):
Thrust Speed (kts): Thrust Speed (kts): Thrust Speed (kts):
Forward: 4.5 Lateral: Vertical: Forward: 3 Lateral: 0.5 Vertical: 1 Forward: 4 Lateral: 0.5 Vertical: 1
# of Thrusters: 3 # of Thrusters: 5 # of Thrusters: 7
Thruster Configuration: 2 thrust, 1 pitch Thruster Configuration: 2 thrust, 3 hovering/pitch Thruster Configuration: 4 thrust, 3 hovering/pitch
Maximum Payload (kg): 0.45 Maximum Payload (kg): 0.9 Maximum Payload (kg): .9 kg
Max Through Frame Lift: Max Through Frame Lift: Max Through Frame Lift:
Power Requirements: lithium battery on board (12V/24V Power Requirements: lithium battery on board (12V/24V Power Requirements: lithium battery on board (12V/24V
DC or 110-240 AC available) DC or 110-240 AC available) DC or 110-240 AC available)
Deployment System: n/a Deployment System: n/a Deployment System: n/a
Tether Management System: available as option Tether Management System: available as option Tether Management System: available as option
Standard Equipment: Standard Equipment: Standard Equipment:
Camera: 720 p Camera: 1080 p HD Camera: 720 p HD
Camera Platform: Camera Platform: Camera Platform:
Lighting: internal LED lighting Lighting: internal and external LED lighting Lighting: internal LED lighting
Navigation: n/a Navigation: available Navigation: available
Manipulator: n/a Manipulator: available Manipulator: available
Auto Functions: heading, speed, pitch, waypoints Auto Functions: depth, heading, speed, pitch, waypoints Auto Functions: depth, heading, speed, pitch, waypoints
Auxiliary Tooling Power: n/a Auxiliary Tooling Power: n/a Auxiliary Tooling Power: n/a
Optional Equipment Available: Yes Optional Equipment Available: Yes Optional Equipment Available: Yes
View PDF: View PDF: View PDF:
Website: www.aquabotix.com/hydroview_insp_fea Website: www.aquabotix.com/hydroview_pro_ Website: www.aquabotix.com/hydroview_pro_
tures.php features.ph features.php
Contact: Dawn Doraz Contact: Dawn Doraz Contact: Dawn Doraz
Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected]
URL to Distributors/Dealers/Agents: URL to Distributors/Dealers/Agents: URL to Distributors/Dealers/Agents:

Mftr Notes: The HydroView Inspector is a micro ROV with 2 Mftr Notes: The HydroView 5M for Water Inspection has been Mftr Notes: With seven motors, three sensors and two
cameras, one internal and one manually positionable exter- designed specifically for underwater inspections. The 5MWI pounds of payload capability, HydroView Pro 7M is engi-
nal camera. View the live video feed from either camera on configuration has a wide-angle camera with full 1080p HD neered for versatility across various underwater applications.
and 800 lumens of external lighting giving the best video pos- The HydroView Pro application for iPad or PC is powerful and
the custom PC application. The complete system includes ve- intuitive allowing for maximum maneuverability with simple
hicle with three motors, two HD video cameras, led lighting, sible. It also has depth, temperature and orientation sensors
controls. Options include sonar, environmental sensors, ex-
orientation, depth, and temperature sensors. and is driven via an intuitive PC application ternal cameras and lighting.

2015 Unmanned Vehicle Buyers Guide 32 Ocean News & Technology

Argus Remote Systems
Light Workclass

Argus Rover

Class: Electric:  Hydraulic: Class: Electric: Hydraulic:

Size (m): LxWxH: 1.3 x 0.8 x 0.76 Size (m): LxWxH: X
In-Air Weight (kg): 300 In-Air Weight (kg): X
Max Depth (m): 2000 (6000) Max Depth (m): X
Thrust Bollard Pull (kgf): Thrust Bollard Pull (kgf): X
Forward/Aft: 70 Vertical (Lift): 48 Forward/Aft: X Vertical (Lift): X
Thrust Speed (kts): Thrust Speed (kts):
Forward: 3 Lateral: 2 Vertical: 2 Forward: X Lateral: Vertical: X
# of Thrusters: 6 # of Thrusters: X
Thruster Configuration: 4 horizont, 2 vertical Thruster Configuration: X
Maximum Payload (kg): 50 Maximum Payload (kg): X
Max Through Frame Lift: 100 Max Through Frame Lift: X
Power Requirements: 6kW / 8 HP Power Requirements: X
Deployment System: LARS / Crane Deployment System: X
Tether Management System: Yes Tether Management System: X
Standard Equipment: Standard Equipment:
Camera: 1 x HD camera, 3 Composite Camera: X
Camera Platform: Camera Platform: X
Lighting: 4 x LED lights , 46 000 lumen Lighting: X
Navigation: Gyro Navigation: X
Manipulator: Hydro-lek Manipulator: X
Auto Functions: Yes Auto Functions: X
Auxiliary Tooling Power: 1 kW Auxiliary Tooling Power: X
Optional Equipment Available: Yes Optional Equipment Available:
View PDF: View PDF:
Website: www.argus-rs.no Website: X
Contact: Contact: X
Email: [email protected] Email: X
URL to Distributors/Dealers/Agents: URL to Distributors/Dealers/Agents: X
Mftr Notes: Electric thrusters: Robust and reliable AC
thrusters, Full ocean depth rating (6000 m). Motor controls: Mftr Notes:
Frequency converter. Control systems: High operational reli-
ability, Stand-alone system (no computer assistance)

Ocean News & Technology 33 2015 Unmanned Vehicle Buyers Guide

Light Workclass


Mini ROV JACK 100meters Mini ROV JACK 300meters Modular Mini ROV platform
JACK - educational
Class: Electric:  Hydraulic: Class: Electric:  Hydraulic: Class: Electric: Hydraulic:
Size (m): LxWxH: 0.570 x 0.415 x 0.260 Size (m): LxWxH: 0.570 x 0.415 x 0.260 Size (m): LxWxH: adjustable
In-Air Weight (kg): 15 In-Air Weight (kg): 15 In-Air Weight (kg): adjustable
Max Depth (m): 100 Max Depth (m): 300 Max Depth (m): adjustable
Thrust Bollard Pull (kgf): Thrust Bollard Pull (kgf): Thrust Bollard Pull (kgf):
Forward/Aft: 2.3 Vertical (Lift): 1.4 Forward/Aft: 2.3 Vertical (Lift): 1.4 Forward/Aft: 2.3 Vertical (Lift): 1.4
Thrust Speed (kts): Thrust Speed (kts): Thrust Speed (kts):
Forward: 2 Lateral: 2 Vertical: 2 Forward: 2 Lateral: 2 Vertical: 2 Forward: 2 Lateral: 2 Vertical: 2
# of Thrusters: 6 # of Thrusters: 6 # of Thrusters: 6
Thruster Configuration: vectored (5DOF) Thruster Configuration: vectored (5DOF) Thruster Configuration: vectored (5DOF)
Maximum Payload (kg): Maximum Payload (kg): Maximum Payload (kg):
Max Through Frame Lift: Max Through Frame Lift: Max Through Frame Lift:
Power Requirements: Battery or 230VAC Power Requirements: Battery or 230VAC Power Requirements: Battery or 230VAC
Deployment System: Optional Deployment System: Optional Deployment System: Optional
Tether Management System: Optional Tether Management System: Optional Tether Management System: Optional
Standard Equipment: Standard Equipment: Standard Equipment:
Camera: +/- 40°Tilt / (Auto)Switch B/W - Color PAL Camera: +/- 40°Tilt / (Auto)Switch B/W - Color PAL Camera: +/- 40°Tilt / (Auto)Switch B/W - Color PAL
Camera Platform: Camera Platform: Camera Platform:
Lighting: 2 LED SPOT LIGHTS Lighting: 4 LED SPOT LIGHTS Lighting:
Navigation: Navigation: Navigation:
Manipulator: Optional Manipulator: Optional Manipulator:
Auto Functions: Depth / Heading Auto Functions: Depth / Heading Auto Functions:
Auxiliary Tooling Power: 12V Auxiliary Tooling Power: 12V Auxiliary Tooling Power:
Optional Equipment Available: Yes Optional Equipment Available: Yes Optional Equipment Available: Yes
View PDF: View PDF: View PDF:
Website: www.ciscrea.com Website: www.ciscrea.com Website: www.ciscrea.com
Contact: Sales Contact: Sales Contact: Sales
Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected]
URL to Distributors/Dealers/Agents: N/A URL to Distributors/Dealers/Agents: N/A URL to Distributors/Dealers/Agents: N/A
Mftr Notes: Compact Mini ROV with embedded energy; Mftr Notes: Compact Mini ROV with embedded energy; vec-
vectored thruster architecture with true lateral motion; tored thruster architecture with true lateral motion; Modu- Mftr Notes: ROV supplied for your own control & command
Modularity allowing easy add on of additional payload larity allowing easy add on of additional payload sensors/ program realization. We propose the Mini ROV platform JACK
sensors/manipulator. Video enhancement optional. Control manipulator. Video enhancement optional. Control Panel without the Control&Command Unit and offer interface box
Panel with embedded batteries (3 standard battery packs with embedded batteries (3 standard battery packs avail- to connect the JACK to your PC. Some labs have successfully
available). Manual winch; Standard umbilical length 100M able). Manual winch; Standard umbilical length 300M (float- transformed the Mini ROV platform JACK to a Mini AUV/Hy-
(floating and/or fiber-optic) optional. ing and/or fiber-optic) option. brid ROV.

2015 Unmanned Vehicle Buyers Guide 34 Ocean News & Technology

Deep Ocean
Light Workclass

Deep Ocean Deep Ocean

Engineering, Inc. Engineering, Inc. Engineering, Inc.

Needlefish Firefly Needlefish P-150 Triggerfish T3N, T4N, & T5N

Class: Electric:  Hydraulic: Class: Electric:  Hydraulic: Class: Electric:  Hydraulic:

Size (m): LxWxH: 0.221 x 0.147 x 0.361 Size (m): LxWxH: 0.642 x 0.352 x 0.292 Size (m): LxWxH: 0.902 x 0.450 x 0.350
In-Air Weight (kg): 6.35 In-Air Weight (kg): 18 In-Air Weight (kg): 40
Max Depth (m): specific to project Max Depth (m): specific to project Max Depth (m): 300
Thrust Bollard Pull (kgf): Thrust Bollard Pull (kgf): Thrust Bollard Pull (kgf):
Forward/Aft: Vertical (Lift): Forward/Aft: Vertical (Lift): Forward/Aft: 47 Vertical (Lift): 12
Thrust Speed (kts): Thrust Speed (kts): Thrust Speed (kts):
Forward: Lateral: Vertical: Forward: Lateral: Vertical: Forward: Lateral: Vertical:
# of Thrusters: 4 # of Thrusters: 4 # of Thrusters: 3, 4, or 5
Thruster Configuration: Standard Thruster Configuration: Standard Thruster Configuration: Standard or Vectored
Maximum Payload (kg): Maximum Payload (kg): Variable Maximum Payload (kg): Variable
Max Through Frame Lift: Max Through Frame Lift: Max Through Frame Lift:
Power Requirements: Power Requirements: Power Requirements:
Deployment System: hand Deployment System: Deployment System: Winch or by hand
Tether Management System: Tether Management System: Yes Tether Management System: Optional
Standard Equipment: Standard Equipment: Standard Equipment:
Camera: Analog Camera: Analog Camera: Analog, IP, or HD SDI
Camera Platform: Yes Camera Platform: Yes Camera Platform: Yes
Lighting: Yes Lighting: Yes Lighting: Yes
Navigation: Navigation: Navigation: Yes
Manipulator: Yes Manipulator: dual function Manipulator: Yes
Auto Functions: Auto Functions: depth Auto Functions: Heading, depth, altitude
Auxiliary Tooling Power: customer specified Auxiliary Tooling Power: customer specified Auxiliary Tooling Power: customer specified
Optional Equipment Available: Yes Optional Equipment Available: Yes Optional Equipment Available: Yes
View PDF: View PDF: View PDF:
Website: www.deepocean.com/needlefish-firefly.php Website: www.deepocean.com/lionfish-l4n.php Website: www.deepocean.com/triggerfish-t4n.php
Contact: AJ Cecchettini Contact: AJ Cecchettini Contact: AJ Cecchettini
Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected]
URL to Distributors/Dealers/Agents: URL to Distributors/Dealers/Agents: URL to Distributors/Dealers/Agents:
Mftr Notes: The Firefly is a small portable system de- Mftr Notes: The P150 is a portable system designed for under- Mftr Notes: Our Triggerfish line are comprised of the T3N,
signed specifically for the examination of BWR reac- water inspections, NDT and FME identification/retrieval in areas T4N, and T5N. They are rapid deployment high perfor-
such as recirculation piping. Hardwired for fast and easy integra- mance ROV systems that provide more power and versa-
tors’ core plate via stub tube or removed fuel bundle. tion with accessories and easy fault detection, the P150 is ideally
With no electronics in the sub-unit, the Firefly ensures tility compared to other vehicles in their class.
designed for the nuclear industry with stable materials and FME
reliability in areas of high radiation. concerns as a top priority.

Ocean News & Technology 35 2015 Unmanned Vehicle Buyers Guide

DOER Marine
Light Workclass


Deep Trekker

DTG2 ROV - Starter, Pro, H2000 Coral Discovery-TZ

Smart, Worker Packages
Class: Electric: Hydraulic: Class: Electric: Hydraulic:  Class: Electric: Hydraulic:
Size (m): LxWxH: 0.325 x 0.259 x 0.279 Size (m): LxWxH: 1.5 x 0.99 x 0.965 Size (m): LxWxH: 1 x 0.59 x 0.45
In-Air Weight (kg): 8.5 In-Air Weight (kg): 406 In-Air Weight (kg): 70
Max Depth (m): 125 Max Depth (m): 2000 Max Depth (m): 300
Thrust Bollard Pull (kgf): Thrust Bollard Pull (kgf): Thrust Bollard Pull (kgf):
Forward/Aft: Vertical (Lift): Forward/Aft: 148.32 Vertical (Lift): 84.82 Forward/Aft: Vertical (Lift):
Thrust Speed (kts): Thrust Speed (kts): Thrust Speed (kts):
Forward: 2.5 Lateral: n/a Vertical: 2.5 Forward: 3 Lateral: Vertical: Forward: ≥ 3 Lateral: Vertical:
# of Thrusters: 2 # of Thrusters: 6 # of Thrusters: 6
Thruster Configuration: patented pitching system Thruster Configuration: 4 quad/2 vertrans Thruster Configuration: 4 vectored,2 vertical
Maximum Payload (kg): Maximum Payload (kg): 72.5 Maximum Payload (kg): 10
Max Through Frame Lift: Max Through Frame Lift: Max Through Frame Lift: N/A
Power Requirements: on-board batteries Power Requirements: Power Requirements: Single Phase 185-265VAC at
Deployment System: Deployment System: 3KW, 50-60Hz
Tether Management System: Tether Management System: Deployment System: N/A
Standard Equipment: Standard Equipment: Tether Management System: No
Camera: 700 HD Camera: 3 video channels HD capable Standard Equipment:
Camera Platform: Camera Platform: tilt w/ pan & tilt option Camera: Discovery Camera X1
Lighting: LED, 300-900 lumens Lighting: 4 with 2 more optional Camera Platform: N/A
Navigation: auto-heading, auto-depth Navigation: TCM-2 compass Lighting: 50 Watt LED X 2
Manipulator: 2 function, 360 degree rotate, open/close functions Manipulator: Sea Mantis Five Function Navigation: N/A
Auto Functions: n/a Auto Functions: depth/heading Manipulator: N/A
Auxiliary Tooling Power: n/a Auxiliary Tooling Power: yes Auto Functions: N/A
Optional Equipment Available: Optional Equipment Available: Yes Auxiliary Tooling Power:
View PDF: View PDF: Optional Equipment Available: Yes
Website: www.deeptrekker.com Website: www.doermarine.com View PDF:
Contact: Deep Trekker Sales Contact: Website: dwtekmarine.com
Email: [email protected] Email: Contact: Chloe
URL to Distributors/Dealers/Agents: URL to Distributors/Dealers/Agents: Email: [email protected]
Mftr Notes: Fully portable, affordable and easy to use URL to Distributors/Dealers/Agents:
remotely operated vehicles. Deep Trekker gives you Mftr Notes: Very compact and robust system that can oper-
eyes in the water in 30 seconds for quality and efficient ate from smaller work and research vessels. 1000m option Mftr Notes: Suitable for salvage operations, port &
inspections. available too. 7.5 to 20 hp options. Customizable. harbor security, search & rescue operations, real-time
submerged monitoring, pipe & cable tracking, scientific
task, surveys, dam and tunnel inspections
2015 Unmanned Vehicle Buyers Guide 36 Ocean News & Technology
Light Workclass



Investigator I-90 H300 MkII : Inspection ROV Comanche

Class: Electric: Hydraulic: Class: Electric:  Hydraulic: Class: Electric:  Hydraulic:

Size (m): LxWxH: 1.1 x 0.7 x 0.54 Size (m): LxWxH: 0.9 x 0.6 x 0.47 Size (m): LxWxH: 2.1 x 1.3 x 1.25
In-Air Weight (kg): 150 In-Air Weight (kg): 70 In-Air Weight (kg): 1130
Max Depth (m): 500 Max Depth (m): 300 Max Depth (m): 6000
Thrust Bollard Pull (kgf): Thrust Bollard Pull (kgf): Thrust Bollard Pull (kgf):
Forward/Aft: ≥70 kgf Vertical (Lift): >40 kgf Forward/Aft: 34 Vertical (Lift): 17 Forward/Aft: 240 Vertical (Lift): 225
Thrust Speed (kts): Thrust Speed (kts): Thrust Speed (kts):
Forward: < 4 Lateral: Vertical: Forward: 3.5 Lateral: 1.7 Vertical: 1.5 Forward: 3 Lateral: 2.5 Vertical: 1.5
# of Thrusters: 6 # of Thrusters: 4 # of Thrusters: 7
Thruster Configuration: 4 vectored,2 vertical Thruster Configuration: 2xH, 1xV, 1xLateral Thruster Configuration: 4x Lateral, 3x Vertical
Maximum Payload (kg): >20 Maximum Payload (kg): 8 Maximum Payload (kg): 285
Max Through Frame Lift: N/A Max Through Frame Lift: N/A Max Through Frame Lift: 225kg
Power Requirements: Single Phase 190-250 VAC at Power Requirements: 3.9 KVA Power Requirements: 35kW
6KW, 50-60Hz Deployment System: direct from surface Deployment System: Crane/Winch/LARS
Deployment System: N/A Tether Management System: No Tether Management System: Yes
Tether Management System: No Standard Equipment: Standard Equipment:
Standard Equipment: Camera: zoom color + low light B/W Camera: User Defined (SD/HD)
Camera: Sea Observer HD Camera X1 Camera Platform: Pan & Tilt Camera Platform: Pan & Tilt Function
Camera Platform: Yes Lighting: 4x LED lights of 4000 lm each Lighting: LED as standard
Lighting: 150 Watt LED X 2 Navigation: sonar & low light camera Navigation: DVL/Gyro/Compass
Navigation: N/A Manipulator: electric or hydraulic on skid Manipulator: User Defined
Manipulator: Optional Auto Functions: depth, heading, altitude Auto Functions: Auto Position, Waypoint Follow, Return
Auto Functions: N/A Auxiliary Tooling Power: N/A Home Function
Auxiliary Tooling Power: N/A Optional Equipment Available: Yes Auxiliary Tooling Power: 15kW

Optional Equipment Available: Yes View PDF: Optional Equipment Available: Yes
View PDF: Website: www.ecagroup.com/en/solutions/h300-mk2 View PDF:
Website: dwtekmarine.com Contact: Website::www.f-e-t.com/our_products_technologies/
Contact: Chloe Email: [email protected] subsea-solutions/rovs-observation/comanche/
Email: [email protected] URL to Distributors/Dealers/Agents: Contact:
URL to Distributors/Dealers/Agents: Email: [email protected]
Mftr Notes: ECA Group developed its H300 MK2 Observa- URL to Distributors/Dealers/Agents:
Mftr Notes: Suitable for salvage operations, port tion Class ROV system for the intervention up to 300m depth.
& harbor security, search & rescue operations, real-time Modular and easily configured according to your needs
Mftr Notes: Customers include DOF Subsea, Bibby Offshore,
submerged monitoring, pipe & cable tracking, scientific task, thanks to a wide range of sonar, manipulator arms and tools,
Oceanteam 2000, Bluestream, Oceaneering, IKM, Neptune
surveys, dam and tunnel inspections and any type of sensors.

Ocean News & Technology 37 2015 Unmanned Vehicle Buyers Guide

Forum Subsea Forum Subsea
Light Workclass

Forum Subsea
Technologies Technologies Technologies

Mohawk Mohican Mojave

Class: Electric:  Hydraulic: Class: Electric:  Hydraulic: Class: Electric:  Hydraulic:

Size (m): LxWxH: 0.98 x 0.77 x 0.63 Size (m): LxWxH: 1.1 x 0.8 x 0.79 Size (m): LxWxH: 1 x 0.6 x 0.5
In-Air Weight (kg): 165 In-Air Weight (kg): 230 In-Air Weight (kg): 85
Max Depth (m): 1000 Max Depth (m): 3000 Max Depth (m): 300
Thrust Bollard Pull (kgf): Thrust Bollard Pull (kgf): Thrust Bollard Pull (kgf):
Forward/Aft: 80 Vertical (Lift): 30 Forward/Aft: 110 Vertical (Lift): 75 Forward/Aft: 53 Vertical (Lift): 26
Thrust Speed (kts): Thrust Speed (kts): Thrust Speed (kts):
Forward: 3 Lateral: 2.5 Vertical: 1.5 Forward: 3.5 Lateral: 3.5 Vertical: 2 Forward: 3.5 Lateral: 3 Vertical: 1.5
# of Thrusters: 5 # of Thrusters: 6 # of Thrusters: 5
Thruster Configuration: 4x Lateral, 1x Vertical Thruster Configuration: 4x Lateral, 2x Vertical Thruster Configuration: 4x Lateral, 1x Vertical
Maximum Payload (kg): 35 Maximum Payload (kg): 35 Maximum Payload (kg): 12
Max Through Frame Lift: 140kg Max Through Frame Lift: 100kg Max Through Frame Lift: TBC
Power Requirements: 7kW Power Requirements: 13kW Power Requirements: 4.4kW
Deployment System: Crane/Winch/LARS Deployment System: Crane/Winch/LARS Deployment System: Crane/Winch
Tether Management System: Yes Tether Management System: Yes Tether Management System: No
Standard Equipment: Standard Equipment: Standard Equipment:
Camera: User Defined (SD/HD) Camera: User Defined (SD/HD) Camera: User Defined (SD/HD)
Camera Platform: Tilt Function Camera Platform: Tilt Function Camera Platform: Tilt Function
Lighting: LED as standard Lighting: LED as standard Lighting: LED as standard
Navigation: DVL/Gyro/Compass Navigation: DVL/Gyro/Compass Navigation: DVL/Gyro/Compass
Manipulator: User Defined Manipulator: User Defined Manipulator: User Defined
Auto Functions: Auto Position, Waypoint Follow, Return Auto Functions: Auto Position, Waypoint Follow, Return Auto Functions: Auto Position, Waypoint Follow, Return
Home Function Home Function Home Function
Auxiliary Tooling Power: 1.3kW Auxiliary Tooling Power: 4kW Auxiliary Tooling Power: 1.3kW
Optional Equipment Available: Yes Optional Equipment Available: Yes Optional Equipment Available: Yes
View PDF: View PDF: View PDF:
Website: www.f-e-t.com/our_products_technolo Website: www.f-e-t.com/our_products_technologies/ Website: www.f-e-t.com/our_products_technolo
gies/subsea-solutions/rovs-observation/mohawk subsea-solutions/rovs-observation/mohican gies/subsea-solutions/rovs-observation/mojave
Contact: Contact: Contact:
Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected]
URL to Distributors/Dealers/Agents: URL to Distributors/Dealers/Agents: URL to Distributors/Dealers/Agents:
Mftr Notes: Customers include PDVSA, Seatrax, NOAA/ Mftr Notes: Customers include MMT, DOF Subsea, Seatrep- Mftr Notes: Customers include Oceaneering, Cummings,
NMSF id, IKM, Innova, ASI, Innova/Abyss Mostrello Broadsea ROV, FPSS, Marine Innotech, Blue Water

2015 Unmanned Vehicle Buyers Guide 38 Ocean News & Technology

Forum Subsea
Light Workclass

Inuktun Services Ltd. Inuktun Services Ltd


Super Mohawk Versatrax 100™ Versatrax 100 MicroMag™

Class: Electric:  Hydraulic: Class: Electric:  Hydraulic: Class: Electric:  Hydraulic:

Size (m): LxWxH: 1.4 x 0.9 x 0.85 Size (m): LxWxH: Size (m): LxWxH:
In-Air Weight (kg): 290 In-Air Weight (kg): 9 In-Air Weight (kg):
Max Depth (m): 30 Max Depth (m): 30
Max Depth (m): 3000
Thrust Bollard Pull (kgf): Thrust Bollard Pull (kgf):
Thrust Bollard Pull (kgf): Forward/Aft: Vertical (Lift): Forward/Aft: Vertical (Lift):
Forward/Aft: 110 Vertical (Lift): 45 Thrust Speed (kts): Thrust Speed (kts):
Thrust Speed (kts): Forward: Lateral: Vertical: Forward: Lateral: Vertical:
Forward: 3 Lateral: 2.5 Vertical: 1.5 # of Thrusters: # of Thrusters:
# of Thrusters: 6 Thruster Configuration: Thruster Configuration:
Maximum Payload (kg): Maximum Payload (kg): 4.54
Thruster Configuration: 4x Lateral, 2x Vertical
Max Through Frame Lift: Max Through Frame Lift:
Maximum Payload (kg): 85 Power Requirements: 115/230 VAC, 550W Power Requirements: 115/230VAC, 550W
Max Through Frame Lift: 100kg Deployment System: Deployment System:
Power Requirements: 13kW Tether Management System: Tether Management System:
Deployment System: Crane/Winch/LARS Standard Equipment: Standard Equipment:
Tether Management System: Yes Camera: Spectrum 45™ Camera: Spectrum 45™
Camera Platform: Camera Platform:
Standard Equipment:
Lighting: High intensity LEDs Lighting: High intensity LEDs
Camera: User Defined (SD/HD)
Navigation: Navigation:
Camera Platform: Pan & Tilt Function
Lighting: LED as standard Manipulator: Manipulator:
Navigation: DVL/Gyro/Compass Auto Functions: Auto Functions:
Manipulator: User Defined Auxiliary Tooling Power: Auxiliary Tooling Power:
Auto Functions: Auto Position, Waypoint Follow, Return Optional Equipment Available: Yes Optional Equipment Available: Yes
Home Function View PDF: View PDF:
Auxiliary Tooling Power: 2.5kW Website: http://inuktun.com/crawler-vehicles/ Website: http://inuktun.com/crawler-vehicles/
Optional Equipment Available: Yes versatrax-100.htm versatrax-100-micromag.htmll
View PDF: Contact: Jeff Christopherson Contact: Jeff Christopherson
Website: www.f-e-t.com/our_products_technolo gies/ Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected]
URL to Distributors/Dealers/Agents: http://inuktun. URL to Distributors/Dealers/Agents: http://inuktun.
com/contact-us/ com/contact-us/
Email: [email protected] Mftr Notes: The Versatrax 100™ is a precise, por- Mftr Notes: The MicroMag™ robotic vehicle is compact,
table crawler system for operation in pipes as small waterproof and magnetic. It can be rapidly deployed
URL to Distributors/Dealers/Agents: as 4in/100mm. This easy-to-use remote inspection for many applications that exclude most ordinary
system penetrates up to 600ft/183m and overcomes ROVs. This visual inspection system has been engi-
Mftr Notes: Customers include DOF Subsea, Casco Antiguo, neered to deliver vivid color imagery in real-time while
PT Newmont, Coretech, Searov, Abyss, DPS, Halul, China ORE,
obstacles and offset joints. The whole system fits in a
small vehicle and can be checked in as airline luggage. travelling almost any direction on ferrous metal struc-
PT Advanced Offshore tures, even when piloted underwater.
Ocean News & Technology 39 2015 Unmanned Vehicle Buyers Guide
Inuktun Services Ltd. Inuktun Services Ltd.
Light Workclass

Inuktun Services Ltd.


Versatrax 150™ Versatrax 300™ Versatrax MicroClimber™

Class: Electric:  Hydraulic: Class: Electric:  Hydraulic: Class: Electric:  Hydraulic:

Size (m): LxWxH: Size (m): LxWxH: Size (m): LxWxH:
In-Air Weight (kg): 40 In-Air Weight (kg): 104 In-Air Weight (kg): 18
Max Depth (m): 60 Max Depth (m): 60 Max Depth (m): 3000
Thrust Bollard Pull (kgf): Thrust Bollard Pull (kgf): Thrust Bollard Pull (kgf):
Forward/Aft: Vertical (Lift): Forward/Aft: Vertical (Lift): Forward/Aft: Vertical (Lift):
Thrust Speed (kts): Thrust Speed (kts): Thrust Speed (kts):
Forward: Lateral: Vertical: Forward: Lateral: Vertical: Forward: Lateral: Vertical:
# of Thrusters: # of Thrusters: # of Thrusters:
Thruster Configuration: Thruster Configuration: Thruster Configuration:
Maximum Payload (kg): Maximum Payload (kg): Maximum Payload (kg):
Max Through Frame Lift: Max Through Frame Lift: Max Through Frame Lift:
Power Requirements: 115/230VAC, 800W Power Requirements: 220VAC, 5500W Power Requirements: 120/240VAC, 500W
Deployment System: Deployment System: Deployment System:
Tether Management System: Tether Management System: Tether Management System:
Standard Equipment: Standard Equipment: Standard Equipment:
Camera: Spectrum 90™ Camera: Spectrum 90™ Camera: Crystal Cam®
Camera Platform: Camera Platform: Camera Platform:
Lighting: High intensity LEDs Lighting: High intensity LEDs Lighting: Embedded LED lighting
Navigation: Navigation: Navigation:
Manipulator: Manipulator: Manipulator:
Auto Functions:
Auto Functions: Auto Functions:
Auxiliary Tooling Power:
Auxiliary Tooling Power: Auxiliary Tooling Power:
Optional Equipment Available: Yes Optional Equipment Available: Yes Optional Equipment Available: Yes
View PDF: View PDF: View PDF:
Website: inuktun.com/crawler-vehicles/versa trax- Website: inuktun.com/crawler-vehicles/versa Website: http://inuktun.com/crawler-vehicles/
150.html trax-300.html versatrax-microclimber.html
Contact: Jeff Christopherson Contact: Jeff Christopherson
Contact: Jeff Christopherson
Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected]
Email: [email protected]
URL to Distributors/Dealers/Agents: http://inuktun. URL to Distributors/Dealers/Agents: http://inuktun.
com/contact-us URL to Distributors/Dealers/Agents: http://inuktun. com/contact-us/
Mftr Notes: Submerged or on land, our Versatrax Mftr Notes: The Versatrax MicroClimber™ is a remotely
150™ systems are able to operate in pipe diameters Mftr Notes: The Versatrax 300™ is the solution to long operated vehicle designed to climb on almost any cy-
from 6in/150mm and greater with the chassis opti- range pipe inspection challenges. Able to inspect more lindrical structure. The vehicle is capable of crawling
mized in a matter of seconds. Modular design, precise than two kilometers in a single run, the versatile and cus- on pilings, pipe, rope, anchor lines or guy-wires while
controls and ease of operation deliver power and reli- tomizable VT300 includes three onboard video cameras, performing various tasks. The system includes eight
ability that can be tailed to meet your specific inspec- multiple sensor options, and is operable in pipe as small as cameras for visual inspection and can be adapted for
tion requirements. 12in/300mm internal diameter. sensors and tools.

2015 Unmanned Vehicle Buyers Guide 40 Ocean News & Technology

Inuktun Services Ltd.
Light Workclass

ISE JW Fishers Mfg. Inc.

Versatrax Vertical Crawler™ Trailblazer ROV SeaLion-2 ROV

Class: Electric:  Hydraulic: Class: Electric: Hydraulic: Class: Electric:  Hydraulic:

Size (m): LxWxH: Size (m): LxWxH: 2.5 x 1 x 1 Size (m): LxWxH: 0.6 x 0.4 x 0.3
In-Air Weight (kg): In-Air Weight (kg): 700 In-Air Weight (kg): 20
Max Depth (m): 30 Max Depth (m): 300 - 1500 Max Depth (m): 300
Thrust Bollard Pull (kgf): Thrust Bollard Pull (kgf): Thrust Bollard Pull (kgf):
Forward/Aft: Vertical (Lift): Forward/Aft: Vertical (Lift): Forward/Aft: Vertical (Lift):
Thrust Speed (kts): Thrust Speed (kts): Thrust Speed (kts):
Forward: Lateral: Vertical: Forward: Lateral: Vertical: Forward: 4 Lateral: 2 Vertical: 2
# of Thrusters: # of Thrusters: # of Thrusters: 4
Thruster Configuration: Thruster Configuration: Multiple Thruster Configuration: 2 horizontal, 2 vert.
Maximum Payload (kg): Maximum Payload (kg): 88 Maximum Payload (kg): 3
Max Through Frame Lift: Max Through Frame Lift: Max Through Frame Lift:
Power Requirements: 115/230VAC, 600W Power Requirements: 25 HP (30 & 50 HP models avail.) Power Requirements: 120 VAC
Deployment System: Deployment System: Multiple Deployment System: manual
Tether Management System: Tether Management System: Option Tether Management System: optional
Standard Equipment: Standard Equipment: Standard Equipment:
Camera: Spectrum 45™ Camera: 1 wide angle / low level SIT camera, 1 colour Camera: (2) - high res color front & rear
Camera Platform: camera with zoon lens Camera Platform: pan & tilt
Lighting: High intensity LEDs Camera Platform: Lighting: quartz halogen & LED
Navigation: Lighting: Four 250 W lights w. variable intensity (4 levels) Navigation: digital compass
Manipulator: Navigation: Flux Gate Compass, Imagenex Sonar Manipulator: single function
Auto Functions: Manipulator: Optional 3 function manipulatoro Auto Functions:
Auxiliary Tooling Power: Auto Functions: Auxiliary Tooling Power:
Auxiliary Tooling Power: Optional Equipment Available: Yes
Optional Equipment Available: Yes
View PDF: Optional Equipment Available: View PDF:
Website: http://inuktun.com/crawler-vehicles/ View PDF: Website: www.jwfishers.com
versatrax-vertical-crawler.html Website: www.ise.bc.ca Contact: Christopher Combs
Contact: Jeff Christopherson Contact: Linda Mackay Email: [email protected]
Email: [email protected]
Email: [email protected] URL to Distributors/Dealers/Agents:
URL to Distributors/Dealers/Agents: http://inuktun.
com/contact-us/ URL to Distributors/Dealers/Agents:
Mftr Notes: For over 40 years JW Fishers has specialized in the
Mftr Notes: The Trailblazer is a lightweight, highly ma- design and manufacture of underwater search equipment.
Mftr Notes: The Versatrax Vertical Crawler™ can perform Their product line includes underwater metal detectors, cable
difficult inspections in virtually any orientation. Indepen- neuverable solution to mine detection, survey, recovery
and disposal requirements. It is equipped with a high trackers, pipe trackers, video systems, lights, magnetom-
dent control of each track allows vehicle to easily navigate eters, sonars, ROVs, and pingers. Fishers ROVs are in use by
over distances up to 600ft/183m. Constructed of marine power propulsion system to allow it to operate in ports
and estuaries as well as the open ocean. commercial diving companies, universities, police & military
grade anodized aluminum and stainless steel, this ROV is worldwide.
extremely durable and fully submersible for underwater

Ocean News & Technology 41 2015 Unmanned Vehicle Buyers Guide

Light Workclass

Outland Technology
JW Fishers Mfg. Inc. Outland Technology

SeaOtter-2 ROV ROV 1000 ROV 2000

Class: Electric:  Hydraulic: Class: Electric:  Hydraulic: Class: Electric:  Hydraulic:

Size (m): LxWxH: 0.6 x 0.4 x 0.3 Size (m): LxWxH: 0.65 x 0.37 x 0.26 Size (m): LxWxH: 0.71 x 0.46 x 0.38
In-Air Weight (kg): 20 In-Air Weight (kg): 17.7 In-Air Weight (kg): 25
Max Depth (m): 150 Max Depth (m): 300 Max Depth (m): 300
Thrust Bollard Pull (kgf):
Thrust Bollard Pull (kgf): Thrust Bollard Pull (kgf):
Forward/Aft: Vertical (Lift):
Forward/Aft: 15.8/6.4 Vertical (Lift): 3.2 Forward/Aft: 34/20 Vertical (Lift): 10
Thrust Speed (kts):
Forward: 3 Lateral: 1.5 Vertical: 1.5 Thrust Speed (kts): Thrust Speed (kts):
# of Thrusters: 4 Forward: 3 Lateral: 1 Vertical: 1 Forward: 4 Lateral: 2 Vertical: 2
Thruster Configuration: 2 horizontal, 2 vert. # of Thrusters: 4 # of Thrusters: 4
Maximum Payload (kg): 3 Thruster Configuration: Vert/Lat/2 Hor Thruster Configuration: Vert/Lat/2 Hor
Max Through Frame Lift:
Maximum Payload (kg): 3 Maximum Payload (kg): 6
Power Requirements: 120 VAC
Deployment System: manual Max Through Frame Lift: Max Through Frame Lift:
Tether Management System: optional Power Requirements: 1800 watts Power Requirements: 3600 watts
Standard Equipment: Deployment System: Hand Deployment System: Hand
Camera: (2) - high res color front & rear Tether Management System: N/A Tether Management System: N/A
Camera Platform: pan & tilt Standard Equipment: Standard Equipment:
Lighting: quartz halogen & LED Camera: 360° Tilt & Fixed Rear Camera: 360° Tilt & Fixed Rear
Navigation: digital compass Camera Platform: 750 Line .001 Lux Camera Platform: 750 Line .001 Lux
Manipulator: single function Lighting: 2 ea. 4300 Lumen Lighting: 2 ea. 4300 Lumen
Auto Functions: Navigation: Compass/Gyro Navigation: Compass/Gyro
Auxiliary Tooling Power: Manipulator: Manipulator:
Optional Equipment Available: Yes Auto Functions: Depth & Heading Auto Functions: Depth & Heading
Auxiliary Tooling Power: Auxiliary Tooling Power:
View PDF:
Website: www.jwfishers.com Optional Equipment Available: Yes Optional Equipment Available: Yes
Contact: Christopher Combs View PDF: View PDF:
Email: [email protected] Website: http://www.outlandtech.com Website: htp://www.outlandtech.com
URL to Distributors/Dealers/Agents: Contact: Jeffrey Mayfield Contact: Jeffrey Mayfield
Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected]
Mftr Notes: For over 40 years JW Fishers has specialized
in the design and manufacture of underwater search URL to Distributors/Dealers/Agents: http://www. URL to Distributors/Dealers/Agents: http://www.
equipment. Their product line includes underwater outlandtech.com/contact.ph outlandtech.com/contact.ph
metal detectors, cable trackers, pipe trackers, video sys-
tems, lights, magnetometers, sonars, ROVs, and pingers. Mftr Notes: Brushless DC, Magnetically Coupled Thrust- Mftr Notes: Brushless DC, Magnetically Coupled
Fishers ROVs are in use by commercial diving companies, ers. Easy deployment and operation. All digital control Thrusters. Easy deployment and operation. All digital
universities, police & military worldwide. of camera, lights, thrusters, and grabber. control of camera, lights, thrusters, and grabber.

2015 Unmanned Vehicle Buyers Guide 42 Ocean News & Technology

QinetiQ North America
Light Workclass

Saab Seaeye Ltd Saab Seaeye Ltd

Sabretooth (small hull crawler) Cougar Falcon

Class: Electric: Hydraulic: Class: Electric:  Hydraulic: Class: Electric:  Hydraulic:

Size (m): LxWxH: 0.254 x 0.177 x 0.102 Size (m): LxWxH: 1.515 x 1 x 0.790 Size (m): LxWxH: 1 x 0.6 x 0.5
In-Air Weight (kg): 5.9 In-Air Weight (kg): 409 In-Air Weight (kg): 60
Max Depth (m): 61
Max Depth (m): 2000 Max Depth (m): 300
Thrust Bollard Pull (kgf):
Forward/Aft: Vertical (Lift): Thrust Bollard Pull (kgf): Thrust Bollard Pull (kgf):
Thrust Speed (kts): Forward/Aft: 170 Vertical (Lift): 110 Forward/Aft: 50 Vertical (Lift): 13
Forward: Lateral: Vertical: Thrust Speed (kts): Thrust Speed (kts):
# of Thrusters: N/A Forward: 3.2 Lateral: Vertical: Forward: > 3 Lateral: Vertical:
Thruster Configuration: N/A # of Thrusters: 6 # of Thrusters: 5
Maximum Payload (kg): 22.7 in tow Thruster Configuration: 4 vectored horizontal and Thruster Configuration: 4 vectored and 1 vertical
Max Through Frame Lift: 6 vertical brushless SM7 500 Volt DC Maximum Payload (kg): 14
Power Requirements: 800W max at 120V Maximum Payload (kg): 80 Max Through Frame Lift:
Deployment System: UUV or manual
Max Through Frame Lift: Power Requirements: Single phase 100-270 VAC
Tether Management System: No
Standard Equipment: Power Requirements: 3-phase 380-480 VAC 50-60 Hz at 2.8 kW
Camera: B&W board camera Deployment System: Deployment System:
Camera Platform: Mast and pivot Tether Management System: Yes Tether Management System:
Lighting: Optional Standard Equipment: Standard Equipment:
Navigation: Encoders (IMU optional) Camera: Camera: high resolution fixed focus colour camera
Manipulator: N/A Camera Platform: Camera Platform:
Auto Functions: ehicle control and obstacle avoidance Lighting: Four LED lamps Lighting: Tilting variable intensity LED
Auxiliary Tooling Power: Navigation: Navigation:
Optional Equipment Available: Yes Manipulator: Manipulator:
View PDF: Auto Functions: Auto Functions:
Auxiliary Tooling Power: Auxiliary Tooling Power:
Website: https://www.qinetiq-na.com/prod-
ucts/unmanned-systems/hull-crawlers/ Optional Equipment Available: Yes Optional Equipment Available: Yes
Contact: Ken Heller View PDF: View PDF:
Email: [email protected] Website: www.seaeye.com/cougar-xt.html Website: www.seaeye.com/falcon.html
URL to Distributors/Dealers/Agents: Contact: James Douglas Contact: James Douglas
Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected]
Mftr Notes: Small ferro-magnetic hull crawler with
semi-autonomous capabilities including obstacle URL to Distributors/Dealers/Agents: URL to Distributors/Dealers/Agents:
avoidance and vehicle positioning. Crawling speeds www.seaeye.com/contact.html www.seaeye.com/contact.html
from 0.3-3.0 m/min. Capable of hull inspection,
surveillance or non-destructive testing Mftr Notes: Mftr Notes:

Ocean News & Technology 43 2015 Unmanned Vehicle Buyers Guide

Saab Seaeye Ltd Saab Seaeye Ltd
Light Workclass

Saab Seaeye Ltd


Falcon DR Lynx Sea Owl

Class: Electric:  Hydraulic: Class: Electric:  Hydraulic: Class: Electric:  Hydraulic:

Size (m): LxWxH: 1.055 x 0.6 x 0.635 Size (m): LxWxH: 1.23 x 0.605 x 0.815 Size (m): LxWxH: 1.38 x 0.815 x 0.56
In-Air Weight (kg): 100 In-Air Weight (kg): 200 In-Air Weight (kg): 260
Max Depth (m): 1000 Max Depth (m): 1500 Max Depth (m): 2000
Thrust Bollard Pull (kgf): Thrust Bollard Pull (kgf): Thrust Bollard Pull (kgf):
Forward/Aft: 50 Vertical (Lift): 13 Forward/Aft: 66 Vertical (Lift): 43 Forward/Aft: 66 Vertical (Lift): 60
Thrust Speed (kts): Thrust Speed (kts): Thrust Speed (kts):
Forward: > 3 Lateral: Vertical: Forward: 3 Lateral: Vertical: Forward: 3 Lateral: Vertical:
# of Thrusters: 5 # of Thrusters: # of Thrusters: 7
Thruster Configuration: 4 vectored and 1 vertical Thruster Configuration: Thruster Configuration: f4 vectored horizontal/
Maximum Payload (kg): 15 Maximum Payload (kg): 34 lateral, 3 vertical
Max Through Frame Lift: Max Through Frame Lift: Maximum Payload (kg): 30
Power Requirements: Single phase 100-270 VAC Power Requirements: 3-phase 380-480 VAC Max Through Frame Lift:
at 2.8 kW Deployment System: Power Requirements:
Deployment System: Tether Management System: Deployment System:
Tether Management System: Standard Equipment: Tether Management System:
Standard Equipment: Camera: Standard Equipment:
Camera: high resolution fixed focus colour camera Camera Platform: Camera:
Camera Platform: Lighting: 4 Long-life LED lamps Camera Platform:
Lighting: Tilting variable intensity LED Navigation: Lighting:
Navigation: Manipulator: Navigation:
Manipulator: Auto Functions: Manipulator:
Auto Functions: Auxiliary Tooling Power: Auto Functions:
Auxiliary Tooling Power: Optional Equipment Available: Yes Auxiliary Tooling Power:
Optional Equipment Available: Yes View PDF: Optional Equipment Available: Yes
View PDF: Website: www.seaeye.com/lynx.html View PDF:
Website: www.seaeye.com/falcon.html Contact: James Douglas Website: http://www.seaeye.com/
Contact: James Douglas Email: [email protected] Contact: James Douglas
Email: [email protected] URL to Distributors/Dealers/Agents: Email: [email protected]
URL to Distributors/Dealers/Agents: www.seaeye.com/contact.html URL to Distributors/Dealers/Agents:
www.seaeye.com/contact.html Mftr Notes: www.seaeye.com/contact.html
Mftr Notes: Mftr Notes:

2015 Unmanned Vehicle Buyers Guide 44 Ocean News & Technology

Saab Seaeye Ltd
Light Workclass

SeaBotix SeaBotix

Tiger LBV200-4 LBV300-5 MiniROV & LBC Crawler

Class: Electric:  Hydraulic: Class: Electric:  Hydraulic: Class: Electric:  Hydraulic:

Size (m): LxWxH: 1.03 x 0.7 x 0.59 Size (m): LxWxH: 0.530 x 0.245 x 0.254 Size (m): LxWxH: 0.520 x 0.445 x 0.260
In-Air Weight (kg): 150 In-Air Weight (kg): 11 In-Air Weight (kg): 13
Max Depth (m): 1000 Max Depth (m): 200 Max Depth (m): 300
Thrust Bollard Pull (kgf): Thrust Bollard Pull (kgf): Thrust Bollard Pull (kgf):
Forward/Aft: 62 Vertical (Lift): 22 Forward/Aft: 7 Vertical (Lift): 3 Forward/Aft: 7 Vertical (Lift): 7.5
Thrust Speed (kts): Thrust Speed (kts): Thrust Speed (kts):
Forward: 3 Lateral: Vertical: Forward: 3 Lateral: Vertical: Forward: Lateral: Vertical:
# of Thrusters: # of Thrusters: 4 # of Thrusters: 5
Thruster Configuration: Thruster Configuration: 2 fwd,1 vert,1 lat Thruster Configuration: 2 fwd,2 vert,1 lat
Maximum Payload (kg): 32 Maximum Payload (kg): Various options Maximum Payload (kg): Various options
Max Through Frame Lift: Max Through Frame Lift: Max Through Frame Lift:
Power Requirements: 3-phase 380-480 VAC Power Requirements: 110-220 VAC Power Requirements:
Deployment System: Deployment System: 1-2 person portable Deployment System: 1-2 person portable
Tether Management System: Tether Management System: Manual reel Tether Management System: Manual reel & elec. options
Standard Equipment: Standard Equipment: Standard Equipment:
Camera: Camera: Hi Res color, mono or HD Camera: Hi Res color, mono or HD
Camera Platform: Camera Platform: Tilt 180 degrees Camera Platform: Tilt 180 degrees
Lighting: 2 Long-life LED lamps Lighting: Ultra bright LEDS Lighting: Ultra bright LEDS
Navigation: Navigation: Navigation: USBL
Manipulator: Manipulator: Grabber & cutter options Manipulator: Grabber & cutter options
Auto Functions: Auto Functions: Heading, Depth Auto Functions:
Auxiliary Tooling Power: Auxiliary Tooling Power:28 VDC Auxiliary Tooling Power: 28 VDC
Optional Equipment Available: Yes Optional Equipment Available: Yes Optional Equipment Available: Yes
View PDF: View PDF: View PDF:
Website: www.seaeye.com/tiger.html Website: www.SeaBotix.com Website: www.SeaBotix.com
Contact: James Douglas Contact: Alasdair Murrie Contact: Alasdair Murrie
Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected]
URL to Distributors/Dealers/Agents: URL to Distributors/Dealers/Agents: URL to Distributors/Dealers/Agents:
Mftr Notes: The LBV is a very stable and portable Mftr Notes: The LBV300-5 is an incredibly stable MiniROV
Mftr Notes: MiniROV with 4-axis maneuverability, powerful brush- platform with a wide range of application possibilities. Dual-
less thrusters and intuitive Integrated Control Console vertical thrusters add increased power and payload capacity.
(ICC). The LBV200-4 offers a depth rating of 200 m (660 This compact system is capable of carrying a wide variety
ft) and has the ability to carry options such as sonar, of sensors and tooling including imaging sonars and multi-
function manipulators.
tracking, manipulators, and more.
Ocean News & Technology 45 2015 Unmanned Vehicle Buyers Guide
SeaBotix Seatronics
Light Workclass

Shark Marine
Technologies Inc

vLBV MiniROV Predator ROV II Sea-Wolf 2

Class: Electric:  Hydraulic: Class: Electric:  Hydraulic: Class: Electric:  Hydraulic:

Size (m): LxWxH: 0.625x0.390x0.390 Size (m): LxWxH: 0.95 x 0.63 x 0.6 Size (m): LxWxH: 0.91 x 0.69. x 0.53
In-Air Weight (kg): 18 In-Air Weight (kg): 80 In-Air Weight (kg): 77.11
Max Depth (m): 300 Max Depth (m): 600
Max Depth (m): 300 & 950
Thrust Bollard Pull (kgf): Thrust Bollard Pull (kgf):
Thrust Bollard Pull (kgf): Forward/Aft: 45 Vertical (Lift): 10 Forward/Aft: 35 Vertical (Lift):
Forward/Aft: 18 Vertical (Lift): 7 Thrust Speed (kts): Thrust Speed (kts):
Thrust Speed (kts): Forward: 4.05 Lateral: 2.0 Vertical: 1.0 Forward: Lateral: Vertical:
Forward: 3 Lateral: 2 Vertical: 2 # of Thrusters: 5 # of Thrusters: 4
# of Thrusters: 6 Thruster Configuration: 4 forward, 1 vertical Thruster Configuration: 2 Horizontal, 2 transversal
Maximum Payload (kg): 10 Maximum Payload (kg): 18
Thruster Configuration: 4 vectored, 2 vert.
Max Through Frame Lift: N/A Max Through Frame Lift:
Maximum Payload (kg): Various options Power Requirements: Electric 220-240 VDC Power Requirements: 220/240 VAC 30 Amps
Max Through Frame Lift: Deployment System: Yes, Live Boot Deployment System: Optional
Power Requirements: 110-220 VAC Tether Management System: Neutrally Buoyant Tether Management System: Optional
Deployment System: 1-2 person portable Kevlar Armoured Standard Equipment:
Tether Management System: Manual reel & elec. options Standard Equipment: Camera: High Resolution Color, Others Optional
Camera: low light, fixed focus, wide angle colour/ Camera Platform: Pan/Tilt
Standard Equipment:
monochrome Lighting: 2 LED Lights, More Optional
Camera: Hi Res Color, Mono or HD
Camera Platform: Navigation: Heading/Pirtch/Roll Standard,Total Naviga
Camera Platform: Tilt 180 degrees
Lighting: Ultra bright LEDS Lighting: LED dimmable tion System Available
Navigation: SmartFlight/USBL Navigation: Manipulator: Electric or Hydraulic
Manipulator: Grabber & cutter options Manipulator: Optional grabber Auto Functions: Depth, Altitude, Station Keeping, Route
Auto Functions: Heading, Depth Auto Functions: Depth/ Altitude/ Heading Following
Auxiliary Tooling Power: 28 VDC Auxiliary Tooling Power: Auxiliary Tooling Power: Yes
Optional Equipment Available: Yes Optional Equipment Available: Yes Optional Equipment Available: Yes
View PDF: View PDF: View PDF:
Website: www.predator-rov.com Website: www.sharkmarine.com
Website: www.SeaBotix.com
Contact: Stuart Macrae Contact:
Contact: Alasdair Murrie Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected]
Email: [email protected] URL to Distributors/Dealers/Agents: URL to Distributors/Dealers/Agents:
URL to Distributors/Dealers/Agents: Mftr Notes: This ROV is a new 300m rated inspection class
ROV, which has been developed to meet the demanding Mftr Notes: The SeaWolf-2, remains a trusted, popular
Mftr Notes: The vectored thrust vLBV provides nearly equal markets for a rugged and reliable underwater viewing choice with customers looking for a reliable multi-purpose
thrust in all horizontal directions, allowing it to overcome sig- system. It uses the latest technology designs to ensure high ROV. Enhanced with Shark Marine’s “DiveLog” control soft-
nificant water currents from any direction as well as the ability reliability and max. operating efficiency in marine opera-
to carry a full complement of sensors, manipulators, tooling ware that provides many autonomous / semi-autonomous
tions. Reliability has always been foremost in the develop- features along with sensor control, data management and
and packages. The vLBV is ideally suited for open water opera- ment of the ROV package.
tions in tough conditions. auto report generation. This old dog has some new tricks.

2015 Unmanned Vehicle Buyers Guide 46 Ocean News & Technology

ROVs Light Workclass

Shark Marine Shark Marine

Shark Marine
Technologies Inc Technologies Inc Technologies Inc

Sea-Wolf 5 Stealth 3 Stealth 3 Open Frame

Class: Electric:  Hydraulic: Class: Electric:  Hydraulic: Class: Electric:  Hydraulic:

Size (m): LxWxH: 0.98 x 0.74 x 0.56 Size (m): LxWxH: 0.76 x 0.70 x 0.34 Size (m): LxWxH: 0.81 x 0.68 x 0.41
In-Air Weight (kg): 95 In-Air Weight (kg): 52.16 In-Air Weight (kg): 54.43
Max Depth (m): 600 (deeper optional) Max Depth (m): 300 (deeper optional)
Max Depth (m): 300 (deeper optional)
Thrust Bollard Pull (kgf): Thrust Bollard Pull (kgf):
Forward/Aft: 72.6 Vertical (Lift): 36.3
Thrust Bollard Pull (kgf):
Forward/Aft: 13.4 Vertical (Lift):
Thrust Speed (kts): Forward/Aft: 13.4 Vertical (Lift):
Thrust Speed (kts):
Forward: Lateral: Vertical: Thrust Speed (kts):
Forward: Lateral: Vertical:
# of Thrusters: 4 or 6 Forward: Lateral: Vertical:
Thruster Configuration: 2 or 4 Horizontal, 2 transversal # of Thrusters: 4
# of Thrusters: 4
Maximum Payload (kg): 18 Thruster Configuration: 2 Horizontal, 2 Transversal
Thruster Configuration: 2 Horizontal, 2 Transversal Maximum Payload (kg):
Max Through Frame Lift:
Power Requirements: 220/240 VAC 30 Amps Maximum Payload (kg): Max Through Frame Lift:
Deployment System: Optional Max Through Frame Lift: Power Requirements: 220/240 VAC 7.5 Amps
Tether Management System: Optional Power Requirements: 220/240 VAC 7.5 Amps Deployment System: Optional
Standard Equipment: Deployment System: Optional Tether Management System: Optional
Camera: High Resolution Color, Others Optional Tether Management System: Optional Standard Equipment:
Camera Platform: Pan/Tilt
Standard Equipment: Camera: High Resolution Color, Others Optional
Lighting: 2 LED Lights, More Optional
Camera: High Resolution Color, Others Optional Camera Platform: Pan/Tilt
Navigation: Heading/Pirtch/Roll Standard,Total Naviga Camera Platform: Pan/Tilt Lighting: 2 LED Lights
tion System Available Lighting: 2 LED Lights
Navigation: Heading/Pirtch/Roll Standard
Manipulator: Electric or Hydraulic Navigation: Heading/Pirtch/Roll Standard,Total Naviga
Auto Functions: Depth, Altitude, Station keeping, Route Manipulator: Electric
tion System Available
following _____ Manipulator: Electric Auto Functions: Depth, Altitude, Station Keeping, Route
Auxiliary Tooling Power: Yes Auto Functions: Depth, Altitude, Station keeping, route Following
Optional Equipment Available: Yes following Auxiliary Tooling Power: Yes
Auxiliary Tooling Power: Yes
View PDF: Optional Equipment Available: Yes
Optional Equipment Available: Yes
Website: www.sharkmarine.com View PDF: View PDF:
Contact: Website: www.sharkmarine.com Website: www.sharkmarine.com
Email: [email protected] Contact: Contact:
URL to Distributors/Dealers/Agents: Email: [email protected]
URL to Distributors/Dealers/Agents: Email: [email protected]
Mftr Notes: The SeaWolf-5 is a ROV unlike any other. URL to Distributors/Dealers/Agents:
A true light/medium work class ROV, the SeaWolf-5 Mftr Notes: The Stealth-3 ROV is one of the most versa-
packs a lot of power and modularity into a small tile ROVs on the market today and has been proven by Mftr Notes: This open framed version of the Stealth 3
frame. Customers can choose from a 4 or 6 thruster law enforcement and scientific organizations worldwide. ROV offers additional equipment mounting capabili-
model or upgrade at any time. The SeaWolf-5 op- The Stealth3 now operates on Shark Marine’s “DiveLog” ties, without compromising the compact size or capa-
erates autonomously or semi-autonomously using control software giving the Stealth autonomous / semi- bilities of the standard Stealth 3 ROV.
Shark Marine’s “DiveLog”. autonomous capability and auto report generation.
Ocean News & Technology 47 2015 Unmanned Vehicle Buyers Guide
SMD Sperre AS
Light Workclass


Atom ROV SF4500 Guardian 2.1 Mini-ROV

Class: Electric: Hydraulic:  Class: Electric:  Hydraulic: Class: Electric: Hydraulic:

Size (m): LxWxH: 2.61 x 1.5 x 1.5 Size (m): LxWxH: 1.18 x 0.73 x 0.77 Size (m): LxWxH: 0.47 x 0.25 x 0.16
In-Air Weight (kg): 2000 In-Air Weight (kg): 285 In-Air Weight (kg): 4.5
Max Depth (m): 4000 Max Depth (m): 6000 Max Depth (m): 150
Thrust Bollard Pull (kgf): Thrust Bollard Pull (kgf): Thrust Bollard Pull (kgf):
Forward/Aft: 550 Vertical (Lift): 330 Forward/Aft: Vertical (Lift): Forward/Aft: 4 Vertical (Lift):
Thrust Speed (kts): Thrust Speed (kts): Thrust Speed (kts):
Forward: 3.5kn Lateral: 2.5kn Vertical: 1.8kn Forward: 3.0 Lateral: 1.2 Vertical: 1.5 Forward: 4 Lateral: 0 Vertical: 1
# of Thrusters: 6 # of Thrusters: 4 # of Thrusters: 5
Thruster Configuration: 4x Horizontal, 2x Vertical Thruster Configuration: Horizontal 3, Vertical 1 Thruster Configuration:
Maximum Payload (kg): 150 Maximum Payload (kg): 0.8
Maximum Payload (kg): ~15
Max Through Frame Lift: 1500kg
Max Through Frame Lift: Max Through Frame Lift: 5kg
Power Requirements: 75kW (100HP)
Power Requirements: 230/400/440/690V, 1 phase 5kW Power Requirements: 110/ 220
Deployment System: 6Te A frame, 6Te 3500m winch
Deployment System: LARS/Crane Deployment System: Manual
Tether Management System: Yes
Standard Equipment: Tether Management System: Yes Tether Management System: Manual reel w. slip
Camera: 1x Color Zoom, 1x Mono low light, 1x mono tooling Standard Equipment: ring
Camera Platform: 1x Pan & Tilt Camera: Zoom, color Standard Equipment:
Lighting: 2x HID + 6x Halogen or LED Camera Platform: Pan/Tilt Camera: Color, 600 TVL, 0.1lux
Navigation: Teledyne CDL TOGS NAV Lighting: Led-lamps Camera Platform: pan&tilt
Manipulator: 1x 7F pos feedback + 1x 5F Grabber Navigation: Customer preference Lighting: LED
Manipulator: Electric grabber/rope cutter Navigation: joysticks
Auto Functions: Position Hold\Nudge\Step. Optional auto
Auto Functions: Depth, Heading, Altitude Manipulator: yes
fly, auto survey, cruise, heading, depth, altitude
Auxiliary Tooling Power:
Auxiliary Tooling Power: Auto Functions: depth, heading, up/down
Optional Equipment Available: Yes Optional Equipment Available: Yes Auxiliary Tooling Power: 100W
View PDF: View PDF: Optional Equipment Available: Yes
Website: http://www.smd.co.uk/products/ Website: www.sperre-as.com View PDF:
work-class-rov-systems/atom.htm Contact: Wenche Haugerud Website: www.subsea-tech.com
Contact: Michael Atkinson Contact: Mrs Katharina Roespel
Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected]
Email: [email protected]
URL to Distributors/Dealers/Agents: URL to Distributors/Dealers/Agents: URL to Distributors/Dealers/Agents:
Mftr Notes: Ultra-compact work class ROV comparable in Mftr Notes: ROV designed for tough conditions. Reli- Mftr Notes: High speed hand portable observation vehicle.
size to electric ROV system. Suitable for drill support, sur- able and well proven design. Quick and easy mobili- DeThe Guardian 2.1 mini-ROV is a high speed hand portable
vey and light construction duties, can be mobilized on ves- zation. Very good stability. Plenty of power. Interface observation vehicle. Especially designed for pipeline inspec-
sels and rigs with limited deck space. Designed with ease for std. tools. Quality at an affordable price. Require a tion and long range missions, it can reach a speed of 4 knots
of operation and maintenance in mind, it boasts the latest min. of maintenance. Made in Norway. Can build after almost instantaneously, thanks to a reduced inertia and 4
DVECSII distributed control, graphical displays and pilot aids customer spec. powerful horizontal thrusters. Packaged in one single water-
coupled with proven powerful Curvetech™ components. Can proof case, with a total weight of 29,5 kg (60 lbs), including
be supplied as acomplete package with SMD's ultra compact the umbilical and the control console, it is a highly portable
TMS and LARS. system with no compromises on inspection capabilities.

2015 Unmanned Vehicle Buyers Guide 48 Ocean News & Technology

Light Workclass

Teledyne Marine Teledyne Marine

Systems Systems

Observer 3.2 Mini-ROV SeaROVER Remotely StingRAY Remotely

Operated Vehicle Operated Vehicle
Class: Electric: Hydraulic: Class: Electric:  Hydraulic: Class: Electric:  Hydraulic:
Size (m): LxWxH: 0.45 x 0.27 x 0.21 Size (m): LxWxH: 0.89 x 0.66 x 0.69 Size (m): LxWxH: 0.98 x 0.52 x 0.46
In-Air Weight (kg): 6.4 In-Air Weight (kg): 47
Max Depth (m): 150 In-Air Weight (kg): 36
Max Depth (m): 300 Max Depth (m): 300
Thrust Bollard Pull (kgf):
Forward/Aft: Vertical (Lift): Thrust Bollard Pull (kgf): Thrust Bollard Pull (kgf):
Thrust Speed (kts): Forward/Aft: 34/20 Vertical (Lift): 17 Forward/Aft: 34/20 Vertical (Lift): 17
Forward: 3 Lateral: 0 Vertical: 1 Thrust Speed (kts): Thrust Speed (kts):
# of Thrusters: 3 Forward: 3.0 Lateral: Vertical: Forward: 3.5 Lateral: Vertical:
Thruster Configuration: # of Thrusters: 4
Maximum Payload (kg): 0 # of Thrusters: 4
Thruster Configuration: 2 Horizontal, 1 Lateral, 1 Vertical Thruster Configuration: 2 Horizontal, 1 Lateral, 1 Vertical
Max Through Frame Lift: 5kg
Maximum Payload (kg): 10 Maximum Payload (kg): 5
Power Requirements: Batteries /110-220
Deployment System: Manual Max Through Frame Lift: Max Through Frame Lift:
Tether Management System: Manual reel w. slip ring Power Requirements: 110-240 VAC, 47-63 Hz Power Requirements: 110-240 VAC, 4-63 Hz
Standard Equipment: Deployment System: Manual or LARS Deployment System: Manual
Camera: Color, 600 TVL, 0.1lux Tether Management System: No Tether Management System: No
Camera Platform: pan&tilt Standard Equipment: Standard Equipment:
Lighting: LED Camera: One color, One low light black and white Camera: One color, One low light black and white
Navigation: joysticks Camera Platform: 180 degree tilt Camera Platform: 180 degree tilt
Lighting: 2 LED pods, 700 lumens each Lighting: 2 LED pods, 700 lumens each
Manipulator: yes
Navigation: Manual/USBL Navigation: Manual/USBL
Auto Functions: depth, heading, up/down Manipulator: Optional Manipulator: Optional
Auxiliary Tooling Power: 100W Auto Functions: Heading, Depth Auto Functions: Heading, Depth
Optional Equipment Available: Yes Auxiliary Tooling Power: Auxiliary Tooling Power:
View PDF: Optional Equipment Available: Yes Optional Equipment Available: Yes
Website: www.subsea-tech.com View PDF: View PDF:
Contact: Mrs Katharina Roespel
Website: http://teledynebenthos.com/product_ Website: http://teledynebenthos.com/prod-
Email: [email protected] dashboard/remotely_operated_vehicles uct_dashboard/remotely_operated_vehicles
URL to Distributors/Dealers/Agents:
Contact: Peter Ranelli Contact: Peter Ranelli
Mftr Notes: Hand portable versatile observation vehicle,
unique feature of embedded batteries allowing system to Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected]
be operated instantaneously in most remote locations, up URL to Distributors/Dealers/Agents: http://teledyneb- URL to Distributors/Dealers/Agents: http://teledyneb-
to 4h. Also operates on main power (standard 220VAC or enthos.com/contact/sales_distribution
110VAC on demand). Packaged in single waterproof case, enthos.com/contact/sales_distribution
total weight of 32 kg, incl. umbilical and control console, Mftr Notes: The SeaRover is an affordable, agile solution for Mftr Notes: The Stingray is an inspection class ROV with a
highly portable system with no compromises on inspection a light workclass ROV and is the most adaptable vehicle of the modular design for installation of a wide range of sensors and
capabilities. Benthos ROV Product Line. It is designed with a ‘payload centric’ optional equipment. The expandability of the Stingray allows
approach, allowing the frame, propulsion and buoyancy to be customers to undertake jobs with a small electric inspection class
expanded and modified to accommodate different sensors, instru- system that were previously possible only with larger, more ex-
mentation and tools. pensive systems.
Ocean News & Technology 49 2015 Unmanned Vehicle Buyers Guide
Underwater Robotics Underwater Robotics
Light Workclass

Underwater Robotics
Ltd. Ltd. Ltd.

GNOM Baby GNOM Standard SuperGNOM

Class: Electric:  Hydraulic: Class: Electric:  Hydraulic: Class: Electric:  Hydraulic:

Size (m): LxWxH: 0.210 x 0.185 x 0.150 Size (m): LxWxH: 0.36 x 0.19 x 0.20 Size (m): LxWxH: 0.45 x 0.22 x 0.23
In-Air Weight (kg): 1.5 In-Air Weight (kg): 3 In-Air Weight (kg): 5
Max Depth (m): 50 Max Depth (m): 150 Max Depth (m): 150
Thrust Bollard Pull (kgf): Thrust Bollard Pull (kgf): Thrust Bollard Pull (kgf):
Forward/Aft: Vertical (Lift): Forward/Aft: Vertical (Lift): Forward/Aft: Vertical (Lift):
Thrust Speed (kts): Thrust Speed (kts): Thrust Speed (kts):
Forward: Lateral: Vertical: Forward: Lateral: Vertical: Forward: Lateral: Vertical:
# of Thrusters: 3 # of Thrusters: 3-4 # of Thrusters: 6
Thruster Configuration: Thruster Configuration: Thruster Configuration:
Maximum Payload (kg): Maximum Payload (kg): Maximum Payload (kg):
Max Through Frame Lift: Max Through Frame Lift: Max Through Frame Lift:
Power Requirements: 100 Watt Power Requirements: 300 Watt Power Requirements: 600 Watt
Deployment System: Deployment System: Deployment System:
Tether Management System: Tether Management System: Tether Management System:
Standard Equipment: Standard Equipment: Standard Equipment:
Camera: Yes Camera: Yes Camera: Yes
Camera Platform: Yes Camera Platform: Yes Camera Platform: Yes
Lighting: Yes Lighting: Yes Lighting: Yes
Navigation: Yes Navigation: Yes Navigation: Yes
Manipulator: Option Manipulator: Option Manipulator: Option
Auto Functions: Yes Auto Functions: Yes Auto Functions: Yes
Auxiliary Tooling Power: Auxiliary Tooling Power: Auxiliary Tooling Power:
Optional Equipment Available: Yes Optional Equipment Available: Yes Optional Equipment Available: Yes
View PDF: View PDF: View PDF:
Website: http://www.gnomrov.com Website: http://www.gnomrov.com/ Website: http://www.gnomrov.com/
Contact: Evgeny Sherstov Contact: Evgeny Sherstov Contact: Boris Rozman
Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected]
URL to Distributors/Dealers/Agents: URL to Distributors/Dealers/Agents: URL to Distributors/Dealers/Agents:
Mftr Notes: The ROV GNOM Baby is a micro sized Mftr Notes: The GNOM Standard is a basic model of Mftr Notes: The most advanced model Super Gnom
vehicle that has all the main features inherited from compact ROVs GNOM. It has small size, thin umbilical can be equipped with the manipulator (grabber),
larger underwater systems. The vehicle combines low cable and very high manoeuvring capability which al- scan sector sonar (Micron Tritech or analogue) and
cost with the full set of GNOM capabilities. lows operating in hard-to-reach places including inside USBL positioning system. More powerful thrusters &
sunken wrecks. additional illumination are installed on this ROV. It
can be modified for operation at depths up to 200m.
2015 Unmanned Vehicle Buyers Guide 50 Ocean News & Technology
VideoRay LLC
Light Workclass

VideoRay LLC

VideoRay Pro 4 Standard VideoRay Pro 4 Ultra BASE ROV

Class: Electric: Hydraulic: Class: Electric: Hydraulic:
Size (m): LxWxH: 0.38 x 0.29 x 0.22 Size (m): LxWxH: 0.38 x 0.29 x 0.22
In-Air Weight (kg): 6.1 In-Air Weight (kg): 6.1
Max Depth (m): 305 Max Depth (m): 305
Thrust Bollard Pull (kgf): Thrust Bollard Pull (kgf):
Forward/Aft: 9.5 Vertical (Lift): Forward/Aft: 9.5 Vertical (Lift):
Thrust Speed (kts): Thrust Speed (kts):
Forward: 4.2 Lateral: Vertical: Forward: 3.9 Lateral: Vertical:
# of Thrusters: 3 # of Thrusters: 3
Thruster Configuration: Brushless Thruster Configuration: Brushless
Maximum Payload (kg): Maximum Payload (kg):
Max Through Frame Lift: Max Through Frame Lift:
Power Requirements: 100-240 Volts AC Power Requirements: 100-240 Volts AC
Deployment System: By hand Deployment System: By hand
Tether Management System: Optional Tether Management System: Optional
Standard Equipment: Standard Equipment:
Camera: High Resolution Camera: High Resolution
Camera Platform: NTSC or PAL Format Camera Platform: NTSC or PAL Format
Lighting: (2) Optimized LED Arrays Lighting: (2) Optimized LED Arrays
Navigation: Optional Navigation: Not available
Manipulator: Optional Manipulator: Optional
Auto Functions: auto-depth, auto-heading Auto Functions: auto-depth
Auxiliary Tooling Power: Auxiliary Tooling Power:
Optional Equipment Available: Yes Optional Equipment Available: Yes
View PDF: View PDF:
Website: www.videoray.com Website: www.videoray.com
Contact: +1 610-458-3000 Contact: +1 610-458-3000
Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected]
URL to Distributors/Dealers/Agents: URL to Distributors/Dealers/Agents:
Mftr Notes: The VideoRay Pro 4 Standard BASE ROV sys- Mftr Notes: The Pro 4 Ultra BASE offers a lighter, more
tem can quickly and effectively perform a variety of basic portable solution for operators who only need basic
underwater tasks. A portable and cost-effective solu- functionality. 40% lighter than the Standard, the Ultra
tion, the Pro 4 can be deployed in minutes and operated requires only 48 V DC and features a 13” convertible
by one person if necessary. Available in Rugged, Plus, touchscreen tablet and wireless Logitech controller.
Rack Mount, and Autonomous Control configurations. The Ultra BASE can accept most basic VideoRay acces-
Ocean News & Technology 51 2015 Unmanned Vehicle Buyers Guide

Market Symbols

Defence Seabed Offshore Science Ocean Environmental

Minning Oil & Gas Renewables
Perry SMD

XT300 XT600 Backfill Plough (BP)

Size (m): LxWxH: 4.2 x 3.73 x 3.1 Size (m): LxWxH: 5.89 x 3.6 x 3.3 Size (m): LxWxH: 17.8-19.7 x 9.4-11.3 x 8.0-9.3
In-Air Weight (te): 9 In-Air Weight (te): 17 In-Air Weight (te): 100-120
In-Water Weight (te): 0.5 In-Water Weight (te): 1.5 In-Water Weight (te): 90-102
Max Depth (m): 3000 Max Depth (m): 3000 Max Depth (m): 1000
Max Bollard Pull (te): 1.1 Max Bollard Pull (te): 2 Max Bollard Pull (te): 200
Max Cut Depth (m): 3 Max Cut Depth (m): 3 Max Cut Depth (m):
Max Product Handling (m): 0.36 Max Product Handling (m): 0.36 Max Product Handling (m):
Surveillance Equipment: Surveillance Equipment: Surveillance Equipment:
Cameras: 7 Cameras: 7 Cameras:
Pan & Tilt: 4 Pan & Tilt: 4 Pan & Tilt:
Lights: 12 Lights: 12 Lights:
Obstacle Avoidance: Yes Obstacle Avoidance: Yes Obstacle Avoidance: Yes
Gyroscope: Yes Gyroscope: Yes Gyroscope: Yes
Responder/Transponder: Yes Responder/Transponder: Yes Responder/Transponder: Yes
Echosounder/Altimiter: Echosounder/Altimiter: Echosounder/Altimiter: Yes
Hydrophone: No Hydrophone: No Hydrophone: Yes
Optional Equipment Available: Yes Optional Equipment Available: Yes Optional Equipment Available: Yes
View PDF: View PDF: View PDF:
Website: www.f-e-t.com Website: www.f-e-t.com Website: http://www.smd.co.uk/products/
Contact: Sales Contact: Sales ploughs-towed/bp.htm
Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Contact: Graeme Walker
URL to Distributors/Dealers/Agents: URL to Distributors/Dealers/Agents: Email: [email protected]
URL to Distributors/Dealers/Agents:
Mftr Notes: Mftr Notes:
Mftr Notes: Sets the standard globally for pipeline stabiliza-
tion and protection though backfill. Comes with a number of
features to simplify and de-risk operations such as remotely
variable mouldboard depth control and trench following front
skids and steering. Also available with air tank buoyancy for
minimum ground pressure. Can share the hydraulic surveil-
lance and electric systems, lift point and remote intervention
system with the Multipass Plough to reduce cost.

Ocean News & Technology 54 2015 Unmanned Vehicle Buyers Guide



CBT1100 CBT3200 HD300

Size (m): LxWxH: 13.5 x 6-7.5 x 5.5 Size (m): LxWxH: 14.5 x 7.5 x 5.5 Size (m): LxWxH: 15.0 x 6.5 x 6.6
In-Air Weight (te): 50.0 In-Air Weight (te): 60.0 In-Air Weight (te): 45
In-Water Weight (te): In-Water Weight (te): In-Water Weight (te): 39
Max Depth (m): 1000 Max Depth (m): 1000 Max Depth (m): 1500
Max Bollard Pull (te): Max Bollard Pull (te): Max Bollard Pull (te): 150
Max Cut Depth (m): 3.0 Max Cut Depth (m): 3.5 Max Cut Depth (m): 3.3
Max Product Handling (m): 0.3 Max Product Handling (m): 0.8 Max Product Handling (m): 0.3
Surveillance Equipment: Surveillance Equipment: Surveillance Equipment:
Cameras: Up to 8 (HDTV optional) Cameras: Up to 8 (HDTV optional Cameras: 3 (HDTV optional)
Pan & Tilt: Up to 6 24V P&T units Pan & Tilt: Up to 6 24V P&T units Pan & Tilt: 3 x 24V P&T units
Lights: Up to 12 x 250V Dimmable LED subsea Lights: Up to 12 x 250V Dimmable LED sub- Lights: Up to 6 x 250V Dimmable LED subsea lamps
lamps (Dimmed in groups) sea lamps (Dimmed in groups)
Obstacle Avoidance: Yes
Obstacle Avoidance: Yes Obstacle Avoidance: Yes
Gyroscope: Yes Gyroscope: Yes
Gyroscope: Yes
Responder/Transponder: Yes Responder/Transponder: Yes Responder/Transponder: Yes
Echosounder/Altimiter: Yes Echosounder/Altimiter: Yes Echosounder/Altimiter: Yes
Hydrophone: Yes Hydrophone: Yes Hydrophone: Yes
Optional Equipment Available: Yes Optional Equipment Available: Yes Optional Equipment Available: Yes
View PDF: View PDF: View PDF:
Website: http://www.smd.co.uk/products/ Website: http://www.smd.co.uk/products/ Website: http://www.smd.co.uk/products/
tractors-self-propelled/cbt1100.htm tractors-self-propelled/cbt2100.htm ploughs-towed/hd-300.htm
Contact: Graeme Walker Contact: Graeme Walker Contact: Graeme Walker
Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected]
URL to Distributors/Dealers/Agents: URL to Distributors/Dealers/Agents: x URL to Distributors/Dealers/Agents:
Mftr Notes: Provides a soft to hard ground burial solution in one Mftr Notes: Provides a soft or hard ground burial solution in Mftr Notes: Provides a high performance trenching so-
neat package. Fully amphibious 800kW vehicle. Equipped with one neat package. Also available as a burial tractor configured lution for large diameter flexible umbilicals. Using pat-
a powerful chain cutter, dredge pump and jet legs. A well proven for pipeline burial. Equipped with a selection of powerful chain ented technology, the plough is designed to minimize
chain cutter deployment system allows post lay burial of cable up to cutter trenching tools, dredge pumps and jet legs. Well proven pull force requirements and provide effective trenching
300mm and 4.0m MBR. Optional features: intervention manipula- chain cutter deployment systems allow pre or post-lay burial of capability up to 3.0m depth. The diverless loading sys-
tor with jetting, two grab functions, semi automatic or work class cables up to 300mm diameter and 5.0m MBR, and pipelines up tem allows post lay burial in deepwater. Coupled with a
ROV emergency cable cabel eject systems, spoil backfill system and to 1.5m diameter. Offers a turnkey, integrated solution includ- tow winch, umbilical and LARS system, SMD are able to
rapid recovery, shallow water umbilical guided lift bullet system. ing SMD designed high sea state LARS and umbilical systems. supply a turnkey flexible burial solution.

Ocean News & Technology 55 2015 Unmanned Vehicle Buyers Guide


Multipass Plough (MP) QTrencher 1000 QTrencher 1400

Size (m): LxWxH: 18.5-21.4 x 9.8-11.75 x 8.5-9.65 Size (m): LxWxH: 5.4 x 4.2 x 3.3 Size (m): LxWxH: 7.8 x 6.5 x 5.0
In-Air Weight (te): 140-180 In-Air Weight (te): 21 In-Air Weight (te): 30-40
In-Water Weight (te): 125-155 In-Water Weight (te): Neutral In-Water Weight (te): Neutral
Max Depth (m): 1000 Max Depth (m): 2000 Max Depth (m): 3000
Max Bollard Pull (te): 250/300/350 Max Bollard Pull (te): 2.1 Max Bollard Pull (te): 1.0
Max Cut Depth (m): 2.5 Max Cut Depth (m): 2.0 Max Cut Depth (m): 3.5
Max Product Handling (m): 1.46 Max Product Handling (m): N/A Max Product Handling (m): N/A
Surveillance Equipment: Surveillance Equipment: Surveillance Equipment:
Cameras: Cameras: up to 8 HDTV optional Cameras: up to 8 HDTV optional
Pan & Tilt: Pan & Tilt: Up to 6 24V P&T units Pan & Tilt: Up to 5 24V P&T units
Lights: Lights: up to 12 x 250V (2 x 400W HMI optional) Lights: Up to 12 x 250V (2 x 400W HMI optional)
Obstacle Avoidance: Yes Obstacle Avoidance: Yes Obstacle Avoidance: Yes
Gyroscope: Yes Gyroscope: Yes Gyroscope: Yes
Responder/Transponder: Yes Responder/Transponder: Yes Responder/Transponder: Yes
Echosounder/Altimiter: Yes Echosounder/Altimiter: Yes Echosounder/Altimiter: Yes
Hydrophone: Yes Hydrophone: Yes Hydrophone: Yes
Optional Equipment Available: Yes Optional Equipment Available: Yes Optional Equipment Available: Yes
View PDF: View PDF: View PDF:
Website: http://www.smd.co.uk/products/ Website: http://www.smd.co.uk/products/ Website: http://www.smd.co.uk/products/tren-
ploughs-towed/mp.htm trenchers-self-propelled/qtrencher-1000.htm chers-self-propelled/qtrencher-1400.htm
Contact: Graeme Walker Contact: Graeme Walker Contact: Graeme Walker
Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected]
URL to Distributors/Dealers/Agents: URL to Distributors/Dealers/Agents: URL to Distributors/Dealers/Agents:

Mftr Notes: Introduces further advances on the next Mftr Notes: Provides high power trenching capability Mftr Notes: High powered free-swimming jet trencher. Optional
generation AMP pipe plough by offering remotely for the burial of cables, umbilical and small diameter track drive for enhanced burial capability. Optional tracked skids for
variable multipass capability. Allows the operator to pipes up to 3m deep. Uses variable high flow or high bespoke tool deployment. More than 1.0 megawatt of total power.
remotely adjust the depth during trenching. This, along pressure jetting to optimize the trenching to suit the Delivers 0.75 megawatts of variable high pressure jetting power for
with the advances introduced earlier on the AMP, Hi- conditions. Can also deploy a rear eductor to enhance trenching and up to 200kw of low pressure water jetting for trench
Tow points and the active share track, make the MP the burial of large diameter product. With its high thrust, backwash, eduction or trench collapse. Sets new standard in severe
most advanced pipe trenching technology in the world. the ROV can perform rapid post lay survey. Can also be weather deployment operation. Sea state 6 as standard. Able to
As per the AMP, 500Te trenching capability is available fitted with a suite of tools for maintenance operations. deploy ROV in buoyant or heavy mode up to 18Te.
from only 350Te vessel pull.
Ocean News & Technology 56 2015 Unmanned Vehicle Buyers Guide
ROVs Trenchers


QTrencher 2800

Size (m): LxWxH: 7.8 x 7.8 x 5.6

In-Air Weight (te): 60
In-Water Weight (te): Neutral
Max Depth (m): 1500
Max Bollard Pull (te): 5.8
Max Cut Depth (m): 2.3
Max Product Handling (m): N/A
Surveillance Equipment:
Cameras: 2 x color zoom 6 x monochrome
SIT equivalent
Pan & Tilt: Up to 5 24V P&T units
Lights: up to 12 x 250V (dimmed individu-
Obstacle Avoidance: Yes
Gyroscope: Yes
Responder/Transponder: Yes
Echosounder/Altimiter: Yes
Hydrophone: Yes
Optional Equipment Available: Yes
View PDF:
Website: http://www.smd.co.uk/products/
Contact: Graeme Walker
Email: [email protected]
URL to Distributors/Dealers/Agents: x
Mftr Notes: The 60Te QTrencher (QT) 2800 remotely operated
vehicle (ROV) is the world’s most powerful free-swimming
jet trencher. With more than 2 megawatts of total power, the
trencher delivers 1.5 megawatts of jetting power. The com-
plete system spread sets a new standard in severe weather
deployment and operation.

Ocean News & Technology 57 2015 Unmanned Vehicle Buyers Guide


Market Symbols

Defence Seabed Offshore Science Ocean Environmental

Minning Oil & Gas Renewables
Atlas Elektronik GmbH Atlas Elektronik GmbH Battelle / The Columbia
Group / Bluefin Robotics

SeaCat SeaOtter Proteus - Dual-Mode

Underwater Vehicle
Size (m): LxWxH: 2.60 - 3.20 Size (m): LxWxH: 3.70 x 1.20 x 0.98 Size (m): LxWxH: 7.89 x 1.62 x 1.62
In-Air Weight (kg): 140 - 180 In-Air Weight (kg): 1300 In-Air Weight (kg): 3745
Crane Required: Yes Crane Required: Yes Crane Required: Yes
Man-Portable: No Man-Portable: No Man-Portable: No

Maximum Payload (kg): SwapHead System, 40 Maximum Payload (kg): integrated, 180 Maximum Payload (kg): 488

LARS: 30 years field proven patented system LARS: Dockside crane

LARS: 30 years field proven patented system
Max Depth (m): 61
Max Depth (m): 600 Max Depth (m): 600
Nominal Speed (knots): 3-5
Nominal Speed (knots): 4 Nominal Speed (knots): 4
Max Speed (knots): 10
Max Speed (knots): 7 Max Speed (knots): 7
Endurance (hrs): 115 hr @ 3 knots
Endurance (hrs): 8-16 Endurance (hrs): 24
Hovering Capability: Yes
Hovering Capability: Yes Hovering Capability: Yes
Standard Equipment: FreeWave & VHF (surface
Standard Equipment: Sidescan Sonar + several Standard Equipment: Side Scan Sonar, Forward comms); Benthos modem; 1Tbyte data storage;
SwapHeads available (such as MBES, FLS, CTD, 360° Looking Sonar, Multibeam Echo Sounder, Dop- Cargo-bay door; 4.8m3 payload volume; 28vDC
Camera System, PanTilt Camera, towed Magne- pler Velocity Log, INS, GPS, Iridium, VHF Pinger, payload power; external cargo pods
tometer CTD, Synthetic Aperture Sonar (option)
Optional Equipment Available: X
Optional Equipment Available: Yes Optional Equipment Available: No
View PDF:
View PDF: View PDF:
Website: http://www.battelle.org/docs/doing-
Website: www.atlas-elektronik.com Website: www.atlas-elektronik.com business-/battelle_proteus.pdf?sfvrsn=2
Contact: Tommy Kaltofen Contact: Tommy Kaltofen Contact: Bob Geoghegan
Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected]
URL to Distributors/Dealers/Agents: URL to Distributors/Dealers/Agents: URL to Distributors/Dealers/Agents:

Mftr Notes: SeaCat is a hybrid AUV/Rov System with Mftr Notes: SeaOtter has extraordinary robust navi- Mftr Notes: The Proteus DMUV is available for sale or
a FOC Link of 1000m. It can be supplemented by a lease. It can be viewed in Panama City, FL. Operations
multitude of sensors, located in a flooded bow section. gation due to high grad of redundancy. Link System and
integration in Combat Management Systems possible. can be manned or unmanned. Large internal volume and
The SwapHead - is exchangeable in the field within
ballasting capacity make it amenable to many payloads.
minutes and allows a wide range of high demanding Propulsion for military robustness requirements. Low
missions that otherwise would require different types Integration and operation support is available.
signature. Military from the first sketch.
of vehicles.
2015 Unmanned Vehicle Buyers Guide 60 Ocean News & Technology
Bluefin Robotics Bluefin Robotics Bluefin Robotics
Corporation Corporation Corporation

Bluefin-9 Bluefin-12 Bluefin-21

Size (m): LxWxH: 2.5 x 0.2 x 0.2 Size (m): LxWxH: 4.3 x 0.3 x 0.3 Size (m): LxWxH: 4.9 x 0.5 x 0.5
In-Air Weight (kg): 70 In-Air Weight (kg): 260 In-Air Weight (kg): 750
Crane Required: No Crane Required: Yes Crane Required: Yes
Man-Portable: Yes Man-Portable: No Man-Portable: No
Maximum Payload (kg): Maximum Payload (kg): Maximum Payload (kg):
Max Depth (m): 300 Max Depth (m): 1500 Max Depth (m): 4500
Nominal Speed (knots): 3 Nominal Speed (knots): 3.0 Nominal Speed (knots): 3.0
Max Speed (knots): 5 Max Speed (knots): 4.5 Max Speed (knots): 4.5
Endurance (hrs): 10 Endurance (hrs): 30 Endurance (hrs): 25
Hovering Capability: No Hovering Capability: No Hovering Capability: No
Standard Equipment: Interferometric Sidescan Standard Equipment: Interferometric Sidescan Standard Equipment: Sidescan Sonar, Multibeam
Sonar & Camera Sonar & Camera Echosounder, Sub Bottom Profiler & Camera
Optional Equipment Available: Yes Optional Equipment Available: Yes Optional Equipment Available: Yes
View PDF: View PDF: View PDF:
Website: www.bluefinrobotics.com Website: www.bluefinrobotics.com Website: www.bluefinrobotics.com
Contact: Omer Poroy Contact: Omer Poroy Contact: Omer Poroy
Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected]
URL to Distributors/Dealers/Agents: URL to Distributors/Dealers/Agents: URL to Distributors/Dealers/Agents:

Mftr Notes: The Bluefin-9 is a lightweight, two-man- Mftr Notes: The Bluefin-12 is a highly modular auton- Mftr Notes: The Bluefin-21 is a highly modular au-
portable autonomous underwater vehicle with a mis- omous underwater vehicle with flexibility that allows tonomous underwater vehicle able to carry multiple
sion turnaround time of less than 15 minutes. Equipped for swappable payloads. The Bluefin-12 is a combina- sensors and payloads at once. It boasts a high energy
with a variety of user-selected payloads for multiple tion of immense capability and efficient packaging capacity that enables extended operations even at the
applications, the Bluefin-9 provides the performance of customizable for a variety of applications. greatest depths. The Bluefin-21 has immense capabil-
much larger AUVs in a convenient and rapidly deploy- ity but is also flexible enough to operate from various
able package. ships of opportunity worldwide.

Ocean News & Technology 61 2015 Unmanned Vehicle Buyers Guide

Bluefin Robotics ECA Robotics
Boston Engineering

HAUV GhostSwimmer™ A9

Size (m): LxWxH: 1 x 1 x 0.4 Size (m): LxWxH: Size (m): LxWxH: 2 x 0.4 x 0.5
In-Air Weight (kg): 79 In-Air Weight (kg): In-Air Weight (kg): 70
Crane Required: No Crane Required: Crane Required: No
Man-Portable: Yes Man-Portable: Man-Portable: Yes
Maximum Payload (kg): Maximum Payload (kg): Maximum Payload (kg): 25
LARS: N/A LARS: LARS: Optional
Max Depth (m): 30 Max Depth (m): Max Depth (m): 200
Nominal Speed (knots): 0.2 Nominal Speed (knots): Nominal Speed (knots): 3 - 4
Max Speed (knots): 1 Max Speed (knots): Max Speed (knots): 5
Endurance (hrs): 3.5 Endurance (hrs): Endurance (hrs): 10 to 20
Hovering Capability: Yes Hovering Capability: Hovering Capability: No
Standard Equipment: Didson Acoustic Camera Standard Equipment: Standard Equipment: FOG INS - ADCP/DVL - DGPS
Optional Equipment Available: Yes Optional Equipment Available: OAS - SSS or ISSS, CTD, Video and lights
View PDF: View PDF: Optional Equipment Available: Yes
Website: www.bluefinrobotics.com Website: www.boston-engineering.com View PDF:
Contact: Omer Poroy Contact: Website: www.ecagroup.com/en/solutions/
Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] intelligence-autonomous-underwater-vehicle
URL to Distributors/Dealers/Agents: URL to Distributors/Dealers/Agents: Contact:
Email: [email protected]
Mftr Notes: HAUV is a man-portable hovering AUV Mftr Notes: GhostSwimmer™ is a stealthy, biomimetic URL to Distributors/Dealers/Agents:
designed for inspection purposes. Equipped with a AUV used for various military missions including surveil-
high resolution imaging sonar, it surveys ship hulls lance, mine countermeasures, port security, and other
Mftr Notes: 3 different versions are available. One
and other structures autonomously. defense and homeland security initiatives. Boston Engi-
neering’s technology replicates the dynamics of biological with reduced magnetic and acoustic signature.
fish to move more rapidly, more accurately, and in more
challenging areas than other marine technology solutions.

2015 Unmanned Vehicle Buyers Guide 62 Ocean News & Technology

ECA Robotics ECA Robotics ECA Robotics

A18 A18D A18S

Size (m): LxWxH: 3.8 x 0.50 x 0.50 Size (m): LxWxH: 5.2 x 0.50 x 0.50 Size (m): LxWxH: 3.8 x 0,465
In-Air Weight (kg): 370 to 590 In-Air Weight (kg): In-Air Weight (kg): 370
Crane Required: No Crane Required: Yes Crane Required: Yes
Man-Portable: No Man-Portable: No Man-Portable: No
Maximum Payload (kg): 75 Maximum Payload (kg): 75 Maximum Payload (kg): 150
LARS: different types available also for RHIB LARS: different types available LARS: different types available
Max Depth (m): 300 Max Depth (m): 3000 Max Depth (m): 300
Nominal Speed (knots): 3 - 4 Nominal Speed (knots): 3 - 4 Nominal Speed (knots): 3-4
Max Speed (knots): 6 Max Speed (knots): 6 Max Speed (knots): 6
Endurance (hrs): 24 Endurance (hrs): 20 Endurance (hrs): 20
Hovering Capability: No Hovering Capability: No Hovering Capability: No
Standard Equipment: FOG INS - ADCP/DVL - DGPS Standard Equipment: FOG INS - ADCP/DVL - DGPS Standard Equipment: FOG INS - ADCP/DVL - DGPS ISAS
ISAS or SSS - SBP, MBES - CTD - Video and lights FLS ISAS or SSS - SBP, MBES - CTD - Video and lights FLS or SSS - SBP - MBES - CTD - Video and lights FLS
Optional Equipment Available: Yes Optional Equipment Available: Yes Optional Equipment Available: Yes
View PDF: View PDF: View PDF:
Website: www.ecagroup.com/en/solutions/a18-s Website: www.ecagroup.com/search-result/auv Website: http://www.ecagroup.com/en/solu-
Contact: Contact: tions/a18-s
Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Contact:
URL to Distributors/Dealers/Agents: URL to Distributors/Dealers/Agents: Email: [email protected]
URL to Distributors/Dealers/Agents:
Mftr Notes: Easy to deploy, modular and flexible Mftr Notes: Deep water modular and flexible plat-
platform for high resolution 3D survey. Special Order form for high resolution 3D survey. Mftr Notes: Modular and flexible mid size AUV for
compliant. high resolution 3D survey. Special order compliant.

Ocean News & Technology 63 2015 Unmanned Vehicle Buyers Guide

ECA Robotics Edgelab Srl
ECA Robotics

A18T A27 U-Mapper

Size (m): LxWxH: 2.6 x 1.5 x 0.6 Size (m): LxWxH: 5 x 0.73 x 0.73 Size (m): LxWxH: 3.5 x 0.320 x 0.320
In-Air Weight (kg): 500 In-Air Weight (kg): 900 In-Air Weight (kg): 180
Crane Required: Yes Crane Required: Yes Crane Required: No
Man-Portable: No Man-Portable: No Man-Portable: Yes
Maximum Payload (kg): 50 Maximum Payload (kg): 150 Maximum Payload (kg): 30
LARS: different types available LARS: different types available LARS: No
Max Depth (m): 300 Max Depth (m): 300 Max Depth (m): 300
Nominal Speed (knots): 3 - 4 Nominal Speed (knots): 3 - 4 Nominal Speed (knots): 4
Max Speed (knots): 5 Max Speed (knots): 6 Max Speed (knots): 7
Endurance (hrs): 15 Endurance (hrs): 32 Endurance (hrs): 8+
Hovering Capability: Yes Hovering Capability: No Hovering Capability: Yes
Standard Equipment: FOG INS - ADCP/DVL - Standard Equipment: FOG INS - ADCP/DVL - DGPS Standard Equipment: INS Navigation, GPS/Iridium
DGPS HF Sonar - SSS, Video and lights Localization, WiFi/GPRS Communication, Emer-
ISAS or SSS - SBP, MBES - CTD - Video and lights FLS
gency Recovery
Optional Equipment Available: Yes Optional Equipment Available: Yes
Optional Equipment Available: Yes
View PDF: View PDF:
View PDF:
Website: www.ecagroup.com Website: www.ecagroup.com
Website: www.edgelab.eu/products.html
Contact: Contact:
Contact: Lavinio Gualdesi
Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected]
Email: [email protected]
URL to Distributors/Dealers/Agents: URL to Distributors/Dealers/Agents:
URL to Distributors/Dealers/Agents:
Mftr Notes: Mftr Notes: Long endurance modular and flexible
platform for high resolution 3D survey. Special Order Mftr Notes: Smart, low-cost, heavy-duty, cooperative
swarm navigation, modular approach for easy integration
compliant. of AUV size payloads, customized, high quality maps from
better image reconstruction methods and improved loca-
tion accuracy of AUVs, fast and low cost horizontal surveys
of large areas with multimodal sensing, monitor changes
via back-to-the-site missions, hybrid usage ROV/AUV.
2015 Unmanned Vehicle Buyers Guide 64 Ocean News & Technology
Edgelab Srl Graal Tech s.r.l Hydroid Inc.

U-Tracker eFolaga PLUS Remus 100

Size (m): LxWxH: 2.3 x 0.120 x 0.120 Size (m): LxWxH: 2 x 0,155 x 0.155 Size (m): LxWxH: From 1.6
In-Air Weight (kg): 15 In-Air Weight (kg): 32 In-Air Weight (kg): From 37
Crane Required: No Crane Required: No Crane Required: No
Man-Portable: Yes Man-Portable: Yes Man-Portable: Yes
Maximum Payload (kg): 2 Maximum Payload (kg): payload section neutral Maximum Payload (kg):
Max Depth (m): 1000 Max Depth (m): 100 Max Depth (m): 100
Nominal Speed (knots): 2 Nominal Speed (knots): 3 Nominal Speed (knots): 3- 4
Max Speed (knots): 4 Max Speed (knots): 4 Max Speed (knots): 4.5
Endurance (hrs): 8+ Endurance (hrs): 8 Endurance (hrs): 8-10 typical
Hovering Capability: Yes Hovering Capability: Yes Hovering Capability: Yes
Standard Equipment: INS Navigation, GPS/Iridium Standard Equipment: radio connection two chan- Standard Equipment: Compass, ADCP/DVL, conduc-
Localization, WiFi/GPRS Communication, Emer- nal 2.4GHz, GPS, compass, two axes accelerometer, tivity temperature sensor, long baseline naviga-
gency Recovery tion, acoustic communications, commercial GPS,
depth meter, buoyancy control, movable ballast
Optional Equipment Available: Yes VIP software, vehicle cradle, transit cases
Optional Equipment Available: Yes
View PDF: Optional Equipment Available: Yes
View PDF:
Website: www.edgelab.eu/products.html View PDF:
Website: www.graaltech.it
Contact: Lavinio Gualdesi Website: www.hydroid.com
Contact: Andrea Caffaz
Email: [email protected] Contact: Alex Kern
Email: [email protected]
URL to Distributors/Dealers/Agents: Email: [email protected]
URL to Distributors/Dealers/Agents:
www.edgelab.eu/products.html URL to Distributors/Dealers/Agents:

Mftr Notes: Designed with modularity common criteria Mftr Notes: Folaga is characterized by a very high Mftr Notes: With a track record second to none, the Re-
to make simple and immediate testing of new sets of sen- maneuverability even at low speed, including hover- mus 100 is the most prolific compact AUV to be selected
sors. Connections between various models realized with ing capabilities, that may be exploited in several in- by the U.S. Navy fleet for their mine counter measure
a simple, interchangeable mechanical interface system. spection and patrolling tasks. The main feature of the operations. The system is in operation in more than 17
Payload is customizable as with Webcam, CTD, Side Scan countries, has over ten years of continuous product de-
eFolaga is the possibility of mounting in the easiest
Sonar, other AUV-class sensors. High maneuvrability velopment and thousands of hours of field operations.
with 2 azimutal + 2 lateral ducted propellers. possible way different kinds of mission payloads.
Ocean News & Technology 65 2015 Unmanned Vehicle Buyers Guide
Hydroid Inc. Hydroid Inc. Independent Robotics

Remus 600 Remus 6000 AQUA 2

Size (m): LxWxH: From 3.25 Size (m): LxWxH: 3.99 Size (m): LxWxH: 0.13 x 0.44 x 0.64
In-Air Weight (kg): From 240 In-Air Weight (kg): From 240 In-Air Weight (kg): 16.5
Crane Required: Yes Crane Required: Yes Crane Required: No
Man-Portable: No Man-Portable: No Man-Portable: Yes
Maximum Payload (kg): Maximum Payload (kg): Maximum Payload (kg): N/A
LARS: Yes, other options available LARS: Yes LARS:
Max Depth (m): 600 Max Depth (m): 6000
Max Depth (m): 30
Nominal Speed (knots): 3 - 4 Nominal Speed (knots): 3 - 4
Nominal Speed (knots):
Max Speed (knots): 4 Max Speed (knots): 4.5
Max Speed (knots):
Endurance (hrs): 24 typical Endurance (hrs): 16 typical
Endurance (hrs): 5
Hovering Capability: Yes Hovering Capability:
Hovering Capability: No
Standard Equipment: Standard sensors: Acoustic Standard Equipment: Standard sensors: Acoustic
Doppler current profiling, inertial navigation Doppler current profiling, acoustic modem, in- Standard Equipment: Sensors, operator control
system, pressure, conductivity & temperature, ertial navigation system, side scan sonar, pres- unit, tether
depth and GPS. Other: Acoustic modem, Iridium sure, altitude, conductivity & temperature, Optional Equipment Available: Yes
communications, WiFi communications Iridium, GPS and WiFi.
View PDF:
Optional Equipment Available: Yes Optional Equipment Available:
Website: www.independentrobotics.com
View PDF: View PDF:
Website: www.hydroid.com Website: www.hydroid.com
Email: [email protected]
Contact: Alex Kern Contact: Alex Kern
Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] URL to Distributors/Dealers/Agents:

URL to Distributors/Dealers/Agents: URL to Distributors/Dealers/Agents:

Mftr Notes: The Remus 600 is designed tp support the Mftr Notes: The Remus 6000 AUV is a deep water Mftr Notes:
growing need for operations requiring endurance, in- workhorse. This model can operate in up to 6,000 m
creased payload capacity and greater operating depth. of water, allowing for increased operational scope.

2015 Unmanned Vehicle Buyers Guide 66 Ocean News & Technology

ISE ISE Kongsberg Maritime

Arctic Explorer AUV Explorer AUV HUGIN

Size (m): LxWxH: 7.4 Size (m): LxWxH: Size (m): LxWxH: 5.2-7
In-Air Weight (kg): 2200 In-Air Weight (kg): 640 - 1850 In-Air Weight (kg): 900-1800
Crane Required: Yes Crane Required: Yes Crane Required: No
Man-Portable: Man-Portable: Man-Portable: No
Maximum Payload (kg): Maximum Payload (kg): Maximum Payload (kg):
LARS: LARS: LARS: Various to suit requirements
Max Depth (m): 5000 Max Depth (m): 300 - 6000 Max Depth (m): 6000
Nominal Speed (knots): Nominal Speed (knots): Nominal Speed (knots):
Max Speed (knots): 1 - 4.9 Max Speed (knots): 1 - 4.9 Max Speed (knots): 6
Endurance (hrs): 80 Endurance (hrs): 24 - 85 Endurance (hrs): 24-74
Hovering Capability: Hovering Capability: Hovering Capability: No
Standard Equipment: Standard Equipment: Standard Equipment: see attached PDF for more
Optional Equipment Available: Optional Equipment Available: info
View PDF: View PDF: Optional Equipment Available: Yes
Website: www.ise.bc.ca Website: www.ise.bc.ca View PDF:
Contact: Linda Mackay Contact: Linda Mackay Website: km.kongsberg.com
Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Contact: Katharina Nygaard
URL to Distributors/Dealers/Agents: URL to Distributors/Dealers/Agents: Email: [email protected]
URL to Distributors/Dealers/Agents:
Mftr Notes: Largest of the Explorer AUV class, measuring Mftr Notes: The Explorer AUV is a modular vehicle
over 7m long and weighing over 2000kg. Equipped with comprising of a forward free-flooding section, full di- Mftr Notes: HUGIN is the most commercially success-
an extended range capability, making 80 hour missions ameter pressure hull and a free flooding aft section. It ful AUV in the world, having completed over 600,000
covering 450 kms. possible. Has a unique variable ballast is optimized for long range and can easily be adapted line kilometres of paid survey. Proven by operations
system that enables it to park on the sea floor or hold itself to meet new requirements. It is available in many con- in harsh operations. Proven by operations in harsh
on the underside of ice during a mission. figurations and depth ratings from 300 to 6000 m. open ocean conditions from Africa to South America
HUGIN is the most robust AUV platform providing IHO
standard data quality.

Ocean News & Technology 67 2015 Unmanned Vehicle Buyers Guide

Kongsberg Maritime Lockheed Martin

MUNIN Marlin Mk2 AUV LAUV- Light Autonomous Under-

water Vehicle
Size (m): LxWxH: 3-4 deoending on configruation Size (m): LxWxH: 3 x 1.5 x 1.25 Size (m): LxWxH: 1.2 x 0.15 x 0.15
In-Air Weight (kg): <300 In-Air Weight (kg): 955 In-Air Weight (kg): 15
Crane Required: No
Crane Required: No Crane Required: Yes
Man-Portable: Yes
Man-Portable: No Man-Portable: No Maximum Payload (kg): 10
Maximum Payload (kg): Maximum Payload (kg): 115 LARS: one person hand launch
Max Depth (m): 100
LARS: Various to suit requirements LARS: Articulated with Docking Head
Nominal Speed (knots): 2
Max Depth (m): 1500 (600 version optional) Max Depth (m): 300 Max Speed (knots): 4
Nominal Speed (knots): Nominal Speed (knots): 2 Endurance (hrs): 8
Max Speed (knots): 4.5 Max Speed (knots): 4 Hovering Capability: No
Standard Equipment: Depth Sensor; GSM/HSDPA Module;
Endurance (hrs): 12-24 Endurance (hrs): 24 Wi-Fi Module; System Status Sensors; GPS; AHRS; Optional:
Hovering Capability: Yes Hovering Capability: Yes Side-Scan Sonar (single or dual frequency); Multibeam
Sonar; Acoustic Communications; Forward Looking Sonar;
Standard Equipment: see attacehed PDF for more Standard Equipment: AUV, Structural Survey Mission CTD; SVS; Turbidity; Fluorometer; Dissolved Oxygen; Digital
Package, Control Van, LARS, Maintenance Frame Camera+LEDs; Communications Gateway (GSM + Wi-Fi +
info GPS + Acoustic Modem)
Optional Equipment Available: Yes Optional Equipment Available: Yes Optional Equipment Available: Yes
View PDF: View PDF: View PDF:
Website: www.lockheedmartin.com/marlin Website: www.oceanscan-mst.com
Website: km.kongsberg.com
Contact: Katharina Nygaard Contact: Lou Dennis
Email: [email protected]
Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected]
URL to Distributors/Dealers/Agents:
URL to Distributors/Dealers/Agents: URL to Distributors/Dealers/Agents:

Mftr Notes: Lightweight AUV targeted at innovative

Mftr Notes: Marlin provides safer, faster, and more ef- standalone or networked operations for cost-effective
Mftr Notes: Kongsberg Maritime`s latest AUV pro-
fective subsea integrity management inspections of sub- oceanographic, hydrographic and security and
vides higher standards of data quality and navigation
sea facilities and pipeline inspections, structural, damage surveillance surveys. NEPTUS is the LAUV command
for low logistics AUV surveys from ships of opportunity
assessment and decommissioning surveys. High fidelity and control user interface. As a complete software
3D geo-referenced models of infrastructure are generated framework was designed to support all user’s actions
in real time, while employing autonomous change detec- in all stages of the mission life cycle: plan and design,
tion from baseline surveys. Robust obstacle detection and simulation, execution, monitoring and data analysis.
avoidance OD/OA system.
2015 Unmanned Vehicle Buyers Guide 68 Ocean News & Technology
AUVs OceanServer QinetiQ North America
Technology, Inc. Technology, Inc.

Iver3-450 Nano AUV Iver3-580 AUV Sea Scout

Size (m): LxWxH: 2 Size (m): LxWxH: 2 Size (m): LxWxH: 0.914 x 0.124 (OD)
In-Air Weight (kg): 18 In-Air Weight (kg): 36 In-Air Weight (kg): 10
Crane Required: No Crane Required: No Crane Required: No
Man-Portable: Man-Portable: Yes Man-Portable: Yes
Maximum Payload (kg): Maximum Payload (kg): Maximum Payload (kg): 4
Max Depth (m): 100 Max Depth (m): 100 Max Depth (m): 200
Nominal Speed (knots): 2-3 Nominal Speed (knots): 2-3 Nominal Speed (knots): 4
Max Speed (knots): 4 Max Speed (knots): 4 Max Speed (knots): 15
Endurance (hrs): 5 Endurance (hrs): 10 Endurance (hrs): 11
Hovering Capability: No Hovering Capability: No Hovering Capability: Yes
Standard Equipment: Nano AUV standard Standard Equipment: AUV ships with RDI DVL, Standard Equipment: Propulsion, Power, Naviga-
package includes DVL, GPS, Wifi, Handheld GPS, Wifi and swappable battery section tion, Line of sight and satellite communication
Remote, Starfish Side Scan and Iridium Optional Equipment Available: Yes Optional Equipment Available: Yes
Optional Equipment Available: No View PDF: View PDF:
View PDF: Website: http://www.iver-auv.com/iver3S.htm Website: https://www.qinetiq-na.com/prod-
Website: http://www.iver-auv.com/iver3Nano.html Contact: Jim Kirk ucts/unmanned-systems/sea-scout/
Contact: Jim Kirk Email: [email protected] Contact: Knut Streitlien
Email: [email protected] URL to Distributors/Dealers/Agents: Email: [email protected]
URL to Distributors/Dealers/Agents: URL to Distributors/Dealers/Agents:
Mftr Notes: The Iver3-580 options include Side Scan, https://www.qinetiq-na.com/
Bathy, Environmental Sensors, User 2nd CPU, Camera,
Mftr Notes:
Iridium, Modem and Handheld Remote
Mftr Notes: Sea Scout™ is a general purpose UUV that
can be deployed with a standard A-size sonobuoy launch
container. It can have up to two optional payload sensors.

Ocean News & Technology 69 2015 Unmanned Vehicle Buyers Guide

RTSYS Saab Seaeye Ltd
SeaRobotics Corporation

APV-RT Sabertooth HullBUG, Semi autonomous

Hull cleaning system
Size (m): LxWxH: 2.27 x 0.15 x 0.15 Size (m): LxWxH: 3.6 x 0.66 x 0.45 Size (m): LxWxH: 0.61 x 0.53 x 0.35
In-Air Weight (kg): 36 In-Air Weight (kg): 650 In-Air Weight (kg): 30; dependent on cleaning tool
Crane Required: No Crane Required: Yes Crane Required: NO
Man-Portable: Yes Man-Portable: No Man-Portable: Yes
Maximum Payload (kg): 6 Maximum Payload (kg): Maximum Payload (kg): 5
LARS: 2 man deployable LARS: Optional LARS: Davit deployed
Max Depth (m): 300 Max Depth (m): 1200 Max Depth (m): 30
Nominal Speed (knots): 4 Nominal Speed (knots): Nominal Speed (knots): 1
Max Speed (knots): 15 Max Speed (knots): 5 Max Speed (knots): NA
Endurance (hrs): 21 Endurance (hrs): 8 Endurance (hrs): unlimited with tether
Hovering Capability: No Hovering Capability: Yes Hovering Capability:
Standard Equipment: acoustic payload - noise Standard Equipment: Standard Equipment: Brush based or cavitat-
maker - noise repeater - hydrophone recorder Optional Equipment Available: ing jet based cleaning tools, full compliment
Optional Equipment Available: Yes View PDF: of navigation and control sensors
View PDF: Website: www.seaeye.com/sabertooth.html Optional Equipment Available: Yes
Website: www.rtsys.eu Contact: James Douglas View PDF:
Contact: Luc Simon Email: [email protected] Website: www.searobotics.com
Email: [email protected] URL to Distributors/Dealers/Agents: Contact: Don Darling
URL to Distributors/Dealers/Agents: www.seaeye.com/contact.html Email: [email protected]
URL to Distributors/Dealers/Agents:
Mftr Notes: Large autonomy, torpedo shape, doppler Mftr Notes: Hybrid ROV/AUV Vehicle
velocity, man-portable, carbon hull, high-precision Mftr Notes: Hull bio-inspired underwater hull hus-
INS, MAST fixed buoyancy, WiFi, GPS, AIS, BandX bandry system used for frequent grooming, inspec-
tion, anti-fouling and foul release coating mainte-
nance for autonomous or tethered operation.

2015 Unmanned Vehicle Buyers Guide 70 Ocean News & Technology

Teledyne Gavia Teledyne Marine The Boeing Company

Gavia Offshore Deep Ocean Tethered Echo Ranger Autonomous

Surveyor AUV Sensor Platform Unmanned Underwater Vehicle
Size (m): LxWxH: Varies Typical 2.7 x .2 x.3 Size (m): LxWxH: 2.39 x 0.84 x 1.14 Size (m): LxWxH: 5.6 x 1.3 x 1.3
In-Air Weight (kg): Varies Typical 65-90 In-Air Weight (kg): 590 In-Air Weight (kg): 4,545
Crane Required: No Crane Required: Yes Crane Required: Yes
Man-Portable: No
Man-Portable: Yes Man-Portable: No
Maximum Payload (kg): 225
Maximum Payload (kg): Variable Maximum Payload (kg): 268
LARS: Optional LARS:
Max Depth (m): 3,000
Max Depth (m): 1000 Max Depth (m): 6000 Nominal Speed (knots): 2.8
Nominal Speed (knots): 3.5 Nominal Speed (knots): 1-5 Max Speed (knots): 6
Max Speed (knots): 5.5+ Max Speed (knots): 5 Endurance (hrs): 40
Endurance (hrs): 6+(Varies) Endurance (hrs): Hovering Capability: No

Hovering Capability: No Hovering Capability: No Standard Equipment: Echo Ranger UUV, 20ft Sea
Van,Topside Support Computers, Maintenance Cart,
Standard Equipment: Optional SSS, SBP, MBES, Standard Equipment: Sidescan Sonar, Sub Bot-
Launch and Recovery Equipment, Battery charging
camera, SV / CTD , and other environ. sensors. tom Profiler, Multibeam Sonar, Positioning and equipment, Acoustic Communication Equipment
Nav. includes DVL INS, LBL, USBL Safety Systems Optional Equipment Available:
Optional Equipment Available: Yes Optional Equipment Available: View PDF:

View PDF: View PDF: Website: www.boeing.com

Website: www.teledynegavia.com/ Website: http://teledynebenthos.com
Contact: Kolbrun Arnadottir Contact: Peter Ranelli
URL to Distributors/Dealers/Agents:
Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected]
URL to Distributors/Dealers/Agents: URL to Distributors/Dealers/Agents: http://tele- Mftr Notes: New sensor and system payloads are rapidly
being introduced to UUVs. The Boeing Solution to testing these
dynebenthos.com/contact/sales_distribution proposed systems requires a vehicle with ample payload capac-
Mftr Notes: The Gavia AUV is a field proven low logistics, ity and energy. The Echo Ranger is uniquely suited to this task
versatile modular survey platform capable of delivering with proven autonomy, generous external payload volume, and
Mftr Notes: Deep Ocean Tethered System combines
high quality geophysical survey data while operating from available energy capacity. It has been used in the Gulf of Mexico
vessels of opportunity or from shore. Low logistics surveys side scan sonar, mulitbeam swath bathymetry and
as a survey asset to capture high fidelity sonar images of the
provide very cost effective data when compared to tradi- sub bottom profilers to produce high resolution im-
seafloor for various petroleum interests.
tional means using costly large surface vessels and ROVs. ages of features and contacts on the ocean bottom.

Ocean News & Technology 71 2015 Unmanned Vehicle Buyers Guide

Vehicle Control
Vehicle Control YSI Integrated
Technologies, Inc. Technologies, Inc. Systems & Services

Harborscan UUV Hybrid PTB-UUV EcoMapper AUV

Size (m): LxWxH: 2.5 x 0.19 x 0.19 Size (m): LxWxH: 2.67 x 0.32 x 0.32 Size (m): LxWxH: 1.52 x 0.15
In-Air Weight (kg): 52 In-Air Weight (kg): 225 In-Air Weight (kg): 28.85
Crane Required: No Crane Required: Yes Crane Required: No
Man-Portable: Yes Man-Portable: No Man-Portable: Yes
Maximum Payload (kg): Maximum Payload (kg): Maximum Payload (kg): n/a
LARS: 2-person hand launch & recovery or A-frame. LARS: VCT Universal Docking System (Underwa- LARS:
VCT ramp recovery system available for small boats. ter) & LARS (Ramp-style) Max Depth (m): 100
Max Depth (m): 300 Max Depth (m): 900 Nominal Speed (knots): 2.5
Nominal Speed (knots): 5 Nominal Speed (knots): 5 Max Speed (knots): 3.5
Max Speed (knots): 5 Max Speed (knots): 7 Endurance (hrs): 8-10
Endurance (hrs): 8 Endurance (hrs): 5 Hovering Capability: Yes
Hovering Capability: Hovering Capability: Standard Equipment: Wifi, Satellite, Sidescan So-
Standard Equipment: Standard Equipment: nar, Doppler Velocity Log (DVL), Water Quality
Sensors, Remote Control Handheld Device.
Optional Equipment Available: Optional Equipment Available:
Optional Equipment Available: Yes
View PDF: View PDF:
View PDF:
Website: www.vctinc.com Website: www.vctinc.com
Website: www.ysisystems.com
Contact: Douglas E. Humphreys Contact: Douglas E. Humphreys
Contact: Sales
Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected]
Email: [email protected]
URL to Distributors/Dealers/Agents: http://www.geo- URL to Distributors/Dealers/Agents: http://www.geo-
URL to Distributors/Dealers/Agents:
matching.com/products/id1979-hybrid-ptb-uuv.html matching.com/products/id1979-hybrid-ptb-uuv.html

Mftr Notes: YSI Introduces a unique system for collect-

Mftr Notes: VCT modular tail cone design means this Mftr Notes: Users that benefit from a single system
ing water quality data. The EcoMapper AUV equipped
vehicle scales in diameter to accommodate your pay- that can be used as a high-performance tow body and with YSI’s multi-parameter water quality sensors provides
an untethered UUV based on the same vehicle. Search researchers and scientists with a data collection platform
load requirements. unmatched in it flexibility and capability. The EcoMapper
and survey; mine countermeasures (MCM); open archi-
can measure water quality, currents, and bathymetry at a
tecture R&D platform. continuous interval for missions ranging from 8-10 hours.

2015 Unmanned Vehicle Buyers Guide 72 Ocean News & Technology


Market Symbols

Defence Seabed Offshore Science Ocean Environmental

Minning Oil & Gas Renewables
Advanced Undersea Advanced Undersea
Advanced Undersea
Vehicles & Systems Vehicles & Systems Vehicles & Systems

MUSV 3.0 MUSV 4.0 Switchblade MUSV 25.0 Concept

Size (m): Length: 3.1 Size (m): Length: 4 Size (m): Length: 25
Beam: 1.5 Beam: 2 Beam: 8
Height: 2 Height: 1 Height: 4.8
Weight (kg): 295 Weight (kg): 500 Weight (kg): 26,800
Draft (m): .25 Draft (m): .2 Draft (m): 2.4
Max Speed (knots): 2.5 Max Speed (knots): 10 Max Speed (knots): 20
Endurance (hrs): 12 Endurance (hrs): 12 Endurance (hrs): 500
Range (km): 5 Range (km): 5 Range (km): 5,000
Primary Propulsion: 2 X 400W Primary Propulsion: Dual Azimuthing Ele Primary Propulsion: Azimuthing D/E Thrusters
Powered by: Electric Powered by: Diesel, Electric Powered by: Diesel, Electric
Navigation Aids: Hemisphere GPS, P&R Navigation Aids: Hemisphere V103 Navigation Aids: Dual GPS, INS
Maximum Payload (kg): 100 Maximum Payload (kg): 100 Maximum Payload (kg): 15,000
Standard Equipment: Manual or Auto Pilot con- Standard Equipment: Dual I7 PC,hot swap SS drives, Standard Equipment: Call AUV-S for more info
trol via hardened tablet or laptop, transducer Dual Frequency Telem, spare digital and analog O/I Optional Equipment Available: Yes
deployment system, cast winch, dual camera, & power for payloads, live data and video stream-
View PDF:
dual telemetry, realtime data stream ing, Hardened tablet for operator interface.
Website: www.auv-s.com
Optional Equipment Available: Yes Optional Equipment Available: Yes
Contact: David Medeiros
View PDF: View PDF:
Email: [email protected]
Website: www.auv-s.com Website: www.auv-s.com
URL to Distributors/Dealers/Agents:
Contact: David Medeiros Contact: David Medeiros
[email protected]
Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected]
URL to Distributors/Dealers/Agents: URL to Distributors/Dealers/Agents:
http://swathe-services.com http://swathe-services.com (for UK/EU)

Mftr Notes Custom design and manufacture of un- Mftr Notes Custom design and manufacture of un-
Mftr Notes
manned vessel systems, components and launch and manned vessel systems, components and launch and
recovery systems. Offering unique command and control recovery systems. Offering unique command and control
systems for integration into virtually any vessel platform. systems for integration into virtually any vessel platform.

2015 Unmanned Vehicle Buyers Guide 76 Ocean News & Technology

Al Seer Marine Al Seer Marine Al Seer Marine

Eclipse Eclipse RHIB Hydra

Size (m): Length: 11 Size (m): Length: 11 Size (m): Length: 4.2
Beam: 3.1 Beam: 3.6 Beam: 1.6
Height: 4.25 / 2.62 mast folded Height: 4.72 Height: 2 / 1.3 radar arch folded
Weight (kg): 9,000 Weight (kg): 8,000 Weight (kg): 400
Draft (m): 0.7 Draft (m): 0.8 Draft (m): 0.3
Max Speed (knots): 43 Max Speed (knots): 46 Max Speed (knots): 52
Endurance (hrs): 12 @cruising speed Endurance (hrs): 8 @cruising speed Endurance (hrs): 3.1 @cruising speed
Range (km): 360 excl 15% fuel reserve Range (km): 240 excl 15% fuel reserve Range (km): 145 excl 15% fuel reserve
Primary Propulsion: twin waterjet Primary Propulsion: twin waterjet Primary Propulsion: waterjet
Powered by: Diesel, Electric, Hybrid Powered by: Diesel Powered by: Gasoline
Navigation Aids: Radar, sonar Navigation Aids: Radar, sonar Navigation Aids: Radar, sonar
Maximum Payload (kg): 500 Maximum Payload (kg): 500 Maximum Payload (kg): 250
Standard Equipment: 2 video cameras, NETNode Standard Equipment: 2 video cameras, NETNode Standard Equipment: Video camera, NETNode
comms suite comms suite comms suite
Optional Equipment Available: Yes Optional Equipment Available: Yes Optional Equipment Available:
View PDF: View PDF: View PDF:
Website: www.alseermarine.ae Website: www.alseermarine.ae Website: www.alseermarine.ae
Contact: Russell Bartlett Contact: Russell Bartlett Contact: Russell Bartlett
Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected]
URL to Distributors/Dealers/Agents: URL to Distributors/Dealers/Agents: URL to Distributors/Dealers/Agents:
www.alseermarine.ae www.alseermarine.ae www.alseermarine.ae

Mftr Notes Vector thrusting with optional hybrid pro- Mftr Notes Manned and unmanned capability. Vector Mftr Notes Can be carried onboard mother ship and
pulsion system for station keeping and silent running. thrusting propulsion. deployed where required. Portable Command & Control
Hyperspike long range acoustic halling device. air/wa- Station available.
ter sampling sensor suite

Ocean News & Technology 77 2015 Unmanned Vehicle Buyers Guide


C-Cat 2 C-Enduro C-Sweep

Size (m): Length: 2.4 Size (m): Length: 4.2 Size (m): Length: 10.8
Beam: 1.2 Beam: 2.4 Beam: 3.5
Height: Height: 2.8 Height: 2.9
Weight (kg): 80-120 Weight (kg): 350 Weight (kg): 9000
Draft (m): 0.15 Draft (m): 0.4 Draft (m): 0.68
Max Speed (knots): Up to 5 Max Speed (knots): Up to 7 Max Speed (knots): 25+
Endurance (hrs): 6 hours Endurance (hrs): 2160 Endurance (hrs): 20 (cruise speed)
Range (km): 27 Range (km): 9260 Range (km): 370
Primary Propulsion: 2 X DC Electric Motors Primary Propulsion: 2 x DC Motors Primary Propulsion: 2 X Diesel Engines
Powered by: Electric Powered by: Diesel, Solar, Wind Powered by: Diesel
Navigation Aids: GPS Navigation Aids: GPS, AIS Navigation Aids: GPS, Radar, Night Vision Camera
Maximum Payload (kg): 40 Maximum Payload (kg): 100 Maximum Payload (kg): 2500
Standard Equipment: Contact ASV for details Standard Equipment: Contact ASV for details Standard Equipment: Contact ASV for details
Optional Equipment Available: Yes Optional Equipment Available: Yes Optional Equipment Available: Yes
View PDF: View PDF: View PDF:
Website: www.asvglobal.com Website: www.asvglobal.com Website: www.asvglobal.com
Contact: Vince Dobbin Contact: Vince Dobbin Contact: Vince Dobbin
Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected]
URL to Distributors/Dealers/Agents: URL to Distributors/Dealers/Agents: URL to Distributors/Dealers/Agents:

Mftr Notes Lightweight, easily deployed, multipurpose Mftr Notes C-Enduro is a long endurance marine un- Mftr Notes C-Sweep, a multi-role MCM USV, is designed
USV designed for environmental assessments and in- manned surface vehicle designed to safely and cost ef- for long endurance mine sweeping missions.
shore survey. fectively collect data at sea.

2015 Unmanned Vehicle Buyers Guide 78 Ocean News & Technology


C-Target 6 C-Target 9 C-Target 13

Size (m): Length: 6.5 Size (m): Length: 9.6 Size (m): Length: 12.9
Beam: 2.1 Beam: 2.4 Beam: 2.7
Height: 2.3 Height: 3.5 Height: 3.9
Weight (kg): 1200 Weight (kg): 2750 Weight (kg): 4200
Draft (m): 0.3 Draft (m): 0.4 Draft (m): 0.5
Max Speed (knots): 35 Max Speed (knots): 50 Max Speed (knots): 45+
Endurance (hrs): Endurance (hrs): Endurance (hrs):
Range (km): 10+ Range (km): 10+ Range (km): 10+
Primary Propulsion: Petrol outboards Primary Propulsion: Petrol outboards Primary Propulsion: Petrol outboards
Powered by: Powered by: Powered by:
Navigation Aids: GPS Navigation Aids: GPS Navigation Aids: GPS
Maximum Payload (kg): Maximum Payload (kg): Maximum Payload (kg):
Standard Equipment: Contact ASV for details Standard Equipment: Contact ASV for details Standard Equipment: Contact ASV for details
Optional Equipment Available: Yes Optional Equipment Available: Yes Optional Equipment Available: Yes
View PDF: View PDF: View PDF:
Website: www.asvglobal.com Website: www.asvglobal.com Website: www.asvglobal.com
Contact: Vince Dobbin Contact: Vince Dobbin Contact: Vince Dobbin
Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected]
URL to Distributors/Dealers/Agents: URL to Distributors/Dealers/Agents: URL to Distributors/Dealers/Agents:

Mftr Notes 6m Marine Surface Target designed for use Mftr Notes 9m Marine Surface Target designed for use Mftr Notes 13m Marine Surface Target designed for
in Naval gunnery training, weapons testing and ship in Naval gunnery training, weapons testing and ship use in Naval gunnery training, weapons testing and
command and control assessments. command and control assessments. ship command and control assessments.

Ocean News & Technology 79 2015 Unmanned Vehicle Buyers Guide

Deep Ocean Deep Ocean
Engineering, Inc. Engineering, Inc.

C-Worker H-1750 I-1650

Size (m): Length: 5.9 Size (m): Length: 1.75 Size (m): Length: 1.65
Beam: 2.2 Beam: 1000 Beam: 0.695
Height: 4.8 Height: Height:
Weight (kg): 3500 Weight (kg): 45 Weight (kg): 30
Draft (m): 0.9 Draft (m): Draft (m):
Max Speed (knots): 4-6 Max Speed (knots): Max Speed (knots):
Endurance (hrs): 720 Endurance (hrs): 8+ Endurance (hrs): 4-8
Range (km): Iridium coverage Range (km): 2 Range (km): 2
Primary Propulsion: 2 X Diesel Generator Sets Primary Propulsion: Two (2) 1/2hp thrusters Primary Propulsion: Two (2) 1/2hp thrusters
Powered by: Diesel Powered by: Electric Powered by: Electric
Navigation Aids: GPS, Radar, Night Vision Camera Navigation Aids: GPS, Autonomous software Navigation Aids: GPS, Autonomous software
Maximum Payload (kg): 500 Maximum Payload (kg): 100 Maximum Payload (kg): 100
Standard Equipment: Contact ASV for details Standard Equipment: HD camera, GPS (user Standard Equipment: HD camera, GPS (user speci-
Optional Equipment Available: Yes specified), on board PC, siren, flashing light fied), on board PC, siren, flashing light
View PDF: Optional Equipment Available: Optional Equipment Available:
Website: www.asvglobal.com View PDF: View PDF:
Contact: Vince Dobbin Website: www.deepocean.com/usvh-1750.php Website: www.deepocean.com/usvi-1650.php
Email: [email protected] Contact: AJ Cecchettini Contact: AJ Cecchettini
URL to Distributors/Dealers/Agents: Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected]
URL to Distributors/Dealers/Agents: URL to Distributors/Dealers/Agents:
www.deepocean.com www.deepocean.com

Mftr Notes C-Worker is an oil field services unmanned

surface vehicle designed to conduct subsea positioning, Mftr Notes The H1750 is a remotely controlled elec- Mftr Notes The I-1650 is a remotely controlled electric
tric surface vessel designed to make safe, unmanned surface vessel designed to make safe, unmanned mea-
surveying and environmental monitoring.
measurements in a variety of environments. It is fully surements of currents, bathymetry, and discharge with
customizable with a whole suite of sampling options ADCPs and single/multibeam sonars. It is fully custom-
for data acquisition. izable with a computer, GPS, HD video, depth sounder
and a variety of other instruments.

2015 Unmanned Vehicle Buyers Guide 80 Ocean News & Technology

ECA Robotics ECA Robotics ECA Robotics


Size (m): Length: 7.1 Size (m): Length: 9 Size (m): Length: 10
Beam: 2.5 Beam: 2.9 Beam: 2.95
Height: 3.5 Height: 4.4 Height: 4.4
Weight (kg): 2100 Weight (kg): 4200 Weight (kg): 5000
Draft (m): 0.5 Draft (m): 0.55 Draft (m): 0.6
Max Speed (knots): 35 Max Speed (knots): 30 Max Speed (knots): 40
Endurance (hrs): 15 at 20kt Endurance (hrs): 12hat 10kt Endurance (hrs): 30 at 8 kt
Range (km): 550 Range (km): 220 Range (km): 450
Primary Propulsion: 250 HP inboard + propeller Primary Propulsion: 2 Diesels and Hydrojets Primary Propulsion: 2 Diesels & Hydrojets
Powered by: Diesel Powered by: Diesel Powered by: Diesel
Navigation Aids: DGPS, IMU Navigation Aids: DGPS, INS, OAS Navigation Aids: DGPS, INS
Maximum Payload (kg): 1000 Maximum Payload (kg): 1000 Maximum Payload (kg): 1000
Standard Equipment: Rigid Hull Inflatable boat Standard Equipment: Sailing cameras, Video Standard Equipment: Day/night sensors, Elec-
360° day/night cameras, Intuitive User Interface and data transmissions, Bow mast for under- tro Optical Device
Optional Equipment Available: Yes water sensors (SSS, MBES, SBP...) Optional Equipment Available: Yes
View PDF: Optional Equipment Available: Yes View PDF:
Website: www.ecagroup.com View PDF: Website: www.ecagroup.com/en/solutions/
Contact: Website: www.ecagroup.com/en/solutions/ inspector-mk2-extend
Email: [email protected] unmanned-surface-vehicle-inspector-mk2 Contact: Vincent Clavier
URL to Distributors/Dealers/Agents: Email: [email protected]
Contact: URL to Distributors/Dealers/Agents:
Mftr Notes Expendable target towing is available for Email: [email protected]
artillery and gunner training. URL to Distributors/Dealers/Agents: Mftr Notes Depending final application, the USV is
a platform able to deploy Fire fighting means, remote
Mftr Notes Depending final application, the USV is a control subsystem (letal et non letal).
carrier for Mine Killer, sonar (towed or bowl keel arm),
AUV, EOD, Loud Speaker HP, non letal weapons.
Ocean News & Technology 81 2015 Unmanned Vehicle Buyers Guide
Marine Advanced
Echostream Inc. Marine Tech

Kingfisher USV 16’ WAM-V USV RSV (Remote Survey Vehicle)

Size (m): Length: 1.350 Size (m): Length: 4.9 Size (m): Length: 3.25
Beam: 0.980 Beam: 2.4 Beam: 1.60
Height: 0.320 Height: Height: 0.80 m
Weight (kg): 22 Weight (kg): 181 Weight (kg): 250 (without sensors)
Draft (m): 0.15 Draft (m): 0.15 - .41 Draft (m): 0.50
Max Speed (knots): 3.3 Max Speed (knots): 11 Max Speed (knots): 3.5
Endurance (hrs): 3 @ 1 m/s Endurance (hrs): Endurance (hrs): 4
Range (km): 10.8 @ 1 m/s Range (km): Up to 185 at 3 knots Range (km): 10

Primary Propulsion: electric water jet thrusters Primary Propulsion: 2 x electric outboards or 2 x Primary Propulsion: 2 electric engines

Powered by: Electric water jets Powered by: Electric

Navigation Aids: Tele-op, semi/full autonomy Navigation Aids: GPS, anticollision radar, video camera
Powered by: Electric
Maximum Payload (kg): 10 Maximum Payload (kg): 550
Navigation Aids:
Standard Equipment: The RSV is an easy deployed
Standard Equipment: Single-beam Echosounder Maximum Payload (kg): 113
remote controlled surface vehicle dedicated to ma-
(SBES), Motion Reference Unit (MRU), Op- Standard Equipment: rine survey. It is powered by electrical engines. Data
erator Control Unit (OCU), WiFi Base Station Optional Equipment Available: Yes recorded by sensors integrated on-board are trans-
Optional Equipment Available: Yes View PDF: ferred in real time to a control base up to 10km and
the positioning is provided thanks to high precision
View PDF: Website: www.wam-v.com/16-wam-v-usv GPS, gyrocompass and motion sensor.
Website: www.echostream.io Contact: Mark Gundersen, President & CEO Optional Equipment Available: Yes
Contact: Luke Kasprzak Email: [email protected] View PDF:
Email: [email protected] URL to Distributors/Dealers/Agents: Website: www.marinetech.fr
URL to Distributors/Dealers/Agents: Contact: Magali MOURIES
Mftr Notes Introducing the newest edition to the Email: [email protected]
WAM-V product line. URL to Distributors/Dealers/Agents:
Mftr Notes Can integrate different side-scan, multi-
Mftr Notes RSV is fitted with state-of-the-art sen-
beam, dual-frequency, sub-bottom profiling sonars sors such as: multibeam echosounder, side scan sonar,
and other water quality sensors. sub-bottom profiler, ADCP, motion sensor, DGPS, video
camera, etc..
2015 Unmanned Vehicle Buyers Guide 82 Ocean News & Technology
Maritime Robotics MOST (AV) Ltd MSHIPCO, LLC

Mariner AutoNaut Magneto USV

Size (m): Length: 5.85 Size (m): Length: 3.5 Size (m): Length: 14.6
Beam: 2.05 Beam: 0.45 Beam: 6.1
Height: 2.05 Height: 0.20 Height: 3.81 (No Mast)
Weight (kg): 1700 Weight (kg): 110 Weight (kg): 14,600

Draft (m): 0.4 Draft (m): 0.30 Draft (m): 0.65

Max Speed (knots): 30+
Max Speed (knots): > 30 Max Speed (knots): 3
Endurance (hrs): 45
Endurance (hrs): > 50 Endurance (hrs): 3 months
Range (km): 1,667 (@ 10 m/s)
Range (km): Range (km): 4000
Primary Propulsion: Caterpillar C9
Primary Propulsion: Waterjet Primary Propulsion: wave propulsion
Powered by: Diesel, Other: Hamilton Waterjects
Powered by: Diesel Powered by: Wave, electric for calm and slipway
with ZF280 gearbox
Navigation Aids: launch
Navigation Aids: Sensintel’s Piccolo-based system
Maximum Payload (kg): 500 Navigation Aids: all round white light, AIS, radar Maximum Payload (kg): 4,082
Standard Equipment: Multibeam echosounder, transponder Standard Equipment: Engine instrument and control
CDT/ADCP/MET sensor (MetOcean), HPR, Cam- Maximum Payload (kg): 35 package; Hydraulic steering system; Diesel fuel tank-
eras, Chemical sensors Standard Equipment: AirMar weather station, age and monitoring system; Bilge, safety and fire sup-
Optional Equipment Available: insolation sensor, WetLabs Triplet puck, CTD, pression systems; AC/DC electrical system w/genset
ADCP, towed acoustic array supporting equipment; Electronics and navigation
View PDF:
system; Turn key, self-turning autonomous control
Website: www.maritimerobotics.com Optional Equipment Available: Yes
package; Manual control helm station (2 seats)
Contact: View PDF:
Optional Equipment Available: Yes
Email: Website: www.autonautusv.com
View PDF:
URL to Distributors/Dealers/Agents: Contact: Mike Poole
Website: www.mshipco.com/mistralmagneto.html
Email: [email protected]
Contact: Bill Burns
Mftr Notes The Mariner USV is a multipurpose un- URL to Distributors/Dealers/Agents:
Email: [email protected]
manned vehicle with hull and superstructure made
of polyethylene. The vehicle will fit into a standard 20 Mftr Notes A unique storm-proven wave propelled URL to Distributors/Dealers/Agents: n/a
feet container for easy cargo shipping. The Mariner is
USV capable of very long endurance missions. Sensors
equipped with a large payload room of more than one Mftr Notes Magneto is a variant of the Mistral for mine
cubic meter and can be equipped with a variety of sur- on mast, in hull, and towed. PV cells and Methanol fu-
els cell provide power for all electronics. countermeasures. The Specs above are when fully loaded.
face and sub-surface sensors/payload types.
Ocean News & Technology 83 2015 Unmanned Vehicle Buyers Guide
MSHIPCO, LLC Ocean Aero, Inc. Offshore Sensing AS

Mistral USV Submaran Sailbuoy

Size (m): Length: 14.6 Size (m): Length: 3.65 Size (m): Length: 2
Beam: 6.1 Beam: 0.8 Beam: 0.5
Height: 3.81 (No Mast) Height: 2.45 Height: 0.7
Weight (kg): 14,600 Weight (kg): 57 Weight (kg): 60
Draft (m): 0.65 Draft (m): 1.2 Draft (m): 0.5
Max Speed (knots): 30+
Max Speed (knots): 6 Max Speed (knots): 3
Endurance (hrs): 45
Endurance (hrs): Endurance (hrs): 5000
Range (km): 1,667 (@10 m/s)
Range (km): 5000+ Range (km): 3000
Primary Propulsion: Caterpillar C9
Primary Propulsion: wind/electric Primary Propulsion: Wind
Powered by: Diesel, Other: Hamilton Waterjects
Powered by: Solar, Wind Powered by: Solar, Wind
with ZF280 gearbox
Navigation Aids: Navigation Aids: GPS, compass, vel
Navigation Aids: Sensintel’s Piccolo-based system
Maximum Payload (kg): 23 Maximum Payload (kg): 15
Maximum Payload (kg): 4,082
Standard Equipment: Sensors: anemometer, wa- Standard Equipment:
Standard Equipment: Engine instrument and con-
trol package; Hydraulic steering system; Diesel fuel ter temp, air temp, conductivity, pH, dissolved Optional Equipment Available: Yes
tankage and monitoring system; Bilge, safety and oxygen, depth, speed, turbidity, and navigation View PDF:
fire suppression systems; AC/DC electrical system w/
Optional Equipment Available: Yes Website: sailbuoy.no
genset supporting equipment; Electronics and navi-
gation system; Turn key, self-turning autonomous View PDF: Contact: David Peddie
control package; Manual control helm station (2 seats) Website: www.oceanaero.us Email: [email protected]
Optional Equipment Available: Yes Contact: Ken Childress URL to Distributors/Dealers/Agents:
View PDF: Email: [email protected]
Website: www.mshipco.com/mistralmagneto.html URL to Distributors/Dealers/Agents: Mftr Notes The Sailbuoy is an easy to use autono-
Contact: Bill Burns mous vessel for long term monitoring that can be
Mftr Notes Submaran is an unmanned surface and
Email: [email protected] equipped with a wide variety of sensors.
sub-surface vehicle using wind and solar for energy and
URL to Distributors/Dealers/Agents: n/a
propulsion. Operable from surface to 200 m depth. The
vehicle may be purchased or leased as a System as a
Mftr Notes The specs provided above are when the
Service operated and maintained by Ocean Aero.
vessel is fully loaded.

2015 Unmanned Vehicle Buyers Guide 84 Ocean News & Technology

USVs SeaRobotics SeaRobotics
Corporation Corporation Corporation

11-meter Long Endurance High Speed/Target/Security MiniCat 2.5 meter

Size (m): Length: 11 Size (m): Length: 9 Size (m): Length: 2.5
Beam: 5.2; 2.1 collapsed Beam: 3 Beam: 1.25
Height: Height: Height:
Weight (kg): 1,950 dry; 3,185 with 380 gallons Weight (kg): 3000 Weight (kg): 65
of fuel Draft (m): 0.6 Draft (m): 0.13
Draft (m): 0.4 Max Speed (knots): 50 Max Speed (knots): 0-9
Max Speed (knots): 9.0 Endurance (hrs): 24 Endurance (hrs): 4-20 depending on mission
Endurance (hrs): 60 days @ 2.6 m/s Range (km): 800 Range (km): 60
Range (km): 12000 @ 5 knots Primary Propulsion: 300 HP vectored outboard Primary Propulsion: Electric
Primary Propulsion: Diesel-electric hybrid prop Powered by: Diesel, Electric, Gas Powered by: Electric
Powered by: Diesel, Electric Navigation Aids: Typical navigation sensors Navigation Aids: Typical navigation sensors
Navigation Aids: Typical navigation sensors and aids and aids
and aids Maximum Payload (kg): 1000 Maximum Payload (kg): 50
Maximum Payload (kg): 1800 Standard Equipment: M a n n e d / U n m a n n e d Standard Equipment: GPS, Depth, Attitude,
Standard Equipment: GPS, Depth, Atti- helm and throttle/shift set, with joy stick. All Health sensors. Lithium Batteries, high band-
tude, Health sensors. Lithium Batteries, required navigation and communication sys- width communications
tems and base station console
high bandwidth communications Optional Equipment Available: Yes
Optional Equipment Available: Yes
Optional Equipment Available: Yes View PDF:
View PDF:
View PDF: Website: www.searobotics.com
Website: www.searobotics.com
Website: www.searobotics.com Contact: Don Darling
Contact: Don Darling
Contact: Don Darling Email: [email protected]
Email: [email protected]
Email: [email protected] URL to Distributors/Dealers/Agents:
URL to Distributors/Dealers/Agents:
URL to Distributors/Dealers/Agents:

Mftr Notes We offer a range of target, test, and Mftr Notes Man-portable, shallow water system
Mftr Notes Designed for large payload, long
security USVs for various high speed test and evalu-
duration mission capability with high sea state
ation projects

Ocean News & Technology 85 2015 Unmanned Vehicle Buyers Guide

SeaRobotics SeaRobotics SeaRobotics
Corporation Corporation Corporation

USV-5.7 meter General Purpose USV-2600 General Purpose VersaCat 3.6 meter
Catamaran Catamaran
Size (m): Length: 5.7 Size (m): Length: 4.0 Size (m): Length: 3.6; collapsible for road
Beam: 2.9; 2.1 collapsed Beam: 2.0 transport or shipping
Beam: 5.2; collapsible for road transport
Height: Height:
Weight (kg): 356 Weight (kg): 150 without battery
Weight (kg): 118
Draft (m): 0.4 Draft (m): 0.40
Draft (m): 0.30
Max Speed (knots): 9.7+ Max Speed (knots): 0-9 Max Speed (knots): 0-7 dependent on payload,
Endurance (hrs): 8+ with 5400 w-hr battery Endurance (hrs): 4-40; dependent on battery propulsion, sea state, etc.
Range (km): 360 w/10kw-hr battery selection and speed Endurance (hrs): 4-20 depending on mission
Primary Propulsion: electric or hybrid prop Range (km): 160 Range (km): 120
Powered by: Diesel, Electric, Gas Primary Propulsion: Electric Primary Propulsion: Electric
Navigation Aids: Typical navigation sensors Powered by: Electric, Gas Powered by: Electric
and aids Navigation Aids: Typical navigation sensors Navigation Aids: Typical navigation sensors
Maximum Payload (kg): 350 and aids and aids
Standard Equipment: GPS, Depth, Atti- Maximum Payload (kg): 100 Maximum Payload (kg): 60
tude, Health sensors. Lithium Batteries, Standard Equipment: GPS, Depth, Attitude, Standard Equipment: GPS, Depth, Attitude,
high bandwidth communications. Health sensors. Lithium Batteries, high band- Health sensors. Lithium Batteries, high band-
Optional Equipment Available: Yes width communications width communications
View PDF: Optional Equipment Available: Yes Optional Equipment Available: Yes
Website: www.searobotics.com View PDF: View PDF:
Contact: Don Darling Website: www.searobotics.com Website: www.searobotics.com
Email: [email protected] Contact: Don Darling Contact: Don Darling
URL to Distributors/Dealers/Agents: Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected]
URL to Distributors/Dealers/Agents: URL to Distributors/Dealers/Agents:
Mftr Notes Workhorse USV with extensive payload
Mftr Notes Wave piercing shallow water survey Mftr Notes Collapsible unit ships in a crate. Proven
capacity, surface motion mitigation, and efficiency.
system. General purpose USV in Arctic conditions.

2015 Unmanned Vehicle Buyers Guide 86 Ocean News & Technology

Subsea Tech Subsea Tech Teledyne Oceanscience

Catarob T02 CAT-Surveyor Z-Boat 1800

Size (m): Length: 1.8 Size (m): Length: 3 Size (m): Length: 1.8
Beam: 1.06 Beam: 1.8 Beam: 0.9
Height: 1 Height: 1.5
Height: 0.5
Weight (kg): 270
Weight (kg): 45 Weight (kg): 30
Draft (m): 0.4
Draft (m): 0.2 Draft (m): 0.2
Max Speed (knots): 5
Max Speed (knots): 4 Endurance (hrs): 12 Max Speed (knots): 10
Endurance (hrs): 4 Range (km): 5 Endurance (hrs): 4
Range (km): 1 Primary Propulsion: thrusters
Range (km): 20
Primary Propulsion: thrusters Powered by: Electric
Navigation Aids: yes Primary Propulsion: 24V DC Outdrives
Powered by: Electric
Maximum Payload (kg): 80 Powered by: Electric
Navigation Aids: no
Standard Equipment: catamaran, outboard electri- Navigation Aids:
Maximum Payload (kg): 10 cal motors and radio control, embedded PC104
with sensor interface as necessary (RS232/485, Maximum Payload (kg): 30
Standard Equipment: catamaran, outboard electri-
cal motors and radio control, embedded PC104 with USB, Ethernet...) in waterproof container, Lithium Standard Equipment: GNSS, Radio telemetry,
sensor interface as necessary (RS232/485, USB, Ether- Polymer accumulators with charger, magnetic
net...) in waterproof container, Lithium Polymer ac- compass, full HD color video camera, DGPS posi- Video camera, Echosounder, Side scan sonar
cumulators with charger, supervision laptop PC with tioning system (0.6m), supervision laptop PC with Optional Equipment Available: Yes
control and communication softwares, Wifi modem control and operator/maintenance manuals soft-
with PC to PC connection, magnetic compass, color wares, Wifi modem with PC to PC connection, basic View PDF:
video camera, and basic spare parts spare parts and operator/maintenance manuals Website: www.oceanscience.com
Optional Equipment Available: Yes Optional Equipment Available: Yes
Contact: Adrian McDonald
View PDF: View PDF:
Email: [email protected]
Website: www.subsea-tech.com
Website: www.subsea-tech.com
Contact: Mrs Katharina Roespel URL to Distributors/Dealers/Agents: http://
Contact: Mrs Katharina Roespel
Email: [email protected] www.oceanscience.com/Products/Z-Boat/
Email: [email protected] URL to Distributors/Dealers/Agents: Home.aspx
URL to Distributors/Dealers/Agents:
Mftr Notes Catamaran type drone, with tele-operated and
Mftr Notes Remotely operated catamaran, used as a multipur- automatic navigation modes, allowing hydrographic data acqui-
sition or port/inland above and under water surveillance. Open
Mftr Notes The Z-Boat is a shallow water hydro-
pose unmanned support for marine investigations. The system,
with its open architecture and “PC to PC” broadband communica- architecture and high-speed PC to PC communication permit easy graphic surveying system providing bathymetry or
tion, allows an easy integration of any type of sensors controlled integration and deployment of sensors such as video day/night underwater imaging where conventional methods
by PC. The pilot station onshore allows the visualization and real- cameras, side scan sonars, multibeam sonars, acoustic cameras, are not practical or safe. The Z-Boat may be operat-
time control of all software features of the onboard sensors. sediment sounders, magnetometers, mini-ROV, etc.
ed in manual or fully autonomous navigation mode.
Ocean News & Technology 87 2015 Unmanned Vehicle Buyers Guide

2015 Unmanned Vehicle Buyers Guide 88 Ocean News & Technology


Market Symbols

Defence Seabed Offshore Science Ocean Environmental

Minning Oil & Gas Renewables
ACSA EvoLogics GmbH Kongsberg Underwater
Technology, Inc.

SeaExplorer Sonobot USV Seaglider

Size (m): LxD: 2.70 x 0.25 Size (m): LxD: 1.32 x 0.45 Size (m): LxD: 2 x 0.30
Wing Span (m): 0.56 Wing Span (m): 0.92 Wing Span (m): 1
In-Air Weight (kg): 59 In-Air Weight (kg): 30 In-Air Weight (kg): 52 nominal
Depth Range (m): 700 Depth Range (m): max. 60 Depth Range (m): 1,000
Max Travel Range (km): 1,200 Max Travel Range (km): 40 Max Travel Range (km): 4,500
Endurance (hrs/d/mos): 60 days Endurance (hrs/d/mos): 10 hrs Endurance (hrs/d/mos): 10 months
Speed (kts): 1 Speed (kts): 2.2 (recommended), 7 (max.) Speed (kts): 0.3 to 0.6
Communication: Satellite & Radio Communication: WLAN, RC Communication: Iridium, serial
Navigation: GPS, Compass, Altimeter Navigation: RTK DGPS Navigation: Dead reckoning with 3-axis compass
Buoyancy Control: 1 Liter variation Buoyancy Control: 2 hydrojet floaters Buoyancy Control: 850 cc hydraulic variable
Energy Source: Rechargeable Li-ion (20h) Energy Source: 8 LiPo batteries 14.8 V/10 Ah buoyancy device
Modularity: Interchangeable payloads Modularity: Standard, Basic, Advanced configurations Energy Source: Lithium primary batteries or
# of Available Sensors: 8 # of Available Sensors: 5+ lithium rechargeable batteries
Optional Equipment Available: Yes Optional Equipment Available: Yes Modularity: Modular payload bay
View PDF: View PDF: # of Available Sensors: 12+
Website: www.seaexplorer.fr Website: http://evologics.de/en/products/sono- Optional Equipment Available: Yes
Contact: Patrice PLA bot/index.html View PDF:
Email: [email protected] Contact: Francisco Bustamante Website: www.km.kongsberg.com/auv
URL to Distributors/Dealers/Agents: Email: [email protected] Contact:
URL to Distributors/Dealers/Agents: Email: [email protected]
URL to Distributors/Dealers/Agents:
Mftr Notes: Sensors: Pumped CTD, DO, Optical Back- Mftr Notes: EVoLogics SONOBOT USV is a small, simple
Mftr Notes: Low cost, high endurance AUV for science, mili-
scatter and Fluorometer, Nitrate, Acoustic, Hydrocar- and usable platform for planning and executing a hydro-
tary/government and commercial applications. This mature
bons (NAPH, PHE, PYR, FLU), Sewage (TRY) graphic survey that can deliver accurate geo-referenced technology has revolutionized the way that ocean data is
Hybrid mode: auxiliary propeller. bathymetric measurements and high-quality imagery collected, allowing extremely long duration monitoring. The
resulting data is of higher temporal and spacial density than
with minimum transport, launch and recovery efforts.
can be collected with traditional methods.

2015 Unmanned Vehicle Buyers Guide 90 Ocean News & Technology

Liquid Robotics Inc. Teledyne Webb Teledyne Webb
Research Research

Wave Glider SV3 APEX = Autonomous Slocum Glider

Profiling Explorer
Size (m): LxD: 3.05 x 0.81 Size (m): LxD: 1.27 long x .165 dia Size (m): LxD: Typical 1.5 x .22
Wing Span (m): 1.42 Wing Span (m): NA Wing Span (m): 1.3
In-Air Weight (kg): 183 In-Air Weight (kg): 25 In-Air Weight (kg): Typical 54 (varies)
Depth Range (m): >10 Depth Range (m): 2000 or 6000 Depth Range (m): 1000
Max Travel Range (km): 17,370 to date Max Travel Range (km): NA Max Travel Range (km): 600-6000
Endurance (hrs/d/mos): up to 1 year Endurance (hrs/d/mos): 9 years Endurance (hrs/d/mos): 15 d -12 mos
Speed (kts): 1-3 Speed (kts): lagragian Speed (kts): .68 typical
Communication: Cellular/Satellite/Wi-Fi Communication: Argos, Iridium CS/RUDICS/SBD Communication: RF, Iridium, ARGOS, ACCOM
Navigation: GPS /Compass Navigation: Argos or GPS Navigation: GPS waypoints, Pressure, Altimiter
Buoyancy Control: N/A Buoyancy Control: Buoyancy engine Buoyancy Control: Buoyancy engine / thruster
Energy Source: Solar, Battery, Wave Energy Source: Batteries (Alk or Li) Energy Source: Alkaline or Lithium
Modularity: Yes, across payload, computing, and power Modularity: Yes Modularity: Yes
# of Available Sensors: 12, 56 plausible # of Available Sensors: 10+ # of Available Sensors: 42+
Optional Equipment Available: Yes Optional Equipment Available: Yes Optional Equipment Available: Yes
View PDF: View PDF: View PDF:
Website: http://www.liquidr.com/technology/ Website: www.webbresearch.com Website: www.webbresearch.com
waveglider/sv3.html Contact: Pete Furze Contact: Clara Hulburt
Contact: Liquid Robotics Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected]
Email: [email protected] URL to Distributors/Dealers/Agents: URL to Distributors/Dealers/Agents:
URL to Distributors/Dealers/Agents: http://liquidr.com/
company/partners/channel-partners.html Mftr Notes: World’s leading autonomous, long endur- Mftr Notes: A versatile low logistics remote sensing AUV
ance, profiling float. Over 8000 delivered since 1982 for ocean research and monitoring, the market leading
Mftr Notes: Liquid Robotics produces wave-powered
autonomous ocean vehicles that are easily piloted and and many configurations. 2000 and 6000 meter ca- Slocum gliders are long duration persistent monitoring
networked by customers in commercial, defense, oil & pable models. platforms that carry the largest number and greatest va-
gas, and scientific markets. Wave Gliders usher in a new riety of payloads of any glider AUV. G2 Slocum gliders are
era of ocean observation, making data collection and
also capable of mounting a an optional propeller drive.
monitoring easier, safer, and more cost-effective.

Ocean News & Technology 91 2015 Unmanned Vehicle Buyers Guide

Unmanned Vehicle
UV Manufacturing Companies A-Z
AC-CESS Co UK, Ltd. Advanced Undersea Al Seer Marine Supplies &
ROVs (Light) Vehicles and Systems, LLC Equipment LLC
Tyrebagger Works, Clinterty, Kinellar, USVs USVs
Aberdeen AB21 0TT UK 10197 Windfern Rd P.O.Box 33639, Plot A20, Sector MW-5
Contact: John Morrison Houston, TX 77064 USA Mussafah, Abu Dhabi, UAE
Phone: +44 1224 790100 Contact: David Medeiros Contact: Russell Bartlett
Fax: + 44 1224 790111 Phone: +1 832 688 9245 Phone: +971 2 551 1336
[email protected] [email protected] Fax: +971 2 551 1556
www.ac-cess.com www.auv-s.com [email protected]
ACSA Ageotec, Srl
Gliders Aquabotix
9 Europarc ROVs (Light, Medium)
Via Prati 1/1 ROVs (Light)
13590 Meyreuil, FRANCE 10 N. Main St., 3rd Floor
Contact: Patrice Pla Zola Predosa, 40069 ITALY
Contact: Roberto Galletti Fall River, MA 02720 USA
Phone: +33 4 42 58 59 20 Contact: Dawn Doraz
[email protected] Phone: +39 051 6133382
Fax: +39 051 6136159 Phone: +1 508 676 1000
www.acsa-alcen.com [email protected]
[email protected]
www.ageotec.com www.aquabotix.com

2015 Unmanned Vehicle Buyers Guide 94 Ocean News & Technology

UV Manufacturing Companies A-Z
Argus Remote Systems AS Atlas Elektronik GmbH Bluefin Robotics Corporation
ROVs (Light, Medium, Heavy) AUVs AUVs
Nygaardsviken 1 Seebaldsbrücker Heerstraße 235 553 South Street
5165 Laksevaag, NORWAY 28309, Bremen, GERMANY Quincy, MA 02169 USA
Contact: Jan Bryn Contact: Tommy Kaltofen Contact: Omer Poroy
Phone: +47 5611 30 50 Phone: +49 421 457 5060 Phone: +1 617 715 7000
Fax: +47 56 11 30 60 Fax: +49 421 457 40 80 Fax: +1 617 498 0067
[email protected] [email protected] [email protected]
www.argus-rs.no www.atlas-elektronik.com www.bluefinrobotics.com

ASV, Ltd. Battelle - Maritime Boston Engineering

USVs Technologies 300 Bear Hill Road
Unit 12 Murrills Estate, AUVs
Southampton Road Waltham, MA 02451 USA
505 King Avenue Phone: +1 781 466 8010
Portchester, Hampshire PO16 9RD UK Columbus, Ohio 43201, USA
Contact: Vince Dobbin Fax: +1 781 466 8020
Contact: Bob Geoghegan [email protected]
Phone: +44 (0) 23 9238 2573 Phone: +1 614 424 7963
[email protected] www.boston-engineering.com
Fax: +1 614 458 7963
www.asvglobal.com [email protected]

Ocean News & Technology 95 2015 Unmanned Vehicle Buyers Guide

UV Manufacturing Companies A-Z
CISCREA Deep Trekker DWTEK Co., Ltd.
ROVs (Light) ROVs (Light) ROVs (Light)
901 Av. Alphonse Lavalle - ZI Toulon 40 Melair Drive No.22, Dong Ying Road, East District
Est; BP 165 Ayr, Ontario N0B1E0 CANADA Taichung City 401, Taiwan, R.O.C
Toulon / PACA, 83088 FRANCE Contact: Amanda Coulas Contact: Chloe Kung
Phone: +33 4 94 65 23 59 Phone: +1 519 342 3177 Phone: +886 4 3502 4890
[email protected] [email protected] Fax: +886 4 2211 2890
www.ciscrea.net www.deeptrekker.com [email protected]
Deep Ocean Engineering, Inc. DOER Marine Operations
ROVs (Light, Medium), USVs ROVs (Light, Medium) ECA Group
2528 Qume Dr. Suite #11 1827 Clement Ave AUVs, ROVs (Light, Medium, Heavy), USVs
San Jose, CA 95131 USA Alameda, CA 94501 USA 262, rue des frères Lumière,
Contact: AJ Cecchettini Contact: Liz Taylor Z.I. Toulon Est BP 242
Phone: +1 408 436 1102 Phone: +1 510 530 9388 83078 Toulon Cedex, FRANCE
Fax: +1 408 436 1108 Fax: +1 510 749 8377 Contact: Valentin Hanns
[email protected] [email protected] Phone: +33 4 94 08 90 00
www.deepocean.com www.doermarine.com Fax: +33 4 94 08 90 70
[email protected]

2015 Unmanned Vehicle Buyers Guide 96 Ocean News & Technology

UV Manufacturing Companies A-Z
Echostream, Inc. EvoLogics GmbH Forum Energy Technologies
USVs Gliders (UK), Ltd.
1425 Strasburg Road, Unit 2 Ackerstr. 76 ROVs (Light, Medium, Heavy, Trenching)
Kitchener, Ontario, N2R 1H2 CANADA Berlin, 13355 GERMANY Concorde House,
Contact: Luke Kasprzak Contact: Francisco Bustamante Arnhall Business Park,
Phone: +1 519 513 2415 ext 829 Phone: +49 30 4679 862-0 Westhill, Aberdeenshire, AB32 6UF UK
Fax: 888 374 0091 Fax: +49 30 4679 862-01 Contact: Sales
[email protected] Phone: +44 1224 748341
[email protected]
www.evologics.de [email protected]

Edgelab Srl FMC Technologies

AUVs Schilling Robotics Graal Tech, Srl
Via Privata OTO, 10 ROVs (Heavy) AUVs
La Spezia, 19136 ITALY 260 Cousteau Place Via Jacopo Ruffini 9R
Contact: Lavinio Gualdesi Davis, CA 95618 USA Genoa, 16128 ITALY
Phone: +3 901871822943 Contact: Meagan Anderson Contact: Andrea Caffaz
[email protected] Phone: +1 530 747 2700 Phone: +39 010 8597680
www.edgelab.eu [email protected] Fax: +39 010 8597684
www.fmctechnologies.com/ [email protected]
SchillingRobotics www.graaltech.it

Ocean News & Technology 97 2015 Unmanned Vehicle Buyers Guide

UV Manufacturing Companies A-Z
Hydroid, Inc. ISE Kongsberg Maritime - Subsea
AUVs AUVs, ROVs (Light, Heavy) AUVs, Gliders
6 Benjamin Nye Circle 1734 Broadway Street Strandpromenaden 50
Pocasset, MA, 02559 USA Port Coquitlam, BC V3C 2M8 CANADA 3189 Horten NORWAY
Contact: Alex Kern Contact: Linda Mackay Contact: Katharina Nygaard
Phone: +1 508 563 6565 Phone: +1 604 942 5223 Phone: +47 33034100
Fax: +1 508 563 3445 Fax: +1 604 942 7577 [email protected]
[email protected] km.kongsberg.com
www.hydroid.com [email protected]
Independent Robotics KYSTDESIGN AS
JW Fishers Mfg., Inc. ROVs (Medium, Heavy)
AUVs ROVs (Light)
Montreal, QC CANADA Strandgaten 202
1953 County Street 5525 Haugesund NORWAY
Phone: +1 646 789 4022
[email protected] East Taunton, MA 02718 USA Contact: Erik Kold Bakkevig
www.independentrobotics.com Contact: Christopher Combs Phone: +47 52706250
Phone: +1 508 822 7330 [email protected]
Fax: +1 508 880 8949 www.kystdesign.no
Inuktun Services, Ltd. [email protected]
ROVs (Light) www.jwfishers.com
2569 Kenworth Road, Suite C Liquid Robotics, Inc.
Nanaimo, BC, V9T 3M4 CANADA Gliders
Contact: Jeff Christopherson 1329 Moffett Park Drive
Phone: +1 877 468 5886 Sunnyvale, CA 94089 USA
Fax: +250 729 8077 Phone: +1 408 636 4200
[email protected] Fax: +1 408 747 1923
www.inuktun.com [email protected]

Lockheed Martin
10375 Richmond Avenue, Suite 400
Houston, TX 77042 USA
Contact: Lou Dennis
Phone: +1 561 471 4391
[email protected]

Marine Advanced Research, Inc.

1301 South 46th Street, Building 300A
Richmond, CA 94804 USA
Contact: Mark Gundersen
Phone: +1 510 232 1685
[email protected]

Marine Tech SAS

64 rue de La Garde, ZAC La Millonne
83140 Six Fours les Plages FRANCE
Contact: Magali Mouries
Phone: +33 9 54 82 10 52
Fax: +33 9 59 82 10 52
[email protected]

2015 Unmanned Vehicle Buyers Guide 98 Ocean News & Technology

UV Manufacturing Companies A-Z
Mariner Underwater OceanServer
Electronics Technology, Inc.
ROVs (Medium) AUVs
20-22 Pillis str. 151 Martine Street
Piraeus, 18532 GREECE Fall River, MA 02052 USA
Contact: Marinos Pittas Contact: Jim Kirk
Phone: +30 2104100656 Phone: +1 508 678 0550
Fax: +30 2104100658 Fax: +1 508 678 0552
[email protected]
[email protected]

Maritime Robotics Offshore Sensing AS

Brattorkaia 11 Fantoftvegen 38
7014 Trondheim NORWAY Bergen, 5072 NORWAY
Phone: +47 73401900 Contact: David Peddie
www.maritimerobotics.com Phone: +47 91652190
[email protected]
MOST (Autonomous offshoresensing.com
Vessels), Ltd.
Unit A5 The Boatyard, Chichester Marina, OSBIT Power, Ltd.
Chichester, West Sussex, PO20 7EJ, UK ROVs (Trenchers)
Contact: Mike Poole Broomhaugh House,
Phone: +44 01234 511421 Riding Mill,
[email protected] Northumberland, NE44 6EG UK
www.autonautusv.com Contact: Ben Webster / Brendon Hayward
Phone: +44 1434 682 505
MSHIPCO, LLC [email protected]
USVs www.osbitpower.com
401 West A Street, Suite 2125
San Diego, CA 92101 USA
Contact: Bill Burns Outland Technology
Phone: +1 619 232 8937 ROVs (Light)
Fax: +1 619 232 8759 38190 Commercial Court
[email protected] Slidell, LA 70458, USA
www.mshipco.com Contact: Jeffrey Mayfield
Phone: +1 985 847 1104
Fax: +1 985 847 1106
Ocean Aero, Inc. [email protected]
USVs www.outlandtech.com
10755 Scripps Poway Pkwy, Suite 367
San Diego, CA 92131 USA
Contact: Ken Childress QinetiQ North America
Phone: +1 206 409 6033 AUVs, ROVs (Light, Medium)
[email protected] 350 Second Avenue
www.oceanaero.us Waltham, MA 02451 USA
Contact: Julie Collura
OCEANSCAN-MST LDA Phone: +1 781 684 4000
AUVs Fax: +1 781 684 4038
Av. Liberdade, Polo Mar UPTEC [email protected]
4450-718 Matosinhos PORTUGAL www.qinetiq-na.com
Phone: +351 220301576
[email protected]

Ocean News & Technology 99 2015 Unmanned Vehicle Buyers Guide

UV Manufacturing Companies A-Z
Rovtech Solutions, Ltd. SeaBotix Seatronics
ROVs (Light, Medium) ROVs (Light) ROVs (Light)
Unit 16, Andrews Court, Andrews Way 2877 Historic Decatur Road, Suite 100 Geoscan House, Denmore Road,
Barrow In Furness San Diego, CA 92106 USA Bridge of Don
Cumbria, LA14 2UE, UK Contact: Alasdair Murrie Aberdeen, UK
Contact: Stephan Phelps Phone: +1 619 450 4000 Contact: Phil Middleton
Phone: +44 (0)1229 822121 Fax: +1 619 450 4001 Phone: +44 (0)1224 853100
Fax: +44 (0)1229 870208 [email protected] Fax: +44 (0)1224 853101
[email protected] www.seabotix.com
www.rovtechsolutions.co.uk [email protected]
RTSYS Shark Marine
AUVs SeaRobotics Corporation
25 rue Michel Marion Technologies, Inc.
Caudan, Bretagne 56700 FRANCE AUVs, USVs ROVs (Light)
Contact: Luc Simon 7721 SW Ellipse Way Unit 4 23 Nihan Drive
Phone: +33 (0)297 898 580 Stuart, FL 34997 USA St. Catharines, Ontario L2N 1L2 CANADA
[email protected] Contact: Don Darling Phone: +1 905 687 6672
www.rtsys.fr [email protected]
Phone: +1 561 627 2676 x301
Fax: +1 561 627 8174 www.sharkmarine.com
Saab Seaeye, Ltd.
AUVs, ROVs (Light, Medium, Heavy) [email protected]
20 Brunel Way, Segensworth East, www.searobotics.com Soil Machine Dynamics (SMD)
Farehame, Hampshire PO15 5SD UK ROVs (Light, Medium, Heavy, Trenching)
Contact: James Douglas Turbinia Works, Davy Bank,
Phone: +44 01489898000 Wallsend, Tyne & Wear UK
Fax: +44 01489898001
[email protected] Contact: Victoria Bosi
www.seaeye.com Phone: +44 0191 234 2222
Fax: +44 0191 234 0444
[email protected]

Sperre AS
ROVs (Light, Medium)
Merdeveien 1
3676 Notodden NORWAY
Contact: Wenche Haugerud
Phone: +47 35025000
[email protected]

Submersible Systems Inc.

ROVs (Medium, Heavy)
333 Progresso Road
Patterson, LA 70392 USA
Contact: Wolfgang Burnside
Phone: +1 985 395 0999
Fax: +1 985 395 0995
[email protected]

Subsea Tech
ROVs (Light), USVs
167 Plage de l’Estaque
Marseilles 13016 FRANCE
Contact: Katharina Roespel
Phone: +33 (0)4 91 51 76 71
Fax: +33 (0)4 91 51 59 60
[email protected]
2015 Unmanned Vehicle Buyers Guide 100 Ocean News & Technology
UV Manufacturing Companies A-Z
Teledyne Marine Systems The Boeing Company Vehicle Control Technologies, Inc.
AUVs, Gliders, ROVs (Light) AUVs AUVs
49 Edgerton Drive 5301 Bolsa Ave 1900 Campus Commons Drive, Suite 300
North Falmouth, MA 02556 USA Huntington Beach, CA 92869 USA Reston, VA 20191 USA
Contact: Douglas E. Humphreys
Contact: Melissa Rossi Contact: Mark Kosko Phone: +1 703 620 0703
Phone: +1 508 563 1000 [email protected] Fax: +1 703 620 1734
Fax: +1 508 563 6444 www.boeing.com [email protected]
[email protected] www.vctinc.com
www.teledyne.com Underwater Robotics Ltd.
ROVs (Light, Medium) VideoRay
36 Nakhimovskiy prospect ROVs (Light)
Teledyne Oceanscience Moscow,117997, Russia 212 East High Street
AUVs Contact: Evgeny Sherstov Pottstown, PA 19464 USA
Contact: Erick Estrada
2245 Camino Vida Roble, Suite 100 Phone: +7 495 9709389 Phone: +1 610 458 3000
Carlsbad, CA 92011 USA Fax: +7 499 1292045 Fax: +1 610 458 3010
Contact: Adrian McDonald [email protected] [email protected]
Phone: +1 760 754 2400 www.gnomrov.com www.videoray.com
Fax: +1 760 754 2485
[email protected] YSI Integrated Systems & Services
www.oceanscience.com AUVs
9843 18th Street North, Suite 1200
St. Petersburg, FL 33716 USA
Contact: Sales
Phone: +1 877 392 9950
Fax: +1 866 778 8431
[email protected]

Ocean News & Technology 101 2015 Unmanned Vehicle Buyers Guide
Unmanned Vehicle

Market Symbols

Defence Seabed Offshore Science Ocean Environmental

Minning Oil & Gas Renewables
Vehicle Operators by Type
OPERATORS BY VEHICLE TYPE Global Diving & Salavage, Inc. - WA, USA
iRov Underwater Services - ITALY
AUVs Orca Maritime, Inc. - CA, USA
Aqueos Corporation - LA, USA Phoenix International Holdings, Inc. - MD, USA
ASI Marine - ON, CANADA Sandy Air Corp - AUSTRIA
C & C Technologies, Inc. - LA, USA SCUBATEC Ind. e Com. Ltda. - BRAZIL
Cabaco Marine Pte, Ltd. - SINGAPORE Silvercrest Submarines - UK
DOF Subsea AS - NORWAY SISTAC - Sistemas de Acesso S.A. - BRAZIL
DOF Subsea USA, Inc. - TX, USA Subsea Tech - FRANCE
Edgelab Srl - ITALY Underwater Robotics, Ltd. - RUSSIA
Fugro - TX, USA
Fugro Survey, Ltd. - UK
Geotech System Corp - SOUTH KOREA ROV - Light
Harvey-Lynch, Inc. - TX, USA ACSM - SPAIN
Hibbard Inshore, LLC - MI, USA Aqueos Corporation - LA, USA
iRov Underwater Services - ITALY ASI Marine - ON, CANADA
Lockheed Martin - Undersea Systems - FL, USA Bibby Offshore - SCOTLAND
Modus Seabed Intervention - UK Cabaco Marine Pte, Ltd. - SINGAPORE
Mt. Mitchell, LLC - WA, USA Eclipse Group, Inc. - MD, USA
NCS Survey, Ltd. - UK Energy Subsea, LLC - FL, USA
Ocean Floor Geophysics, Inc. - BC, CANADA Ezze Marine Pty, Ltd. - SOUTH AFRICA
Orca Maritime, Inc. - CA, USA FIELAX GmbH - GERMANY
Phoenix International Holdings, Inc. - MD, USA Fugro Subsea Services, Ltd. - UK
Tesla Offshore, LLC - LA, USA Geotech System Corp - SOUTH KOREA
Tiburon Subsea Services, Inc. - FL, USA Global Diving & Salavage, Inc. - WA, USA
UTEC Survey - TX, USA Hibbard Inshore, LLC - MI, USA
iRov Underwater Services - ITALY
Jifmar Offshore Services - FRANCE
USVs Kreuz Subsea Pte. Ltd. - SINGAPORE
Advanced Undersea Vehicles and Systems, LLC - TX, USA Modus Seabed Intervention - UK
ASI Marine - ON, CANADA Ocean Tech Services, LLC - NJ, USA
ASV, Ltd. - UK Oceaneering Global Data Solutions - TX, USA
C & C Technologies, Inc. - LA, USA Oceanic Platform of the Canary Islands (PLOCAN) - SPAIN
Fastwave - WA, AUSTRALIA Orca Maritime, Inc. - CA, USA
Marine Tech SAS - FRANCE Phoenix International Holdings, Inc. - MD, USA
Orca Maritime, Inc. - CA, USA ROVOP - SCOTLAND
Subsea Tech - FRANCE Sandy Air Corp - AUSTRIA
SeaView Systems, Inc. - MI, USA
Silvercrest Submarines - UK
Gliders Sperre AS - NORWAY
Fastwave - WA, AUSTRALIA Swire Seabed AS - NORWAY
Mt. Mitchell, LLC - WA, USA UNCW-Undersea Vehicles Program - NC, USA
Oceanic Platform of the Canary Islands (PLOCAN) - SPAIN Underwater Robotics, Ltd. - RUSSIA
WT Industries, LLC - TX, USA

ROV - Mini
Aqueos Corporation - LA, USA ROV - Medium
Cabaco Marine Pte, Ltd. - SINGAPORE ACSM - SPAIN
Energy Subsea, LLC - FL, USA Aqueos Corporation - LA, USA
Ezze Marine Pty, Ltd. - SOUTH AFRICA ASI Marine - ON, CANADA
Fugro Subsea Services, Ltd. - UK Cabaco Marine Pte, Ltd. - SINGAPORE
Geotech System Corp - SOUTH KOREA Canyon Offshore - Helix - TX, USA

2015 Unmanned Vehicle Buyers Guide 104 Ocean News & Technology
Vehicle Operators by Type
Deep Sea Systems Int’l - MA, USA ROV - Trenching
DOF Subsea USA, Inc. - TX, USA Cabaco Marine Pte, Ltd. - SINGAPORE
Eclipse Group, Inc. - MD, USA Canyon Offshore - Helix - TX, USA
Energy Subsea, LLC - FL, USA Eclipse Group, Inc. - MD, USA
Ezze Marine Pty, Ltd. - SOUTH AFRICA Energy Subsea, LLC - FL, USA
Fugro Subsea Services, Ltd. - UK Ezze Marine Pty, Ltd. - SOUTH AFRICA
Geotech System Corp - SOUTH KOREA Fugro Subsea Services, Ltd. - UK
Global Diving & Salavage, Inc. - WA, USA Geotech System Corp - SOUTH KOREA
Harvey-Lynch, Inc. - TX, USA Modus Seabed Intervention - UK
iRov Underwater Services - ITALY Reef Subsea UK, Ltd. - UK
Jifmar Offshore Services - FRANCE Silvercrest Submarines - UK
Kreuz Subsea Pte. Ltd. - SINGAPORE
Mariner Underwater Electronics - GREECE
Modus Seabed Intervention - UK OPERATORS BY SERVICE TYPE
Oceaneering Global Data Solutions - TX, USA
Phoenix International Holdings, Inc. - MD, USA Survey
Silvercrest Submarines - UK Advanced Undersea Vehicles and Systems, LLC - TX, USA
Sperre AS - NORWAY Aqueos Corporation - LA, USA
Submersible Systems, Inc. - LA, USA ASI Marine - ON, CANADA
Subsea Americas - LA, USA Bibby Offshore - SCOTLAND
Swire Seabed AS - NORWAY C & C Technologies, Inc. - LA, USA
Tiburon Subsea Services, Inc. - FL, USA Cabaco Marine Pte, Ltd. - SINGAPORE
Underwater Robotics, Ltd. - RUSSIA Canyon Offshore - Helix - TX, USA
Deep Sea Systems Int’l - MA, USA
Delta SubSea - TX, USA
ROV - Heavy DOF Subsea AS - NORWAY
Bibby Offshore - SCOTLAND Eclipse Group, Inc. - MD, USA
Boa Marine Services - TX, USA Edgelab Srl - ITALY
Cabaco Marine Pte, Ltd. - SINGAPORE Energy Subsea, LLC - FL, USA
Canyon Offshore - Helix - TX, USA Ezze Marine Pty, Ltd. - SOUTH AFRICA
Delta SubSea - TX, USA Fastwave - WA, AUSTRALIA
DOF Subsea USA, Inc. - TX, USA Fugro - TX, USA
Eclipse Group, Inc. - MD, USA Fugro Survey, Ltd. - UK
Energy Subsea, LLC - FL, USA Geotech System Corp - SOUTH KOREA
Fugro Subsea Services, Ltd. - UK Global Diving & Salavage, Inc. - WA, USA
Geotech System Corp - SOUTH KOREA Harvey-Lynch, Inc. - TX, USA
Harvey-Lynch, Inc. - TX, USA iRov Underwater Services - ITALY
iRov Underwater Services - ITALY Jifmar Offshore Services - FRANCE
i-Tech - TX, USA Kreuz Subsea Pte. Ltd. - SINGAPORE
Kreuz Subsea Pte. Ltd. - SINGAPORE Lockheed Martin - Undersea Systems - FL, USA
Modus Seabed Intervention - UK Mariner Underwater Electronics - GREECE
Oceaneering Global Data Solutions - TX, USA Marine Tech SAS - FRANCE
ROVOP - SCOTLAND Modus Seabed Intervention - UK
Sperre AS - NORWAY Mt. Mitchell, LLC - WA, USA
Subsea Americas - LA, USA NCS Survey, Ltd. - UK
SURF Subsea, Inc. - TX, USA Ocean Floor Geophysics, Inc. - BC, CANADA
Swire Seabed AS - NORWAY Ocean Tech Services, LLC - NJ, USA
Technocean Subsea - NORWAY Orca Maritime, Inc. - CA, USA
Tesla Offshore, LLC - LA, USA Phoenix International Holdings, Inc. - MD, USA
Reef Subsea UK, Ltd. - UK

Ocean News & Technology 105 2015 Unmanned Vehicle Buyers Guide
Vehicle Operators by Type
NCS Survey, Ltd. - UK
CONTINUED... Ocean Tech Services, LLC - NJ, USA
Oceaneering Global Data Solutions - TX, USA
Oceanic Platform of the Canary Islands (PLOCAN) - SPAIN
ROVOP - SCOTLAND Orca Maritime, Inc. - CA, USA
Sandy Air Corp - AUSTRIA Phoenix International Holdings, Inc. - MD, USA
SeaView Systems, Inc. - MI, USA Sandy Air Corp - AUSTRIA
Silvercrest Submarines - UK SCUBATEC Ind. e Com. Ltda. - BRAZIL
Sperre AS - NORWAY SeaView Systems, Inc. - MI, USA
Submersible Systems, Inc. - LA, USA Silvercrest Submarines - UK
Subsea Tech - FRANCE SISTAC - Sistemas de Acesso S.A. - BRAZIL
SURF Subsea, Inc. - TX, USA Sperre AS - NORWAY
Swire Seabed AS - NORWAY Submersible Systems, Inc. - LA, USA
Technocean Subsea - NORWAY Subsea Americas - LA, USA
Tesla Offshore, LLC - LA, USA Subsea Tech - FRANCE
Tiburon Subsea Services, Inc. - FL, USA SURF Subsea, Inc. - TX, USA
UNCW-Undersea Vehicles Program - NC, USA Swire Seabed AS - NORWAY
Underwater Robotics, Ltd. - RUSSIA Technocean Subsea - NORWAY
UTEC Survey - TX, USA Tesla Offshore, LLC - LA, USA
WT Industries, LLC - TX, USA Tiburon Subsea Services, Inc. - FL, USA
UNCW-Undersea Vehicles Program - NC, USA
Underwater Robotics, Ltd. - RUSSIA
Inspection UTEC Survey - TX, USA
ACSM - SPAIN WT Industries, LLC - TX, USA
Advanced Undersea Vehicles and Systems, LLC - TX, USA
Aqueos Corporation - LA, USA
ASI Marine - ON, CANADA Construction
Bibby Offshore - SCOTLAND ACSM - SPAIN
Boa Marine Services - TX, USA Aqueos Corporation - LA, USA
C & C Technologies, Inc. - LA, USA ASI Marine - ON, CANADA
Cabaco Marine Pte, Ltd. - SINGAPORE Bibby Offshore - SCOTLAND
Canyon Offshore - Helix - TX, USA Boa Marine Services - TX, USA
Delta SubSea - TX, USA C & C Technologies, Inc. - LA, USA
DOF Subsea AS - NORWAY Cabaco Marine Pte, Ltd. - SINGAPORE
DOF Subsea USA, Inc. - TX, USA Canyon Offshore - Helix - TX, USA
Eclipse Group, Inc. - MD, USA Delta SubSea - TX, USA
Edgelab Srl - ITALY DOF Subsea AS - NORWAY
Energy Subsea, LLC - FL, USA DOF Subsea USA, Inc. - TX, USA
Ezze Marine Pty, Ltd. - SOUTH AFRICA Eclipse Group, Inc. - MD, USA
FIELAX GmbH - GERMANY Energy Subsea, LLC - FL, USA
Fugro - TX, USA Fugro Subsea Services, Ltd. - UK
Fugro Subsea Services, Ltd. - UK Global Diving & Salavage, Inc. - WA, USA
Fugro Survey, Ltd. - UK iRov Underwater Services - ITALY
Geotech System Corp - SOUTH KOREA i-Tech - TX, USA
Global Diving & Salavage, Inc. - WA, USA Kreuz Subsea Pte. Ltd. - SINGAPORE
Harvey-Lynch, Inc. - TX, USA Mariner Underwater Electronics - GREECE
iRov Underwater Services - ITALY Modus Seabed Intervention - UK
Jifmar Offshore Services - FRANCE NCS Survey, Ltd. - UK
Kreuz Subsea Pte. Ltd. - SINGAPORE Ocean Tech Services, LLC - NJ, USA
Lockheed Martin - Undersea Systems - FL, USA Phoenix International Holdings, Inc. - MD, USA
Mariner Underwater Electronics - GREECE ROVOP - SCOTLAND
Modus Seabed Intervention - UK SCUBATEC Ind. e Com. Ltda. - BRAZIL

2015 Unmanned Vehicle Buyers Guide 106 Ocean News & Technology
Vehicle Operators by Type
SeaView Systems, Inc. - MI, USA Swire Seabed AS - NORWAY
Sperre AS - NORWAY Technocean Subsea - NORWAY
Submersible Systems, Inc. - LA, USA Tiburon Subsea Services, Inc. - FL, USA
Subsea Americas - LA, USA UNCW-Undersea Vehicles Program - NC, USA
SURF Subsea, Inc. - TX, USA UTEC Survey - TX, USA
Swire Seabed AS - NORWAY WT Industries, LLC - TX, USA
Technocean Subsea - NORWAY
Tesla Offshore, LLC - LA, USA
Underwater Robotics, Ltd. - RUSSIA Data Collection
UTEC Survey - TX, USA Advanced Undersea Vehicles and Systems, LLC - TX, USA
Aqueos Corporation - LA, USA
Observation C & C Technologies, Inc. - LA, USA
ACSM - SPAIN Cabaco Marine Pte, Ltd. - SINGAPORE
Advanced Undersea Vehicles and Systems, LLC - TX, USA Delta SubSea - TX, USA
Aqueos Corporation - LA, USA DOF Subsea AS - NORWAY
ASI Marine - ON, CANADA DOF Subsea USA, Inc. - TX, USA
Bibby Offshore - SCOTLAND Eclipse Group, Inc. - MD, USA
C & C Technologies, Inc. - LA, USA Edgelab Srl - ITALY
Cabaco Marine Pte, Ltd. - SINGAPORE Energy Subsea, LLC - FL, USA
Delta SubSea - TX, USA Ezze Marine Pty, Ltd. - SOUTH AFRICA
Eclipse Group, Inc. - MD, USA Fugro - TX, USA
Edgelab Srl - ITALY Fugro Subsea Services, Ltd. - UK
Energy Subsea, LLC - FL, USA Fugro Survey, Ltd. - UK
Ezze Marine Pty, Ltd. - SOUTH AFRICA Global Diving & Salavage, Inc. - WA, USA
Fastwave - WA, AUSTRALIA Harvey-Lynch, Inc. - TX, USA
FIELAX GmbH - GERMANY iRov Underwater Services - ITALY
Fugro Subsea Services, Ltd. - UK Jifmar Offshore Services - FRANCE
Global Diving & Salavage, Inc. - WA, USA Lockheed Martin - Undersea Systems - FL, USA
iRov Underwater Services - ITALY Mariner Underwater Electronics - GREECE
Jifmar Offshore Services - FRANCE Marine Tech SAS - FRANCE
Kreuz Subsea Pte. Ltd. - SINGAPORE Modus Seabed Intervention - UK
Mariner Underwater Electronics - GREECE Mt. Mitchell, LLC - WA, USA
Marine Tech SAS - FRANCE Ocean Floor Geophysics, Inc. - BC, CANADA
Modus Seabed Intervention - UK Ocean Tech Services, LLC - NJ, USA
Mt. Mitchell, LLC - WA, USA Oceaneering Global Data Solutions - TX, USA
NCS Survey, Ltd. - UK Oceanic Platform of the Canary Islands (PLOCAN) - SPAIN
Ocean Floor Geophysics, Inc. - BC, CANADA Orca Maritime, Inc. - CA, USA
Ocean Tech Services, LLC - NJ, USA Phoenix International Holdings, Inc. - MD, USA
Oceaneering Global Data Solutions - TX, USA ROVOP - SCOTLAND
Oceanic Platform of the Canary Islands (PLOCAN) - SPAIN Sandy Air Corp - AUSTRIA
Orca Maritime, Inc. - CA, USA SCUBATEC Ind. e Com. Ltda. - BRAZIL
Phoenix International Holdings, Inc. - MD, USA SeaView Systems, Inc. - MI, USA
Sandy Air Corp - AUSTRIA Submersible Systems, Inc. - LA, USA
SCUBATEC Ind. e Com. Ltda. - BRAZIL Subsea Tech - FRANCE
SeaView Systems, Inc. - MI, USA Technocean Subsea - NORWAY
Silvercrest Submarines - UK Tesla Offshore, LLC - LA, USA
SISTAC - Sistemas de Acesso S.A. - BRAZIL Tiburon Subsea Services, Inc. - FL, USA
Sperre AS - NORWAY UNCW-Undersea Vehicles Program - NC, USA
Submersible Systems, Inc. - LA, USA UTEC Survey - TX, USA
Subsea Tech - FRANCE WT Industries, LLC - TX, USA

Ocean News & Technology 107 2015 Unmanned Vehicle Buyers Guide
Vehicle Operators A-Z
ACSM ASV, Ltd. Canyon Offshore - Helix
ROVs (Light, Medium, Heavy, Trenching) USVs ROVs (Medium, Heavy, Trenchers)
Survey, Inspection, Construction, Portchester, Hampshire, PO16 9RD UK Survey, Inspection, Construction
Observation Contact: Vince Dobbin Houston, TX 77041 USA
Vigo, 36201 SPAIN Phone: +44 (0)23 9238 2573 Phone: +1 713 856 6010
Contact: Gaizka Garay [email protected] Fax: +1 713 856 6020
Phone: +34 986 441 640 www.asvglobal.com www.helixesg.com
Fax: +34 986 441 695
[email protected] Bibby Offshore
ROVs (Light, Medium, Heavy) Deep Sea Systems Int’l
Survey, Inspection, Construction,
Observation ROVs (Medium)
Aberdeenshire AB32 6FJ SCOTLAND Survey
Advanced Undersea Phone: + 44 1224 857755 Falmouth, MA 02541 USA
Contact: Dante Delgrosso
Vehicles and Systems, LLC Fax: + 44 1224 284444
Phone: +1 508 564 7267
[email protected]
USVs www.bibbyoffshore.com Fax: +1 508 564 7878
Survey, Inspection, Observation, [email protected]
Data Collection www.deepseasystems.com
Houston, TX 77040 USA
Contact: David Medeiros
Boa Marine Services, Inc.
Phone: +1 832 688 9245 ROVs (Heavy)
[email protected] Inspection, Construction Delta SubSea
www.auv-s.com Houston, TX 77024 USA
Phone: +1 713 467 0505 ROVs (Heavy)
Fax: +1 713 467 0509 Survey, Inspection, Construction,
www.boa.no Observation, Data Collection
Montgomery, TX 77316 USA
Aqueos Corporation Contact: Mike Herrin
AUVs, ROVs (Mini, Light, Medium) Phone: +1 936 582 7237
Fax: +1 713 583 1369
Survey, Inspection, Construction, C & C Technologies, Inc. [email protected]
Observation, Data Collection
Broussard, LA 70518 USA AUVs, USVs www.deltasubsea-rov.com
Phone: +1 337 714 0033 Survey, Inspection, Construction,
Fax: +1 337 839 8354 Observation, Data Collection
[email protected] Lafayette, LA 70508 USA
www.aqueossubsea.com Contact: David Connell DOF Subsea AS
Phone: +1 337 210 0000 AUVs, ROVs (Medium, Heavy)
Fax: +1 337 210 0003 Survey, Inspection, Construction,
[email protected] Observation, Data Collection
www.cctechnol.com 5006 Bergen, NORWAY
ASI Marine Phone: +47 55 25 22 00
Fax: +47 55 25 22 01
AUVs, ROVs (Light, Medium), USVs [email protected]
Survey, Inspection, Construction, Cabaco Marine Pte, Ltd. www.dofsubsea.com
Observation, Data Collection
St. Catharines, ON, CANADA AUVs, ROVs (Mini, Light, Medium,
Heavy, Trenching)
Contact: Drew Michel
Phone: +1 905 641 0941 Survey, Inspection, Construction,
Fax: +1 905 641 1825 Observation, Data Collection DOF Subsea USA, Inc.
[email protected] 608586 SINGAPORE AUVs, ROVs (Medium, Heavy)
www.asi-group.com Contact: Gerald Caba Survey, Inspection, Construction,
Phone: +65 6465 0498 Observation, Data Collection
Fax: +65 6465 0496 Houston, TX 77041 USA
[email protected] Phone: +1 713 896 2500
www.cabaco.com Fax: +1 713 726 5800
[email protected]

2015 Unmanned Vehicle Buyers Guide 108 Ocean News & Technology
Vehicle Operators A-Z
Eclipse Group, Inc. Energy Subsea, LLC Fastwave
ROVs (Light, Medium, Heavy, Trenching) ROVs (Mini, Light, Medium, Heavy, Trenching) USVs, Gliders
Survey, Inspection, Construction, Survey, Inspection, Construction, Survey, Observation, Data Collection
Observation, Data Collection Observation, Data Collection Subiaco, WA, 6008 AUSTRALIA
Annapolis, MD 21401 USA Miami, FL 33139 USA Contact: Nick Daws
Contact: Steven Saint Amour Contact: Oddgeir Ingvartsen Phone: +61 8 9381 5353
Phone: +1 401 972 4660 Phone: +1 786 454 4885 Fax: +61 8 9381 5885
[email protected] Fax: +1 800 849 7170 [email protected]
www.eclipse.us.com [email protected] www.fastwave.com.au

Edgelab, Srl FIELAX GmbH

AUVs Ezze Marine Pty, Ltd. ROV’s (Mini, Light)
Survey, Inspection, Observation, ROVs (Mini, Light, Medium, Trenching) Survey, Inspection, Observation,
Data Collection Survey, Inspection, Observation, Data Collection
La Spezia,19136 ITALY Data Collection Bremerhaven, Bremen 27568 GERMANY
Contact: Lavinio Gualdesi Cape Town 7449 SOUTH AFRICA Contact: Sebastian Albrecht
Phone: +3901871822943 Contact: Jeremy Dinkelmann Phone: +49 471 300150
[email protected] Phone: +27 21 5567557 Fax: +49 471 3001522
www.edgelab.eu [email protected] [email protected]
www.ezzemarine.com www.fielax.de

Ocean News & Technology 109 2015 Unmanned Vehicle Buyers Guide
Vehicle Operators A-Z
Fugro Fugro Survey, Ltd. Global Diving & Salvage, Inc.
AUVs AUVs ROVs (Mini , Light, Medium)
Survey, Inspection, Data Collection Survey, Inspection, Data Collection Survey, Inspection, Construction,
Houston, TX 77081 USA Aberdeen, AB23 8JW UK Observation, Data Collection
Contact: Melissa Wood Contact: Derek Giles Seattle, WA 98106, USA
Phone: +1 713 369 5800 Phone: +44 1224 257500 Contact: Eric Crumpton
Fax: +1 713 369 5811 [email protected] Phone: +1 206 623 0621
[email protected] www.fugrosurvey.co.uk Fax: +1 206 932 9036
www.fugro.com [email protected]

Geotech System Corp.

Fugro Subsea Services, Ltd. AUVs, ROVs (Light, Medium, Mini,
ROVs (Mini, Light, Medium, Heavy, Trenching) Heavy, Trenching) Harvey-Lynch, Inc.
Inspection, Construction, Survey, Inspection
Seoul, 150-105 SOUTH KOREA AUVs, ROVs (Medium, Heavy)
Observation, Data Collection
Contact: Donghun Kim Survey, Inspection, Data Collection
Aberdeen, AB23 8JW UK
Phone: + 82 2 2068 3070 Stafford, TX 77477 USA
Contact: Mike Halliday
Fax: +82 2 2068 9067 Contact: Aboud Abotouk
Phone: +44 1224 257747
[email protected] Phone: +1 281-240-5441
[email protected]
www.geotechsystem.com Fax: +1 281 240 0932
[email protected]

2015 Unmanned Vehicle Buyers Guide 110 Ocean News & Technology
Vehicle Operators A-Z
Hibbard Inshore, LLC i-Tech Kreuz Subsea Pte. Ltd.
AUVs, ROVs (Light) ROVs (Heavy) ROVs (Light, Medium, Heavy)
Auburn Hills, MI 48326 USA Construction Survey, Inspection, Construction,
Contact: David Malak Katy, TX 77449 USA Observation
Phone: +1 248 745 8456 Contact: Katarina Tehlirian 609920 SINGAPORE
Fax: +1 248 745 4958 Phone: +1 281 693 9403 Contact: Paolo Cattaneo
[email protected] [email protected] Phone: +65 6505 0900
www.hibbardinshore.com www.interventiontechnology.com Fax: +65 6505 0901
[email protected]

iRov Underwater Services Jifmar Offshore Services

AUVs, ROVs (Mini, Light, Medium, Heavy) ROVs (Light, Medium) Lockheed Martin -
Survey, Inspection, Construction, Survey, Inspection, Observation, Undersea Systems
Observation, Data Collection Data Collection AUVs
Conegliano, 31015 ITALY 13016 Marseille, FRANCE Survey, Inspection, Data Collection
Contact: Mauro Stasi Contact: Sales Department West Palm Beach, FL 33404 USA
Phone: +390438841686 Phone: +33 4 86 82 03 60 Contact: Lou Dennis
Fax: +390438980046 [email protected] Phone: +1 561 471 4391
[email protected] www.jifmar.com Fax: +1 561 494 2594
www.irov.it [email protected]

Ocean News & Technology 111 2015 Unmanned Vehicle Buyers Guide
Vehicle Operators A-Z
Marine Tech SAS Modus Seabed Intervention NCS Survey, Ltd.
USVs AUVs, ROVs (Light, Medium, Heavy, Trenching) AUVs
Survey, Observation, Data Collection Survey, Inspection, Construction, Survey, Inspection, Construction,
83140 Six Fours les Plages, FRANCE Observation, Data Collection Observation
Contact: Magali Mouries County Durham, DL1 5RW UK Westhill, AB32 6FE UK
Phone: +33 09 54 82 10 52 /+33 06 22 Contact: Nigel Ward Contact: Simon Goldsworthy
63 10 39 Phone: +44 1325 387480 Phone: +44 1224 749499
Fax: +33 09 59 82 10 52 Fax: +44 1325 387481 Fax: +44 1224 749199
[email protected] [email protected] [email protected]
www.marinetech.fr www.modus-ltd.com www.ncs-survey.com

Mariner Underwater Mt. Mitchell, LLC

Electronics Ocean Floor Geophysics, Inc.
AUVs, Gliders AUVs
ROVs (Medium) Survey, Inspection, Observation, Data
Survey, Inspection, Construction, Survey, Observation, Data Collection
Observation, Data Collection Collection North Vancouver, BC, CANADA
Piraeus 18532 GREECE Seattle, WA 98199 USA Contact: Matthew Kowalczyk
Contact: Marinos Pittas Contact: William Franks Phone: +1 778 654 7781
Phone: +30 2104100656 Phone: +1 206 770 7801 Fax: +1 778 654 7779
Fax: +30 2104100658 [email protected] [email protected]
[email protected] www.globalseas.com www.OceanFloorGeophysics.com

2015 Unmanned Vehicle Buyers Guide 112 Ocean News & Technology
Vehicle Operators A-Z
Ocean Tech Services, LLC Oceanic Platform of the Phoenix International
ROVs (Light) Canary Islands (PLOCAN) Holdings, Inc.
Survey, Inspection, Construction, Gliders, ROVs (Light) AUVs, ROVs (Mini, Light, Medium)
Observation, Data Collection Inspection, Observation, Data Survey, Inspection, Construction,
Atlantic City, NJ, 08401 USA Collection Observation, Data Collection
Contact: Steve O’Malley Las Palmas, 35200 SPAIN Largo, MD 20774 USA
Phone: +1 609 350 7455 Contact: Carlos Barrera Contact: Pete LeHardy
Fax: +1 609 350 7481 Phone: +34 928 134414 Phone: +1 301 341 7800
[email protected] Fas: +34 928 133032 Fax: +1 301 499 0027
www.oceantechusa.com [email protected] [email protected]
www.plocan.eu www.phnx-international.com

Oceaneering Global Data Orca Maritime, Inc.

Solutions AUVs, USVs, ROVs (Mini , Light) Reef Subsea UK Ltd.
ROVs (Light, Medium, Heavy) Survey, Inspection, Observation, ROVs (Trenching)
Inspection, Observation, Data Data Collection Survey
Collection Imperial Beach, CA 91932 USA Stockton On Tees, UK
Houston, TX 77002 USA Contact: Kurt Nelson Contact: Daryl Lynch
Contact: Sales Phone: +1 619 628 0068 Phone: +44 1642 704400
Phone: +1 713 337 3737 Fax: +1 619 628 0041 [email protected]
Fax: +1 713 337 3740 [email protected] www.reefsubsea.com
[email protected] www.orcamaritime.com

Ocean News & Technology 113 2015 Unmanned Vehicle Buyers Guide
Vehicle Operators A-Z
ROVOP SCUBATEC Ind. e Com. Ltda. Silvercrest Submarines
ROVs (Light, Medium, Heavy) ROVs (Mini, Light) ROVs (Mini, Light, Medium, Heavy, Trenching)
Survey, Inspection, Construction, Survey, Inspection, Construction, Survey, Inspection, Observation
Observation, Data Collection Observation, Data Collection UK
Westhill, SCOTLAND São Paulo - SP, 04363-090 BRAZIL Contact: Alan Whitfield
Contact: Moray Melhuish Contact: Lucio Engler Phone: +44 1285760620
Phone: +44 1224 472565 Phone: +55 (11) 55635717 [email protected]
[email protected] Fax: +55 (11) 55647653 www.silvercrestsubmarines.com
www.rovop.com [email protected]

SISTAC - Sistemas de
Sandy Air Corp. SeaView Systems, Inc. Acesso S.A.
ROVs (Light) ROVs (Light) ROVs (Mini)
Survey, Inspection, Observation, Survey, Inspection, Construction,
Inspection, Observation
Data Collection Observation, Data Collection Rio de Janeiro, 24867-448 BRAZIL
Pfaffenhofen,Tirol,A-6405 AUSTRIA Dexter, MI 48130 USA Contact: Mario Goncalves
Contact: Wolfgang Falch Contact: Matthew Cook Phone: +55 21 3638 5041
Phone: +43 699 1899 9917 Phone: +1 734 426 8978 Fax: +55 21 3638 5044
[email protected] Fax: +1 734 426 8978 [email protected]
www.sandyair.org [email protected] www.sistac.com.br

2015 Unmanned Vehicle Buyers Guide 114 Ocean News & Technology
Vehicle Operators A-Z
Sperre AS Subsea Americas SURF Subsea, Inc.
ROVs (Light, Medium, Heavy) ROVs (Medium, Heavy) ROVs (Heavy)
Survey, Inspection, Construction, Inspection, Construction Survey, Inspection, Construction
Observation, Data Collection Berwick, LA 70342 USA Magnolia, TX 77354 USA
3676 Notodden, NORWAY Contact: Charles Mayea Contact: Rick Seabrook
Contact: Wenche Haugerud Phone: +1 985 714 1767 Phone: +1 281 305 4411
Phone: +47 35025000 [email protected] Fax: +1 281 305 4411
[email protected] www.subseaamericas.com [email protected]
www.sperre-as.com www.surfsubsea. com

Subsea Tech
Submersible Systems, Inc. USVs, ROVs (Mini) Swire Seabed AS
ROVs (Medium) Survey, Inspection, Observation, ROVs (Light, Medium, Heavy)
Survey, Inspection, Construction, Data Collection Survey, Inspection, Construction,
Observation, Data Collection Marseille 13016 FRANCE Observation
Patterson, LA 70392 USA Contact: Katharina Roespel Bergen, NORWAY
Contact: Wolfgang Burnside Phone: +33 (0)4 91 51 76 71 Contact: Paddy O’Driscoll
Phone: +1 985 395 0999 Fax: +33 (0)4 91 51 76 71 Phone: +47 (0)55 18 1830
Fax: +1 985 395 0995 [email protected] [email protected]
[email protected] www.subsea-tech.com www.swireseabed.com

Ocean News & Technology 115 2015 Unmanned Vehicle Buyers Guide
Vehicle Operators A-Z
Technocean Subsea Tiburon Subsea Services, Inc. Underwater Robotics, Ltd.
ROVs (Heavy) AUVs, ROVs (Medium) ROVs (Mini, Light, Medium)
Survey, Inspection, Construction, Survey, Inspection, Observation, Survey, Inspection, Construction
Observation, Data Collection Data Collection Moscow,117997 RUSSIA
5058 - Bergen, NORWAY Palm Beach Gardens, FL 33418 USA Contact: Evgeny Sherstov
Contact: Sveinung Myrjord Contact: Sales Manager Phone: +7 495 9709389
Phone: +47 932 40 312 Phone: +1 917 423 1369 Fax: +7 499 1292045
[email protected] [email protected] [email protected]
www.technocean-subsea.com www.tiburonsubsea.com www.gnomrov.com

Tesla Offshore, LLC UNCW-Undersea Vehicles

Program UTEC Survey
AUVs, ROVs (Heavy)
Survey, Inspection, Construction, ROVs (Light) AUVs
Survey, Inspection, Construction,
Data Collection Survey, Inspection, Observation,
Prairieville, LA 70769 USA Observation, Data Collection
Data Collection
Contact: CD Schempf or George Loy Houston, TX 77041 USA
Wilmington, NC 28409 USA
Phone: +1 225 673 2163, +1 281 880 8015 Contact: Dave Ross
Contact: Jason White
Fax: +1 225 744 3116, 281 880 8432 Phone: +1 713 984 8688
Phone: +1 910 962 2317
[email protected] Fax: +1 713 984 8683
Fax: +1 910 962 2410
[email protected] [email protected]
[email protected]
www.teslaoffshore.com www.utecsurvey.com

2015 Unmanned Vehicle Buyers Guide 116 Ocean News & Technology
Vehicle Operators A-Z
WT Industries, LLC
ROVs (Light)
Survey, Inspection, Observation,
Data Collection
Houston, TX 77065 USA
Contact: Doug Trail
Phone: +1 832 731 7098
[email protected]

Ocean News & Technology 117 2015 Unmanned Vehicle Buyers Guide
Advertisers Index
Aero Tec Laboratories, Inc. (ATL) ............................... 100 QSTAR SLU ........................................................... 113
www.atlinc.com www.qstar.es
All Oceans Engineering Limited ................................ 109 RJE International ................................................. 25
www.alloceans.co.uk www.rjeint.com
Balmoral Comtec Ltd .................................................. 31 Rowe Technologies, Inc. ...................................... 114
www.balmoral-group.com/balmoral-offshore- www.rowetechinc.com
SeaBotix ................................................................ 102
Bluefin Robotics........................................................... 110 www.seabotix.com
SeaRobotics .......................................................... 98
Cygnus Instruments, Inc. ............................................ 57 www.searobotics.com
Seatronics Ltd ....................................................... 52
Deep Ocean Engineering ........................................... 14 www.seatronics-group.com
Seaview Systems .................................................. 115
Deep Sea Power & Light ............................................. 111 www.seaviewsystems.com
Shark Marine ........................................................ 95
Deep Trekker ............................................................... 25 www.sharkmarine.com
SMD ....................................................................... 120
Douglas Westwood ..................................................... 112 www.smd.co.uk
Sonardyne International Limited ...................... 11
FMC Technologies Schilling Robotics ....................... 2 www.sonardyne.com
Schilling-Contact-Us.aspx Steatite Ltd ........................................................... 28
Forum ........................................................................... 92
www.f-e-t.com SubCtech GmbH ............................................ 101, 116
Hawboldt ..................................................................... 73
www.hawboldt.ca Subsea Americas ................................................. 117
Hydro-Lek ................................................................... 58
www.hydro-lek.com Teledyne Marine Systems ................................... 5
Hydroid, Inc. ................................................................ 97
www.hydroid.com Teledyne Marine Interconnect Solutions .......... 88
IXBlue ......................................................................... 119
www.ixblue.com Teledyne RDI ........................................................ 27
Kongsberg Subsea ...................................................... 74
www.km.kongsberg.com Trelleborg AEM .................................................... 94
Marine Sonic Technology ........................................... 117
www.marinesonic.com USV Consulting LLC ............................................. 96
Moog Inc., Components Group ................................. 19
www.moog.com Valeport Limited .................................................. 13
Ocean News ............................................................... 57
www.ocean-news.com VideoRay ............................................................... 3
OceanServer Technology ........................................... 99
www.ocean-server.com Vocean Ltd ............................................................ 33


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