Terminaciones TFT-R
Terminaciones TFT-R
Terminaciones TFT-R
Cold-Applied Terminations
1/C terminations for shielded and non-shielded power cable (5-35 kV)
TFT-R and TFT-RG/SG tool-free TFT-R and TFT-R-G/SG kits offer the
termination kits have been developed to following features and benefits:
provide a quick and easy, cold-applied • Advanced Metal Oxide Matrix stress
method of terminating 5-35 kV, single control.
conductor polymeric cables. Both the • Positive placement of stress control
TFT-R and TFT-R-SG are designed for patch.
indoor and outdoor conditions. • Provided on a crush-resistant core.
• Easy installation - allows for
TFT-R kits are for non-shielded cable repositioning.
applications. TFT-R-G kits do not have
rain sheds and should be used for Rated to IEEE-48-1996, class 1 termina-
5/8 kV indoor or outdoor applications tion requirements. .
and 15 kV indoor only applications.
Tyco Electronics Corporaton Issued 2004-2005 USA: 800-327-6996 Fax: 800.527.8350 Outside US: 919.557.8903