AP.2904 - Cash and Cash Equivalents.
AP.2904 - Cash and Cash Equivalents.
AP.2904 - Cash and Cash Equivalents.
1. Cash receipts should be deposited intact – that is, in 5. Bank reconciliation statement should be prepared
the same amount and form as they are received. monthly.
2. All disbursements should be authorized and made by 6. Provide physical protection for cash.
check except those involving small amounts which
7. Minimize cash on hand in the office.
should be paid from petty cash fund.
8. Cash actually present in the office – petty cash,
3. Both receipts and disbursements should be properly
change fund and undeposited receipts can be
accounted for in the records.
periodically counted and compared with the company
4. There should be separation of personnel duties for records.
a. receiving cash
9. Adopt imprest fund system for petty cash.
b. recording receipts
c. depositing cash collections
d. reconciling bank account
e. authorizing disbursement
f. disbursing cash
9. A partial-period bank statement and the related 2. Cash balance per books as of December 31, 2020 is
canceled checks, duplicate deposit slips, and other a. P133,000 c. P138,000
documents included in bank statements, mailed by the b. P127,000 d. P122,000
bank directly to the CPA firm's office, is called:
3. The cash shortage as of December 31, 2020 is
a. A four-column proof of cash.
a. P35,000 c. P30,000
b. A year-end bank statement.
b. P46,000 d. P41,000
c. A cutoff bank statement.
d. A short-period bank statement. 4. The primary purpose of sending a standard
confirmation request to financial institutions with which
10. An auditor who is engaged to examine the financial
the client has done business during the year is to
statements of a business enterprise will request cutoff
a. Detect kiting activities that may otherwise not be
bank statement primarily in order to
a. Verify the cash balance reported on the bank
b. Corroborate information regarding deposit and loan
confirmation inquiry form.
b. Verify reconciling items on the client’s bank
c. Provide the data necessary to prepare a proof of
c. Detect lapping.
d. Request information about contingent liabilities and
d. Detect kiting.
secured transactions.
5. The auditor should ordinarily mail confirmation
PROBLEM NO. 4 requests to all banks with which the client has
conducted any business during the year, regardless of
You were engaged to audit the books of Davao Company.
the year-end balance, since
From the records of the company, you gathered the
a. The confirmation form also seeks information
following information:
about indebtedness to the bank.
b. This procedure will detect kiting activities which
Davao Company started operations on October 2, 2020
otherwise not be detected.
with the owners investing P150,000 cash. Monthly bank
c. The mailing of confirmation forms to all such banks
reconciliation statements have not been prepared;
is required by GAAS.
however, bank statements for October, November, and
d. This procedure relieves the auditor of any
December were made available to you. Your analysis of
responsibility with respect to non-detection of
these bank statements showed total bank credits
forged checks.
(deposits) of P575,000 including the owners’ initial
investment and a bank loan, details of which are in
additional data. The bank statement in December, 2020
showed an ending balance of P91,500.
You were able to obtain the following information during
Examination of the paid checks disclosed that checks your audit of Euro Company:
totaling P4,500 were issued by the company in December,
2020, and were presented for payment only in January, Reconciling items:
2021. Cash count of the cashier’s accountability amounted
Nov. 30 Dec. 31
to P5,000. You were told by the cashier that these were
Undeposited collections P200,000 P120,000
collections from credit sales on December 30, 2020,
Outstanding checks 80,000 60,000
deposited on January 2, 2021.
Customer’s notes collected by
bank 100,000 120,000
Additional information are as follows:
Bank service charges 2,000 3,000
a. Accounts receivable subsidiary ledgers had a total
Erroneous bank debits 10,000 20,000
balance of P70,000 at December 31, 2020. P5,000 of
Erroneous bank credits 40,000 30,000
this was ascertained to be uncollectible.
NSF checks not redeposited 5,000 7,000
b. Suppliers’ unpaid invoices for merchandise totaled
Customer's check deposited
P15,000; while an account for store fixtures bought for
December 10, returned by
P50,000 had an unpaid balance of P5,000.
bank on December 16
c. Merchandise inventory at December 31, 2020
marked NSF, and
amounted to P30,000 but P5,000 of these were spoiled
redeposited immediately;
with no resale value.
no entry made on books for
d. The bank statement in October showed a bank credit
return or redeposit 10,000
for P98,000, dated October 2, 2020. Inquiry from the
cashier disclosed that the amount represents proceeds
Unadjusted balances:
of a 90-day, discounted bank note. P80,000 of this
loan was paid by check in December, 2020. Books ? 90,000
e. Operating expenses paid during the period totaled Bank 230,000 ?
P180,000; while merchandise purchases amounted to
P250,000. December Transactions:
f. The gross profit rate is 120% of cost.
Bank Books
QUESTIONS: Receipts P420,000 P270,000
Disbursements 500,000 407,000
Based on the above and the result of your audit, answer
the following: REQUIRED:
1. Total collections from sales for 2020 is 1. Prepare a 4-column bank reconciliation for the month
a. P414,000 c. P419,000 of December, using the form that reconciles both the
b. P425,000 d. P430,000 book and bank balances to a correct cash amount.
2. Adjusting entries as of December 31.
8. How much is the adjusted book disbursements for DATE DEBITS CREDITS
December? 22 8,735
a. P2,169,450 c. P2,157,350 23 8,246
b. P2,179,850 d. P2,169,450 26 8,913 6,885
29 5,152 5,913
9. How much is the adjusted cash balance as of
30 2,238
December 31?
31 5,857
a. P317,300 c. P307,800
b. P330,400 d. P326,800 TOTALS P 75,304 P 77,150