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When I hear the word “superpower” in terms of international politics and

globalization, the first thing that comes to my mind is basically being the supreme ruler,
but it goes farther from that. According to, a superpower is a state that
possesses military and economic might, and general influence vastly superior to that of
other states. If a country is a superpower, it only means that it cannot be ignored on the
world stage and without whose cooperation, no world problem can be solved. From these
definitions, obviously in the current state of the Philippines, we are not a superpower,
not even in the slightest degree. Because it will take a few decades before we even
come close in becoming a superpower.

Compared to China and Japan, we obviously have a long way to go in order to

be in the same league with them. According to the inaugural Asia Power Index made by
the Lowy Institute in 2018, Philippines ranked 16 th out of 25 economies with an overall
score of 12.4. Meanwhile, China came in 2nd place with 75.5 and Japan came in 3rd with
42.1, with this you can clearly see the big gap in terms of the degree of power by
looking at their respective economic resources and influence. With all of these data, are
we capable enough to be a superpower? At this very moment, a BIG NO. The COVID-
19 Pandemic exposed a lot of faults in this country’s system. We lack resources, we
have incompetent government officials, we all lack discipline, and corruption is still very
rampant. Not to the mention the fact, there are still a lot of extra-judicial killings
happening mixed with the concepts of colonial and crab mentality of the citizens. As of
June 2020, the total debt of the Philippines is 8.6 trillion pesos, so how can we become
a superpower if we have debt as big as that? Our country right now is basically a joke

If I will become the President in 2022, the first thing that I will do is invest in
establishing talent and productivity of young adults through education. Boomers who
are not open to criticism and have selfish intentions should be wiped out from the entire
system. The Philippines needs to put its hope in the younger generation that are
productive, hardworking, and able to compete in the global market. Next is, I will make a
new constitution. It should concern about everything, but almost mainly the government,
the nation, and progress. Because Philippine policies are all over the place and
regulations are not being reinforced, we need to have a stable government that can be
trusted to govern effectively putting public welfare and national interest as a primary
concern, which also means wiping out corruption. After that, in order to have high
economy, as I plan to establish productivity, efficiency comes into the picture. We need
to make everything efficient from businesses, investments, infrastructures, and job
opportunities. We are so underdeveloped, forcing Filipinos to work abroad rather than
staying here because wages are higher, lifestyles are better, and it’s safer. If this comes
to reality, our GDP would definitely increase, and we will gain economic dominance.
Lastly, I will invest in expanding our military and police forces that will be deeply rooted
on proper values and morals. The brutality of the police and military have been at the
core of this department, that’s why instead of protecting citizens, they’re killing them.
Their systems need major revamping that’s why I will invest in state-of-the-art facilities
and equipment that can improve their training thus improving our country’s defense in
the long run.

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