Heaith Declaration On Covid - 19: Sources: Doh Aprii 7, 2020 Covid Aigo「Ithm
Heaith Declaration On Covid - 19: Sources: Doh Aprii 7, 2020 Covid Aigo「Ithm
Heaith Declaration On Covid - 19: Sources: Doh Aprii 7, 2020 Covid Aigo「Ithm
Failure to answer this fo「m honestiy is conside「ed a violation to the Companγ’s code on Empioyee
3.2 Occupationa川ealth
3.2.4 mten擁om聞y not rapo融ng hovhog o contogfous施eease肋qf can endonger rhe heo肋Qf
O勅er emphy鈍s. PIease take note that this is a Serious to G「ave offe鵬e.
1. Fever with cough or fever with sore throat for the last 14 days Yes∴∴⑥
(Meron ko bong佃gm青筋moy ubo o佃gnc軌o moy pommk;r ng h佃munon so
mkα調のng hu柄置gエ4仰o仰w?)
2. Fever, COugh. colds. sore th「oat, Or Other any respiratory signs & symptoms Yes 曲
for the Iast 14 days
仙佃仰n ko bαng hgnくけubq, S巾O旬POmn。kit "g h佃munon o姐o pong problemo sα
4. No signs & sγmPtOmS nOted in number l & 2 amongst γOu「 household members Yes∴屯
for the last 14 days
B○○7 手ダ均//・ 戸研一ろ′∴ユケ
Health Deciara舶on on COVID-19
posき章盲〇億: S凸p宮中Vめた
Department: ZAK軸一握床材
Failure to answe「 this form honestly is considered a vioIation to the Company’s code on EmpIoyee
o勅er emp佃yses. PIease tal(e nOte that this is a Serious to G「ave offense.
1. Fever with cough or feve「 with sore throat fo「 the last 14 days Yes ㊥
(Meron ko bmg /。gmtm mOy ubo o hgmt m maypamm柄r ng h/amumn so
nα加調ong hulh事gエ4 m O仰W?I
2. Fever, COugh, COlds. sore th「oat, Or Other any respiratorγ Signs & symptoms Yes ㊥
fo「 the Iast 14 daγS
4, No signs & sγmPtOmS nOted in number l & 2 among§t yOur househoId membe「s Yes ㊨
for the last 14 daγS
丁旬昨 ろb.臼○○∴∴ア/初日二、割も初