Covalent Bonding
Covalent Bonding
Covalent Bonding
Abstract: Food proteins, polysaccharides, and polyphenols are 3 major food constituents with distinctly different
functional attributes. Many proteins and polysaccharides are capable of stabilizing emulsions and foams, thickening
solutions, and forming gels, although they differ considerably in their abilities to provide these functional attributes. Many
plant polyphenols exhibit beneficial physiological functions, such as antitumor, antioxidant, antibacterial, and antiviral
properties. Proteins, polysaccharides, and polyphenols can form complexes with each other, which leads to changes
in the functional and nutritional properties of the combined systems. Recently, there has been considerable interest in
understanding and utilizing covalent interactions between polyphenols and biopolymers (proteins and polysaccharides).
The binary or tertiary conjugates formed may be designed to have physicochemical properties and functional attributes
that cannot be achieved using the individual components. This article provides a review of the formation, characterization,
and utilization of conjugates prepared using proteins, polysaccharides, and polyphenols. It also discusses the relationship
between the structural properties and functionality of the conjugates, and it highlights the bioavailability of bioactive
compounds loaded in conjugate-based delivery systems. In addition, it highlights the main challenges to be considered
when preparing and analyzing conjugates. This article provides an improved understanding of the chemical reactions that
occur between major food ingredients and how they can be utilized to develop biopolymer-based delivery systems with
enhanced functional attributes.
Keywords: protein–polyphenol–polysaccharide conjugates, colloid delivery systems, nutraceuticals, bioavailability
C 2016 Institute of Food Technologists®
76 Comprehensive Reviews in Food Science and Food Safety r Vol. 16, 2017 doi: 10.1111/1541-4337.12229
Covalent complexes and their application . . .
enzyme-catalyzed reactions (such as laccase or tyrosinase) between 2016). Polysaccharides vary in their molecular weights, confor-
proteins and polyphenols (Buchert and others 2010). The resul- mations, branching, electrical characteristics, flexibility, and hy-
tant conjugates can maintain the advantages of both substrates drophobicities depending on their biological origin and processing
in a single entity, for instance, the antioxidant properties of the conditions (Jones and McClements 2010), which results in differ-
polyphenols and the emulsifying properties of the biopolymers. ences in their physicochemical and functional properties, such
In this article, we begin by reviewing the various approaches as hydration, gelling, thickening, and surface activity properties
available to fabricate conjugates from food-grade biopolymers, we (Rinaudo 2008; Li and others 2015). Polysaccharides are usually
then discuss methods to characterize conjugate properties, and fi- obtained by biosynthesis in plants (e.g., pectin, alginate), animals
nally highlight the impact of conjugation on the techno-functional (chitosan), and microorganisms (hyaluronan, gellan, or xanthan).
properties and gastrointestinal fate of biopolymers. Studies have shown that chemical modification of polysaccharides
with polyphenols can significantly increase their water solubility
Conjugation Mechanisms and bioactivity (Li and others 2016). In recent years, the utiliza-
Food-grade covalent complexes with different molecular and tion of chitosan and alginate has received considerable attention
physicochemical characteristics can be fabricated by controlling because they contain reactive groups that can easily be modified,
the components and preparation conditions used. In general, such as amino groups on chitosan and carboxylic acid groups on
the formation of food-grade conjugates can be separated into alginate (Alves and Mano 2008; Yang and others 2011; Ryu and
nonenzymatic and enzymatic methods. Nonenzymatic approaches others 2015). There are three major methods currently used to
include the Maillard reaction (Oliveira and others 2016), free conjugate polysaccharides (free radical grafting, Maillard reactions,
radical grafting (Curcio and others 2009), alkaline treatment (Kroll and enzyme-catalyzed reactions), which are discussed below.
and others 2003), and the carbodiimide-mediated coupling reac- Polyphenols are secondary metabolites produced by many
tion (Pasanphan and Chirachanchai 2008). Enzymatic approaches plants. They form an important source of nutraceuticals in our
are based on the utilization of specific cross-linking enzymes, such diet, particularly from plant-based foods, such as fruits, vegeta-
as transglutaminase, laccase, tyrosinase, lipoxygenase, polyphenol bles, seeds, and leaves (Petti and Scully 2009). Polyphenols have
oxidase, and peroxidase (Payne and others 2013; Mariniello and been reported to reduce the level of oxidative damage in proteins,
others 2014; Zeeb and others 2014). Table 1 provides an overview lipids, carbohydrates, and DNA in living cells and tissues, which
of the most commonly utilized methods for forming food-grade may be partly responsible for their reported ability to help pre-
conjugates. vent chronic diseases such as cancer, neurodegenerative diseases,
diabetes, and osteoporosis (Scalbert and others 2005; Fernández-
Substrates: Proteins, polysaccharides, and polyphenols Panchón and others 2008; Cirillo and others 2016). The fact
Initially, a brief description of the properties of the individual that polyphenols contain multiple phenolic groups makes them
components used as substrates to form conjugates is given. Proteins unstable to light, elevated temperatures, and alkaline conditions,
are widely used as structuring ingredients in foods because of their and reduces their bioavailability (Oliver and others 2016). A num-
specific functional attributes and high nutritional value (Chen and ber of studies have shown that the conjugation of polyphenols to
others 2006). Amino acids are the building blocks of proteins and biopolymers may increase their physical stability, antioxidant activ-
their type, number, and sequence determine the molecular char- ity, and bioavailability (Fang and Bhandari 2010). These conjugates
acteristics of proteins, such as molecular weight, conformation may therefore be used to extend the application range of polyphe-
(globular, random coil, helix), electrical properties (charge ver- nols as functional ingredients in nutritional and biomedical appli-
sus pH), flexibilities (stiff versus flexible), hydrophobicity, thermal cations (Cirillo and others 2016). The main mechanisms for gen-
stability, and chemical reactivity (Jones and McClements 2010; erating polyphenol–biopolymer conjugates involve oxidation of
Whitford 2013). Generally, proteins exhibit a variety of differ- the phenolic groups to form o-quinones or o-semiquinones using
ent functional attributes depending on their molecular structure, alkaline treatment, carbodiimide-mediated coupling, or enzyme-
including emulsification, gelation, foaming, adsorbing to inter- catalyzed reactions (Le Bourvellec and Renard 2012).
faces, catalyzing enzyme reactions, and binding-specific molecules
(McClements and others 2009). Proteins from various biological Protein–polysaccharide conjugates
sources can be conjugated with polysaccharides or polyphenols, The functional properties of proteins can be improved by conju-
including animal proteins, such as gelatin (Diftis and others 2005; gating them to polysaccharides using physical, chemical, or enzy-
Spizzirri and others 2009), whey protein (Di Pierro and others matic treatments (Ye 2008; Dickinson 2008). However, chemical
2006; Akhtar and Dickinson 2007), caseinate (Al-Hakkak and modifications are not commonly applied in the food industry be-
Kavale 2002; Flanagan and Singh 2006), bovine serum albumin cause of potential labeling and regulation concerns (Oliveira and
(BSA) (Rawel and others 2002a; Kim and Shin 2015), and ovo- others 2016; Kato 2002). A convenient way to prepare protein–
transferrin (You and others 2014), and plant proteins, such as soy polysaccharide conjugates is through the Maillard reaction carried
protein (Rawel and others 2002b; Yang and others 2015), peanut out under conditions of controlled time, temperature, pH, and
protein (Liu and others 2012b, Li and others 2015), and corn pro- moisture (Dickinson 2008; Oliveira and others 2016). The Mail-
tein (Takahashi and others 2002). Conjugation is usually achieved lard reaction can be carried out using dry-heating conditions, wet-
using free radical grafting, phenolic oxidation, Maillard reactions, heating conditions (Guo and Xiong 2013), or by applying pulsed
or enzyme-catalyzed reactions. electric fields (Guan and others 2010). A simplified schematic rep-
Polysaccharides are the other major type of biopolymer that resentation of the reaction is shown in Figure 1. The electrophilic
are widely used as structuring ingredients in foods (Basu and carbonyl groups on a polysaccharide molecule react with the neu-
others 2015). Polysaccharides are polymer chains that consist of trophilic amino groups on a protein molecule to form a reversible
monosaccharides linked together by glycosidic bonds; however, Schiff base with the release of water. Rearrangement of this Schiff
the monomer composition of a polysaccharide is typically more base leads to the formation of a more stable ketoamine (Amadori
uniform than that of a protein (Rinaudo 2008; Li and others product), and thus to protein–polysaccharide conjugation.
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However, if the reaction is allowed to proceed further, then these catalyzed reactions are also promising methods to prepare protein–
intermediate products degrade leading to the formation of brown- polysaccharide conjugates.
colored pigments (melanoidins) and other advanced glycation end
products (Liu and others 2012a; Evans and others 2013). Under Protein–polyphenol conjugates
carefully controlled reaction conditions, protein–polysaccharide Owing to their chemical structure, polyphenols are highly re-
conjugates can be formed with enhanced functional attributes, active because they can be easily oxidized either nonenzymatically
such as good emulsifying properties, heat stability, antioxidant ac- or enzymatically (Rohn 2014). A commonly used nonenzymatic
tivity, and antimicrobial activity. reaction involves the conjugation of proteins with polyphenols in
Some examples of protein–polysaccharide conjugates that have an alkaline solution in the presence of O2 (Kroll and others 2003).
been fabricated are listed in Table 2. The conjugates are typ- Under these conditions, polyphenols are first oxidized to their
ically formed from proteins (such as milk, egg, meat, or plant corresponding quinones, which then react with nucleophiles such
proteins) and polysaccharides (such as dextran, chitosan, alginate, as free amino, lysine, cysteine, and tryptophan groups in proteins
and pectin). In addition, mild alkaline treatment and enzyme- (Kroll and others 2003; Rohn 2014). The reaction mechanism
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Figure 1–Schematic representation of the Maillard reaction between polysaccharide and protein, leading to protein–polysaccharide conjugate
for the covalent interactions between proteins and phenolics is the polysaccharides. These radicals then react with the polyphe-
summarized in Figure 2. The diphenol moiety of a polyphenol nols promoting the formation of polysaccharide–polyphenol co-
readily oxidizes to an orthoquinone, which may then form a valent bonds (Curcio and others 2009; Spizzirri and others
dimer (or polymer) in a side reaction, or which reacts with amino 2009).
or sulfhydryl groups on a protein to form covalent C–N or C–S Owing to their advantageous properties, the polysaccharide–
bonds with the phenolic ring (Jongberg and others 2011; Cao polyphenol conjugates have great potential for application in
and Xiong 2015), leading to the regeneration of a hydroquinone. the food industry as additives, to preserve food quality during
Upon further oxidation of this addition product to form its processing and storage, or as dietary supplements, because they
quinone, a second addition may occur, which leads to formation can affect the activity of several enzyme systems involved in
of cross-linked protein polymers (Kroll and others 2003; Strauss the pathogenesis of several diseases (Curcio and Picci 2015). A
and Gibson 2004). number of studies that have shown the potential application of
Enzymatic oxidation of polyphenols can be carried out us- enzymes in enhancing the therapeutic effects of polyphenols are
ing polyphenoloxidases such as catecholoxidases and laccases (Le shown in Table 4 (Basu and others 2015).
Bourvellec and Renard 2012; Budryn and Rachwal-Rosiak 2013). Polysaccharide–polyphenol conjugates can also be obtained by
In the presence of oxygen, a catechol group with 2 aromatic hy- carbodiimide-mediated coupling (Table 4), which involves the
droxyl groups in the ortho position can form o-quinones that formation of amide linkages between amine-containing molecules
can participate in a nucleophilic addition reaction with proteins. and carboxylate-containing molecules (Schanté and others 2011;
Covalent reactions of proteins with polyphenols influence their Yang and others 2011). Chitosan–polyphenol conjugates have
physicochemical properties (such as solubility, thermal stability, been successfully formed using this method, and the resultant
surface activity, gelation properties, and antioxidant activity) as conjugates were reported to have improved physicochemical and
well as their nutritional properties (such as digestibility, bioavail- biological properties, such as water solubility, antioxidant capacity,
ability, and essential amino acid content). and cell adhesion.
Examples of studies of protein–polyphenol conjugates are Polysaccharide–polyphenol conjugates can also be formed using
shown in Table 3. It is clear from these studies that the nature various types of enzymes, which often have advantages in terms
of the phenolic compounds used to form the conjugates has a of being more environmentally friendly. The enzymatic function-
major impact on their functional attributes. alization of chitosan has been performed using oxidative enzymes,
such as polyphenol oxidases (tyrosinases and laccases) and peroxi-
Polysaccharide–polyphenol conjugates dases, as well as by other enzymes such as lipases, phosphorylases,
Numerous studies have shown that polysaccharides can be and transglutaminases (Aljawish and others 2015). For instance,
conjugated to polyphenols to obtain ingredients with novel or in tyrosinase- or laccase-catalyzed reactions, the catechol groups
improved functionality. Free radical grafting is one of the in polyphenol are oxidized to electrophilic o-quinones, which are
most commonly used methods for forming polysaccharide– subject to nucleophilic attack from the primary amines present in
polyphenol conjugates (Figure 3). This method involves a rapid chitosan backbones (Ryu and others 2015). As shown in Figure 4,
and ecofriendly procedure that allows covalent attachment of reactions between chitosan and quinones can undergo 2 possibili-
polyphenols onto polysaccharides without the use of organic sol- ties, producing either Schiff bases or Michael-type adducts (Alves
vents or toxic radical initiators (Curcio and others 2012). Hy- and Mano 2008). Therefore, the products may be a complex mix-
droxyl radicals generated by the interaction between redox pair ture of both conjugates. Enzyme-catalyzed conjugation of chitosan
components (e.g., ascorbic acid/hydrogen peroxide) attack sus- and polyphenols are particularly attractive approaches due to the
ceptible residues in the polysaccharide molecules, such as H-atoms fact that the chitosan derivatives exhibit unique pH-sensitive water
in the R-methylene (−CH2 ) or hydroxyl groups (−OH) of the solubility and adhesive properties (Yamada and others 2000; Kim
hydroxymethylene group of chitosan, producing radical species on and others 2013).
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Protein–polyphenol–polysaccharide conjugates in Figure 5, three major strategies have been developed. The
Additional functional attributes may be engineered into food first method (a) involves the synthesis of protein–polysaccharide
ingredients using ternary conjugates consisting of protein, polysac- conjugates with exposed reactive groups that are then modified
charide, and polyphenol. Depending on the type of the reactions by polyphenols. For example, when protein–polysaccharide
involved, and the sequence in which they are carried out, it is conjugates are formed by the Maillard reaction, there are some
possible to create conjugates with different properties. As shown accessible amino, cysteine, and tyrosine groups in proteins and
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Figure 2–Proposed mechanism for the formation of protein–polyphenol conjugates by alkaline treatment (This figure is from Strauss and Gibson Food
Hydrocolloids, 2004, 18, 81-89 with permission).
amine and carboxylic acid groups in polysaccharides available quinones (Pourcel and others 2007), and then these quinones can
to react with polyphenols. The drawback associated with this react with proteins and polysaccharides to bind them together.
method is that the reaction conditions have to be selected so that Protein–polyphenol–chitosan conjugates have been successfully
they do not affect the activity of the protein. The second method synthesized using tyrosinase as a catalyst (Chen and others 2001).
(b) involves the formation or protein–polyphenol conjugates that In this study, various proteins were coupled onto a chitosan film
have exposed reactive groups which can form conjugates with using a tyrosinase-mediated reaction in the presence of a phenolic
polysaccharides. The third method (c) involves the formation of coupling precursor. In another study, laccase was used to cova-
polysaccharide–polyphenol conjugates, which then react with lently cross-link chitosan, gelatin, and polyphenolic compounds
proteins to form ternary conjugates. The last 2 methods have an from Hamamelis virginiana (Rocasalbas and others 2013). The au-
advantage in terms of purification of the products, because the thors used FTIR analysis to confirm that the phenolic compounds
small molecules (polyphenols), unreacted monomer, and catalyst were covalently incorporated into the chitosan/gelatin network
are easier to remove. Based on these strategies, a diverse range and that the cross-linking probably occurred through a Michael
of chemical functionalities can be accomplished. Some examples addition mechanism. The resultant chitosan–gelatin–phenolic hy-
of the use of the different conjugation strategies are given in drogels were shown to have good antibacterial activity against
Table 5. Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Staphylococcus aureus.
Enzymatic approaches for preparing protein–polyphenol– In our recent studies, we have prepared protein–polyphenol–
polysaccharide conjugates have also been investigated, for ex- polysaccharide conjugates as multifunctional surface-active in-
ample, using polyphenol oxidases (tyrosinases and laccases). As gredients (Liu and others 2015a, 2016a). Ternary conjugates
shown in Figure 6, in the presence of molecular oxygen (O2 ), composed of lactoferrin, polydextrose, and chlorogenic acid
tyrosinase can catalyze the oxidation of polyphenols into reactive were prepared via alkaline treatment and the Maillard reaction
o-quinones; laccases can catalyze the oxidation of polyphenols by a (Figure 7). It was hypothesized that the protein would pro-
free radical reaction leading to the formation of the corresponding vide surface activity, the polysaccharide would provide physical
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Figure 3–Schematic representation of the covalent attachment of polyphenols to biopolymer molecules using free radical-induced grafting reactions.
stability through steric repulsion, and the chlorogenic acid would Complexity of covalent interactions and the potential
provide chemical stability by acting as an antioxidant. In addition, toxicity of the resulting conjugates
some of the constituents may play multiple roles: The lactofer- It is important to highlight that the chemical reactions used to
rin may also act as an antioxidant, and the chlorogenic acid may conjugate proteins, polysaccharides, and polyphenols are highly
also help anchor the proteins to the interface. It was shown that complex and may lead to the formation of undesirable side prod-
the ternary conjugates were good emulsifiers that could effec- ucts. For example, melanoidins can be formed during the advanced
tively inhibit the chemical degradation of encapsulated β-carotene. stages of the Maillard reaction, which are nitrogenous polymers
These types of ternary complexes may therefore be useful for sta- and copolymers of brown coloration (Zhang and Zhang 2007).
bilizing chemically labile nutraceuticals in functional foods and In addition, a range of potentially toxic reaction products may be
beverages. formed during the latter states of the Maillard reaction (Zhang
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and Zhang 2007). Thus, there may be some safety concerns tering (SAX), and differential scanning calorimetry (DSC). The
associated with the utilization of conjugates formed using this combination of these techniques with chemical methods, such as
approach. Consequently, reaction conditions should be carefully amino acid and phenolic acid analysis (Rohn 2014), will lead to a
controlled to avoid the formation of these undesirable reaction better understanding of the properties of conjugates formed from
products (Oliveira and others 2016). In addition, the potential proteins, polyphenols, and polysaccharides.
toxicity of any newly formed conjugates should be established
before widespread utilization within the food industry.
Electrophoresis involves separating charged molecules in an
Conjugates Characterization applied electric field based on differences in their molecular
A variety of analytical methods is required to character- weight, dimensions, conformation, or isoelectric point (Reddy
ize the properties of biopolymer conjugates, such as molecular and Raju 2012; Oliveira and others 2016). Sodium dodecyl sulfate
weight, composition, conformation, structure, and bond type (Le polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS–PAGE) (Laemmli 1970)
Bourvellec and Renard 2012; Bandyopadhyay and others 2012). is a convenient, fast, and inexpensive method to confirm the con-
These methods include electrophoresis, mass spectroscopy, size- jugation of proteins and polysaccharides or proteins and polyphe-
exclusion chromatography, light scattering, nuclear magnetic res- nols. Complex mixtures can be separated to a high resolution using
onance (NMR) spectroscopy, UV–visible spectroscopy, Fourier this technique, and the electrophoretic patterns obtained can be
transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy, small-angle X-ray scat- used to distinguish pure protein from protein–polysaccharide or
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Covalent complexes and their application . . .
polysaccharide Characterization Changes in functionality
conjugates Formation methods techniques or application References
Biologically active Enzyme-catalyzed Organophosphorus Used as a biomaterial Vachoud and others
proteins (cytochrome c, reactions (using hydrolase activity assay (film) (2001)
OPH, and His-CAT) − tyrosinase)
methyl gallate or −
Chitosan−gelatin−plant Enzyme-catalyzed Rheological Antibacterial activity and Rocasalbas and others
polyphenols (a mixture reactions (using characterization; FTIR inhibitory effect on (2013)
of small laccase) myeloperoxidase and
proanthocyanidins and collagenase
hydrolysable tannins)
Chlorogenic Alkaline treatment MALDI-TOF-MS; Antioxidant activity, Liu and others (2015a,
acid−lactoferrin− and Maillard fluorescence thermal stability, and 2016a)
polydextrose reaction solubility as well as
emulsifying properties
of protein
84 Comprehensive Reviews in Food Science and Food Safety r Vol. 16, 2017
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60 °C & 79%
OH- & O2 Relative humidity
+ +
24h 24h
CA-LF conjugate polydextrose CA-LF-PD conjugate
Chlorogenic acid Lactoferrin
(LF) yield=13.63% (PD) yield=11.72%
it a powerful tool for characterizing the structural and composi- by comparison of modified and unmodified peptides (Rawel and
tional properties of biopolymers (Rizzarelli and Carroccio 2014). others 2005).
The glycation of dairy proteins has been characterized using MS.
For example, Oliver and co-workers systematically summarized Size-exclusion chromatography
the ability of MALDI-MS and ESI-MS to reveal structural in- Size-exclusion chromatography (SEC) is an analytical procedure
formation and physicochemical properties about glycoconjugates used to obtain information about molar mass averages and mo-
(Oliver 2011). MS can identify and locate glycated adducts on lar mass distributions of biopolymers based on separating them
food proteins, and it is therefore beneficial for understanding the according to their molecular sizes (Striegel and others 2009).
structure–function relationships of glycoconjugates. MALDI-MS Biopolymers and their conjugates can be resolved by optimizing
and ESI-MS have also been used to characterize conjugates operating parameters such as mobile phase properties (type and
formed using the Maillard reaction between dairy proteins and flow rate) and column parameters (length and pore size) (Hong
various carbohydrates (French and others 2002; Luz Sanz and and others 2012). Various detectors may be used to character-
others 2007). Conversely, MS is currently less useful for pro- ize the biopolymers separated by SEC, including refractive index
viding information about the properties of large polysaccharide (RI), ultraviolet (UV), multiangle laser-light scattering (MALLS),
molecules and their conjugates (Hsu and others 2007). intrinsic viscometry (IV), and mass spectrometry (MS), which en-
MS has also been used to confirm the conjugation of polyphe- ables detailed characterization of biopolymer samples (Fekete and
nols and proteins (Kroll and others 2003). For example, molecular others 2014). For example, SEC–MALLS can provide information
mass analysis indicated that there were 3 chlorogenic acids attached on the size, shape, concentration, and molecular mass of a sample.
to one myoglobin molecule. Coupled with a digestion protocol, For example, SEC–MALLS has been used to estimate the con-
MS can also be used to identify the reaction sites on a protein formation of protein–polysaccharide conjugates formed using the
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Maillard reaction (Choi and others 2005). This study demonstrated ing that chemical reactions occurred between phenolic groups on
that ovalbumin–dextran conjugates had weight-average molar mass LCA and amino groups on gelatin leading to the formation of
values ranging from 84.4 to 105.1 kDa, and root mean square ra- C−N covalent cross-links. SAX can be used to monitor time-
dius values ranging from 19.6 to 26.4 nm. dependent conformational changes of proteins during conjuga-
The molecular properties of corn fiber gum (CFG)–whey tion reactions (Xia and others 2015). The radius of gyration (Rg )
protein conjugates have been characterized by SEC coupled of pure BSA increased from 3.8 nm (native) to 5.3 nm (8 h),
with MALLS and IV detection (Yadav and others 2012). The 7.6 nm (19 h), and 8.9 nm (26 h) as the reaction time increased.
analysis revealed that CFG–protein conjugates had higher molar However, the Rg values of conjugates just increased from 3.8
mass, polydispersity, and radius of gyration than the unconjugated nm (native BSA) to 5.6 nm (8 h), 6.8 nm (19 h), and 6.8 nm
CFG, but that the intrinsic viscosity (η) was unchanged. (26 h). These differences may result from the competition between
In our recent study, the molecular weights of lactoferrin, glycation and aggregation of the protein molecules and suggest that
chlorogenic acid–lactoferrin conjugates, and chlorogenic acid– conjugation of BSA with dextran inhibited protein aggregation.
lactoferrin–glucose/polydextrose conjugates were determined by Moreover, UV–visible spectroscopy can be used to calculate the
SEC–MALLS (Liu and others 2016a). amount of polyphenols bound per protein–polyphenol conjugate
(Rawel and others 2002b). FTIR spectroscopy methods can be
Light scattering used to provide information about the structure and interactions of
There are 3 fundamental light scattering techniques that are used both polysaccharides and proteins (Su and others 2010). DSC can
to characterize biopolymers and their complexes: static (SLS), dy- be used to determine changes in the thermal stability of proteins
namic (DLS), and electrophoretic (ELS) light scattering (Sapsford or polysaccharides when they are conjugated with polyphenols
and others 2011). SLS is typically used to determine the absolute (Curcio and others 2009; Spizzirri and others 2009).
molar mass of biopolymers by measuring the angular light scat-
tering pattern of a biopolymer solution. DLS is typically used to Potential Advantages of Conjugates
determine the hydrodynamic radius of biopolymers in solution by Proteins, polyphenols, and polysaccharides each have their own
measuring their diffusion coefficient from scattered light intensity specific functional attributes. The formation of conjugates from
versus time fluctuations. ELS is typically used to determine the these individual constituents may therefore lead to new ingredients
ζ -potential of biopolymers in solution by using light scattering with novel functional properties. At present, the most studied
to measure their electrophoretic mobility in an applied electrical functional attributes of food-grade conjugates are their solubility,
field. These techniques can be used in combination to provide antioxidant, thermal, emulsifying, foaming, and gelling properties,
information about the molecular weight, hydrodynamic radius, and so we will focus on these attributes in this section.
conformation, and charge of conjugates in solution. Moreover,
detailed information about different fractions within a conjugate Solubility
sample can be obtained by combining light scattering methods Good water solubility is a key requisite for the application
with SEC. Initially, the samples are passed through a size-exclusion of many functional ingredients, for example, ingredients used
column to separate different fractions based on their molecular di- in products such as fortified waters, sports drinks, and nutri-
mensions, and then each fraction is analyzed by DLS, SLS, and/or tional beverages. The solubility of a biopolymer depends on the
ELS to provide information about their molecular weight, con- balance between solvent–solvent, biopolymer–biopolymer, and
formation, and charge. This type of information can facilitate the biopolymer–solvent interactions, which depends on biopolymer
rational development of conjugates as nutraceutical delivery sys- structure, charge, and hydrophobicity (Schmitt and others 1998).
tems (McClements 2007). For example, DLS and ELS have been Generally, high charge density and low average hydrophobicity re-
used to characterize the stability of lutein emulsions prepared using sult in good biopolymer solubility. Research has shown that conju-
either casein or casein–dextran conjugates as emulsifiers (Gumus gation of proteins with polysaccharides or polyphenols affects their
and others 2016). This study demonstrated that casein-coated oil water-solubility. Water solubility is usually improved when a pro-
droplets were highly unstable to flocculation near their isoelec- tein is conjugated with a polysaccharide because the hydrophilic
tric point (4 to 5) due to a reduction in electrostatic repulsion. polysaccharide generates a strong steric repulsion that prevents the
However, casein–dextran-coated droplets were stable from pH 3 proteins from coming close together. For instance, covalent at-
to 7 due to a strong steric repulsion associated with the dex- tachment of maltodextrin to caseinate greatly improved the pH
tran molecules at the droplet surfaces. In another study, DLS and stability of the protein (Shepherd and others 2000). Similarly, cova-
ELS were used to study the pH stability of β-carotene emulsions lent attachment of dextran to β-lactoglobulin, α-lactalbumin, and
stabilized by lactoferrin–polyphenol conjugates and polysaccha- BSA molecules improved protein pH stability (Jimenez-Castano
rides (Liu and others 2016b). It was reported that electrostatic and others 2007).
deposition of anionic polysaccharides on the oil droplet surfaces The conjugation of a protein with a polyphenol may either in-
improved their pH stability due to strong electrostatic and steric crease or decrease the water solubility of the protein depending on
repulsion. the nature of the system. Covalent attachment of charged polyphe-
nols will alter the electrical characteristics of proteins, particularly
Other possible techniques the isoelectric point, which will change their pH-solubility pro-
As mentioned earlier, there are many other techniques that can files (Kroll and others 2003; Budryn and Rachwal-Rosiak 2013).
be used for conjugation characterization. NMR spectroscopy can Attachment of nonpolar polyphenols will increase the surface hy-
be used to elucidate and identify the chemical structures of conju- drophobicity of proteins, which may not only increase their surface
gates (Le Bourvellec and Renard 2012). Zhang and others (2010) activity, but also reduce their water solubility (Bandyopadhyay and
studied the cross-linking chemistry of 13 C-enriched caffeic acid others 2012). The reaction between polyphenols and proteins may
(LCA) with gelatin using a high-resolution NMR technique in promote cross-linking of the proteins, which may also change their
both solution and solid states. Direct evidence was found confirm- water solubility (Ozdal and others 2013). In summary, all these
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interactions could affect the solubility of the derivatives. Our re- Thermal stability
cent research demonstrated that conjugation of lactoferrin with Thermal processing is an important step in the production of
chlorogenic acid and (−)-epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG) ap- many food products. However, heating may promote the thermal
preciably altered its solubility: The solubility of the conjugates was denaturation and aggregation of globular proteins, which can lead
relatively high from pH 7 to 11 and from pH 2 to 3, but relatively to problems with food quality (Liu and Zhong 2012). Studies have
low at pH 4 and 5 (Liu and others 2016c). shown that glycation of globular proteins with polysaccharides can
Conjugation may also alter the solubility characteristics of inhibit the thermal aggregation of proteins after heating (Liu and
polysaccharides. Many polysaccharides naturally have good water Zhong 2012, 2013). For example, it was reported that glycation
solubility because of their high surface polarity and/or surface of whey protein with maltodextrin led to transparent dispersions
charge (Basu and others 2015). Nevertheless, some polysaccha- after heating at 88 °C for 2 min. This improvement in thermal
rides have limited solubility under certain conditions due to stability was attributed to a number of factors: (i) glycation low-
hydrogen-bond formation between helical regions or because ered the isoelectric point of the protein, (ii) glycation increased
of weak electrostatic repulsion due to a low electrical charge the denaturation temperature of the proteins, and (iii) glycation
(Rinaudo 2008). For instance, the solubility of some polysac- increased the steric repulsion between the proteins. Other stud-
charides is strongly pH dependent because of changes in the ies have shown that the thermal stability of globular proteins can
ionization of the charged groups around their pKa values, for be increased by forming covalent conjugates with polysaccharides
example, chitosan loses solubility in neutral and basic conditions using the Maillard reaction (Wang and Zhong 2014).
due to loss of a proton (−NH3 + → −NH2 ), whereas hyaluronic An improvement in thermal stability of globular proteins can
acid loses solubility in acid conditions due to gain of a proton also be achieved by conjugation with polyphenols. In our recent
(−CO2 − → −CO2 H). The covalent attachment of polyphenols study, we showed that conjugation of lactoferrin with polyphenols
to polysaccharides may be able to improve their water-solubility (EGCG and chlorogenic acid) inhibited its thermal aggregation at
characteristics. For example, conjugation of chitosan with neutral pH (Liu and others 2016d). This effect was attributed to
polyphenols has been shown to improve its solubility at neutral an increase in the thermal stability of the protein, as well as to
pH (Kumar and others 1999; Kim and others 2013). This an increase in the steric and electrostatic repulsion between the
enhanced solubility may be ascribed to the good water solubility protein molecules.
of the polyphenols used (pyrocatechol and chlorogenic acid) and
the increased pKa value of the amine groups due to conjugation Emulsifying properties
with polyphenols (Ryu and others 2015). Conjugation has been widely used to improve the emulsifying
properties of food biopolymers. This can be achieved by increasing
the tendency for the biopolymers to adsorb to oil–water interfaces,
Antioxidant activity or by improving the stability of biopolymer-coated droplets to
Many polyphenols have strong antioxidant activity, namely, the aggregation (Kato 2002). For example, the formation of protein–
ability to protect biological molecules against oxidation, scav- carbohydrate conjugates using the Maillard reaction can enhance
enge free radicals, and retard reactive oxygen species generation. emulsion formation and stability depending on the nature of the
Therefore, it is one of the most important properties evaluated constituents used to assemble the conjugates (Evans and others
after conjugation of polyphenols with proteins or polysaccharides. 2013). For instance, the emulsion-stabilizing properties of soy
Protein–EGCG conjugates have been reported to exhibit bet- proteins have been improved by conjugation with sodium car-
ter antioxidant activity than unmodified proteins (Almajano and boxymethyl cellulose (Diftis and Kiosseoglou 2003), which was
others 2007). These authors deduced that free phenolic hydroxyl attributed to an increase in steric repulsion between the oil droplets
groups with antioxidant properties were still available after the due to the presence of the polysaccharide chains.
EGCG was conjugated with the protein. Wang and co-workers Development of protein–polyphenol conjugates as novel emul-
prepared α-La–EGCG complexes at pH 8.0 and evaluated their sifiers has also drawn a great deal of interest in recent years.
antioxidant properties by DPPH radical and ABTS radical scav- Lactoferrin–polyphenol conjugates prepared using the free rad-
enging activities assays, compared with the control of α-La (Wang ical grafting approach were shown to have better emulsifying ac-
and others 2014a). The α-La–EGCG conjugates had significantly tivity and emulsion-stabilizing properties than lactoferrin alone
increased antioxidant activity, which was attributed to the fact (Liu and others 2015b). The improved emulsifying activity was
that EGCG attached to the protein could scavenge radicals and attributed to the increased surface hydrophobicity of the modified
form more stable reaction products, thereby terminating the radi- protein, whereas the improved emulsion stability was attributed to
cal chain reaction. a stronger repulsion between the conjugate-coated droplets. Wei
Reactions between polyphenols and polysaccharides can also and co-workers showed that β-carotene emulsions formed using
produce antioxidant conjugates (Spizzirri and others 2010; Lee and protein–EGCG conjugates were more physically and chemically
others 2014). In a recent study, chitosan–hydroxycinnamic acid stable than those formed from protein alone (Wei and others 2015).
conjugates were synthesized by conjugation of the polysaccharide The improved physical stability was attributed to the formation of
with caffeic acid, ferulic acid, or sinapic acid (Lee and others 2014). smaller droplets with stronger repulsive interactions using the con-
The results demonstrated that all the conjugates had stronger an- jugates, whereas the improved chemical stability was attributed to
tioxidant activities than unmodified chitosan, confirming that the the presence of antioxidant polyphenols at the droplet surfaces.
antioxidant ability of chitosan was increased after conjugation. The presence of polyphenols also affects the emulsifying prop-
Finally, the conjugation of proteins and polysaccharides has also erties of polysaccharides. Studies have shown that both sugar beet
been shown to significantly improve the antioxidant capacity com- pectin (SBP) and chitosan can be modified by polyphenols to
pared to the protein or physical protein–polysaccharide mixtures improve emulsion stability. SBP naturally contains ferulic acid and
(Nakamura and others 1992; Jing and others 2011; Huang and some proteins, which contribute to its good amphiphilic prop-
others 2012). erties (Jung and Wicker 2012). Laccase can be used to catalyze
C 2016 Institute of Food Technologists® Vol. 16, 2017 r Comprehensive Reviews in Food Science and Food Safety 87
Covalent complexes and their application . . .
Foaming properties
The foaming properties exhibited by certain food ingredients
are important in determining the quality of numerous food
products, including milk, ice cream, whipped creams, cakes,
and breads (Oliveira and others 2016). Many proteins are good
foaming agents because they can strongly adsorb to the gas–water
interface and provide good steric and electrostatic stabilizations
(Murray 2007). Many polysaccharides are so hydrophilic that they Figure 8–Examples of different kinds of delivery systems stabilized by
food-grade conjugates.
have a low affinity for the air–water interface; however, they can
enhance the stability of protein foams by acting as thickening or
gelling agents (Dickinson 2003). The good interfacial properties
of proteins and stabilization properties of polysaccharides can the conjugates could be adjusted by modifying the amount of
be combined to form protein–polysaccharide complexes with grafted gallic acid. Antioxidant thermoresponsive hydrogels have
enhanced foaming properties (Schmitt and others 1998). Studies been synthesized by radical grafting of catechin onto inulin, which
have shown that milk proteins conjugated with either pectin or may be useful for certain food applications (Spizzirri and others
dextran, using the Maillard reaction, are better foaming agents 2011).
than the original untreated proteins (Hiller and Lorenzen 2010).
Similarly, the foaming properties of peanut proteins have been
improved by conjugation with dextran using the Maillard reaction Formation and Properties of Conjugates-Based Deliv-
(Liu and others 2012b). The improved foaming characteristics ery Systems
of protein–carbohydrate conjugates have been attributed to the Many active food compounds, such as colors, flavors, nutraceu-
fact that their higher water solubility leads to their transfer to the ticals, vitamins, and preservatives, benefit from being encapsulated
air–water interface faster than the original proteins (Wooster and in food-grade delivery systems because this improves their han-
Augustin 2007). In addition, protein–carbohydrate conjugates dling, dispersibility, stability, or activity (McClements and others
form thick viscoelastic layers at the air–water interface, which 2009). These delivery systems should not adversely impact the
can provide good protection against air bubble aggregation and properties of the food product in which they are incorporated,
Ostwald ripening (Dunlap and Côté 2005). and they should be able to deliver the active compounds to the
required site-of-action (Lesmes and McClements 2009). There
Gelling properties are currently 3 major types of colloidal delivery systems that uti-
A gel is a continuous three-dimensional network composed lize food-grade conjugates: (i) emulsions and nanoemulsions, (ii)
of molecules linked by covalent and/or noncovalent bonds. Gel hydrogels, and (iii) biopolymer nanoparticles and microparticles.
networks can be formed using a variety of different approaches, As shown in Figure 8, the physicochemical properties and sta-
including addition of enzymes (such as transglutaminase or lac- bility of a particular delivery system depend on the composition
case), of mineral counterions (such as potassium, calcium, or and physical state of components and the method used to cre-
tripolyphosphate), pH adjustment (by adding acid or base), or ate it. Each system has its own specific advantages and disad-
alteration of environmental conditions (such as temperature) vantages for encapsulation, protection, and delivery of functional
(McClements 2014). For example, mixtures of polysaccharides components.
(chitosan) and proteins (gelatin) have been cross-linked by adding
an enzyme (tyrosinase) to form a gel (Chen and others 2003). Emulsions and nanoemulsions
Laccase has also been used to covalently cross-link chitosan and Oil-in-water (O/W) emulsions (d > 100 nm) and nanoemul-
gelatin and form gels using polyphenols as coupling agents (Ro- sions (d < 100 nm) are widely used for the encapsulation of
casalbas and others 2013). Gelatin gels have also been formed using hydrophobic bioactive compounds that need to be dispersed into
polyphenols (gallic acid and rutin) as cross-linking agents, with gel aqueous-based foods (McClements 2010). These 2 systems con-
strength depending on polyphenol type and concentration (Yan sist of emulsifier-coated oil droplets dispersed in water, but only
and others 2011). the smaller droplets in nanoemulsions can lead to more desirable
A similar tendency was also observed for polysaccharide– functional attributes, such as improved stability to aggregation and
polyphenol conjugates. In the presence of carbodiimide and creaming, and higher optical clarity (Tadros and others 2004).
hydroxybenzotriazole, gallic acid could graft onto chitosan in There has recently been considerable interest in the application
aqueous solution (Xie and others 2014). The resulting chitosan– of conjugate-based emulsifiers to create emulsion-based delivery
polyphenol conjugates had a higher viscosity than chitosan alone, systems to encapsulate bioactive agents such as carotenoids, cur-
which was attributed to the formation of covalent cross-links by cumin, and lutein (Gumus and others 2016; Liu and others 2016c;
oxidation of gallic acid groups. In addition, the high viscosity of Wang and others 2016). Some potential advantages and limitations
88 Comprehensive Reviews in Food Science and Food Safety r Vol. 16, 2017
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Covalent complexes and their application . . .
Oral bioavailability can be defined as the fraction of a specific in- a gum arabic–curcumin conjugate was 900-fold higher than that
gested substance that eventually reaches an individual’s circulatory of free curcumin. Moreover, the gum arabic–curcumin conjugate
system in an active form (Parada and Aguilera 2007). The overall exhibited enhanced accumulation and reduced toxicity in HepG2
bioavailability (BA) is determined by 3 main factors (McClements cells due to the targeting efficiency of the galactose groups present
and others 2015): in the gum arabic.
The bioavailability of a substance can also be improved by in-
B A = B ∗ × A∗ × T ∗ creasing the fraction that is solubilized within the mixed micelle
phase. For example, resveratrol is a polyphenolic compound that
has potential benefits for human health. Research has shown that
Here, B∗ is the bioaccessibility of the substance within the in-
the bioaccessibility of resveratrol within the mixed micelles was en-
testinal fluids obviously change during passage of the GIT. For
hanced when it was encapsulated in biopolymer nanoparticles fab-
hydrophilic substances, this may simply be the fraction that is re-
ricated using caseinate−dextran conjugates (Davidov-Pardo and
leased from the food matrix and dissolved in the intestinal fluids.
others 2015). The bioavailability of a substance can also be im-
For hydrophobic substances, this is the fraction of the substance
proved by increasing the amount that reaches the intended site-
that is solubilized within mixed micelles in the small intestinal flu-
of-action in an active form. Wang and others synthesized an
ids. A∗ is the absorption of the substance from the gastrointestinal
amphiphilic carboxymethyl chitosan–quercetin conjugate (CQ)
fluids into the body, that is, the fraction that passes through the
for encapsulating and delivering a hydrophobic drug (paclitaxel)
mucus layer, across the epithelium cells, and into the systemic cir-
(Wang and others 2014b). In situ intestinal absorption experiments
culation. T∗ is the fraction of the absorbed substance that reaches
showed that the polymeric micelles formed by CQ significantly
the site of action in an active state.
improved the effective permeability of the drug, resulting in strong
The composition and structure of conjugate-based delivery
antitumor efficacy.
systems can be designed to improve the bioavailability of sub-
In summary, food-grade conjugate-based delivery systems can
stances incorporated into it by altering B∗ , A∗ , and T∗ . Curcumin,
be deigned to enhance the bioavailability of substances depend-
a bioactive polyphenol derived from the plant Curcuma longa, is
ing on the properties of the starting materials and fabrication
used here as an example to highlight this approach. Curcumin has
methods used. To provide guiding principles for designing more
been shown to exhibit a range of beneficial biological and phar-
effective delivery systems suitable for application in the food
macological activities, including antioxidant, anti-inflammatory,
and pharmaceutical industries, more mechanistic investigations
and antiseptic activities, but its application as a nutraceutical or
are needed to establish the relationship between the structure of
drug is currently limited because of its low water solubility, rapid
the conjugates and the activity of substances within the human
hydrolytic degradation, and poor bioavailability (Dey and Sreeni-
vasan 2014). Curcumin–polysaccharide conjugates have been de-
veloped to enhance bioaccessibility and stability. Appreciable en-
hancements in the water solubility of curcumin were observed Concluding Remarks and Future Perspectives
upon conjugation with both alginate (Dey and Sreenivasan 2014) In summary, food-grade conjugates can be formed from pro-
and gum arabic (Sarika and others 2015). Indeed, the solubility of teins, polysaccharides, and polyphenols using specific cross-linking
90 Comprehensive Reviews in Food Science and Food Safety r Vol. 16, 2017
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reactions, including enzymatic methods, the Maillard reaction, UPLC ultraperformance liquid chromatography
free radical grafting, alkaline treatment, and the carbodiimide- UV ultraviolet
mediated coupling reaction. The conjugates produced can be de- WPI whey protein isolate
signed to have physicochemical attributes and functional properties XRD X-ray diffraction
that are different from those of the natural starting materials, such β-LG β-lactoglobulin
as improved physical and chemical stabilities, or controlled release
properties. Consequently, these conjugates may be used to de- Acknowledgments
velop innovative functional food products specifically designed to The research work was funded by the National Natural Science
enhance human health and performance. On the basis of our re- Foundation of China under grant no. 31371835. We also thank
view of the literature, we recommend that the future development the China Scholarship Council for supporting Fuguo Liu to do
of studies on conjugates of proteins, polysaccharides, and polyphe- his research at UMass Amherst.
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