Pekmezci2019 PDF
Pekmezci2019 PDF
Pekmezci2019 PDF
DOI: 10.1111/jocd.12904
melasma, topical agent, treatment
1 | I NTRO D U C TI O N malar, and mandibular. Although the main pattern in the major‐
ity of the cases is centrofacial, two or three forms may also be
Melasma is an extensively seen and chronic hyperpigmentation seen together. Epidemiological surveys revealed the prevalence
of the integumentary system. It most often involves the face and of the disorder in a quite wide range as 1% in general population
therefore is a source of major distress for the affected individu‐ to 50% in high‐risk populations. These ranges may represent dif‐
als. Generally, interpersonal transactions and emotional wellness ferent genetic backgrounds and environmental differences among
were influenced unfavorably by this disorder. In clinical practice, discrete geographic conditions. As an acquired dermatosis, me‐
melasma is often encountered in three facial forms; centrofacial, lasma generally sets up in twenties. 3 Approximately 90% of the
cases are females during the reproductive years.4 Ultraviolet light 2 | M E TH O DS
has been demonstrated to enhance and propagate the disorder.
It has also been found that melasma patients have higher oxida‐ Sixty‐eight nonpregnant female patients with melasma who referred
tive stress markers compared with healthy volunteers. Hormonal to our hospital dermatology clinic in the years 2016‐2017 were
impacts such as pregnancy and oral contraceptive use have been retrospectively recruited. They all had more than 75% epidermal
shown a significant role in the pathogenesis. Melasma has three involvement concluded after Wood's light examination, completed
histologic variants. In the epidermal one, pigment is distributed 6‐month treatment with the prescribed cream mixture, and per‐
abundantly in the layers of epidermis. Melanocytes are enlarged formed the suggested visits in 3rd and 6th months. All of the pa‐
and have increased number of melanosomes. The dermal variant tients had Fitzpatrick skin types II‐IV. The demographic data and
is characterized with melanophages widespread in the dermis. In duration since the onset of symptoms are depicted in Table 1.
the mixed type, the hyperpigmentation is the result of both epi‐ The hyperpigmentation value of each patient was measured instru‐
dermal and dermal abnormalities explained above.4 If the pigment mentally by using the melanin probe of Multi Skin Test Center® MC
is epidermal, the hyperpigmentation can be seen darker through 1000 (Courage + Khazaka electronic GmbH, Cologne, Germany) imme‐
a Wood's lamp. diately before the beginning, and at the end of 3rd and 6th months of
Due to the psychological and social stress the condition conveys, treatment. So the initial, 3rd and 6th month values were obtained. The
it is mandatory to lecture the melasma patients adequately about measurements were performed on darkest three points clinically ob‐
chronicity of the disorder and the importance of photoprotection. served. The arithmetic mean of the three values was considered as the
Although treatment is frequently a multifaceted approach, topical melanin index (MI) of the patient. The measured points were labeled on
applications are the anchor of therapy for melasma and can be used an anonymous, symbolic sketch of face for each patient, and the subse‐
as single, dual, or triple combinations. Other interventions are often quent measurements were repeated on the same points.
second‐ or third‐line approaches, and mostly, they are the supple‐ Also each patient was asked to fulfill a self‐assessment scale,
ments of topical therapy. Hydroquinone (HQ), frequently the main immediately before the beginning of treatment and at the end of
component of pharmaceutical combinations, is utilized with agents 6th month. Patient self‐assessment scale (PSAS) was comprised of
like azelaic acid (AA), retinoic acid, and topical corticosteroids (TCs). five semiquantitative hyperpigmentation values as; 0: Null, 1: Mild,
In addition, mixtures of various other hypomelanizing agents com‐ 2: Moderate, 3: Marked, and 4: Severe hyperpigmentation. The pa‐
posed arbitrarily and generally lacking controlled clinical trials are tients were told to assess the 1‐4 values as approximate 25%‐100%
widely marketed by cosmeceutical companies.4 The most compre‐ quantities of a brown‐black hue.
hensively studied and used pharmaceutical combination is the “triple The cream mixture prescribed for the patients was prepared by
combination” introduced by Kligman and Willis. The original combi‐ private pharmacists by simply mixing the officinal drug products and
nation was composed of 5% HQ, 0.1% tretinoin, and 0.1% dexameth‐ adding salicylic acid, in sterile plastic containers.
asone and was found effective in the treatment of various disorders
with acquired hyperpigmentation, including melasma.5 In time, due
The components of the mixture were: Azelaic acid (20%) 30 g
to the irritation potential of this combination, the original formula cream
has been modified through addition or alteration of one or more
Hydroquinone (4%)
of its components to adapt different skin types. Maximum experi‐ 60 g cream
mentation has been performed with the changes in TC component. Methylprednisolone
Although modified triple combinations were generally shown to aceponate (0.1%) 60 g
be effective in clinical trials, daily use for more than 6 months fre‐ cream
quently associated with TC‐related adverse effects such as atrophy Salicylic acid 3 g
and telangiectasia.4,6 So, the approximate percentages of
In this study, we retrospectively recruited and interpreted our active materials after the dilution effect
in 150 g cream mixture obtained were: Azelaic acid (4%)
outpatient dermatology clinic data of melasma patients treated with
Hydroquinone (1.6%)
a previously unreported triple combination which was empirically
formulated, regarding the safety concerns about the components, to Methylprednisolone
aceponate (0.04%)
have fewer adverse effects with long‐term use.
Salicylic acid (2%)
TA B L E 1 The demographic data and duration of the symptoms The patients were cautioned to use the preparation in the eve‐
ning and not to wash till morning. In case of irritation, they were
Age Duration of symptoms (y)
informed to use the mixture every other day in the first 2 weeks.
Mean ± SD: 31.88 ± 7.83 Mean ± SD: 3.75 ± 2.09
Also all patients were strictly lectured to use a 50+ SPF sunproof
Median: 32 Median: 4 three times during daylight throughout the therapy period. The pa‐
SD: standard deviation. tients were advised to keep the cream mixture in the door shelf of a
refrigerator in order to achieve longer durability. Nevertheless, the TA B L E 3 The comparative P values of the MI and PSAS
same prescription was repeated in the 3rd month visit of each pa‐ evaluations
tient. Also each patient was photographed immediately before the 3rd month vs 6th month
beginning of the treatment and at the end of 6th month. initial 6th vs 3rd month vs initial
Student's t test was used for statistical analysis.
MI =0.0013 =0.0141 <0.0001
PSAS NA NA <0.0001
Time in Months
Inial 3rd Month 6th Month
Decrease in Means
-2,2 F I G U R E 1 Improvement curve.
-2,5 The line shows the improvement in
Melanin Index in the 3rd and 6th months,
Improvement Curve compared with initial value
(A) (B)
(C) (D)
(E) (F)
(G) (H)
the use of 0.1% MPA with minimal local or systemic adverse effects salicylate, SA also has anti‐inflammatory and anesthetic properties.
have been reported. Compared with traditional TCs, MPA has an Its anti‐inflammatory activity is most notable between 0.5% and 5%
enhanced therapeutic index.8,9 concentrations.12
Salicylic acid (SA) is a lipid‐soluble compound which is de‐ These retrospective data are interesting in two points. First,
scribed as both a beta‐hydroxy acid and a phenolic aromatic acid this combination for melasma treatment has not been reported so
by different authors.10,11 It is an agent widely used for a number of far, and second, it can be seen that a good outcome may be ob‐
dermato‐cosmetic problems, including melasma. It weakens the ad‐ tained with lesser amounts of active ingredients than reported in
hesion of corneocytes and leads to their detachment. It is therefore the literature. AA was preferred in the combination because rela‐
known to improve the penetration of other topical agents. As it is a tive high irritation rates and patient complaints were observed in
How to cite this article: Pekmezci E. A novel triple
None. combination in treatment of melasma: Significant outcome
with far less actives. J Cosmet Dermatol. 2019;00:1–5. https://