N S F F W F C T: A Umerical Imulation of LOW Ield INA IND Arm On Omplex Errain

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Myungsung Lee1, Seung Ho Lee1, Nahmkeon Hur1, Chang-koon Choi2
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Sogang University, Seoul 121-742, Korea,
Department of Civil and Environment Engineering, KAIST, Daejeon 305-701, Korea

A three-dimensional flow simulation is performed to investigate the wind flow around the wind-power
generation facilities in mountainous area of complex terrain. A digital map of the wind farm area located in the
eastern mountainous area of Korea is used to model actual complex terrain. Rotating wind turbines are also
modeled in the computational domain with detailed blade shape using the frozen rotor method. Wind direction
and speed to be used as a boundary condition are taken from local meteorological reports. The numerical results
show the details of flow field distribution in the wind farm, the variation in the performance of the wind turbines
due to the location of the turbines in complex terrain, and the effect of the upstream turbine on the performance
of the downstream one. The methodology presented in the present study may be used in selecting future wind
farm site and wind turbine locations in the selected site for possible maximum power generation.


Global warming becomes a threat to the mother earth so that search for the clean and
renewable energy generation has long been sought. Among the renewable energy sources, the
wind energy is one popular form of the energy which can be relatively easily converted to the
electric power compared to other form of renewable energy. Since the output of wind power
is proportional to the cube of the velocity, the wind farm successfully located can provide
significant output of energy (Murakami et al., 2003). For that reason, many experimental and
analytical studies have been conducted in order to estimate wind resource using
meteorological data. Helmis et al. (1995) carried out a field experiment in order to examine
the wind flow characteristics concerning the upwind area and the wake region behind a single
wind turbine using remote sensing techniques. As results of their study, wind speed
acceleration and channeling effects are founded due to complex topography and the nonlinear
interaction between the wake and the turbine tower is also revealed. Barthelmie et al. (1996)
examined the coastal meteorology at the world’s first offshore wind farm in Vindeby,
Denmark with observations such as wind speed differences between land and sea, wind speed
profiles, diurnal variability and turbine wake effect. These experimental studies, however,
consume much time and effort to investigate the flow structure in a wind farm. Morfiadakis et
al. (1996) established a procedure for applying the von Karman formulation to the measured
spectra of the three velocity components measured in the wind farm in the island of Andros,
Greece. This analysis reveals that von Karman spectrum is suitable for the structure of the
The Seventh Asia-Pacific Conference on Wind Engineering, November 8-12, 2009, Taipei, Taiwan

turbulence measured at some location in free stream condition. However, intense topography
effects like flow separation and wake effects are not adequately modeled by this formulation.
The methodology of wind resource assessment has relied on a combination of field
data and software tools based on statistics and linear models of the fluid flow equations
(Palma et al., 2008). This practice has proved its suitability in case of relatively flat terrain,
being able to resolve the flow structure at areas of moderate slope (e.g. Landberg et al., 2003;
Ayotte and Hughes, 2004 among others). Finardi et al. (1998) verified a mass-consistent
model (MINERVE) which satisfies mass conservation with linearized space-interpolation to
reconstruct the wind field features. They compute the space distribution of wind speeds and
their variation with height so as to identify the areas suitable for wind turbine sites. Wind
Atlas Analysis and Application Program (WAsP) is also based on the concept of linearized
flow model for the purpose of predicting the wind resource for sitting of wind turbine singly
or in farms. Lange and Højstrup (2001) evaluated the WAsP for offshore applications using
available data of measurements at wind farm site in Danish Baltic Sea region. The wind
resources estimated from measurements are widely good agreement with the WAsP-
predictions. They, however, also found deviations in the directional wind speed predictions to
correspond with the length of the sea fetch. Many of the procedure in WAsP are strictly
applicable only under idealized and limited range of conditions. The most severe problem of
these linearized models is encountered in mountainous terrains due to the importance of
dynamics, which are not accounted in this model. The WAsP has been the commonly used
computational tool in only flat terrain such as Denmark and northern Germany. In complex
and very rugged terrains such as Korea and Japan, however, WAsP could lead to results
outside an acceptable range (Şahin, 2004).
Recent development in CFD enables us to predict the flow field in area of
mountainous region with very complex terrain. Murakami et al. (2003) developed local area
wind prediction system based on computational wind engineering for the purpose of selecting
suitable site for wind-power plants. A new linear type k-ε turbulence model and the tree
canopy model were used for accurate prediction of local area wind energy distribution. The
predicted results agrees better with the measured data than that by WAsP in two-dimensional
cliff (front-step), hill model, and a practical size of domain (3000 m x 1800 m x 200 m)
considering the conditions of ground surface. Palma et al. (2008) studied the wind flow over a
coastal region by field measurements with cup and sonic anemometer, and computer
simulations using linear and nonlinear (CFD) mathematical models of the fluid flow equations.
They showed that CFD techniques are useful and capable of identifying the separated flow
region clearly unsuitable for installation of wind turbines. Few papers have been published on
the assessment of wind flow in the complex terrain of mountainous region. Moreover the flow
field through the operating wind turbines on the complex terrain has not been studied
extensively, which gives the detailed information on the effect of the terrain and the adjacent
turbines on the performance of the wind turbine. The present study aims to investigate the
effect of the complex topography and the turbine wake in the full-scale wind farm on the
performance of the power generation.

Numerical methods
The mountainous terrain was discretized by a mesh generation program which reads
digitized map with contour heights at every 10 m and maps the 2-D flat surface mesh onto the
digitized map to get the height information by searching and interpolation algorithm. The 2-D
rugged surface mesh is then used to generate 3-D volume mesh above the surface. In the
present study an area of 10 km x 12 km is considered for simulation, and the upper boundary
is set at 6 km above the sea level as shown in Figure 1. This figure also shows a wind farm
The Seventh Asia-Pacific Conference on Wind Engineering, November 8-12, 2009, Taipei, Taiwan

Figure 1: Computational domain of a wind farm which consists of 49 wind turbines installed on mountainous
terrain (left). Circles indicate the location of each wind turbine (right).

consisting of 49 wind turbines installed on the mountainous region. As seen from the figure
all wind turbine is located on ridges of mountains, and each position of turbines is denoted
with numbers. The details of computational meshes are shown in Figure 2, where the
horizontal mesh spacing is 20 m, and the vertical height of the computational cells above the
ground surface is around 3 m. In order to resolve the flow through the turbine blades, detailed
mesh has been generated automatically from the CAD data with polyhedral cells for the
volume of a single wind turbine, and this turbine mesh has been copied to compose the whole
wind farm mesh. The wind turbine considered in the present study has three blades of 40 m
radius, and the height of the turbine hub is 80 m above the ground level. Since many wind
turbines adopt a tilted rotor axis in order to provide sufficient clearance between the rotor
blades and the tower, a tilt angle of 7° is considered in the present analysis (Hau, 2005).
At inlet boundary plane a logarithmic boundary layer profile with free stream velocity
of 15 m/s is imposed from the meteorological reports for last nine years (Climate information
for wind velocity, 2000-2008). From the same data of field measurements the dominant wind
direction is west of 38% in occurrence frequency, and followed by easterly wind of 12%
frequency for the 9-years period. Simulations were performed for westerly and easterly winds
for a matter of primary interest. There were total of four different cases, accounting on

Figure 2: Detailed view of the meshes for mountainous region in complex topography (left) and the embedded
polyhedral cells for the wind turbine (right) to resolve the flow passing through the wind tower.
The Seventh Asia-Pacific Conference on Wind Engineering, November 8-12, 2009, Taipei, Taiwan

(a) West (b) East (c) South (d) North

Figure 3: Computational cases with varous wind directions and adopted boundary conditions

additional southerly and northerly wind directions, whose frequency of around 5%. Figure 3
shows the computational cases with four different wind directions. In the present analysis, it is
noted that all wind turbines have the same direction of the rotating axis paralleled to the
incoming flow. Figure 3 also illustrates boundary conditions adopted in each case. The outlet
condition was applied on the opposite plane of the inlet boundary. At other boundaries
symmetric condition is imposed in the assumption that the boundaries are located far away
from the area of interest so that the flow structure at boundaries may have minimal effect on
the flow field near wind turbines.
Frozen rotor method was used by setting multiple reference frames in the present
analysis to consider the rotational effect of the wind turbine. In this method a rotating speed is
considered by 6 RPM as nominal operation of the wind turbine. To evaluate the performance
of wind turbine generators, the torque acting on the turbine blades are calculated with final
solutions of each computational case. Total 22,000,000 computational cells are used in the
domain possessing the wind farm consisting of 49 wind turbines. STAR-CD V4.08
(Computational Dynamics Ltd., 2008) was employed to simulate the flow field in the wind
farm. A steady incompressible full 3-D Navier-Stokes equation was solved with standard k-ε
model for turbulent flow. For the simulation, a 20-CPU Linux cluster with Intel Xeon Quad-
Core 2.5 GHz 64-bit processor was used for parallel computation. The typical computation
time was around 2 days to achieve converged solution over 1,000 iterations.

Results and discussion

A significant output of wind energy can be achieved by installation of wind turbines in
an appropriate site. However, it is not an easy task to arrange the turbines in the wind farm,
since many factors have to be taken into account for optimal performance. Among the various
factors, the flow structure in the wind farm is one of the most important matters for effective
operation. In the present study, the flow field in the wind farm on the complex terrain is
investigated with four different wind directions and the performance of the wind farm is also
A global view of the flow pattern for four different wind directions is presented in
Figure 4. This figure shows the space distribution of the wind speed at the hub height of the
wind turbine, which is useful information with a view to estimate the wind potential. The
complex mountainous terrain is depicted with contour levels at every 50 m. As expected, the
results were strongly correlated with the terrain elevation and the high velocity regions
appeared at ridges of the mountain chain, where many wind turbines are installed. The wind
speed increases during the uphill in the mountainous region, and decreases in the downhill.
Mountain chain modeled in the present study is developed mostly in south-north direction,
The Seventh Asia-Pacific Conference on Wind Engineering, November 8-12, 2009, Taipei, Taiwan


(a) West (b) East

(c) South (d) North

Figure 4: Contour plots of horizontal wind speed at hub height (80 m) above ground level, Cirlces show the
location of wind turbines as shown in Figure 1.

and the larger areas of uphill and downhill are appeared in west-east direction. Since the wind
speed increases during the uphill and becomes maximal at topographical peak, many wind
turbines are arranged at ridges in S-N direction for higher speed of incoming flow. With a
view of relation between the topographical configuration and the wind speed, the southerly
and northerly wind conditions are easy to induce less flow acceleration because the direction
The Seventh Asia-Pacific Conference on Wind Engineering, November 8-12, 2009, Taipei, Taiwan

Figure 5: Local flow deficit induced by topography (left) and wake of upstream turbines (right).

of wind flow is perpendicular to the slope of the mountain chain. For the above reason,
average wind speed in southerly and northerly wind conditions is quite lower than west and
east cases. In the results of west and east wind simulations the wind turbines located at ridges
where the predicted wind speed is high above 10 m/s, are expected to generate sufficient
output of power. It can be also observed that the area with flow deficit lower than 9.5 m/s as
depicted by A and C in the figure. This low speed of incoming flow may lead to a low
performance of the wind turbine. It is also noted that the wind turbines as indicated with B
and D may suffer incoming flow defect since they are in the wake region induced by the
upstream turbines.
Figure 5 shows the local areas with flow deficit due to the topography and the wake of
upstream turbines under westerly wind condition. In left-side of the figure, wind turbine
(hereafter referred to as WT) 25 is located in the downhill, where wind speed decreases, so
that lower performance of the WT 25 is expected. The effect of the wake induced by upstream
turbines is also obvious as shown in right-side of the figure. As seen from the figure, WT 31
and 32 are in the wake region of the upstream turbines 29 and 30 respectively. These turbines

(a) No. 25 (b) No. 31 (c) No. 32

Figure 6: Comparison of vertical profiles of streamwise velocity at various positions ahead of hub axis
in westerly wind simulation.
The Seventh Asia-Pacific Conference on Wind Engineering, November 8-12, 2009, Taipei, Taiwan

Figure 7: Performance of wind farm as evaluated by integrating torque acting on turbine blades.

also may have trouble to generate sufficient output power. Figure 6 shows the vertical profiles
of the longitudinal velocity component between WT 25, 31, and 32 at various positions from
the hub axis. Non-dimensional velocity component is used with the free stream speed of 15
m/s. Since the velocity profile of WT 31 is relatively small compared with WT 25 and 31, the
worst performance of WT 31 is expected among these turbines.
By integrating the torque acting on the turbine blades the power output was estimated
in order to examine the variations in the performance of wind turbines as shown in Figure 7.
This technique enables us to evaluate the performance of the wind turbine qualitatively. As
shown in the graph, wind turbine 39, 40 under easterly wind shows the worst performance
among the turbines due to the wake by upstream turbines, and turbine 31 also shows poor
performance in westerly wind condition since the incoming wind speed passing through the
wind turbine is low due to the topographical effect. In the graph, the results of southerly and
northerly winds are ruled out because the incoming flow speed calculated in these cases is
quite lower than cut-in speed which turbine begins to operate.
The details of flow structure induced by the complex terrain as predicted in the present
study cannot be obtained by any point measurement technique or linearized flow model like
WAsP. Moreover most significant result of the present study is that some turbines are affected
by the wake of the upstream turbines, which can only be predicted by simulation of operating
turbines in the wind farm on the complex terrain. Therefore should the present analysis have
been performed before the selection of the location of the turbines, alternative location for
turbines which are affected by low speed of incoming flow could be chosen for better
performance of the wind farm.

Concluding remarks
A three-dimensional flow simulation is performed to investigate the wind flow in a
wind farm in mountainous area of complex terrain. A digital map of the mountainous wind
farm area is used to model actual complex terrain. Rotating wind turbines are also modeled in
the computational domain with detailed blade shape using the frozen rotor method. Detailed
flow structure in the wind farm is obtained and the method presented in the present study can
be applicable for optimal arrangements of turbines in the wind farm.
The Seventh Asia-Pacific Conference on Wind Engineering, November 8-12, 2009, Taipei, Taiwan


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