Medical Technologies Corporation: Priyadharshini.P
Medical Technologies Corporation: Priyadharshini.P
Medical Technologies Corporation: Priyadharshini.P
• Introduction of yourself and the case, but please keep this brief since
we all know the case.
• Executive Summary - what you are proposing to do and the intended
• Areas of improvement - in any order you would like to present.
• Resources needed for the improvement.
• Risks to your proposal and contingencies to mitigate that risk
I’m Priyadharshini.P.
The case is about a medical device company who is facing pressure due
to Affordable Care Act (ACA) Medical Device Excise Tax which consumes
2.3% of revenue hitting hard the profit margin of the company.
Executive Summary(inc. Areas of
• Supply Chain Restructuring:-
• Rather than moving through GPOs, MTC can directly approach hospitals, this
would cut the commission for GPOs and we can achieve a higher margin even
if we provide to the hospital at the same purchasing price.
• We can work tightly with Distributors themselves instead of 3PL because they
have the expertise in logistics and also sterilization can be taken care by
Distributors themselves. This will put back the kits back in the chain sooner
i.e. less turn around time because of less transportation time in the reverse
supply chain.
• Distributors themselves will deliver the regular kits to hospitals which takes
80% of total kits which need no guidance and for the 20% of special kits
they’ll be handled by the sales representatives influencing the Doctors.
Reduced cost will let the hospital administrations accept the direct contract
than through GPOs.
Executive Summary(inc. Areas of
• Inventory:-
• The trunk load with sales representatives should be maintained in a central
strategic location, so it can be accessed by any region around than
maintaining load individually. This will reduce the inventory & the cost tied
with it.
• Forecasting:-
• The current forecasting method has higher MAPE than using exponential
smoothing. MTC can change its current forecasting method to improve its
fulfillment rate.
• Operations:-
• Lean methods have to be followed to optimize the production process. So the
production cost can be reduced.
Areas of Improvement
• MTC can support the hospitals by customizing surgical kits as per
hospital requirements which will let MTC charge a better price for the
regular kits.
• MTC can involve in R&D with these hospitals & the specialist care
providers where they can together innovate solutions for their
requirements which qualifies MTC as a strategic partner.
Resources Required
• Distributors have to be equipped for sterilization process.
• Human resource for improved R&D processes to provide value
• Experts for lean practices for production.