Faster Adoption of Electric Vehicles in India

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The document discusses the potential for electric vehicles to help address issues of emissions, energy security and local pollution from transportation in India. It analyzes the electric two-wheeler segment from the perspectives of consumers, industry and policy.

The main modes of transport used in Indian cities discussed are public transit like buses and metro, personal vehicles like cars and two-wheelers, and non-motorized transport like walking and cycling.

Some of the key policy interventions discussed are FAME-II scheme, state EV policies offering subsidies and tax exemptions, and charging infrastructure guidelines released by the government.


Creating Innovative Solutions for a Sustainable Future


© The Energy and Resources Institute 2019
© Society for Development Studies 2019

T E R I. 2019
Faster adoption of electric vehicles in India:
Perspectiveof consumers and i ndustry
New Delhi: The Energy and Resources Institute.

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Mobility Scenario in India ix
Role of Electric Vehicles in India’s Mobility Scenario ix
Emission and Energy Impact of Electrification of Two-Wheelers in India x
Perspective of Consumers in Electrification of Two-Wheelers x
Business Feasibility and Overall Expected Charging Infrastructure Requirement xi
Industry’s Perspective in Electrification of Two-Wheelers xi
Business and Financing Models xii
Objectives of the Study 1
Scope 4
Methodology 4
Overview 7
Mobility Pattern in Indian Cities 9
Mode share in Indian cities 9
Mode preference and trip length for work purpose 11
Role of various modes 13
Transport-related Externalities 13
Enhancing energy security 13
Greenhouse gas mitigation 14
Reduce local pollution 14
Alternative Fuel Technology Solutions 15
CNG 15
Bio-fuels 15
Electric vehicles 16
Hydrogen fuel-cell 16


Overview of Indian Automotive Sector 17
Vehicle production in India 18
Vehicle sales in India 19
Policy Framework Supporting Electrification in India 19
National level policies and interventions 19
State level policies 21
Front Runners Vehicle Segments 22
Potential and Importance of Electrification of Two Wheelers 24
Assessment of two-wheeler segment for electrification
Analysis Framework 27
Travel Demand and Vehicle Segmentation 28
Assumptions for Electric Two-Wheeler Share 28
Alternate Electric Two-Wheeler Uptake Scenarios 30
A Brief Review of Life Cycle Emissions of EVs and ICEs 31
Current e-2w Market 33
E-2w Sales trend 33
Consumer Survey 34
Survey results of potential and existing electric two-wheeler owners 34
Survey Results of Potential ICE 2w Owners 37
Private Charging 41
Public Charging Station 42
Cost to the Economy for PCS Ecosystem 44
Battery Swapping Ecosystem 46
Employment Effects (NSDC 2016) 51
Effect on Value Added (SIAM 2017, ACMA 2018) 51
SIAM, White Paper 2017 52
Results from Industry Stakeholders Interviews 53
Market for electric two wheelers in India 53
Issues from the paradigm shift to electric 54
Issues from current policy at national and state levels 54
Policy support required for faster adoption of electric vehicles 54
Innovative Approaches to Promote Uptake of Electric Two-Wheelers 57

Table 1: CAGR of registered vehicles 8
Table 2: Average annual rate (%) of change of the urban population 9
Table 3: Mode share of public transport in different cities (%) 10
Table 4: Mode share of personalized modes 10
Table 5: Trend in average motorized trip length in Indian cities 10
Table 6: Distance travelled for work purpose 12
Table 7: State-level EV policies and their targets 22
Table 8: Ranking of vehicle segments based on criteria used for
identification of low-hanging fruits/front runners 25
Table 9: Electric two-wheeler sales through FAME subsidy 33
Table 10: Summary of PCS feasibility study 44
Table 11: Assumed utilisation rates at a PCS 45
Table 12: Cost per km for 2w sourcing energy from different sources 46
Table 13: Lithium battery prices scenarios 47

Figure 1: Registered private vehicles (numbers in millions) 7
Figure 1: Registered private vehicles (in millions) 7
Figure 2: Registered public and Intermediate Pubic Transport (IPT) vehicles (in millions) 8
Figure 3a: On-road passenger vehicles stock in India from 2001–02 to 2016–17
and (projected) 2016–17 to 2030–31 8
Figure 3b: Estimated CO2 emissions from vehicle segments in 2017-18 8
Figure 3c: Estimated Energy consumption from vehicle segments in 2017-18 8
Figure 4: Estimated share of passenger transport modes by 2030 8
Figure 5: Average share of households owning two-wheelers 10
Figure 6: Urban and rural mode used for work trips in India 11
Figure 7: Mode used for work trips in Delhi 12
Figure 8: Urban–rural mode use for work 12
Figure 9: India (rural) trip length distribution 12
Figure 10: India (urban) trip length distribution 12
Figure 11: Delhi - trip length distribution (Census 2011) 13
Figure 12: Total production of automobiles 17
Figure 13: Segment-wise trend of vehicle production 18
Figure 14: Total sales of automobiles (2016–17) 18
Figure 15: Segment-wise trend of vehicle sales 19
Figure 16: Estimated share of various transport modes in 2030 23
Figure 17: On-road stock of two-wheelers in urban and rural India 28
Figure 18: Sales of E-2w using FAME subsidy (April 2015 to June 2019) 34
Figure 19: Summary of online stated preference survey of respondents 34

Figure 20: Summary of respondents planning to buy a two-wheeler in the near future 34
Figure 21: Motivation present e-2w owners for their choice of e-2w 35
Figure 22: Motivation potential e-2w owners for their choice of e-2w 35
Figure 23: Anxiety regarding EV attributes: present and potential e-2w owners 35
Figure 24: Convenience of location for charging: present and potential e-2w owners 36
Figure 25: Willingness to pay at the public charging station: present e-2w owners 36
Figure 26: Willingness to pay at the public charging station: potential e-2w owners 36
Figure 27: Willingness to wait at a public charging station: present e-2w owners 37
Figure 28: Willingness to wait at a public charging station: potential e-2w owners 37
Figure 29: Reasons for not choosing electric: potential ICE 2w owners 37
Figure 30: Perception of concerns regarding e-2w (potential ICE 2w owners) 38
Figure 31: Perception of EV in relation to ICE (potential ICE 2w owners) 39
Figure 32: Willingness to pay for similar performing e-2w (potential ICE 2w owners) 39
Figure 33: Feasibility of public charging station (with land costs) 43
Figure 34: Covering AVC (without land costs) 43
Figure 35: Break-even (without land costs) 44
Figure 36: Annual charging costs to ecosystem, including all annual capital and variable costs 45
Figure 37: Annual charging costs to ecosystem per e-2w, including all annual capital and variable costs 46
Figure 38: Variable costs per swap (optimistic scenario battery swapping station) 47
Figure 39: Costs per km for e-2w in a swapping ecosystem (optimistic scenario) 47
Figure 40: Variable costs per swap (pessimistic scenario battery swapping station) 48
Figure 41: Costs per km for e-2w in a swapping ecosystem (pessimistic scenario) 48

TERI would also like to thank our partners in the study, The project team also thanks EXICOM Power Solutions,
Society for Development Studies (SDS). We are grateful Magenta Power & Ather Energy for their guidance in
to Mr. Hemant Krishan Singh, Director General, SDS; Dr. understanding the electric vehicle technology. The
Didar Singh, Senior Fellow, SDS; Professor Kaushalesh
team is also grateful to Rush Parekh, Team-BHP for
Lal, Director Research and Training, SDS; & Dr. Shampa
aiding in conducting the consumer survey.
Paul, Associate Professor, Coordinator Research and
Training for their unflinching support and guidance The project team acknowledges the guidance and
over the entire period of the study. support provided by Mr. Sanjay Seth, Senior Director,
Our thanks are also extended to the Industry bodies; Sustainable Habitat Division & Mr. Alekhya Datta,
Society of Indian Automobile Manufacturers (SIAM), Fellow, Electricity and Fuels Group, TERI.
Society of Manufacturers of Electric Vehicles (SMEV),
Auto Component Manufacturers Association (ACMA), TERI is extremely grateful to the other contributing
Federation of Automobile Dealers Associations (FADA) authors of this report; Megha Kumar, Dimpy Suneja and
for providing us valuable inputs for this study. Narendra Verma.

Project Advisors
Shri Prakash, Distinguished Fellow
I V Rao, Visiting Senior Fellow

Team Members
Aravind Harikumar
Aakansha Jain
Palak Thakur

Secretarial Assistance
Sonia Khanduri, Senior Secretary

Design & Edited by

TERI Press Team

India endeavours to be on a path of energy transition in depend on two-wheelers for commuting to work. As
the road transport sector. The National Electric Mobility most rural citizens do not have fixed places of work
Mission Plan (NEMMP) 2020 was launched in 2013.The and have mixed transport needs, their dependence on
genesis of the endeavour is the vision to reduce urban two wheelers therefore have not been fully captured in
pollution, meet the GHG emission targets as promised Census numbers.
in UN climate change pact and to become an energy
Analysis of trip lengths shows that 85% two-wheeler
independent nation.
owners in rural and 75% two-wheeler owners in urban
The objective of this report is therefore to do a use their vehicles for <20km distance.
comprehensive analysis on significance of electric
This report therefore focuses on analysing electrification
vehicles (EV) as a solution, steps taken by government
of two wheelers, the most popular mode of motorized
to promote the same, challenges to its adoption and
transport in India
evaluate solutions to promote faster adoption of EVs.

Mobility Scenario in India Role of Electric Vehicles in

In order to evaluate electric mobility as a promising
India’s Mobility Scenario
solution, an in depth analysis of current and expected In 2017, with total vehicular production over a 25 million
in numbers, India’s auto industry was the fourth largest
future mobility usage is required. According to 2011
producer of cars and largest producer of two wheelers.
census, approximately 31% of India’s population resided
Though penetration levels of the private vehicles is still
in cities. This number is expected to increase to 40% in
among the lowest in the world, the sheer number of
2030 and 50% in 2050.
vehicles on roads presents some challenges. Emissions
Analysis of travel pattern in Indian cities shows that from vehicles are source of local pollution and is one of
two-wheelers are very popular. Two-wheelers provide a the challenges towards achieving India’s climate change
lifeline to majority of citizens in absence of an affordable targets. Switching to alternate powertrains can help in
and reliable public transport infrastructure. Two- reducing the emissions. As per the analysis in this report
wheeler ownership is at 45–50% of households in Tier among all the alternate powertrain options- biofuel,
II and Tier III cities and close to 30% for households in hydrogen fuel, and CNG- electric powertrain promises
Tier I cities. Census data also shows that two-wheelers to be more close to mass deployment.
remain the most popular motorized mode to travel to Electric powertrains will not only help in reducing urban
work, even ahead of buses. According to the same data, air pollution but also mitigating GHG emissions, and
17% of people in urban areas and 8% in rural areas enhancing energy security. This report further validates

the narrative by calculating the actual impact of electric High Ambition scenario is assumed with several unlikely
vehicles on emissions, and energy consumption in factors playing in favour like policy support continuing at
possible EV adoption scenarios. central and state level and falling battery prices in order
to ensure parity between ICE and EV in two-wheelers.

Emission and Energy Impact of

Electrification of Two- Wheelers in India Perspective of Consumers in
According to TERI analysis, Two-wheelers which Electrification of Two-Wheelers
composed of more than 80% of the vehicle sales in India In order to achieve a higher EV penetration, an in depth
were responsible for about only 13% of the emissions understanding of consumer perspective towards EV
from all on-road vehicles in 2018-19. is critical. An online stated preference survey was
To estimate the emission and energy savings from conducted on 212 individuals across the country towards
phased adoption of electric two- wheelers, the this objective. The preferences of three categories of
analysis followed a bottom-up approach. Growth individuals were evaluated:
scenarios in two- wheelers by 2025 and 2030 across ÂÂ Existing electric two-wheeler owners
different segments were projected based on GDP and
ÂÂ Potential electric two-wheeler owners and
population growth. This was followed by estimation of
EV penetration under three scenarios. In the business ÂÂ Potential petrol two-wheeler owners
as usual (BAU) scenario, a growth trend similar to what The survey results as summarized below best describes
has been observed till now for this segment is assumed. EV as a secondary vehicle with limited applicability
The other two future scenarios are based on technology and associated with range anxiety. Higher price for ICE
improvement and high ambitious policy pursued by comparable EV, lack of adequate charging facilities and
the government with a very high degree of policy uncertainty around battery replacement came out as
push along with technological improvements. Further major barriers to adoption. Analysis of the survey data
savings in energy consumption and CO2 emission were revealed the following:
calculated under these EV penetration scenarios. 1. Most electric two-wheeler owners also owned
The analysis reveals that the impact on emissions and another ICE two-wheeler. None of them used the
energy savings is only significant in high ambitious electric two-wheelers for work trips.
scenario and is further limited in scope of consideration. 2. The potential and existing electric two-wheeler
The calculations consider only tank to wheel scope i.e. owners did not consider electric vehicles being
the emissions are estimated only for the use phase of the economically better or having better utility than the
vehicles. If the scope is expanded to include well to wheel, comparable ICE vehicles. Environment friendliness
the impact of transition may be lesser with projected mix comes out as the justification for choosing electric
of sources of generation of electricity in India. To achieve vehicles over ICE.
the energy independence and emission targets, phased 3. The range between charging and lack of charging
adoption of EVs will have to be complimented with facilities were the major sources of anxiety for
change to greener energy mix and thrust on expanding existing and potential electric two-wheeler owners.
the reach of public transport systems. However, the degree of anxiety amongst the
The market penetration of electric two-wheelers in potential owners was much higher than the existing
new sales under the three scenarios is assumed to owners.
range between 2-5% in 2025 and 10-30% in 2030. 4. The respondents who were planning on buying a
Corresponding range of expected emission and energy petrol two-wheeler in the near future stated lack
savings in 2030 are 2.7- 6% and 3-7% respectively. The of charging facilities and concerns about battery

replacement as the main reasons for not choosing infrastructure to bear additional electricity load is
to buy an electric two-wheeler. also needed. Finalization of charging standards for all
5. About one third of the potential petrol two vehicle categories will be helpful in reducing demand
wheeler owners were willing to pay up to Rs. uncertainty for type of charging equipment and yielding
20,000 extra for an electric vehicle which offered higher utilization of charging infra.
similar performance as their preferred ICE vehicle. Business analysis of battery swapping stations was
also undertaken. The analysis shows that BSS would
even be more expensive than PCS and home charging,
Business Feasibility and Overall Expected and presenting host of other customer satisfaction,
Charging Infrastructure Requirement operational and technical challenges.

To address the range anxiety among potential EV This report also attempted to understand how much
customers, adequate charging infrastructure is required. energy be required to be set up to cater to the electric
An in-depth analysis of various possibilities of EV two-wheeler demand projected in the technology
charging and associated business models has also been upgradation scenario and what will be the costs for the
carried out in this report. same. To make a successful adoption of electric vehicles
there has to be planned coordination in research, policy,
Almost all electric two-wheeler owners charged their
and implementation of both energy and transport sectors.
vehicles at home. Home charging is a complex problem
in India as most urban citizens live in MURB (Multi Unit
Residential Blocks) and many lack parking facilities
within their buildings. Private charging facility at home
Industry’s Perspective in Electrification
is a primary consideration for boosting the initial uptake of Two-Wheelers
of electric vehicles.
With the phased adoption of electric vehicles, the entire
As adequate public charging infrastructure is essential supply chain of the automobile industry is expected to
for increasing the adoption of electric vehicles. This be affected. All the major value drivers such as battery,
report assessed the business feasibility of public motor, controller, chargers, and other electronics are
charging stations (PCS). Through analysis it was found currently being imported from other countries. India
that break even occurs at tariffs significantly higher than also does not have reserves of key raw materials for
home charging rates. On the other hand, it was found all the major components such as lithium, cobalt,
that existing or potential electric two-wheeler owners permanent magnets etc. According to conversation
require public charging tariff to be competitive with with industry executives, Indian companies are already
the home charging rates, for regular charging and not investing in EV research and manufacturing. But there
charging only in the case of emergency. The main driver is general concern against hasty push to EV. Therefore,
of longer breakeven are the real-estate rental costs in policy measure is equally required for supply chain to
cities for PCS. retain the value addition in India. Initiatives at country
level to procure strategic raw material reserves, bring
To make charging infrastructure viable for initial low
investments for cell and other electronic component
demand scenario, measures such as enabling real estate
manufacturing, and reskilling of the workforce should be
procurement at key locations at lower costs, capital
of paramount importance. Phased manufacturing of EV
subsidy, or interest subvention on capital expenditure
and its components linked with financial incentives such
should be considered. The minimum charging station
as laid out in FAME II is therefore a much appreciated a
requirements to be eligible for incentives as per ministry
step in that direction.
of power guidelines should also be brought down.
Support from state authorities and local DISCOMs More than 50% of the workforce directly employed in
for single window approvals and providing power automobile sector is involved in engine manufacturing.

The sector also indirectly employs a large population mass demand and supporting EV research, supply chain
in the after-sales service industry for ICE vehicle and localization and value retainment. Finally, leading to
the ancillary industry. This workforce will be at risk of higher scale of domestic production has the potential
unemployment and therefore is an area of concern for sustainably reduce the vehicle cost for customers.
industry. Industry and government will have to work
Direct financial incentives such as laid out in FAME II is the
towards a reskilling plan and explore investments in
charging infrastructure and energy management to right step towards achieving this critical mass. Specific
create new employment opportunities. use cases highlighted in the report can further be
focused upon. Use cases such as commercial application
of electric two-wheelers for food & goods delivery,
Business and Financing Models shared rental services can specifically be targeted. For
the personal use case, cost effective leasing and other
Study projects phased adoption to electric two-
financial products need to be explored. Measures such
wheelers as an important necessity, however, it comes
with significant demand and supply side challenges. as lower taxes, lower tolls, and special parking provisions
Bridging of wide cost gap of electric two-wheelers with can further aid the EV selling.
ICE vehicle, setting up of widespread charging facilities Battery amounts to almost 40~50% of the EV cost.
to overcome the range anxiety issues among initial Localization of cell manufacturing will therefore help
prospective customers are the key demand drivers. in reducing EV costs, and achieving self-sufficiency
On the supply side, building a robust value chain for to ensure a sustainable EV growth. A national level
manufacturing electric two-wheelers will be necessary. strategy to secure critical raw material sources for
The electric vehicle adoption also presents the classical cell manufacturing, and to incentivize local cell
chicken and egg problem. Sustained policy support manufacturing through capital subsidy, favourable
to bridge large cost gap and improve consideration trade & FDI policies, and investment models such as PPP
for initial customers. Followed by achieving the critical are need of the hour.

India endeavours to be on a path of energy transition in numbers clearly indicates the presence of unforeseen
the road transport sector. The National Electric Mobility challenges impeding the targeted electrification.
Mission Plan (NEMMP) 2020, launched in 2013, aimed at There is a need to acknowledge that a quick transition,
paving the way for a shift from fossil fuel-based mobility howsoever well-desired, might be challenging to achieve
to an electric powered one. The mission set an ambitious in the absence of a clear policy, limited understanding
target of 6–7 million electric vehicles in the country by about technological challenges, infrastructural
2020. The impact of subsequent schemes and initiatives deficiencies, and lack of consumer acceptance and
by the Government of India, mostly channelled through awareness in the Indian market. Quick technological
the FAME schemes, has been limited in achieving the transitions may also have negative externalities on
targets of NEMMP. As of June, 2019, just about 2.7 lakh the job markets. To enable faster adoption of electric
electric vehicles have been sold under the FAME scheme vehicles, it is imperative to develop an understanding
since its implementation in April, 2015 including about of these challenges. Against this background, TERI in
1.7 lakh electric two-wheelers. The government has association with the Society for Development Studies
announced that the country would shift to an entirely (SDS) proposes to undertake a research study and aims
electric public transport along with 30% electric private to bridge the vital gap between the expectations of the
vehicles by 2030, lending a further push towards the consumers and the industry actors vis-à-vis government
goal of electrification (Sasi, 2019). policies, initiatives, and actions.

Recent data collated by SMEV1 indicates that 54,800

electric two-wheelers and 1200 electric four-wheelers Objectives of the Study
were sold in 2017–18. In terms of the total cars and two-
The proposed study aims to develop an understanding
wheeler sales, these figures translate into a miniscule
of the challenges that are limiting the adoption of
proportion. Electric two-wheelers constituted an
electric vehicles in the country and suggest measures
insignificant, 0.002%, in the entire two-wheeler sales in
to address them. The study will focus on bringing forth
2017–18. Similarly, electric cars formed a mere 0.0003%
the perspective of the consumers in terms of their
of the total car sales in India for the same financial year
preference and willingness to pay, perspective of the
(FY). Considering the total market sales in FY 2016–17
industry focusing on challenges faced in terms of their
were only 39,000 (electric two-wheelers and four-
manufacturing capabilities, and resource availability.
wheelers), India has certainly shown a progress towards
electric vehicle adoption, but a slow one (SMEV, 2017). TERI defines ‘front runners’ in the electric vehicle
The sluggish growth as compared to the visioned context as the segments that have potential to scale up
with relatively lower investment, basic infrastructure

Society of Manufacturers of Electric Vehicles, India

requirements, and minimal effort. TERI, in its earlier work, mobility in India. The section will aim to understand the
identified the front runners based on demonstration Indian automobile industry regarding the segment-
of early adoption success, dependence on public wise production and sales of vehicle. This section aims
charging infrastructure, choice of products available to to understand the current state of electric mobility in
the consumers, local manufacturing capabilities, ease India in terms of technology, sales, usage, and policy
of implementation, and availability of government intervention at the local, state, and national levels. This
support. From the analysis TERI identified two-wheelers objective is covered in Chapter 3 of the report. The sub-
as a potential front runner in the personal vehicle objectives of the chapter are as follows:
segment contingent on certain factors. a. Understand the composition Indian automobile
The adoption of electric two-wheelers in India is larger industry: vehicle production and sales
and faster than other personal vehicle segments. Other b. Understand the policy framework supporting
than contributing to reduction in air pollution, switching electric mobility in India: national- and state-level
to electric two-wheelers will also generate considerable policies
savings for the users with negligible dependence on c. Understand the front runner vehicle segments in
public charging. Even then, the growth of adoption the electric adoption
of electric two-wheelers is just at a fraction of the rate
3. To estimate emission and energy impact of
required for achieving the national target. For the same
electrification of two-wheelers in India
reason, the electric two-wheelers are the primary focus
Under this section, the study will estimate the potential
of this study.
emission, energy, and cost impact of different scales
The broad objectives of the study are as follows: electric vehicle adoption developed as scenarios. Using
1. To understand the mobility scenario in India bottom-up approach, this section projects the growth
in two-wheelers by 2025 and 2030 across different
In this section, the study will investigate the current segments. Based on alternative growth projections,
mobility pattern in India. The aim will be to understand the emissions and energy savings are estimated. This
the share of different modes in passenger transport and objective is covered in Chapter 4 of the report.
their preferences and roles. This section will also assess
4. To understand perspective of consumers in
the negative externalities of rising travel demand in
electrification of two-wheelers
terms of energy consumption, carbon emissions, and
local air pollution. This component of the study will also Under this component, the study will investigate current
include a brief review of alternative fuel technologies consumer preference, focusing specifically on the two-
for the transportation sector. This objective is covered wheelers segment. The aim will be to gain insight on their
in Chapter 2 of the report. The sub-objectives of the product, technology, infrastructure, financial, and policy
chapter are as follows: preference. Based on the literature and secondary data,
consumer’s willingness to pay will also be estimated.
a. Understand the mobility patterns: The preferences,
shares, and roles of various modes in urban and rural The analysis will focus on assimilating preferences and
India willingness to pay for different consumer categories.
A literature and industry review of Indian and similar
b. Understand the transport-related externalities:
global markets will be undertaken to understand the
Local air pollution, national energy security, and
larger orientation and direction of the automotive
GHG emissions
market. The aim of this exercise will be to understand
c. Understand the alternative fuel technologies who will be the likely users of electric vehicles and what
2. To understand the role of electric vehicles in their likely needs and demands be. To understand the
India’s mobility scenario needs of the possible electric vehicle users, the study will
Under this component, the study will investigate the role also look into the current mobility pattern of the public
of electric vehicles as a potential solution for sustainable and personal transport users. This section will help

in understanding the opportunities and obstacles in interviews with vehicle and component manufacturers,
adoption of electric vehicles, as perceived by the users. mobility service providers, and industry lobby bodies.
This objective is covered in Chapter 5 of the report. The This objective is covered in Chapter 7 of the report.
sub-objectives of the chapter are as follows: The sub-objectives of the chapter are as follows:

a. To understand the current electric two-wheeler a. Broadly understand the effect on employment from
market electric transition
b. To understand the preferences for electric Two- b. Broadly understand the effect on GDP from the
wheelers amongst Indian consumers electric transition
5. To assess business feasibility and overall c. Understand the industry’s perspective, issues, and
expected charging infrastructure requirement requirements for electric transition through primary
interviews with the stakeholders
This section will focus on understanding the ecosystem
required for faster adoption of electric vehicles. The 7. To identify suitable business and financing
section will estimate the charging requirements for the models for different electric vehicle segments
predicted increase in electric two-wheelers in India. By This section will focus on technological, infrastructural,
developing scenarios based on capital costs, operational and economic challenges confronted by the consumers,
costs, battery prices, etc. this section will also assess the industry, and the government (as the supplier of
business feasibility of a PCS and the overall costs per infrastructure). As cost is one of the key barriers to the
electric two-wheeler for the charging ecosystem. The uptake of electric vehicles, the focus will be to identify
aim will be to identify the major components/costs alternate business and financing models which will
impeding faster adoption of electric two-wheelers. The help in addressing the cost barrier faced by users/fleet
study will assess the scenarios for public charging, home/ operators during the procurement and use of electric
residential/private charging, and battery swapping. This vehicles. The aim will be to assess the relative benefits
objective is covered in Chapter 6 of the report. The sub- and drawbacks of alternate models and suggest suitable
objectives of the chapter are as follows: business and financing models for different electric
vehicle segments based on the resource availability and
a. Understand the private charging scenario for financial capacity of the buyers/city governments/fleet
supporting electric two-wheelers owners. The study will also identify policy and regulatory
b. Understand the business feasibility of a PCS barriers towards implementation of these models.
c. Understand the overall costs for an ecosystem of The study will largely focus on assessing two alternate
PCSs for electric two-wheelers business models for electric buses (outright purchase
d. Understand the overall costs and feasibility of and wet lease) and three alternate models for two-
a battery swapping ecosystem for electric two- wheelers (financing over life, leasing, and financing
wheelers batteries separately). This objective is covered in Chapter
6. To understand industry’s perspective in 8 of the report. The sub-objectives of the chapter are
electrification of two-wheelers as follows:

This section will focus on understanding the perspective a. Understand the innovative approaches to promote
of the automobile Industry and its ancillary industries uptake of electric two-wheelers in India
regarding the paradigm shift into electric. The b. Understand international innovative business
objective of this section is to understand the change practices to promote the uptake of electric vehicles
in the supply and value chain of automobiles in
India on phased adoption into electric. The section
aims to briefly scope the effect on employment and This study focuses on approaching towards faster
domestic value added from the EV transition. The adoption of specifically electric two-wheelers in India.
section will understand the perspective also through The study uses Indian and international secondary

literature including TERI’s previous work. The primary automobiles and does not explore the literature on
literature in this paper includes an online consumer other clean technologies. Within the automobile
survey and structured interviews conducted with sector, this study limits itself to understanding the two-
the industry stakeholders. Modelling exercises were wheeler segment and its pathway to electrification.
carried out for estimating energy and emission
savings and also assessing the charging requirements
and public charging business feasibility. These
models were developed for Indian scenarios using This study will mostly rely on literature review and
assumptions derived from secondary sources. The discussions with the stakeholders in the industry, policy
temporal scope of the analysis carried in this study making, and financial institutions. Also, the current study
is limited to 2029–30 with 2019–20 as the base year. will utilize earlier research undertaken by TERI on the
Geographically, the analysis is largely limited to India subject and build upon the existing knowledge. Chart 1
with the use of few International case studies. This explains specific activities that will be undertaken towards
study also focuses solely on electric technology for meeting the specific objectives of the study.

Chart 1: Study methods and components

S. No. Objective Methodology Components

1 To understand the Review of secondary literature Mode shares in Indian cities vis-à-vis others
mobility scenario
Mode preferences and trip length for work (Census 2011)
in India
Role of various modes
Transport-related externalities (global warming, energy
security, air pollution)
Fuel technologies

2 To understand Review of secondary literature Vehicle production and sales in India

the role of electric
Policy framework supporting automobile electrification in
vehicles in India’s
India (national and state)
mobility scenario
Front runners vehicle segments in electric adoption

3 To estimate Establishing analysis framework Energy savings

emission, energy, (spatial and temporal)
Emission savings
and cost impact
Projecting travel demand and
of electrification Cost savings
vehicle growth
of two-wheelers
in India Modeling scenarios
Review of secondary literature
for assumptions

4 To understand Review of international Preferences of current electric two-wheeler owners

perspective of literature
Preferences of potential electric two-wheeler owners
consumers in
Review of Indian literature
electrification of Preferences of potential petrol two-wheeler owners
two-wheelers Analysis of electric two-wheeler
Primary online stated
preference survey

S. No. Objective Methodology Components

5 To assess Review of Indian and Private/home charging

business international literature
Public charging station
feasibility and
Review of Indian policies/
overall expected Battery swapping systems
regulations on charging
infrastructure Estimating energy
requirement requirements

Modeling scenarios for

charging businesses

6 To understand Review of Indian literature Expected effect on employment

Primary interviews with Effect on domestic value added
perspective in
electrification of Market of electric two-wheelers
two-wheelers Policy support required at State and National Levels

7 To identify Review of case Studies- Indian EV leasing and rental models in India
suitable business and international
International business models
and financing
models for
different electric
vehicle segments

Note: The study will be restricted to analysing the passenger vehicle segment. Freight vehicle segment will not be covered as part of this study.

Overview buses and metros, diminishes significantly as the city
size decreases. Private vehicles especially two-wheelers
India is witnessing urbanization at a pace experienced assume an important role in fulfilling the mobility needs
by no other country. Between 2001 and 2011, the of the people. The same is also reflected in the spiralling
urban population in the country grew by 90.99 million. population of cars and two-wheelers (2W) in the country,
According to 2011 Census, India’s urban population is which have been witnessing a CAGR of 10.1% (see Figure
377.11 million that is around 31.16% of the country’s 1) compared to 5.9% for buses (see Figure 2) between
total population. Around 600 million people will start 2006 and 2016 (MoRTH, 2016).
living in towns and cities in India by 2030 (McKinsey 7.0 6.4
Global Institute, 2010). As a result of urbanization, cities 6.0
are also experiencing a rise in their travel demand. While 5.0
In Millions

the role of transport as an enabler of economic growth is 4.0

well recognized, mobility also remains critical to ensure 2.9
well-being of citizens by facilitating their access to socio- 2.0 1.4
1.7 1.8 1.6
economic opportunities. 1.0 0.6 0.8

Indian cities display a diverse mobility pattern. Larger 0.0

Buses 3W
cities have the higher mode share catered by public 2000 2004 2008 2012 2016
transport and non-motorized transport. The role of public Figure 2: Registered public and Intermediate Pubic Transport (IPT)
transport, especially the mass transport services such as vehicles (in millions)

Registered Private Vehicles

180.0 169.0
120.0 115.6
In Millions

80.0 75.3
60.0 51.9
40.0 33.9 28.0
20.0 5.1 8.2 12.4 19.6
2W Cars

2000 2004 2008 2012 2016

Figure 1: Registered private vehicles (in millions)

Table 1: CAGR of registered vehicles Energy Consumption (2017-18)

Year 2W 3W Cars and jeeps Buses
2000–04 11.2% 8.3% 11.8% 8.3% 21%
2004–08 9.8% 7.6% 10.5% 16.8% 46%
6% Car
2008–12 11.3% 9.9% 11.3% 4.1%
2012–16 10.0% 10.8% 9.3% 1.2% 21% Taxi
As per TERI’s transport projections, the on-road stock
of passenger vehicles will be more than double, 6%
from 180 million in 2016–17 to 373 million in Figure 3c: Estimated Energy consumption from
vehicle segments in 2017-18
2029–30 (see Figure 3a).
350.00 Estimated share of passenger
300.00 transport modes by 2030
In Millions

150.00 18%
100.00 4%

0.00 77%




















2W 3W Cars Buses
2W 3W Cars Buses Figure 4: Estimated share of passenger transport modes by 2030
Figure 3a: On-road passenger vehicles stock in India from 2001–02 Source: TERI Estimates, 2018
to 2016–17 and (projected) 2016–17 to 2030–31

It is estimated that the road transport contributed to It is estimated that two-wheelers constitute 78% of the
approximately 213 Million Tonnes of carbon dioxide. total passenger vehicles stock at present and will account
Two wheeler segment contributed to about 20% of the for 77% by 2030. This translates to approximately 285
emissions (see Figure 3b). Similarly, the road transport million two- wheelers on-road by 2030. The share of cars
segment consumed about 2.9 Million Tera Jule of energy is expected to grow up to 16% by 2030 while light motor
in 2017-18 and two wheeler segment contributed to vehicles (LMVs) or three wheelers (3W) expected to hold
about 21% of the energy consumed (see Figure 3c). The a constant share in the total passenger vehicle stock (see
relative shares of two wheelers in energy consumed Figure 4).
and emissions released is not estimated to change
India’s automotive industry is the fourth largest in the
significantly till 2030.
world, contributing 7.2% to the Indian gross domestic
CO2 Emission (2017-18) product (GDP) in 2017.2
2W Lack of quality public transport in cities has resulted in
3W growing dependence on private modes. Rapid economic
48% 5% growth, urbanization along with rising incomes and
aspirations of the population are expected to further
20% Taxi
fuel the ownership and usage of personal automobiles
Details available at
Figure 3b: Estimated CO2 emissions from vehicle segments in 2017-18

in Indian cities. It is, therefore, imperative to counter with more than 10 million inhabitants. By 2030, it is
the negative externalities associated with the transport projected that there will be 43 megacities, with most
sector such as air pollution, emissions, noise pollution, of them located in developing regions (UNDESA, 2015).
congestion, and resultant loss of productivity, by India has been one of the fastest urbanizing countries
expanding public transport and building non-motorized in the world (Table 1). According to the Census 2011,
infrastructure, while also decarbonizing private cars and India’s urban population increased from 286 million in
two-wheelers. 2001 to 377 million in 2011. As of 2011, 31.1% of India’s
population resided in urban areas. It has been projected
Electric mobility offers a potential solution to lower
that by 2030, 40% (600 million) of the population will
emissions and pollution while offering similar level of
reside in urban areas and that by 2050 this figure will
mobility to the people. Latest developments in some
increase to 850 million, that is 50% of the total population
parts of the world demonstrate that the electric vehicle
(MoUD, 2016). As per Census 2011, there were 53 urban
technology has reached a level where it is comparable to
agglomerations (UAs) with population more than a
their ICE counterparts in terms of performance, such as
million and 3 mega-cities with a population of over 10
speed, pick-up, and range. In some applications, it offers
million (Census, 2011). It is expected that by 2030, 63 UAs
greater benefits especially in terms of operational cost
will have population greater than 1 million and 4 UAs
savings given its better efficiency, lower maintenance
(Chennai, Bangalore, Hyderabad, and Ahmedabad) will
requirement, and lower energy and emissions. While
enter the 10 million plus population bracket in addition
the electric vehicle market in India is still evolving,
to Delhi, Mumbai, and Kolkata (UNDESA, 2015). The rapid
government support in terms of FAME-II and entry of
pace of urbanization will also result in massive need
large number of EV players in the market are a positive
for transport in Indian cities. Table 2 shows the rate of
sign and indicate a large impending growth in the sector.
change of urban population amongst the BRICS nations.
Electric technology may assume a greater market share
Table 2: Average annual rate (%) of change of the urban
in the two-wheeler vehicle segment, if it becomes
affordable and cost competitive when compared to
conventional ICE two-wheelers. Low dependence on Country 1995–2000 2000–2005 2005–2010
public charging infrastructure may also contribute in Brazil 2.40 1.69 1.31
higher acceptance of this product. Proliferation of public
Russian Federation –0.26 –0.36 0.02
charging or provision of removable battery may lead
India 2.51 2.67 2.47
to faster growth of electric two-wheelers among the
China 3.63 3.98 3.55
South Africa 2.45 2.37 2.17
The next section of the chapter discusses the mobility
pattern in different Indian cities and the role of different Source: MoUD (2016)

modes of transport in meeting the transport needs

of the people. The analysis is mostly drawn from the Mode share in Indian cities
information compiled from various comprehensive Globally, SDG, COP 21, and New Urban agenda identify
mobility plans for individual cities and the information mobility as a foundation for sustainable development.
on work-related mode use provided in the Census 2011. Goal 3 and Goal 11 focus on promoting healthy lives
and well-being for all at all ages, by targeting substantial
reduction in air pollution and the need to adopt and
Mobility Pattern in Indian Cities promote safe, affordable, accessible, and clean transport
The past few decades have seen a process of rapid systems for all by 2030 (11.2 UNSG, 2016). With rapid
urbanization globally with more than 50% of the world’s urbanization, the cities’ spatial spread is increasing,
population residing in urban areas since 2007 (UNDESA, leading to higher trip lengths and proliferation of
2015). In 2018, there were 33 megacities in the world personal vehicles around the world.

Although there has been phenomenal increase in Table 4: Mode share of personalized modes
population of private motor vehicles in the last 10 years, Tier City Population UA Cars* Two-
Indian cities are still, typically, catered by non-motorized (in millions) wheelers*
transport and public transport. The share of non- I Mumbai 18.4 9.8% 7.1%
motorized trips varies with the size of the city. The share I Chennai 8.7 7% 26%
of walking trips ranges from 37% in cities of 0.1 million II Surat 4.6 2% 36%
population to 28% in mega-cities with a population of 10 II Pune 5 11.8% 35%
million (Tiwari, 2006). In cities having a population range III Bhopal 1.9 3% 25%
of 0.5 to 1 million, about 20% of trips are made through
III Jaipur 3.1 8% 27%
cycles in contrast to larger cities with a population more
III Amritsar 1.2 7% 26%
than 1 million where cycling trips account for less than
III Agra 1.7 1% 21%
15% (Ghate, 2014). The share of public transport also
varies as per the size of the city with Tier I cities such as IV Ajmer 0.6 2.5% 20%
Delhi having 31% public transport share (MoUD, 2016) IV Tirupati 0.5 3% 32%
and Mumbai having mode share as high as 67% of the Mode share of motorized trips

total motorized trips (Lea Associates, 2016). The share of Source: Compiled from comprehensive mobility plans of respective
non-motorized trips has declined from about 40–60% of cities (year will be different for different city reports)

the total trips in the early 1980s (Kumar Kartik, 2015) to Trip lengths are a function of city size; with the sprawling
about 30–40% in 2008 (MoUD, GoI, 2008). The share of cities, the trip lengths in Indian cities have been rising.
public transport has declined significantly too. Table 5 shows the trend in average motorized trip lengths
As illustrated in Table 4, the share of public transport has in Indian cities. The same can also be corroborated from
gradually declined since 1994. two-wheelers ownership data(Figure 5) which is around
45–50% for Tier II and Tier III cities whereas it is only 32%
Table 3: Mode share of public transport in
for Tier I cities.
different cities (%)
City Population RITES, WSA, 2007 Avg. Share of HHs owning TWs
category range (in lakhs) 1994 60% 51%
45% 42%
1 <5 14.9–22.7 0.0 –15.6 40%
2 5–10 22.7–29.1 0.0–22.5
3 10–20 28.1–35.6 0.0–50.8 I II III IV
4 20–40 35.6–45.8 0.2 –22.2
Figure 5: Average share of households owning two-wheelers
5 40–80 45.8–59.7 11.2 – 32.1
6 Above 80 59.7–78.7 35.2 –54.0 Table 5: Trend in average motorized trip length in
Indian cities
Source: (MoUD, GoI, 2008) Population range Motorized trip Motorized trip
Lack of adequate public transportation in Indian cities (in millions) length (1994) length (2011)
is reflected in rapidly rising shares of the personalized
1 <0.5 2.1–3 3.83–4.53
transport modes, especially two-wheelers. The share
2 0.5–1 2.6–4.5 3.58–7.2
of two-wheelers ranges between 30% and 35% in
medium-size cities which have limited public transport 3 1–2 4.1–5.5 5.87–3.81
availability whereas it caters to 5% and 10% mode share 4 2–4 5.51–6.4 5.6–8.03
in Tier I cities. 5 4–8 6.4–7.62 8.03–11.35
6 Above 8 7.62–8.32 11.2–15.79
Source: (CSTEP and IUT, 2015) (MoUD, GoI, 2008)

As per CSTEP and IUT (2015), the average motorized trip rely on walking and cycling to go to work. Two-wheelers
length for cities with population above 8 million was in constitute the next most commonly used mode to reach
the range of 11 to 16 km; 8 to 11 km for city with 4–8 the workplace. In urban areas, the number of people
million population, 6 to 8 km for 2–4 million city, 6 to 3 using two-wheelers exceeds the ones who rely on buses
km for 1–2 million city, and 4–7 km for city with less than which are used by 11% of the people. In the case of Delhi
1 million population in 2011. Clearly, city size is closely too, the use of two-wheeler is 13%, compared to 11% of
correlated with the trip length in cities. It can be seen people using buses (Figure 7).
that trip lengths across cities have increased by 30–40% Trip length as per the Census, 2011
between 1994 and 2011 for larger cities (1 to 8 million).
The analysis of distance travelled by motorized modes in
rural India, urban India, and a metropolitan city (Delhi)
Mode preference and trip length shows that two-wheelers are used in a similar manner

for work purpose as cars and buses in terms of trip lengths. In rural areas,
the trip lengths covered by two-wheelers are similar to
Census 2011 carried a question on the mode used by
the ones covered by cars (see Figure 9). Almost 80% of
people for work, while this data does not provide an
people using cars and two-wheelers travel in a range of
accurate picture of the mode share; however, it does
11 to 20 km. Buses cover distances as long as 31 to 50
provide a good understanding about the preferred
km in rural areas. In the case of urban India, almost 80%
mode choice of people. The response for this question
of people used two-wheelers for travelling distances up
was captured for 200 million people in India, of which
to 6–10 km and cars and buses for 11–20 km(see Figure
78% were males and 22% were females. Of the people
10). In the case of Delhi, the trip lengths were found to
surveyed, 42% resided in rural areas and 58% resided in
be very similar for two-wheelers and buses (see Figure
urban areas. 17% of the urban work trips and 8% of rural
11). More than 80% of people used them for covering
work trips were attributed to two wheelers (see Figure 6).
11–20 km, more than 80% of people using cars for
Non-motorized modes remain a mainstay for mobility in travelling distances up till 21–30 km. Table 6 summarises
India; 36% people in urban areas and 35% in rural areas the discussion here.

Urban - Mode used for work trips - total no. of Rural - Mode used for work trips - total no. of
people (in 1000s) at National level people (in 1000s) at National level

No travel
Any other On foot On foot
24% No travel
1% 23% 22%
transport Bicycle
0% 13%
Trian 4% Moped Any other
11% Moped/Scooter
/Scooter 1%
/Motor Cycle Bus /Motor Cycle
Water 11% 8%
transport Car/Jeep/Van
0% 1%
kshaw/Taxi Tempo/Autoric
Car/Jeep/Van Trian 3 %
3% kshaw/Taxi
Figure 6: Urban and rural mode used for work trips in India
Source: Census 2011

Mode used for work trips - total no. of

people (in 1000s) Delhi
Urban-rural - Mode use for work

On foot 20,000
No travel 23% 15,000

30% 10,000
Any other 0
1% Bicycle


















transport Bus







Trian 3%

Total Persons (in 1000) Rural Total Persons (in 1000) Urban
Tempo/Autoric /Motor Cycle Figure 8: Urban–rural mode use for work
kshaw/Taxi 13%
3% 3%
Figure 7: Mode used for work trips in Delhi

India (Urban) Trip length Distribution, Census 2011

India (Rural) Trip length Distribution, Census 2011

45.0% 40.0% 2 Ws Cars Buses

2 Ws Cars Buses
40.0% 35.0%
35.0% 30.0%
30.0% 25.0%
25.0% 20.0%
20.0% 15.0%
15.0% 10.0%
10.0% 5.0%
5.0% 0.0%
0.0% 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
0 2 4 6 8
Figure 10: India (urban) trip length distribution
Figure 9: India (rural) trip length distribution
Source: Census 2011 Source: Census 2011

Table 6: Distance travelled for work purpose

Distance 2 Ws (India Cars (India Buses (India 2 Ws (India Cars Buses 2 Ws Cars Buses
- Rural) - Rural) - Rural) - Urban) (India - (India - (Delhi) (Delhi) (Delhi)
Urban) Urban)

0–1 9.3% 8.0% 2.7% 14.4% 8.9% 3.8% 8.1% 5.4% 2.8%

2–5 30.0% 22.8% 13.2% 43.4% 28.6% 24.1% 29.8% 19.8% 22.2%

6–10 24.9% 21.7% 20.6% 23.0% 22.9% 27.3% 26.1% 21.9% 30.8%

11–20 20.2% 19.6% 22.3% 12.2% 19.5% 20.9% 23.6% 28.1% 27.8%

21–30 7.9% 9.7% 12.8% 3.5% 8.9% 9.3% 8.3% 14.8% 10.3%

31–50 5.3% 9.7% 13.0% 2.4% 6.9% 7.7% 3.4% 8.5% 4.8%

51+ km 2.4% 8.6% 15.4% 1.0% 4.3% 6.9% 0.8% 1.6% 1.2%

Delhi - Trip length distribution, Census 2011 of buses with 1%. As per Census of India, the average
2 Ws Cars Buses
45.0% share of households owning two-wheelers is more than
40.0% 30%, with highest share of 51% and 45% in Tier II and
35.0% Tier III cities.
In order to curb the negative externalities associated
20.0% with high personal vehicle use, it is important that
15.0% cities invest in quality public transport systems that are
10.0% affordable to the masses. The long distance trips in cities
5.0% must be shifted to public transport. Intermediate public
transport such as mini-buses, auto-rickshaws and non-
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
motorized transport modes including cycle rickshaws,
Figure 11: Delhi - trip length distribution (Census 2011)
walking, and cycling should typically form the last and
first mile solutions. Non-motorized facilities need to be
Role of various modes strengthened so that people can walk and cycle for short
Cities depend on a range of transport modes, varying distance trips, which the data shows are substantial in
from non-motorized to motorized. While motorized the case of Indian cities; 40% of people travel less than
modes are typically used to cover larger distances, buses 5 km as per Census, 2011 for work. Census 2011
and metro typically form the mass transport services accounts only for the trips made by “other workers”
in the larger cities in the country. There is also a large from home to work. It defines ‘other workers’ as workers
dependence on para-transit systems such as rickshaw, other than cultivators, agricultural labourers or workers
both motorized and non-motorized. They are typically in the household industry. However, in the absence of
used as a last mile solution in larger and medium cities strong public transport, personal vehicles will continue
where the mass transport services such as buses including to play an important role in fulfilling the mobility needs
BRTS and metro form the skeletal transport network. In of Indian people.
the smaller and medium towns, where no such skeletal
transport systems are available, these solutions are used
for end-to-end line primary trips.
Transport-related Externalities
While transportation stimulates economic growth and
Expansion of public transport has taken place in a
development, it also contributes to a significant share
very limited manner in Indian cities. Formal bus
in energy consumption and consequent emissions.
systems operate in handful of cities. Most of the cities
Adopting a low carbon and sustainable pathway for
are catered by informal or poorly regulated transport
mobility in cities can play a key role in reducing the overall
systems which create externalities such as pollution,
energy consumption and emissions in cities. Electrification
safety. In larger cities where some kind of public
of mobility solutions is one such option which has the
transport is present, comfort and convenience factors
potential of not only reducing carbon emissions and
prevent people from using these modes. Non-motorized
air pollution, but also enhancing energy security and,
transport and public transport have been reduced to
largely being a captive mode of use. People aspire to therefore, helps in promoting energy efficiency in cities.
shift to a two-wheeler as soon as owning it becomes
possible; the same is also applicable to two-wheeler Enhancing energy security
users, who aspire to own a car.
The on-road vehicles have been following an increasing
As per Road Transport Year Book (MoRTH, 2015), 210 trend in India. The number of registered motor vehicles
million vehicles are plying in Indian roads in 2015 out in India has grown at a CAGR of 10% over the last 15
of which two-wheelers have highest share at 73.5%, years with two-wheelers constituting the highest share
followed by cars with 13.6% and the lowest share is (TEDDY, 2017). Presently, the growing demand for energy

is met largely through oil imports making India the fifth part of its NDC goals—a 40% non-fossil-based power
largest oil importer in the world (UNEP, 2014). In order capacity by 2030—more than a decade earlier than
to reduce the dependence on oil imports, it is important targeted (Climate Action Tracker, 2018).
that India explores alternative fuel technologies such as
The government’s policy has been clear to indicate
electrification of transport. Adoption of electric vehicles
inclination towards adoption of electric vehicles,
(EVs) in road transportation will significantly limit
which is also complemented by initiatives to ramp-
India’s need for importing fuels which can lead to self-
up renewables in India which can provide access to
sufficiency in terms of fuel requirement.
affordable power at scale, and quickly. The government
The gravity of the need for adoption of electric vehicles recently increased its previous 2022 capacity target
can be accessed by the fact that India can save 64% for renewables from 175 GW to 227.6 GW (Climate
of energy demand from the road sector for passenger Action Tracker, 2018). A report published by Coal India
mobility through its EV programme (with 100% in 2018 highlights the declining future costs of solar
electrification) by 2030. This would result in a reduction and renewable electricity storage (Coal India, 2018),
of 156 million tonne of oil equivalent (MTOE ) in diesel which is likely to foster low-carbon investments.
and petrol consumption for that year (NITI & RMI,
2017). Although, targets have been reduced to 30% Reduce local pollution
electrification in the road transport sector, the adoption
would entail a significant reduction in energy demand Urbanization, transportation, industrialization, power
and GHG emissions. generation, and agricultural activities are the key drivers
that lead to air pollution through release of emissions
(Sumit Sharma, 2017).Air pollution is a major concern
Greenhouse gas mitigation in India cities, according to a study conducted by the
In 2015, according to the Biennial Update Report by the Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB) for six Indian
Government of India (submitted to the UNFCCC), India cities (i.e. Delhi, Kanpur, Bangalore, Pune, Chennai and
emitted 2137 million tonnes of CO2 equivalent of GHGs Mumbai); the transport sector contributes 30-50% of
in 2010 (MoEFCC, 2015). This makes India the fourth the PM emissions in these cities and majority of NOx
largest GHG emitter in the world (IEA, 2015). The report (NTDPC, 2014).
states that the energy sector is the prime contributor In fact, according to World Health Organisation (WHO),
to GHG emissions with 71% to the country’s total GHG 14 out of 20 most polluted cities in the world are in India.
emissions; 14% of the total emissions by energy sector Traffic related air pollution—especially PM and NOx—
are contributed by the transport sector, wherein road has been shown to lead to premature morbidity and
transport is the major contributor (88%) followed by mortality. Furthermore, according to Centre for Science
the aviation sector. According to Nationally Determined and Environment, the alarming increase in the levels of
Contributions (NDC) targets, India needs to reduce its pollution, is a public health emergency that confronts
carbon emissions by 33–35% from the base year of 2005. India today (Sunita Narain, 2018). From the perspective
EVs have zero-tail pipe emissions and its convergence of promoting clean air in cities, it is critical to reduce
with renewable energy can significantly reduce carbon the burden of vehicular emissions through use of low-
emission from the transport sector. As with continued polluting/clean transport technologies.
dependence on fossil fuels, the emissions are expected
In order to address the growing concern of urban air
to increase by nearly four times in comparison to the
pollution, Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions and an
existing levels (NTDPC, 2014).
opportunity to enhance energy security of the country,
Moreover, after adopting the National Electricity Plan it is imperative to explore alternative fuel-technologies
(NEP) in 2018, India remains on track to overachieving which can minimise the externalities posed by
its ‘2˚C compatible’ rated Paris Agreement NDC climate the growing road transport sector. The following
action targets. Estimates show India could achieve section aims to briefly discuss the various alternative

technologies and strategies that focus on enhancement Bio fuels

in quality of fuels, technologies, and strengthening of
Biofuels are liquid fuels that have been derived from
the systems for control of pollution.
other materials such as waste plant and animal matter.
The two main types of biofuels currently in production
Alternative Fuel Technology Solutions are bioethanol and biodiesel. Bioethanol is used as
An alternative fuel technology may be defined as a a replacement for petrol and biodiesel is used as a
technology solution which powers the vehicle by any replacement for diesel (BioEnergy Association, 2018).
fuel other than the conventional petroleum-derived Biofuels represent an immense growth opportunity
fuels (diesel or petrol); it can be primarily referred to around the world and have an important role to play in
any technology of engine powering that does not entail displacing the fossil fuels on which the world has relied
solely petroleum (such as solar powered, electric car upon in the past, with a cleaner, renewable alternative.
or hybrid electric vehicles). Such a vehicle is therefore To meet the increasing energy needs of the country, the
“cleaner” and safer for the environment. Government of India announced its first Biofuel Policy
in December 2009. The major goals of the policy are
While it is widely agreeable that there is an urgent need
development, and utilization of indigenous non-food
to decarbonize the transport sector, the development
feed stocks raised on degraded or waste lands, thrust on
and wide-scale use of alternative fuels is important due
research and development on cultivation, processing ,
to a number of factors such as a) conventional fuels and production of biofuels and a blending mandate of
running out, b) reducing air pollution and greenhouse 20% ethanol and biodiesel by 2017 (Plinio Nastari, 2018).
gas emissions, and c) sourcing these fuels domestically
In 2018, Brazil substituted 42% of its petrol with ethanol
(J. Anastasia, 2015).
and, the US which uses nearly half of the world’s petrol,
the level of substitution is 10%. Ethanol is economically
CNG competitive, and its cost today is about $1.3 per gallon,
Natural gas, a fossil fuel comprised mostly of methane, is while petrol has a wholesale price of $2.1 per gallon.
one of the cleanest burning fuel in terms of NOx and soot Therefore, it helps alleviate the price pressure on
(PM) emissions (CTCN, 2018). It can be used in the form of consumers (Chibber, 2018).
compressed natural gas (CNG) to fuel passenger cars and Average blending of ethanol in petrol in India was about
city buses or in the form of liquefied natural gas (LNG) to 4.22% in 2017-18. However, India is set raise the ethanol
fuel heavy duty trucks. Usually, a CNG passenger vehicles blending to 7.2% in 2018-19. This steady rise in ethanol
emits 5 –10% less CO2 than ICE passenger vehicles, and blending is not only expected to reduce the dependence
the NOx and soot emissions of CNG powered vehicles are on crude imports, but also reduce the vehicular air
substantially lower (CTCN, 2018). pollution. while efficiently utilizing cane juice and other
raw materials.
While CNG is widely used in passenger four-wheelers,
buses, and trucks, they find limited use in two- The primary use of biofuels is in transportation sector,
these fuels are not just energy dense (unlike electricity
wheeler segment. CNG might not be the most feasible
and batteries) but also function similar to petroleum-
technology for two-wheelers primarily because the
based fuels which in term requires no or little modification
installation of a CNG kit leads to higher upfront cost of
in the existing ICE power-train (, 2017).
the vehicle. Cost of an average 110–125 cubic centimetre
(cc) is about Rs. 50,000 and the cost of a CNG kit adds-on
to approximately Rs. 20, 000 per vehicle (Times of India, Electric Vehicles
2016), which makes the overall upfront cost of CNG- The developments in the past decade have established
based two wheeler very high and a CNG kit may reduce electric vehicles as the most promising mode of
power pick-up. transport all around the world. Electric Vehicles

(EVs) are almost five times more energy efficient as Hydrogen Fuel Cell
compared to ICE vehicles (BNEF,2017). EVs use only
The most recent advancement in the field of alternate fuel
25 to 30 moving parts as opposed to over 2000 moving
technology is discovery of hydrogen fuel cell. Hydrogen
parts in an ICE vehicle, amounting to far greater reliability.
as a fuel has various advantages and disadvantages in
There are various other benefits of adopting electric
its application for transportation and energy storage
vehicles such as reduced dependence on imports of
purposes. However, due to high cost involved in
crude oil, and reduction on greenhouse gas emissions
setting up an infrastructure for production, it has
and air pollution. The EVs are also believed to provide
resulted in a lower inclination to use hydrogen as a fuel
an indirect push to renewable energy due to the excess
(, 2019).
energy demand that would be created due to uptake of
electric vehicles (TERI, Yes Bank, 2017). However, despite the high cost of the hydrogen fuel
cell technology, academia and intelligentsia are keen to
Despite the stated advantages of the EV technology, the
research and experiment on various method to harness
deployment of EVs has not happened at a rapid rate. This
this energy. The primary driver for this is that hydrogen
has been primarily due to the high upfront cost of the
can be produced by an environmentally friendly method
battery, which in turn leads to higher cost of an electric
called ‘hydrolysis’ or through the process of ‘reforming’
vehicle. The cost of battery is a major deterrent in the
natural gas, which is the approach to produce 95% of
uptake and mass production of EVs in India, presently;
the hydrogen on the market (IEA, 2015)
India doesn’t have battery cell manufacturing plants and
is only assembling the battery packs which are imported.
India stands at a critical juncture so as to either provide
heavy financial incentive or proactively innovate (Plug-
In-India, 2017).

Overview of Indian Automotive Sector ÂÂ 71% of passenger vehicles produced in the FY 2017
– 18 were cars, followed by utility vehicles (24%) and
The automotive industry has been rightly called as vans (5%).
the ‘industry of industries’ since it utilizes the outputs
ÂÂ Passenger carriers dominate the three-wheeler
of nearly all the manufacturing industries and also
segment by constituting 86% of the production. The
supports the upstream industries like steel and
rest (14%) are goods carriers.
downstream industries like insurance (Drucker, 1946).
Undoubtedly, it is widely considered as the driver of ÂÂ 57% of the commercial vehicles produced in India
the nation’s economy and is as a significant contributor during the FY 2017–18 were LCVs and 43% were
to the global economy. According to the Society of M&HCVs. However, only 12% of these commercial
Indian Automobile Manufacturers (SIAM), the industry vehicles produced were passenger carriers and 88%
has grown by 14.4% in the past decade. The industry were goods carriers.
contributes 7.2% of India’s total GDP and about 22% of
the manufacturing GDP (Supriyo, 2017). In 2017, with Total Production 2017-18
total vehicular production over 25 Million in numbers, Commercial Vehicles
India’s auto industry was the fourth largest producer
of cars and seventh largest producer of commercial Passenger Vehicles
vehicles in the world (SIAM, 2017a).
Three Wheelers
Vehicle production in India
The automotive industry produced a total of 29.86 Two Wheelers
million vehicles including commercial vehicles,
passenger vehicles, tractors, three-wheelers, two-
wheelers and quadricycle in the FY 17–18. The two
wheelers are the dominant automobile manufactured
Figure 12: Total production of automobiles
in India, accounting for 79.7% of the total vehicles
Source: (ACMA, 2018)
manufactured in the FY 2017–18, followed by passenger
vehicles (13.7%), three-wheelers (3.5%), and commercial Trend of production (SIAM, 2017a), (ACMA, 2018)
vehicles (3.1%) (SIAM, 2017a).
In the past 10 years (2008-09 to 2017-18), vehicle
ÂÂ Within the two wheeler segment, motorcycles production in India increased by 126%. The increase in
accounted for 66% of the production followed by the manufacturing volume was led by the two wheeler
scooters (30%) and mopeds (4%). segment which increased by 139% in 10 years, followed

by commercial vehicles (92%), passenger vehicles (83%) Vehicle Sales in India

and three wheelers (83%).
The automotive industry sold (including exports) a total
ÂÂ The commercial vehicles segment saw a production of 27.6 million vehicles including commercial vehicles,
increase by 10.4% in FY 17–18 over the FY 16–17 passenger vehicles, tractors, three-wheelers and two-
which was mainly due to the 19.9% and 17.8% wheelers in the FY 16–17. Similar to manufacturing
growth in goods carriers and tractors respectively. the two-wheelers are also the dominant automobiles
ÂÂ The passenger carriers in the medium and heavy sold in India, accounting for 79.2% of the total vehicles
commercial vehicles in this segment, which includes manufactured in the FY 2016–17, followed by passenger
mainly buses, witnessed a reduction in production vehicles (14.4%), three-wheelers (3.2%) and commercial
by 24.1% during the FY 2017–18. vehicles (3.1%) (SIAM, 2017a). 22.1% of the total sales
composed of exports and 77.9% were domestic sales.
ÂÂ Passenger vehicles segment witnessed an increase
of 5.5% in FY 17–18 over the FY 16–17 mainly due to ÂÂ Within the domestic sales in two-wheeler segment,
the 19.9% increase in production of utility vehicles. motorcycles accounted for 63% of the sales followed
by scooters (32%) and mopeds (5%).
ÂÂ 69% of passenger vehicles sold in India were cars,
followed by utility vehicles (25%) and vans (6%).
20000000 ÂÂ Passenger carriers dominate the three-wheeler
segment by constituting of 79% of the production.
The rest (21%) are goods carriers.
Vehicle Numbers

ÂÂ 58% of the commercial vehicles sold in the domestic
market in India during FY 2016-17 were LCVs and
42% were M&HCVs. However, only 14% of these
commercial vehicles produced were passenger
carriers and 86% were goods carriers.

0 Total Sales 2016-17











Commercial Vehicles
Commercial Vehicles Passenger Vehicles Three Wheelers Two Wheelers
Passenger Vehicles
Figure 13: Segment-wise trend of vehicle production 14.4%
Source: SIAM 2017b
Three Wheelers
As it is clear from the bar graphs, two-wheeler segment
constitutes as a major part of the production volume of Two Wheelers
vehicles in India. Two wheelers increased from 76% of 79.2%
the total automobile production in 2008–09 to 80% in
Similar to the production in India, two-wheelers Figure 14: Total sales of automobiles (2016–17)
dominate the sales too. In the FY 2017–18, 82% of the Source: SIAM 2017b
market share belonged to the two-wheeler segment of
the automobile industry.

30000000 Alternate Fuels for Surface Transportation (AFST) Programme

25000000 The AFST programme of the Ministry of New and
Renewable Energy promoted all types of BEVs, PHEVs,
20000000 HEVs and Electric/ Exercise Bike Generator Inverters
Vehicle Numbers

(E2BI). The programme aimed at providing support

15000000 for dissemination of such vehicles, their research and
development, pilot projects, and awareness related
activities. The programme had been offering Central
Financial Assistance to all such vehicles since 2010.
The programme came to an end in 2012–13; with
0 the launch of the National Electric Mobility Mission
Plan 2020.









Two Wheelers Three Wheelers Passenger Vehicles Commercial Vehicles National Electric Mobility Mission Plan (NEMMP) 2020
Figure 15: Segment-wise trend of vehicle sales The National Electric Mobility Mission Plan (NEMMP)
Source: SIAM 2017b 2020, was launched in 2013 by the Ministry of Heavy
Industries and Public Enterprises in order to promote
Trend of sales (SIAM, 2017a), (ACMA, 2018) the demand of environment-friendly electric vehicle
In the past 10 years (2007–08 to 2016–17), vehicle sales technologies. The primary aim of the Plan was to provide
(including exports) increased by 146%. The increase in financial and infrastructural support to electric vehicle
the sales volume was led by the two-wheeler segment technologies in India. The budget outlay of the Plan
which increased by 161% in 10 years, followed by was divided into a) Technology Platforms, b) Demand
passenger vehicles (113%), commercial vehicles (80%) Incentive, c) Charging Infrastructure, d) Pilot Projects
and three-wheelers (75%). and, e) IEC/Operations (conductive charging)
The vision statement of NEMMP is mentioned below:
Policy Framework supporting “To encourage reliable, affordable and efficient
electrification in India electric vehicles that meet consumer performance
and price expectations through government-industry
According to the Climate Action Tracker, India is leading collaboration for promotion and development of
the G20 countries in closing the gap between the targets indigenous manufacturing capabilities, required
set and the trajectory followed. India aims to over achieve infrastructure, consumer awareness and technology;
its NDC with the adoption of its National Electricity Plan thereby helping India to emerge as a leader in the EV
released in April 2018. One of the important measures two-wheeler and four-wheeler market in the world
that can be adopted is to shift from carbon intensive by 2020, with total EV sales of 6 – 7 million units thus
fossil-fuel driven mobility to cleaner mobility solutions enabling Indian automotive industry to achieve global
such as electric vehicles.
EV manufacturing leadership and contributing towards
national fuel security.”
National Level Policies and Interventions NEMMP was targeted to achieve expansion of domestic
Some of the key policies undertaken by the Government electric vehicle market, coupled with global leadership in
of India over the last decade, which have provided vehicle manufacturing. The primary objective of NEMMP
support and push to EVs, are discussed below. is to provide the initial boost to the EV industry in India

which will then in turn stimulate the manufacturing of manufacturers from (Department of Heavy Industries)
these vehicles in larger volumes. The four key principles DHI on a monthly basis.
that guide the future roadmap for EVs penetration in
In January 2018, realizing the role of pilots in boosting
NEMMP include the following:
the adoption of EVs, DHI approved pilots for 390 electric
1. Creating consumer acceptability for EVs buses, 370 electric taxis and 720 electric autos spread
2. Developing infrastructure to support ownership across 11 Indian cities under the Scheme. While the
and use of EVs nine big cities were given subsidy for 40 buses each,
Jammu and Guwahati got subsidy for 15 buses each.
3. Development/acquisition of EV technology
In terms of taxis, subsidy was provided to Ahmedabad
4. Creation of local manufacturing capability (20), Bengaluru (100), Indore (50) and Kolkata (200),
The Plan projected the total potential demand for full based on their demand. Bengaluru was allotted subsidy
range of electric vehicles (mild hybrids to full electric) to for 500 three-wheelers, while Indore and Ahmedabad
be in the range of 5 –7 million units in new vehicle sales were offered subsidy for 200 and 20 three-wheelers,
by 2020. The bulk of this demand has been anticipated respectively. The amount sanctioned is Rs. 437 crore,
to come from (pure) electric two-wheelers, followed by out of which Rs. 40 crore is allotted for charging
hybrid electric vehicles (HEVs) and pure electric vehicles infrastructure. The implementation of these pilots are
or battery electric vehicles (BEVs). In order to achieve the underway, for example electric bus pilot has been
objectives laid out in the NEMMP, the Government of started in Ahmedabad-BRTS since January 2019.
India announced an incentive scheme, which provides
subsidies on purchase of EVs – the Faster Adoption Faster Adoption and Manufacturing of (Hybrid &) Electric Vehicles
and Manufacturing of (Hybrid &) Electric Vehicles (FAME - India), 2019 Phase 2
(FAME) scheme. The Government of India launched Phase-II of FAME
or FAME-II in March 2019 with ten times the financial
Faster Adoption and Manufacturing of (Hybrid &) Electric Vehicles resources of FAME-I. FAME-II has an overall budget of Rs.
(FAME - India), 2015 Phase 1 10,000 crore allotted for demand incentives, charging
The Ministry of Heavy Industries and Public Enterprises infrastructure and IEC activities. FAME-II deviates from its
launched the FAME-India Scheme in April, 2015. The predecessor in the logic of demand incentive allocation.
salient features of FAME India scheme are as under: Unlike FAME-I, the subsidy in FAME-II is not based on
ÂÂ The scheme was launched for the initial two years of the specific vehicle model but on the battery size. As
the 12th Plan period– Phase I (2015-17), which was it is the battery prices which drive the EV prices up,
further extended till March 2019. FAME-II offers a uniform incentive of Rs. 10,000 per kWh
of battery for two, three and four wheelers. For buses,
ÂÂ The scheme had an outlay of Rs. 795 Crore under
it offers a uniform subsidy of Rs. 20, 000 per kWh. The
various plan heads for Phase I of the scheme, which
focus of FAME continues to be promoting purchase and
was increased to Rs. 895 Crore due to the extension
sale of electric vehicles with almost 86% of this scheme’s
of Phase I
budget being allocated for demand incentives. FAME-II
ÂÂ The scheme covered all vehicle segments i.e. two, targets to provide the purchase subsidy to 10,00,000
three, and four-wheelers, cars, LCVs, buses etc. and two-wheelers, 5,00,000 three-wheelers, 55,000 four-
all forms of hybrid (Mild / Strong / Plug-in) and wheelers and 7090 buses over a period of 3 years.
pure electric vehicles; the incentive on hybrids was
The scheme is mainly applicable to vehicles used as
withdrawn when the Scheme was extended after
public transport or those registered for commercial
March 2017.
purposes in three wheeler, four wheeler and bus
The demand incentive is availed by buyers upfront at segments. However, the scheme does not exclude
the point of purchase and the same is reimbursed to the privately owned two wheelers. Deriving learning from

FAME-I, the demand incentive in limited to vehicles by encouraging and driving capabilities in the country
with ‘Advance Batteries’, defined as ‘Motor Vehicles’ in for developing core components, including chip-sets,
CMVR(Central Motor Vehicle Rules) by Ministry of Road and creating an enabling environment for the industry
Transport and Highways. The scheme also lays down to compete globally. The policy would indirectly affect
eligibility of vehicles for demand incentive based on technological advancements and innovation in the field
proportion in domestic manufacturing, compliance to of electric vehicles.
CMVR standards, fitting of monitoring device for mileage
The following are the salient features of NPE 2019:
and display of DHI sticker indicating that the vehicle has
been purchased under the scheme. ÂÂ Create eco-system for globally competitive ESDM
sector by promoting domestic manufacturing
National Energy Storage Mission, 2018 and export in the entire value chain of ESDM by
In February 2018, an expert committee under the providing incentives and support for manufacturing
chairmanship of Secretary, Ministry of New and of core electronic components.
Renewable Energy, with representatives from relevant
ÂÂ Provide special package of incentives for mega
ministries, industry associations, research institutions
projects which are extremely high-tech and entail
and experts were constituted by the Ministry of New
huge investments, such as semiconductor facilities
and Renewable Energy to propose draft for setting up
display fabrication, etc.
National Energy Storage Mission (NESM) for India.
ÂÂ Formulate suitable schemes and incentive
The primary objective of the NESM is to strive for
mechanisms to encourage new units and expansion
leadership in energy storage sector by creating
of existing units.
an enabling policy and regulatory framework that
encourages manufacturing, deployment, innovation, ÂÂ Promote industry-led R&D and innovation in all sub-
and further cost reduction. Furthermore, India’s NESM sectors of electronics, including grass-roots level
has proposed three-stage solution approach, which is: innovation and early stage start-ups in emerging
technology areas such as 5G, loT/ sensors, Artificial
ÂÂ creating an environment for battery manufacturing
Intelligence (Al), machine learning, Virtual Reality
(VR), drones, robotics, additive manufacturing,
ÂÂ scaling supply-chain strategies photonics, nano-based devices, etc.
ÂÂ scaling of battery cell manufacturing ÂÂ Provide incentives and support for significantly
The mission also highlights the importance of energy enhancing availability of skilled manpower,
storage with perspective of India in order to provide including re-skilling.
the much needed thrust to renewables and electric ÂÂ Special thrust on Fabless Chip Design Industry,
vehicles. The key areas that were identified as a part of Medical Electronic Devices Industry, Automotive
the mission were: Electronics Industry (primarily EVs) and Power
ÂÂ Integrating renewable energy with distribution and Electronics for Mobility and Strategic Electronics
transmission grids. Industry.

ÂÂ Setting rural micro grids with diversified loads State-Level Policies

or stand-alone systems. Developing Storage
component of electric mobility plans. Realizing the important role electric mobility can play
in addressing the air pollution and climate change
National Policy on Electronics, 2019 concerns, many states in India have drafted Electric
Vehicle Policy to accelerate the uptake of EVs. Karnataka,
The policy envisions positioning India as a global hub for Telangana, Maharashtra, Uttar Pradesh, Kerala and
Electronics System Design and Manufacturing – (ESDM)
Tamil Nadu have formulated EV policies promoting EV

adoption and manufacturing in their respective states. Potential and Importance of

Delhi has also come up with a draft EV policy. The Table
Electrification of Two Wheelers
7 State-level EV policies and their targets, sums up
the targets that the state polices have set up for their In terms of volume of production and sale, Indian two-
wheeler industry is one of the largest in the world. The
respective states.
segment caters to the need of middle-and low-income

Table 7: State-level EV policies and their targets

State Targets

Karnataka Electric vehicle and ÂÂ 1000 e-buses by 2030

Energy Storage policy 2017
ÂÂ 100% three-wheelers / four-wheelers moving goods will be encourage to
transit to electric mobility by 2030
ÂÂ Incentives for first 100 fast charging stations

Telangana Electric Vehicle Policy ÂÂ Telangana State Transport Corporation to set a target of 100% electric buses
Draft 2017 by 2030 for intracity, intercity, and interstate transport
ÂÂ Government will set up first 100 fast charging stations in GHMC

Maharashtra’s Electric vehicle and ÂÂ Increase number of EVs registered in Maharashtra to 5 lakh
related infrastructure Policy 201
ÂÂ To generate an investment of Rs. 25,000 crore in EV

Uttar Pradesh Electric Vehicles ÂÂ Public Transportation – 1000 EV buses by 2030

Manufacturing Policy 2018
ÂÂ Private Transportation – State government will encourage electric
2-wheeler taxies
for short distance mobility, and existing auto rickshaws will be encouraged
to resort to EV technology
ÂÂ Goods Transportation – Further, to promote adaptability of EV in Goods
transportation, EV-3 wheelers, 4-wheelers mini goods vehicles will be
encouraged in GB Nagar, Ghaziabad, Agra, Lucknow, Kanpur, Varanasi

Kerala EV Policy ÂÂ 1 Million EVs by 2022

ÂÂ Pilot Fleet of 200,000 two- wheelers, 50,000 three wheelers, 1000 goods
carriers, 3000 buses and 100 ferry boats by 2020
ÂÂ Part of Public Transport fleet of 6000 buses to be made electric by 2025

Tamil Nadu EV Policy ÂÂ Attract ₹50,000 crore in investments and create 1.5 lakh new jobs
ÂÂ 100 per cent road tax exemption for all types of EVs, capital subsidies,
reimbursement of State GST, subsidy on land cost and special incentives for
job-creating EV projects

Draft Delhi Electric Vehicle Policy ÂÂ Battery Electric Vehicles (BEVs) 25% of all new vehicle registrations by 2023
ÂÂ 50% of the public transport bus fleet zero emission by 2023

users and provides cost-effective mobility service, Parking: The parking requirement for two-wheelers is
due to the existing gaps between travel demand and not as challenging considering that they do not require
public transport system. In reality, many India cities lack much parking space and can squeeze into tight spaces.
substantial and efficient public transport systems, as the
Mileage: For most consumers, mileage (which is how
income-level of people increases, they generally opt for
far a vehicle can travel on one litre of fuel) is one of
private modes of transportation to meet their mobility
the most important parameters. Two-wheelers provide
needs on the basis of convenience and time-saving.
advantage as their mileage is generally much better
The two-wheeler form the centre-piece of the passenger than four-wheelers. In a good condition, the former
mobility of India, the dominance of two-wheelers in can go at least twice a distance on a litre than a car. of
evident can be understood by the sheer constitution of course, all this varies with the model, the condition of
two-wheelers in the passenger vehicle sector. According the vehicle / road, and the amount of traffic (BCG, 2017).
to TERI estimates (based on the TERI Transport Model),
Hence due to the reasons discussed above, amongst
two-wheeler are expected to constitute about two-third
the vehicular segments in India, two wheelers huge
of total automobile demand in the country. Additionally,
potential towards electrification. With an estimated
comprehending to the existing two-wheeler vehicle
share of 66% by 2030, they have a huge potential
ownership, the trend is estimated to follow a similar
in reducing emissions and contributing to India’s
pattern for the FY 2030-31 (see Figure 16).
climate targets.
The popularity of the two-wheeler can be understood
from the following: Assessment of two-wheeler segment
Affordability: A two-wheeler vehicle is always cheaper for electrification
to use and maintain. The cost of service, repair, and
There is a general agreement that electric vehicles can
spare parts, parking fees, and even toll fees are much
deliver the triple benefits of reducing local air pollution,
lower than owning a four-wheeler passenger car. The
enhancing energy security, and reducing carbon
cost-effectiveness is further enhanced by low cost of
emissions in India. However, despite the government’s
operation i.e. cost per kilometre.
policies for enhancing electrification of motor vehicles,
Estimated share between transport modes in 2030-31 not much could be done in the ground. EVs barely
constitute 1% of the total market share. In the FY 2017-
18, about 1,71,000 electric vehicles were sold3, out of
which 1,200 were electric cars and 54800 were electric
4-W two-wheelers, under the FAME-India Scheme.
The government’s emphasis on electric vehicles has to
3-W be complemented by investing and identifying front
6% runners that can help upscale the According to an earlier
2-W analysis by TERI, key factors for enabling electrification
were identified as

Figure 16: Estimated share of various transport modes in 2030

ÂÂ Availability of public charging infrastructure
ÂÂ Availability of vehicle models and range
Convenience: Traffic congestion is of the major
challenges that Indian cities are grappling with. ÂÂ Presence of local manufacturing capabilities
The motorized two-wheelers provide convenience Early adoption success: Electric two-wheeler and
while zipping in and out of traffic. Two-wheelers are electric three-wheeler are among the vehicle segments
generally treated as the fastest mode of transport for
short distances.
SMEV-EV sales

which have recorded the maximum uptake from With the demonstrated customer understanding,
the inception of FAME-India Scheme. According to commitment and capability, and with Government
Society of Manufacturer of Electric Vehicles (SMEV), the support, two-wheeler manufacturers are likely to
electric two-wheeler sales were approximately 4,75,000 successfully handle the phased adoption into electric.
since 2015. Choice of models: The presence of local OEMs coupled
Although, the sales of electric two-wheeler is primarily with demand for the product, the electric two-wheelers
constituted by Low-Speed (LS) electric vehicle, so much have a range of models (variants) to choose from; this
so that for the FY 2017-18 out of the 54,800 electric vehicle may lead to competitive prices in the market, but also
sold, 49,000 were LS electric two-wheeler and only 5,800 ensures consumer satisfaction. Hero Electric alone has
were High-Speed (HS) electric two wheeler. Even though approximately six electric two-wheeler models as of
the initial uptake suggests higher acceptability and now, while Okinawa and Electrotherm have four and
consumer willingness, in comparison to other modes of five, respectively. However, most of these models are
transport, in this case, the adopted vehicle may not have low power vehicles based on lead acid batteries.
necessarily replaced the ICE vehicles. Most low speed Although relative to the ICE two wheeler market, there
electric two wheelers purchased were for secondary is limited availability of affordable models for Indian
uses, and the owners continued to use their ICE two consumers. Even though there are a range of options
wheelers for their primary use, especially the work trips. available with respect to other segments like electric
As these electric two wheelers are not classified as motor three wheelers and cars, there still are limited options of
vehicles under CMVR, the regulators neither mandate a electric two wheelers which are acceptable for the buyer
driving licence nor safety helmet. Hence, there is also a in terms of affordability, technology and performance.
possibility that these lead acid two wheelers were used
Ease of implementation: The successful proliferation of
to replace the earlier non-motorised or public transport
EVs is also dependant on government control and ease
based trips by other individuals in the household.
of implementation. Introduction of electric buses will
Dependence on public charging infrastructure: be primarily through the government’s intervention as
According to TERI estimates the average distance that a most of the public bus services are provided by public
two-wheeler covers in a day does not exceed 40– 45km, institutions (i.e. State Road Transport Undertakings).
which makes home charging the most convenient Similarly, other public transport modes such as electric
charging mode. Conversely, public transport such as autos, electric rickshaws, and electric taxis, which require
buses, commercial four-wheelers (i.e. fleet) and electric government permits to exercise their operations in cities
three-wheelers in particular are more dependent on can be pushed by the government for their conversion
public charging infrastructure. However, limited range to electric vehicle technology and also creating enabling
and lack of charging facilities are still the major reasons policies for private investment on battery manufacturing,
impeding adoption of electric two wheelers. The same public charging etc.
is revealed in the results of stated preference consumer
Proliferation of private motor vehicles is dependent on
survey presented in Chapter 5.
many factors like consumer’s choice and willingness,
Local manufacturing capabilities: Indian two wheeler incentives for primarily for reduction in procurement
industry is the largest manufacturer of two wheelers in cost and resale or end-of -life disposal.
the world with over 25 Million units produced in 2018-
The various vehicle segments were compared
19 alone. The matured ICE two wheeler industry in India
qualitatively on the basis of these criteria. The vehicle
has a vast understanding of the Indian customers as well
segments were rated on a scale of 1 to 5 based on their
as an established practice of local product development.
potential to qualify as the low-hanging fruits for a given
The established two wheeler manufacturers in India
criteria wherein 5 indicates the maximum potential and
have the ability to heavily invest and establish local
while, 1 indicates lowest potential.
supply chains for electric vehicles.

Table 8: Ranking of vehicle segments based on criteria used for identification of low-hanging fruits/front runners

2-wheelers 3 - wheelers 4-wheelers

 Indicators Electric-auto Passenger Commercial Bus
rickshaws segment segment: Fleets

Early adoption success          

Local Manufacturing capabilities          

Limited Dependence on charging


Choice of model          

Ease of implementation        

Government support          

5 4 3 2 1

The assessment clarifies that even though there is a primary modes from ICE two wheelers to electric
huge potential for electrification of two wheelers, it two wheelers. The next chapter attempts to quantify
is not easy. Adequate government support coupled the potential benefits from phased adoption of two
with technological innovation is required to aid the wheelers in India into electric.
Industry to nudge the consumers into shifting their


Fuel demand in India’s transport sector is largely met of which is attributed to growth in demand for two-
by imports, which accounts for more than 85% of the wheelers which account for 75% of the total registered
total oil demand. India’s future energy security is likely vehicles (MoRTH, 2016); electrification of this segment
to face a serious challenge due to increasing oil prices of vehicle can significantly reduce India’s dependency
and high import dependence. A high share of this on fossil fuels in the long run.
demand largely comes from the transport sector. It is
This section provides results of the analysis undertaken
one of the most energy-intensive sectors in the country
to estimate the CO2 emissions and energy savings
and accounts for 24% of the total energy consumption
that can be realized by electrification of two-
in the country (TERI, 2018), 98.5% of which is met by
wheelers. Considering future growth of India’s
petroleum products (TERI, 2016). India’s transport sector
transport sector and specifically the growth of two-
accounts for 99.6% of the total petrol and 70% of the
wheelers, TERI analysis focuses on the potential of
total diesel consumption in the country (Nielsen, 2013).
electric two-wheelers in decarbonizing this sector.
Transport sector in India accounts for 13.2% of the total
CO2 emissions from fuel combustion across sectors in
the country (UIC / IEA, 2016). Within the transport sector, Analysis Framework
road transport with a share of 87% accounted for the
highest share of the CO2 emissions. The unprecedented The TERI analysis follows a Bottom-up approach and
growth in road transport sector has huge implications projects the growth in two-wheelers by 2025 and 2030
on the overall energy demand of the sector and the across different segments. This is followed by estimation
concomitant emissions. Considering the high reliance of energy consumption and CO2 emissions. For arriving
of the sector on fuel consumption coupled with India’s at the total two-wheeler passenger demand a multi-
high import dependence of crude oil, it is imperative step approach is followed. Firstly, the vehicle ownership
to plan for sectoral policies that can manage fuel and is projected based on socio-economic variables such
energy demand from the sector in the coming decades as GDP and population. The vehicle ownership is then
and can influence the future carbon emissions (Pal, disaggregated at urban and rural level. Further, based
Singh, Wilson, & Joshi, 2015). on the assumptions of fuel type, fleet utilization and
vehicle occupancy for different two wheeler segments
To this end, faster adoption of EVs is one of the key (scooters, motorcycles, mopeds, electric-two wheelers)
policy interventions that the Government of India has the annual BPKM is calculated for both urban and rural
taken to increase the efficiency of transport sector and areas separately. Lastly, the total annual BPKM at pan
to mitigate the adverse economic and environmental India level is arrived at by summation of urban and rural
impact from the sector. As India’s road transportation BPKM. Post the estimation of the total BPKM; dynamic
sector is experiencing high rate of motorization, most fuel efficiency coefficients are applied to BPKM to arrive

at the fuel consumption by two wheelers. The total fuel 250

consumption is then converted to equivalent energy

In Millions
consumption and the concomitant CO2 emissions. 100

Travel Demand and Vehicle Segmentation

2000-01 2004-05 2009-10 2014-15 2019-20 2024-25 2029-30

Urban Rural Total

As per TERI’s model two-wheelers are expected to
Figure 17: On-road stock of two-wheelers in urban and rural India
witness a CAGR of 9% between 2014-15 and 2029-30.
The demand for two-wheelers is expected to saturate
as a greater share of people choosing personal mobility is a disruptive technology and once it reach a cost
would shift to cars over two-wheelers. Growth in income parity with the ICE technology, its growth is expected
levels are expected to support this trend, primarily to witness a widespread adoption. The following
in urban areas. Travel demand by two-wheelers is sections provide a discussion on likely factors that will
expected to experience a CAGR of 9% between 2030 determine the market share of electric two-wheelers
from 2015, as compared to 15% between 2001 and 2015 in the country. The discussion also highlights likely
in two-wheeler sector. Currently, 52% of the share of this scenarios assumed by different agencies/organizations
demand arises from urban areas and the rest by rural and with respect to electric two-wheeler penetration
intercity travel, which is expected to reverse by 2030, i.e. in India. All of these parameters are factored into
48% by urban areas and 52% by rural areas. This reversal building market share assumptions for 2025 and
in trend is primarily associated with better connectivity, 2030 for electric two-wheelers for India, which are
improved road infrastructure and availability of easy further used to estimate the energy and emission impact
finance in rural areas. The market of two-wheeler of the same.
segment is also expected to slow down in urban areas As per 2016–17 SIAM statistics, 82.4% of all the vehicles
as compared to rural areas because it is assumed cities sold in the country are two-wheelers. The reasons
and towns would have improved public transport and for popularity of the two-wheeler segment in the
shared mobility services, which would remain lacking in country is primarily the level of affordability it offers,
case of rural areas (ET Bureau, 2018). costing less than Rs 1.5 per km, which in many cases
Further, considering the market share of different is even lower than the public transport fares in many
segments in two wheelers4, the projections have been regions. In addition, it offers benefits such as door-to-
made with regard to the growth of different categories door accessibility, constant availability, and comfort.
of two-wheelers by 2030. In the absence of affordable quality public transport,
two-wheelers will continue to play a dominant role in
meeting mobility needs of the people.
Assumptions for electric two-wheeler share In 2010, the Ministry of New and Renewable Energy
One of the key assumptions for estimating the impact announced incentives for EV manufacturers for 2010–11
of electric two-wheelers is the demand number and and 2011–12 to encourage the sale of electric vehicles.
the market share that this segment will have in the The scheme set aside a fund of Rs 950 million under the
horizon period. Typically, past trends are relied upon Eleventh Five Year Plan and gave incentives up to 20%
to make market projections; however, in the case on ex-factory prices of vehicles. Electric two-wheelers
of electric vehicles the past trends will certainly not started becoming popular and gained some demand
provide a comprehensive foresight into the future. during this time. Their numbers peaked in 2012–13 when
This is because a strict empirical analysis will not be 102,000 electric two-wheelers were sold (SIAM, 2014-
able to accommodate for the fact that EV technology 15). The scheme led to an upsurge in the sales of electric
vehicles. However, it came to an end in March 2012 and

As discussed in Chapter 2 of the report as a result, the sales of electric vehicles dwindled. Only

45,000 electric two-wheelers were sold in 2013–14 and as e-commerce and fast food services. High demand for
15,000 in 2014–15. affordable mobility options, low vehicle ownership per
capita, young demography, high penetration of mobile
The uptake of electric two-wheeler segment has been
phones, rapidly growing e-commerce industry, greater
slow but past experience shows that with favourable
environmental awareness, stricter air quality regulations
policy and regulatory support this segment can grow
rapidly. Similar has been the experience with FAME-I. and vehicle emission standards, and fuel norms are
While majority of the 2W models sold under FAME-I and expected to drive the demand for electric two-wheelers
earlier schemes were low speed, lead acid battery models, in Indian cities.
the electric two wheeler market is changing as the NITI Aayog in its report on India Leaps Ahead:
government is only subsidizing advanced battery electric Transformative Mobility Solutions for All, in the BAU
two-wheelers under the FAME-II. In fact, Department of scenario, assumes 5% as the share of electric two
Heavy Industries, MoHIPE, as per its notification vide 12 wheelers in new sales in 2030. In its transformative
(14)/2017-AEI dated 27 September 2018, had withdrawn scenario, the report assumes the share to go up
the FAME-I subsidy on conventional battery vehicles and to 40% contingent on high electrification, shared
unregistered vehicles from 30 September 2018 onwards. vehicle fleets and high public transit in well designed
While advanced battery two-wheeler models are almost urban environments.
twice as expensive as the lead acid battery models, the
As per IEA’s EV Outlook 2018 report, in the new policy
falling lithium prices are expected to improve the cost
scenario, two-wheelers and three-wheelers are together
competitiveness of lithium powered two-wheelers,
assumed to account for 40% of the market share by
resulting in growing market share of such models.
2030. As per the EV30@30 Scenario outlook wherein
It is expected that with the lithium battery prices the country is expected to further boost momentum
falling significantly, the tipping point in terms of costs for electric mobility transition, two- and three-wheelers
of EVs becoming competitive with similar ICEVs will be are projected to constitute 70% of sales by 2030. The
achieved soon. As per (Bloomberg New Energy Finance) New Policies Scenario (NPS) of the IEA’s World Energy
BNEF estimates, the total cost of ownership for BEVs will Outlook incorporates existing and announced policies
be cheaper even on an unsubsidized basis than ICE cars and measures that governments around the world have
by the mid-2020s. BNEF predict this will happen despite put in place in terms of their official targets or plans.
the ICE vehicles improving their average mileage by As per this scenario, India is assumed to achieve 11%
3.5% per year. EV market share by 2030 (excluding two- and three-
The lithium prices and performance remain the single wheelers). In the EV30@30 scenario, India is assumed to
important determinant of the tipping point for EVs and achieve 25% EV market share by 2030 across all modes
the trend in this direction seems to be positive. As per (excluding two- and three-wheelers). In this scenario it is
Bloomberg NEF’s ninth Battery Price Survey, the lithium assumed to rapidly leapfrog from a low personal vehicle
battery pack prices have been falling significantly: ownership rate to a high shared mobility scenario.
the cost of volume weighted average battery pack A good indication of the market share that electric two-
has declined by 85% since 2010– to an average of wheelers might capture the Indian market can also be
$176/kWh in 2018.
obtained by analysing the support that the FAME-II
The demand for electric two-wheelers is also expected scheme is offering. FAME-II offers a subsidy support for
to pick up in the future as shared mobility is expected to 10 lakh two-wheelers with effect from April 2019 for
assume greater share both for personal and commercial the next 3 years. needs to be noted that while FAME-I
purposes. A report by Morgan Stanley 2017, predicts was beneficial in reviving the growth of electric two-
India to be a leader in shared mobility by 2030. High wheelers, the growth has remained slow in this segment,
utilization rates along with low operating expense of EVs recording a 0.54% CAGR between 2014–15 and 2017–
become particularly attractive for delivery services such 18. In the Business as Usual (BAU) scenario, a similar

slow growth trend for this segment is assumed. The new two-wheeler registrations is expected to become 5%
other two scenarios being framed are the technology in 2025 and 15% in 2030, respectively. This increase in the
improvement scenario and the high ambition scenario market share will reduce emissions by 1.3% and 2.7% by
which will assume a high degree of policy push along 2025 and 2030, respectively.
with technological improvements.
3. High Ambition Scenario
As per NITI Aayog’s another 2019 report on India’s
In the High Ambition Scenario, it has been assumed
electric mobility, very high penetration for two- and
that along with strong focus of the central government
three- wheelers is expected to happen by 2030 as a the role played by various state-level policies will play
result of supportive policies such as FAME-II. Both NITI a crucial role in increasing the uptake of electric two
Aayog, 2019 and IEA’s best case scenario projections wheelers in India. It is assumed that, the benefits offered
seem to be highly optimistic for the Indian market. in FAME-II, benefits from the State governments along
with a reduction in battery prices can lead to increased
Alternate electric two-wheeler penetration after 2025. Considering all the factors fall in
favour of EVs along with the preferences of consumers,
uptake scenarios this could imply a 5% penetration in 2025 followed by
In order to estimate the decarbonization impacts 30% in 2030.
of electrification of two-wheelers, three scenarios It is assumed that in the high ambition scenario, cities
have been developed, namely, the Business-As-Usual and states will aggressively pursue the FAME-II targets.
Scenario, technology upgradation scenario, and high Efforts by various states and cities already point towards
ambition scenario. this direction. Several states are boosting the uptake
of electric two-wheelers by providing incentives at
1. Business-As-Usual (BAU) Scenario (or Reference
various levels, such as Gujarat is providing subsidies to
students for purchasing electric two-wheelers, Kerala
It is assumed that in the BAU Scenario, the penetration has proposed a pilot fleet of 200,000 e-2W, Telangana
of electric-two-wheelers in the market will remain has provided a designated EV cluster for component
negligible due to limited policy push and lack of manufacturing of e-2W. This scenario assumes the policy
technological improvements. Under the BAU scenario, targets as announced by Government of India will be
scooters and motorcycles dominate the total demand exceeded/over-achieved. A greater push will be given
with their share in on-road stock being 46% and 52% to electric services with increased support in terms of
respectively, by 2030. It is also estimated that the market financial and non-financial incentives.
share of electric two-wheelers will reach up to 1.71% by
It is expected that post-2025, when the cost parity would
2025 and then increase up to 7% by 2030. Subsequently,
have been achieved between the ICE and electric two-
the CO2 emissions from two-wheelers are estimated
wheelers, with the continued policy push, electric two-
to increase from 38.59 million tonnes in 2015 to 76.92
wheelers would grow exponentially and a share of 30% in
million tonnes in 2030.
new two-wheeler vehicle registrations is assumed to be
2. Upgraded Technology Scenario achieved by 2030. As a result the emissions are expected
to reduce by 1.3% and 6% by 2025 and 2030 respectively,
The upgraded technology scenario assumes that
as compared to the BAU scenario.
technological improvement will result in better
performance and price competitiveness of the electric
two-wheelers. It is assumed that post-2025, the cost A Brief Review of Life Cycle
parity between electric and ICE two-wheelers would have
been reached. Hence post-2025, an exponential growth
Emissions of EVs and ICEs
in the electric two-wheelers segment is assumed. With The energy and emissions estimates presented in this
this scenario, the share of electric two-wheelers of the report are ‘Tank to Wheel’ estimates of the use phase

of the vehicle. There are emissions released and energy average ICE vehicles using gasoline over their life cycle.
consumed also at the manufacturing and end of life stage However, the impact significantly differs with respect
of the vehicle. Further, carbon is also emitted throughout to the country, based on the low-carbon sources in the
the value chain of the energy consumed by the vehicles. power generation mix and average fuel consumption by
That is, the extraction, distribution and conversion of ICE vehicles. The IEA Global EV Outlook 2019 states that
energy before it reaches the vehicle, makes a significant in countries where power generation is dominated by
impact on the ‘well to wheel’ emissions of the vehicle. IEA coal, very efficient ICEs like hybrid vehicles exhibit lower
(2019) has estimated that at a global level, plug in electric emissions than EVs. However, the potential for emission
cars emit similar amount of Green House Gases (GHG) reduction over the life cycle of EVs will increase with
as hybrid vehicles and less GHGs as compared to global faster decarbonisation of electricity generation.

Current e-2w market subsidy offered for these vehicles are that these ‘low
speed’ electric vehicles may be replacing non-motorized
According to DHI, as on June 2019, a total of 168,633 trips and also promoting substandard quality products
two-wheelers have been sold through the FAME scheme as they have drastically low performance and range
in India. The electric two-wheelers which have availed levels compared to ICE two wheelers in the market.
the FAME subsidy in the past can be classified into the
following three categories as given in Table 9.
Table 9: Electric two-wheeler sales through FAME subsidy E-2w Sales trend
Two-Wheeler category Sales (DHI, Uttar Pradesh has the highest uptake of electric two
June 2019) wheelers in India, followed by Haryana, Maharashtra
Max speed not exceeding 25 kmph and 113,424 and Gujarat. However, majority of the two wheelers
max power not exceeding 0.25 KW sold in Uttar Pradesh are lead acid powered. Gujarat
has the highest number of high power lithium battery
L1 Category (CMVR) – vehicle maximum 27,701
speed not exceeding 40 kmph and max
electric two wheelers sold through fame, followed by
power not exceeding 0.5 KW Uttar Pradesh, Maharashtra and Haryana. With the same
dataset, the ‘lithium battery’ vehicle sales to ‘lead acid
L2 Category (CMVR) – other than L1 27,508
battery’ vehicle sales was also assessed. Of the states
Total 168,633 where there is significant uptake electric two wheelers,
Of the two-wheelers, 67% (113,424 vehicles), which Karnataka has the best lithium to lead ratio with 1.4
have availed the FAME subsidy, are not even classified lithium two wheelers for every 1 lead acid battery
as motor vehicles in the CMVR. These two-wheelers are powered two wheelers. West Bengal and Tamil Nadu
all powered by sealed lead acid batteries and do not have relatively higher sales of electric two wheelers but
require a driving licence or a helmet to operate. The most of them are lead acid two wheelers. The lead to
phase-II of FAME does not offer subsidy to this category lithium ratio for West Bengal and Tamil Nadu are 0.19
of ‘low speed’ and ‘conventional battery’ vehicles. The and 0.16 respectively.
‘high speed’ and ‘advanced battery’ vehicles constitute
16% of the electric two-wheeler sold through subsidy
from FAME-I and FAME-II in India. Other than subsidy
Consumer Survey
offered in FAME-I, the penetration of the lead acid two- TERI conducted an online survey of existing electric
wheelers is high primarily because they are significantly two-wheeler owners and potential owners of petrol
cheaper than lithium ion powered electric two-wheelers. and electric two-wheelers. The survey was conducted
The reasons for the government to discontinue the through online automotive discussion platforms like

Sales of E-2w using FAME subsidy

25000 19993

24 114 63
20000 Respondents


Sales of E-2w 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%


Current EV owners Potential 2W owners

Not likely to buy a 2w


Figure 19: Summary of online stated preference

5000 survey of respondents

Potential 2w owners











Tamil Nadu



Jammu Kashmir
West Bengal

Andhra Pradesh
Uttar Pradesh


Madhya Pradesh

68 46

Figure 18: Sales of E-2w using FAME subsidy (April 2015 to June 2019) 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%
Source: Electric ICE
Figure 20: Summary of respondents planning to buy a
team-BHP. The survey collected responses from 212 two-wheeler in the near future

individuals across India. The following were three

categories of individuals whose preferences were to be the survey stated environment friendliness of EVs as the
understood using the online stated preference survey: topmost reason for choosing electric two-wheelers. The
second best motivation was stated as the low running
1. Electric two-wheeler owners
costs of electric vehicles. The availability of government
2. Potential owners of electric two-wheelers subsidies was not recognized as a significant motivation
behind the purchase of electric vehicles by the surveyed
3. Potential owners of petrol two-wheelers
owners of electric two-wheelers. High income levels
114 respondents selected yes to the question asking might be the cause for the same as 46% of the EV
whether they wish to purchase a two-wheeler in the owners in the survey earned more than fifty thousand
near future. Out of the 114 respondents, 68 selected per month.
electric as the type of two-wheeler they were planning
Similar to existing electric vehicle owners, the potential
on buying, whereas 46 were planning on buying an
electric two-wheeler owners also stated environment
ICE two-wheeler. 24 respondents in the survey
friendliness of EVs one of the main reasons for choosing
stated themselves to be existing owners of electric
electric. About 19% of the potential electric two-wheeler
owners stated environment friendliness as the topmost
The following section summarises the results regarding reason for them to choose electric. Around 25% of them
the preferences of 24 electric two-wheeler owners and stated low running cost (fuel cost) of electric vehicles
68 potential owners of electric two-wheelers. as the second most important reason for choosing
electric. The third most important reason according to
Survey results of potential and existing electric two- 19% of potential e-2w owners was again environment
wheeler owners friendliness. Another 19% stated low maintenance
All electric two wheeler owners surveyed owned lead needs of electric two-wheelers as the primary reason for
acid based two wheelers. 75% of the respondents in choosing electric.

vehicle ecosystem as range

Availability of government
subsidies of vehicles, availability of
3rd Most Impartant Reason 4 4 8 8
Better pick up
charging facilities, top speed
of EVs and so on. We have
Environment friendly expressed the average results
2nd Most Important Reason 8 12 4 of the responses on a scale of
Low Running Cost (Fuel Cost) 0 (not anxious at all) to 2 (very
anxious). It is interesting to
Matches with my travel needs observe that the anxiety level
Top Most Important Reason 18 3 3
of potential e-2w owners
No Driving Licence required
is more than current e-2w
0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% owners for all the attributes
Figure 21: Motivation present e-2w owners for their choice of e-2w assessed in the survey.
Range is the main cause of
Low Running Cost (Fuel Cost)
anxiety for existing owners
Top Most Important Reason 8 13 6 10 4 3 2 and battery replacement is
Environment friendly
the main cause of anxiety for
Low maintenance needs potential e-2w owners.
The second significant
2nd Most Important Reason 17 4 10 6 22 3
Passion for new attribute causing anxiety
among EV owners is the
Matches with my travel needs
availability of charging
3rd Most Impartant Reason 4 13 13 4 6 24 facilities. The second factor
Better pick up
is closely linked with the first
Availability of government
one. If the market provides
0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% subsidies EVs with high range per kWh,
Figure 22: Motivation potential e-2w owners for their choice of e-2w
Anxiety regarding EV attributes

Another interesting observation from the survey is

Resale Value
that only one of the 24 electric two-wheeler owners
surveyed had electric two-wheeler as the sole two-
wheeler in his household. That is, most electric two-
wheeler owners had other ICE two-wheelers in their Battery Replacement
household. This reinforces our findings from the
industry stakeholders that electric vehicle is a second Top Speed
vehicle in most households, with the primary being the
‘reliable’ ICE. Further discussions on the same will be Servicing / maintenance
done in the next chapter. Even though the availability
of government subsidy was not stated as a significant Charging facilities
motivation for selection of electric two-wheelers, the
government subsidy was availed by 62% of surveyed Range
EV owners.
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5
Potential and existing EV owners were asked to state their Potential EV Owners EV Owners
anxiety levels as: ‘not anxious at all’, ‘somewhat anxious’ Figure 23: Anxiety regarding EV attributes: present and potential
and ‘very anxious’ regarding the attributes of the electric e-2w owners

the required density of charging infrastructure in the and potential electric two-wheeler owners to pay a
ecosystem will obviously be lesser. Similarly, existence of premium over home charging at a public charging station.
a dense network of charging infrastructure reduces the
62% of the EV owners in the survey were not willing to
range anxiety in EV users.
pay any premium at a public charging station. As most
The limited market visibility of electric vehicles may EV owners find charging at PCS lesser convenient than
be the reason for high differences in the stated anxiety home charging, they are obviously also not willing to
about e-2w attributes between existing and potential pay a premium for lower convenience. However, there
owners. Owing to the lack of clarity regarding battery
life and as battery contributes to a significant cost of WTP for Public Charging Electric 2w Owners
e-2w, the anxiety in potential e-2w owners in high.
The existing and potential owners of e-2w were asked Same as home
13% charging
to indicate the level of convenience in a scale of 1–5
from ‘not convenient at all’ to ‘very convenient’. The
Up to 1.5 times
25% more than cost of
home charging
Public Charging Station Up to 2 times
more than cost of
home charging

Figure 25: Willingness to pay at the public charging station: present

Office e-2w owners

exists a small proportion (13%) of EV owners who

are willing to pay up to two times more at a PCS than
Home home charging.
Approximately 48% of the surveyed potential owners
0 1 2 3 4 5 of e-2w were not willing to pay any premium for
Potential EV Owners EV Owners public charging. Similar to existing owners of e-2w,
Figure 24: Convenience of location for charging: present and
the potential owners also rated the convenience to
potential e-2w owners
WTP for Public Charging Potential Electric 2w Owners

average score of all respondents (existing and potential Not willing to pay
EV owners) for convenience in charging at home, office 9% 9%
and public charging station (PCS) is shown in Figure
Same as home
24. For both existing and potential owners of e-2w, on
19% charging
an average, home charging came out to be the most
convenient place of charging an electric two-wheeler, 1.5X cost of home
followed by charging at office and charging at a public 39%
charging station.
24% 2X cost of home
The existing and potential e-2w owners were asked how
much they were willing to pay for public charging with
respect to the costs of home charging. The margins to Figure 26: Willingness to pay at the public charging station: potential
e-2w owners
be charged for electricity by a public charging station for
sustaining the business were discussed in the preceding charge at PCS to be lower than the convenience at
chapter. Here, we discuss the willingness of the existing home and office. Hence, it can be understood why

the majority of the respondents are not willing to pay Patience at PCS : Potential Electric
any premium over home charging for public charging. Two-Wheeler Owners

5% 4%
< 10 minutes
Willingness to Wait at Public Charging Station
10 to 20 minutes
The existing and potential e-2w owners were asked 24%
20 to 30 minutes
the time they are willing to wait at a public charging 28%
30 to 60 minutes
station to charge their electric two-wheelers.
39% 60 to 120 minutes
Existing e-2w owner
Figure 28: Willingness to wait at a public charging station: potential
38% of the existing owners were willing to wait only e-2w owners
5–10 min, which is equivalent or lesser than the time
spent at petrol station. 71% of the respondents were at a charging station. This is a major deviation from
willing to wait less than 20 min. We assigned weights the patience level of the existing EV owners, which
to the responses and the results indicate that, on an was 18 min.
average, an existing EV owner in the survey is willing to
wait approximately 18 min at a charging station. This is a Survey Results of Potential ICE 2w Owners
bright picture for charging stations.
Figure 29 shows the results of 46 respondents who
stated that they had plans of buying an ICE 2w in the
Willingness to Wait at PCS near future. The respondents were asked about the
motivation behind choosing an ICE 2w.
33% of the respondents stated that the topmost reason
5 to 10 minutes for planning to buy an ICE 2w over electric is the higher
25% 38%
10 to 20 minutes
20 to 30 minutes
Top Most Reason 3 4 3 9 6 6 15
60 to 120 minutes

33% 2nd most

9 6 4 12 3 9 3
important reason

Figure 27: Willingness to wait at a public charging station: present

e-2w owners
3rd most important
13 11 9 5 8
As most of the EV owners surveyed do not use their
electric two-wheelers for regular work trips, their 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%
patience at a PCS may not be indicative of the patience
Higher re-sale value Lower purchase cost
of a regular EV using population.
Easy availability of fuel Proven technology
A range of models available in Higher starting and mid level
Potential e-2w owner
the market to choose from 'Pick up'
24% of the potential e-2w owners surveyed were willing Higher top speed
to wait less than 10 min at a PCS. Another 39% were Figure 29: Reasons for not choosing electric: potential ICE 2w owners
willing to wait between 10 and 20 min.
top speed. 20% stated the proven technology as the
We assigned weights to the responses and the results main reason for selecting petrol-driven two-wheelers.
indicate that, on an average, an potential EV owner 26% of the respondents stated ‘proven technology’
in the survey is willing to wait approximately 4 min as the second most important reason for choosing

ICE. Easy availability of fuel was cited as the third

most important reason for choosing ICE by 28%
of the respondents.
Other than the reason for choosing ICE, the potential
owners of ICE 2w were also asked to state their reasons
for not choosing electric.
The respondents were asked to rate each of the attributes
of electric vehicles on scale of 1 to 5 indicating ‘not at all

Concern about maintenance and service

Not confident of the technology

Upfront cost

Limited range of models

Concern about quality

Insufficient range (km) per charge

Inconvenience in Refueling

Concern about battery life and cost

Lack of Charging facilities

0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5

Figure 30: Perception of concerns regarding e-2w (potential ICE 2w owners)

important’ to ‘very important’. The main reason for not considered EVs in general to have lower range,
selecting electric 2w came out to be lack of charging performance, speed and safety than ICE counterparts.
facilities, followed by concern about battery life and cost, A significant proportion of respondents also perceive
inconvenience in refuelling and insufficient range. All electric vehicles to have lower maintenance and running
the main reasons of not choosing electric 2w are closely cost. The potential owners of ICE 2w are aware about
linked. The inconvenience in refuelling, insufficient range most aspects of electric vehicles, including knowing that
and lack of charging facilities are interconnected issues. its price and environment friendliness higher than ICEs.
As it was observed that the anxiety regarding range
and battery was high even amongst the respondents Willingness to pay
who plan to buy electric, it is clear that this is a major The potential owners of ICE 2w were asked how
barrier impeding the adoption electric vehicles in India. much premium they were willing to pay for an electric
Perception of EV versus ICE
40% of respondents were not willing to pay extra at all for
The potential owners of ICE 2w were asked about their an electric 2w instead of the planned ICE 2w. However,
perception of electric two-wheelers with respect to ICE 27% of the respondents were willing to spend up to Rs
counterparts. The respondents were shown attributes 2000 as a premium for an electric vehicle. Surprisingly,
for which they had to express their perception of that 33% of individuals who were planning to buy petrol 2w
attribute for EV being ‘higher’, ‘lower’, ‘the same’ against were willing to pay Rs. 20,000 more for an electric vehicle
an ICE counterpart. Majority of the respondents with the same performance as the ICE counterpart.










0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%


Figure 31: Perception of EV in relation to ICE (potential ICE 2w owners)

Willingness To Pay Extra for Electric Two-Wheeler indicates that the present e-2w owners as well as
the ones thinking to buy one right now are the early
adopters of the new technology.
Not willing to pay
extra 3. The range and lack of charging facilities were the
major sources of anxiety for existing and potential
33% 40% Up to 10,000
e-2w owners. However, the degree of anxiety
amongst the potential e-2w owners was much
10,000 to 20,000 higher than the existing e-2w owners.
20% 7% 4. The respondents who were planning on buying a
More than 20,000
petrol two-wheeler in the near future stated lack
Figure 32: Willingness to pay for similar performing e-2w (potential of charging facilities and concerns about battery
ICE 2w owners)
replacement as the main reasons for not choosing
Summary Results of SP Survey 5. About one-third of the potential petrol two-wheeler
owners were willing to pay up to Rs. 20,000 extra for
The following may be considered as the major findings
an electric vehicle that offered similar performance
from the online stated preference survey.
as its preferred ICE counterpart.
1. Most electric two-wheeler owners also owned
From analysis of the survey and the other secondary
another ICE two-wheeler. None of them used the
literature discussed here, the following two main barriers
electric two-wheelers for work trips.
to EV adoption are identified:
2. The potential and existing e-2w owners stated
1. High upfront costs
environment friendliness as the main reason for
choosing electric vehicles over ICE. This clearly 2. Inadequate charging infrastructure


Charging infrastructure will remain a critical driver for in a year.
the success of EV adoption. Electrical two-wheelers
ÂÂ Each two-wheeler has a 1.5 kWh battery with a
can typically be charged at home, at a PCS or at a
capacity to cover 60 km on full charge.
battery swapping station (BSS). This section attempts
to assess the costs of setting up of each of these charging Discussions with various electricity experts have helped
solutions in order to derive which of these mechanisms discover that load of extra 231 crore kWh from 1.03 crore
would likely become popular due to favourable economics. electric two-wheelers by 2030 can be absorbed by the
existing infrastructure, with no extra cost, if the demand
is well managed and distributed across off-peak hours.
Private charging Considering a nominal cost of electricity, the annual cost
of charging an e-2w comes out to be Rs. 1125 only.
At present, there are two primary modes of private
charging: charging at home and charging at office. The home charging solution for individual housing units
This section discusses the private charging scenario is not challenging. Individual households can charge the
for individual electric two-wheeler owners. Although electric two-wheeler as they charge any other electronic
(Original Equipment Manufacturers)OEMs are offering commodity in the household. The level 1 chargers in
solutions for home charging along with the EV purchases, households are adequate for charging electric two-
taxation, theft and accounting remain major challenges wheelers. However, the challenge arises in multiple
for private charging. dwelling units or multi-unit residential blocks (MURBs)
defined as residences with three or more dwelling
It is well acknowledged that convenient home charging units and common interior and exterior areas. A
will increase the EV adoption. Home charging is also significant population of Indian metropolitan cities live
supposed to result in longer battery life and grid in such units. Tier II and tier III cities in India mostly have
balancing (Yilmaz, 2013). It leads to effective utilisation individual homes, but tier I cities such as Delhi, Mumbai
of electricity as the electric vehicles are usually charged and Bangalore have more of multi-unit residential blocks
at night in off-peak hours. Appropriate and convenient (Pethe, 2014).
home charging is an essential catalyst for the transition
For destination charging, a key challenge is to ensure
of vehicle stocks into electric.
that the parking spaces in residential, commercial and
Key Assumptions institutional places are EV ready. Government has already
ÂÂ All electric two-wheelers are charged at home. recognised the challenges and Ministry of Housing
and Urban Affairs has issued specified guidelines in
ÂÂ The cost of home charging is Rs. 5 per kWh. Model Building By-Laws. The Government of National
ÂÂ Each two-wheeler covers 30 km per day for 300 days Capital Territory of Delhi (GNCTD) also plans to modify

the building bye-laws in Delhi to make it mandatory to sufficient as recommended by Ministry of Power (MoP).
install three chargers for every 10 equivalent car spaces Higher configuration chargers have not been considered
in each new residential building. for the PCS assessment here.
The state or city level building codes should be Key Assumptions
modified without setting high standards and creating Each charging station consists of three 3.3 kWh chargers
unnecessary costs to the building in establishing EV and one 22 kW Type 2AC charger specified in the Ministry
infrastructure. A typical building’s power distribution of Power notification of December 2018.
system, which is composed of a series of electrical
energy carrying components to carry electricity in a safe 1. All charging stations are the same.
and efficient manner, is not usually designed to cope 2. All electric two-wheeler users rely on PCS for 11% of
with additional EV loads. However, electric two-wheelers their charging needs (Li Zhang, 2013).
with average 1.5–2 kWh batteries are not expected 3. The business model for a public charging station
to challenge the load capacity of most compliant assessed here does not include CCS, ChadeMo, and
buildings. But the experts recommend assessment of Bharat DC-001 charging points. The setting costs are
building’s wiring and metering configuration on a case- also discounted proportionately (10% of the costs
by-case basis. Individual meters might be required in in). The maintenance costs remain the same.
parking lots to calculate electricity consumption of 4. The manpower is assumed to simultaneously service
each end user. For the existing buildings to retrofit the three PCS.
EV charging infrastructure, adequate incentive schemes
5. Each charging station is operated for 20 h per day
may be designed by the state of local governments. The
for 360 days.
installation of charging infrastructure by the existing
6. The operations cost does not include the cost of
building is dependent on the proportion of EV owners
among the households as non-EV owners may be electricity procured from the electricity distribution
against installation of the same as the costs are variable company.
and rewiring disturbing. 7. The average revenue is the margin earned per kWh
electricity sold by the PCS.
Private charging is a crucial component for boosting
8. Full utilisation of the PCS is expected to be made
the initial uptake of electric vehicles, State and local
governments must critically assess the plan for the same from the sixth year of operation.
in terms of regulation, incentives, standards, metering
and billing. Results
The feasibility of public charging stations is assessed
Public Charging Station under two main cases: including land cost and excluding
land cost. The rental cost of the land in which the public
Although private charging might remain the most charging station has to operate is a significant variable
convenient method of charging e-2w, the availability cost for operations of any public charging station. Public
of PCS will also remain critical to tackle the level of charging stations have to be situated centrally in the
anxiety, support unplanned trips by EV and also support urban areas in order to effectively cater to EV charging
EV charging in areas where private/home/destination demand. However, the land rental and purchase rates
charging might not be feasible due to lack of EV parking
are enormous in such prime locations in the Indian cities.
This land cost significantly affects the business feasibility
In order to assess the financial feasibility of PCS, it is of vehicles. Hence, we have assessed the business
assumed that 3.3 kW chargers for normal charging and feasibility of PCS in both scenarios, that is, where land
22 kW Type 2 AC charger for fast charging should be costs are incurred and where they are not.

Covering Average Variable Costs, including Land Break Even (with land)
Costs (6 Lakh/Year) 30000000
ÂÂ The average variable cost flattens as Rs. 3.8 for each
unit of electricity sold. 25000000

Covering AVC (with land costs) 20000000

25.5 15000000
Average Variable Cost & Average


10.0 0
5.9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 101112131415
4.5 3.8 3.8 3.8 3.8 3.8
Total Cost WITH LAND Total Revenue @2
0.0 Total Revenue @4 Total Revenue @6
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Total Revenue @8 Total Revenue @10
Year of Operation Figure 34: Covering AVC (without land costs)
Average revenue in this model is the margin earned
AR@6 AR@8 AR@10
on each unit of electricity sold by the charging
Figure 33: Feasibility of public charging station (with land costs)
service provider.
ÂÂ The average revenue per unit sold must be at least ÂÂ The average revenue per unit electricity sold must
Rs. 3.8 to cover the (Average Variable Costs) AVC from be greater than Rs. 1.2 to break even sometime in
the sixth year at least. Average revenue in this model the future. In other words, the business will never
is the margin earned on each unit of electricity sold cover the costs if the earning per unit of electricity
by the charging service provider. sold is Rs. 1.2 or lesser.
ÂÂ The average revenue per unit electricity sold must be ÂÂ If the business earns Rs. 2 for each kWh of electricity
greater than Rs. 3.8 to reach break-even sometime sold, it will reach break-even in 9 years.
in the future. In other words, the business will never
ÂÂ If the business earns Rs. 4 for each kWh of electricity
cover the costs if the earning per unit of electricity
sold, it will reach break-even in 5 years.
sold in Rs. 3.8 or lesser.
ÂÂ If the business earns Rs. 6 for each kWh of electricity
ÂÂ If the business earns Rs. 6 for each kWh of electricity
sold, it will reach break-even in 4 years.
sold, it will reach break-even in 8 years.
ÂÂ If the business earns Rs. 8 for each kWh of electricity ÂÂ If the business earns Rs. 8 for each kWh of electricity
sold, it will reach break-even in 6 years. sold, it will reach break-even in 3 years.
ÂÂ If the business earns Rs. 10 for each kWh of electricity ÂÂ If the business earns Rs. 10 for each kWh of electricity
sold, it will reach break-even in 5 years. sold, it will reach break-even in 2 years.
Feasibility of Public Charging Station (Without Land Summary of PCS Business Feasibility Results
Cost) The above model of a public charging station is not an
ÂÂ The average variable cost flattens as Rs. 1.2 for each attractive one for investors as the returns are miniscule
unit of electricity sold. and the demand is uncertain. However, we see that when
ÂÂ The average revenue per unit sold must be at least the land prices are excluded, the business of running
Rs. 1.2 to cover the AVC from the sixth year at least. a public charging station becomes more feasible. In a

Break Even (without land) In the case where land costs are completely borne by
30000 the PCS, the best case to break even is to charge at Rs.
10 margin over purchase price per kWh. The business
in this case will start covering the annual operational
INR Thousands

20000 expenditure from the third year onwards and will break
even the total investments in less than 5 years. Similarly,
if the PCS charges a margin of Rs. 10 in the absence of
10000 land rental costs, it would start covering its operational
expenses from the very first electric two-wheeler
charged and break even before 2 years of operation.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 The question that arises at this point is whether the
Year of Operation consumers will be willing to pay such a margin. We have
explored the stated preferences of potential and current
Total Cost without land Total Revenue @2
Total Revenue @4 Total Revenue @6 owners of electric two-wheelers regarding the same in the
Total Revenue @8 Total Revenue @10 next chapter.
Figure 35: Break-even (without land costs)

scenario with no land costs, a public charging station can Cost to the economy for PCS ecosystem
cover its variable costs by earning around 4 Rs. per kWh
The costs of setting up and operating a single PCS
of power sold. It must be noted that it still does not make
were evaluated in the last section. Now, we attempt
an attractive business proposition for investors. Hence,
to understand how many such PCS will be required to
large public sector enterprises and electricity distribution
be set up to cater to the electric two-wheeler demand
companies capable of handling heavy losses may be
projected in the New Policy Scenario and what will be
the front runners in setting PCS in Indian cities. Chapter
the costs for the same. In this section, we also express
Seven on the Industry’s perspective will elaborate more
the costs in terms of cost per electric vehicle.
on the possible interventions from central, state and
local governments to make PCS more attractive to 1. Assumptions
private investors. 1. All the PCS are the same and consist of three
Table 10 summarises the results of the business 3.3 kW Bharat AC-001 chargers and one 22 kW
feasibility assessment carried out for a PCS. Type 2 AC charger as specified in the Ministry of
Power notification.

Table 10: Summary of PCS feasibility study

Costs Margin With land Without land
(earnings for
Years till Years to cover total Years till covering Years to cover total
PCS per kWh
covering annual cost (break-even) annual variable cost (break-even)
variable cost cost

Total capital 2 Never Not feasible 5th year 9 years

cost Rs.
4 6th year More than 15 years 4th year 5 years

Variable cost 6 5th year 9 years 3rd year 4 years

Rs. 880,000
8 4th year 6 years 2nd year 3 years

10 3rd year 5 years 1st year 2 years


2. Each PCS operated for 20 h a day and for 360 days 1. Results
in a year.
Figure 36shows the annual charging costs, including all
3. Each two-wheeler covers 30 km per day for 300 days annual capital and variable costs. The annual charging
in a year. costs include all capital and operational costs of all
charging stations set up or operating in that year.
4. Each two-wheeler has a 1.5 kWh battery with a
capacity to cover 60 km on full charge. 1200

Annual Charging Costs in INR Millions

5. Annually, each electric two-wheeler requires 225 1000

kWh or 150 full charges.

6. From assumptions 2, 3, 4 and 5, it can be deduced
600 571
that one PCS operating at the maximum capacity
can meet the annual demand of 1024 electric two- 400 426 394
wheelers. 273
200 223
7. All PCS are assumed to be established in 2019–20. 0










8. The utilisation of all PCS is assumed to be as given
in Table 10.

Table 11: Assumed utilisation rates at a PCS With Land Rent Without Land Rent

Utilisation (%) Year Figure 36: Annual charging costs to ecosystem, including all annual
capital and variable costs
15 2019–20

25 2020–21 ÂÂ An expenditure of Rs. 1600 crore must be made to

40 2021–22 facilitate setting up of public charging stations and
their operations till 2025. In the case where PCS
65 2022–23
businesses do not have to spend on land rents,
85 2023–24 an expenditure of Rs. 570 crore must be made to
100 2024–25 facilitate setting up of public charging stations and
their operations till 2025.
100 2025–26

100 2026–27
ÂÂ The annual cost per e-2w is the annual charging cost
divided by the total e-2w stock in that year. These
100 2027–28
values were estimated to determine the hypothetical
100 2028–29 financial burden on the electric two-wheeler owners
100 2029–30 from the costs of charging ecosystem.
ÂÂ The annual cost per electric two-wheeler for the
9. Annual capital costs are accounted for all new
PCS ecosystem stabilises only after higher utilisation
charging stations set up in that year.
levels achieved in 6–7 years of operations of PCS.
10. Annual variable costs are accounted for all
ÂÂ The annual cost per electric two-wheeler does not
operational charging stations in that year.
include the cost to be incurred in charging the
11. The derived annual cost per electric two-wheeler electric vehicle.
does not include the charging costs of the two-
ÂÂ From 2019–20 to 2029–30, costs per electric two-
wheeler fall from Rs. 823 to Rs. 103 in the case of
12. Other assumptions made in business feasibility businesses incurring land rents in contrast to the fall
assessment continue to hold true here. from Rs. 393 to Rs. 38 per electric two-wheeler in the
absence of land rents.

900 Infrastructure) in urban areas till there is adequate

800 822.5 utilisation of facilities. The industry must continue to
provide vehicles easily compatible with the existing
Annual Cost per e-2w (INR)

residential electric infrastructure to continue the wave
electric mobility in India. This coupled with adequate
500 building bye-laws and public charging infrastructure
400 will determine the future of electric vehicle charging
300 infrastructure. The future of charging infrastructure will
200 219.1 depend on the following:

100 87.0 102.7 ÂÂ PCI implementation by the government

0 ÂÂ Battery size of vehicles






ÂÂ Utilisation of personal vehicles

The planning and implementation of the charging
Annual Cost per e-2w Annual Cost per e-2w with
without land costs land costs need of electric vehicles is accrued not to the transport
sector, but to the energy sector. There has to be planned
Figure 37: Annual charging costs to ecosystem per e-2w, including all
annual capital and variable costs coordination in research, policy and implementation
segments of both the sectors of energy and transport
Table 12: Cost per km for 2w sourcing energy from for successful phased adoption into electric vehicles.
different sources
Margin charged by Cost per kilometer (Rs.)
PCS (Rs.) Battery swapping ecosystem
Electric vehicle ICE
In this part, we assess a battery swapping ecosystem
for the charging needs of the projected electric two-
wheelers in the New Policy Scenario. A battery swapping
2 0.19 1.17 system is the one where instead of charging the battery,
4 0.24 1.17 the vehicle user exchanges his power drained battery
6 0.29 1.17 with a fully charged one.

8 0.34 1.17 The inventory of batteries at the BSS is an optimization

problem contingent on various factors. When all vehicles
10 0.39 1.17
are homogeneous, the worst case scenario for BSS is
It is assumed that the fuel efficiency is 60 kmpl and the fuel price is Rs. 70.
where the entire fleet starts the BSS subscription at the
Even when the PCS charges a margin of Rs. 10 over the same point of time and have the exact same driving
base price, the two-wheeler commuter has a fuel cost pattern. This would indicate that all return at the same
saving of 66% if she switches to electric. In this case, the time to swap their batteries. In this case, considering
cost per kilometre comes out to be just Rs. 0.40 if charged infinite simultaneous swaps, the BSS must hold an extra
from PCS in comparison to Rs. 1.17 per kilometre for an battery for each of its subscribers. Hence, for X vehicles
ICE two-wheeler. dependent on the BSS, there must be 2X batteries in
the ecosystem.
One main conclusion to be inferred from this analysis
could be that operations cost, especially land costs, Whereas, in the case of a homogeneous fleet, the best
dominate the costs of PCS. The cost recovery period case would be that the BSS must hold just a single
of PCS significantly improved after excluding the land battery. This happens when all the subscribers are
costs. It is necessary for state and local governments in distributed in such a way that the difference in time
India to promote PPP models in PCI (Public Charging between two users visiting the BSS is less than or

equal to the sum between time taken to charge and Table 13: Lithium battery prices scenarios
swap the battery. Financial Scenario 1 (BNEF, 2017) Scenario 2 (IEA, 2017)
Key Assumptions Battery cost Battery Battery cost Battery
(Rs./1.5 kWh) scap value (Rs./1.5 kWh) scrap value
1. Each battery is swapped in 20 min.
2019–20 26,318 6579 26,318 6579
2. A battery swapping station (BSS) is operational for
2020–21 24,212 6053 25,265 6316
20 h/day for 300 days to conduct 18,000 battery
swaps annually. 2021–22 21,054 5264 24,212 6053

3. Each electric two-wheeler needs a battery swap 2022–23 20,001 5000 23,159 5790

after every 60 km. 2023–24 17,896 4474 22,107 5527

4. Each electric two-wheeler travels 30 km/day for 300 2024–25 16,843 4211 21,054 5264
days to cover 9000 km annually. 2025–26 15,791 3948 20,001 5000
5. Entire stock of electric two-wheelers has standard 2026–27 14,738 3684 18,949 4737
1.5 kWh swappable batteries. 2027–28 13,685 3421 17,896 4474
6. The swapping ecosystem is set up 2019–20 onwards.
2028–29 12,632 3158 16,843 4211
7. Each kWh of power costs Rs. 5, and hence cost of
2029–30 11,580 2895 15,791 3948
charging a 1.5 kWh battery is Rs. 7.5.
8. The number of swapping stations is determined Results
based on the swapping requirement of the stock of Business feasibility assessment of battery swapping
electric two-wheelers. station
9. The costs of charging the batteries are included in
250 Variable Costs per Swap
the variable costs.
10. The total annual cost includes the costs in the table 200
below and the costs of battery purchases less the
costs of scrapping. 150
11. The Battery scrap value is assumed to be 25% of the
Battery cost of the corresponding year(Melin, 2018). 100
12. Battery swapping station
Annual land rent (Rs. 50,000/month) 600,000

Annual maintenance cost 50,000 0

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Annual manpower cost (Rs. 20,000/month) 240,000
Variable Cost per Swap (With Variable Cost per Swap
Capital cost of charging infrastructure 200,000 Land) (Without Land)
Figure 38: Variable costs per swap (optimistic scenario battery
The costs of batteries have a significant effect on the swapping station)
business feasibility of a battery swapping station. Hence,
we have analysed two scenarios for a BSS ecosystem Scenario 1 (optimistic) (BNEF, 2017)
based on optimistic and pessimistic predictions of The annual variable cost per swap includes all costs of
battery prices in the literature. a BSS except purchase of chargers and setting up costs.

Costs per KM (INR) Here, we expressed the total annual cost of a battery
5 swapping ecosystem in terms of costs per swap and
4 3.8 costs per electric two-wheeler. The results of the BSS
ecosystem feasibility assessment for both scenarios are
summarised next.
0.37 0.37
0 Scenario 1
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Scenario Cost per swap Annual cost per electric
Series1 Series2
1 (BNEF, (Rs.) two-wheeler (Rs.)
Figure 39: Costs per km for e-2w in a swapping ecosystem (optimistic
scenario) With Without
With land Without
land land
The cost per km for e-2w is the variable cost per costs land costs
costs costs
swap divided by the assumed range of e-2w
Maximum 269 261 40,365 (in 26,208 (in
(60 km per charge).
year 2020) year 2020)
Scenario 2 (pessimistic) (IEA, 2017)
Minimum 89 81 39,115 (in 12,131 (in
The annual variable cost per swap includes all costs of year 2030) year 2030)
a BSS except purchase of chargers and setting up costs.
The cost of the battery swapping ecosystem per swap
The cost per km for e-2w is the variable cost per ranges from Rs. 269 in 2019–20 to Rs. 89 in 2029–30
swap divided by the assumed range of e-2w when the land costs are included.
(60 km per charge).
ÂÂ When land costs are excluded, the BSS ecosystem
Variable Costs per Swap cost per swap ranges from Rs. 261 in 2019–20 to Rs.
81 in 2029–30.
300 291.6
ÂÂ The costs per swap are huge and give a
200 straightforward conclusion that battery swapping
100 cannot be the singular solution for creation of a
29.8 charging ecosystem.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
ÂÂ The same assessment shows that the BSS
Annual Variable Cost per Swap (With Land)
operators must charge at least Rs. 24 per swap
Annual Variable Cost per Swap (Without Land)
to cover their variable cost (which does not
Figure 40: Variable costs per swap (pessimistic scenario battery
include battery purchase cost). Considering per
swapping station)
kWh charge of Rs. 5, the user will need just Rs. 7.5 to
Costs per KM (INR) charge the vehicle at home and might not utilise the
swapping infrastructure.
5.00 ÂÂ The annual cost of the battery swapping ecosystem
4.00 per electric two-wheeler ranges from Rs. 40,365 in
3.00 2019–20 to Rs. 17,047 in 2029–30 when the land
2.00 costs are included.
1.17 1.17 1.17
ÂÂ When land costs are excluded, the annual BSS
0.00 0.50 0.50
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 ecosystem cost per electric two-wheeler ranges from
Cost per km(with land) Cost per km(without land) Rs. 39,115 in 2019–20 to Rs. 15,797 in 2029–30.
Cost per km(ICE 2W)
ÂÂ These costs include the charging and battery costs.
Figure 41: Costs per km for e-2w in a swapping ecosystem
(pessimistic scenario)

Scenario 2 ÂÂ The annual cost of the battery swapping ecosystem

per electric two-wheeler ranges from Rs. 40,365 in
Scenario 2 Cost per swap Annual cost per
2019–20 to Rs. 17,047 in 2029–30 when the land
(IEA, (Rs.) electric two-wheeler
costs are included.
2017) (Rs.)
With Without With Without ÂÂ When land costs are excluded, the annual BSS
land land land land costs ecosystem cost per electric two-wheeler ranges from
costs costs costs Rs. 39,115 in 2019–20 to Rs. 15,797 in 2029–30.
Maximum 269 261 40,365 39,115 ÂÂ These costs include the charging and battery costs.
(in year (in year Policy takeaway
2020) 2020)
ÂÂ The economics of running a BSS does not seem
Minimum 114 105 17,047 15,797
favourable in comparison to PCS or home charging.
(in year (in year
ÂÂ The costs per swap for best and worst cases vary
2030) 2030)
between 208 and 136.
ÂÂ The cost of the battery swapping ecosystem per
ÂÂ BSS might find applications in specific cases such as
swap ranges from Rs. 269 in 2019–20 to 114 in 2029–
high utilisation commercial operations where high
30 when the land costs are included.
turnaround time is reduced.
ÂÂ When land costs are excluded, the BSS ecosystem
ÂÂ Commercial applications for two wheelers like in
cost per swap ranges from Rs. 261 in 2019–20 to Rs.
e-commerce and food technology has a potential
105 in 2029–30.
for Battery Swapping as fleets maybe homogeneous
ÂÂ The costs per swap are huge and give a and driving patterns, predictable.
straightforward conclusion that battery swapping
ÂÂ BSS will also cause/put forth new safety risks as
cannot be the singular solution for creation of a
batteries would need to be moved around for
charging ecosystem.
completing the swapping are a long way from
ÂÂ The same assessment shows that the BSS operators automation.
must charge at least Rs. 24 per swap to cover their
ÂÂ For wider application of Battery Swapping,
variable cost (which does not include battery
standardisation of battery sizes is necessary.
purchase cost). Considering per kWh charge of
However, this may lead to sub optimal vehicle
Rs. 5, the user will need just Rs. 7.5 to charge the
design, limitations in advancements in battery
vehicle at home and might not utilise the swapping
technology and proliferation of malpractices in
open network.

The automobile industry and the auto component
industry which have evolved over 100 years in ICE vehicle
Effect on Value Added (SIAM 2017a,
manufacturing contribute to 7.1% and 2.3% of the ACMA 2018)
GDP, respectively. These industries also directly employ The transfer to EV will increase the usage of materials
18 million and 3 million people, respectively. An EV like semiconductors, copper, and rare earth metals such
drastically differs from an ICE vehicle. The composition, as cobalt and lithium. The contribution of raw materials
size, and weight are different. The kind of potential in value addition in an EV vehicle is certainly higher than
hazards are different. While shifting from ICE vehicle to their contribution in an ICE vehicle. The most important
EV, the powertrain composed of engine, transmission, metal in an EV is lithium on account of its usage in
and drivetrain will shift to battery, motor, controller, batteries. The major deposits and large-scale economic
and charger. extraction is mainly in Bolivia, Chile, and Argentina. The
battery cost constitutes of more than 40% of the vehicle
Employment Effects (NSDC 2016) cost and presently most OEMs either import the battery
or source it through a supplier. Even though there are
The 50% of the auto industry workforce which is engaged
some battery manufactures in India, they still have
in engine manufacturing is at risk here. Further, a large
to import the lithium ion cells. Presently, the Chinese
population of unorganized workforce catering to the
automobile industry is the leader in EV technology
after-market sales and services of ICE is also at risk as the
and offers the EV components at far lower prices than
sophisticated electric vehicles will be maintained mostly
domestic manufacturers in India. Chinese OEMs account
by authorized service centres. Over a 5-year period,
for approximately 43% of global PHEV and BEV sales.
40–42% of an ICE vehicle’s periodic maintenance cost is
spent on engine related parts and consumables. It also Due to high costs of EVs coupled with stiff competition
requires cleaning of particulate filters, turbochargers, in the industry, the Indian OEMs would obviously prefer
mufflers, and the like. As the number of moving parts importing the parts from the Chinese auto component
inside an EV are considerably lower compared to an ICE industry to cater to the subsidy induced demand for
vehicle, the need for regular servicing and maintenance EVs in India. So the shift of an ICE to EV will reduce the
is significantly reduced. So, EVs certainly do not mean emissions, but will also reduce the role of the Indian
more business for the local unorganized workshops. automobile industry in value addition to the product.
Hence, at least 70% of the cost of an EV currently sold in
India is accrued to import cost.

SIAM, White Paper 2017 and 125 cubic capacity and are priced in the range
of Rs 60,000 – 90,000. In India, the total vehicle of
The white paper on Adopting Pure Electric Vehicles: electric two-wheelers in 2017 were about 210,000,
Key Policy Enablers by Society of Indian Automotive out of which 98% were low powered and low
Manufacturers (SIAM) was presented in December speed variants (maximum power not exceeding
2017. The white paper emphasizes on the need to 250 Watts and maximum speed not exceeding 25
reduce energy demand and decarboniz ation of the kilometres per hour). Even though these are priced
auto sector in India, along with the requirement of EV in the range of Rs 30000 to 50000 they are not
penetration and techno-economics of electric vehicles being accepted by consumers at large due to their
in various segments. The paper presents the vision sub-par performance.
of the Indian automobile sector which is represented
ÂÂ Electric three-wheeler: Any electric 3W with
by SIAM and envisions that ‘ There is a need to near equal performance to ICE vehicle costs
expand policies and boundaries to have a future of all approximately twice in price of a conventional
electric vehicles’. vehicle. Moreover, limited range and inadequate
While the paper finds that in comparison to other charging infrastructure will lead to a number of
segments, the total cost of ownership of electric two- externalities in the market, such as opportunity
wheelers is the closest to the conventional technology and revenue loss. The paper suggests that for
vehicles, it also highlights that 98% of the total electric electric three-wheelers, battery swapping may
two-wheeler on road are low-speed electric two- be encouraged to strengthen the possibility of
wheelers. According to SIAM, these vehicles have limited overcoming range limitations in inner cities.
performance like drivability, acceleration, gradability ÂÂ Electric four-wheelers: As majority (99%) of Indian
etc. which in turn has largely resulted in low-acceptance passenger car market is constituted by small and
by the consumers. mid-size cars, therefore, purchase price of the car
/ vehicle is one of the most important factors in
The paper elucidates the total cost of ownership of
consumer decision. An additional electric powertrain
various vehicle segments and states that the single
component such as battery, motor, controller and
major factor for slow penetration of EVs is their high price
charging infrastructure coupled with the initial high
which is around 2 to 2.5 times more than a comparable
upfront cost of an equivalent EV, makes it about 70%
conventional vehicle. According to the paper, another
higher in comparison to an entry level sedan. This
reason of low EV penetration is the limited range, in
translates in to electric cars being unviable even
order to promote up-take of electric vehicles, these
for a seven-year ownership period, given cars daily
vehicles must be equipped with higher battery capacity
use is 40 to 50 km with battery costs of 50 USD/kWh
while maintaining the price parity between electric
(which is a very aggressive assumption).
vehicles and conventional vehicles. Although as
compared to a personal vehicle, commercial vehicles The paper also proposed the following
like taxi fleets, bus fleets, three-wheelers run four to five recommendations:
times longer distance per day. Therefore, for such higher ÂÂ The GST rates for electric vehicles may be brought
mileage vehicles savings on operating cost will pay back down from 12% to 5% and road tax may be fully
the initial high purchase price faster than low mileage exempted for which Motor Vehicle Act can act
vehicles. Attractive power tariff can play a significant as an enabler
role to offset the capital cost of buying EV with lower
ÂÂ Accelerated depreciation of 40% instead of 15% on
operating cost at a faster pace.
EVs to be considered for income tax deduction as is
For various segments: being given for plant and machinery.
ÂÂ Electric two-wheeler: A majority (84%) of two- ÂÂ Power tariff for charging of EVs could be 50% of
wheelers sold have engine capacity between 100 the existing domestic tariff rate for home and

workplace charging. Attractive power tariff rate at with current ICE two-wheeler vehicles and hence it
public charging infrastructure could be considered may be deduced that the purchase of lead acid electric
to enhance utilization. two wheelers was as second vehicles for very short
distances, probably replacing trips earlier catered by
ÂÂ Phased mandate of conversion of public fleets in
non-motorized modes. Presently the demand for electric
cities (including e-commerce delivery vehicles)
to electric. CNG fleets in India are an example that two-wheelers is limited to short trips in urban areas.
could be emulated with a phased plan. The rural demand in India for two wheelers is for higher
ÂÂ Electric two-wheelers to be allowed to be used load bearing and longer trips than urban areas. Further,
as taxis, nationwide. Motor Vehicle Act may be as rural areas have unstable power supply, electric
amended to that effect. vehicles are yet to receive adequate visibility.

ÂÂ Energy companies (like IOCL, HPCL, IGL etc.) may Indian consumers have upgraded their preferences form
invest in providing a charging network, specially the 100cc category of two-wheelers to 125cc–150cc models
fast charging stations at inter-city routes like state categories. This is a major drawback for electric vehicles
and national highways. This could also be based on as they have to compete with the higher performing ICE
renewable electricity source. two-wheelers for improving the market penetration. The
lack of noise from electric vehicles may be considered
ÂÂ Battery swapping infrastructure for three-wheelers
as an environmental benefit, but numerous potential
and buses may considered. Standard for battery
consumers see it as drawback as it doesn’t give the
swapping may be formulated to ensure safety and
‘racing feeling’ like ICE vehicles. Limited range is a major
functional requirements.
factor impeding the adoption of electric vehicles. Even
ÂÂ For city buses, depot and opportunity charging the individuals with routine jobs and fixed routes do not
mechanisms need to be carefully evaluated prefer electric vehicles because of the lack of flexibility
based on techno-commercial feasibility and route in mobility.
planning. Regulations need to be put in place to
To approach towards faster adoption of electric vehicles,
ensure availability of stable and good quality power
the technology must be competitive, at least regarding
for EV charging.
range of the vehicle.
ÂÂ Linking public chargers with an IT network for
interoperability and proper usage.
Issues from the paradigm shift to electric
The paradigm shift to electric vehicles will affect the
Results from Industry Stakeholders entire supply chain of automobiles, starting from the
Interviews mining industry, metal industry, and auto component
manufactures to automobile manufactures, dealers, and
TERI conducted interviews of electric vehicle and ICE after sales service providers.
vehicle manufacturers; representatives from industry
lobby bodies like ACMA, SMEV, SIAM, and FADA; charging
solution providers; and other stakeholders in the
Federation of Automobile Dealers Associations has
e-mobility scenario in India. The industry’s opinion on
a network of 15,000 dealers with 25,000 dealerships
different sections of electric mobility is discussed here.
covering 85–90% of the automobile market. They
employ 2–5 million people directly and about 2.5–3
Market for electric two-wheelers in India million indirectly. There is a large population of people
Most electric two-wheelers adopted in India are low employed in auto retail alone. For example, just top
speed and are powered by sealed lead acid batteries. 5 dealers of Maruti employ more than 20,000 people.
These vehicles are not performance based competitive Although the jobs at dealerships are not at a direct

threat by electric vehicles, there is a massive reskilling in India. The Ministry of Heavy Industries launched the
required in the auto retail industry to be able to sell and scheme providing purchase subsidy to electric vehicles,
improve the market penetration of electric vehicles. The Ministry of Power published the mandatory
guidelines for public charging infrastructure and the
Domestic Component Manufacturing Ministry of Housing and Urban affairs released the
There is a belief amongst the industry that even though model building bylaws which facilitated provisions for
electric vehicle penetration increases the demand for private charging infrastructure. The Ministry of Power
ICEs will not decrease. However, 50% of the revenue of mandated 5 different types of chargers in all Public
the auto component industry is accrued from engine charging stations installed after December 2018, when
manufacturing. The paradigm shift from combustion the publication was released. The mandatory charger
engine to battery, motor, controller, and charger will requirement adversely affects the business feasibility
challenge the highly evolved Indian auto component of a public charging station and put a halt into private
industry. The Chinese component industry is far more players independently setting public charging stations.
attractive for electric vehicle manufacturers for bringing A coordinated effort from the central ministries and
down the comparative costs of EVs. Although there are state departments with adequate feedback mechanisms
component manufacturers like Motherson Sumi systems for improving the policies will certainly aid in improving
and Lucas-TVS investing in electric vehicle technologies. the adoption of electric vehicles in India.
For power electronics and other components of electric
motors and battery, Indian suppliers can potentially offer Policy support required for faster
a cost effective solution if the OEMs start outsourcing the adoption of electric vehicles
sub-components in large scales. However, majority of the
While governments can improve the demand from
component suppliers lack comprehensive strategies for
the consumers by purchase subsidies, they can help
xEV components.
the manufacturers with tax exemptions and other policy
After Sales Service
ÂÂ The state governments can provide road tax for
An electric vehicle has 80% lesser moving parts inside as
electric vehicles.
compared to an ICE. This significantly brings down the
need for maintenance and the corresponding costs for ÂÂ The state departments may have a partial or full
the user. However, the huge after sales service industry, waiver of toll taxes.
which caters to demand for auto parts and servicing of
ÂÂ The state also has a significant role in establishing
ICE vehicles may not be needed or may not be able to
the charging infrastructure to nourish the effective
cater to electric vehicles. As the technology is new and
adoption and usage of electric vehicles.
unknown to the large informal automobile after sales
service economy, the little maintenance need of EVs will ÂÂ At the city level, the government can discount the
have to be catered by authorized dealership. There is registration fee for EVs, facilitate faster registration
a massive reskilling required for this informal sector to and develop reserved/free parking spots for
adapt to serving electric vehicles along with ICEs. electric vehicles.
For the manufacturers, the Governments at the city, state,
Issues from current policy at national and national level can significantly aid in improving the
and state levels adoption of electric vehicles.

The shift to electric vehicles is a topic concerning areas ÂÂ At the national level, the government can make
of energy, technology, and transport. There are multiple long-term roadmaps to mitigate investment risks for
ministries at the centre and departments at the State OEMs and release more grants for R&D for improved
involved in improving the adoption of electric vehicles domestic production of EVs and EV components.

ÂÂ At the State level, the governments can aid in The two-wheeler segment is one of the preferred
provision of land electric vehicle charging facilities motorized modes of travel in Indian cities. Electric
and also subsidize the supply of electricity of two-wheelers in India are facing various challenges
such stations. such as high upfront cost, lack of charging
infrastructure, subpar performance, limited range,
ÂÂ At the City level, the land costs for charging
and limited model variants.
stations could be brought down by concessions in
municipality related taxes like property tax.

Innovative approaches to promote uptake Leasing by third party logistics (Model by Go Green
BOV Bengaluru)- The Bengaluru-based company Go
of electric two-wheelers Green BOV works on an innovative mechanism where
the company is manufacturing and offering its electric
This section discusses different innovative models
scooter on a lease model to logistics, e-commerce,
adopted in different cities to overcome different barriers
and hyper local delivery companies. The company is
and promote the use of electric two-wheelers.
working on B2B lease-based model and supports other
companies in reducing their cost of logistics. Go Green
Leasing & Renting Models in India:
BOV’s lease model includes an annual fee for charging
Ather Energy- In order reduce the upfront cost for the the vehicle’s battery, servicing, and maintenance. Go
consumers, ATHER offers a leasing solution to electric Green BOV scooters are running a pilot of 15 vehicles in
twowheeler users. ATHER is leading manufacturer of Bengaluru with SWIGGY and Road runner. It provides
electric two-wheelers in India. Bengaluru-based start-up an average running time of 120 km per charge. Also,
is also providing electric vehicle charging infrastructure its scooters come with a hardware component (that
ATHERGrid. In order to promote faster adoption of electric doubles up as a key) — a dashboard that tracks the
two-wheelers, ATHER offers consumers both pure lease delivery person remotely, provides real-time data on
and lease to own models. Along with the vehicle ATHER performance of the vehicle, quality of the ride, amount
also provides a home charging set up with a charging of charge in bike, and a route map for navigation.6
cord for the user. The stakeholder discussion brought Learning: The third party logistics model offers
forward that the market has been responding positively higher profits for delivery executives as the fuel cost
to this model with many users opting to purchase the is reduced by approximately 65%, thereby creating
vehicle eventually.5 greater penetration in the commercial segment and
Learning: The model offers rent-based financial inducing shift to electric two-wheelers due to lower
mechanism to reduce the upfront cost. ATHER also operation costs.
facilitates provision of charging infrastructure to Rent an e-Scooter (Model by Electrotherm in Pune)-
increase the acceptability and reduce the range ET Elect-Trans Ltd, a subsidiary of e-bike manufacturer,
anxiety of the users. Addressing the upfront cost Electrotherm India Ltd along with Maharashtra transport
barrier through easy financing models and the issue authority has approved a scheme called Switch, a rent a
of range anxiety through charging infrastructure motorcycle scheme, under which residents of Pune can
will remain critical to the success of EVs in India. hire, use, and drop electric scooters.

50 e-scooters have been rented to individuals, initiative to promote use of electric vehicles by its
express delivery services, and corporate houses workforce. Under the programme, the company is
on a monthly rent of Rs 3,350.7 Electrotherm offering three types of grants to its employees:8
scooters are of 750 Watts and run at speed of 50
ÂÂ Special advance payment of €4,000 to purchase EV
km per hour. Presently, these scooters are working
on home charging but with the expansion of the ÂÂ Non-refundable grant of up to €500 to install
project the charging station will be required by the charging points
state government. After the success of the project
ÂÂ €6,000 for employees that agree to include Iberdrola
in Pune, it is now expanding to other states also,
brand advertising on their vehicles for three years
one of which is Chhattisgarh. The Government of
Chhattisgarh has offered to set up charging stations Impact: Additionally, Iberdola is also promoting the
for launching Switch in its four cities. use of electric vehicles by employees in company’s
sales division for undertaking professional tasks.
Learning: Collaboration of Government and private
It is estimated that this will enable the company
sector can prove to be mutually beneficial. The
to reduce its CO2 emissions by 12,600 tonnes
e-scooter sharing scheme can help conventional
per annum.9
two-wheeler users to ride and test the electric two-
wheelers. Such schemes can help improve visibility 1. Leaseplan, which is a Dutch origin company, is
of electric two-wheelers and raise awareness about promoting the use of electric vehicles by encouraging
this new technology among general public. its employees as well as its customers to switch to
electric vehicles. To support its corporate customers,
13. Zoomcar partnership with Mahindra Electric:
it offers them the option to use the vehicle for pilot
Self-drive car rental company Zoomcar and
runs which can be later permanently bought by
Mahindra Electric have entered into a partnership
to roll out electric vehicles in various Indian cities. customers. It provides the vehicles, the charging
Through the agreement, customized financing will infrastructure at offices and homes, and the impact
be provided to Zoomcar from Mahindra Finance. assessments for its corporate customers. The model
Mahindra Electric has also developed fast charging has been positively accepted by consumers as most
services for Zoomcar’s customers. of the customers are permanently incorporating
EVs into their fleets, and registrations of battery
Zoomcar also works through the business model EVs in LeasePlan’s customer fleet has grown by 77%
wherein customers can buy and list the Mahindra
in those countries where EV pilots are offered.
electric cars on Zoomcar Associate Program (ZAP).
For the entire vehicle customer fleet, Lease Plan
Through this programme, customers can lease their
expects a 40–60% annual growth in EVs for the
purchased electric cars to Zoomcar on a revenue
upcoming years.
sharing model.
2. Learning: Such models can be adopted by Indian
Learning: Close collaboration among different
manufacturers also to increase the uptake of electric
actors and innovative models is enabling risk
two-wheelers by first targeting their own employees
reduction for these actors. Such partnership are
and customers.
resulting in greater usage of electric vehicles and
proving to be a win-win strategy. The market will Lease Plan has also financed the vehicles procured by
need to rely on such innovations to promote the use Zoomcar from Mahindra Electric. Through this model,
of new technology. Zoomcar has obtained 100 electric vehicles in New Delhi
and 50 in Pune.
International Cases
1. Employer led initiative: In Spain, Iberdrola (a public

multinational electric utility company) has taken an first-spanish-company-to-launch-an-electric-car-sharing-initiative-


7 first-spanish-company-to-launch-an-electric-car-sharing-initiative-
escooter-34017 for-its-employees-2054056120110621

This report explores the role of electric vehicles towards irregular trips. The current consumer’s perspective is
the goal of sustainable mobility in India. Upon assessing mainly because of concerns about limited range and
the mobility needs and patterns in Indian cities, it was lack of charging facilities. The anxiety about limited
deduced that in absence of adequate and reliable range gets further accentuated among prospective EV
mass transit options, two-wheelers have a significant and ICE buyers. This finding necessitates the need for
role to play in India’s mobility. They not only provide widespread charging facilities.
an affordable and reliable means of transport but also The feasibility study of public charging stations
means of livelihood to millions of people in urban showed running of public charging stations (PCS) as
and rural areas of the country. However, the predicted an expensive prospect due to large operational costs
growth of two-wheelers in India also puts light on its in terms of land rentals. The PCS becomes economically
impact on local air pollution, national energy security, viable only at high tariff for customers. However, the
and global warming. As proven through modelled survey conducted showed that most vehicle users were
scenarios in this report, a phase-wise adoption of electric not willing to pay more than the household energy rates
two-wheelers can mitigate these local, national, and for public charging.
global concerns to some extent. But in order to make a
To make charging infrastructure viable for initial low
significant and sustainable impact, electric vehicles will
demand scenario, measures such as enabling real estate
have to be complemented with wide spread charging
procurement at key locations at lower costs, capital
infrastructure, green sources of energy, increased
subsidy, or interest subvention on capital expenditure
coverage of public transport systems and localization of
should be considered. The minimum charging station
the EV manufacturing in India.
requirements to be eligible for incentives as per ministry
Even after interventions by the National and State of power guidelines should also be brought down.
governments, the proportion of electric two-wheelers Support from state authorities and local DISCOMs
remains at a miniscule level of 0.001% of the overall two- for single window approvals and providing power
wheeler market in India. The report therefore makes an infrastructure to bear additional electricity load is
attempt to understand this conundrum and develop also needed. Finalization of charging standards for all
enablers for adoption of EV two-wheelers through vehicle categories will be helpful in reducing demand
primary customer survey, interviews with industry uncertainty for type of charging equipment and yielding
executives, and real business case analysis. higher utilization of charging infrastructure.
The online stated preference survey conducted in Further analysis shows Battery Swapping Stations
this study revealed that the electric vehicles are not (BSS) as an unviable economic model. Besides being
looked upon as primary vehicle, and only used for short unviable solution, BSS and battery standardization for

BSS operations also has significant demerits. A standard As per discussion with various industry leaders, it is
battery will limit the product experience options for evident that the industry is supportive of enabling EV
the customers and discourage innovation in battery adoption and is continuously investing in EV research
technology advancement. The OEMs emphasize that and manufacturing capabilities. The EV technology is
integral battery design by them is crucial for optimal costly and is still evolving. Therefore there is a general
vehicle safety, reliability and performance. concern that a forced adoption might not be sustainable.
Moreover the majority of EV value chain lies outside
Higher upfront cost of electric vehicle with ICE
India. The forced adoption might therefore result in
comparable performance is another major barrier. The
import of low quality products leading to erosion of
higher scale of domestic production has the potential to
industry’s current global competitive advantage. This
reduce the upfront vehicle cost for customers. Achieving
will pose huge risk to millions of jobs supported by this
the critical mass for EV therefore becomes important for
industry and GDP of the country.
supply chain localization and economies of scale. Direct
financial incentives such as laid out in FAME II is a right Phase wise local EV manufacturing plan linked to financial
step towards achieving this critical mass. However, to incentives as laid out in FAME II is thus appreciated as
enable a faster and sustainable adoption, specific use the right path to mitigate this risk. Battery amounts
cases for which EVs are currently viable should also be to almost 40~50% of the EV cost. Localization of cell
focused upon. Use cases with higher daily vehicle running manufacturing will therefore help in reducing EV costs,
such as commercial usage of electric two-wheelers for and achieving self- sufficiency to ensure a sustainable
food & goods delivery, shared rental services etc can EV growth. A national level strategy to secure critical
specifically be targeted. For the personal use case cost raw material sources for cell manufacturing, and to
effective leasing and other financial products can be incentivize local cell manufacturing through capital
explored. Measures such as lower taxes, lower tolls, and subsidy, favorable trade & FDI policies, and investment
special parking provisions can further aid the EV selling. models such as PPP is need of the hour.

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