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Brand – The story behind the Name, Logo, and Livery

When most people think of ‘brand’ they think of a name, a logo, and, for airlines, a
livery. But while these are symbols of the brand, they aren’t “the brand.”

The Brand Brand Differentiation

On the most basic level a brand is the But just delivering on your promise
sum of all negative and positive consistently is not enough either.
perceptions about the firm whether Brands need differentiation – they
experienced directly or indirectly by the need to either occupy a unique spot
market, customer, or potential customer. in the market or do significantly
better than a competitor in a common
A brand sums up all the qualities spot.
bestowed on a company by the market. →Where can you own a position?
Companies strive to create a brand and →What articulated or unarticulated
the market determines if they achieve it. needs are not being met by anyone
Some say that you don’t “own” your else?
brand, the customer does. →What significant difference(s) can you
identify for your business?
Brand Promise
All strong brands have in common a Brand Preference
clear and honest promise of value. Think of your favorite brands. Those
Strong brands offer a promise of that come to mind first are strong
something highly desirable and brands – they are “top of mind” and
relevant to customers and deliver on come to mind immediately when a
that promise consistently every time. customer thinks about how they can
best satisfy a specific need or solve a
Consumers like to affiliate with strong problem. These brands are strongly
brands and they gravitate to brands that recognized for what they offer and can
match their own lifestyle and and have successfully delivered.
personality. They want to know who you
are and what you stand for before they Brand Delivery
let you stand with them. How does a firm deliver the brand
promise? Through everyday actions or
For example, Ryanair and Southwest behavior - every word said, every
Airlines compete in their markets as low product interaction, every web click,
cost carriers. Their brand promise every service performed. Brand is what
mirrors this strategy. you say and do – it is the origins of
Wal-Mart competes on low prices and your business. It is reinforced
promises that by saving people money through the behavior of every
they can use those savings to live employee and product and iterated in
better. every business decision.

Copyright © 2012 Boeing. All rights reserved. March 2012 Page 1 of 3
Brand – The story behind the Name, Logo, and Livery
Brand Founding competitive positioning strategies
Where does the brand originate? In the derived from a detailed market
startup phase, you are creating your assessment - what market segment to
brand founding story. go after, what is important to that
segment, and how the firm will
The personality you create, the strategically differentiate itself from
strategies you implement, the space competitors in that market segment.
your brand will occupy all set your
brand’s DNA that will drive your Thus the brand promise originates
business for the generations ahead. from the firm’s competitive
differentiation, or competitive
Brand Positioning advantage.
Strong brands, with clear purpose
and promise defined, then develop

Here is a simplified 12-step process for developing a competitive brand.

1. Market Assessment (customer, competitors, business environment, business


2. Market Segmentation (demographics and psychographics, geography, behavior,


3. Opportunity Selection and Competitive Differentiation

a. Identify unmet needs or gaps in the competitive landscape
b. Determine how to fill the need or gap with emphasis on competitive
c. Decide which market segment best aligns with the competitive difference

4. Company Purpose
This is more than making a profit. What significant difference do you want to
make in the world? It addresses how the firm will change the world, make life
better for someone, overcome a challenge, etc.

5. Vision/Mission Statements
Your mission is how you plan to fulfill your purpose. Your vision is a better
world where your purpose is fulfilled. A good test of vision and mission
statements is replacing your firm’s name with a competitor’s name. If the
statement still reads true, it isn’t sufficient.

Copyright © 2012 Boeing. All rights reserved. March 2012 Page 2 of 3
Brand – The story behind the Name, Logo, and Livery
6. Company Principles and Beliefs
These help set the ethical and behavioral parameters of the business and
become actualized in the business plan and the day-to-day operations of the
firm. They are tied to your brand personality.

7. Brand Promise
What you tacitly or implicitly promise that is highly relevant and valued by the
potential customer and that is delivered consistently every time.

8. Brand Pillars
The functional, technological, or operational items that must be present to
enable the company to create and consistently deliver the brand promise.

9. Operational Guidelines
This is a breakdown of the brand pillars into more actionable components.
The guidelines address workforce behavior, business processes,
technologies, tools, and methods.

10. Organizational Structure

The company’s structure is built to streamline the production and delivery of
the brand promise with respect to the operational guidelines, principles and

11. Company Name, Logo, and Livery

Now that the company and its brand are fully defined it is possible to create
the name, logo, and livery to best reflect its personality

12. Train the workforce and management team

In conclusion, the brand is what you do,

the way you do it and
the consistency in your delivery of something customers want.

It is the delivery of the promise you make.

The Name, Logo and Livery are symbols of that promise.

Copyright © 2012 Boeing. All rights reserved. March 2012 Page 3 of 3

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