Brand PDF
Brand PDF
Brand PDF
When most people think of ‘brand’ they think of a name, a logo, and, for airlines, a
livery. But while these are symbols of the brand, they aren’t “the brand.”
4. Company Purpose
This is more than making a profit. What significant difference do you want to
make in the world? It addresses how the firm will change the world, make life
better for someone, overcome a challenge, etc.
5. Vision/Mission Statements
Your mission is how you plan to fulfill your purpose. Your vision is a better
world where your purpose is fulfilled. A good test of vision and mission
statements is replacing your firm’s name with a competitor’s name. If the
statement still reads true, it isn’t sufficient.
7. Brand Promise
What you tacitly or implicitly promise that is highly relevant and valued by the
potential customer and that is delivered consistently every time.
8. Brand Pillars
The functional, technological, or operational items that must be present to
enable the company to create and consistently deliver the brand promise.
9. Operational Guidelines
This is a breakdown of the brand pillars into more actionable components.
The guidelines address workforce behavior, business processes,
technologies, tools, and methods.