Wilmont's Drone Project Charter

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Wilmont’s Drone Project Charter

Project Name: Wilmont’s Dronetech

Authorization Date: 26/07/2020

Project Description Drone will be Customized Wilmont’s considering Pharmacy requirement

by Drone tech for the Wilmont’s pharmacy to deliver prescription by
flying drone
Project purpose The purpose of the project is to customize a prototype drone providing
drone technology as well ad the drone piloting and delivery systems
satisfying the Wilmont’s requirement
Scope/Boundaries Develop a pilot project to get something moving and see how it works. To
customize its systems, interference, and business process to conform to
project requirement deliveries for Wilmont’s. interface communication
about deliveries for Wilmont’s customers electronically through email,
and through mobile alerts as the customer requests Wilmont’s has limited
the project expenditure to a maximum of US$ 1750000 for this prototype
project and will implement it first in only four stores
Deliverables/Objectives Deliverables/Objectives Success Criteria
Customize the prototype drone Drone should reliably meet the
requirement of the client (Wilmont’s)
Make a successful long-term Successful execute the project with
relationship with a large-scale working with Wilmont’s team of
company like Wilmont’s specialist in a correct manner
Requirements identify what modification to the Drone flight operation will be necessary
customize its systems, interface, and business process to conform to
project requirement from Wilmont’s
Schedule ▪ Develop the project plan-Development of proposed contract and
payment plan
▪ Sign the contract
▪ Complete the drone computerizing system
▪ Project closed
Budget Less than US$ 1750000
Assumption and ▪ Unsure the cost
Constraints ▪ Drone tech staff will be paid according to hourly rate

Risk Cost can be indicated as an exact amount

Reference From another similar project and lesson learned from past
Key Stakeholders

Owner/Client Wilmont’s pharmacy

Project Sponsor Operation Vice president of Wilmont’s Mr. George Cranston
Project Manager Asif
List of key stakeholders CEO
Flight Operation Manager
Project Lead IT system

Authority Level:

The project manager has full authority to lead the project. The project manager needs to plan tasks and
assign team members to them from a list of people involved in the project. Regular meetings held with

Approval requirement:

All budgets and purchase must be approved by the project sponsor of Wilmont’s.


Project Sponsor:

Project Manager: ASIF WAZIR

Finance Manager:

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