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Cobalto CO5300 Scanner Family

On-Counter Omnidirectional Presentation Bar Code Scanner

Product Reference Guide

Datalogic ADC, Inc.
959 Terry Street
Eugene, OR 97402
Telephone: (541) 683-5700
Fax: (541) 345-7140

©2014 Datalogic ADC, Inc.

An Unpublished Work - All rights reserved. No part of the contents of this documentation
or the procedures described therein may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by
any means without prior written permission of Datalogic ADC, Inc. or its subsidiaries or
affiliates ("Datalogic" or “Datalogic ADC”). Owners of Datalogic products are hereby granted
a non-exclusive, revocable license to reproduce and transmit this documentation for the
purchaser's own internal business purposes. Purchaser shall not remove or alter any pro-
prietary notices, including copyright notices, contained in this documentation and shall
ensure that all notices appear on any reproductions of the documentation.
Should future revisions of this manual be published, you can acquire printed versions by
contacting your Datalogic representative. Electronic versions may either be downloadable
from the Datalogic website (www.datalogic.com) or provided on appropriate media. If you
visit our website and would like to make comments or suggestions about this or other
Datalogic publications, please let us know via the "Contact Datalogic" page.

Datalogic has taken reasonable measures to provide information in this manual that is
complete and accurate, however, Datalogic reserves the right to change any specification
at any time without prior notice.
Datalogic and the Datalogic logo are registered trademarks of Datalogic S.p.A. in many
countries, including the U.S.A. and the E.U. All other brand and product names may be
trademarks of their respective owners.
Cobalto is a trademark of Datalogic ADC S.r.l.

See www.patents.datalogic.com for patent list.
Table of Contents
Introduction ........................................................................................................................................................... 1
About the Scanner ........................................................................................................................ 1
Capacitive Touch Button .................................................................................................................... 2
Bottom Button .................................................................................................................................... 2
About this Manual ........................................................................................................................ 3
Overview .............................................................................................................................................. 3
Conventions ......................................................................................................................................... 3
Technical Support ......................................................................................................................... 4
Datalogic Website Support ................................................................................................................ 4
Reseller Technical Support ................................................................................................................. 4
Telephone Technical Support ............................................................................................................. 4

Setup ...................................................................................................................................................................... 5
Unpacking ...................................................................................................................................... 5
Setting Up the Scanner ................................................................................................................ 5
Connect Host Interface ....................................................................................................................... 6
Interface Selection ........................................................................................................................ 8
Configuring the Interface ................................................................................................................... 8
Customizing Configuration Settings ......................................................................................... 11
Using the Programming Bar Codes ................................................................................................ 11
Interface Settings .............................................................................................................................. 12
Configuring Other Features ............................................................................................................. 12
Software Version Transmission ...................................................................................................... 12

Configuration Using Bar Codes ......................................................................................................................... 15

Configuration Parameters ......................................................................................................... 15
Global Interface Features ........................................................................................................... 17
Host Commands — Obey/Ignore ................................................................................................... 17
USB Suspend Mode .......................................................................................................................... 18
RS-232 ONLY Interface ......................................................................................................................................19
RS-232 Standard Factory Settings ........................................................................................... 19
Baud Rate .................................................................................................................................... 19
Stop Bits ....................................................................................................................................... 20
Parity ............................................................................................................................................ 21
Handshaking Control .................................................................................................................. 22

Product Reference Guide i


RS-232/USB-COM Interfaces ............................................................................................................................23

Standard Factory Settings ......................................................................................................... 23
Intercharacter Delay ................................................................................................................... 23
Beep On ASCII BEL ...................................................................................................................... 24
Beep On Not on File .................................................................................................................... 24
ACK NAK Options ........................................................................................................................ 25
ACK Character .................................................................................................................................... 26
NAK Character ................................................................................................................................... 26
ACK NAK Timeout Value ................................................................................................................... 27
ACK NAK Retry Count ....................................................................................................................... 28
ACK NAK Error Handling ................................................................................................................... 29
Indicate Transmission Failure ................................................................................................... 30
Disable Character ........................................................................................................................ 30
Enable Character ......................................................................................................................... 31
Keyboard Interface .............................................................................................................................................33
Country Mode .............................................................................................................................. 33
Caps Lock State ........................................................................................................................... 36
Numlock ....................................................................................................................................... 36
Keyboard Numeric Keypad ........................................................................................................ 37
Keyboard Send Control Characters ........................................................................................... 38
Wedge Quiet Interval .................................................................................................................. 39
Intercharacter Delay ................................................................................................................... 40
Intercode Delay ........................................................................................................................... 41
USB Keyboard Speed .................................................................................................................. 42
USB-OEM Interface .............................................................................................................................................43
Introduction ................................................................................................................................. 43
Standard Factory Settings ......................................................................................................... 43
USB-OEM Device Usage ............................................................................................................. 44
USB-OEM Interface Options ...................................................................................................... 44
Data Format ........................................................................................................................................................45
Global Prefix/Suffix .................................................................................................................... 46
Global AIM ID ............................................................................................................................... 47
GS1-128 AIM ID ........................................................................................................................... 47
Label ID ........................................................................................................................................ 48
Label ID: Pre-loaded Sets ................................................................................................................. 48
Label ID: Set Individually Per Symbology ........................................................................................ 49
Label ID Control ................................................................................................................................. 49
Label ID Symbology Selection .......................................................................................................... 50
Case Conversion .......................................................................................................................... 56
Character Conversion ................................................................................................................. 56

ii Cobalto™ CO5300 Scanner


Reading Parameters ...........................................................................................................................................57

Double Read Timeout ................................................................................................................. 58
Label Gone Timeout .................................................................................................................... 60
Timeout: Enter Low Power State .............................................................................................. 61
Timeout: Enter Standby State ................................................................................................... 63
Timeout: Laser Off After Single Line Scan ................................................................................ 65
Touch Button Option .................................................................................................................. 66
LED and Speaker Indicators ....................................................................................................... 66
Power On Alert .................................................................................................................................. 66
Audio Jingle Enable ..................................................................................................................... 67
Select Audio Jingle for Power-up Event ................................................................................... 68
Select Audio Jingle for Good Read Event .................................................................................. 70
Good Read: When to Indicate ........................................................................................................... 73
Good Read Beep Type ....................................................................................................................... 74
Good Read Beep Frequency ............................................................................................................. 74
Good Read Speaker Volume ............................................................................................................. 75
Good Read Beep Length ................................................................................................................... 76
Good Read LED Duration .................................................................................................................. 77
Scanning Features ...................................................................................................................... 78
Scan Modes ....................................................................................................................................... 78
Symbologies ........................................................................................................................................................79
Introduction ................................................................................................................................. 79
Standard Factory Settings for Symbologies ............................................................................ 79
Disable All Symbologies ............................................................................................................. 80
Coupon Control ............................................................................................................................ 80
UPC-A ........................................................................................................................................... 81
UPC-A Enable/Disable ..................................................................................................................... 81
UPC-A Check Character Transmission ............................................................................................ 81
Expand UPC-A to EAN-13 ................................................................................................................ 82
UPC-A Number System Character Transmission .......................................................................... 82
In-Store Minimum Reads ................................................................................................................. 83
UPC-E ........................................................................................................................................... 84
UPC-E Enable/Disable ..................................................................................................................... 84
UPC-E Check Character Transmission ............................................................................................ 84
Expand UPC-E to EAN-13 ................................................................................................................ 85
Expand UPC-E to UPC-A .................................................................................................................. 85
UPC-E Number System Character Transmission .......................................................................... 86
UPC-E Minimum Read ...................................................................................................................... 86
EAN 13 .......................................................................................................................................... 87
EAN 13 Enable/Disable .................................................................................................................... 87
EAN 13 Check Character Transmission .......................................................................................... 87
EAN-13 Flag 1 Character .................................................................................................................. 88

Product Reference Guide iii


EAN-13 ISBN Conversion ................................................................................................................. 88

ISSN Enable/Disable ......................................................................................................................... 89
EAN 13 Minimum Reads .................................................................................................................. 89
EAN 8 ............................................................................................................................................ 90
EAN 8 Enable/Disable ...................................................................................................................... 90
EAN 8 Check Character Transmission ............................................................................................ 90
Expand EAN 8 to EAN 13 .................................................................................................................. 91
EAN 8 Minimum Reads .................................................................................................................... 91
UPC/EAN Global Settings .......................................................................................................... 92
UPC/EAN Decoding Level ................................................................................................................. 92
UPC/EAN Price Weight Check ......................................................................................................... 93
UPC-A Minimum Reads ................................................................................................................... 94
Add-Ons ....................................................................................................................................... 95
Optional Add-ons .............................................................................................................................. 95
Optional Add-On Timer .................................................................................................................... 96
P2 Add-Ons Minimum Reads .......................................................................................................... 97
P5 Add-Ons Minimum Reads .......................................................................................................... 98
GS1 DataBarTM Omnidirectional ................................................................................................ 99
GS1 DataBar Omnidirectional Enable/Disable .............................................................................. 99
GS1 DataBar Omnidirectional GS1-128 Emulation ....................................................................... 99
GS1 DataBar Omnidirectional Minimum Reads ..........................................................................100
GS1 DataBarTM Expanded ........................................................................................................101
GS1 DataBar Expanded Enable/Disable .......................................................................................101
GS1 DataBar Expanded GS1-128 Emulation ................................................................................101
GS1 DataBar Expanded Minimum Reads .....................................................................................102
GS1 DataBar Expanded Length Control ........................................................................................103
GS1 DataBar Expanded Set Length 1 ...........................................................................................103
GS1 DataBar Expanded Set Length 2 ...........................................................................................104
GS1 DataBarTM Limited ............................................................................................................105
GS1 DataBar Limited Enable/Disable ...........................................................................................105
GS1 DataBar Limited GS1-128 Emulation ....................................................................................105
GS1 DataBar Limited Minimum Reads .........................................................................................106
Code 39 .......................................................................................................................................107
Code 39 Enable/Disable .................................................................................................................107
Code 39 Check Character Calculation ............................................................................................108
Code 39 Check Character Transmission .......................................................................................109
Code 39 Start/Stop Character Transmission ...............................................................................109
Code 39 Full ASCII ............................................................................................................................110
Code 39 Quiet Zones .......................................................................................................................111
Code 39 Minimum Reads ...............................................................................................................112
Code 39 Decoding Level ..................................................................................................................113
Code 39 Length Control ..................................................................................................................114
Code 39 Set Length 1 ......................................................................................................................115

iv Cobalto™ CO5300 Scanner


Code 39 Set Length 2 ......................................................................................................................116

Code 39 Interdigit Ratio ..................................................................................................................117
Code 39 Stitching ............................................................................................................................119
Code 32 (Italian Pharmaceutical) .............................................................................................119
Code 32 Enable/Disable .................................................................................................................119
Code 32 Feature Setting Exceptions .............................................................................................120
Code 32 Check Character Transmission .......................................................................................120
Code 32 Start/Stop Character Transmission ...............................................................................120
Code 39 CIP (French Pharmaceutical) .....................................................................................121
Code 39 CIP Enable/Disable ..........................................................................................................121
Code 128 ....................................................................................................................................121
Code 128 Enable/Disable ...............................................................................................................121
Expand Code 128 to Code 39 .........................................................................................................122
Code 128 Check Character Transmission .....................................................................................122
Code 128 Function Character Transmission ................................................................................123
Code 128 Sub-Code Change Transmission ..................................................................................123
Code 128 Quiet Zones .....................................................................................................................124
Code 128 Minimum Reads .............................................................................................................125
Code 128 Decoding Level ...............................................................................................................126
Code 128 Length Control ................................................................................................................127
Code 128 Set Length 1 ....................................................................................................................128
Code 128 Set Length 2 ....................................................................................................................129
Code 128 Stitching ..........................................................................................................................129
GS1-128 .....................................................................................................................................130
GS1-128 Enable ...............................................................................................................................130
Interleaved 2 of 5 (I 2 of 5) ........................................................................................................131
I 2 of 5 Enable/Disable ...................................................................................................................131
I 2 of 5 Check Character Calculation ..............................................................................................132
I 2 of 5 Check Character Transmission .........................................................................................133
I 2 of 5 Minimum Reads .................................................................................................................134
I 2 of 5 Decoding Level ....................................................................................................................135
I 2 of 5 Length Control ....................................................................................................................136
I 2 of 5 Set Length 1 ........................................................................................................................137
I 2 of 5 Set Length 2 ........................................................................................................................138
I 2 of 5 Zero Pattern ........................................................................................................................138
Interleaved 2 of 5 CIP HR .........................................................................................................139
Interleaved 2 of 5 CIP HR Enable/Disable ....................................................................................139
Datalogic 2 of 5 ..........................................................................................................................140
Datalogic 2 of 5 Enable/Disable ....................................................................................................140
Datalogic 2 of 5 Check Character Calculation ...............................................................................140
Datalogic 2 of 5 Check Character Transmission ..........................................................................141
Datalogic 2 of 5 Minimum Reads ..................................................................................................141
Datalogic 2 of 5 Decoding Level .....................................................................................................142

Product Reference Guide v


Datalogic 2 of 5 Length Control .....................................................................................................142

Datalogic 2 of 5 Set Length 1 .........................................................................................................143
Datalogic 2 of 5 Set Length 2 .........................................................................................................144
Datalogic 2 of 5 Interdigit Ratio .....................................................................................................145
Codabar ......................................................................................................................................147
Codabar Enable/Disable ................................................................................................................147
Codabar Check Character Calculation ...........................................................................................147
Codabar Check Character Transmission .......................................................................................148
Codabar Start/Stop Character Transmission ..............................................................................148
Codabar Start/Stop Character Set ................................................................................................149
Codabar Start/Stop Character Match ...........................................................................................149
Codabar Quiet Zones ......................................................................................................................150
Codabar Minimum Reads ...............................................................................................................151
Codabar Decoding Level .................................................................................................................152
Codabar Length Control .................................................................................................................153
Codabar Set Length 1 .....................................................................................................................154
Codabar Set Length 2 .....................................................................................................................155
Codabar Interdigit Ratio .................................................................................................................156
ABC Codabar ..............................................................................................................................158
ABC Codabar Enable/Disable ........................................................................................................158
ABC Codabar Concatenation Mode ...............................................................................................158
ABC Codabar Dynamic Concatenation Timeout ...........................................................................159
ABC Codabar Force Concatenation ...............................................................................................159
Code 11 .......................................................................................................................................160
Code 11 Enable/Disable .................................................................................................................160
Code 11 Check Character Calculation ............................................................................................161
Code 11 Check Character Transmission .......................................................................................161
Code 11 Minimum Reads ...............................................................................................................162
Code 11 Length Control ..................................................................................................................163
Code 11 Set Length 1 ......................................................................................................................163
Code 11 Set Length 2 ......................................................................................................................164
Code 11 Interdigit Ratio ..................................................................................................................165
Code 11 Decoding Level ..................................................................................................................167
Standard 2 of 5 ..........................................................................................................................168
Standard 2 of 5 Enable/Disable ....................................................................................................168
Standard 2 of 5 Check Character Calculation ...............................................................................168
Standard 2 of 5 Check Character Transmission ..........................................................................169
Standard 2 of 5 Minimum Reads ..................................................................................................169
Standard 2 of 5 Decoding Level .....................................................................................................170
Standard 2 of 5 Length Control .....................................................................................................170
Standard 2 of 5 Set Length 1 .........................................................................................................171
Standard 2 of 5 Set Length 2 .........................................................................................................172
Industrial 2 of 5 .........................................................................................................................173

vi Cobalto™ CO5300 Scanner


Industrial 2 of 5 Enable/Disable ...................................................................................................173

Industrial 2 of 5 Check Character Calculation ..............................................................................173
Industrial 2 of 5 Check Character Transmission ..........................................................................174
Industrial 2 of 5 Length Control ....................................................................................................174
Industrial 2 of 5 Set Length 1 ........................................................................................................175
Industrial 2 of 5 Set Length 2 ........................................................................................................176
Industrial 2 of 5 Minimum Reads ..................................................................................................177
IATA ............................................................................................................................................178
IATA Enable/Disable .......................................................................................................................178
IATA Check Character Transmission .............................................................................................178
ISBT 128 .....................................................................................................................................179
ISBT 128 Concatenation .................................................................................................................179
ISBT 128 Concatenation Mode .......................................................................................................179
ISBT 128 Dynamic Concatenation Timeout ..................................................................................180
ISBT 128 Force Concatenation .......................................................................................................181
ISBT 128 Advanced Concatenation Options .................................................................................181
MSI ..............................................................................................................................................182
MSI Enable/Disable ........................................................................................................................182
MSI Check Character Calculation ...................................................................................................182
MSI Check Character Transmission ..............................................................................................183
MSI Length Control .........................................................................................................................183
MSI Set Length 1 .............................................................................................................................184
MSI Set Length 2 .............................................................................................................................185
MSI Minimum Reads ......................................................................................................................186
MSI Decoding Level .........................................................................................................................187
Code 93 .......................................................................................................................................188
Code 93 Enable/Disable .................................................................................................................188
Code 93 Check Character Calculation ............................................................................................188
Code 93 Check Character Transmission .......................................................................................189
Code 93 Length Control ..................................................................................................................189
Code 93 Set Length 1 ......................................................................................................................190
Code 93 Set Length 2 ......................................................................................................................191
Code 93 Minimum Reads ...............................................................................................................192
Code 93 Decoding Level ..................................................................................................................193
Code 93 Quiet Zones .......................................................................................................................194
Codablock F ................................................................................................................................195
Codablock F Enable/Disable ..........................................................................................................195
Codablock F EAN Enable/Disable .................................................................................................195
Codablock F AIM Check ...................................................................................................................196
Codablock F Length Control ...........................................................................................................196
Codablock F Set Length 1 ...............................................................................................................197
Codablock F Set Length 2 ...............................................................................................................198
Code 4 .........................................................................................................................................199

Product Reference Guide vii


Code 4 Enable/Disable ...................................................................................................................199

Code 4 Check Character Transmission .........................................................................................199
Code 4 Hex to Decimal Conversion ...............................................................................................200
Code 5 .........................................................................................................................................200
Code 5 Enable/Disable ...................................................................................................................200
Code 5 Check Character Transmission .........................................................................................201
Code 5 Hex to Decimal Conversion ...............................................................................................201
Code 4 and Code 5 Common Configuration Items .................................................................202
Code 4 and 5 Decoding Level .........................................................................................................202
Code 4 and Code 5 Minimum Reads .............................................................................................203
Follett 2 of 5 ..............................................................................................................................204
Follett 2 of 5 Enable/Disable .........................................................................................................204
BC412 .........................................................................................................................................204
BC412 Enable/Disable ....................................................................................................................204
BC412 Check Character Calculation ..............................................................................................205
BC412 Minimum Reads ..................................................................................................................205
BC412 Decoding Level ....................................................................................................................206
BC412 Length Control .....................................................................................................................207
BC412 Set Length 1 ........................................................................................................................207
BC412 Set Length 2 ........................................................................................................................208
Plessey .......................................................................................................................................209
Plessey Enable/Disable .................................................................................................................209
Plessey Check Character Calculation ............................................................................................210
Plessey Check Character Transmission ........................................................................................211
Plessey Length Control ..................................................................................................................211
Plessey Set Length 1 ......................................................................................................................212
Plessey Set Length 2 ......................................................................................................................213
Plessey Minimum Reads ...............................................................................................................214
Plessey Decoding Level ..................................................................................................................215

References ......................................................................................................................................................... 217

RS-232 Parameters ..................................................................................................................218
RS-232 Only .....................................................................................................................................218
RS-232/USB COM Parameters ......................................................................................................218
Keyboard Interface ...................................................................................................................226
Wedge Quiet Interval ......................................................................................................................226
Intercharacter Delay .......................................................................................................................227
Intercode Delay ...............................................................................................................................228
Data Format ..............................................................................................................................229
Data Editing .....................................................................................................................................229
Global Prefix/Suffix .........................................................................................................................229
Global AIM ID ...................................................................................................................................231
Label ID ............................................................................................................................................232

viii Cobalto™ CO5300 Scanner


Character Conversion .....................................................................................................................236

Reading Parameters .................................................................................................................237
Label Gone Timeout ........................................................................................................................237
Good Read LED Duration ................................................................................................................238
Symbologies ..............................................................................................................................239
Decoding Levels ..............................................................................................................................239
Set Length ........................................................................................................................................239

Technical Specifications ................................................................................................................................... 243

Standard Cable Pinouts ............................................................................................................245
LED and Speaker Indications ...................................................................................................246
Error Codes ................................................................................................................................247

Standard Defaults ............................................................................................................................................. 249

Default Exceptions ....................................................................................................................259

Sample Bar Codes ............................................................................................................................................. 263

1D Bar Codes .............................................................................................................................263
GS1 DataBar (RSS) ....................................................................................................................265
GS1 DataBar-14 ..............................................................................................................................265

Keypad ............................................................................................................................................................... 267

Scancode Tables ................................................................................................................................................ 271

Control Character Emulation ...................................................................................................271
Interface Type PC AT PS/2 or USB-Keyboard ........................................................................272
Interface type PC AT PS/2 Alt Mode or USB-Keyboard Alt Mode ........................................274
Microsoft Windows Codepage 1252 .......................................................................................276

Index .................................................................................................................................................277
ASCII Chart .................................................................................................................................279

Product Reference Guide ix



x Cobalto™ CO5300 Scanner

Chapter 1
About the Scanner
The Cobalto™ scanner (reader) delivers high performance in a small, fixed scanner that can also
be used as a targeted handheld scanner. Its innovative design maximizes productivity and
minimizes operator stress, strain and fatigue.
The scanner guarantees an excellent value for customers looking for outstanding performance
in a stylish and full-featured product. An elegant blue “Ring of Light’ encircles the reading
window, which turns a bright green to visually confirm a good read.
Additionally, a high quality polyphonic speaker can be configured to provide the preferred
sound or ‘jingle’ for audio confirmation of a good read.

Product Reference Guide 1


Figure 1. Nomenclature and Labeling

4 1 Serial Number/Regulatory Label

6 2 Speaker

3 3 Scan Window
7 4 Ring of Light

5 Touch Button
2 6 Visual Indicator

7 Head

8 Interface / Power Port

8 9 Bottom Button

9 8

Capacitive Touch Button

The Touch Button (also referred to as the trigger) located on the top of the scanner is actuated
by the electrical impulses present in a human fingertip, and is thus a capacitive Touch Button.
Normally, the scanner operates in omnidirectional mode, simultaneously projecting 20 lines
which form a scan pattern; highly useful for capturing bar codes presented from multiple
directions and angles.
When the Touch Button is actuated, the scanner enters single scan line operation, allowing the
scanner to more easily target and read truncated bar codes, or aim at a single label from
amongst multiple bar codes as an ordinary handheld scanner would do. For example, it is
recommended to use single line operation to read the programming bar codes presented in
this manual.
This button can also be used to wake up the scanner when it has gone to sleep.

Bottom Button
The scanner is also equipped with a mechanical button located at the bottom side of its base.
This Bottom Button s protected by a rubber seal and can perform two functions:

1. While using the AladdinTM configuration utility, when a “force device connect” request is
made, the Bottom Button is used to activate this function.

2. This button is also used to activate the boot loader for firmware upgrade when this
request is made using the Aladdin utility. This is the button used when the Aladdin utility
asks to reset the product by powering up the product while keeping the button pressed.

2 Cobalto™ CO5300 Scanner

About this Manual

About this Manual

This Product Reference Guide (PRG) is provided for users seeking advanced technical
information, including connection, programming, maintenance and specifications. The Quick
Reference Guide (QRG) and other publications associated with this product are downloadable
free of charge from the website listed on the back cover of this manual.
Typically, units are factory-programmed for the most common terminal and communications
settings. If you need to modify any programmable settings, custom configuration can be
accomplished by scanning the programming bar codes within this guide.
Programming can alternatively be performed using the Datalogic Aladdin™ Configuration
application which is available from the Datalogic website listed on the back cover of this
manual. This multi-platform utility program allows device configuration using a PC. It
communicates to the device using a serial or USB cable and can also create configuration bar
codes to print.

Chapter 1, Introduction provides a product overview, unpacking instructions, and cable
connection information.
Chapter 2, Setup presents information about unpacking and setting up the scanner, and
interface configuration bar codes and details.
Chapter 3, Configuration Using Bar Codes provides instructions and bar code labels for
customizing your scanner. There are different sections for interface types, general features,
data formatting, symbology-specific and model-specific features.
Chapter 4, References provides details concerning programmable features.
Appendix A, Appendix A, Technical Specifications lists physical and performance
characteristics, as well as environmental and regulatory specifications. It also provides
standard cable pin-outs and descriptions of the functions and behaviors of the scanner’s LED
and Speaker indicators.
Appendix B, Appendix B, Standard Defaults references common factory default settings
for scanner features and options.
Appendix C, Appendix C, Sample Bar Codes offers sample bar codes of several common
Appendix D, Appendix D, Keypad includes numeric bar codes to be scanned for certain
parameter settings.
Appendix E, Appendix E, Scancode Tables lists control character emulation information for
Wedge and USB Keyboard interfaces.

The symbols listed below are used in this manual to notify the scanner of key issues or
procedures that must be observed when using the scanner:

Notes contain information necessary for properly diagnosing, repairing and oper-
ating the scanner.

Product Reference Guide 3


The CAUTION symbol advises you of actions that could damage equipment or

Technical Support

Datalogic Website Support

The Datalogic website (www.datalogic.com) is the complete source for technical support and
information for Datalogic products. The site offers product support, warranty information,
product manuals, product tech notes, software updates, demos, and instructions for returning
products for repair.

Reseller Technical Support

An excellent source for technical assistance and information is an authorized Datalogic
reseller. A reseller is acquainted with specific types of businesses, application software, and
computer systems and can provide individualized assistance.

Telephone Technical Support

If you do not have internet or email access, you may contact Datalogic technical support at
(541) 349-8283 or check the back cover of your manual for more contact information.

Current versions of the Product Reference Guide (PRG), Quick Reference Guide (QRG), the
Datalogic Aladdin™ Configuration application, software/firmware and any additional manuals,
instruction sheets and utilities for this product can be downloaded from the website listed on
the back cover of this manual. Alternatively, printed copies or product support CDs can be
purchased through your Datalogic reseller.

4 Cobalto™ CO5300 Scanner

Chapter 2
Check carefully to ensure the scanner and any cables or accessories ordered are present and
undamaged. If any damage occurred during shipment, contact Technical Support on page 4.
KEEP THE PACKAGING. Should the unit ever require service, it should be returned in its original
shipping container.

Setting Up the Scanner

Follow the steps provided in this section to connect and get your scanner up and
communicating with its host:

1. Connect the Interface Cable at the scanner as shown in Figure 1. To disconnect the cable,
insert a paper clip or similar object into the opening shown (item #3).

2. Connect the other end to the Host (see the next section, Connect Host Interface and Figure 2).

3. Modify Customizing Configuration Settings on page 11 (only if modifications are needed

from factory settings).

Figure 1. Cable Connection/Disconnection at the Scanner


1 Cable Connector

2 Interface / Power Port

3 Paper clip

2 3

Product Reference Guide 5


Connect Host Interface

The scanner kit you ordered to match your interface should provide a compatible cable for your
installation. If this is not so, contact Technical Support.
Depending on the model, the scanner can communicate using the following interfaces:

RS-232 Serial Connection

Turn off power to the terminal/PC and connect the scanner to the terminal/PC serial port via
the RS-232 cable as shown in Figure 2. If the terminal will not support POT (Power Off the
Terminal) to supply scanner power, use the approved power supply (AC Adapter). Plug the AC
Adapter barrel connector into the socket on the RS-232 cable connector and the AC Adapter
plug into a standard power outlet.

RS-232 — The scanner can communicate with a standard or Wincor-Nixdorf (W-N) RS-232

RS-232 OPOS — This interface is used for OPOS/UPOS/JavaPOS systems.

Keyboard Wedge Connection

The Keyboard Wedge cable has a ‘Y’ connection from the scanner. Connect the female to the
male end from the keyboard and the remaining end at the keyboard port at the terminal/PC.

Keyboard Wedge (KBW) — When connected using this interface, the host interprets scanned
data as keystrokes and supports several international keyboards (for the Windows®
environment). See Country Mode on page 35 for a full listing.

USB Connection
Connect the scanner to a USB port on the terminal/PC using the correct USB cable for the
interface type you ordered.

USB — Select to communicate either by USB OEM, USB COM STD, or USB Keyboard interface
types by scanning the appropriate interface type bar codes available in this manual. The
default interface is USB-KBD, or RS-232-STD.

6 Cobalto™ CO5300 Scanner

Setting Up the Scanner

Figure 2. Connection to the Host


Keyboard Wedge


Specific cables are required for connection to different hosts. The connections illus-
trated in Figure 2 are examples only. Actual connectors may vary from those illus-
trated, but the steps to connect the scanner remain the same.

Product Reference Guide 7


Interface Selection
Upon completing the physical connection between the scanner and its host, proceed directly to
Configuring the Interface on page 8 for information and programming for the interface type
the scanner is connected to (for example: RS-232, Keyboard Wedge, USB, etc.) and scan the
appropriate bar code in tha section to select your system’s correct interface type.
The scanner, depending upon the model, will support one of the following sets of host

USB Models (3.0 full speed)


RS-232 / Keyboard Wedge Models

• RS-232 (Standard, Wincor-Nixdorf, OPOS)
• Keyboard Wedge

Configuring the Interface

Scan the programming bar code from the following section which selects the appropriate
interface type to match the system the scanner will be connected to. Next, proceed to the
corresponding chapter in this manual (also listed in the table) to configure any desired settings
and features associated with that interface.
Unlike some other programming features and options, interface selections
require that you scan only one programming bar code label. DO NOT scan an
ENTER/EXIT bar code prior to scanning an interface selection bar code.
Some interfaces require the scanner to start in the disabled state when powered
NOTE up. If additional scanner configuration is desired while in this state, pull the trig-
ger and hold it for five seconds. The scanner will change to a state that allows
programming with bar codes.

8 Cobalto™ CO5300 Scanner

Interface Selection

Table 3. Available Interfaces



RS-232 standard interface

Select RS232-STD


RS-232 Wincor-Nixdorf
Set RS-232
Select RS232-WN Interface
$P,HA13,P starting on
page 19
RS-232 for use with OPOS/UPOS/JavaPOS

Select RS-232 OPOS


USB Com to simulate RS-232 standard inter-




$P,HA45,P Set USB-

USB-OEM Interface
(can be used for OPOS/UPOS/JavaPOS) Features
starting on
Select USB-OEM page 43

a. Download the correct USB Com driver from www.datalogic.com

Product Reference Guide 9




AT, PS/2 25-286, 30-286, 50, 50Z, 60, 70, 80,

90 & 95 w/Standard Key Encoding

Select KBD-AT

Keyboard Wedge for IBM AT PS2 with stan-
dard key encoding but without external key-
Select KBD-AT-NK


AT, PS/2 25-286, 30-286, 50, 50Z, 60, 70, 80,

90 & 95 w/Alternate Key



Keyboard Wedge for IBM AT PS2 with alter-
nate key encoding but without external key-
starting on
Select KBD-AT-ALT-NK page 33


USB Keyboard with standard key encoding

Select USB Keyboard


USB Keyboard with alternate key encoding

Select USB Alternate Keyboard


USB Keyboard + USB COM

Select USB Keyboard + USB COM

10 Cobalto™ CO5300 Scanner

Customizing Configuration Settings

Customizing Configuration Settings

Using the Programming Bar Codes

This manual contains feature descriptions and bar codes which allow you to reconfigure your
scanner. Some programming bar code labels, like Resetting the Product Configuration to
Defaults on page 13, require only the scan of that single label to enact the change. Most of the
programming labels in this manual, however, require the scanner to be placed in Programming
Mode prior to scanning them. Scan an ENTER/EXIT bar code once to enter Programming
Mode. Once the scanner is in Programming Mode, you can scan a number of parameter
settings before scanning the ENTER/EXIT bar code a second time, which will then accept your
changes, exit Programming Mode and return the scanner to normal operation.

There are some exceptions to the typical programming sequence described

above. Please read the description and setting instructions carefully when
configuring each given programmable feature.

Datalogic Aladdin™ Utility

Programming can alternatively be performed using the Datalogic Aladdin™ Configuration
application which is available for free download from the Datalogic website listed on the back
cover of this manual. This multi-platform utility program allows device configuration using a
PC. It communicates to the device using a serial or USB cable and can also create configuration
bar codes to print.
Datalogic Aladdin™ is a multi-platform utility program providing a quick and user-friendly
configuration method via the RS-232/USB-COM interface. the Aladdin utility is available on
the CD-ROM provided with your product, and also from the Datalogic website. Aladdin allows
you to program the scanner by selecting configuration commands through a user-friendly
graphical interface running on a PC. These commands are sent to the scanner over the
selected communication interface, or they can be printed as bar codes to be scanned.
Aladdin also provides the ability to perform a software upgrade for the connected device (see
the Datalogic Aladdin™ Help On-Line for more details).

Product Reference Guide 11


Interface Settings
The scanner is typically factory-configured with a set of default features standard to the
interface type you ordered. See Interface Selection on page 8.
Global Interface Features, starting on page 17 provides settings configurable by all interface
types. If your installation requires you to further customize your scanner, you can select other
options through use of the instructions and programming bar codes available in the
appropriate section for your interface.
• RS-232 ONLY Interface, starting on page 19
• RS-232/USB-COM Interfaces, starting on page 23
• Keyboard Interface, starting on page 33
• USB-OEM Interface, starting on page 43

Configuring Other Features

If your installation requires different programming than the standard factory default settings,
the following sections of this manual allow configuration of non-interface-specific settings
you might require:

Configuration Using Bar Codes — General Features includes programming for scanning,
speaker and LED indicators and other such universal settings.

Reading Parameters — Reading Parameters include programming for scanning, speaker and
LED indicators and other universal settings.

Symbologies — Includes options concerning the bar code label types (symbologies). These
settings allow you to enable/disable symbologies, set label lengths, require check digit, etc.

Software Version Transmission

The software version of the device can be transmitted over the RS-232, Keyboard and USB
interfaces by scanning the following label.


Transmit Software Version

12 Cobalto™ CO5300 Scanner

Customizing Configuration Settings

Resetting the Product Configuration to Defaults

If you aren't sure what programming options are in your scanner, or you've changed some
options and want to restore the Custom Default Configuration that may have been saved in
the scanner, scan the Restore Custom Default Configuration bar code below. This will restore
the custom configuration for the currently active interface.

Custom defaults are based on the interface type. Configure the scanner for the
correct interface before scanning this label.

Restore Custom Default Configuration

If you aren't sure what programming options are in your scanner, or you've changed some
options and want to restore the Factory Configuration, you have two options. You can scan the
Restore USA Factory Configuration bar code or the Restore EU Factory Configuration bar code
below. Both labels restore the scanner configuration to the factory settings including the
interface type. The USA label restores Label IDs to those historically used in the USA. The EU
label restores Label IDs to those historically used in Europe. The Label ID sets for USA and EU
are shown in the Label ID section of this manual.

Scanning either of the “Restore Factory Configuration” commands below will

result in the loss of any custom configuration settings for your device.

Restore USA Factory Configuration

Restore EU Factory Configuration

The programming section on the following pages lists the factory default settings for each of
the menu commands (indicated by shaded blocks and bold text).

Product Reference Guide 13



14 Cobalto™ CO5300 Scanner

Chapter 3
Configuration Using Bar Codes
This and following sections provide programming bar codes to configure your scanner by
changing the default settings. For details about additional methods of programming, see
"Customizing Configuration Settings" on page 11.

You must first enable your scanner to read bar codes in order to use this
section. If you have not done this, go to Setup, starting on page 5 and
complete the appropriate procedure.

Configuration Parameters
Once the scanner is set up, you can change the default parameters to meet your application
needs. Refer to "Resetting the Product Configuration to Defaults" on page 13 for initial
configuration in order to set the default values and select the interface for your application.
The following configuration parameters are divided into logical groups, making it easy to find
the desired function based on its reference group.

Interface Configuration:
• "RS-232 ONLY Interface" on page 19
• "RS-232/USB-COM Interfaces" on page 23
• "Keyboard Interface" on page 33
• "USB-OEM Interface" on page 43

Parameters common to all interface applications:

• "Global Prefix/Suffix" on page 46
• "Data Format" on page 45 offers advanced configuration options for customization of
scanned data output.
• "Reading Parameters" on page 57 control various operating modes and indicators
status functioning.

Symbology-specific parameters:
"Symbologies" on page 79 defines options for all symbologies and provides the
programming bar codes necessary for configuring these features.

Product Reference Guide 15

Enter/Exit Programming Mode Configuration Parameters

You must first enable your scanner to read bar codes in order to use this
section. If you have not done this, go to Setup, starting on page 5 and
complete the appropriate procedure.

To program features:
1. Scan the ENTER/EXIT PROGRAMMING bar code, available at the top of each program-
ming page, when applicable.

2. Scan the bar code to set the desired programming feature. You may need to cover
unused bar codes on the page, and possibly the facing page, to ensure that the scanner
reads only the bar code you intend to scan.

3. If additional input parameters are needed, go to Appendix D, Keypad, and scan the
appropriate characters from the keypad.
Additional information about many features can be found in the “References”

NOTE If you make a mistake before the last character, scan the CANCEL bar code to
abort and not save the entry string. You can then start again at the beginning.

4. Complete the programming sequence by scanning the ENTER/EXIT PROGRAMMING bar

code to exit Programming Mode.

For more detailed descriptions, programming information and examples for setting selected
configuration items, see References, starting on page 217.

16 Cobalto™ CO5300 Scanner

Global Interface Features Enter/Exit Programming Mode

Global Interface Features

The following interface features are configurable by all interface types. To set features specific
to your interface, turn to that section of this manual:
• "RS-232 ONLY Interface" on page 19
• "RS-232/USB-COM Interfaces" on page 23
• "Keyboard Interface" on page 33
• "USB-OEM Interface" on page 43

Host Commands — Obey/Ignore

This option specifies whether the scanner will obey or ignore host commands. When set to
ignore, the scanner will ignore all host commands except for those necessary for:
• service mode
• flash programming mode
• keeping the interface active
• transmission of labels.


Host Commands = Obey


Host Commands = Ignore

Product Reference Guide 17

Enter/Exit Programming Mode Global Interface Features

USB Suspend Mode

This setting enables/disables the ability of the USB interface to enter suspend mode.


USB Suspend Mode = Disable


USB Suspend Mode = Enable

18 Cobalto™ CO5300 Scanner

RS-232 Standard Factory Settings Enter/Exit Programming Mode

RS-232 ONLY Interface

Use the programming bar codes in this chapter if modifications to the standard RS-232
interface settings are necessary to meet your system’s requirements. Additional settings
which apply to both the RS-232 and USB interfaces are available in Chapter 5, RS-232/USB-
COM Interfaces.

RS-232 Standard Factory Settings

Reference Appendix B, Standard Defaults for a listing of standard factory settings.

Baud Rate
Baud rate is the number of bits of data transmitted per second. Set the scanner's baud rate to
match the baud rate setting of the host device. With an improper baud rate setting, data may
not reach the host correctly.


Baud Rate = 1200


Baud Rate = 2400


Baud Rate = 4800


Baud Rate = 9600

Product Reference Guide 19

Enter/Exit Programming Mode Stop Bits

Baud Rate — continued


Baud Rate = 19,200


Baud Rate = 38,400


Baud Rate = 57,600


Baud Rate = 115,200

Stop Bits
The stop bit(s) at the end of each transmitted character marks the end of transmission of one
character and prepares the receiving device for the next character in the serial data stream.
The number of stop bits selected (one or two) depends on the number the receiving terminal is
programmed to accommodate. Set the number of stop bits to match host device


1 Stop Bit

2 Stop Bits

20 Cobalto™ CO5300 Scanner

Parity Enter/Exit Programming Mode

This feature specifies parity required for sending and receiving data. A parity check bit is the
most significant bit of each ASCII coded character. Select the parity type according to host
device requirements.
• Select None when no parity bit is required.
• Select Odd parity and the parity bit value is set to 0 or 1, based on data, to ensure that an
odd number of 1 bits are contained in the coded character.
• Select Even parity and the parity bit value is set to 0 or 1, based on data, to ensure that
an even number of 1 bits are contained in the coded character.


Parity = None

Parity = Even

Parity = Odd

Product Reference Guide 21

Enter/Exit Programming Mode Handshaking Control

Handshaking Control
The data interface consists of an RS-232 port designed to operate either with or without the
hardware handshaking lines, Request to Send (RTS), and Clear to Send (CTS). Handshaking
Control includes the following options:
• RTS — RTS is asserted during transmissions. CTS is ignored.
• RTS/CTS — RTS is asserted during transmissions. CTS gates transmissions.
• RTS/XON/XOFF — RTS is asserted during transmissions. CTS is ignored. XON and XOFF
gate transmissions.
• RTS On/CTS — RTS is always asserted. CTS gates transmissions.
• RTS/CTS Scan Control — RTS is asserted during transmissions. CTS gates transmissions
and controls enable and disable state of scanner.


Handshaking Control = RTS

Handshaking Control = RTS/CTS


Handshaking Control = RTS/XON/XOFF


Handshaking Control = RTS On/CTS


Handshaking Control = RTS/CTS Scan Control

22 Cobalto™ CO5300 Scanner

Standard Factory Settings Enter/Exit Programming Mode

RS-232/USB-COM Interfaces
The programming bar codes in this chapter allow modifications to the standard RS-232 and
USB-Com interfaces.

Standard Factory Settings

Reference Appendix B, Standard Defaults for a listing of standard factory settings.

Intercharacter Delay
This parameter specifies the intercharacter delay between the end of one character and the
beginning of the next. The delay can be set within a range of zero (0) to 990 milliseconds in
10ms increments. A setting of zero specifies no delay. See "Label ID: Pre-loaded Sets" on
page 232 for more detailed programming instructions.


Intercharacter Delay = No Delay

$CR2IC To configure this feature, scan the ENTER/EXIT bar

code above, then the bar code at left followed by dig-
its from the Alphanumeric characters in Appendix D,
Keypad representing your desired character(s). End
Select Intercharacter Delay Setting by scanning the ENTER/EXIT bar code again.

Make a mistake? Scan the CANCEL bar code to abort
and not save the entry string. You can then start
again at the beginning.

DEFAULT 00 = No Intercharacter Delay

Product Reference Guide 23

Enter/Exit Programming Mode Beep On ASCII BEL


When this parameter is enabled, the scanner issues a beep when a <BEL> character is
detected on the RS-232 serial line. <BEL> is issued to gain a user's attention to an illegal entry
or other important event.


Beep On ASCII BEL = Disable

Beep On ASCII BEL = Enable

Beep On Not on File

This option enables/disables the action of the scanner to sound a three beep sequence upon
receiving a Not-On-File (NOF) host command.


Beep On Not On File = Disable


Beep On Not On File = Enable

24 Cobalto™ CO5300 Scanner

ACK NAK Options Enter/Exit Programming Mode

ACK NAK Options

This enables/disables the ability of the scanner to support the RS-232 ACK/NAK protocol.
When configured, the scanner and/or host sends an “ACK” when it receives data properly, and
sends “NAK” when the data is in error.
Options are:
• Disable
• Enable for label transmission — The scanner expects an ACK/NAK response from the
host when a label is sent.
• Enable for host-command acknowledge — The scanner will respond with ACK/NAK
when the host sends a command.
• Enable for label transmission and host-command acknowledge


ACK/NAK Protocol = Disable ACK/NAK

ACK/NAK Protocol = Enable for label transmission


ACK/NAK Protocol = Enable for host-command


ACK/NAK Protocol = Enable for label transmission and

host-command acknowledge

Product Reference Guide 25

Enter/Exit Programming Mode ACK NAK Options

ACK Character
This setting specifies an ASCII character or hex value to be used as the ACK character. ASCII
characters or any hex value from 0 to 0xFF can be selected. See "ACK Character" on
page 220 for more detailed programming instructions.
Setting to previously defined characters such as XON, XOFF, or host
commands conflicts with normal operation of these characters. 8-bit
data is not recognized when the option Stop Bits has been set as 7
NOTE Data Bits.


Select ACK Character Setting

DEFAULT 0x06 ‘ACK’ Character

NAK Character
This setting specifies an ASCII character or hex value to be used as the NAK character. ASCII
characters or any hex value from 0 to 0xFF can be selected. See "NAK Character" on
page 221 for more detailed programming instructions.
Setting to previously defined characters such as XON, XOFF, or host
commands conflicts with normal operation of these characters. 8-bit
data is not recognized when the option Stop Bits has been set as 7
NOTE Data Bits.


Select NAK Character Setting

DEFAULT 0x15 ‘NAK’ Character

26 Cobalto™ CO5300 Scanner

ACK NAK Options Enter/Exit Programming Mode

ACK NAK Timeout Value

This option specifies the amount of time the scanner waits for an ACK character from the host
following label transmission. The selectable timeout range is 200 milliseconds to 15,000ms (15
seconds) in 200ms increments. A selection of 0 disables the timeout. See "ACK NAK Timeout
Value" on page 222 for more detailed programming instructions.

$CR2AT To configure this feature, scan the ENTER/EXIT bar

code above, then the bar code at left followed by dig-
its from the Alphanumeric characters in Appendix D,
Keypad representing your desired character(s). End
Select ACK NAK Timeout Value Setting by scanning the ENTER/EXIT bar code again.

Make a mistake? Scan the CANCEL bar code to abort
and not save the entry string. You can then start
again at the beginning.

DEFAULT 01 ACK NAK Timeout value is 200ms

Product Reference Guide 27

Enter/Exit Programming Mode ACK NAK Options

ACK NAK Retry Count

This feature specifies the number of times the scanner retries a label transmission due to a
retry condition. The selectable range is from 1 to 254 retries. A selection of 0 disables the
count, and a selection of 255 specifies unlimited retries. See "ACK NAK Retry Count" on
page 223 for more detailed programming instructions.

$CR2AR To configure this feature, scan the ENTER/EXIT bar

code above, then the bar code at left followed by dig-
its from the Alphanumeric characters in Appendix D,
Keypad representing your desired character(s). End
Select ACK NAK Retry Count Setting by scanning the ENTER/EXIT bar code again.

Make a mistake? Scan the CANCEL bar code to abort
and not save the entry string. You can then start
again at the beginning.

DEFAULT 003 = 3 Retries

28 Cobalto™ CO5300 Scanner

ACK NAK Options Enter/Exit Programming Mode

ACK NAK Error Handling

This feature specifies the method the scanner uses to handle receive errors detected while
waiting for an ACK character from the host.
Options are:

• Ignore errors detected

• Process error as valid ACK character

• Process error as valid NAK character


ACK NAK Error Handling = Ignore Errors Detected

ACK NAK Error Handling = Process Error as Valid ACK


ACK NAK Error Handling = Process Error as

Valid NAK Character

Product Reference Guide 29

Enter/Exit Programming Mode Indicate Transmission Failure

Indicate Transmission Failure

This option enables/disables the scanner’s ability to sound an error beep to indicate a
transmission failure while in ACK/NAK mode.


Indicate Transmission Failure = Disable Indication


Indicate Transmission Failure = Enable Indication

Disable Character
Specifies the value of the RS-232 host command used to disable the scanner.
ASCII characters or any hex value from 0 to 0xFF can be selected. See "Disable Character" on
page 224 for more detailed programming instructions.

Setting to previously defined characters such as XON, XOFF, or host

commands conflicts with normal operation of these characters.


Select Disable Character Setting

DEFAULT 0x44 = Disable Character is ‘D’

30 Cobalto™ CO5300 Scanner

Enable Character Enter/Exit Programming Mode

Enable Character
Specifies the value of the RS-232 host command used to enable the scanner.
ASCII characters or any hex value from 0 to 0xFF can be selected. See "Enable Character" on
page 225 for more detailed programming instructions.

Setting to previously defined characters such as XON, XOFF, or host

commands conflicts with normal operation of these characters.


Select Enable Character Setting

DEFAULT 0x45 = Enable Character is ‘E’

Product Reference Guide 31

Enter/Exit Programming Mode Enable Character


32 Cobalto™ CO5300 Scanner

Country Mode Enter/Exit Programming Mode

Keyboard Interface
Use the programming bar codes in this chapter to select options for USB Keyboard and Wedge
Interfaces. Reference Appendix B, Standard Defaults for a listing of standard factory
settings. Information about control character emulation which applies to keyboard interfaces
is listed in Appendix E, Scancode Tables.

Country Mode
This feature specifies the country/language supported by the keyboard.
The Country Mode setting is ignored if the interface uses alternate key encoding.

Country Mode = U.S.

Country Mode = Belgium


Country Mode = Britain


Country Mode = Croatia


Country Mode = Czech Republic

Product Reference Guide 33

Enter/Exit Programming Mode Country Mode

Country Mode — continued


Country Mode = Denmark


Country Mode = France


Country Mode = Germany


Country Mode = Hungary


Country Mode = Italy


Country Mode = Japanese 106-key


Country Mode = Norway


Country Mode = Poland

34 Cobalto™ CO5300 Scanner

Country Mode Enter/Exit Programming Mode

Country Mode — continued


Country Mode = Portugal


Country Mode = Romania


Country Mode = Slovakia


Country Mode = Spain


Country Mode = Sweden


Country Mode = Switzerland


Country Mode = French Canadian


Country Mode = Lithuania

Product Reference Guide 35

Enter/Exit Programming Mode Caps Lock State

Caps Lock State

This option specifies the format in which the scanner sends character data. This applies to
Keyboard Wedge interfaces. This does not apply when an alternate key encoding keyboard is selected.
This does not apply to USB Keyboard.


Caps Lock State = Caps Lock OFF

Caps Lock State = Caps Lock ON


Caps Lock State = AUTO Caps Lock Enable

This option specifies the setting of the Numbers Lock (Numlock) key while in Keyboard Wedge
interface. This only applies to alternate key encoding interfaces. It does not apply to USB


Numlock = Numlock key unchanged

Numlock = Numlock key toggled

36 Cobalto™ CO5300 Scanner

Keyboard Numeric Keypad Enter/Exit Programming Mode

Keyboard Numeric Keypad

This feature specifies if numeric characters will be sent using the standard keys or the numeric


Keyboard Numeric Keypad = Standard Keys

Keyboard Numeric Keypad = Numeric Keypad

Product Reference Guide 37

Enter/Exit Programming Mode Keyboard Send Control Characters

Keyboard Send Control Characters

This feature is used by the Keyboard Wedge and USB Keyboard interfaces. It specifies how the
scanner transmits ASCII control characters to the host. Reference Appendix E, Scancode
Tables for more information about control characters.
Options are as follows:

Send Ctrl+Key — ASCII characters from 00H to 0x1FH inclusive are transmitted in the format
Ctrl+Key. Special keys are available in the range from 81H to A1.

Send Ctrl+Shift+Key — The behavior is the same as above, but control keys are sent in the
format Ctrl+Shift+Keys.

Send Special Function Key — Send characters between 00H and 1FH according to the special
function key mapping table (see Scancode Table 28 on page 273). This is used to send keys
that are not in the normal ASCII set. A unique set is provided for each available scancode set.


Keyboard Send Control Characters = Send Ctrl+Key

Keyboard Send Control Characters = Send Ctrl+Shift+Key


Keyboard Send Control Characters = Send Special

Function Key :

38 Cobalto™ CO5300 Scanner

Wedge Quiet Interval Enter/Exit Programming Mode

Wedge Quiet Interval

This option specifies the amount of time to look for keyboard activity before the scanner
breaks the keyboard connection in order to transmit data to host. The selectable range for this
feature is from 0 to 990ms in 10ms increments. See "Wedge Quiet Interval" on page 226 for
more detailed programming instructions.

This feature applies ONLY to the Keyboard Wedge interface.


$CKBQI To configure this feature, scan the ENTER/EXIT bar code

above, then the bar code at left followed by digits from the
Alphanumeric characters in Appendix D, Keypad repre-
senting your desired character(s). End by scanning the ENTER/
Select Wedge Quiet Interval Setting EXIT bar code again.

Make a mistake? Scan the CANCEL bar code to abort
and not save the entry string. You can then start
again at the beginning.

DEFAULT 10 = Quiet Interval of 100 ms

Product Reference Guide 39

Enter/Exit Programming Mode Intercharacter Delay

Intercharacter Delay
This parameter specifies the intercharacter delay between the end of one character and the
beginning of the next. The delay can be set within a range of zero (0) to 990 milliseconds in
10ms increments. A setting of zero specifies no delay. See "Intercharacter Delay" on
page 227 for more detailed programming instructions.


Intercharacter Delay = No Delay

$CR21C To configure this feature, scan the ENTER/EXIT bar code

above, then the bar code at left followed by digits from the
Alphanumeric characters in Appendix D, Keypad repre-
senting your desired character(s). End by scanning the ENTER/
Select Intercharacter Delay Setting EXIT bar code again.

Make a mistake? Scan the CANCEL bar code to abort
and not save the entry string. You can then start
again at the beginning.

DEFAULT 00 = No Intercharacter Delay

40 Cobalto™ CO5300 Scanner

Intercode Delay Enter/Exit Programming Mode

Intercode Delay
Specifies the delay between labels transmitted to the host for this interface. The selectable
range for this feature is from 0 to 99 seconds. See "Intercode Delay" on page 228 for more
detailed programming instructions.

$CKBID To configure this feature, scan the ENTER/EXIT bar code

above, then the bar code at left followed by digits from the
Alphanumeric characters in Appendix D, Keypad repre-
senting your desired character(s). End by scanning the ENTER/
Set Intercode Delay EXIT bar code again.

Make a mistake? Scan the CANCEL bar code to abort
and not save the entry string. You can then start
again at the beginning.

DEFAULT 00 = No Wedge Intercode Delay

Product Reference Guide 41

Enter/Exit Programming Mode USB Keyboard Speed

USB Keyboard Speed

This option specifies the USB poll rate for a USB Keyboard.

This feature applies ONLY to the USB Keyboard interface.



USB Keyboard Speed = 1ms

USB Keyboard Speed = 2ms


USB Keyboard Speed = 3ms


USB Keyboard Speed = 5ms


USB Keyboard Speed = 7ms


USB Keyboard Speed = 10ms

42 Cobalto™ CO5300 Scanner

USB-OEM Interface
Feature settings for USB interfaces differ depending upon which host type the scanner will be
connected with. Use the feature settings in this chapter to specifically configure for the USB-
OEM interface. Other USB interfaces are included in the appropriate chapter for their host

Standard Factory Settings

Reference Appendix B, Standard Defaults for a listing of standard factory settings.

Product Reference Guide 43

Enter/Exit Programming Mode USB-OEM Device Usage

USB-OEM Device Usage

The USB-OEM protocol allows for the scanner to be identified as one of two different types of
bar code scanners. Depending on what other scanners you may already have connected to a
USB-OEM POS, you may need to change this setting to enable all devices to communicate.
Options are:
• Table Top Scanner
• Handheld Scanner

It may be necessary to switch device usage when connecting two

scanners of the same type to a POS system.


USB-OEM Device Usage = Table Top Scanner


USB-OEM Device Usage = Handheld Scanner

USB-OEM Interface Options

This setting provides for an interface specific control mechanism.
Options are:
• Obey — Obey Scanner Configuration Host Commands
• Ignore — Ignore Scanner Configuration Host Commands


USB-OEM Interface Options = Obey


USB-OEM Interface Options = Ignore

44 Cobalto™ CO5300 Scanner

Data Format


GLOBAL AIM ID on page 47
LABEL ID starting on page 48
•Label ID: Pre-loaded Sets
•Label ID: Set Individually Per Symbology
•Label ID Control
•Label ID Symbology Selection



The features in this chapter can be used to build specific user-defined data into a message
string. See "References" starting on page 217 for more detailed instructions on setting these

Product Reference Guide 45

Enter/Exit Programming Mode Global Prefix/Suffix

Global Prefix/Suffix
Up to 20 ASCII characters may be added as a prefix (in a position before the bar code data) and/
or as a suffix (in a position following the bar code data). See "Global Prefix/Suffix" on
page 229 for more detailed programming instructions.

To configure this feature, scan the ENTER/EXIT bar code above,
then the bar code at left followed by digits from the Alphanu-
meric characters in Appendix D, Keypad representing your
desired character(s). End by scanning the ENTER/EXIT bar code
Set Global Prefix
To configure this feature, scan the ENTER/EXIT bar code above,
then the bar code at left followed by digits from the Alphanu-
meric characters in Appendix D, Keypad representing your
desired character(s). End by scanning the ENTER/EXIT bar code
Set Global Suffix
Make a mistake? Scan the CANCEL bar code to abort
and not save the entry string. You can then start again
at the beginning.

DEFAULT No Global Prefix

Global Suffix = 0x0D(CR)

46 Cobalto™ CO5300 Scanner

Global AIM ID Enter/Exit Programming Mode

Global AIM ID

This feature enables/disables addition of AIM IDs for all symbology

AIM label identifiers (as opposed to custom characters you select yourself as with label
identifiers) can be included with scanned bar code data. See "Global AIM ID" on page 231 for
more detailed programming instructions.


Global AIM ID = Disable

Global AIM ID = Enable

GS1-128 AIM ID
If Global AIM ID is disabled, the AIM ID for GS1-128 can be enabled/disabled independently.
The AIM ID for GS1-128 is a ]C1, ]C2 or ]C3.
AIM IDs for other symbologies can be enabled/disabled independently as well. Contact
Customer Support for assistance.


GS1-128 AIM ID = Disable


GS1-128 AIM ID = Enable

Product Reference Guide 47

Enter/Exit Programming Mode Label ID

Label ID
A Label ID is a customizable code of up to three ASCII characters (each can be one of hex 0x01-
0xFF), used to identify a bar code (symbology) type. It can be appended previous to or following
the transmitted bar code data depending upon how this option is enabled. This feature
provides options for configuring custom Label IDs as a pre-loaded set (see "Label ID: Pre-
loaded Sets" on page 48) or individually per symbology (see "Label ID: Set Individually Per
Symbology" on page 49). If you wish to program the scanner to always include an industry
standard label identifier for ALL symbology types, see the previous feature "Global AIM ID" on
page 47.

Label ID: Pre-loaded Sets

The scanner supports two pre-loaded sets of Label IDs. shows the USA set and the EU set.
See "Label ID: Pre-loaded Sets" on page 232 for more information concerning the pre-loaded
sets that are provided.

When changing from one Label ID set to another, all other scanner configura-
tion settings, including the host interface type, will be erased and set to the
factory defaults. Any custom configuration or custom defaults will be lost.


Label ID Pre-loaded Set = USA Set

Label ID Pre-loaded Set = EU Set

48 Cobalto™ CO5300 Scanner

Label ID Enter/Exit Programming Mode

Label ID: Set Individually Per Symbology

This feature configures a Label ID individually for a single symbology.

This setting requires the scanning of bar codes from multiple sec-
tions. See "Label ID: Set Individually Per Symbology" on
page 234 for more detailed programming instructions.

Label ID Control
This option controls whether a Label ID is disabled, or sent as a prefix or suffix for a given
symbology type.


Label ID Transmission = Disable

Label ID Transmission = Enable as Prefix


Label ID Transmission = Enable as Suffix

Make a mistake? Scan the CANCEL bar code to abort
and not save the entry string. You can then start again
at the beginning.

Product Reference Guide 49

Enter/Exit Programming Mode Label ID

Label ID Symbology Selection

This option selects the symbology for which a Label ID is to be configured. See "Label ID: Set
Individually Per Symbology" on page 234 for full instructions.


Set UPC-A Label ID Character(s)


Set UPC-A/P2 Label ID Character(s)


Set UPC-A/P5 Label ID Character(s)


Set UPC-E Label ID Character(s)


Set UPC-E/P2 Label ID Character(s)


Set UPC-E/P5 Label ID Character(s)

50 Cobalto™ CO5300 Scanner

Label ID Enter/Exit Programming Mode

Label ID Symbology Selection — continued


Set EAN 13 Label ID Character(s)


Set EAN 13/P2 Label ID Character(s)


Set EAN 13/P5 Label ID Character(s)


Set EAN 8 Label ID Character(s)


Set EAN 8/P2 Label ID Character(s)


Set EAN 8/P5 Label ID Character(s)

Product Reference Guide 51

Enter/Exit Programming Mode Label ID

Label ID Symbology Selection — continued


Set GS1 DataBar Omnidirectional Label ID Character(s)


Set GS1 DataBar Expanded Label ID Character(s)


Set GS1 DataBar Limited Label ID Character(s)


Set Code 39 Label ID Character(s)


Set Code 32 Label ID Character(s)


Set Code 39 CIP Label ID Character(s)

52 Cobalto™ CO5300 Scanner

Label ID Enter/Exit Programming Mode

Label ID Symbology Selection — continued


Set Code 128 Label ID Character(s)


Set GS1-128 Label ID Character(s)


Set Interleaved 2 of 5 Label ID Character(s)


Set Interleaved 2 of 5 CIP HR Label ID Character(s)


Set Datalogic 2 of 5 CIP HR Label ID Character(s)


Set Codabar Label ID Character(s)


Set ABC Codabar Label ID Character(s)

Product Reference Guide 53

Enter/Exit Programming Mode Label ID

Label ID Symbology Selection — continued


Set Code 11 Label ID Character(s)


Set Standard 2 of 5 Label ID Character(s)


Set Industrial 2 of 5 Label ID Character(s)


Set ISSN Label ID Character(s)


Set IATA Label ID Character(s)


Set Concatenated ISBT 128 Label ID Character(s)


Set MSI Label ID Character(s)


Set Code 93 Label ID Character(s)

54 Cobalto™ CO5300 Scanner

Label ID Enter/Exit Programming Mode

Label ID Symbology Selection — continued


Set Codablock F Label ID Character(s)


Set Code 4 Label ID Character(s)


Set Code 5 $
Label ID Character(s)

Set Follett 2 of$5 Label ID Character(s)


Set ISBN Label ID Character(s)

Set Concatenated ISBT Label ID Character(s)

Product Reference Guide 55

Enter/Exit Programming Mode Case Conversion

Case Conversion
This feature allows conversion of the case of all alphabetic characters to upper or lower case.

Case conversion affects ONLY scanned bar code data, and does not
affect Label ID, Prefix, Suffix, or other appended data.


Case Conversion = Disable (no case conversion)

Case Conversion = Convert to upper case


Case Conversion = Convert to lower case

Character Conversion
Character conversion is an eight byte configuration item. The eight bytes are 4 character pairs
represented in hexadecimal ASCII values. The first character in the pair is the character that
will be converted. The second character in the pair is the character to convert to. If the
character to convert in a pair is FF, then no conversion is done. See "Character Conversion"
on page 236 for more detailed programming instructions.


Configure Character Conversion

DEFAULT o character conversion)

56 Cobalto™ CO5300 Scanner

Reading Parameters
page 68

on page 70
page 61
SCAN on page 65
AUDIO JINGLE ENABLE on page 67 SCAN MODES on page 78

Product Reference Guide 57

Enter/Exit Programming Mode Double Read Timeout

Double Read Timeout

To prevent a double read of the same label, the Double Read Timeout sets the minimum time
allowed between reads of labels of the same symbology and data. If the unit reads a label and
sees the same label again within the Double Read Timeout, the second read of the label will be
ignored. Double Read Timeout does not apply to scan modes that require a trigger pull for each
label that is read.


Double Read Timeout = 0.1 Second


Double Read Timeout = 0.2 Second


Double Read Timeout = 0.3 Second


Double Read Timeout = 0.4 Second

58 Cobalto™ CO5300 Scanner

Double Read Timeout Enter/Exit Programming Mode

Double Read Timeout — continued


Double Read Timeout = 0.5 Second


Double Read Timeout = 0.6 Second


Double Read Timeout = 0.7 Second


Double Read Timeout = 0.8 Second


Double Read Timeout = 0.9 Second


Double Read Timeout = 1 Second

Product Reference Guide 59

Enter/Exit Programming Mode Label Gone Timeout

Label Gone Timeout

This feature sets the time after the last label segment is seen before the scanner prepares for
a new label. The timeout can be set within a range of 10 milliseconds to 2,550 milliseconds
(2.55 seconds) in 10ms increments. Label Gone Timeout does not apply to scan modes that
require a trigger pull for each label that is read. See Label Gone Timeout on page 237 for
more detailed programming instructions.

$CSNLG To configure this feature, scan the ENTER/EXIT bar

code above, then the bar code at left followed by dig-
its from the Alphanumeric characters in Appendix D,
Keypad representing your desired character(s). End
Select Label Gone Timeout Setting by scanning the ENTER/EXIT bar code again.

Make a mistake? Scan the CANCEL bar code to abort
and not save the entry string. You can then start
again at the beginning.

DEFAULT 016 = Timeout of 160 ms

60 Cobalto™ CO5300 Scanner

Timeout: Enter Low Power State Enter/Exit Programming Mode

Timeout: Enter Low Power State

Specifies the Low Power timeout in minutes.
Upon having been inactive for this period of time, the scanner will enter a Low Power state
where it is running at a limited speed, but is still able to decode.

When this feature is set as Disabled, the scanner will never enter this state.


To exit this state, either press the button on the top of the scanner or read a label.

If the feature Touch Button Option has been set to “Disabled,” the button
will not trigger single line scanning and the scanner will never enter low
power state and standby state.


Enter Low Power Timeout = Disabled


Enter Low Power Timeout = 1 Minute


Enter Low Power Timeout = 2 Minutes


Enter Low Power Timeout = 3 Minutes


Enter Low Power Timeout = 5 Minutes

Product Reference Guide 61

Enter/Exit Programming Mode Timeout: Enter Low Power State

Timeout: Enter Low Power State — continued


Enter Low Power Timeout = 7 Minutes


Enter Low Power Timeout = 10 Minutes


Enter Low Power Timeout = 15 Minutes


Enter Low Power Timeout = 20 Minutes


Enter Low Power Timeout = 30 Minutes


Enter Low Power Timeout = 60 Minutes


Enter Low Power Timeout = 90 Minutes

62 Cobalto™ CO5300 Scanner

Timeout: Enter Standby State Enter/Exit Programming Mode

Timeout: Enter Standby State

Specifies the standby timeout in minutes.
Upon having been in Low Power state (see page 61) for this period of time, the scanner will
enter a Standby state where the laser and motor are turned off and the scanner is not able to
decode a label.
When this feature is set as Disabled, the scanner will never enter this state.
The standby timer starts only after the low power timeout has elapsed.
If you wish the scanner motor and laser to completely power off after 10 minutes,
NOTE you must be sure that the timeout periods for low power and standby total 10

To exit this state, press the button on the top of the scanner.

If the feature Touch Button Option has been set to “Disabled,” the button
will not trigger single line scanning and the scanner will never enter low
power state and standby state.


Enter Standby Timeout = Disabled


Enter Standby Timeout = 1 Minute


Enter Standby Timeout = 2 Minutes


Enter Standby Timeout = 3 Minutes


Enter Standby Timeout = 5 Minutes

Product Reference Guide 63

Enter/Exit Programming Mode Timeout: Enter Standby State

Timeout: Enter Standby State — continued


Enter Standby Timeout = 7 Minutes


Enter Standby Timeout = 10 Minutes


Enter Standby Timeout = 15 Minutes


Enter Standby Timeout = 20 Minutes


Enter Standby Timeout = 30 Minutes


Enter Standby Timeout = 60 Minutes


Enter Standby Timeout = 90 Minutes

64 Cobalto™ CO5300 Scanner

Timeout: Laser Off After Single Line Scan Enter/Exit Programming Mode

Timeout: Laser Off After Single Line Scan

As described earlier (see Capacitive Touch Button on page 2), pressing the top button can
cause the scanner to enter single scan line operation, allowing the scanner to more easily
target and read truncated bar codes, or aim at a single label from amongst multiple bar codes.
This timeout defines the duration of time before the laser is turned off after the button
(trigger) is released.


Laser Off After Single Line Timeout = Don’t turn off
the Laser


Laser Off After Single Line Timeout = Off after

1 Second


Laser Off After Single Line Timeout = Off after

2 Seconds


Laser Off After Single Line Timeout = Off after

3 Seconds


Laser Off After Single Line Timeout = Off after

5 Seconds


Laser Off After Single Line Timeout = Off after

8 Seconds

Product Reference Guide 65

Enter/Exit Programming Mode Touch Button Option

Touch Button Option

The capacitive touch button can optionally be disabled so that the scanner will not generate a
single line when the button is pressed. With the button disabled, it is not possible to wake up
the scanner, so low power state and standby state are automatically disabled. This means the
scanner will not go to sleep.
When this option is enabled (this is the default choice) the scanner will behave normally. When
the button is pressed, the scanner enters single scan line mode or wakes the scanner up if it is
currently asleep.


Touch Button Option = Disable Touch Button


Touch Button Option = Enable Touch Button

LED and Speaker Indicators

Power On Alert
Disables or enables the indication (from the Speaker) that the scanner is receiving power.


Power On Alert = Disable (No Audible Indication)


Power On Alert = Power-up Beep

66 Cobalto™ CO5300 Scanner

Audio Jingle Enable Enter/Exit Programming Mode

Audio Jingle Enable

This option determines whether the scanner will sound predefined “Jingles1” or traditional
beep sounds to indicate good read and power-up events.
See the following two parameters (starting on page 68) to select which preloaded Jingle to
sound upon power-up or good read events.


Audio Jingle = Disable (Use traditional beep sounds)


Audio Jingle = Enable Jingles

1. A “Jingle” is a short, user-defined tune uploaded via Datalogic Aladdin™ configuration software.

Product Reference Guide 67

Enter/Exit Programming Mode Select Audio Jingle for Power-up Event

Select Audio Jingle for Power-up Event

This parameter selects which preloaded Jingle1 to use in indicating scanner power-up.

The previous option, Audio Jingle Enable, must be enabled for this selection
to take effect.
After uploading up to fifteen (15) Jingles to the scanner using the AladdinTM configuration
utility, use this setting to designate which of the Jingles (1-15) or the built-in Jingle will be
sounded to indicate scanner power-up. The built-in Jingle for power-up is Dialtone.wav.


Audio Jingle on Power-up = Use built-in power-up Jingle


Audio Jingle on Power-up = Jingle #1


Audio Jingle on Power-up = Jingle #2


Audio Jingle on Power-up = Jingle #3


Audio Jingle on Power-up = Jingle #4


Audio Jingle on Power-up = Jingle #5

1. A “Jingle” is a short, user-defined tune uploaded via Datalogic Aladdin™ configuration software.

68 Cobalto™ CO5300 Scanner

Select Audio Jingle for Power-up Event Enter/Exit Programming Mode

Select Audio Jingle for Power-up Event — cont.


Audio Jingle on Power-up = Jingle #6


Audio Jingle on Power-up = Jingle #7


Audio Jingle on Power-up = Jingle #8


Audio Jingle on Power-up = Jingle #9


Audio Jingle on Power-up = Jingle #10


Audio Jingle on Power-up = Jingle #11


Audio Jingle on Power-up = Jingle #12

Product Reference Guide 69

Enter/Exit Programming Mode Select Audio Jingle for Good Read Event

Select Audio Jingle for Power-up Event — cont.


Audio Jingle on Power-up = Jingle #13


Audio Jingle on Power-up = Jingle #14


Audio Jingle on Power-up = Jingle #15

Select Audio Jingle for Good Read Event

This parameter selects which preloaded Jingle1 to use in indicating a good read event.

The previous option, Audio Jingle Enable on page 67, must be enabled for
this selection to take effect.

After uploading up to fifteen (15) Jingles to the scanner using the AladdinTM configuration
utility, use this setting to designate which of the Jingles (1-15) will be sounded when the
scanner performs a good read.


Audio Jingle on Good Read = Use built-in Good Read
Jingle (Shutter.wav)


Audio Jingle on Good Read = Jingle #1

1. A “Jingle” is a short, user-defined tune uploaded via Datalogic Aladdin™ configuration software.

70 Cobalto™ CO5300 Scanner

Select Audio Jingle for Good Read Event Enter/Exit Programming Mode

Select Audio Jingle for Good Read Event — cont.


Audio Jingle on Good Read = Jingle #2


Audio Jingle on Good Read = Jingle #3


Audio Jingle on Good Read = Jingle #4


Audio Jingle on Good Read = Jingle #5


Audio Jingle on Good Read = Jingle #6


Audio Jingle on Good Read = Jingle #7


Audio Jingle on Good Read = Jingle #8

Product Reference Guide 71

Enter/Exit Programming Mode Select Audio Jingle for Good Read Event

Select Audio Jingle for Good Read Event — cont.


Audio Jingle on Good Read = Jingle #9


Audio Jingle on Good Read = Jingle #10


Audio Jingle on Good Read = Jingle #11


Audio Jingle on Good Read = Jingle #12


Audio Jingle on Good Read = Jingle #13


Audio Jingle on Good Read = Jingle #14


Audio Jingle on Good Read = Jingle #15

72 Cobalto™ CO5300 Scanner

Select Audio Jingle for Good Read Event Enter/Exit Programming Mode

Good Read: When to Indicate

This feature specifies when the scanner will provide indication (beep or Jingle and/or LED)
upon successfully reading a bar code. Choices are:
• Good Read = Indicate after decode
• Good Read = Indicate after transmit
• Good Read = Indicate after CTS goes inactive, then active

This option, which uses CTS, is only valid for RS-232 interfaces.



Indicate Good Read = After Decode


Indicate Good Read = After Transmit


Indicate Good Read = After CTS Goes Inactive, Then


Product Reference Guide 73

Enter/Exit Programming Mode Select Audio Jingle for Good Read Event

Good Read Beep Type

Specifies whether the good read beep has a mono or bitonal beep sound.


Good Read Beep Type = Mono


Good Read Beep Type = Bitonal

Good Read Beep Frequency

Adjusts the good read beep to sound at a selectable low, medium or high frequency, selectable
from the list below. (Controls the speaker’s pitch/tone.)


Good Read Beep Frequency = Low


Good Read Beep Frequency = Medium


Good Read Beep Frequency = High

74 Cobalto™ CO5300 Scanner

Select Audio Jingle for Good Read Event Enter/Exit Programming Mode

Good Read Speaker Volume

Selects the speaker volume (loudness) upon a good read Jingle or beep. There are three
selectable volume levels.


Good Read Speaker Volume = Speaker Off


Good Read Speaker Volume = Low


Good Read Speaker Volume = Medium


Good Read Speaker Volume = High

Product Reference Guide 75

Enter/Exit Programming Mode Select Audio Jingle for Good Read Event

Good Read Beep Length

Specifies the duration of a good read beep.


Good Read Beep Length = 60 msec


Good Read Beep Length = 80 msec


Good Read Beep Length = 100 msec


Good Read Beep Length = 120 msec


Good Read Beep Length = 140 msec


Good Read Beep Length = 160 msec

76 Cobalto™ CO5300 Scanner

Select Audio Jingle for Good Read Event

Good Read Beep Length — continued


Good Read Beep Length = 180 msec


Good Read Beep Length = 200 msec

Good Read LED Duration

This feature specifies the amount of time that the Good Read LED remains on following a good
read. The good read LED on time can be set within a range of 0.1 to 25.5 seconds in 100ms
increments. See Good Read LED Duration on page 238 for more detailed programming

$CLAGL To configure this feature, scan the ENTER/EXIT bar

code above, then the bar code at left followed by dig-
its from the Alphanumeric characters in Appendix D,
Keypad representing your desired character(s). End
Select Good Read LED Duration Setting by scanning the ENTER/EXIT bar code again.

Make a mistake? Scan the CANCEL bar code to abort
and not save the entry string. You can then start
again at the beginning.

020 = Good Read LED stays on

DEFAULT for 2 seconds.

Indicators are dimmed during sleep.


Product Reference Guide 77

Scanning Features

Scan Modes

Raster Mode
Normally, the scanner operates in an omnidirectional ”raster” mode, simultaneously projecting
20 lines which form an omnidirectional scan pattern used for 1D reading functions.

Single Scan Line Mode

When the scanner’s top Touch Button is actuated, the scanner enters single scan line
operation, allowing the scanner to more easily target and read truncated bar codes, or aim at a
single label from amongst multiple bar codes as an ordinary handheld scanner would do. The
top green LED will change to red as the user touches the top green button. For example, it is
recommended to use single line operation to read the programming bar codes presented in
this manual.

78 Cobalto™ CO5300 Scanner

The scanner supports the following symbologies (bar code types). Options for each symbology
are included in this chapter.

• UPC-A • Datalogic 2 of 5
• UPC-E • Codabar
• EAN 13 • ABC Codabar
• EAN 13 (JAN 13) • Code 11
• EAN 8 (JAN 8) • Standard 2 of 5
• Add-Ons • Industrial 2 of 5
• GS1 DataBarTM Omnidirectional • IATA
• GS1 DataBarTM Expanded • ISBT 128
• GS1 DataBarTM Limited • MSI
• Code 39 • Code 93
• Code 32 (Italian Pharmaceutical) • Codablock F
• Code 39 CIP (French Pharmaceutical) • Code 4
• Code 128 • Code 5
• GS1-128 • Follett 2 of 5
• Interleaved 2 of 5 (I 2 of 5) • BC412
• Interleaved 2 of 5 CIP HR • Plessey

Standard Factory Settings for Symbologies

Default settings are indicated at each feature/option with a green arrow. Also reference
Appendix B, Standard Defaults for a listing of the most widely used set of standard factory
settings. That section also provides space to record any custom settings needed or
implemented for your system.

Product Reference Guide 79

Enter/Exit Programming Mode Disable All Symbologies

Disable All Symbologies

Scan this label to disable all symbologies.


Disable all symbologies

Coupon Control
This feature is used to control the method of processing coupon labels.
Options are:
• Allow all — allow all coupon bar codes to be decoded
• Enable only UPC/EAN — enables only UPC/EAN coupon decoding
• Enable only GS1 DataBar — enables only GS1 DataBar coupon decoding
To set this feature:

1. Scan the Enter/Exit bar code.

2. Scan either the enable or disable bar code below. You’ll need to cover any unused bar
codes on this and the facing page to ensure that the scanner sees only the bar code you
intend to scan.

3. Complete the programming sequence by scanning the Enter/Exit bar code.


Coupon Control = Allow all


Coupon Control = Enable only UPC/EAN

Coupon Control = Enable only GS1 DataBar

80 Cobalto™ CO5300 Scanner

UPC-A Enter/Exit Programming Mode

The following options apply to the UPC-A symbology.

UPC-A Enable/Disable
When disabled, the scanner will not read UPC-A bar codes.


UPC-A = Disable

UPC-A = Enable

UPC-A Check Character Transmission

Enable this option to transmit the check character along with UPC-A bar code data.


UPC-A Check Character Transmission = Don’t Send


UPC-A Check Character Transmission = Send

Product Reference Guide 81

Enter/Exit Programming Mode UPC-A

Expand UPC-A to EAN-13

Expands UPC-A data to the EAN-13 data format. Selecting this feature also changes the
symbology ID to match those required for EAN-13.


UPC-A to EAN-13 = Don’t Expand

UPC-A to EAN-13 = Expand

UPC-A Number System Character Transmission

This feature enables/disables transmission of the UPC-A number system character.


UPC-A Number System Character = Do not transmit


UPC-A Number System Character = Transmit

82 Cobalto™ CO5300 Scanner

UPC-A Enter/Exit Programming Mode

In-Store Minimum Reads

This feature specifies the minimum number of consecutive times an in-store label must be
decoded before it is accepted as good read.

In-store labels are defined as UPC-A labels with a number-system character of 2 or 4 as well
as EAN 8 and EAN 13 labels with a Flag1 character of 2 or an EAN 13 label starting with the
three characters '980'.


In-Store Minimum Reads = 1


In-Store Minimum Reads = 2

In-Store Minimum Reads = 3


In-Store Minimum Reads = 4

Product Reference Guide 83

Enter/Exit Programming Mode UPC-E

The following options apply to the UPC-E symbology.

UPC-E Enable/Disable
When disabled, the scanner will not read UPC-E bar codes.


UPC-E = Disable

UPC-E = Enable

UPC-E Check Character Transmission

Enable this option to transmit the check character along with UPC-E bar code data.


UPC-E Check Character Transmission = Don’t Send


UPC-E Check Character Transmission = Send

84 Cobalto™ CO5300 Scanner

UPC-E Enter/Exit Programming Mode

Expand UPC-E to EAN-13

Expands UPC-E data to the EAN-13 data format. Selecting this feature also changes the
symbology ID to match those required for EAN-13.


UPC-E to EAN-13 = Don’t Expand

UPC-E to EAN-13 = Expand

Expand UPC-E to UPC-A

Expands UPC-E data to the UPC-A data format.


UPC-E to UPC-A = Don’t Expand

UPC-E to UPC-A = Expand

Product Reference Guide 85

Enter/Exit Programming Mode UPC-E

UPC-E Number System Character Transmission

This feature enables/disables transmission of the UPC-E system number character.


UPC-E Number System Character = Do not transmit


UPC-E Number System Character = Transmit

UPC-E Minimum Read

This feature specifies the minimum number of consecutive times a UPC-E label must be
decoded before it is accepted as good read.


UPC-E Minimum Reads = 1


UPC-E Minimum Reads = 2

UPC-E Minimum Reads = 3


UPC-E Minimum Reads = 4

86 Cobalto™ CO5300 Scanner

EAN 13 Enter/Exit Programming Mode

EAN 13
The following options apply to the EAN 13 (Jan 13) symbology.

EAN 13 Enable/Disable
When disabled, the scanner will not read EAN 13/JAN 13 bar codes.


EAN 13 = Disable

EAN 13 = Enable

EAN 13 Check Character Transmission

Enable this option to transmit the check character along with EAN 13 bar code data.


EAN 13 Check Character Transmission = Don’t Send


EAN 13 Check Character Transmission = Send

Product Reference Guide 87

Enter/Exit Programming Mode EAN 13

EAN-13 Flag 1 Character

Enables/disables transmission of an EAN/JAN13 Flag1 character. The Flag 1 character is the
first character of the label.


EAN-13 Flag 1 Char= Don’t transmit


EAN-13 Flag 1 Char= Transmit

EAN-13 ISBN Conversion

This option enables/disables conversion of EAN 13/JAN 13 Bookland labels starting with 978
to ISBN labels.


EAN-13 ISBN Conversion = Disable

EAN-13 ISBN Conversion = Convert to ISBN

88 Cobalto™ CO5300 Scanner

EAN 13 Enter/Exit Programming Mode

ISSN Enable/Disable
Enables/disables conversion of EAN/JAN13 Bookland labels starting with 977 to ISSN labels.


ISSN = Disable

ISSN = Enable

EAN 13 Minimum Reads

This feature specifies the minimum number of consecutive times an EAN 13 label must be
decoded before it is accepted as good read.


EAN 13 Minimum Reads = 1

EAN 13 Minimum Reads = 2


EAN 13 Minimum Reads = 3


EAN 13 Minimum Reads = 4

Product Reference Guide 89

Enter/Exit Programming Mode EAN 8

The following options apply to the EAN 8 (Jan 8) symbology.

EAN 8 Enable/Disable
When disabled, the scanner will not read EAN 8/JAN 8 bar codes.


EAN 8 = Disable

EAN 8 = Enable

EAN 8 Check Character Transmission

Enable this option to transmit the check character along with EAN 8 bar code data.


EAN 8 Check Character Transmission = Don’t Send


EAN 8 Check Character Transmission = Send

90 Cobalto™ CO5300 Scanner

EAN 8 Enter/Exit Programming Mode

Expand EAN 8 to EAN 13

Enable this option to expand EAN 8/JAN 8 labels to EAN 13/JAN 13.


Expand EAN 8 to EAN 13 = Disable

Expand EAN 8 to EAN 13 = Enable

EAN 8 Minimum Reads

This feature specifies the minimum number of consecutive times an EAN 8 (Jan 8) label must
be decoded before it is accepted as good read.


EAN 8 Minimum Reads = 1

EAN 8 Minimum Reads = 2


EAN 8 Minimum Reads = 3


EAN 8 Minimum Reads = 4

Product Reference Guide 91

Enter/Exit Programming Mode UPC/EAN Global Settings

UPC/EAN Global Settings

This section provides configuration settings for UPC-A, UPC-E, EAN 13 and EAN 8 symbologies,
and affects all of these unless otherwise marked for each feature description.

UPC/EAN Decoding Level

Decoding Levels are used to configure a bar code symbology decoder to be very aggressive to
very conservative depending on a particular customer’s needs. See "Decoding Levels" on
page 239 for more detailed programming instructions.


UPC/EAN Decoding Level = 1


UPC/EAN Decoding Level = 2


UPC/EAN Decoding Level = 3

UPC/EAN Decoding Level = 4


UPC/EAN Decoding Level = 5

92 Cobalto™ CO5300 Scanner

UPC/EAN Global Settings Enter/Exit Programming Mode

UPC/EAN Price Weight Check

This feature enables/disables calculation and verification of price/weight check digits.
Options are
• Disabled
• Enable 4-digit price-weight check-digit calculation
• Enable 5-digit price-weight check-digit calculation
• Enable European 4-digit price-weight check-digit calculation
• Enable European 5-digit price-weight check-digit calculation


Price Weight Check = Disabled


Price Weight Check = 4-digit price-weight check


Price Weight Check = 5-digit price-weight check


Price Weight Check = European 4-digit price-weight



Price Weight Check = European 5-digit price-weight


Product Reference Guide 93

Enter/Exit Programming Mode UPC/EAN Global Settings

UPC-A Minimum Reads

This feature specifies the minimum number of consecutive times a UPC-A label must be
decoded before it is accepted as good read.


UPC-A Minimum Reads = 1

UPC-A Minimum Reads = 2


UPC-A Minimum Reads = 3


UPC-A Minimum Reads = 4

94 Cobalto™ CO5300 Scanner

Add-Ons Enter/Exit Programming Mode

The following features apply to optional add-ons.

Contact Customer Support for advanced programming of optional

and conditional add-ons.

Optional Add-ons
The scanner can be enabled to optionally read the following add-ons (supplementals):
• P2
• P5
If a UPC/EAN base label and a an add-on are both decoded, the scan-
ner will transmit the base label and add-on. If a UPC/EAN base label
is decoded without an add-on, the base label will be transmitted
without an add-on.
Conditional add-on settings (if enabled) are considered by the scan-
ner before optional add-on settings.


Optional Add-Ons = Disable P2

Optional Add-Ons = Enable P2


Optional Add-Ons = Disable P5

Optional Add-Ons = Enable P5

Product Reference Guide 95

Enter/Exit Programming Mode Add-Ons

Optional Add-On Timer

This option sets the time the scanner will look for an add-on when an add-on fragment has
been seen and optional add-ons are enabled.


Optional Add-on Timer = 10ms


Optional Add-on Timer = 20ms


Optional Add-on Timer = 30ms


Optional Add-on Timer = 50ms


Optional Add-on Timer = 70ms

Optional Add-on Timer = 100ms


Optional Add-on Timer = 160ms

96 Cobalto™ CO5300 Scanner

Add-Ons Enter/Exit Programming Mode

P2 Add-Ons Minimum Reads

This feature specifies the minimum number of times a P2 add-on must be read before it is
marked as valid and then combined with a base label.


P2 Add-Ons Minimum Reads = 1


P2 Add-Ons Minimum Reads = 2

P2 Add-Ons Minimum Reads = 3


P2 Add-Ons Minimum Reads = 4

Product Reference Guide 97

Enter/Exit Programming Mode Add-Ons

P5 Add-Ons Minimum Reads

This feature specifies the minimum number of times a P5 add-on must be read before it is
marked as valid and then combined with a base label.


P5 Add-Ons Minimum Reads = 1

P5 Add-Ons Minimum Reads = 2


P5 Add-Ons Minimum Reads = 3


P5 Add-Ons Minimum Reads = 4

98 Cobalto™ CO5300 Scanner

GS1 DataBarTM Omnidirectional Enter/Exit Programming Mode

GS1 DataBarTM Omnidirectional

The following options apply to the GS1 DataBar Omnidirectional (formerly RSS-14) symbology.

GS1 DataBar Omnidirectional Enable/Disable

When disabled, the scanner will not read GS1 DataBar Omnidirectional bar codes.


GS1 DataBar Omnidirectional = Disable

GS1 DataBar Omnidirectional = Enable

GS1 DataBar Omnidirectional GS1-128 Emulation

When enabled, GS1 DataBar Omnidirectional bar codes will be translated to the GS1-128 label
data format.


GS1 DataBar Omnidirectional GS1-128 Emulation =

GS1 DataBar Omnidirectional GS1-128 Emulation =


Product Reference Guide 99

Enter/Exit Programming Mode GS1 DataBarTM Omnidirectional

GS1 DataBar Omnidirectional Minimum Reads

This feature specifies the minimum number of consecutive times a GS1 DataBar
Omnidirectional label must be decoded before it is accepted as good read.


GS1 DataBar Omnidirectional Minimum Reads = 1

GS1 DataBar Omnidirectional Minimum Reads = 2


GS1 DataBar Omnidirectional Minimum Reads = 3


GS1 DataBar Omnidirectional Minimum Reads = 4

100 Cobalto™ CO5300 Scanner

GS1 DataBarTM Expanded Enter/Exit Programming Mode

GS1 DataBar ExpandedTM

The following options apply to the GS1 DataBar Expanded (formerly RSS Expanded) symbology.

GS1 DataBar Expanded Enable/Disable

When disabled, the scanner will not read GS1 DataBar Expanded bar codes.


GS1 DataBar Expanded = Disable

GS1 DataBar Expanded = Enable

GS1 DataBar Expanded GS1-128 Emulation

When enabled, GS1 DataBar Expanded bar codes will be translated to the GS1-128 label data


GS1 DataBar Expanded GS1-128 Emulation = Disable

GS1 DataBar Expanded GS1-128 Emulation = Enable

Product Reference Guide 101

Enter/Exit Programming Mode GS1 DataBarTM Expanded

GS1 DataBar Expanded Minimum Reads

This feature specifies the minimum number of consecutive times a GS1 DataBar Expanded
label must be decoded before it is accepted as good read.


GS1 DataBar Expanded Minimum Reads = 1

GS1 DataBar Expanded Minimum Reads = 2


GS1 DataBar Expanded Minimum Reads = 3


GS1 DataBar Expanded Minimum Reads = 4

102 Cobalto™ CO5300 Scanner

GS1 DataBarTM Expanded Enter/Exit Programming Mode

GS1 DataBar Expanded Length Control

This feature specifies either variable length decoding or fixed length decoding for the GS1
DataBar Expanded symbology.

Variable Length — For variable-length decoding, a minimum length may be set.

Fixed Length — For fixed-length decoding, two different lengths may be set.


GS1 DataBar Expanded Length Control = Variable

GS1 DataBar Expanded Length Control = Fixed Length

GS1 DataBar Expanded Set Length 1

This feature specifies one of the bar code lengths for GS1 DataBar Expanded Length
Control. Length 1 is the minimum label length if in Variable Length Mode, or the first fixed
length if in Fixed Length Mode. Length includes the bar code’s data characters only.
The length can be set from 1 to 74 characters. See "Set Length 1" on page 239 for more
detailed programming instructions.

$CXBL1 To configure this feature, scan the ENTER/EXIT bar

code above, then the bar code at left followed by dig-
its from the Alphanumeric characters in Appendix D,
Keypad representing your desired character(s). End
Select GS1 DataBar Expanded Set Length 1 Setting by scanning the ENTER/EXIT bar code again.

Make a mistake? Scan the CANCEL bar code to abort
and not save the entry string. You can then start
again at the beginning.

DEFAULT 01 = Length 1 is 1 Character

Product Reference Guide 103

Enter/Exit Programming Mode GS1 DataBarTM Expanded

GS1 DataBar Expanded Set Length 2

This feature specifies one of the bar code lengths for GS1 DataBar Expanded Length
Control. Length 2 is the maximum label length if in Variable Length Mode, or the second
fixed length if in Fixed Length Mode. Length includes the bar code’s data characters only.
The length can be set from 1 to 74 characters. A setting of 00 specifies to ignore this length
(only one fixed length). See "Set Length 2" on page 241 for more detailed programming

$CXBL2 To configure this feature, scan the ENTER/EXIT bar

code above, then the bar code at left followed by dig-
its from the Alphanumeric characters in Appendix D,
Keypad representing your desired character(s). End
Select GS1 DataBar Expanded Set Length 2 Setting by scanning the ENTER/EXIT bar code again.

Make a mistake? Scan the CANCEL bar code to abort
and not save the entry string. You can then start
again at the beginning.

DEFAULT 74 = Length 2 is 74 Characters

104 Cobalto™ CO5300 Scanner

GS1 DataBarTM Limited Enter/Exit Programming Mode

GS1 DataBar Limited TM

The following options apply to the GS1 DataBar Limited (formerly RSS Limited) symbology.

GS1 DataBar Limited Enable/Disable

When disabled, the scanner will not read GS1 DataBar Limited bar codes.


GS1 DataBar Limited = Disable

GS1 DataBar Limited = Enable

GS1 DataBar Limited GS1-128 Emulation

When enabled, GS1 DataBar Limited bar codes will be translated to the GS1-128 label data


GS1 DataBar Limited GS1-128 Emulation = Disable

GS1 DataBar Limited GS1-128 Emulation = Enable

Product Reference Guide 105

Enter/Exit Programming Mode GS1 DataBarTM Limited

GS1 DataBar Limited Minimum Reads

This feature specifies the minimum number of consecutive times a GS1 DataBar Limited label
must be decoded before it is accepted as good read.


GS1 DataBar Limited Minimum Reads = 1

GS1 DataBar Limited Minimum Reads = 2


GS1 DataBar Limited Minimum Reads = 3


GS1 DataBar Limited Minimum Reads = 4

106 Cobalto™ CO5300 Scanner

Code 39 Enter/Exit Programming Mode

Code 39
The following options apply to the Code 39 symbology.

Code 39 Enable/Disable
When disabled, the scanner will not read Code 39 bar codes.


Code 39 = Disable

Code 39 = Enable

Product Reference Guide 107

Enter/Exit Programming Mode Code 39

Code 39 Check Character Calculation

Enable this option to enable/disable calculation and verification of an optional Code 39 check
character. When disabled, any check character in the label is treated as a data character.


Code 39 Check Character Calculation = Don’t Calculate

Code 39 Check Character Calculation = Calculate Std


Code 39 Check Character Calculation = Calculate Mod 7


Code 39 Check Character Calculation = Enable Italian

Post Check

Code 39 Check Character Calculation = Enable Daimler

Chrysler Check

108 Cobalto™ CO5300 Scanner

Code 39 Enter/Exit Programming Mode

Code 39 Check Character Transmission

Enable this option to transmit the check character along with Code 39 bar code data.


Code 39 Check Character Transmission = Don’t Send


Code 39 Check Character Transmission = Send

Code 39 Start/Stop Character Transmission

Enable this option to enable/disable transmission of Code 39 start and stop characters.


Code 39 Start/Stop Character Transmission = Don’t

Code 39 Start/Stop Character Transmission = Transmit

Product Reference Guide 109

Enter/Exit Programming Mode Code 39

Code 39 Full ASCII

In Code 39 decoding, this enables/disables the translation of Code 39 characters to Code 39
full-ASCII characters.


Code 39 Full ASCII = Disable

Code 39 Full ASCII = Enable

110 Cobalto™ CO5300 Scanner

Code 39 Enter/Exit Programming Mode

Code 39 Quiet Zones

This feature specifies the number of quiet zones for Code 39 labels. Quiet zones are blank
areas at the ends of a bar code and are typically 10 times the width of the narrowest bar or
space in the label.


Code 39 Quiet Zones = Quiet Zone on one side


Code 39 Quiet Zones = Quiet Zones on two sides


Code 39 Quiet Zones = Auto

Code 39 Quiet Zones = Virtual Quiet Zones on two


Code 39 Quiet Zones = Small Quiet Zones on two sides

Product Reference Guide 111

Enter/Exit Programming Mode Code 39

Code 39 Minimum Reads

This feature specifies the minimum number of consecutive times a Code 39 label must be
decoded before it is accepted as good read.


Code 39 Minimum Reads = 1


Code 39 Minimum Reads = 2

Code 39 Minimum Reads = 3


Code 39 Minimum Reads = 4

112 Cobalto™ CO5300 Scanner

Code 39 Enter/Exit Programming Mode

Code 39 Decoding Level

Decoding Levels are used to configure a bar code symbology decoder to be very aggressive to
very conservative depending on a particular customer’s needs. See "Decoding Levels" on
page 239 for more detailed programming instructions.


Code 39 Decoding Level = Disabled


Code 39 Decoding Level = 1


Code 39 Decoding Level = 2


Code 39 Decoding Level = 3

Code 39 Decoding Level = 4


Code 39 Decoding Level = 5

Product Reference Guide 113

Enter/Exit Programming Mode Code 39

Code 39 Length Control

This feature specifies either variable length decoding or fixed length decoding for the Code 39

Variable Length — For variable length decoding, a minimum and maximum length may be set.

Fixed Length — For fixed length decoding, two different lengths may be set.


Code 39 Length Control = Variable Length

Code 39 Length Control = Fixed Length

114 Cobalto™ CO5300 Scanner

Code 39 Enter/Exit Programming Mode

Code 39 Set Length 1

This feature specifies one of the bar code lengths for Code 39 Length Control. Length 1 is the
minimum label length if in Variable Length Mode, or the first fixed length if in Fixed Length
Mode. Length includes the bar code’s check, data, and full-ASCII shift characters. The length
does not include start/stop characters.
The length can be set from 0 to 50 characters. See "Set Length 1" on page 239 for more
detailed programming instructions.

$CC3L1 To configure this feature, scan the ENTER/EXIT bar

code above, then the bar code at left followed by dig-
its from the Alphanumeric characters in Appendix D,
Keypad representing your desired character(s). End
Select Code 39 Set Length 1 Setting by scanning the ENTER/EXIT bar code again.

Make a mistake? Scan the CANCEL bar code to abort
and not save the entry string. You can then start
again at the beginning.

DEFAULT 02 = Length 1 is 2 Characters

Product Reference Guide 115

Enter/Exit Programming Mode Code 39

Code 39 Set Length 2

This feature specifies one of the bar code lengths for Code 39 Length Control. Length 2 is the
maximum label length if in Variable Length Mode, or the second fixed length if in Fixed
Length Mode. Length includes the bar code’s check, data, and full-ASCII shift characters. The
length does not include start/stop characters.
The length can be set from 1 to 50 characters. A setting of 00 specifies to ignore this length
(only one fixed length). See "Set Length 2" on page 241 for more detailed programming

$CC3L2 To configure this feature, scan the ENTER/EXIT bar

code above, then the bar code at left followed by dig-
its from the Alphanumeric characters in Appendix D,
Keypad representing your desired character(s). End
Select Code 39 Length 2 Setting by scanning the ENTER/EXIT bar code again.

Make a mistake? Scan the CANCEL bar code to abort
and not save the entry string. You can then start
again at the beginning.

DEFAULT 50 = Length 2 is 50 Characters

116 Cobalto™ CO5300 Scanner

Code 39 Enter/Exit Programming Mode

Code 39 Interdigit Ratio

This feature specifies the ratio between an intercharacter space and module for Code 39


Code 39 Interdigit Ratio = Disable


Code 39 Interdigit Ratio = 1


Code 39 Interdigit Ratio = 2


Code 39 Interdigit Ratio = 3


Code 39 Interdigit Ratio = 4

Code 39 Interdigit Ratio = 5

Product Reference Guide 117

Enter/Exit Programming Mode Code 39

Code 39 Interdigit Ratio — cont.


Code 39 Interdigit Ratio = 6


Code 39 Interdigit Ratio = 7


Code 39 Interdigit Ratio = 8


Code 39 Interdigit Ratio = 9


Code 39 Interdigit Ratio = 10

118 Cobalto™ CO5300 Scanner

Code 32 (Italian Pharmaceutical) Enter/Exit Programming Mode

Code 39 Stitching
This option enables/disables stitching for Code 39 labels. When parts of a Code 39 bar code
are presented to the scanner with this feature enabled, the bar code parts will be assembled
by the scanner’s software, and the data will be decoded if all bar code proofing requirements
are met.


Code 39 Stitching = Disable


Code 39 Stitching = Enable

Code 32 (Italian Pharmaceutical)

The following options apply to the Code 32 symbology.

Code 32 Enable/Disable
When disabled, the scanner will not read Code 32 bar codes.


Code 32 = Disable

Code 32 = Enable

Product Reference Guide 119

Enter/Exit Programming Mode Code 32 (Italian Pharmaceutical)

Code 32 Feature Setting Exceptions

The following features are set for Code 32 by using these Code 39 settings:

"Code 39 Quiet Zones" on page 111

"Code 39 Minimum Reads" on page 112
"Code 39 Decoding Level" on page 113
"Code 39 Interdigit Ratio" on page 117
"Code 39 Stitching" on page 119

Code 32 Check Character Transmission

Enable this option to transmit the check character along with Code 32 bar code data.


Code 32 Check Character Transmission = Don’t Send

Code 32 Check Character Transmission = Send

Code 32 Start/Stop Character Transmission

This option enables/disable transmission of Code 32 start and stop characters.


Code 32 Start/Stop Character Transmission = Don’t

Code 32 Start/Stop Character Transmission = Transmit

120 Cobalto™ CO5300 Scanner

Code 39 CIP (French Pharmaceutical) Enter/Exit Programming Mode

Code 39 CIP (French Pharmaceutical)

The following options apply to the Code 39 CIP symbology.

Code 39 CIP Enable/Disable

Enables/Disables ability of the scanner to decode Code 39 CIP labels.


Code 39 CIP = Disable

Code 39 CIP = Enable

Code 128
The following options apply to the Code 128 symbology.

Code 128 Enable/Disable

When disabled, the scanner will not read Code 128 bar codes.


Code 128 = Disable


Code 128 = Enable

Product Reference Guide 121

Enter/Exit Programming Mode Code 128

Expand Code 128 to Code 39

This feature enables/disables expansion of Code 128 labels to Code 39 labels. When enabled,
the label identifier for a Code 128 label shall be set to Code 39 and all Code 39 formatting
control shall be applied to the label.


Code 128 to Code 39 = Don’t Expand

Code 128 to Code 39 = Expand

Code 128 Check Character Transmission

Enable this option to transmit the check character along with Code 128 bar code data.


Code 128 Check Character Transmission = Don’t Send

Code 128 Check Character Transmission = Send

122 Cobalto™ CO5300 Scanner

Code 128 Enter/Exit Programming Mode

Code 128 Function Character Transmission

Enables/disables transmission of Code128 function characters 1, 2, 3, and 4.


Code 128 Function Character Transmission = Don’t

Code 128 Function Character Transmission = Send

Code 128 Sub-Code Change Transmission

Enables/disables the transmission of “Sub-Code exchange” characters (NOT transmitted by
standard decoding).


Code 128 Sub-Code Change Transmission = Disable

Code 128 Sub-Code Change Transmission = Enable

Product Reference Guide 123

Enter/Exit Programming Mode Code 128

Code 128 Quiet Zones

This feature specifies the number of quiet zones for Code 128 labels. Quiet zones are blank
areas at the ends of a bar code and are typically 10 times the width of the narrowest bar or
space in the label.


Code 128 Quiet Zones = No Quiet Zones


Code 128 Quiet Zones = Quiet Zone on one side


Code 128 Quiet Zones = Quiet Zones on two sides


Code 128 Quiet Zones = Auto

Code 128 Quiet Zones = Virtual Quiet Zones on two


124 Cobalto™ CO5300 Scanner

Code 128 Enter/Exit Programming Mode

Code 128 Minimum Reads

This feature specifies the minimum number of consecutive times a Code 128 label must be
decoded before it is accepted as good read.


Code 128 Minimum Reads = 1

Code 128 Minimum Reads = 2


Code 128 Minimum Reads = 3


Code 128 Minimum Reads = 4

Product Reference Guide 125

Enter/Exit Programming Mode Code 128

Code 128 Decoding Level

Decoding Levels are used to configure a bar code symbology decoder to be very aggressive to
very conservative depending on a particular customer’s needs. See "Decoding Levels" on
page 239 for more detailed programming instructions.


Code 128 Decoding Level = Disabled


Code 128 Decoding Level = 1


Code 128 Decoding Level = 2


Code 128 Decoding Level = 3

Code 128 Decoding Level = 4


Code 128 Decoding Level = 5

126 Cobalto™ CO5300 Scanner

Code 128 Enter/Exit Programming Mode

Code 128 Length Control

This feature specifies either variable length decoding or fixed length decoding for the Code 128

Variable Length — For variable length decoding, a minimum and maximum length may be set.

Fixed Length — For fixed length decoding, two different lengths may be set.


Code 128 Length Control = Variable Length

Code 128 Length Control = Fixed Length

Product Reference Guide 127

Enter/Exit Programming Mode Code 128

Code 128 Set Length 1

This feature specifies one of the bar code lengths for Code 128 Length Control. Length 1 is
the minimum label length if in Variable Length Mode, or the first fixed length if in Fixed
Length Mode. Length includes the bar code’s data characters only.
The length can be set from 1 to 80 characters. See "Set Length 1" on page 239 for more
detailed programming instructions.

$CC8L1 To configure this feature, scan the ENTER/EXIT bar

code above, then the bar code at left followed by dig-
its from the Alphanumeric characters in Appendix D,
Keypad representing your desired character(s). End
Select Code 128 Set Length 1 Setting by scanning the ENTER/EXIT bar code again.

Make a mistake? Scan the CANCEL bar code to abort
and not save the entry string. You can then start
again at the beginning.

DEFAULT 01 = Length 1 is 1 Character

128 Cobalto™ CO5300 Scanner

Code 128 Enter/Exit Programming Mode

Code 128 Set Length 2

This feature specifies one of the bar code lengths for Code 128 Length Control. Length 2 is
the maximum label length if in Variable Length Mode, or the second fixed length if in Fixed
Length Mode. Length includes the bar code’s data characters only.
The length can be set from 1 to 80 characters. A setting of 00 specifies to ignore this length
(only one fixed length). See "Set Length 2" on page 241 for more detailed programming

$CC8L2 To configure this feature, scan the ENTER/EXIT bar

code above, then the bar code at left followed by dig-
its from the Alphanumeric characters in Appendix D,
Keypad representing your desired character(s). End
Select Code 128 Length 2 Setting by scanning the ENTER/EXIT bar code again.

Make a mistake? Scan the CANCEL bar code to abort
and not save the entry string. You can then start
again at the beginning.

DEFAULT 80 = Length 2 is 80 Characters

Code 128 Stitching

This option enables/disables stitching for Code 128 labels. When parts of a Code 128 bar code
are presented to the scanner with this feature enabled, the bar code parts will be assembled
by the scanner’s software, and the data will be decoded if all bar code proofing requirements
are met.


Code 128 Stitching = Disable


Code 128 Stitching = Enable

Product Reference Guide 129

Enter/Exit Programming Mode GS1-128

The following options apply to the GS1-128 symbology. (Also known as USS-128, GTIN-128,

GS1-128 Enable
This option enables/disables the ability of the scanner to translate GS1-128 labels to the GS1-
128 data format. Options are:
• Transmit GS1-128 labels in Code 128 data format.
• Transmit GS1-128 labels in GS1-128 data format.
• Do not transmit GS1-128 labels.


GS1-128 = Transmit in Code 128 data format

GS1-128 = Transmit in GS1-128 data format


GS1-128 = Do not transmit GS1-128 labels

130 Cobalto™ CO5300 Scanner

Interleaved 2 of 5 (I 2 of 5) Enter/Exit Programming Mode

Interleaved 2 of 5 (I 2 of 5)
The following options apply to the I 2 of 5 symbology.

When reading this symbology, the settings for I 2 of 5 Length Control

AND I 2 of 5 Check Character Calculation MUST be enabled to increase
decoding safety.

I 2 of 5 Enable/Disable
When disabled, the scanner will not read I 2 of 5 bar codes.


I 2 of 5 = Disable

I 2 of 5 = Enable

Product Reference Guide 131

Enter/Exit Programming Mode Interleaved 2 of 5 (I 2 of 5)

I 2 of 5 Check Character Calculation

This option enables/disables calculation and verification of an optional I 2 of 5 check character.


I 2 of 5 Check Char Calc = Disable

I 2 of 5 Check Char Calc = Check Standard

(Modulo 10)

I 2 of 5 Check Char Calc = Check German Parcel


I 2 of 5 Check Char Calc = Check DHL


I 2 of 5 Check Char Calc = Check Daimler Chrysler


I 2 of 5 Check Char Calc = Check Bosch


I 2 of 5 Check Character Calculation = Check Italian


When disabled, any check character in label is treated as a data character.

132 Cobalto™ CO5300 Scanner

Interleaved 2 of 5 (I 2 of 5) Enter/Exit Programming Mode

I 2 of 5 Check Character Transmission

Enable this option to transmit the check character along with I 2 of 5 bar code data.

This feature is valid only when I 2 of 5 Check Character Calculation is enabled.



I 2 of 5 Check Character Transmission = Don’t Send


I 2 of 5 Check Character Transmission = Send

Product Reference Guide 133

Enter/Exit Programming Mode Interleaved 2 of 5 (I 2 of 5)

I 2 of 5 Minimum Reads
This feature specifies the minimum number of consecutive times an I 2 of 5 label must be
decoded before it is accepted as good read.


I 2 of 5 Minimum Reads = 1

I 2 of 5 Minimum Reads = 2

I 2 of 5 Minimum Reads = 3

I 2 of 5 Minimum Reads = 4

134 Cobalto™ CO5300 Scanner

Interleaved 2 of 5 (I 2 of 5) Enter/Exit Programming Mode

I 2 of 5 Decoding Level

This configuration item applies to Interleaved 2 of 5, Datalogic 2 of 5 and Standard 2 of 5.


Decoding Levels are used to configure a bar code symbology decoder to be very aggressive to
very conservative depending on a particular customer’s needs. See "Decoding Levels" on
page 239 for more detailed programming instructions.


2 of 5 Decoding Level = Disabled


2 of 5 Decoding Level = 1

2 of 5 Decoding Level = 2

2 of 5 Decoding Level = 3

2 of 5 Decoding Level = 4

2 of 5 Decoding Level = 5

Product Reference Guide 135

Enter/Exit Programming Mode Interleaved 2 of 5 (I 2 of 5)

I 2 of 5 Length Control
This feature specifies either variable length decoding or fixed length decoding for the I 2 of 5

Variable Length — For variable length decoding, a minimum and maximum length may be set.

Fixed Length — For fixed length decoding, two different lengths may be set.


I 2 of 5 Length Control = Variable Length

I 2 of 5 Length Control = Fixed Length

136 Cobalto™ CO5300 Scanner

Interleaved 2 of 5 (I 2 of 5) Enter/Exit Programming Mode

I 2 of 5 Set Length 1
This feature specifies one of the bar code lengths for I 2 of 5 Length Control. Length 1 is the
minimum label length if in Variable Length Mode, or the first fixed length if in Fixed Length
Mode. The length includes the bar code’s check and data characters.
The length can be set from 2 to 50 characters in increments of two. See "Set Length 1" on
page 239 for more detailed programming instructions.

$CI2L1 To configure this feature, scan the ENTER/EXIT bar

code above, then the bar code at left followed by dig-
its from the Alphanumeric characters in Appendix D,
Keypad representing your desired character(s). End
Select I 2 of 5 Length 1 Setting by scanning the ENTER/EXIT bar code again.

Make a mistake? Scan the CANCEL bar code to abort
and not save the entry string. You can then start
again at the beginning.

DEFAULT 06 = Length 1 is 6 Characters

Product Reference Guide 137

Enter/Exit Programming Mode Interleaved 2 of 5 (I 2 of 5)

I 2 of 5 Set Length 2
This feature specifies one of the bar code lengths for I 2 of 5 Length Control. Length 2 is the
maximum label length if in Variable Length Mode, or the second fixed length if in Fixed
Length Mode. The length includes the bar code’s check and data characters.
The length can be set from 2 to 50 characters. A setting of 0 specifies to ignore this length
(only one fixed length). See "Set Length 2" on page 241 for more detailed programming

$CI2L2 To configure this feature, scan the ENTER/EXIT bar

code above, then the bar code at left followed by dig-
its from the Alphanumeric characters in Appendix D,
Keypad representing your desired character(s). End
Select I 2 of 5 Length 2 Setting by scanning the ENTER/EXIT bar code again.

Make a mistake? Scan the CANCEL bar code to abort
and not save the entry string. You can then start
again at the beginning.

DEFAULT 50 = Length 2 is 50 Characters

I 2 of 5 Zero Pattern
Enables/disables ZERO-Digit decoding. This character does not represent any cipher. It allows
encoding of an odd number of ciphers with Interleaved 2 of 5. It must be enabled to decode
Code 2 of 5 CIP/HR.


I 2 of 5 Zero Pattern = Disable

I 2 of 5 Zero Pattern = Enable

138 Cobalto™ CO5300 Scanner

Interleaved 2 of 5 CIP HR Enter/Exit Programming Mode

Interleaved 2 of 5 CIP HR
The following options apply to the Interleaved 2 of 5 CIP HR symbology.

Interleaved 2 of 5 CIP HR Enable/Disable

Enables/Disables ability of scanner to decode Interleaved 2 of 5 CIP HR labels.


Interleaved 2 of 5 CIP HR = Disable

Interleaved 2 of 5 CIP HR = Enable

Product Reference Guide 139

Enter/Exit Programming Mode Datalogic 2 of 5

Datalogic 2 of 5
The following options apply to the Datalogic 2 of 5 symbology.

Datalogic 2 of 5 Enable/Disable
When disabled, the scanner will not read Datalogic 2 of 5 bar codes.


Datalogic 2 of 5 = Disable

Datalogic 2 of 5 = Enable

Datalogic 2 of 5 Check Character Calculation

This option enables/disables calculation and verification of an optional Datalogic 2 of 5 check


Datalogic 2 of 5 Check Character Calculation = Disable

Datalogic 2 of 5 Check Character Calculation = Enable

140 Cobalto™ CO5300 Scanner

Datalogic 2 of 5 Enter/Exit Programming Mode

Datalogic 2 of 5 Check Character Transmission

This option enables/disables transmission of an optional Datalogic 2 of 5 character.


Datalogic 2 of 5 Check Character Transmission = Don’t


Datalogic 2 of 5 Check Character Transmission = Send

Datalogic 2 of 5 Minimum Reads

This feature specifies the minimum number of consecutive times an Datalogic 2 of 5 label
must be decoded before it is accepted as good read.


I 2 of 5 Minimum Reads = 1

I 2 of 5 Minimum Reads = 2

I 2 of 5 Minimum Reads = 3

I 2 of 5 Minimum Reads = 4

Product Reference Guide 141

Enter/Exit Programming Mode Datalogic 2 of 5

Datalogic 2 of 5 Decoding Level

The Datalogic 2 of 5 Decoding Level feature is set using "I 2 of 5 Decoding

Level" on page 135.

Datalogic 2 of 5 Length Control

This feature specifies either variable length decoding or fixed length decoding for the Datalogic
2 of 5 symbology.

Variable Length — For variable length decoding, a minimum and maximum length may be set.

Fixed Length — For fixed length decoding, two different lengths may be set.


Datalogic 2 of 5 Length Control = Variable Length

Datalogic 2 of 5 Length Control = Fixed Length

142 Cobalto™ CO5300 Scanner

Datalogic 2 of 5 Enter/Exit Programming Mode

Datalogic 2 of 5 Set Length 1

This feature specifies one of the bar code lengths for Datalogic 2 of 5 Length Control.
Length 1 is the minimum label length if in Variable Length Mode, or the first fixed length if in
Fixed Length Mode. The length includes the bar code’s data characters only.
The length can be set from 2 to 50 characters in increments of two. See "Set Length 1" on
page 239 for more detailed programming instructions.

$CD2L1 To configure this feature, scan the ENTER/EXIT bar

code above, then the bar code at left followed by dig-
its from the Alphanumeric characters in Appendix D,
Keypad representing your desired character(s). End
Select Datalogic 2 of 5 Length 1 Setting by scanning the ENTER/EXIT bar code again.

Make a mistake? Scan the CANCEL bar code to abort
and not save the entry string. You can then start
again at the beginning.

DEFAULT 06 = Length 1 is 6 Characters

Product Reference Guide 143

Enter/Exit Programming Mode Datalogic 2 of 5

Datalogic 2 of 5 Set Length 2

This feature specifies one of the bar code lengths for Datalogic 2 of 5 Length Control.
Length 2 is the maximum label length if in Variable Length Mode, or the second fixed length if
in Fixed Length Mode. The length includes the bar code’s data characters only.
The length can be set from 2 to 50 characters. A setting of 00 specifies to ignore this length
(only one fixed length). See "Set Length 2" on page 241 for more detailed programming

$CD2L2 To configure this feature, scan the ENTER/EXIT bar

code above, then the bar code at left followed by dig-
its from the Alphanumeric characters in Appendix D,
Keypad representing your desired character(s). End
Select Datalogic 2 of 5 Length 2 Setting by scanning the ENTER/EXIT bar code again.

Make a mistake? Scan the CANCEL bar code to abort
and not save the entry string. You can then start
again at the beginning.

DEFAULT 50 = Length 2 is 50 Characters

144 Cobalto™ CO5300 Scanner

Datalogic 2 of 5 Enter/Exit Programming Mode

Datalogic 2 of 5 Interdigit Ratio

This feature specifies the maximum ratio between intercharacter space and module for
Datalogic 2 of 5.


Datalogic 2 of 5 Interdigit Ratio = Disable


Datalogic 2 of 5 Interdigit Ratio = 1


Datalogic 2 of 5 Interdigit Ratio = 2


Datalogic 2 of 5 Interdigit Ratio = 3


Datalogic 2 of 5 Interdigit Ratio = 4

Datalogic 2 of 5 Interdigit Ratio = 5

Product Reference Guide 145

Enter/Exit Programming Mode Datalogic 2 of 5

Datalogic 2 of 5 Interdigit Maximum Ratio — cont.


Datalogic 2 of 5 Interdigit Ratio = 6


Datalogic 2 of 5 Interdigit Ratio = 7


Datalogic 2 of 5 Interdigit Ratio = 8


Datalogic 2 of 5 Interdigit Ratio = 9


Datalogic 2 of 5 Interdigit Ratio = 10

146 Cobalto™ CO5300 Scanner

Codabar Enter/Exit Programming Mode

The following options apply to the Codabar symbology.

Codabar Enable/Disable
When disabled, the scanner will not read Codabar bar codes.


Codabar = Disable

Codabar = Enable

Codabar Check Character Calculation

Enable this option to enables/disables calculation and verification of an optional Codabar
check character. When disabled, any check characters in the label are treated as data


Codabar Check Character Calculation = Don’t Calculate

Codabar Check Character Calculation = Enable AIM

standard check char.

Codabar Check Character Calculation = Enable Modulo

10 check char.

Product Reference Guide 147

Enter/Exit Programming Mode Codabar

Codabar Check Character Transmission

Enable this option to transmit the check character along with Codabar bar code data.

This feature is valid only when Codabar Check Character Calculation is enabled.



Codabar Check Character Transmission = Don’t Send


Codabar Check Character Transmission = Send

Codabar Start/Stop Character Transmission

Enable this option to enable/disable transmission of Codabar start and stop characters.


Codabar Start/Stop Character Transmission = Don’t


Codabar Start/Stop Character Transmission = Transmit

148 Cobalto™ CO5300 Scanner

Codabar Enter/Exit Programming Mode

Codabar Start/Stop Character Set

This option specifies the format of transmitted Codabar start/stop characters.


Codabar Check Character Set = ABCD/TN*E


Codabar Check Character Set = ABCD/ABCD


Codabar Check Character Set = abcd/tn*e


Codabar Check Character Set = abcd/abcd

Codabar Start/Stop Character Match

When enabled, this option requires that start and stop characters match.


Codabar Start/Stop Character Match = Don’t Require

Codabar Start/Stop Character Match = Require Match

Product Reference Guide 149

Enter/Exit Programming Mode Codabar

Codabar Quiet Zones

This feature specifies the number of quiet zones for Codabar labels. Quiet zones are blank
areas at the ends of a bar code and are typically 10 times the width of the narrowest bar or
space in the label.


Codabar Quiet Zones = Quiet Zone on one side


Codabar Quiet Zones = Quiet Zones on two sides


Codabar Quiet Zones = Auto

Codabar Quiet Zones = Virtual Quiet Zones on two


Codabar Quiet Zones = Small Quiet Zones on two sides

150 Cobalto™ CO5300 Scanner

Codabar Enter/Exit Programming Mode

Codabar Minimum Reads

This feature specifies the minimum number of consecutive times a Codabar label must be
decoded before it is accepted as good read.


Codabar Minimum Reads = 1

Codabar Minimum Reads = 2


Codabar Minimum Reads = 3


Codabar Minimum Reads = 4

Product Reference Guide 151

Enter/Exit Programming Mode Codabar

Codabar Decoding Level

Decoding Levels are used to configure a bar code symbology decoder to be very aggressive to
very conservative depending on a particular customer’s needs. See "Decoding Levels" on
page 239 for more detailed programming instructions.


Codabar Decoding Level = Disabled


Codabar Decoding Level = 1


Codabar Decoding Level = 2


Codabar Decoding Level = 3

Codabar Decoding Level = 4


Codabar Decoding Level = 5

152 Cobalto™ CO5300 Scanner

Codabar Enter/Exit Programming Mode

Codabar Length Control

This feature specifies either variable length decoding or fixed length decoding for the Codabar

Variable Length — For variable length decoding, a minimum and maximum length may be set.

Fixed Length — For fixed length decoding, two different lengths may be set.


Codabar Length Control = Variable Length

Codabar Length Control = Fixed Length

Product Reference Guide 153

Enter/Exit Programming Mode Codabar

Codabar Set Length 1

This feature specifies one of the bar code lengths for Codabar Length Control. Length 1 is
the minimum label length if in Variable Length Mode, or the first fixed length if in Fixed
Length Mode. Length includes the bar code’s start, stop, check and data characters. The
length must include at least one data character.
The length can be set from 3 to 50 characters. See "Set Length 1" on page 239 for more
detailed programming instructions.

$CCBL1 To configure this feature, scan the ENTER/EXIT bar

code above, then the bar code at left followed by dig-
its from the Alphanumeric characters in Appendix D,
Keypad representing your desired character(s). End
Select Codabar Length 1 Setting by scanning the ENTER/EXIT bar code again.

Make a mistake? Scan the CANCEL bar code to abort
and not save the entry string. You can then start
again at the beginning.

DEFAULT 03 = Length 1 is 3 Characters

154 Cobalto™ CO5300 Scanner

Codabar Enter/Exit Programming Mode

Codabar Set Length 2

This feature specifies one of the bar code lengths for Codabar Length Control. Length 2 is
the maximum label length if in Variable Length Mode, or the second fixed length if in Fixed
Length Mode. The length includes the bar code’s start, stop, check and data characters. The
length must include at least one data character.
The length can be set from 3 to 50 characters. A setting of 00 specifies to ignore this length
(only one fixed length). See "Set Length 2" on page 241 for more detailed programming

$CCBL2 To configure this feature, scan the ENTER/EXIT bar

code above, then the bar code at left followed by dig-
its from the Alphanumeric characters in Appendix D,
Keypad representing your desired character(s). End
Select Codabar Length 2 Setting by scanning the ENTER/EXIT bar code again.

Make a mistake? Scan the CANCEL bar code to abort
and not save the entry string. You can then start
again at the beginning.

DEFAULT 50 = Length 2 is 50 Characters

Product Reference Guide 155

Enter/Exit Programming Mode Codabar

Codabar Interdigit Ratio

This feature specifies the maximum ratio between an intercharacter space and module for
Codabar labels.


Codabar Interdigit Ratio = Disable


Codabar Interdigit Ratio = 1


Codabar Interdigit Ratio = 2


Codabar Interdigit Ratio = 3


Codabar Interdigit Ratio = 4

Codabar Interdigit Ratio = 5

156 Cobalto™ CO5300 Scanner

Codabar Enter/Exit Programming Mode

Codabar Interdigit Ratio — cont.


Codabar Interdigit Ratio = 6


Codabar Interdigit Ratio = 7


Codabar Interdigit Ratio = 8


Codabar Interdigit Ratio = 9


Codabar Interdigit Ratio = 10

Product Reference Guide 157

Enter/Exit Programming Mode ABC Codabar

ABC Codabar
The following options apply to the ABC Codabar symbology.

ABC Codabar Enable/Disable

Enables/Disables ability of scanner to decode ABC Codabar labels.


ABC Codabar = Disable

ABC Codabar = Enable

ABC Codabar Concatenation Mode

Specifies the concatenation mode between Static and Dynamic.


ABC Codabar Concatenation Mode = Static

ABC Codabar Concatenation Mode = Dynamic

158 Cobalto™ CO5300 Scanner

ABC Codabar Enter/Exit Programming Mode

ABC Codabar Dynamic Concatenation Timeout

This parameter specifies the timeout in 10-millisecond ticks used by the ABC Codabar
Dynamic Concatenation Mode. The timeout can be set within a range of 05 to 255 in 10ms
increments. A setting of zero specifies no delay.

$CKBQI To configure this feature, scan the ENTER/EXIT

bar code above, then the bar code at left fol-
lowed by digits from the Alphanumeric charac-
ters in Appendix D, Keypad representing your
Select ABC Codabar Dynamic Concatenation desired character(s). End by scanning the
Timeout Setting ENTER/EXIT bar code again.
Make a mistake? Scan the CANCEL bar code to
abort and not save the entry string. You can then start
again at the beginning.

DEFAULT 10 = Quiet Interval of 200 ms

ABC Codabar Force Concatenation

Forces labels starting or ending with D to be concatenated.


ABC Codabar Force Concatenation = Disable

ABC Codabar Force Concatenation = Enable

Product Reference Guide 159

Enter/Exit Programming Mode Code 11

Code 11
The following options apply to the Code 11 symbology.

Code 11 Enable/Disable
When disabled, the scanner will not read Code 11 bar codes.


Code 11 = Disable

Code 11 = Enable

160 Cobalto™ CO5300 Scanner

Code 11 Enter/Exit Programming Mode

Code 11 Check Character Calculation

This option enables/disables calculation and verification of optional Code 11 check character.


Code 11 Check Character Calculation = Disable


Code 11 Check Character Calculation = Check C


Code 11 Check Character Calculation = Check K


Code 11 Check Character Calculation = Check C and K

Code 11 Check Character Transmission

This feature enables/disables transmission of an optional Code 11 check character.


Code 11 Check Character Transmission = Don’t Send


Code 11 Check Character Transmission = Send

Product Reference Guide 161

Enter/Exit Programming Mode Code 11

Code 11 Minimum Reads

This feature specifies the minimum number of consecutive times a Code 11 label must be
decoded before it is accepted as good read.


Code 11 Minimum Reads = 1


Code 11 Minimum Reads = 2

Code 11 Minimum Reads = 3


Code 11 Minimum Reads = 4

162 Cobalto™ CO5300 Scanner

Code 11 Enter/Exit Programming Mode

Code 11 Length Control

This feature specifies either variable length decoding or fixed length decoding for the Code 11

Variable Length — For variable length decoding, a minimum and maximum length may be set.

Fixed Length — For fixed length decoding, two different lengths may be set.


Code 11 Length Control = Variable Length

Code 11 Length Control = Fixed Length

Code 11 Set Length 1

This feature specifies one of the bar code lengths for Code 11 Length Control. Length 1 is the
minimum label length if in Variable Length Mode, or the first fixed length if in Fixed Length
Mode. Length includes the bar code’s check and data characters.
The length can be set from 2 to 50 characters. See "Set Length 1" on page 239 for more
detailed programming instructions.

$CC1L1 To configure this feature, scan the ENTER/EXIT bar

code above, then the bar code at left followed by dig-
its from the Alphanumeric characters in Appendix D,
Keypad representing your desired character(s). End
Select Code 11 Set Length 1 Setting by scanning the ENTER/EXIT bar code again.

Make a mistake? Scan the CANCEL bar code to abort
and not save the entry string. You can then start
again at the beginning.

DEFAULT 04 = Length 1 is 4 Characters

Product Reference Guide 163

Enter/Exit Programming Mode Code 11

Code 11 Set Length 2

This feature specifies one of the bar code lengths for Code 11 Length Control. Length 2 is the
maximum label length if in Variable Length Mode, or the second fixed length if in Fixed
Length Mode. Length includes the bar code’s check and data characters.
The length can be set from 2 to 50 characters. A setting of 00 specifies to ignore this length
(only one fixed length). See "Set Length 2" on page 241 for more detailed programming

$CC1L2 To configure this feature, scan the ENTER/EXIT bar

code above, then the bar code at left followed by dig-
its from the Alphanumeric characters in Appendix D,
Keypad representing your desired character(s). End
Select Code 11 Length 2 Setting by scanning the ENTER/EXIT bar code again.

Make a mistake? Scan the CANCEL bar code to abort
and not save the entry string. You can then start
again at the beginning.

DEFAULT 50 = Length 2 is 50 Characters

164 Cobalto™ CO5300 Scanner

Code 11 Enter/Exit Programming Mode

Code 11 Interdigit Ratio

This feature specifies the ratio between an intercharacter space and module for Code 11


Code 11 Interdigit Ratio = Disable


Code 11 Interdigit Ratio = 1


Code 11 Interdigit Ratio = 2


Code11 Interdigit Ratio = 3


Code 11 Interdigit Ratio = 4

Code 11 Interdigit Ratio = 5

Product Reference Guide 165

Enter/Exit Programming Mode Code 11

Code 11 Interdigit Ratio — cont.


Code 11 Interdigit Ratio = 6


Code 11 Interdigit Ratio = 7


Code 11 Interdigit Ratio = 8


Code 11 Interdigit Ratio = 9


Code 11 Interdigit Ratio = 10

166 Cobalto™ CO5300 Scanner

Code 11 Enter/Exit Programming Mode

Code 11 Decoding Level

Decoding Levels are used to configure a bar code symbology decoder to be very aggressive to
very conservative depending on a particular customer’s needs. See "Decoding Levels" on
page 239 for more detailed programming instructions.


Codabar Decoding Level = Disabled


Codabar Decoding Level = 1


Codabar Decoding Level = 2


Codabar Decoding Level = 3

Codabar Decoding Level = 4


Codabar Decoding Level = 5

Product Reference Guide 167

Enter/Exit Programming Mode Standard 2 of 5

Standard 2 of 5
The following options apply to the Standard 2 of 5 symbology.

Standard 2 of 5 Enable/Disable
When disabled, the scanner will not read Standard 2 of 5 bar codes.


Standard 2 of 5 = Disable

Standard 2 of 5 = Enable

Standard 2 of 5 Check Character Calculation

This option enables/disables calculation and verification of an optional Standard 2 of 5 check


Standard 2 of 5 Check Character Calculation = Disable

Standard 2 of 5 Check Character Calculation = Enable

168 Cobalto™ CO5300 Scanner

Standard 2 of 5 Enter/Exit Programming Mode

Standard 2 of 5 Check Character Transmission

This feature enables/disables transmission of an optional Standard 2 of 5 check character.


Standard 2 of 5 Check Character Transmission = Don’t


Standard 2 of 5 Check Character Transmission = Send

Standard 2 of 5 Minimum Reads

This feature specifies the minimum number of consecutive times a Standard 2 of 5 label must
be decoded before it is accepted as good read.


Standard 2 of 5 Minimum Reads = 1


Standard 2 of 5 Minimum Reads = 2

Standard 2 of 5 Minimum Reads = 3


Standard 2 of 5 Minimum Reads = 4

Product Reference Guide 169

Enter/Exit Programming Mode Standard 2 of 5

Standard 2 of 5 Decoding Level

The Standard 2 of 5 Decoding Level feature is set using "I 2 of 5 Decoding

Level" on page 135.

Standard 2 of 5 Length Control

This feature specifies either variable length decoding or fixed length decoding for the Standard
2 of 5 symbology.

Variable Length — For variable length decoding, a minimum and maximum length may be set.

Fixed Length — For fixed length decoding, two different lengths may be set.


Standard 2 of 5 Length Control = Variable Length

Standard 2 of 5 Length Control = Fixed Length

170 Cobalto™ CO5300 Scanner

Standard 2 of 5 Enter/Exit Programming Mode

Standard 2 of 5 Set Length 1

This feature specifies one of the bar code lengths for Standard 2 of 5 Length Control. Length
1 is the minimum label length if in Variable Length Mode, or the first fixed length if in Fixed
Length Mode. Length includes the bar code’s check and data characters.
The length can be set from 1 to 50 characters. See "Set Length 1" on page 239 for more
detailed programming instructions.

$CS2L1 To configure this feature, scan the ENTER/EXIT bar

code above, then the bar code at left followed by dig-
its from the Alphanumeric characters in Appendix D,
Keypad representing your desired character(s). End
Select Standard 2 of 5 Length 1 Setting by scanning the ENTER/EXIT bar code again.

Make a mistake? Scan the CANCEL bar code to abort
and not save the entry string. You can then start
again at the beginning.

DEFAULT 08 = Length 1 is 8 Characters

Product Reference Guide 171

Enter/Exit Programming Mode Standard 2 of 5

Standard 2 of 5 Set Length 2

This feature specifies one of the bar code lengths for Standard 2 of 5 Length Control. Length
2 is the maximum label length if in Variable Length Mode, or the second fixed length if in
Fixed Length Mode. Length includes the bar code’s check and data characters.
The length can be set from 1 to 50 characters. A setting of 00 specifies to ignore this length
(only one fixed length). See "Set Length 2" on page 241 for more detailed programming

$CS2L2 To configure this feature, scan the ENTER/EXIT bar

code above, then the bar code at left followed by dig-
its from the Alphanumeric characters in Appendix D,
Keypad representing your desired character(s). End
Select Standard 2 of 5 Length 2 Setting by scanning the ENTER/EXIT bar code again.

Make a mistake? Scan the CANCEL bar code to abort
and not save the entry string. You can then start
again at the beginning.

DEFAULT 50 = Length 2 is 50 Characters

172 Cobalto™ CO5300 Scanner

Industrial 2 of 5 Enter/Exit Programming Mode

Industrial 2 of 5
The following options apply to the Industrial 2 of 5 symbology.

Industrial 2 of 5 Enable/Disable
Enables/Disables ability of scanner to decode Industrial 2 of 5 labels.


Industrial 2 of 5 = Disable

Industrial 2 of 5 = Enable

Industrial 2 of 5 Check Character Calculation

Enables/Disables calculation and verification of an optional Industrial 2 of 5 check character.


Industrial 2 of 5 Check Character Calculation = Disable

Industrial 2 of 5 Check Character Calculation = Enable

Product Reference Guide 173

Enter/Exit Programming Mode Industrial 2 of 5

Industrial 2 of 5 Check Character Transmission

Enables/disables transmission of an Industrial 2 of 5 check character.


Industrial 2 of 5 Check Character Transmission = Dis-


Industrial 2 of 5 Check Character Transmission = Enable

Industrial 2 of 5 Length Control

This feature specifies either variable length decoding or fixed length decoding for the Industrial
2 of 5 symbology.

Variable Length — For variable length decoding, a minimum and maximum length may be set.

Fixed Length — For fixed length decoding, two different lengths may be set.


Industrial 2 of 5 Length Control = Variable Length

Industrial 2 of 5 = Fixed Length

174 Cobalto™ CO5300 Scanner

Industrial 2 of 5 Enter/Exit Programming Mode

Industrial 2 of 5 Set Length 1

This feature specifies one of the bar code lengths for Industrial 2 of 5 Length Control.
Length 1 is the minimum label length if in Variable Length Mode, or the first fixed length if in
Fixed Length Mode. Length includes the bar code’s data characters only.
The length can be set from 1 to 50 characters. See "Set Length 1" on page 239 for more
detailed programming instructions.

$CU2L1 To configure this feature, scan the ENTER/EXIT bar

code above, then the bar code at left followed by dig-
its from the Alphanumeric characters in Appendix D,
Keypad representing your desired character(s). End
Select Industrial 2 of 5 Set Length 1 Setting by scanning the ENTER/EXIT bar code again.

Make a mistake? Scan the CANCEL bar code to abort
and not save the entry string. You can then start
again at the beginning.

DEFAULT 01 = Length 1 is 1 Character

Product Reference Guide 175

Enter/Exit Programming Mode Industrial 2 of 5

Industrial 2 of 5 Set Length 2

This feature specifies one of the bar code lengths for Industrial 2 of 5 Length Control.
Length 2 is the maximum label length if in Variable Length Mode, or the second fixed length if
in Fixed Length Mode. Length includes the bar code’s check, data, and full-ASCII shift
characters. The length does not include start/stop characters.
The length can be set from 1 to 50 characters. A setting of 00 specifies to ignore this length
(only one fixed length). See "Set Length 2" on page 241 for more detailed programming

$CU2L2 To configure this feature, scan the ENTER/EXIT bar

code above, then the bar code at left followed by dig-
its from the Alphanumeric characters in Appendix D,
Keypad representing your desired character(s). End
Select Industrial 2 of 5 Length 2 Setting by scanning the ENTER/EXIT bar code again.

Make a mistake? Scan the CANCEL bar code to abort
and not save the entry string. You can then start
again at the beginning.

DEFAULT 50 = Length 2 is 50 Characters

176 Cobalto™ CO5300 Scanner

Industrial 2 of 5 Enter/Exit Programming Mode

Industrial 2 of 5 Minimum Reads

This feature specifies the minimum number of consecutive times an Industrial 2 of 5 label
must be decoded before it is accepted as good read.


Industrial 2 of 5 Minimum Reads = 1

Industrial 2 of 5 Minimum Reads = 2


Industrial 2 of 5 Minimum Reads = 3


Industrial 2 of 5 Minimum Reads = 4

Product Reference Guide 177

Enter/Exit Programming Mode IATA

The following options apply to the IATA symbology.

IATA Enable/Disable
Enables/Disables the ability of the scanner to decode IATA labels.


IATA = Disable

IATA = Enable

IATA Check Character Transmission

Enables/Disables calculation and verification of an optional Industrial 2 of 5 check character.


IATA Check Character Transmission = Disable


IATA Check Character Transmission = Enable

178 Cobalto™ CO5300 Scanner

ISBT 128 Enter/Exit Programming Mode

ISBT 128
The following options apply to the ISBT 128 symbology.

ISBT 128 Concatenation

Enables/disables ISBT128 concatenation of 2 labels.


ISBN 128 Concatenation = Disable

ISBN 128 Concatenation = Enable

ISBT 128 Concatenation Mode

Specifies the concatenation mode between Static and Dynamic.

This option is only valid when ISBT 128 Concatenation is enabled (see page 179).



ISBT 128 Concatenation Mode = Static

ISBT 128 Concatenation Mode = Dynamic

Product Reference Guide 179

Enter/Exit Programming Mode ISBT 128

ISBT 128 Dynamic Concatenation Timeout

Specifies the timeout used by the ISBT 128 Dynamic Concatenation Mode.


ISBT 128 Dynamic Concatenation Timeout = 50 msec


ISBT 128 Dynamic Concatenation Timeout = 100 msec


ISBT 128 Dynamic Concatenation Timeout = 200 msec

ISBT 128 Dynamic Concatenation Timeout = 500 msec


ISBT 128 Dynamic Concatenation Timeout = 750 msec


ISBT 128 Dynamic Concatenation Timeout = 1 second

180 Cobalto™ CO5300 Scanner

ISBT 128 Enter/Exit Programming Mode

ISBT 128 Force Concatenation

When enabled, this feature forces all ISBT 128 labels to be concatenated.

This option is only valid when ISBT 128 Concatenation is

enabled. (see page 179).


ISBT 128 Force Concatenation = Disable

ISBT 128 Force Concatenation = Enable

ISBT 128 Advanced Concatenation Options

Use the Datalogic Aladdin configuration application or Contact Customer Support to set up
pairs of label types for concatenation.

Product Reference Guide 181

Enter/Exit Programming Mode MSI

The following options apply to the MSI symbology.

MSI Enable/Disable
Enables/Disables ability of scanner to decode MSI labels.


MSI = Disable

MSI = Enable

MSI Check Character Calculation

Enables/Disables calculation and verification of an optional MSI check character.


MSI Check Character Calculation = Disable


MSI Check Character Calculation = Enable Mod10

MSI Check Character Calculation = Enable Mod11/10


MSI Check Character Calculation = Enable Mod10/10

182 Cobalto™ CO5300 Scanner

MSI Enter/Exit Programming Mode

MSI Check Character Transmission

Enables/disables transmission of an MSI check character.


MSI Check Character Transmission = Disable


MSI Check Character Transmission = Enable

MSI Length Control

This feature specifies either variable length decoding or fixed length decoding for the MSI

Variable Length — For variable length decoding, a minimum and maximum length may be set.

Fixed Length — For fixed length decoding, two different lengths may be set.


MSI Length Control = Variable Length

MSI = Fixed Length

Product Reference Guide 183

Enter/Exit Programming Mode MSI

MSI Set Length 1

This feature specifies one of the bar code lengths for MSI Length Control. Length 1 is the
minimum label length if in Variable Length Mode, or the first fixed length if in Fixed Length
Mode. Length includes the bar code’s data characters only.
The length can be set from 01 to 50 characters. See "Set Length 1" on page 239 for more
detailed programming instructions.

$CMSL1 To configure this feature, scan the ENTER/EXIT bar

code above, then the bar code at left followed by dig-
its from the Alphanumeric characters in Appendix D,
Keypad representing your desired character(s). End
Select MSI Set Length 1 Setting by scanning the ENTER/EXIT bar code again.

Make a mistake? Scan the CANCEL bar code to abort
and not save the entry string. You can then start
again at the beginning.

DEFAULT 01 = Length 1 is 1 Character

184 Cobalto™ CO5300 Scanner

MSI Enter/Exit Programming Mode

MSI Set Length 2

This feature specifies one of the bar code lengths for MSI Length Control. Length 2 is the
maximum label length if in Variable Length Mode, or the second fixed length if in Fixed
Length Mode. Length includes the bar code’s check, data, and full-ASCII shift characters. The
length does not include start/stop characters.
The length can be set from 1 to 50 characters. A setting of 0 specifies to ignore this length
(only one fixed length). See "Set Length 2" on page 241 for more detailed programming

$CMSL2 To configure this feature, scan the ENTER/EXIT bar

code above, then the bar code at left followed by dig-
its from the Alphanumeric characters in Appendix D,
Keypad representing your desired character(s). End
Select MSI Length 2 Setting by scanning the ENTER/EXIT bar code again.

Make a mistake? Scan the CANCEL bar code to abort
and not save the entry string. You can then start
again at the beginning.

DEFAULT 50 = Length 2 is 50 Characters

Product Reference Guide 185

Enter/Exit Programming Mode MSI

MSI Minimum Reads

This feature specifies the minimum number of consecutive times an MSI label must be
decoded before it is accepted as good read.


MSI Minimum Reads = 1


MSI Minimum Reads = 2


MSI Minimum Reads = 3


MSI Minimum Reads = 4

186 Cobalto™ CO5300 Scanner

MSI Enter/Exit Programming Mode

MSI Decoding Level

Decoding Levels are used to configure a bar code symbology decoder to be very aggressive to
very conservative depending on a particular customer’s needs. See "Decoding Levels" on
page 239 for more detailed programming instructions.


MSI Decoding Level = Disable


MSI Decoding Level = 1


MSI Decoding Level = 2


MSI Decoding Level = 3

MSI Decoding Level = 4


MSI Decoding Level = 5

Product Reference Guide 187

Enter/Exit Programming Mode Code 93

Code 93
The following options apply to the Code 93 symbology.

Code 93 Enable/Disable
Enables/Disables ability of scanner to decode Code 93 labels.


Code 93 = Disable

Code 93 = Enable

Code 93 Check Character Calculation

Enables/disables calculation and verification of an optional Code 93 check character.


Code 93 Check Character Calculation = Disable


Code 93 Check Character Calculation = Enable Check C


Code 93 Check Character Calculation = Enable Check K


Code 93 Check Character Calculation =
Enable Check C and K

188 Cobalto™ CO5300 Scanner

Code 93 Enter/Exit Programming Mode

Code 93 Check Character Transmission

Enables/disables transmission of an optional Code 93 check character.


Code 93 Check Character Transmission = Disable


Code 93 Check Character Transmission = Enable

Code 93 Length Control

This feature specifies either variable length decoding or fixed length decoding for the Code 93

Variable Length — For variable length decoding, a minimum and maximum length may be set.

Fixed Length — For fixed length decoding, two different lengths may be set.


Code 93 Length Control = Variable Length

Code 93 = Fixed Length

Product Reference Guide 189

Enter/Exit Programming Mode Code 93

Code 93 Set Length 1

This feature specifies one of the bar code lengths for Code 93 Length Control. Length 1 is the
minimum label length if in Variable Length Mode, or the first fixed length if in Fixed Length
Mode. Length includes the bar code’s data characters only.
The length can be set from 01 to 50 characters. See "Set Length 1" on page 239 for more
detailed programming instructions.

$CC9L1 To configure this feature, scan the ENTER/EXIT bar

code above, then the bar code at left followed by dig-
its from the Alphanumeric characters in Appendix D,
Keypad representing your desired character(s). End
Select Code 93 Set Length 1 Setting by scanning the ENTER/EXIT bar code again.

Make a mistake? Scan the CANCEL bar code to abort
and not save the entry string. You can then start
again at the beginning.

DEFAULT 01 = Length 1 is 1 Character

190 Cobalto™ CO5300 Scanner

Code 93 Enter/Exit Programming Mode

Code 93 Set Length 2

This feature specifies one of the bar code lengths for Code 93 Length Control. Length 2 is the
maximum label length if in Variable Length Mode, or the second fixed length if in Fixed
Length Mode. Length includes the bar code’s check, data, and full-ASCII shift characters. The
length does not include start/stop characters.
The length can be set from 1 to 50 characters. A setting of 00 specifies to ignore this length
(only one fixed length). See "Set Length 2" on page 241 for more detailed programming

$CC9L2 To configure this feature, scan the ENTER/EXIT bar

code above, then the bar code at left followed by dig-
its from the Alphanumeric characters in Appendix D,
Keypad representing your desired character(s). End
Select Code 93 Length 2 Setting by scanning the ENTER/EXIT bar code again.

Make a mistake? Scan the CANCEL bar code to abort
and not save the entry string. You can then start
again at the beginning.

DEFAULT 50 = Length 2 is 50 Characters

Product Reference Guide 191

Enter/Exit Programming Mode Code 93

Code 93 Minimum Reads

This feature specifies the minimum number of consecutive times a Code 93 label must be
decoded before it is accepted as good read.


Code 93 Minimum Reads = 1

Code 93 Minimum Reads = 2


Code 93 Minimum Reads = 3


Code 93 Minimum Reads = 4

192 Cobalto™ CO5300 Scanner

Code 93 Enter/Exit Programming Mode

Code 93 Decoding Level

Decoding Levels are used to configure a bar code symbology decoder to be very aggressive to
very conservative depending on a particular customer’s needs. See "Decoding Levels" on
page 239 for more detailed programming instructions.


Code 93 Decoding Level = Disable


Code 93 Decoding Level = 1


Code 93 Decoding Level = 2


Code 93 Decoding Level = 3

Code 93 Decoding Level = 4


Code 93 Decoding Level = 5

Product Reference Guide 193

Enter/Exit Programming Mode Code 93

Code 93 Quiet Zones

Enables/disables fixed length stitching for Code 93.

This feature is available only on the TD1130 model.



Code 93 Quiet Zones = No Quiet Zones


Code 93 Quiet Zones = Quiet Zone on one side


Code 93 Quiet Zones = Quiet Zones on two sides


Code 93 Quiet Zones = Auto

Code 93 Quiet Zones = Virtual Quiet Zones on two


194 Cobalto™ CO5300 Scanner

Codablock F Enter/Exit Programming Mode

Codablock F
The following options apply to the Codablock F symbology.

Codablock F Enable/Disable
Enables/Disables the ability of the scanner to decode Codablock F labels.


Codablock F = Disable

Codablock F = Enable

Codablock F EAN Enable/Disable

Enables/Disables the Codablock F EAN subtype (code with FNC1 in the first position).


Codablock F EAN = Disable

Codablock F EAN = Enable

Product Reference Guide 195

Enter/Exit Programming Mode Codablock F

Codablock F AIM Check

Specifies if Check Digit calculation algorithm is AIM compliant or not.


Codablock F AIM Check = Not AIM compliant


Codablock F AIM Check = AIM compliant

Codablock F Length Control

This feature specifies either variable length decoding or fixed length decoding for the
Codablock F symbology.

Variable Length — For variable length decoding, a minimum and maximum length may be set.

Fixed Length — For fixed length decoding, two different lengths may be set.


Codablock F Length Control = Variable Length

Codablock F = Fixed Length

196 Cobalto™ CO5300 Scanner

Codablock F Enter/Exit Programming Mode

Codablock F Set Length 1

This feature specifies one of the bar code lengths for Codablock F Length Control. Length 1
is the minimum label length if in Variable Length Mode, or the first fixed length if in Fixed
Length Mode. Length includes the bar code’s data characters only.
The length can be set from 003 to 255 characters. See "Set Length 1" on page 239 for more
detailed programming instructions.

$CCFL1 To configure this feature, scan the ENTER/EXIT bar

code above, then the bar code at left followed by dig-
its from the Alphanumeric characters in Appendix D,
Keypad representing your desired character(s). End
Select Codablock F Length 1 Setting by scanning the ENTER/EXIT bar code again.

Make a mistake? Scan the CANCEL bar code to abort
and not save the entry string. You can then start
again at the beginning.

DEFAULT 003 = Length 1 is 3 Characters

Product Reference Guide 197

Enter/Exit Programming Mode Codablock F

Codablock F Set Length 2

This feature specifies one of the bar code lengths for Codablock F Length Control. Length 2
is the maximum label length if in Variable Length Mode, or the second fixed length if in Fixed
Length Mode. Length includes the bar code’s check, data, and full-ASCII shift characters. The
length does not include start/stop characters.
The length can be set from 3 to 255 characters. A setting of 00 specifies to ignore this length
(only one fixed length). See "Set Length 2" on page 241 for more detailed programming

$CCFL2 To configure this feature, scan the ENTER/EXIT bar

code above, then the bar code at left followed by dig-
its from the Alphanumeric characters in Appendix D,
Keypad representing your desired character(s). End
Select Codablock F Length 2 Setting by scanning the ENTER/EXIT bar code again.

Make a mistake? Scan the CANCEL bar code to abort
and not save the entry string. You can then start
again at the beginning.

DEFAULT 100 = Length 2 is 100 Characters

198 Cobalto™ CO5300 Scanner

Code 4 Enter/Exit Programming Mode

Code 4
The following options apply to the Code 4 symbology.

Code 4 Enable/Disable
Enables/Disables ability of scanner to decode Code 4 labels.


Code 4 = Disable

Code 4 = Enable

Code 4 Check Character Transmission

This feature enables/disables transmission of an optional Code 4 check character.


Code 4 Check Character Transmission = Don’t Send


Code 4 Check Character Transmission = Send

Product Reference Guide 199

Enter/Exit Programming Mode Code 5

Code 4 Hex to Decimal Conversion

This feature enables/disables the conversion of hexadecimal label data to decimal label data.


Code 4 Hex to Decimal Conversion = Disable


Code 4 Hex to Decimal Conversion = Enable

Code 5
The following options apply to the Code 5 symbology.

Code 5 Enable/Disable
Enables/Disables ability of scanner to decode Code 5 labels.


Code 5 = Disable

Code 5 = Enable

200 Cobalto™ CO5300 Scanner

Code 5 Enter/Exit Programming Mode

Code 5 Check Character Transmission

This feature enables/disables transmission of an optional Code 5 check character.


Code 5 Check Character Transmission = Don’t Send


Code 5 Check Character Transmission = Send

Code 5 Hex to Decimal Conversion

This feature enables/disables the conversion of hexadecimal label data to decimal label data.


Code 5 Hex to Decimal Conversion = Disable


Code 5 Hex to Decimal Conversion = Enable

Product Reference Guide 201

Enter/Exit Programming Mode Code 4 and Code 5 Common Configuration Items

Code 4 and Code 5 Common Configuration Items

The following options apply to both Code 4 and Code 5 symbologies.

Code 4 and 5 Decoding Level

Decoding Levels are used to configure a bar code symbology decoder to be very aggressive to
very conservative depending on a particular customer’s needs. See "Decoding Levels" on
page 239 for more detailed programming instructions.

This configuration item applies to Code 4 and Code 5.



Code 4 and Code 5 Decoding Level = 1


Code 4 and Code 5 Decoding Level = 2


Code 4 and Code 5 Decoding Level = 3

Code 4 and Code 5 Decoding Level = 4


Code 4 and Code 5 Decoding Level = 5

202 Cobalto™ CO5300 Scanner

Code 4 and Code 5 Common Configuration Items Enter/Exit Programming Mode

Code 4 and Code 5 Minimum Reads

This feature specifies the minimum number of consecutive times a Code 4 or Code 5 label
must be decoded before it is accepted as good read.


Code 4 or Code 5 Minimum Reads = 1

Code 4 or Code 5 Minimum Reads = 2


Code 4 or Code 5 Minimum Reads = 3


Code 4 or Code 5 Minimum Reads = 4

Product Reference Guide 203

Enter/Exit Programming Mode Follett 2 of 5

Follett 2 of 5
The following options apply to the Follett 2 of 5 symbology.

Follett 2 of 5 Enable/Disable
Enables/Disables ability of scanner to decode Follett 2 of 5 labels.


Follett 2 of 5 = Disable

Follett 2 of 5 = Enable

The following options apply to the BC412 symbology.

BC412 Enable/Disable
Enables/Disables ability of scanner to decode BC412 labels.


BC412 = Disable

BC412 = Enable

204 Cobalto™ CO5300 Scanner

BC412 Enter/Exit Programming Mode

BC412 Check Character Calculation

Enable this option to enable/disable calculation and verification of an optional BC412 check
character. When disabled, any check character in the label is treated as a data character.


BC412 Check Character Calculation = Don’t Calculate

BC412 Check Character Calculation = Calculate Check


BC412 Minimum Reads

This feature specifies the minimum number of consecutive times a BC412 label must be
decoded before it is accepted as good read.


BC412 Minimum Reads = 1


BC412 Minimum Reads = 2

BC412 Minimum Reads = 3


BC412 Minimum Reads = 4

Product Reference Guide 205

Enter/Exit Programming Mode BC412

BC412 Decoding Level

Decoding Levels are used to configure a bar code symbology decoder to be very aggressive to
very conservative depending on a particular customer’s needs. See "Decoding Levels" on
page 239 for more detailed programming instructions.


BC412 Decoding Level = 1


BC412 Decoding Level = 2


BC412 Decoding Level = 3

BC412 Decoding Level = 4


BC412 Decoding Level = 5

206 Cobalto™ CO5300 Scanner

BC412 Enter/Exit Programming Mode

BC412 Length Control

This feature specifies either variable length decoding or fixed length decoding for the BC412

Variable Length — For variable length decoding, a minimum and maximum length may be set.

Fixed Length — For fixed length decoding, two different lengths may be set.


BC412 Length Control = Variable Length

BC412 Length Control = Fixed Length

BC412 Set Length 1

This feature specifies one of the bar code lengths for BC412 Length Control. Length 1 is the
minimum label length if in Variable Length Mode, or the first fixed length if in Fixed Length
Mode. Length includes the bar code’s data characters only.
The length can be set from 0 to 50 characters. See "Set Length 1" on page 239 for more
detailed programming instructions.

$CBCL1 To configure this feature, scan the ENTER/EXIT bar

code above, then the bar code at left followed by dig-
its from the Alphanumeric characters in Appendix D,
Keypad representing your desired character(s). End
Select BC412 Set Length 1 Setting by scanning the ENTER/EXIT bar code again.

Make a mistake? Scan the CANCEL bar code to abort
and not save the entry string. You can then start
again at the beginning.

DEFAULT 01 = Length 1 is 1 Character

Product Reference Guide 207

Enter/Exit Programming Mode BC412

BC412 Set Length 2

This feature specifies one of the bar code lengths for BC412 Length Control. Length 2 is the
maximum label length if in Variable Length Mode, or the second fixed length if in Fixed
Length Mode. Length includes the bar code’s check, data, and full-ASCII shift characters. The
length does not include start/stop characters.
The length can be set from 1 to 50 characters. A setting of 00 specifies to ignore this length
(only one fixed length). See "Set Length 2" on page 241 for more detailed programming

$CBCL2 To configure this feature, scan the ENTER/EXIT bar

code above, then the bar code at left followed by dig-
its from the Alphanumeric characters in Appendix D,
Keypad representing your desired character(s). End
by scanning the ENTER/EXIT bar code again.
Select BC412 Length 2 Setting

Make a mistake? Scan the CANCEL bar code to abort
and not save the entry string. You can then start
again at the beginning.

DEFAULT 50 = Length 2 is 50 Characters

208 Cobalto™ CO5300 Scanner

Plessey Enter/Exit Programming Mode

The following options apply to the Plessey symbology.

Plessey Enable/Disable
Enables/Disables ability of scanner to decode Plessey labels.

Plessey = Disable

Plessey = Enable

Product Reference Guide 209

Enter/Exit Programming Mode Plessey

Plessey Check Character Calculation

Enables/Disables calculation and verification of an optional Plessey check

Plessey Check Character Calculation = Disable

Plessey Check Character Calculation =
Enable Plessey std. check char. verification

Plessey Check Character Calculation =

Enable Anker check char. verification

Plessey Check Character Calculation =

Enable Plessey std. and Anker check char verification

210 Cobalto™ CO5300 Scanner

Plessey Enter/Exit Programming Mode

Plessey Check Character Transmission

Enables/disables transmission of an MSI check character.

Plessey Check Character Transmission = Disable

Plessey Check Character Transmission = Enable

Plessey Length Control

This feature specifies either variable length decoding or fixed length decoding for the Plessey
Variable Length. For variable length decoding, a minimum and maximum length may be set.
Fixed Length. For fixed length decoding, two different lengths may be set.

Plessey Length Control = Variable Length

Plessey = Fixed Length

Product Reference Guide 211

Enter/Exit Programming Mode Plessey

Plessey Set Length 1

This feature specifies one of the bar code lengths for Plessey Length Control. Length 1 is the
minimum label length if in Variable Length Mode, or the first fixed length if in Fixed Length
Mode. Length includes the bar code’s data characters only. The length can be set from 01 to 50
Table 4 provides some examples for setting Length 1. See "Set Length 1" on page 239 for
detailed instructions on setting this feature.

Table 4. Plessey Length 1 Setting Examples


1 Desired Setting 01 Character 07 Characters 15 Characters 50 Characters



Scan Two Characters From

4 ‘0’ and ‘1’ ‘0’ and ‘7’ ‘1’ and ‘5’ ‘5’ AND ‘0’
Appendix D, Keypad

Select Plessey Set Length 1 Setting

Make a mistake? Scan the CANCEL bar code to

abort and not save the entry string. You can then
start again at the beginning.

DEFAULT 01 = Length 1 is 1 Character

212 Cobalto™ CO5300 Scanner

Plessey Enter/Exit Programming Mode

Plessey Set Length 2

This feature specifies one of the bar code lengths for Plessey Length Control. Length 2 is the
maximum label length if in Variable Length Mode, or the second fixed length if in Fixed
Length Mode. Length includes the bar code’s check, data, and full-ASCII shift characters. The
length does not include start/stop characters.
The length can be set from 1 to 50 characters. A setting of 0 specifies to ignore this length
(only one fixed length).
Table 5 provides examples for setting Length 2. See "Set Length 2" on page 241 for detailed
instructions on setting this feature.

Table 5. Plessey Length 2 Setting Examples


00 (Ignore This
1 Desired Setting 07 Characters 15 Characters 50 Characters


Scan Two Characters From

4 ‘0’ and ‘0’ ‘0’ and ‘7’ ‘1’ and ‘5’ ‘5’ AND ‘0’
Appendix D, Keypad

Select Plessey Length 2 Setting

Make a mistake? Scan the CANCEL bar code to

abort and not save the entry string. You can then
start again at the beginning.

DEFAULT 50 = Length 2 is 50 Characters

Product Reference Guide 213

Enter/Exit Programming Mode Plessey

Plessey Minimum Reads

This feature specifies the minimum number of consecutive times a Plessey la-
bel must be decoded before it is accepted as good read.

Plessey Minimum Reads = 1

Plessey Minimum Reads = 2

Plessey Minimum Reads = 3

Plessey Minimum Reads = 4

214 Cobalto™ CO5300 Scanner

Plessey Enter/Exit Programming Mode

Plessey Decoding Level

Specifies the decoding level for Plessey. Decoding Levels are used to configure
a bar code symbology decoder to be very aggressive to very conservative de-
pending on a particular customer’s needs. See "Decoding Levels" on page 239 for
more information on this feature.

Plessey Decoding Level = Disable

Plessey Decoding Level = 1 (conservative)

Plessey Decoding Level = 2

Plessey Decoding Level = 3

Plessey Decoding Level = 4

Plessey Decoding Level = 5 (aggressive)

Product Reference Guide 215

Enter/Exit Programming Mode Plessey


216 Cobalto™ CO5300 Scanner

Chapter 4
This section contains explanations and examples of selected bar code features. See
"Configuration Using Bar Codes" starting on page 15 for the actual bar code labels used to configure
the scanner.

RS-232 Parameters.................................................................................. 244

RS-232 Only .................................................................................. 244
Baud Rate................................................................................ 244
Stop Bits .................................................................................. 244
Parity........................................................................................ 244
Handshaking Control ............................................................. 244
RS-232/USB COM Parameters ................................................... 245
Intercharacter Delay............................................................... 245
ACK NAK Options.................................................................... 246
ACK Character ......................................................................... 246
NAK Character......................................................................... 247
ACK NAK Timeout Value ........................................................ 248
ACK NAK Retry Count............................................................. 249
Disable Character ................................................................... 250
Enable Character .................................................................... 251
Keyboard Interface ................................................................................... 252
Wedge Quiet Interval ................................................................... 252
Intercharacter Delay..................................................................... 253
Intercode Delay ............................................................................. 254
Data Format .............................................................................................. 255
Data Editing................................................................................... 255
Global Prefix/Suffix ...................................................................... 256
Global AIM ID................................................................................. 257
Label ID .......................................................................................... 258
Character Conversion................................................................... 262
Reading Parameters ................................................................................ 264
Label Gone Timeout ..................................................................... 264
Good Read LED Duration ............................................................. 265
Symbologies .............................................................................................. 270
Decoding Levels ............................................................................ 270
Set Length ..................................................................................... 270

Product Reference Guide 217


RS-232 Parameters
RS-232 Only

Baud Rate
Baud rate is the number of bits of data transmitted per second. Set the scanner's baud rate to
match the baud rate setting of the host device. With an improper baud rate setting, data may
not reach the host correctly.

Stop Bits
The stop bit(s) at the end of each transmitted character marks the end of transmission of one
character and prepares the receiving device for the next character in the serial data stream.
The number of stop bits selected (one or two) depends on the number the receiving terminal is
programmed to accommodate. Set the number of stop bits to match host device

This feature specifies parity required for sending and receiving data. A parity check bit is the
most significant bit of each ASCII coded character. Select the parity type according to host
device requirements.
• Select None when no parity bit is required.
• Select Odd parity and the parity bit value is set to 0 or 1, based on data, to ensure that an
odd number of 1 bits are contained in the coded character.
• Select Even parity and the parity bit value is set to 0 or 1, based on data, to ensure that
an even number of 1 bits are contained in the coded character.

Handshaking Control
The data interface consists of an RS-232 port designed to operate either with or without the
hardware handshaking lines, Request to Send (RTS), and Clear to Send (CTS). Handshaking
Control includes the following options:
• RTS — RTS is asserted during transmissions. CTS is ignored.
• RTS/CTS — RTS is asserted during transmissions. CTS gates transmissions.
• RTS/XON/XOFF — RTS is asserted during transmissions. CTS is ignored. XON and XOFF
gate transmissions.
• RTS On/CTS — RTS is always asserted. CTS gates transmissions.
• RTS/CTS Scan Control — RTS is asserted during transmissions. CTS gates transmissions
and controls enable and disable state of scanner.

RS-232/USB COM Parameters

Intercharacter Delay
This parameter specifies the intercharacter delay between the end of one character and the
beginning of the next. The delay can be set within a range of zero (0) to 990 milliseconds in
10ms increments. A setting of zero specifies no delay.
To set the delay:

218 Cobalto™ CO5300 Scanner

RS-232 Parameters
1. Determine the desired setting in milliseconds.

2. Divide the desired setting by 10 (setting is in 10ms increments). Pad the result with
leading zeroes to yield two digits. For example: 0 = 00, 5 = 05, 20 = 20, etc.

3. Scan the ENTER/EXIT PROGRAMMING MODE bar code to enter Programming Mode.

4. Go to page 23 and scan the bar code: SELECT INTERCHARACTER DELAY SETTING.

5. Scan the appropriate two digits from the keypad in Appendix D, Keypad, that represent the
duration which was determined in the steps above. You will hear a two-beep indication
after the last character.

If you make a mistake before the last character, scan the CANCEL bar code to
abort and not save the entry string. You can then start again at the beginning.
6. Scan the ENTER/EXIT PROGRAMMING MODE bar code to exit.
This completes the procedure. See the following table for examples of how to set this feature.

Table 6. Intercharacter Delay Setting Examples


1 Desired Setting 50ms 150ms 600ms 850ms

Divide by 10 (pad with

2 leading zeroes to yield two- 05 15 60 85



Scan Two Characters From

5 ‘0’ and ‘5’ ‘5’ and ‘0’ ‘6’ and ‘0’ ‘8’ and ‘5’
Appendix D, Keypad


Product Reference Guide 219


ACK NAK Options

This enables/disables the ability of the scanner to support the RS-232 ACK/NAK protocol.
When configured, the scanner and/or host sends an “ACK” when it receives data properly, and
sends “NAK” when the data is in error.
Options are:
• Disable
• Enable for label transmission — The scanner expects an ACK/NAK response from the
host when a label is sent
• Enable for host-command acknowledge — The scanner will respond with ACK/NAK
when the host sends a command
• Enable for label transmission and host-command acknowledge

ACK Character
This setting specifies an ASCII character or hex value to be used as the ACK character. ASCII
characters or any hex value from 0 to 0xFF can be selected.

Setting to previously defined characters such as XON, XOFF, or host commands

conflicts with normal operation of these characters. 8-bit data is not recog-
nized when the option Stop Bits has been set as 7 Data Bits.
1. Determine the desired character or value.

2. Use the ASCII Chart on the inside back cover of this manual to find the hex equivalent for
the desired character/value.

3. Go to page 26 and scan ENTER/EXIT PROGRAMMING MODE to enter Programming Mode.


5. Scan the appropriate two alphanumeric characters from the keypad in Appendix D, Keypad,
that represent the desired character/value determined above. The second character will
cause a two-beep indication.

6. Scan the ENTER/EXIT PROGRAMMING MODE bar code to exit.

See the table below for examples of how to set this feature.

Table 7. ACK Character Setting Examples


1 Desired Character/Value ACK $ @ >

Hex equivalent from ASCII

2 0x06 0x24 0x40 0x3E



Scan Two Characters from

5 ‘0’ and ‘6’ ‘2’ and ‘4’ ‘4’ and ‘0’ ‘3’ AND ‘E’
Appendix D, Keypad


220 Cobalto™ CO5300 Scanner

RS-232 Parameters

NAK Character
This setting specifies an ASCII character or hex value to be used as the NAK character. ASCII
characters or any hex value from 0 to 0xFF can be selected.

Setting to previously defined characters such as XON, XOFF, or host

commands conflicts with normal operation of these characters. 8-bit
data is not recognized when the option Stop Bits has been set as 7
NOTE Data Bits.

To set this feature:

1. Determine the desired character or value.

2. Use the ASCII Chart on the inside back cover of this manual to find the hex equivalent for
the desired character/value.

3. Scan the ENTER/EXIT PROGRAMMING MODE bar code to enter Programming Mode.


5. Scan the appropriate two alpha-numeric characters from the keypad in Appendix D, Key-
pad, that represent the desired character/value determined above. The second character
will cause a two-beep indication.

6. Scan the ENTER/EXIT PROGRAMMING MODE bar code to exit Programming Mode.
This completes the procedure. See the table below for examples of how to set this feature.

Table 8. NAK Character Setting Examples


1 Desired Character/Value NAK $ @ >

2 Hex equivalent 0x15 0x24 0x40 0x3E



Scan Two Characters From

5 ‘1’ and ‘5’ ‘2’ and ‘4’ ‘4’ and ‘0’ ‘3’ AND ‘E’
Appendix D, Keypad


Product Reference Guide 221


ACK NAK Timeout Value

This option specifies the amount of time the scanner waits for an ACK character from the host
following label transmission. The selectable timeout range is 200 milliseconds to 15,000ms (15
seconds) in 200ms increments. A selection of 0 disables the timeout.
To set this value:

1. Determine the desired setting in milliseconds.

2. Divide the desired setting by 200 (setting is in 200ms increments). Pad the result with
leading zeroes to yield two digits. For example: 0 = 00, 5 = 05, 20 = 20, etc.

3. Go to page 27 and scan the ENTER/EXIT PROGRAMMING MODE bar code to enter Pro-
gramming Mode.


5. Scan the appropriate two digits from the keypad in Appendix D, Keypad, that represent the
duration which was determined in the steps above. You will hear a two-beep indication
after the last character.

If you make a mistake before the last character, scan the CANCEL bar code to
abort and not save the entry string. You can then start again at the begin-
6. Scan the ENTER/EXIT PROGRAMMING MODE bar code to exit Programming Mode.
This completes the procedure. See the table below for examples of how to set this feature.

Table 9. ACK NAK Timeout Value Setting Examples


1 Desired Setting 200ms 1,000ms (1 sec.) 5200ms (5.2 sec.) 15,000ms (15 sec.)

2 Divide by 200 01 05 26 75



Scan Two Characters From

5 ‘0’ and ‘1’ ‘0’ and ‘5’ ‘2’ and ‘6’ ‘7’ and ‘5’
Appendix D, Keypad


222 Cobalto™ CO5300 Scanner

RS-232 Parameters

ACK NAK Retry Count

This feature specifies the number of times the scanner retries a label transmission due to a
retry condition. The selectable range is from 1 to 254 retries. A selection of 0 disables the
count, and a selection of 255 specifies unlimited retries.

To set this feature:

1. Determine the desired setting.

2. Pad the number with leading zeroes to yield three digits. For example: 0 = 000, 5 = 005,
20 = 020, etc.

3. Go to page 28 and scan the ENTER/EXIT PROGRAMMING MODE bar code to enter Pro-
gramming Mode.


5. Scan the appropriate three digits from the keypad in Appendix D, Keypad, that represent
the number which was determined in the steps above. You will hear a two-beep indica-
tion after the last character.

If you make a mistake before the last character, scan the CANCEL bar code to
abort and not save the entry string. You can then start again at the begin-
6. Scan the ENTER/EXIT PROGRAMMING MODE bar code to exit Programming Mode.
This completes the procedure. See the table below for examples of how to set this feature.

Table 10. ACK NAK Retry Count Setting Examples


Disable Retry
1 Desired Setting 3 Retries 54 Retries Unlimited Retries
2 Pad with leading zero(es) 000 003 054 255



Scan Three Characters From

5 ‘0’, ‘0’ and ‘0’ ‘0’, ‘0’ and ‘3’ ‘0’, ‘5’ and ‘4’ ‘2’, ‘5’ and ‘5’
Appendix D, Keypad


Product Reference Guide 223


Disable Character
Specifies the value of the RS-232 host command used to disable the scanner.
ASCII characters or any hex value from 0 to 0xFF can be selected.
Setting to previously defined characters such as XON, XOFF, or host
commands conflicts with normal operation of these characters. 8-bit
data is not recognized when the option Stop Bits has been set as 7
NOTE Data Bits.

To set the value:

1. Determine the desired character or value. A setting of 0xFF indicates the Disable Charac-
ter is not used (not available).

2. Use the ASCII Chart on the inside back cover of this manual to find the hex equivalent for
the desired character/value.

3. Go to page 30 and scan the ENTER/EXIT PROGRAMMING MODE bar code to enter Pro-
gramming Mode.


5. Scan the appropriate two alphanumeric characters from the keypad in Appendix D, Keypad,
that represent the desired character/value determined above. The second character will
cause a two-beep indication.

6. Scan the ENTER/EXIT PROGRAMMING MODE bar code to exit Programming Mode.
This completes the procedure. See the table below for examples of how to set this feature.

Table 11. Disable Character Setting Examples


Disable Command
1 Desired character/value ‘d’ ‘}’ ‘D’
Not Used
Hex equivalent from ASCII
2 0x64 0x7D 0x44 0xFF



Scan Two Characters From
5 ‘6’ and ‘4’ ‘7’ and ‘D’ ‘4’ and ‘4’ ‘F’ AND ‘F’
Appendix D, Keypad


224 Cobalto™ CO5300 Scanner

RS-232 Parameters

Enable Character
Specifies the value of the RS-232 host command used to enable the scanner.
ASCII characters or any hex value from 0 to 0xFF can be selected.
Setting to previously defined characters such as XON, XOFF, or host
commands conflicts with normal operation of these characters. 8-bit
data is not recognized when the option Stop Bits has been set as 7
NOTE Data Bits.

To set this feature:

Determine the desired character or value. A setting of 0xFF indicates the Enable Character is
not used (not available).

1. Determine the desired character or value.

2. Use the ASCII Chart on the inside back cover of this manual to find the hex equivalent for
the desired character/value.

3. Go to page 31 and scan the ENTER/EXIT PROGRAMMING MODE bar code to enter Pro-
gramming Mode.


5. Scan the appropriate two alphanumeric characters from the keypad in Appendix D, Keypad,
that represent the desired character/value determined above. The second character will
cause a two-beep indication.

6. Scan the ENTER/EXIT PROGRAMMING MODE bar code to exit Programming Mode.
This completes the procedure. See the table below for examples of how to set this feature.

Table 12. Enable Character Setting Examples


Enable Command
1 Desired character/value ‘e’ ‘}’ ‘E’
Not Used
Hex equivalent from ASCII
2 0x65 0x7D 0x45 0xFF



Scan Two Characters From
5 ‘6’ and ‘5’ ‘7’ and ‘D’ ‘4’ and ‘5’ ‘F’ AND ‘F’
Appendix D, Keypad


Product Reference Guide 225


Keyboard Interface
Wedge Quiet Interval
Specifies the amount of time the scanner looks for keyboard activity before it breaks the
keyboard connection in order to transmit data to host. The range is from 0 to 990ms in 10ms

This feature applies ONLY to the Keyboard Wedge interface.


1. Determine the desired setting in milliseconds.

2. Divide the desired setting by 10 (setting is in 10ms increments). Pad the result with
leading zeroes to yield two digits. For example: 0 = 00, 5 = 05, 20 = 20, etc.

3. Go to page 39 and scan the ENTER/EXIT PROGRAMMING MODE bar code to enter Prog.


5. Scan the appropriate two digits from the keypad in Appendix D, Keypad, that represent the
duration which was determined in the steps above. You will hear a two-beep indication
after the last character.

If you make a mistake before the last character, scan the CANCEL bar code to
abort and not save the entry string. You can then start again at the beginning.
6. Scan the ENTER/EXIT PROGRAMMING MODE bar code to exit.
This completes the procedure to set the Wedge Quiet Interval. See the table below for
examples of how to set this feature.

Table 13. Wedge Quiet Interval Setting Examples


1 Desired Setting 10ms 150ms 600ms 850ms

Divide by 10 (and pad with

2 01 15 60 85
leading zeroes)



Scan Two Characters From

5 ‘0’ and ‘1’ ‘1’ and ‘5’ ‘6’ and ‘0’ ‘8’ and ‘5’
Appendix D, Keypad


226 Cobalto™ CO5300 Scanner

Keyboard Interface

Intercharacter Delay
This parameter specifies the intercharacter delay between the end of one character and the
beginning of the next. The delay can be set within a range of zero (0) to 990 milliseconds in
10ms increments. A setting of zero specifies no delay.

This feature applies ONLY to the Keyboard Wedge interface.

To set the delay:

1. Determine the desired setting in milliseconds.

2. Divide the desired setting by 10 (setting is in 10ms increments). Pad the result with
leading zeroes to yield two digits. For example: 0 = 00, 5 = 05, 20 = 20, etc.

3. Go to page 40 and scan the ENTER/EXIT PROGRAMMING MODE bar code to enter Pro-
gramming Mode.


5. Scan the appropriate two digits from the keypad in Appendix D, Keypad, that represent the
duration which was determined in the steps above. You will hear a two-beep indication
after the last character.

If you make a mistake before the last character, scan the CANCEL bar code to
abort and not save the entry string. You can then start again at the begin-

6. Scan the ENTER/EXIT PROGRAMMING MODE bar code to exit Programming Mode.
This completes the procedure. See the table below for examples of how to set this feature.

Table 14. Intercharacter Delay Setting Examples


1 Desired Setting 50ms 150ms 600ms 850ms

Divide by 10 (and pad with

2 leading zeroes to yield two- 05 15 60 85


Scan Two Characters From

5 ‘0’ and ‘5’ ‘1’ and ‘5’ ‘6’ and ‘0’ ‘8’ and ‘5’
Appendix D, Keypad


Product Reference Guide 227


Intercode Delay
Specifies the delay between labels transmitted to the host for this interface. The selectable
range for this feature is from 0 to 99 seconds.
Follow these instructions to set this feature:

1. Determine the desired setting.

2. Pad the number with leading zeroes to yield two digits. For example: 0 = 00, 5 = 05, 20 =
20, etc

3. Go to page 41 and scan the ENTER/EXIT PROGRAMMING MODE bar code to enter Pro-
gramming Mode.


5. Scan the appropriate two digits from the keypad in Appendix D, Keypad, that represent the
duration which was determined in the steps above. You will hear a two-beep indication
after the last character.

If you make a mistake before the last character, scan the CANCEL bar code to
abort and not save the entry string. You can then start again at the begin-
6. Scan the ENTER/EXIT PROGRAMMING MODE bar code to exit Programming Mode.
This completes the procedure. See the table below for examples of how to set this feature.

Table 15. Wedge Intercode Delay Examples


1 Desired Setting No Delay 5 Seconds 60 Seconds 99 Seconds

2 Pad with leading zero(es) 00 05 60 99



Scan Two Characters From

5 ‘0’ and ‘0’ ‘0’ and ‘5’ ‘6’ and ‘0’ ‘9’ AND ‘9’
Appendix D, Keypad


228 Cobalto™ CO5300 Scanner

Data Format

Data Format

Data Editing
When a bar code is scanned, additional information can be sent to the host computer along
with the bar code data. This combination of bar code data and supplementary user-defined
data is called a “message string.” The Data Editing features can be used to build specific user-
defined data into a message string.
There are several types of selectable data characters that can be sent before and after
scanned data. You can specify if they should be sent with all symbologies, or only with specific
symbologies. The following shows the available elements you can add to a message string:

Figure 3. Breakdown of a Message String

Label ID Transmission:
Enable this option to
transmit the Label ID you
configure for the scanned

Prefix Label ID AIM ID Bar Code Data Label ID Suffix

AIM ID: This function is used to identify and display the

common label identifier for its symbology. When enabled, this
ID code will be transmitted before the scanned bar code data.

00 - 20 Characters (ASCII)

Additional advanced editing is available. See the Advanced formatting fea-

tures in the Datalogic Aladdin configuration software, or contact Technical
Support (as described on page 4) for more information.

Please Keep In Mind...

• Modifying a message string is not a mandatory requirement. Data editing is a sophisti-
cated feature allowing highly customizable output for advanced users. Factory default
settings for data editing is typically set to NONE.
• A prefix or suffix may be applied only to a specified symbology (reference
Symbologies, starting on page 79) or across all symbologies (set via the Global features in
Configuration Using Bar Codes, starting on page 15).
• You can add any character from the ASCII Chart (from 00-FF) on the inside back cover of
this manual as a prefix, suffix or Label ID.
• Enter prefixes and suffixes in the order in which you want them to appear on the output.

Global Prefix/Suffix
Up to 20 ASCII characters may be added as a prefix (in a position before the bar code data) and/
or as a suffix (in a position following the bar code data) as indicated.

Product Reference Guide 229


Figure 4. Prefix and Suffix Positions


Prefix Label ID AIM ID Bar Code Data Label ID Suffix

00 - 20 Characters (ASCII)

Example: Setting a Prefix

In this example, we’ll set a prefix for all symbologies.

1. Determine which ASCII character(s) are to be added to scanned bar code data. In this
example, we’ll add a dollar sign (‘$’) as a prefix.

2. Go to page 46 and scan the ENTER/EXIT PROGRAMMING MODE bar code, then scan the

3. Reference the ASCII Chart on the inside back cover of this manual to find the hex value
assigned to the desired character. The corresponding hex number for the ‘$’ character is
24. To enter this selection code, scan the ‘2’ and ‘4’ bar codes from Appendix D, Keypad.

If you make a mistake before the last character, scan the CANCEL bar code to
abort and not save the entry string. You can then start again at the begin-
4. If less than the expected string of 20 characters are selected, scan the ENTER/EXIT bar
code to terminate the string.

5. Scan the ENTER/EXIT bar code once again to exit Programming Mode.

6. The resulting message string would appear as follows:

Scanned bar code data: 12345
Resulting message string output: $12345

230 Cobalto™ CO5300 Scanner

Data Format

Global AIM ID

This feature enables/disables addition of AIM IDs for all symbology

AIM label identifiers (as opposed to custom characters you select yourself as with label
identifiers) can be included with scanned bar code data. AIM label identifiers consist of three
characters as follows:
• A close brace character (ASCII ‘]’), followed by...
• A code character (see the table below), followed by...
• A modifier character (the modifier character is symbol dependent).


UPC/EAN Ea Code 128/GS1-128 C

Code 39 and  DataBar Omnidirectional,

A e
Code 32 DataBar Expanded

Codabar F Standard 2 of 5 S

Interleaved 2 of 5 I ISBN Xb

Code 93 G Code 11 H

a. UPC-A and UPC-E labels are converted to EAN 13 when adding AIM IDs.
b. ISBN (X with a 0 modifier character)

Figure 5. AIM ID

Prefix Label ID AIM ID Bar Code Data Label ID Suffix

Product Reference Guide 231


Label ID
A Label ID is a customizable code of up to three ASCII characters (each can be one of hex 0x01-
0xFF), used to identify a bar code (symbology) type. It can be appended previous to or following
the transmitted bar code data depending upon how this option is enabled. This feature
provides options for configuring custom Label IDs as a pre-loaded set or individually per
symbology (see "Label ID: Set Individually Per Symbology" on page 49). If you wish to program the
scanner to always include an industry standard label identifier for ALL symbology types, see
"Global AIM ID" on page 47.

Label ID: Pre-loaded Sets

The following table lists the pre-loaded label ID sets for the USA and Europe.

Table 16. Label ID Pre-loaded Sets

Symbology USA Label ID set EU Label ID set

ASCII Hex ASCII Hexadecimal

character value character value

ABC Codabar S 530000 S 530000

CODABAR % 250000 R 520000

Codablock F l 6C0000 m 6D0000

Code 39 CIP Y 590000 Y 590000

Code 93 & 260000 U 550000

CODE11 CE 434500 b 620000

CODE128 # 230000 T 540000

CODE32 A 410000 X 580000

CODE39 * 2A0000 V 560000

CODE4 4 340000 4 340000

CODE5 j 6A0000 j 6A0000

CODE93 & 260000 U 550000

DATALOGIC 2OF5 s 730000 s 730000

EAN13 F 460000 B 420000

EAN13 P2 F 460000 L 4C0000

EAN13 P5 F 460000 M 4D0000

EAN8 FF 464600 A 410000

EAN8 P2 FF 464600 J 4A0000

EAN8 P5 FF 464600 K 4B0000

FOLLETT 2OF5 O 4F0000 O 4F0000

GS1 DATABAR EXPANDED RX 525800 t 740000

GS1 DATABAR LIMITED RL 524C00 v 760000

232 Cobalto™ CO5300 Scanner

Data Format

Symbology USA Label ID set EU Label ID set


GS1-128 000000 k 6B0000

I2OF5 i 690000 N 4E0000

IATA IA 494100 & 260000

Industrial 2 of 5 W 570000 W 570000

Interleaved 2 of 5 CIP HR e 650000 e 650000

ISBN I 490000 @ 400000

ISBT128 f 660000 f 660000

ISSN n 6E0000 n 6E0000

MSI @ 400000 Z 5A0000

S25 s 730000 P 500000

UPCA A 410000 C 430000

UPCA P2 A 410000 F 460000

UPCA P5 A 410000 G 470000

UPCE E 450000 D 440000

UPCE P2 E 450000 H 480000

UPCE P5 E 450000 I 490000

Product Reference Guide 233


Label ID: Set Individually Per Symbology

To configure a Label ID individually for a single symbology:

1. Scan the ENTER/EXIT bar code.

2. Select Label ID position as either BEFORE (Enable as Prefix) or AFTER (Enable as suffix)
by scanning the appropriate bar code in the section "Label ID Control" on page 49. Reference
Figure 6 for Label ID positioning options if multiple identification features are enabled.

3. Scan a bar code to select the symbology for which you wish to configure a custom Label
ID from the section Label ID Symbology Selection, starting on page 50.

4. Determine the desired character(s) (you may choose up to three) which will represent the
Label ID for the selected symbology.

5. Turn to the ASCII Chart on the inside back cover of this manual and find the equivalent hex
digits associated with your choice of Label ID. For example, if you wish to select an equal
sign (=) as a Label ID, the chart indicates its associated hex characters as 3D. Turn to
Keypad, starting on page 267 and scan the bar codes representing the hex characters deter-
mined. For the example given, the characters ‘3’ and ‘D’ would be scanned. More exam-
ples of Label ID settings are provided in Table 17.

If you make a mistake before the last character, scan the CANCEL bar code to
abort and not save the entry string. You can then start again at the begin-

6. Scan the ENTER/EXIT bar code to exit Label ID entry.

7. Scan the ENTER/EXIT bar code once again to exit Programming Mode.

This completes the steps to configure a Label ID for a given symbology.

Figure 6. Label ID Position Options

Prefix Label ID Aim ID Bar Code Data Label ID Suffix


234 Cobalto™ CO5300 Scanner

Data Format

Label ID: Set Individually Per Symbology — continued

Table 17. Label ID Examples


Scan the ENTER/EXIT bar

1. (Scanner enters Programming Mode)

Determine placement of the

Label ID characters BEFORE
2. or AFTER with regard to Enable as Prefix Enable as Suffix Enable as Prefix Enable as Suffix
scanned data using "Label ID
Control" on page 49

Scan the bar code selecting

the symbology type you
wish to designate label ID GS1 DataBar
3. Code 39 Interleaved 2 of 5 Code 32
characters for using Label ID Omnidirectional
Symbology Selection, starting on
page 50.

Custom Label ID example

4. D B * = C 3 + P H
(desired characters):

Find hex equivalents from

the ASCII table (inside back
cover), then scan in these
digits/characters using the
bar codes in the section:
Keypad, starting on page 267. f
5. 44 42 2A 3D 43 33 2B 50 48
you make a mistake before
the last character, scan the
CANCEL bar code to abort
and not save the entry
string. You can then start
again at the beginning.

Scan the ENTER/EXIT bar

6. (Scanner exits Label ID entry)

Scan the ENTER/EXIT bar

7. (Scanner exits Programming Mode)
code once again

DB*[bar code [bar code +[bar code

Result: [bar code data]PH
data] data]=C3 data]

Product Reference Guide 235


Character Conversion
Character conversion is an eight byte configuration item. The eight bytes are 4 character pairs
represented in hexadecimal ASCII values. The first character in the pair is the character that
will be converted. The second character in the pair is the character to convert to. If the
character to convert in a pair is FF, then no conversion is done.
For example, if you have the character conversion configuration item set to the following:
The first pair is 4142 or AB (41 hex is an ASCII capital A, 42 hex is an ASCII capital B) and the
second pair is 3132 or 12 (31 hex is an ASCII 1, 32 is an ASCII 2). The other two pairs are FFFF
and FFFF.
With the label, AB12BA21, it would look as follows after the character
conversion: BB22BB22.

The A characters were converted to B characters and the 1 characters were converted to 2
characters. Nothing is done with the last two character pairs, since they are all FF.

To set Character Conversion:

1. Scan the ENTER/EXIT bar code.

2. Scan the bar code for "Character Conversion" on page 56

3. Determine the desired string. Sixteen positions must be determined as in the above
example. Next, turn to the ASCII Chart on the inside back cover of this manual and find the
equivalent hex digits needed to fulfill the string.

4. Turn to Appendix D, Keypad and scan the bar codes representing the hex characters deter-
mined in the previous step.

5. Scan the ENTER/EXIT bar code to exit Programming Mode.

If less than the expected string of 16 characters are selected, scan

the ENTER/EXIT bar code twice to accept the selections and exit Pro-
gramming Mode.

236 Cobalto™ CO5300 Scanner

Reading Parameters

Reading Parameters

Label Gone Timeout

This feature sets the time after the last label segment is seen before the scanner prepares for
a new label. The timeout can be set within a range of 10 milliseconds to 2,550 milliseconds
(2.55 seconds) in 10ms increments. Label Gone Timeout does not apply to scan modes that
require a trigger pull for each label that is read
Follow these instructions to set this feature:

1. Determine the desired setting in milliseconds.

2. Divide the desired setting by 10 (setting is in 10ms increments). Pad the result with
leading zeroes to yield three digits. For example: 0 = 000, 5 = 005, 20 = 020, etc.

3. Scan the ENTER/EXIT PROGRAMMING MODE bar code to enter Programming Mode.


5. Scan the appropriate three alpha-numeric characters from the keypad in Appendix D, Key-
pad representing the duration which was determined in the steps above. You will hear a
two-beep indication after the last character.

If you make a mistake before the last character, scan the CANCEL bar code to
abort and not save the entry string. You can then start again at the begin-

6. Scan the ENTER/EXIT PROGRAMMING MODE bar code to exit Programming Mode.

This completes the procedure. See the table below for examples of how to set this feature.

Table 18. Timeout Setting Examples


1800ms (1.8
1 Desired Setting 50ms 150ms 2550ms (2.55 sec.)
Divide by 10 (and pad with
2 005 015 180 255
leading zeroes)


Scan Three Characters From

5 ‘0’, ‘0’ and ‘5’ ‘0’, ‘1’ and ‘5’ ‘1’, ‘8’ and ‘0’ ‘‘2’, ‘5’ and ‘5’
Appendix D, Keypad


Product Reference Guide 237


Good Read LED Duration

This feature specifies the amount of time that the Good Read LED remains on following a good
read. The good read LED on time can be set within a range of 0.1 to 25.5 seconds in 100ms
Follow these instructions to set this feature:

1. Determine the desired setting in milliseconds. A setting of 0 means that the good read
LED stays on until the next time the trigger is pulled.

2. Divide the desired setting by 100 (setting is in 100ms increments). Pad the result with
leading zeroes to yield three digits. For example: 0 = 000, 5 = 000, 20 = 020, etc.

3. Scan the ENTER/EXIT PROGRAMMING MODE bar code to enter Programming Mode.


5. Scan the appropriate three digits from the keypad in Appendix D, Keypad representing the
duration which was determined in the steps above. You will hear a two-beep indication
after the last character.

If you make a mistake before the last character, scan the CANCEL bar code to
abort and not save the entry string. You can then start again at the begin-

6. Scan the ENTER/EXIT PROGRAMMING MODE bar code to exit Programming Mode.

This completes the procedure. See the table below for examples of how to set this feature.

Table 19. Good Read LED Duration Setting Examples


Good Read LED
stays on until 1500ms (1.5
1 Desired Setting 200ms 2500ms (2.5 sec.)
next trigger pull sec.)
Divide by 100 (and pad with
2 000 002 015 025
leading zeroes)


Scan Three Characters From

5 ‘0’, ‘0’ and ‘0’ ‘0’, ‘0’ and ‘2’ ‘0’, ‘1’ and ‘5’ ‘0’, ‘2’ and ‘5’
Appendix D, Keypad


238 Cobalto™ CO5300 Scanner



Decoding Levels
Decoding Levels are used to configure a bar code symbology decoder to be very aggressive to
very conservative depending on a particular customer’s needs.
• Choosing Level 1 results in a very conservative decoder at the expense of not being able
to read poorly printed or damaged labels.
• Choosing Level 5 results in a very aggressive decoder. This aggressive behavior allows
decoding of poorly printed and damaged labels at the expense of increasing the likeli-
hood of decoding errors.
• Choosing Level 3, which is the default setting, allows the majority of product labels to be
There are many factors that determine when to change the decoding level for a particular
symbology. These factors include spots, voids, non-uniform bar/space widths, damaged
labels, etc. that may be experienced in some bar code labels. If there are many hard to read or
damaged labels that cannot be decoded using a conservative setting, increase the decoding
level to be more aggressive. If the majority of labels are very good quality labels, or there is a
need to decrease the possibility of a decoder error, lower the decoding level to a more
conservative level.

Set Length
Length Control allows you to select either variable length decoding or fixed length decoding for
the specified symbology.
Variable Length — For variable length decoding, a minimum and maximum length may be set.
Fixed Length — For fixed length decoding, two different lengths may be set.

Set Length 1
This feature specifies one of the bar code lengths for a given symbology. Length 1 is the
minimum label length if in Variable Length Mode, or the first fixed length if in Fixed Length
Reference the Symbologies section to view the selectable range (number of characters) for the
symbology being set.
Follow these instructions to set this feature:

1. Determine the desired character length. Pad the number with leading zeroes to yield two
digits. For example: 0 = 00, 5 = 05, 20 = 20, etc.

2. Scan the ENTER/EXIT PROGRAMMING MODE bar code to enter Programming Mode.

3. Scan the “Select Length 1 Setting” for the symbology being set.

4. Scan the appropriate two digits from the keypad in Appendix D, Keypad, that represent the
length setting which was determined in the steps above. You will hear a two-beep indi-
cation after the last character.

If you make a mistake before the last character, scan the CANCEL bar code to
abort and not save the entry string. You can then start again at the begin-

Product Reference Guide 239

5. Scan the ENTER/EXIT PROGRAMMING MODE bar code to exit Programming Mode.
This completes the procedure. See the table below for examples of how to set this feature.

Table 20. Length 1 Setting Examples


1 Desired Setting 01 Character 07 Characters 52 Characters 74 Characters


3 Scan SELECT LENGTH 1SETTING for the desired symbology

Scan Two Characters From
4 ‘0’ and ‘1’ ‘0’ and ‘7’ ‘5’ and ‘2’ ‘7’ AND ‘4’
Appendix D, Keypad


240 Cobalto™ CO5300 Scanner


Set Length 2
This feature specifies one of the bar code lengths for a given symbology. Length 2 is the
maximum label length if in Variable Length Mode, or the second fixed length if in Fixed Length
Reference the Symbologies section to view the selectable range (number of characters) for the
symbology being set. A setting of 00 specifies to ignore this length (only one fixed length).
Follow these instructions to set this feature:

1. Determine the desired character length. Pad the number with leading zeroes to yield two
digits. For example: 0 = 00, 5 = 05, 20 = 20, etc.

2. Scan the ENTER/EXIT PROGRAMMING MODE bar code to enter Programming Mode.

3. Scan the “Select Length 2 Setting” for the symbology being set.

4. Scan the appropriate two digits from the keypad in Appendix D, Keypad, that represent the
length setting which was determined in the steps above. You will hear a two-beep indi-
cation after the last character.

If you make a mistake before the last character, scan the CANCEL bar code to
abort and not save the entry string. You can then start again at the begin-

5. Scan the ENTER/EXIT PROGRAMMING MODE bar code to exit Programming Mode.
This completes the procedure. See the table below for examples of how to set this feature.

Table 21. Length 2 Setting Examples


00 (ignore sec-
1 Desired Setting 07 Characters 52 Characters 74 Characters
ond length)


Scan Two Characters From
4 ‘0’ and ‘0’ ‘0’ and ‘7’ ‘5’ and ‘2’ ‘7’ and ‘4’
Appendix D, Keypad


Product Reference Guide 241



242 Cobalto™ CO5300 Scanner

Appendix A
Technical Specifications
The table below contains Physical and Performance Characteristics, User Environment and
Regulatory information. Table 23 provides Standard Cable Pinouts.

Table 22. Technical Specifications

Item Description

Electrical Features

Power Supply
RS-232 interface 5 Vdc  5%

Max operating current @ 5V: <500 mA

Typical operating (changing colors) current @ 5V < 430 mA
Standby mode/USB suspend < 2,5 mA
Max. Scan Rate 1500 lines/sec.

Ring of light and top indicator Illumination,

Reading Indicators
Beep or jingle

Optical and Read Performance

Fluorescent, incandescent, mercury vapor and sodium vapor: 450 ft-candles

Ambient Light Immunity (4,844 lux)
Sunlight: 8,000 ft-candles (86,111 lux)
Motion Tolerance On 100% EAN13 @ 10cm from nose: > 4 m/sec.

Scan Technology Laser

Wavelength 650 nm

Laser Safety Class Class 1 IEC 60825-1:2007

5 mils: 5 - 55 mm
Reading Field
100% EAN13: 0 to 275 mm
Max. Resolution 5 mils

PCS (Datalogic Test Chart) 35%

Environmental Features

Working Temperature 0 C to + 40 C (+32° to +104°F)

Storage Temperature -40 C to +70 C (-40° to +158°F)

Humidity 90% non-condensing

Drop Resistance 1.2 m

Product Reference Guide 243

Technical Specifications

Item Description

ESD Protection 16 KV

Protection Class IP30

Mechanical Features

Weight (without cable) 445 g (15.7 oz)

Cable Length 2 m (6 ft 6 in)

UPC/EAN, P2 /P5 add-ons; ISBN; ISSN; GTIN, add on 2/5/8; Codabar;

Interleaved 2/5; Code 93; Code 128; Code 39; Code 32; Code 11;
Decode Capability
Industrial 2/5; IATA Industrial 2/5; EAN 128; Code 4; Code 5; Datalogic 2 of 5;
Standard 2 of 5; MSI; Concatenated ISBT 128

USB (see page 6)

Interfaces Supported RS-232 (see page 6)
Keyboard Wedge (KBW) (see page 6)

244 Cobalto™ CO5300 Scanner

Standard Cable Pinouts

Standard Cable Pinouts

Figure 7 and Table 23 provide standard pinout information for the scanner’s cable.

Figure 7. Standard Cable Pinouts

Interface Cable Port

Pin 1 Pin 10

To Host
Cable Strain Relief Cable Clip (Latch)

The signal descriptions in Table 23 apply to the connector on the scanner and are for reference

Table 23. Standard Cable Pinouts — Scanner Side

Pin RS-232 USB

1 RTS (out)

2 D+ CLKIN (KBD side)

3 D- DATAIN (KBD side)


5 RX

6 TX


8 CLKOUT (PC side)


10 CTS (in)

Product Reference Guide 245

Technical Specifications

LED and Speaker Indications

The scanner’s speaker sounds and its LED illuminates to indicate various functions or errors
on the scanner. The tables below list these indications. One exception to the behaviors listed
in the tables is that the scanner’s functions are programmable, and may or may not be turned
on. For example, certain indications such as the power-up beep can be disabled using
programming bar code labels.

Table 24. LED and Speaker Indications


Top green LED flashes/
blinks on power-up but
this may be too rapid to Scanner beeps four times at
The scanner is in the process
Power-up Beep view. With a USB interface, highest frequency and volume
of powering-up. the LED blinks until enu- upon power-up.
meration with the host is

The scanner will beep once at

LED behavior for this
current frequency, volume,
A label has been successfully indication is configu-
Good Read Beep mono/bi-tonal setting and
scanned by the scanner. rable via the feature
duration upon a successful
“Good Read: When to Indicate”
label scan.

Scanner sounds one error

There is an error in the scan- Flashes 200mS on /
ROM Failure beep at highest volume for
ner's software/programming 200mS off
200 mS.

Indicates that a host connec- Scanner 'chirps' six times at

Limited Scan-
tion is not established when Top Green LED blinks the highest frequency and
ning Label Read
the USB interface is enabled. current volume.

The LED blinks continu-

Scanner The scanner has been dis-
ously 100mS on / 900 mS N/A
Disabled abled by the host.

Programming Mode - The following indications ONLY occur when the scanner is in Programming Mode.


Label Program-
A valid programming label has Scanner sounds four low fre-
ming Mode LED blinks continuously
been scanned. quency beeps.

Label Program-
Scanner sounds three times
ming Mode
A label has been rejected. N/A at lowest frequency & current
Rejection of

246 Cobalto™ CO5300 Scanner

Error Codes

Programming Mode - The following indications ONLY occur when the scanner is in Programming Mode.


In cases where multiple labels

Label Program-
must be scanned to program Scanner sounds one short
ming Mode
one feature, this indication N/A beep at highest frequency &
Acceptance of
acknowledges each portion as current volume.
Partial Label
it is successfully scanned.

Configuration option(s) have

Label Program- Scanner sounds one high fre-
been successfully pro-
ming Mode quency beep and 4 low fre-
grammed via labels and the N/A
Acceptance of quency beeps followed by
scanner has exited Program-
Programming reset beeps.
ming Mode.

Label Program- Scanner sounds two times at

Cancel label has been
ming Mode Can- N/A low frequency and current
cel Item Entry volume.

Error Codes
Upon startup, if the scanner sounds a long tone, this means the scanner has not passed its
automatic Selftest and has entered FRU (Field Replaceable Unit) isolation mode. If the scanner
is reset, the sequence will be repeated. The following table describes the LED flashes/beep
codes associated with an error found.


1 Configuration

2 Interface PCB Contact Helpdesk for assis-

5 [Reserved] tance

6 Digital PCB

Product Reference Guide 247

Technical Specifications


248 Cobalto™ CO5300 Scanner

Appendix B
Standard Defaults
The most common configuration settings are listed in the “Default” column of Table 25. The
settings in this table are as applied to a standard RS-232 interface. See Table 26 for a listing of
default exceptions to this list as applied to other interface types. Page references are also
provided for feature descriptions and programming bar codes for each parameter. A column
has also been provided for recording of your preferred default settings for these same
configurable features.

Table 25. Standard Defaults

Page Num-
Parameter Default Your Setting


Host Commands — Obey/Ignore Obey 17

USB Suspend Mode Disable 18

Baud Rate 115200 19

Stop Bits 1 Stop Bit 20
Parity None 21
Handshaking Control Disable 22

Intercharacter Delay No Delay 23

Beep On ASCII BEL Disable 24
Beep On Not on File Enable 24
ACK Character ‘ACK’ 26
NAK Character ‘NAK’ 26
ACK NAK Timeout Value 600 ms 27
ACK NAK Retry Count 3 Retries 28
Ignore Errors
ACK NAK Error Handling 29

Indicate Transmission Failure Enable 30

Product Reference Guide 249

Standard Defaults
Page Num-
Parameter Default Your Setting

Disable Character ‘D’ 30

Enable Character ‘E’ 31

Country Mode U.S. Keyboard 33

Caps Lock State Caps Lock OFF 36
Numlock Key
Numlock 36

Keyboard Numeric Keypad Standard Keys 37

Keyboard Send Control Characters Disable 38
Wedge Quiet Interval 100ms 39
Intercharacter Delay No Delay 40
Intercode Delay 100 ms 41
USB Keyboard Speed 1 ms 42

Handheld Scan-
USB-OEM Device Usage 44

USB-OEM Interface Options Ignore 44


No Global Prefix
Global Prefix/Suffix Global Suffix = 46
0x0D (CR)

Global AIM ID Disable 47

GS1-128 AIM ID Enable 47
Label ID Control Disable 49
Case Conversion Disable 56
No Char Conver-
Character Conversion 56


Double Read Timeout 0.6 Second 58

Label Gone Timeout 160 ms 60

LED and SPEAKER Indications

Power On Alert 4 Beeps 66

250 Cobalto™ CO5300 Scanner

Page Num-
Parameter Default Your Setting

Good Read: When to Indicate After Decode 73

Good Read Beep Type Mono 74
Good Read Beep Frequency Medium 74
Good Read Beep Length 80 ms 76
Illumination Off
Good Read Beep Length — continued 77
during beep

Good Read Speaker Volume High 75

LED on until
Good Read LED Duration 77
next trigger pull


Enable only UPC/

Coupon Control 80


UPC-A Enable/Disable Enable 81

UPC-A Check Character Transmission Enable 81
Expand UPC-A to EAN-13 Don’t Expand 82
UPC-A Number System Character Trans-
Transmit 82
In-Store Minimum Reads 2 83


UPC-E Enable/Disable Enable 84

UPC-E Check Character Transmission Send 84
Expand UPC-E to EAN-13 Don’t Expand 85
Expand UPC-E to UPC-A Don’t Expand 85
UPC-E Number System Character Trans-
Transmit 86
UPC-E Minimum Read 2 86

EAN 13

EAN 13 Enable/Disable Enable 87

EAN 13 Check Character Transmission Send 87
EAN-13 Flag 1 Character Transmit 88

Product Reference Guide 251

Standard Defaults
Page Num-
Parameter Default Your Setting

EAN-13 ISBN Conversion Disable 88

ISSN Enable/Disable Disable 89
EAN 13 Minimum Reads 1 89


EAN 8 Enable/Disable Enable 90

EAN 8 Check Character Transmission Send 90
Expand EAN 8 to EAN 13 Disable 91
EAN 8 Minimum Reads 1 91

UPC/EAN Global Settings

UPC/EAN Decoding Level 2 92

UPC/EAN Price Weight Check Disable 93
UPC-A Minimum Reads 1 Read 94


Disable P2, P5
Optional Add-ons 95
and P8

Optional Add-On Timer 70 ms 96

P2 Add-Ons Minimum Reads 2 97
P5 Add-Ons Minimum Reads 1 98

GS1 DataBar Omnidirectional

GS1 DataBar Omnidirectional Enable/

Disable 99
GS1 DataBar Omnidirectional GS1-128
Disable 99
GS1 DataBar Omnidirectional Minimum
1 100

GS1 DataBar Expanded

GS1 DataBar Expanded Enable/Disable Disable 101

GS1 DataBar Expanded GS1-128 Emula-
Disable 101
GS1 DataBar Expanded Minimum Reads 1 102
GS1 DataBar Expanded Length Control Variable 103

252 Cobalto™ CO5300 Scanner

Page Num-
Parameter Default Your Setting

GS1 DataBar Expanded Set Length 1 1 103

GS1 DataBar Expanded Set Length 2 74 104

GS1 DataBar Limited

GS1 DataBar Limited Enable/Disable Disable 105

GS1 DataBar Limited GS1-128 Emulation Disable 105
GS1 DataBar Limited Minimum Reads 1 106

Code 39

Code 39 Enable/Disable Enable 107

Code 39 Check Character Calculation Don’t Calculate 108
Code 39 Check Character Transmission Send 109
Code 39 Start/Stop Character Transmis-
Don’t Transmit 109
Code 39 Full ASCII Disable 110
Code 39 Quiet Zones Auto 111
Code 39 Minimum Reads 2 112
Code 39 Decoding Level 3 113
Code 39 Length Control Variable 114
Code 39 Set Length 1 2 115
Code 39 Set Length 2 50 116
Code 39 Interdigit Ratio 4 117

Code 32

Code 32 Enable/Disable Disable 119

Code 32 Check Character Transmission Don’t Send 120
Code 32 Start/Stop Character Transmis-
Don’t Transmit 120

Code 39 CIP

Code 39 CIP Enable/Disable Disable 121

Code 128

Code 128 Enable/Disable Enable 121

Product Reference Guide 253

Standard Defaults
Page Num-
Parameter Default Your Setting

Expand Code 128 to Code 39 Don’t Expand 122

Code 128 Check Character Transmission Don’t Send 122
Code 128 Quiet Zones Auto 124
Code 128 Minimum Reads 1 125
Code 128 Decoding Level 3 126
Code 128 Length Control Variable 127
Code 128 Set Length 1 1 128
Code 128 Set Length 2 80 129
Code 128 Stitching Enable 129


Transmit in Code
GS1-128 Enable 130
128 Data Format

Interleaved 2 of 5

I 2 of 5 Enable/Disable Disable 131

I 2 of 5 Check Character Calculation Disable 132
I 2 of 5 Check Character Transmission Send 133
I 2 of 5 Minimum Reads 2 141
I 2 of 5 Decoding Level 3 135
I 2 of 5 Length Control Variable 136
I 2 of 5 Set Length 1 6 137
I 2 of 5 Set Length 2 50 138

Interleaved 2 of 5 CIP

Interleaved 2 of 5 CIP HR Enable/Disable Disable 139

Datalogic 2 of 5

Datalogic 2 of 5 Enable/Disable Enable 140

Datalogic 2 of 5 Check Character Calcu-
Disable 140
Datalogic 2 of 5 Check Character Trans-
Don’t Send 141
Datalogic 2 of 5 Minimum Reads 2 141

254 Cobalto™ CO5300 Scanner

Page Num-
Parameter Default Your Setting

Datalogic 2 of 5 Length Control Variable 142

Datalogic 2 of 5 Set Length 1 12 143
Datalogic 2 of 5 Set Length 2 100 144
Datalogic 2 of 5 Interdigit Ratio 4 145


Codabar Enable/Disable Disable 147

Codabar Check Character Calculation Don’t Calculate 147
Codabar Check Character Transmission Send 148
Codabar Start/Stop Character Transmis-
Transmit 148
Codabar Start/Stop Character Set abcd/abcd 149
Don’t Require
Codabar Start/Stop Character Match 149

Codabar Quiet Zones Auto 150

Codabar Minimum Reads 2 151
Codabar Decoding Level 3 152
Codabar Length Control Variable 153
Codabar Set Length 1 3 154
Codabar Set Length 2 50 155
Codabar Interdigit Ratio 4 156

ABC Codabar

ABC Codabar Enable/Disable Disable 158

ABC Codabar Concatenation Mode Static 158
ABC Codabar Dynamic Concatenation
200mS 159
ABC Codabar Force Concatenation Disable 159

Code 11

Code 11 Enable/Disable Disable 160

Code 11 Check Character Calculation Check C and K 161
Code 11 Check Character Transmission Send 161

Product Reference Guide 255

Standard Defaults
Page Num-
Parameter Default Your Setting

Code 11 Minimum Reads 2 162

Code 11 Length Control Variable 163
Code 11 Set Length 1 4 163
Code 11 Set Length 2 50 164
Code 11 Interdigit Ratio 4 165
Code 11 Decoding Level 3 167

Standard 2 of 5

Standard 2 of 5 Enable/Disable Disable 168

Standard 2 of 5 Check Character Calcula-
Disable 168
Standard 2 of 5 Check Character Trans-
Send 169
Standard 2 of 5 Minimum Reads 2 169
Standard 2 of 5 Decoding Level 3 170
Standard 2 of 5 Length Control Variable 170
Standard 2 of 5 Set Length 1 8 171
Standard 2 of 5 Set Length 2 50 172

Industrial 2 of 5

Industrial 2 of 5 Enable/Disable Disable 173

Industrial 2 of 5 Check Character Calcu-
Disable 173
Industrial 2 of 5 Check Character Trans-
Enable 174
Industrial 2 of 5 Length Control Variable 174
Industrial 2 of 5 Set Length 1 1 Character 175
Industrial 2 of 5 Set Length 2 50 Characters 176
Industrial 2 of 5 Minimum Reads 1 Read 177


IATA Enable/Disable Disable 178

IATA Check Character Transmission Enable 178

256 Cobalto™ CO5300 Scanner

Page Num-
Parameter Default Your Setting

ISBT 128

ISBT 128 Concatenation Disable 179

ISBT 128 Concatenation Mode Static 179
ISBT 128 Dynamic Concatenation Time-
200ms 180
ISBT 128 Force Concatenation Disable 181
ISBT 128 Advanced Concatenation
Disable 181


MSI Enable/Disable Disable 182

MSI Check Character Calculation Enable Mod10 182
MSI Check Character Transmission Enable 183
MSI Length Control Variable 183
MSI Set Length 1 1 Character 184
MSI Set Length 2 50 Characters 185
MSI Minimum Reads 4 Reads 186
MSI Decoding Level Level 3 187

Code 93

Code 93 Enable/Disable Disable 188

Code 93 Check Character Calculation Disable 188
Code 93 Check Character Transmission Enable 189
Code 93 Length Control Variable 189
Code 93 Set Length 1 1 Character 190
Code 93 Set Length 2 50 Characters 191
Code 93 Minimum Reads 1 Read 192
Code 93 Decoding Level Level 3 193
Code 93 Quiet Zones Auto 194

Codablock F

Codablock F Enable/Disable Disable 195

Codablock F EAN Enable/Disable Disable 195

Product Reference Guide 257

Standard Defaults
Page Num-
Parameter Default Your Setting

Codablock F AIM Check Enable Check C 196

Codablock F Length Control Variable 196
Codablock F Set Length 1 3 Characters 197
Codablock F Set Length 2 100 Characters 198

Code 4

Code 4 Enable/Disable Disable 199

Code 4 Check Character Transmission Enable 199
Code 4 Hex to Decimal Conversion Enable 200

Code 5

Code 5 Enable/Disable Disable 200

Code 5 Check Character Transmission Enable 201
Code 5 Hex to Decimal Conversion Enable 201

Code 4 and Code 5 Common Configuration Items

Code 4 and 5 Decoding Level 3 202

Code 4 and Code 5 Minimum Reads 1 203
Follett 2 of 5

Follett 2 of 5 Enable/Disable Disable 204


BC412 Enable/Disable Disable 204

BC412 Check Character Calculation Don’t Calculate 205
BC412 Minimum Reads 2 Reads 205
BC412 Decoding Level 3 206
BC412 Length Control Variable Length 207
BC412 Set Length 1 1 Character 207
BC412 Set Length 2 50 Characters 208


Plessey Enable/Disable Disable 209

Enable Plessey
Plessey Check Character Calculation std. check char. 210

258 Cobalto™ CO5300 Scanner

Default Exceptions

Page Num-
Parameter Default Your Setting

Plessey Check Character Transmission Enable 211

Plessey Length Control Variable Length 211
Plessey Set Length 1 1 Character 212
Plessey Set Length 2 50 Characters 213
Plessey Minimum Reads 4 214
Plessey Decoding Level 3 215

Default Exceptions
Table 26. Default Exceptions by Interface Type

Default Excep-

Interfaces: USB-OEM

Global Suffix No Global Suffix

Double Read Timeout 500 msec

Interfaces: All Keyboard Wedge, USB Keyboard

No unique settings

Interface: RS232-WN

Expand UPC-A to EAN-13 Enable

UPC-E Check Character Transmission Disable

Parity Odd Parity

Handshaking Control RTS/CTS

Transmission Label ID Code Prefix

GS1-128 AIM ID Disable

UPCE Label ID Character(s) C

EAN 8 Label ID Character(s) B

EAN 13 Label ID Character(s) A

Code ISBN Label ID Character(s) A

Code 39 Label ID Character(s) M

Interleaved 2of5 Label ID Character(s) I

Code Standard 2/5 Label ID Character(s) H

Product Reference Guide 259

Standard Defaults

Default Excep-

Codabar Label ID Character(s) N

Code 128 Label ID Character(s) K

GS1-128 Label ID Character(s) P

Datalogic 2 of 5 Label ID Character(s) H

ISBT 128 Label ID Character(s) K

UPCE P2 Label ID Character(s) C

UPCE/P5 Label ID Character(s) C

UPCE/GS1-128 Label ID Character(s) C

EAN8/P2 Label ID Character(s) B

EAN8/P5 Label ID Character(s) B

EAN8/GS1-128 Label ID Character(s) B

EAN13/P2 Label ID Character(s) A

EAN13/P5 Label ID Character(s) A

EAN13/GS1-128 Label ID Character(s) A

GS1 DataBar 14 (Omnidirectional) Label ID Character(s) E

GS1 DataBar Expanded Label ID Character(s) E

GS1 DataBar Limited Label ID Character(s) E

Character Conversion CR to `

Interface: RS232-OPOS

Baud Rate 115200 Baud

Transmission Label ID Code Prefix

GS1-128 AIM ID Disable

UPCA Label ID Character(s) C

UPCE Label ID Character(s) D

EAN 8 Label ID Character(s) A

EAN 13 Label ID Character(s) B

Code ISBN Label ID Character(s) @

Code 39 Label ID Character(s) V

Code 32 Label ID Character(s) X

Interleaved 2of5 Label ID Character(s) N

Code Standard 2/5 Label ID Character(s) P

260 Cobalto™ CO5300 Scanner

Default Exceptions

Default Excep-

Codabar Label ID Character(s) R

Code 11 Label ID Character(s) b

Code 128 Label ID Character(s) T

GS1-128 Label ID Character(s) k

UPCA/P2 Label ID Character(s) F

UPCA/P5 Label ID Character(s) G

UPCA/GS1-128 Label ID Character(s) Q

UPCE P2 Label ID Character(s) H

UPCE/P5 Label ID Character(s) I

EAN8/P2 Label ID Character(s) J

EAN8/P5 Label ID Character(s) K

EAN8/GS1-128 Label ID Character(s) *

EAN13/P2 Label ID Character(s) L

EAN13/P5 Label ID Character(s) M

EAN13/GS1-128 Label ID Character(s) #

GS1 DataBar 14 (Omnidirectional) Label ID Character(s) u

GS1 DataBar Expanded Label ID Character(s) t

GS1 DataBar Limited Label ID Character(s) v

Product Reference Guide 261

Standard Defaults


262 Cobalto™ CO5300 Scanner

Appendix C
Sample Bar Codes
The sample bar codes in this appendix are typical representations for their symbology types.

1D Bar Codes

0 12345 67890 5


3 4 5 67 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 0

Code 39


Product Reference Guide 263

Sample Bar Codes

Code 128


Interleaved 2 of 5


Code 32


Code 93

Code 11

264 Cobalto™ CO5300 Scanner

GS1 DataBar (RSS)

GS1 DataBar (RSS)

GS1 DataBar variants must be enabled to read the bar codes below (see GS1
DataBar (RSS) on page 265).

(GS1 DataBar Expanded Stacked)

(GS1 DataBar Expanded)

(GS1 DataBar Limited)

GS1 DataBar-14

(GS1 DataBar Omnidirectional Truncated)

(GS1 DataBar Omnidirectional Stacked)

(GS1 DataBar Omnidirectional Stacked)

Product Reference Guide 265

Sample Bar Codes


266 Cobalto™ CO5300 Scanner

Appendix D
Use the bar codes in this appendix to enter numbers as you would select digits/characters
from a keypad.

Product Reference Guide 267


268 Cobalto™ CO5300 Scanner


Product Reference Guide 269



270 Cobalto™ CO5300 Scanner

Appendix E
Scancode Tables
Control Character Emulation
Control character emulation selects from different scancode tables as listed in this
appendix. Each of the control character sets below are detailed by interface type in the
tables. These apply to Wedge and USB Keyboard platforms.

Control Character 00 — Characters from 00 to 0x1F are sent as control character

Ctrl+Keys, special keys are located from 0x80 to 0xA1.

Control Character 01 — Characters from 00 to 0x1F are sent as control character Ctrl+Cap-
ital Key, special keys are located from 0x80 to 0xA1.

Control Character 02 — Special keys are located from 00 to 0x1F and characters from 0x80
to 0xFE are intended as an extended ASCII table (Microsoft Windows Codepage 1252
— see page 276).

Product Reference Guide 271

Interface Type PC AT PS/2 or USB-Keyboard
Table 27. Scancode Set When Control Character is 00 or 01
x0 x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 X6 x7 x8 x9 xA xB xC xD xE xF


C(S)+ C(S)+A C(S)+B C(S)+C C+D C(S)+E C(S)+F C(S)+G C(S)+H TAB C(S)+J C(S)+K C(S)+L Enter C(S)+N C(S)+O
C(S)+P C(S)+Q C(S)+R C(S)+S C(S)+T C(S)+U C(S)+V C(S)+ C(S)+X C(S)+Y C(S)+Z Esc C(S)+\ C+] C(S)+^ C(S)+_
2x SP ! " # $ % & ' ( ) * + , - . /
3x 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 : ; < = > ?
4x @ A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O
5x P Q R S T U V W X Y Z [ \ ] ^ _
6x ` a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o
7x p q r s t u v w x y z { | } ~ Del
8x _ Sh Sh Ins Ent F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 F6 F7 F8 F9 F10 F11
9x F12 Home End Pg Up Pg á â ß à Ar Ar Al Al  Cl Cl  Cr
Ax Cr _ ‘ ƒ „ … † ‡ ˆ ‰ Š ‹ Ś ‹ Œ _
Bx ° ± ² ³ ´ μ ¶ · ¸ ¹ º » ? ? ? ¿
Cx À Á Â Ã Ä Å Æ Ç È É Ê Ë Ì Í Î Ï
Dx Ð _ Ò Ó Ô Õ Ö × Ø Ù Ú Û Ü Ý Þ ß
Ex à á â ã ä å æ ç è é ê ë ì í î ï
Fx ð ñ ò ó ô õ ö ÷ ø ù ú û ü ý þ ÿ

Extended characters (sky blue) are sent via dedicated keys (when available in the selected country mode) or by an Alt Mode sequence.

Product Reference Guide 272

Interface Type PC AT PS/2 or USB-Keyboard — cont.
Table 28. Scancode Set When Control Character is 02
x0 x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 X6 x7 x8 x9 xA xB xC xD xE xF
0x Ar Ar Al Al  Cl  Cl  Cr  Cr  BS Tab à S+ Tab Enter Enter Ins Pg Up
1x Pg Home ß â á F6 F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 ESC F7 F8 F9 F10
2x Space ! “ # $ % & ‘ ( ) * + , - . /
3x 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 : ; < = > ?
4x @ A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O
5x P Q R S T U V W X Y Z [ \ ] ^ _
6x ` a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o
7x p q r s t u v w x y z { | } ~ Del
8x _ _ ‘ ƒ „ … † ‡ ˆ ‰ Š ‹ Ś ‹ Œ _
9x _ ‘ ’ “ ” • – — ˜ ™ š › œ _ _ Ÿ
Ax NBSP ¡ ¢ £ ¤ ¥ ¦ § ¨ © ª « ¬ - ® ¯
Bx ° ± ² ³ ´ μ ¶ · ¸ ¹ º » ? ? ? ¿
Cx À Á Â Ã Ä Å Æ Ç È É Ê Ë Ì Í Î Ï
Dx Ð _ Ò Ó Ô Õ Ö × Ø Ù Ú Û Ü Ý Þ ß
Ex à á â ã ä å æ ç è é ê ë ì í î ï
Fx ð ñ ò ó ô õ ö ÷ ø ù ú û ü ý þ ÿ

Product Reference Guide 273

Interface type PC AT PS/2 Alt Mode or USB-Keyboard Alt Mode
Table 29. Scancode Set When Control Character is 00 or 01
x0 x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 X6 x7 x8 x9 xA xB xC xD xE Xf
0x Alt+00 Alt+00 Alt+00 Alt+00 Alt+00 Alt+00 Alt+00 Alt+00 Alt+00 HT Alt+01 Alt+01 Alt+01 CR Alt+01 Alt+01
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 0 1 2 4 5
TAB Enter
1x Alt+01 Alt+01 Alt+01 Alt+01 Alt+02 Alt+02 Alt+02 Alt+02 Alt+02 Alt+02 Alt+02 ESC Alt+02 Alt+02 Alt+03 Alt+03
6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 9 0 1
2x A+032 A+033 A+034 A+035 A+036 A+037 A+038 A+039 A+040 A+041 A+042 A+043 A+044 A+045 A+046 A+047
3x A+048 A+049 A+050 A+051 A+052 A+053 A+054 A+055 A+056 A+057 A+058 A+059 A+060 A+061 A+062 A+063
4x A+064 A+065 A+066 A+067 A+068 A+069 A+070 A+071 A+072 A+073 A+074 A+075 A+076 A+077 A+078 A+079
5x A+080 A+081 A+082 A+083 A+084 A+085 A+086 A+087 A+088 A+089 A+090 A+091 A+092 A+093 A+094 A+095
6x A+096 A+097 A+098 A+099 A+100 A+101 A+102 A+103 A+104 A+105 A+106 A+107 A+108 A+109 A+110 A+111
7x A+112 A+113 A+114 A+115 A+116 A+117 A+118 A+119 A+120 A+121 A+122 A+123 A+124 A+125 A+126 A+127
8x _ Sh Sh? Ins Ent F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 F6 F7 F8 F9 F10 F11
9x F12 Home End Pg Up Pg á â ß à Ar Ar Al Al  Cl  Cl  Cr 
Ax Cr A+016 A+016 A+016 A+016 A+016 A+016 A+016 A+016 A+016 A+017 A+017 A+017 A+017 A+017 A+017
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5
Bx A+017 A+017 A+017 A+017 A+018 A+018 A+018 A+018 A+018 A+018 A+018 A+018 A+018 A+018 A+019 A+019
6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
Cx A+019 A+019 A+019 A+019 A+019 A+019 A+019 A+019 A+020 A+020 A+020 A+020 A+020 A+020 A+020 A+020
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Dx A+020 A+020 A+021 A+021 A+021 A+021 A+021 A+021 A+021 A+021 A+021 A+021 A+022 A+022 A+022 A+022
8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3
Ex A+022 A+022 A+022 A+022 A+022 A+022 A+023 A+023 A+023 A+023 A+023 A+023 A+023 A+023 A+023 A+023
4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Fx A+024 A+024 A+024 A+024 A+024 A+024 A+024 A+024 A+024 A+024 A+025 A+025 A+052 A+025 A+025 A+025
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 3 4 5
Product Reference Guide 274
Interface type PC AT PS/2 Alt Mode or USB-Keyboard Alt Mode — cont.
Table 30. Scancode Set When Control Character is 02
x0 x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 X6 x7 x8 x9 xA xB xC xD xE xF
0x Ar Ar Al Al Cl Cl Cr Cr BS Tab à S+ Tab Enter Enter Ins Pg Up
1x Pg Home ß â á F6 F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 ESC F7 F8 F9 F10
2x A+032 A+033 A+034 A+035 A+036 A+037 A+038 A+039 A+040 A+041 A+042 A+043 A+044 A+045 A+046 A+047
3x A+048 A+049 A+050 A+051 A+052 A+053 A+054 A+055 A+056 A+057 A+058 A+059 A+060 A+061 A+062 A+063
4x A+064 A+065 A+066 A+067 A+068 A+069 A+070 A+071 A+072 A+073 A+074 A+075 A+076 A+077 A+078 A+079
5x A+080 A+081 A+082 A+083 A+084 A+085 A+086 A+087 A+088 A+089 A+090 A+091 A+092 A+093 A+094 A+095
6x A+096 A+097 A+098 A+099 A+100 A+101 A+102 A+103 A+104 A+105 A+106 A+107 A+108 A+109 A+110 A+111
7x A+112 A+113 A+114 A+115 A+116 A+117 A+118 A+119 A+120 A+121 A+122 A+123 A+124 A+125 A+126 A+127
8x A+012 A+012 A+013 A+013 A+013 A+013 A+013 A+013 A+013 A+013 A+013 A+013 A+014 A+014 A+014 A+014
8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3
9x A+014 A+014 A+014 A+014 A+014 A+014 A+015 A+015 A+015 A+015 A+015 A+015 A+015 A+015 A+015 A+015
4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Ax A+016 A+016 A+016 A+016 A+016 A+016 A+016 A+016 A+016 A+016 A+017 A+017 A+017 A+017 A+017 A+017
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5
Bx A+017 A+017 A+017 A+017 A+018 A+018 A+018 A+018 A+018 A+018 A+018 A+018 A+018 A+018 A+019 A+019
6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
Cx A+019 A+019 A+019 A+019 A+019 A+019 A+019 A+019 A+020 A+020 A+020 A+020 A+020 A+020 A+020 A+020
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Dx A+020 A+020 A+021 A+021 A+021 A+021 A+021 A+021 A+021 A+021 A+021 A+021 A+022 A+022 A+022 A+022
8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3
Ex A+022 A+022 A+022 A+022 A+022 A+022 A+023 A+023 A+023 A+023 A+023 A+023 A+023 A+023 A+023 A+023
4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Fx A+024 A+024 A+024 A+024 A+024 A+024 A+024 A+024 A+024 A+024 A+025 A+025 A+052 A+025 A+025 A+025
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 3 4 5

Product Reference Guide 275

Microsoft Windows Codepage 1252
Windows-1252 is a character encoding of the Latin alphabet, used by default in the legacy components of Microsoft Windows
in English and some other Western languages.

Product Reference Guide 276

B Volume 75
Good Read, Beeper – 66
bar codes Good Read, Beeper Pitch – 74
RS-232 Good Read, Beeper Volume – 75
baud rate 42
RS-232 parameters
parity 199, 200, 202, 204 H
Handheld Scanner 44
cancel 267
numeric barcodes 267
RS-232 parameters
parity 35
Beeper Indications 246
Pitch, Good Read 74
Volume, Good Read 75
Beeper, Good Read 66 K
keyboard support 33
KEYBOARD WEDGE (KBW) interface selection 10
C Keyboard Wedge Connection 6
Cable Pinouts 245
Clear to Send 22, 218
Conversion, case 56 N
Conversion, character 56, 236 numbers lock key 36, 37
CTS 22, 218
D Pitch – Good Read, Beeper 74
Defaults 249 Prefix/Suffix 46, 229
Product Specifications 243
Programming Barcodes 11
Error Codes 247
Errors 247 R
Read, Beeper – Good 66
Read, Beeper Pitch – Good 74
G Read, Beeper Volume – Good 75
Good Read, Beeper 66 Request to Send 22, 218
Pitch 74 RS-232 interface selection 9

Product Reference Guide 277

RTS 22, 218

sample bar codes
code 128 264
code 39 263
interleaved 2 of 5 264
select digits/characters 267
Serial Output 245
Standard Cable Pinouts 245
Suffix 46, 229
Symbologies 217
symbology types 263

Table Top Scanner 44

UPC 81
USB Connection 6
USB interface selection 9

Volume – Good Read, Beeper 75

XON/XOFF 22, 218

278 Cobalto™ CO5300 Scanner



Char. No. Char. No. Char. No. Char. No.
NUL 00 SP 20 @ 40 ‘ 60
SOH 01 ! 21 A 41 a 61
STX 02 “ 22 B 42 b 62
ETX 03 # 23 C 43 c 63
EOT 04 $ 24 D 44 d 64
ENQ 05 % 25 E 45 e 65
ACK 06 & 26 F 46 f 66
BEL 07 ’ 27 G 47 g 67
BS 08 ( 28 H 48 h 68
HT 09 ) 29 I 49 i 69
LF 0A * 2A J 4A j 6A
VT 0B + 2B K 4B k 6B
FF 0C , 2C L 4C l 6C
CR 0D - 2D M 4D m 6D
SO 0E . 2E N 4E n 6E
SI 0F / 2F O 4F o 6F
DLE 10 0 30 P 50 p 70
DC1 11 1 31 Q 51 q 71
DC2 12 2 32 R 52 r 72
DC3 13 3 33 S 53 s 73
DC4 14 4 34 T 54 t 74
NAK 15 5 35 U 55 u 75
SYN 16 6 36 V 56 v 76
ETB 17 7 37 W 57 w 77
CAN 18 8 38 X 58 x 78
EM 19 9 39 Y 59 y 79
SUB 1A : 3A Z 5A z 7A
ESC 1B ; 3B [ 5B { 7B
FS 1C < 3C \ 5C | 7C
GS 1D = 3D ] 5D } 7D
RS 1E > 3E ^ 5E ~ 7E
US 1F ? 3F _ 5F DEL 7F

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Datalogic and the Datalogic logo are registered trademarks of
Datalogic S.p.A. in many countries, including the U.S.A. and the E.U.

Datalogic ADC, Inc.

959 Terry Street | Eugene |OR 97402 | USA
Telephone: (1) 541-683-5700 | Fax: (1) 541-345-7140

820065514 (Rev.A) October 2014

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