Effect of Temperature On Brownian Motion
Effect of Temperature On Brownian Motion
Effect of Temperature On Brownian Motion
Brownian Motion
Science Report
March 21, 2020
Table of Contents
Brownian Motion Definition and History...........................................................................................5
Einstein and the 20th Century............................................................................................................5
Diffusion and Variables......................................................................................................................6
What is the Stochastic Process?........................................................................................................7
How is Thermodynamics related to any of this?................................................................................8
A Further Look into Variables............................................................................................................9
Relation Between Brownian Motion and Thermodynamics............................................................10
What I was Looking At?...................................................................................................................10
METHOD 2 (Updated)..........................................................................................................................13
Explanation of control.....................................................................................................................15
Risk Assessment...............................................................................................................................15
Results – Presentation of Data........................................................................................................15
Results – Collection of Data.............................................................................................................18
Discussion – Analysis of Results.......................................................................................................19
Discussion – Analysis of Experimental Design.................................................................................23
Key Terms:.......................................................................................................................................32
Brownian motion is the word given to the random motion of particles suspended in a fluid
resulting from their collision with the fast-moving molecules in the fluid. The aim of this
experiment was to investigate the impact of different temperatures on Brownian Motion.
Temperatures had an immediate effect on Brownian Motion as it was a major factor in the
speed of the movement of the random motion of particles (and similarly the equation
involving the process of Brownian Motion). The results to this research project would help
mathematicians and engineers use temperature when experimenting with Brownian motion
and its related topics. Furthermore, it would find and support the relation between
temperature and Brownian Motion. This would be achieved by testing and recording how
long it would take for a few drops of ink to diffuse in various temperatures of water (with a
controlled volume). The drops of ink diffusing in water would represent Brownian motion, as
for the ink to diffuse in water evenly it would require the random movement of particles. The
impact of various temperatures would affect the speed of the random movement of particles,
resulting in a pattern/trend between the temperature and Brownian Motion. Once the
experiment had been conducted and the required data, graphs and analysis was produced a
definite relation and pattern was found. It was found that as the temperature increased, the ink
diffused in the water quicker, suggesting a faster movement of erratic particles in the fluid.
Whilst, as the temperature decreased the ink took longer to diffuse in water, suggesting a
slower movement of erratic particles in the fluid. The trend was obvious and showed a clear
relationship. The theoretical and practical applications from my findings would greatly help
scientists who wish to use temperature in their own experiments (regarding thermodynamics
and Brownian Motion), it would also help mathematicians who would use this data when
forming equations regarding Brownian motion and finally it would be of help to researchers
who wish to learn more about Brownian motion and its factors. Theoretically, this experiment
would support the theory that Brownian motion is definitely impacted by various
temperatures and contributes to the topic of thermodynamics greatly.
The reason and purpose behind directing and investigating this test is to help mathematicians
and engineers further use temperature and thermodynamics when experimenting with
Brownian motion and calculating the mathematics behind the viscosity of the liquids. The
importance of studying this topic is vital in understanding and proving the laws of
thermodynamics and observing them in effect. Furthermore, they link different areas of
science together and create chains of loosely interconnected relations between different
theories and mathematical equations. The results to this experiment will be used in physics,
biology, chemistry, and a host of other disciplines. For example, engineers can use the results
to determine how warm the liquid must be for them to mix other substances in such as
cement. Furthermore, link between the heat equation and the Brownian motion equation can
be created formulating even more equations. This could likewise help other individuals or
groups who would like to see the how temperature can affect Brownian Motion.
The aim of this experiment is to research and investigate the impact of different temperatures
on Brownian Motion. The various temperatures of water being tested will be 5°C, 20°C,
50°C, 75°C, 100°C. In total 5 independent variables will be tested. The dependent variable
will be the duration it takes for ink to diffuse in water, this will demonstrate Brownian
Motion. This experiment will be conducted for the duration of a day. The recordings and
measurement will be quantitative and will be recorded with a stopwatch, based on a rational
observation. Additionally, the experiment will also be recorded with a camera to be taken for
further observation with the use of a time-lapse.
I hypothesize, that the warmer the temperature of water is, the quicker the ink will diffuse in
water. Likewise, I predict that the colder the temperature of water is, the longer it will take
for the ink to diffuse in the water.
As mentioned before, Brownian motion involves particles and random movement. This was
also looked at by Albert Einstein, whose explanation of Brownian motion further confirmed
the existence of atoms and molecules and provided more evidence of particle theory. Einstein
also formulated a theory which included two parts to it: the first being in the formulation of a
diffusion equation for Brownian particles. In detail, the first part showed a relation between
diffusion and the “measure of the deviation of the position of a particle with respect to a
reference position over time”3 which is the mean squared displacement of Brownian motion.
Diffusion is the movement of a substance from an area of
Put simply, he was able to introduce a
high concentration to an area of low concentration. For
1example, when mixing ink and water, in the end the ink is
2spread evenly throughout the water.
time-period which could be compared to
the interval time between the time of
observations (between the start of the
particle movement and the end position of
the particle’s after a certain time). The
second part consisted of relating the same
diffusion coefficient from part one to
measurable physical quantities. And
although the second part is also important, the first part of Einstein’s theory is much more
relatable to the exploration which can be linked to heat later. The final theory confirmed the
kinetic theory’s relation to thermodynamics and its second law.
Early in the 20th century, the following conclusions were drawn4:
1. The movement never ceases.
2. The movement is very irregular and made up of both translations and rotations.
3. The apparent mean velocity varies significantly in magnitude and direction.
4. The apparent velocity does not tend to a limit as the time taken for an observation
5. The actual velocity cannot be measured.
6. The movement is greater when the particles are smaller.
7. The movement is greater if the viscosity is less.
8. The movement is greater if the temperature is greater. Viscosity changes partially
explain this. (this will be further explained later)
9. The composition and density of the particles seem to have no effect.
10. The particles move independently even if they closely approach.
diffusion and ballistic motion are not the same as in ballistic motion the distance travelled
increases linearly with time5. And interestingly, when particles diffuse, they don’t go as far.
With the
exploration of certain math variables which can be used when trying to explain the diffusion
and the process of Brownian motion, a word comes to play, the stochastic process. The
stochastic process as mentioned earlier is a time series of random variables. By now we can
tell that time is involved in the process as it helps give us a starting point and an ending point
to conclude and base our results off. The scientific investigation of Brownian movement
emerged out of the acknowledgment by Einstein that the irregular movement of particles was
liable for the natural phenomenon of diffusion. This would mean that there are indefinite
connections between the theory of Brownian motion and the partial differential equation
(PDE)6. Which can further be used to
describe time-dependent phenomena’s
which include heat and particle diffusion
equations. And although the dimension of
heat we are exploring is different to the time
and diffusion equation it is important to
acknowledge it. The mathematical study of
Brownian motion is quite extensive and
goes as far back as quantum mechanics and is hard if not impossible to complete without
prior knowledge, so it will be kept to its minimum. Although, it is important to mention that,
“for any finite set of time points t1, t2, . . ., tk the joint distributions of the two processes at the
time points ti are the same”7. Which would mean that the projection of both the processes on
the finite collection of times are the same. And although the random particle movement
would widely be different it means that the process by which they achieve this distribution
regarding time is the same. This helps me with my experiment because it allows me to
understand and examine the conditions by which heat influences the total equation of
diffusion and the variables involving Brownian motion. If heat speeds up the process of
Brownian motion; and it doesn’t change the size of the particles in effect, then it impacts
someplace somewhere to allow the particles to move faster. And this is where
thermodynamics comes in, keeping in mind that stochastic and thermodynamics have their
own field Stochastic Thermodynamics which allow them to be put under one area of science.
How is Thermodynamics related to any of this?
Thermodynamics is a branch of science that deals with heat and energy and the relations
between them. In physics the relation of thermodynamics and the stochastic process can be
brought about by the involvement of the Langevin equation which contains the frictional
forces along with the random forces. The Langevin equation is closely related to viscosity
when talking about Brownian motion.
Furthermore, the Langevin equation is also a
stochastic differential equation which describes
the change of state brought about the passage of
time of a subset of several independent variable
factors in the final calculation affecting a range of
states. Going back to its relation to
thermodynamics, the Langevin equation allows
for a certain formula or equation to be formulated
for certain colloidal particles which are subjected Displacement from Brownian motion
to force affected by stochastic thermal collisions8. We
can now conclude that the amplitude(maximum extent of
a vibration or oscillation) of the stochastic thermal force is related to temperature. This
conclusion allows to examine how temperature can now specifically create oscillations which
creates collusions. This takes us to the second law of thermodynamics which “states that the
total entropy of an isolated system can never decrease over time and is constant if and only if
all processes are reversible”9. Put simply, the processes that involve the transfer or conversion
of heat energy are irreversible. As interesting it is, this does take a turn in our examination of
the impact of heat on Brownian motion. Because by itself, Brownian motion is irreversible as
it is totally random and nothing, but stochastic particle movement can return it to its original
state. Otherwise it is absolutely impossible. So perhaps the fact that the second law of
thermodynamics states that the thermal force makes the process irreversible, it may mean that
it has something to do with the increase of heat and how the increase in thermal force or if the
temperature is increased it may cause even more erratic movement. Although it may a bit too
early to conclude this, it definitely makes sense and evidence can be found to support this
theory. This would resolve the question behind whether heat and temperature affect the total
equation or just affects certain variables in the diffusion equation.
Since smaller particles move faster and more randomly, their motion is placed to be the effect
of the stimulation of heat. And going back to the points from page 4, point 7 and 8 is
evidential and proved to be right. If the temperature is raised, Brownian motion becomes
more energetic, since now it can be said that the kinetic energy of the Brownian motion is
directly consistent with the absolute temperature (thermodynamic temperature)10. We can
now conclude that since there certainly is a phenomenal relation between the heat equation
and Brownian motion, we can guess that
Brownian motion should be able to solve
the heat equation. Since both are
irreversible and both are interconnected
within the variables that formulate their
separate equations and additionally
temperature has a square root effect on the
speed of Brownian motion (essentially
increasing it). A final statement can be
concluded which would be that any
certain factor that impact the movement of
particles in a fluid or gas affects the rate
The second law of Thermodynamics of Brownian motion. Increased number of
particles, temperature, viscosity can all
increase the rate of motion as they are all variables(factors). Although viscosity wasn’t
mentioned earlier it is simply the magnitude of internal friction in a fluid(resistance of a fluid
or gas). So, the less of it there is the less friction there is between the particles regarding
Brownian motion, allowing for increase in motion. As mentioned earlier the variables that
effect Brownian motion such as the function of time, various microspheres, different viscous
liquid suspensions, and the temperature can be used to determine the dependence of the
motion on these parameters. This discovery allowed for the formulation of equations and
even more variables leading to a variety of other things in physics but also creating
discussion and debate as to whether the equations really did require some variable and this
led to some established equations. These equations supported the kinetic particle theory and
provide room for formulations regarding the heat equation.
As mentioned earlier irreversibility and its relation between thermodynamics and Brownian
motion is quite significant. This is an important discovery since there is more than one factor
or variable relating heat to Brownian motion. The second law as
mentioned earlier corresponds with the already natural process of
Brownian motion. So, it becomes almost obligatory to explore this
and find the reason as to which why the correspondence is so
proportionate and similar. From our above statements, we have
come to conclude that an irreversible process cannot possibly return
to its original condition or place. This is major as we also discover
that the irreversible process is the natural process that is commonly
found in nature. So, when we look back at Brownian motion it is Sample Brownian Paths
also natural, and no external force is used originally. Now that we have
established a connection, we can create a high-level view of any method using a variety of
transitional possibilities to adjust the system. A slight change in such variable can alter the
random movement even more, although a further change cannot be measured perhaps as it
can only increase in speed or decrease. We can never tell if the path is different to its original
random path since the particle is naturally random so even a small variable change would
therefore give another random change in no way allowing for us to know the difference
between the altered path and the natural once. This can help our experiment because it
determines the need for a control and whether we need it. Since any small variable can affect
the change in Brownian motion and although it is stochastic there is no need for a control.
Because a control would also have a random path and there is no right path or variable which
can be kept constant. Therefore, using temperature as a variable allows to somewhat keep
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things controlled. Since no other variables are changed such as the viscosity we can focus on
the impacts of temperature in whole. So, we can observe how the change in temperature
influences all variables and in the end an effect on Brownian motion.
In this experiment I was trying to look at Brownian motion and the effect of temperature on
the process. Furthermore, I was trying to examine and find a relation relating it to
thermodynamics and the mathematics behind it. The areas of science Brownian motion and
Stochastic thermodynamics link to my project because my project tries to show the relation
between temperature and Brownian motion. By learning about Brownian motion, I was able
to conduct further examination and have background information to be able to make my own
connections and reasoning. Furthermore, it helped me make key point and notes to be able to
finally come to my conclusion. Learning about the stochastic process allowed a way for
mathematics to enter my experiment and help me find the variables behind the Brownian
motion and how math equations and the formulas help make sense of the whole process.
Finally linking the stochastic process with thermodynamics to understand the variables and
how heat and temperature finally entered the experiment and its place was essential in giving
me an understanding. All three areas of science I researched were vital in helping me
understand the reasoning behind my experiment
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Measuring Cup
1 1 1
1. Place 15 cups in groups of 3 (5 x 3 cups) 3 3 3
4. Place the number 1 group in the fridge and leave for two hours. Set the
temperature of the fridge to 5°C.
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6. Pull out the stopwatch on the phone and make sure a smartphone is ready to record.
8. Observe the cups and pause the stopwatch when the ink in each cup
completely fills the water in the cups and record the results of the
three cups on paper.
10. Measure group 3 with a thermometer and make sure 50°C is reached.
13. Measure group 4 with a thermometer and ensure 75°C is reached. If required place in
microwave for a further time if 75°C isn’t reached.
15. Place group 5 in the microwave for 1½ minutes or till the water boils in each of the
three cups.
16. Measure group 5 with a thermometer and ensure 100°C is reached. If required place
in microwave for a further time if 100°C isn’t reached.
19. Measure group 1 with a thermometer and ensure 5°C is reached. If required place in
fridge for a further time if 5°C isn’t reached.
METHOD 2 (Updated)
2. Mark the 5 groups with a permanent marker. Write the number 1 on the first group (of
three), 2 on the second, 3 on the third, 4 on the fourth and 5 on the fifth group. Make
sure the numbers are written visibly and don’t take more than a quarter of the cup.
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3. Place the cups on a large piece of paper (1 x 1m) and conduct the experiment indoors,
away from any external breeze or wind (window or door).
5. Place the number 1 group in the fridge and leave for two hours. Set the temperature of
the fridge to 5°C.
6. Measure group 2 with a thermometer and make sure the temperature is 20°C. If colder
then leave in microwave till required. If warmer, then wait till 20°C is reached.
7. Pull out the stopwatch on the phone and make sure a smartphone is ready to record.
8. Stabilise the mobile phone with its phone cover or another piece of equipment to
make sure it doesn’t drop/fall while recording.
10. Observe the cups and pause the stopwatch when the ink in each cup completely fills
the water in the cups then record the results of the three cups on paper.
11. Reference/write the recordings on the paper under the cups as well.
12. Place group 3 in a microwave for 30 seconds. If required place in microwave for a
further time if 50°C isn’t reached.
13. Measure group 3 with a thermometer and make sure 50°C is reached.
15. Pour the water from Group 4 (the three cups) in a ceramic mug then place in the
17. Measure the mug with a thermometer and ensure 75°C is reached. If required place in
microwave for a further time if 75°C isn’t reached.
18. Pour the water from the mug back in the 3 cups from Group 4. Ensure this step is
done slowly and with caution to avoid spilling and harm. Wear mittens
20. Place group 5 in the microwave for 1½ minutes or till the water boils in each of the
three cups (100°C).
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21. Pour the water from Group 5 in a ceramic mug then place in the microwave.
22. Measure group 5 with a thermometer and ensure 100°C is reached. If required place
in microwave for a further time if 100°C isn’t reached.
23. Pour the water from the mug back in the 3 cups from Group 5. Ensure this step is
done slowly and with caution to avoid spilling and harm. Wear mittens
26. Measure group 1 with a thermometer and ensure 5°C is reached. If required place in
fridge for a further time if 5°C isn’t reached.
Explanation of control
In this experiment controlled factors would include, volume of water (ensuring that all the
cups have an equal amount of water (175ml) and so they would be able to diffure
proportionally), shape and size of the cups (to allow for the same volume and surface area of
cups so they don’t affect the Photo of Materials experiment externally and so the
15 | P a g e
diffusion occurs in the same environment) and the number of drops of ink (so the experiment
is equal
and each
Glasses kept
in order for
receives the same volume of ink for a fair
result). General Photo of Experiment (setting)
Risk Assessment
16 | P a g e
Dropping ink on body or property – Pipette used to ensure no mistakes
Error with stopwatch when measuring – Camera used to recover time
Glasses experimented in groups then recorded Photo of student conducting experiment (proof)
Averaged Results
Glasses kept
in order for
General Photo of Experiment (setting)
17 | P a g e
Effect of Temperature on Brownian Motion
Time (in minutes)
Group 1 (5°C) Group 2 (20°C) Group 3 (50°C) Group 4 (75°C) Group 5 (100°C)
Groups (temperature of water)
18 | P a g e
Effect of Temperature on Brownian Motion
Group 1
Group 1 (5°C)
(5°C) Group
Group 2
2 (20°C)
(20°C) Group
Group 3
3 (50°C)
(50°C) Group
Group 4
4 (75°C)
(75°C) Group 5
Group 5
Groups (temperature
(temperature of
of water)
Group 5 Video
19 | P a g e
Effect of Temperature on Brownian Motion
Time (in minutes)
Group 1 (5°C) Group 2 (20°C) Group 3 (50°C) Group 4 (75°C) Group 5 (100°C)
Groups (temperature of water)
After conducting the experiment, recording data, logging results and producing graphs/tables
there are a variety of topics to be discussed and analysed in detail.
Patterns and trends can be observed specifically when referring to the tables and graphs.
20 | P a g e
Table of Averaged Results
Group Group 1 Group 2 Group 3 Group 4 Group 5
Time 19:57.50 6:48:00 2:45:00 2:03:67 00:23:26
Group 1
Group 1 (5°C)
(5°C) Group
Group 2
2 (20°C)
(20°C) Group
Group 3
3 (50°C)
(50°C) Group
Group 4
4 (75°C)
(75°C) Group 5
Group 5
Groups (temperature
(temperature of
of water)
21 | P a g e
increases), from Group 1 to Group 5, the time (in minutes) decreases. The average of Group 1
is 19:57:50 minutes whilst the average time for Group 5 is 00:23:26 minutes. There is a
significant difference between the groups and much is to be discussed. First of all, as
observed, the linear relationship is suggested which represent all of the groups. However,
when observed with the graph we notice the difference between each group’s rate of change
illustratively. Such as between Group 1 and Group 2, the rate of change is much higher and
greater than the difference between the rest of the groups. Furthermore, as the line closes in to
0 minutes, the rate of change decreases by quite a lot and there isn’t an exact linear
relationship which can be seen although the difference between Group 3, Group 4 and Group
5 is 50°C, split evenly. This suggests that perhaps the rate of change is slightly proportional
to the temperature, but this relationship doesn’t follow that rule between
Group 1 and Group 2 (with the difference being only 15°C). This makes way for an analysis
that suggest that as the temperature approaches 0 minutes a different rate of change is
noticed. Therefore, two different rate of changes are seen. The first rate of change suggest a
much more abrupt rate of change ending between 75°C and 100°C. The second rate of
change shows a more gradual ending. This may be even more significant when linking it to
Brownian Motion and the
equation. Effect of Temperature on Brownian Motion
Another point regarding the 19:12:00
data is yet to be discussed.
Time (in minutes)
The statistical analysis 12:00:00
which involves the rate of 9:36:00
change from a 7:12:00
mathematical point of
view. 0:00:00
Group 1 (5°C) Group 2 (20°C) Group 3 (50°C) Group 4 (75°C) Group 5
Table of Averaged Results (100°C)
As seen two more row has been added to the table, note that the calculations conducted from
this point will be using the averaged data. There are in total five groups (five times) and 4
rate of changes. First the latter group will be subtracted from the former group to find the
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difference. Then the difference will be divided by the difference between the temperatures of
the two groups.
For example,
1. 19:57:50 (Group 1) - 6:48:00 (Group 2) = 13:09:50
Rate of Change
Groups Group 1 – 2 Group 2 – 3 Group 3 – 4 Group 4 – 5
Step 1 13:09:50 3:03:00 0:41:33 1:40:41
Step 2 15°C 30°C 25°C 75°C
Step 3 0.873 0.101 0.016532 ≈ 0.0165 0.056164 ≈ 0.0562
3. 13:09:50 ÷ 15°C = 0.873
Step 1 subtracts the specified groups (Difference of Time)
Step 2 subtracts the two temperatures (Difference of Temperature)
Step 3 divides the answers of Step 1 and Step 2 (Rate of Change)
These steps ensure that there is little to no room for errors or miscalculations.
The answers to Step 3 show us that the initial assumption of two relatively different rate of
changes is supported. Proving that the first rate of change, Group 1/2 and Group 2/3 have
close rate of changes, 0.873 and 0.101 respectively. Their place values also start from tenths
which is quite an important factor when considering the difference between the two rate of
changes. Whilst the Group 3/4 and Group 4/5 also have similar rate of changes with place
values starting in the hundredths, 0.0165 and 0.0562 respectively. Thus proving that there is a
more steeper trajectory for Groups 1 to 3. On the other hand, a slowed down rate of change is
seen with the smaller decimals Groups 3 to 5. A clear relationship between the variables is
visible and along with the calculations made there are underlying interconnections as well.
This analysis also shows us that now there is another relationship interconnecting the groups
differently. An appendix is provided at the end of this reprot to show further details,
measurements, outliers and for evidence of raw data. There is no use calculating and
discussing other measures such as variance and standard deviation as there is no use for it and
it doesn’t apply/help to this specific experiment and its underlying recordings.
The calculations made above can also be a key point, to explain through brownian motion or
prove otherwise. Brownian motion is the “random motion of particles suspended in a fluid (a
liquid or a gas) resulting from their collision with the fast-moving molecules in the fluid”.
Now that there is proof and substantial evidence that temperature really does have an effect
of temperature we can discuss something minor about what it proves. The table/graph showed
that increased temperature decreased the time for ink to diffuse in the water. The ink
diffusing in water was a representation of Brownian motion. This was mentioned in the
Introduction, however it is important to note that this experiment had been conducted with
water. A misunderstanding can also be created from this, that temperature only affects
Brownian motion when in water. However, this assumption is false because although the
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viscosity of each liquid is different from each other. The experiment tries to prove that no
matter the viscosity of a specified liquid, Brownian Motion will certainly get
affected/impacted by temperature. This is certainly proven because although the temperature
is increased in the experiment, the ink still diffuses proportional to the temperature.
Therefore, the factor of viscosity can be ultimately removed from our discussion although
still relevant, as heat doesn’t affect the viscosity but affects the speed of the random motion
of particles. So at a colder temperature, there is still a random movement, yet it is quite slow.
And to illustrate, in Group 1 (5°C) the ink took quite a bit of time to diffuse evenly across the
water. Whilst, in Group 5 (100°C) it took a very short amount of time, less than thirty
Now we can go to our second point which was about the two different proposed rates of
changes regarding the graph. It’s visible that they both differ to the blue dotted line which
includes the whole graph. Coming back to the relationship and the link between this and
Brownian motion, now it can be proposed that although regarding the motion and speed of
the erratic movement there is still a different rate of change. And how does it actually relate
to the concept. It is important to understand that behind this process there are multiple
mathematical equations, therefore when we relate to them the rate of change is quite
important regarding the viscosity of water itself. Further, discussion upon this topic would
perhaps lead us astray because the viscosity of water is different to other liquids. And the
boiling point and freezing point differ between each different type of liquid. It would make
no sense to pursue this idea since it only applies to the temperature of water. Multiple factors
would come into effect as simply there is no point establishing a link that only works with
water (H2O). This would lead us further astray from our topic which is about Brownian
motion in general.
After a careful analysis of
the linear relationship of Effect of Temperature on Brownian Motion
the graph and the results we
can move towards an 16:48:00
exponential relationship
Time (in minutes)
which would also require 12:00:00
an analysis. The analysis of 7:12:00
the exponential relationsip 4:48:00
would give us a different 2:24:00
perspective on Brownian 0:00:00
Group 1 (5°C) Group 2 (20°C) Group 3 (50°C) Group 4 (75°C) Group 5
Motion and its link. To (100°C)
prove this, the same graph Time Groups (temperature of water)
Exponential (Time)
is used but a different
line/rate of change is
produced. This however will not be a linear, but in fact exponential. The linear relationship
helps close the gap between a simple relationship and link the temperature and time. With the
exponential relationship a few different points will be open for discussion which would
eventually answer some vital questions pertaining to Brownian Motion.
First of all, we would need to discuss the graph itself. The dotted line shows us an already
discussed link relating to the linear relationship, however this dotted line illustrates a more
accurate depiction of what happens to the time (it takes for the ink to diffuse in water), when
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it approches the boiling and freezing point of water. Theoretically, it can represent fluids In
general (in terms of freezing and boiling point). Since the linear relationship was a straight
line, it would have been hard to predict the certainty of that. However, with the exponential
relationship we start to see the extents of temperature and time. Although, much more data is
needed for a much more accurate analysis, the results obtained are well enough to support a
theory. Since this experiment uses ink drops and water to represent Brownian Motion, it is
important to note that the only well use of establishing the relationship is theoretical to
Brownian Motion, as there is no practical use since this experiment involves specifics.
The dotted line ends at 5°C (Group 1), however when observing the other end of the dotted
line (100°C), we can assume that a similar effect will happen as it approached 0°C. Both
from this fact and the fact that water freezes at 0°C, it’s fairly obvious that the random
particles cease to move, stopping Brownian motion. Now that the graph has been discussed a
deeper understanding is required of the point of it.
On one side we have the boiling point of a liquid and the other we have the freezing point.
Each point of a fluid can vary extremely, for example the boiling point of ammonia is -33.34
°C, whilst its freezing point is -77.7 °C. This means that a specific speed of the movement of
the random particles cannot be fixed, but is proportional to the temperature. At the freezing
and boiling point, Brownian motion doesn’t work as Brownian motion requires a fluid for the
particles to collide with each other. Further discussion would just reiterate this and is not
The hypothesis predicted that the warmer the temperature of water is, the quicker the ink will
diffuse in water. Likewise, the colder the temperature of water is, the longer it will take for
the ink to diffuse in the water. This hypothesis was supported.
My experiment aimed to measure the time it took for ink to diffuse in water over multiple
temperatures. It required appliances such as a refrigerator and a microwave. Although the
refrigerator had less of a risk it was important to remain cautious when near the microwave,
since there was also water involved and plastic. More safety equipment would have been
much more better and smarter to include in the design and use such as: safety glasses, a
ceramic mug and a microwave-safe plastic wrap. This is suggested because the experiment
required handling of temperatures of 100°C and close. For this reason, safety eyewear would
have been quite beneficial to protect eyes from an abrupt unpredictable outburst of water or
contact of the hot water. The experimental design required a plastic cup for temperatures of
75°C and 100°C, however this would be simply foolish, unsafe and unwise. The plastic cup
would have trouble keeping the boiling water inside the cup and there was an definite chance
of a spill, which would result in more unused time. A ceramic mug would have been an
alternative for the groups which required temperatures of over 75°C (Groups 4 and 5),
because this would make sure the water doesn’t spill and to make sure it is safe to hold. A
micro-safe plastic wrap could have been placed on top of the water in the microwave
especially for Group 5, since there was a very likely chance of the water spilling due to its
boilint state. The idea of using an eye-dropper was key in making sure that there is an even
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amount of drops in each cup. It would also have been ideal to have someone record the
videos of the experiment taking place. Since only one person conducted this experiment,
there would be a difficulty in making sure the camera records whilst there is an eye on the
stopwatch. On the other hand, another wise alternative instead of a person would have been a
phone holder or a stable place (or position) to rest the mobile phone (for recording).
Additionally, it would have been ideal to keep the appliances and the place of experiment in
close proximity. The reason for this would be that there wouldn’t be much travelling during
the experiment saving time and more importantly greatly decreasing a chance of potentially
harmful risks such as the hot water touching the body. Finally, reliability, this experiment had
3 cups in each group for reliability. In the end there were quite a few outliers which was
unfortunate. This experiment required precision so it would have been key in experimenting
with four or more cups in each group. This way there would have been room for more
recordings even if there were any major or minor outliers.
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Minimizing Temperature Errors
The measurements used in this experiment required certain temperatures which would
produce results for the certain temperatures. Such as Group 5 which required the temperature
of 100°C, therefore it would have been quite hard to achieve this exact, precise temperature.
It was simply unavoidable to conduct the experiment with the exact temperature and it was a
± error (random). There was a definite chance of the temperature varying up or down the
aimed temperature. Therefore, to avoid this error, it would have useful to give a bit of
leniency with the temperatures. Such as 75°C (give or take 2°C), if this was mentioned then
there may have been a bit of clarity regarding the temperatures.
The aim of this experiment was to research and investigate the impact of different
temperatures on Brownian Motion. This experiment also aimed to find the optimal
temperature for Brownian Motion to take place the quickest. The aim was successfully met.
In total 5 groups were tested, each group with a different temperature (ascending). There
were major trends and patterns noticed, such as that there were two different rates of changes
observed between Group 1 to 3 being 0.487 and Group 3 to 5 being 0.03635. Extensive
research and detailed explanations investigated the impact of the different temperatures on
Brownian Motion. And when referenced back to the results we can see that Group 1 (5°C)
took significantly longer for the ink to diffuse in the water (19:57:50 mins averaged). Whilst
Group 5 (100°C ) took much less, with less than thirty seconds (00:23:26 mins averaged).
This study has shown the relationship involving the impact of the temperatures, and that at a
colder temperature the random and erratic movements of molecules slow down. Whilst at a
hotter temperature the random and erratic movement of molecules increases. The findings of
this study suggest that temperature definitely has an impact on Brownian Motion, it increases
the speed of the erratic/random movement of the particles in the fluid along with the
increasing temperature. A further study could assess the difference in viscosity and
temperature under different viscous liquids.
The hypothesis was definitely supported. It was hypothesised that the warmer the temperature
of water is, the quicker the ink will diffuse in water. Likewise, the colder the temperature of
water is, the longer it will take for the ink to diffuse in the water. As seen from the results
with the decreasing time with the increasing temperature. The coldest temperature 5°C took
the longest time, 19:57:50 (mins), whilst the hottest temperature 100°C took the shortest
time, 00:23:26 (mins). This proved that the warmer the ink was, the quicker the ink diffused.
And the colder the temperature of water is, the longer it will take for the ink to diffuse in the
water. The gradual decrease in time proved this hypothesis.
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Bass, R. (no date) "Brownian motion", Stochastic Processes, pp. 6-12. doi: 10.1017/cbo9780511997044.004.
Mörters, P. and Peres, Y., 2012. Brownian Motion. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Nicolis, G. and De Decker, Y. (2017) "Stochastic Thermodynamics of Brownian Motion", Entropy, 19(9), p. 434. doi:
BROWNIAN MOTION (2020) Galton.uchicago.edu. Available at:
https://galton.uchicago.edu/~lalley/Courses/313/BrownianMotionCurrent.pdf (Accessed: 23 March
Brownian Motion and the Heat Equation (2020) Stat.math.uregina.ca. Available at:
(Accessed: 23 March 2020).
28 | P a g e
Brownian Motion: Langevin Equation (2020) Physics.gu.se. Available at:
http://physics.gu.se/~frtbm/joomla/media/mydocs/LennartSjogren/kap6.pdf (Accessed: 23 March
Brownian motion and the heat equation (2020) Math.nyu.edu. Available at:
https://www.math.nyu.edu/faculty/goodman/teaching/StochCalc2012/notes/Week4.pdf (Accessed: 23
March 2020).
temperature dependence of the Brownian motion of polystyrene microspheres (2020)
Physlab.lums.edu.pk. Available at: https://physlab.lums.edu.pk/images/3/31/Ref3.pdf (Accessed: 23
March 2020).
29 | P a g e
1. Brownian motion (2020). Available at: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brownian_motion
(Accessed: 23 March 2020).
2. Brownian motion - Kinetic particle theory and state changes - GCSE Physics (Single
Science) Revision - BBC Bitesize (2020). Available at:
https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/guides/zgr2pv4/revision/5 (Accessed: 22 May 2020).
8. The Langevin and Generalised Langevin Approach to the Dynamics of Atomic, Polymeric
and Colloidal Systems (2006) Researchgate.net. Available at:
evin_Approach_to_the_Dynamics_of_Atomic_Polymeric_and_Colloidal_Systems (Accessed:
23 March 2020).
30 | P a g e
Cicuta, P. (2011) Thermodynamics 2: Brownian motion - Biological Physics -
biologicalphysics.iop.org, Biologicalphysics.iop.org. Available at:
https://biologicalphysics.iop.org/cws/article/lectures/45634.html (Accessed: 23 March 2020).
Simulation Brownian Motion Particle That Collides Stock Vector (Royalty Free) 381130543
(2020). Available at: https://www.shutterstock.com/image-vector/simulation-brownian-motion-
particle-that-collides-381130543 (Accessed: 23 March 2020).
Standard Brownian Motion Process - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics (2020). Available at:
https://www.sciencedirect.com/topics/mathematics/standard-brownian-motion-process (Accessed: 23
March 2020).
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The Feynman Lectures on Physics Vol. I Ch. 41: The Brownian Movement (2020). Available at:
https://www.feynmanlectures.caltech.edu/I_41.html (Accessed: 23 March 2020).
What Is Diffusion? - Definition, Types & Examples Of Diffusion (2020). Available at:
https://byjus.com/biology/diffusion/ (Accessed: 23 March 2020).
I would like to acknowledge Mrs. Thomas for helping with the experiment, providing
anwers/scientific guidance and assisting with my project
I would also like to acknowledge my parents for taking the time to drive me, helping me
collect my materials and providing a place to conduct the experiment
I would also like to acknowledge Melbourne High School for giving me the chance to write
and experiment about Brownian Motion
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Table of Results (mins) – Raw Data
Group Group 1 Group 2 Group 3 Group 4 Group 5
(5°C) (20°C) (50°C) (75°C) (100°C)
1st cup 18:35 6:29 2:59 1:21 00:23:12
2nd cup 21:20 13:38 2:39 2:04 00:23:45
3rd cup 12:20 7:07 5:00 2:46 00:23:52
Stokes-Einstein equation: Relation between the diffusion constant D and atomic properties
of matter
R is the gas constant, NA Avogadros number, T is the temperature, η is the viscosity of the
liquid and a is the radius of the Brownan particle. Also kB = is Boltzmanns constant.
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