Subject: Music
of the musical instrumental music Mindoro, Palawan and of the Visayas after
characteristics of Cordillera, listening;
of Mindoro, Palawan explains the distinguishing characteristics of Week 2 MU7LV-IIb-f-3
representative and the Visayas in representative music from Cordillera,
music from the appropriate style Mindoro, Palawan and of the
highlands of Visayasin relation to its culture and
Luzon, Mindoro, geography;
Palawan, and identifies the musical instruments and other Week 3 MU7LV-IIa-f-2
the Visayas sound sources from Cordillera, Mindoro,
Palawan and of the Visayas;
discovers ways of producing sounds on a Week 4 MU7LV-IIb-g-4
variety of sources similar to
instruments being studied;
improvises simple rhythmic/melodic Week 5 MU7LV-IIb-g-7
accompaniments to selected music from
the Cordillera, Mindoro, Palawan and of
the Visayas;
performs music from Cordillera, Mindoro, Week 6 MU7LV-IIb-g-6
Palawan and of the Visayas, with
evaluates music and music performances Week 7-8 MU7LV-IIc-h-10
using rubrics on musical elements and
Grade Level: 8
Subject: Music
Grade Level: 9
Subject: Music
Quarter Content Standards Performance Most Essential Learning Competencies Duration Codes
The learner…
describes musical elements of given Classical Week 1 MU9CL-IIa-f-1
period pieces;
sings and performs explains the performance practice (setting, Week 2 MU9CL-IIa-f-3
themes of composition, role of composers/performers,
understanding of
symphonies and and audience) during Classical Period
characteristic features of
other instrumental relates Classical music to other art forms and its Week 3 MU9CL-IIa-f-2
Classical period music
forms sings and history within the era;
nd demonstrates
2 performs themes of
understanding of improvises appropriate accompaniment to Week 4-5 MU9CL-IIe-9
symphonies and selected music from Classical Period
characteristic features of
other instrumental
Classical period music performs selected music from the Classical Week 6-7 MU9CL-IIb-h-7
forms period;
evaluates music and music performances using Week 8
guided rubrics.
Quarter Content Standards Performance Most Essential Learning Competencies Duration Codes
The learner…
demonstrates describes musical elements of given Romantic Week 1 MU9RO-IIIa-2
3 understanding of period pieces;
characteristic features of sings and performs explains the performance practice (setting, Week 2 MU9RO-IIIb-h-3
instrumental Romantic themes of selected composition, role of composers/performers,
music instrumental pieces and audience) during Romantic Period
relates Romantic music to other art forms and Week 3 MU9RO-IIIc-h-7
its history within the era;
improvises appropriate accompaniment to Week 4-5 MU9RO-IIIc-h-8
selected music from Romantic Period
performs selected music from the Romantic Week 6-7 MU9RO-IIIe-h-6
evaluates music and music performances using Week 8
guided rubrics.
Quarter Content Standards Performance Most Essential Learning Competencies Duration Codes
The learner…
explains the plot, musical and theatrical Week 1-2 MU9OP-IVa-g-1
elements of an opera after watching video
performs themes or melodic fragments of Week 3-4 MU9OP-IVb-h-3
understanding of sings and performs given selected songs;
th characteristic features of themes of selected
4 improvises appropriate sounds, music, Week 5-6 MU9OP-IVb-h-5
vocal music of the songs
gestures, movements, and costumes for a
Romantic period chosen opera.
evaluates music performances using guided Week 7-8
Grade Level: 10
Subject: Music
Quarter Content Standards Performance Most Essential Learning Competencies Duration Codes
The learner…
demonstrates creates musical describes distinctive musical elements of given Week 1 MU10TC-Ia-h-2
1 understanding of 20th pieces using pieces in 20th century styles;
century music styles and particular style/s of explains the performance practice (setting, Week 2-3 MU10TC-Ib-g-4
characteristic features. the 20th Century. composition, role of composers/performers,
and audience) of 20 century music;
relates 20 Century music to other art forms Week 4-5 MU10TC-Ia-g-3
and media during the same time period;
performs music sample from the 20th century Week 5-6 MU10TC-Ib-5
Quarter Content Standards Performance Most Essential Learning Competencies Duration Codes
The learner…
describes the historical and cultural Week 1 MU10AP-IIa-g-2
background of Afro-Latin American and
popular music;
analyzes musical characteristics of Afro-Latin Week 2-3 MU10AP-IIa-h-5
American and popular music through
demonstrates performs vocal and
understanding of dance forms of Afro- activities;
nd characteristic features of Latin American explores ways of creating sounds on a variety Week 4-5 MU10AP-IIa-7
Afro-Latin American music music and selections of sources suitable to chosen vocal and
and Popular music of Popular music instrumental selections;
performs selections of Afro-Latin American Week 6-7 MU10AP-IIa-h-6
and popular music in appropriate pitch,
style, and expression;
evaluates music and music performances Week 8 MU10AP-IIa-h-10
using guided rubrics
Quarter Content Standards Performance Most Essential Learning Competencies Duration Codes
The learner…
demonstrates sings contemporary narrates the life of selected contemporary Week 1 MU10CM-IIIc-g-3
3 understanding of songs Filipino composer/s ;
characteristic features of analyzes the musical characteristics of Week 2 MU10CM-IIIa
contemporary music traditional and contemporary Philippine
improvises simple vocal/instrumental Week 3-5 MU10CM-IIId
accompaniments to selected contemporary
Philippine music;
performs selections of contemporary Week 6-7 MU10CM-IIIb
Philippine music;
evaluates music and music performances Week 8 MU10CM-III
using guided rubrics.
Quarter Content Standards Performance Most Essential Learning Competencies Duration Codes
The learner…
1. demonstrates describes how an idea or story in a musical play Week 1 MU10MM-IIIa
understanding of is presented by watching a live performance
1. performs or video excerpt;
characteristic features of
selections from explains how theatrical elements in a selected Week 2-3 MU10MM-IIIa
20th and 21st century
musical plays, ballet, part of a musical play are combined
opera musical play, ballet with music
opera in a and media to achieve certain effects;
and other multimedia
satisfactory level of
forms. creates appropriate sounds, music, Week 4-6 MU10MM-IIIc
th performance.
4 gestures,movements, and costume using
2. demonstrates media and technology for a selected part of a
2. creates a musical
understanding of the musical play;
work using media &
relationship among performs an excerpt from a 20th or 21st Week 7-8 MU10MM-IIIg
music, technology, and century Philippine musical and highlight its
media. similarities and differences to other western
musical play.