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Grade Level: 7

Subject: Music

Quarter Content Performance Most Essential Learning Competencies Duration Codes

Standards Standards
The learner…
describes the musical characteristics of Week 1 MU7LU-Ia-1
representative music selections from the
lowlands of Luzon after listening
analyzes the musical elements of some Week 2 MU7LU-Ia-2
Lowland vocal and instrumental music
* identifies the musical instruments and Week 3 MU7LU-Ib-3
demonstrates other sound sources from the lowlands
understanding of
of the musical performs music of Luzon
characteristics the lowlands with explores ways of producing sounds on a Week 4 MU7LU-Ib-f-4
st of appropriate pitch, variety of sources that is similar to the
representative rhythm, expression instruments being studied;
music from the and style
lowlands of
Luzon improvises simple rhythmic/melodic Week 5 MU7LU-Ic-f
accompaniments to selected music from
the Lowlands of Luzon;
performs music from Luzon lowlands with Week 6 MU7LU-Ia-h-7
own accompaniment;
evaluates music and music performances Week 7-8 MU7LU-Ic-h-10
with rubrics on musical elements and

Quarter Content Performance Most Essential Learning Competencies Duration Codes

Standards Standards
The learner…
demonstrates performs selected describes the musical characteristics of Week 1 MU7LV-IIa-f-1
2 understanding vocal and representative selections of Cordillera,

of the musical instrumental music Mindoro, Palawan and of the Visayas after
characteristics of Cordillera, listening;
of Mindoro, Palawan explains the distinguishing characteristics of Week 2 MU7LV-IIb-f-3
representative and the Visayas in representative music from Cordillera,
music from the appropriate style Mindoro, Palawan and of the
highlands of Visayasin relation to its culture and
Luzon, Mindoro, geography;
Palawan, and identifies the musical instruments and other Week 3 MU7LV-IIa-f-2
the Visayas sound sources from Cordillera, Mindoro,
Palawan and of the Visayas;
discovers ways of producing sounds on a Week 4 MU7LV-IIb-g-4
variety of sources similar to
instruments being studied;
improvises simple rhythmic/melodic Week 5 MU7LV-IIb-g-7
accompaniments to selected music from
the Cordillera, Mindoro, Palawan and of
the Visayas;
performs music from Cordillera, Mindoro, Week 6 MU7LV-IIb-g-6
Palawan and of the Visayas, with
evaluates music and music performances Week 7-8 MU7LV-IIc-h-10
using rubrics on musical elements and

Quarter Content Performance Most Essential Learning Competencies Duration Codes

Standards Standards
The learner…
demonstrates describes the musical characteristics of Week 1 MU7MN-IIIa-g-1
understanding representative music selections from
of the musical performs music of Mindanao after listening;
characteristics Mindanao with identifies the musical instruments and Week 2 MU7MN-IIIa-g-3
3 of appropriate other sound sources of representative
representative expression and style music selections from Mindanao
music from analyzes the musical elements of some Week 3 MU7MN-IIIa-g-2
Mindanao Mindanao vocal and instrumental music;

discovers ways of producing sounds on a Week 4 MU7MN-IIIb-h-4

variety of sources that is similar to the
instruments being studied;
improvises simple rhythmic/melodic Week 5 MU7LV-IIIc-h-5
accompaniments to selected music from
perform music from Mindanao with own Week 6 MU7LV-IIIc-h-6
evaluates music selections and music Week 7-8 MU7LV-IIIb-h-10
performances using rubrics on musical
elements and style.

Quarter Content Performance Most Essential Learning Competencies Duration Codes

Standards Standards
The learner…
identifies musical characteristics of selected Week 1 MU7FT-IVa-g-1
Philippine festivals and theatrical forms
through video or live performances;
describes the origins and cultural Week 2 MU7FT-IVa-d-2
background of selected Philippine
understanding festival/s;
of the musical performs music of
describes how the music contributes to the Week 3 MU7FT-IVe-h-4
characteristics Mindanao with performance of the musical production;
4 of appropriate
describes how a specific idea or story is Week 4 MU7FT-IVe-h-6
representative expression and style
communicated through music in a
music from
particular Philippine musical theater
improvises music accompaniment in Week 5-6 MU7FT-IVe-h-4
relation to a particular Philippine festival;
performs selection/s from chosen Week 7-8 MU7FT-IVe-h-7
Philippine musical theater;

Grade Level: 8
Subject: Music

Quarter Content Performance Most Essential Learning Competencies Duration Codes

Standards Standards
The learner…
listens perceptively to music of Southeast Week 1 MU8SE-Ia-h-2
analyzes musical elements of selected Week 2 MU8SE-Ib-h-4
songs and instrumental pieces heard and
demonstrates performed;
understanding explores ways of producing sounds on a Week 3 MU8SE-Ic-h-5
of common variety of sources that would simulate
musical performs Southeast instruments being studied;
characteristics Asian songs with improvises simple accompaniment to Week 4 MU8SE-Ic-h-6
st of the region as appropriate pitch, selected Southeast Asian music;
well as unique rhythm, expression performs music from Southeast Asia with Week 5-6 MU8SE-Ic-h-7
characteristics and style. own accompaniment;
of a particular * evaluates music and music Week 7-8 MU8SE-Ic-h-8
Southeast Asian performances using guided rubrics
country. applying knowledge of musical elements
and style.

Quarter Content Performance Most Essential Learning Competencies Duration Codes

Standards Standards
The learner…
demonstrates listens perceptively to music of East Asia; Week 1 MU8SE-IIa-h-2
performs East Asian
understanding analyzes musical elements of selected songs Week 2 MU8SE-IIc-h-4
nd music with
2 of common and and instrumental pieces heard and
appropriate pitch,
distinct musical performed;

characteristics rhythm, expression explores ways of producing sounds on a Week 3 MU8SE-IIb-h-5

of East Asian and style variety of sources that would simulate
countries instruments being studied;
improvises simple accompaniment to Week 4 MU8SE-IIc-h-6
selected East Asian music;
* performs music from East Asia with own Week 5-6 MU8SE-IIb-h-7
evaluates music and music performances Week 7-8 MU8SE-IIb-h-8
using guided rubrics applying knowledge
of musical elements and style.

Quarter Content Performance Most Essential Learning Competencies Duration Codes

Standards Standards
The learner…
listens perceptively to music of South Asia Week 1 MU8WS-IIIa-h-2
and the Middle East;

analyzes musical elements of selected Week 2 MU8WS-IIIc-h-4

demonstrates songs and instrumental pieces heard and
an performed;
performs South Asia explores ways of producing sounds on a Week 3 MU8WS-IIIc-h-5
and the Middle East variety of sources that would simulate
of common and
music with instruments being studied;
rd distinct musical
3 appropriate pitch,
characteristics improvises simple accompaniment to Week 4 MU8WS-IIIb-h-6
rhythm, expression selected South Asia and the Middle East
of South Asia
and style. music;
and the Middle
East. * performs music from South Asia and Week 5-6 MU8WS-IIIb-h-7
Middle East with own accompaniment;
evaluates music and music performances Week 7-8 MU8WS-IIIc-h-8
using guided rubrics applying knowledge
of musical elements and style.

Quarter Content Performance Most Essential Learning Competencies Duration Codes

Standards Standards
The learner…
identifies musical characteristics of selected Week 1 MU8TH-IVa-g-1
Asian musical theater through video films
or live performances;
describes the instruments that accompany Week 2 MU8TH-IVa-g-2
Kabuki, Wayang Kulit, Peking Opera;
describes how a specific idea or story is Week 3 MU8TH-IVb-h-3
understanding performs excerpts
communicated through music in a
and application from traditional
particular Asian musical theater;
of musical skills Asian theater with
th improvises appropriate sound, music, Week 4 MU8TH-IVb-h-7
4 related to appropriate pitch,
gesture, movements, props and costume
selected rhythm, expression,
for performance of a chosen Asian
traditional Asian and style
traditional musical and theatrical form;
performs selection/s from chosen Asian Week 5-6 MU8TH-IVa-g-6
musical theater;
evaluates music and music performances Week 7-8 MU8TH-IVc-h-8
using guided rubrics applying knowledge
of musical elements and style.

Grade Level: 9
Subject: Music

Quarter Content Performance Most Essential Learning Competencies Duration Codes

Standards Standards
The learner…
performs selected describes the musical elements of Week 1 MU9MRB -Ib-f-5
songs from selected vocal and instrumental music of
Medieval, Medieval, Renaissance and Baroque
of characteristic
st renaissance and music;
1 features of the
baroque periods explains the performance practice (setting, Week 2 MU9MRB -Ia-h-2
a) Chants; composition, role of
b) Madrigals; composers/performers, and audience)

and Baroque c) excerpts from during Medieval, Renaissance and

period music oratorio; Baroque periods;
d) chorales; * relates Medieval, Renaissance and Week 3 MU9MRB -Ic-f-3
e) troubadour. Baroque music to other art forms and
history within the era;
* improvises appropriate accompaniment Week 4-5 MU9MRB -Ib-d-7
to selected music from Medieval,
Renaissance and Baroque Period;
* performs music from Medieval, Week 6-7 MU9MRB -Ib-h-4
Renaissance and Baroque Period;
* evaluates music and music Week 8
performances using guided rubrics

Quarter Content Standards Performance Most Essential Learning Competencies Duration Codes
The learner…
describes musical elements of given Classical Week 1 MU9CL-IIa-f-1
period pieces;
sings and performs explains the performance practice (setting, Week 2 MU9CL-IIa-f-3
themes of composition, role of composers/performers,
understanding of
symphonies and and audience) during Classical Period
characteristic features of
other instrumental relates Classical music to other art forms and its Week 3 MU9CL-IIa-f-2
Classical period music
forms sings and history within the era;
nd demonstrates
2 performs themes of
understanding of improvises appropriate accompaniment to Week 4-5 MU9CL-IIe-9
symphonies and selected music from Classical Period
characteristic features of
other instrumental
Classical period music performs selected music from the Classical Week 6-7 MU9CL-IIb-h-7
forms period;
evaluates music and music performances using Week 8
guided rubrics.

Quarter Content Standards Performance Most Essential Learning Competencies Duration Codes
The learner…
demonstrates describes musical elements of given Romantic Week 1 MU9RO-IIIa-2
3 understanding of period pieces;

characteristic features of sings and performs explains the performance practice (setting, Week 2 MU9RO-IIIb-h-3
instrumental Romantic themes of selected composition, role of composers/performers,
music instrumental pieces and audience) during Romantic Period
relates Romantic music to other art forms and Week 3 MU9RO-IIIc-h-7
its history within the era;
improvises appropriate accompaniment to Week 4-5 MU9RO-IIIc-h-8
selected music from Romantic Period
performs selected music from the Romantic Week 6-7 MU9RO-IIIe-h-6
evaluates music and music performances using Week 8
guided rubrics.

Quarter Content Standards Performance Most Essential Learning Competencies Duration Codes
The learner…
explains the plot, musical and theatrical Week 1-2 MU9OP-IVa-g-1
elements of an opera after watching video
performs themes or melodic fragments of Week 3-4 MU9OP-IVb-h-3
understanding of sings and performs given selected songs;
th characteristic features of themes of selected
4 improvises appropriate sounds, music, Week 5-6 MU9OP-IVb-h-5
vocal music of the songs
gestures, movements, and costumes for a
Romantic period chosen opera.
evaluates music performances using guided Week 7-8

Grade Level: 10
Subject: Music

Quarter Content Standards Performance Most Essential Learning Competencies Duration Codes
The learner…
demonstrates creates musical describes distinctive musical elements of given Week 1 MU10TC-Ia-h-2
1 understanding of 20th pieces using pieces in 20th century styles;

century music styles and particular style/s of explains the performance practice (setting, Week 2-3 MU10TC-Ib-g-4
characteristic features. the 20th Century. composition, role of composers/performers,
and audience) of 20 century music;
relates 20 Century music to other art forms Week 4-5 MU10TC-Ia-g-3
and media during the same time period;
performs music sample from the 20th century Week 5-6 MU10TC-Ib-5

evaluates music and music performances using Week 7-8

guided rubrics

Quarter Content Standards Performance Most Essential Learning Competencies Duration Codes
The learner…
describes the historical and cultural Week 1 MU10AP-IIa-g-2
background of Afro-Latin American and
popular music;
analyzes musical characteristics of Afro-Latin Week 2-3 MU10AP-IIa-h-5
American and popular music through
demonstrates performs vocal and
understanding of dance forms of Afro- activities;
nd characteristic features of Latin American explores ways of creating sounds on a variety Week 4-5 MU10AP-IIa-7
Afro-Latin American music music and selections of sources suitable to chosen vocal and
and Popular music of Popular music instrumental selections;
performs selections of Afro-Latin American Week 6-7 MU10AP-IIa-h-6
and popular music in appropriate pitch,
style, and expression;
evaluates music and music performances Week 8 MU10AP-IIa-h-10
using guided rubrics

Quarter Content Standards Performance Most Essential Learning Competencies Duration Codes
The learner…
demonstrates sings contemporary narrates the life of selected contemporary Week 1 MU10CM-IIIc-g-3
3 understanding of songs Filipino composer/s ;
characteristic features of analyzes the musical characteristics of Week 2 MU10CM-IIIa
contemporary music traditional and contemporary Philippine
improvises simple vocal/instrumental Week 3-5 MU10CM-IIId
accompaniments to selected contemporary
Philippine music;
performs selections of contemporary Week 6-7 MU10CM-IIIb
Philippine music;
evaluates music and music performances Week 8 MU10CM-III
using guided rubrics.

Quarter Content Standards Performance Most Essential Learning Competencies Duration Codes
The learner…
1. demonstrates describes how an idea or story in a musical play Week 1 MU10MM-IIIa
understanding of is presented by watching a live performance
1. performs or video excerpt;
characteristic features of
selections from explains how theatrical elements in a selected Week 2-3 MU10MM-IIIa
20th and 21st century
musical plays, ballet, part of a musical play are combined
opera musical play, ballet with music
opera in a and media to achieve certain effects;
and other multimedia
satisfactory level of
forms. creates appropriate sounds, music, Week 4-6 MU10MM-IIIc
th performance.
4 gestures,movements, and costume using
2. demonstrates media and technology for a selected part of a
2. creates a musical
understanding of the musical play;
work using media &
relationship among performs an excerpt from a 20th or 21st Week 7-8 MU10MM-IIIg
music, technology, and century Philippine musical and highlight its
media. similarities and differences to other western
musical play.

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