Seroprevalence of Antibodies To Sars-Cov-2 in 10 Sites in The United States, March 23-May 12, 2020
Seroprevalence of Antibodies To Sars-Cov-2 in 10 Sites in The United States, March 23-May 12, 2020
Seroprevalence of Antibodies To Sars-Cov-2 in 10 Sites in The United States, March 23-May 12, 2020
Supplemental content
IMPORTANCE Reported cases of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 Related article at
(SARS-CoV-2) infection likely underestimate the prevalence of infection in affected
communities. Large-scale seroprevalence studies provide better estimates of the proportion
of the population previously infected.
DESIGN, SETTING, AND PARTICIPANTS This cross-sectional study performed serologic testing
on a convenience sample of residual sera obtained from persons of all ages. The serum was
collected from March 23 through May 12, 2020, for routine clinical testing by 2 commercial
laboratory companies. Sites of collection were San Francisco Bay area, California;
Connecticut; south Florida; Louisiana; Minneapolis-St Paul-St Cloud metro area, Minnesota;
Missouri; New York City metro area, New York; Philadelphia metro area, Pennsylvania; Utah;
and western Washington State.
MAIN OUTCOMES AND MEASURES The presence of antibodies to SARS-CoV-2 spike protein
was estimated using an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, and estimates were
standardized to the site populations by age and sex. Estimates were adjusted for test
performance characteristics (96.0% sensitivity and 99.3% specificity). The number of
infections in each site was estimated by extrapolating seroprevalence to site populations;
estimated infections were compared with the number of reported coronavirus disease 2019
(COVID-19) cases as of last specimen collection date.
RESULTS Serum samples were tested from 16 025 persons, 8853 (55.2%) of whom were
women; 1205 (7.5%) were 18 years or younger and 5845 (36.2%) were 65 years or older.
Most specimens from each site had no evidence of antibodies to SARS-CoV-2. Adjusted
estimates of the proportion of persons seroreactive to the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein
antibodies ranged from 1.0% in the San Francisco Bay area (collected April 23-27) to 6.9%
of persons in New York City (collected March 23-April 1). The estimated number of infections
ranged from 6 to 24 times the number of reported cases; for 7 sites (Connecticut, Florida,
Louisiana, Missouri, New York City metro area, Utah, and western Washington State),
an estimated greater than 10 times more SARS-CoV-2 infections occurred than the number
of reported cases.
CONCLUSIONS AND RELEVANCE During March to early May 2020, most persons in 10 diverse
geographic sites in the US had not been infected with SARS-CoV-2 virus. The estimated
Author Affiliations: Author
number of infections, however, was much greater than the number of reported cases in all affiliations are listed at the end of this
sites. The findings may reflect the number of persons who had mild or no illness or who did article.
not seek medical care or undergo testing but who still may have contributed to ongoing virus Corresponding Author: Fiona P.
transmission in the population. Havers, MD, MHS, CDC COVID-19
Response Team, Centers for Disease
Control and Prevention, 1600 Clifton
JAMA Intern Med. doi:10.1001/jamainternmed.2020.4130 Rd, MS H24-6, Atlanta, GA 30329
Published online July 21, 2020. ([email protected]).
(Reprinted) E1
© 2020 American Medical Association. All rights reserved.
he first case of severe acute respiratory syndrome coro-
navirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) infection in the US was re- Key Points
ported in Washington State on January 20, 2020. The
Question What proportion of persons in 10 US sites had
first US case linked to community transmission was reported detectable antibodies to severe acute respiratory syndrome
in California on February 26, 2020, followed by subsequent coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) from March 23 to May 12, 2020?
cases resulting from community transmission reported in
Findings In this cross-sectional study of 16 025 residual clinical
Washington on February 28 and New York on March 3.1-5 Since
specimens, estimates of the proportion of persons with detectable
January 2020, states have been recommended to report all SARS-CoV-2 antibodies ranged from 1.0% in the San Francisco Bay
laboratory-confirmed cases to the Centers for Disease Con- area (collected April 23-27) to 6.9% of persons in New York City
trol and Prevention (CDC).6 Reported cases, however, likely rep- (collected March 23-April 1). Six to 24 times more infections were
resent only a fraction of SARS-CoV-2 infections, as an un- estimated per site with seroprevalence than with coronavirus
known proportion of cases are mild or asymptomatic, or they disease 2019 (COVID-19) case report data.
are otherwise not diagnosed or ascertained through passive Meaning For most sites, it is likely that greater than 10 times more
public health reporting.7-9 Furthermore, viral testing has been SARS-CoV-2 infections occurred than the number of reported
limited in many sites and was often reserved for severely ill COVID-19 cases; most persons in each site, however, likely had no
patients early in the US outbreak, and testing availability has detectable SARS-CoV-2 antibodies.
changed rapidly. Each of these issues could confound esti-
mates of incident cases and epidemic dynamics that use only
case-based reporting data.
Detection of antibodies to SARS-CoV-2 in a person’s blood at least 300 specimens per age group. Specimens from all
likely indicates that they were infected at some point since the sites were deduplicated through laboratory records, except
start of the pandemic. Thus, serologic assays can be used to for specimens provided by Lab B from WA and NY. Both
provide population-based estimates of infection that include laboratories provided specimens from NY and WA; Lab A
people who had mild or asymptomatic infection or who were also provided specimens from CA, FL, and LA, and Lab B
never tested despite having symptoms. provided specimens from CT, MO, PA, MN, and UT. The zip
We used convenience samples of residual clinical speci- code of patient residence was known for all Lab A specimens
mens obtained from 2 commercial diagnostic laboratories to and for Lab B specimens from CT, MO, PA, MN, and UT, but
conduct a serologic survey. Our goal was to estimate the se- not for Lab B specimens from NY and WA. Based on informa-
roprevalence in the population—that is, the proportion of the tion from Lab B, which indicated that the majority of speci-
population with evidence of previous infection with SARS- mens from its facilities in WA and NY were drawn from the
CoV-2, by age group, in 10 geographically diverse US sites with areas of greatest population density in western WA and NY
known community transmission. metro areas, respectively, we assumed that Lab B specimens
from WA and NY were from a similar geographic distribution
to those received from Lab A for those sites. For individual
specimens, no information on the reason for specimen col-
Methods lection was available.
We obtained convenience samples of deidentified residual pa- After reviewing the protocol, CDC human subjects re-
tient sera collected for routine screening (eg, cholesterol screen- search officials determined that the testing represented non-
ing) or clinical management by 2 commercial clinical labora- research activity in the setting of a public health response to
tories (Lab A and Lab B) from 10 sites. For Lab A, data on the the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic and ex-
breakdown between inpatients and outpatients were not avail- empted it from further review. Informed consent was waived
able. For Lab B, almost all the samples were from outpa- as deidentified data were used. On June 26, 2020, data from
tients. The samples were collected during discrete periods from 6 sites (CT, FL, MO, NY, UT, and WA) were released on CDC’s
March 23 through May 12 (Table 1; Figure 1). Sites and dates of website,18 and an early version of the non–peer-reviewed
collection included western Washington State (WA) (defined manuscript was posted on a preprint server.19
broadly; March 23-April 1); the New York City metro area (NY)
(defined broadly; predominantly Manhattan, Bronx, Brook- Laboratory Methods
lyn, Queens, and Nassau counties; March 23-April 1); south Sera were tested at CDC in a 2-step process—a screening assay
Florida (FL) (restricted to Miami-Dade, Broward, Palm Beach, followed by a confirmatory assay for presumptive reactive
and Martin counties; April 6-10); Philadelphia metro statisti- specimens identified through screening. The CDC developed
cal area counties and Lancaster and Cumberland counties (PA) and validated an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA)
(April 13-25); San Francisco Bay area, including San Jose (CA) that was used as the confirmatory assay, as has been previ-
(April 23-27); Minneapolis-St Paul-St Cloud combined statis- ously described.20 A specimen was considered reactive if, on
tical areas (MN) (April 30-May 12); and all of Missouri (MO) confirmatory testing, at a background corrected optical den-
(April 20-26), Utah (UT) (April 20-May 3), Connecticut (CT) sity of 0.4 and at a serum dilution of 1:100, it had a signal to
(April 26-May 3), and Louisiana (LA) (April 1-8) (eFigure 1 in threshold ratio greater than 1. The screening assay was simi-
the Supplement). Age or age group, patient sex, and collec- lar to the confirmatory assay. Sera were screened at a 1:100 di-
tion date were available for all specimens; we aimed to have lution using a qualitative pan immunoglobulin (Ig) ELISA
E2 JAMA Internal Medicine Published online July 21, 2020 (Reprinted)
No. (%)
New York City Philadelphia San Francisco St Paul-St Cloud
Western metro area metro area Bay area metro area
Characteristic All sites Washington State (New York) Louisiana South Florida (Pennsylvania) Missouri Utah (California) Connecticut (Minnesota)
Dates of specimen March 23-May March 23-April 1, March 23-April 1, April 1-8, 2020 April 6-10, 2020 April 13-25, 2020 April 20-26, April April 23-27, April April 30-May 12,
collection 12, 2020 2020 2020 2020 20-May 3, 2020 26-May 3, 2020
2020 2020
Date of first case NA February 28, 2020 February 27, 2020 March 9, 2020 March 1, 2020 March 9, 2020 March 13, March 14, February 26, March 11, March 9, 2020
of community 2020 2020 2020 2020
Totalc 16 025 3264 2482 1184 1742 824 1882 1132 1224 1431 860
Abbreviation: NA, not applicable. Excluded from analysis owing to small sample size.
a c
Sources for dates of community transmission were state and city health departments and Centers for Disease The total number of specimens that had complete data for both age and sex.
Control and Prevention data.5,10-17
Research Original Investigation Seroprevalence of Antibodies to SARS-CoV-2 in 10 Sites in the United States, 2020
A Estimates of seroprevalence
Population reactive for SARS-CoV-2 antibodies, %
Philadelphia Missouri
metro area,
3 Minneapolis-St
Paul-St Cloud
Utah metro area,
South Florida Minnesota
Western Washington
San Francisco Bay area,
March March March April April April April May May May
15 22 29 5 12 19 26 3 10 17
Dates of sample collection
March 23-
Western Washington
April 1
South Florida
E4 JAMA Internal Medicine Published online July 21, 2020 (Reprinted)
standardized and sex-standardized and adjusted for test char- Table 3 shows estimates of the number of SARS-CoV-2 in-
acteristics as fully adjusted estimates. To assess for potential fections suggested by seroprevalence estimates in each site and
differences in populations using different laboratories, we com- compares these with the number of reported cases as of the
pared seroprevalence in specimens from Lab A with those from last date of specimen collection (eFigure 2 in the Supple-
Lab B for NY and WA, the 2 sites where both laboratories ment). Our estimate for underascertainment was lowest in CT,
collected specimens. where the estimation of 176 012 infections was 6.0 (range, 4.3-
To estimate the degree of underascertainment of re- 7.8) times greater than the 29 287 reported cases as of May 3,
ported cases for all sites, we assumed that the presence of SARS- 2020, and highest for MO, where the estimation of 161 936 in-
CoV-2 antibodies represented infections that occurred prior to fections was 23.8 (range, 14.8-34.7) times greater than the 6794
the last date of specimen collection. We applied the esti- reported cases as of April 25, 2020. Estimated numbers of
mated age-adjusted and sex-adjusted seroprevalence esti- infections for 7 sites—CT, FL, LA, MO, NY, UT, and WA—were
mates to the respective populations to estimate total infec- at least 10 times greater than the number of reported cases.
tions. We then divided these numbers by the cumulative case Estimates of underascertainment using the date 7 days
counts reported to health departments22 as of the last date of prior to start of specimen collection are shown in eTable 2 in
specimen collection for each site. Because antibodies may take the Supplement. Using these earlier dates, our point estimate
an average of 10 to 14 days to be detectable after infection,23-25 for underascertainment was lowest in CT, where the number
and collection periods were 6 to 14 days in length, we ac- of estimated infections was 8.9 times greater than the num-
counted for a lag in the development of antibodies in a sce- ber of cases reported as of April 19, 2020, and highest in NY,
nario analysis using the cumulative number of reported cases where the estimation of 641 778 infections was more than 1000
as of 7 days prior to the start of specimen collection. The speci- times greater than the 545 cases reported as of March 16, 2020.
men collection period in relationship to reported cases is shown These estimates do not account for delays in reporting re-
for each site in eFigure 2 in the Supplement, and the number sults, which may have been longer earlier in the pandemic.
of cases reported daily in the US is shown in eFigure 3 in the
R (version 3.6.1) and Rstudio (version 1.2.1335) (R Foun-
dation for Statistical Computing) were used to perform statis-
tical analyses. Two-sided P values less than .05 were consid- Our study estimated seroprevalence of antibodies to SARS-
ered statistically significant. CoV-2 in 10 diverse geographic sites in the US, with discrete
collection periods from late March through mid-May 2020.
Seroprevalence estimates varied from 1.0% in the San Fran-
cisco Bay area in late April to 6.9% in the New York City metro
Results area in late March. Our results for each site suggest that the
We tested 16 025 residual sera specimens from 10 sites col- number of infections was much greater than the number of re-
lected from March 23 through May 12, with discrete collec- ported cases throughout the study period; these infections
tion periods for each site (Table 1). A total of 6320 (39.4%) speci- likely include asymptomatic and mild infections for which
mens were from Lab A, and 9705 (60.6%) specimens were from health care was not sought, as well as symptomatic infec-
Lab B. Of all specimens, 8853 (55.2%) were from women. The tions in persons who either did not seek care or in whom SARS-
age group of 0-18 years comprised the smallest number of CoV-2 viral testing was not performed. It is possible that
specimens (n = 1205, 7.5%), with the age group of 65 years and false-positive ELISA results could lead us to overestimate
older comprising the largest number (n = 5845, 36.5%). Labo- seroprevalence and infections. The estimates are the first
ratory catchment areas as determined by the number of speci- reported from these 10 sites, from which specimens are to be
mens were predominantly major cities and their metro areas, collected at a variety of time points.26
including some suburban or exurban counties for CA, FL, MN, The results of several US seroprevalence studies have been
NY, PA, and WA. Laboratories receiving specimens from the released, including those conducted in Santa Clara County
entire state (CT, LA, MO, and UT) received specimens from areas (California), Idaho, Los Angeles (California), and New York.27-31
in numbers approximately proportionate to state population As of early July 2020, 3 of these 4 studies had only been posted
density (eFigure 1 in the Supplement). as preprints without peer review.27-30 Studies have used dif-
Table 2 shows the seroprevalence estimates by sex and age ferent assays and participant selection methods. The Santa
as well as fully adjusted estimates. Seroprevalence ranged from Clara County study, conducted April 3 and 4, 2020, approxi-
1.0% (95% CI, 0.3%-2.4%) in CA to 6.9% (95% CI, 5.0%-8.9%) mately 5 weeks after the first case of community transmis-
in NY. Seroprevalence estimates fell within this range for the re- sion of COVID-19 was detected in the San Francisco Bay area,
maining 8 sites. There was no clear association between sero- estimated a seroprevalence rate of 2.5% to 4.2%.27 The au-
prevalence by age and sex across sites (Figure 2). In NY, there thors noted that seroprevalence estimates were largely driven
was a significant difference in fully adjusted seroprevalence be- by estimates of test performance characteristics, which is to
tween specimens obtained from Lab A (11.5%) and Lab B (5.7%) be expected, particularly in a low-prevalence setting. A study
(P < .01). In WA, there was no difference in fully adjusted sero- in New York City conducted between late February and mid-
prevalence between specimens obtained from Lab A or Lab B April 2020 showed seroprevalence estimates of 2.2% and 10.1%
(1.9% vs 1.5%; P = .47) (eTable 1 in the Supplement). for the weeks ending March 29 and April 5, respectively30; the (Reprinted) JAMA Internal Medicine Published online July 21, 2020 E5
Age group, y
0-18 0.7 (0-2.5)c 2.7 (0.9-5.0)c 2.8 (0-11.5) 2.4 (0-7.8) 2.2 (0-6.9) 1.4 (0-4.1) NAd 1.7 (0-7.7) 0.8 (0-2.9) 5.8 (0-14.3)
c c
19-49 1.3 (0.7-2.3) 8.3 (6.2-10.2) 7.4 (4.7-10.0) 0.9 (0.2-2.2) 5.9 (2.4-9.8) 3.4 (1.4-5.5) 1.8 (0.6-3.5) 1.1 (0-2.6) 6.1 (3.1-9.3) 2.3 (0.8-4.2)
50-64 0.9 (0.3-1.9) 6.5 (4.3-9.6) 8.3 (4.5-11.9) 2.0 (0.3-4.0) 0.8 (0-2.8) 2.0 (0.5-3.8) 2.9 (0.9-5.2) 0.7 (0-2.4) 8.1 (4.8-11.6) 0.7 (0-2.8)
Figure 2. Strata-Specific Estimates of Seroprevalence to Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) Antibodies
in 10 Geographic Sites
0 2 4 6 8 0 2 4 6 8
Prevalence, % Prevalence, %
A, Estimates of seroprevalence to SARS-CoV-2 antibodies by sex, from highest to lowest overall seroprevalence. B, Strata-specific estimates of seroprevalence to
SARS-CoV-2 antibodies by age group, from highest to lowest overall seroprevalence.
NY specimen collection period in our study was March 23 to occurring several weeks later, during a period when SARS-
April 1. Another study in New York state used sera collected CoV-2 was circulating widely in New York City.
from April 19 to April 28, approximately 8 weeks after com- At present, the relationship between detectable antibod-
munity transmission was first identified in New York City. A ies to SARS-CoV-2 and protective immunity against future in-
seroprevalence of 22.7% was estimated.31 The higher sero- fection is not known.25 Extrapolating these estimates to make
prevalence found in this study compared with our results may assumptions about population immunity should not be done
reflect a different study population and specimen collection until more is known about the correlations between the (Reprinted) JAMA Internal Medicine Published online July 21, 2020 E7
South Florida Miami-Dade, Broward, Palm Beach, 6 345 345 1.9 (1.0-3.2) 10 525 117 389 (63 453-204 955) 11.2 (6.0-19.5)
Martin counties
Philadelphia metro area Bucks, Chester, Cumberland, Delaware, 4 910 139 3.2 (1.7-5.2) 22 987 156 633 (82 981-254 836) 6.8 (3.6-11.1)
(Pennsylvania) Lancaster, Montgomery, Philadelphia
presence, titer, and duration of antibodies and protection minimal. In addition, although the overall sample size was
against this novel, emerging disease. large, in some sites, there were few specimens from persons
The timing of the development of SARS-CoV-2–specific 18 years or younger, which limited our ability to estimate se-
antibodies is variable; it is unknown when infection roprevalence among children. Furthermore, at this stage in the
occurred for individuals in this study. Although humoral pandemic, infections may not be evenly distributed even
response kinetics to SARS-CoV-2 infection are not well within these geographic sites. Thus, seroprevalence esti-
understood, reactive IgA, IgM, and IgG antibodies have been mates for large geographic sites may not be accurate if the ma-
detected as soon as 1 day after symptom onset.32 In other jority of samples come from specific areas with higher infec-
studies, neutralizing antibodies were detected 10 to 15 days tion rates. We also had limited geographic data on a subset of
after symptom onset; the median time to development of specimens from Lab B for NY and WA, which may have been
total antibody, IgM, and IgG has been estimated as 11, 12, and drawn from a larger geographic site than those from Lab A with
14 days, respectively.23,25 zip code–level data. The inclusion of some specimens from
We compared the number of estimated cases in the popu- other sites in WA and NY states, especially sites of lower se-
lation based on our seroprevalence estimates with the re- roprevalence around NY, may lead to inaccurate seropreva-
ported cases as of the last day of specimen collection. From lence estimates for these areas and may explain the differ-
this comparison, we estimated that there were from 6 times ences in the seroprevalence estimates between Lab A and Lab
as many SARS-CoV-2 infections as reported cases in CT to B for NY. Finally, the representation of specific geographic pock-
24 times the number of infections as reported cases in MO. ets may not be the same between the 2 commercial laborato-
Specimen collection in CT started later than other sites, and ries, and underlying patient populations may differ between
lower underascertainment estimates for CT may reflect in- the laboratories; therefore, combining results from Lab A and
creasing availability of testing as the pandemic progressed. Lab B is problematic. Follow-up serosurveys will include zip
These estimates of underascertainment are conservative; they code data for all specimens.
would be higher if an earlier date had been used to take into It is possible that the ELISA may exhibit cross-reactivity
account infected persons who had not yet developed detect- with antibodies to other common human coronaviruses; there-
able antibodies at the time of specimen collection. Our sero- fore, some results may represent a false-positive result for
prevalence estimates are more likely to reflect infections that SARS-CoV-2, potentially leading to overestimation of the ac-
occurred a minimum of 1 to 2 weeks prior to the specimen tual seroprevalence. The assay used has high specificity for
collection. SARS-CoV-2, and cross-reactivity with common coronavi-
ruses generated results below the cutoff used for this assay.20
Limitations However, even with a highly specific test, the effect of false-
Our study has limitations that are associated with both the positive test results may be more marked in lower prevalence
samples and with the tests used. The specimens were col- settings, including CA, FL, and WA. We did consider the per-
lected for clinical purposes from persons seeking health care formance characteristics of the ELISA when making seroprev-
and were shared with the CDC with minimal accompanying alence estimates. Although the assay has high sensitivity (96%),
data. No data on recent symptomatic illness, underlying con- it is not 100% sensitive and thus will not detect all persons with
ditions, or possible COVID-19 exposures were available. It is antibodies. Finally, several early reports indicate that not all
possible that specimens were drawn from patients seeking care persons with SARS-CoV-2 infection mount an antibody re-
for suspected COVID-19 symptoms, potentially biasing re- sponse, and antibody titers may be lower in those with milder
sults, particularly in settings such as NY where disease inci- disease; furthermore, levels of IgG and neutralizing antibod-
dence was higher. Lab B sampled sera from metabolic panels ies decrease in some persons within 2 to 3 months after
taken at routine outpatient visits; Lab A sampled randomly with infection.25,33-35 For these reasons, seroprevalence estimates
respect to clinical test type and admission status. Residual clini- may underestimate the proportion of persons with prior in-
cal specimens from screening or routine care are more likely fection in any population.
to come from persons who require monitoring for chronic Tracking population seroprevalence for SARS-CoV-2 in-
medical conditions despite the ongoing pandemic. These per- fection serially, in a variety of specific geographic sites, should
sons may not be representative of the general population, in- inform models of transmission dynamics and policy deci-
cluding in their health care seeking and social distancing be- sions regarding the effects of social distancing and other pre-
havior, immune response to infection, and disease exposure ventive measures. To inform understanding of the epidemi-
risk. Representativeness may vary by age group as well. There- ology of COVID-19, the CDC plans to conduct repeated sampling
fore, our seroprevalence estimates should be confirmed and in these and other geographic sites around the US on an
extended by other studies, including serosurveys that use ongoing basis.26
targeted sampling frames to enroll more representative
populations.33 For Lab B samples from NY and WA, it is pos-
sible that more than 1 specimen was from the same indi-
vidual, as samples were not deduplicated. Given the large num-
bers of specimens from each site and that the potential for In conclusion, the seroprevalence estimates we report sug-
duplication should be unbiased with respect to SARS-CoV-2 in- gest that at the time of specimen collection from March to early
fection, the influence on seroprevalence estimates is likely May 2020, a large majority of persons in 10 diverse geo- (Reprinted) JAMA Internal Medicine Published online July 21, 2020 E9
graphic sites in the US had not been infected with SARS- population. Because persons often do not know if they are in-
CoV-2. The estimated number of infections, however, was fected with SARS-CoV-2, the public should continue to take
much greater than the number of reported cases in all sites. steps to help prevent the spread of COVID-19, such as wear-
This finding may reflect persons who had mild or no illness or ing cloth face coverings when outside the home, remaining
who did not seek medical care or undergo testing but who still 6 feet apart from other people, washing hands frequently, and
may have contributed to ongoing virus transmission in the staying home when sick.
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