LSTM Stock Prediction
LSTM Stock Prediction
LSTM Stock Prediction
In this tutorial, you will see how you can use a time-series model known as Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) models. LSTM models are powerful,
especially retaining long-term memory, by their design as you will see later. You'll tackle the following topics in this tutorial:
Understand why should you need to be able to predict stock prices / movements
Download the data - You will be using stock market data gathered from Yahoo finance
See few averaging techniques that can be used for one-step ahead predictions
Motivate and briefly discuss an LSTM model as it allows to predict more than one-step ahead
Final remarks
You would like to model this stock prices correctly, so as a stock buyer you can reasonably decide when to buy stocks and when to sell them to gain profit.
This is where time series modelling comes in. You need good machine learning models that can look at the history of a sequence of data and correctly
Warning: Stock market prices are highly unpredictable and volatile. This means that there are no consistent patterns in the data that allows us to model
stock prices over time near-perfectly. Don't take it from me, take it from Princeton University economist Burton Malkiel, who argues in his 1973 book, "A
Random Walk Down Wall Street," that if the market is truly efficient and a share price reflects all factors immediately as soon as they're made public, a
blindfolded monkey throwing darts at a newspaper stock listing should do as well as any investment professional.
However, let's not go all the way believing that this is just a stochastic / random process and no hope for machine learning. Let's see if you can at least
model the data, so that the predictions you make correlate with the actual behavior of the data. In other words, you don't need the exact stock values of the
future, but the stock price movements (that is, if it is going to rise of fall in the near future).
In [25]: # Make sure that you have all these libaries available to run the code successfully
from pandas_datareader import data
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pandas as pd
import datetime as dt
import urllib.request, json
import os
import numpy as np
import tensorflow as tf # This code has been tested with TensorFlow 1.6
from sklearn.preprocessing import MinMaxScaler
2. Download data
1. Alpha Vantage. Before you start, however, you will first need an API key, which you can obtain for free here (
key). After that, you can assigned that key to the api_key variable.
2. Use the data from this page ( You will need to copy the Stocks
You will first load in the data from Alpha Vantage. Since you're going to make use of the American Airlines Stock market prices to make your predictions,
you set the ticker to "AAL" . Additionally, you also define a url_string , which will return a JSON file with all the stock market data for American Airlines
within last 20 years, and a file_to_save , which will be the file to which you save the data. You'll use the ticker variable that you defined beforehand to help
Next, you're going to specify a condition: if you haven't already saved data, you will go ahead and grab the data from the URL that you set in url_string ;
You'll store the date, low, high, volume, close, open values to a pandas DataFrame df and you'll save it to file_to_save . However, if the data is already
Data found in Kaggle is a collection of csv files and you don't have to do any preprocessing. So you directly load data into a Panda dataframe.
In [47]: data_source = 'kaggle' # alphavantage or kaggle
if data_source == 'alphavantage':
# ====================== Loading Data from Alpha Vantage ==================================
# JSON file with all the stock market data for AAL within the last 20 years
url_string = ""%(ticker,api_key)
# ====================== Loading Data from Kaggle ==================================
# You will be using HP's data. Feel free to experiment with other data.
# But while doing so, be careful to have a large enough dataset and also pay attention to the data normalization
df = pd.read_csv(os.path.join('Stocks',''),delimiter=',',usecols=['Date','Open','High','Low','Close'])
print('Loaded data from the Kaggle repository')
Data Exploration
Here you will print the data you collected in to the dataframe. You also will make sure that the data is sorted by the date. Because the order of data is
Date Open High Low Close
Data Visualization
Now let's see what sort of data you have at our hand. You want data with various patters occurring over time.
In [28]: plt.figure(figsize = (18,9))
plt.ylabel('Mid Price',fontsize=18)
This graph already says a lot of things. The Specific reason I picked this company over others is that this graph is bursting with different behaviors of stock
prices over time. This will make the learning more robust as well as give us a change to test how good the predictions are for a variety of situations.
Another thing to notice is that the values close to 2017 are much higher and highly fluctuating than the values close to 1970s. Therefore you need to make
sure that the data behaves in similar value ranges throughout the time frame. You will take care of this during the data normalization.
You will use the mid price calculated by taking the average of the highest and lowest recorded prices on a day
In [29]: # First calculate the mid prices from the highest and lowest
high_prices = df.loc[:,'High'].as_matrix()
low_prices = df.loc[:,'Low'].as_matrix()
mid_prices = (high_prices+low_prices)/2.0
Now you can break the train data and test data. Train data will be the first 11000 data points of the time series and rest will be test data.
Now you need to define a scaler to normalize data MinMaxScalar scales all the data to be in the region of 0 and 1. You also reshape the train and test data
windows. If not the earlier data will all be close to 0 and will not add much value to learning. Here you choose a window size of 2500. When choosing the
window size make sure it will not be too small. Because when performing windowed-normalization, it can introduce a break at the very end of each
window, as each window is normalized independently. In our exampe, 4 data points will be affected by this. But given you have 11000 data points, 4 points
In [32]: # Train the Scaler with training data and smooth data
smoothing_window_size = 2500
for di in range(0,10000,smoothing_window_size):[di:di+smoothing_window_size,:])
train_data[di:di+smoothing_window_size,:] = scaler.transform(train_data[di:di+smoothing_window_size,:])
You now smooth data using exponential moving average. This helps us to get rid of the inherent raggedness of the data in stock prices and preduce a
smoother curve. Note that you should only smooth training data.
In [34]: # Now perform exponential moving average smoothing
# So the data will have a smoother curve than the original ragged data
EMA = 0.0
gamma = 0.1
for ti in range(11000):
EMA = gamma*train_data[ti] + (1-gamma)*EMA
train_data[ti] = EMA
Averaging mechanisms allows us to predict (often one time step ahead) by representing the future stock price as an average of the previously observed
stock prices. Doing this for more than one time step can produce quite bad results. You will look at two averaging techniques below; standard averaging
and exponential moving average. You will evaluate both qualitatively (visual inspection) and quantitatively (mean squared error) the results produced by two
Mean squared error (MSE) can be calculated by taking the mean squared error between the true value at one step ahead and the predicted value and
Standard Average
Let us understand the difficulty of this problem first by trying to model this as an average calculation problem. That is first you will try to predict the future
stock market prices (for example, x ) as an average of the previously observed stock market prices within a fixed size window (for example,
x t−N , … , x t ) (say previous 100 days). Thereafter you will try a bit more fancier "exponential moving average" method and see how well that does. Then
you will move on to the "holy-grail" of time-series prediction; Long Short-Term Memory models.
First you will see how normal averaging works. That is you say,
x t+1 = 1/N ∑ xi
In other words, you say the prediction at t + 1 is the average value of all the stock prices you observed withing a window of t to t − N .
In [35]: window_size = 100
N = train_data.size
std_avg_predictions = []
std_avg_x = []
mse_errors = []
if pred_idx >= N:
date = dt.datetime.strptime(k, '%Y-%m-%d').date() + dt.timedelta(days=1)
date = df.loc[pred_idx,'Date']
Below you look at the averaged results. Well, it follows the actual behavior of stock quite closely. Next you look at a more accurate one-step prediction
In [36]: plt.figure(figsize = (18,9))
plt.ylabel('Mid Price')
So what does the above graphs (and the MSE) say? It seems that it is not too bad of a model for very short predictiosn (one day ahead). Given that stock
prices don't change from 0 to 100 over night, this behavior is sensible. Next you look at a fancier averaging technique known as exponential moving
Exponential Moving Average (Replicating Some of the so-called amazing stock market prediction learning)
You might have seen some articles in the internet using very complex models and predicting almost the exact behavior of the stock market. But beware! all
of them I have seen are just optical illusions and not due to learning something useful. You will see below how you can replicate that behavior with a simple
averaging method.
x t+1 = EM A t = γ × EM A t−1 + (1 − γ)x t where EM A 0 = 0 and EM A is the exponential moving average value you maintain over time.
The above equation basically calulates the exponential moving averag from t + 1 time step and uses that as the one step ahead prediction. γ decides what
is the contribution of the most recent prediction to the EMA. For example, a γ = 0.1 gets only 10% of the current value into the EMA. Because you take
only a very small fraction of the most recent, it allows to preserve much older values you saw very early in the average. Let us look how good this looks
run_avg_predictions = []
run_avg_x = []
mse_errors = []
running_mean = 0.0
decay = 0.5
You see that it fits a perfect line that follows the True distribution (and justified by the very low MSE). Practically speaking, you can't do much with just the
stock market value of the next day. Personally what I'd like is not the exact stock market price for the next day, but would the stock market prices go up or
down in the next 30 days. Try to do this, and you will expose the incapability of EMA method.
Let us try to make predictions in windows (say you predict next 2 days window, instead of just next day). Then you will realize how wrong EMA can go. Let
Think About What Happens when You Need to Predict More Than One Step into the Future
To make things concrete, let us assum values, say x t = 0.4 , EM A = 0.5 and γ = 0.5
So x t+1 = EM A t = 0.45
So no matter how many steps you predict in to the future, you'll keep getting the same answer for all the future prediction steps.
One solution you have that will output useful information is to look at momentum-based algorithms. They make predictions based on whether the past
recent values were going up or going down (not the exact values). For example, they will say the next day price is likely to be lower, if the prices have been
dropping for that past days. Which sounds reasonable. However you will use a more complex model; an LSTM model. LSTM models have taken the realm
of time series prediction by a storm! Because they are so good at modelling time series data. You will see if there actually exists patterns hidden in the data
Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) models are extremely powerful time-series models. A LSTM can predict an arbitrary number of steps into the future. A
LSTM module (or a cell) has 5 essential components which allows them to model both long-term and short-term data.
Cell state (ct ) - This represents the internal memory of the cell which stores both short term memory and long-term memories
Hidden state (h t ) - This is output state information calculated w.r.t. current input, previous hidden state and current cell input which you eventually use
to predict the future stock market prices. Additionally, the hidden state can decide to only retrive the short or long-term or both types of memory
Input gate (i t ) - Decides how much information from current input flows to the cell state
Forget gate (ft ) - Decides how much information from the current input and the previous cell state flows into the current cell state
1. Output gate (ot ) - Decides how much information from the current cell state flows into the hidden state, so that if needed LSTM can only pick the long-
And the equations for calculating each of these entities are as follows.
ft = σ(Wf x x t + Wf h h t−1 + bf )
ct = ft ct−1 + i t c t
h t = ot tanh(ct )
For a better (more technical) understanding about LSTMs you can refer
Tensorflow provides a nice sub API (called RNN API) for implementing time series models. You will be using that for our implementations.
Data Generator for LSTM
You are first going to implement a data generator to train our LSTM. This data generator will have a method called unroll_batches(...) which will output a
set of num_unrollings batches of input data obtained sequentially, where a batch of data is of size [batch_size, 1]. Then each batch of input data will have a
For example if num_unrollings=3 and batch_size=4 a set of unrolled batches it might look like,
Data Augmentation
Also to make our model robust you will not make the output for x t always x t+1 . Rather you will randomly sample an output from the set
x t+1 , x t+2 , … , x t+N where N is a small window size. Here you are making the following assumption.
x t+1 , x t+2 , … , x t+N will not be very far from each other
In [39]: class DataGeneratorSeq(object):
def __init__(self,prices,batch_size,num_unroll):
self._prices = prices
self._prices_length = len(self._prices) - num_unroll
self._batch_size = batch_size
self._num_unroll = num_unroll
self._segments = self._prices_length //self._batch_size
self._cursor = [o set * self._segments for o set in range(self._batch_size)]
def next_batch(self):
batch_data = np.zeros((self._batch_size),dtype=np.float32)
batch_labels = np.zeros((self._batch_size),dtype=np.float32)
for b in range(self._batch_size):
if self._cursor[b]+1>=self._prices_length:
#self._cursor[b] = b * self._segments
self._cursor[b] = np.random.randint(0,(b+1)*self._segments)
batch_data[b] = self._prices[self._cursor[b]]
batch_labels[b]= self._prices[self._cursor[b]+np.random.randint(1,5)]
self._cursor[b] = (self._cursor[b]+1)%self._prices_length
return batch_data,batch_labels
def unroll_batches(self):
unroll_data,unroll_labels = [],[]
init_data, init_label = None,None
for ui in range(self._num_unroll):
def reset_indices(self):
for b in range(self._batch_size):
self._cursor[b] = np.random.randint(0,min((b+1)*self._segments,self._prices_length-1))
dg = DataGeneratorSeq(train_data,5,5)
u_data, u_labels = dg.unroll_batches()
Unrolled index 1
Inputs: [0.06067836 0.6890754 0.8325337 0.32857886 0.11785509]
Unrolled index 2
Inputs: [0.08698314 0.68685144 0.8329321 0.33078218 0.11946969]
Unrolled index 3
Inputs: [0.11098009 0.6858036 0.83294916 0.33219692 0.12106793]
Unrolled index 4
Inputs: [0.132895 0.6848606 0.833369 0.33355275 0.12158521]
Here you define several hyperparameters. D is the dimensionality of the input. It's straightforward as you take the previous stock price as the input and
predict the next, and should be 1. Then you have num_unrollings , this is a hyperparameter related to the backpropagation through time (BPTT) that is
used to optimize the LSTM model. This denotes how many continuous time steps you consider for a single optimization step. You can think of this as,
instead of optimizing the LSTM by looking at a single time step, you optimize the network looking at num_unrollings time steps. Larger the better. Then
you have the batch_size . Batch size is how many data samples you consider in a single time steps. Next you define num_nodes which represents the
number of hidden neurons in each LSTM cell. You can see that there are three layers of LSTMs in this example.
In [40]: D = 1 # Dimensionality of the data. Since our data is 1-D this would be 1
num_unrollings = 50 # Number of time steps you look into the future.
batch_size = 500 # Number of samples in a batch
num_nodes = [200,200,150] # Number of hidden nodes in each layer of the deep LSTM stack we're using
n_layers = len(num_nodes) # number of layers
dropout = 0.2 # dropout amount
Next you define placeholders for training inputs and labels. This is very straightforward as you have a list of input placeholders, where each placeholder
contains a single batch of data. And the list has num_unrollings placeholders, that will be used at once for a single optimization step.
# You unroll the input over time defining placeholders for each time step
for ui in range(num_unrollings):
train_inputs.append(tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=[batch_size,D],name='train_inputs_%d'%ui))
train_outputs.append(tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=[batch_size,1], name = 'train_outputs_%d'%ui))
Defining Parameters of the LSTM and Regression layer
You will have a three layers of LSTMs and a linear regression layer (denoted by w and b ), that takes the output of the last LSTM cell and output the
prediction for the next time step. You can use the MultiRNNCell in TensorFlow to encapsualate the three LSTMCell objects you created. Additionally you
can have the dropout implemented LSTM cells, as they improve performance and reduce overfitting.
In [42]: lstm_cells = [
initializer= tf.contrib.layers.xavier_initializer()
for li in range(n_layers)]
drop_lstm_cells = [tf.contrib.rnn.DropoutWrapper(
lstm, input_keep_prob=1.0,output_keep_prob=1.0-dropout, state_keep_prob=1.0-dropout
) for lstm in lstm_cells]
drop_multi_cell = tf.contrib.rnn.MultiRNNCell(drop_lstm_cells)
multi_cell = tf.contrib.rnn.MultiRNNCell(lstm_cells)
Calculating LSTM output and Feeding it to the regression layer to get final prediction
c and h ) that will hold the cell state and the hidden state of the LSTM. Then you transform the list of
In this section, you first create TensorFlow variables (
train_inputs to have a shape of [num_unrollings, batch_size, D] , this is needed for calculating the outputs with the tf.nn.dynamic_rnn function. You then
calculate the lstm outputs with the tf.nn.dynamic_rnn function and split the output back to a list of num_unrolling tensors. the loss between the
# Do several tensor transofmations, because the function dynamic_rnn requires the output to be of
# a specific format. Read more at:
all_inputs = tf.concat([tf.expand_dims(t,0) for t in train_inputs],axis=0)
all_outputs = tf.nn.xw_plus_b(all_lstm_outputs,w,b)
split_outputs = tf.split(all_outputs,num_unrollings,axis=0)
Here you calculate the loss. However note that there is a unique characteristic when calculating the loss. For each batch of predictions and true outputs,
you calculate the mean squared error. And you sum (not average) all these mean squared losses together. Finally you define the optimizer you're going to
use to optimize the LSTM. Here you can use Adam, which is a very recent and well-performing optimizer.
In [44]: # When calculating the loss you need to be careful about the exact form, because you calculate
# loss of all the unrolled steps at the same time
# Therefore, take the mean error or each batch and get the sum of that over all the unrolled steps
learning_rate = tf.maximum(
tf.train.exponential_decay(tf_learning_rate, global_step, decay_steps=1, decay_rate=0.5, staircase=True),
# Optimizer.
print('TF Optimization operations')
optimizer = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(learning_rate)
gradients, v = zip(*optimizer.compute_gradients(loss))
gradients, _ = tf.clip_by_global_norm(gradients, 5.0)
optimizer = optimizer.apply_gradients(
zip(gradients, v))
print('\tAll done')
Here you define the prediction related TensorFlow operations. First define a placeholder for feeding in the input ( sample_inputs ), then similar to the
training stage, you define state variables for prediction ( sample_c and sample_h ). Finally you calculate the prediction with the tf.nn.dynamic_rnn
function and then sending the output through the regression layer ( w and b ). You also should define the reset_sample_state opeartion, that resets the
cell state and the hidden state of the LSTM. You should execute this operation at the start, every time you make a sequence of predictions.
print('\tAll done')
Here you will train and predict stock price movements for several epochs and see whether the predictions get better or worse over time. You follow the
following procedure.
Define a test set of starting points ( test_points_seq ) on the time series to evaluate the LSTM at
For each epoch
Update the LSTM state by iterating through the previous num_unrollings data points found before the test point
Make predictions for n_predict_once steps continuously, using the previous prediction as the current input
Calculate the MSE loss between the n_predict_once points predicted and the true stock prices at those time stamps
In [46]: epochs = 30
valid_summary = 1 # Interval you make test predictions
session = tf.InteractiveSession()
average_loss = 0
x_axis_seq = []
for ep in range(epochs):
feed_dict = {}
for ui,(dat,lbl) in enumerate(zip(u_data,u_labels)):
feed_dict[train_inputs[ui]] = dat.reshape(-1,1)
feed_dict[train_outputs[ui]] = lbl.reshape(-1,1)
feed_dict.update({tf_learning_rate: 0.0001, tf_min_learning_rate:0.000001})
average_loss += l
average_loss = average_loss/(valid_summary*(train_seq_length//batch_size))
predictions_seq = []
mse_test_loss_seq = []
if (ep+1)-valid_summary==0:
# Only calculate x_axis values in the first validation epoch
feed_dict = {}
current_price = all_mid_data[w_i-1]
feed_dict[sample_inputs] = np.array(current_price).reshape(1,1)
pred =,feed_dict=feed_dict)
feed_dict[sample_inputs] = np.asarray(pred).reshape(-1,1)
if (ep+1)-valid_summary==0:
# Only calculate x_axis values in the first validation epoch
mse_test_loss += 0.5*(pred-all_mid_data[w_i+pred_i])**2
mse_test_loss /= n_predict_once
if (ep+1)-valid_summary==0:
current_test_mse = np.mean(mse_test_loss_seq)
You can see how the MSE loss is going down with the amount of training. This is good sign that the model is learning something useful. To quantify your
findings, you can compare the LSTM's MSE loss to the MSE loss you obtained when doing the standard averaging (0.004). You can see that the LSTM is
doing better than the standard averaging. And you know that standard averaging (though not perfect) followed the true stock prices movements
In [92]: best_prediction_epoch = 28 # replace this with the epoch that you got the best results when running the plotting code
plt.figure(figsize = (18,18))
range of 0 and 1.0 (that is, not the true stock prices). This is okey, because you're predicting the stock price movement, not the prices themselves.
Final Remarks
I'm hoping the readers will find this tutorial useful. I should mention that this was a rewarding experience for me. In this tutorial, I learnt how difficult it can
be to device a model that is able to correctly predict stock price movements. You started with a motivation for why you need to model stock prices. This
was followed by explnation and code for downloading data. Then you looked at two averaging techniques that allow us to make predictions one step into
the future. You next saw that these methods are futile when you need to predict more than one step into the future. Thereafter you discussed how you can
use LSTMs to make predictions many steps into the future. Finally you visualized the results and saw that our model (though not perfect) is quite good at
1. Stock price/movement prediction is an extremely difficult task. Personally I don't think any of the stock prediction models out there shouldn't be taken
for granted and blidly rely on them. However models might be able to predict stock price movement correctly most of the time, but not always.
2. Do not be fooled by articles out there that shows predictions curves that perfectly overlaps the true stock prices. This can be replicated with a simple
averaging technique and in practice it's useless. A more sensible thing to do is predicting the stock price movements.
3. The LSTM model hyperparameters are extremely sensitive to the results you obtain. So a very good thing to do would be run some hyperparameter
optimization technique (for example, Grid search / Random search) on the hyperparameters. Below I list some of the most critical hyperparameters
Type of the model. You can try GRU/ Standard LSTM/ LSTM with Peepholes and evaluation performance difference
4. In this tutorial you did something faulty (due to the small size of data)! That is you used the test loss to decay the learning rate. This indirectly leaks
information about test set into the training procedure. A better way of handling this is to have a separate validation set (apart from the test set) and
Author Details
Email: [email protected]
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I referred the following code to get an understanding about how to use LSTMs for stock predictions. But details can be vastly different from the
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