Integrable Systems: Assessment 3: Lecturer: Nalini Joshi (RM 629), Milena Radnovic (RM 624), Yang Shi (RM 633)

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The University of Sydney

School of Mathematics and Statistics

Integrable Systems: Assessment 3

AMH2: Applied Mathematics Honours Semester 2, 2018
Lecturer: Nalini Joshi (Rm 629), Milena Radnovic (Rm 624), Yang Shi (Rm 633)

Due 11:59pm Wednesday 31 October 2018

Submit scanned or typeset answers to TurnItIn on LMS Blackboard.
Email a copy to [email protected].

1. Consider the Weyl group W (Bn )

◦ ··· ◦ ◦
s1 sn−1 sn

(a) Write down the defining relations of the generators s1 , ..., sn−1 , sn encoded by the
above Dynkin diagram.

(b) Given that

αi = i − i+1 , for i = 1, ..., n − 1,

αn = n ,

where i , i = 1, ..., n are the unit vectors of Rn . Find expressions for the fundamental
weights h1 , ..., hi , ..., hn in terms of the i s.

For a unit n-cube with vertices of the form

(±1 + ... ± n ) .
(c) Express the centre of the i-dimensional faces (0-faces: vertices, 1-faces: edges, 2-
faces: squares, ... etc.) in terms of the weights. (Hint. They are the vertices of the
fundamental region of the group W (Bn ).

(d) Use the relation |Orbit(x)||Stab(x)| = |W | to obtain a formula for the number of
i-faces of the n-cube. Note that |W (An )| = (n + 1)! and |W (Bn )| = 2n n!.

c 2018 The University of Sydney

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