ClimateProtectionWithRapidPayback Online
ClimateProtectionWithRapidPayback Online
ClimateProtectionWithRapidPayback Online
Climate protection with rapid payback
By: Maarten Neelis, Paul Blinde, Martijn Overgaag and Yvonne Deng
Executive summary
It is also observed that in many cases thermal insulation in industry is poorly maintained and
parts remain uninsulated creating thermal bridges resulting in excessive heat losses. Poor insu-
lation not only leads to increased cost for energy and unnecessary emissions but also to higher
thermal stresses, which can accelerate wear and leading to more frequent breakdowns. Other
effects of poor insulation include reduced product quality and increased costs of maintenance.
In many cases, the loss of energy to work spaces that are climate controlled creates additional
burdens on cooling systems.
The industrial insulation industry is therefore convinced that there is a significant energy saving
and emissions mitigation potential related to improved thermal insulation in EU27 industry. This
potential is currently untapped despite being cost-effective to implement and offering the addi-
tional benefits mentioned above. Against this background, the European Industrial Insulation
Foundation (EiiF) commissioned Ecofys to study this potential.
1) What is the energy savings and CO2 emissions mitigation potential resulting from
insulating currently uninsulated parts and from better maintenance of insulation
2) What is the energy savings and CO2 mitigation potential from improving current
insulation to cost-effective levels? Cost-effective insulation in this study is defined
as the insulation that minimises the sum of the costs of heat loss and the costs of
3) What is the energy savings and CO2 mitigation potential from improving current
insulation beyond cost-effective levels to even more energy-efficient levels?
Energy-efficient insulation in this study is defined as the insulation at which the
sum of the costs of heat loss and the annualised insulation investments are
equal to the costs of typical current insulation while offering an additional energy
savings and CO2 mitigation potential.
This study investigates savings potentials from improved insulation in EU industry and the
power sector under realistic market conditions. Nuclear power plants and power production
by renewable sources were left outside the scope of this study as well as insulations of cold
Case studies of insulation projects have been used to compare energy loss and investments
related to different levels of insulation. The analysis was performed for three temperature levels:
<100 °C; 100 – 300 °C and >300 °C. Results at the level of the case studies were extrapolated
to European level using data on current energy use. Other assumptions have been made where
needed on the basis of literature and expert input. All potentials are based on a 9% discount
rate, an average insulation lifetime of 15 years and a 2-3% per year increase of the price of
energy net of inflation.
The saving potentials are shown in the figure and table below. A savings potential was found
to exist across all regions, sectors and equipment and operating temperatures. Potentials vary
between regions and sectors, due to differences in energy use, temperature profiles and fuel
mix. About two thirds of the energy and emission savings potential is in uninsulated or damaged
insulation. The remaining part of the potential would come from improving insulation on currently
insulated surfaces.
The results show that insulating all surfaces to cost-effective levels would avoid approximately
66% of current heat loss. This corresponds to about 620 PJ (~480 PJ for industry and ~140
PJ for fossil fuel-fired power plants). Improving insulation to energy-efficient levels would even
avoid approximately 75% of current heat loss. This corresponds to about 710 PJ (~550 PJ for
industry and ~160 PJ for fossil fuel-fired power plants). These saving potentials represent about
5% of industrial energy consumption and about 1% of energy input to fossil fuel-fired power
plants .
Table Total annual savings potential of improving thermal insulation up to cost-effective or energy
efficient levels in EU27
Annual cost - Annual energy -
effective savings efficient savings
potential potential
Energy savings potential 620 PJ 710 PJ
CO2 emissions reduction potential 49 Mt CO2 56 Mt CO2
Reduction of heat loss over surfaces -66% -75%
The group of experts that provided input to this study represented different insulation companies and most of
them are certified TIPCHECK engineers trained by EiiF in insulation energy appraisals (TIPCHECK = Technical
Insulation Performance Check). All experts within the group have extensive experience with insulation projects and
throughout their careers held different positions in the insulation industry.
Even though the energy savings potential for the power sector is substantial in absolute terms, compared to the
savings potential for industry, it is relatively low as share of total input. The reason for this is the nature of the power
generation which is an energy conversion process.
Climate protection with rapid payback Summary
Heat loss over surface without
900 insulation and surface with damaged
800 Heat loss over insulated surface
Heat loss in PJ per year
C urrent typical insulation C ost-effective insulation Energy-efficienct insulation
practices levels levels
Figure Potential from improving current insulation and insulating surfaces without or with damaged insu-
lation; Reductions in heat loss assume insulation of the total surface of all equipment. In reality, a
small share of the total surface cannot be insulated due to technical restrictions.
typical insulation solution (usually fulfilling process or safety requirements only) are taken as
Costs of heat
loss over
1st Qtr lifetime
2nd Qtr
58% Investments
Cost savings
89% from reduced
heat loss
Figure Visualisation of cost savings from reduced heat loss due to the use of cost-effective insulation
The figure shows that although cost-effective insulation requires a higher initial investment,
because of cost savings from reduced energy loss, it will lead to lower costs over the total insu-
lation lifetime.
11% investment in insulation + 89% costs for energy due to heat loss = 100%
19% investment in insulation + 58% costs for energy due to heat loss = 77%
The cost-savings that can be achieved depend on characteristics of the specific application. As
a general rule, the achievable cost savings of improved insulation increase with longer operation
times and lifetimes.
This study shows that insulating uninsulated equipment and repairing damaged insulation
parts combines the biggest energy and emission cost-effective saving potential with payback
periods of less than one year. It is therefore recommended that industry focuses first on those
uninsulated and damaged parts which can be insulated quickly and easily and bring immediate
Climate protection with rapid payback Summary
Most plants have an insulation system that meets safety rules and process needs or that leads
to a generic maximum heat loss rate. Such insulation systems typically have a lower perfor-
mance than what would be cost-effective. Compared to current practices, cost-effective insu-
lation will therefore in general save both heat and money. This study therefore recommends
evaluating cost-effectiveness in future insulation projects. Since insulating now saves money
in the future, the cost-effectiveness should be evaluated using expected future costs of energy.
Removal and replacement of current insulation is only attractive under some circumstances.
Replacing damaged insulation or insulating bare equipment is normally always cost-effective.
The savings potential of improving current insulation to cost-effective levels is therefore best
realised during general overhauls and installation of new equipment when new insulation needs
to be applied anyway.
Insulating beyond cost-effective levels is a way to partly mitigate the risk of increasing energy
prices and can help achieve company goals for energy efficiency and for greenhouse gas emis-
sions reduction. This study investigated the level of energy efficient insulation. This term stands
for insulation beyond the cost-effective level at which the sum of the costs of heat loss and the
annualised insulation investments are equal to the costs of typical current insulation. The level
of energy efficient insulation reduces heat loss sustainably at no additional overall costs but
requires higher initial investments than typical insulation.
According to experts, the present absence of cost-effective insulation is partly the result of
organisational barriers. To realise the potential of improved insulation, it is therefore recom-
mended that these barriers are identified and tackled where they exist.
3) Involve insulation experts early in the planning of new build and turn-
around projects to ensure thermal efficient and cost-effective insulation
Application of insulation material is quite often hampered by limitations in the space available,
for example between pipes with different temperatures. Although this can (partly) be solved
by using insulation materials with better insulating properties these would typically be more
expensive. This drawback can be minimised or even avoided by involving insulation engineers
early enough during the design phase of new equipment or retrofit projects.
Climate protection with rapid payback Contents
1 Summary. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I
1 Contents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . VII
1 List of Figures. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IX
1 List of Tables. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . XI
1 Introduction. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
1.1 Framework and goal of this study. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
1.2 Why insulate?. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
1.3 Why is the potential still there?. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
1.4 Approach . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
1.5 Outline of this report. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
2 Inputs to calculations. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
2.1 Current insulation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
2.2 Current heat loss . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
2.2.1 Fuel-use related to each temperature-level. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
2.2.2 Energy loss over surfaces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
2.3 Investments in insulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
2.3.1 Total investments. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
2.3.2 Annualisation of investments. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
2.4 Costs of heat loss. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
2.4.1 Costs of fuel. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
2.4.2 Costs of greenhouse gas emissions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
6 Reference sources. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
B Sensitivity analyses. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
B.1 Missing and damaged insulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
B.2 Cost-effective insulation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
B.3 Energy-efficient insulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
Climate protection with rapid payback List of Figures
List of Figures
Figure 1-1 Cost curve of insulation of a flat surface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
Figure 1-2 Overview of data sources and study results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
Figure 2-1 2007 fuel consumption by refineries and manufacturing industry . . . . . . . 20
Figure 2-2 Distribution of fuel input over surfaces with different temperature
levels in various industrial sectors. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
Figure 2-3 Current heat loss as share of fuel consumption in EU27. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
Figure 2-4 Current heat loss over surfaces in EU27. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
Figure 2-5 Typical required investments in insulation as function of insulation
thickness for a pipe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
Figure 2-6 Required insulation thickness for different heat loss rates. . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
Figure 3-1 Potential from improving current insulation and insulating surfaces
without or with damaged insulation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
Figure 3-2 Potential in the EU from insulating currently non-insulated and
repairing damaged insulation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
Figure 3-3 Comparison of heat loss rates resulting from cost-effective insulation
and typical current insulation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
Figure 3-4 Comparison of heat loss rates resulting from energy-efficient
insulation and typical current insulation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
Figure 3-5 Heat loss at current, cost-effective and energy-efficient level of
insulation in EU27 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
Figure 4-1 Investments required for improving insulation to cost-effective and
energy-efficient levels and corresponding annual savings from
reduced heat loss. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
Figure 4-2 Visualisation of cost savings from reduced heat loss for an average
insulated surface. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
Figure A-1 Annual energy and emissions savings potential per sector. . . . . . . . . . . . 46
Figure A-2 Regional division of EU27 for the purpose of this study . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
Figure A-3 Annual energy and emissions savings potential per region. . . . . . . . . . . . 47
Figure C-1 Regular and thermographic photo of a boiler window. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
Figure C-2 Regular and thermographic photo of an uninsulated valve. . . . . . . . . . . . 51
Figure C-3 Thermographic photo of a tank . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
Figure C-4 Regular and thermographic photo showing dangerously high-
temperature surfaces. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54
Figure C-5 Regular and thermographic photo showing high-temperature surfaces . . 54
Figure C-6 Regular and thermographic photo showing high-temperature surfaces . . 55
Figure C-7 Regular and thermographic photo showing dangerously high-
temperature surfaces. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
List of Figures
Climate protection with rapid payback List of Tables
List of Tables
Table 2-1 Assumptions for current rates of heat loss at different temperature levels.20
Table 2-2 Current heat loss . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
Table 2-3 Assumptions for the calculation of annual capital costs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
Table 2-4 2010 price of main fuel types. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
Table 3-1 Potential from improving current insulation and insulating surfaces
without or with damaged insulation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
Table 3-2 Fuel savings from measures that involve applying insulation to bare
surfaces or repairing insulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
Table 3-3 Fuel savings from measures that involve improving insulation to
optimum levels. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
Table 4-1 Investments required for improving insulation to cost-effective and
energy-efficient levels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
Table B-1 Savings potentials for different shares of surfaces without or with
damaged insulation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
Table B-2 Cost-effective rate of heat loss . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
Table B-3 Rate of heat loss at energy-insulation levels and corresponding
savings potential . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
List of Tables
Climate protection with rapid payback 1 Introduction
1 Introduction
From their experience, the European industrial insulation Foundation (EiiF) is convinced that
there is a significant energy saving and CO2 mitigation potential related to improved thermal
insulation in industry and that this potential is currently untapped despite being cost-effective to
implement. With energy and CO2 prices likely to rise, this potential is probably growing. Against
this background, EiiF commissioned Ecofys to answer the following three questions:
1) What is the energy savings and CO2 mitigation potential resulting from better
maintenance of insulation systems and from insulating currently uninsulated
2) What is the energy savings and CO2 mitigation potential resulting from cost-
effective thermal insulation in the power sector and industry?
The potentials assessed in this study would on average be profitable under real market condi-
tions for industrial sectors and fossil-fuel power generation. Together these sectors constitute
around 35% of Europe’s primary energy use (based IEA, 2010). Fossil-fuel fired power gen-
eration covers both electricity only and combined heat and power (CHP) plants. These plants
account for 56% of total power generation in EU 27. The remainder is generated by nuclear
power plants (28%) and renewable sources (16%). Neither of these last two is covered by this
study as they do not give rise to greenhouse gas emissions.
Insulations of cold applications also fall outside the scope of this study as the majority of indus-
trial processes take place in hot applications (in industry cold insulations have a market share
of about 5%). Furthermore the effects of inadequate cold insulation are better detectable (con-
densation formation most often followed by ice building) so that e.g. uninsulated parts in cold
processes are less to be found. Nevertheless, wherever and whenever cold systems are not
insulated properly: insulation is e.g. insufficiently dimensioned, damaged or not maintained
consequently; they cause, besides large energy losses, also immediate condensation problems.
(For more information, please see info box about special requirements for cold applications in
chapter 1.4).
13 / 58
1 Introduction
In many cases, insulation also plays an important role in providing functions such as personal
protection, process control, product stabilisation, freeze protection, noise control and fire pro-
tection (Barnett, 2003). Poor insulation not only leads to increased costs for energy, but also to
higher thermal stresses, which can accelerate wear and subsequently lead to more frequent
breakdowns. Other effects of poor insulation can include reduced product quality, increased
costs of maintenance (U.S. DOE, 2007) and additional burdens on air conditioning, wherever
excess heat is lost to work spaces (U.S. DOE, 2007).
According to expert experiences, there are usually several reasons for companies not to
make detailed assessments of the cost-effectiveness of insulation and not to maintain existing
There may be a general lack of information for the main decision makers about the large energy
savings potential of industrial insulation
The group of experts that provided input to this study represented different insulation companies and most of
them are certified TIPCHECK engineers trained by EiiF in insulation energy appraisals (TIPCHECK = Technical
Insulation Performance Check). All experts within the group have extensive experience with insulation projects and
throughout their careers held different positions in the insulation industry.
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Climate protection with rapid payback 1 Introduction
1.4 Approach
The total costs of insulation are the sum of annualised investments and the annual costs of heat
loss. As the degree of insulation increases, the investment costs increase and the cost of the
heat loss decrease. As schematically shown in Figure 1 - 1, a minimum exists (point B) where
total costs are lowest1. Throughout this report, this level is referred to as the cost-effective
level of insulation.
Figure 1 - 1 shows that further potential exists beyond cost-effective insulation levels. Beyond
cost-effective level, heat loss is reduced even further at little additional cost. A point (point C)
can be defined where the total costs per year are equal to the costs of current insulation but
where insulation quality is significantly better. Throughout this report, this level is referred to as
the energy-efficient level of insulation.
Costs of insulation
Total costs
Current Energy-efficient
(A) (C)
Insulation thickness
Figure 1-1 Cost curve of insulation of a flat surface
The best insulation solution varies from application to application depending on many design
factors such as for example the shape and temperature of the surface that is insulated, sensi-
tivity to corrosion or the need for fire-proof materials. However, the main driver of differences
in heat loss rates is the difference in temperature between a surface and its surroundings. As it
would be impossible to account for all different aspects in a study such as this, this study con-
centrates on an analysis for three temperature levels for each sector:
At this point the Net Present Value of the project is highest.
This study does not focus on cold insulation where the temperature of equipment is lower than ambient
temperature; see Box 1)
15 / 58
1 Introduction
Figure 1 - 2 gives a schematic overview of the data sources used. Relations between invest-
ments in insulation (Euro), the ratio between heat loss to current heat loss (-) and the rate of
heat loss (W/m2)1 have been obtained from case studies: a coal-fired power plant for high-
temperature surfaces, part of a chemical plant for middle-temperature surfaces and part of a
brewery for low-temperature surfaces. More background on the case studies used in this study
is provided by Box 2.
The fuel mix for each sector was obtained from energy statistics (IEA, 2009). Current and future
fuel prices were based on a forecasting study of the European Commission (EC, 2009b). This
study accounts for the effect of climate change policies by assuming costs of 15 Euro/tCO2.
Prices of energy are assumed to increase by 2-3% per year net of inflation.
Heat loss, investments and savings have been extrapolated to European level using data on
current energy use from energy statistics and assumptions for current insulation levels and heat
loss on the basis of literature and expert judgements. IPCC emission factors have been used to
express savings in terms of greenhouse gas emissions reduction. All potentials are based on a
9% discount rate and an average insulation lifetime of 15 years.
Input Output
Overall, results are based on the best data available to the authors at the time that the study
was performed. Not enough data about insulation projects was available to allow robust sta-
tistical analyses. This study therefore relies on expert assumptions and secondary data from a
variety of sources.
1 2
The relation between heat loss (TJ /year) and rate of heat loss (W/m ) is not straightforward since the rate of
heat loss (W/m ) has area in the denominator and for non-plane surfaces such as cylinders (pipes), spheres etc.,
the surface area increases with increasing insulation thickness.
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Climate protection with rapid payback 1 Introduction
Box 1 Special requirements for cold applications (temperatures below ambient tem-
perature) (EiiF, 2012)
The FESI Technical Lexicon defines “Cold insulation” as follows: “Assembly of components
which reduces heat gain of the cold medium.” In principle, experts talk of “cold insulation”
wherever the medium temperature is below the temperature of the ambient air. The tem-
perature range of “cold insulation” is therefore between -273 °C and ambient temperature.
Insulations of cold applications fall outside the scope of this study because of their modest
market share (~5%) and due to their special requirements. This does not mean that there
is no energy savings potential in the “cold” temperature range below ambient temperature:
The main duty of all insulation systems, and therefore also of cold insulation is the reduction
of heat flow rates. With hot insulation, the heat flow rate is from the object towards the
ambient air, with cold insulations it is the other way around: from the ambient air to the
object. Compared with hot insulation systems cold insulation systems have however more
and further requirements to fulfil than limiting heat loss or respectively heat gain: cold insu-
lations always need to avoid the danger of moisture entering the insulation material. This
moisture results from condensation of water vapour out of the ambient air, whenever the
temperature at the object or inside the insulation material is below the dew point. Water
vapour will be transported into the insulation by differences in the overall pressure (air
movement) and through differences in the partial water vapour pressure (water vapour dif-
fusion) between the ambient air and the object to be insulated. Therefore it is first of all the
minimisation of moisture in the insulation which determines the design of a cold insulation
system. If this danger is not prevented, immediately water and/or ice form at those parts
of the insulation system where the temperature is below the dew-point temperature or the
freezing point of water. Whereas the heat “just escapes” from poorly or not insulated hot
insulation systems the consequences of ineffective cold insulation systems (below dew-
point temperatures) cause, besides great energy losses, immediately negative effects on
the industrial process:
• In the insulation material, they reduce the insulating effect considerably. The
thermal conductivity of water is 20 times that of air, the thermal conductivity of ice
is 100 times that of air. Extensive heat gain of the cold medium is the consequence.
• Water can cause corrosion on insulated installations and on the inner surface of
the cladding which could lead to material failure and cause severe accidents like
bursting pipes.
• Water and ice increase the weight of the insulated system. Cold piping can col-
lapse under this additional load.
Cold insulations have, in general, a limited life expectancy: They are unstable systems,
which for physical reasons react sensitively to damages. They must be maintained regu-
larly, which includes a routine check of sealings and interruptions. This is needed not only
to save decent volumes of energy but also to keep industrial processes running.
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1 Introduction
This study uses, amongst others, the data from five insulation projects. For each of these
projects, the investments (Euro), heat loss (TJ/year) and insulation thickness (mm) was
available for a wide range of heat loss rates (W/m ). Consistent data for the price of insu-
lation material and installation were used for all projects. Trends observed from the projects
in heat loss, heat loss rate and insulation thickness are the result of laws of physics and
will be valid for typical cases observed in practice. Exact quantitative relations will however
vary from application to application. The relations found for the used case studies are by
insulation experts believed to be within the range of what is typically observed and not to
represent extremes. To allow for comparison, all case studies were normalised with respect
to annual operation time (90% utilization rate) and surface area:
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Climate protection with rapid payback 2 Inputs to calculations
2 Inputs to calculations
The general approach to determine savings potentials is described in the introduction. This
chapter describes how the inputs to that approach were obtained: current insulation (section
2.1), current heat loss (section 2.2) and the relation between the rate of heat loss per square
meter on the one hand and investments in insulation (section 2.3) and total heat loss (section
2.4) on the other hand.
Insulation performance is usually specified as a typical heat loss rate per unit of surface area
(W/m ) insulated. A lower heat loss rate corresponds to a higher degree of insulation. A current
heat loss rate of 150 W/m2 can be inferred from a study to technical information from KAEFER
(KAEFER, 2010), expert input (EiiF, 2010b), standards specifications of six companies (four in
the power sector, one in the brewery sector and a provider of boiler systems) (EiiF, 2010c). This
value is used for high- and middle-temperature applications. As heat losses are driven by tem-
perature differences, low-temperature surfaces typically have lower rates of heat loss. In this
study a heat loss rate of 100 W/m2 for low-temperature applications is assumed. Sectors and
regions have different temperature profiles and the distinction of heat loss rates by temperature
levels also leads to differences in the average heat loss rate between sectors and regions.
In reality, the average heat loss at a given temperature level varies from sector to sector and
from region to region. It was not possible within the scope of this study to account for such
variations as even within sectors there are significant differences in insulation performance (EiiF,
2010a; EiiF, 2010b).
The heat loss rates discussed above refer to insulated surfaces. Not all surfaces are however
insulated. The company website of Hertel (2011), a global company, states that in a typical
plant 10-19% of insulation is damaged or missing. For U.S. industry, King (2010) estimates that
10-30% of all exposed mechanical insulation becomes damaged or missing within 1 to 3 years
of installation. Lettich (2003) presents two typical case studies of U.S. plants, a chemical plant
and a refinery, in which about 20% of all insulation is damaged. For the EU, where insulation
performance is typically better, NCTI estimates that on average 5-10% of all surfaces is badly
insulated (EiiF, 2011). Based on the information above and additional expert judgements, the
share of equipment without insulation or with damaged insulation is conservatively estimated to
be 10%, 6% and 2% for low-, middle- and high-temperature surfaces respectively.
The heat loss over surfaces without or with damaged insulation is predominantly dependent
on surface temperature and the remaining degree of insulation (for damaged insulation). Esti-
mates are made based on calculations of heat loss rates in accordance with guidelines from the
Association of German Engineers (VDI, 2008). As a general rule, the heat loss from a hot, bare
surface can be as much as 20 times greater than from a surface insulated to current industry
standards (Hart, 2003). Calculations by experts show that for high-temperature surfaces, heat
loss rates can be even higher depending on the temperature.
19 / 58
2 Inputs to calculations
Table 2 - 1 provides an overview of assumptions with respect to the status of current insulation.
Table 2-1 Assumptions for current rates of heat loss at different temperature levels, based on expert input
(EiiF, 2010b, 2010c; KAEFER, 2010); heat loss rate over poorly or uninsulated surfaces (based
on calculations); share of equipment that is currently not insulated (Hertel, 2011; Lettich, 2003;
King, 2010 and additional expert judgements)
Petroleum refineries
Iron and steel
0 200 400 600 800 1,000 1,200 1,400 1,600 1,800 2,000
Fuel consumption in PJ / year
Figure 2-1 2007 fuel consumption by refineries and manufacturing industry (IEA energy statistics); The depicted
fuel consumption is net of any fuel used in conversion processes from one energy carrier to another
(e.g. crude oil to petroleum products in refineries, coal to cokes and cokes to blast furnace gas in
the iron and steel industry).
20 / 58
Climate protection with rapid payback 2 Inputs to calculations
For each sector considered, the fuel use is distributed over low-, middle- and high-temperature
applications in terms of shares of surface area (see Figure 2 - 2) (based on ECN (2002), FfE
(2007), FfE (2009) and EC (2009)). This distribution takes into account that due to cascading of
energy use, high-temperature processes (e.g. power generation) also involve low temperature
surfaces. The figure shows that some sectors predominately involve high-temperature surfaces
whereas others predominately involve only low-temperature surfaces.
The fuel inputs from Figure 2 - 1 were combined with the temperature profiles from Figure 2 - 2
to obtain the fuel input for each sector associated with each temperature level.
0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%
Low-temp. surfaces (< 100 °C ) Middle-temp. surfaces (100 - 300 °C ) High-temp. surfaces (> 300 °C )
Figure 2-2 Distribution of fuel input over surfaces with different temperature levels in various industrial sectors
based on ECN (2002), FfE (2007), FfE (2009) and EC (2009)
• Losses occur in energy conversion systems (e.g., power generation, boilers, heat
exchangers, process heaters, pumps, motors) where efficiencies are thermally or
mechanically limited by materials of construction and equipment design other than
• In some cases, heat-generating processes are not located optimally near heat
sinks, and it may be economically impractical to recover the excess energy.
• Energy is sometimes lost simply because it cannot be stored.
• Energy is also lost from processes when waste heat is not recovered and when
waste by-products with fuel value are not utilised.
21 / 58
2 Inputs to calculations
• Energy may leave the process with the product, cooling water, flue or exhaust gas
Of the energy that is lost over surfaces, the actual loss depends on the specific application.
Pipes with a large diameter for example have less heat loss expressed per unit of energy
throughput as compared to those with a smaller diameter. In lower temperature processes,
energy is consumed mainly via smaller, insulated, steam or hot water based equipment, where
losses over the surface area represent a more significant fraction of the energy used.
One of the case studies considered in this study, the coal-fired power plant (see Box 2: case
studies), predominantly involves high-temperature surfaces. At a currently typical heat loss rate
of 150 W/m2, this plant would have a heat loss that represents about 0.5% of total energy input.
Another case study, the crude distillation tower predominantly involves middle-temperature sur-
faces. At a currently typical heat loss rate of 150 W/m2, this tower has a heat loss representing
about 6% of total energy input.
Based on these case studies and additional expert judgements, the energy loss over insulated
surfaces in fossil fuel-fired power generation is assumed to be 0.5% of energy input. For low,
middle, and high-temperature equipment in industry, the heat loss over insulated surfaces is
assumed to be 6%, 4% and 2% of energy input, respectively. These shares represent the heat
loss in case all surfaces would be insulated up to typical levels. Since a share of the surfaces is
currently not insulated, the heat loss over currently insulated surfaces is somewhat lower.
Table 2 - 2, Figure 2 - 3 and Figure 2 - 4 show the current heat loss calculated by combining
the shares of heat loss (see above), the current fuel input per temperature level (see section
2.2.1) and the assumptions regarding current insulation (see section 2.1). Results show that for
the power sector the absolute heat loss is substantial. Even so, the percentage of heat loss as
share of total input is relatively low.
Table 2-2 Current heat loss
Low-temperature surfaces 9.6% 5.4% 4.2%
(<100 °C)
Middle-temperature surfaces 6.7% 3.8% 2.9%
(100 – 300 °C)
High-temperature surfaces 5.0% 2.0% 3.1%
(>300 °C)
1 2
At equal insulation performance in terms of heat loss rate (W/m ), the heat loss as percentage of energy input
is lower for equipment with higher temperatures, since the energy within such equipment is higher. In addition, the
size of higher temperature equipment on average is larger leading to less heat flow over exterior surface per unit
of volume. On top of that, the time that a heat medium remains in higher temperature equipment on average is
shorter, allowing less time for the medium’s heat content to flow over exterior surface.
22 / 58
Climate protection with rapid payback 2 Inputs to calculations
Heat loss over surface without
9% insulation and over surface with
Energy loss as share of fuel consumption damaged insulation
Heat loss over insulated surface
Fossil fuel fired Industry low- Industry middle- Industry high-
power generation temp. surfaces temp. surfaces temp. surfaces (>
(< 100 °C) (100 - 300 °C) 300 °C)
Fossil fuel fired Industry low- Industry middle- Industry high-
power generation temp. surfaces temp. surfaces temp. surfaces
(< 100 °C) (100 - 300 °C) (> 300 °C)
The shares in Table 2 - 2 seem conservative compared to assumptions made by the U.S.
Department of Energy (DOE-ITP, 2010) in an energy analysis of U.S. industry. That analysis
assumes that energy losses incurred during distribution of steam within the plant boundaries
amount to 20% of steam production. Losses during process heating due to radiation, con-
vection, insulation, and cooling are estimated to be 15%. Both types of losses include losses
due to missing or damaged insulation.
23 / 58
2 Inputs to calculations
Figure 2 - 5 shows the typical relation between overall investments and insulation thickness for
a pipe. Thicker insulation requires more material (See Box 3 for the relation between insulation
thickness and heat loss). Material costs therefore scale with the thickness of the insulation.
Costs related to the installation and cladding material are considered to be fixed; each time
however that a new layer of insulation material is required, additional effort needs to be made,
resulting in a small step in installation costs.
Costs of insulation per m
Figure 2-5 Typical required investments in insulation as function of insulation thickness for a pipe
In this study, relations between the costs of insulation (Euro) and the rate of heat loss (W/m2)
are obtained from case studies (see Box 2: Case studies): a coal-fired power plant for high-
temperature surfaces, part of a chemical plant for middle-temperature surfaces and part of a
brewery for low-temperature surfaces.
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Climate protection with rapid payback 2 Inputs to calculations
The insulation thickness required to attain a certain heat loss rate (expressed as W/m
of surface area) is a function of the properties of the insulation material, the shape of the
insulated surface, the temperature difference over the insulation layer and the wind speed
in the surrounding environment.
The figure below shows the insulation thickness as a function of heat loss rate for case
studies prepared by EiiF experts and for various heat pipes with different temperatures and
diameters. For the considered applications, the effects of differences in insulation material
used and wind speeds are small compared to the effects of temperature differences and
Figure 2-6 Required insulation thickness for different heat loss rates
The figure shows that lower heat loss rates require thicker insulation. In addition, the figure
shows that higher temperatures require thicker insulation to reach the same heat loss
rate. For the pipes, the figure also shows that the required thickness depends on the pipe
diameter. This dependence is a result of the fact that for convex surfaces, such as pipes,
the surface area increases with increasing insulation thicknesses.
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2 Inputs to calculations
uncertain. This problem is solved in this study by discounting future savings1. Table 2 - 3 pro-
vides an overview of the assumed discount rate and insulation lifetime.
Table 2-3 Assumptions for the calculation of annual capital costs
Parameter Value
Discount rate 9%
Lifetime of insulation 15 years
Insulation lifetime varies from one application to the other. Obviously, longer lifetimes increase
the profitability of investments in insulation. Based on expert judgments the average lifetime of
insulation is estimated to be 15 years; a figure that is supported by Hertel (2011). Insulation of
20 years and older is however also observed in practice. Such insulation generally involves out-
dated types of materials and therefore should normally be replaced as soon as possible to avoid
excessive heat losses.
The discount rate reflects the time preference and risk premium for the investor. When an
investor rather receives 100 Euro now then 108 Euro a year from now, then he is said to have
a discount rate of 8%. The actual discount rate is the sum of the real discount rate plus the
expected rate of inflation. The effects of inflation are excluded from this study by using the real
discount rate and expressing all investments, costs and savings in constant 2010 Euros.
The choice of real discount rate depends on the purpose of the analysis. When investigating the
potential that is economically attractive from a social perspective, typically a real discount rate
of 3 - 5% is used for energy saving investments. When investigating the part of the technical
potential that is economically attractive from the point of view of private investors, discount rates
of 8-15% or higher can be used to reflect real market conditions (EC, 2009b; Blok 2007; U.S.
EPA, 2008). Based on a company survey, Oxera (2009) reports real discount rates of 6 - 9% for
low-risk conventional power generation and discount rates of up to 16% for riskier technologies.
The PRIMES model used for the official EU projections assumes a real discount of 12% for
A company often bases its hurdle rate (the minimum expected return a company will consider in
accepting investment opportunities or action proposals) on its weighted average cost of capital
(WACC). Typical WACCs are in the order of 8-10% (Acca, 2006; U.S. EPA, 2008; Damodaran,
2011 and WikiWealth, 2011). Many companies were however found to use hurdle rates that are
3 - 5% higher than their cost of capital (Poterba and Summers, 1995; Meier and Tarhan, 2007).
It is worth mentioning here that a firm-wide discount rate would be expected to result in underin-
vestment in low-risk projects whose expected returns would not meet the company-wide hurdle
rate (Oxera, 2011).
Based on the above, a real discount rate of 9% is used which is at the lower bound of typical
private discount rates but well above typical social discount rates. The sensitivity to this choice
is tested by evaluating heat loss reductions for cost-effective insulation at discount rates of 3%
and 15% as well (see Appendix B).
This is equivalent to annualising investments by an annuity factor (α) which is a function of insulation lifetime (n)
and discount rate (r):
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Climate protection with rapid payback 2 Inputs to calculations
Assuming that companies will implement economically attractive energy efficiency mea-
sures, a discount rate can be inferred by looking at what energy efficiency measures are
implemented and what not. In other words: the capital costs and (expected) costs savings
of implemented and unimplemented projects imply discount rates used by companies.
These implicit discount rates typically however significantly exceed market discount rates
used by companies. For example, current insulation practices as assumed by this study
imply discount rates in the range of 30 - 40%, which is much higher than typical marktet
rates used by companies.
Discrepancies between implicit and market discount rates have initiated debates about
the effectiveness of the market. One view is that the market currently works efficiently
and that the high implicit discount rates must reflect the perceived risk of efficiency invest-
ments - an explanation consistent with the hypothesis of efficiently structured markets.
On the other hand, technology analysts claim that the high implicit discount rates are the
effect of ‘market barriers’ preventing adoption of cost-effective energy-saving technologies
(Howarth and Sanstad, 1995; Newell et al., 2006; Jaffe et al. 2004).
This study does not intend to make statements about economic theories and practice.
Section 1.3 does however describe some typically observed behaviour that could lead to
under-investments and unnecessary heat loss.
The price of heat is determined for each sector as the sum of the costs of the fuels used to gen-
erate heat and the resulting CO2 costs. The same price per GJ is used for low-temperature heat
and high-temperature heat. The heat price in this study does not include other costs related
to the heat generating equipment: investments and costs of operation. These costs amount to
approximately 6 Euro/GJ (EiiF, 2011), but are not necessarily avoided through better insulation
(see Box 5). Including them in the price of heat would however significantly increase the savings
potentials of insulation (see Appendix B).
27 / 58
2 Inputs to calculations
2 - 4. To show the effect of accounting for price increases over time, Appendix B shows the cal-
culated potentials at constant fuel and carbon prices.
This study accounts for the effect of climate change policies by assuming costs of 15 Euro/
tCO2 gradually increasing with 2% per year to 20 Euro/tCO2 in 2025. Table 2 - 4 shows the effect
of these costs by including them in the price of fuel. The table demonstrates that the carbon
related costs per unit of energy are higher for emission-intensive fuels such as coal (~96 tCO2/
TJ) and oil products (~73 tCO2/TJ) than for natural gas (~56 tCO2/TJ).
To show the effect of accounting for price increases over time, Appendix B shows the calculated
potentials at constant fuel and carbon prices.
Table 2-4 2010 price of main fuel types (calculated from EC, 2009a using net heating values, average
inflation and exchange rate to convert 2008 USD to 2010 Euro)
1,2 2010 price excl. costs of carbon 2010 price incl. costs of carbon
Fuel type
in Euro/GJ in Euro/GJ
Coal 2.57 4.01
Natural gas 6.42 7.26
Oil and oil products 10.21 11.31
The price of renewable fuels, which represent a relatively small part of the total energy supply, was conserva-
tively estimated at 10 Euro/GJ and kept constant throughout time.
The price of purchased heat was taken as the average of the price of gas and coal.
In the calculation the cost of carbon was evaluated at a more detailed classification of fuels than the three fuels
shown here.
IPCC Good Practice Guidance (2006); Factors represent averages; the exact emission factors depend on
the type of coal and oil product used. In the calculation the cost of carbon was evaluated at a more detailed
classification of fuels than the three fuels mentioned here.
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Climate protection with rapid payback 2 Inputs to calculations
Improving insulation usually leads to increased capacity since reduction in heat loss allows
for increased efficiency: less heat generating equipment is needed to produce the same
amount of heat. Including the costs related to heat generating equipment in the price of
heat would be justified if the gained capacity can be used effectively or if it can be avoided
that excess capacity is built in the first place.
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3 Energy savings and CO2 emissions mitigation potentials
1) The potential from insulating currently uninsulated parts and from better
maintenance of insulation systems; Installing insulation on surfaces without
insulation and repairing damaged insulation is relatively inexpensive and has
typical payback periods of less than a year (see chapter 4 and case studies in
Appendix C). The absence of proper insulation is therefore typically not the result
of economic considerations but of organisational barriers (see section 1.3).
Improved insulation usually requires thicker layers of insulation material. Applying this material
is sometimes hampered by limitations in the space available. The spacing between pipes with
different temperatures may for instance be too small to allow for sufficient insulation material.
This could (partly) be solved by using insulation materials with better insulating properties, but
these would typically be associated with increased costs. This drawback can be minimised by
involving insulation engineers during early stages of equipment design.
Figure 3 - 1 and Table 3 – 1 show the combined potential from insulating surfaces without or
with damaged insulation and from improving current insulation to cost-effective and energy-
efficient levels.
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Climate protection with rapid payback 3 Energy savings and CO2 emissions mitigation potentials
The results show that insulating all surfaces to cost-effective insulation would avoid about 66%
of current heat loss. Improving insulation to energy-efficient levels would even avoid about 75%
of current heat loss. These saving potentials represent about 5% of industrial energy con-
sumption and about 1% of energy input to fossil fuel-fired power plants. Appendix A shows an
indicative sectoral and regional breakdown of these potentials. Appendix B assesses the sen-
sitivity of these potentials to a number of key assumptions. Box 6 compares the potentials to
values found in literature.
Heat loss over surface without
900 insulation and surface with damaged
800 Heat loss over insulated surface
Heat loss in PJ per year
C urrent typical insulation C ost-effective insulation Energy-efficienct insulation
practices levels levels
Figure 3-1 Potential from improving current insulation and insulating surfaces without or with damaged insu-
lation; Reductions in heat loss assume insulation of the total surface of all equipment. In reality, a
small share of the total surface cannot be insulated due to technical restrictions
Table 3-1 Potential from improving current insulation and insulating surfaces without or with damaged
insulation; values have been rounded to two significant numbers; Potentials assume insulation
of the total surface of all equipment. In reality, a small share of the total surface cannot be insu-
lated due to technical restrictions
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3 Energy savings and CO2 emissions mitigation potentials
The cost-effective savings potential of about 5% of total industrial energy input found by
this study is within the range of literature estimates:
• UBA (2003) estimates that the potential from improving insulation of steam pipes
and other steam/hot water related equipment is 0.8% and 1.0 respectively. For
furnaces this potential was estimated to be 3%. This is consistent with U.S. DOE-
ITP (2007), which estimates that reducing the wall heat losses of furnaces would
lead to typical savings of 2- 5%. Assuming that about 40% of all fuel use is related
to steam related equipment and 37% for direct process heating (U.S. DOE-ITP,
2010), improving insulation of steam/hot water related equipment and furnaces
together can be roughly estimated to save 1.7% of total industry fuel consumption.
• Based on a number of investigated plants, Mauch (2011) preliminary estimates
potential savings from technical insulation to be between 0.2 - 0.6% of total fuel
consumption and found that savings as reported in literature range from 0.8% to
• For U.S. industry, on the basis of U.S. DOE’s Industrial Assessment Center pro-
gram, Russell (2002) estimates that potential savings from insulation application
and upgrades may reduce fuel consumption anywhere from 3% to 13%.
3.2 The potential from insulating currently uninsulated parts and from
better maintenance of insulation systems
Figure 3 - 2 shows the current heat loss over surfaces without or with damaged insulation in
European (EU27) fossil fuel-fired power generation and industry. It also shows the heat loss that
would occur if these surfaces were insulated to a cost-effective level. In all cases, more than
90% of the current heat loss could be avoided. For high-temperature surfaces, the energy saved
is significant even though only 2% of the total surface is assumed to be without or with damaged
insulation. Box 7 compares the potentials to values found in literature.
32 / 58
Climate protection with rapid payback 3 Energy savings and CO2 emissions mitigation potentials
Missing/damaged insulation
Cost-effective level of insulation
Energy loss in PJ per year
-90% -95%
-98% -94% -99%
Fossil fuel-fired Industry: low - Industry: middle- Industry: high- Industry: total
pow er generation temp. surfaces temp. surfaces temp. surfaces
(< 100 °C) (100 - 300 °C) (> 300 °C)
Figure 3-2 Potential in the EU from insulating currently non-insulated and repairing damaged insulation; Reduc-
tions in heat loss assume insulation of the total surface of all equipment. In reality, a small share of
the total surface cannot be insulated due to technical restrictions
The savings given above are consistent with the limited literature available. Insulation is
reported to reduce radiative heat loss from surfaces by 90 % (Hart, 2001).
Table 3 - 2 shows the result of an analysis of the database of U.S. DOE’s Industrial
Assessment Center program (IAC, 2011). The table lists a selection of relevant measures,
together with the savings of each measure expressed as share of the total fuel use of the
plants to which a specific measure was recommended. Taking into account that often mul-
tiple measures can be applied to a single plant, the savings from these measures are in the
same order of magnitude as the 3.2% found in this study.
Table 3-2 Fuel savings from measures that involve applying insulation to bare surfaces or repairing insu-
lation (Analysis of IAC database, 2011); savings are expressed as share of the total fuel use of
plants to which a measure was recommended after an audit.
33 / 58
3 Energy savings and CO2 emissions mitigation potentials
1 GW power Pipe Part of a Part of a Part of a
plant (Ø ≈ 400 mm; chemical methane brewery
(avg. process ΔT ≈ 350K) plant compressor (T ≈ 84°C)
temp) (T ≈ 200°C) station
(T ≈ 150°C)
Figure 3-3 Comparison of heat loss rates resulting from cost-effective insulation and typical current insulation
34 / 58
Climate protection with rapid payback 3 Energy savings and CO2 emissions mitigation potentials
>300°C 300-100°C <100°C Heat loss at current typical
180 level of insulation:
1 GW power Pipe Part of a Part of a Part of a
plant (Ø ≈ 400 mm; chemical methane brewery
(avg. process ΔT ≈ 350K) plant compressor (T ≈ 84°C)
temp) (T ≈ 200°C) station
(T ≈ 150°C)
Figure 3-4 Comparison of heat loss rates resulting from energy-efficient insulation and typical current insulation
Figure 3 - 5 shows the current heat loss for insulated surfaces in European (EU27) fossil fuel-
fired power generation and industry. The figure also shows the heat loss in case these surfaces
would be insulated to cost-effective and energy-efficient levels. The figure does not show losses
over surfaces without or with damaged insulation. The figure shows that savings can be attained
at all temperature levels. For industry, the savings potential for low-temperature surfaces is
about equal to the potentials for middle and high-temperature surfaces together. Appendix B
assesses the sensitivity of these results to a number of key assumptions.
Fossil fuel-fired Industry: low- Industry: middle- Industry: high- Industry: total
power generation temp. surfaces temp. surfaces temp. surfaces
(< 100 °C) (100 - 300 °C) (> 300 °C)
Figure 3-5 Heat loss at current, cost-effective and energy-efficient level of insulation in EU27. Losses over sur-
faces without or with damaged insulation are not included
35 / 58
3 Energy savings and CO2 emissions mitigation potentials
Savings found in this study are consistent with expert opinions and with an analysis of the
database of U.S. DOE’s Industrial Assessment Center program (IAC, 2011). Table 3 - 3
shows the results of this analysis for measures that involved improving insulation. The
potential savings are valid for audited plants that were recommended to take specific mea-
sures. Overall the results of the analysis suggests a somewhat larger potential than the
1.3% found in this study, but the average level of insulation in Europe is known to be higher
than in the U.S.
Table 3-3 Fuel savings from measures that involve improving insulation to optimum levels (Analysis of
IAC database, 2011); savings are expressed as share of the total fuel use of plants to which a
measure was recommended after an audit.
Insulation measure Savings as share of total fuel use
Increase insulation thickness 3.0%
Use optimum thickness insulation 4.4%
Use economic thickness of insulation for low 1.3%
36 / 58
Climate protection with rapid payback 4 Investments and employment
4.1 Investments
Figure 4 - 1 shows investments required to improve insulation to cost-effective and energy-effi-
cient levels together with the corresponding annual savings from reduced heat loss. Table 4 - 1
shows the required investments and average simple payback periods.
The results show that on average the savings from improving insulation to cost-effective
and energy-efficient insulation levels over total insulation lifetime (estimated to be 15 years
on average; see section 2.3) more than balances the additionally required initial invest-
ments. Investments in projects targeted at surfaces without or with damaged insulation will on
average even be earned back in less than a year. Such short simple payback periods are in
line with periods reported in literature (see e.g. King, 2010; Russell, 2002 and case studies in
Appendix C) and what experts find in practice.
Billion Euro
Uninsulated surfaces Currently insulated Uninsulated surfaces Currently insulated
and surfaces with surfaces and surfaces with surfaces
damaged insulation damaged insulation
Figure 4-1 Investments required for improving insulation to cost-effective and energy-efficient levels and cor-
responding annual savings from reduced heat loss; Costs for any removal of old insulation were not
The simple payback period of a project is the required investment divided by the difference between its annual
benefits and costs. By dividing the difference in investment costs by the difference in the costs of lost energy, a
simple payback time can be calculated for improving the current insulation by cost-effective insulation.
37 / 58
4 Investments and employment
Table 4-1 Investments required for improving insulation to cost-effective and energy-efficient levels; val-
ues have been rounded to billions
2 6 17
Currently insulated surfaces (avg. SPP: ~4 years) (avg.SPP: ~8 years)
SPP: simple payback period; required investment divided by the difference between its annual benefits and
Costs for any removal of old insulation were not considered.
Figure 4 - 2 compares costs of heat and investments related to typical current insulation and
cost-effective insulation. The costs and savings of heat loss are totals over an insulation lifetime
of 15 years and take into account energy price increases (see section 2.4). Future benefits have
not been discounted.
Current typical Cost-effective
insulation insulation
Costs of heat
loss over
1st Qtr lifetime
2nd Qtr
58% Investments
Cost savings
89% from reduced
heat loss
Figure 4-2 Visualisation of cost savings from reduced heat loss for an average insulated surface
The figure shows that cost-effective insulation requires a higher initial investment, but, because
of cost savings from reduced energy loss, will over the total insulation lifetime lead to lower
11% investment in insulation + 89% costs for energy due to heat loss = 100%
19% investment in insulation + 58% costs for energy due to heat loss = 77%
The cost-savings that can be achieved depend on characteristics of the specific application. As
a general rule, the achievable cost savings of improved insulation increase with longer operation
times and lifetimes.
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Climate protection with rapid payback 4 Investments and employment
4.2 Employment
Improvement of insulation not only leads to energy savings but also saves jobs and will create
new jobs because of additional investments in energy efficiency.
Current insulation levels could gradually be improved to cost-effective levels over the next 15
years; the average insulation lifetime used in this study. Table 4 - 1 shows that this improvement
can be expected to be accompanied by additional investments of roughly 6 billion Euros (or
about 0.4 billion Euros per year). Further it is assumed that with every additional 100,000
Euros of turnover the insulation industry hires one additional employee. Under these assump-
tions, it follows that cost-effective insulation has the potential to lead to a structural increase in
employment by about 4,000 people EU wide. A similar assessment for energy-efficient insu-
lation will lead to even higher estimates.
39 / 58
5 Conclusions and recommendations
The results show that about two thirds of the energy and emission saving potential is in unin-
sulated or damaged insulation. The remaining part of the potential would come from improving
insulation on currently insulated surfaces. Insulating all surfaces to cost-effective insulation
would avoid about 66% of current heat loss. This corresponds to about 620 PJ (about ~480
PJ for industry and ~140 PJ for fossil fuel-fired power plants). Improving insulation to energy-
efficient levels would even avoid about 75% of current heat loss, corresponding to about 710 PJ
(~550 PJ for industry and ~160 PJ for fossil fuel-fired power plants). Saving potentials represent
about 5% of industrial energy consumption and about 1% of energy input to fossil fuel-fired
power generation. Potentials may be substantially higher or lower for individual plants.
The order of magnitude of the total savings potential shows that technical insulation can sig-
nificantly contribute to achieving EU’s 2020 climate and energy targets, known as the “20-
20-20” targets: a reduction in EU greenhouse gas emissions below 1990 levels and a 20%
reduction in primary energy use compared with projected levels by improving energy efficiency.
Improving insulation will not only save energy but also costs and could have a positive effect on
The results of this study are endorsed by insulation experts and are reasonable when tested
against results of real insulation projects. Since the number of insulation projects available for
this study did not allow robust statistical analyses, the found potentials should nevertheless be
regarded as indicative estimates.
Compared to current typical insulation practices, cost-effective insulation will save both energy
and money. It is therefore recommended that cost-effectiveness is evaluated in future projects.
Since insulating now, saves money in the future, the cost-effectiveness should be evaluated
using expected future costs of energy.
40 / 58
Climate protection with rapid payback 5 Conclusions and recommendations
During general overhauls and installation of new equipment, it is recommended that insulation
beyond cost-effective levels is also considered. Insulating beyond cost-effective levels is a way
to partly mitigate the risks of increasing energy prices and can help achieve company goals for
energy efficiency and emission reduction.
According to experts, the present absence of cost-effective insulation is partly the result of
organisational barriers. To realise the potential of improved insulation, it is therefore recom-
mended that these barriers are identified and tackled where they exist.
Application of insulation material is quite often hampered by limitations in the space available,
for example between pipes with different temperatures. To avoid this problem, it is recom-
mended that insulation engineers are involved at an early enough stage in the design phase of
new equipment or retrofit projects.
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6 6
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Climate protection with rapid payback 6 Reference sources
6 Reference sources
[1] Acca, “The cost of capital in Europe: an empirical analysis and the preliminary impact
of international accounting harmonization,” Certified Accountants Educational Trust
for the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants, London, 2006;
[2] Barnett, G.P., “Designing factors,” Steam Digest, Volume IV, 2003, pp. 13-18
[3] Blok, K., “Introduction to Energy Analysis,” Techne Press, Amsterdam, 2007
[4] Damodaran, Cost of Capital per Sector, Data used: Value Line database of 5928
firms; Data used is as of January 2011,
Home_Page/datafile/wacc.htm (accessed August 2011)
[6] EC, “Study on the Energy Savings Potentials in EU Member States, Candidate Coun-
tries and EEA Countries,” European Commission, 2009b
[7] ECN, “Transitie naar een duurzame energievoorziening in 2050; Evolutie of Revo-
lutie?” Energieonderzoek Centrum Nederland, October 2002.
[8] EiiF, Expert meeting in November 2010, European Industrial Insulation Foundation,
[9] EiiF, Questionnaire to insulation experts on level of awareness and current insulation
performance, European Industrial Insulation Foundation, 2010b
[10] EiiF, standard specifications of six companies (four in the power sector, one in the
brewery sector and a provider of boiler systems, provided by European Industrial
Insulation Foundation, 2010c
[11] EiiF, questions to technical experts on first results, European Industrial Insulation
Foundation, March 2011
[12] EiiF, text on cold insulation based in the following data sources:
• AGI Q 03: Thermal insulation – Execution of thermal and cold insulations – Insula-
tion work on industrial installations
• AGI Q 157-7: Cold protection – Polyurethane in-situ foam, insulation layer thick-
nesses to prevent condensation, cold losses, masses
• DIN 4140: Insulation work on industrial installations and building equipment – Exe-
cution of thermal and cold insulations
• FESI Technical Lexicon (available at
Lexicon/Lexicon.pdf) accessed March 2012
• Technische Briefe der BFA Wärme-, Kälte-, Schall- und Brandschutz im Hauptver-
band der Deutschen Bauindustrie e.V. 10898 Berlin
• Nr. 7 “Grundlagen der Kälteisolierung – Principles of cold insulation”, (July 2009,
3. überarbeitete Auflage)
43 / 58
6 Reference sources
[14] EURIMA, “U-Values; For better energy performance of buildings,” report established
by Ecofys for the European Insulation Manufacturers Association, 2007
[16] FfE, “Energiezukunft 2050; Teil 1 – Methodik und IST-Zustand,” Forschungsstelle für
Energiewirtschaft e.V., München, October 2009.
[17] Hart, G., “Best Practices in Steam System Management,” Steam Digest 2001, pp.
[18] Hart, G., “Insights for insulation installation,” Steam Digest, Volume IV, 2003, pp.
[19] Hertel website, Industrial Thermal Insulation; Power & Utilities,
en/power-and-utilities/insulation/thermal-insulation.html (accessed August 2011)
[20] Howarth, R.B. and Sanstad, A.H. “Discount rates and energy efficiency,” Contem-
porary Economic Policy, Volume 13, Issue 3, July, 1995
[21] IAC Database, Industrial Assessment Centers Database containing 15,079 assess-
ments and 113,083 Recommendations, available at,
downloaded August 2011
[23] IPCC, Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories, Volume 2: Energy, Inter-
national Panel of Climate Change, 2006
[24] Jaffe, A.B., Newell, R.G. and Stavins, R.N., “Economics of Energy Efficiency,” Ency-
clopedia of Energy, Volume 2, Elsevier Inc., 2004
[25] KAEFER, 2010, “Optimum insulation layer thickness distribution leads to enhanced
profitability,” KAEFER Corporate Technology & Research, Technical Information, No.
CTR-T 10 101 EN, 2010 (provided by EiiF)
[27] Lettich, M.J., “Insulation Management and Its Value to Industry,” Steam Digest,
Volume IV, 2003, pp. 27-32
44 / 58
Climate protection with rapid payback 6 Reference sources
[29] Meier, I. and Tarhan, V., “Corporate investment decision practices and the hurdle rate
premium puzzle,” Working Paper, 2007, as cited by Oxera (2011)
[30] NCTI (2011); Article on website: “Hoe duurzaam is groen?” (available at http://www.; accessed January 2010
[31] Newell, R.G., Jaffe, A.B. and Stavins, R.N., “The effects of economic and policy
incentives on carbon mitigation technologies,” Energy Economics, 28, 2006, pp.
[32] Oxera, “Discount rates for low-carbon and renewable generation technologies,” pre-
pared for the Committee on Climate Change, April, 2011
[33] Poterba,J. and Summers, L., “A CEO Survey of U.S. Companies’ Time Horizons and
Hurdle Rates,” Sloan Management Review, Fall, 1995, pp 43-53, as cited by Oxera
[35] UBA, “Möglichkeiten, Potenziale, Hemmnisse und Instrumente zur Senkung des
Energieverbrauchs branchenübergreifender Techniken in den Bereichen Industrie
und Kleinverbrauch,” Prepared by Fraunhofer Institut and Forschungsstelle für Ener-
giewirtschaft e.V. for Umweltbundesambt Germany, Karlsruhe/München, Juli 2003
[37] U.S. DOE-ITP, “Manufacturing Energy and Carbon Footprint,” Prepared for the Indus-
trial Technologies Program (ITP) by Energetics Incorporated, version December 2010
(available at
[39] VDI, “Thermal insulation of heated and refrigerated operational installations in the
industry and the building services; Calculation rules,” VDI 2055, Verein Deutscher
Ingenieure, September 2008.
[40] WikiWealth, Industrial and Energy Industry Research & Analysis, based on largest
30 companies in each industry, (real-time data;
accessed August 2011)
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A Breakdown of potential by sector and region
Figure A-1 Annual energy and emissions savings potential per sector
46 / 58
Climate protection with rapid payback A Breakdown of potential by sector and region
Figure A-2 Regional division of EU27 for the purpose of this study
Figure A - 3 shows the annual energy and emissions savings potential for each region. The
saving potentials per region have been calculated on the basis of overall energy use, sector
temperature profile and the fuel mix. Differences in typical investments in insulation, insulation
maintenance and regional differences in temperature profiles have not been considered since
no data to support analyses of such aspects were available. It is stressed that potentials per
region were not obtained from detailed region-specific investigations and can therefore only be
used as indicative estimates.
Figure A-3 Annual energy and emissions savings potential per region
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B Sensitivity analyses
B Sensitivity analyses
Table B-1 Savings potentials for different shares of surfaces without or with damaged insulation.
Table B - 2 shows the result of this analysis. The upper value in the table shows the average
cost-effective heat rate over all surfaces. The lower value in each cell shows the total EU cost-
effective savings potential for all sectors considered. The table only considers surfaces that cur-
rently are insulated and not surfaces without or with damaged insulation.
The middle cell shows the potential under the assumptions used by this study. These assump-
tions intend to reflect real market conditions and therefore result in a potential from a private
perspective. The top left cell shows the potential that is economically attractive from a social
The table shows that lower discount rates and higher heat prices lead to higher levels of cost-
effective insulation and a greater cost-effective potential. In addition, the table shows that taking
into account costs related to the heat generating equipment has a much greater impact than
assuming a moderate price increase over time. The most important conclusion to be drawn from
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Climate protection with rapid payback B Sensitivity analyses
the table however is that there exists a significant cost-effective potential over a wide range of
Table B-2 Cost-effective rate of heat loss (upper value) and savings potential (lower value) for different
assumptions regarding discount rate and price of energy.
49 / 58
C Best practice in industry
Situations were located where a high risk of burn damage exists to the personnel. In the first
image, the thermographic picture shows a dangerously hot surface temperature of more than
138 °C on a boiler window, situated right next to a ladder support.
Secondly, about 30 uninsulated valves were found that not only pose a severe burn risk for per-
sonnel, but also cause a large loss of energy. Instalment of mattress insulation on these parts
ensures temperatures of below 50°C, which is safe to be handled by personnel wearing gloves.
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Climate protection with rapid payback C Best practice in industry
Also, 35 storage tanks were found with uninsulated rooftops. The surface of these is about
28 m /tank. The temperature of liquids stored inside being 150°C.
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C Best practice in industry
Financial Gains
Payback time:
With the maintenance work on the insulation, the choice was made
to upgrade the insulation and to improve the fire-safety of the instal-
lation. The owner also used a new insulation material with a higher
The result was that by improving their insulation the heat loss via the
insulated surfaces could be cut in half. The new system now is not
only cost-effective, but also saving energy and therefore reducing
CO2 emissions:
* The new insulation system had to improve the fire protection, which lead to more expensive materials than
those that would have been used for energy efficiency only. This higher investment extended the payback time in
this example from one to three years.
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Climate protection with rapid payback C Best practice in industry
Other parameters:
Project financials:
Project characteristics:
53 / 58
C Best practice in industry
Figure C-4 Regular and thermographic photo showing dangerously high-temperature surfaces
Project characteristics:
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Climate protection with rapid payback C Best practice in industry
4,930 GJ/year
Energy savings potential 1,370,00 kWh/
- Steam vessels 1,046 GJ/year
- Steam vessel room 58 GJ/year
- Steam vessel – front 124 GJ/year
- Preparation room 467 GJ/year
- Vessel 645 GJ/year
- Refinery room 687 GJ/year
- Extraction room 1,314 GJ/year
- Drums 589 GJ/year
Energy costs savings 36,640 Euro/year
55 / 58
C Best practice in industry
Figure C-7 Regular and thermographic photo showing dangerously high-temperature surfaces
With a run-time of 6,800 hours per year, the calculated saving potential amounted up to about
118,400 m3 gas equivalent to 885,000 kWh/year. At the clients cost of 0.20 Euro/m3, this sums
up to about 23,700 Euro.
Availability 6,800 h
Energy Savings potential: 885,000 kWh/year
Energy cost savings potential: 23,700 Euro/year
Figure C-8 Pump breaks down Figure C-9 Valve can no longer be operated
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Climate protection with rapid payback C Best practice in industry
Water vapour is always present in the air. When this vapour comes close to colder surfaces it
condensates. This condensation could happen either on uninsulated parts, or inside the insu-
lation layer. A good vapour barrier outside the insulation layer is therefore important.
Figure C-10 Control panel needed to be protected with plastic sheeting from the dripping condensation water.
Extensive ice building on pipes and valves
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C Best practice in industry
Figure C-11 Broken vapour barriers and insufficient insulation caused ice to form around these pipes causing
both process control problems and structural problems
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European Industrial Insulation Foundation Ecofys Netherlands BV
In 2007, EU leaders endorsed a set of ambitious climate and energy
targets to be met by the year 2020. These EU ambitions are known as the
20-20-20 targets.
Since its foundation EiiF has established itself as a resource for industries
that need to reduce CO2 emissions and save energy.
print: Elch graphics cover design: Ungermeyer, graphic affairs printed on 100% recycled paper
sustainable solutions for and with public and corporate clients all over the
world. With offices in the Netherlands, Germany, the United Kingdom,
China and the US, Ecofys employs over 250 experts dedicated to solving
energy and climate challenges.
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