Directed Hypergraphs: Problems, Algorithmic Results, and A Novel Decremental Approach

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Directed Hypergraphs: Problems, Algorithmic Results, and

a Novel Decremental Approach

Conference Paper · October 2001

DOI: 10.1007/3-540-45446-2_20 · Source: DBLP

50 116

3 authors:

Giorgio Ausiello Paolo Franciosa

Sapienza University of Rome Sapienza University of Rome


Daniele Frigioni
Università degli Studi dell'Aquila


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Directed Hypergraphs: Problems, Algorithmic
Results, and a Novel Decremental Approach

Giorgio Ausiello1 , Paolo G. Franciosa2, and Daniele Frigioni1

Dipartimento di Informatica e Sistemistica
Università di Roma “La Sapienza”, Italy
Dipartimento di Statistica, Probabilità e Statistiche Applicate
Università di Roma “La Sapienza”, Italy

Abstract. The purpose of this paper is twofold. First, we review several

basic combinatorial problems that have been stated in terms of directed
hypergraphs and have been studied in the literature in the framework
of different application domains. Among them, transitive closure, tran-
sitive reduction, flow and cut problems, and minimum weight traversal
problems. For such problems we illustrate some of the most important
algorithmic results in the context of both static and dynamic applica-
tions. Second, we address a specific dynamic problem which finds sev-
eral interesting applications, especially in the framework of knowledge
representation: the maintenance of minimum weight hyperpaths under
hyperarc weight increases and hyperarc deletions. For such problem we
provide a new efficient algorithm applicable for a wide class of hyperpath
weight measures.

Keywords: Directed hypergraph, minimum weight hyperpath, dynamic

algorithm, AND/OR graph.

1 Hypergraph Structures in Computer Science

Hypergraph is a common name for various combinatorial structures that gener-
alize graphs. Beside the most known undirected hypergraphs (or simply hyper-
graphs [13,14]), a relevant role is played by directed hypergraphs, a generalization
of directed graphs, which find applications in several areas of computer science
and mathematics for representing implicative structures. In a directed hyper-
graph we are given a set of nodes N and a set of pairs T, h (hyperarcs) where T
is a subset of N and h is a single node in N . The most obvious interpretation
of a hyperarc T, h is that the information associated to h functionally depends
on the information associated to nodes in T .
Directed hypergraphs and other strictly related combinatorial structures are
widely used in computer science. Notably, they are used in artificial intelligence

Work partially supported by the IST Programme of the EU under contract number
IST-1999-14186 (ALCOM-FT).

A. Restivo, S. Ronchi Della Rocca, L. Roversi (Eds.): ICTCS 2001, LNCS 2202, pp. 312–328, 2001.

c Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2001
Directed Hypergraphs: Problems, Algorithmic Results 313

for representing problem solving relationships (And-Or graphs [32] and recur-
sive label node hypergraphs [15]), in database theory for representing functional
dependencies among attributes (FD-graphs [5] and connections in acyclic hyper-
graphs [29,36]), in deductive databases [23], in fuzzy logic, for determining the
reliability of facts [8], in propositional logic, for satisfiability check (namely in
the case of Horn formulæ [9,21,33]), in formal languages (weighted context free
grammars [26]), in the theory of concurrency (Petri net paths [37]), in model
checking (dependency graphs [28] and boolean graphs [3]), in diagnostics [2].
More applications can be found in [1,4,34].
In all these applications we need to provide a formal representation for a set
of many-to-one implications and to study properties of the resulting structures
such as assessing reachability, evaluating flows and cuts, determining less ex-
pensive implication chains under various cost criteria (‘shortest’ hyperpaths). In
most cases determining hypergraph properties that consist in generalizations of
corresponding properties on ordinary graphs is a much more complex (usually
NP-hard) task. Therefore, the study of particular polynomial restrictions and of
polynomial time approximation algorithms is quite important and constitutes
a largely still unexplored field.
The purpose of this paper is twofold. First we want to review several basic
combinatorial problems that have been stated in terms of directed hypergraphs
and have been studied in the literature in the framework of different application
domains. Among them, transitive closure and transitive reduction [6,10], flow
and cut problems [16,21], minimum weight traversal problems [12,21,35]. For
such problems we illustrate some of the most important algorithmic results in
the context of both static and dynamic (mostly incremental) applications.
In second place, we want to address a specific dynamic problem which finds
several interesting applications especially in the framework of knowledge rep-
resentation: the maintenance of minimum weight hyperpaths under hyperarc
deletions and weight increases. For such problem we provide a new efficient al-
gorithm applicable for a large variety of hyperpath weight measures.
The paper is organized as follows. In section 2 the basic definitions con-
cerning hypergraphs and hyperpaths are given and various hyperpath weight
measures are presented. In Section 3 the problems of transitive closure and tran-
sitive reduction are discussed and the main algorithmic results are reviewed.
Section 4 is devoted to flows and cuts in hypergraphs. Section 5 is devoted to
hypergraph traversal problems with respect to a variety of hyperpath weight
measures. Finally, in Section 6 we give a summary of algorithmic results in
the dynamic framework and present a new efficient algorithm for maintaining
minimum weight hyperpaths under hyperarc eliminations and weight increase
operations. In the last section we draw some conclusions and suggest future
research directions.
314 Giorgio Ausiello et al.

2 Hypergraphs and Hyperpaths

The following definitions concerning directed hypergraphs are from [6] and [12],
and are consistent with the more general definitions given in [22].
A directed hypergraph H (see Fig. 1 for an example) is a pair N, A, where N
is a non empty set of nodes and A is a set of hyperarcs; a hyperarc e is an ordered
pair T, h, with T ⊆ N , T = ∅, and h ∈ N \ T ; T and h are called the tail and
the head of e, and are denoted by tail(e) and head(e), respectively. A set of
nodes is called a source set if it is the tail of some hyperarc; the source area of
H is the sum of the cardinalities of its source sets. The forward star of v ∈ N
is the set fstar(v) = {e ∈ A : v ∈ tail(e)}, while the backward star of v is the set
bstar(v) = {e ∈ A : v = head(e)}.

h5 e
h1 b
h6 h8 h9
s h3 c t

d h7 f

Fig. 1. A directed hypergraph

The size of a hypergraph H is defined as size(H) = e∈A |tail(e)|. The
following different notion of size has been also used in the literature: a “compact”
hypergraph Hc is derived from H where a set of p hyperarcs having the same
tail T is represented by a single hyperarc from T to a dummy node c, plus p
hyperarcs from c to the original heads; the size of this hypergraph is denoted by
minsize(H) = size(Hc ). This parameter is called size of a hypergraph H in [12],
and is denoted by |H|.
Given a hypergraph H, a subhypergraph of H is a hypergraph H = N  , A 
with N  ⊆ N and A ⊆ A. A subhypergraph is proper if at least one of the
inclusions is strict. A hyperpath in H from a set of nodes S ⊂ N, with S = ∅,
called source, to a target node t ∈ N is a subhypergraph ΠS,t = NΠS,t , AΠS,t
of H having the following property: if t ∈ S, then AΠS,t = ∅, otherwise its k ≥ 1
hyperarcs can be ordered in a sequence e1 , . . . , ek  such that:
1. ∀ei ∈ AΠS,t , tail(ei ) ⊆ S ∪ {head(e1 ), . . . , head(ei−1 )}
2. t = head(ek )
3. No proper subhypergraph of ΠS,t is a hyperpath from S to t in H.
Directed Hypergraphs: Problems, Algorithmic Results 315

The above definition of hyperpath is consistent with the notion of folded

hyperpath given in [12], and generalizes the notion of simple path in a directed
graph. A node t is said to be reachable in H from source S if there exists a
hyperpath ΠS,t in H. The port of a node v on ΠS,t , denoted by port(v), is
the hyperarc in AΠS,t having v as head; it is unique by condition 3 above. In
Fig. 1, thick hyperarcs represent the hyperpath from source S = {a, b} to node t
consisting of hyperarcs h5 , h6 , h9 .
The most intuitive and classical measure of the weight of a hyperpath is its
cost, defined as the sum of the weights of its hyperarcs (see, for example, [11]).
A different approach leads to defining the weight of a hyperpath in an inductive
manner. First attempts in this direction can be found in [31] and in [11]. This
approach has been formalized in [12] in the following terms.

Definition 1. A functional hypergraph HF = N, A; F  is a directed hypergraph

H = N, A in which each hyperarc e = X, y ∈ A is associated to a triple Fe =
(we , ψe , fe ), where:
– we is a real value;
– ψe is a function from |X|-tuples of reals to reals;
– fe is a function from pairs of reals to reals.

Let ΠS,t be a hyperpath from S to t, and let Z, t be the last hyperarc
in ΠS,t (i.e., the port of t), where Z = {z1 , z2 , . . . , zk }: then1 ΠS,t = ΠS,z1 ∪
ΠS,z2 ∪ . . . ∪ ΠS,zk ∪ {Z, t}, where ΠS,zi is the subhyperpath of ΠS,t going
from S to zi , 1 ≤ i ≤ k. The weight of ΠS,t depends on wZ,t , that gives the
weight of hyperarc Z, t, and on ψZ,t , that takes into account the weights of all
hyperpaths ΠS,zi . Function fZ,t combines these two weights. This is formalized
in the following definition.

Definition 2. Given a functional directed hypergraph HF = N, A; F , a weight

measure µ associates a real weight to a hyperpath ΠS,t as follows:
– if ΠS,t has no hyperarcs (i.e., t ∈ S), then µ(ΠS,t ) = µ0 , where µ0 is a
proper constant;
– if ΠS,t = ΠS,z1 ∪ ΠS,z2 ∪ . . . ∪ ΠS,zk ∪ {Z, t}, then µ(ΠS,t ) =
fZ,t (wZ,t , ψZ,t (µ(ΠS,z1 ), µ(ΠS,z2 ), . . . , µ(ΠS,zk ))).

Several weight measures have been introduced in the literature to define the
weight of a hyperpath in a functional directed hypergraph, by considering, given
a hyperarc e such that tail(e) = {x1 , x2 , . . . , xk }, different choices for functions
ψe and fe :
rank: fe (x, y) = x + y, ψe (x1 , x2 , . . . , xk ) = max1≤i≤k {xi }, and µ0 = 0;
gap: fe (x, y) = x + y, ψe (x1 , x2 , . . . , xk ) = min1≤i≤k {xi }, and µ0 = 0;
threshold: fe (x, y) = max {x, y}, ψe (x1 , x2 , . . . , xk ) = max1≤i≤k {xi }, and
µ0 = 0;
By a little abuse of notation, given two hypergraphs H1 = N1 , A1  and H2 =
N2 , A2  we denote the hypergraph N1 ∪ N2 , A1 ∪ A2  by H1 ∪ H2 .
316 Giorgio Ausiello et al.

bottleneck: fe (x, y) = min {x, y}, ψe (x1 , x2 , . . . , xk ) = min1≤i≤k {xi }, and

µ0 = +∞; 
traversal cost: fe (x, y) = x+y, ψe (x1 , x2 , . . . , xk ) = 1≤i≤k {xi }, when we > 0
for each e ∈ A, and µ0 = 0;
closure: fe (x, y) = min {x, y}, ψe (x1 , x2 , . . . , xk ) = min1≤i≤k {xi }, when we = 1
for each e ∈ A, and µ0 = 0;
For example, if we assume that all hyperarcs of the hypergraph in Fig. 1
but h5 have unit weight, while hyperarc h5 has weight 2, then the thick hyperpath
has rank 3, gap 2 and traversal cost 4.
Some of the weight measures listed above have been used by other authors
with different names. For example, in [21,34], the rank is called distance, and
the traversal cost is called value.

3 Transitive Closure and Transitive Reduction

In this section, we summarize the main results achieved in the literature con-
cerning the notions of transitive closure and transitive reduction in directed
hypergraphs, that extend the analogous notions in the case of directed graphs.
Both problems find application in the field of databases, where on one side we
want to derive transitive functional dependencies, and on the other side we want
to find minimal covers of sets of functional dependencies, that is a minimal set
of functional dependencies equivalent to the given ones.

Transitive closure.
In [6] the authors introduce the notion of transitive closure of a directed hy-
pergraph H = N, A as the hypergraph H+ = N, A+  such that X, i is
a hyperarc in A+ if and only if one of the following conditions hold:
– X, i ∈ A
– i∈X Extended reflexivity
– there exists a set of nodes Y = {n1 , n2 , . . . , nq } such that for each 1 ≤ j ≤ q,
X, nj  ∈ A+ and Y, i ∈ A Extended transitivity
Note that, in our framework such definition is equivalent to say that a hy-
perarc X, i is in A+ if and only if there is a hyperpath in H from X to i. If X
and Y are singletons, then the extended reflexivity and transitivity coincide with
the usual notions of reflexivity and transitivity of graphs. Furthermore, note that
the size of the closure of a directed hypergraph can be exponential in the number
of nodes of the hypergraph, in fact, set X can be any element of 2N (the power
set of N ).
In the same paper it is shown that using a suitable representation of H, i.e.,
its FD-graph and the closure of the FD-graph (see [6] for the definitions), it
is possible to compute the transitive closure of a directed hypergraph without
falling into the exponential explosion of the hypergraph closure. In fact, the FD-
graph closure grows at most quadratically. Using this approach the transitive
closure of H is computed in O(size(H) · ns ) worst case time, where ns is the
number of source sets of H.
Directed Hypergraphs: Problems, Algorithmic Results 317

Transitive reduction.
The problem of finding the transitive reduction of a directed hypergraphs, that
is finding a minimal hypergraph that has the same closure of a given one, is
much more complex than in the case of graphs for two main reasons: i) the
closure of a hypergraph has an exponential number of hyperarcs; ii) in the case
of hypergraphs it is possible to define minimality with respect to a variety of
parameters, while in the case of graph the only notion of minimality is with
respect to the number of arcs. In [6], minimality in hypergraphs is defined with
respect to the following criteria:

1. minimum size;
2. minimum number of hyperarcs;
3. minimum number of source sets;
4. minimum source area.

In the same paper, it has been shown that, given a directed hypergraph H,
the problems of deciding whether there exists a hypergraph H with the same
closure of H, such that H is minimum with respect to criteria 1, 2 or 4 are
NP-hard, while deciding whether there exists a hypergraph H with the same
closure of H having the minimum number of source sets is polynomial and can
be done in O(size(H) · ns ) worst case time. Notice that the transitive reduction
of a directed graph, that corresponds to minimality with respect to number of
hyperarcs in a directed hypergraph, can be computed in polynomial time.

4 Flows and Cuts in Hypergraphs

Other classical graph problems that have been extended to hypergraphs are
the problems of determining flows and cuts. In this section we review the main
results achieved in the literature concerning these problems.

Flows in hypergraphs.
Flows in hypergraphs, also known as hyperflows, have been recently introduced
as generalizations of flows in graphs. In particular, in [16] the minimum cost
hyperflow problem is considered and some analogies with the standard minimum
cost flow problem in directed graphs are shown.
In what follows, we summarize the results given in [16]. Given a directed
hypergraph H = N, A, an upper capacity u(e) and a cost c(e) are associated
with each e ∈ A, and a positive real multiplier mv (e) is associated with each
v ∈ tail(e). Moreover, a real demand b(v) is associated with each v ∈ N . A flow
in H is a function f : A → R, that satisfies the following conservation constraint:

f (e) − mv (e)f (e) = b(v), ∀v ∈ N
head(e)=v v∈tail(e)

The flow is feasible if it satisfies the following capacity constraint:

318 Giorgio Ausiello et al.

0 ≤ f (e) ≤ u(e), ∀e ∈ A

The minimum cost hyperflow

 problem consists of finding a feasible flow in H
which minimizes the value e∈A c(e)f (e).
An interesting issue is computing the maximum flow in a directed hyper-
graph. Let us assume that H has only one node s such that bstar(s) = ∅ and
only one node t such that fstar(t) = ∅; they are called the source and the ter-
minal of H, respectively (if s and t do not exist, dummy nodes and hyperarcs
can be added in a standard way). The maximum hyperflow problem consists of
finding a feasible flow in H that maximizes the amount of flow entering t, and
satisfies the conservation constraint in the special case that b(v) = 0, for each
v ∈ N.
In [16] the notion of spanning hypertree of a hypergraph is introduced as a
generalization of the notion of spanning tree of a graph, and it is shown that
there exists a correspondence between basis matrices and spanning hypertrees.
Based on this correspondence, the authors propose a simplex like algorithm for
minimum cost hyperflow computations, and show that most of the computations
performed by this algorithm have a direct and elegant hypergraph interpretation.

Cuts in hypergraphs.
The notion of cut in a directed hypergraph has been defined in [21] as follows.
A cut Cst between two nodes s and t of a directed hypergraph H = N, A is
a partition of N into two subsets Ns and Nt such that s ∈ Ns and t ∈ Nt . The
associated cutset is the set of all hyperarcs e ∈ A such that tail(e) ⊆ Ns and
head(e) ∈ Nt . The size of a cut is the number of hyperarcs in its cutset.
It is well known that the unsatisfiability of a propositional Horn formula
corresponds to the existence of a hyperpath in a hypergraph connecting two
special nodes s and t, where s corresponds to True and t to False [9,19]. As
a consequence, it is clear that the Maximum Horn Sat problem can be reduced to
the problem of finding a minimum cardinality cut in a directed hypergraph, i.e.,
a cut whose associated cutset has the minimum number of hyperarcs. In [21], the
authors also show that the latter problem is equivalent to the problem of finding
the minimum set of hyperarcs of H such that each hyperpath of H contains at
least one of these hyperarcs. Therefore, the minimum cardinality cut problem
can be formulated as the problem of assigning 0/1 weights to the hyperarcs of
H in order to make the weight of each hyperpath larger than or equal to 1, and
to minimize the sum of the assigned weights.
Based on this result, the authors propose three different IP formulations
for the minimum cardinality cut problem, by using three different measures to
assign hyperpath weights, that is: the cost, the distance (rank ), and the value
(traversal cost ). They also show that these three formulations and the well known
ILP formulation of the Max Horn SAT problem are all equivalent.
Finally, they investigate the properties of the relaxations of these IP for-
mulations by showing that they define a hierarchy. The weakest relaxation in
Directed Hypergraphs: Problems, Algorithmic Results 319

the hierarchy, that is the relaxation of the formulation making use of the value
(traversal cost ) weight function, is shown to correspond to the dual of a hyper-
graph max flow problem with unit capacities [16]. This implies that the well-
known max-flow-min-cut theorem for directed graphs (see, e.g., [17]) holds in
the case of directed hypergraphs with unit upper capacities. For example, if we
assume unit upper capacities for all the hyperarcs in the hypergraph of Fig. 1,
and mv (e) = 1/|tail(e)| for each v ∈ tail(e), then the minimum cut and the
maximum flow are both equal to 2.
In the case of non unit upper capacities, the size of a cut is the sum of the
upper capacities of the hyperarcs in the cutset. An interesting feature of hyper-
graphs is that, if hyperarcs have arbitrary upper capacities, then the max-flow-
min-cut theorem does not hold any longer, even in the restrictive case in which
we fix mv (e) = 1/|tail(e)| for each v ∈ tail(e). In fact, if in the hypergraph shown
in Fig. 1 we assume the following upper capacities: u(h1 ) = u(h2 ) = u(h3 ) =
u(h4 ) = 10, u(h5 ) = 2, u(h6 ) = 1, u(h7 ) = 1, u(h8 ) = 1, u(h9 ) = 4, u(h10 ) = 1,
then the minimum cut is 3 (partitioning nodes into the sets {s, a, b, c, d, f } and
{e, t}), while the maximum flow is 5.

5 Minimum Weight Traversal Problems

One of the most important problems in hypergraphs is finding minimum weight
hyperpaths. Such problem finds relevant applications in reachability in Petri
nets [1], reliability in fuzzy systems [8], assumption-based truth maintenance
systems [18,27], computation of minimum models of Horn formulæ [9], search of
optimal strategies in problem solving [30], analysis of dynamic programming [24].
Several results have been proposed in the literature concerning the problem
of finding minimum (or maximum) weight hyperpaths in a directed hypergraph.
As already mentioned, there are various ways in which a weight can be attached
to a hyperpath. Depending on the weight measure used to assign a weight to a
hyperpath the problem can be polynomially tractable or NP-hard. For example,
in [11] it has been shown that the problem of finding minimum cost hyperpaths
in a directed hypergraph is NP-hard, where the cost of a hyperpath is the sum
of the weights of its hyperarcs. Conversely, when we take into consideration
inductively defined measures, it is possible to characterize a number of cases in
which the problem can be solved in polynomial time. Examples of inductively
defined measures that can be computed in polynomial time are the rank and the
gap [25]. Observe that cost, rank and gap are all generalizations of the standard
notion of distance in graphs, which can be computed in polynomial time.
The more general approach for finding minimum weight hyperpaths in a
functional directed hypergraph is finding a fixed point of the following set of
equations, known as generalized Bellman-Ford equations (see, e.g., [21,35]):

0 if v ∈ S
L(v) = {fe (we , ψe (x1 , x2 , . . . , xk ))} if v ∈ N \ S
 min
320 Giorgio Ausiello et al.

where tail(e) = {x1 , x2 , . . . , xk }, and fe and ψe depend on the particular weight

measure used. The complexity of this problem strongly depends on the char-
acteristics of functions fe and ψe , since, as we will see in the remainder of this
section, in several cases the solution of the general problem can be achieved with
a Dijkstra-like computation.
In his definition of grammar problems [26], Knuth introduces the concepts
of superior and inferior function in the framework of context-free grammars, as
Definition 3. A function g(x1 , . . . , xk ) from (R+ )k to R+ is:
– superior (SUP) if it is monotone nondecreasing in each variable and
g(x1 , . . . , xk ) ≥ max(x1 , . . . , xk )
– inferior (INF) if it is monotone nondecreasing in each variable and
g(x1 , . . . , xk ) ≤ min(x1 , . . . , xk )
Examples of superior functions are max1≤i≤k {xi }, and Σi=1 xi . Examples
of inferior functions are: min1≤i≤k {xi }, and Πi=1 {xi } when 0 ≤ xi ≤ 1, i =
1, . . . , k. Ramalingam and Reps in [35] introduced the following generalizations
of superior (inferior) functions.
Definition 4. A function g(x1 , . . . , xk ) from (R+ )k to R+ is:
– weakly superior (WSUP) if it is monotone nondecreasing in each variable
and, for 1 ≤ i ≤ k, g(x1 , . . . , xk ) < xi ⇒ g(x1 , . . . , xi , . . . , xk ) =
g(x1 , . . . , ∞, . . . , xk )
– weakly inferior (WINF) if it is monotone nondecreasing in each variable
and, for 1 ≤ i ≤ k, g(x1 , . . . , xk ) > xi ⇒ g(x1 , . . . , xi , . . . , xk ) =
g(x1 , . . . , ∞, . . . , xk )
Examples of weakly superior functions that are not superior are
min1≤i≤k {xi }, min1≤i≤k {xi } ∗ 2, and any constant function. Examples of weakly
inferior functions that are not inferior functions are: max1≤i≤k {xi },
max1≤i≤k {xi }/2, and any constant function.
Both Knuth [26] and Ramalingam and Reps [35] considered also the classes
of strict superior, strict inferior, strict weakly superior, and strict weakly inferior
functions, as defined below.
Definition 5. A function g(x1 , . . . , xk ) from (R+ )k to R+ is:
– strict superior (SSUP) if it is monotone nondecreasing in each variable and
g(x1 , . . . , xk ) > max(x1 , . . . , xk )
– strict inferior (SINF) if it is monotone nondecreasing in each variable and
g(x1 , . . . , xk ) < min(x1 , . . . , xk ).
Definition 6. A function g(x1 , . . . , xk ) from (R+ )k to R+ is:
– strict weakly superior (SWSUP) if it is monotone nondecreasing in each
variable and, for 1 ≤ i ≤ k, g(x1 , . . . , xk ) ≤ xi ⇒ g(x1 , . . . , xi , . . . , xk ) =
g(x1 , . . . , ∞, . . . , xk )
Directed Hypergraphs: Problems, Algorithmic Results 321

– strict weakly inferior (SWINF) if it is monotone nondecreasing in each vari-

able and, for 1 ≤ i ≤ k, g(x1 , . . . , xk ) ≥ xi ⇒ g(x1 , . . . , xi , . . . , xk ) =
g(x1 , . . . , ∞, . . . , xk )

We now relate the above defined classes of functions to hypergraphs. Re-

member that in a functional hypergraph, each hyperarc e ∈ H is associated to
a triple (we , ψe , fe ). Given e = X, t, with X = {x1 , x2 , . . . , xk }, the weight
µ of any hyperpath ΠS,t having e as the last hyperarc is given by µ(ΠS,t ) =
fe (we , ψe (µ(ΠS,x1 ), µ(ΠS,x2 ), . . . , µ(ΠS,xk ))). If functions fe and ψe , for all e ∈ H,
are, say, superior functions, then the overall weight measure µ is superior as well
(with respect to arguments we , for each hyperarc e in the considered hyperpath).
The table in Fig. 2 summarizes the properties of the weight measures known in
the literature with respect to the classes of function defined above. Concerning
the relationship among the different classes of weight measures, as well as their
compositions, we refer to [12].

weight resulting
measure µ fe (we , ψe ) ψe (µ1 , . . . , µk ) properties
rank + max
gap + min
bottleneck min min
threshold max max
we > 0
traversal cost


closure min min

Fig. 2. Properties of hyperpath weight measures

The generalization of Dijkstra algorithm to directed hypergraphs (or similar

structures) was first tackled by Knuth in [26]. For weight measures based on
superior functions, it is possible to determine minimum cost derivation trees in
a weighted context free grammar (or, equivalently, a minimum weight hyperpath
in a functional directed hypergraph) in O(size(H) + m log n) worst case time (or
O(size(H)+n log n) by using Fibonacci heaps [20]). This result was subsequently
extended in [12,31,35] to weakly superior (inferior) functions, thus including
all weight measures in Fig. 2. In [12], it is also shown how the suitability of
Dijkstra-based algorithms is related to the properties of weight measures and to
the existence of particular types of cycles in hypergraphs.
322 Giorgio Ausiello et al.

6 Dynamic Traversal Algorithms

In this section we consider the problem of dynamically maintaining reachability
and minimum weight hyperpaths in a directed hypergraph subject to modifica-
tions as hyperarc insertions and deletions, and hyperarc weight changes. These
problems arise in several application domains as, for example, in the minimum
model maintenance in Horn Formulæ [7,8,9,35].
In this setting we do not want to recompute hyperpaths from scratch after
each change, but we want to take advantage of the part of the previous solution
that is still valid. A common classification of dynamic problems in hypergraphs
is among fully-dynamic ones, where insertions and deletions of hyperarcs can
be intermixed, and semi-dynamic ones (incremental or decremental), where only
insertions or only deletions are allowed, respectively.
The first hypergraph problem stated in a dynamic framework has been the
maintenance of the transitive closure of a directed hypergraph H under hyperarc
insertions. In [10], it is shown that this problem can be solved in O(size(H) · ns )
worst case time, where ns is the number of source sets of H, in such a way that
checking the existence of a hyperpath takes O(log ns ) time.
Minimum weight traversal problems have been studied by various authors.
For the incremental case, an algorithm is presented in [9], that maintains satis-
fiability and the minimum model of a Horn formula F in O(n · Length(F )) total
time over a sequence of clause insertions, where Length(F ) is the sum of the
number of literals in the clauses of F . This incremental algorithm is extended
in [8] to the case of Horn formulæ with uncertainty. Algorithms are given in [25]
for the incremental maintenance of minimum rank and minimum gap hyperpaths
under a sequence of hyperarc insertions in overall O(n · size(H)) time, under the
assumption of unit hyperarc weights.
The fully dynamic version of the problem has been considered in [35]. The
authors propose a Dijkstra-like procedure, applicable to strict weakly superior
functions. The proposed algorithm takes O(||δ|| · (log ||δ|| + M )) worst case
time per update operation, where each operation may consist of several inser-
tions/deletions of hyperarcs and hyperarc weight changes. Parameter ||δ|| repre-
sents the number of nodes interested by the operation plus the total number of
hyperarcs incident to these nodes, while M is the time needed to compute the
weight function. Note that in the worst case ||δ|| = m.
In this section, we are interested in the decremental case for two reasons:
first, it finds applications in the context of assumption-based truth maintenance
systems [18,27], where maintaining minimum hyperpaths under deletions of hy-
perarcs corresponds to maintaining a set of “small” explanations of all observa-
tions under the elimination of either an hypothesis or a clause in the background
theory. Second, better complexity bounds can be obtained with respect to the
fully dynamic case. For example, in [7] a decremental algorithm is proposed for
maintaining the minimum rank hyperpaths under a sequence of hyperarc dele-
tions in overall O(n · size(H)) time and O(size(H)) space, under the assumption
of unit hyperarc weights. In the case of integer hyperarc weights in [1, C] the
algorithm requires O(C · n · size(H)) total time and O(C + size(H)) space to
Directed Hypergraphs: Problems, Algorithmic Results 323

handle any sequence of hyperarc deletions and weight increase operations. This
improves over the solution in [35] when applied to the decremental maintenance
of minimum rank hyperpaths in the case of integer hyperarc weights in [1, C].
In the next subsection, we propose a new decremental algorithm, with respect
to those given in [7,35], that applies to all weight function in SWSUP. This
algorithm is based on a novel approach, since it essentially performs a bfs-like
visit, rather than a Dijkstra-like visit.

6.1 A New Decremental Algorithm

Let H = N, A; F  be a functional directed hypergraph with n nodes and m
hyperarcs. Procedure Weight Increase (see Fig. 3), maintains the minimum
weight hyperpaths from a fixed source S ⊂ N to all other nodes of H under
hyperarc weight increases and hyperarc deletions.
In a minimization (maximization) problem, as a consequence of a hyperarc
weight increase or hyperarc deletion, the weight of some hyperpath may increase
or some hyperpaths may disappear, and the weight of minimum weight hyper-
paths can only increase (decrease).
In what follows, we consider the minimization problem in the case that the
weight of a hyperarc e is increased by a positive quantity δ, and then discuss how
to modify Procedure Weight Increase in order to handle hyperarc deletions.
Each fe is supposed to assume values in an interval of integers [1, C].
We denote by H the hypergraph obtained from H after updating hyperarc
e = X, y, and by w(v) (w (v)) the weight of the minimum weight hyperpath
from S to v in H (H ). Analogously, p(v) (p (v)) denotes the port of v in H (H ).
First of all, we observe that after updating we in H, each hyperpath in H
that does not contain e preserves its weight. Hence, w (v) = w(v) for each node v
whose minimum weight hyperpath in H does not contain e. We thus concentrate
on the set of nodes in H whose current minimum weight hyperpath from S
contains e. Given one of these nodes v, either w (v) = w(v), or w (v) > w(v).
Hypergraph H is represented by associating to each node v two simple lists
containing all hyperarcs in bstar(v) and fstar(v). Minimum weight hyperpaths
are represented as follows. For each node v, we store:
– weight(v), that coincides with w(v) (w (v)) before (after) the update;
– port(v), that coincides with p(v) (p (v)) before (after) the update.
For each hyperarc e, we explicitly store the value F (e) = fe (we , ψe (weight(x1 ),
weight(x2 ), . . . , weight(xk ))), where {x1 , x2 , . . . , xk } = tail(e). In order to keep
the space occupancy within O(size(H)), we explicitly represent each hyperarc in
H only once; all the occurrences of hyperarcs in the above data structures are
implemented as references.
Procedure Weight Increase explores the set of nodes whose weight and/or
port changes under the update of hyperarc e = X, y, and builds the new
minimum weight hyperpaths as follows. The hypergraph is examined starting
from node y by a bfs-like visit (that is, by increasing minimum weight), that
324 Giorgio Ausiello et al.

Procedure Weight Increase(e = X, y; δ)

1. we ← we + δ
2. Update(e,v)
3. if port(y) = e or F (e) has not changed then EXIT
4. NewWeightSet(weight(y)) ← {y}
5. for i ← weight(y) to C do
6. foreach v ∈ NewWeightSet(i) do
7. delete v from NewWeightSet(i)
8. search the first h in bstar(v) such that F (h) = i
9. if h exists then
10. port(v) ← h
11. else
12. port(v) ← NIL
13. weight(v) ← min {F (h) | h ∈ bstar(v)}
14. insert v in NewWeightSet(weight(v))
15. foreach e ∈ fstar(v) do
16. Update(e ,v)
17. if F (e ) has changed then
18. let z be head(e )
19. if e = port(z) and z ∈ NewWeightSet(weight(z)) then
20. insert z into NewWeightSet(weight(z))
21. endfor
22. endfor
23. endfor

Fig. 3. Procedure Weight Increase

is pruned any time a hyperarc is found that does not belong to any minimum
weight hyperpath and/or whose weight does not change.
The i-th iteration of the for loop at Line 5 identifies the set of nodes hav-
ing weight i (after the update), whose weight and/or port changes due to the
hyperarc update, by selecting all nodes v such that w(v) = i, w (v) = i and
p (v) = p(v), and all nodes v such that w(v) < i and w (v) = i.
Inspected nodes are temporarily stored in an array of sets of nodes, named
NewWeightSet. A node v is put in NewWeightSet(i) if and only if w (v) is
known to be at least i. Nodes are extracted from set NewWeightSet(i) by in-
creasing i, and for each node v we check whether there is a hyperarc h such
that fh (wh , ψh (tail(h))) = i. If this is the case, the weight of node v is set to i,
otherwise v is inserted into some set NewWeightSet(j), where j > i, for future
Procedure Update(e,v), called at Lines 2 and 16 of Procedure
Weight Increase, updates F (e), by re-evaluating ψe and fe under the increase
of weight(v), v ∈ tail(e), or we .
Directed Hypergraphs: Problems, Algorithmic Results 325

In order to manage hyperarc deletions, we add a new item NewWeightSet(C+

1), containing all nodes that are found to be unreachable as a consequence of
a deletion. The algorithm detects unreachability from the source, by checking
whether a node gets a weight greater than C or its backward star is empty.
In these cases, unreachable nodes are put in the set NewWeightSet(C + 1) and
considered at the end of the algorithm, by setting the port to nil and the weight
to +∞.
Provided that the weight functions associated to hyperarcs fulfill the following
– the composition of functions fe and ψe is in SWSUP (SWINF ) for each
hyperarc e. For example, it is sufficient that fe and ψe are both monotone non
decreasing (non increasing), and either fe or ψe are in SWSUP (SWINF );
– fe (we , ψe (x1 , x2 , . . . , xk )) can be maintained under increments (decrements)
of xi within O(k) space and O(1) amortized time;
– fe (we , ψe (x1 , x2 , . . . , xk )) can be maintained under increments (decrements)
of we within O(k) space and O(k) worst case time.
we can show that Procedure Weight Increase manages a sequence of hyperarc
weight increases and deletions in O((C + n) · size(H)) overall worst case time.
Note that the algorithm in [7] is a special case of the algorithm in this paper,
in fact it maintains minimum rank hyperpath of a directed hypergraph within
the same time bounds of Procedure Weight Increase and the rank is a special
case of SWSUP weight functions (see table of Fig. 2). It is also clear that our
algorithm improves that of [35] with respect to the amortized time per operation,
if only hyperarc deletions and weight increases are allowed.

7 Concluding Remarks
There is a large body of results on implicative structures, that is structures in
which we need to provide a formal representation for a set of many-to-one impli-
cations and to study the resulting properties, such as determining less expensive
implication chains under various cost criteria. Our aim has been to illustrate the
most important problems and the main algorithmic results that are available in
the literature. Besides we have discussed in particular the problem of maintain-
ing chains of implications under implication elimination. This problem consists
of maintaining minimum hyperpaths (under some minimality criteria) under hy-
perarc deletions, and can be efficiently tackled for several natural hyperpath
weight measures.
It is worth noting that the higher complexity of the problems we have dis-
cussed in this paper with respect to the complexity of the corresponding prob-
lems in graphs, arises from the peculiar combinatorial features of implicative
structures (see, e.g., [12,31] for the notions of path, distance, cycle, etc). The
comprehension of such aspects can be greatly enhanced by making use of a uni-
form representation of implicative structures in terms of directed hypergraphs.
326 Giorgio Ausiello et al.

Future research directions might address various goals. On one side, it would
be desirable to determine hypergraph properties under which hypergraph prob-
lems become tractable; on the other side, approximability properties of hyper-
graph problems should be better explored; finally, since the connection between
flows and cuts in hypergraphs is significantly different with respect to graphs, the
complexity of the various formulations of flow problems in hypergraphs deserves
further investigation.

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