Software Development Planspecifications: Semester March - July 2019

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<Project Name>

Software Development PlanSpecifications

Version 2.0



Name 1, student number 1

Name 2, student number 2
Name 3, student number 3
Name 4, student number 4
<Project Name> Version: <2.0>
Software Requirement Specifications Date: <dd/mmm/yy>
<SRS 2.0>

Revision History
Date Version Description Author
05/12/18 <1.0> <System Development Planning> <Mohd Hafizan>
28/12/18 <2.0> <System Requirements Specification> <Mohd Hafizan>

Confidential  CS1105/A/B/C/D 2011 Page 2 of 7

<Project Name> Version: <2.0>
Software Requirement Specifications Date: <dd/mmm/yy>
<SRS 2.0>

Table of Contents
1. Fact Findings Techniques 4
1.1 Questionaire/ Interview/Sampling/Documents review
1.2 Business rules/case/models
1.3 Summary of findings 4
1.4 SWOT Analysis/ Intangible and Tangible benefits 4

2. Storyboard 5
2.1 Storyboard Diagram + Narrative 5
2.2 Storyboard Sketches + Narrative

3. Data Modeling 6
3.1 Normalization ( 1st - 3rd Normal Form) + narrative 6
3.2 Entity Relationship Diagram + Narrative 6
3.3 Data Dictionary 6

4. System Specification 7
4.1 Module/function name 7
4.2 Purpose of module/function 7
4.2.1 List of input data 7
4.2.2 What process involve 7
4.2.3 List of output data 7
4.3 User characteristics 7

4.4 Safety and security 8

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<Project Name> Version: <2.0>
Software Requirement Specifications Date: <dd/mmm/yy>
<SRS 2.0>

Software Development PlanRequirement


1. Fact Finding Techniques

[The fact finding techniques should provide the overview of the requirement analysis performed during the
preliminary investigation.]
Questionnaires/Sampling/Interview/Document Review
[Specify the methods used to collect requirements for the information system and the documentation
resulting from the conducted methods]
Business Case/Rules
[A brief description of the processes involved in the organization as general or specific]
Summary of findings
[This subsection should provide details of what the information gain after performing the fact-findings in
summary section]
SWOT analysis / Intangible benefits & Tangible benefits
[This subsection should consume details of the propose system in terms of strength and weaknesses and

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<Project Name> Version: <2.0>
Software Requirement Specifications Date: <dd/mmm/yy>
<SRS 2.0>

2. Storyboard
Storyboard Diagram + Narrative
[A brief description of the system in diagram form and explanation for each of the functional terms]

Storyboard Sketches + Narrative

[A diagram that show an overall interface and process of the proposed system and its explanation in

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<Project Name> Version: <2.0>
Software Requirement Specifications Date: <dd/mmm/yy>
<SRS 2.0>

3. Data Modeling
Normalization of ERD + Narrative
[Describe the details of normalization process from 1stNF to 3rdNFand also details explanation of each.]
Entity Relationship Diagram + Business Rules + Narrative
[A diagram that describe the data modeling in relationship including cardinality, relationships, keys,]
Data Dictionary
[Details of relationship between entities.]

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<Project Name> Version: <2.0>
Software Requirement Specifications Date: <dd/mmm/yy>
<SRS 2.0>

4. System Specification
Module/Function + narrative
[Brief explanation on the module or function used in the design process.]

Purpose of Module / Function

Lists of Input Data
[Include the following:
 Login/Authenticated.
 Registration/new form.
 Add new records/ retrieve records from other systems]

Processes involved
[Details of what the system can do, register module, add module, delete module, verify module. Tally with

Lists of Output Data

[Include the following:
 Printed form
 Preview list
 Random generated result in searching]

Safety and Security

<TO DO: Specify those requirements that are concerned with possible loss, damage, or harm
that could result from the use of the product. Define any safeguards or actions that must be
taken, as well as actions that must be prevented. Refer to any external policies or regulations that
state safety issues that affect the product’s design or use. Define any safety certifications that
must be satisfied. Specify any requirements regarding security or privacy issues surrounding use
of the product or protection of the data used or created by the product. Define any user identity
authentication requirements.>

The server on which the Online Journal resides will have its own security to prevent
unauthorized write/delete access. There is no restriction on read access. The use of email by an
Author or Reviewer is on the client systems and thus is external to the system.
The PC on which the Article Manager resides will have its own security. Only the Editor
will have physical access to the machine and the program on it. There is no special protection
built into this system other than to provide the editor with write access to the Online Journal to
publish an article.>

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