JFST, 48 (4) 472-477
JFST, 48 (4) 472-477
JFST, 48 (4) 472-477
DOI 10.1007/s13197-011-0256-9
during juice extraction. Further kinnow peel is a rich source of antioxidant); II). MS (meat with 2% w/w salt); III) KRP
Vitamin C, carotenoids, limonene and polyphenolics antiox- (meat with 2% w/w salt and 5% w/v kinnow extract); IV)
idants, (Anwar et al. 2008). Antioxidant effect of extract of PRP (meat with 2% w/w salt and 5% w/v pomegranate rind
kinnow rind powder in cooked goat meat patties had been extract and V) PSP (meat with 2% w/w salt and 5% w/v
recently investigated by Devatkal et al. (2010). Moreover pomegranate seed extract). Immediately after adding all
there is no published literature available on utilization of ingredients, meat samples were thoroughly mixed and made
kinnow fruit by-product in poultry meat. into patties manually (75 g each). These patties were
Hence, an investigation was carried out to evaluate the packed individually in low density polyethylene bags and
effect of extracts from kinnow rind powder (KRP), pome- stored at 4±1 °C for 6 days. During the storage period
granate rind powder (PRP) and pomegranate seed powder instrumental colour, TBARS values and total phenolics
(PSP) on salt induced lipid oxidation and colour changes in content were measured at an interval of 2 days.
raw chicken patties stored aerobically at 4±1 °C.
Estimation of total phenolics Total phenolics from meat
patties were estimated by Folin–Ciocalteus (F–C) assay.
Materials and methods (Escarpa and Gonzalez 2001). Five gram meat was blended
with 25 ml boiled distilled water and extracted for 1 h.
Meat and fruit by-products Fresh chicken breast meat Suitable aliquots of extracts were taken in different test
(broilers of 7–8 weeks) was obtained from a local retail tubes and the volume was made to 0.5 ml with distilled
meat processing plant. Meat samples were chilled at 4 °C for water followed by the addition of 0.25 ml F–C (1 N)
24 h before use. Fresh chicken meat was obtained separately reagent and 1.25 ml sodium carbonate solution (20%). The
for each of the replication (n=3). Fresh kinnows (Citrus tubes were vortexed and the absorbance was recorded at
reticulata) and pomegranate (Punica granatum) fruits were 725 nm after 40 min. The amount of total phenolics was
also obtained from retail fruit market. Standard tannic acid calculated as tannic acid equivalent from the calibration
(SD Fine Chemicals, Mumbai, India), Thiobarbituric acid curve using standard tannic acid solution (0.1 mg/ml).
(MP Biomedicals Pvt. Ltd. Mumbai, India), and 1, 1, 3, 3- During storage period total phenolics were measured at an
tetraethoxypropane (Sigma Aldrich, New Delhi, India) used interval of 2 days. The average decrease in total phenolics
in the study were of analytical grade. from 0th day to 6th day was also calculated arithmetically
and expressed in percentage.
Preparation of powders and extracts of kinnow rind (KRP),
pomegranate rind (PRP) and pomegranate seed (PSP) Mature Instrumental colour evaluation The colour changes during
and healthy kinnow and pomegranate fruits were washed, storage was monitored by evaluating Hunter ‘L’, ‘a’, ‘b’,
cut manually with knife and peeled off. The rind (peel) thus Hue and Chroma values at an interval of 2 days. Colouri-
obtained was cut into small pieces using a sharp knife and metric analysis on surface of chicken patties was performed
dried in an air circulatory tray drier (Narang Scientific using a Hunter Lab Miniscan XE Plus colourimeter (Hunter
Works, New Delhi, India) at 60 °C for 48 h. Dried Associates Laboratory Inc., Reston, VA, USA) with 25 mm
pieces were powdered in a heavy duty kitchen grinder aperture set for illumination D65, 10° standard observer
and sieved using a sieve, ASTM No.10 (1.651 mm) and angle. Hunter L (lightness), a (redness) and b (yellowness)
packed into 100 g units and stored in high density values were measured on the outer surface of chicken patties
polyethylene bags at room temperature. Similarly pow- from four randomly chosen spots. Hue angle (Tan -b/a) and
der from pomegranate seeds was prepared by drying the chroma values (a2 +b2)1/2 were calculated according to
pomegranate fruits seeds in a tray drier and grinding in Hunter and Harold (1987).
a heavy duty kitchen grinder and sieving (using a sieve
ASTM No.10). Thiobarbituric acid reacting substances (TBARS) value Lipid
About 10 g of dried powder was mixed with 25 ml oxidization was monitored by measuring thiobarbituric acid
boiled distilled water and left for 1 h. The extract obtained reactive substances at an interval of 2 days during storage.
by filtration was used in further experiments. Freshly TBARS were determined using extraction method described
prepared extract was used for each replication. by Witte et al. (1970). TBARS were extracted in chilled 20%
trichloroacetic acid. Thiobarbituric acid extracts of each
Preparation patties About 3 kg of chicken breast meat was sample were used for measuring the absorbance at 520 nm.
minced twice (10 mm plate followed by 8 mm plates using 1, 1, 3, 3, tetraethoxypropane (Sigma Aldrich, New Delhi,
a meat mincer (Sirman, Italy). After mincing, the meat India) was used as standard for TBARS assay. TBARS
samples (500 g each) were assigned to one of the following numbers were calculated as mg of malonaldehyde per
five treatments : I) Control (meat without salt and natural kg of meat sample. The average increase in TBARS
J Food Sci Technol
from 0 day to 6th day was also calculated and expressed in It has been reported that chilling temperature increases the
percentage. activity of this enzyme and accelerates build up of phenolics
(Padda and Picha 2008).
Statistical analysis The experiment was replicated thrice Percentage decrease of total phenolics during storage
and all parameters were measured in duplicate. The data was significantly (P< 0.05) higher in control (103%)
presented in the paper are all mean values of six followed by MS (78%) than KRP (55%), PRP (34%) and
replications. All data were analyzed using statistical PSP (38%). These results indicated that treatments with
software, Agristat (Indian Agriculture Statistical Research extracts of fruit by-products showed significantly (P<0.05)
institute, New Delhi, India). Storage data of total phenolics, higher phenolics during storage period. Similarly Leheska
Hunter colour and TBARS values were analyzed using et al. (2006) observed an increase in phenolics content of
two-way ANOVA with treatment and storage time as main precooked pork breakfast sausages prepared with fruit
effects. Statistical significance was identified at the 95% purees. Naveena et al. (2008) have reported a significant
confidence level (P < 0.05). Correlation between total increase in phenolics content of cooked chicken patties
phenolics content and TBARS values of different treat- treated with pomegranate juice and rind extract. Recently
ments during storage period was also calculated using Devatkal et al. (2010) have also reported the higher
Microsoft Excel 2003 (Microsoft Corporation, Sacramento, phenolics content of goat meat patties treated with KRP,
USA). PRP and PSP extracts. Pomegranate fruit parts are known
to contain phenolics compounds and antioxidant character-
istics of pomegranate seeds and rind powder have also been
Results and discussion reported (Negi and Jayaprakasha 2003).
Total phenolics content The average phenolics content was Instrumental colour Mean hunter colour values, hue and
significantly (P<0.05) higher in KRP (893 μg/g), PRP chroma values are presented in Table 1. Overall mean
(1069 μg/g) and PSP (993 μg/g) treatments than control values of ‘L’ (lightness) was significantly (P<0.05) higher
(792 μg/g) and MS (726%). Among fruit by-product in control than other treatments. Use of salt and extracts of
extracted treatments, PRP significantly (P<0.05) increased fruit by-products powder resulted in the dark colour (lower
the phenolics content followed by PSP and KRP. The L Value).There was no significant difference between
overall changes in phenolics content (Fig. 1) indicated a different storage intervals for L values. Overall means of
significant (P<0.05) decrease in phenolics up to 4th day of redness (Hunter a value) value was significantly (P<0.05)
storage However, total phenolics increased on 6th day of higher in control, MS and KRP as compared to PRP and
storage. Total phenolics are synthesized by phenylpropanoid PSP. Redness did not vary significantly between PRP and
pathway involving an enzyme phenylalanine ammonia-lyase. PSP treatments but significantly (P < .0.05) decreased
during storage period in all treatments (Fig. 2) Yellowness
(Hunter b value) was significantly (P<0.05) higher in PRP
followed by control and KRP. No significant difference was
noticed for yellowness between MS and PSP .Yellowness
1500.00 did not vary significantly during initial days of storage.
1400.00 However it decreased after 4th day of storage (Fig. 2). This
trend was similar in all the treatments except PSP which
Total phenolics , microgram/g
showed a decreasing trend during all storage intervals.
Mean Hue values were significantly (P<0.05) higher in
1100.00 PRP followed by PSP and lowest in control as compared to
1000.00 MS and KRP treatments which showed no significant
900.00 difference . It showed an increasing trend with storage
interval in all the treatments (Fig. 3) Overall means of
chroma value (colour intensity) was significantly higher in
KRP and PRP than other treatments. Chroma value did not
600.00 differ significantly between MS, PSP and control treat-
500.00 ments. Chroma values further decreased with storage
0 2 4 6 intervals in all the treatments (Fig. 3).
Storage period, days
A significant decease in ‘L’ value due to addition of salt
Fig. 1 Overall changes in phenolics content during refrigerated to comminuted chicken patties had been reported by
storage of ground chicken patties. MS, KRP, PRP, PSP-see Table 1 Swatland and Barbut (1999). In a recent study, Naveena
J Food Sci Technol
Table 1 Overall means of Hunter colour values of ground chicken patties treated with different natural antioxidants and stored aerobically at 4±1 °C
Means with different superscript within a column are significantly different (P<0.05). (n=6)
Kinnow Rind Powder extract, 2 Pomegranate Rind Powder extract, 3 Pomegranate seed Powder extract
et al. (2008) reported a reduction in ‘L’ value and an lowest TBARS values during all storage intervals. Thus
increase in ‘a’ values due to addition of PRP in chicken treatments with fruit by-products extract (KRP, PRP, and
patties. Decrease in ‘a’ value indicates the change in colour PSP) showed a significant (P<0.05) lower TBARS values
from red to brown which could be due to the formation of than control and MS samples. Irrespective of treatment,
metmyoglobin in salt containing treatments. It has been TBARS gradually increased with increase in storage period
further reported that salt greatly accelerate the process of (Fig. 5).
meat discolouration due to pro-oxidative activity which can Average percent increase in TBARS (Table 2) was
be attributed to its ability to release iron from heme maximum in MS followed by control. Fruit by-products
pigments and other heme binding molecules (Rhee and treated samples showed a significant (P <0.05) lower
Ziprin 2001) percent increase in TBARS as compared to control and
MS. Among three by-products, PSP extract was having
TBARS values Mean TBARS values (Fig. 4) were signif- higher antioxidant activity followed by PRP and KRP.
icantly (P<0.5) higher in MS followed by control. Treat- Similar observations on% reduction of TBARS revealed
ments with extracts showed a significantly (P<0.5) lower that KRP, PRP and PSP reduced TBARS by 23%, 27% and
TBARS values than control and MS. Lowest TBARS was 40% respectively in comparison to control sample. Simi-
found in PSP sample followed by PRP and KRP. During all larly as compared to salted meat sample TBARS was
storage intervals TBARS was significantly higher in MS reduced by 39%, 43% and 68% in KRP, PRP and PSP
followed by control samples. PRP and PSP samples showed respectively. Thus these extracts effectively delayed the
55.00 Hue
50.00 75.00
Hue and Chroma
L,a,b Values
15.00 25.00
0.00 5.00
0 2 4 6 0 2 4 6
Storage period, days Storage period, days
Fig. 2 Overall changes in Hunter colour values during refrigerated Fig. 3 Overall changes in Hue and Chroma values during refrigerated
storage of ground chicken patties. MS, KRP, PRP, PSP-see Table 1 storage of ground chicken patties. MS, KRP, PRP, PSP-see Table 1
J Food Sci Technol
Table 2 Relationship between total phenolics and TBARS values
TBARS Values , mg/kg meat
0.9 d
formation of TBARS during refrigerated storage of chicken at the higher ionic strength decreased the glutathione
patties. Further pro-oxidant effect of salt was also mini- peroxide activity and increased TBARS content of ground
mized by the use of these natural extracts in chicken patties. meat during refrigeration temperature. O’Sullivan et al.
These results clearly demonstrated that addition of extracts (2004) observed that malonaldehyde contents in salted
of KRP, PRP and PSP significantly reduced the auto chicken nuggets were significantly higher than those in the
oxidation in control sample and salt induced oxidation in control nuggets. The possible reasons for salt induced lipid
MS. oxidation are reduction in the activity of antioxidant
Results of TBARS formation indicated a strong pro- enzyme like catalase, glutathione peroxidase and superox-
oxidant effect of salt. Further, it was also observed that ide dismutase, stimulation of lipid oxidation via iron
pro-oxidant effect of salt was minimized by the fruits activation by chloride ions, displacement of iron molecule
extracts. Use of extracts of KRP, PRP and PSP in from myoglobin structure by sodium ions thereby providing
chicken patties meat significantly (P<0.05) decreased free iron for the catalysis of lipid oxidation (O’Neill et al.
TBARS values. Among three extracts, PSP was having 1999; Hernandez et al. 2002).
highest antioxidant effect followed by PRP and KRP. A
similar antioxidant effect of PRP in chicken patties had Correlation between total phenolics and TBARS values Eval-
been reported by Naveena et al. (2008). uation of relationship between TBARS values and total
Earlier studies have shown that the addition of salt to phenolics through analysis of correlation coefficients (Table 2)
meat and meat products increases the TBARS values. suggested a significant ((P<0.05) negative correlation
O’Neill et al. (1999) reported the pro-oxidative effect of salt between these parameters. Thus TBARS increased gradually
in chicken meat. Hernandez et al. (2002) reported that salt and total phenolics decreased with increase in storage period.
A significant relation between phenolics content and
antioxidant effect of pomegranate peel extract has been
Control MS MS+KRP MS+PRP MS+PSP reported by Negi and Jayaprakasha (2003).
TBARS Values , mg/kg meat
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