Vinati Organics (VO) : Under Performer

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Vinati Organics (VO) UNDER PERFORMER

Sector: Specialty Chemicals /Mid Cap | Earnings Update – 4QFY20 17 June 2020
Background: Vinati Organics Limited (VOL) was established in 1989 to manufacture specialty organic chemicals. It has since grown to become the world's
largest manufacturer of IBB & ATBS and India’s largest manufacturer of IB & HP MTBE. The company's products are exported to customers in countries
across Europe, America, and Asia. Competitive edge in niche specialty chemicals – Cost leadership & scale economies in IBB and technological entry
barrier in ATBS. The company started with a small capacity of 1,000 TPA and gradually expanded to 26,000 TPA today for its ATBS production, capturing
60% of the market share. The company also commands more than 65% market share in the world for IBB. With consistent investments in technology and
capacities, the company is the largest producer of IBB in the world with a capacity of 16,000 TPA.
Sensex 33,508 Weak Quarter: Near term pressure on volumes to continue; though softening raw material costs to
support margins
Nifty 9,914
• In 4QFY20, VO’s revenue declined by 18.7% YoY to ₹ 2.4bn driven by soft demand and lower
Price ₹ 991 exports due to COVID-19 pandemic. Gross margins improved sharply to 59.7% up 363 bps
YoY/QoQ led by softness in crude oil prices
Target Price (12 months) ₹ 892
• 4QFY20 EBITDA stood at ₹ 1.0bn, -18.7/+22.5% YoY/QoQ. Higher realization for ATBS and
Recommendation UNDER PERFORMER improved gross margins (as RMC declined) drove the QoQ jump in EBITDA. For FY20, VO
clocked EBITDA of ₹ 4.2bn (-3.3% YoY).
52 Week High/Low ₹ 1255/651 • ATBS: The product contributed 58% to the 4Q top-line (57% in FY20) and the plant is currently
operating almost at its full capacity of 26ktpa. The company took a price hike in ATBS in 4Q
Bloomberg / Reuters VO IN /VNTI.BO
following the increase in RMC in 3Q (fluctuations in RMC are passed on with a 3- month lag).
Equity (shares in mn) 102.8 • Butyl Phenols: The Butyl Phenol plant (capacity 35ktpa) was commissioned in Sep-19. However,
Mkt. Cap in mn ₹ 20/ $ 0.3 in 2HFY20, the plant operated at low capacity utilization and contributed marginally to the top-line
Avg. Daily Vol. (‘000) 110 given lower demand. We expect slower than estimated ramp-up in production as the plant needs
further modifications and demand remains muted owing to the pandemic. It is expected to
Avg. Daily Vol. (mn) ₹ 8 /$ 0.7
contribute ~₹ 1bn to the topline in FY21E.
• Iso Butyl Benzene (IBB): Revenue contribution remained muted at ~15% in 4Q. However, traction
Shareholding Mar19 Dec 19 Mar 20 is expected to pick up in FY21 as the company has acquired new customers and BASF has
Promoters (%) 74.0 74.0 74.1 resumed production of Ibuprofen. We expect healthy volume growth in FY21.
FII (%) 3.6 5.1 5.1 • Traction in 1QFY21: The Company’s plants are currently operating at near full capacity except for
Butyl Phenols, which is undergoing maintenance but remains operational.
DII (%) 6.6 6.0 6.1
• Delay in Brown field expansion of ATBS: The capacity expansion to 40kTPA has been pushed to
Others (%) 15.8 14.9 14.8 2QFY21 given (1) Sluggish demand from the Oil and Gas industry amidst low realization for crude,
Pledge (% of (2) Low availability of contract labour.
0.0 0.0 0.0
promoter holding) Valuation: VO’s process/product innovation acted as strong barriers for potential entrants; this moat has
helped the company showcase strong financial performance over the last many years. However, given
Valuation Summary (₹ bn) current challenging macro environment we expect the pressure on volumes and earnings to continue in near
Y/E March 2020 2021E 2022E term. At CMP, the stock is trading at FY22 P/E multiple of 27.8x, which in our view largely factors in all the
Revenue 10.3 11.0 12.8 near-term positives. We maintain our UNDER-PERFORMER rating on the stock with a revised Target Price
EBITDA 4.1 4.0 4.5 of ₹ 892.
Adj PAT 3.4 3.2 3.7 Risk: Lower demand due to economic slowdown and a delay in completion of expansion projects might
Adj EPS 32.8 31.5 35.7 affect revenue growth. Higher raw material prices and a delay in the ability to pass on price hikes adequately
% growth 19.7 -4.1 13.4 and adverse forex fluctuations might affect margins.
Results Summary 4QFY20
30.2 31.5 27.8
P/BV 7.9 6.7 5.7 Y/E March (INR bn) 4QFY20 4QFY19 YoY Growth 3QFY20 QoQ Growth
EV/EBIDTA 24.7 24.2 20.8
Revenue 2,453 3,019 -18.7% 2,385 2.9%
EV/Sales 9.9 8.8 7.4
Div Yield (%) 0.7 0.7 0.7 EBIDTA 1,017 1,251 -18.7% 830 22.5%
ROE (%) 28.8 23.0 22.0 93 68 36.5% 93 0.0%

Performance(%) 1M 3M 12M Other Income 162 50 224.0% 154 5.2%

VO 1.9 9.0 4.7 1,079 1,230 -12.3% 889 21.4%

SENSEX 8.0 -5.7 -13.8
Tax 333 405 -17.8% 220 51.2%
1,400 45000
40000 PAT 746 825 -9.6% 668 11.6%
35000 746 825 -9.6% 668 11.6%
1,000 Adjusted PAT
800 EBIDTA Margin 41.5% 41.4% 34.8%
600 20000 Tax Incidence 30.9% 32.9% 24.8%
400 Adj PAT Margin 30.4% 27.3% 28.0%
200 5000
0 0
Kedar Kadam +91-44-40047361 [email protected]





VO Sensex

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BUY: The stock's total return is expected to exceed 15% over the next 12 months.
OUT PERFORMER: The stock's total return is expected to be within 5-15% over the next 12 months.
MARKET PERFORMER: The stock's total return is expected to be between -5% to +5% over the next 12 months.
UNDER PERFORMER: The stock's total return is expected to be between -15% to -5% over the next 12 months.
SELL: The stock's total return is expected to more than -15% over the next 12 months.

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Kedar S Kadam DGM & Head of Research +91-44 - 4004 7361 [email protected]
Mugilan K Technical Analyst +91-44 - 4004 7353 [email protected]
Arjun Prasad Pasumarthi Fundamental Analyst +91-44 - 4004 7363 [email protected]
Ammar Haider Associate +91-44 - 4004 7360 [email protected]
Venkat Chidambaram Head of FII Business & Corporate Finance* +91-44 - 24473310 [email protected]
Kishore K Ganti Mumbai +91-22-26597239 [email protected]
Bhavesh Katariya Mumbai +91-9860297739 [email protected]

Balaji H Compliance Officer 044 - 30007226 [email protected]

*Employees of Business Partner - RCCR

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