ZetaFunctionReferences PDF
ZetaFunctionReferences PDF
ZetaFunctionReferences PDF
Perhaps the simplest and more direct introduction to the Riemann zeta function
is contained in the recent small (and a bit synthetic) book :
Chapters 5–7 (p.21–26) present the theory from the beginning to the functional
equation; chapters 8–11 (p.27–42) contain the rest of the basic theory, ending
with the proof of PNT.
Other classical books, all containing the basic theory of ⇣(s), are:
• E. C. Titchmarsh, The theory of the Riemann zeta-function, The Claren-
don Press, Oxford University Press, New York, second ed., 1986. Edited
and with a preface by D. R. Heath-Brown.
§1. Elementary Statements and Estimates 127
From this, we obtain an upper bound of the form θ(x) ! Cx. This is true
128 4. Analytic Number Theory
) m−1
θ(2 ) =
θ(2 k+1
) − θ(2 ) !
2k log 4 = (2m − 1) log 4.
k=0 k=0
) $ log(2n) %
! log p = log(2n)π(2n).
log p
From this, we have a lower bound of the form π(x) " Cx/ log x. This is
true because if 2n ! x < 2(n + 1), then
n log 2 . / log 2
π(x) " π(2n) " " x −1 · (4.7)
log(2n) 2 log x
Furthermore, we can easily see that
) )
θ(x) = log p ! log x 1 = π(x) log x. (4.8)
p"x p"x
It follows that
θ(x) θ(x)
π(x) ! + π(y) ! + y.
log y log y
By choosing y = x/(log x)2 and by recalling the previous inequality (4.8),
we have
θ(x) θ(x) x
! π(x) ! + · (4.9)
log x log x + 2 log log x (log x)2
To summarize, it is easy to see from inequalities (4.6), (4.7), (4.8) and (4.9)
that (θ(x) ∼ x) is equivalent to (π(x) ∼ x/ log x) and that
C1 x ! θ(x) ! C2 x and C3 x/ log x ! π(x) ! C4 / log x. (4.10)
) √ √
θ(x) ! ψ(x) := log p = θ(x) + θ( x) + θ( 3 x) + . . .
pm "x
log(x) √ √
! θ(x) + θ( x) ! θ(x) + C log x x.
log 2
Finally, if we denote by pn the nth prime number, we have π(pn ) = n by def-
inition. The prime number theorem therefore implies that n ∼ pn / log(pn )
and that pn ∼ n log n. We can check that the latter statement is in fact
equivalent to the prime number theorem.
1.9. Lemma. (Abel’s formula) Let A(x) := n"x an and f be a function
of class C 1 . Then,
) 0 x
an f (n) = A(x)f (x) − A(y)f (y) − A(t)f ′ (t)dt. (4.11)
y<n"x y
1 n+1 1 n+1
Proof. We first point out that n A(t)f ′ (t)dt = A(n) n f ′ (t)dt =
A(n) (f (n + 1) − f (n)). Therefore, setting N = ⌊x⌋ and M = ⌊y⌋ yields
0 N N
) −1 0 n+1 N
) −1
A(t)f (t)dt =
A(t)f (t)dt =
A(n + 1) (f (n) − f (n))
M n=M n n=M
= f (n)(A(n − 1) − A(n)) + f (N )A(N ) − A(M )f (M )
n=M +1
=− f (n)an + f (N )A(N ) − A(M )f (M ).
n=M +1
This proves the formula when x and y are integers. For the general formula,
observe that
0 x
A(t)f ′ (t)dt = A(⌊x⌋) (f (x) − f (⌊x⌋)) = A(x)f (x) − A(⌊x⌋)f (⌊x⌋).#
)N 0 N 0 N
1 =1+ dt − (t − ⌊t⌋) dt2
n 1 t 1 t
$ 0 ∞ % 0 ∞
= log N + 1 − dt
(t − ⌊t⌋) 2 + (t − ⌊t⌋) dt2
1 t N t
. /
= log N + γ + O 1 ,
where γ := 1 − 1 (t − ⌊t⌋) dt2 is Euler’s constant.
2) Take an = 1, so A(t) = ⌊t⌋, y = 1 and f (t) = log t. We therefore have
0 x
log (⌊x⌋!) = ⌊x⌋ log(x) −
1 t
0 x 0 x
⌊t⌋ − t
= x log x − dt + (⌊x⌋ − x) log x − dt
1 1 t
= x log x − x + O(log x).
To get the second, we apply Abel’s formula (Lemma 4-1.9) letting f (t) =
1/ log t and an = log p/p if n = p is prime and an = 0 otherwise. By setting
# log p
A(x) = p"x p , we have that
) 1 )
p = an f (n)
p"x n"x
0 x
A(x) A(t)dt
= +
log x t(log t)2
0 x 0 x
dt + (A(t) − log t)
= 1 + O(1/ log x) + dt
2 t log t 2 t(log t)2
0 ∞
(A(t) − log t)
= log log x − log log 2 + 1 + dt + O(1/ log x).
2 t(log t)2
2. Holomorphic Functions
This section, without proofs, is a summary of some of the fundamental
properties of functions of a complex variable that we will be using. It could
be helpful to use [74] as a reference.
Concerning series, we will use the product rule for calculating the product
of two absolutely convergent series:
4∞ 54 ∞ 5 ∞
4 n 5
) ) ) )
an bn = ak bn−k ,
n=0 n=0 n=0 k=0
The series converges normally at every point in the open disk D(1, 1) =
{z ∈ C | |1 − z| < 1}, and the convergence is uniform (and also normal)
on every closed disk with center 1 and radius r < 1. Therefore, F (z) is
holomorphic on D(1, 1). If z is a real number in the interval ]0, 2[, we can
see that F (z) = log z (ordinary logarithm), and in particular,
exp (F (z)) = z.
The previous formula indicates that the two functions, the identity and
exp ◦F , which are analytic on the disk D(1, 1), coincide on the segment
]0, 2[ and hence on the whole disk. Thus F defines a complex logarithm on
the disk |z − 1| < 1.
dz f (z)
Finally, if F1 and F2 are two logarithms, then F2 (z) = F1 (z) + 2kπi on any
connected set U .
N #
" $
lim 1− 1 = 0.
N →∞ n+1
2.12. Lemma. A product P := n=0 (1 + un ) is absolutely convergent
if and only if the series n=0 |un | is convergent. If P is convergent, it is
zero if and only if one of the factors 1 + un is zero.
is holomorphic on U .
ii ) For every z0 ∈ U , only a finite number of pn (z) := 1 + un (z) are zero
at z0 , and hence
ordz0 P (z) = ordz0 pn (z).
%∞ a
3.1. Proposition. Let F (s) = n=1 ns be a Dirichlet series that we
will assume to be convergent at s0 . Then it converges uniformly on the sets
EC,s0 = {s ∈ C | Re(s − s0 ) ! 0, |s − s0 | " C Re(s − s0 )}.
Proof. For M ! 1, set AM (x) := M <n!x an n−s0 . By the hypothesis,
we then have |AM (x)| " ϵ(M ) where ϵ(M ) tends to zero as M tends to
infinity. Abel’s formula gives
& &
an n−s = an n−s0 n−(s−s0 )
M <n!N M <n!N
' N
= AM (N )N −(s−s0 )
+ (s − s0 ) AM (t)t−(s−s0 +1) dt.
M −(σ−σ0 ) − N −(σ−σ0 )
= ϵ(M ) ·
(σ − σ0 )
By restricting to an angular sector EC,s0 bounded by σ − σ0 = Re(s) −
Re(s0 ) ! 0 and |s − s0 | = C(σ − σ0 ), we obtain
( (
( (
( & (
( −s (
an n ( " ϵ(M )(1 + C),
(M <n!N (
which suffices to show the uniform convergence on this sector (cf. the figure
below). #
σ − σ0
the domain |s − s0 | "
cos θ
3.2. Corollary. Every Dirichlet series F (s) = has an abscissa
ns n=1
of convergence, say σ0 , such that the series converges for Re(s) > σ0 and
§3. Dirichlet Series and the Function ζ(s) 137
diverges for Re(s) < σ0 . Furthermore, the function F defined by the se-
ries is holomorphic in the half-plane of convergence Re(s) > σ0 , and its
derivatives are given by F (k) (s) = n=1 an (− log n)k n−s .
Proof. It suffices to let σ0 = inf{σ ∈ R | the series converges at σ}, then
to observe that every compact set in the (open) half-plane of convergence
is contained in a sector, as above, where the convergence is uniform. #
general case follows from the real case, that the abscissa of convergence is
3.4. Theorem. (Euler Product) If Re(s) > 1, then the following formula
1 "- 1
ζ(s) = = 1− s . (4.15)
ns p
% % %
Proof. Notice that p |p−s | = p p−σ " n n−σ , hence the product is
absolutely convergent. If Re(s) > %∞0, the convergence of geometric series
allows us to write (1 − p−s )−1 = m=0 p−ms . By taking the product over
the prime numbers p1 , . . . , pr which are " T , we obtain
/ ∞ 0
" " &
(1 − p−s )−1 = p−ms
p!T p!T m=0
= (pm
1 · · · pr )
1 mr −s
m1 , . . . , mr ! 1
p1 , . . . , pr " T
= n−s ,
n∈N (T )
138 4. Analytic Number Theory
where we denote by N (T ) the set of integers all of whose prime factors are
" T . Thus whenever Re(s) > 1, we have
( ( ( (
(∞ .−1 ( ( & (
(& 1 "- 1 ( ( 1 ( & (( 1 (( & 1
( ( ( (
( s − 1 − s =
( ( s (" ( s (= σ ·
(n=1 n p ( ( n ( n>T
n n>T
p!T n∈N
/ (T )
The last sum is the tail-end of a real convergent series (when σ := Re(s) >
1) and thus tends to zero, which proves both the convergence of the product
and Euler’s formula. #
3.5. Corollary. The function ζ(s) does not have any zeros in the open
half-plane Re(s) > 1. A holomorphic branch of log ζ(s) for Re(s) > 1 can
be constructed by setting
& & p−ms
log ζ(s) = m · (4.16)
p m"1
Proof. We know 1 − p−s ̸= 0 and that the product is convergent. The first
assertion is therefore obvious. The second formula can be deduced from
Euler’s formula by taking the series expansion of the logarithm (valid for
|x| < 1) and summing:
2 3 xm ·
log (1 − x) −1
= m
We know that |⌊t⌋ − t| " 1. The last integral is hence convergent and
defines a holomorphic function for Re(s) > 0. #
Ĝ ∼
= (Z/n1 Z × · · · × Z/nr Z)
∼ !
= Z/n ! ∼ ∼
1 Z × · · · × Z/nr Z = Z/n1 Z × · · · × Z/nr Z = G. #
148 4. Analytic Number Theory
We will show that the convergence of this integral implies θ(x) ∼ x, and
hence π(x) ∼ x/ log x. To see this, suppose that lim sup θ(x)x−1 > 1, then
n ! 1 + ϵ.
there exists ϵ > 0 and xn tending to infinity such that θ(xn )x−1
For t ∈ [xn , (1 + ϵ/2)xn ], we therefore have
θ(t) − t θ(xn ) − (1 + ϵ/2)xn ϵxn /2 ϵxn
! ! ! ,
t 2
t 2
t 2
2(1 + ϵ/2)2 x2n
and consequently
" (1+ϵ/2)xn
θ(t) − t ϵ2
dt ! ,
xn t2 4(1 + ϵ/2)2
which contradicts the convergence of the integral. We can therefore con-
clude that lim sup θ(x)x−1 " 1. A symmetric argument shows that
lim inf θ(x)x−1 ! 1. It follows that lim θ(x)x−1 = 1.
To prove the theorem, we will use the following result from complex analysis
(due to Newman, see [55, 81]) concerning the Laplace transform.
Let us provisionally admit that this result is true and see how to apply it
§5. The Prime Number Theorem 149
to the function
" +∞
θ(t) − t
F (s) = dt
1 ts+2
" "
θ(eu ) − eu +∞ # u −u $
= e du =
θ(e )e − 1 e−us du.
0 eu(s+2) 0
The function h(u) := θ(eu )e−u − 1 is indeed bounded and piecewise con-
tinuous. If the analytic continuation hypothesis is satisfied, then we know
! +∞ ! +∞ θ(t) − t
that F (0) = 0 (θ(eu )e−u −1)du = 1 dt is indeed convergent.
We could transform the integral which defines F (s) (for Re(s) > 0) as
follows: " +∞
θ(t) − t
F (s) = dt
1 ts+2
%∞ " n+1 " +∞
= θ(t)t −s−2
dt − t−s−1 dt
n=1 n 1
n−s−1 − (n + 1)−s−1
= θ(n) − 1s
= 1 n−s−1 (θ(n) − θ(n − 1)) − 1s
1 %
= p−s−1 log(p) − 1s ·
The second term in the last expression is a convergent series and hence holo-
morphic for Re(s) > 1/2. From this, we can deduce that p log(p)p−s =
ζ ′ (s)
− + a holomorphic function on Re(s) > 1/2 and finally that
ζ ′ (s + 1)
F (s) = − − 1s + a holomorphic function on Re(s) > −1/2.
(s + 1)ζ(s + 1)
The key point in the proof is therefore the following result.
Proof. The first part is analogous to the theorem of convergence for Dirich-
let series (see Exercise 4-6.2). We will therefore prove the second state-
ment. For a (large) real number T , let FT (s) := 0 h(t)e−st dt; these
are functions which are holomorphic for all s ∈ C. We now need to
show that limT →∞ FT (0) exists and equals F (0). To do this, we con-
sider for some large R the contour γ = γ(R, δ) which bounds the region
S := {s ∈ C | Re(z) ! −δ and |s| " R}. Once we have fixed R, we can
choose δ > 0 sufficiently small so that F (s) is analytic on this region.
that limT →∞ GT (0) = 0. To do this, we will use the residue theorem a first
time, noticing that
" ) *
GT (0) = F (0) − FT (0) = 1 (F (s) − FT (s)) e sT
1+ 2s2
ds ·
2πi γ R s
To find an upper bound on this integral, we cut the contour into two pieces:
γ1 , which is the piece of γ which lives in the half-plane Re(s) > 0, and γ2 ,
which lives in the half-plane Re(s) < 0. We then carry out the following
Let s be a number such that |s| = R or s = Reiθ . Then we have
+ ) * +
+ sT
+e 1 + s2
1 ++ = eRe(s)T ++e−iθ + eiθ ++ 1 = eRe(s)T 2 Re(s) ·
+ R2 s+ R R2
We also have the upper bound
+" ∞ + " ∞
+ + + −st + − Re(s)T
|F (s) − FT (s)| = + −st +
h(t)e dt+ " M +e + dt = M e ·
T T Re(s)
This gives us
+ " ) * +
+ 1 s2
ds +
+ (F (s) − F (s)) e sT
1 + +" M ·
+ 2πi T
R 2 s + R
Thus assuming that R is very large, this part of the integral will be ar-
bitrarily small. Now, cut the integral over γ2 into two pieces, I1 and I2 ,
where " ) *
I1 := 1 F (s)e sT s
1+ 2
ds ,
2πi γ2 R s
" ) *
I2 := 1
FT (s)esT 1 + s 2 ds ·
2πi γ2 R
To find an upper bound on I2 , observe first that FT (s) is entire. The
residue theorem (or actually the Cauchy formula in this case) allows us
to then replace the contour γ2 by the arc of a circle of radius R which
lives in the half-plane Re(s) < 0 and, by using the same upper bounds, to
conclude that |I2 | " M/R. To find an upper bound of I1 , simply notice
) *
that the function F (s)e sT
1+ 2 s2
1 converges to 0 when T tends to
R s
+∞ and converges uniformly on every compact set contained in Re(s) < 0.
" ) *
lim 1 F (s)e sT s
1+ 2
ds = 0.
T →∞ 2πi γ2 R s
§5. The Prime Number Theorem 153
Γ(s) = 1 Γ(s + n + 1)
s(s + 1) · · · (s + n)
makes it clear where the poles are. #
We can also prove that for all s, Γ(s) ̸= 0 (see Exercise 4-6.19).
and assume that the function n∈Z f (x + n) is of bounded variation on
[0, 1] and continuous. Then the following formula holds:
% %
f (n) = fˆ(m). (4.24)
n∈Z m∈Z
Proof. We introduce the function G(x) := n∈Z f (x + n) (the hypotheses
guarantee the existence and continuity of such a function), which is clearly
a periodic function. Dirichlet’s theorem on Fourier series allows us to write
its Fourier expansion as
G(x) = Ĝ(m) exp(2πimx),
This gives
% %
f (x + n) = fˆ(m) exp(−2πimx).
n∈Z m∈Z
& ' (
5.9. Corollary. The function2 θ(u) := n∈Z exp −πun2 satisfies the
functional equation for all u ∈ R∗+ given by:
θ(1/u) = u θ(u). (4.25)
Proof. (of Theorem 4 -5.6) We start with the following computation (where
2 Wehope that the context will allow the reader to distinguish this function from the
Tchebychev function θ(x) = p"x log p.
§5. The Prime Number Theorem 155
% ' ( θ(u) − 1
θ̃(u) := exp −πun2 = ·
Let us point out that θ̃(u) = O(exp(−πu)) when u tends to infinity and
that the functional equation of the function θ can be translated into
2 3 √
θ̃ u 1 = u θ̃(u) + 1 '√u − 1( . (4.26)
By using the simple computation 1 t−s = 1/(s − 1) and the functional
equation of the theta function (4.25), we obtain
" 1 s/2
" ∞ s/2
ξ(s) = θ̃(u) uu du + θ̃(u) u u du
0 1
" ∞ −s/2
" ∞
= θ̃(1/u) u du + θ̃(u) us/2 du
u 1
" ∞4 " ∞
√ 1 '√ (5 u−s/2 du us/2 du
= uθ̃(u) + u−1 + θ̃(u)
1 2 u 1
" ∞ 6 s 1−s 7
= θ̃(u) u + u 2
2 du + 1 − 1 ·
u s−1 s
We have a priori obtained the desired expression only for Re(s) > 1,
but we can easily see that the integral defines an entire function since
θ̃(u) = O(exp(−πu)) and since it is symmetric under the transformation
s '→ 1 − s. #
seulement si son terme général tend vers 0), nous avons consacré un chapitre à
leur construction (la construction du corps Cp est un peu plus longue que celle
de C, mais pas beaucoup) et un chapitre à l’analyse sur Zp . Le dernier chapitre
est, quant à lui, consacré à la construction de la fonction zêta p-adique. Le
second chapitre contient beaucoup plus de choses que ce qui est nécessaire pour
cette construction (les mesures suffiraient, mais les distributions deviennent
indispensables pour construire des fonction L p-adiques plus générales, par
exemple celles attachées aux formes modulaires). Pour d’autres points de vue
sur les nombres p-adiques, le lecteur pourra consulter les livres p-adic numbers,
p-adic analysis, and zeta-functions et p-adic analysis : a short course on recent
work de Koblitz ou An introduction to G-functions de Dwork, Gerotto et
Sullivan. L’énoncé précis du théorème de Mazur et Wiles n’est pas donné dans
le texte, pas plus que l’application au théorème de Kummer et nous renvoyons
le lecteur intéressé aux livres Introduction to cyclotomic fields de Washington
ou Cyclotomic fields I and II de Lang (pour le théorème de Kummer, on peut
aussi lire la démonstration dans l’ouvrage de Borevich et Chafarevitch déjà
1 !
Démonstration. Il suffit d’écrire t sous la forme +∞
n=1 e
−nt et d’utiliser
# +∞ e − 1
dt Γ(s)
la formule e−nt ts = s .
0 t n
Théorème I.1.3
(i) La fonction ζ a un prolongement méromorphe à C tout entier, holo-
morphe en dehors d’un pôle simple en s = 1 de résidu 1.
(ii) Si n ∈ Q, alors ζ(−n) = (−1)n ; en particulier, ζ(−n) ∈ Q.
Démonstration. On a ζ(s) = s−1 L(f0 , s − 1) comme on le constate en utilisant
la formule Γ(s) = (s − 1)Γ(s − 1) ; on en déduit le résultat.
1 $% 1 1 &
+ + = πcotg πz.
z z+n z−n
1 $% 1 1 & 1 $ 2z
+∞ +∞
F(z) = + + = + .
z z+n z−n z z 2 − n2
n=1 n=1
Comme la fonction πcotg πz est bornée sur |Im(z)| ! 1, il existe c > 0 tel
que |G(z)| " c si z = x + iy et −1/2 " x " 1/2, y ! 1. De plus, G étant
holomorphe, il existe c′ > 0 tel que |G(z)| " c′ si z = x + iy et −1/2 " x "
1/2, 0 " y " 1 et G étant impaire et périodique de période 1, on a alors
|G(z)| " sup(c, c′ ) quel que soit z ∈ C. La fonction G est donc bornée sur C
tout entier, donc constante et nulle car impaire. Ceci permet de conclure.
et d’autre part,
e2iπz + 1 2iπ 1$ (2iπz)n
πcotg πz = iπ 2iπz = iπ + 2iπz = iπ + Bn .
e −1 e −1 z n!
1 (2iπ)2k
ζ(2k) = − B2k .
2 (2k)!
Cette formule étant valable quel que soit ϕ, la formule d’inversion de Fourier
ϕ(0) = ϕ(0) nous permet de d’obtenir l’égalité
cn = ζ(n)cn−1
On a alors
1 +∞ dt
ξ(s) = (θ(t) − 1)ts/2
2 0 t
" "
1 1 −1/2 −1 dt 1 +∞ dt
= (t θ(t ) − 1)ts/2 + (θ(t) − 1)ts/2
2 0 t 2 1 t
et on peut changer t en t−1 dans la première intégrale pour obtenir
1 1 1 +∞ dt
ξ(s) = − + + (θ(t) − 1)(ts/2 + t(1−s)/2 ) .
s s−1 2 1 t
On en déduit le résultat car θ(t) − 1 est à décroissance rapide à l’infini, ce qui
implique que l’intégrale est une fonction holomorphe de s sur C tout entier,
et le membre de droite est évidemment invariant par s #→ 1 − s.