Which of The Following Research Methods Has Its Roots in The Philosophy?

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Correct answer of question 1

Which of the following research methods has its roots in the philosophy?


Grounded theory


Action research

Correct answer of question 2

Which of the following approaches is also known as the bottom up approach?





Correct answer of question 3

Which of the following terms is used for a methodology that combines qualitative and
quantitative approaches into one research?



Mix method research

Multi method research

Additional Information

The term Triangulation is used for a study that uses mutiple appraoches to a research
question in an attempt to double check the results obtained by one method.

Correct answer of question 4

What type of questions are included in a structured interview schedule?

Non-modifiable closed ended questions

A mix of closed and open ended questions

Open ended questions

Multiple choice questions

Additional Information

A structured interview schedule includes closed ended questions, which can not be modified
and has no scope for eliciting information other than the one in the set questions. This type of
interview schedule helps in collecting quick information from the respondents.

Correct answer of question 5

Which of the following type of qualitative researches focuses on the cultures of groups?


Grounded theory


Case study

Additional Information

This type of qualitative research is aimed at learning and understanding cultural phenomena
which reflect the knowledge and system of meanings guiding the life of a cultural group.
Thus, this is the right option.

Correct answer of question 6

Which type of validity is affected when there are inappropriate statistical procedures and/or
variables that are not connected with independent variable?

Internal validity

Construct validity

External validity

Ecological validity

Additional Information

As the internal validity depends on degree of accuracy in statistical procedures or connection

of variables with independent variables, so the change in each of these aspects can result into
lack of internal validity.

Correct answer of question 7

What type of sampling should a researcher use when he requires a sample that is highly
representative of the issues involved in the research or which are likely to have expertise in
the required matter of research?

Quota sampling

Purposive sampling

Simple random sampling

Snowball sampling

Additional Information

Purposive sampling is the one in which the researcher chooses the sample on the basis of
subject being appropriate for the study. This is used primarily when there is a limited number
of people who have expertise in the area being researched. Thus, this is the most appropriate

Correct answer of question 8

Incorrect acceptance of a true null hypothesis leads to which type of research error?


Type 1

Type 2

Type 3

Additional Information

Type 2 error is opposite of the type 1 error in the sense that, it occurs when the researcher
does not reject the null hypothesis, when it should have been rejected or when the researcher
accepts a false null hypothesis. It may be considered as a false negative result. Thus, this is
the correct answer

Correct answer of question 10

Which of the following measures are used for descriptive analysis of data?

Mean, Chi-square test and t-test

Mean, median and mode

Median, ANOVA and chi-square test

ANOVA, Chi-square test and t-tes

Correct answer of question 11

In which qualitative research approach the primary goal is to gain access to individuals' inner
world of experience?



Grounded theory

Case studies

Additional Information

This is the correct option because it focuses on the individuals' interpretation of their
experiences and the ways in which they express themselves.

Correct answer of question 12

A sample of children is tested on certain type of problems, when children are 4, 6 and 8 years
old. Which of the following designs will be used for the study?

Longitudinal design

Action research


True experiment design

Additional Information

It is longitudinal design because it examines the phenomenon at more than one point in time
i.e. at the age of 4 years, 6 years and 8 years.

Correct answer of question 13

Which type of sampling is used when a researcher selects the sample by a chain referral from
the key samples that have his/her own experience with the required matter of the research?




Additional Information

Snowball sampling is a non-probability sampling technique where existing study subjects

recruit future subjects from among their acquaintances. Thus, the sample group appears to
grow like a rolling snowball. This is also called chain referral sampling

Correct answer of question 14

Which of the following tests cannot be used to test the reliability of a research tool?


Duplication test



Additional Information

There is no such test used for testing the reliability of a research tool.

Correct answer of question 15

Statistical hypothesis is also known as

null hypothesis

research hypothesis

directional hypothesis

scientific hypothesis

Additional Information

Null hypothesis is another name for statistical hypothesis which implies that there is no
relationship between the two variables under study.

orrect answer of question 16

What are the other names for dependent and independent variables?

Externous and control variables

Continuous and descrete variables

Causal and explanatory variables

Cause and effect variables

Additional Information

Independent variable is also known as the cause or causal variable and dependent variable is
also known as effect variable.

Correct answer of question 17

in a study entitled effect of salt restricted diet on the blood pressure of hypertensive males,
the dependent variable is

salt restricted diet

blood pressure

hypertensive males


Additional Information

Since blood pressure is dependent on salt restricted diet in this study, this will be considered
as the dependent variable. Thus, this is the correct option.

Correct answer of question 18

Which of the following is a primary research report?

Meta analysis

Phenomenological report


Systematic review

Additional Information

Phenomenology is qualitative research approach used for understanding the experiences of

people who have experienced a particular phenomenon. Thus, this is a primary research

Correct answer of question 19

What is the correct order of the research steps listed below?

Specify research purpose, identification of research problem, review of

literature, hypothesis, methodology, data collection, data analysis and
research communication

Specify research purpose, hypothesis, identification of research problem,

review of literature, methodology, data collection, data analysis and research

Identification of research problem, review of literature, specify research

purpose, hypothesis, methodology, data collection, research
communication and data analysis

Identification of research problem, review of literature, specify research

purpose, hypothesis, methodology, data collection, data analysis and research

Additional Information

Research process should progress in a systematic way so that appropriate solution to the
raised query can be generated. Steps listed in this option are the most appropriately arranged
in the order in which they should be conducted.

Correct answer of question 20

Which type of research design is considered when more than one independent variable is

Qualitative design

multivariate design

Factorial design

Experimental design

Additional Information

A factorial design is a special type of design in which the effect of more than one indipendent
variable is observed on a single dependent variable.
Correct answer of question 22

Which of the following terms is used in relation to randomised control trials, to describe
allocation of treatment in such away that the treatment which will be allocated to a specific
subject is unclear before he/she is entered into the study?


Allocation concealment

Random sampling

Covariate-adaptive randomisation

Additional Information

This term is used in randomised controll trials to mean that decision regarding allocation of a
research participant is unknown before he is entered into the study. This strategy is used to
avoid bias in the research study.

orrect answer of question 23

What does CAQDAS stands for in relation to research analysis

Computer Assisted Qualitative Data Analysis Software

Computer Assisted Quantitative Data Analysis Software

Company Authorized Quantitative Data Analysis Software

Company Authorized Qualitative Data Analysis Software

Correct answer of question 24

While doing statistical analysis, what does p < 0.05 mean?

p < 0.05 implies that there are less than 5% chances of making a type 1 error

p < 0.05 indicates the power of sample in predicting the population characterestics.

p < 0.05 indicates that the null hypothsis is true

p < 0.05 implies that there are less than 5% chances of making a type 2 error

Additional Information

p value indicates the chances of rejecting a null hypothsis when it should have been accepted.
Thus, a 'p'  value less than 0.05 indicates that there are less than 5% chances of making type 1
orrect answer of question 25

Which term is used to explain the marking of data with symbols, words, indicators or


Data analysis



Additional Information

Coding is the process of giving symbols as codes to the data for the purpose of analysis.

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