Carp Section 1: AGRARIAN LAW - All Laws That Govern and Regulate Rights and Relationship
Carp Section 1: AGRARIAN LAW - All Laws That Govern and Regulate Rights and Relationship
Carp Section 1: AGRARIAN LAW - All Laws That Govern and Regulate Rights and Relationship
CARP NATALIA REALTY DEV V. DAR (townsite reservation not agricultural land)
SECTION Landowner: Natalia Realty Inc.
1: PD 1637 - Proclaimed 20,312 hectares of land as town site reservation, part
AGRARIAN LAW – all laws that govern and regulate rights and relationship of which was the land of Natalia
between tenants, agricultural workers, lessees or landowners (tall), over agricultural o Antipolo, Montalban, San Mateo
lands o Reason: population overspill in the metropolis
Private landowners were allowed to develop properties into low cost housing
MEANING OF AGRARIAN REFORM 1 subdivisions with reservation
Physical redistribution of lands and the totality of factors and support services Natalia was allowed by HLURB to develop land into a subdivision
designed to lift the economic status of beneficiaries and all other arrangements CARL then took effect 9 years later (June 15 1988)
alternative to the physical redistribution of the lands, such as Natalia sought to cancel DAR’s Notice of Coverage on undeveloped
o production or profit sharing, portions of the subdivision
o labor administration, and o Natalia claimed that the land was no longer covered by CARL because
o distribution of shares of stock, the PD converted the land to a town site reservation and was therefor no
Allows them to receive a just share of the fruits of the lands they work longer agricultural land
Regardless of crop or fruits produced to farmers and regular farmers who are HELD: Undeveloped portions of Natalia properties are NOT covered by the
landless and irrespective of tenurial arrangement CARL because they are NOT agricultural land. Agricultural land does NOT
include commercial, industrial or residential land.
agrarian CONSTITUTIONALITY OF CARP – valid exercise of police power
reform to land distribution is not feasible because there is not enough agricultural
land to be distributed to every farmer or regular farm workers SECTION2
Breakup agricultural lands to transform them into economic size farms to be
Devoted to agricultural activities owned by farmers themselves, to uplift their economic status.
Arable and suitable for farming Founded on the right of landless farmers and landless regular farm workers to
directly or collectively own the lands they till or in case of farm workers, to
CARL DOES NOT APPLY TO: (CRIM-F) receive a just share in fruits thereof.
1. Commercial Land Does not guarantee improvement in lives of the agrarian reform beneficiaries,
2. Residential Land but it merely provides for possibility of favorable chance of uplifting economic
3. Industrial Land status of the agrarian reform beneficiaries
4. Mineral Land
5. Forest Land MEANING OF ECONOMIC FAMILY SIZE FARM - area of farm land that permits
efficient use of labor and capital resources of the farm family and will produce a
sufficient income to provide for (MIR)
Section 3
General Rule Basis for just compensation is the value of property
at time it was taken from owner and appropriated to the government possession
o if government takes possession of land before institution of not the time of filing of the complaint
expropriation proceedings, value shall be fixed as of time of taking of o Time of taking
stage when title is transferred to government or beneficiaries ROLE OF DARAB
AND DARAB or Provincial Agrarian Reform Adjudicators PARAD can conduct
o the time when agricultural land voluntarily offered by landowner was summary administrative proceeding for preliminary determination of just
approved by PARC for agrarian reform coverage through stock compensation in order to determine whether land valuation computations of
distribution scheme Land Bank are in accordance with rules or administrative orders.
However, if there is undue delay in payment value of property should be Preliminary proceedings of land valuation for purpose of determination of just
determined at time of full payment of just compensation compensation for acquisition shall be conducted by
o Lubrica v. Land Bank o PARAD – initial land valuation of Land Bank is less than 10M
Lubrica was deprived of property in 1972 but as of 2006, o Regional Agrarian Reform Adjudicators – initial land valuation of Land
Lubrica was still not justly compensated Bank is 50M
inequitable to determine just compensation based on time of o DARAB – initial land valuation of Land Bank is above 50M
taking considering the failure to determine just compensation On event of non availability, inhibition, or disqualification of designated
for a considerable length of time PARAD RARAD concerned may conduct preliminary proceedings of land
just compensation should be full and fail equivalent of the valuation notwithstanding that jurisdictional amount is less than 10M
property taken from its owner by the expropriator, the On account of non-availability, inhibition or disqualification of the RARAD
equivalent being real, substantial, full and ample. concerned, DARAB may conduct the preliminary proceedings of land valuation
or designate the same to an Adjusticator form among the PARADs in the region.
Land Bank determines value of lands VALUATION SET BY DAR NOT CONCLUSIVE
DAR makes an offer to landowner based on the Land Bank determination Valuation set by Land Bank is not conclusive Landowner can contest in
If landowner rejects proper court, the RTC designated as Special Agrarian Court
o DAR conducts summary administrative proceedings to determine Sec 6 Rule 19 of 2006 DARAB Rules of Procedure. Filing of Original Action
compensation for land by requiring landowner, Land Bank and other with the Special Agrarian Court for Final Determination.
interested parties to submit evidence for just compensation o The party who disagrees with the decision of the Board/Adjudicator
Party who disagrees with decision of adjudicator may bring the matter to RTC may contest the same by filing an original action with the Special
designated as Special Agrarian Court for final determination of just Agrarian Court (SAC) having jurisdiction over the subject property
compensation within fifteen (15) days from his receipt of the Board/Adjudicator’s
o Immediately upon filing with the SAC, the party shall file a Notice of
Filing of Original Action with the Board/Adjudicator, together with a
certified true copy of the petition filed with the SAC.
o Failure to file a Notice of Filing of Original Action or to
submit a certified true copy of the petition shall render the decision of
o Upon receipt of the Notice of Filing of Original Action or certified true COMPENSATION OF LAND OWNER
copy of the petition filed with the SAC, no writ of execution shall be Under Sec 18 of CARL, the only parties in valuation of land
issued by the Board/Adjudicator. o land owner
COURTS CANNOT DISREGARD FORMULA - Factors for determination of just o Land Bank
compensation, which the DAR converted into a formula are mandatory and not mere law does not mention participation of farmer beneficiary
guidelines which the RTC may disregard Land Bank cannot refuse to pay valuation set by PARAD simply because consent
of farmer beneficiary was not obtained in fixing just compensation Shares of stock in government-owned or controlled corporations, LBP preferred
shares, physical assets or other qualified investments in accordance with guidelines
Section 18. Valuation and Mode of Compensation. — The LBP shall compensate set by the PARC;
the landowner in such amounts as may be agreed upon by the landowner and the Tax credits which can be used against any tax liability;
DAR and the LBP, in accordance with the criteria provided for in Sections 16 and LBP bonds, which shall have the following features:
17, and other pertinent provisions hereof, or as may be finally determined by the o Market interest rates aligned with 91-day treasury bill rates. Ten
court, as the just compensation for the land. percent (10%) of the face value of the bonds shall mature every year
The compensation shall be paid on one of the following modes, at the option of the from the date of issuance until the tenth (10th) year: provided, that
landowner: should the landowner choose to forego the cash portion, whether in full
Cash payment, under the following terms and conditions; or in part, he shall be paid correspondingly in LBP bonds;
(a) For lands above fifty (50) hectares, insofar — Twenty-five percent (25%) cash, o the binalanscmeatllo-abned
Transferability and negotiability. Such LBP bonds may be used by the
as the excess hectarage is paid in government financial instrumpenrotvs
landowner, ince or regi in interest or his assigns, up to the amount of
his successors
concerned. negotiable at any time. their faceare paid;for any of the following:
(b) For lands above twenty-four (24) hectares — Acquisition of land or other real properties of the government,
Thirty percent (30%) cash, the balancPeaytombeentpfaoirdvar
and up to fifty (50) hectares. including assets
in government financial instruments nperogvoitdiaebdl,e under the Asset Privatization Program and
any time. other assets foreclosed
purposes will be by government financial institutions in
(c) For lands twenty-four (24) hectares and below. — the same province
Thirty-five percent (35%) cash, the batlhaenceotuotsbteandin or region where the lands for which the
bonds werepro
paid in government financial instrumiennstrsuments: paid are situated;
negotiable at any time. Acquisition
determine theofp shares of stock of government-owned or
-controlled corporations or shares of stocks owned by the
government in private corporations;
Substitution for surety or bail bonds for the provisional release
of accused persons, or performance bonds;
Security for loans with any government financial institution,
provided the proceeds of the loans shall be invested in an
economic enterprise, preferably medium-scale industry, in the
on as the land for which the bonds
Section 19. Incentives for Voluntary Offers for Sales. — Landowners, other than
banks and other financial institutions, who voluntarily offer their lands for sale shall
be entitled to an additional five percent (5%) cash payment.
Written offer
Title or proof of ownership if untitled subjected to compulsory acquisition
Tax declaration Section 20. Voluntary Land Transfer. — Landowners of agricultural lands subject to
Approved survey plan acquisition under this Act may enter into a voluntary arrangement for direct transfer of
their lands to qualified beneficiaries subject to the following guidelines:
FAILURE TO SUBMIT DOCUMENTARY REQUIREMENTS – land will be All notices for voluntary land transfer must be submitted to the DAR within the
first year of the implementation of the CARP. Negotiations between the farmer-beneficiary within thirty (30) days from the date of registration.
landowners and qualified beneficiaries covering any voluntary land transfer In the event they cannot agree on the price of land, the procedure for compulsory
which remain unresolved after one (1) year shall not be recognized and such acquisition as provided in Section 16 shall apply. The LBP shall extend
land shall instead be acquired by the government and transferred pursuant to this financing to the beneficiaries for purposes of acquiring the land.
The terms and conditions of such transfer shall not be less favorable to the compulsory acquisition, farmer beneficiary pays agreed price of land directly to
transferee than those of the government's standing offer to purchase from the owner
landowner and to resell to the beneficiaries, if such offers have been made and
are fully known to both parties. CHAPTER VII Land Redistribution
The voluntary agreement shall include sanctions for non- compliance by either Section 22. Qualified Beneficiaries.
party and shall be duly recorded and its implementation monitored by the DAR. The lands covered by the CARP shall be distributed as much as possible to
VOLUNTARY LAND TRANSFER NO LONGER ALLOWED landless residents of the same barangay, or in the absence thereof, landless
Sec 7 of CARL as amended by RA 9700 allowed voluntary land transfer up to residents of the same municipality in the following order of priority:
June 30 2009 only o agricultural lessees and share tenants;
After June 30 2009, the modes of acquisition are limited only to o regular farmworkers;
o voluntary offer to sell and o seasonal farmworkers;
o compulsory acquisition o other farmworkers;
o actual tillers or occupants of public lands;
Section 21. Payment of Compensation by Beneficiaries Under Voluntary Land o collectives or cooperatives of the above beneficiaries; and
Transfer. o others directly working on the land.
Direct payments in cash or in kind may be by the farmer- beneficiary to the Provided, however, that the children of landowners who are qualified under
landowner under terms to be mutually agreed upon by both parties, which shall Section 6 of this Act shall be given preference in the distribution of the land of
be binding upon them, upon registration with the approval by the DAR. Said their parents: and provided, further, that actual tenant-tillers in the landholdings
approval shall be considered given, unless notice of disapproval is received by shall not be ejected or removed therefrom.
the Beneficiaries under Presidential Decree No. 27 who have culpably sold,
disposed of, or abandoned their land are disqualified to become beneficiaries
under this Program.
A basic qualification of a beneficiary shall be his willingness, aptitude, and
ability to cultivate and make the land as productive as possible. The DAR shall
adopt a system of monitoring the record or performance of each beneficiary, so
that any beneficiary guilty of negligence or misuse of the land or any support
extended to him shall forfeit his right to continue as such beneficiary. The DAR
shall submit periodic reports on the performance of the beneficiaries to the
If, due to the landowner's retention rights or to the number of tenants, lessees, or lands from the public domain.
workers on the land, there is not enough land to accommodate any or some of WHO ARE ELIGIBLE TO BECOME AGRARIAN REFORM BENEFICIARIES –
them, they may be granted ownership of other lands available for distribution Must be a landless resident of the same barangay, or same municipality
under this Act, at the option of the beneficiaries.
Farmers already in place and those not accommodated in the distribution of LANDLESS RESIDENT – Farmer or tiller who owns less than 3 hectares of land
privately-owned lands will be given preferential rights in the distribution of agricultural lessees and share tenants
regular farmworkers 15 1988 are not qualified to become agrarian reform beneficiaries
seasonal farm workers however, farm workers promoted to managerial or supervisory position after
other farm workers they were identified, screened and selected will remain to be qualified
actual tillers or occupants of public lands beneficiaries
collectives or cooperatives of above beneficiaries
others directly working on the land WHO ARE DISQUALIFIED TO BECOME AGRARIAN REFORM
BENEFICIARIES- The following tenants, lessees or farm workers
QUALIFICATIONS OF AN AGRARIAN REFORM BENEFICIARY – Farmer Those who do not meet the basic qualifications
(whether tenant, lessee or worker) must be Those who have waived their right to become an agrarian reform beneficiary in
Filipino citizen exchange for compensation, provided that waiver has not been questioned in
Resident of barangay or municipality where landholding is located proper government entity
At least 15 years old at time of identification, screening and selection Those who have not paid an aggregate of 3 annual amortizations
Willing, able and equipped with aptitude to cultivate and make land productive Those who have failed to exercise right of redemption/repurchase within 2 years
resulting in foreclosure of mortgage by Land Bank of the Philippines of a
FARMS PLANTATIONS - if they were already employed as of June 15, 1988 in the Those who refused to pay 3 annual amortizations for land acquired through
landholding covered by the comprehensive agrarian reform law voluntary land transfer or direct payment scheme, resulting in repossession by
MANAGERIAL FARM WORKERS NOT QUALIFIED TO BECOME Those who have been dismissed for cause
BENEFICIARIES Those who have obtained substantially equivalent employment
farm workers holding managerial or supervisory positions as of June o i.e., any employment or profession form which applicant farmer derives
income equivalent to income of a regular farm worker at time of
identification, screening, and selection of beneficiary
those who have retired or voluntarily resigned from employment
those who have misused the land or diverted the financial support services
extended by the government
those who have misrepresented material facts in basic
those who have sold, disposed, or abandoned the lands awarded to them by the
those who have converted agricultural lands to non agricultural use without prior
approval from DAR
those who have been finally adjudged guilty of forcible entry or unlawful
detainer over the property
those who have violated agrarian reform laws and regulations
Compulsory acquisition does not mean automatic transfer of ownership of land Abandonment of land
title and ownership over land can be transferred to beneficiaries only upon full Neglect or misuse of land
payment of just compensation to land owner. Failure to pay 3 annual amortizations
Misuse or diversion of financial and support services
WHEN DOES DAR ISSUE CERTIFICATE OF LAND OWNERSHIP AWARD Sale, transfer or conveyance of right to use the land
DAR will issue CLOA only upon full payment of amortization by farmer Illegal conversion of land
CLOA becomes basis for issuance in his name of original or transfer certificate RIGHTS AND OBLIGTIONS OF BENEFICIARIES COMMENCE from receipt
of title of duly registered CLOA and actual physical possession of awarded land
pending CLOA issuance, the identified and qualified agrarian reform
CLOA IS INDEFEASIBLE beneficiaries have usufructuary rights over awarded land which DAR has taken
Titles brought under operation of Torrens system possession
same indefeasibility and security
CLOAs and other titles issued under agrarian reform program become OBLIGATIONS OF AGRARIAN REFORM BENEFICIARIES
indefeasible and imprescriptible after 1 year from registration with Office of Exercise due diligence in the use, cultivation and maintenance of land, including
Registry of Deeds improvements thereon
Pay land bank 30 annual amortizations with 6% interest per anum
o amortization will start 1 year from date of registration of CLOA
o however if actual occupancy of land takes place after CLOA
registration, 1 year period shall be reckoned from constructive
maximum amortization is 5% of annual gross production as
established by DAR
After 5th year, interest rate and/or principal obligation may be reduced by
Land Bank to make repayment affordable
o if due to failure of production, scheduled annual payments exceed 10%
of annual gross production
o failure to produce is not due to beneficiaries fault