Integrated Zonal-Exchange and Nodal-Flow Clearing Model in Multi-Zonal Spot Electricity Markets
Integrated Zonal-Exchange and Nodal-Flow Clearing Model in Multi-Zonal Spot Electricity Markets
Integrated Zonal-Exchange and Nodal-Flow Clearing Model in Multi-Zonal Spot Electricity Markets
Abstract— This paper presents a model for the solution of the C. Main Variables
flow-based model in multi-zonal European spot markets with
ࢄ࢙ Supply volume in node ݊, in MWh
zonal-based exchanges. The model involves a straightforward
ࢄࢊ Demand volume in node ݊, in MWh
approach for solving inter-zonal exchanges and nodal injections ࡱࢄࢋ Volume of exchange e, in MWh
that retain branch physical flow limits, notably mixing branch ࡾ࢙, ࡾࢊ Complement variable of supply and demand maximum
physical flows and inter-zonal exchanges in a single multi-clearing volume constraints in node ݊, respectively, in €/MWh
model. Its goal is to attain optimal supply, demand and market ࢛
ࡾࢌ , ࡾࢌ
Complement variables of line l upper and lower flow limit
exchanges, endogenously bounded by grid physical constraints, constraints, respectively, in €/MW
e.g. branch physical limits. The model attains simultaneously (a) ࡾࢋ࢞ࢋ , ࡾࢋ࢞
ࢋ Complement variables of exchange e upper and lower limit
intuitive exchanges between interconnected bidding zones, (b) constraints, respectively, in €/MWh.
accurate computation of flows at the critical intra-zonal and II. INTRODUCTION
inter-zonal branches, and (c) correct pricing at bidding zone level.
The model is compared in terms of social welfare and cleared According to the Commission Regulation 2015/1222
exchange volumes with the “intuitive patch” currently applied by establishing a guideline on capacity allocation and congestion
Euphemia solver followed by a “tuning” model for the simulation management (CACM Regulation) [1], there are two congestion
of redispatching to avoid congestion in physical branches. The management models, (a) the “Coordinated Net Transmission
comparison proves the model’s superiority in attaining overall Capacity” (CNTC) approach, and (b) the “flow-based” (FB)
optimal intuitive solutions avoiding redispatching costs caused by approach. The origins and computational framework of these
intrinsic inefficiencies in its design. models for managing congestion are different, although
stemming from the same concept (namely, security of supply
Index Terms— flow-based model, intuitive exchanges, mixed considering N-1 criterion constraints), leading to different
complementarity problem, complementarity conditions, nodal exploitation of the system inter-zonal and intra-zonal branches.
network configuration, zonal exchanges According to studies performed in several European regions
[2]-[3], the flow-based approach exhibits significant advantages
I. NOMENCLATURE in that (a) it maximizes the use of the transmission grid, offering
A. Indices and Sets enhanced trading opportunities with at least the same level of
Index of system nodes security of supply and thus (b) it maximizes the social welfare.
ሺࢠሻ Index of system nodes within bidding zone ݖ
Nevertheless, the application of flow-based market
ࢠ Index of bidding zones
ࢋ Index of exchanges between interconnected bidding zones coupling induces a significant “flaw” in the clearing of the
ࢋሺࢠǡ ࢠԢሻ Exchange from bidding zone ݖto bidding zone ݖԢ commercial exchanges, namely the well-known “non-intuitive
Index of transmission lines (branches) exchanges” identified in several Central Western European
ሺǡ Ԣሻ Transmission line connecting nodes n and n’ (CWE) region studies [4]-[6]. Even though non-intuitive
B. Parameters exchanges relieve efficiently critical branch saturations leading
ࡽ࢙ , ࡼ࢙ Supply offer volume and price in node n, in MWh and to the maximum social welfare, such results are deemed
€/MWh, respectively undesirable for market designers and participants [7] since they
ࡽࢊ , ࡼࢊ Demand bid volume and price in node n, in MWh and €/MWh, are perceived as anti-competitive behavior. To surpass such
respectively flaw, a heuristic iterative algorithm has been developed in
ࡲࡸ , ࡲࡸ
Remaining Available Margin (RAM), namely upper (positive CWE, called “intuitive patch” [4]. This process provides no
value) and lower (negative value) remaining physical flow
limits of line ݈, in MW, respectively
guarantees on the quality of the result, since it does not
ࢆࡵࡹࢋǡࢠ Exchange/zone incident matrix, denoting a positive (=1) / necessarily converge to the optimum, and it does not give an
negative (= -1) exchange ݁ transacted from / to bidding zone estimate of the error made [1], [4].
ݖ, respectively
ࡼࢀࡰࡲǡ Power Transfer Distribution Factor of flow in branch ݈ with The above “flaw” has been resolved by the authors in [8],
respect to a nodal injection in node n by providing a proper formulation of complementarity
ࢀࢋ ǡ upper and lower zonal exchange limits (Available Transfer conditions, that integrate the intuitive exchange and flow-based
Capacities) for exchange ݁, in MW, respectively solution. Nevertheless, the presented model in [8] exhibits a
ࡳࡿࡷࢠǡ Generation Shift Key of node n with respect to bidding zone nodal configuration in both the physical layer (congestion
management in the network branches) and in the commercial
layer (commercial exchanges). Namely, the approach in [8]
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considers commercial exchanges in single physical lines, which B. Generalized LP formulation of SEB model:
is not the standard practice in European markets, where The SEB generalized model is formulated by (1)-(3) and the
commercial exchanges are regarded at inter-zonal level following equations:
(between interconnected bidding zones).
a) Inter-zonal exchange upper and lower limits:
In this paper a solution that achieves a remedy to the ௨ ௨
aforementioned drawbacks/problems is presented. In this ܺܧ ܥܶܣ ݔܴ݁ Ͳǡ ݁ (8)
respect, this paper presents a straightforward approach for ܺܧ ܥܶܣ ݔܴ݁ Ͳǡ ݁ (9)
solving inter-zonal exchanges and nodal injections that retain b) Zonal power balance:
physical flow limits, notably mixing flows and exchanges in a
single multi-clearing model. The model attains simultaneously ܼܫ௭ െ σ൫ܼܯܫǡ௭ ή ܺܧ ൯ ൌ Ͳ ܲܯ ௭ ǡ ݖ (10)
(a) intuitive exchanges between interconnected bidding zones,
and (b) accurate computation of flows at the critical intra-zonal where zonal injection ܼܫ௭ is defined as
and inter-zonal branches, that may reach their physical limits. ܼܫ௭ ൌ σሺ௭ሻሺܺݏ െ ܺ݀ ሻ ൌ σሺ௭ሻሺܰܫ ሻ (11)
The model exhibits a “hybrid” network configuration: (a) a
nodal-based network for the congestion management, defining IV. CURRENT APPROACHES IN SOLVING NODAL-BASED
a “physical layer” and (b) a zonal configuration for the FLOW AND ZONAL-EXCHANGES MODEL
commercial exchanges between the market zones, defining a A simplified combination of SFB and SEB model has been
“commercial layer”. This hybrid configuration conforms analyzed in [8], where the theoretical ground has been presented
perfectly to the currently applied scheme in Europe, where the to justify the endogenous presence of non-intuitive exchanges,
“flow-based” approach with a hybrid nodal/zonal configuration namely to prove that the conditions of the combined model do
is the preferred congestion management modeling approach for not guarantee an intuitive solution for the dependent exchange
the day-ahead and intra-day electricity markets [1]. The model variables. Besides paper [8], where a nodal configuration has
is compared in terms of social welfare and cleared exchange been adopted for commercial exchanges, there is no published
volumes with the “intuitive patch” currently applied by scientific literature bearing a nodal/zonal configuration, except
Euphemia solver plus a “tuning” model for the simulation of from some reports of CWE [4]-[6] documenting the progress of
redispatching to avoid congestion in physical branches. internal research towards the implementation of the intuitive
flow-based modeling in the Day-Ahead Market of CWE. The
III. BASIC CONGESTION MANAGEMENT MODELS CWE approach is based on the use of Generation Shift Keys
Basic congestion management is set out in two basic (GSKs) designated as ܭܵܩ௭ǡ that denote the distribution factor
models: (a) the Standard Flow-Based (SFB) Model, which of zonal injection in its internal nodes, nodal injections:
resembles the FB approach in CACM Regulation [1], and (b)
the Standard Exchange-Based (SEB), which is the CNTC ܰܫ ൌ ܭܵܩ௭ǡ ή ܼܫ௭ (12)
approach in CACM Regulation [1]. An analytical description of Following the standard definitions of the flow-based model
the structure, design and constituent constraints of these models (1)–(6), combined with (10)-(11) and equation (12), a
has been presented in [8]. For reference reasons, the generalized Combined Exchange Flow-Based CEFB model is formulated.
mathematical formulation of these models is provided below The definition of power flow on lines is transformed to:
for a single trading-period.
σ൫ܲܶܨܦǡ ܭܵܩ ڄ௭ǡ ή ߄ܫ௭ ൯ ൌ σ௭൫ܼܲܶܨܦǡ ܫܼ ڄ௭ ൯ (13)
A. Generalized LP formulation of SFB model: The term σא௭൫ܲܶܨܦǡ ܭܵܩ ڄ௭ǡ ൯ practically represents
σሺܲݏ ή ܺݏ െ ܲ݀ ή ܺ݀ ሻ (1) the power transfer distribution factor of a zonal net injection
ܼܫ௭ on line flow ܮܨ , denoted hereafter as ܼܲܶܨܦǡ௭ . By using
subject to the following constraints:
(13) in (4) and (5), along with (1) – (3) and (10) – (11), the SFB
a) Supply volume capacity constraint: model is combined with the SEB model, embedding ܺܧ as
primal decision variables. The substitution of (10) in equation
ܺݏ ܳݏ ǣ ܴݏ Ͳǡ ݊ (2) (13) – and subsequently in (4) and (5) – resolves to an
b) Demand volume capacity constraint: exchange-based representation of branch nodal flows:
ܺ݀ ܳ݀ ǣ ܴ݀ Ͳǡ ݊ (3) ܮܨ ൌ σሺߜܼ݈ܲܶܨܦǡ݁ ܺܧ ڄ ሻ ܮܨ (14)
ܮܨ ൌ σሺߜܼ݈ܲܶܨܦǡ݁ ܺܧ ڄ ሻ ܮܨ
c) Line power flow capacity limits:
௨ ௨ where ߜܼܲܶܨܦǡ ൌ ܼܲܶܨܦǡ௭ െ ܼܲܶܨܦǡ௭ʅ
ܮܨ ൌ σ ܲܶܨܦǡ ܫܰ ڄ ܮܨ ǣܴ݂݈ Ͳǡ ݈ (4) In the CWE approach, the GSK factor are exogenous static
ܮܨ ൌ σ ܲܶܨܦǡ ܫܰ ڄ ܮܨ
݈݂ܴ Ͳǡ ݈ (5) parameters, i.e. they represent a user-defined, static distribution
d) Nodal net injection and system energy balance: of zonal to nodal injection. To this extent, the approach resolves
theoretically to a suboptimal solution, since the solution space
σሺܰܫ ሻ ൌ Ͳ ܮ ǡ ݊ (6) is defined by the values of the static, user-defined GSK factors.
where the net injection in node ݊, ܰܫ , is defined as A plain combination of SFB and SEB models may result to
ܰܫ ൌ ܺݏ െ ܺ݀ (7) non-intuitive directional exchanges, i.e. exchanges from a
higher price bidding zone to a lower price bidding zone. To
surpass the “flaw” of non-intuitive exchanges, a heuristic
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iterative workaround technique has been applied for CWE, conditions. Moreover, no PTDF modification (elimination) is
called “intuitive patch”, in each iteration of which the counter- assumed with respect to power flows, thus the solution space is
exchanges associated with negative ߜܼܲܶܨܦǡ (ߜܼܲܶܨܦǡ ൌ not reduced (as in the aforementioned intuitive patch). Thus,
ܼܲܶܨܦǡ௭ െ ܼܲܶܨܦǡ௭ʅ , where exchange e refers to an energy physical flows are allowed to reach their binding limits, since
transfer from zone z to zone zǯ) are ignored or eliminated in the no artificial tighter limits are imposed to the critical branches
computation of the (prevailing) flow on the critical/congested through the said elimination of specific PTDFs.
branches [4], [9]. Despite the introduction of exchange variables in the model
In a flow-based market setup with portfolio-based bidding, (1)-(5), (7), (10)-(11), its solution, as a standard LP
after the Day-Ahead Market clearing the market participants optimization problem with objective (1), still does not
define their production and consumption schedules – self- guarantee intuitive exchanges; moreover, it may yield
scheduling process – according to the traded (bought, sold) paradoxically accepted or rejected supply/demand bids with
energy in each bidding zone. These self-schedules define the respect to the zonal clearing price ܲܯ௭ (shadow price of
actual scheduled GSKs, which are in general different from the constraint (10)). These facts are theoretically expected and
forecasted GSKs defined at day-ahead level by the TSOs. The explained by further analyzing the KKT conditions of the
mismatch between the static pre-defined GSKs and the actual formulated problem:
GSKs (based on scheduled production/consumption at each
node) leads to erroneous calculated flows in network branches a) exchange variables are dependent variables, and
at day-ahead level (with respect to actual flows), and thus leads b) KKT optimality conditions implicitly define nodal
to situations where: prices that prevail over the zonal prices and drive the optimal
a) some line flow constraints are not binding (active) in solution of ܺݏ and ܺ݀ . These nodal prices are implicitly
the market clearing results, but they may be violated in actual formed as ܲܯ௭ െ σ ቀܲܶܨܦǡ ڄ൫ܴ݂݈ െ ܴ݂݈ ൯ቁ . The term
operation considering the self-schedules,
σ ቀܲܶܨܦǡ ڄ൫ܴ݂݈௨ െ ܴ݂݈ ൯ቁ shall be hereafter referred as
b) whereas some line flow constraints are binding in the
market clearing results, but they may not be binding in actual ܸܰܫ . This term expresses the “nodal injection congestion
operation considering the self-schedules. value” referring to the congestion of all flow constraints.
Case (a) above necessitates the use of ex-post Remedial Thus, in the classical LP approach, it may resolve that
Actions in real-time (mainly redispatching) to resolve the line supply volumes may be cleared at a zonal price lower than their
flow violations. Such Remedial Actions lead to an overall respective bid, or equivalently, demand volumes may be
increased cost (day-ahead cost, plus redispatching costs), or cleared at a zonal price higher than their respective bid; these
equivalently lower welfare to the society. cases are collectively called paradoxically accepted orders. In
fact, the LP solution of (1)-(5), (7), (10)-(11), is identical to the
Based on the above, the calculation of GSKs is critical for solution of the SFB model. In order to attain a solution with
real-time congestion management. In [9] the way GSKs are intuitive exchanges and non-paradoxically cleared supply/
computed in several European countries is presented. demand volumes, the following conditions must hold:
Moreover, in [3], [10] the nine possible options for the
computation of GSKs in the Nordic region are proposed. In any a) Supply and demand volumes must be cleared, only
case, the choice of GSKs influences significantly the market under a positive surplus of their (nodal) bid price with respect
[3], [10]. GSKs are actually the major source of inaccuracies of to the zonal clearing price, i.e.
the applied flow-based parameter (zonal PTDFs, i.e. ܼܲܶܨܦǡ ) ܺݏ Ͳǡ ܲܯ௭ ܲݏ ܺ݀ Ͳǡ ܲܯ௭ ൏ ܲ݀
calculation and subsequently of the market clearing results. The
ܺݏ ൌ Ͳǡ ܲܯ௭ ൏ ܲݏ ܺ݀ ൌ Ͳǡ ܲܯ௭ ܲ݀ (16)
incorrect GSKs lead to inaccurate zonal clearing prices -derived
from the market clearing-, which lead to (a) wrong economic ܺݏ Ͳǡ ܲܯ௭ ൌ ܲݏ ܺ݀ Ͳǡ ܲܯ௭ ൌ ܲ݀
signals to the market participants, and (b) inaccurate congestion b) Considering that ܺܧ can be split in two directional
income, not corresponding to the actual congestion of the ା ି
non-negative variables ܺܧ൫௭ǡ௭ ᇲ ൯ ൌ ܺܧ൫௭ǡ௭ ᇲ ൯ െ ܺܧ൫௭ǡ௭ ᇲ ൯ ,
electricity grid.
these directional exchange volumes must be cleared only under
V. INTEGRATING ZONAL EXCGANGES WITH NODAL a positive surplus with respect to the zonal clearing price
A. Method outline ܺܧା Ͳǡ ܲܯ௭ ᇲ ܲܯ௭ ܺܧି ൌ Ͳǡ ܲܯ௭ ᇲ ܲܯ௭
The proposed method considers a multi-zone electricity ܺܧ ൌ Ͳǡ ܲܯ௭ ᇲ ൏ ܲܯ௭ ܺܧି Ͳǡ ܲܯ௭ ᇲ ൏ ܲܯ௭ (17)
market with the underlying nodal physical transmission system. ܺܧା Ͳǡ ܲܯ௭ ᇲ ൌ ܲܯ௭ ܺܧି Ͳǡ ܲܯ௭ ᇲ ൌ ܲܯ௭
The physical flow constraints are modeled at nodal level, i.e.
equations (2)-(5), (7). Instead of system level power balance In the proposed model the above conditions (16)-(17) are
(6), zonal power balance equations (10)-(11) are used. In this formulated as complementarity equations, associated to the
way, the fundamental parameters affecting the power flows are respective energy volumes variables establishing the market
nodal net injections ܰܫ ൌ ܺݏ െ ܺ݀ . No GSK parameters clearing conditions, i.e. the market layer. The (1)-(5), (7), (10)-
are considered; thus, the nodal net injections are the primal (11) are formulated also as complementarity equations
drivers of the problem, and the distribution of zonal injections establishing system conditions, i.e. the physical layer.
to internal nodes is intrinsically resolved by optimality
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B. Clearing conditions of supply bids difference. For each direction of exchanges, two auxiliary price
The clearing conditions of supply bids are defined at node difference variables οܲା ି
and οܲ are defined as:
level, with respect to the zonal market clearing price of the zone െܲܯ௭ ᇲ ܲܯ௭ οܲା ା
Ͳ ٣ οܲ Ͳǡ ݁
where the node belongs to. Supply clearing should resolve to ܲܯ௭ ᇲ െ ܲܯ௭ οܲି Ͳ ٣ οܲି
Ͳǡ ݁
positive surplus of cleared nodal volumes with respect to the
zonal market clearing price. In this aspect, the clearing Conditions (22) - (23) impose that only one of the οܲା ,
condition of nodal supply bids takes into account the shadow οܲି would be positive, whereas the other would be zero.
(added) value of any constraint that defines an upper bound for Based on which direction renders the positive price difference,
the supply volume. Supply volumes are constrained explicitly the following conditions impose that only the directional
by their respective capacity limits (2), and implicitly by flow exchange with ߂ܲ Ͳ will be cleared, while, the counter
constraints (4), (5). More specifically, in the KKT (dual) directional exchange with ߂ܲ ൌ Ͳ would be zero.
condition of the SFB model, this bound is implicitly imposed
െܲܯ௭ ᇲ ܲܯ௭ οܲା ା
Ͳ ٣ ܺܧ Ͳǡ ݁ (24)
by the “nodal injection congestion value” ܸܰܫ .
ܲܯ௭ ᇲ െ ܲܯ௭ οܲ Ͳ ٣ ܺܧି Ͳǡ ݁
ܲݏ െ ܲܯ௭ ܴݏ ܸܰܫ Ͳ ٣ ܺݏ Ͳǡ ݊, (18)
Depending on the price difference ܲܯ௭ ᇲ െ ܲܯ௭ , conditions
In order to resolve to non-paradoxically cleared supply (24) - (25) impose (due to Ͳ constraint) that only one of the
volumes, (18) is modified, by eliminating negative values of ܺܧା ǡ ܺܧି would be positive, in the direction of a positive price
ܸܰܫ , i.e. considering only the state where ܸܰܫ Ͳ, that is difference ߂ܲ, while the counter variable would be zero. In
summary, conditions (22)-(25) guarantee that cleared exchange
ܲݏ െ ܲܯ௭ ܴݏ ܸܰܫ ȁவ Ͳ ٣ ܺݏ Ͳǡ ݊ (19)
volume between two bidding zones are intuitively coherent to
Condition (19) provides that the overall congestion defines the price difference of these zones.
an implicit upper bound to ܺݏ and perceived nodal price
E. Complete model and results
ܲܯ௭ െ ܸܰܫ is lower than the zonal price ܲܯ௭ ; thus, only
supply volumes with a bid lower than the zonal price may be The complete formulation of the proposed method is set by
cleared. simultaneously solving conditions (2)-(5), (10)-(11), (19), (21)
and (22)-(25). The solution method presented herein can thus
C. Clearing conditions of demand bids, be formulated as a mathematical programming model, e.g. as a
The clearing conditions of demand bids are defined at node Mixed Complementarity Problem [11] that can be solved either
level, with respect to the zonal market clearing price of the zone by commercially available solvers [12].
where the node belongs to. Demand clearing should resolve to
positive surplus of cleared nodal volumes with respect to the
zonal market clearing price. In this aspect, the clearing A. Description of the case system
condition of nodal demand considers the shadow (added) value The examined test system is based on a version of the
of any constraint that defines an upper bound for the demand continental European electricity full grid, which has been
volume. Demand volumes are constrained explicitly by their provided to the authors by ENTSO-E. The test system consists
respective capacity limits (3), and implicitly by flow constraints of about 3490 nodes grouped in 26 bidding zones and 5810
(4), (5). More specifically, in the KKT (dual) condition of the lines; 47 exchanges are considered between zones that are
SFB model, this bound is implicitly imposed by the term ܸܰܫ : physically interconnected with AC branches. The generation –
െܲ݀ ܲܯ௭ ܴ݀ െ ܸܰܫ Ͳ ٣ ܺ݀ Ͳǡ ݊ (20) demand mix of the case comprise 800 nodal supply offers,
represented as step-wise linear blocks (3-10 steps) and 2270
In order to resolve to non-paradoxically cleared demand nodal demand bids depicted as one divisible block volume.
volumes, (20) is modified, by eliminating positive values of Price steps of generation offers are randomly generated, in a
ܸܰܫ , i.e. considering only the state where ܸܰܫ ൏ Ͳ, that is range of 20-149€/MWh. The price for all divisible demand
blocks block is set to 150€/MWh. Under this assumption
െܲ݀ ܲܯ௭ ܴ݀ െ ܸܰܫ ȁழ Ͳ ٣ ܺ݀ Ͳǡ ݊ (21)
demand is practically treated as fixed, yet available for shedding
Condition (21) provides that the overall congestion defines at very high market prices; demand surplus is considered in the
an implicit upper bound to ܺ݀ and perceived nodal price total surplus of the system.
ܲܯ௭ െ ܸܰܫ is higher than the zonal price ܲܯ௭ ; thus, only
B. Solution of the Standard Flow Based (SFB) model
demand volumes with a bid higher than the zonal price may be
cleared. The 1st column of Table I summarizes the solution by the
SFB LP formulation. This model is not suitable for the scope of
D. Clearing conditions of intuitive exchanges resolving intuitive inter-zonal exchanges, in a mixed
By definition the clearing for intuitive exchanges, must nodal/zonal physical/market system; yet it’s solution may be
result to exchange volumes transacted from a bidding zone with considered as the best objective value. The standard LP solution
a lower price to a bidding zone with a higher price.An exchange practically provides nodal prices, which are endogenously
ܺܧ is considered as the difference of two directional non- computed, as an overhead of constraints shadow prices on the
negative components ܺܧ ൌ ܺܧା െ ܺܧି , only one of which zonal prices (zonal power balance equation shadow price). In
might be non-zero. Directional exchange volumes should be this sense, zonal exchanges are dependent variables, that are
cleared intuitively with respect to the zonal clearing price resolved just to fit the optimal nodal dispatch.
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C. Solution of the proposed model TABLE I. SOLUTION SUMMARY OF ALL MODELS
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