Ear, Nose and Throat
Ear, Nose and Throat
Ear, Nose and Throat
Chapter 11
11:1 Ear, nose and throat p. 422
11.1.1 Drugs used in Otitis externa p.423
11.1.2 Drugs used in Otitis media p.425
11.1.3 Removal of wax p.426
11.1.4 Drug used in Meniere’s disease p.427
11.2 Drugs acting on the nose p.427
11.2.1 Drugs used in nasal allergy p.427
11.2.2 Topical nasal decongestants p.429
11.2.3 Nasal preparations for the infection and epistaxis p.430
11.3 Drugs acting on the oropharynx p. 433
11.3.1 Drugs for oral ulceration and inflammation p. 433
11.3.2 Oropharyngeal anti infective drugs p. 433
11.3.3 Mouthwash and gargles p.435
11:1 EAR, NOSE AND THROAT humid climate of tropical and subtropical
countries. The cardinal features of
Otitis externa is the inflammation of ear otomycosis include intense itching, pain,
canal. Furuncle is a localized otitis watery discharge with a musty odour, and
externa, which is a staphylococcal ear blockage. Nystatin is effective
infection of the hair follicle. Patient usually against Candida. Other broad spectrum
presents with severe pain and tenderness antifungals include clotrimazole and
in the ear. Treatment consists of systemic betadine. 2 salicylic acid in alcohol is
antibiotics, analgesics and local heat. keratolytic. Antifungal treatment should be
continued for a week even after apparent
Diffuse otitis externa is commonly seen in cure to avoid recurrence. Ear must be
hot and humid climate. It is characterized kept dry.
by burning sensation in the ear followed Otitis externa haemorrhagica is a viral
by pain which is aggravated by infection characterized by formation of
movements of jaw. Ear starts oozing thin haemorrhagic blebs on the tympanic
serous discharge which later becomes membrane and deep meatus causing
thick and purulent. Common organisms severe pain in the ear and blood stained
responsible for otitis externa are Staph. discharge when the blebs rupture.
aureus, Pseud. pyocyaneus, B. proteus Treatment is directed to relief of pain with
and Esch. coli. But more often the analgesics and antibiotics for infection.
infection is mixed. Aural toileting is the Another viral infection, Herpeszoster
most important treatment. After thorough oticus is characterized by formation of
toileting a gauze wick soaked in antibiotic- vesicles on the tympanic membrane,
steroid preparation is inserted in the ear meatal skin, concha and post-auricalar
canal and patient is advised to keep it groove. Treatment consists of
moist by instilling the same drops twice or intravenous acyclovir as soon as
thrice daily then it can be substituted by possible.
ear drops. Broad-spectrum systemic
antibiotics are used when there is cellulitis Eczematous otitis externa is the result of
and acute lymphadenitis. Analgesics are hypersensitivity to infective organisms or
used for relief of pain. topical ear drops such as chloromycetin
Otomycosis is a fungal infection of the ear or neomycin. Intense irritation, vesicle
canal caused by Aspergillus niger, or formation, oozing and crusting in the
Candida albicans. It is seen in hot and canal characterize it. Treatment is
associated with upper respiratory tract with a history of recurrent otitis externa, a
infection. In such cases, low dose long perforated ear drum, or previous ear
term antibiotic or sulphonamide can be surgery. Wax may be removed by
instituted. syringing with normal saline at body
Chronic suppurative otitis media (CSOM) temperature. Suction clearance under
is a long standing infection of a part or microscope is a better option. Some
whole of the middle ear cleft. Incidence of times, the wax is too hard and impacted
CSOM is higher in developing countries to be removed by syringing or
because of poor socio-economic instrumentations. It should be softened by
condition, poor nutrition and lack of health drops of 5% sodium bicarbonate in
education. It is the single most important equal parts of glycerine and water
cause of hearing impairment in rural instilled two or three times a day for
population. CSOM show multiple several days. Hydrogen peroxide, liquid
organisms like Ps. aerugenosa, B. paraffin or olive oil may also achieve
proteus, E. coli, Staph. aureus and some the same result. Commercial preparations
anaerobes include Bacteroids, B. fragilis containing ceruminolytic agents like
and Streptococci. It is characterized by paradichlorobenzine 2% can also be used
ear discharge, which is offensive or non and syringing can be tried again.
offensive, mucoid, mucopurulent, purulent
or blood stained and persistent or
intermittent according to the type of safe
or unsafe variety of CSOM. Aural toileting
can be done by dry mopping with
absorbent cotton buds, suction clearance
under microscope. Antibiotic ear drops
containing neomycin, polymixin,
chloramphenicol or gentamicin are
used. They are combined with steroids
which have local anti-inflammatory effect
(see also section 11.1.1). To use ear
drops, patients to be lied down with the
diseased ear up, antibiotic drops are
instilled and then intermittent pressure to
be applied on the tragus for antibiotic
solution to reach the middle ear. This
should be done 3-4 times a day. The
patient should be instructed to avoid
water entry into the ear during bathing,
swimming and hair washing. Many
attacks are viral in origin and need only
simple analgesic such as paracetamol
(See also section for relief of
pain. Severe bacterial infection should be
treated with systemic antibiotics (See
also section 1.1). Surgical treatment is the
only option for unsafe variety of CSOM.
Dose : ADULT:two sprays per nostril limited value because they can give rise
twice daily. CHILD over 6 years of age to rebound congestion on withdrawal,
one spray per nostril twice daily. which is due to a secondary
vasodilatation with a subsequent
Proprietary Preparations temporary increase in nasal congestion.
Alercon (Acme), Nasal Spray , 0.6%, Tk. This in turn makes habits for further use
400.00/120 doses; of the decongestant and that leads to a
Lopadine (Incepta), Nasal Spray, 0.6%, Tk. vicious cycle of events. An ephedrine
400.00/120 doses
Olopan (Beximco), Nasal Spray, 0.6%, Tk. nasal drop, the sympathomimetic
400.00/120 doses. preparation can be used as nasal
decongestant. It can give relief of nasal
SODIUM CROMOGLYCATE congestion for several hours.
Oxymetazoline and xylometazoline are
more potent sympathomimetic nasal
Indications: prophylaxis for allergic decongestant but are more likely to cause
rhinitis a rebound effect. All of these preparations
Side-effects: local irritation should not be used concomitantly with
Dose : 4% aqueous nasal spray ADULT monoamino-oxidase inhibitor because it
and CHILD, apply 1 puff into each nostril may cause hypertensive crisis.
2-4 times daily Ipratropium bromide responds well to
the treatment of non-allergic watery
Proprietary Preparations rhinorrhoea. Inhalation of warm moist air,
Aristocrom (Aristo) Eye/Nasal drops, 2%,Tk.
compounds containing volatile
G-Cromo (Gonoshasthaya), Eye /Nasal substances such as menthol and
drops, 2%, Tk. 50.00/10 ml eucalyptus are also useful.
Icrom (ACI), Eye drops, 2%, Tk. 65.25/10 ml
Nacromin(Square), Nasal drops, 2%, Tk. EPHEDRINE HYDROCHLORIDE
66.25/15 ml
Nasochrom (Drug Int.), Eye /Nasal drops,
2%, Tk. 60.00/10 ml Indications : nasal congestion
Opsocrom (Opso Saline), Eye / Nasal Drops, Caution : excessive or prolonged use
2%, Tk. 48.87/10 ml
must be avoided. If should not be used for
infants under 3 months. If irritation occurs
11.2.2 TOPICAL NASAL it may cause narrowing of nasal passage
Side-effects : local irritation, tolerance
Atmospheric temperature and humidity may develop after excessive use;
may cause nasal congestion because Rebound congestion is another important
nasal mucosa is sensitive to it. The nasal side-effect
sinuses produce huge amount of mucus Administration : instill 4-5 drops in to
in a day and most of it passes into the each nostril up to 3-4 times daily
stomach through the nasopharynx. 0.9% Proprietary Preparation
Sodium chloride solution given as Remadrin (Reman), Nasal drops,
nasal drops may relieve nasal congestion 0.5%,Tk. 45.52/10ml
by liquefying mucus secretions.
Decongestant nasal drops contain IPRATROPIUM BROMIDE
sympathomimetic drugs relieve
symptoms of nasal congestion associated Indications : rhinorrhoea associated with
with vasomotor rhinitis and common cold. allergic and non allergic rhinitis
Use of these drugs must be for short
term, usually not longer than 7 days. Cautions : glaucoma, prostatic hyper-
These drugs exert their effect by trophy, pregnancy
vasoconstriction of the mucosal blood Contraindication: avoid spraying near
vessels, which in turn reduces oedema of eyes
the nasal mucosa. These drugs are of
more days even after the apparent cure, Antibiotics help to clear nasal infection
as the condition is likely to relapse. and concomitant sinusitis.
Septal abscess mostly results from Nasal polyps are non-neoplastic masses
secondary infection of septal haematoma. of oedematous nasal or sinus mucosa.
Systemic antibiotic should be started and Nasal stuffiness leading to total nasal
continued at least for 10 days. obstruction, partial or total loss of smell,
Acute rhinitis can be viral, bacterial or headache due to associated sinusitis,
irritatant type. Viral rhinitis is known as sneezing and watery nasal discharge due
common cold (coryza). The infection is to associated allergy, Polyp protruding
usually acquired through air borne from the nostril may be the presenting
droplets. Several viruses such as symptom. Conservative treatment may
adenovirus, rhinovirus, coxsackie virus include antihistamines and control of
are responsible. There is burning allergy. A short course of steroid nasal
sensation at the back of the nose soon drop or spray is often helpful to produce
followed by nasal stuffiness, rhinorrhoea significant shrinkage in the early stages of
and sneezing. Patient feels chilly and polyp. The reduction of the oedema can
there is low-grade fever. Initially nasal be maintained by the continuing treatment
discharge is watery and profuse but may with the same spray. If the condition does
become mucopurulent due to secondary not respond to medical therapy,
bacterial invasion. Secondary invaders endoscopic clearance of the polyp should
include Strep. haemolyticus, be carried out immediately.
Pneumococcus, Staphylococcus, H. Acute inflammation of the sinus mucosa
influenzae, Kleb. pneumoniae and M. is called acute sinusitis. Most common
catarrhalis. Treatment consists of bed cause of acute sinusitis is viral rhinitis
rest, which is essential to cut down the followed by bacterial invasion. Sinus
course of illness. Plenty of fluids are mucosa is the continuation of nasal
encouraged. Symptoms can be easily mucosa and infections from nose can
controlled with antihistamines and nasal travel directly. Infected water can enter
decongestants. Analgesics are useful to the sinuses through their ostia during
relieve headache, fever and myalgia. swimming and diving. Trauma may permit
Antibiotics are only required when direct infection of sinus mucosa. Infection
secondary infection supervenes. from the molar or premolar teeth or their
Bacterial rhinitis may be primary which is extraction may be followed by acute
seen in children and is usually the result sinusitis. Sinusitis is common in cold and
of infection with Pneumococcus, Strepto- wet climate. Atmospheric pollution,
coccus or Staphylococcus. A grayish smoke, dust and overcrowding also
white tenacious membrane may form in predispose to sinus infection. The
the nose. Secondary bacterial rhinitis is bacteria most frequently responsible for
the result of bacterial infection acute suppurative sinusitis are Strep.
supervening acute viral rhinitis. pneumoniae, H. Influenzae, Moxacella
catarrhalis, Strep. pyogens, Staph.
Irritant rhinitis is the form of acute rhinitis, aureus and Kleb. pneumoniae. Anaerobic
caused by exposure to dust, smoke or organisms and mixed infections are seen
irritating gases such as ammonia, in sinusitis of dental origin. Constitutional
formalin, acid fumes etc. Treatment symptoms and signs consist of fever,
includes particular attention to sinuses, headache, pain, tenderness, redness and
tonsils, adenoids, allergy, and smoky or oedema of chick and nasal discharge.
dusty surroundings. Nasal irrigation with Conservative treatment includes
alkaline solution help to keep the nose antimicrobial drugs such as ampicillin,
free from viscid secretions and also amoxycillin, erythromycin, doxycycline
remove superficial infection. Nasal or cotrimoxazole, sparfloxacin etc.
decongestants help to relieve nasal Nasal decongestant drops such as 1%
obstruction and improve sinus ventilation. ephedrine or 0.1% xylo- or
oxymetazoline are used as nasal drops
need urgent diagnosis and treatment to recurrent herpes labialis. Acute ulcerative
exclude carcinoma. Aim of local treatment gingivitis is also called Vincent’s infection
is to give protection to the ulcerated area, caused by Borrelia vincenti. Treatment is
relieving pain and reducing inflammation. systemic antibiotics (penicillin see
A saline or compound thymol glycerin section 1.1.1 or erythromycin see
mouthwash may relieve pain. Antiseptic section 1.1.4 and metronidazole (see
mouthwashes such as chlorhexidine or section 1.1.8). Frequent mouth washes
povidone iodine mouth wash is (with sodium bicarbonate solution) and
beneficial for healing of recurrent apthous attention are to be given to dental
ulcer. Topical corticosteroid therapy hygiene.
may be useful for some form of oral Moniliasis (Candidiasis) is caused by C.
ulceration. It is most effective in the albicans, and occur in the form of thrush
treatment of apthous ulcer, thrush or and chronic hypertrophic candidiasis. The
other types of candidiasis. Amelexanox condition is seen in infants and children.
paste is also used in the treatment of Adults are also affected when they are
apthous ulcer. suffering from malignancy and diabetes
Systemic corticosteroid must be or taking broad-spectrum antibiotics,
reserved for severe conditions such as cytotoxic drugs, steroid or radiation.
pemphigus vulgaris. To relieve pain Thrush can be treated by topical
lidocaine (lignocaine) 5% ointment or application of nystatin or clotrimazole.
lozenges are applied to the ulcer, but Hypertrophic form usually requires
care must be taken not to use this before excision surgery.
meals as this might lead to choking. Acute pharyngitis is also very common.
Carbenoxolone gel or mouthwash may Streptococcal pharyngitis is treated with
be of some value. Carmellose gelatin penicillin.
paste may relieve some discomfort Diphtheria is to be treated with diphtheria
arising from ulceration by protecting the antitoxin and penicillin or erythromycin.
ulcer site. For mild oral and perioral lesion Gonococcal pharyngitis responds to
salicylates may be used. conventional doses of penicillin or
Benzydamine mouth wash or spray may tetracycline.
be useful in palliating the discomfort Fungal pharyngitis of the oropharynx can
associated with a variety of ulcerative occur as an extension of oral thrush;
condition. It has also been found to be nystatin is the drug of choice.
effective in reducing the discomfort of Aphthous ulcer is an autoimmune
post irradiation mucositis. process that may be caused by nutritional
deficiency (Vitamin B12, folic acid and
11.3.2 OROPHARYNGEAL ANTI iron), viral infection, hormonal changes or
INFECTIVE DRUGS stress. Treatment consists of topical
application of steroids and cauterization
Viral infection is most common. These are with 10% silver nitrate. In severe cases
herpes simplex. Herpangina is a 250 mg of tetracycline dissolved in 50 ml
coxsackie viral infection mostly affecting of water is given as mouth rinse and then
children. They usually persist for about a to be swallowed, four times a day. Local
week. Herpetic gingival stomatitis is also pain can be relieved with lignocaine
known as orolabial herpes, is caused by viscous.
herpes simplex virus. It may be primary Oral mucosal lesions (erythema
and secondary. Primary infection affects multiforme) consist of vesicles or bullae
children and secondary or recurrent which may involve lips, buccal mucosa
herpes mainly affects adults. Most and tongue. The disease is self-limiting
commonly it involves the vermilion border and management is mainly supportive.
of the lip which is known as herpes Steroid preparations are used to treat the
labialis. Treatment is mostly symptomatic. severe cases.
Acyclovir, 200 mg, five times a day for 5
days helps to cut down the course of Proprietary Preparations
Erythromycin (see Section 1.1.5)
Indications: oral hygiene and plaque Lister Total Care Anticavity Mouthwash
inhibition (General), Tk. 75.00/120 ml; Tk. 140/250 ml
Caution: If desquamation occurs then it Listoral Cool Mint (ACI), Mouth Wash, Tk.
75.28/120 ml; Tk. 140.53/250 ml
must be discontinued Listoral Original (ACI), Mouth Wash, Tk.
Side-effects: mucosal irritation., 75.28/120 ml; Tk. 140.53/250 ml
reversible brown staining of teeth and Orostar Cool Mint (Square), Mouth wash, Tk.
parotid gland swelling may occur 75.00/120 ml; Tk. 140.00/250 ml
Dose: rinse mouth with 10 ml, for about 1 Orostar Original (Square), Mouth wash, Tk.
minute twice daily. 75.00/120 ml; Tk. 140.00/250 ml
Orostar plus (Square), Mouth wash,Tk.
Preparations: chlorhexidine gluconate
85.00/120 ml; Tk. 150.00/250 ml
0.2% mouth wash
Thymol 0.063gm + Eucalyptol 0.091gm +
Proprietary Preparations Menthol 0.042gm /100ml
ORAL-C(Unimed), Mouthwash, 0.2%,Tk. Lister Zero Mouthwash (General),
75.00/125 ml Mouthwash, Tk. 80.00/120 ml
Oralon(ACI), Mouthwash, 0.2%, Tk.35.13/100 Lister Total Care Anticavity Mouthwash
ml (General), Mouthwash, 0.063gm + 0.091gm +
0.042gm /100ml, Tk. 145.00/250 ml
Proprietary Preparations
Povidone Iodine 1%
Arodin (Aristo), Gargle & Mouthwash , Tk.
35.00/100 ml;
Betadine (Mundipharma), Gargle &
Mouthwash, Tk. 60.00/50 ml; Tk. 95/100 ml
Cleanser(General), Gargle & Mouthwash, Tk.
25/100 ml
Povisep (Jayson), Gargle & Mouthwash, Tk.
35/100 ml
Povin (Opsonin), Gargle & Mouthwash, Tk.
18.86/100 ml
Viodin (Square), Gargle & Mouthwash, Tk.
30/100 ml