Ten Hallmarks of High Trust Organizations
Ten Hallmarks of High Trust Organizations
Ten Hallmarks of High Trust Organizations
By Robert T. Whipple
Leadergrow Inc.
Solving Problems
In organizations of high trust, problems are dealt with easily and
efficiently. In low trust organizations, problems become huge
obstacles as leaders work to unscramble the mess to find out who
said what or who caused the problem to spiral out of control. Often
feelings are hurt or long term damage in relationships occurs.
While problems exist in any environment, they take many times
longer to resolve if there is low trust. That is wasted time.
Focused Energy
People in organizations with high trust do not need to be defensive.
They focus energy on accomplishing the Vision and Mission of the
organization. Their energy is directed toward the customer and
against the competition. In low trust organizations, people waste
energy due to infighting and politics. Their focus is on internal
squabbles and destructive turf battles. Bad blood between people
creates a litany of issues that distract supervision from the pursuit
of excellence. Instead, they play referee all day.
Retaining Customers
Workers in high trust organizations have a passion for their work
that is obvious to customers. When trust is lacking, workers often
display apathy toward the company that is transparent to
customers. This undermines top line growth as customers turn to
more upbeat groups for their services. All it takes is the roll of eyes
or some shoddy body language to send valuable customers looking
for alternatives.
A “Real” Environment
People who work in high trust environments describe the
atmosphere as being “real.” They are not playing games with one
another in a futile attempt to outdo or embarrass the other person.
Rather, they are aligned under a common goal that permeates all
activities. When something is real, people know it and respond
positively. When trust is high, people might not always like each
other, but they have great respect for each other. That means, they
work to support and reinforce the good deeds done by fellow
workers rather than try to find sarcastic or belittling remarks to
Better Reinforcement
When trust is high, positive reinforcement works because it is
sincere and well executed. In low trust organizations,
reinforcement is often considered phony, manipulative, or
duplicitous which lowers morale. Without trust, attempts to
improve motivation through reinforcement programs often
© Leadergrow Inc. 2009
A Positive Atmosphere
The atmosphere in high trust organizations is refreshing and light.
People enjoy coming to work because they have fun and enjoy
their coworkers. They are also more than twice as productive as
their counterparts in lower trust areas. In groups with low trust, the
atmosphere is oppressive. People describe their work as a hopeless
string of sapping activities foisted upon them by the clueless
morons who run the place.
These are just ten contrasts describing the difference between high
trust and low trust organizations. There are many more
distinctions, some of them very subtle. No list of contrasts could be
complete. If you have an organization where trust is low, you are
operating under such a huge disadvantage to your counterpart with
high trust you cannot hope to survive.
Most top leaders understand all of the above. The conundrum is,
they sincerely want to build an environment of high trust, but they
consistently do things that take them in the wrong direction. Many
leaders end up hiring expensive consultants to help create a better
environment within their organization. This rarely works because
the leader does not realize the problem cannot be fixed by an
outsider. To fix the problem of low trust the leader needs to say,
“The atmosphere around here stinks, and it must be my fault
because I am the one in charge. How can I change my own
behavior in order to turn the tide toward an environment of higher
Robert Whipple is also the author of The TRUST Factor: Advanced Leadership for
Professionals and, Understanding E-Body Language: Building Trust Online. Bob
consults and speaks on these and other leadership topics. He is CEO of Leadergrow Inc.
a company dedicated to growing leaders. Contact Bob at [email protected] or