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3 JUNE 2003
We study optimal ¢nancial contracting for centralized and decentralized ¢rms.
Under centralized contracting, headquarters raises funds on behalf of multiple
projects. Under decentralized contracting, each project raises funds separately
on the external capital market. The bene¢t of centralization is that headquar-
ters can use excess liquidity from high cash-£ow projects to buy continuation
rights for low cash-£ow projects. The cost is that headquarters may pool cash
£ows from several projects and self-¢nance follow-up investments without hav-
ing to return to the capital market. Absent any capital market discipline, it is
more di⁄cult to force headquarters to make repayments, which tightens ¢nan-
cing constraints ex ante. Cross-sectionally, our model implies that conglomer-
ates should have a lower average productivity than stand-alone ¢rms.
BEGINNING WITH FAZZARI, HUBBARD, AND PETERSEN (1988), several studies document
that the investment behavior of ¢rms is a¡ected by ¢nancing constraints.1 In this
paper, we explore the relation between ¢nancing constraints and organizational
structure. Speci¢cally, we ask whether centralized ¢rms where headquarters
raises funds on behalf of multiple projects face tighter or looser ¢nancing con-
straints than stand-alone ¢rms.
The internal capital markets literature provides some hints on the role of orga-
nizational structure for ¢nancing constraints. There, headquarters either adds
or destroys value, for example, by engaging in winner-picking (Stein (1997)),
Inderst is at the London School of Economics and Political Science and the CEPR and
Mˇller is at the Leonard N. Stern School of Business, New York University and the CEPR.
We are indebted to Patrick Bolton, Rick Green (the editor), and an anonymous referee for
helpful comments and suggestions. Thanks also to Yakov Amihud, Ulf Axelson, Mike Burkart,
Doug Diamond, James Dow, Zsuzsanna Fluck, Paolo Fulghieri, Martin Hellwig, Owen La-
mont, Christian Laux, Anthony Lynch, Alan Morrison, Lasse Pedersen, Per Str˛mberg, Elu
von Thadden, Je¡ Wurgler, Je¡ Zwiebel, and seminar participants at Berkeley, Chicago,
Frankfurt, INSEAD, Lausanne, LSE, Mannheim, NYU, Penn, Princeton, Saarbrˇcken, Stan-
ford, the Stockholm School of Economics, the European Summer Symposium in Economic
Theory (ESSET) in Gerzensee (2000), the European Summer Symposium in Financial Mar-
kets (ESSFM) in Gerzensee (2000), and the TMR Meeting on Financial Market E⁄ciency,
Corporate Finance and Regulation in Barcelona (2000) for comments and discussions. Earlier
versions of this paper circulated under the titles ‘‘Project Bundling, Liquidity Spillovers, and
Capital Market Discipline’’ and ‘‘Corporate Borrowing and Financing Constraints.’’All errors
are our own.
See Hubbard (1998) for an overview of the literature.
1034 The Journal of Finance
headquarters but not by investors. We can therefore equally assume that project
managers and headquarters have private information about cash £ows and in-
vestment decisions. The assumption that investment decisions are nonveri¢able
simpli¢es the analysis, but is not needed. In Section II.C we show that the same
kind of trade-o¡ obtains in a setting where investment decisions are veri¢able.
Finally, even though courts cannot observe actual cash £ows, it is commonly
known that the lowest possible cash £ow is pl. Hence, we can equally assume
that a fraction pl of the cash £ow is veri¢able and only the di¡erence ph pl is
Under both centralized and decentralized borrowing, the partial nonveri¢abil-
ity of cash £ows creates an incentive problem between the ¢rm and the investor.
Under centralized borrowing, the problem is to provide headquarters with incen-
tives to pay out funds. Under decentralized borrowing, the problem is to provide
individual project managers with incentives to pay out funds. Under centralized
borrowing, there are two subcases, depending on whether a high-cash-£ow ¢rm
can partly self-¢nance second-period investment or not.We shall label these sub-
cases ‘‘self-¢nancing’’and ‘‘no self-¢nancing,’’ respectively.
B. Decentralized Borrowing
The model of decentralized borrowing is adapted from Bolton and Scharfstein
(1990). Under decentralized borrowing, each of the two project managers borrows
separately on the external capital market. As the contracting problem is the same
for each manager, we will henceforth speak of the manager and the project. The
standard way to deal with nonveri¢ability of cash £ows is to adopt a message-
game approach. In the present context, this means that after the cash £ow is rea-
lized, the manager makes a publicly veri¢able announcement stating that the
cash £ow is either low or high. The sequence of events is as follows:
Two comments are in order. Like most ¢nancial contracting models, we allow
for probabilistic (re)¢nancing schemes to permit nontrivial solutions. If the con-
tinuation probability can be either zero or one, the qualitative results are the
same but the bene¢ts from centralization are smaller. Second, while it is theore-
tically possible to have the manager also announce the second-period cash
£ow (in case he receives funding at date 1), this is pointless as he will always claim
that the second-period cash £ow is low. By contrast, it is possible to induce the
manager to truthfully reveal the ¢rst-period cash £ow by threatening him not to
1038 The Journal of Finance
ASSUMPTION 1: ph ploI.
Recall that the investor can always extract pl. An immediate implication of As-
sumption 1 is that pl40, or else the assumption that ph4I is violated.The investor
solves the following maximization problem:
Projects that cost less than p but more than the right-hand side in (3) receive no
funding at date 0 even though they have a strictly positive NPV. In other words,
the ¢rm is ¢nancially constrained.
if pr1/2, and
p pl
I p ð9Þ
2 p2
if pZ1/2. Comparing (8) to (9) with the corresponding value under decentralized
borrowing, (3), we have that the second type of ine⁄ciency, namely, that positive
NPV projects are not ¢nanced at date 0, is also less severe under centralized bor-
rowing.This holds for any value of p.The following proposition summarizes these
The right-hand side depicts the payo¡ from mimicking the low-cash-£ow ¢rm.
Accordingly, to induce the high-cash-£ow ¢rm to reveal its cash £ow, the investor
must leave the ¢rm a rent of ph pl if it announces h. (This rent is called informa-
tion rent.) The investor can provide this rent in two ways: (a) he can demand a low-
er date 1 repayment R1(h), or (b) he can grant the ¢rm a higher continuation
bene¢t bðhÞ½p pl by increasing the continuation probability b(h). Consider the
cost to the investor under either option. Reducing the date 1 repayment is a zero-
sum transaction, that is, a dollar left in the ¢rm’s pocket is a dollar less in the
investor’s pocket. By contrast, granting the ¢rm a continuation bene¢t of
bðhÞ½p pl costs the investor only b(h) [I pl], which is less than bðhÞ½p pl :
The di¡erence bðhÞ½p I is the (expected) e⁄ciency gain from second-period in-
vestment. As the investor makes the contract o¡er, he can siphon o¡ this e⁄-
ciency gain. The solution is thus to provide as much rent as possible in the form
of continuation bene¢ts.3 As the maximum continuation bene¢t under decentra-
lized borrowing is p pl ; the remainder ph p must come in the form of ¢rst-
period rent, that is, in the form of a lower date 1 repayment.
Consider now the intermediate-cash-£ow ¢rm under centralized borrowing. As
we show in the Appendix in the proof of Proposition 1, it su⁄ces to consider the
incentive constraint ensuring that the intermediate-cash-£ow ¢rm has no incen-
tive to mimic the low-cash-£ow ¢rm:
various ways. It holds if the state space is continuous (Section II.A), if invest-
ments are divisible (Sec. II.B), if credit markets are competitive (footnote 3 and
Sec. II.E), and if cash £ows are correlated (Sec. III.A).
Another way to view the trade-o¡ between ¢rst- and second-period rents is in
terms of ¢nancial slack. Any nonveri¢able date 1 cash £ow retained in the ¢rm
represents unused liquidity: E⁄ciency could be improved by trading it in for con-
tinuation rights. Consider the high-cash-£ow ¢rm under decentralized borrow-
ing. After paying out p, the high-cash-£ow ¢rm has remaining liquidity of
ph p: If the high-cash-£ow ¢rm were to share this liquidity with the low-cash-
£ow ¢rm, the latter could trade it in for continuation rights. But as each ¢rm
cares only about its own continuation decision, this does not happen.4
Under centralized borrowing, this externality problem does not arise. As head-
quarters adopts a ¢rm-wide perspective, it does not care which of the two projects
produces the cash £ow. E¡ectively, headquarters uses liquidity produced by the
high-cash-£ow project to buy continuation rights for the low-cash-£ow project.
(This also explains why the bene¢ts of centralization arise only in the intermedi-
ate-cash-£ow state.) Note that a ¢nancial intermediary, such as, for example, a
bank, cannot do this as it does not have direct access to the ¢rms’cash £ow. Much
like the investor under decentralized borrowing, a bank would have to provide
the high-cash-£ow ¢rm with incentives to disgorge cash.
Finally, consider again the inequality in Assumption 2 and replace 2 by n,
which implies that even n projects cannot provide su⁄cient cash to ¢nance a sin-
gle second-period investment. Replacing 2 by n, we obtain n(ph pl)oI. If n be-
comes su⁄ciently large, this inequality can no longer be satis¢ed. In other
words, the more projects there are under one roof, the more likely it is that the
¢rm can ¢nance at least one second-period investment without returning to the
capital market.Therefore, let us next consider the case where (partial) self-¢nan-
cing is possible.
¢nancing, the payo¡ from mimicking a low-cash-£ow ¢rm is 2(ph pl). By con-
trast, if the ¢rm can self-¢nance second-period investment, the payo¡ from mi-
micking a low-cash-£ow ¢rm (and subsequently reinvesting the retained cash) is
2ðph pl Þ þ p I: To induce the high-cash-£ow ¢rm not to mimic a low-cash-£ow
¢rm the investor must now additionally compensate the ¢rm for the forgone prof-
it of p I, that is, he must pay the ¢rm a higher information rent. The general
idea is that, by pooling cash £ows from several projects, centralized ¢rms may
accumulate internal funds and make follow-up investments without having to re-
turn to the capital market. This weakens the investors’ threat to withhold future
¢nancing, which in turn tightens ¢nancing constraints at date 0.
If we solve the investor’s expected pro¢t for the value of I at which he breaks
even, we have that the investor invests at date 0 if and only if
2 ; ð12Þ
1 þ p þ ð1pÞ
if p 1=2; and
p pl
I p 2 ð13Þ
1 þ 2pð1 pÞ þ ð1pÞ
if pZ1/2. Comparing (12) to (13) with the corresponding value under decentra-
lized borrowing, (3), we obtain the following result.
Self-¢nancing makes it more costly for the investor to induce the ¢rm to reveal its
true cash £ow, which is captured by the additional ‘‘bribe,’’ or information rent,
p I in the high-cash-£ow state. The cost of centralization thus depends on the
distribution of cash £ows in two ways. First, the probability of the high-cash-£ow
state is decreasing in p. Second, the ‘‘bribe’’ p I is also decreasing in p. Proposi-
tion 2 shows that if p is su⁄ciently small, that is, if the projects’ productivity is
su⁄ciently high, the costs of centralization outweigh the bene¢ts. To relax ¢nan-
cing constraints, the ¢rm should decentralize, or what is equivalent, disinte-
grate. As a single-project ¢rm does not generate enough cash to self-¢nance
second-period investment, it must necessarily revisit the capital market. Hence,
decentralization acts as a commitment vis-a'-vis investors to stay on a tight leash.5
The notion that ¢rms may bene¢t from committing to a policy of revisiting the
If both ¢rst-period cash £ows are high, the two ¢rms have a strong incentive to remerge at
date 1. To commit not to merge again, the ¢rms may write a covenant into their debt contract
restricting merger activity. Such covenants are common. For instance, Smith and Warner
(1979) ¢nd that 39.1 percent of the public debt issues in their sample include covenants re-
stricting merger activity.
Internal versus External Financing 1045
capital market is not new and has been used as an explanation, for example, for
why ¢rms pay dividends (Easterbrook (1984)) or issue debt (Jensen (1986)). In
showing that a ¢rm’s organizational structure may act as a commitment to revisit
the capital market, our argument complements these arguments.
The investor cannot legally prevent the ¢rm from self-¢nancing as both cash
£ows and investment decisions are nonveri¢able. While the assumption that in-
vestment decisions are nonveri¢able may be realistic in some cases, in particular
if the ¢rm consists of a complex bundle of investments where it is di⁄cult for out-
siders to ascertain whether the i-th investment has been undertaken or not, it
may be less realistic in other cases. In Section II.C, we show that the assumption
that investment decisions are nonveri¢able is not needed if the parties can rene-
gotiate after default.
Proposition 2 admits an alternative interpretation, which goes beyond the is-
sue of ¢nancing constraints. It applies to situations where managers can with-
hold cash from both investors and the ¢rm’s owner(s). This may be because
managers are better informed or ownership is dispersed, implying that the own-
ers, while having formal control rights, have insu⁄cient incentives to enforce
their claims. Under this scenario, the ¢rm’s owners are in the same boat as the
investor: Unless management can be incentivized to pay out cash, neither the
investor nor the owners will see any of it. The optimal contract underlying
Proposition 2 is also optimal in this setting as it maximizes the cash £ow ex-
tracted by outsiders. The p-threshold characterizing the ¢rm boundaries also re-
mains optimal.
II. Discussion
A. Continuous Cash-Flow Distribution
The argument that one project does not generate enough cash to allow self-¢nan-
cing but two projects do is evidently independent of the cash-£ow distribution.
This is not so obvious with regard to the bene¢ts of centralization, that is, the
argument that ¢nancial contracts with centralized ¢rms are more e⁄cient.
Suppose cash £ows are continuously distributed with support [pl,ph]. Consider
¢rst the case where borrowing is decentralized. It can be shown that the optimal
contract is b(p) 5 1 and R1 ðpÞ ¼ p if p p; and bðpÞ ¼ ðp pl Þ=ðp pl Þ and
R1(p) 5 p if pop (e.g., Bolton and Scharfstein (1990) and DeMarzo and Fishman
(2000)). The optimal contract thus resembles a standard debt contract with face
value p and liquidation probability 1 b (p). Consider next centralized borrow-
ing. The ¢rm’s ‘‘type’’ is fully characterized by the sum o : 5 p11p2, where p1 and
p2 are the two ¢rst-period cash £ows. Again, it can be shown that the optimal
contract is b(o) 5 1 and R1 ðoÞ ¼ 2p if o 2p; and bðoÞ ¼ ðo 2pl Þ=2ðp pl Þ
and R1(o) 5 o if oo2p: Hence, the optimal contract is again a standard debt con-
tract, now with face value 2p and liquidation probability 1 b(o).
Consider the above optimal contracts. If either p1 p and p2 p or if p1 p
and p2 p; that is, if either both cash £ows are low or high, the re¢nancing
probability under centralized borrowing is identical to the average re¢nancing
1046 The Journal of Finance
B. Indivisibility of Investments
What is the role of investment indivisibilities in this model? In particular, sup-
pose at date 1 the ¢rm could invest a fraction ar1 of I in a project technology with
constant returns to scale.Would this a¡ect our results? We address this question
in three parts, pertaining to the role of indivisibilities for (a) the threat to with-
hold ¢nancing (‘‘termination threat’’), (b) the bene¢ts of centralization, and (c)
the costs of centralization.
B.1. TerminationThreat
Consider, for instance, the benchmark model of decentralized borrowing. There,
the incentives for a high-cash-£ow ¢rm to repay p instead of pl are that in return
the investor ¢nances second-period investment. Investment indivisibilities are
not essential in providing these incentives.What is essential is that the ¢rm can-
not capture all, or most, of the second-period e⁄ciency gains by self-¢nancing the
investment. Suppose the high-cash-£ow ¢rm can use its nonveri¢able cash £ow of
ph pl to ¢nance a fraction a : 5 (ph pl)/I of the second-period investment.With
constant returns to scale, the expected return on this investment is ap: By the
same logic as in Section I.D (‘‘self-¢nancing’’), the investor must then grant the
high-cash-£ow ¢rm an additional information rent of aðp I Þ to preserve incen-
Internal versus External Financing 1047
tive compatibility. Solving the investor’s expected pro¢t for the value of I at which
he breaks even, we have that the investor invests at date 0 if and only if
p pl
I p : ð15Þ
ð1 pÞð1 aÞ þ 1
If a 5 0, (15) coincides with the corresponding threshold in the basic model, (3).
By inspection, the right-hand side in (15) is strictly decreasing in a, positive for
low a, and negative for high a. If a is high, the ¢rm can realize most of the second-
period e⁄ciency gains without borrowing additional funds from the investor. In
this case, the investor’s threat to withhold ¢nancing at date 1 is ine¡ective, and
¢nancing at date 0 breaks down. By contrast, if a is low, the ¢rm can only realize a
small fraction of the e⁄ciency gains by itself. In this case, the incentives to make
a high repayment and turn to the investor for additional funding are strong, and
date 0 ¢nancing becomes feasible. Moreover, the lower a, the greater is the right-
hand side in (15), and the looser is the ¢rm’s date 0 ¢nancing constraint. Hence,
the e¡ectiveness of the threat to withhold future ¢nancing does not depend on
investment indivisibilities. What is key, however, is that the ¢rm cannot exploit
all, or most, of the e⁄ciency gains through self-¢nancing.
respectively. The high-cash-£ow ¢rm under decentralized borrowing and the in-
termediate-cash-£ow ¢rm under centralized borrowing have the same nonveri¢-
able cash £ow, ph pl. Hence, both ¢rms can invest the same fraction a and, by the
argument in (a), earn the same additional information rent aðp I Þ.The bene¢ts
of cash-£ow pooling thus remain unchanged: Both ¢rms continue to earn the
same total information rent (right-hand side in (16) and (17)), but under centra-
lized borrowing, a greater fraction of this rent can be provided in the form of
continuation bene¢ts.
1048 The Journal of Finance
Consider the high-cash-£ow state, and suppose that 2(ph pl)4pl4(ph pl),
where the ¢rst inequality follows from Assumption 3. In this case, neither of the
two stand-alone ¢rms has su⁄cient cash to buy back the asset. However, the cen-
tralized ¢rmFafter earning 2ph but claiming that it has only 2plFhas the neces-
sary cash, which means there is scope for renegotiation. Depending on the
distribution of bargaining powers and the ¢rm’s liquidity, the outcome of the re-
negotiation is that the centralized ¢rm makes an additional net gain of
pl1D PZ0.6 In a renegotiation-proof contract, the investor must therefore pay
the centralized ¢rm a higher information rent than the two decentralized ¢rms
together. Even though investment decisions are veri¢able (the use of the asset in
the second period is observable) and the investor can prevent the ¢rm from con-
tinuing by liquidiating the asset, we have again that centralization lowers the
investor’s pro¢t in the high-cash-£ow state, which is all we need for Proposition
2 to hold.
D. Renegotiation
While the optimal contract under both centralized and decentralized borrowing
entails ine⁄ciencies, there will be no renegotiation on the equilibrium path, as
the maximum which the investor can assure in the second period is ploI. As the
discussion in the preceding subsection suggests, the situation is di¡erent if the
high-cash-£ow ¢rm falsely claims that its cash £ow is low (i.e., o¡ the equilibrium
path). Consider, for instance, the high-cash-£ow ¢rm under decentralized borrow-
ing. Upon claiming that its cash £ow is low, the ¢rm pays out pl, which implies its
remaining (i.e., nonveri¢able) cash £ow is ph pl.While this is not enough to self-
¢nance second-period investment, the ¢rm could renegotiate and ask the inves-
tor for additional funds of I (ph pl)opl. As the investor can assure a date 2
repayment of pl, he will provide these funds. A similar reasoning holds for the
high- and intermediate-cash-£ow ¢rms under centralized borrowing. In a renego-
tiation-proof contract, the investor would therefore have to pay all but the lowest
cash-£ow ¢rms an additional information rent. Besides, however, nothing
changes. In particular, as long as the investor has su⁄cient bargaining power
in the renegotiation, the costs and bene¢ts of centralization are the same as in
the commitment case.7
b(l)40, these results will be more complex, but their qualitative nature remains
the same. In particular, both the underinvestment problem and the basic trade-
o¡ analyzed here remain the same. One minor change is that the contract be-
tween the ¢rm and the investor must be augmented by a seniority provision (both
under centralized and decentralized borrowing). To see this, suppose the high-
cash-£ow ¢rm under decentralized borrowing defaults and approaches a new in-
vestor. As the ¢rm needs only I (ph pl)opl to ¢nance second-period invest-
ment, the new investor is willing to help out. But this means that the original
investor will make a loss. A seniority provision stating that the ¢rm cannot make
a repayment to a new investor unless it has fully settled its debt with the original
investor avoids this problem. Since payments to and from investors are veri¢able,
such a seniority provision is enforceable.
A. Correlation
We now relax our assumption that cash £ows in any given period are uncorre-
lated.We do, however, retain the assumption that cash £ows are serially uncorre-
lated. Denote the correlation coe⁄cient by r. While the optimal contract under
both self-¢nancing and ‘‘no self-¢nancing’’ remains unchanged, allowing for cor-
relation alters the probabilities of the three cash-£ow states and therefore the
investor’s expected payo¡. (Intuitively, the optimal contract remains unchanged,
as incentive compatibility and limited liability are both ex post constraints that
do not depend on the ex ante probabilities.) The new probabilities are
p[1 (1 r)(1 p)] for the low-cash-£ow state, 2(1 r)p(1 p) for the intermedi-
ate-cash-£ow state, and (1 p)[1 p(1 r)] for the high-cash-£ow state. A deriva-
tion of these probabilities can be found in the proof of Proposition 3 in the
If self-¢nancing is not possible, the result is evident. As centralization has ben-
e¢ts but no costs, centralized borrowing is optimal except if r 5 1. If r 5 1, the
probability of the intermediate-cash-£ow state is zero. But the intermediate-
cash-£ow state is the only cash-£ow state where centralized and decentralized
borrowing di¡er. If self-¢nancing is possible, the result is more complex.
If r-1, the probability of the intermediate-cash-£ow state goes to zero while the
probability of the high-cash-£ow state remains positive. Hence centralization has
costs but no bene¢ts. Conversely, if r- 1 the probability of the high-cash-£ow
Internal versus External Financing 1051
state goes to zero while the probability of the intermediate-cash-£ow state ap-
proaches one.8 Hence, centralization has bene¢ts but no costs. For intermediate
values of r, we have the same picture as before:While neither organizational form
dominates the other, there exists a critical value pðrÞ such that centralized bor-
rowing is optimal if p pðrÞ and decentralized
pffiffiffi borrowing is optimal if p pðrÞ.
When r 5 0, this critical value equals pð0Þ ¼ 2 1; which coincides with the re-
sult in Proposition 2.
C. Cash-Flow Balancing
The termination threat is based on an intertemporal exchange: The ¢rm ex-
changes ¢rst-period cash £ow (thereby giving up ¢rst-period rents) for second-
period continuation rights. The termination threat is thus most e¡ective if there
is a balance between ¢rst-period cash £ow and continuation rights. If the conti-
nuation value is high but the ¢rst-period cash £ow is low the ¢rm can only buy a
small fraction of the continuation rights. Similarly, if the ¢rst-period cash £ow is
high but the continuation value is low the ¢rm is only willing to give up a fraction
Due to the two-point distribution, not all (r, p)-combinations are feasible. In particular, if
r 5 1, the only feasible p-value is p 5 1/2, which explains why the probability of the high-
cash-£ow state goes to zero as r- 1. The set of feasible (r, p)-combinations is derived in
the proof of Proposition 3 in the Appendix.
1052 The Journal of Finance
of its cash £ow equal to the continuation value. (Centralization mitigates this
problem by raising the continuation value.)
The above argument suggests that if projects are strongly front- (high p1 but
low p2 ) and backloaded (low p1 but high p2 ), it may be better to pool one front-
and one backloaded project instead of two front- or two backloaded projects.
The idea is that the high cash £ow generated by the frontloaded project can be
used to buy continuation rights for the (valuable) second tranche of the back-
loaded project. This intuition can be formalized. Suppose the probability of the
low cash £ow can take two values: pH and pL, where pH4pL. Frontloaded projects
have p1 5 pL and p2 5 pH, implying that p1 ¼ pL 4pH ¼ p2 : Backloaded projects
have p1 5 pH and p2 5 pL, implying that p1 ¼ pH opL ¼ p2 : The expected two-per-
iod cash £ow is the same for both projects.We obtain the following result.
IMPLICATION 1: Divisional investment is positively related to the past cash £ow of other
Lamont (1997) and Shin and Stulz (1998) provide supporting evidence. Lamont
studies the reaction of U.S. oil companies to the 1986 oil price decline. He ¢nds
Internal versus External Financing 1053
that a lower cash £ow in the companies’core business leads to investment cuts in
non-oil-related divisions. Similarly, Shin and Stulz ¢nd that the investment of
smaller divisions is positively related to the cash £ow of other divisions.
In our model, the fraction of nonveri¢able cash £ow ph pl measures the mag-
nitude of the agency problem between the ¢rm and the investor. If all cash £ow is
veri¢able, there is no value to project pooling. If some, but not too much cash £ow
can be diverted, project pooling is unambiguously valuable. Finally, if enough
cash £ow can be diverted to allow self-¢nancing of follow-up investments, the
value of project pooling is again low.
IMPLICATION 2: Internal capital markets are most valuable if agency problems between
¢rms and investors are small (but positive), and less valuable if they are large.
The result contrasts with Stein’s (1997) result that internal capital markets are
most valuable if agency problems are severe.The empirical evidence on this issue
is mixed. Consistent with Stein’s argument, Hubbard and Palia (1999) ¢nd that
the highest bidder returns in diversifying acquisitions in the 1960s were earned
when ¢nancially unconstrained buyers acquired constrained target ¢rms. Hub-
bard and Palia interpret this as evidence that capital markets viewed the forma-
tion of conglomerates in the 1960s as an e⁄cient response to the information
de¢ciencies of external capital markets, which were arguably greater at that
time. On the other hand, Servaes (1996) ¢nds that conglomerates in the 1960s
traded at a substantial discount, which is di⁄cult to reconcile with Hubbard
and Palia’s interpretation. Similarly, Claessens et al. (1999) document diversi¢ca-
tion patterns for corporations in the United States, Japan, and eight Asian coun-
tries, some of which do not have well-developed external capital markets. The
authors do not ¢nd a clear pattern of di¡erent degrees of diversi¢cation across
countries at di¡erent levels of development, concluding that ‘‘this contrasts with
the internal capital markets hypothesis ... which would suggest that ¢rms in less-
developed countries diversify more to reap the bene¢ts of internal markets’’
(p. 8).9
Direct support for Implication 2 is provided by Lins and Servaes (2001). Using
data from Asian emerging markets countries, Lins and Servaes ¢nd that the di-
versi¢cation discount is greatest when management control rights substantially
exceed their cash £ow rights. To the extent that the di¡erence between manage-
rial control rights and cash-£ow rights proxies for the severity of the agency pro-
blem between management and investors, this suggests an inverse relation
between the value of internal capital markets and the extent of the managerial
agency problem, as suggested in this paper.
The next two implications relate a ¢rm’s propensity to access external ¢nance
to exogenous characteristics such as operating productivity and the degree of
¢rm diversi¢cation.
Khanna and Palepu (2000) ¢nd that Indian ¢rms a⁄liated with highly diversifed business
groups outperform other ¢rms. The authors point out, however, that internal capital markets
have nothing to do with this. Unlike, for example, Japanese keiretsu, Indian business groups
have no common internal capital market.
1054 The Journal of Finance
Comment and Jarrell (1995) ¢nd that conglomerates use less external ¢nance than single-
segment ¢rms, although the di¡erence is small. Peyer (2001) ¢nds that conglomerates with
e⁄cient internal capital markets use more external ¢nance than single-segment ¢rms. Our
model would suggest that di¡erences in productivity might explain some of the cross-sec-
tional variation in these studies.
Internal versus External Financing 1055
and Stulz (1994) ¢nd that diversifying ¢rms are poor performers relative to ¢rms
that do not diversify. Finally, Campa and Kedia (1999) and Graham, Lemmon, and
Wolf (2002) ¢nd that diversifying ¢rms already traded at a discount prior to the
diversi¢cation, and that targets in diversifying acquisitions had already been dis-
counted before they were acquired, respectively. Contrary evidence is provided
by Schoar (2002), who ¢nds that plants of diversi¢ed ¢rms are more productive
than plants of single-segment ¢rms.
The next statement follows from Proposition 4. It rests on the notion that the
incentives to engage in self-¢nancing, and hence the costs of centralization, are
lower if the follow-up investment is relatively unattractive.
Few studies have examined the relation between conglomeration and industry
growth. Consistent with our hypothesis, Lang and Stulz (1994) ¢nd that diversi-
¢ed ¢rms tend to be concentrated in industries with fewer growth opportunities.
Similarly, Burch, Nanda, and Narayanan (2000) report a negative correlation be-
tween industry conglomeration and investment opportunities as measured by in-
dustry market-to-book ratios.
The last implication follows from Proposition 5. It compares di¡erent invest-
ment policies for conglomerates.
While based on a di¡erent logic than models of internal cash-£ow recycling, the
implications for investment policy are similar: Firms should hold a balanced
portfolio of projects generating immediate cash (‘‘cash cows’’) and projects gen-
erating cash in the future (‘‘growth projects’’).We are not aware of empirical work
examining the relation between ¢nancing constraints and the composition of a
¢rm’s investment portfolio.
V. Concluding Remarks
Financial contracting models typically consider an entrepreneur who raises
funds for a single project. In this setting, questions regarding organizational
structure or the role of internal capital markets cannot be addressed. On the
other hand, internal capital markets models, while analyzing the choice between
centralization and decentralization, do not consider optimal contracts between
headquarters and outside investors.This paper links both literatures, thereby ty-
ing together internal and external capital markets.
We derive the optimal contract for both centralized ¢rms where headquarters
borrows on behalf of multiple projects and decentralized, or stand-alone, ¢rms
where individual project managers borrow separately on the external capital
1056 The Journal of Finance
market. Centralization has bene¢ts and costs. On the bene¢t side, headquarters
uses excess liquidity from high-cash-£ow projects to buy continuation rights for
low-cash-£ow projects. This, in turn, allows headquarters to make greater repay-
ments, which relaxes ¢nancing constraints ex ante. On the cost side, headquar-
tersFby pooling cash £ows from several projectsFmight pursue follow-up
investments without returning to the capital market.This makes it more di⁄cult
for investors to discipline the ¢rm, which tightens ¢nancing constraints.
We believe our model yields insights which are applicable to other areas of
economics and ¢nance. By showing that cash-£ow pooling can strengthen
a ¢rm’s ability to expropriate investors, the paper is one of few papers emphasiz-
ing the potential costs of cash-£ow pooling.11 Other models, especially in the
¢nancial intermediation literature, rest largely on the bene¢ts of cash-£ow
pooling (e.g., Diamond (1984)). Introducing costs in these models might yield
additional insights. Second, internal capital marketsFvia their e¡ect on ¢nan-
cing constraintsFmight a¡ect the strategic behavior of ¢rms in the product mar-
ket. For instance, in Bolton and Scharfstein (1990), the presence of ¢nancing
constraints creates incentives for deep-pocket ¢rms to lower the pro¢ts of ¢nan-
cially constrained rivals. In this paper, we show that grouping several ¢nancially
constrained ¢rms together can reduce ¢nancing constraints, and therefore the
incentives of competitors to prey. Third, internal capital markets might play an
important role for the credit channel and monetary transmission mechanism. In
particular, to the extent that they alleviate credit constraints, internal capital
markets can damp the e¡ect of shocks on business lending and hence stabilize
production and economic growth.12
Another paper pointing out that cash-£ow pooling may entail costs is Axelson (1999), who
analyzes the costs and bene¢ts of pooling assets in a common value auction. If the number of
bidders is large relative to the number of assets, pooling is costly, as it decreases bidding
competition in the upper tail of the signal distribution, and, hence, seller revenues.
For a discussion of the macroeconomic implications of credit constraints see Bernanke,
Gertler, and Gilchrist (2000).
Internal versus External Financing 1057
where sA{(h,h), (h,l )}. Denote these constraints by C(h,h) and C(h,l ), respec-
tively. The following two lemmas considerably simplify the analysis.
LEMMA A1: At any optimum, it must hold that b(l,l ) 5 0 and R1(l,l ) 5 2pl.
Proof of Lemma A1: We argue to a contradiction. Suppose b(l,l )40 and de¢ne
1 ðl; l Þ :¼ 2pl and R
R 2 ðl; l Þ :¼ R2 ðl; l Þ 2pl þ R1 ðl; lÞ. If b(l,l )o1 replacing R1(l,l )
2 1
and R (l,l) with R ðl; l Þ and R 2 ðl; l Þ strictly increases the investor’s expected prof-
it, whereas if b(l,l) 5 1 replacing R1(l,l ) and R2(l,l ) with R 1 ðl; l Þ and R
2 ðl; l Þ leaves
the investor’s expected pro¢t unchanged. Moreover, if C(h,h), C(h,l ), and the two
limited liability constraints are satis¢ed under R1(l,l ) and R2(l,l ), they are also
satis¢ed under R 1 ðl; lÞ and R 2 ðl; lÞ:
From the second-period limited liability constraint for type (l,l ), it follows that
2 ðl; l Þ 2Io0. On the other hand, since p
R I40 and R 2 ðl; l Þ 2pl , it must be
true that 2 2
p R ðl; l Þ40. Accordingly, reducing b(l,l ) strictly improves the in-
vestor’s expected pro¢t without violating any of the incentive compatibility con-
straints, which contradicts the optimality of b(l,l )40. Given that b(l,l ) 5 0 is
optimal, the fact that R1(l,l) 5 0 is also optimal is obvious. Q.E.D.
LEMMA A2: At any optimum, the constraints C(h,l) and C(h,h) must bind.
Proof of Lemma A2: We argue again to a contradiction. Suppose C(h,h) is slack. If
b(h,h) 5 0 then C(h,h) implies that the ¢rst-period limited liability constraint for
type (h,h) is also slack. But this implies that the investor can improve his ex-
pected pro¢t by raising R1(h,h) without violating any constraint, contradiction.
If b(h,h)A(0,1), the unique optimal payments for type (h,h) are R1(h,h) 5 pl1ph
and R2(h,h) 5 2pl. Since we showed above that R1(l,l ) 5 2pl and b(l,l ) 5 0, this vio-
lates C(h,h), contradiction. Finally, if b(h,h) 5 1, any optimal contract must satis-
fy R1(h,h)1R2(h,h) 5 2ph12pl. Since 2ðph pl Þ42ð p pl Þ, this violates C(h,h),
Next, suppose C(h,l ) is slack. If b(h,l ) 5 0, the argument is the same as above. If
b(h,l )A(0,1), the unique optimal payments for type (h,l) are R1(h,l ) 5 ph1pl and
R2(h,l ) 5 2pl. Observe that if 2bðh; l Þð
p pl Þ ph pl , this contract is indeed in-
centive compatible. Since 2(pl I)o0, however, the investor is strictly better o¡ by
reducing b(h,l ), contradiction. Finally, if b(h,l ) 5 1, any optimal contract must
satisfy R1(h,l )1R2(h,l) 5 ph1pl12pl. In particular, this implies that any optimal
contract yields the same pro¢t to the investor as a contract where R1(h,l ) 5 ph1pl
and R2(h,l ) 5 2pl. As we showed above, however, the investor would then want to
decrease b(h,l ), contradiction. Q.E.D.
The ¢rst of the above lemmas implies that the lowest type (l,l ) receives no rent in
equilibrium. The second lemma is a standard feature of contracting problems of
this sort. Equipped with these two lemmas, we can now derive the optimal contract.
LEMMA A3: The following contract is optimal:
(1) Type (l,l ):b(l,l ) 5 0 and R1(l,l ) 5 2pl.
(2) Type (l,h): b(h,l ) 5 1/[2(1 p)], R1(h,l ) 5 ph1pl, and R2(h,l ) 5 2pl if pr1/2,
and b(h,l ) 5 1, R1 ðh; l Þ ¼ 2p; and R2(h,l) 5 2pl if pZ1/2.
(3) Type (h,h): b(h,h) 5 1, R1 ðh; hÞ ¼ 2p, and R2(h,h) 5 2pl.
1058 The Journal of Finance
Proof of Lemma A3: Setting b(l,l) 5 0 and R1(l,l) 5 2pl and inserting the binding
C(h,l) and C(h,h) constraints in (4) we can rewrite the objective function as
2ðpl IÞ þ 2pl þ 4pð1 pÞbðh; lÞðp IÞ þ 2ð1 pÞ2 bðh; hÞðp IÞ: ðA2Þ
Since R1(l,l)r2pl, the case where 2ph R1(l,l)oI can be safely ignored as it vio-
lates Assumption 3. Moreover, Lemmas A1 to A2 in the proof of Proposition 1 con-
tinue to hold (with C(h,h) being replaced by C ðh; hÞ). Since b(l,l) 5 0 and
1 D
R (l,l) 5 2pl, Assumption 3 implies that U ðh; hÞ ¼ 2ðph pl Þ þ p I. Similar to
the proof of Lemma A1, the investor’s objective function can then be rewritten as
p IÞ þ ð1 pÞ2 ð2bðh; hÞ 1Þð
2ðpl IÞ þ 2pð1 pÞbðh; lÞ2ð p IÞ: ðA6Þ
Given that (A6) is strictly increasing in both b(h,l) and b(h,h), the arguments in
the proof of Proposition 1 extend to the current proof. In particular, the optimal
contracts for types (l,l) and (h,l) are the same as in Proposition 1. Furthermore,
we have that b(h,h) 5 1, which, together with C ðh; hÞ; implies that R1(h,h) 5 2ph
and R ðh; hÞ ¼ p þ I 2ðph pl Þ. To verify that the neglected incentive compat-
ibility constraints hold, note that it is impossible for type (h,l) to make a repay-
ment of R1(h,h) 5 2ph at date 1. Q.E.D.
Proof of Proposition 3:We ¢rst derive the joint probabilities for types (l,l), (h,l), and
(h,h) for arbitrary correlation coe⁄cients. Denote the random variables asso-
ciated with the two project cash £ows by X and Y, respectively.The joint probabil-
ities are o: 5 Pr(x 5 pl, y 5 ph) 5 Pr(x 5 ph, y 5 pl), Pr(x 5 y 5 pl) 5 p o, and
Pr(x 5 y 5 ph) 5 1 p o. Since r: 5 Cov(X,Y)/sXsY and sX 5 sY we have
r 5 1 o/p(1 p). Solving for o we obtain the probabilities given in the text.
Moreover, since ormin[p,1 p], it follows that the correlation coe⁄cient is
bounded from below by r :¼ 1 ðmin½p; 1 pÞ=½pð1 pÞ. (This function charac-
terizes the set of feasible (r,p)-combinations.)
While the optimal contract under centralized borrowing is the same as that
derived in the proof of Proposition 2, the investor’s expected pro¢t has changed
as the probabilities for types (l,l), (h,l), and (h,h) have changed. Inserting the
terms of the optimal contract in the investor’s objective function while taking
1060 The Journal of Finance
into account the new probabilities, we then have that the investor’s expected prof-
it equals 2ðpl I Þ þ ½1 p þ pð1 rÞð1 þ pÞðp I Þ if pr1/2 and 2ðpl I Þ þ
½1 þ 3pð1 rÞð1 pÞðp I Þ if pX1/2. Comparing these values with the investor’s
expected pro¢t under decentralized borrowing, 2ðpl I Þ þ ð1 pÞ2ðp I Þ, we
obtain the following result.
LEMMA A5: If Assumptions 1 and 3 hold and projects are arbitrarily correlated, the
comparison between centralized and decentralized borrowing is as follows.
(1) rA(2/3, 1]: Decentralized borrowing is optimal.
(2) rA(1/3, 2/3]: If pr1/[3(1 r)], decentralized borrowing is optimal, whereas if
pZ1/[3(1 r)], centralized borrowing
h is optimal.
(3) rA( 1/2,1/3]: If p pðrÞ :¼ r 2 þ 8 þ r2 8r =½2ð1 rÞ, decentra-
lized borrowing is optimal, whereas if p p, centralized borrowing is optimal.
(4) rA[ 1, 1/2]: Centralized borrowing is optimal.
It is easy to check that the functions 1/[3(1 r)] and pðrÞ are both strictly in-
creasing and intersect at r 5 1/3, which completes the proof. Q.E.D.
if p2Z1/2, and
p2 pl
I p2 2 ðA9Þ
ð1p1 Þp1
1þ ð1p2 Þ þ ð1p
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