Multiplex Immunoassay and Bead Based Multiplex: Türkan Yi Ğitbaşı
Multiplex Immunoassay and Bead Based Multiplex: Türkan Yi Ğitbaşı
Multiplex Immunoassay and Bead Based Multiplex: Türkan Yi Ğitbaşı
Multiplex Immunoassay
and Bead Based Multiplex
Türkan Yiğitbaşı
Izmir Katip Çelebi University
1. Introduction
1.1 Background
Protein immunoassays provide information about quantities and forms of endogenous
proteins. Uniplex enzyme immunoassays like Elisa have been the workhorse for protein
measurement for decades, but they can be laborious and expensive and consume relatively
large amounts of specimen. In comparison to the ELISA for a single analyte, multiplex
assays offer the possibility of obtaining more reliable quantitative information in a highly
parallel analysis. In addition, quantitative multiplexed assays offer the possibility to identify
combinations of biomarkers with higher disease specificity than any single established
biomarker alone. Because of these reasons, currently one-analysis, many-metabolites, many-
diseases approach is receiving more attention than uniplex system with one-analysis, one-
metabolite, one-disease.
352 Trends in Immunolabelled and Related Techniques
(the limits of quantification). Therefore, there is not a single assay platform suitable for all
analytes. The selection of a platform or kit should depend on assay sensitivity, the relevant
biological concentration to be measured
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3. Flexibility — The technology can be customized for the user’s specific needs based
upon their analytes of interest
4. Accuracy — The technology generates real-time analysis and accurate quantification of
the biological interactions (
Advantages of this approach also include specimen conservation, limited sample handling,
and decreased time and cost. However, it is difficult to optimize assay format for each protein,
to select common dilution factors and to establish reliable quality control algorithms.
Characteristics Antibody-based
Principle Antibody–antigen interaction
Required reagents/information Specific antibody pairs
Quantification basis flowcytometer and others
Multiplexicity 1–100
Clinical diagnostic test Yes
Sample enrichment No
Sensitivity >sub ng/mL–pg/mL
Reproducibility Excellent
Assay development Time and resource demanding
Consumable High demand
Robustness Yes
Throughput High
Matrix effect Yes
Sample manipulation No
Automation Yes
History >15 years
Table 3.The characteristics of MBAA
356 Trends in Immunolabelled and Related Techniques
due to differences in assay format. However, the probability of all assays simultaneously
meeting QC specifications is much lower than the probability of a uniplex test passing QC.
At present, reference guidelines for multiplex QC programs are under development by the
Food and Drug Administration (FDA).
In theory, the MBAA platform may also provide a wider dynamic range than conventional
ELISA methods because of the greater linear range of fluorescence intensity compared with
absorbance. Detection limits of MBAA (luminex) and ELISA are different. A comparison of
detection limits of some test for the Luminex assays and the ELISAs is shown in Table 4. Data
Supplement (available at Disadvantage of
MBAA are time consuming in assay development, lacking antibody pairs for new biomarkers
and limited commercial multiplex assay kits.
Protein microarray kits, which use capture antibodies and detection antibodies in a
multiplex fashion similar to MBAA, should also be considered as a competing technology
which is most commonly used for simultaneous determination of multiple proteins in a
biological fluid. The technique uses primary antibodies as the immobilized probe on a solid
surface, and protein antigens labeled with fluorophores with or without bound secondary
antibodies are recognized and detected. However, binding of antibodies and antigens to a
solid support can cause denaturation or drying of proteins. MBAA provides multiplexing in
a solution phase and thus is particularly flexible and nondestructive for protein analysis.
Also protein microarray assay are relatively new, are not widely accepted as a ‘gold
standard’ for clinical use, and also may be of limited sensitivity.
Multiplex Immunoassay and Bead Based Multiplex 357
technology called omic and multiplex system allows a fast and systematic detection of the
effects of micro molecules in different molecular and cellular contexts. In this respect, it can
be used for diagnosing multi-reason/multi-gene diseases, performing a comprehensive
disease management and investigating complex cellular functions. In addition, it provides a
wide range of application area for research area because of its plasticity which allows the
researchers to perform various studies.
358 Trends in Immunolabelled and Related Techniques
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* Human (h), mouse (m): rat (rt): general (G), ImmuneTech (ImTech); Rules Based Medicine (RBM); Bio-
Rad (B-R); BioSource (Bios); Linco Research (Linco); Qiagen; R&D Systems (RD); and Upstate Group
(UP); Marligen Biosciences (MBio), MiraBio (Mira); Tm BioScience (TmBio); One Lambda (LAMBDA).
360 Trends in Immunolabelled and Related Techniques
3. References
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Seviyeleri ile İnsülin Direnci Arasındaki İlişki [Relationship Between The Levels of
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Trends in Immunolabelled and Related Techniques
Edited by Dr. Eltayb Abuelzein
ISBN 978-953-51-0570-1
Hard cover, 360 pages
Publisher InTech
Published online 27, April, 2012
Published in print edition April, 2012
The book is coined to provide a professional insight into the different trends of immunoassay and related
techniques. It encompasses 22 chapters which are grouped into two sections. The first section consists of
articles dealing with emerging uni-and-multiplex immunolabelled methods employed in the various areas of
research. The second section includes review articles which introduce the researchers to some
immunolabelled techniques which are of vital significance such as the use of the conjugates of the
Staphylococcus aureus protein "A" and the Streptococcus Spps. protein "G" in immunolabelled assay systems,
the use of bead-based assays and an overview on the laboratory assay systems. The book provides
technological innovations that are expected to provide an efficient channel for developments in
immunolabelled and related techniques. It is also most useful for researchers and post-graduate students, in
all fields, where immunolabelled techniques are applicable.
How to reference
In order to correctly reference this scholarly work, feel free to copy and paste the following:
Türkan Yiğitbaşı (2012). Multiplex Immunoassay and Bead Based Multiplex, Trends in Immunolabelled and
Related Techniques, Dr. Eltayb Abuelzein (Ed.), ISBN: 978-953-51-0570-1, InTech, Available from: