Operating and Maintenance Instructions Progressive Cavity Pump
Operating and Maintenance Instructions Progressive Cavity Pump
Operating and Maintenance Instructions Progressive Cavity Pump
511 Speedway Drive
Enon, Ohio 45323
Tel +1 (937) 864-71 50
Fax+1 (937) 864-71 57
[email protected]
N -9
1.0 1.2.7
General EEC Machine Directive
Application Manufacturer's Declaration
These operating instructions contain basic infor- seepex Manufacturer's Declaration as required by the
mation on the installation, commissioning and EEC Machine Directive 89/392/EEC, Appendix II B:
maintenance of seepex machines. Compliance with
the work steps described in the individual sections is The seepex machines delivered in accordance with
essential. our design are intended to be fitted in one machine or
assembled together with other machines to form one
1.2 machine/plant. The commissioning of the machine is
Details of the seepex machines forbidden until such a time as has been established
that the entire machine/plant satisfies the
1.2.1 requirements of the EEC Directive for Machines as
Operating Instructions amended 91/368/EEC and 93/44/EEC.
The Commission Number (comm. no) assigns the Particular attention must be paid to the safety
operating instructions to a particular seepex requirements specified in EN809 (s and Equipment
machine. The operating instructions are produced in for Fluids) as well as the information in these
relation to a specific job/commission and are valid operating instructions.
only for the machine whose comm. no. is identical
with that indicated on the cover sheet and
possessing the associated data sheet, Point 9. Declaration of Conformity
1.2.8 1.3.2
Copyright and Industrial Property Rights Company Address, Service Addresses
Specifications Required for Inquiries and Orders
Technical Data Sheet
see Point 9.
Performance Data, Load Index, Power
Sound Pressure Level
Operating Range
Supplementary Information
Accessories, Optional Extras
2.0 2.2
Safety Personnel Qualifications and Training
These operating instructions contain basic require- Personnel charged with operation, maintenance,
ments to be observed during the installation, opera- inspection and assembly must be in possession
tion and maintenance of the machine. Therefore, the of the appropriate qualifications for the tasks.
instructions must be read by the mechanical fitter and The company operating the machine must define
by the technical personnel/operator responsible for exact areas of responsibility, accountabilities and
the machine prior to assembly and commissioning, personnel supervision schemes. Personnel lacking
and kept available at the operating site of the the required skills and knowledge must receive
machine/plant at all times. training and instruction. If necessary, the opera-ting
company may commission the manufacturer/
Compliance is required not only with the general supplier to conduct these training courses. Further-
safety instructions given in this section but also with more, the operating company must ensure that the
the detailed instructions, e.g. for private usage, given personnel fully understand the contents of the
under the other main headings in these operating operating instructions.
2.1 Dangers Resulting from Failure to Observe
Labeling of Advice in the Operating Instructions Safety Instructions
In these operating instructions safety advice whose Failure to comply with the safety instructions may
non-observance could lead to danger for life or limb is lead to hazards to life and limb as well as dangers
labeled with the following general hazard symbol: for the environment and the machine. Non-obser-
vance of safety instructions can invalidate the right of
claim to damages.
safety symbol acc. to ISO 3864 - B.3.6 - Danger to the environment due to the leakage
of hazardous substances
Safety instructions whose non-observance could
jeopardize the machine and its functions are labeled 2.4
by the word Safety-conscious Working
Always comply with instructions mounted directly on Always comply with the safety instructions listed in
the machine, e.g. this document, the existing national accident
- rotational direction arrow prevention regulations and any company-internal
- fluid connection indicators work, operating and safety rules.
2.5 2.7
Safety Instructions for the Operating Unauthorized Modification and Manufacture of
Company/Machine Operator Replacement Parts
- Any potentially hazardous hot or cold machine Conversions or modifications of the machine are
parts must be provided with protection against permissible only in consultation with the manu-
accidental contact at the customer´s premises. facturers. Original manufacturer replacement parts
and manufacturer-approved accessories enhance
- Protective guards for moving parts (e.g. coupling) the operational safety of the machine. The usage of
must never be removed while the machine is in unauthorized parts may lead to the nullification of the
operation. manufacturer's liability for any resultant damages.
Safety Instructions for Maintenance, Inspection
and Assembly Work
Transport and Intermediate Storage
Safety Precautions
Intermediate Storage/Preservation
Protection against Environmental Influences
4. 4.5
Description of the seepex Progressive Cavity Design Variants
Pump and Accessories
Refer to the data sheet, Point 9, for the design of the
4.1 seepex progressive cavity pump. Other design
General Description, Design and Mode of Operation variants are possible, whereby seepex must first
check whether a particular pump is suitable for the
Like all progressive cavity pumps, seepex pumps intended purpose.
belong to the rotating positive-displacement pump
family. The characteristic attribute of these pumps is 4.6
the special formation and arrangement of the two Operating Site Specifications
conveying elements, namely the rotor and the stator.
Operating site specifications are listed in the data
The difference in the number of threads possessed sheet, Point 9. Details of the space required for
respectively by the rotor and stator produces a installation, operation and maintenance are given in
chamber that opens and closes alternately in line Point 5.2.1.
with the constant turning motion of the rotor,
effecting the continuous transportation of the
conveying product from the suction side to the
pressure side.
Mechanical Design
Dimensions, Weight
Assembly / Installation Space Allowing Disassembly of Stator P
Initial Assembly
Inspection Prior to Commencement of Assembly
Location 5.2.2
Installation of the Fully Assembled Pump
The place of installation for the pump must con-form
with the site stated in the data sheet in Point 9. Any • Installation in conformity with data sheet
change of location must be checked and approved by Installation of the pump is permissible only in
seepex. accordance with the data sheet specifications and
the associated basic drawing, see Point 9. Any change in the position must be checked and
Space Requirements approved by seepex.
Customers are responsible for determining the
• Tension-free mounting of pump
space requirements; the following factors must be
This rule applies to pumps with and without drives,
taken into consideration:
to versions with and without baseplate, for
mounting on the foundation or other bearing
dimensions and weight of the machine
elements. The entire area of all bearing surfaces of
required transport and hoisting equipment
the machine must rest on the ground. Any
possible piping layout with allowance for the space
unevenness must be corrected by appropriate
allowing disassembly of the rotor as defined in
freedom of movement to:
Correct seating of drives
operate the drive /
All drives have been aligned ready for operation
speed regulation
and mounted by seepex. However, displace-ments
read speed and pressure indicators
may occur during transport or installation. For this
adjust a stator retensioning device, if fitted
reason, check that the alignment and fastening of
operate a buffer fluid supply unit, if fitted
the drive and coupling are correct.
space required for lubrication / renewal of
• Protective devices
disassembly of mechanical protective devices, e.g.
On completion of the assembly
V-belt or coupling protection
and installation work, immediately
space required for handling the mounting tools, e.g.
mount all safety and protective
sufficient wall clearance
devices in their proper locations
and set them in operation.
Tension-free Mounting
Pipelines and other components requiring to be
connected with the pump must be mounted without
low . . . high . . . stresses.
. . . voltage indicated on rating plate
• Speed regulation via frequency inverter Fluid Connections for Optional Extras
When progressive cavity pumps with frequency- Consult the data sheets, Point 9, for information
controlled drives are started up problems may occur regarding the optional extras, if any, that are fitted.
due to unsuitable or wrongly set frequency inverters. The technical description is given under Point 9.
For this reason we recommend the purchase of the
complete drive, including frequency inverter, from
seepex, so that the frequency inverter can be tuned
on the seepex test field along with a trial run.
6.0 6.2.5
Commissioning/De-commissioning Checking Direction of Rotation
6.2 6.3
Preparation for Operation Control and Monitoring Equipment
Electric/Hydraulic Connections
6.5.5 6.6.4
Establish Clear Passage Through Pipelines Disassembling the Pump
To prevent damage to the pump the unhindered flow Dismantle the pipe work by removing the flange bolts
of liquid must be guaranteed between the points of (SCH) and flange seals (DFL) or the threaded
entry to and exit from the pipeline. For this reason, connections (G).
open all relevant valves etc. prior to activation of the Disassemble the pump together with the baseplate
pump. (GPU) or, as applicable, without the baseplate (GPU)
following removal of the bolts (SCH) at the pump
6.6 feet.
Block-design pumps with direct flange-
6.6.1 mounted drive engine are liable to
De-activation become unstable during disassembly.
The electric connections must be Stability can be restored by propping up
switched off and protected against the drive engine.
accidental re-activation. Observe the
safety regulations applying to the plants.
Stationary Pump
Evacuation of the Pump
The pipeline must be evacuated on the
suction and pressure side or shut-off 6.6.5
directly behind the pump connections. Preservation/Storage
Drain any residual liquid in the pump
casing by opening/ removing the The pump must be preserved prior to storage.
screwed sealing plugs (705) and (502), Appropriate preservation measures must be agreed
sealing rings (706) and (503). Casings with seepex. Always state the pump commission
without screwed plug must be number when making inquiries.
evacuated by the connection branch
(SAG and DRS). Refer to the data
sheet and the sectional drawing of the
associated operating instruction, Point
9, for information on the pump design.
Conveying medium residues always
remain in the rotor/ stator chambers
and may run out during transport or
disassembly of the pump. If conveying
aggressive or hazardous media,
therefore, wear appropriate protective
gear during all installation work.
Service and Maintenance Bearing of the Pump/Drive Casing
7.1 7.2.2
General Instructions Lubricant Filling Levels
A requirement for the reliable operation of any pump Details are specified in the index.
is service and maintenance in compliance with
instructions. Maintenance personnel must therefore 7.2.3
have access to these operating instructions and Drives and Optional Extras
adhere to them meticulously. seepex will accept no
liability for damages arising through non-observance For maintenance and inspection
of these operating instructions. specifications, see the appended
manufacturer's documents.
Maintenance and Inspection
7.2.1 Supervision during Operation
Lubrication Shaft Sealing
Rotor and Stator
See document OM.SEA.__.
The rotor and stator are lubricated by the conveying
Optional Extras
Shaft Sealing These must be monitored in accordance with the
separate documents, Point 9/Point 10.
Consult document OM.SEA. __ for information on
lubricating the shaft seal.
Drive Engines
Pin Joint These must be monitored in accordance with the
separate manufacturer's documents.
The pin joints are filled with special grease and
lubricated for the expected duration of service. The 7.2.5
seepex joint grease specified in the index of these Preventive Measures
operating instructions should be used exclusively for
any required maintenance work. To avoid the expenses incurred by lengthy stop
CAUTION periods of the pump, seepex recommends the
Usage of other grease types will lead to premature acquisition of a set of wearing parts and a set of
joint failure and render invalid any right to claims gaskets. The contents are listed in the document
under guarantee. OM.WPS.08e. Point 9.
not available
Rotating Pump Parts - Dismantling
Rotor (600), Coupling Rod (400)
Stator (601) - Dismantling Detach the rotor (600) and coupling rod (400) from
the plug-in shaft (307) by dismantling the joint (G) in
• Maintenance tip: accordance with Point 7.3.6.
Disassembly of the stator can be made consider-
ably easier by first moistening the inner surface
of the stator with antiseize agent (soft or liquid
soap). Before removing the pressure flange (700),
pour the antiseize agent into the opening between
rotor and stator on the pressure flange side. Several
clockwise (see Point 6.2.5) revolutions
of the rotor will then distribute the antiseize agent 7.3.6
over the inner surface of the stator and reduce Dismantling of Joint
the friction between rotor and stator considerably
see document OM.PJT.02e Point 1.
7.3.7 7.4.4
Shaft Sealing Suction Casing (500), Casing Gasket (501) - Re-
See document OM.SEA.___ Point 9 for information
on dismantling the shaft sealing. Fit protective cover (SH) on rotor (600) and prop it up
with support (S).
Drive Casing (ATG) - Dismantling
Stator (601) - Assembly / Re-assembly
Re-assembly Maintenance tip:
Disassembly of the stator can be facilitated
Before commencing the re-assembly, considerably by first moistening the inner surface of
fasten the completed drive casing (100) the stator with antiseize agent (soft or liquid soap).
in such a way that it cannot tip over or Before removing the pressure flanges (700), pour the
fall down during the re-assembly of the antiseize agent into the opening between rotor and
pump components. stator on the pressure flange side. Several clockwise
(see Point 6.2.5) revolutions of the rotor will then
distribute the antiseize agent over the inner surface
7.4.1 of the stator and reduce the friction between rotor
Drive Casing (100) - Re-assembly and stator considerably
For assembly of drive casing (100) please see Lock drive shaft (102)in the drive casing (100) against
document OM.DCG.__. rotation. Using tool (W2/see Point 9), turn stator (601)
clockwise and simultaneously push it over rotor (600),
propping up stator with support (S) at the same time.
not avaiable
Rotating Pump Parts - Re-assembly
7.4.3 7.4.6
Rotating Pump Parts - Re-assembly Pressure Flange (700) - Assembly
Prepare main components: Tighten tie bolts (602 and 603) in equally.
Prepare rotor (600), coupling rod (400) and
plug-in shaft (307) as described in document
OM.PJT.02 Point 2. to 2.3
Joint (G) re-assembly as described in documen
OM.PJT.02 Point 3.
Suction Casing (500), Casing Gasket (501) - Re-
Stator (601) - Assembly / Re-assembly
Maintenance tip:
Disassembly of the stator can be facilitated
considerably by first moistening the inner surface of
the stator with antiseize agent (soft or liquid soap).
Before removing the pressure flanges (700), pour the
antiseize agent into the opening between rotor and
stator on the pressure flange side. Several clockwise
(see Point 6.2.5) revolutions of the rotor will then
distribute the antiseize agent over the inner surface
of the stator and reduce the friction between rotor
and stator considerably
This operating instruction refers to • External bearing ring (104) and lubrication nipple (101)
drive casing - Disassembly
sizes: 05-24 to 200-6L, not 26-6L Remove circlip (108) and evenly press out external
bearing ring using mounting tool W6
Table of contents: Disassemble lubrication nipple (101).
1. Disassembly
2. Reassembly
3. Lubrication
4. Bearing clearance / Effect / Corrective actions
Mounting Tools
Some mounting tools are required for the disassembly and
reassembly. Refer to the document OM.SPT.__ regarding
these tools.
• Drive shaft (102) - Disassembly
1.1 Remove circlips (109), fitting discs (112) and
Drive Casing (100) - Disassembly supporting rings (110). Support bearing (104)
with external bearing ring on compression base (PRU)
Remove coupling, V-belt pulley and fitting key (103) and press drive shaft (102) from bearings (104).
• Drive shaft (102) - Disassembly Drive casing (100) - Preassembly
Remove circlip (108)
Press out drive shaft (102)
Before mounting: Remove burrs, flaws and edges
and clean drive casing (100).
Drive shaft (102) - Preassembly
• Bearing seal
Slip V-ring (121) onto both sides of the drive shaft (102)
up to the bearing cover (120).
Drive casing (100) - Running-in period
Drive casing (100) - Lubrication
Bearing clearance regarding taper roller bearings
Effects - Corrective actions
Dismantling of Joint To guarantee the proper function of the joints, it
is advisable to renew the coupling rod pins (402),
1.1 guide bushes (403) and coupling rod bushes (404)
Holding Band (406, 407) and Universal Joint all at the same time.
Sleeve (405)
Prepare main components for Re-assembly
- For rotors made of synthetic material, Rotor (600) - Preparation for Joint Assembly
release set screw (426).
First remove any burr, flaws or similar defects from
the rotor, then clean it.
Separation of Joint
2.2 3.0
Coupling Rod (400) - Preparation for the Joint Joint - Re-assembly
Assembly CAUTION
CAUTION To guarantee the proper function of the joints, it
As a precaution against the incorrect re-assembly of is advisable to renew the coupling rod pins (402),
coupling rod bushes (404), we recommend the em- guide bushes (403) and coupling rod bushes (404)
ployment of coupling rods (400) whose bushes (404) all at the same time.
have been pressed in by seepex.
• Joint head on rotor (600) and plug-in shaft (307)
Press in new coupling rod bushes (404 using tool - Press guide bushes (403) in by only 2/3 of their
(W4) and (W14/see Point 9). length using tool (W4/see Point 9)
- Fill joint head with joint grease (098), see index for
special grease
- Slip on joint sleeve (401)
correct incorrect
pressed into A-A axis pressed in rotated • Guide bush (403)
Press in with tool (W5/see Point 9)
result: joint fracture
Plug-in Shaft (307) - Preparation for Joint
The holding band must run all the way round the
groove of the universal joint sleeve.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Reasons / Remedies
Adhesion between rotor and stator excessive (as delivered). Lubricate
X X a (soft soap, genuine soap) between stator and rotor.
Then turn the pump by means of the tool W2 .
Check rotational direction of the pump per data sheet and nameplate. In
X b case of wrong direction, change wiring of motor.
X X X X X c Suction pipe or shaft sealing leak. Eliminate the leakage.
Suction head too high (item Check suction head with vacuum
X X X X d gauge. Increase the suction pipe diameter and fit larger filters. Open the
suction valve fully.
Viscosity of the liquid too high.
X X X e Check and accommodate per data sheet.
X X X f Wrong pump speed. Correct pump speed per data sheet.
X X g Avoid inclusions of air in the conveying liquid.
Pressure head too high (point Check pressure head with
X X X X X h manometer. Reduce the pressure head by increasing the pressure pipe
diameter or by shortening the pressure pipe.
Pump runs partially or completely dry (point 6.5.2). Check flow in the
X X X X X i suction chamber. Install dry running protection TSE.
Check coupling, possibly pump shaft is misaligned to drive. Check
X X j whether coupling gear is worn. Realign coupling. The coupling gear has
perhaps to be replaced.
Speed too low. Increase the speed when high suction performances are
X X k required and when the liquid is very thin.
Speed too high. Reduce the speed when pumping products with high
X X X l viscosities - danger of cavitation.
Check the axial play in the coupling rod linkage. Check that the bush
X m has been installed correctly see document OM.PJT.__.
Check for foreign substances in the pump. Dismantle the pump, remove
X X X X X n foreign substances and replace worn parts.
X X X X o Stator or rotor worn. Dismantle the pump and replace defective parts.
Joint parts worn. Replace worn parts and fill with special pin joint grease
X X X X p .
Suction pipework partially or completely blocked. Clean suction
X X X X q pipework.
Temperature of the pumping liquid too high. Excessive expansion of the
X X X X X r stator. Check temperature and install rotor with diameter smaller than
Gland packing too strongly tightened or worn. Ease or tighten stuffing
X X X X X s box. Replace defective packing rings.
Solid contents and/or size of solids too large. Reduce pump speed and
X X X X t install perhaps a screen with suitable meshes. Increase fluid share.
When the pump is non operational the solids settle out and become
X X X X u hard. Clear and flush the pump immediately.
The liquid becomes hard when temperature falls below a certain limit.
X X X X X v Heat the pump.
Stator swollen and unsuitable for the pumped liquid. Select a suitable
X X X X w stator material. Use perhaps rotor with diameter smaller than specified.
The bearing in the drive casing of the pump or in the drive engine is
X X x defective. Replace bearing.
Mechanical seal defective. Check seal faces and O-rings. If necessary
X y replace corresponding defective parts.
Auxiliary seepex documentation
Baureihe N range N série N
Schnittzeichnung Nr. sectional drawing No. plan no.
060-014_1 060-014_1 060-014_1
Benennung denomination désignation
Stck. Pos. Stck. / Pos. Qty. / Item Qté. / Poste
1 100 Antriebsgehäuse drive casing carter d'entraînement
1 102 Antriebswelle drive shaft arbre d'entraînement
1 103 Passfeder shaft key clavette
2 104 Kegelrollenlager taper roller bearing roulement à rouleaux coniques
1 106 Wellenmutter lock nut écrou d'ondes
2 114 Verschlussschraube screwed plug bouchon de vidange
2 115 Dichtring sealing ring joint d'étanchéité
1 116 Entlüftungsventil aeration valve soupape d´évacuation
1 117 Dichtring sealing ring joint d'étanchéité
1 118 Ölstandsauge oil level indicator indicateur de niveau d'huile
1 119 Dichtring sealing ring joint d'étanchéité
1 120 Lagerdeckel bearing cover couvercle de roulement
2 122 O-Ring O-ring o-ring
1 123 Lagerdeckel bearing cover couvercle de roulement
8 124 6kt-Schraube hexagon bolt vis
8 125 Federring spring washer rondelle frein
1 126 Wellendichtring lip seal bague d'étanchéité d'ondes
1 127 Wellendichtring lip seal bague d'étanchéité d'ondes
1 160 Wellendichtring lip seal bague d'étanchéité d'ondes
1 161 Wellendichtring lip seal bague d'étanchéité d'ondes
2 202 Halbrundkerbnägel round head grooved pins rivet
1 203 Typenschild type plate plaque signalitique
1 300 Stopfbuchsgehäuse gland housing boitier de presse étoupe
6 301 Packungsring packing ring tresses
1 302 Stopfbuchsbrille packing gland fouloir
2 303 Hammerschraube gland bolt vis de fouloir
2 304 6kt-Mutter hexagon nut écrou
1 310 Spritzring splash ring bague de projection
1 400 Gelenkwelle cardan shaft Arbre articulé
2 405 Manschette universal joint sleeve manchette
4 406 Halteband holding band collier de serrage
2 415 Schmiernippel lubrication nipple raccord fileté de graissage
2 416 Verschlussschraube screwed plug bouchon de vidange
40 455 Verbus–Ripp® - Schraube Verbus–Ripp® - type srew vis - Verbus-Ripp®
4 457 Rohraussenstück pipe external piece pièce extérieure du tuyau
8 458 O-Ring O-ring o-ring
24 459 Zylinderschraube socket screw vis à tête cylindrique
24 460 Zylinderschraubensicherung socket screw retention frein d´écrou de la vis à tête
24 461 Zahntellerring tooth disk ring anneau du disque denté
2 478 Verschlussschraube screwed plug bouchon de vidange
2 479 Kardangelenk cardan joint joint de cardan
1 500 Sauggehäuse suction casing carter d'aspiration
1 501 Sauggehäusedichtung casing gasket étanchéité du carter d'aspiration
3 502 Verschlussschraube screwed plug bouchon de vidange
3 503 Dichtring sealing ring joint d'étanchéité
1 504 Zentrierring eccentric ring anneau de centrage
2 505 O-Ring O-ring o-ring
4 506 6kt-Schraube hexagon bolt vis
4 507 Federring spring washer rondelle frein
4 509 6kt-Mutter hexagon nut écrou
Baureihe N range N série N
Schnittzeichnung Nr. sectional drawing No. plan no.
060-014_1 060-014_1 060-014_1
Benennung denomination désignation
Stck. Pos. Stck. / Pos. Qty. / Item Qté. / Poste
2 °) 510 Reinigungsdeckel cleanout couvercle de nettoyage
2 °) 511 Rundschnurring toroidal sealing ring joint torique
16 °) 512 Stiftschraube stud bolt boulon fileté
16 °) 514 Ringmutter ring nut écrou à anneau
2 °) 516 Verschlussschraube screwed plug bouchon de vidange
2 °) 517 Dichtring sealing ring joint d'étanchéité
4 °) 521 Ringschraube eye bolt anneau à vis
1 600 Rotor rotor rotor
1 601 Stator stator stator
6 602 Spannschraube tie bolt tirant
12 606 Scheibe washer rondelle
1 607 Stütze support support
12 608 6kt-Mutter hexagon nut écrou
6 623 6kt-Mutter hexagon nut écrou
6 625 6kt-Schraube hexagon bolt vis
6 626 Federring spring washer rondelle frein
1 645 Statorstütze stator support support pour stator
4 646 6kt-Schraube hexagon bolt vis
4 647 Scheibe washer rondelle
4 648 6kt-Mutter hexagon nut écrou
1 700 Druckstutzen pressure branch bride de refoulement
1 704 Stütze support support
1 705 Verschlussschraube screwed plug bouchon de vidange
1 706 Dichtring sealing ring joint d'étanchéité
6 718 6kt-Schraube hexagon bolt vis
6 720 6kt-Mutter hexagon nut écrou
12 721 Scheibe washer rondelle
098 Gelenkabdeckung mit Öl gefüllt. Joint cover filled with oil. Couvercle d'articulation rempli
Typ und Füllmenge: type and filling quantity: sommaire pour type et quantité:
Betriebs- und see Operating and Maintenance voir Instructions de service et
Wartungsanleitung entnehmen Instruction d'entretien
Verschleißteile und Dichtungen: Wear parts and sealings: pièces d'usure et étanchéités:
Betriebs- und see Operating and Maintenance voir Instructions de service et
Wartungsanleitung entnehmen Instruction d'entretien
Werkzeuge: Tools: Outils:
Betriebs- und see Operating and Maintenance voir Instructions de service et
Wartungsanleitung entnehmen Instruction d'entretien
Ölstandshöhe oil-level niveau de l'huile
Öleinlass oil inlet entrée de l'huile
Ölablass oil outlet sortie de l'huile
Öl-Einfüllbohrung oil charging hole ouverture d'entrée d'huile
Öl-Ablassbohrung oil drain hole ouverture de décharge d'huile
Messumfang bei Ölfüllung measuring scope for oil filling étendue de mesure concernant
le remplissage d'huile
versetzt gezeichnet drawn displaced plan separé
°) Option option option
Ausgabe / issue
H / 10.11.04
Blatt / sheet
1 (1)
Eine GLRD wird gequencht bei Medien die zu Kristallisati on an den Gleitflächen neigen,
bzw. adhäsiv sind. Desweiteren ist Quenchung bei Vakuum Betrieb zur Vermeidung von
Trockenlauf erforderlich. Die Quenchflüssigkeit muss mit dem Fördermedium verträglich
und auf die Werkstoffe der GLRD abgestimmt sein.
Achtung: Quenchflüssigkeit drucklos fahren, max 0,1 - 0,15 bar.
Bei größerem Druck Ausrücksicherung für E
Wellendichtring erforderlich, siehe HA.RDO.02.
A mechanical seal is quenched, when the medium (product) tends to crystallization at the seal
faces, or when it is adhesive. Moreover, quenching is necessary during vacuum -operation to avoid
dry-running. The quench liquid must be compatible with the pumped product and with the selected
material of the mechanical seal.
Attention: Quench liquid is used pressureless, max 0,1 - 0,15 bar.
Regarding higher pressure, a disengaging device is required for the shaft sealing ring, see
Range: N, NS
Sizes: 05-24, 1-6 to 202-6L
To avoid the expenses incurred by lengthy stop periods of the pump, seepex
recommends the acquisition of a set of wearing parts and a set of gaskets.
The table below shows the contents of these sets.
Rotor 1 600
Stator 2) 1 1 601
O-ring/cleanout 2 511
0005-24, 0015-24
006-12/-24 PKZ XX 000 Siehe W 13 WKZ BDS 027
012-12/-24 0000 0 X35M0 see W 13 0 430
025-12T, 05-6LT
1) Gilt nur für Pumpen in Edelstahl Ausführung / only valid for pumps in special steel design
0005-24, 0015-24
MTD L2 060
006-12/-24 MTP A7 703 MTH B7 703
M120 0 XXXXX
012-12/-24 M500 0 002XX M120 0 W0260
025-12T, 05-6LT
MTH M8 060 AZV B2 262
025-12, 025-24 MTD L2 060 MTP A7 703
M500 0 M500 0
05-12, 1-6L M500 0 XXXXX M500 0 002XX
05-24, 01-48,
MTD L2 060 MTH M8 060 AZV B2 262 MMT M8 060 PWZ C6 060
1-12, 2-6L 0020 0 XXXXX 0020 0 XXXXX 0020 0 XXXXX 0020 0 XXXXX 0020 0 XXXXX
1-24, 1-12V
2-12, 5-6L
2-24, 2-12V
5-12, 8-12T MTD L2 060 MTH M8 060 AZV B2 262 MMT M8 060 PWZ C6 060
10-6L, 15-6LT 0050 0 XXXXX 0050 0 XXXXX 0050 0 XXXXX 0050 0 XXXXX 0050 0 XXXXX
5-24, 5-12V
10-12, 17-6L, MTD L2 060 MTH M8 060 AZV B2 262 MMT M8 060 PWZ C6 060
30-6LT, 15-12T, 0100 0 XXXXX 0100 0 XXXXX 0100 0 XXXXX 0100 0 XXXXX 0100 0 XXXXX
10-24R, 1-48
14-12, 26-6L, MTD L2 060 MTH M8 060 AZV B2 262 PWZ C6 060
40-6LT 0140 0 XXXXX 0140 0 XXXXX 0170 0 XF5XX 1400 0 XXXXX
10-24, 10-12V
17-12, 35-6L,
26-12, 52-6L,
MTD L2 060 MTH M8 060 ESH N0 000 AZV B2 262 MMT M8 060 PWZ C6 060
55-6LT, 75-6LT 0170 0 XXXXX 0170 0 XXXXX 0000 0 A01A4 0170 0 XG0XX 0170 0 XXXXX 0170 0 XXXXX
30-12T, 10-24,
17-24, 17-12V
35-12, 52-12,
70-6L, 100-6L, MTD L2 060 MTH M8 060 AZV B2 262 PWZ C6 060
110-6LT, 55-12T 0350 0 XXXXX 0350 0 XXXXX 0350 0 XH0XX 0350 0 XXXXX
35-24, 35-12V
70-12, 130-6L,
MTD L2 060 MTH M8 060 AZV L7 703 PWZ C6 060
200-6L, 110-12T 0700 0 XXXXX 0700 0 XXXXX 0700 0 XK0XX 0700 0 XXXXX
70-24R, 10-48,
130-12, 202-6L,
300-6L, 200-12T
70-18, 100-18,
MTD L2 060 MTH M8 060 PWZ C6 060
130-18 1300 0 XXXXX 1300 0 XXXXX 1300 0 XXXXX
70-24, 70-12V
240-12, 300-12T
PWZ C6 060
130-18, 130-24 2400 0 XXXXX
2) entfällt ab Pumpen-Herstellungsdatum 01.04.93 / can be omitted as from 01.04.93 (pump manufacturing date)
tool for mounting lip seal plain bearing shaft securing cartridge- lip seal lip seal drive plug-in shaft holding band
of: bush sleeve unit casing pin
Benennung: Schlagzylinder Montagedorn Montagehülse Aufnahme Montage- Montage- Aufhänge- Montagedorn Montage-
Zentrierdorn werkzeug werkzeug vorrichtung werkzeug
denomination: cylinder mounting mounting intake mounting mounting suspension mounting mounting
centering mandrel sleeve tool tool device mandrel tool
mounting pin
0015-24 ZSH B7 703 M120
003-12/-24 0 W0171
ZDR B7 703 M120
006-12/-24 0 W0172
012-12/-24 MBL A7 703 M120
025-6L, 0 W0173
025-12T, 05-6LT
025-12, 025-24
05-12, 1-6L
05-24, 01-48,
1-12, 2-6L
1-24, 1-12V
MTD L8 703
2-12, 5-6L 0050 0 SXX0J
2-24, 2-12V
5-12, 8-12T
10-6L, 15-6LT
5-24, 5-12V
10-12, 17-6L,
30-6LT, 15-12T,
10-24R, 1-48
14-12, 26-6L,
40-6LT MTD L8 703
0170 0 SXX0J MHB WH A00
10-24, 10-12V
1WHV 0 01000
17-12, 35-6L,
SPT M8 703 SPT B4 703
26-12, 52-6L, SPT B4 703
0170 0 0170 0
55-6LT, 75-6LT 0170 0 01000
00900 01100
30-12T, 10-24,
17-24R, 2-48
17-24, 17-12V
35-12, 52-12,
MTD L8 703
70-6L, 100-6L, 0350 0 SXX0J
110-6LT, 55-12T
34-24R, 5-48
35-24, 35-12V
70-12, 130-6L,
SPT M8 703 SPT B4 703 SPT B4 703 MTD L8 703
200-6L, 110-12T SPT M8 703 SPT M8 703 0700 0 SXX0J
70-24R, 10-48, 1300 0 1300 0 1300 0
1300 0 01000 1300 0 01100
00900 0A200 0A300
130-12, 202-6L,
300-6L, 200-12T
70-18, 100-18,
MTD L8 703
130-18 1300 0 SXX0J
70-24, 70-12V
240-12, 300-12T SPT M8 703
130-18, 130-24 2400 0
35-48/70-48 01400
DHS XX 240
240-9C 2 Stück
0250 0 A2620
300-9TR 2 pieces
400-6TN MHL XX SA 610
400-6TR KRZ XX Z55
PKZ XX 000 0301 2 00000 BLZ XX 040
0000 0 XA01A KEZ XX Z55 0015 0 A2619
240-12C 0301 2 00000
PWZ C6 060 MTD L8
1300 0 XXXXX 703 1300 0
400-3TN SXX0J
MTD L2 060 MHB WH A00
1300 0 XXXXX 1WHV 0 01000
MTH M8 060 ESH N0 000 PWZ C6 060
1300 0 XXXXX 0000 0 A01A4 2400 0 XXXXX
400-6TR SPT M8
500-6LA 703 130B 0
240-12C 01400
703 2400 0
300-24TV 01400
Manufacturer’s documents from sub-supplier
Thoroughly inspect the equipment for any shipping and handling damage before accepting shipment from the freight company. If any of the
goods called for in the bill of lading or express receipt are damaged or the quantity is short, do not accept until the freight or express agent
makes an appropriate notation on your freight bill or express receipt. If any concealed loss or damage is discovered later, notify your freight
carrier or express agent at once and request him to make an inspection. We will be very happy to assist you in collecting claims for loss or
damage during shipment; however, this willingness on our part does not remove the transportation company’s responsibility in reimbursing
you for collection of claims or replacement of material. Claims for loss or damage in shipment must not be deducted from the NORD Gear
invoice, nor should payment of the NORD Gear invoice be withheld awaiting adjustment of such claims, as the carrier guarantees safe
If considerable damage has been incurred and the situation is urgent, contact the nearest NORD Gear Sales Office for assistance. Please
keep a written record of all communications.
Locate the gear reducer nameplate and record all nameplate data for future reference.
RATIO ______________ MAX TORQUE ____________________ RPM ______________ MTG. POS ______________
To ensure Iong service and dependabIe performance, an encIosed gear drive must be rigidIy supported and the shafts accurateIy aIigned.
The foIIowing describes the minimum precautions required to accompIish this end.
The responsibiIity for the design and construction of the CIearance or interference fits for coupIing hubs shouId be in
foundation Iies with the user. The foundation must be adequate accordance with ANSI/AGMA 9002-A86 or as follows.
to withstand normaI operating Ioads and possibIe overIoads whiIe
maintaining aIignment to attached system components under Output and Input shaft Diameter toIerance
such Ioads. Metric (mm)
≤ ∅ 18 = +0.012/+0.001
MOUNTING POSITION > ∅ 18 ≤ ∅ 30 = +0.015/+0.002
UnIess a unit is specificaIIy ordered for incIined mounting, the > ∅ 30 ≤ ∅ 50 = +0.018/+0.002
foundation must be IeveI and fIat. The Iubrication system may > ∅ 50 ≤ ∅ 80 = +0.030/+0.011
not operate properIy if the unit is not mounted in the position for > ∅ 80 ≤ ∅ 120 = +0.035/+0.013
which it is designed. It may be desirabIe to eIevate the > ∅ 120 ≤ ∅ 180 = +0.040/+0.015
foundation to faciIitate oiI drainage. Inch
≤ ∅ 1.750 = +0.0000/-0.0005
> ∅ 1.750 = +0.0000/-0.0010
If a concrete foundation is used, steeI mounting pads and boIts of
sufficient size to distribute the stress into the concrete shouId be
grouted into the foundation.
Output and Input shaft DriII and tap shaft end
Metric (mm)
If a structuraI steeI foundation is used (i.e. wide fIange beams or ≤ ∅ 16 = M5
channeIs), a base pIate or soIe pIate of suitabIe thickness shouId > ∅ 16 ≤ ∅ 21 = M6
be used and shouId extend under the entire unit. > ∅ 21 ≤ ∅ 24 = M8
> ∅ 24 ≤ ∅ 30 = M10
FOOT MOUNTED UNITS > ∅ 30 ≤ ∅ 38 = M12
Use shims under the feet of the unit to align the output shaft to the > ∅ 38 ≤ ∅ 50 = M16
driven equipment. Make sure that all feet are supported so that > ∅ 50 ≤ ∅ 85 = M20
the housing will not distort when it is bolted down. Improper > ∅ 85 ≤ ∅ 130 = M24
shimming will reduce the life of the unit and may cause failure. Inch
Dowel pins may be installed to prevent misalignment and ensure ≤ ∅ 0.438 = #10-24 x 0.4 deep
proper realignment if removed for service. > ∅ 0.438 ≤ ∅ 0.813 = ¼-20 x 0.6 deep
> ∅ 0.813 ≤ ∅ 0.938 = 5/16-18 x 0.7 deep
FLANGE MOUNTED UNITS > ∅ 0.938 ≤ ∅ 1.125 = 3/8-16 x 0.9 deep
If a structuraI steeI foundation is used (i.e. wide fIange beams or > ∅ 1.125 ≤ ∅ 1.375 = 1/2-13 x 1.1 deep
channeIs), a base pIate or soIe pIate of suitabIe thickness shouId
> ∅ 1.375 ≤ ∅ 1.875 = 5/8-11 x 1.4 deep
be used and shouId extend under the entire unit. If a buIk head
> ∅ 1.875 ≤ ∅ 3.250 = 3/4-10 x 1.7 deep
pIate is used it shouId be of proper strength to minimize buckIing
distortions. > ∅ 3.250 = 1-8 x 2.2 deep
FIange PiIot ‘AK’ or ‘AK1’ toIerance Outboard pinion and sprocket fits shouId be as recommended by
Metric (mm) the pin sprockets with interference fits shouId be heated
according to the manufacturer’s recommendations, generaIIy
> ∅ 50 ≤ ∅ 80 = +0.012/-0.007 250°F to 300°F, (120°C to 150° C) before assembIing to the shaft.
> ∅ 80 ≤ ∅ 120 = +0.013/-0.009
> ∅ 120 ≤ ∅ 180 = +0.014/-0.011
> ∅ 180 ≤ ∅ 230 = +0.016/-0.013
> ∅ 230 ≤ ∅ 315 = +0.000-0.032
> ∅ 315 ≤ ∅ 400 = +0.000/-0.036
> ∅ 400 ≤ ∅ 500 = +0.000/-0.040
> ∅ 1.969 ≤ ∅ 3.150 = +0.005/-0.0003
> ∅ 3.150 ≤ ∅ 4.724 = +0.005/-0.0004
> ∅ 4.724 ≤ ∅ 7.087 = +0.006/-0.0004
> ∅ 7.087 ≤ ∅ 9.055 = +0.006/-0.0005
> ∅ 9.055 ≤ ∅ 12.402 = +0.000/-0.0013
> ∅ 12.402 ≤ ∅ 15.748 = +0.000/-0.0014
> ∅ 15.748 ≤ ∅ 19.685 = +0.000/-0.0016
BoIt size, strength and quantity shouId be verified to insure proper
torque reaction capacity whatever the mounting arrangement.
When connecting shafts to either the input or output of the
reducer, consider the foIIowing instructions.
Mount a diaI indicator to one coupIing hub, and rotate this hub, AUTOVENT PLUG
sweeping the outside diameter of the other hub. The paraIIeI The Autovent plug is brass in color and will be located at the
misaIignment is equaI to one-haIf of the totaI indicator reading. highest point on the gearbox. It operates like a check-valve to
Another method is to rest a straight edge squareIy on the outside allow the reducer to relieve internal pressure while preventing
diameter of the hubs at 90-degree intervaIs and measure any lubricant contamination during cooling. A spring presses a ball or
gaps with feeIer gauges. The maximum gap measurement is the plunger against a machined orifice until pressure exceeds 2 psi.
paraIIeI misaIignment. Above 2 psi the air is allowed to escape depressurizing the
gearcase. When internal pressure drops below 2 psi, the
CHECKING ALIGNMENT autovent re-seals closing the unit to the outside environment.
After both anguIar and paraIIeI aIignments are within specified After shutdown, the reducer cools along with the air inside the
Iimits, tighten aII foundation boIts secureIy and repeat the above reducer. The unit will temporarily maintain a slight vacuum until
procedure to check aIignment. If any of the specified Iimits for normalization occurs. NORD Gear supplies an Autovent as a
aIignment are exceeded, reaIign the coupIing. standard feature.
After a period of operation, recheck aIignment and adjust as
Mineral lubricant should be changed every 10,000 service hours or after two years. For synthetic oils, the lube should be changed every
20,000 service hours or after four years. In case of extreme operating (e.g. high humidity, aggressive environment or large temperature
variations), shorter intervals between changes are recommended.
NORD supplies aII reducers fiIIed with oiI from the factory. Consult the sticker adjacent to the fill plug to determine the type of lubricant
installed at the factory. Standard lubricant is ISO VG220 mineral-based oil. However, some units have special lubricants designed to operate
in certain environments or to extend the service life of the lubricant. If in doubt about which lubricant is needed, contact NORD Gear.
Formulation Temperature
Shell Castrol
Conventional 20°C to +50°C Mobilgear Omala Klüberoil Energol Tribol
Mineral 68F to +122°F 634 460 GEM 1-460 GR-XP 460 1100/460
VG 460
Synthetic -30°C to +80°C Mobil Omala Isolube Klübersynth Tribol
PAO -22°F to +176°F SHC 634 460 HD EP 460 EG 4-460 1510/460
Conventional 0°C to +30°C Mobilgear Omala Klüberoil Energol Tribol
Mineral 32°F to +86°F 632 320 GEM 1-320 GR-XP 320 1100/320
VG 320
Synthetic -35°C to +80°C Mobil Omala Isolube Klübersynth Tribol
PAO -31°F to +176°F SHC 632 320 HD EP 460 EG 4-320 1510/320
Conventional -5°C to +40°C Mobilgear Omala Klüberoil Energol Tribol
Mineral +20°F to +104°F 630 220 GEM 1-220 GR-XP 220 1100/220
VG 220
Synthetic -34°C to +80°C Mobil Omala Isolube Klübersynth Tribol
PAO -30°F to +176°F SHC 630 220 HD EP 220 EG 4-220 1510/220
Conventional -15°C to +25°C Mobilgear Omala Klüberoil Energol Tribol
VG 150 4EP
Mineral 5°F to +77°F 629 100 GEM 1-150 GR-XP 100 1100/100
VG 100 Synthetic -37°C to +10°C Mobil Omala Isolube Klübersynth
PAO -35°F to +50°F SHC 629 150 HD EP 150 EG 4-150
Conventional -15°C to +25°C Mobilgear Omala Klüberoil Energol Tribol
Mineral 5°F to +77F 626 68 GEM 1-68 GR-XP 68 1100/68
VG 68
Synthetic -40°C to +10°C Mobil Isolube
PAO -40°F to +50F SHC 626 EP 68
Synthetic -40°C to +10°C Mobil Klüber-Summit
VG 32 N/A N/A N/A N/A
PAO -40°F to +50°F SHC 624 HySyn FG-32
PAO = Poly Alpha Olefin
332/575V - 60 Hz
230/400V - 50 Hz
400/690V - 50 Hz 460 V D - 60 Hz
L1/L2 - Brake voltage (AC)
* The normally-open contact (NO) is no supplied by nord. It must
close at the same time power is supplied to the brake.
www.nord.com G25
BIM 1004
AC Induction, Single and Polyphase
Installation and Maintenance Instructions
Subject Page
Introduction................................................................................................................................................... 4
Inspection...................................................................................................................................................... 6
Lubrication.................................................................................................................................................... 9
Connection Diagrams.................................................................................................................................. 12
Repair.......................................................................................................................................................... 13
1. Inspection Interval
Inspect the motor after every 500 operating hours.
2. Inspection Criteria
Inspect the motor according to the criteria in Table 3.
1. General
NOTE: NORD electric motors do not require periodic testing. However, if a motor is removed from its
installation, NORD recommends that the motor be checked according to the static and dynamic testing
provided below before it is reinstalled. Finding a condition that will require future repair before the motor
is reinstalled decreases the overall maintenance time.
This section provides general test information and functional checks for the types of motors covered by this manual.
All tests provided below may not apply to all motor types and models. Read and understand the tests and checks
before performing them on your motor. Understand how the test or check is to be performed and the pass/fail criteria.
Record and date all measurements taken. Retain the measurements in a file. Comparing current and previous
measurements is useful in tracking motor condition and brake wear, if the motor is equipped with a brake.
If the motor fails any of the test procedures provided below, use the fault isolation procedures to determine the motor
problem. Refer to the REPAIR section to determine if the failure is a repairable failure.
2. Testing
A. Static Testing
1. The motor can only be static tested if it is disconnected from the component it drives and securely
mounted on a fixture or mounting plate. These tests are usually conducted when a motor has been
removed for any reason other than failure
2. Turn the motor shaft slowly by hand. Feel and listen for evidence of a failed bearing, which is indicated
by a rough feel as the shaft rotates, and by noise.
3. Check for smooth rotation, with no evidence of binding or catching. If the shaft does not rotate
smoothly, or binds or catches, the bearings are worn or failing, lack lubrication, or are contaminated.
4. Check the motor shaft for side play by applying pressure at right angles to the shaft in several places
around the circumference. If the shaft moves perceptibly, the front bearing is worn.
5. If the motor shaft feels rough as it is turned or makes unusual noise, the motor bearings are failing, lack
lubrication, or are contaminated. Replace the motor bearings, or clean and re-lubricate the bearings, as
applicable. Refer to the REPAIR section.
6. If the bearing shaft shows play in the bearing, the bearing is worn or failing. Replace the motor bearings
according to the REPAIR section.
B. Dynamic Testing
1. Find the motor voltage and rated load current values as listed on the motor nameplate.
2. Using a volt-ohmmeter, verify that the motor power supply is in the correct range.
3. Run the motor with no load. As the motor is operating, listen for unusual motor noise and check for
excessive vibration. Vibration and motor noise are indications of bearing contamination, lack of
lubrication, damage, or failure.
4. Use an ammeter to measure the no-load current. Record the no-load current for comparison with
previous readings, and for reference during future testing.
5. If the motor passes the no-load test, operate the motor at rated load and check and record the current.
6. Check the motor operating temperature at rated load. If the motor operates at a higher than normal
temperature, the motor is failing.
7. If the motor has an integral brake, check the brake operating temperature. If the brake operates at a
higher than normal temperature, the brake is not releasing completely. Refer to the REPAIR section.
If the motor has failed or does not meet the requirements of any of the tests described above, use the fault isolation
procedures provided in Table 4, Motor Fault Isolation. The table is based on the assumption that the motor has been
operating correctly, and that a problem has occurred. If a newly installed motor does not operate correctly, the
problem is an installation problem.
1. General
NORD motor frame sizes 63 up to and including 225 are prelubricated, therefor require no lubrication during normal
Frame sizes 250 and larger will have grease fittings for regreasing the motor bearings. Relubricate bearings every six
months (more often if conditions require) using a polyurea base grease, No. 2 consistency & stabilized against
1. General
Removing, installing, and handling any NORD electric motor follow the same general procedures. Follow the
general procedures provided below. Observe all WARNINGs and CAUTIONs.
If you have any questions about the procedure to use to handle, install, or remove a specific motor, call NORD Gear
Corporation. Please read the following WARNINGS & CAUTIONS prior to any work on the motor.
A. Drain the oil from the mating gearbox, or rotate the motor/gearbox assembly so that the motor is up, to prevent
oil from spilling from the gearbox when the motor is removed.
B. Shut down the power to the motor at the main circuit breaker or power switch. Lock out the breaker or switch
and place an “OUT OF SERVICE” placard on the breaker or switch.
C. Disconnect the wiring to the motor. Tag each wire as it is disconnected.
D. Prepare the motor for removal by supporting the motor appropriately. For smaller motors, use assistance to
steady the motor or support it. For larger motors, use mechanical lifting or support devices to steady and
support the motor.
E. Remove the bolts and washers securing the motor to the its mounting.
F. Maintain motor shaft alignment, and move the motor away from its mounting pad until the motor shaft clears
its mating hub/sheave or gearmesh. If the motor shaft is a keyed shaft, keep the drive key with the motor.
G. Remove and discard the flange gasket. Clean the gasket material from the flange.
A. Make sure the flanges are clean and free of gasket material. Install a new gasket between the mating flanges, if
B. Carefully move the motor to insert the motor shaft and its hub/sheave into the adapter spline, making sure the
shaft key enters the mating keyway.
C. Seat the motor flange against the mating flange. Install the mounting bolts and tighten them securely.
D. Reconnect the wiring to the motor. Refer to Figure 2 for the motor and options connection diagrams.
A. Shut off the power to the motor and post the shutoff with an “OUT OF SERVICE” placard. Disconnect the
wiring to the motor. Tag each wire as it is disconnected.
B. Support the motor. Remove four bolts securing the motor to the NEMA or IEC adapter.
NOTE: The bolts securing the motor to the adapter are retained using a medium strength thread locker such
as blue Loctite.
1) If the drive key is not trapped in the keyway (the keyway is open at both ends), stake and install the
drive key as follows:
a. Make sure the keyway is free of contamination so that the drive key will seat properly.
b. Add a few drops of an approved lubricant to the keyway.
c. Place the drive key on an appropriate surface with the shaft side of the drive key up. Stake the
key in two places near each long edge to deform the edge outward.
d. Support the motor shaft in V-blocks. Place the key with the staked surface down over the key
slot. Place a sheet of copper shimstock, or equivalent, on the drive key and tap it into the keyway
using a hammer.
e. Check the key to make sure it is fully seated and securely retained.
a. Make sure the keyway is clean of old Loctite and is free of oil film.
b. Apply Loctite primer and medium strength (blue) Loctite to the surface of the key and keyway
according to the Loctite instructions.
c. Install the drive key and center it in the keyway. Cure the Loctite according to Loctite
A. Shut off the power to the motor and post the shutoff with OUT OF SERVICE. Disconnect the wiring to the
motor. Tag each wire as it is disconnected.
B. Support the motor and remove the bolts securing the motor to the gearbox.
NOTE: Most integral motor installations have mounting bolts accessible from the motor exterior. If the
bolts are not visible, unbolt the input flange from the gearbox. Remove four bolts that mount the
motor. Remove and discard the Dubo gaskets from the bolts.
C. Remove the motor from the gearbox.
D. Clean the gasket faces on the motor and gearbox, making sure no cleaning debris enters the gearbox.
E. Check the replacement motor to make sure the motor flange, motor shaft, and motor pinion are identical to the
motor that was removed.
F. Place a new gasket between the gearbox and new motor.
G. Position the motor on the gearbox, making sure the input pinion meshes with the input gear. Rotate the motor
as necessary to align the bolt holes and seat the motor flange. Make sure the gasket remains properly aligned
and seated.
H. Apply a medium strength thread locking compound such as blue Loctite to the bolt threads according to the
instructions. Install the bolts and tighten them securely.
NOTE: If the motor/gearbox installation uses an input flange, mount the input flange to the motor using
four mounting bolts and new Dubo gasket. Tighten the bolts securely.
I. Check the gearbox oil level. If necessary fill the gearbox or add oil to bring the gearbox oil to the correct level.
Check the installation and maintenance manual for your gearbox to find the correct oil for the gearbox.
J. Reconnect the wiring to the motor. Refer to Figure 2 for the motor and options connection diagrams.
A. Before lifting any motor, disconnect all electrical connections. Tag each wire as it is disconnected.
B. Disconnect the motor from the gearbox. Do not lift the motor while it has other equipment attached to it.
C. If the motor has provisions for a lifting eye, turn in an appropriately sized lifting eye and lock it in place with
the locking nut. Lift the motor by the lifting eye using an appropriate lifting device.
D. If the motor does not have provisions for a lifting eye, seek assistance or use appropriate lifting devices as
7. Storage
A. Cover the motor and store it in a clean warehouse environment protected from dust and fluids.
B. If the motor has internal heaters, power the heaters during storage if the storage environment is extremely
humid. The heaters will prevent moisture buildup in the motor interior.
C. Before placing the motor in service, visually inspect the motor exterior for evidence of deterioration during
storage. Turn the motor shaft by hand to make sure the shaft turns smoothly and freely.
3-phase motor
Y U1 T1 V1 T2 W1 T3 Y
T4 T5 T6 L1 L3
V2 T5 V5 T8 T6 T4 T5
T7 T8 T9 W2 U2 V2
U2 T4 U5 T7
T1 T2 T3
W2 T6 W5 T9 T1 T2 T3
L1 L2 L3 U1 V1 W1
High Voltage low voltage high voltage L1 L2 L3
T4 T5 T6
U1 T1 V1 T2 W1 T3 T6 T4 T5
L3 W2 U2 V2
T7 T8 T9 L1
YY V2 T5 V5 T8
T1 T2 T3 U2 T4 U5 T7
T1 T2 T3
L1 L2 L3 W2 T6 W5 T9 U1 V1 W1
Low Voltage low voltage L1 L2 L3
1. General
These instructions can be generally applied to NORD motor applications. The exploded view provided in the
PARTS INFORMATION section shows the parts orientation for NORD motors.
To procure replacement parts from NORD, contact NORD’s customer service department (refer to
INTRODUCTION). Provide NORD with the motor part number and serial number, and the item reference number
and nomenclature from the parts information figure, which will identify the part for your motor application.
B. If the following parts are removed, inspect them, and replace them if they are deformed:
C. Disassemble the motor according to the general exploded view in PARTS INFORMATION. Disassemble
only as far as necessary to replace the failed parts.
D. Whenever the motor is disassembled, clean all dust and contamination from the motor interior using a
vacuum cleaner and a soft-bristled nylon brush.
1. General
Refer to Figure 4 for parts information. If you are ordering a part, provide the model and serial number of your
motor. This will determine the part number you need.
1. General
NORD offers many options for its motors. The option code will be shown in the motor nomenclature. Below are
the available options
Code Description Code Description
BRE With Brake OL TENV Motor – Without Fan
RG Brake – Corrosion Protected OL/H TENV Motor - Without Fan & Cover
See Brake
Motor Nomenclature 90SH/4 IG SH
Motor Motor Options Energy Efficient, 1 Speed, Encoder & Space Heater
100L / 4 BRE 40 …
100L/4-2 WE RDD
size Nm
No. of
132M/4 BRE100 HL IR TW
Brake, Hand Release, Current Sensor & Thermostat
Technical information follows for THERMISTORS, THERMOSTATS, SPACE HEATERS (Table 6), ENCODERS
(Table 7) & BLOWER COOLING FAN (Table 8).
Signal Pin
Color (optional Explanation
Push-pull RS 422 Callouts
mating plug)
Pink B
--- 1 Ua2 Signal line
Green A
--- 6 Ua1 Signal line
Gray 8 Ua2 Signal line
(B+) (B+)
60 Hz Ratings 50 Hz Ratings
Motor Frame Voltage [V] Current [A] Power [W] Voltage [V] Current [A] Power [W]
FC63 100-135 0.23 42 100-135 0.30 42
Connection - 1~ ∆
NORD Gear's thermistor option is three PTC (Positive Temperature Coefficient) temperature
sensitive resistors. They are wired in series, with one on each phase of the stator winding.
The leads will be labeled P1 and P2 in the terminal box.
Thermistor ratings:
• Switching temperature 310°F(155°C)
• Maximum operating voltage 2.5 volts
• Resistance at 25°C less than or equal to 300 Ohms
• Response time < 5 seconds
Connection Diagram
All wiring must be done by qualified personnel and adhere to all local codes.
WARNING: Thermistors will automatically reset.
This unit must be connected to a Motor Control Protection module such as a Kriwan INT69 or
a Variable Frequency Drive with PTC inputs.
BIM-1093/2003/12 1 www.nord.com
Motor Thermostats BIM1093b/2003
“TW” Option USA
Installation and Maintenance Instructions
Retain These Safety Instructions For Future Use
NORD Gear's thermostat option is three temperature sensitive, bimetallic switches with
normally closed contacts. The three switches are wired in series, with one switch on each
phase of the stator winding. The leads will be labeled P1 and P2 in the terminal box.
Thermostat ratings:
• Switching temperature 310°F (155°C)
• Switch contacts 1.6A at 250 VAC
• Permissible working 6 to 500 VAC
• Automatically resetting with 30±15°C
drop below switching temperature
• Resistance less than 50 mΩ
• Switch rebound less than 1 millisecond
• 10g shock in all directions
• 2,000 VAC Insulation rating
• 10,000 cycles
• Normally closed
Typical Wiring Schematic
All wiring must be done by qualified personnel and adhere to all local codes
WARNING: Thermostats will automatically reset.
BIM-1093/2003/12 2 www.nord.com
Operating Instructions
BA 3100 EN 07.03
Flexible N-EUPEX and N-EUPEX-DS couplings
Types A, B and ADS, BDS
1.1 N-EUPEX coupling, Types A and B 4
1.1.1 Geometric data 4
1.1.2 Performance data 6
1.1.3 Checking the selected coupling size 8
1.2 N-EUPEX-DS coupling, Types ADS and BDS 9
1.2.1 Geometric data 9
1.2.2 Performance data 11
1.2.3 Checking the selected coupling size 12
1.3 Determining the service factor 13
2.1 Introduction 14
2.2 Copyright 14
3.1 Proper use 15
3.2 Obligations of the user 15
3.3 Warnings and symbols used in these Instructions 15
4.1 Scope of supply 16
4.2 Handling 16
4.3 Storage of the coupling 16
4.3.1 Storage of the coupling parts 16
4.3.2 Storing the flexible elements 16 General 16 Storage area 16
5.1 General description 17
5.2 Flexible elements 18
6.1 Instructions for machining the finished bore, parallel keyway, axial retaining means,
set screws and balancing 18
6.1.1 Finish bore 18
6.1.2 Parallel keyway 19
6.1.3 Axial securing device 20
6.1.4 Set screws 20
6.1.5 Balancing 21
6.2 General information on installation 22
6.3 Mounting the coupling parts 22
6.4 Alignment 22
6.5 Possible misalignments 23
6.5.1 Axial misalignment 23
6.5.2 Angular misalignment 23
6.5.3 Radial misalignment 24
6.5.4 Permissible shaft misalignment values for radial misalignment Krperm.
and difference in gap dimension S1perm. 24
6.6 Tightening torques 25
BA 3100 EN 07.03
7.1 Procedure before start-up 25
! $
8.1 General operating data 26
% & #
' #
9.1 General 26
9.2 Possible faults 27
9.3 Incorrect use 27
9.3.1 Possible faults when selecting the coupling or coupling size 28
9.3.2 Possible faults when installing the coupling 28
9.3.3 Possible faults in maintenance 28
# #
BA 3100 EN 07.03
1. Technical data
Type A 1
3 2
u1 w1 P
l1 l1
BA 3100 EN 07.03
Type B w1
1 4
u1 S1
l1 l1
BA 3100 EN 07.03
1.1.2 Performance data
Note: For identification marking of the individual flexible elements, refer to section 5.
BA 3100 EN 07.03
Flexible elements: 60 Shore A
Rated Maximum Fatigue dynamic torsional stiffness
torque torque torque C T dyn
Size TKN TKmax TKW n max 1xTKN 0.75xTKN 0.5xTKN 0.25xTKN 0xTKN
Nm Nm Nm 1/min Nm/rad Nm/rad Nm/rad Nm/rad Nm/rad
58 11 35 4 5000 360 290 235 190 150
68 21 64 8 5000 400 325 260 210 175
80 37 113 15 5000 830 670 540 430 350
95 63 190 25 5000 1340 1110 920 760 640
110 100 300 40 5000 1800 1500 1200 1000 830
125 150 450 60 5000 4000 3000 2150 1600 1200
140 230 680 90 4900 6000 4600 3500 2600 2000
160 350 1060 140 4250 14000 11000 8800 7000 5500
180 550 1660 220 3800 20700 15700 12000 9200 7000
200 850 2530 337 3400 32200 24300 18000 13400 10200
225 1260 3780 504 3000 55000 41400 31500 24000 18000
250 1760 5300 705 2750 69000 50600 37000 27000 20000
280 2460 7400 980 2450 94000 71000 53000 39500 30000
315 3500 10500 1400 2150 216500 161500 121000 91000 69000
350 4850 14500 1940 1950 239000 181000 137000 104000 80000
400 6500 19500 2600 1700 336000 252000 189000 141000 105000
440 8500 25500 3400 1550 478000 362000 275000 208000 158000
480 10500 31400 4200 1400 525000 395000 298000 225000 170000
520 13300 40000 5300 1300 720000 548000 415000 314000 240000
560 18300 54800 7300 1200 936000 715000 541000 404000 310000
610 24000 71800 9600 1100 1297000 987000 747000 562000 425000
660 30900 92600 12350 1000 1759000 1334000 1010000 763000 575000
710 39000 117000 15600 950 2440000 1860000 1400000 1050000 800000
S Operation in the temperature range -30 °C to +80 °C in the immediate vicinity of the coupling
For sustained faultfree operation the coupling must be designed with a service
Caution! factor f1 in accordance with item 1.3 and appropriate to the application. In the
event of a change in operating conditions (e.g. output, speed, starting
frequency, changes to the prime mover and driven machine) the design must
always be checked (see item 1.1.3).
BA 3100 EN 07.03
1.1.3 Checking the selected coupling size
During starting or operation torque impulses up to 25 times per hour are permissible. The following
The following must apply to the alternating torques occurring during operation:
Sf + Ǹ10Hz
f Err
for f Err > 10 Hz
When selecting the coupling, the permissible maximum speed and the
Caution! permissible maximum bore must also be taken into consideration. Selection of
bore fit in accordance with section 6. item 6.1.1.
The shaft displacement values specified in section 6, item 6.5.4, must not be
Caution! exceeded.
BA 3100 EN 07.03
1.2 N-EUPEX-DS coupling, Types ADS and BDS
Type ADS 1 S1 3 2
u1 w1 P
l1 l1
Table 1.2.1 a : Dimensions, weights and mass moments of inertia of Type ADS
BA 3100 EN 07.03
Type BDS
1 w1 4
u1 S1
l1 l1
Table 1.2.1 b : Dimensions, weights and mass moments of inertia of Type BDS
BA 3100 EN 07.03
1.2.2 Performance data
Maximum dynamic
Rated torque Fatigue torque Speed
torque torsional stiffness
TKN TKmax TKW n max C T dyn 1)
Nm Nm Nm 1/min Nm/rad
66 19 57 7.6 5000 –
76 34 102 13.6 5000 –
88 60 180 24 5000 5600
103 100 300 40 5000 9350
118 160 480 64 5000 15000
135 240 720 96 5000 22450
152 360 1080 144 4900 33650
172 560 1680 224 4250 52350
194 880 2640 352 3800 82250
218 1340 4020 536 3400 125250
245 2000 6000 800 3000 187000
272 2800 8400 1120 2750 114000
305 3900 11700 1560 2450 165000
340 5500 16500 2200 2150 239000
380 7700 23100 3080 1950 340000
430 10300 30900 4120 1700 460000
472 13500 40500 5400 1550 607000
514 16600 49800 6640 1400 750000
556 21200 63600 8480 1300 961000
The performance data for the Types ADS and BDS are valid for:
S Operation in the temperature range -30 °C to +80 °C in the immediate vicinity of the coupling
For sustained faultfree operation the coupling must be designed with a service
Caution! factor f1 in accordance with item 1.3 and a temperature factor Sϑ appropriate
to the application. In the event of a change in operating conditions (e.g. output,
speed, starting frequency, changes to the prime mover and driven machine) the
design must always be checked (see item 1.2.3).
BA 3100 EN 07.03
1.2.3 Checking the selected coupling size
The highest temperature in the immediate vicinity of the coupling must be applied
During starting or operation torque impulses up to 25 times per hour are permissible. The following
The following must apply to the alternating torques occurring during operation:
Sf + Ǹ10Hz
f Err
for f Err > 10 Hz
When selecting the coupling, the permissible maximum speed and the
Caution! permissible maximum bore must also be taken into consideration. Selection of
bore fit in accordance with section 6. item 6.1.1.
The shaft displacement values specified in section 6, item 6.5.4, must not be
Caution! exceeded.
BA 3100 EN 07.03
1.3 Determining the service factor
The service factors taken as basis are based on empirical values which generally estimate the output
of in- and output combinations in service.
Service factor f1 (daily operating cycle of up to 24 h)
Load characteristic of driven machine
Prime mover
Electric motors, Turbines, Hydraulic motors 1 1.25 1.75
Piston engines 4 - 6 cylinders
1.25 1.5 2
Coefficient of cyclic variation up to 1 : 100 to 1 : 200
Piston engines 1 - 3 cylinders
1.5 2 2.5
Coefficient of cyclic variation up to 1 : 100
BA 3100 EN 07.03
2. General notes
2.1 Introduction
These Operating Instructions (BA) are an integral part of the coupling delivery and must be kept in its
vicinity for reference at all times.
The ”Coupling” described in these operating instructions has been developed for stationary use in
general engineering applications. The coupling serves to transmit power and torque between two shafts
or flanges connected by this coupling.
The coupling is designed only for the application described in section 1. ”Technical data”. Other
operating conditions must be contractually agreed.
The coupling described in these Instructions reflects the state of technical development at the time
these Instructions went to print.
In the interest of technical progress we reserve the right to make changes to the individual assemblies
and accessories which we regard as necessary to preserve their essential characteristics and improve
their efficiency and safety.
2.2 Copyright
These Operating Instructions must not be wholly or partly reproduced for competitive purposes, used
in any unauthorised way or made available to third parties without our agreement.
or to one of our customer-service addresses. A list of our customer-service addresses is given in section
11. ”Spare parts, customer-service addresses”.
BA 3100 EN 07.03
3. Safety notes
S The coupling has been manufactured in accordance with the state of the art and is delivered in a
condition for safe and reliable use. Any changes on the part of the user which may affect safety and
reliability are prohibited. This applies equally to safety features designed to prevent accidental
S The coupling must be used and operated strictly in accordance with the conditions laid down in the
contract governing performance and supply.
S The operator must ensure that all persons involved in installation, operation, maintenance and repair
have read and understood these Operating Instructions and comply with them at all times in order
S During transport, assembly, installation, dismantling, operation and maintenance of the unit, the
relevant safety and environmental regulations must be complied with at all times.
S The coupling must be operated, maintained or repaired only by authorised, duly trained and qualified
S All work must be carried out with great care and with due regard to safety.
S All work on the coupling must be carried out only when it is at a standstill.
The drive unit must be secured against being switched on accidentally (e.g. by locking the key switch
or removing the fuses from the power supply). A notice should be attached to the ON switch stating
clearly that work is in progress.
S The coupling must be fitted with suitable safeguards to prevent accidental contact. The operation of
the coupling must not be impaired by the safeguard.
S The drive unit must be shut down as soon as changes to the coupling are detected during operation.
S If the coupling is intended for installation in plant or equipment, the manufacturer of such plant or
equipment must ensure that the contents of the present Operating Instructions are incorporated in
his own instructions.
This symbol indicates safety measures which must be observed to avoid personal
This symbol indicates safety measures which must be observed to avoid damaging
Caution! the coupling.
Note: This symbol indicates general operating instructions which are of particular
BA 3100 EN 07.03
4. Handling and storage
The products supplied are listed in the despatch papers. Check immediately on receipt to ensure that
all the products listed have actually been delivered. Parts damaged during transport or missing parts
must be reported in writing immediately.
The parts must be provided with explosion protection marking in accordance with section 5.
4.2 Handling
When handling FLENDER products, use only lifting and handling equipment of
sufficient load-bearing capacity!
Note: The coupling must be transported using suitable transport equipment only.
Different forms of packaging may be used depending on the size of the coupling and method of
transport. Unless otherwise agreed, the packaging complies with the HPE Packaging Guidelines.
The symbols marked on the packaging must be observed at all times. These have the following
Unless otherwise expressly agreed, the coupling is delivered in a preserved condition and can be stored
in a covered, dry place for up to 3 months. If the coupling is to be stored for a protracted period, it should
be treated with a long-term preservative agent (FLENDER must be consulted).
Before cleaning the coupling parts and applying the long-term preservative
Caution! agent, the flexible elements (12) must be removed. General
Correctly stored flexible elements (12) retain their properties unchanged for up to five years.
Unfavourable storage conditions and improper treatment will negatively affect the physical properties
of the flexible elements (12). Such negative effects may be caused by e.g. the action of ozone, extreme
temperatures, light, moisture, or solvents.
The storage area must be dry and free from dust. The flexible elements (12) must not be stored with
chemicals, solvents, motor fuels, acids, etc. Furthermore, they should be protected against light, in
particular direct sunlight and bright artificial light with a high ultraviolet content.
The storage areas must not contain any ozone-generating equipment, e.g.
Caution! fluorescent light sources, mercury vapour lamps, high-voltage electrical
equipment. Damp storage areas are unsuitable. Ensure that no condensation
occurs. The most favourable atmospheric humidity is below 65 %.
BA 3100 EN 07.03
5. Technical description
N-EUPEX couplings are torsionally flexible claw couplings. They are suitable for linking machines and
can compensate for small shaft misalignment caused by manufacturing inaccuracies, heat expansion,
and the like.
The N-EUPEX coupling Type A / ADS comprises the coupling part 1 with the inserted flexible elements
(12), the cam part 3 and the coupling part 2 which is bolted to part 3. If dimension P in section 1 is taken
into consideration, the screw connection of part 2/3 enables the machines to be connected to be
disconnected without shifting them axially.
On Type A size 560 to 710 Part 2 and part 3 are additionally fastened with 2 parallel pins (16).
The N-EUPEX coupling Type B / BDS comprises the coupling part 1 with the inserted flexible elements
(12) and the cam part 4.
1 12 3 13 2 1 12 4
Because of the form-fitting design of the metal parts, types A and B enable an ”emergency operation”
even after the flexible elements have been irreparably damaged.
The flexible elements (12) are subjected primarily to pressure loads, so that the wear on the flexible
elements (12) is relatively low with infrequent, substantial overload moments.
Where overload moments are excessively high, the result may be breakage of
the coupling or irreparable damage to the connected machine.
On Types ADS and BDS there is no metal contact when the flexible elements (12) are irreparably
damaged, and the metal parts are not of a form-fitting design. These coupling types have no
”emergency running capability” in the above described sense. The flexible elements (12) are subjected
to shear and pressure loads, so that with substantial overload the flexible elements (12) are irreparably
damaged and the torque transmission interrupted.
BA 3100 EN 07.03
5.2 Flexible elements
As well as in standard hardness 80 Shore A, the H-shaped flexible elements (12) of Types A and B are
also available in the softer 60 Shore A version.
This enables to move critical speeds of the drive train out of normal operating conditions.
When using these flexible elements (12), the reduction of the transmissible torque must be noted (see
section 1. ”Technical Data”).
For reversing operation and drives with very high masses to accelerate and strong shock loads
N-EUPEX couplings, Types A and B, may be fitted with higher flexible elements packs (12) with reduced
torsional backlash.
The flexible elements (12) of Type ADS and BDS are available in 90 Shore A and 95 Shore A
Caution! Only identical flexible elements (12) may be used in one coupling.
6. Assembly
At the customer’s request FLENDER also delivers unbored or prebored coupling parts.
The necessary refinishing must be carried out in strict compliance with the following specifications and
with particular care!
6.1 Instructions for machining the finished bore, parallel keyway, axial retaining means, set screws and
BA 3100 EN 07.03
When machining the finished bore the parts must be carefully aligned. For the permissible radial and
axial runout errors and the permissible cylindricity tolerances, refer to DIN ISO 286. The parts must be
mounted on the marked faces ( ).
In the case of part 2/3 and part 4 great caution is necessary owing to the rotating
The maximum permissible bore diameters (see section 1.) are designed for
Caution! drive-type fastenings without taper action to DIN 6885/1 and must not under any
circumstances be exceeded. The finish-machined bores must be 100%
checked with suitable measuring equipment.
If other shaft - hub connections (e.g. taper or stepped bore, etc.) are to be used instead of the flanged
sleeve connections provided for, FLENDER must be consulted.
Flanged sleeve connections with taper action are not permissible.
3.2 3.2 3.2 3.2
For drive by means of parallel keys the following fit pairs are prescribed for the bores:
Bore D1
Selection of fit over to Shaft tolerances Bore tolerances
mm mm
25 k6
Shaft tolerances 25 100 m6 H7
to FLENDER standard
100 n6
Shaft tolerances 50 k6
to DIN 748/1 50 m6
50 K7
System standard shaft 50 M7
all h8 N7
Table 6.1.1: Fit pairs
The assigned fits must be adhered to in order, on the one hand, to keep the play
Caution! in the shaft-hub connection as low as possible, depending on utilisation of the
tolerance zones, or, on the other, to keep the hub tension arising from the
oversize within the permissible load limit. Failure to adhere to the fits may
impair the shaft-hub connection.
If the tolerance values of the shafts deviate from those in table 6.1.1 above,
FLENDER must be consulted.
The parallel keyways must be designed in accordance with DIN 6885/1. If the keyway geometry
deviates, FLENDER must be consulted. Taper keys or nose keys (gib headed keys) are not permissible.
BA 3100 EN 07.03
The parallel keyways must be designed to suit the available parallel keys. For parallel keyways the
tolerance zone of the hub keyway width ISO JS 9 must be adhered to.
For more difficult operating conditions of the kind arising e.g. with reversing operation or operation
with impulses the hub keyway tolerance zone ISO P9 is specified.
On part 1 the parallel keyway must be applied midway between the lands or
Caution! pockets of the flexible elements, on part 2 midway between the through-holes
and on part 4 below a cam.
A set screw or end plate must be provided to secure the coupling parts axially. If end plates are used,
FLENDER must be consulted with regard to machining the recesses in the coupling parts.
If the coupling part mounted on the shaft does not lie up against the shaft shoulder, we recommend using
grooved spacer rings.
Hexagon socket set screws with cup points to DIN 916 must be used for set screws.
The length of the set screw must be selected so that it fills the tapped hole, but
does not project from the hub (Lmin = d1 x 1.2).
e1 e2 e3 e4
Position of the
set screw from
size 140/152 up
d1 d1 d1 d1
Position of the
set screw up to
and incl. size
58 68 80 95 110 125 140 160 180 200 225 250 280 315 350 400 440 480 520 560 610 660 710
66 76 88 103 118 135 152 172 194 218 245 272 305 340 380 430 472 514 556 – – – –
d1 M5 M6 M6 M6 M6 M8 M8 M10 M12 M12 M12 M16 M16 M16 M20 M20 M24 M24 M24 M24 M24 M24 M24
e1 *10 *10 *11 *15 18 20 – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –
e2 – – – – – – 13 13 16 20 22 24 28 35 40 50 60 70 80 75 85 100 115
e3 – – – – *9 12 15 20 30 30 35 40 45 50 60 70 80 90 100 100 110 130 140
e4 *8 *8 12 15 18 20 22 25 32 40 40 45 45 – – – – – – – – – –
1) 3 4 4 4 4 8 8 15 25 25 25 70 70 70 130 130 230 230 230 230 230 230 230
Table 6.1.4: Set screw assignment and tightening torques of the set screws
BA 3100 EN 07.03
The set screws must always be positioned on the keyway. An exception are the
Caution! following coupling parts:
Part 1: Size 58 / 66 : Bore D1 ≥ 15 mm set screw displaced by 180° relative to the keyway.
Size 68 / 76 : Bore D1 ≥ 20 mm set screw displaced by 144° relative to the keyway.
Size 80 / 88 : Bore D1 ≥ 25 mm set screw displaced by 180° relative to the keyway.
Size 95 /103 : Bore D1 ≥ 38 mm set screw displaced by 180° relative to the keyway.
Part 2: Size 110 /118 : Bore D1 ≥ 30 mm set screw displaced by 180° relative to the keyway.
Part 4: Size 58 / 66 : Bore D1 ≥ 18 mm set screw displaced by 180° relative to the keyway.
Size 68 / 76 : Bore D1 ≥ 20 mm set screw displaced by 180° relative to the keyway.
6.1.5 Balancing
Prebored couplings or prebored coupling parts are delivered unbalanced. It is recommended that these
parts are balanced to suit the application after finish-boring (see DIN ISO 1940 and DIN 740/2), but to
min. balancing quality G16.
On part 1 the material must be removed between the lands or pockets of the
Caution! flexible elements without drilling right through the base and without damaging
the pockets of the flexible elements.
On part 4 the material must be removed from the end face between the cams.
Sufficient space must be left between the balancing hole and the cam to avoid
weakening the cam connection.
Since the coupling part 3, the cam part is always in a balanced condition, the coupling part 2 can be
balanced individually or together with the fitted part 3.
Finish-bored couplings or coupling parts are balanced according to the customer’s specifications.
BA 3100 EN 07.03
6.2 General information on installation
Assembly and installation work must be done with great care by trained and qualified personnel.
As early as during the planning phase it must be ensured that sufficient space is available for installation
and subsequent care and maintenance work.
Adequate lifting equipment must be available before beginning the installation and assembly work.
Before beginning installation, the shaft ends and the coupling parts must be carefully cleaned. Before
cleaning the coupling parts with solvent the flexible elements (12) must be removed.
Before fitting coupling part 2 the cam part 3 must be located on the shaft.
If necessary, heating the coupling parts (to max. +150 °C) will facilitate fitting. With temperatures over
+80 °C the flexible elements (12) must be removed from the coupling parts before heating.
The coupling parts must be fitted with the aid of suitable equipment to avoid
Caution! damaging the shaft bearings through axial joining forces.
Always use suitable lifting equipment.
The shaft ends must not project from the inner sides of the hub. Axial securing is effected by means
of the set screw or end plate.
Caution! Tightening the set screws to a tightening torque in accordance with item 6.1.4.
After fitting the coupling parts, the flexible elements (12), if previously removed, must be fitted.
Previously heated coupling parts must have cooled down again to a temperature below +80 °C. It must
be ensured that the flexible elements (12) are of identical size and have identical markings.
Danger of squeezing!
Dimension S1 must be adhered to. On Types A and ADS the connection between parts 2 and 3 must
be remade and the tightening torque of the screw connection to parts 2 and 3 checked before alignment
(for tightening torques and gap dimension S1, see item 6.6 and section 1.).
6.4 Alignment
The couplings pick up positional errors in the shaft ends to be connected up to the data shown in
item 6.5.
When aligning, the radial and angular misalignment of the shaft ends must be kept as small as possible,
because, other conditions being equal, this increases the service life of the flexible elements.
BA 3100 EN 07.03
6.5 Possible misalignments
S1max S1max
S1min S1min
Misalignments of the coupling parts in relation to each other can be caused by inaccurate alignment
during assembly, but also by actual operation of the equipment (expansion due to heat, shaft deflection,
insufficiently rigid machine frames, etc.).
Axial misalignment Ka (Fig. 6.5.1) of the coupling parts relative to one another is possible within the
”permissible error” for dimension S1 (see section 1.).
The angular misalignment Kw (Fig. 6.5.2) can usefully be measured as the difference in the gap
dimension (S1=S1max - S1min). For the permissible values for the difference in the gap dimension, refer
to item 6.5.4.
S 1 perm
Kw perm in Rad +
da S1 perm. see item 6.5.4
S 1 perm for da, see section 1., item 1.1.1 or item 1.2.1
Kw perm in Degrees + 180
BA 3100 EN 07.03
6.5.3 Radial misalignment
For the permissible radial misalignment Krperm. (Fig. 6.5.3), - depending upon the operating speed -,
refer to item 6.5.4.
6.5.4 Permissible shaft misalignment values for radial misalignment Krperm. and difference in gap
dimension S1perm
Values given in mm, rounded off
A, B ADS, BDS 250 500 750 1000 1500 2000 3000 4000 5000
58 66 0.4 0.3 0.25 0.2 0.2 0.15 0.15 0.1 0.1
68 76 0.4 0.3 0.25 0.2 0.2 0.15 0.15 0.1 0.1
80 88 0.4 0.3 0.25 0.2 0.2 0.15 0.15 0.1 0.1
95 103 0.5 0.35 0.25 0.25 0.2 0.2 0.15 0.1 0.1
110 118 0.5 0.35 0.3 0.25 0.2 0.2 0.15 0.1 0.1
125 135 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.25 0.25 0.2 0.15 0.15 0.1
140 152 0.6 0.4 0.35 0.3 0.25 0.2 0.2 0.15
160 172 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.35 0.3 0.25 0.2 0.15
180 194 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.35 0.3 0.25 0.2
200 218 0.8 0.55 0.45 0.4 0.3 0.3 0.2
225 245 0.8 0.55 0.5 0.4 0.35 0.3 0.25
250 272 0.8 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.35 0.3
280 305 1 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.35
315 340 1 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.35
350 380 1 0.8 0.6 0.6 0.5
400 430 1.2 0.9 0.7 0.6 0.5
440 472 1.3 1 0.7 0.7 0.6
480 514 1.4 1 0.8 0.7
520 556 1.5 1.1 0.9 0.8
560 1.6 1.2 1 0.8
610 1.8 1.3 1 0.9
660 1.9 1.4 1.1 1
710 2 1.5 1.2
BA 3100 EN 07.03
200 218 67.5 10
225 245 86 10
250 272 145 14
280 305 185 14
315 340 200 14
350 380 260 17
400 430 340 17
440 472 410 17
480 514 550 19
520 556 670 19
560 710 19
610 1450 22
660 1450 22
710 1450 22
Table 6.6: Tightening torques for part 13 of Types A and ADS
Note: Tightening torques apply to screws with untreated surfaces which are not or only
lightly oiled (coefficient of friction µ = 0.14). The use of lubricant paint or the like, which
affects the coefficient of friction µ, is not permitted.
Note: The tightening torques of the set screws are specified in item 6.1.4.
7. Start-up
Before starting up check the flexible elements (12) for correct seating, i.e. the flexible elements (12)
must sit flush with the end face of the hub, and the set screws for tightness, check and, if necessary,
adjust the alignment and the gap dimension S1 and check all screw connections for the specified
tightening torques (see section 6.).
BA 3100 EN 07.03
8. Operation
– sudden shocks
If any irregularities are noticed during operation, switch the drive assembly off
Caution! at once. Determine the cause of the fault, using the table in section 9.
This table contains a list of possible faults, their causes and suggested
If the cause cannot be identified or the unit repaired with the facilities available,
you are advised to contact one of our customer-service offices for specialist
assistance (see section 11.).
9.1 General
Where the system is a complex one, all the other component units must be included when tracing faults.
The coupling must run with little noise and without vibration in all operating phases. Irregular behaviour
must be treated as a fault requiring immediate remedy.
When remedying faults and malfunctions, the coupling must always be taken
out of service.
Secure the drive unit to prevent it from being started up unintentionally.
Attach a warning notice to the start switch.
BA 3100 EN 07.03
9.2 Possible faults
Sudden changes in the Change of alignment take the system out of service
noise level and/or sudden
vibrations if necessary, rectify causes of
alignment change (e.g. tighten loose
foundation bolts)
Experience has shown that the following faults can result in incorrect use of the N-EUPEX coupling. In
addition to observing the other instructions in this BA, care must therefore be taken to avoid these faults.
Caution! Incorrect use of the N-EUPEX coupling may result in damage to the coupling.
Caution! Coupling damage may result in stoppage of the drive and the entire system.
BA 3100 EN 07.03
9.3.1 Possible faults when selecting the coupling or coupling size
S Important information for describing the drive and the environment will not be communicated to others
S Finished bore with impermissible diameter (see section 1) and/or impermissible fit classification (see
section 6.)
S The transmission capacity of the shaft-hub connection is not appropriate to the operating conditions
S When mounting coupling parts in a heated condition, already mounted N-EUPEX flexible elements
(12) are being excessively heated
S Coupling parts are being interchanged, i.e. their assignment to the specified shaft is incorrect
S The coupled machines are not correctly fastened to the foundation, so a shifting of the machines e.g.
through loosening of the foundation screw connection is causing excessive displacement of the
coupling parts
S Original FLENDER N-EUPEX flexible elements (12) are not being used
S Different N-EUPEX flexible elements (12) are being used (see section 5.)
S Leakage in the vicinity of the coupling is not being identified and as a result chemically aggressive
media are damaging the coupling
All work on the coupling must be carried out only when it is at a standstill.
The drive unit must be secured against being switched on accidentally (e.g. by
locking the key switch or removing the fuses from the power supply). A notice
should be attached to the ON switch stating clearly that work is in progress.
BA 3100 EN 07.03
10.1 Maintenance interval
On Types A and B the torsional backlash between the two coupling parts must
be checked after three months, then at least once a year.
In the case of types ADS and BDS checking the torsional backlash at regular
intervals is recommended in terms of preventive maintenance.
If an increased coupling backlash does not impair the operation of the coupling, the flexible elements
(12) can continue to be used up to a specified wear limit before being replaced. To assess wear, the
permitted circumferential backlash, converted to the chord dimension SV on the outer coupling
diameter, is shown in table 10.1a. and table 10.1b. To obtain the dimension SV, one coupling part is
rotated without torque as far as the stop and a mark applied to a coupling part (see Fig. 10.1). If the
coupling part is rotated in the opposite direction of rotation as far as the stop, the marks move apart.
The distance between the marks is the chord dimension SV. If the dimension SV exceeds the value
in table 10.1a or table 10.1b, the flexible elements (12) must be replaced.
Fig. 10.1
Size 58 68 80 95 110 125 140 160 180 200 225 250 280 315 350 400 440 480 520 560 610 660 710
5.5 5.5 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 8.0 8.0 8.0 8.5 9.0 10.0 11.5 10.5 11.5 13.0 14.0 15.5 17.5 17.5 19.5 21.0 22.5
Size 66 76 88 103 118 135 152 172 194 218 245 272 305 340 380 430 472 514 556
6.0 7.0 5.0 7.0 9.0 10.5 11.5 9.0 8.0 7.0 6.5 7.0 8.0 6.5 7.0 10.0 12.0 14.0 16.0
Only original N-EUPEX flexible elements must be used for replacement to guarantee troublefree
torque transmission and faultfree operation.
Note: Replacement of the flexible elements (12) is possible without shifting the coupled
machines only on Types A and ADS.
After releasing the connection of parts 2 and 3, part 3 is shifted axially. The flexible elements (12) will
then be made freely accessible by rotating part 2. To facilitate the release of part 3, on sizes 225 - 430
forcing-off threads are provided in part 1. From size 440 up the forcing-off threads are located in part
3 (see Figures 10.2 a and 10.2 b).
For re-assembly, the instructions in section 6. ”Assembly” and section 7. ”Start-up” must be carefully
BA 3100 EN 07.03
11. Spare parts, customer-service addresses
By stocking the most important spare and wearing parts on site, you can ensure that the coupling is
ready for use at any time.
– Specification / size (the size designation corresponds to the outside diameter da in mm)
– Quantity
Please note that spare parts and accessories not supplied by us have not been
Caution! tested or approved by us. The installation or use of such products may
therefore impair essential characteristics of the coupling under certain
circumstances and so pose an active or passive hazard. FLENDER will assume
no liability or guarantee for damage caused by spare parts and accessories not
supplied by FLENDER.
Please note that certain components often have special production and supply specifications and that
we supply you with spare parts which comply fully with the current state of technical development as
well as current legislation.
1 12 3 13 2 1 12 4
BA 3100 EN 07.03
11.2 Spare-part and customer service addresses
When ordering spare parts or requesting the services of our specialist engineers, please apply first to
46393 Bocholt - Tel.: (0 28 71) 92-0 - Fax: (0 28 71) 92 25 96
E-mail: [email protected] S www.flender.com
Shipping address: Alfred - Flender - Strasse 77 - 46395 Bocholt
94095 Ruhstorf - Tel.: (0 85 31) 3 90 - Fax: (0 85 31) 3 94 37
E-mail: [email protected] S www.loher.de
Shipping address: Hans-Loher-Strasse 32 - 94099 Ruhstorf
BA 3100 EN 07.03
46393 BOCHOLT - TEL.: (0 28 71) 92 - 0 - FAX: (0 28 71) 92 25 96
E-mail: [email protected] S www.flender.com
Alfred-Flender-Strasse 77, 46395 Bocholt
Tel.: (0 28 71) 92 - 0
Fax: (0 28 71) 92 - 14 35
E-mail: [email protected]
BA 3100 EN 07.03
FLENDER International (2003-12-01)
BA 3100 EN 07.03
ALBANIA / MACEDONIA Flender Brasil Ltda. Flender Corporation
A. Friedr. Flender AG Rua James Watt, 142 950 Tollgate Road
Branch Office conj. 142 - Brooklin Novo P.O. Box 1449, Elgin, IL. 60123
c/o G.P.Inzenjering d.o.o. 04576 - 050, São Paulo - SP Phone: +1 (0) 8 47 - 9 31 19 90
III Bulevar 54 / 19 Phone: +55 (0) 11 - 55 05 99 33 Fax: +1 (0) 8 47 - 9 31 07 11
11070 Novi Beograd Fax: +55 (0) 11 - 55 05 30 10 E-mail: [email protected]
Phone: +381 (0) 11 - 60 44 73 E-mail: [email protected] www.flenderusa.com
Fax: +381 (0) 11 - 3 11 67 91 Flender Corporation
E-mail: [email protected] Flender Brasil Ltda. Service Centers West
Rua Campos Salles, 1095 4234 Foster Ave.
sala 04 - Centro 14015 - 110, Bakersfield, CA. 93308
Ribeirão Preto - SP
AFRICA Phone: +55 (0) 16 - 6 35 15 90
Phone: +1 (0) 6 61 - 3 25 44 78
Fax: +1 (0) 6 61 - 3 25 44 70
Fax: +55 (0) 16 - 6 35 11 05 E-mail: [email protected]
NORTH AFRICAN COUNTRIES E-mail: [email protected]
Please refer to Flender s.a.r.l. VENEZUELA
3, rue Jean Monnet - B.P. 5 F. H. Transmisiones S.A.
78996 Elancourt Cedex CANADA Urbanización Buena Vista
Phone: +33 (0) 1 - 30 66 39 00 Flender Power Transmission Inc. Calle Johan Schafer o Segunda Calle
Fax: +33 (0) 1 - 30 66 35 13 215 Shields Court, Units 4 - 6 Municipio Sucre, Petare
E-mail: [email protected] Markham, Ontario L3R 8V2 Caracas
Phone: +1 (0) 9 05 - 3 05 10 21 Phone: +58 (0) 2 - 21 52 61
Fax: +1 (0) 9 05 - 3 05 10 23 Fax: +58 (0) 2 - 21 18 38
EGYPT E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected]
Sons of Farid Hassanen www.flenderpti.com www.fhtransmisiones.com
81 Matbaa Ahlia Street
Boulac 11221, Cairo SALES OFFICE: ASIA
Phone: +20 (0) 2 - 5 75 15 44 Flender Power Transmission Inc.
Fax: +20 (0) 2 - 5 75 17 02 34992 Bemina Court BANGLADESH / SRI LANKA
E-mail: [email protected] Abbotsford - Vancouver Please refer to Flender Limited
B.C. V3G 1C2 No. 2 St. George’s Gate Road
Phone: +1 (0) 6 04 - 8 59 66 75 5th Floor, Hastings
SOUTH AFRICA Fax: +1 (0) 6 04 - 8 59 68 78 Kolkata - 700 022
Flender Power Transmission (Pty.) Ltd. E-mail: [email protected] Phone: +91 (0) 33 - 2 23 05 45
Cnr. Furnace St & Quality Rd. Fax: +91 (0) 33 - 2 23 18 57
P.O. Box 131, Isando 1600 E-mail: [email protected]
Fax: +27 (0) 11 - 3 92 24 34 Flender Cono Sur Limitada Flender Power Transmission
E-mail: [email protected] Avda. Galvarino Gallardo 1534 (Tianjin) Co. Ltd.
www.flender.co.za Providencia, Santiago ShuangHu Rd.- Shuangchen Rd. West
Phone: +56 (0) 2 - 2 35 32 49 Beichen Economic Development
Flender Power Transmission (Pty.) Ltd. Fax: +56 (0) 2 - 2 64 20 25
E-mail: [email protected] Tianjin 300400
Unit 3 Marconi Park Phone: +86 (0) 22 - 26 97 20 63
9 Marconi Crescent, Montague Gardens www.flender.cl
Fax: +86 (0) 22 - 26 97 20 61
P.O. Box 37291 E-mail: [email protected]
Chempet 7442, Cape Town www.flendertj.com
Phone: +27 (0) 21 - 5 51 50 03 COLOMBIA
Fax: +27 (0) 21 - 5 52 38 24 A.G.P. Representaciones Ltda. Flender Power Transmission
E-mail: [email protected] Flender Liaison Office Colombia (Tianjin) Co. Ltd.
Av Boyaca No 23A Beijing Office
Flender Power Transmission (Pty.) Ltd. 50 Bodega UA 7-1, Bogotá C-415, Lufthansa Center
Unit 3 Goshawk Park Phone: +57 (0) 1 - 5 70 63 53 50 Liangmaqiao Road, Chaoyang District
Falcon Industrial Estate Fax: +57 (0) 1 - 5 70 73 35 Beijing 100016
P.O. Box 1608 E-mail: [email protected] Phone: +86 (0) 10 - 64 62 21 51
New Germany 3620, Durban www.agp.com.co Fax: +86 (0) 10 - 64 62 21 43
Phone: +27 (0) 31 - 7 05 38 92 E-mail: [email protected]
Fax: +27 (0) 31 - 7 05 38 72 Flender Power Transmission
E-mail: [email protected] MEXICO (Tianjin) Co. Ltd.
Flender Power Transmission (Pty.) Ltd. Flender de Mexico S.A. de C.V. Shanghai Office
9 Industrial Crescent, Ext. 25 17, Pte, 713 Centro 1101-1102 Harbour Ring Plaza
P.O. Box 17609, Witbank 1035 72000 Puebla 18 Xizang Zhong Rd.
Phone: +27 (0) 13 - 6 92 34 38 Phone: +52 (0) 2 22 - 2 37 19 00 Shanghai 200 001
Fax: +27 (0) 13 - 6 92 34 52 Fax: +52 (0) 2 22 - 2 37 11 33 Phone: +86 (0) 21 - 53 85 31 48
E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected] Fax: +86 (0) 21 - 53 85 31 46
www.flendermexico.com E-mail: [email protected]
Flender Power Transmission (Pty.) Ltd. Flender Power Transmission
Unit 14 King Fisher Park, Alton SALES OFFICES: (Tianjin) Co. Ltd.
Cnr. Ceramic Curve & Alumina Allee Flender de Mexico S.A. de C.V. Wuhan Office
P.O. Box 101995 Lago Nargis No. 38 Rm. 1503, Jianyin Building,
Meerensee 3901, Richards Bay Col. Granada, 709 Jianshedadao
Phone: +27 (0) 35 - 7 51 15 63 11520 Mexico, D.F. Wuhan 430 015
Fax: +27 (0) 35 - 7 51 15 64 Phone: +52 (0) 55 - 52 54 30 37 Phone: +86 (0) 27 - 85 48 67 15
E-mail: [email protected] Fax: +52 (0) 55 - 55 31 69 39 Fax: +86 (0) 27 - 85 48 68 36
E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected]
Flender de Mexico S.A. de C.V. Flender Power Transmission
AMERICA Ave. San Pedro No. 231-5 (Tianjin) Co. Ltd.
Col. Miravalle Guangzhou Office
64660 Monterrey, N.L. Rm. 2802, Guangzhou International
ARGENTINA Electronics Tower
Chilicote S.A. Phone: +52 (0) 81 - 83 63 82 82
Fax: +52 (0) 81 - 83 63 82 83 403 Huanshi Rd. East
Avda. Julio A. Roca 546
E-mail: [email protected] Guangzhou 510 095
C 1067 ABN Buenos Aires
Phone: +86 (0) 20 - 87 32 60 42
Phone: +54 (0) 11 - 43 31 66 10 Fax: +86 (0) 20 - 87 32 60 45
Fax: +54 (0) 11 - 43 31 42 78 E-mail: [email protected]
E-mail: [email protected] PERU
Potencia Industrial E.I.R.L. Flender Power Transmission
Calle Victor González Olaechea N° 110 (Tianjin) Co. Ltd.
BRASIL Urb. La Aurora - Miraflores, Chengdu Office
Flender Brasil Ltda. P.O.Box: Av. 2 de Mayo N° 679 G-6 / F Guoxin Mansion,
Rua Quatorze, 60 - Cidade Industrial Of.108-Miraflores 77 Xiyu Street
32211 - 970, Contagem - MG Casilla N° 392, Lima 18 Chengdu 610 015
Phone: +55 (0) 31 - 33 69 21 00 Phone: +51 (0) 1 - 2 42 84 68 Phone: +86 (0) 28 - 86 19 83 72
Fax: +55 (0) 31 - 33 69 21 66 Fax: +51 (0) 1 - 2 42 08 62 Fax: +86 (0) 28 - 86 19 88 10
E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected]
BA 3100 EN 07.03
Flender Power Transmission ISRAEL SINGAPORE
(Tianjin) Co. Ltd. Greenshpon Engineering Works Ltd. Flender Singapore Pte. Ltd.
Shenyang Office Haamelim Street 20 13 A, Tech Park Crescent
Rm. 2-163, Tower I, City Plaza Shenyan P.O. Box 10108, 26110 Haifa Singapore 637843
206 Nanjing Street (N), Heping District Phone: +972 (0) 4 - 8 72 11 87 Phone: +65 (0) - 68 97 94 66
Shenyang 110 001 Fax: +972 (0) 4 - 8 72 62 31 Fax: +65 (0) - 68 97 94 11
Phone: +86 (0) 24 - 23 34 20 48 E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected]
Fax: +86 (0) 24 - 23 34 20 46 www.greenshpon.com www.flender.com.sg
E-mail: [email protected]
Flender Power Transmission Flender Japan Co., Ltd. Misrabi Co & Trading
(Tianjin) Co. Ltd. WBG Marive East 21F Mezzeh Autostrade Transportation
Xi’an Office Nakasa 2 - 6 Building 4/A, 5th Floor
Rm. 302, Shaanzi Zhong Da Mihama-ku, Chiba-shi P.O. Box 12450, Damascus
International Mansion Chiba 261-7121 Phone: +963 (0) 11 - 6 11 67 94
30 Southern Rd. Phone: +81 (0) 43 - 2 13 39 30 Fax: +963 (0) 11 - 6 11 09 08
Xi’an 710 002 Fax: +81 (0) 43 - 2 13 39 55 E-mail: [email protected]
Phone: +86 (0) 29 - 7 20 32 68 E-mail: [email protected]
Fax: +86 (0) 29 - 7 20 32 04
E-mail: [email protected] TAIWAN
KOREA A. Friedr. Flender AG
Flender Ltd. Taiwan Branch Company
INDIA 7th Fl. Dorim Bldg. 1F, No. 5, Lane 240
Flender Limited 1823 Bangbae-Dong, Seocho-Ku, Nan Yang Street, Hsichih
Head Office: Seoul 137-060 Taipei Hsien 221
No. 2 St. George’s Gate Road Phone: +82 (0) 2 - 34 78 63 37 Phone: +886 (0) 2 - 26 93 24 41
5th Floor, Hastings Fax: +82 (0) 2 - 34 78 63 45 Fax: +886 (0) 2 - 26 94 36 11
Kolkata - 700 022 E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected]
Phone: +91 (0) 33 - 22 23 05 45
Fax: +91 (0) 33 - 22 23 08 30 KUWAIT THAILAND
E-mail: [email protected] South Gulf Company Flender Singapore Pte. Ltd.
Al-Reqai, Plot 1, Block 96 Representative Office
Flender Limited P.O. Box 26229, Safat 13123 23/F M Thai Tower, All Seasons Place
Industrial Growth Centre Phone: +965 (0) - 4 88 39 15 87 Wireless Road, Phatumwan
Rakhajungle, Nimpura Fax: +965 (0) - 4 88 39 14 Bangkok 10330
Kharagpur - 721 302 E-mail: [email protected] Phone: +66 (0) 2 - 6 27 91 09
Phone: +91 (0) 3222 - 23 33 07 Fax: +66 (0) 2 - 6 27 90 01
Fax: +91 (0) 3222 - 23 33 64 LEBANON E-mail: [email protected]
E-mail: [email protected] Gabriel Acar & Fils s.a.r.l.
Dahr-el-Jamal VIETNAM
SALES OFFICES: Zone Industrielle, Sin-el-Fil Flender Singapore Pte. Ltd.
Flender Limited B.P. 80484, Beyrouth Representative Office
Eastern Regional Sales Office Phone: +961 (0) 1 - 49 82 72 Suite 6/6A, 16F Saigon Tower
No. 2 St. George’s Gate Road Fax: +961 (0) 1 - 49 49 71 29 Le Duan Street, District 1
5th Floor, Hastings E-mail: [email protected] Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
Kolkata - 700 022
Phone: +84 (0) 8 - 8 23 62 97
Phone: +91 (0) 33 - 22 23 05 45
MALAYSIA Fax: +84 (0) 8 - 8 23 62 88
Fax: +91 (0) 33 - 22 23 08 30 E-mail: [email protected]
Flender Singapore Pte. Ltd.
E-mail: [email protected]
Representative Office
Flender Limited 37 A - 2, Jalan PJU 1/39
Western Regional Sales Office Dataran Prima AUSTRALIA
Plot No. 23, Sector 19 - C 47301 Petaling Jaya
Vashi, Navi Mumbai - 400 705 Selangor Darul Ehsan
Phone: +91 (0) 22 - 27 65 72 27 Phone: +60 (0) 3 - 78 80 42 63
Fax: +60 (0) 3 - 78 80 42 73 Flender (Australia) Pty. Ltd.
Fax: +91 (0) 22 - 27 65 72 28 9 Nello Place, P.O. Box 6047
E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected]
Wetherill Park
Flender Limited N.S.W. 2164, Sydney
PAKISTAN Phone: +61 (0) 2 - 97 56 23 22
Southern Regional Sales Office Please refer to
41 Nelson Manickam Road Fax: +61 (0) 2 - 97 56 48 92, 97 56 14 92
A. Friedr. Flender AG
Aminjikarai, E-mail: [email protected]
46393 Bocholt
Chennai - 600 029 www.flender.com.au
Phone: +49 (0) 28 71 - 92 22 59
Phone: +91 (0) 44 - 23 74 39 21 Fax: +49 (0) 28 71 - 92 15 16 SALES OFFICES:
Fax: +91 (0) 44 - 23 74 39 19 E-mail: [email protected] Flender (Australia) Pty. Ltd.
E-mail: [email protected] Suite 3, 261 Centre Rd.
PHILIPPINES Bentleigh, VIC 3204 Melbourne
Flender Limited Phone: +61 (0) 3 - 95 57 08 11
Northern Regional Sales Office Flender Singapore Pte. Ltd.
Representative Office Fax: +61 (0) 3 - 95 57 08 22
209-A, Masjid Moth, 2nd Floor E-mail: [email protected]
(Behind South Extension II) 28/F, Unit 2814
New Delhi - 110 049 The Enterprice Centre Flender (Australia) Pty. Ltd.
Phone: +91 (0) 11 - 26 25 02 21 6766 Ayala Avenue corner Suite 5, 1407 Logan Rd.
Fax: +91 (0) 11 - 26 25 63 72 Paeso de Roxas, Makati City Mt. Gravatt
E-mail: [email protected] Phone: +63 (0) 2 - 8 49 39 93 QLD 4122, Brisbane
Fax: +63 (0) 2 - 8 49 39 17 Phone: +61 (0) 7 - 34 22 23 89
E-mail: [email protected] Fax: +61 (0) 7 - 34 22 24 03
INDONESIA E-mail: [email protected]
Flender Singapore Pte. Ltd. BAHRAIN / IRAQ / JORDAN / LYBIA Flender (Australia) Pty. Ltd.
Representative Office OMAN / QATAR / U.A.E. / YEMEN
Please refer to A. Friedr. Flender AG Suite 2 403 Great Eastern Highway
Perkantoran Puri Niaga II W.A. 6104, Redcliffe - Perth
Jalan Puri Kencana Blok J1 Middle East Sales Office
IMES Sanayi Sitesi Phone: +61 (0) 8 - 94 77 41 66
No. 2i, Kembangan Fax: +61 (0) 8 - 94 77 65 11
Jakarta Barat 11610 E Blok 502, Sokak No. 22
81260 Dudullu - Istanbul E-mail: [email protected]
Phone: +62 (0) 21 - 5 82 86 24
Fax: +62 (0) 21 - 5 82 86 23 Phone: +90 (0) 2 16 - 4 99 66 23
Fax: +90 (0) 2 16 - 3 64 59 13 NEW ZEALAND
E-mail: [email protected] Please refer to Flender (Australia) Pty. Ltd.
E-mail: [email protected]
9 Nello Place, P.O. Box 6047
Cimaghand Co. Ltd. South Gulf Co. N.S.W. 2164, Sydney
P.O. Box 15745-493 Al-Khobar, Dahran Str. Phone: +61 (0) 2 - 97 56 23 22
No. 13, 16th East Street Middle East Trade Center Fax: +61 (0) 2 - 97 56 48 92
Beyhaghi Ave., Argentina Sq. 3rd floor, Flat # 23 E-mail: [email protected]
Tehran 15156 P.O. Box 20434 31952 Al-Khobar
Phone: +98 (0) 21 - 8 73 02 14 Phone: +966 (0) 3 - 8 87 53 32
Fax: +98 (0) 21 - 8 73 39 70 Fax: +966 (0) 3 - 8 87 53 31
E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected]
BA 3100 EN 07.03
12. Declaration by the manufacturer
This Manufacturer’s Declaration takes into account all the unified standards (inasmuch as
they apply to our products) published by the European Commission in the Official Journal of
the European Community.
Bocholt, 2003-07-10
Signature (person responible for products)
BA 3100 EN 07.03
Warranty Card
Complete and return to validate warranty
Please complete this card and return it to seepex Inc. By using this card, the valid warranty period will commence at the pump
“start-up” date. If this card is not completed the warranty coverage period will commence on the date the pump is shipped from
the seepex factory. This card must be completed and mailed no later than one year from the date of shipment.
Was the pump delivered as scheduled? __ Yes __ No Did the pump perform as expected? __ Yes __ No
Was the appearance of the pump acceptable? __ Yes __ No Did you receive: - Data Sheets? __ Yes __ No
Did the pump suffer any freight damage? __ Yes __ No -O&M Manuals? __ Yes __ No
Did you local seepex distributor contact you to arrange a start-up? __ Yes __ No
Other Comments: ______________________________________________________________________________________
Name of person completing card (please print): _______________________________________________________________
Date: ________________ Signature: _____________________________________
seepex, Inc.
511 Speedway Drive
Enon, OH 45323
Phone (937) 864-7150
Fax (937) 864-7157
[email protected]
The following terms and conditions shall apply to an order for all or any part the articles covered by this quotation unless specifically excepted therein: