Hosek IGBSG2014 Final Camera Ready
Hosek IGBSG2014 Final Camera Ready
Hosek IGBSG2014 Final Camera Ready
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Jiri Hosek, Pavel Masek, Dominik Kovac Michal Ries Franz Kröpfl
Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Communication Institute of Telecommunications Telekom Austria Group
Brno University of Technology Vienna University of Technology Lassallestraße 9, A-1020
Technicka 12, 616 00 Brno, Czech Republic Karlsplatz 13, 1040 Vienna, Austria Wien, Austria
[email protected] [email protected] [email protected]
Abstract—Online data collection is crucial for increasing according to HGI recommendation [5] and in parallel coexists
efficiency of energy consumption and reducing environmental with other access technologies [6].
impacts. Moreover, utility market liberalization and parallel EC
requirements on smart measurement brought new challenges Currently, there are many new solutions for smart home
for utility and telecommunication providers. More Advanced gateways at the market [7], but generic drawback of these
Metering Infrastructure (AMI) networks have been proposed solutions is those are dedicated just for specific service or
with not clear widely accepted solution. Our study investigates product or provide generic but cost ineffective solution [8].
feasibility of cost efficient measurement architecture based on Therefore, it is necessary to come up with new generic, cost
already deployed network and home access technologies. Devel- effective solution for smart utility measurement which will
oped system running on the smart home gateway acts as a multi be based on actual residential access gateway technologies
purpose enabler providing a real time smart meter data collection
and visualization, but can be used for any home automation
and already deployed data networks. Furthermore, the access
services as well. technology should provide sufficient quality of service (QoS)
for machine to machine (M2M) type traffic and sufficient level
of network security [9].
I. I NTRODUCTION In our study we investigated the readiness of residential
gateway access technology for the utility smart metering.
The liberalization of utility markets and in parallel system-
We proposed and demonstrate middleware solution providing
atic need for more efficient utility consumption (electricity, gas,
the binding between the home access technology and home
water) brought a demand for accurate, immediate and online
automation systems at standard IP router. The demonstrator
data collection from smart meters for society, utility providers
provides a user friendly utility data-handler accessible locally
and for individuals as well [1], [2].
or remotely through smart devices. Moreover, the proposed
The research for the most suitable communication platform solution is open for other home gateway applications.
for Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) which is the core The rest of paper is organized as follows. The Section 2
part of modern smart grids is currently very active among is providing a brief background for the smart metering service
different research and industry institutions. There are several category. New universal integration platform for home automa-
possible solutions like Power Line Communication (PLC), tion - openHAB, which we used as a key component in our
3G/4G mobile network, VDSL/ADSL broadband network, proposed platform, is introduced in the Section 3. The Section
Wireless M-Bus, etc. Each of these technologies has certain 4 presents the architecture and design of our openHAB-based
pros and cons and is intended to be used in different part smart metering demonstrator. All results and outputs of our
of AMI. E.g. the PLC is frequently discussed as perspective performed study are summarized in the Conclusion.
solution for AMI, but actual state of PLC technology has
limitations on communication range, data throughput, national
directives and also full deployment of PLC data access will II. S ERVICE C ATEGORY S MART M ETERING
generate additional costs in power line network infrastructure The smart metering refers to the use of intelligent utility
[3]. Moreover, the full PLC network deployment and mainte- (energy, gas or water) meters and measuring instruments in
nance for all utility providers will generate additional financial order to make the utility consumption more visible and to en-
cost. able automatic utility management. Smart meters bring an end
to estimated bills and home visits from meter readers because
On the other hand, the wired and wireless broadband telco they can record and report utility consumption automatically
operators have already deployed a network infrastructure with and remotely [5]. Utility companies are going to invest in smart
sufficient throughput and in parallel have already deployed metering infrastructure to become more efficient in how they
the Internet access enablers (IP routers) which can serve engage with their customers.
as home gateways for smart metering or any other home
automation service. Therefore, mobile of fixed telecommu- The service category Smart Metering as a part of smart grid
nication networks seem to be a sufficient platform for the and smart home automation concepts is currently attracting
utility metering. Nevertheless, the current challenge for telco a lot of attention of research [10], [11] and also industry
operators is to orchestrate such generic solution for the smart communities and will play an increasingly important role in
utility measurement within their network [4]. The next open residential and commercial buildings, because the energy usage
issue is if home gateways are able to collect and process data in these buildings is responsible for about 40% of the EU’s
total energy consumption and represents about 36% of CO2
emissions in the EU and about 40% in the US. Therefore,
buildings should be at the centre of any solution to reduce
GHG emissions. Due to mentioned facts the finding of optimal
solution for smart metering is in the strategic scope of many
standardization organizations [12] and initiatives, e.g. Home
Gateway Initiative (HGI) [5].