Pressure Gauges: Armaturenbau GMBH Manotherm Beierfeld GMBH

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Pressure Gauges

Selection, Set-up of Measuring Instruments,

Mounting and Operating Instructions

Page Page
1. Scope............................................................................1 7. Operation...................................................................7
2. Elastic Elements, Construction of 8. Maintenance and Repair....................... .....................8
Pressure Gauges and Chemical Seals...............................1 9. Electrical Accessories................................................8
3. Selection Criteria..........................................................3 10. Storage ....................................................................8
4. Accessories..................................................................5 11. Installation in potentially explosive areas. ...................8
5. Set-up Options..............................................................6 11.1 General Information.......................................8
6. Installation....................................................................6 11.2 Marking for the Explosion Hazard Areas........8

1. Scope
The information provided in these Operating Instructions relating to the selection, application, set-up options, installation
and operation applies to pressure gauges with an elastic sensing element.

2. Elastic Elements, Construction of Pressure Gauges and Chemical Seals

2.1 Elastic Elements

Bourdon Tube Types:

C-Type Bourdon Tube Helical Bourdon Tube

Diaphragm Type: Capsule Type:

Horizontal Vertical

Subsidiary Company, Sales and Export East


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2.2 Construction of Pressure Gauges
Pressure Gauge with C-Type BourdonTube: Pressure Gauge with Horizontal Diaphragm:

of the movement

Pinion Bourdon tube Dial


Tip of the
bourdon tube Toothed
Zero dead stop


Upper measu-
Link screw ring flange Connecting
Pointer Toothed quadrant

protector Upper movement plate
Process connection
(saocket) (here) 6 o´clock bottom connection
Lower measuring horizontal
Process connection,
bottom connection

Pressure Gauge with Diaphragm Capsule Pressure Gauge with Vertical Diaphragm

Capsule Connecting rod

Pointer vertical Dial

Movement connection
(here) bottom
connection Movement
(here) center
back connection

Pressure Gauge in line with Safety Requirements According to EN 837-1, S3 (formerly DIN 16 006 Part 1 and Part 2)

Full blow-out pressure relief back

Case with solid front Window made of
multilayer safety

Bayonet ring

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2.3 Types of Chemical Seal

Diaphragm Capsule In-line

3. Selection Criteria Bourdon tube pressure gauges of accuracy grades

between 0.6 and 2.5 are commonly used for measurements
In each case the user needs to ensure that the proper pres- in the range between 0.6 bar to 4000 bar. The influence of
sure gauge was selected with respect to indicating range temperature changes on the indication depends chiefly on
and design (resistance of the materials used against the the temperature coefficient (TEC= change in stiffness caused
pressure medium, atmosphere and temperature as well as by change in temperature) that is specific for the elastic
resistance against overpressures, for example). The regula- modulus of the Bourdon tube. Depending on the material
tions valid for the particular application as well as EN 837-2 used, the accuracy error caused by temperatures differing
must be observed. from the reference temperature will amount to between
0.3 % and 0.4 % per 10 K.
3.1 Principles of measurement
The pressure gauges described in these Operating Diaphragm Pressure Gauges
Instructions contain components which are subjected to The diaphragms are corrugated in circles. The pressure
elastic deformation when exposed to a pressure. is applied to one side of the diaphragm. The degree of
This motion is transferred to a movement with a pointer. flexing is a measure for the pressure. Diaphragms have a
Because of their ruggedness and simple usage these relatively high restoring force. For this reason the influence
pressure gauges are widely used throughout the industry. of additional accessories is less compared to gauges using
The elastic elements themselves are generally made of Bourdon tubes. Through the annular fixing arrangement for
copper alloys or alloyed steel. the diaphragm it is less sensitive to vibrations. By supporting-
means it is possible to protect the diaphragms against severe
Pressure Gauges with Bourdon Tube overloading. By means of coatings or foils in front of the
Bourdon tubes are oval tubes bent into a circular arc.The diaphragm, the diaphragm itself may be protected against
pressure which is to be measured acts upon the interior of corrosive pressure media. Diaphragm gauges may be used
the tube so that the tube's oval cross section becomes ap- with advantage also for highly viscous and crystallising
proximately circular. The edge stress produced through this pressure media since through extended connection bores,
deforming effect causes the arc of the Bourdon tube to open. open connection flanges or purge holes optimum cleaning
The end of the Bourdon tube which is not affixed performs conditions may be provided for.
a motion, this motion being a measure for the pressure. For There exist gauges with a horizontally arranged diaphragm
pressure ranges up to 40 bar Bourdon tubes bent into a and gauges with a vertically arranged diaphragm, i.e. where
circulararc over angle of 270 degrees are commonly used, the diaphragm is placed in parallel to the dial. Generally for
for higher pressure ranges helical Bourdon tubes having pressure ranges below 0.6 bar diaphragms having a diameter
several turns are employed. Bourdon tubes have a relatively of 160 mm are used for pressure gauges with horizontal
low restoring force. This must be taken into account when diaphragm, whereas diaphragms having a diameter of 100
using additional accessories like indicating pointers, limit mm are used
switches or potentiometric transducers since these will affect for higher pressure ranges. Owing to the annular fixing
the readings obtained. Pressure gauges with a Bourdon arrangement of the diaphragm the inaccuracy caused by
tube can normally only be protected in a limited way against temperature changes is significantly greater compared to
overloading by supporting the elastic element at a specific gauges with a Bourdon tube. Diaphragm pressure gauges
pressure limit. are applied for pressure ranges between 10 mbar up to 25
bar with standard accuracy grades of 1.6 or 2.5, in excep-
tional cases also 4.0.

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Capsule Pressure Gauges Temperature
A diaphragm capsule consists of two circular corrugated If the temperature of the pressure medium at the point whe-
diaphragms or a diaphragm and a base plate joined in a re it is measured deviates from the operating temperature
pressure-tight matter at the rim. The pressure is introduced specified for the pressure gauge (refer to para. 7 as well as
at the centre of one of the diaphragms and acts upon the EN 837-1, -2, -3) then a sufficiently long measuring line,
inside of the capsule. The resulting movement is a measure a siphon or a chemical seal with a capillary line must be
for the pressure. Capsule pressure gauges are not suited for mounted to the pressure gauge.
liquid pressure media. They are available for pressure ranges The influence on the reading owing to temperatures
from 2.5 mbar to 600 mbar in accuracy grades from 0.6 to deviating from +20 °C must be observed.
1.6. The deviation in the readings in response to temperature
changes amounts to between 0.3 % and 0.4 % per 10 K Highly Viscous, Crystallising and Solids Containing
depending on the material used. Media
When wanting to run measurements on highly viscous,
3.2 Pressure Ranges crystallising or solids containing pressure media, the use of
The operating pressure should be in the mid. third of the diaphragm or Bourdon tube pressure gauges with attached
pressure range specified for the gauge. The maximum chemical seal (refer to para. 4.4) is recommended.
pressure load should not exceed 75 % of full scale value at
static loads, or 65 % of full scale value for pulsating loads. Corrosive Pressure Media
Refer to EN 837-2. If corrosive pressure media can be kept away by separating
means from the elastic element, then standard gauges may
3.3 Accuracy Limits be used. Otherwise the selection of a suitable material is
The accuracy limits for pressure gauges have been mandatory, whereby the user must provide to the manufac-
defined in EN 837-1 (Bourdon gauges) and EN 837-3 turer all information on the materials which under the given
(capsule and diaphragm gauges) (formerly DIN 16 005). conditions are compatible with the pressure medium, refer to
Pressure gauges belonging to grade 0.1 to 0.6 and EN 837-2, 4.3. Because of the restricted choice of materials
higher are preferably used in laboratories and workshops. for the elastic elements, diaphragm pressure gauges with a
Pressure gauges of grades 1.0 and 1.6 are mainly used protective lining will possibly have to be used, or chemical
for measurements on machines and production facilities. seals made of pressure media resistant materials need to
Pressure gauges belonging to grade 2.5 and 4.0 are used be mounted to a Bourdon tube pressure gauge.
in monitoring measurements where accuracy requirements
are not that high. Safety
There is an increased risk combined with gases and fluids
3.4 Conditions of Usage under high pressure, for example. In case of developing leaks
When selecting pressure gauges the selection criteria and or bursting of pressurized components, persons in front of
installation recommendations in accordance with the viewing window of the instrument must not be injured by
EN 837-2 (formerly DIN 16 005 Part 1 and Part 2) as well the pressure medium escaping to the front.
as the instructions provided here, especially in para. 3.4.1,
3.4.2 and 5. must be observed. The use of pressure gauges Safety pressure gauges with a blow-out device on the rear,
which do not meet the requirements encountered in practice fitted for example with a pressure relief on the back, will here
can cause great consequential damage. offer the required degree of protection (refer to the Fig. on
the bottom of page 2).
3.4.1 Pressure Media Properties When using hazardous pressure media, for example
March of Pressure – oxygen
The actual elastic element must not be exposed suddenly – acetylene
to rapid pressure changes or pressure spikes. – combustible substances
In the case of pressure spikes the pressure limits – toxic substances
specified for the gauge must not be exceeded. as well as refrigerating units, compressors etc.
The applicable regulations must be observed. In accordance
If required overload protection means (refer to para. 4) must with EN 837-1, 9.7 fluid filled pressure gauges must be
be provided upstream. Pressure changes in excess of 10 % equipped with blow-out devices (designated S1, or also S2
of the full scale value per second will impair the readings. resp. S3 in according to EN 837-1).
Moreover, this will severely impair the service life of the
gauges. In such cases attenuators must be provided. 3.4.2 Ambient Conditions
Through throttling components (restrictor screw or adjustable Vibrations
snubber) the cross section at the inlet can be much reduced If an exposure of the pressure gauge to vibrations can not be
in order to delay the transmission of the pressure change to avoided by way of a suitable installation, gauges equipped
the gauge. Fitting of a throttling line (a line with a reduced
with damping devices for the movement or gauges with a
cross section) ahead of the gauge is also possible. In both
fluid filling must be used.
cases the increased risk of accumulating contamination is
a disadvantage. Attenuating components at the movement
will only delay the movement of the pointer. Filling the case
with fluids will attenuate the movement of the elastic element
and will help to reduce wear on moving parts.

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Ambient Temperature Special emphasis must be placed on the compatibility of the
The accuracy limit given on the dial applies at a reference fluid with the pressure medium. Chemical seals are available
temperature of +20 °C. Deviating temperature will have an in a variety of different types, refer to sketches in para. 2.3,
influence on the reading. The magnitude whereby the diaphragm seal is most popular. In-line seals
of the influence will depend on the principle of measurement and flange type diaphragm seals must be mounted together
used (refer to para. 3.1). At outdoor services, the prevailing at works suitable for the fitting position at the measuring point.
ambient conditions must be taken into account through the The connection between the pressure gauge and the chemical
selection of a suitable gauge or by introducing suitable pro- seal must not be separated.Potential sources of inaccuracy by
tection means in order to prevent the formation of ice on the installing a chemical seal ahead of the pressure gauge need
pressure gauge at temperatures below 0 °C, for example. to be considered.
For liquid filled instruments it has to be considered that the
viscosity of the fluid will increase as the temperature drops Overpressure Protection Facilities
causing a delayed reading. The ambient temperature needs If for operational reasons the pressure range of the
also to be taken into account regarding the maximum allowed gauge had to be chosen below the maximum operating
operating temperature specified for the pressure gauge. pressure, overpressure protection devices ahead of the
pressure gauge may be used to protect it agains damages.
Corrosive Atmosphere In the event of pressure spikes the overrange protector will
For services at corrosive atmospheres suitable casings and shut-down immediatelly, but only gradually at slow rising
components made of corrosion resistant materials must be pressure. The closing pressure which needs to be set up
provided. Also special surface finishing may help to protect therefore depends on the specific pressure change with time.
the outside of the pressure gauges. However, highly viscous and much contaminating pressure
media may impair proper operation of the overrange
4. Accessories protector or render these ineffective. Capsule and diaphragm
pressure gauges may be so designed that they themselves
Shut-off Fittings for Pressure Gauges will be capable of resisting overpressures (up to a factor of
It is recommended to fit shut-off devices between the 3, 5 or 10) without additional devices.
measuring point and the pressure gauge. This will allow an
exchange of the pressure gauge and checks on the zero
setting while the system remains operative.
Depending on the application either cocks or valves are
used. Cocks have three positions:
– Vent: The supply line is shut-off and the
gauge is connected to the atmosphere.
The zero setting may be checked.
– Operation: The supply line is open, the gauge is
– Blow-out: The supply line is open, the pressure
medium is allowed to escape into the
atmosphere. The gauge is not working.

In the case of valves (according to DIN 16 270 and

DIN 16 271, for example) a venting screw is usually
provided between valve seat and pressure gauge.
Venting into the atmosphere must be arranged in a way
that any persons present close by are not endangered by
the escaping pressure medium. Potential hazards to the
environment must be avoided. In certain applications (steam
boilers, for example) the shut-off fitting must have a test port
so that the pressure gauge can be checked without having
to remove it from the system.

Holding Devices for the Pressure Gauge

If the line to which the gauge is connected is not
strong enough to support it without introducing vibrations,
then a suitable holding device for the pressure
gauge should be provided.

Use sufficiently long lines ahead of the pressure
gauge or siphons to protect the shut-off fittings and
the gauge against being heated up by hot pressure
media (steam, for example):

Chemical Seals
In the case of aggressive, hot, highly viscous or crystallising
pressure media, chemical seals may be used as separating
means ahead of Bourdon gauges in order to prevent the in-
gress of such pressure media into the elastic element. A neutral
fluid serves the purpose of transmitting the pressure to the
elastic element. The fluid must be selected depending on the
measuring range, temperature, viscosity and other influences.
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Table 1 fluid gaseous
State of the pressure medium
fluid partly fully gaseous partly fully
State of the filling in the measu- degassing degassing condensed condensed
ring line (humid)

condensate boiling "Flüssig- dry moist air water vapour

Examples fluids gase" air flue gas

1 2 3 4 5 6

a) Pressure gauge above

the measurement port

7 8 9 10 11

b) Pressure gauge below

the measurement port

Arrangements 3, 4, 5, 7, 8 and 11 are to be preferred

5. Set-up Options Pressure Gauge

The pressure gauge needs to be mounted so that it will not
General be subjected to vibrations and shocks and so that the dial can
Well proven measuring arrangements and proposals for be read easily. When reading the dial parallax errors should
components are detailed in VDE/VDI 3512 Sheet 3. be avoided. It must be ensured that possibly present blow-out
Shown in Table 1 is an overview of some arrangements. devices of the pressure gauge are not blocked (refer to EN
837-1, 9.7). The pressure gauge must be arranged in such a
Pressure Measuring Ports manner that the temperature of the gauge will not drop below
The pressure measuring port should be located at a point or exceed the permissible operating temperature range (refer
where the flow is not impaired in any way and where also to para 3.4.1, and 7). In doing so, the influences of con-
constant conditions can be ensured for the measurements. vection and thermal radiation should be taken into account.
It is recommended to provide a sufficiently large bore at the Whenever the elastic element of a pressure gauge will be
point of the pressure measurement and to provide some filled with water or a water mixture the instrument must be
means for shutting the pressure measuring port off. protected against frost. Usually the pressure gauge will be
fitted with the dial arranged vertically. In all other cases the
Measuring Line position indicating symbol according to EN 837 (formerly DIN
The connection between pressure measuring port and 16 257) applies. A difference in height between the port at
pressure gauges is the measuring line. The inside diameter which the pressure is measured and the pressure gauge will
of this measuring line should be sufficiently wide in order to cause a shift at the beginning of the reading if the pressure
avoid the risk of blockages. The measuring line should have medium in the measuring line is of a different density com-
a steady slope (recommended is a slope of 1:15). With gases pared to the ambient air. This shift Dp at the beginning of the
as the pressure medium a drain should be provided at the reading results from the difference in density (rM - rL ) and
lowest point and with high-viscosity fluids a vent should be the difference in height Dh: 10-5 · ( rM - rL ) g · Dh
provided at the highest point. In the case of gases containing
solids or fluids separators should be provided which may Dp = Shift at the beginning of the reading (bar)
be demounted from the running system for emptying. The rM = Density of the pressure medium kg/m3
measuring line should be designed and fitted in a way that rL = Density of the air (1.205 at 20 °C) kg/m3
it will be capable of sustaining the occurring loads caused Dh = Difference in height m
by expansion, vibration or thermal effects. g = Acceleration due to gravity m/s2
(mean acceleration due to gravity =9.81 m/s2)
Shut-off Fittings
Shut-off fittings at the pressure gauge serve the purpose of The reading is reduced by Dp if the pressure gauge is located
checking the zero setting or exchanging the pressure gauge above the pressure measurement port andincreased by Dp
while the system remains operational (refer to para. 4). if below the pressure measurement port.

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6. Installation Specified Usage
The usable range for static loads is indicated by on the dial
The installation of pressure gauges should be left to of many pressure gauges (refer to EN 837-1, EN 837-3).
skilled staff. As to the measurement arrangement refer to Bourdon tube pressure gauges having a nominal size of
para. 5. During installation or removal never apply 100, 160 or 250 may be subjected to the respective full
any forces to the case of the pressure gauges; instead apply scale pressure if the load is static. If the pressure load is of
the wrench to the wrench flats provided. It must be ensured a pulsating nature, pressure peaks amounting to only 0.9 of
that the matching process connection has been selected the full scale pressure are permissible, and for the pressure
(nominal width, suitable sealing face, if required). In order to ranges of 0/2500 bar and 0/4000 bar pressures amounting
position the pressure gauge so that it may be read perfectly only to 2/3 of the full scale pressure may be applied. Bourdon
the use of a clamping sleeve or a union nut is recommended. tube pressure gauges can be overloaded up to 1.3 of their
In the case of flange joints the pressure gauge is placed on full scale value (instruments 0/2500 bar and 0/4000 bar can
the mating flange and the flanges are joined using suitable only be overloaded up to their full scale value!), Bourdon tube
bolts. It must be ensured that the bolts are tightened firmly. pressure gauges having a nominal size of 40, 50, 60, 63, 80
The joints must be leaktight. For this reason it is mandatory and 72x72 may only be subjected to pressures up to 3/4 of
that suitable gaskets made of a material resistant to the the full span if the pressure is static and if the pressure is
pressure medium will be used in the connections. For sealing of a pulsating nature the maximum load is restricted to 2/3
connections with a parallel thread, for example, flat gaskets of the full scale value, and the full scale pressure may be
in accordance with EN 837-1 or profile seals must be fitted, applied only briefly.
or on the other hand the corresponding sealing lens has to In the case of diaphragm pressure gauges with a vertical
be provided in case of a high pressure connection. Tapered diaphragm pressures up to the full scale value may be ap-
threads (for example NPT threads) are sealed off with ad- plied if static, and if the pressure is of a pulsating nature, the
ditional sealants like limit will be 0.9 of the full scale level.
PTFE tape, for example (refer to EN 837-2) Diaphragm pressure gauges with a horizontal diaphragm
can sustain overpressures up to five times their full scale
Parallel thread Tapered thread
value (custom-built instruments even more), but a pressure
of 40 bar must never be exceeded.

Wrench flats Capsule pressure gauges can also be operated at their

specified full scale pressure provided the pressure is
static. If the pressure pulsates, the maximum load is only 0.9
times the full scale value. Just like Bourdon tube
Seal in the thread pressure gauges they are able to sustain overpressures up
Sealing surface to a factor of 1.3 (custom-built instruments can handle even
higher overpressures).
For pressure gauges with a pressure relief vent of
Ø 13 mm at the top of the case it is recommended for Zero Check
pressure ranges < 6 bar to cut off the nipple at the filling In order to check the zero setting of the pressure gauge
plug so that the gauge can be vented in order to compen- during operation of the system, the required shut-off device
sate the internal pressure. If the pressure gauge is located has to be closed (refer to para. 4) andthe pressure in the
below the pressure measurement port, the measuring line gauge has to be relieved. The pointer must come to rest
should be purged well before starting operation so as to within the zero range indicated by I . If the pointer comes
remove any foreign objects which might be present in the to rest outside of this range then a persisting deformation
line. During pressure tests on pipes or vessels, the pressure of the elastic element must be assumed so that the gauge
gauge must not be exposed to excessively high pressures will have to be checked in order to avoid accidents owing to
as indicated by the pressure limit indicating mark on the incorrect measurements. In such a case the pressure gau-
dial, resp. the limits for a static pressure specified for the ge should, for this reason, be replaced and returned to the
pressure gauge must not be exceeded (refer to para. 7). manufacturer for checking and repair if required.
When using diaphragm gauges the clamping bolts for the
upper and lower flange must not be loosened. In the case Pressure Range Check
of instruments with attached chemical seals the connection If the readings supplied by the pressure gauge need
between gauge and chemical seal and possibly also the to be checked while the remainder of the system is
connection between chemical seal and capillary line must operating, the pressure gauge has to be separated
not be disconnected. from the process via the required shut-off device with test
port (refer to para. 4) and a test pressure has to
Before disconnecting and removing the pressure gauge be applied to the gauge. The error limits according to EN
unit from the measuring point it must be depressurized 837-1 resp. EN 837-3 apply.
first. If required the pressure in the measuring line must
be relieved. Residues of the pressure medium in pressure Temperature Resistance
gauges which have been removed may present a hazard to The permissible operating temperature for the pressure
personnel, facilities and the environment. For this reason gauge must not be exceeded.
suitable safety precautions must be introduced (Electrical The temperature resistance respectively the permissible
accessories: refer to para. 9). operating temperature ranges are generally from -40 °C to
+60 °C (compare to EN 837-1 and EN 837-3 ), at which unfilled
gauges with a silver-brazed bourdon tube are capable up to
+100 °C or argon arc welded bourdon tube are capable up
7. Operation to +200 °C in stainless steel cases.
Special versions which are labelled accordingly (tA / tR) can
Shut-off devices may only be opened slowly in order be suitable for higher temperatures.
to avoid sudden pressure spikes during start-up.

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Note: These are only information on the temperature resi-
stance of the materials respectively the soldered joints or
10. Storage
welded seams. The information on indication errors due
When keeping pressure gauges in stock before mounting
to deviations from the reference temperature have to be
they should be left in the original packaging and should
regarded. More information ca be found in our model over-
be maintained in stock well protected against damage by
view 1000.
external influences. If the pressure gauge was taken out of
its packaging and inspected briefly (for testing, for example)
Cleaning Temperature
it should be carefully placed back in the same packaging
Also when purging the measuring line the permissible ope-
before returning it to stock. While the pressure gauge is in
rating temperature for the pressure gauge (refer to above)
stock the general temperature limits of -40 °C and +60 °C
must not be exceeded. If required the gauge will have to be
should not be exceeded (refer to EN 837-1 and EN 837-3).
shut-off or removed. In the case of pressure gauges with
attached chemical seals the maximum cleaning temperature
If in doubt or if anything remains unclear please get
tR must not be exceeded.
in touch with the manufacturer.

8. Maintenance and Repair

11. Installation in potentially explosive areas
Generally pressure gauges will not require any maintenance.
These instruments may only be repaired by the manufactu- 11.1 General Information
rer. Before returning an instrument for repair all parts of the Pressure Gauges are mechanical pressure measuring
instrument in contact with the pressure medium must be instruments and do not show any ignition sources when
cleaned with care, especially when hazardous pressure me- operating as intended. Versions that are made of stainless
dia were used before (refer also to para. 6). It is a good idea steel and contain laminated safety glass are suitable for
to always include with the repair order a description of the the use in areas of category 2 and 3 according to ATEX-
pressure medium resp. a Declaration of Contamination. Standard 94/ 9/EG.
Only pressure measuring instruments with integrated con-
struction type proved deflagration volume protection, our
9. Electrical Accessories model Adapt-FS, are suitable for the use as cetegory-1
The electrical connections should be made only by skilled This protection system prevents a flame penetration at
staff and qualified personnel. Instruments equipped with deflagration of explosive vapor-air, respectively gas-air mixtu-
electric accessories have an adhesive label from which it is res of explosion hazardous IIA, IIB and IIC in an upstreamed
apparent how the instrument is to be electrically connected. volume of a maximum of 0.2 l.
Load limits must be observed. The deflagration volume protection "Adapt-FS" is certified
Exceeding of load limits could cause greater damage. During IIG IIC PTM 12 ATEX 4001 X
installation, initial operation and operation of the instruments on condition that the operating pressure does not exceed
the national and international safety regulations (VDE 0100, 1.1 bar abs. and the operating temperature does not exceed
for example) must be observed. 60 °C (140 °F).
It must be ensured that the cable diameters match the no-
minal widths of the sealing inlets of the cable feedthroughs. To avoid warming up the measuring elements of bourdon
Screwed joints must be tightened firmly. tube pressure gauges a dynamic load with gaseous media
is not allowed!
Compliance with the certified protection standards can
only be ensured in this way. In the case of designs with 11.2 Marking for the Explosion Hazard Areas
right-angled plug connectors, universal plug connectors or Pressure gauges without limit switch contacts for use in
terminal boxes, the centrally arranged fixing screws must hazardous areas are marked as follows:
be tightened manually.

In connection with the DMU type pressure transducers Example: Bourdon Tube Pressure Gauge Type RCh100-3,
shielded cables must be used throughout, the shield of which manufacture ARMATURENBAU
must be connected to housing or the ground terminal on the
right-angled plug connector so as to ensure full electroma- Manometerstraße 5 • D-46487 Wesel
gnetic compatibility (EMC).
Bourdon Tube Pressure Gauge
In the case of equipment with a magnetic contact it Type RCh 100-3
must be noted that the CE mark in accordance with
EMC guidelines will only apply if a switching frequency of 5 II 2Gc
actuations per minute is not exceeded. II 2Dc
DEKRA 11 ATEX 0196
Inasmuch specified, a suitable output unit or multifunctional Temperature range -25…+75 °C
relay must be used (for example for instruments with induc-
tive limit switches). The current Operating
Instructions must be observed. (binding content, partition-free)

Please contact the manufacturer in case of obscurities or


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