2020 0330 Active Screening Questionnaire
2020 0330 Active Screening Questionnaire
2020 0330 Active Screening Questionnaire
This will be updated as the CDC and WA State Health Department’s information on COVID-19 continues to change.
Your health and well-being are of the upmost importance and we are taking measures to keep the
facility/office a safe environment for employees as well as the individuals under our charge and
the public. Therefore, anyone coming into the facility/office will be screened and part of our
screening process will include taking their temperature and asking the following questions.
1. Within the last 14-days, have you experienced a new cough that you cannot attribute to
another health condition?
☐ NO
2. Within the last 14-days, have you experienced new shortness of breath that you cannot
attribute to another health condition?
☐ NO
3. Within the last 14-days, have you experienced a new sore throat that you cannot attribute to
another health condition?
☐ NO
4. Within the last 14-days, have you experienced new muscle aches that you cannot attribute to
another health condition or a specific activity such as physical exercise?
☐ NO
5. Within the last 14-days, have you had a temperature at or above 100.4° or the sense of having
a fever?
☐ NO
6. Within the last 14 days, have you had close contact, without the use of appropriate PPE, with
someone who is currently sick with suspected or confirmed COVID-19?* (Note: Close
contact is defined as within 6 feet for more than 10 consecutive minutes)
☐ NO
If the individual answers YES to any of the questions they will not be allowed into the
facility/office unless determined otherwise by a designated DOC medical professional.
*Facilities identified as being at critical staffing levels in health services may have healthcare workers
authorized by the HQ Emergency Operations Center to enter the facility under the following guidelines:
• As long as they remain asymptomatic;
• Self-monitor symptoms as outlined in the guidance; and
• Wear a surgical mask at entry and at all times while on facility grounds.
REVISED 3/30/2020