1915 09 Sep Rays From The Rose Cross
1915 09 Sep Rays From The Rose Cross
1915 09 Sep Rays From The Rose Cross
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which each must worship at home, law is, first the natural, then the spir-
that is, the god centralized within his itual. But worship in spirit and in
own being; this is worshipping God truth embraces the mystical. Paul,
in spirit and in truth, as we are who was the chief mystic among the
enjoined by the great Master. This is apostles, declared that “Great is the
idealizing the divine self, or the Ego, mystery of godliness, God was mani-
and by worship, in all that it fest in flesh.” Again he said that the
embraces, lifting the whole man great mystery that had been hidden
upwards toward this ideal. from the foundation of the world had
Man never can be his best, nor can been revealed to him, which was
he attain his high ambitions in any “Christ in you the hope of glory.”
sphere by submitting his will into the It has been said that “An honest
keeping of another, and this is true in man is the noblest work of God,” but
religion as in the practical world. Robert Ingersoll, reversing the say-
Thus the Bible forbids us to worship ing, said. “An honest God is the
the heavenly host, not because they noblest work of man.” This would
are not cosmic deities, but because to imply that one’s idea of Deity is him-
worship any being extraneous or self idealized. This is the usual way
detached is idolatry, even though it be of thinking of God, the inductive
Jesus the Christ, who forbade his dis- process of arguing from effect to
ciples to worship him. All gods out- cause. And this would not be an
side are but symbols, the Christ incorrect method if man fully knew,
included, whose offices it is to aid, and perfectly controlled himself. But
but not to control. To yield to the will the method to be followed by the
of God, then, means to yield to one’s writer in this course of articles is to
own best self. unfold the macrocosmic thought,
This whole subject is a great mys- which, as has been shown, is a sci-
tery. Ordinary religionists discard the ence, and therefore absolutely cor-
mystical and follow the letter, chiefly rect, in both its nature and influence,
because they are not sufficiently and then to make the application to
developed to grasp the deeper inner the microcosm. The cosmic deities
truth. They are kindergartenish in will be regarded as symbols to be fol-
their religion, purely elementary; but lowed, as those who in other ages had
not to be despised or to be combated won the race and reached their des-
any more than children should be by tinies, and now, as elder brothers, are
graduates from the universities. The assisting us in the race, and aiding us
the head of a saint, and the way in someone whose character is loyal,
which the same colors are used for aspiring, and above reproach—one we
Holy People. I do not remember hav- can trust.
ing seen a picture of the Blessed Born to the purple we say of one of
Virgin without her blue robe. Blue high destiny, who holds the fate of a
being symbolical of aspiration, purity, nation in his hand, and has an envi-
and sincerity. Sometimes, a touch of ronment of culture and refinement.
red or pink is added to show that in Sometimes, alas, only luxury is signi-
addition to these virtues she possessed fied by the expression, for we forget
the human Mother love, without that a purple aura suggests an uplifter,
which no woman can be perfect, and and Savior of Humanity, for Violet or
which dignifies the most frivolous Purple unites within itself the Rose
specimen of girlhood. St. Joseph, Red of Affection, with the Blue of
again, is always dressed in yellow— Devotion and Aspiration.
the symbol of Arcane wisdom and Mrs. Watts Hughes has for many
meditation. Again we reverently years experimented to show how close
regard the white robe of the Savior is the connection between music and
symbolical of the High Priest and color. She has invented an instrument
Initiate, for in the white light of illu- called an eidophone, into which she
mination all colors blend and meet. sings (she has a glorious voice) and on
In a subconscious way, too, we are the top is a disc of India rubber, slight-
aware of color influences. How often ly hollow, which receives the sounds.
we speak of a grey day and truly in She finds that by putting various
depression and grief, occultists tell us, materials on the disc, she gets very
that the naturally clear and beautiful wonderful and beautiful results.
colors of the aura are barred with livid Sometimes, she places moist colors,
grey. The pink of condition is another and then when a certain note is sound-
phrase which signifies quite an oppo- ed, the colors are built up into flowers.
site state of things. Any clairvoyant Thus, she can make a daisy by singing
will tell us that the aura of a healthy certain notes, and pansies too, very
person is permeated with beautiful tiny, but exquisitely beautiful, are
rose red lines, the psychic nerves as it formed in response to certain music. It
were, along which the solar vitality sounds like a fairy tale, doesn’t it? but
rushes. it is perfectly true, and I give these
Another frequent expression is true results from a demonstration which
blue, which is always used to describe delighted the Camera Club of London,
some time ago. But, there is more late the despondent, red hangings and
behind this, which we can dimly per- furnishings are used. To soothe and
ceive. In the Old Book the wonders of calm the unduly excited, blue is suc-
Creation are described thus: “And cessful. And for general toning up of
God said, Let there be light, and there the mental system, yellow is
was light.” Does it not seem to you employed. In our homes and personal
that, simple and dignified as these arrangements, especially those which
words are, what they really convey is relate to our children, we shall be wise
that God sang, for Music is one of our to make use of suitable color schemes.
Father’s languages, and immediately, A lazy, indolent child will be greatly
in harmonious sequence and magnifi- helped by wearing red. A bad tem-
cent order, clouds of color were mar- pered one should wear blue or soft
shalled into a transcendent pageant grey. One who is stupid or studies
which the 1st Chapter of Genesis with difficulty will be mentally stimu-
describes; and under the influence of lated by the yellow ray. For such a
the Divine Music, the beauties of the child, I would have a pane of yellow
natural world in all their Glory came glass put in his room, and while study-
into being. For Light is Color, and ing, let him wear a yellow silk hand-
Color is Light, and the two are wed- kerchief round his head.
ded to sound. No wonder that “the We should avoid Greens and
stars sang together and the Sons of Browns, except Nile Green, that beau-
God shouted for joy,” at the wondrous tiful shade between Green and blue,
sight. because the former colors are connect-
Very interesting conclusions have ed with the lower passions, selfishness
been arrived at by scientific experi- and greed being shown forth in
menters. Thus, in agriculture, by using Brown, and spite and jealousy in the
various colored glasses over seeds, it Green vibration, and we wish to leave
is found that the blue ray retards these dormant, and unexcited. I am
growth and the red stimulates it, and told that many businessmen have a
in the case of corn, there is a chemical very bright Brown in their aura, which
change in the seed itself, more nitro- shows forth shrewdness and foresight,
gen being generated in the wheat so it is not altogether bad, but dull
grown under green glass than of any dirty shades should be avoided.
other color. In many asylums for the In decorating our homes, we
insane, color treatments are being should keep to the pure tones of pri-
used with successful results. To stimu- mary colors: Red, Yellow, and Blue.
Mystics, and Poets, ever seeking to influence, no one can doubt. Chopin,
bring something of Heavenly purity we are told, drew his magical
and beauty to illuminate the dark melodies from the inspiration of the
places of Earth. Dresden Art Gallery, and those who
The fourth is Ecarlate or have psychic vision visualize Corot’s
Carnation, the body of man its beauty, exquisite landscape, while Chopin’s
the maid’s scarlet blush in noble music is being played. The deep
love—the youth’s scarlet glow in forests and great quiet lakes of his
noble war— the dye of the earth. It is native land are painted in the music of
closely allied to Orange, which gives Grieg. Beethoven also was in the habit
great physical magnetism. Our of wandering through fields and lanes
brethren of this ray should give them- with a musical note book, working up
selves in all kinds of physical and the suggestions of color into vast har-
material service to their fellowmen. monial movements. The spring song
The fifth is Vert or Green, and of Mendelssohn builds up the daintiest
those on this ray, are distinguished by filigree forms. While the stately con-
sympathy and devotion, for it is the ceptions of our great tone poet,
color of youth born in the spirit, and in Wagner, is a series of embattlements
Holy Writ we are told of “A Rainbow in glorious color.
round about the throne, like unto an Dear Friend,
emerald,” and we wonder if this tran- You have studied the influences of
scendent halo be composed of the color for some time, but there is yet
prayers of those who follow the way much for you to learn, for those influ-
of Devotion. ences are as marked and varied as
Purple or Violet, the Kingly color, only an infinity of tones can express,
concludes Ruskin’s list. It is Rose and there are many that your eye at
color chastened with Blue. The Color present is unable to cognize.
of Love in noble or divine sorrow To achieve any marked sensitive-
borne by all Kingly Souls. These six ness to the color languages, which are
colors give the angelic Iris of the light speaking very definitely round you,
and Covenant of Life. you must think in color.
That color harmonies, whether Close your eyes, and let the waves
arranged by man or seen in our gor- of exquisite tints from the desire
geous landscapes—the Sunset and world sweep over your Soul.
Dawn limned by the Divine Artist— When you meet a friend, or at any
have a very real significance and time when observing people, try to
look beyond the bodily presence, Blue, Violet, or Rose, those particular-
which is but a crude manifestation of ly consecrated to spiritual qualities, is
the Soul, and sense the colors of not the evidence of such a radiant per-
which that Soul, as the garment of the sonality, as the bright, clear Red or
spirit, is composed. Green of the lower nature, if they scin-
This faculty will not be yours all at tillate and opalesce with life, and
once, but by perseverance and regular- stretch far away from the body in
ity, in continually seeking spiritual strong contours.
aspects, you will at last behold the Nevertheless, each color is a sym-
human aura with the radiant presenti- bol of one aspect of the seven rayed
ment of its qualities in exquisite color Light or Logos from which all derive
schemes, glowing and opalescing, as life.
waves of thought sweep through it and The Violet symbolizes the Priest
across. and Initiate.
This opening of the inward Vision The Blue, the Mystic of gentle and
made the Transfiguration a never-to- spiritual aspirations.
be-forgotten moment, to those privi- The Yellow, the philosopher, the
leged to witness it, for the Christ Spirit aspirant for Wisdom, The Solomon.
must have exhibited such glorious The Green shows the sympathizer
harmonies as no earthly language with Human suffering—the desire to
could express, and one can enter into help and heal.
Peter’s desire to remain in ecstasy for The Red gives the man of feeling,
ever, just bathing in its Heavenly the emotions of Human Love in all
Radiance. natural aspects—the artist.
And, remember too, how Moses The Orange stands for Health in
brought with him some of the Glory of the Body, and Individuality of outlook
his communion with the Father, the —the worker.
brightness being so great that he had The Purple, The man who com-
to veil his face. bines the Rose of compassion with the
The judgement of perception of Blue of the Mystic—the Savior of
what an aura conveys should be made men—the elder Brother of the race.
rather on the translucence and purity All these, in their due proportions,
of the whole, than from the properties become united in the white rose,
belonging to the several colors. A which combines all colors in its spiri-
heavy, dull, murky-looking aura, even tual beauty and stands for complete
though the fundamental scheme be realization and atonement. The union
of the Son with the Father—The path and use our Love Nature in its highest
of Discipleship takes man along each expressions.
separate ray in the seven ages of Those of the Green must use their
Being, to develop the qualities of individuality to concentrate on Human
Priest, Mystic, Philosopher, suffering, and their sympathy to work
Sympathizer, Artist, Worker, and for its amelioration.
finally Saviour of men, who unites the The Philosopher of the Yellow
Human and Spiritual, and the consum- Light must voice his message in no
mation in the white Rose of purity. uncertain tone, and as he receives the
Viewed in this light, your color Wisdom of the Spirit, give with both
studies will give you a broad outlook hands to thirsting Souls, ever pointing
on life, and a gentle judgment of men the way to those who seek. The mys-
and things. For to understand all is to tic of the Blue ray must consecrate his
pardon all. We are each one develop- gifts to spiritual uses, and never
ing along a different ray of the one degrade them by accepting material
white light; nor can we, without dan- gain for service on the psychic plane.
ger, diverge from our path, which is His occultism must be that of the hid-
marked out. Every way to the Cross is den way of prayer, for “to pray is to
surrounded by its special temptations labor.” The worker of the Orange
and dangers. And it is difficult at our vibration must seek the path of physi-
present stage to be loyal to our own cal work, in practical help, and the
conditions and service, and yet sym- amelioration of social conditions.
pathize with the methods of another All have their part to play in min-
Soul. istry to others and their own proper
The Priest and Saviour alone have development. Each is a letter in God’s
that wide sympathy with mankind, alphabet, without which the perfect
which makes them deal gently and word cannot be formed, or as an
unerringly with the mistakes of their instrument in the Heavenly Orchestra,
younger brethren. which, if unattuned, causes discord in
We, some of us of the Red vibra- the whole theme. Let us, therefore,
tion, whose emotions are such a fear- attune ourselves to the infinite, with
ful joy, yet also a source of temptation hearts in the Silence, and hands out-
and sorrow, must learn to consecrate stretched to serve, patiently and
ourselves to great issues, and lay our humbly walk along our allotted path
gifts whether as Artist, Actor, Poet, or in life, and strive to fulfill its obliga-
Musician, on the altar of Humanity, tions.
Question Department
* * * * * *
in the evolution of the Jupiter Period, becomes the Intellectual soul, and it
which is the corresponding Period on builds the life spirit, because that
the upward arc of the spiral. The life aspect of the threefold spirit has its
spirit, which was started into activity counterpart in the vital body.
in the Sun Period, will manifest its As much of the dense body as has
principal activity during the corre- been worked upon by the Divine
sponding Venus Period, and the par- Spirit, because the dense body is its
ticular influences of the Divine Spirit material emanation.
will be strongest in the Vulcan The conscious soul grows by
Period, because it was vivified in the action, external impacts, and experi-
corresponding Saturn Period. ence.
All three aspects of the spirit are The emotional soul grows by the
active all the time during evolution, feeling and emotions generated by
but the principal activity of each actions and experiences.
aspect will be unfolded in those par- The intellectual soul, as mediator
ticular periods, because the work to between the other two, grows by the
be done there is its special work. exercise of memory, by which it links
When the threefold spirit had together past and present experiences
evolved the threefold body and and the feeling engendered thereby,
gained control of it through the focus thus creating “sympathy” and
of mind, it commenced to evolve the “antipathy”, which could not exist
threefold soul by working from with- apart from memory, because the feel-
in. How much or how little soul a ings resulting from experience alone
man has depends upon the amount of would be evanescent.
work the spirit has done in the bodies. During involution the spirit pro-
This has been explained in the chap- gressed by growing bodies, but evo-
ter describing post mortem experi- lution depends upon soul growth—
ences. (See pages 95 & 96, Cosmo.) the transmutation of the bodies into
As much of the desire body as has soul. The soul is, so to say, the quin-
been worked upon by the Ego is tessence, the power or force of the
transmuted into the emotional soul, body, and when a body has been
and is ultimately assimilated by the completely built and brought to per-
human spirit, the special vehicle of fection through the stages and peri-
which is the desire body. ods as above described, the soul is
As much of the vital body as has fully extracted therefrom and is
been worked upon by the life spirit, absorbed by the one of the three
aspects of the spirit which generated its “form”, or ‘’mineral” stage, hence
the body in the first place; thus: in our operations we are confined to
The Conscious soul will be forms, to minerals. We can imagine
absorbed by the divine spirit in the ways and means of working with the
seventh Revolution of the Jupiter mineral forms of the three lower
Period; kingdoms, but can do little or nothing
The Intellectual soul will be with living bodies. We may indeed
absorbed by the life spirit in the sixth graft living branches to a live tree, or
revolution of the Venus Period; living parts of animal or man to other
The Emotional soul will be living parts, but it is not life which we
absorbed by the human spirit in the are working; it is form only. We are
fifth revolution of the Vulcan Period. making different conditions, but the
life which already inhabited the form
So much for the evolution of soul. continues to do so still. To create is
We will now turn to the mind and the beyond man’s power until the mind
various stages which bring it to per- has become alive.
fection. In the Jupiter Period the mind will
We read on page 426 of the be vivified to some extent and man
Cosmo: can then imagine forms which will
At the present time, however, the live and grow, like plants.
mind is not focused in a way that In the Venus Period, when his mind
enables it to give a clear and true pic- has acquired “feeling” he can create
ture of what the spirit imagines. It is living, growing, and feeling things.
not one-pointed. It gives misty and When he reaches perfection, at the
clouded pictures. Hence the necessity end of the Vulcan Period, he will be
of experiment to show the inadequa- able to “imagine” into existence crea-
cies of the first conception, and bring tures that will live, grow, feel and
about new imaginings and ideas, until think.
the image produced by the spirit in In the Saturn Period the life wave
mental substance has been repro- which is now man started on its evo-
duced in physical substance. lution. The Lords of Mind were then
At best, we are able to shape human. They worked with man at
through the mind only such images as that Period, when he was mineral.
have to do with Form, because the They now have nothing to do with the
human mind was not started until the lower kingdoms, but are concerned
Earth Period, and therefore is now in solely with our human development.
Our present animals started their be doing for the animals of that peri-
mineral existence in the Sun Period, od what the Archangels are now
at which time the Archangels were doing for our animals—giving them
human; therefore the Archangels are living and feeling forms.
the rulers and guides of the evolution Lastly, in the Vulcan Period it will
of that which is now animal, but have be our privilege to give them a ger-
nothing to do with plant or mineral. minal mind, as the Lords of Mind did
The present plants had their min- to us. The present mineral will then
eral existence in the Moon Period. have become the humanity of the
The Angels were then human, there- Vulcan Period, and we shall have
fore they have special concern with passed through stages similar to those
the life that now inhabits the plants, through which the Angels and
to guide it up to the human stage; but Archangels are now passing. We shall
they have no interest in the minerals. then have reached a point in evolu-
Our present humanity will have to tion a little higher than that of the pre-
work with the new life wave which sent Lords of Mind, for remember,
entered evolution in the Earth Period there is never an exact reproduction
and now ensouls the minerals. We are anywhere, but always progressive
now working with it by means of improvement, because of the spiral.
the faculty of imagination, giving it The Divine spirit will absorb the
form—building it into ships, bridges, human spirit at the close of the
railways, houses, etc. Jupiter Period; the Life spirit at the
In the Jupiter Period we shall close of the Venus period; and the
guide the evolution of the plant king- perfected Mind, embodying all that it
dom, for that which is at present min- has garnered during its pilgrimage
eral will then have a plant-like exis- through all the seven Periods, will be
tence and we must work with it there absorbed by the Divine Spirit at the
as the Angels are now doing with our close of the Vulcan Period.
plant kingdom. Our faculty of imagi- From the foregoing it will be clear
nation will be so developed that we that there is a distinct evolution of
shall have the ability, not only to cre- soul and another equally distinct evo-
ate forms by means of it, but to lution of mind, yet they are not at all
endow those forms with vitality. independent of one another, but work
In the Venus Period our present in perfect unison, as, for instance,
mineral life wave shall have heart and lungs work together to keep
advanced another step, and we shall up the rhythm of the body. Therefore
it will be neither the mental, nor the soul then be a composite garment of the spir-
body that we shall use in the later stages it, so wonderful and glorious that it is
of our development, but a composite beyond even our faintest conception at
vehicle containing increasingly the the present time.
essence of all our bodies, which will
preparatory school day which will fit us and the fish part of Capricorn in the oppo-
for the new age, the Sixth Epoch, and that site sign also helps to symbolize this state
that will begin when the Sun by preces- of life under water, when the Sun went
sion enters Capricorn. through the watery sign Cancer by preces-
This, of course, would mean that the sion. The Moon, the planet of fecunda-
Second Advent must take place just tion, points mystically to this period of
before that time, and though it seems to us germination, when mankind first com-
that so many signs point that way, this is a menced to exercise the creative function
mere surmise and may not have any truth at the dictates of desire inculcated by the
in it at all. Thousands of people have been Lucifer Spirits. Thus they opened the
misled during all the ages that we know Gate of physical Life through Cancer, and
of, to think that Christ would soon be strayed into the terrestrial sphere; but
here; it is, however, better that we are opposite stood Saturn, the ruler of
looking forward to it than if we should say Capricorn, ready to slay them with his
with some that it will never take place. In scythe, and usher them through the Gate
that case the Great Day will find us unpre- of Death back into the spiritual realms
pared and we should find ourselves where they are at home.
among the stragglers who are unable to GEMINI—SAGITTARIUS
attend the wedding feast of the higher Self
to the lower because lacking the “soul- Our condition during the middle third of
body” which is the “wedding garment” the Atlantean Epoch is illustrated in the
that enfolds them. Sun’s passage through the sign Gemini,
the twins, which aptly represent infant
CANCER—CAPRICORN humanity. During this age the division of
The Sun’s passage by precession soul from soul by the veil of flesh, which
through the sphere of Cancer, with its we call the body, became more noticeable,
opposite sign Capricorn, designates the for the atmosphere had already cleared to
early third of the Atlantean period, which a considerable extent, and the faculties of
was intensely watery, as the whole earth the spirit had became more focused in its
was surrounded by a dense drenching fog, physical instrument. With this delusion of
and the Niebelung, or “Children of the the personal self, there came at once the
Mist,” lived then in the basins of the idea of ‘me’ and ‘thee’, ‘mine’ and
Earth. Cancer was not then represented by ‘thine’, our individual interests com-
the same symbol as today. In ancient menced to clash with those of others, so
times, it was pictorially figured as a bee- that a tragedy such as that recorded
tle or scarab. This was the signature of the between Cain and Abel, became possible.
soul, for then mankind was much less Nor was the shedding of blood confined
body than soul. to human beings, for we learn from the
The sign Cancer is watery in its nature, Bible that “Nimrod was a mighty hunter”.
This savage ideal was expressed in the time, and different phases of this germinal
Celestial Centaur, Sagittarius, with his impregnation of the people then living
bow and arrow. were carried on during the precessional
travel of the Sun through Virgo, Leo, and
culminated in Cancer about eight thou-
But both of these pairs of opposites: sand B.C., when the last of Atlantis was
Cancer-Capricorn and Gemini- destroyed by water, substantially as relat-
Sagittarius, may be considered pre-his- ed by the Egyptian priests to Plato, and
toric hieroglyphics of a development we shall see presently how those germinal
accomplished in Sidereal years, long past, ideals, given to humanity in those far,
though nonetheless important on that bygone days have grown and flowered
account. Our own times, with the devel- into factors of human development and
opment prescribed for them, are symboli- spiritual Standards of the greatest impor-
cally represented in the four pairs of signs tance.
within the fixed cross: the Bull, the Lion,
the Serpent, and the Man. TAURUS—SCORPIO
For that reason the two pairs of oppo- In the latter third of Atlantis, Egoism
sites comprising the fixed signs, Taurus- had developed to a far greater degree than
Scorpio, and Leo-Aquarius, are men- before, the spiritual sight had been lost by
tioned in the Bible, and we shall find that the larger majority of the people, who
our modern systems of religion are full of then lived entirely on the material plane
allusions to the signs which lie between and gloried particularly in their material
them, namely, the three pairs of opposites: possessions.
Aries-Libra, Pisces-Virgo, and Aquarius- The Bull was very properly worshiped
Leo. These three pairs of opposites are, as by them; it was an emblem of strength
already stated, emblematic of the devel- necessary to conquer the material world;
opment. In the early third of the Aryan it was, on account of its prodigious
Epoch the Sun, by precession, went strength, an invaluable aid in all their
through the sign Aries; the middle third of work. The proverb about “the flesh pots
the Aryan Epoch finds the Sun in Pisces, of Egypt” has remained illustrative to the
by precession; and during the last third of present day, to show how abundantly that
this Epoch the Sun will go through the animal supplies their physical need of
sign Aquarius. Then the solstitial point food, and the milk of the female was also
Capricorn will see the inauguration of a an important article of diet. The posses-
new cycle or age. sion of much cattle was, therefore, ardent-
The spiritual preparation for this devel- ly desired by the ancient infant nations,
opment commenced about thirteen thou- and the worship of the Bull was inaugu-
sand B.C., when the Sun by precession, rated under the solar precession through
was in the sign Libra, the Balance, the last Taurus during earlier sidereal years, and
was continued to the comparatively mod- were drowned, to seek a ‘promised land’
ern times, when the Sun by precession beyond the water which then engulfed an
went through the sign of the Celestial Bull ‘ungodly nation.’ There they were dedi-
for the last time. cated to worship the ‘Lamb’ Aries. This
At that point when the Sun entered the lamb had been slain in ‘Egypt’ (Atlantis);
sign of the Lamb, Aries, the Aryan reli- through its blood these pioneers had been
gions were inaugurated. The Religion of preserved from death, and it was thus “the
the Lamb is to hold sway for the next Lamb, slain from the foundation of the
sidereal year, while the Sun by precession (present) World,” which we call the
passes around the twelve signs of the Aryan Epoch. Noah’s escape presents
zodiac, as the religion of the Bull has held another phase of the same occurrence,
dominion during the previous celestial relating that the mists which had
year, from the time the Sun entered enveloped Atlantis condensed to rain, and
Taurus, until it left the same sign on its flooded the basins of the earth, leaving a
next passage. clear atmosphere in which the Rainbow
New religions, however, are not was seen for the first time at the opening
revealed in their fullness at the beginning; of the New Age, the Aryan Epoch, where
they are started and go through a period of a new Covenant was made with the pio-
gestation long before the religion which neers of the polity then ushered in.
they are to succeed comes into material Atlantis was the home of the Bull,
existence. Similarly, an ancient religion Taurus, and when the Sun, by precession,
about to be abrogated, survives long after was leaving that sign the last time, the
the religion which succeeds it has become Religion of the Lamb Aries was definitely
the official source for upliftment of ushered in. Thenceforth, the worship of
humanity. The Original Semites, chosen the Bull was abrogated and when any of
to inaugurate the worship of the Lamb, the pioneer race, brought out from the
Aries, during the Aryan Epoch, were ancient Atlantean dispensation by the
taken from ‘Egypt,’ the home of the Bull blood of the Lamb, Aries, backslid and
‘Taurus.’ Not our modern ‘Egypt,’ howev- worshiped the Taurean ‘Calf’, they acted
er. The story of Pharaoh, who endeavored contrary to the law of progress and were
to prevent their emigration and was therefore ‘Idolaters’, and an abomination
drowned, has reference to Atlantis, which to the divine hierarchs whose task it was
was submerged thousands of years before to guide them during the ages proceeding
Moses is supposed to have made his the advent of Christ. On account of
escape with the Israelites through the repeated transgressions, many were ‘lost’,
‘Red Sea.’ The facts underlying the story and they are the Jews of today who still
are that a multitude of people left the land retain their Atlantean traits (see Cosmo-
where the bull ‘Taurus’ was worshiped Conception).
(Atlantis or Egypt), whose inhabitants Apart from the Astrological key, the
Bible is truly a closed book, but with this YOUR CHILD’S HOROSCOPE
key, the matter is different. In the Old Adolph Bm. Born April 20, 1900
Testament reference is made to two class-
es of animals: Bulls, which were Taurean, We judge first his mental characteristics
and Sheep and Goats which were Arian. from the position of Mercury and the
These alone were used as Sacrifices. Moon, although, of course, all the other
(Turtle-doves were permitted as a conces- planets have their part in determining this
sion to poverty.) All the principal charac- as well as all other matters.
ters of the Old dispensation were
Shepherds (Arian) and Christ also
announces Himself as the Great
In the New Testament we find another
animal, the Fish, attaining great promi-
nence, and the apostles were called to be
‘Fishers of Men’, for then the sun by
Precession was nearing the cusp of Pisces,
the Fish, and Christ spoke of the time
when the Son of Man (Aquarius) shall
come. Thus our evolutionary journey is
mapped out in the hidden astrological
allusions of the Bible.
The student now has a line on the march We find that both Mars and Mercury are
of events, which it is well to keep in mind. in Aries, the sign of the head; Saturn is
Next month we will consider the deeper square to Mercury. The presence of Mars
details of each sign. in Aries always makes people very quick-
tempered; they act under impulse and do
some very rash acts which they may
regret afterwards. We find also that the
square of Saturn to Mercury will cause
Adolph to hold a grudge and be very cruel
Did you notice our offer to cast your and sarcastic in his speech. These tenden-
child’s horoscope? Read it in the front cies should be checked by all means pos-
part of the magazine, and if you want to sible. It is bad enough to do rash things on
take advantage of it, send us his or her the impulse of the moment. But when
Name, Birth-year, Date, Hour, and Place. anyone nurses a fancied or even a real
There are five items, do not forget any of grievance, it is impossible to repair the
them, or we cannot cast the horoscope and damage done by being quick-tempered
your request will be thrown out. and he makes himself and his environ-
Neptune in sign the Gemini, which rules else, he would be very untruthful; but the
the lungs, and in the sixth house, which Moon in conjunction and parallel to
rules health. Nearly everybody is too Uranus and Jupiter makes him intuitional
careless with a cold, thinking of it as and gives him more honorable character-
something that will right itself without istics, so that there is good reason to hope
trouble upon their part. And it does in that he may outgrow the evil tendency,
most cases; but where there is a weak specially if you are quite strict with him in
spot, it behooves us to be particularly respect of always telling the truth. For
careful not to cultivate conditions that then, by the help of the last named con-
may aggravate the matter. The square of figuration, he will be able to overcome the
Saturn to Mercury in Aries also gives him
a tendency to very severe headaches and
congestion of blood in the head. If he is
taught some easily appropriate exercises
which will keep the muscles of the neck in
proper shape, this will be greatly amelio-
rated; but the temper, spoken of in the
opening paragraph, will be greater factors
in bringing on this disability than any-
thing else. Therefore, if he is taught to
hold himself in check and obtain self-con-
trol, he will also lighten, if not entirely do
away with, this tendency.
evil effect of Saturn opposition Mercury.
Mars is the most elevated planet in the
Murillo By Los Angeles horoscope; that is to say, it was near the
Born June 11, 1911 zenith at the time of his birth. This planet
At the time of Murillo’s birth, Cancer in Taurus, the sign of the voice, makes
was rising with Venus and Mercury on the him very quarrelsome, and the sextile to
Ascendant; this gives him a dreamy, artis- Venus from the house of friends gives him
tic temperament which is apt to make it the tendency to always rule his friends,
difficult for him to get through life. Saturn particularly his young girl friends, with a
was just going down in the West and is, rod of iron; and, strange to say, they will
therefore, in opposition to Mercury. This submit and seem to like it and will be
makes him timid and gives him a very loyal to him in spite of anything he may
poor memory. This aspect also gives him say or do. Thus his best and closest
a tendency to disregard the truth; in fact, friends will always be girls, for the boys
if this configuration of Saturn to Mercury will never submit to him in that respect.
were alone and not offset by something The Sun and Neptune are in conjunction
in Gemini, the sign of the hands, shoul- earliest childhood. Encourage him always
ders and arms, showing that the artistic to seek the society of boys, try to get him
ability of Venus on the Ascendant will to understand, as soon as possible, the
particularly express itself along the line of value of a dollar, that it should not be
music on stringed instruments. It will not squandered foolishly; above everything,
be necessary for him to study music. The try to push him to the front. No one can
moment, almost, that he takes up an make a position for himself, or succeed in
instrument he will be able to play upon it life, unless he has the faculty of meeting
and his ability is very superior and inspi- others and being pleasant to them; he has
rational; but unfortunately these significa- much to help him, also, in respect of over-
tors are situated in the twelfth house, the coming these undesirable traits; for
house of sorrow, trouble, and self-undoing. Jupiter, the planet of joviality, who greets
The indolence engendered by the opposi- everyone with a “Hail Fellow Well Met”,
tion of Saturn to Mercury, which latter is essentially dignified in his own sign,
planet also is in the twelfth house, will Sagittarius; he is in the fifth house, which
prevent him from pushing to the front and governs pleasure and public entertain-
obtaining recognition before the public, if ments; he is in conjunction with Uranus
the tendency is allowed to run unchecked. and the Moon, so that there is much to
Saturn, the ruler of the seventh house, is give aid against the evil configurations.
also in the sixth, curtailing his chances of With respect to health, Saturn in
obtaining employment of the faculty Capricorn shows a tendency toward stiff
which he has so well in hand; and the sun, knees on account of lack of the synovial
which rules the second house, the depart- fluid. The sextile of Mars to Venus in
ment of life that deals with finance and Cancer, the sign of the stomach, shows
the emolument we receive for our ser- that he will always be fond of the plea-
vices, is in the twelfth house, imprisoned, sures of the table and will have the ten-
as it were; therefore the indications are dency to overeat. This should be very
that Murillo will have a very difficult time strictly guarded against because Saturn in
getting the proper public recognition of opposition to Mercury in Cancer shows
the faculty which he undoubtedly pos- that unless his appetite is curbed he will
sesses; and when he does get a hearing it be subject to one of the most miserable
will be difficult for him to obtain the diseases, namely, nervous indigestion.
financial remuneration his talents deserve. People who suffer from this malady are a
Moreover, there is the tendency indicated burden to themselves and to everyone else
by Mars sextile to Venus that he will spend in their environment. Therefore, it cannot
his money too freely on lady friends. be told Murillo too often to eat sparingly
All these things the parents should con- and with discrimination. In starting young
sider and guide their educational efforts in to cultivate this habit of frugality he may
such manner as to offset them from the escape many years of great suffering.
The Rosicrucian
Cosmo Conception
* * * * * * *
is used because of the fact that these “pic- entering the sense centers of the dense
tures” or records are but reflections from body. In short, they gave, germinally, to
a much higher realm, where the perma- the vital body all the faculties which it is
nent records are found. This Reflecting now unfolding, to become a perfect and
Ether is also the medium through which pliable instrument for the use of the spir-
thought makes an impression upon the it.
human brain. The index on page 570 then refers us to
As the vital body is composed of these page 215, where we learn that in the sec-
ethers, its functions are the same, and so ond or Sun revolution of the Moon period
we are told, upon page 57 of the Cosmo, the vital body was modified to render it
that we must have a vital body before we capable of being interpenetrated by a
can express life, grow, or externalize the Desire body; also of accommodating
qualities peculiar to the Etheric Region. itself to the nervous system, muscles,
The student desiring a history of the skeleton, etc. The Lords of Wisdom, who
vital body, as it appears in the Rosicrucian were the originators of the vital body,
Cosmo-Conception, must first turn to the helped the Lords of Individuality in this
alphabetical list of words, indexed on work, the latter having charge of material
page 540, and in the list of those begin- evolution in the Moon Period.
ning with the letter “V”, he will find that We then find on page 240 that during
“Vital Body” refers him to page 570, the second or Sun revolution of the Earth
where a “topical index will be found. Period the vital body was reconstructed to
Under the general heading of “Man’s accommodate the germinal mind. The
Invisible Vehicles” we find that the first Lords of Form, who have charge of mate-
considered is the lowest and densest, viz.; rial evolution in the Earth Period, were
The Vital Body. assisted in this work of reconstruction by
We are here referred to page 210, where the Angels, who were the humanity of the
we learn that in the Sun Period the for- Moon Period.
mation of the vital body was commenced. From the foregoing it is evident that in
On page 211 we learn, that in the first or every instance the building of the vital
Saturn Revolution of the Sun Period the body has been anticipated by that of the
germinal dense body was reconstructed. dense body, and so are we taught that in
(Keep in mind that each Period is com- the building of vehicles through which
posed of seven revolutions.) In the second spirit may manifest, it is necessary that a
revolution of the Sun Period the Lords of dense, physical body be first constructed,
Wisdom radiated from their own bodies and if that spirit would manifest as “Life”
the germ of the vital body, making it capa- through that dense body, an etheric or
ble of interpenetrating the dense body and vital body must be built. This vital body
giving to the germ the capability of fur- must conform in every respect to the
thering growth and propagation, and of dense body, as we are told on page 60 of
the Cosmo, where it is said that, with one In the building of bodies, except in the
exception, it is the same, molecule for case of a very highly developed being, the
molecule, as the dense body. The excep- work of the Ego is almost negligible at the
tion is this, that the vital body of a man is present stage of man’s evolution. The
female” or negative, while the vital body greatest scope is given in the building of
of woman is “male”, or positive, their the desire body; very little in that of the
dense bodies being of opposite polarity. vital body and almost none in the dense
On page 59 we learn that the vital body body—yet even this little is sufficient to
of plant, animal and man extends beyond make each individual an expression of his
the periphery of the dense body as the own spirit and different from the parents
Etheric Region, which is the vital body of (p. 138).
the planet, extends beyond its dense part. The dense body is built into the matrix
This is true whether it be “the lily of the of this vital body during ante-natal life. As
field” or “the stars in their courses”, and the lines of force in freezing water are the
shows the truth of the Hermetic axiom: avenues of formation for ice crystals, so
“As above, so below.” the lines of force in the vital body deter-
The distance of this extension of the mine the shape of the dense body (p. 60).
vital body of man is about an inch and a The vital body, having been molded by
half. The part which is outside the dense the Lords of Destiny, will give form to the
body is very luminous and about the color dense body, organ for organ. This matrix,
of a new-blown peach blossom. It is often or mold, is then placed in the womb of the
seen by persons having a very slight future mother (p. 137). In that period
involuntary spirit sight. immediately following birth the different
On page 135 we learn that the vehicles interpenetrate each other, but
Recording Angels, the Lords of Destiny, though they are all present as in adult life,
direct the construction of the vital body at they are merely present. None of their
the present time so that man may reap positive faculties are active. The vital
what he sows. They impress the reflecting body cannot use the forces which operate
ether of the vital body in such a way that along the positive pole of the ethers.
the pictures of the coming life are reflect- Assimilation, which works along the pos-
ed in it. Although assisted in the construc- itive pole of the chemical ether, is very
tion of this vital body, the Ego seeking dainty during childhood, and what there is
rebirth incorporates therein the quintes- of it is due to the macrocosmic vital body,
sence of its former vital bodies, and in the ethers of which act as a womb for the
addition to this also does a little original child’s vital body until the seventh year,
work. This is done that in the coming life gradually ripening it during that period.
there may be some room for original and The propagative faculty, which works
individual expression, not predetermined along the positive pole of the life ether, is
by the past action. latent. The heating of the body, which is
carried along the positive pole of the light then men grew as tall as trees, and for the
ether, and the circulation of the blood, are same reason (p. 142). The vital body of
due to the macrocosmic vital body, these the plant builds leaf after leaf, carrying
ethers acting on the child and slowly the stem higher and higher. Were it not for
developing it to the point where it can the macrocosmic desire body, the plant
control these functions itself (p. 140). would keep on in that way indefinitely,
The forces working along the negative but the macrocosmic desire body steps in
pole of the ethers are much more active in at a certain point and checks further
the child. The excretion of solids, carried growth. The force not needed for further
along the negative pole of the chemical growth is then available to build the
ether—corresponding to the solid sub- flower and seed. In like manner the
stance of the Chemical Region—is too human vital body, when the dense body
unrestrained, as is also the excretion of comes under its sway after the seventh
fluid, which is carried along the negative year, makes the latter grow very rapidly;
pole of the life ether—corresponding to but about the fourteenth year the individ-
the second or fluid division of the Chemical ual desire body is born from the womb of
Region. The passive sense perception, the macrocosmic desire body. This checks
which is due to the negative forces of the the excessive growth, and the force, there-
light ether, is also exceedingly prominent, fore, used for that purpose, becomes
making the child very impressionable, available for propagation, that the human
and “all eyes and ears” (p. 140). plant may flower and bring forth.
It is not until the seventh year that the The vital force of the Sun, which sur-
vital body comes from under the protect- rounds us as a colorless fluid, is absorbed
ing influence of the macrocosmic vital by the vital body through the etheric
body, which has guarded it from the dan- counterpart of the spleen, wherein it
gers which threaten when the unwise indi- undergoes a curious transformation of
vidual vital body takes unchecked charge. color. It becomes pale rose-hued and
Then the period of excessive and danger- spreads along the nerves all over the
ous growth begins and continues for the dense body. It is to the nervous system
next seven years. Were the vital body to what the force of electricity is to a tele-
have continual and unrestrained sway in graph system. Whenever there is an inter-
the human kingdom, as it has in the plant, ruption to this flow of vital force, we have
man would grow to an enormous size. paralysis. The vital body has become dis-
There was a time in the far distant past eased and the vital force can no longer
when man was constituted like a plant, flow. During health the vital body special-
having only a dense and a vital body. The izes a superabundance of vital force,
traditions of mythology and folklore all which, after passing through a dense
over the world concerning “giants” in the body, radiates in straight lines in every
olden times are absolutely true, because direction from the periphery thereof, as
the radii of a circle do from the center. But contained in the air we inspire carries with
during ill health, when the vital body it an accurate, detailed picture of all our
becomes attenuated, it is not able to draw surroundings. Not only of material things,
to itself the same amount of force, and in but also the conditions existing each
addition, the dense body is feeding upon moment within our aura. The slightest
it. Then the lines of the vital fluid which thought, feeling, or emotion is transmitted
pass out from the body are crumpled and to the lungs, where it is injected into the
bent, showing the lack of force behind blood. The blood is one of the highest
them. In health the force of these radia- products of the vital body, as it is the car-
tions carries with it germs and microbes rier of nourishment to every part of the
which are inimical to health; but in sick- body, and the direct vehicle of the Ego.
ness, when the vital force is weak, these The pictures it contains are impressed
emanations do not so readily eliminate upon the negative atoms of the vital body
disease germs. Therefore the danger of to serve as arbiters of man’s destiny in the
contracting disease is much greater when post-mortem state.
the vital forces are low, than when one is (To be continued)
in robust health (pp. 63-64).
The activities of the desire body and
The Los Angeles Study Center had a
mind during waking hours are constantly
picnic to celebrate the independence of
breaking down tissue. The vital body
Mount Ecclesia as well as our national
faithfully endeavors to restore harmony
holiday, the Fourth of July. About sixty
and build up, but is not able to withstand
people were present, and according to the
the onslaughts of the higher bodies and
enthusiastic reports received at
gradually loses ground, and at last col-
Headquarters, they must have had a good
lapses. The vital fluid ceases to flow
along the nerves in sufficient quantity; the
This is an effort in the right direction.
body becomes drowsy; and the Thinker is
“All work and no play makes Jack a dull
thus hampered and forced to withdraw,
boy.” Association at an occasional outing
taking the desire body with him. The
will draw the members more closely to
withdrawal of the higher vehicles leaves
the work of the Study Center.
the dense body interpenetrated by the vital
body in a senseless state we call sleep.
On page 91 of the Cosmo we learn that You can help to spread knowledge by
the involuntary memory or subconscious introducing this Magazine among your
mind comes into being in the following friends and acquaintances.
manner: As the ether carries to the sensi- If the teachings appeal to you, speak a
tive film of the camera an accurate good word for them.
impression of the surrounding landscape, Send us the names of your friends who
taking in the minutest detail, so the ether might be interested.
Nutrition and Health
* * * * * *
HOW WE HEAL THE SICK would be the next question; and to this we
Inquiries about our method of healing may answer that they are Probationers
are frequent, and much misunderstanding who during the day time live a worthy life
exists. We endeavored to elucidate the of helpfulness and thereby fit themselves,
matter in an article in the Echoes of or earn for themselves, the privilege of
September 1914, which has done so much being helpful through the instrumentality
good, and has been circulated so widely of the Elder Brothers at night. These
that we feel justified in reprinting it (in Probationers are gathered together in
part) to comply with many requests. bands according to their temperaments
We also print, for the first time, “A Story and their ability. They are under instruc-
from the Invisible World”, told by one of tion of other Probationers who are doc-
our Doctor Probationers of how he, in the tors, and all of them work under the guid-
soul body as an Invisible Helper, saved a ance of the Elder Brothers, who naturally
patient from an operation by our healing are the moving spirits in the whole work.
method. Certain concessions on the part of the
patient are needed before this band of
Invisible Helpers can work with him or
Our method of healing is not altogether her. In the first place, they must have part
a spiritual matter. We use physical means of the effluvia from his vital body. That is
wherever it is possible. There are times obtained by having the patient write every
even when we send our patients to a doc- week a letter consisting of a few words or
tor in order that they may get quick relief a few lines with pen and ink: this is
from him by a certain treatment which we important as a pen charged with fluid is a
cannot give as promptly by other meth- greater conductor of magnetism and elec-
ods. Also the diet of patients receives tricity than a dry pencil. The ether which
careful attention, for naturally, as the body thus impregnates the paper upon which
is built up of physical substances, we are the patient writes week by week gives an
giving medicines by using the right food. indication of the condition at that speci-
But in addition, healing is carried on by fied time, and furnishes an entrance key to
the Elder Brothers through a band of the patient’s system. It is something
Invisible Helpers which they are instruct- which he has given voluntarily and for
ing. the express purpose of furnishing access
Who, then, are the Invisible Helpers? for the Invisible Helpers. Unless the
patient does his part in that respect, the day time we strive earnestly and with the
Invisible Helpers are unable to do any- whole heart and soul to grasp every
thing with him or her; so it may be seen opportunity that comes our way or, rather,
that it is of the utmost importance to keep if we look for opportunities to help and to
up the weekly letters to Headquarters. serve others; if, instead of asking: “What
The Invisible Helpers are also required can I get out of it?” we try to see in every
to do something similar and for the same phase of life an opportunity for helpful-
reason. At the time when they take ness; if, instead of saying: “Why should I
Probationership, they vow in that mystic do this, that or the other thing?” we learn
marriage of the higher and lower selves to say: “If a thing has to be done, why
that they will dedicate their lives, in so far should I not do it?”; if we learn to regard
as consistent with their duties in the all things as honorable in the line of labor
world, to help humanity, and by that vow and work and never look down upon any-
they come under the protection of the thing as menial, but are just as ready to go
Elder Brothers, who stand in the same and do the lowest as well as the highest
position toward this bridal couple, the class of work, wherever we see it is nec-
higher and the lower selves, in their work, essary, then also at night shall we earn the
as the State stands to the man and woman opportunity to come in touch with and
who enters a union before one of its rep- work under the guidance of the Elder
resentatives. Both the State and the Elder Brothers in this glorious work of healing.
Brothers agree to preserve the integrity of
the union so long as the conditions there-
of are kept. One of the obligations which AN INVISIBLE HELPER’S STORY
the Probationers take upon themselves is It is not usually permitted, nor is it
to send in each month to Headquarters a always expedient, that the Invisible
report of the exercises which they have Helpers should tell of their exploits, as it
performed, and this report, if written with gives an undesirable odor of phenome-
pen and ink, absorbs the effluvia from non-mongering; but there are times when
their hands daily when they come in contact modesty must be set aside to a certain
with the paper. This furnishes to the Elder extent for the good of the cause, and the
Brothers the key whereby they are enabled following story by Dr. Stuart Leech,
to direct the Probationers during sleep. M.D., one of our Probationers, illustrates
We are just the same after we go to sleep the method used and results gained in one
as we are during our waking hours. If, case. We could cite hundreds of similar
during the day time, we shirk our duties, cases where other organs have been
if we try to get everything for ourselves, if restored to health; even spines have been
we yield to the lower nature on every straightened and paralyzed limbs made
occasion, etc., we are not transformed into responsive to the will.
Invisible Helpers and Angels of Mercy by In the case reported by Dr. Leech, he
merely going to sleep. But if during the does not mention whether the patient felt
the manipulations. This is quite frequent- employed. Temperature ran along from 99
ly the case, for the unseen hands are pow- to 102.5 degrees and about the seventh or
erful when materialized inside the eighth day of his sickness the symptoms
patient’s body. It also frequently happens became so alarming that I induced the
that the patient sees the Invisible Helpers family to permit me to have Dr. North as
at the moment of waking. a consultant next morning.
The report was originally written for Dr. Unus, of the same town, had attend-
publication in a Medical Magazine. Dr. ed the case four years previously and had
Leech does give his orthodox medical at that time insisted on an operation.
confreres some, to them, “hard nuts” Personally, I had performed quite a few
from time to time, but what if they scoff abdominal operations, but it was general-
today? Yesterday they sneered at ideas ly done as a last resort, and now it looked
which are “strictly scientific” today; and as though there would be another case
tomorrow they will learn that, to para- where I would have to resort to the same
phrase Shakespeare, procedure. This modus operandi, espe-
There are more things ‘twixt heaven and cially in the midst of an attack, was not to
earth than dreamt of in their pathology. my liking. Being in the neophyte class of
the Western Wisdom School, I endeav-
Clinical Report of a Case ored to use unusual means in conjunction
It was during the early days of January with the physical means to bring about the
1914 that I had been attending a case of recovery of this case, as I do in others.
abdominal trouble in a fourteen year old, The unusual is the application of natural
much emaciated boy. He was dark haired, laws of one or more of the higher worlds.
had brown eyes, large bones and slender As a word of explanation, I will say that
physique with a good amount of intelli- the Natural Science School of the
gence. Four years prior to this present Rosicrucians informs us of a number of
attack he had suffered from a severe concentric worlds as real, if not more real,
attack of appendicitis, from which he had than the physical, all interpenetrating each
apparently recovered. Of late he had been other, occupying the same space, as it
more or less indiscreet in the choice and were, forming no less than seven dimen-
the amount of his food and on the day sions of space, each under a vibratory
before the present attack he had in lifting condition consistent with its harmonious
hay suffered some violence by a slip of surroundings. Physical Science begrudg-
the foot. ingly recognizes and hints at the higher
After a day or two of suffering, I was vibrations of the invisible ether. Medical
sent for and found all the classical symp- Science does its best to ignore these high-
toms of a pus-forming appendix present. er Worlds, yet she persistently and empir-
Food was discontinued for eight or ten ically uses daily the powerful alkaloids.
days, the proverbial ice-bag was used There are a number of wavelengths
judicially, and an occasional enema was between the vibration that causes sound
and that which causes light, although his knowledge or that of his parents, who
unknown to us, but producing things no were eagerly watching him. Naturally, we
less powerful; it is so on into the trillion were invisible to their physical percep-
and quintillion of vibrations. Most of tions.
these vibrations ignore our dense, physi- During this consultation in the Desire
cal bodies, vibrating right through them World, Dr. Unus stepped forward and
as though they never existed. These almost violently seized a portion of the
vibrations are harmonized into divisions, afflicted organ and threw it away. His
and nearest to our chemical physical etheric hand passed right through the
world is the Etheric Region, and we boy’s physical body. I then stepped up to
might conceive of it as an extension of the bedside, using both hands, lifted the
the physical plane; being more refined, it elbow end of the colon and gently stroked
is naturally subject to higher and more the undesirable, irritating substance away.
refined laws. Dr. North acted as a spectator, and appar-
However, in order to be able to function ently gave his consent. Let it be know that
in this Region, or in the Desire World, an physical substance is no bar to the etheric
organization of like substance is required. hand, but it is not unusual for a patient to
Every man has the framework for this waken from his slumber as the invisible
substance concealed in his physical make- hand is being withdrawn.
up, and there is a certain Word or formula The morning after this consultation in
which, if wisely used, will develop this the Unseen World, I called, as I had
organization. Anatomically speaking, it promised, at Dr. North’s office and had
causes a physiological link or connection him ride with me for the physical consul-
to be made between the pituitary and tation, which had been agreed upon with
pineal bodies which respectively govern the family the previous day. To the great
and harmonize the desire with the physi- astonishment of the family and to my own
cal body. When this chasm is bridged, the gratification, the boy was free from pain,
higher vibratory soul-body can, at will, tenderness, fever, and muscular rigidity
withdraw from the physical body and and from the parents’ report, his rapid
travel any distance in the Desire World. If recovery commenced during the night. It
you wish to follow no further, you, the is now six months since the occurrence
reader, can consider the phenomenon a took place and the boy is enjoying the best
going off into dreamland; but remember, a of health.
fact is a stupendous thing and remains,
whether we like it or not. It is not to be inferred from the forego-
The evening before the physical consul- ing that instantaneous cures are effected
tation was to take place with Dr. North, in every instance. Such cases are frequent
Dr. Unus, Dr. North and myself went off among the large clientele which benefit
into the Desire World (Dreamland), and from our aid, but the great majority
met at the bedside of the sick boy without require patient perseverance to bring
Firence, Italy
Dear Signore:
Meets in the Pro-Ecclesia on the follow-
ing dates: Let me thank you with my poor English,
but with all my heart, for your valuable
September 3, 10, 16, 23, 30 help and for your kind, useful letter. I am
October 7, 14, 20, 28 ever so much better! For many, many
November 4, 10, 16, 24 years I had not slept one night long, and
no medicine, nothing, could make me
We may not all be privileged to be there sleep or even rest in my bed. I was happy
in the body, but all can join us in Spirit. when I could spend one night long to my
No matter where on earth you live, go into bed, even without sleep.
the silence when your clock is half past As I am an useful person, a painter and
seven in the evening. Fix your thoughts teacher, am poor, have to work for my
upon the White Rose which forms the family and to educate, provide for and
center of a circle of seven Red Roses, bring up an orphan I adopted several years
hung upon a cross of pure white. That is ago, you can imagine I have tried every
the symbol of the immaculate purity of doctor and medicine. In the last year I had
the Invisible Helper, your ideal, your given up every doctor and medicine, but
inspiration. This Cross has a radiant, five- felt no better: I felt so tired, so tired.
pointed Star of Gold, symbolic of the Imagine, now I am sleeping: sleeping as I
golden aura acquired by Service; and the did when I was child, and feel my strength
background of Blue represents the God- coming again, and can work. Also the
present field in which we have to work. attacks are not so frequent and less painful
Register each time your aspiration to and without any fever.
become a self-conscious channel for the I wish I could write in elegant English
beneficent works of our Elder Brothers in to be able to thank you as I feel, but want
the Service of humanity. to express myself, do not want to be cor-
And last, but not least, resolve each time rected, do not want to use a dictionary.
to live the life of a Visible Helper, for that God bless you, and may you be able to
is the most efficient means of attaining to help every one as you have helped me.
the higher and greater sphere of useful- For ever, ever yours most gratefully,
ness. M F.
we can with flowers and a beautiful hang- to whom you give the Cosmo; then the
ing basket, and we feel sure the booth will Fellowship; and last, though not least
serve its purpose. (although that is not your motive), you
The Club had a party not long since and will benefit by the effort to promote the
the writer dragged very unwilling feet to Cause you have closely at heart
it, but ran into a manager of an education-
al booth who was attracted by the badge, That brings another point. We have just
and the next day visited the booth, spend- had a letter from our enthusiastic Chicago
ing over two hours listening and question- friend Geo. Wiggs. He also is anxious to
ing and went away with the Cosmo, so we help increase the circulation of the Rays
hope another student is added to the and asks that his good letter be published
movement. to help inspire all to action. We are natu-
The Booth has had visitors from rally glad to comply, though space is small.
Australia, Canada, Spain, and England, Oh, if we only had a big subscription list
and of course from the Eastern States, and so that we could afford to enlarge the
also two very interesting people from magazine. Bro. Wiggs makes an awful
Paris, who claim to get teaching from a mistake when he says that we have
Lay Brother of the Rosicrucian Order received 1700 Mss. We have not received
who lives in Paris and has pupils studying 17, but we have so much stuff neverthe-
under him. In the interchange of ideas less, that we are picking and choosing
many similarities were shown and their what to keep out and what to let go in. If
visit was most interesting. we had the wherewithal to meet the extra
Possibly next month we shall have typesetting and paper bills and the writer
something more thrilling to relate, and in could afford a private secretary, compe-
the meantime we are trying to make the tent to do the revision, which now takes
Booth a welcome place for all who are the most of his time, we could soon have
interested in the philosophy. a much better publication.
In Fellowship, But that cannot be had till we have a
Annett C. Rich larger subscription list; so we must be
patient and continue to work with the
THE COSMO FREE! means at hand, till we grow into the larg-
Have you seen our offer to give a er facilities. We feel, however, that the
Cosmo to anyone who gets five new sub- magazine is a worthy effort as it is and do
scribers. Better get busy! Even if you not hesitate to join Friend Wiggs in asking
have the Cosmo, it will be an easy way to all to do their best to push it. Don't forget
get another copy to give to a friend. And to ask your newsdealer to take it. Some
think how many people that will benefit! have succeeded already, as you see from
First, there are the five yearly (or ten half- the list of dealers printed on the inside
yearly) new subscribers; next, the friend cover.
Chicago, III., July 1,1915 Friend Heindel that will be like a benedic-
Friend Heindel: tion and a sweetness into his voice that
Charles Lamb was accustomed to divide will be equal to a caress, as he talks to the
humanity into two classes, which he dictaphone when producing the glorious
termed the borrowers and the lenders. In articles he has been giving us and through
the new or Rosicrucian terminology we which we are all being illumined.
would call them positive and negative; or That our writers to begin with have out-
the efficient and the inefficient; or the numbered our readers to a healthful sign
idlers and the workers. and show the great interest that the maga-
If Lamb were living and a member of zine has awakened and I feel certain now
the Fellowship, he would doubtless have that the magazine is an established fact, that
to revise his classification, since there every member of the Fellowship will esteem
seems to be but one class in the it a privilege, as well as a pleasure, to not
Fellowship, as evidenced by the fact that only support the magazine but to set about
you state 1700 manuscripts have been securing subscriptions from his friends.
received since the inception of our new The magazine has been a joy to us all
magazine "Lux Mystica", now only in its and surely we all recognize that the way
third issue. to double our joy is to divide it, and that a
I have had considerable experience in thought is never so truly our own as when
the magazine field but I certainly have we have shared it with another.
never known of anything to equal this. The members of the Fellowship have
Why, it would seem that "Lux Mystica" never failed to arise to all heights that the
has awakened the thrush in the throat of spirit of the times has called out, as is
all its readers, and what is still better, has shown by the handsome buildings which
caused the hearts of all members of the already bedeck Mount Ecclesia and that
Fellowship to beat in unison to accom- Friend Heindel is to build a bonfire on the
plish this astonishing fact; and this augurs glorious Fourth of July, and give over to
that the true Ecclesia is already being con- the salamanders the mortgage papers and
structed from the heartbeats that shall the notes which have so long been a lien
soon bring into manifestation the much on the property. Truly, that will be a real
needed outer building or the Ecclesia in Independence Day of celebration and
form, that was so happily started with the over this glad news we shall celebrate this
laying of the Corner Stone on Thanksgiving event with him.
day of 1914. In the latter part of last year I mentioned
Now that the life side (or 1700 manu- what the National Geographic Magazine
scripts) is in evidence, it is only meet that had accomplished and stated that it was a
we should develop the form side (or sub- Fellowship similar to ours and that the
scription list), in order to equilibrate the members had built up a circulation of
work and thus bring a smile to the face of upwards of 300,000 and I think I stated at
the time that I was confident that with the present such as to permit them to conve-
right kind of a medium we could not only niently subscribe.
equal but surpass that magazine’s circula- As I note, the present subscription list
tion, inasmuch as the Spirit transcends lacks about $80.00 a month of meeting
geography and that our efforts would be the actual money expenditure, to say
along the lines of becoming or Being nothing of the time and labor. I am going
rather than Seeing, since our teachings to ask 72 of our generous fellow-members
show how real illumination or spiritual to join me in promptly remitting an alike
sight may be obtained. amount, so that we shall complete the 360
If each member of the Fellowship will degrees of the Zodiac and soon be on our
instantly send in his or her subscription to way into the Sun center, and thus enable
“Lux Mystica”, say from now to February Friend Heindel to give us a regular dia-
1916, which would only require 50 cents mond sunburst that will set the whole
each, we would soon have upwards of Fellowship asparkle with not only the
5000 subscribers, and with five readers, seven colors of the rainbow, but the pure
which is the usual estimate per copy of white light itself.
every magazine worth while, we shall I am also going to further ask every
have an audience of upwards of 25,000 member to pull off his coat, roll up his
people. sleeves, and to put his heart and soul into
If in addition to subscribing to the mag- this subscription work, so that when our
azine every member will set to work to next Thanksgiving day comes we shall be
get new subscribers, it will not be long able to celebrate over a subscription list
before we shall be on the road to approx- that will demonstrate that we workers
imate the circulation of the largest and have not only equalled but surpassed the
best magazines before the public. It is enthusiasm of the loyal writers who fur-
only a question of individual effort on our nished 1700 manuscripts within three
part and success is assured. months, and I now propose that our circu-
Let us commence with six months’ sub- lation shall reach 7000 between this date
scriptions, so as to instantly swell our cir- and Christmas.
culation and we shall soon through this It is only the love that we put in our
effort give the work a momentum that will work that counts, and we can love this
positively assure the future of our work into life if we go about it in earnest.
sparkling little magazine. It is always more pleasant to give than to
To this end I am sending you a check to receive, but the little magazine is so high
pay for ten six-months’ subscriptions, five class that even from a pecuniary point of
of which shall be new subscribers, whose view those who think they are giving are
names I am forwarding to you, and the really receiving.
other five I ask you to select from among A subscription means more than the
those whose circumstances are not at the insignificant sum of money involved—it
means light and wisdom to the subscriber; ous support of all the members in sub-
it means joy and encouragement to the scribing for the magazine and of their
workers at headquarters and it, so to united efforts to swell its growth that I am
speak, means an accentuation to what we going to ask each member to join me in
might term an added tint to the aura of the the toast which I here propose to the
Fellowship itself. health of Friend Heindel and to the suc-
Let us all remember this when speaking cess of “Lux Mystica”. Let us all arise and
to our friends and it will put courage into drink from the bowl of the Spirit itself to
our souls to speak with an accent in our the following:
voice that shall carry conviction to those
O it is nectar to my soul
who listen.
Those golden drops that tinge my bowl;
The Fellowship has been so loyal and so
For I remember when I quaffed
ready to respond when help was needed
How rainbow tinted bubbles laughed
that I can already see, in my mind’s eye,
From out my goblet's flowing brim.
the full assurance of our highest hopes
being realized. I am so sure of the gener- George W. Wiggs
Pass it on to a Friend!
Formerly, religious truths were intuitively perceived or
taken wholly on faith as dogmas of the church. Today, a
growing class demands that immortality and kindred matters
be proved to the intellect, deductively or by observation, as
are other facts of life, like heredity and ether. They desire
religion as much as their fathers, but want the ancient truths
in modern dress congruous to their altered intellectual condi-
tion. To this class the Rosicrucian Fellowship addresses itself
with a definite, logical, and sequential teaching, concerning
the origin, evolution and future development of the world
and man which is as strictly scientific as it is reverently reli-
gious; a teaching which makes no statements not supported
by reason and logic, which satisfies the mind by clear expla-
nations, which neither begs nor evades questions, but offers
a reasonable solution to all mysteries, so that the heart may
be allowed to believe what the intellect has sanctioned, and
the solace of religion may speak peace to the troubled mind.
In order to make our philosophy of life and health of prac-
tical value in the world, we have bought 40 acres of land in the
little town of Oceanside, 88 miles south of Los Angeles. It is
one of the sightliest spots in sunny Southern California, situa-
ted upon the promontory of a high tableland. From Mount
Ecclesia, as we have named our headquarters, there is an
unobstructed view of the beautiful blue Pacific Ocean.
Directly west lies the island of San Clemente, 75 miles out, and
ships are often silhouetted upon the skyline as they sail by. Forty
miles to the southward looms the promontory of La Jolla, a sub-
urb of San Diego, the southernmost city in Uncle Sam’s spacious
realm. Eighty miles north from Mount Ecclesia we see the love-
ly island of Catalina with its crystal clear waters and its luxuriant
submarine gardens, so strange and fantastic that they outstrip
fancy and fairy tale alike. Standing upon the same spot whence
we saw the magnificent marine view described above, we may
behold a landscape equal1y glorious, varied, and wide by simply
turning upon our heels and looking towards the east.
Immediately below Mount Ecclesia lies the smiling San Luis
Rey valley with its fertile green fields and its historic old mis-
sion; a little further away are the rounded foothills with their
wonderful play of light and shade, then the mountains with their
rugged contours, and farthest to the east we see the snowcapped
peaks of Mount San Bernardino, Mount Greyback, and Mount
San Jacinto. The first named is 100 and the last 75 miles from the
coast. Thus the range of our views from Mount Ecclesia is 150
miles east and west (from San Jacinto Mountain to San Clemente
island), and 120 miles north and south (from Catalina to La
The climate is as wonderful as the view, and as incomprehensi-
ble to all who have not lived here. One may wear a white shirt-
waist outdoors on every day in the winter, and although the water
in our solar heater gets so hot that it cracks glass, we do not per-
spire on the warmest day in summer on account of the sea breeze
which sweeps over Mount Ecclesia every day from about 10 a. m.
to 5 p. m., cooling the atmosphere and filling our lungs with invig-
orating ozone fresh from the heaving bosom of the great Pacific
Ocean. It is a veritable elixir of Life, and therefore this place
offers such rare physical conditions for the attainment of health
that it is probably without a peer.
Mount Ecclesia is brilliantly illuminated at night, and the
Electric Emblem is a unique and striking feature.
Three years ago we started building our headquarters on this
beautiful spot. We installed a pumping plant in the valley, carry-
ing the water 226 feet up to the summit of Mt. Ecclesia and have
thus an unlimited supply of water for irrigation and ample fire
protection. We have built a sanctuary devoted exclusively to wor-
ship of God, an administration building wherein our general
offices and printing plant are located, a commodious dining hall
to accommodate all workers, patients, and pupils. We have a1so
built a number of cottages for the accommodation of the students,
and in the summer time a tent city adds largely to the accommo-
dations during the time when the summer school is in session.
Mt. Ecclesia has also its own electric lighting plant, and
every night the wonderful electric emblem of the Fellowship
may be seen flashing its message of light across the country for
over twenty miles in either direction. The exterior of the dining
hall and Pro-Ecclesia, as we call our Sanctuary, are also electri-
cally lighted, and thus we let the physical light shine to attract
those who are seeking the spiritual, if by chance such may pass
and inquire through curiosity, which afterwards turns to keen
In addition to thE publications of the Rosicrucian Fellowship,
regularly advertised and before the public, there are two corre-
spondence courses which furnish instructions to students, a1l
over the world, who are desirous of investigating the Rosicrucian
Mysteries, and the Science of Astrology. Upon request anyone
who is not a Hypnotist, Professional Medium, Palmist, or
Astrologer, will receive from the General Secretary, at headquar-
ters, application blanks for admission to the Esoteric instructions
contained in these two courses—Esoteric Astrology and The
Rosicrucian Mystery Teachings.
This building contains the General offices, the Printing plant and the
Mailing Department.
During July, August, and September, a summer school is maintained and
students on our correspondence lists who wish to avail themselves of the
opportunity of study at Headquarters may do so by applying to the Esoteric
secretary, but no one is permitted to enter Headquarters until their applica-
tion has been passed upon and accepted.
According to the United States Government Experts, Mt. Ecclesia is in the
center of an air belt which is purest in all of the U.S. It is therefore a natur-
al health resort and this, coupled with the fact that a scientific vegetarian diet
is here supplied, makes it an ideal place of residence for both the well and
the ill. We are prepared to take patients whose ailments do not prevent them
from attending to their own needs. The rates of board are less than one-half
what is usually charged in sanatariums, but we are have no resident physi-
cian and cannot take proper care of patients who need nursing and attention.
A Brief Resumé
Of the
Sooner or later there comes a time when the consciousness is
forced to recognize the fact that life, as we see it, is but fleeting,
and that amid all the uncertainties of our existence there is but one
certainty—Death !
When the mind has thus become aroused by thought of the leap
in the dark which must sometime be taken by all, the question of
questions—Whence have we come—Why are we here—Whither
are we going?—must inevitably present itself. This is a basic
problem with which all must sooner or later grapple, and it is of
the greatest importance how we solve it, for the view we take will
color our whole life.
Only three theories of note have been brought forward to solve
this problem. To range ourselves in one of the three groups of
mankind, segregated by their adherence to one theory or the other
in an intelligent manner, it is necessary to know the three theories,
to calmly weigh and compare them one with another and with
established facts. Lecture No. 1 does just that, and whether we
agree with its conclusions or not, we shall surely have a more
comprehensive grasp of the various viewpoints and be better able
to form an intelligent opinion when we have read “The Riddle of
Life and Death.”
If we have come to the conclusion that death does not end our
existence, it is but a natural question to ask: Where are the dead?
This momentous question is dealt with in lecture No. 2. The law
of conservation of matter and energy precludes annihilation, yet
we see that matter is constantly changing from the visible to the
invisible state and back again, as, for instance, water is evaporat-
ed by the sun, partially condensed into a cloud, and then falls to
Earth again as rain.
Consciousness may also exist without being able to give us any
sign, as in cases where people have been thought dead, but have
awakened and told all that had been said and done in their pres-
So there must be an invisible World of force and matter, as inde-
pendent of our cognition of it as light and color exist regardless of
the fact that they are not perceived by the blind.
In that invisible World the so-called dead are now living in full
possession of all the mental and emotional faculties. They are liv-
ing a life as real as existence here.
The invisible World is cognized by means of a sixth sense devel-
oped by some, but latent in most people. It may be developed in
all, but different methods produce varying results.
This faculty compensates for distance in a manner far superior
to the best telescopes and for the lack of size in a degree unreach-
able by the most powerful microscope. It penetrates where the X-
ray cannot. A wall or a dozen walls are no denser to the spiritual
sight than crystal to ordinary vision.
In lecture No. 3 Spiritual Sight and the Spiritual Worlds, this
faculty is described, and lecture No. 11, Spiritual Sight and
Insight, gives a safe method of development.
The Invisible World is divided into different realms: The Etheric
Region, the Desire World, the Region of Concrete Thought, and
the Region of Abstract Thought.
These divisions are not arbitrary, but are necessary because the
substance of which they are composed obeys different laws. For
instance, physical matter is subject to the law of gravity; in the
Desire World forms levitate as easily as they gravitate.
Man needs various vehicles to function in the different Worlds
as we need a carriage to ride on land, a boat at sea, and an airship
in the air.
We know that he must have a dense body to live in the visible
World. He also has a vital body composed of ether which enables
him to sense things around him. He has a desire body formed of
the materials of the Desire World which gives him a passionate
nature and incites him to action. The Mind is formed of the sub-
stance of the Region of Concrete Thought and acts as a brake
upon impulse; it gives purpose to action. The real man, the
Thinker or Ego, functions in the Region of Abstract Thought, act-
ing upon and through his various instruments.
Lecture No. 4 deals with the normal and abnormal conditions of
life such as Sleep, Dreams, Trance, Hypnotism, Mediumship, and
Insanity. The previously mentioned finer vehicles are all concen-
tric with the dense body in the waking state when we are active in
thought, word, and deed, but the activities of the day cause the
body to grow tired and sleepy.
When the wear and tear incident to use of a building has made
exhaustive repairs necessary, the tenants must move out that the
workmen may have full scope for restoration. So when wear and
tear of the day has exhausted the body, it is necessary that the Ego
move out. That withdrawal renders the body unconscious, and
definite work is necessary to restore its tone and rhythm. During
the night the Ego hovers outside the dense body clothed in desire
body and mind. Sometimes the Ego only withdraws partially, is
half in the body and half out; then it sees both the Desire World
and the Physical World, but confused as in a dream.
Hypnotism is a mental assault. The unsuspecting victim is dri-
ven out of his body, the hypnotist obtains control.
The victims of the hypnotist are released at his death, however,
but the medium is not so fortunate. Spirit controls are really invis-
ible hypnotists. Their invisibility gives great scope for deception,
and after death they may take possession of a medium’s desire
body, use it for ages, and keep their hapless victims from pro-
gressing along the pathway of evolution. This latter phase of
mediumship is elucidated in No. 5, which deals with Death and
Life in Purgatory.
What we call death is in reality but a shifting of consciousness
from one World to another. We have a science of birth with
trained nurses, obstetricians, antiseptics, and every other means of
caring for the incoming Ego, but are sorely in need of a science of
death, for when a friend is passing out of our concrete existence,
we stand helplessly about, ignorant of how to assist, or worse, we
do things which make the passing infinitely harder than if we
merely stood idly by. Giving stimulants is one of our worst
offenses against the dying, as it draws the passing spirit into the
dense body again with the force of a catapult.
After the heart has stopped, on account of the partial rupture of
the silver cord (which united the higher and lower vehicles of man
during sleep and remains unsevered for a time, varying from a few
hours to three and a half days after death), there is still on that
account a certain feeling if the body is embalmed, opened for
post-mortem examination, or cremated. The body should, there-
fore, be left unmolested, for at that time the passing Ego is
engaged in reviewing the pictures of its past life (which are seen
in a flash by drowning persons). These pictures are impressed
daily and hourly upon the ether of the vital body as independent-
ly of our observation as a detailed picture is impressed upon the
photographic plate by the ether, regardless of whether the photog-
rapher observed details or not. They form an absolutely true
record of our past life, which we may call the sub-conscious mem-
ory (or mind) far superior to the view we consciously store in our
memory (or mind).
Under the immutable Law of Consequence, which decrees that
what we sow we reap, the deeds of life are the basis of our exis-
tence after death. The panorama of a past life is the book of the
Recording Angels, who are adjusters of the score we make under
the Law of Consequence.
Review of the life panorama just after death etches the pictures into
the desire body, which is our normal vehicle in the Desire World,
where Purgatory and the First Heaven are located.
The panorama of life is the basis of purgation of evil in purga-
tory and assimilation of good deeds in the first heaven. It is of the
highest importance that this panorama be deeply etched into the
desire body, for if that impress is deep and clear the Ego will suf-
fer more sharply in purgatory and experience a keener joy in the
first heaven. This feeling will remain as conscience in future lives
to impel good action and discourage evil deeds.
If the passing spirit is left in peace and quiet to concentrate upon
the life-panorama, the etching will be clear and sharp, but if the
relatives detract his attention by loud hysterical lamentations dur-
ing the first three and one-half days when the silver cord is yet
intact, a shallow or blurred impression will cause the spirit to lose
much of the lessons which should have been learned. To correct
this anomaly the Recording Angels are often forced to terminate
the next Earth-life in early childhood before the desire body has
come to birth, as described in Birth a Fourfold Event (lecture No.
7) for that which has not been quickened cannot die, and so the
child goes into the first heaven and learns the lessons it did not
learn before, and is thus equipped to pass on in Life’s School.
As such Egos retain the desire body and mind they had in the
life where they died as children, it often happens that they remem-
ber that life, for they only stay out of Earth life from one to twen-
ty years.
Suffering in purgatory arises from two causes: Desires which
cannot be gratified or the reaction to the pictures of the life
panorama—the drunkard suffers tortures of Tantalus because he
has no means of obtaining or retaining drink. The miser suffers
because he lacks the hand to restrain his heirs from squandering
his cherished hoard. Thus the Law of Consequence purges evil
habits until desire has burned itself out.
If we have been cruel the panorama of life radiates back upon us
the picture of ourselves and our victims. Conditions are reversed
in purgatory; we suffer as they suffered. Thus, in time, we are
purged of sin. The coarse desire matter which forms the embodi-
ment of evil has been expelled by the centrifugal force of
Repulsion in purgatory and we retain but the pure and the good,
which is embodied in subtler desire stuff dominated by the cen-
tripetal force—attraction, which amalgamates good in the first
heaven when the life panorama depicts scenes in our past life
where we helped others, or where we felt grateful for favors, as
described in lecture No. 6, Life in Heaven, which also deals with
our stay in the Second Heaven, located in the Region of Concrete
That is also the realm of tone, as the Desire World is of color,
and the Physical World of form. Tone, or sound, is the builder of
all that is on Earth, as John says: “In the beginning was the Word
(sound), and the Word was made flesh,” the flesh of all things,
“without it was not anything made that was made.” The moun-
tain, the moss, the mouse, and the man are all embodiments of this
Great Creative Word which came down from heaven.
There the man becomes one with the nature forces; Angels and
Archangels teach him to build such an environment as he has
deserved under the Law of Consequence. If he dallied his time
away in metaphysical speculation, as do the Hindus, he neglects
to build a good material environment, and is reborn in an arid land
where flood and famine teach him to turn his attention to materi-
al things. When he focuses his mind on the Physical World, aspir-
ing to wealth and material comforts, he will build in Heaven an
unexcelled material environment, a wealthy land with facilities
for ease and comfort, as the Western World has done. But as we
always long for what we lack, the possessions we have are satiat-
ing us beyond comfort and we are beginning to aspire to the spir-
itual life anew, as the Hindus, our younger brothers are aspiring
now to the material prosperity we are leaving behind, as more
fully elucidated in lecture No. 19, The Coming Force—Vril?
which shows why Hindu Yoga practices are detrimental to
Westerners; they being behind us in evolution.
When the Ego has helped to build the creative archetype for the
environment of its next earth-life, in the second heaven, it ascends
into the Third Heaven, located in the Region of Abstract Thought.
But few people have learned to think abstractly, as in mathemat-
ics; the majority of people are therefore unconscious, as in sleep,
waiting for the Clock of Destiny—the stars, to indicate the time
when effects engendered by the action of past lives can be worked
out. When the heavenly time makers, the Sun, Moon, and plan-
ets, have reached a proper position, the Ego wakes and desires a
new embodiment.
The Recording Angels look up the record of all our past lives,
which is stamped upon the super-conscious mind each time an
Ego withdraws to the third Heaven, as outlined in lecture No. 7,
Birth a Fourfold Event. When there is no particular reason why a
certain environment should be taken, the Ego has choice of vari-
ous embodiments. These are shown to it as a panorama, giving
the great outline of each proposed life, but leaving scope for indi-
vidual free-will in the detail.
Once a choice has been made, the Ego is bound to liquidate ripe
causes selected by the Recording Angels, and any attempt to
evade that will be frustrated. It should be carefully noted that evil
is eradicated in Purgatory. Only tendencies remain, to tempt us
till we have consciously overcome. Thus we are born innocent
and at least every evil act is an act of free will.
When the Ego descends toward rebirth, it gathers the materials
for its new bodies, but they are not born at the same time. Birth
of the vital body inaugurates rapid growth from 7 to 14, ripening
also the propagative faculty. Birth of the desire body at 14 gives
rise to the impulsive period from 14 to 21. At that age the birth of
the mind furnishes a brake on impulse and gives a foundation for
serious life.
The price of these lectures is 5 cents each plus 1 cent postage for each copy, except No. 11.
No. 1. “The Riddle of Life and Death.” Presenting a solution which is both scientific and
No. 2. “Where Are the Dead?”
No. 3. Spiritual Sight and the Spiritual Worlds.” Showing that we have a latent “sixth
sense,” and what it opens up to us when cultivated.
No. 4. “Sleep, Dreams, Trance, Hypnotism, Mediumship, and Insanity.”
No. 5. “Death and Life in Purgatory.” Describing the method of death and purgation, also
how immutable law and not an avenging Deity transmutes the evil acts of life to ever-
lasting good.
No. 6. “Life and Activity in Heaven.” Showing how the Human Spirit assimilates the
Good of its past life and creates its environments for a future rebirth, also how it
prepares a new body.
No. 7. “Birth a Fourfold Event.” Describing antenatal preparations for birth, and the
spiritual changes which inaugurate the period of excessive physical growth in the 7th
year; puberty at 14, and maturity at 21. This knowledge is absolutely essential to the
right care of a child.
No. 8. “The Science of Nutrition, Health, and Protracted Youth.” Showing the material
cause of early death and the obvious prophylactic.
No. 9. “Astronomical Allegories of the Bible.” A mystic scroll.
No. 10. “Astrology; Its Scope and Limitations.” Showing the spiritual side of astrology,
how it enables those who study it to help themselves and others.
No. 11. “Spiritual Sight and Insight.” Its culture, control, and legitimate use, giving a
definite and safe method of attainment. Second enlarged edition 10c.
No. 12. “Parsifal.” Wagner’s famous Mystic Musical Drama, a mine of inspiration and
No. 13. “The Angels as Factors in Evolution.” Showing just what part the Angels,
Archangels, Cherubim, Seraphim, etc., play in the Drama of Life.
No. 14. “Lucifer, Tempter or Benefactor?” Showing the origin and the mission of pain
and sorrow.
No. 15. “The Mystery of Golgotha and the Cleansing Blood.” A rational explanation
which satisfies head and heart alike.
No. 16. “The Star of Bethlehem; a Mystic Fact.”
No. 17. “The Mystery of the Holy Grail.” The way to attainment.
No. 18. “The Lord’s Prayer.” Showing the esoteric side and how it applies to the seven-fold
constitution of man.
No. 19. “The Coming Force—Vril! or What?”
No. 20. “Fellowship and the Coming Race.” Showing why the Bible contains both the
Jewish and Christian religions, why both combined are peculiarly adapted to the spir-
itual needs of the Western World, and why Jesus was born a Jew.
Price $1.50, Postfree
The Relation of Man to God, with diagram.
The Scheme of Evolution. A general outline, with diagram of
the Seven World Periods.
The Path of Evolution. Cosmic Days of active work and
Cosmic Nights of passive contemplation.
The Work of Evolution. How the Cherubim, Seraphim,
Archangels, and Angels helped.
Genesis and Evolution of Our Solar System. Chaos the seed-
ground of Cosmos. Birth of the Planets. Planetary Spirits.
Evolution on the Earth. The Moon, the eighth sphere of retro-
gression, Birth of the Individual, Separation into Sexes, Lucifer
Spirits and the Fall, Sixteen Paths to Destruction.
Back to the Bible. Who was the “lost” tribes are, and why
Jesus was born a Jew.
Occult Analysis of Genesis. The nebular theory, Jehovah and
his mission; a living soul; why hybrids are sterile.
Christ and His Mission. “Peace on Earth” and “Not Peace, but
a Sword.” The Star of Bethlehem, the heart an anomaly, the
Mystery of Golgotha and the cleansing blood.
Future Development and Initiation. The symbolism of the
Caduceus, Alchemy and Soul-growth.
The Method of Acquiring First-Hand Knowledge. Western
Methods for Western People, the science of nutrition, the law of
assimilation, the Lord’s Prayer, Esoteric Training, how the inner
vehicle is built.
The Constitution of the Earth and Volcanic Eruptions.
Christian Rosenkreuz and the Order of Rosicrucians. The
Rosicrucian Initiation, the Rosicrucian Fellowship, Symbolism of
the Rose Cross, the Power of Healing.
How shall we
Know Christ
By Max Heindel
15¢ postfree
The title indicates sufficiently the scope of the book.
It is direct and to the point like all the writings of this author.
In Questions and Answers
Price $1.15 Postfree
40 Cents, Postfree
Notwithstanding the increased value, the price remains the same: 40c
postfree. Thus students who have the first edition can easily afford to
get the second also.
200 pp. cloth. 75¢ postfree
This Is
who is seeking a solution to the Great Mystery called Life, but
lacks leisure to wade through volumes of metaphysical specula-
tion. The lucid and logical explanations carry conviction. They
Nevertheless, the language is so simple, clear and devoid of tech-
nicalities that
There is a side of the moon which we never see, but that hidden
half is as potent a factor in creating the ebb and flow as the part of
the moon which is visible. Similarly, there is an invisible part of
man which exerts a powerful influence in life, and as the tides are
measured by the motion of sun and moon, so also the eventuali-
ties of existence are measured by the circling stars, which may
therefore be called “the Clock of Destiny,” and knowledge of their
import is an immense power, for to the competent Astrologer a
horoscope reveals every secret of life.
Thus, when you have given an astrologer the data of your birth,
you have given him the key to your innermost soul, and there is
no secret that he may not ferret out. This knowledge may be used
for good or ill, to help or hurt, according to the nature of the man.
Only a tried friend should be trusted with this key to your soul,
and it should never be given to anyone base enough to prostitute
a spiritual science for material gain.
To the medical man Astrology is invaluable in diagnosing dis-
eases and prescribing a remedy, for it reveals the hidden cause of
all ailments.
If you are a parent the horoscope will aid you to detect the evil
intent in your child and teach you how to apply the ounce of pre-
vention. It will show you the good points also, that you may make
a better man or woman of the soul entrusted to your care. It will
reveal systematic weakness and enable you to guard the health of
your child; it will show what talents are there, and how the life
may be lived to a maximum of usefulness. Therefore, the mes-
sage of the marching orbs is so important that you cannot afford
to remain ignorant thereof.
In order to aid those who are willing to help themselves we have
started a Correspondence Class.
No direct charge will be made for tuition, but we trust that stu-
dents will realize their moral obligation to contribute to the work
which helps them.
If you are looking for fortune telling we have nothing for you.