1 Professor Alexey .N. Nazarov
1 Professor Alexey .N. Nazarov
1 Professor Alexey .N. Nazarov
Abstract—Recently, obtaining security in info-communication permission to keep legitimate users (authorized user) to access
systems becoming the most globally used method of data security the database. Database protection mechanism (potentially in-
for communications through unprotected channels. Although cluding the data, the database system, servers, applications
however, cyber-security is one of the most critical economic and
national security challenges. Life has become more subjected or stored functions, and the associated network links) means
on Internet-based tools, and there is a growing demand for a disallowing illegitimate users to access the database, and its
cyber-security centre to gain safe structure, and cyber-space sensitive data whether accidental or intentional[2]. By hacking
development. Information is a principal element in the info- the database system with the data breach, the database infras-
communication system, where trusted service providers have a tructure is vulnerable to easily unauthorized access. It is not
security system in place to prevent, support and protect their data
against malicious attack or theft of information. To encrypt data rather making changes, on the data itself, but it may decrease
with the larger size, mostly symmetric key encryption is using like the integrity and secrecy of data. However, the relational
advanced encryption standard (AES). This paper, is dealing first, DBMS goals are to reduce the losses which are caused by
with the characteristics of data that can be addressed to the cyber threats or expected events. The CIA (Confidentiality, Integrity,
attacks. Secondly, a formal definition model is applied to improve and Availability) is the basis of the relational database security
the performance of the application where session keys are used to
communicate using a pre-encrypted search table approach. The concept. These elements must exist into application processes
approach is suitable for programs that communicate in session to guarantee data to be secured[3].
mode and the key does not change frequently. The AES is a popular and important symmetric key algo-
Index Terms—Cyber-security; Advanced Encryption Standard rithm 512 bit. The AES is a well-known algorithm used for
(AES); Galois Field(GF); Data; Security Challenges; symmetric symmetric encryption because of transparency and has since
key encryption; Info-communication.
absorbed the use of cryptographic accelerator architectures for
I. I NTRODUCTION improving secrecy. A secure version of AES-512 bit is given,
with a conventional technique for data communication, where
Since the beginning of the 21 century, risks and threats
data is exchanging in sessions and validity of the symmetric
have increased. A University setup is aimed at hacking of the
key is of substantial duration, which uses a pre-encrypted
protection system, its disclosure, modification, distortion, and
search table(PST). The proposed AES-512 bit performs two-
information communication resources are an urgent responsi-
part encryption, in which part one of all plain-text from the
bility[1]. Universities and other organizations have to ensure
standard ASCII character set is encrypted and kept in the PST.
their data and information. Hence, the applications which
Round 2 is where existing plain-text encryption is achieved
have tools, services, and functions for data maintenance and
by exchanging characters with their corresponding encryption
management packed into so-called databases (DBMS). Having
such features, and functions contain services plus privileges for
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There are various techniques to classify and design coun-
termeasures that used to decrease vulnerabilities and prevent Designation of secu- Appointment of security functions
threats to system assets. The proposed method, by providing rity functions
access to UDB content with appropriate user discretion and X1 The main purpose,is well-organized the structures and
paradigm statistical prototypes in an,attempt to clarify
establishing rules for user interaction with information sources what is observed.
related to optimal criteria, under the requirements [1]. The [4] X2 The main purpose,is well-organized the structures and
proposed 128-bit AES which applies four 32-bit data blocks in paradigm statistical prototypes in an,attempt to clarify
what is observed.
parallel and able to override the previous 128-bit architecture
X3 Recommended,during latter steps of research tasks.
in terms of outcome and Effectiveness.
X4 All aspects,of the study are intelligently designed before
Encrypted weak data is extremely vulnerable to the active data is composed.
attacks that do not have access to the decryption key [5]. The X5 Researcher,uses instruments, such as equipment or ques-
purpose of the encryption and decryption is to protect the tionnaires to gather mathematical,data.
confidentiality of data and to maintain the integrity of user X6 Data is in,the form of facts and data.
information through database security services. The role of X7 Objective search,for detailed analysis of goal concepts
data encryption is to ensure the confidentiality of information. and measurement. (For instance,surveys, questionnaires
The cloud technology solutions have also been proposed in the X8 Quantitative documents,is well-organized, able to check
framework of a logical-probabilistic approach [6,7], relying assumptions, but they can miss contextual point.
on the construction of a Hadoop technology-based monitoring X9 Quantitative documents,is well-organized, able to check
cluster [8], that has a common application. A reconfigurable assumptions, but they can miss contextual point.
architecture [9] obtained processing speed and throughput , X10 Researchers have,a tendency to remain quantitatively
separated from the subject material.
by using parallel connections. A secure hardware alternative
of AES-512 architecture recommended by [10] with a high-
throughput performance using a sustainable area increase key
Intrusion: an adversary acquiring unauthorized access to
search space of (2512 ), also more flexible to cryptanalysis.
sensitive information by getting over the systems access con-
It is difficult to identify malicious threats to the cloud
trol protections.
since you can access complexity levels and dynamic resources
Deception: this is a threat to system data or integrity that
using various types of authentication. It is a concern for
can have the following consequences:
the formation of security features which is given in Table 1
Masquerade: it is an aim by an unauthorized person to get
for the university. Table 1 illustrates the University database
access to a system by pretending as an authorized user (By
features by formalizing them into the subsequent protection
learning another users log-on ID and password). otherwise, a
destructive logic, like Trojan, to perform a useful function to
III. S ECURITY T HREATS AND M ETHODS TO L EAK get unauthorized access to system resources acquires.
U NIVERSITY I NFORMATION Falsification: this refers to manipulating valid data or in-
Table 2, shows the threats, and types of attacks that lead serting incorrect data into a file or database. For example, a
to the consequences. Publishing unauthorized messages are a
threat to confidentiality. In the following threat outcome: TABLE II
Exposure: It can be targeted, an insider intentionally trans- T HREAT C ONSEQUENCES , AND THE T YPES OF T HREAT ACTIONS
mits sensitive information to an unauthorized person. At the
same time, it can be the result of computer technology, or a Threat Consequence Threat Action (Attack)
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student can change their grades in the school database. V. T HE M ODULAR S ECURITY F UNCTION M ECHANISM
Disruption is a threat to system availability or integrity, AND ATTACKS
which can have the following consequences: The solution mechanism requires states, and they both
Incapacitation: this referred to an attack on the availability ( Sender / Receiver communication ) have to compute i
of the system, as it results in physical damage to system random numbers. As an alternative, we would like ”random
hardware, in particular, disabling systems or some essential access” to the sequence. This is the principle behind the
services. PRFs: Sender gives Receiver some random i, and Receiver
Corruption: this type of attack targets the system integrity, returns Fκ (i), where Fκ (i) is indistinguishable from random
which malicious attackers could make system resources and functions, that is, given any i1 , ..., ij , Fκ (i1 ), ..., Fκ (ij ),
services operate erratically. no adversary can predict Fκ (ij + 1) for any ij + 1
Obstruction: it is a way to block system performance using Definition: A function f : {0, 1}n ×
disrupting communications by disabling links or manipulating {0, 1} π
→ {0, 1}κ
is a {α, β, γ}-PRF if:
control information.
The usurpation is a threat to the integrity of the system,
• Given a key κ ∈ {0, 1}π and an input χ ∈ {0, 1}κ there
which can have the following consequences:
is an ”efficient” algorithm to compute Fκ (χ) = F (χ, κ).
Misappropriation: known as the scam service. It is a dis-
• for any τ -time oracle algorithm Γ here we have:
tributed DOS attack when malicious software is placed on a
numeral of target systems to be used as platforms to launch |P rκ←{0 ,1 } π
traffic at a target host.
[Γf κ] − P rf ∈z [Γf ]| < β
Misuse: this can be done by malicious logic or an attacker
who gained unauthorized access to the system. In any case, where z = {0, 1}n → {0, 1}κ and Γ makes at most γ
security functions can be thwarted or disabled. queries to the oracle. PRFs can also be used for symmetric
encryption: pick random Z, then output Eκ (M ) = hFκ (Z) ⊕
IV. M ETHODS AND M ECHANISM DATABASE P ROTECTION M, Zi (roughly speaking, if F is a PRF, then E is semantically
Methods and tools are for protecting data include procedu- secure). They are also can be used as MACs: M ACκ (M ) =
ral, structural, hardware, and software organizations [11-15]. Fκ (M ).
Unquestionably, the most valuable information resource for
A. Fundamental Security Design Principles - Modular Secu-
any university and organization are databases, hence protected
by multiple layers of security, including general access control
systems, authentication mechanisms, database access control According to table 2, the disruption threats consequences
systems, and firewalls. Besides, for exclusively sensitive data, have been taken into our research consideration. The GCM
database encryption is acknowledged and often implemented. provides how valid encryption works with associated data.
Encryption has become the last line of defense in database The cost is minimal computation and is widely used in
security. To eliminate the security threats every University and practice, especially at higher data rates. Nevertheless, different
organization must include a security policy which should be block cipher modes of operation can have noticeably different
implemented for certainty. The security policy authentication performance and efficiency features, even when used with the
plays an indispensable role because if authentication is proper, same block cipher mode. The GCM can take full advantage of
then there are fewer chances of attacks and threats. Users have GCM implementation, and parallel processing can use either
different access rights in different database objects, which are instruction or hardware pipeline.
determined by the Access Control Mechanisms (ACMs). The The cipher-text blocks are implemented as polynomial
mechanism protects all data in the database and is maintained multiplication, which is evaluated at a key-dependent point
by DBMS. Furthermore, it specifies the rules of interaction H, using finite field arithmetic. It then encrypts the re-
between users and University assets via info-communication. sult and generates an authentication tag that is used to
The symmetric key mechanism, which obtained by message verify data integrity. The encrypted text then combines IV
verification codes, is also known as MAC. In cryptography, (Initialization Vector), authentication tag and cipher-text.
CBC-MAC is a block cipher based on MAC construction and Theory: While CTR provides efficient encryption, it does not
CBC mode operation. Also, it has proven that CBC-MAC provide message authentication. GCM resolves this combina-
is secure for fixed-length messages or non-prefixed message tion by combining CTR encryption with message verification
spaces. Nevertheless, fixed-length restraint, is not reserved in code based on a global hash function. It is encrypted with κ
practice. Using message length as the first block in CBC to generate an authentication tag τ [16].
calculations is a technique to circumvent, which requires the Basic Model: The function F is a polynomial hash in a finite
previous information of the message length. Although, a stable field with two properties. The message is distributed into hash
and simple strategy is to encrypt the CBC output with an blocks and treated as polynomial coefficients in the field of GF.
independent keyed permutation, known as E-MAC, which The polynomial in hash function key is evaluated, using the
proved to be secure without any constraints on the message. Horner technique. The multiplication of two properties E, D ∈
GF (2υ ) is given as E
D. The function length(L) holds a
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bit string L with a length between 0 and 2υ /2 − 1, inclusive, • ShiftRows, each row of the input matrix is displaced
and returns a υ−2 bit string including the non-negative integer cyclically with different degrees.
specifying the number of bits in its argument, with the least • MixColumns step, the input matrix is combined with
significant bit on the right. The block cipher width υ has to be multiplication and addition of the entries.
an even number. The additional authenticated data X is break The input plain-text proceeds through several rounds, each
up as X1 , X2 , ..., Xq −1 , Xq∗ , where the last bit string Xq∗ is a round includes the transformations mentioned above, because
partial block of length ω, and q and ω denote the distinctive a 512-bit different of AES. The high-level design of the AES-
pair of positive integers such that the total number of bits in 512 bits is shown in Figure 1. The plain-text and the key size
X is (q − 1)υ + ω and 1 ≤ ω ≤ υ , when length(X) > 0; are 512-bits each (organized in bytes). The AES-512 algorithm
otherwise q = ω = 0. The input(Y)s divied into ω− bit blocks design processes the data in 19th round.
Y1 , Y2 , ..., Yp− 1, Yp∗ has length ω. The universal hash function
is shown by H(U, X, Y ) = Zq +p+1 , where the variables Zi ∈
GH(2υ ) for i = 0, ..., p + q + 1 are defined recursively as:
0, for i=0
(Zi−1 ⊕ Xi ).U , for i = 1, ..., q − 1
∗ νω
p−1 ⊕ (Xp k0 )).U , for i = q
Zi =
(Zi−1 ⊕ Yq ).U , for i = q + 1, ...q + p − 1
∗ ν −ω
q +p−1 ⊕ (Yp k0 )).U,for i = q + p
(Zq +p ⊕ (length(X)klength(Y ))).U,for i = q + p + 1
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and generates an incorrect results using the old PST, therefore proposed architecture is more secure and reliable for the
a new PST construction will be required. Switching may application which performs communication in the session like
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input block increases algorithm efficiency. The introduced
method of AES-512 bit, which designed high encryption, takes
advantage of PST and produces faster processing speed with
stable surface improvement. Extra increments are tolerable
in the area and make the proposed algorithm ideal appli-
cations that require high levels of security and power such
as multimedia communications. Nevertheless, it proved that
GCM is secure using a strong block cipher since choosing a
unique initialization vector for each encryption produced with
the same key. This is not detectable using block cipher that
can be distinguished from a random permutation. Nonetheless,
security depends on selecting a unique IV for each encryption
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