ANSWERS - Biological Molecules

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ANSWERS – Biological Molecules

function in organism Energy

healing cuts storage in energy store
role in plants

gum arabic amylose Cellulose glycogen

branched structure yes No No Yes

heteropolysaccharide yes Yes No Yes

found in
plants Plants plants Animals
1 less fatty acid (residue) / 2 fatty acid (residues) not 3; A hydrocarbon
1 less ester bond / 2 ester bonds not 3;
choline / base / nitrogen;
hydrophilic / polar, end / head;
Carbohydrates attached to proteins [1]
Alpha helix [1]
Beta pleated sheet [1]
(i) R references to fruit juice

use same volume of glucose solution; 3. (i) crush (small amount of) seed pod;
use same volume of Benedict’s solution; add (small volume of) biuret, A / NaOH, and biuret, B / CuSO4;
use same concentration of Benedict’s solution; A positive = colour change from blue to, mauve/purple; max 2
strength / same batch
boil for the same length of time; A heat (ii) preparation - allow 2 marks max:
calibrate colorimeter / AW; A same, filter / colorimeter 2 1 crush, samples / leaves and seed pods, separately with water;
max 2 use same mass of each / AW and use same volume of water;
3 filter;
(ii) 6.5; 1
method - allow 4 marks max:
4 add benedict’s reagent to filtrate; A CuSO4 in alkaline solution
(a) (i) Mark the first 2 types of biological molecule stated. Absence = neutral 5 excess reagent used / stated volume;
protein; A casein/polypeptide R amino acid 6 same volume added;
reducing sugar(s); A correctly named reducing sugar(s) 7 heat in a water bath/ at near boiling;
[but only lactose/galactose/glucose] 2 8 for stated time (up to 5 min);

analysis - allow 2 marks max:

(ii) Mark the first 3 types of biological molecule stated. Absence = 9 colour change from blue to green / yellow / orange / red;
neutral 10 shows increasing concentration of reducing sugar;

protein; A casein/polypeptide R amino acid or

reducing sugar(s); A correctly named reducing sugar(s) 11 use of centrifuge to remove precipitate;
[but only lactose/galactose/glucose/fructose] 12 use of colorimeter to compare intensity of blue colour in
non-reducing sugar; A sucrose 3 liquid portion;
13 red filter used in colorimeter; 8

(b) Assume ‘it’ = ‘Health-Milk’

‘Health – Milk’ has breaking a bond with the addition of water; A named bond 1

less reducing sugar(s); A correctly named reducing sugar(s) (ii) fatty (acids produced);
[but only lactose/galactose/glucose/fructose] [H+] increased / more acidic / products are acidic / acids produced;
less non-reducing sugar; A sucrose ‘fatty acids produced’ = 2 marks 2

“less sugar” = 1 (iii) do not credit, substrate used up / lack of enzyme / end product inhibition
credit converse statements relating to ‘Energy – Boost’. 2
pH, too low / not optimum; A too acidic
enzyme denatured;
equilibrium reached;
(c) states ‘no added sugar’/implies low sugar; further detail; 2
contains more sugar than (fresh) milk/high in sugar; max
more reducing sugar (than milk); R ‘none in fresh milk’
has non-reducing sugar (compared to none in milk);
fruit (extract) must contain (hidden) sugar; 3

(d) milk/drinks, already,

milky/cloudy/white/opaque/‘not see through’/emulsion;
A ‘positive result would not show up’ R precipitate 1

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