ANSWERS - Biological Molecules
ANSWERS - Biological Molecules
ANSWERS - Biological Molecules
found in
plants Plants plants Animals
1 less fatty acid (residue) / 2 fatty acid (residues) not 3; A hydrocarbon
1 less ester bond / 2 ester bonds not 3;
choline / base / nitrogen;
hydrophilic / polar, end / head;
Carbohydrates attached to proteins [1]
Alpha helix [1]
Beta pleated sheet [1]
(i) R references to fruit juice
use same volume of glucose solution; 3. (i) crush (small amount of) seed pod;
use same volume of Benedict’s solution; add (small volume of) biuret, A / NaOH, and biuret, B / CuSO4;
use same concentration of Benedict’s solution; A positive = colour change from blue to, mauve/purple; max 2
strength / same batch
boil for the same length of time; A heat (ii) preparation - allow 2 marks max:
calibrate colorimeter / AW; A same, filter / colorimeter 2 1 crush, samples / leaves and seed pods, separately with water;
max 2 use same mass of each / AW and use same volume of water;
3 filter;
(ii) 6.5; 1
method - allow 4 marks max:
4 add benedict’s reagent to filtrate; A CuSO4 in alkaline solution
(a) (i) Mark the first 2 types of biological molecule stated. Absence = neutral 5 excess reagent used / stated volume;
protein; A casein/polypeptide R amino acid 6 same volume added;
reducing sugar(s); A correctly named reducing sugar(s) 7 heat in a water bath/ at near boiling;
[but only lactose/galactose/glucose] 2 8 for stated time (up to 5 min);
‘Health – Milk’ has breaking a bond with the addition of water; A named bond 1
less reducing sugar(s); A correctly named reducing sugar(s) (ii) fatty (acids produced);
[but only lactose/galactose/glucose/fructose] [H+] increased / more acidic / products are acidic / acids produced;
less non-reducing sugar; A sucrose ‘fatty acids produced’ = 2 marks 2
“less sugar” = 1 (iii) do not credit, substrate used up / lack of enzyme / end product inhibition
credit converse statements relating to ‘Energy – Boost’. 2
pH, too low / not optimum; A too acidic
enzyme denatured;
equilibrium reached;
(c) states ‘no added sugar’/implies low sugar; further detail; 2
contains more sugar than (fresh) milk/high in sugar; max
more reducing sugar (than milk); R ‘none in fresh milk’
has non-reducing sugar (compared to none in milk);
fruit (extract) must contain (hidden) sugar; 3