Method Statement For Concreting
Method Statement For Concreting
Method Statement For Concreting
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Title Signature Date
00 00.00.2020 Initial Submission
Checked by P.UMA MAHESH
I have checked this document for its
QA/QC Manager
layout and format, and to meet
project requirements.
I have reviewed this document for its
accuracy and technical content, and
to meet project requirements.
Reviewed by B.ANIL KUMAR
I have reviewed this document for its
accuracy and technical content, and
to meet project requirements.
Authorized by N. NAGENDRA PRASAD
I have authorized this document for CCO
I have approved this document for MD
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The purpose of this method statement is to describe the method of works and detailed sequence of
concreting works.
The scope of this method statement includes, surface Preparation& method of concerting at
“SKANDHANSHI INFRA PROJECTS”, while executing it in accordance with technical specifications.
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1.1.1 cement
1.1.2 fly-ash
1.1.3 g.g.b.s
1.1.4 coarse aggregate (12.5 mm,20 mm,10 mm,40 mm)
1.1.5 fine aggregate (river sand, m.sand, robo sand, c.r.f)
1.1.6 admixtures (retarders, accelerators)
1.1.7 water
1.1.8 Silica fume (If specified)
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Area trowel.
Finishing board.
Aluminium rake.
Latest mix design for concrete shall be available on site. Mix Design and trials of mix shall be carried
out as per the requirements of IS 456:2000 to check workability, setting time, actual density,
strength and cement consumption (yield) whether it is site produced concrete or ready mix concrete.
For site produced concrete, all the concrete ingredients viz. Cement, Mineral admixtures like fly ash,
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GGBS etc., Silica fume (If specified), Water, Aggregate, Chemical admixture etc. used should satisfy
the requirements for the safety, structural performance, durability and appearance of the finished
structure, taking full account of the environment to which it will be subjected. The selection and use
of materials shall be in accordance with IS 456:2000 and all materials shall meet the requirements of
relevant BIS specification. If Ready Mix concrete has to be procured following specification shall be
followed by the supplier of ready mix concrete supplier:
All the concrete ingredients viz. Cement, Mineral admixtures like fly ash, GGBS etc., Silica fume,
Water, Aggregate, Chemical admixture etc. used should satisfy the requirements for the safety,
structural performance, durability and appearance of the finished structure, taking full account of
the environment to which it will be subjected. The selection and use of materials shall be in
accordance with IS 456:2000 and all materials shall meet the requirements of relevant BIS
specification. Fly ash shall also meet the requirements of BS 3892 for fineness and LOI.
All the mix designs shall be approved by Skandhanshi infra projects india pvt ltd. and our structural
consultants where ever required. It is essential to carry out laboratory trials and complete data of
trials shall be submitted for approval. Laboratory trials shall generate base data on 1 day, 3 days, 7
days, 28 days, 45 days and 56 days compressive strengths for the selected set of ingredients.
Attempt should be made to establish correlation between these strengths. The correlation will
change if the source of any ingredient is changed, in which case a fresh correlation should be
established and approval should be taken for the new mixes. Skandhanshi infra projects
representatives shall be allowed to witness such trials.
Minimum Cement Content, Maximum Water Cement Ratio and Maximum Cement Content shall be
as per the requirements of IS 456:2000 with respect to the exposure conditions specified there in.
Skandhanshi infra projects requirement of workability at the pump point as measured by slump test
shall be between 140-160 mm, so that after pumping to the desired location the slump is minimum120
mm. Any concrete shall be designed for a minimum three hours retention/open time. The workability
of the concrete shall be controlled on a continuous basis during production and any corrective action
necessary taken. No additional water, other than the amount required to produce the specified grade
of concrete as per mix design, shall be added to the truck mixer drum before discharge unless
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specifically requested and signed for by Skandhanshi infra projects representative. Re-dosing or split
dosing shall be allowed subject to the written permission of trained technicians and Engineers from
Skandhanshi infra projects. In any case, the total dose should not exceed the maximum dose of
admixture declared by Supplier or recommended by Admixture supplier. The supplier shall stock at
least 50 litre of admixture with Skandhanshi infra projects & Quality Control department at site.
Any concrete poured should get finally set within maximum 24 hours.
Any concrete of a specified Grade shall meet the characteristic strength in 28 days. Any concrete being
supplied to our site, which does not achieve minimum characteristic strength at 28 days, shall be
considered as failure and no other acceptance criteria shall be entertained.
It is important to maintain the water cement ratio constant at its correct value. The amount of added
water shall be adjusted to compensate for any observed variations in the moisture contents in the
aggregates. Suitable adjustments should also be made in masses of the aggregates due to this
variation. Any change in water content due to change in aggregate grading shall be taken care of by
forward control by suitable modifications to mix design.
Batch sheets, moisture correction calculation/sheet shall be submitted along with challans for every
pour of concrete. The scope of addition of extra admixture (over and above the quantity which has
already been added at the time of batching at plant) shall be declared by concrete supplier.
Immediately before discharging the concrete at the point of delivery, the producer or his
representative shall provide Skandhanshi infra projects representative with a preprinted delivery ticket
for each delivery of concrete on which is printed, stamped or written the minimum information
detailed below. The delivery ticket will form the basis of invoicing. The following information shall be
included in the delivery ticket to accompany the load to :
1. Name or number of the ready-mixed concrete depot.
2. Serial number of the ticket.
3. Date.
4. Truck number.
5. Name of the Purchaser, Name and location of site.
6. Grade or mix description of the concrete.
7. Specified target workability.
8. Minimum cement content (if specified).
9. Type of cement and grade (if specified).
10. Maximum free water-cement ratio (if specified).
11. Nominal maximum size of aggregate.
12. Generic type or name of any chemical and mineral admixtures included.
13. Workability/Slump at plant
14. Admixture dosage added at plant
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Ready-mixed concrete shall be transported from the mixer/batching plant to the point of placing as
rapidly as practicable by methods that will maintain the required workability and will prevent
segregation, loss of any constituents or ingress of foreign matter or water. Concrete shall be
transported in a truck-mixer or agitators unless Skandhanshi infra projects agrees to the use of non-
agitating vehicles.
For the assessment of compliance of ready-mixed concrete, the sampling may be carried out jointly by
Skandhanshi infra projects and the supplier with its frequency mutually agreed upon. However, it will
not absolve the supplier of his responsibility from supplying concrete as per the requirements given in
standards (IS 456:2000 and IS 4926:2003) or otherwise mutually agreed terms and conditions. Any
special clause mentioned in this specification shall be binding on supplier of concrete. The point and
time of sampling shall be at discharge from the producer’s delivery vehicle or point of final placement.
Concrete mixes shall be randomly sampled and tested for workability, and where appropriate, plastic
density, temperature and air content. Where significant variations from target values are detected,
corrective action shall be taken.
Concrete supplier shall submit the following information, reports and test certificates before approval
of mix design and in the event of change of source of raw material:
1. Source and brand of different ingredients of concrete
2. Gradation, specific gravity, water absorption, mechanical properties, deleterious
material report of fine and coarse aggregate.
3. Report on alkali silica reactivity and soundness of aggregates.
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equipments, quality control, sampling, order processing etc. as specified in IS 4926:2003 – “READY-
MIXED CONCRETE-CODE OF PRACTICE” shall be binding on the producer / supplier of concrete.
Any additional compliance criteria (project specific) shall be declared to the producer by Skandhanshi
infra projects prior to supply and shall be mutually agreed upon in terms of definition, tolerance,
frequency of assessment, method of test and significance of result. If there is any specific
requirement other than above requirements like temperature control, early strength etc. for a
particular project, such requirements shall be intimated to the supplier by Skandhanshi infra projects
in advance.
The action to be taken in case of non-compliance shall be declared and mutually agreed upon.
In case of failure of strength (as estimated by cube strength), Cores shall be drilled out from the
structure with strength failure and shall be tested for compressive strength and equivalent cube
strength must meet the requirements of relevant BIS standard. No other NDT shall be entertained.
The cost of Core drilling and testing shall be bear by the supplier of concrete. Further the results shall
be forwarded to Skandhanshi infra projects structural consultant for his opinion and his decision shall
be binding on both the parties – Skandhanshi infra projects and the Supplier of concrete.
If the equivalent cube strength of the drilled cores does not meet the requirements of BIS codes, then
the matter shall be referred to Skandhanshi infra projects structural consultant and as per the
recommendation of the Structural Consultant, the structure shall be demolished and reworked or
strengthened. The cost for such demolition/ breaking, reworking including cost of labour and material
such as steel reinforcement, concrete, electricity etc. or the cost of strengthening the structure shall
be bear by the supplier of concrete.
Dewatering of area to be concreted shall be carried out if required. Also area shall be cleaned of any dirt,
debris, waste material, binding wires etc.
1. Necessary latest drawings shall be made available on site.
2. Checking of form work, supports and scaffolding shall be done as per the available latest drawings.
3. Checking of various activities such as reinforcement, cover blocks, embedded electrical conduits,
plumbing lines, inserts etc. shall be done as per drawing.
4. Sequence of concreting and location of stopper shall be decided and clearly marked on drawings
available on site.
5. Moisture correction for sand shall be calculated and net quantity of water to be added per bag of
cement shall be decided to maintain water cement ratio as per mix design.
6. Wetting of coarse aggregates shall be carried out 24 hours before actual concreting in case of site
produced concrete.
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Vibrator needle size shall be appropriate as per the spacing of the reinforcement and workability of
the concrete. Influence radius should be checked by visual observation
Over vibration of concrete should be avoided, which may lead to deposition of slurry at the top
leading to crazing cracks any time during hardening. Over vibration may also lead to bleeding resulting
in plastic settlement and subsequent cracks.
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Weights of aggregates shall be adjusted in the first 5 batches to get required slump, without
changing the water cement ratio given in the mix design.
Corrections shall be done in the mix proportions (aggregates, sand volume correction) to get
cohesive homogeneous mix of desired workability.
Batching shall be done by sandwiching the cement between fine and coarse aggregate. Preferable
sequence is coarse aggregate, cement and then sand.
Minimum mixing time of 1½ minutes shall be adhered to, for every batch of concrete. Hence
maximum output of mixer shall not exceed 30 bags per hour, if one bag mixer is used.
Unloading of concrete mix shall be done on MS tray / concrete platform.
Slump reading shall be recorded after every 25 bags and slump variation shall not exceed 25mm from
the designed workability.
Presence of qualified supervisor at the weigh batcher / concrete mixer, at place of concreting and at
shuttering shall be required.
First batch of concrete shall be prepared by addition of 10% extra cement to allow for loss in the
Exact quantity of water as per moisture correction applicable shall be added using water dispenser /
calibrated cans. Buckets shall not be used.
Concreting works shall be arranged so as to have minimum cold joints.
While pouring concrete, segregation of concrete shall not be observed.
Cubes shall be taken during every concreting. Number of samples and testing shall be in accordance
with IS 456 -2000. Each cube shall have proper identification mark as regards grade, date of casting,
location etc. Cube sampling shall spread over entire period of concreting.
While cubes are being taken for testing, corresponding slump shall also be recorded, in cube testing
register. Cubes shall be cast in the presence of Engineer.
During every day’s concrete unit weight of concrete as specified in IS: 1199 shall be checked and
compared with theoretical density of concrete (sum of weight of all ingredients). If any significant
deviation is observed, it indicates corrective measures are required in Concrete Mix Design.
In case of pre stressed concrete more no. of cubes shall be casted for estimation of desired strength
on the day of stressing.
At high altitudes wind breakers shall be provided while concreting.
1. Transit trucks shall comply with the relevant code, with an agitating speed between 2 and 3 RPM and
mixing speeds in the range of 10-20 RPM.
2. Before unloading of any truck at the site, the RMC supplier shall supply a certificate/batch sheet (a
computerized sheet) along with moisture correction for the concrete, mentioning proportions of all
the ingredients, w/c ratio, dosage of plasticizer and relevant admixtures etc. (please refer
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4. Concreting area for the day shall be well demarcated and concreting shall commence from the
farthest end and proceed towards direction of hoist. In case of pumping, proper planning should be
done for placing of concrete.
5. Slab top levels shall be checked during and after finishing with leveling instrument for controlling the
thickness of slab.
6. Beams and slabs having depth more than 150 mm shall be vibrated by 25/40/60 mm needle
depending on size of beams and spacing of reinforcement, whereas slabs having thickness of less than
150 mm shall preferably be vibrated by surface vibrator. The spacing of inserting the vibrating needle
in concrete shall be as follows:
25mm needle – 150mm c/c
40mm needle – 300mm c/c
60mm needle – 450mm c/c Care shall be taken not to over/under vibrate the concrete. While
withdrawing vibrator needle no holes shall be visible in concrete.
7. Concrete shall be placed in layers not exceeding 450mm deep in deep beams and placed to the full
depth in slabs and small beams. Each layer shall be placed and well compacted before the preceding
layer has taken its initial set and in a manner that will entirely prevent any cold joint forming between
the layers.
8. If concrete is being placed by pump or crane bucket, concrete should not be poured directly in to the
9. If grade of concrete for slab and columns is different, column portion shall be cast first before slab
concreting starts. Care shall be taken to prevent formation of cold joint at junction i.e. portion
adjoining columns shall be cast before initial setting starts in columns. Welded wire mesh or
equivalent shall be used as stoppers to prevent excess concrete from columns to flow into beams.
10. Construction joint in beams shall be provided as per drawings or in absence of such drawings, where
shear force is zero. Cement sand slurry of 1:1 with bonding agent shall be used at construction joints
to create better bonding between old and new concrete. At construction joints, new concrete shall be
over-vibrated for proper bonding with old. Wooden stoppers with step shall be provided at
construction joints in such a way so as to facilitate their easy removal.
11. Slab panels shall be covered with wet Hessian cloth, tarpaulin or plastic sheets immediate after
concreting, after initial set occurs, to prevent formation of shrinkage cracks.
1. Curing is the process of preventing the loss of moisture from the concrete whilst maintaining a
satisfactory temperature regime. For all concrete works, curing shall be start immediately after de-
shuttering and for slab and raft surface immediately after initial setting of concrete by sprinkling or
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1. All the flat portions of footings / underground structures shall be applied an epoxy based bituminous
layer for protection against ground water or as per project specification.
2. RCC surface (footing faces, plinth beam sides, below PCC, periphery of the building) below ground
level should be given approved anti-termite treatment.
3. Backfilling shall be started after footings are cured. Backfilling shall be carried out in layers of 300mm
to 450mm thick good quality murrum, which shall be well watered (up to Optimum Moisture Content)
and compacted by using mechanical vibrator.
4. Date of casting should be displayed on concrete surface with identification after de-shuttering to
monitor curing.
5. If honeycombs observed are of repairable nature (which do not require demolition of member, in the
opinion of Structural Consultant), the same shall be rectified by using approved non shrink mortar
mixed with bonding chemical.
6. If it is intended to have plaster or masonry against the concrete structure, the surface shall be hacked
(approx. 60/70 hacks each 2-3mm in depth, 1” length and 1” apart per sq ft) within 48 hrs after de-
shuttering or it is preferable to use approved bonding agents instead of hacking or as per project
specification .
7. Reinforcement bars projecting above cast concrete shall be cleaned, using wire brush.
8. Tie roads and PVC pipes must be removed immediately after de-shuttering.
9. Columns below natural ground should have 20mm additional covering or as recommended by
structural consultant and Winged Cover Kanda should be used to maintain alignment of reinforcement
and covering.
The minimum frequency of cube casting shall be as follows.
Concrete Quantity Number of sets to
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be casted
1 m3 to 5 m3 1
6m3 to 15m3 2
16m3 to 30m3 3
31m3 to 50m3 4
More than 50m3 4 + one additional
Set for each
additional 50 m3 or
part there of
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10. Cover each mould with damp cloth / Hessian cloth immediately after initial set.
11. Store at a place free from vibration. Protect the cube moulds at all times from high / low
temperatures & driving winds.
12. Complete Sampling & cube making certificates or records.
13. After demoulding the cubes shall be immediately submerged in clean, fresh water or saturated lime
solution and kept there until taken out just prior to test (Temperature 24 to 30oC).
14. The specimens shall not be allowed to become dry at any time until they have been tested.
15. The testing machine may be of any reliable type, of sufficient capacity for the tests and capable of
applying the load at the rate of 14 N/mmsq/minute. The permissible error shall be not greater than ±
2 percent of the maximum load.
16. The bearing surfaces of the testing machine shall be wiped clean and any loose sand or other material
removed from the surfaces of the specimen which are to be in contact with the compression platens.
17. The specimen shall be placed in the machine in such a manner that the load shall be applied to
opposite sides of the cubes as cast, that is, not to the top and bottom.
18. Average of three values shall be taken as the representative of the batch provided the individual
variation is not more than ± 15 percent of the average.
19. If failure is observed during the testing of the first cube, stop testing the balance two cubes,
immediately inform the senior authority of execution team and the supplier of the concrete and test
the balance two cubes in presence of the supplier’s authorized representative and have a joint record.
20. The following information shall be included in the report on each test specimen:
A. identification mark.
B. date of test.
C. age of specimen.
D. date of casting .
E. weight of specimen.
F. dimensions of specimen.
G. cross-sectional area.
H. maximum load.
I. compressive strength and
J. appearance of fractured faces of concrete and type of fracture, if these are
1. In hot weather, (temperature of surrounding higher than 40ºC) concrete shall be transported in deep
containers to reduce the loss of water due to evaporation and the same method for transport shall be
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adopted in cold weather ( temperature of the surrounding lower than 15ºC) to reduce heat loss.
2. In hot weather, work shall be restricted to the cooler parts of the day. The formwork shall be
continuously sprayed with cold water in advance of actual concreting. Excess water shall be removed
from inside of forms, just prior to the concrete placement.
3. The reinforcement and formwork, if metal forms are used, shall be protected from the effects of hot
winds and direct sunlight.
4. The concrete shall have a temperature not higher than 40ºC when placed. This shall be achieved by
making use of chilled mixing water, flaked ice or by spraying water on the coarse aggregate (pre-
cooled aggregates) or both, and if necessary by covering the container in which the concrete is
transported to the site by wet Hessian cloth.
1. On removal of formwork, the surface shall be examined by Engineer. The inspection shall be carried
out to check the finish of the concrete, deflections, bulges and other defects.
2. The corrective measures for the dimensional defects shall be taken in consultation with the structural
3. If any structural cracks are observed, they shall be brought to the notice of the structural consultant
and shall be repaired at the earliest.
Acceptance of work as regards Structural stability: In all cases 28 days cube strength shall be the basis for
acceptance of concrete.
4. In case results of compressive strength of cubes show failure or low results than the acceptance
criteria, the same shall be immediately reported to the structural consultant for initiating further
course of action.
5. Structurally damaged members shall be brought to notice of Structural Consultant.
6. Certificate of Structural Consultant as regards safety of structure shall be obtained after each slab
7. Breaking of structural member shall generally be avoided unless specifically asked by the Structural
1. Honeycombing, especially severe honeycombing shall not be patched up without showing the
conditions to the QA Engineer who would decide the remedy.
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2. Honeycombs of mild and moderate nature, in the concrete, where the reinforcement inside is not
exposed, shall be repaired with use of approved Non-shrink mortar mixed with bonding chemical. The
repaired patch of concrete shall be cured for 7 days or by using curing compound as recommended by
3. For repair of honeycombs in concrete, where reinforcement is exposed, epoxy grout shall be used for
the repair work and cured for 7 days or by using curing compound as recommended by manufacturer.
4. Brands of repair material and chemicals shall be approved by QA Department for use to repair
surfaces of damaged concrete.
5. Through shrinkage cracks shall be grouted with approved non-shrink grout, whereas minor shrinkage
cracks shall be filled with cement slurry.
6. If a structural member requires to be demolished in the opinion of Structural Consultant, the same
shall be enclosed by forms from all sides before demolishing and supported adequately.
7. All repair works shall be carried out in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations as
regards the preparation of surface, cleaning, hacking, applying bonding agents, admixtures, polymer
mortars etc.
Note: After removal of shuttering
1. Honeycombs should not be observed
2. No wooden pieces / debris should be observed embedded in RCC
3. Offsets should not be present
4. Deep pockets should not be observed beyond rebars in columns / beams.
10 600 25 rows
12 600 25
16 750 16
20 750 16
2. columns 16 At three locations
20 1. Bottom
25 2. Centre -
28 3. And 2” below top
32 level
3. Pardi / RCC Wall 8 600 25 Both sides of
10 600 25 the shuttering
12 750 16 tied to the
16 750 16 outer
20 850 12 reinforcement
of the pardi
and staggered
in rows
4 Beams 8 600 NA For bottom as
10 600 well as side
12 600 reinforcement,
16 600 spaced over
20 750 total area of
25 750 shuttering and
28 900 staggered in
32 900 rows.
1) Strength of cover blocks shall be equal to the grade of concrete.
2) For proper compaction, cover blocks shall be properly vibrated to reduce permeability of cover block.
3) Plastic / PVC cover blocks can be used in place of concrete cover blocks by proper approval from QA
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Diameter of the bar to be Min. diameter chair Bar Position and Number of
supported chairs
1) Above mentioned spacing and diameter of chair bars may be changed as per requirement at site
Size of the chair may be increased to support more than one bar with greater chair bar diameter.
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