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Volume 8, Number 1, February 1997


Turning Point
Why Rachel? Why Ramah?
A Subtle Hint of the Resurrection
The Resurrection
Confirmation of Chronology .
Financial Statement
Are You Moving?

BEAUTIES OF THE TRUTH is published as a service to the brethren to stimulate their

consideration and appreciation of the boundless riches of God's Word. It is published free of
charge. Subscriptions will be entered for all who request it. Address all correspondence to: Beauties
of the Truth, 10034 S.W. 52nd Avenue, Portland, OR 97219 Editorial Board: Bros. Jerry Leslie
(Editor-in-Chief), Carl Hagensick, Raymond Luke, Michael Nekora, David Rice, Stephen Suraci.

Turning Point1
The year 1878 is significant in Bible Student reckoning It marked the end of the Jewish double or
mishneh of 1845 years. The first half of favor began with the death of Jacob and blessing of the 12
tribes of Israel and extended to our Lord's death in 33 AD. The second half of disfavor commenced
there and extends to the year 1878. Incidentally, this second half of the double also commenced
with the death of the founder of the age and identifying of spiritual Israel. Corresponding to the
parallel point of our Lord's resurrection, 1878 is also identified as the most likely date for the
resurrection of the body members, the sleeping saints. “The Lord God will come with strong hand,
and his arm shall rule for him: behold, his reward is with him, and his work before him” (Isaiah
40:10; 62:11). This year, 1878, was marked by two events in history: the Berlin Congress of
Nations and the founding of the first Jewish settlement in Israel, Peta Tikva.

Just what did the Berlin Congress accomplish and why was it significant? The Berlin Congress was
a conference that redrew the map of Europe and reassigned the domains of the Turkish/Ottoman
empire while setting the stage for history ever since. Much of the negotiating for this congress was
done two or three years previous to 1878. The nations came to Berlin to ratify the posturing for
power. The decisions made at this congress set the stage that fostered discontent and precipitated
World War I and has even extended to the conflicts in Serbia, Bosnia and Croatia (Yugoslavia)
today. Most important, however, was the positioning of Great Britain for its decision-making role
in Palestine which gave greater liberty for Jewish immigration. This was a marked beginning of
Jewish favor.

The following quotations document this congress as a turning point in world and Middle East


Zion's Watch Tower, November 1887, R989

“It is not generally recognized, we think, that England has already become the protectorate of
Palestine, and indeed all of Turkey's Asiatic provinces, of which it is one. England for a long time
has felt a necessity for preserving Turkey for these reasons: first, her wealthy classes are large
holders of Turkish bonds; second, if Turkey went to any one of her neighboring nations, or were
divided among them, England would get little or none of the spoil, and the other rival nations
would thus be lifted more than England into prominence and power in the control of the affairs of
Europe; thirdly, and mainly, England realizes that with the Turkish government out of the way,
Russian influence would be greatly increased in southern Asia, and would ere long absorb the India
Empire, of which England's Queen is Empress, and from which England draws rich revenues in
commerce, etc. Hence we find the Royal or Tory party in England strenuously supporting the
Turks; and when in 1878 Russia was about to enter Constantinople, England interposed and sent
her fleet of gunboats into the harbor. The result was the Berlin Conference of June 13,1878, in
which the chief figure was a Hebrew, Lord Beaconsfield [Benjamin Disraeli], Prime Minister of
England, and Turkey's affairs were then settled so as to preserve her national existence for the
present, and yet so arrange her provinces that in the event of final dismemberment each of the great
powers would know which portion they would be expected to seize. It was at this time that all the
provinces of Turkey were granted greater religious freedom, and England by secret treaty with
Turkey became protector of the Asiatic provinces. In the language of the historian, Justin
McCarthy, 'The English government undertook to guarantee to Turkey her Asiatic possessions
against all invasion ... formally pledged herself to defend and secure Turkey against all invasion
and aggression, and occupied Cyprus in order to have a more effectual vantage-ground from which
to carry on this project.'

“It will be seen, then, that Palestine is already under England's care, and accounts for greater
laxity on the part of the Turkish government in the enforcement of its laws unfavorable to Jewish

Disraeli, by Andre Maurois, 1928, pages 314-334

“[1877] Russia declared war on Turkey. The Czar sent General Ignatiev on a special mission to
England to secure a promise of neutrality ... Lord Beaconsfield warned Russia that he would not
remain neutral unless the Tsar respected the three points indispensable to the preserving of the
Empire: the Suez Canal, the Dardanelles, Constantinople.

“There was another great player who up to that moment had only observed the moves, but was
awaiting the moment to enter the contest. That was Prince vonBismarck. Abruptly, on February
19th, he slammed down his cards with a great speech in the Reichstag, a speech that was
intentionally obscure, and so very clear. Obliged to choose between Austria and Russia ...
[Bismarck] sided against Russia. He avowed his distrustedness. The Eastern question was of small
import to Germany ... What Germany desired was to avoid a conflict. Her role, amidst opposing
interests, would be that of 'tine honest broker' Naturally the treaty in course of elaboration between
Turks and Russians would have to be submitted to the approval of the other European Powers in a
Conference, or Congress, which would be held, if they were so willing, at Berlin.

“Lord Beaconsfield ... considered the treaty as impossible of acceptance, and informed Schouvaloff
that he would attend the Congress only after a direct Anglo-Russian agreement on the gravest
points. His conditions were twofold: no Great Bulgaria, and no Russian Armenia. The [Russian]
ambassador lept up: 'This was depriving Russia of all the fruits of war' ... The Prime Minister was
anxious to prepare for war ... He proposed the calling up of the reserve, a vote of credit, the
dispatch of the Fleet to Constantinople.

“At no price did Russia want war with England. She was much enfeebled by her campaigns. She
had no fleet. And further, she much preferred an understanding with Beaconsfield than with
Bismarck ... Beaconsfield was inflexible. So it was war - unless a guarantee could be given to
England in the shape of a Gibraltar in the Eastern Mediterranean ... Russia accepted everything A
secret convention was signed with the Sultan, who agreed to cede the island of Cyprus to England,
whilst in return England would assure him defensive alliance in the event of Russia in Armenia
pushing beyond Kars and Batum ... In Beaconsfield's eyes, the most enchanting point in the affair
was the acquisition of Cyprus.

“[1878] An International Congress: To this conference, intended for the free discussion of a treaty,
every State came armed with secret conventions. England had the London agreement with Russia.
Turkey knew that she had ceded Cyprus to England, but was ignorant of the Bulgarian agreement.
Austria had promises from England and Germany which gave her, without striking a single blow,
Bosnia and Herzegovina ...

“Bismarck proceeded with military directness. Forthwith, the division of Bulgaria into two parts
separated by the line of the Balkans was agreed to without discussion. Then everything went
wrong. The Russians had granted the Turks the frontier of the Balkans, and wanted to refuse them
the right to defend it or to maintain troops in that part of Bulgaria which had been left to them ... An
unoccupied Bulgaria would once again be at the mercy of Russia, and Russia would have her
access to the Mediterranean.

“During the third week of the Congress a bombshell exploded. The Schouvaloff agreement
regarding Armenia had been divulged by an English newspaper, the Globe, to which it had been
sold by a copying-clerk in the Foreign Office. The effect on English feeling was great. The
acquisition of Cyprus was still secret, and no compensation was in sight to balance the Russian
conquests in Asia ... The next day the English made public the agreement regarding Cyprus.

“A magnificent welcome was arranged for the return of the negotiators . .. Lord Beaconsfield found
an immense sheaf of flowers sent by the Queen. As the cheering went on and on, he had to appear
with Lord Salisbury on the balcony. He said to the crown: 'We have brought you back, I think,
Peace with Honour.”'

Bible and Sword, by Barbara Tuchman,

1966, pages 260-269

“Parliament met and, after hearing Disraeli defend his purchase of the Canal as a vital link in the
chain of fortresses along the road to India, voted the £4,000,000 without a division. Thereafter the
hinterland of the Canal, 'from the Nile to the Euphrates,' was to be an area of acute sensitivity to
Britain. To hold the Ottoman gates against any rival intruders was now more than ever essential,
unless Britains were prepared to take over the Nile-to-the-Euphrates region herself.

“It has set 'everything again in flame,’ wrote

Disraeli, 'and I really believe the Eastern
Question that haunted Europe for a century ...
will fall to my lot to encounter -dare I say
settle?' The 'peace with honour' that he
brought back with such renown from the
Congress of Berlin was the result of this
encounter. But to 'settle' the Eastern Question
was beyond even Disraeli's power - beyond, it
seems, any human power, for it still haunts the
world today. However, one result of Disraeli's
efforts was the acquisition of Cyprus, 150
miles off the coast of Palestine, as quid pro
quo for the British guarantee of Turkey's
domains in Asia. The Russo-Turkish War of
1877 provided the opportunity, but, on the
useful principle of sidestepping all Balkan
wars whenever possible, let us hasten to its
conclusion. Turkey was beaten, Russia
occupied her European provinces, and the
powers called a Congress to limit Russia's

“On June 4, 1878 the Cyprus Convention was signed pledging Britain to defend 'by force of arms'
any attempt by Russia 'at any future time to take possession of any further territories of H.I.M. the
Sultan in Asia' - and engaging the Sultan to cede Cyprus 'to be occupied and administered by
“With this document safely in their pockets Disraeli and Salisbury went off to Berlin to join the
other European powers in tightening an international noose that forced Russia to disgorge the gains
ill gotten from defeated Turkey .. . When all delicate issues of the Congress were finally wrapped
up in treaties, Disraeli revealed to a stunned but generally appreciative Europe the existence of the
Cyprus Convention. It was hard not to applaud this one more daring stroke of the old master that so
largely restored British prestige in the East.

“On the basis of newly found memoirs of the period a claim is made that Disraeli was the author of
an anonymous German pamphlet published in Vienna in 1877 under the title Die Juische Frage in
der Orientalischen Frage (The Jewish Question within the Eastern Question)2 which proposed that
in any reapportionment of the Turkish territories following a collapse of the Ottoman Empire
Palestine should be given to the Jews, and further that Disraeli proposed to put such a plan on the
Agenda of the Congress but was dissuaded by Bismarck. The evidence has been published by Dr.
N. W. Gelber in a Hebrew brochure, subsequently translated by T. H. Gaster as Lord Beaconsfield's
Plan for a Jewish State, New York, 1947”


Balkan Ghosts, by Robert Kaplan,
1993, pages 26, 53-55, 62-63, 207

“At this late and critical juncture in Bulgarian history, the Russians arrived. A Russian army swept
through Bulgaria in 1877 and 1878, liberating Bulgaria from Ottoman subjection in order to create
a pro-Russian, Bulgarian buffer state against the Turks. Although the 1878 Treaty of Berlin forced
newly independent Bulgaria to cede Thrace and Macedonia teach to Turkey- triggering a renewed
outbreak of guerrilla war - Bulgarian gratitude to the Russians never entirely dissipated.

“The wealth of Habsburg Vienna and Budapest was built on the broken backs of their Slav subjects
... Beginning in the mid-nineteenth century, although modern Croats like to discount it, their
forebears were attracted by the prospect of a 'South Slav (Yugoslav)' federation with the Serbs,
independent of Austria-Hungary. This feeling grew in 1878, when, at the Congress of Berlin, the
Habsburgs grabbed the adjacent territory of Bosnia-Herzegovina (which had just freed itself from
the Turks) and soon demonstrated that they could rule just as viciously as the Turks. In 1908, the
Habsburgs formally annexed Bosnia, whose population consisted of Muslim Slavs and Croats, as
well as Serbs.

“Although tolerable on ethnic grounds, the union of Macedonia with Bulgaria created a new and
preeminently powerful pro-Russian state in the Balkans that Great Britain, Germany, and
(especially) Germany's ally, Austria-Hungary - with its own Balkan holdings to defend - could not
accept. The treaty of San Stefano had to be amended. Jolted by this reality, the German Chancellor
Prince Otto von Bismarck-Schonhausen convened a meeting in June 1878 to solve this and other
Great Power problems; it became known in history as the Congress of Berlin.

“The Russians did not leave Berlin unhappy. Bismarck compensated them for the loss of
Macedonia with new lands in Bessarabia, taken from the Romanians, and in northeastern Anatolia,
taken from the Turks. Moreover, the Treaty of Berlin granted full independence to Russia's Slavic
allies, the Serbs. And to compensate Habsburg Austria-Hungary for this new provocation,
Bismarck arranged for Bosnia, the province next door to Serbia, with a Serbian population that
also wanted independence, to be transferred from Ottoman rule to Habsburg rule - the immediate
cause of World War I. Great Britain, for its part, received from the Turks the island of Cyprus.

“In October 1908, Bulgaria's King Ferdinand proclaimed his country's complete independence . ..
That same week, the island of Crete (still part of Turkey) voted for union with Greece, and the
Austrian Habsburgs annexed the Turkish province of BosniaHerzegovina, which they had been
administering since the conclusion of the Congress of Berlin [1878] ... This development, in turn,
encouraged Austria-Hungary to annex Bosnia, inflicting on its Serbian population a tyranny so
great that a Bosnian Serb would later assassinate the Habsburg Archduke and ignite World War I.

“During the years of 1909 through 1912, all three of these states [Bulgaria, Serbia and Greece] built
up their armies. In October 1912, they declared war on the Ottoman Empire . .. The allies' principle
goal was to liberate Macedonia. The First Balkan War ended in December 1912 with the
dissolution of Turkey in Europe.”

A Peace to End All Peace, by David Fromkin,

1989, pages 33, 269-270, 181-183

“For decades and indeed centuries before the outbreak of the First World War in 1914, the native
regimes of the Middle East had been, in every sense, losing ground to Europe. The Khanates of
Central Asia, including Khiva and Bukhara, had fallen to Russia, as had portions of the Persian
Empire. The Arab sheikhdoms along the Gulf coast route from Suez to India had been brought
under British sway; and Cyprus and Egypt, though formally still attached to Turkey, were in fact
occupied and administered by Britain. The Anglo-Russian Agreement of 1907 brought Afghanistan
into the British sphere, and divided most of Persia between Britain and Russia. In the Moslem
Middle East, only the Ottoman Empire effectively retained its independence - though precariously,
as its frontiers came under pressure.

“In the mid-seventeenth century, two English Puritans residing in Holland - Joanna and Ebenezer
Cartwright - petitioned their governments 'That this Nation of England, with the inhabitants of the
Netherlands, shall be the first and readiest to transport Israel's sons and daughters in their ships to
the Land promised by their forefathers, Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob for an everlasting inheritance.'
Guided by the Scriptures, the Puritans believed that the advent of the Messiah would occur once the
people of Judea were restored to their native land.

“The idea recurred: in the mid-nineteenth century, the social reformer Anthony Cooper, who
became Earl of Shaftesbury, inspired a powerful evangelical movement within the Church of
England that aimed at bringing the Jews back to Palestine, converting them to Christianity, and
hastening the Second Coming Shaftesbury also inspired Palmerston, the Foreign Secretary and his
relation by marriage, to extend British consular protection to the Jews in Palestine.

“According to the leading authority on Palmerston's diplomacy, his policy 'became connected with
a mystical idea, never altogether lost in the nineteenth century, that Britain was to be the chosen
instrument of God to bring back the Jews to the Holy Land.'
“In 1914 the entry of the Ottoman Empire into the war appeared to have brought about the political
circumstances in which the Zionist dream at last could be realized. 'What is to prevent the Jews
having Palestine and restoring a real Judea?' asked H. G. Wells in an open newspaper letter penned
the moment that Turkey came into the war.

“A similar thought occurred soon afterward to Sir Herbert Samuel, Postmaster General in Asquith's
Cabinet, one of the leaders of the Liberal Party, and the first person of the Jewish faith to sit in a
British Cabinet. In January 1915 he sent a memorandum to Prime Minister Asquith proposing that
Palestine should become a British Protectorate ... and urging the advantages of encouraging large-
scale Jewish settlement there. The Prime Minister had just been reading Tancred - a novel by
Benjamin Disraeli, the nineteenth-century British leader (baptized a Christian, but born of a Jewish
family), who advocated Jewish return to Palestine - and Asquith confided that Samuel's
memorandum treads almost like a new edition of Tancred brought up to date.'

“Until the time of Disraeli, the creation of the empire had been a haphazard and, it was said, an
absent-minded affair. Disraeli gave it glamor and focused attention on it.

“General Smuts [1917] had expressed very decided views as to the strategical importance of
Palestine to the British Empire ... With the addition of Palestine and Mesopotamia, the Cape Town
to Suez stretch could be linked up with the stretch of territory that ran through British controlled
Persia and the Indian Empire to Burma, Malaya, and the two great Dominions in the Pacific -
Australia and New Zealand. As of 1917, Palestine was the key missing link that could join together
the parts of the British Empire so that they would form a continuous chain from the Atlantic to the
middle of the Pacific.

“As a Boer, steeped in the Bible, Smuts strongly supported the Zionist idea when it was raised in
the Cabinet. As he later pointed out, the 'people South Africa and especially the older Dutch
population has been brought up almost entirely on Jewish tradition. The Old Testament ... has been
the very marrow of Dutch culture here in South Africa.' Like Lloyd George, he had grown up
believing that 'tine day will come when the words of the prophets will become true, and Israel will
return to its own land,' and he fully agreed with Lloyd George that the Jewish homeland should be
established in Palestine under British auspices. Whether or not he originated the idea, Smuts was
responsible for finding the formula acceptable to Woodrow Wilson - under which countries like
Britain would assume responsibility for the administration of territories such as Palestine and
Mesopotamia: they would govern pursuant to a 'mandate' from the future League of Nations.”


The gem of truth to be found in this chain of history is that while this congress, in 1878, was largely
motivated by a desire of European powers for greater prestige and dominance, yet a few key figures
had an eye toward a Jewish homeland. The decisions made at this crucial moment in history
resulted in two world wars. These wars decimated ancient empires and the struggle has continued
in national and ethnic conflicts to the present. Yet providentially, this same repositioning of power
opened the door for the Jewish return, resettlement and eventual formation of a Jewish state. “If
their rejection be the reconciliation of the world, what will their acceptance be, but life from the
dead?” Romans 11:15 (NAS)

- Jerry Leslie
Italics in citations are added for emphasis by the contributor.
Whether Disraeli was the author of this pamphlet or not, he was clearly successful in positioning Britain as the
defender of the ancient homeland of the Jews. As early as 1847 he published a novel with Tancred as its title. “This
was the story of a young Englishman of noble family who makes a pilgrimage to the Holy Sepulcher in an attempt to
understand 'the Asian mystery' It served mainly as a pretext for the author to develop his theories of Judaism and the
Church. To Disraeli the mission of the

Church was to defend, in a materialist society, certain Semitic principles expounded in the Old and New Testaments,
the chief of which was the belief in the role of the Divine and Spiritual in this world ... In Beaconsfield's eyes, the most
enchanting point in the affair [Congress] was the acquisition of Cyprus. Thirty years earlier, in Tancred, he had made
clear announcement of this. It pleased him thus to pass his romances and his dreams into history.” - Disraeli, pages
200, 323

Why Rachel? Why Ramah?

“Thus saith the LORD; A voice was heard in Ramah, lamentation, and bitter weeping; Rahel
[Rachel] weeping for her children refused to be comforted for her children, because they were not.
Thus saith the LORD; Refrain thy voice from weeping, and shine eyes from tears; for thy work shall
be rewarded, saith the LORD; and they shall come again from the land of the enemy. And there is
hope in shine end, saith the LORD, that thy children shall come again to their own border.” -
Jeremiah 31:15-17

The context of Jeremiah 31 is one of joy, not of weeping The emphasis is not on the weeping for
lost children but on joy for their return “from the land of the enemy” Though this prophecy had a
localized fulfillment, it also had an application at the first advent of Jesus (Matthew 2:18). It seems
just as certain that it has a still larger fulfillment when all the children of all the mothers of the
world will come back from the great “land of the enemy” - death itself.

In the light of these multiple fulfillments, the question remains, Why Rachel? And why Ramah?
There have been millions of mothers from hundreds of thousands of cities throughout the world
who have undergone such losses. Why were these two selected?


Of all the mothers in Israel, no one could claim the title of “mother of all Israel” better than Rachel.
Though she bore only two of the twelve sons of Jacob, those two well represent the whole of the
nation. Benjamin was the junior member of the two-tribe kingdom. Joseph was not only in the
northern kingdom, but the name of his son, Ephraim, became synonymous with the whole kingdom
of Israel. Thus her two children represent the whole of Israel in the type, and all the people of the
world in the larger antitype.

The literal city of Ramah does not appear elsewhere in the immediate context of the Jeremiah
scripture. If it did, it would become necessary to determine which Ramah is meant. Nelson's Bible
Dictionary refers to no less than six cities by this name - one each in Benjamin, Ephraim, Naphtali,
Asher,as a city in the Negev inhabited by Simeon, and one in Gilead of the tribe of Manasseh.
Three of these Ramahs have historical details given in scripture. The one in Gilead is better known
as Ramoth-Gilead of Gad, and is usually referred to as Ramoth-Gilead. Therefore it does not seem
that this Ramah is prominent in this prophecy.

This leaves two Ramahs - the ones in Ephraim and in Benjamin. These are the same two tribes
which are descendants of Rachel. Ramah of Ephraim was the more prominent of the two,
particularly during the period of the kings. It was revered as the home of the last judge of Israel,
Samuel. The emphasis in our theme text, however, appears to be more particularly on the Ramah of
Benjamin. It is this Ramah that is mentioned when Israel faced the scourge of Assyria (Isaiah
10:29) and is connected with God's judgments on both Ephraim and Benjamin (Hosea 5:3, 8). Thus
the selection of these two names - Rachel and Ramah -appear well chosen by Jeremiah to show the
universality of both the death sentence and the removal of that sentence. All the children so
bereaved by their forlorn mothers will return from “the land of the enemy” and “come again to their
own border.”
- Carl Hagensick

A Subtle Hint of the Resurrection

Sometimes we look so hard at the antitype that we completely miss a little blessing in the story (or
type) itself.

For example, at the end of Job's trial it says: “And the Lord restored the fortunes of Job when he
prayed for his friends, and the Lord increased all that Job had twofold.” Then it lists what he
Job 1:2-3 Job 42:12-13

7,000 14,000 Sheep

3,000 6,000 Camels
500 1,000 Oxen
500 1,000 Donkeys
3 3 Daughters
7 7 Sons

At first glance it appears that Job did receive twofold of everything listed in the first chapter. Then
we see that he did not end up with 6 daughters and 14 sons, but instead the same number as before,
3 and 7. But didn't the text say that he received twofold? Finally we realize that because the original
sons and daughters will someday have a resurrection, Job does indeed receive twofold of
- Robert Wagoner
The Resurrection
“The doctrine of the resurrection appears to have been thought of much more consequence among
the primitive Christians than it is now. How is this? The apostles were continually insisting on it,
and exciting the followers of God to diligence, obedience, and cheerfulness through it. And their
successors in the present day seldom mention it! So apostles preached, and so primitive Christians
believed; so we preach, and so our hearers believe. There is not a doctrine in the Gospel on which
more stress is laid; and there is not a doctrine in the present system of preaching which is treated
with more neglect!”
- Adam Clarke, endnote #3, 1 Corinthians 15

Historic Confirmation of
Bible Student Chronology
Summary report of L.A. Times feature article, “Time Keepers,” by staff writer Thomas H. Maugh,
II, August 29, 1996. Metro section, p. B-2. (See also NATURE, “The Exodus Enigma,” July 18,
1996, p. 213, a scientific report in more technical terms.)

In a breakthrough of historic proportions, researchers from Cornell University have developed the
first tree-ring chronology from the Middle East, allowing precise dating of many events from the
very cradle of civilization. It involves a method of counting time that depends on analyzing tree
rings from specimens that can be associated with specific events. This kind of dating, formally
called “dendrochronology,”1 is not new to archeology, but only recently has been applied to the
Middle East. The technique has aroused worldwide interest because it will permit the dating of
many events with a precision hitherto thought impossible and perhaps resolve a hundred years of
debating among historians and archeologists who had proposed conflicting theories. Combined
with high-precision radiocarbon testing, it may lead to a dating method that is “truly absolute,' end
produces data that are accurate “to the year.”


To establish the new chronology, the Cornell University team collected wood and charcoal samples
from 22 sites throughout the eastern Mediterranean. Radiocarbon dating2 was then employed to
give approximate dates for important rings noticed in their samples. Then to tie it down exactly,
they correlated the finds with a great global catastrophe of the era - the eruption of the volcanic
island Thera in the Aegean Sea. Ash from the powerful explosion dispersed into the upper
atmosphere, causing worldwide climatic effects, and inhibiting the growth of tree rings for that
year. Archeologists had long believed the Thera eruption occurred around 1500 BC, but more
recent finds by University of Arizona scientists have dated it to 1628 BC.3 That was the critical
finding needed to nail down the new chronology and was found to harmonize nicely with another
volcanic eruption in Iceland, which an earlier tree ring study had dated to 1159 BC. This link
provided the evidence needed to verify the astounding accuracy of the new method.


The new chronology has opened a window of insight into the dawning of early kingdoms and city
states, stretching from 2220 BC to 718 BC. The findings move back the date of the Late Bronze
Age, including Egypt, Assyria and pre-Greek civilizations, by as much as 100 years. It
demonstrates that one of the long-held conventional timelines, the so called High Chronology, “is
clearly not sustainable.” This will now necessitate “a reworking of conventional assessments of the
chronology of the Old World”

Researchers in various lands are now

beginning to take advantage of the new
timeline. Archeologists from Ben-Gurion
University of the Negev in Israel and the
University of Groningen in the Netherlands
have used it to come up with new results for
the fall of Jericho. This was the first city to be
sacked by Joshua and the Israelites after
crossing the Jordan and completing the 40
year wilderness wandering, as detailed in
Joshua chapter 6. Secular scholars had long
held that the city had been destroyed (and the
walls collapsed due to an earthquake) around
1400 BC. But the new date based upon the
tree ring chronology and “high precision
radiocarbon dating on charred cereal grains”
from Jericho was found to be about 45 years
after the eruption of Thera, thus pinpointing
Jericho's fall to about 1583 BC.4 It is even
speculated that the heavy clouds of dust and
smoke emitted by the volcano might have
caused the biblical “darkness that can be felt”
(Exodus 10:21) that was part of the plagues
inflicted by God upon Egypt to release Israel from bondage under Pharaoh.5


After more than 100 years of uncertainty regarding the dates of historical events in the Middle East
and the unending conflict between our Bible chronology and the secular scholars, these new results
are indeed welcome news. It appears that the Lord has seen fit to permit the development of this
new method at the present as a special encouragement to His people. So far as we know, the
Bowen/Russell chronology, as set forth in Volume 2 of Studies in the Scriptures, is one of the very
few Bible chronologies that can directly correlate with the new findings.*
The new date for the fall of Jericho, about 1583 BC, compares with that of the B/R chronology of
1575 BC, showing a variation of only 8 years!6 The gap has thus been narrowed from 175 years as
heretofore thought, down to this small number. (Perhaps even this small difference can be
accounted for by the normal range of allowable deviation inherent in radiocarbon testing of the
samples needed to correspond with the tree-ring patterns.) Corroborating the date of Jericho also
provides indirect evidence for closely related events: the start of the Exodus (40 years earlier, 1615
BC), Moses' birth (120 years earlier, 1695 BC), the start of the Period of the Judges (6 years later,
1569 BC), and the start of the Period of the Kings, based on Paul's statement in Acts 13:19-21 (456
years later, 1119 BC); all dates according to the Volume 2 chronology.

As encouraging and significant as the new finding for Jericho appears to be, it is too early to draw
sweeping conclusions from it. Nevertheless, it seems to be part of a general trend of moving back
the dates of early civilizations in the late Bronze Age. This has the effect of bringing the secular
dates for this period closer and closer to those that we have long accepted and believed to be well
established in the Word of God.

With cautious optimism, then, we may sense yet fuller corroborations of the components of our
chronology that parallel the parameters of the tree-ring technique. If the B/R chronology continues
to correlate with additional findings, it would seem only reasonable to conclude that this would
offer strong confirmation of the Period of the Kings (513 years), the Period of the Judges (450
years) and the Period from the Covenant to the Exodus (430 years). May all interested in this area
be on the alert for further findings and be aware of their implications in strengthening our faith in
the harvest message we have been given.

-Charles Redeker

* The chronologies of H. Fynes Clinton and Martin Anstey also show close correlation, but both of these exhibit
marked deviations in other links of the chronology.

Editor's footnotes:
See American Journal of Archaeology (AJA99:1995), “Science in Archaeology.”
Radiocarbon 14 dating has previously been questioned in connection with contaminated samples, improper
association with human habitation, variations in 14C absorption factors or reckoning with the few 14C atoms in samples
older than 6000 years. 14C has a half life of 5568 years (some studies show it to be 2.9% longer). The present study
seeks to more accurately plot the variation in the 14C absorption rate over time.
The reviewed articles do not spell out exactly how they arrive at this date, other than saying they were “calibrated ...
using a smoothed function through a decadal dendrochronologically obtained data set” and then graphing the results.
Some of our editors consider these conclusions premature. Two other Bible Students are doing extended research on
this subject. Those seeking some technical details may contact Jim Parkinson in Glendale, California or Richard Doctor
in Lisle, Illinois.
Studies of Jericho cereal samples from this period were performed at Groningen University, The Netherlands.
Conventional radiocarbon dating of these and other Jericho samples produced six dates averaging 45 years after the
year 1628 BC determined for the Thera eruption, implying an average of 1583 BC, with a probable error of ±13 years.
This suggested association of the Thera eruption with the plague of darkness just prior to the exodus needs to be
recognized as an assumption. As such, it should be kept separate from the datings of the eruption itself and of the
destruction of Jericho, which are both based on solid scientific measurements. Hence, whether Thera caused the
darkness or not has no bearing on the validity of the 1628 BC data determined for the eruption and the 1583 BC date
for the destruction of Jericho.
these radiocarbon results would substantiate a destruction of Jericho by fire within about 8 years of the chronology
proposed in Studies in the Scriptures, Volume 2, and that difference is within the ± 13 year probable error of the
measurements. Although there were other destructions of Jericho (both earlier and many centuries later), only this
destruction (at the end of the Middle Bronze Age) 1) occurred just after the Spring harvest, 2) followed no more than a
brief siege, and 3) was produced by massive fire, all of which are indicated in the Joshua 6 account. (See Bryant G.
Wood, “Did the Israelites Conquer Jericho” BAR 16, March 1990, pages 44-59.)

A Word of Caution. If this process produces dates that are “truly absolute” accurate “to the year,” providing
“astounding accuracy,” then it shows the Bowen chronology short by 13 years at the Exodus (1628 vs. 1615 BC). On
the other hand, if this new approach is off at all, it may be far afield. A deeper look is appropriate

Tree-Ring Dating. It is one thing to bore a single bristle-cone pine from California and count thousands of rings. It
is quite another to collect multiple samples of much shorter-lived, and long-dead trees, and correctly stitch together
their overlapping ring patterns. “In 1986, D. Yamaguchi recognized that trees tend to auto-correlate - that is they
possess the ability to cross-match with each other in several places within the tree-ring sequence ... he found 113
significant candidate wiggle-matches throughout the whole of the AD tree-ring sequence” (Pharaohs and Kings, 388-
389). The same problem occurred in the Turkish dendrochronology, which is the basis for the present article. “The
problem [Kuniholm] found was that the ... wiggle-match computer test produced not one but three results - 1258,1140
and 981 BC. Each had a l-value greater than 4 which, according to the dendrochronologists, makes all three 99.9 per
cent certain to be correct! ... Kuniholm ended up rejecting the date with the highest l-value of 5 (981 BC) in favor of
1140 BC, presumably because the latter better fitted the historical expectations.” (Pharaohs and Kings, 389).

Radiocarbon Dates for the Eruption of Thera. “C-14 dates for short-lived materials from the Theran
eruption span the period 1760-1540 BC with the great majority falling earlier in that period. As a result, in 1989 the
Third International Congress favored an eruption date between circa 1680 and 1670 BC” (Pharaohs and Kings, 386).
Notice that the current findings, also claiming radiocarbon support, are 50 years different.

- David Rice

Beauties of the Truth

1996 Financial Statement
$ 3343.94 Balance January 1, 1996
1933.62 Donations
45.56 Interest
- 2957.92 Expenses
$ 2365.20 Balance December 31, 1996
In our November 1996 issue there was a footnote referenced on page 5. However, we missed
printing the footnote. It should have been: “The word 'hate' ought to be understood in the light of
Matthew 10:37 as loving one's relatives less than the Lord. Jesus Christ should never be placed on
the same level as human relatives.”

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