Organization Culture Impacts On Employee Motivation: A Case Study On An Apparel Company in Sri Lanka
Organization Culture Impacts On Employee Motivation: A Case Study On An Apparel Company in Sri Lanka
Organization Culture Impacts On Employee Motivation: A Case Study On An Apparel Company in Sri Lanka
Organization culture impacts on employee motivation: A case study on an apparel company in Sri Lanka
Gamini Weerasinghe
Department of Economics, University of Sri Jayewardenepura, Nugegoda, Sri Lanka
This study conducted to find out about the organizational culture that the apparel company use to motivate the employees. And
incorporate with how organization motivate their employees in the organization and to discover the relationship between
organizational culture and employee motivation. The study comprised an investigative contextual analysis outline with quantitative
strategies. It utilized sampling strategy amid the procedure of information gathering from the study respondents that was totaling to
50 individuals.
The study concludes that the organizational culture and the distinctive motivational tools in motivating its employees to empower
teamwork and enhancing the employees resolve at their work places to perform better.
The study recommends that organization ought to join in obtain of motivational needs through altering in the work laws, that there
ought to an important coordination between employees' needs and hierarchical needs.
In conclusion, that needfulness of employee motivation lined with organizational culture in organizations are suggested for further
1. Introduction Objectives
Hofstede (2012) [6] defines culture as the combined ideas of To review literature to identify the factors affecting
the employee’s mind that differentiates one employee group organizational culture towards the employee motivation.
from those of another and it is the system in which employees To explain and identify the importance of employee
of an organization relate to each other, their work and the motivation in an organization.
outer world in contrast to other Organizations. Furthermore, To provide adequate conclusions and make
Campbell (2012) [4] on his part defines culture as a recommendations to apparel company in order to
multifaceted information that an individual learns and which overcome from the challenges and the problems.
directs each individual’s experience, movements and opinions.
Perron (2013) [13] defines that Organizational culture is a Literature Review
process of creating common awareness and understanding out Impact of Organizational culture and employee motivation
of different individuals‟ viewpoints and various interests. In Sokro (2012) [17] evidently describes that, this research mainly
similar, Perrin (2013) [12] briefs Organizational culture is a inspects the Organizational culture and employee motivation.
carrier of importance and not only provides a common view According to Richard (2007) [15] culture is a significant
about the level in which people in the Organization are component of the internal surroundings of an Organization.
surrounded by the values and formalities that strengthen the Additionally Adewale and Anthonia (2013) [1] state suitable
level. employees have to be carefully chosen by the Organization
Motivation is an employee's essential interest about and drive with the most accurate set of skills and identifying their
to achieve activities related to work and it is the interior effort capacities based on experiences. Having these abilities will
that causes an individual to decide to take action (Broussard benefit the Organization in numerous techniques by
and Garrison, 2004) [3]. Moreover Nohria, Groysberg and Lee performing very well on the uppermost stage. Recruiting the
(2008) [16] explains motivating employee starts with incorrect person would negatively impact the Organization. In
identifying that to do their greatest work, employees must be order to find the culture and motivation bond, a mixed method
in an atmosphere that meets their basic emotional motivations for data collection and analysis has been used. Furthermore,
to obtain, promise, understand, and secure. the study showed that Organizational culture has a straight
This research is carried out to evaluate “Impact of impact on employee motivation. The better the Organizational
Organizational culture on employee motivation in an apparel culture, the upper the motivational level of employees (Sokro,
company.” Specifically the main intention is to recognize the 2012) [17]. It was observed that if Organizations expand a
relationship between Organizational culture and employee strong culture of satisfy and identify employees‟ effort, it
motivation. leads to increase motivation.
A bad Organizational culture can disappoint ability from
Problem Statement linking and interrupt the usefulness of an organization; on the
To identify the importance and impact of organizational contrary, a good culture can appeal and hold great ability over
culture in the apparel company towards employee motivation. and above competitors (Exter, 2013) [5]. In fact organizational
International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Development
culture more and more significant in today‟s business world According to the above chart it shows that majority of the
because, if tested and designed suitably, they support respondents 60% (31%+29%) are agree with the fact and the
Organizations to manage with the constantly growing question outlines the arguments of Management study guide
competition on the world markets (Remenyi, 2005) [14]. (2015) [8] for more extent the following other factor for
affecting organizational culture is: teamwork work within the
2. Methodology organization - the employees in their own manner set into the
In this research, the author will use deductive approach to culture of the workplace. The mindsets, interests, attitudes and
classify the important from the primary data and then moved perception.
into gather structured data. Thereby, the current research has
developed based on quantitative method. Question 3- Does the organization commit towards the loyalty
The size of the target sample would be a minimum of fifty and concern about the mutual trust have a positive relationship
(50) individuals. The researcher would use nonprobability with employee motivation?
sampling methods, so convenient sampling technique will be
3. Data Collection
In this study as the primary data collection technique, author
will utilize close ended questionnaires to gather information.
Also, used academic and commercial abstract, journal articles
and online books as the recourses for the secondary data.
cause to rise new opportunities and it would positively impact employees that there’s positive impact of organizational
on organizational culture. This indicates that only 56% (27%+ culture on employee motivation.
29%) of the organization believes acquiring new employees According to the results of this survey, the company is more
would positively effect on organizational culture and the rest reputed in the market place due to the unique characteristics
44% (22%+ 18%+ 4%) do not believe in that fact. The results by which it has built through its culture and motivation.
have proven the argument of Martins and Martins (2003) [9] in Although it’s massive company in Sri Lanka, many
a strong culture, the organization’s main values are adhered respondents were unaware of its corporate culture and other
strongly and shared broadly. This recommends that when basic business practices. Therefore, the company to be
organizational members obtain the shared values, they become improved in terms of employee motivation, some
further loyal to them. Adjoining Nicolescu (2008) [11] explains recommendations are suggested by author as below:
organizational culture is realized as, all principles, objectives, Company have to recruit superiors who are well educated, in
ethics, opportunities and behaviors, formed over time in each order to understand the mental power of the subordinates in
organization, which is usual in its area and educating directly the company. And by knowing and understanding the
and indirectly its process and achievement. employees mind, they should implement strategies to meet or
match employees mind set.
Question 5- Does the employee motivation leads the Next, the company could provide the employees to allowances
organization towards success on the basis of winning in the where, they can settle their extra expenses. Therefore, the
marketplace and outperforming the competition where employees get motivated and provide their maximum effort in
competitive market leadership is the key? the job role.
7. References
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International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Development