When A Person Uses Another To Gain Money, Power or Goods, It Is Self-Centered
When A Person Uses Another To Gain Money, Power or Goods, It Is Self-Centered
When A Person Uses Another To Gain Money, Power or Goods, It Is Self-Centered
different standard of living, gender, age, etc. This behaviour will tell the nature of that person
and hence, show the character of that person. He who is careless in small matters generally ends
in being careless in great affairs also, and he will certainly injure himself, and be a nuisance to all
with whom he has any dealings. When you are rich people you are powerful, but are careless and
dangerous because money has great influence with their actions in society. When any one person loses
his morals and proper thinking ability, then it will directly make that person a characterless
person. When a person uses another to gain money, power or goods, it is self-
We could have changed the outcome of our life by thinking about things before actually doing them,
and listing to acquire wisdom from others. Everyone can told us valuable information and we over
looked the information. That is why the character in the story is being careless because of his
As there is a saying or phrase by William Graham If wealth is lost, nothing is lost. If health is lost,
something is lost. But, if character is lost, everything is lost. The importance of our character and
personality transcends any other measure of success of our existence.
If we are aware of having a compulsion towards greed, try, try, try not to
judge yourself too harshly for it. Greed is one of the traps that anyone can fall
into. It’s not as easy to embrace as, say, self-deprecation because it so
outwardly and blatantly selfish, which is socially unacceptable, even if the
individual doing it hates himself for it. But just hating yourself for it solves
nothing. However, being able to come to terms with it — to say “I have this
problem. It’s like an addiction, but I’m dealing with it. I’m getting on top of it.
I’m bigger than this thing. And I’m going to make sure no one is ever harmed
by it again, including me.” — that’s heading towards a solution.