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Mutual Fund investments are subject to market risks, read all scheme related documents carefully.
Can the
Rs 2,000,0
00 crore
s Packa
ge kicks
tart the
R N I N O. 7 0 4 4 / 1961
EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Ruben Banerjee
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WRITERS Lola Nayar, Qaiser Mohammad
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Shashank Dixit Is the Rs 20-lakh-crore infusion for the pandemic-
CHIEF MANAGER Shekhar Kumar Pandey
MANAGERS Shekhar Suvarana, Sudha Sharma hit Indian economy as promising as it sounds? We
Banerjee, Gagan Kohli, G. Ramesh (South), analyse the stimulus package, its impact on different
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DIGITAL Amit Mishra sectors and whether it will be able to revive the
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With cinemas shut, the release of films on
online streaming platforms is disconcerting Cover Design:
Total no. of pages 56, Including Covers
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Fake news got more worrisome.
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The firsT OuTlOOk MOney - POlicyBazaar insurance ranking pg 32
Subscription Copy Not For Resale BIG BANKS—GOOD OR BAD?—see page 72
graded schools and High School is closed here but only a
few students of K.U. have it, they thought it was not
necessary to close college until they see that it must be
Dreams done. Heard you folks had it this fall but hope you are
all over it and feeling fine. This is beautiful weather
for December and to think of such a heavy snow we
GURGAON already had at Thanksgiving seems almost impossible.
Kamna Chhabra: This refers to your cover Ralph is still in the barracks, he is looking to be dis-
charged most any day altho [sic] they have been waiting for
story Yalla Bye, Al-Hindi (May 25). COVID-19
YO U T U B E . C O M / O U T LO O K M A G A Z I N E
I am as ever your niece, Myrtle
Vijai Pant: In the past few years, as leaders
respond to political and economic pres-
sures back home, globalisation has become Life Goes On Letter a University of Kansas student sent to
increasingly unwelcome in many places. her aunt after the height of the Spanish flu, the deadliest
The trend, initiated by powerhouses like pandemic in modern history
the US and UK, gradually found more
OUTLOOK | JUNE 1 , 2020
4, 2020
TALKies with
Episode - 4
National award
winning Actor
on his passion for
theatre and experience
of working with Oscar
winning directors
in conversation with
Mitrajit Bhattacharya
Columnist & Author
Watch on
May 29, 2020 (Friday), At 9 PM
@outlookindia @outlookmagazine
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I A . C 1,O M
2020 M AY 4 , 2 0 2 0 | OU T LOOK 00
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How will Corona influence
the art world?
Dayanita Singh
Photo Artist
Ashiesh Shah
Satish Padmanabhan
Architect and Collector
Executive Editor, Outlook
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Railways will run 200 fully reserved before the cyclone arrived.
West Bengal CM Mamata Banerjee
trains having both AC and non-AC
said 72 people died in the state and she
coaches from June 1, including Duron-
pegged the damage at Rs 1 lakh crore
tos, Sampark Krantis, Jan Shatabdis.
after initial estimates. She has termed
Bookings began on May 21. Meanwhile, the impact of Amphan, one of the
domestic flights will resume from May strongest storms in the Bay of Bengal
25 but resumption of international in over a decade, “worse than the coro-
operations might take a while. navirus” pandemic.
Senior state officials say it is too early
to estimate the final death toll or dam-
age to property as the hardest-hit areas
are still not accessible. There were
Outlook Bureau power cuts in the affected areas; mobile
and internet services were down as the
cyclone damaged communication tow-
LOWN -off roofs, collapsed ers. A hangar collapsed on an airplane
buildings, uprooted trees and a at the Calcutta airport, where runways
submerged airport…cyclone were flooded. Standing crops, planta-
Amphan has unleashed a tide of tions and infrastructure have also been
H-1B visa-holders, a majority of them
destruction in West Bengal, Odisha and affected in Odisha. Embankments in
Indian IT professionals, do not adverse-
Bangladesh. It made its landfall at the Sundarbans delta, a Unesco world
ly affect Americans, according to new
Digha in West Bengal on May 20 with heritage site, were breached as the
research. The Trump administration is wind speeds of up to 125 km per hour surge whipped up by the cyclone inun-
planning restrictions on the non-immi- and torrential rainfall, flooding dated the region. At least 10 people have
grant visa, which allows US companies Calcutta, Hooghly and North and South died in Bangladesh. As the cyclone
to employ foreign workers, premised on 24 Paraganas districts among others. weakened on the morning of May 21,
the argument that such workers harm More than 6.5 lakh people were the National Disaster Response Force
job prospects of US college grads. evacuated to shelters in both states began clearing roads. O
exercise based on the 2011 census. It
was excluded from the purview of the
Delimitation Act, 2002, as Article 170
of the Constitution that deals with
delimitation of constituencies of state
assemblies had not been extended to
J&K due to its special status under
Article 370. In 2002,
National delimitation in J&K was
Conference frozen by the then Farooq
MP Justice Abdullah government in
(retd) Hasnian line with the decision
Masoodi taken by the then central
While J&K Reorganisation Act says
the number of seats in the J&K assem-
bly would be increased from 107 to 114,
polling would happen only for 90 of
those seats, as the other constituencies
are in Pakistan-occupied Kashmir
(PoK). The BJP is set to demand more
Giving A H IM A C H
Turf Time C
HE coronavirus pandemic may RA D
UN The circled area is
have blurred international the source of a long
boundaries and shrunk the N discord between Nepal
world into one big infirmary, but not so E and India
much for Nepal, one of India’s neigh- P
bours and closest allies for decades. In PRAD A
fact, the Himalayan country has L
touched off a raw nerve by deciding to
publish new maps that include areas of
dispute with India. And for good The Lipulekh Pass is claimed by The inauguration of a road linking
measure, Nepal Prime Minister K.P. Nepal based on the Sugauli Treaty be- Lipulekh pass with Dharchula earlier
Sharma Oli declared that the “Indian tween the Himalayan nation (then a this May triggered fresh tension, with
virus looks more lethal than Chinese kingdom) and British East India Nepal claiming that the area fell on its
and Italian.” This round of acrimony Company in 1816 to define its western side of the border. But a PTI report says
began at the Federal Parliament of border with India. Kathmandu also villagers of Garbiyang assert that their
Nepal recently where the country’s claims the highly strategic areas of ancestors used to cultivate the land in
President Bidhya Devi Bhandari made Limpiyadhura and Kalapani, although Kalapani before the Sino-Indian war in
the announcement about the new Indian troops have been deployed 1962. The cultivation stopped when bor-
maps that will incorporate all the there since New Delhi fought a war der trade with China through Lipulekh
disputed territories—Limpiyadhura, with China in 1962. pass ended following the 1962 conflict.
Kalapani and Lipulekh. India reacted sharply after the Nepal “India has deployed its troops in
Last year, New Delhi published a new government released the revised map. Kalapani since 1962 and our rulers in the
map that showed Kalapani within its The foreign ministry asked past hesitated to raise the issue,” Nepal
borders, a move protested by Kathmandu to refrain from such “un- PM Oli said. Speaking in parliament, Oli
Kathmandu. India and Nepal share an justified cartographic assertion”. All also held India responsible for the
1,800 km open border. Nepal said it has the land in Lipulekh, Kalapani and spread of COVID-19 in Nepal, saying the
“consistently maintained” that as per Nabhidhang on the border tradition- infection was “more lethal” among the
the Sugauli Treaty of 1816, “all the ter- ally belongs to the residents of people coming from the neighbouring
ritories east of Kali (Mahakali) river, Garbiyang and Gunji villages of country. “Indian virus looks more le-
including Limpiyadhura, Kalapani and Dharchula sub-division in thal than Chinese and Italian now.
Lipulekh, belong to Nepal”. Uttarakhand’s Pithoragarh district. More are getting infected,” he said. O
MAGINE being confined all alone without
WHEN it comes to curing
the comfort of a comely spouse. A Bareilly the boiling frog syndrome of
man couldn’t. So as his wife remained at her environmental naysayers,
parents’ house during the lockdown, he made it’s time to kiss a prince
the most of the moment—by marrying his and turn him into a croak. A
cousin. On finding out about her husband’s wed- shrub frog; or a bush frog.
ding, she managed to reach his house and raised hell. In a touching Know why? Because of the
unnatural human tenden-
gesture of generosity, the man said he was willing to “keep” both wives, cy to meddle with Nature,
but the first refused. Marriages are made/unmade in lockdowns! O 20 species of amphibians
in India are now critically
endangered and 35 more
are “endangered”. These
SPOOKY QUARANTINE? HERE’S A HELPLINE species find mention in
O ghosts like isolation? Perhaps not, as a the Zoological Survey of
23-year-old girl found out in Mumbai. She India’s updated checklist of
had been living alone in an apartment amphibians. Like Raorches-
since the lockdown began. Or so she thought, until tes resplendens that lives in
she began seeing ghosts. To her rescue came Jay the high altitudes of south
Alani, a well-known paranormal investigator who India—Anamudi in Kerala. Or
has started India’s first paranormal helpline, like Pseudophilautus amboli
9999518600, which has been receiving over 10 of Amboli in the Western
LOANELY NO MORE Ghats of Maharashtra, and
calls a day. After investigations, he found out that
Raorchestes shillongensis,
her tryst with spirits was a result of binge-
T’S the stuff Nirav Modi’s and as the name hints at, from
watching horror shows. Such helpful advice
Vijay Mallya’s dreams are made Shillong. What’s the big deal?
despite being the creator of a ‘non-fiction’ horror
of—a secret benefactor walking The frogs are only good at
web series! We say Alani deserves a boo or two. O
into a bank to pay off people’s debts. waiting for an insect to fly by
That’s what a businessman did at an and aim its tongue. That is
SBI branch in Aizawl. He offered Rs what they do—pest control, a
10 lakh to help out debtors and bank vital role in the ecosystem.
officials selected four who had paid a
significant part of their loan, but still
had outstanding debts. Now that’s an DATE MATHS
economic package the government
Out of 100 dating app
could take some lessons from. O
profile views, a male user
likes 35 and skips 65.
A female user likes only
4 and skips 96 profiles.
HE latest coronavirus casualty—lawyers’ But when it comes to
coats and gowns—may come as a whiff of chatting, a man chats
relief. The Bar Council of India has asked with 10 and a woman
lawyers across the country not to wear these during averages 25.
video-conference hearings to prevent them from
“catching” the virus. While the merits of such a
reasoning might be up for debate, it’s a huge respite Source: QuackQuack, which
during the peak of summer. Now, lawyers too might has logged over nine million
adopt the work-from-home dress code—formals Indian users on its dating app
above the belt and clothing optional below. O during the lockdown.
I L LU S T R AT I O N S : S A A H I L , T E X T BY S A A D A H M E D A N D A L K A G U P TA J U NE 1 , 2 0 2 0 | OU T LOOK 11
Smoke On
The Horizon
Anti-Muslim sentiment related
to the COVID-19 outbreak
was at root of the recent
communal flare-ups in Bengal
Leftovers A tangle of bicycles bore witness to the communal clash in Telinipara in Bengal
Rajat Roy in Calcutta Jagdeep Dhankhar and complained emerged. Matters rested there till May 7,
that the police failed to prevent the hos- when suddenly it spiked to seven cases.
tile situation at Harishchandrapur and All new patients came from Ajmer and
OMMUNAL tension reared its Telinipara. Chatterjee told mediaper- they are from Harishchandrapur—part
ugly head in West Bengal yet sons, claim some, that armed bands of of a Muslim-majority district where
again—the backdrop being Muslims were engaged in looting and thousands earn a living in distant areas,
anxiety and temper brought on a arson, targeting Hindus. Yet, according most coronavirus-positive migrant
knife’s edge by the COVID-19 pandemic. to local sources, when the delegation workers in Malda are also Muslim.
Yet, significantly, the flare-ups at was meeting Dhankhar in Calcutta, BJP Though there was negligible participa-
Telinipara in Hooghly district and supporters allegedly crossed the Ganga tion in the Tablighi congregation from
Harishchandrapur in Malda didn’t from Barrackpore, entered Telinipara the district, a rumour campaign against
materialise out of existing tension—an and lobbed petrol bombs on the area. Muslims vis-a-vis the outbreak gained
organised hate campaign allegedly The situation was controlled after po- ground. In such an environment, return-
fomented the trouble. Ever since the lice sealed the ferry stations and made a ing workers were treated with silent re-
Tablighi Jamaat meet in Delhi few arrests. Altogether, 134 people from sentment. That and the mandatory
emerged as a hotspot of the coronavi- both communities were arrested; crude quarantine irked them. The situation
rus outbreak, a narrative was created bombs and weapons were recovered was ripe for a flare-up, which broke out
to link COVID-19 with all Muslims. from them. Significantly, police did not on May 10-11. In the event, the fire was
One politician in UP called for a have to resort to firing to calm matters. doused quickly; four people from both
boycott of Muslim vegetable vendors; Rubber bullets, tear gas and lathi communities were arrested. Though the
still more accused Muslims of spread- charges were enough to disperse situation in Harishchandrapur and
ing it deliberately. The canards were the crowd. Also, no one was killed in Telinipara is normal now, one may sur-
especially vicious on social media. All the violence. mise that the situation in the state—with
this had a direct bearing on the recent At Harishchandrapur in Malda, the im- tens of lakhs of migrant workers about
communal cases in Bengal. mediate cause of tension was the to pour in from across the country in the
At Telinipara, a local, Sheikh Anwar, return of migrant workers. Malda dis- coming days—is primed for tense situa-
tested positive for the coronavirus, trict recorded its first coronavirus inf tions like these.
leading to rumours that Muslims were ection on April 27, when a worker Governor Dhankhar’s patient hear-
spreading the pathogen. To maintain returning from Barasat, North 24 ing of the BJP delegation’s com-
social distancing, the police relocated a Parganas, tested positive. On April 29, a plaints—that the cases were a
market from the congested locality to patient who returned from Mumbai handiwork of Muslims—was signifi-
an open place, but Hindus barricaded tested positive; on May 3 another case cant too. However, facts indicate an
the road to the market in a way that extant, pandemic-related anti-Muslim
would prevent Muslims from the sentiment allegedly fanned by some. It
neighbourhood access. Muslims retali- With lakhs of is clear that while the Narendra Modi
ated by blocking the entry road to a government is trying to push forward
public toilet facility used by both com- migrant workers its long-awaited labour reforms during
munities. The tension that gripped the about to pour in, this pandemic, the BJP is allegedly
area on the night of May 9-10 was def pushing to extract political mileage
used within two days. On May 12, a BJP chances of more out of the existing tension brought
delegation led by MPs Locket about by the disease. Indeed, all
Chatterjee and Arjun Singh, Mukul Roy
communal fights political parties have an eye out for the
and others called upon governor increase in Bengal. 2021 assembly polls in West Bengal. O
TALKies with
Episode - 2
in conversation with
Mitrajit Bhattacharya
Columnist & Author
@outlookindia @outlookmagazine
On a covided
planet, almost
everyone is
using a virtual
platform to
socialise, work
from home, or
‘see’ a doctor
Meet th e Tea m s a n d
Zoom Ah ea d
Jyotika Sood was blown. It had fallen off. The little toddler level in the event of a panic
commotion, the jam-stained night attack, or why it didn’t click that the
pants paired with a smart office shirt computer has an on-off switch? The
HE nearly jumped out of her skin were live-streaming all along for meeting ended on a lighter note—quite
when her three-year-old son everyone. Red-faced, she wondered a reprieve in these anxious times when
walked in on a meeting. Full aloud why her tech-savvy plummets to millions of homebound people are
Monty and crying at the top of his
lungs: “Mama, pee-pee…Mama,
pee-pee!” She dashed like a shot for a
post-it note and pasted it on the
computer camera—blocking the
24-people meeting from the full blast
of a puny intruder in her ‘office’. Or,
that’s what she thought. But before she
could tow junior to the loo, he emptied
his bladder on the floor. She seques-
tered him in his room, scrub-dried the
tinkle pool and resumed ‘work’. “Sorry
for the interruption.” She apologised.
But why the hell are they laughing?
“Change your pajamas,” a colleague
quipped. Well, her sticky note cover
Ladakh maths
teacher Kifayat
online classes
from an
isolation centre
Samik Roy
at a hospital. Country Head, Modern
Despite testing Workplace, Microsoft India
positive for the
coronavirus, he Microsoft Teams is unique because: It
made sure his supports eight Indian languages—Hindi,
students do Bengali, Telugu, Tamil, Marathi, Gujarati, Kan-
not miss nada and Malayalam. Teams has real-time
a class. inline translation too. Teams is a part of
the Office 365 suite of products, providing
users with a single interface that allows
free video calls with up to 50 people continuous surveillance by govern- access to all Microsoft Office solutions. It
with no time limit. ment agencies and surprise checks. To provides the ability to work from anywhere,
The competition, proliferation and do this, we need stronger cyber laws anytime on any device. Our customers are
dangers posed by such foreign apps and a smart workforce to crack down across segments, ranging from enterprises
have not gone unnoticed. Besides, on infringements,” a cyber expert says. to medium-sized organisations to small and
video calls consume huge data, around The government has come up with a medium businesses and startups.
1 GB an hour and it goes up depending proposed legislation—the personal
Safety first: At Microsoft, privacy and
on the size of the group. And so, the data protection (PDP) bill—ostensibly
security are never an afterthought. In Teams,
ministry of electronics and informa- to shield Indians from data leaks. It
tion technology has launched an also proposes to set up a data protec- we provide privacy and security controls for
‘Innovation Challenge for tion authority. The bill defines per- video conferences. We meet more than 90
Development of a Video Conferencing sonal data as any information collected global regulatory and industry standards.
Solution under the Digital India online or offline that can be used to The features: Meeting lifecycle—persistent
Programme’—which, in simpler terms, identify a person (name, address, context, meeting scheduled in calendar,
means the government wants a desi phone number, location, photographs, notes, meeting recording captured in chan-
platform that could compete with call records et al). Information on nel or chat (before/during/after). Native
Zoom, Google Meet and Microsoft healthcare (those shared with a doctor integration with chat and in-chat transla-
Teams. The winner, to be picked on or on medical apps), banking and pay- tion to 60+ languages and immersive reader.
July 29, will be contracted to design ment, sexual orientation, biometrics Collaboration and real-time coauthoring
and develop an app for the Union and (facial images, fingerprints, iris scans), with integrated O365 apps. Live events,
state governments. “Although issues caste or tribe, religion and political be- natively integrated in Teams. Allows users
like privacy and data theft are there, liefs fall in the sensitive category and to replace background at Teams meetings.
those are being covered through sub- require a muscular, hack-proof protec- This feature uses artificial intelligence (AI)
scription models. This is alarming. It’s tive cover. “The government is trying to blur the backdrop environment. Smart
like you can have privacy only if you its best to save personal data. We have camera and image annotation.
have the money,” says a technology been directing all the big companies
expert from Cisco, who doesn’t want to dealing with data to have their data Response in price-sensitive India: Our mis-
be named. He suggests that people houses in India,” a senior government sion is to empower every person and every
should “look for the end-to-end official says. That raises a fundamental organisation on the planet to achieve more.
encryption security feature on an app” question: Who guarantees the data Teams is a part of Microsoft Office 365 and
before installing it. Another free adv won’t be misused if it falls into unscru- if your organisation is a licenced Office 365
ice: be discreet with what the permis- pulous, powerful hands? It is as tricky user, you already have it. If not, we’ve you
sions you give to an app, which to predict as the naked kid ‘videobomb- covered with a free Office 365 E1 offer for six
invariably asks for access to your ing’ his mother’s conference. Or as months. If you work in education and want
phone contacts, media files etc before debatable as a Singapore court sen- to set up teachers, students, and adminis-
you install it on your phone or tablet. tencing a drug suspect to death on trators on Teams, use Office 365 A1. This free
“All apps are vulnerable and you don’t Zoom—prosecutors were in different version is available to all educational institu-
have anything foolproof in the world of locations because of the nation’s strict tions. For individuals, there is an automatic
technology. The sole safety nets are social distancing measures. O free licence valid through January 2021.
But is it the right vaccine
for the econodemic?
S U R E S H K . PA N D E Y
Lola Nayar Total Package
Rs 2,000,000 crore, or 10%
of GDP, announced in five
tranches, which included
2008 Isn’t = To 2020
T is understandable that econo- protect jobs. In fact, Jet Airways was
mists compare 2020 with 2008. forced to withdraw its decision to
Some maintain that the response sack employees due to political pres-
then was better than what one has sure. Currently, the states have seen
seen today. But this may be akin to the crisis to get rid of some of the
jumping the gun because there are restrictive labour laws that hamper
major differences between the two. businesses. It may be a different mat-
The first is that two different prime ter that some allege that a few states
ministers and two different regimes have gone overboard.
were in place. In 2008, Manmohan Although exports plunged in 2008,
Singh’s hands were tied due to coali- which impacted sections of agricul- “The additional borrowing and
tion government’s pressures, but he ture, the farm sector wasn’t drasti-
understood economics. In 2020, cally affected. This isn’t the case this additional expenditure (over
Narendra Modi has a free hand, but time. The rural economy may be
tends to centralise decisions. worse hit, at least over the next few
and above the expenditure
The economy was in a better months, because of the reverse mig budget of Rs 30,42,230 crore)
shape then, and the global financial ration of unorganised, temporary, and
crisis had little impact on Indian non-contractual workers. They can will be the true measure of the
banks because they were globally hide safely for a few months, but they fiscal stimulus.”
secluded. In 2008, the GDP growth will feel the pich if they are not gain-
was higher, and the collapse lower— fully employed by September this P. Chidambaram
from 6.7 per cent to 5.5 per cent, year. This may result in a new crisis. Former finance minister
says Sebastian Morris of IIM-A. Stimulus, and indirect one, was the
Today, it may plummet from 5% to economic silver bullet in 2008. Since
2-3 per cent, or lower. The size of the the global problem was with the entire
required stimulus package was financial sector, it was crucial to sup-
lower in 2008. The government had port the banks and financial “About half of the package
more fiscal flexibility. Things are dif- institutions through credit liquidity.
ferent in 2020, as the economy alr This was easily done by central banks covers fiscal measures that had
eady reeled under a slowdown, and of various countries, including India. previously been announced and
higher fiscal deficit. The direct benefit, or putting money
Labour was affected dramatically in into the hands of the consumers, also include the estimated
both the crises. However, given the wasn’t as critical as it is in 2020. Those
coalition politics, and pressures from were different times, and it is only a
economic impact of monetary
socialist partners, Manmohan Singh’s theoretical exercise to compare the stimulus from the RBI.”
government went out of the way to two responses. O Credit Rating Fitch Solutions
downgrade any country at the first ies? Similarly, the package included
signs of trouble. The medium term an assurance of prompt payments of
implications of a lower rating can be a Corona in pending dues to ease cash-flows of
ruthless and ongoing negative effect
on the economy. India cannot afford Wonderland # 2 the MSMEs.
Experts question the efficacy of the
to take such risks at this juncture. loan windows given to the MSMEs.
Sparks to Spur Supply “If you want to get “The stimulus is largely through credit
guarantee scheme of Rs 300,000
A large chunk of the revival package— crore. This is contingent liability, and
some say a glaring majority of it—is to somewhere else, there is no infusion of money. This
benefit companies, especially the does not ensure the desired multi-
small and medium (MSMEs) ones. It you must run at plier effect, as is the case with direct
seems that the government feels that investment (transfer),” explains
if it gives enough indirect incentives
to such units, they can be propelled
least twice fast Vikas Srivastava of IIM-K. One isn’t
sure if the banks, plagued with bad
into action, and pull the economy out
of the present malaise. Such benefits
as that.” loans and write-offs, will offer credit.
There is a concern that firms may use
include easy loans, tremendous flexi- It doesn’t matter if the the money foolishly, resulting in
bility in labour laws—Uttar Pradesh more bad loans in the future.
suspended all of them, except three— stimulus size is Rs 2,000,000 Subhash Garg, the former central fi-
ease of doing business, prompt pay- crore. We need another nance secretary, estimates that the
ments, and potential orders. Rs 800,000 crore in government promised to provide such
For instance, only an Indian com- loans to 4.5 million MSMEs. The fig-
pany can now bid for procurement direct spending. ure is only a small percentage of 75
tenders up to Rs 200 crore each issued million units in this sector. Politics,
by public sector firms. This can lead to crony capitalism, and favouritism may
more business for the MSMEs. play a role in the disbursement of the
However, the definition of an Indian funds. Instead of firms, which are in a
company is unclear. Will it include position to turn around and become
purely “desi’ entrepreneurs with ma- profitable, the money may go to those
jority Indian stakes, or also foreign that use it inefficiently, or siphon it off.
MNCs that have set up fully-owned In a crisis like this one, there may be
and majority-owned Indian subsidiar- no checks and balances.
Cures to Catapult
Given the nature of the COVID-19 cri-
sis, the dire need of the hour was to
push demand. The loss of millions of
jobs, and salary reductions implied
that the government had to put more
money in the pockets of both urban
and rural consumers. This could be in
the form of direct money transfer to
the poor, aid in the form of free and
cheap food items, lower across-the-
board taxes to hike disposable in-
comes, and a fillip to welfare schemes
that generate incomes. The Centre
has done all this. Economists feel it
hasn’t done enough.
Expenditure on MNREGA, which
was reduced in this year’s Budget, was
recently hiked by Rs 40,000 crore. In
addition, the poor and migrant work-
ers were promised additional alloca-
tion of free grains and pulses to
prevent starvation. Economists think
that one of key problems with
MNREGA was the delays in payments.
If they persist, the higher allocation
will lose its relevance because the
people need the money now, rather
than a month or two later. The free
Bully in
Bear Den
In this Great Lockdown, why some stocks shot up by 60-70
per cent? What explains such bewildering trends?
On February 12 this year, the India’s wealthiest person, Mukesh of the Great Lockdown—a few stocks
American Dow Jones was at a high of Ambani. From a price of almost Rs zoomed by 60-70 per cent.
29,551. It dipped by 37 per cent in 39 1,500 on February 19, the scrip took a Economists and stock experts give
days (March 23). Over the next 57 deep dive to below Rs 900 by March 23. several reasons to explain these bewil-
days, by May 19, it climbed up to over Then it rocketed to a peak of Rs 1,562— dering trends.
24,000, a rise of 30 per cent. A similar the highest in 2020. It seemed as if in-
trend was noticed in the behaviour of vestors, day-traders, and speculators Lockdown Effect
the Sensex. From February 12 to had combined together to propel the American online trading platforms
March 23, it plunged by 37 per cent, stock to new levels. reported unusual increases in vol-
and then soared by 16 per cent by May India Cements is another stock that umes. E-trade said that its volumes in
19. On April 30, the index was at 33,718, seem to buck the overall trend—and April 2020 were thrice as large as in
which signified an upturn of 30 per how. Apart from two small descents, April 2019. TD Ameritrade said that “it
cent from its March 23 low. The simi- and one elongated not-too-low depres- did more than three million trades a
larities were uncanny; the two seemed sion, the stock boomed from Rs 72 on day in April (2020), compared with
closely coupled. February 18 to Rs 118 on May 19, a two- 817 thousand a year earlier”. Richard
In comparison, the NASDAQ, which thirds escalation. On May 15, the scrip Thaler, a Nobel Prize winner told an
comprises technology stocks, seemed its 52-week high, and there were days, American weekly that investors possi-
to defy the insidious impact of the like February 26, when it hit the daily bly have time on their hands due to
coronavirus pandemic. From its high upper circuit, i.e. the specific top limit lockdowns. “It could be that it’s just a
in February, it tumbled by 30 per cent for the daily increase in the price of lot of people have a lot of time on their
by March 23, but then surprisingly— each stock. Of course, there is a narra- hands,” he explained.
actually shockingly—it almost regained tive that drove the scrip crazy, but we According to a recent piece in New
the entire losses. On May 19, it stood at will discuss it later. Yorker, gamblers, who could not go to
9,185, only marginally down from its The obvious question is: What’s hap- the casinos, shifted attention to stocks
high of 9,818. Was this movement pening to the global indices, and indi- to use their speculative skills to make a
rational or irrational? Why did the vidual stocks? It doesn’t make sense killing on the exchange. A fast-moving
Dow Jones and Sensex rebound during for the indices to bounce back during market, which goes up and down by a
the period when both the respective the worst period of the pandemic, few hundred points to a few thousand
economies were shuttered. when the entire world was paralysed— ones almost on a daily basis, is attrac-
Before we answer these questions, a or at least most parts of it. It is unfath- tive to the day-traders. They are inter-
look at a couple of stocks will add to the omable that when comparisons were ested in price movements that can be
complexities and creepiness of the being made with the Great Depression as small as 50 paise a day. For them to
stock markets. One of them is Reliance of 1930s—Gita Gopinath, the IMF’s be able to earn Rs 5-10 a share, which is
Industries, which is promoted by chief economist, called 2020 the year inevitable in a volatile market, is a
dream come true. latter. Simultaneously, Reliance The stock price of Avenue Supermarts,
Retail, Mukesh Ambani’s retail opera- owned by Damani, shot up from just
Optimism Effect tions, inked a commercial partnership above Rs 600 in March 2017 to Rs
It is firmly believed among certain sec- with FB-owned WhatsApp. The for- 2,454 on May 20 this year. It is almost
tions that the stock markets are quick mer will support small businesses at the same level as its previous high on
to react upwards, sometimes much be- on WhatsApp. February 13, 2020. Like Reliance
fore the crisis ends. Hence, the re- Cash-rich companies, which haven’t Industries and India Cements,
bound in stocks can happen before the been hurt much by the coronavirus, Damani’s stock seems to be
uptick in economic growths. In recent may use the lower stock prices as an COVID-proof.
times, this was witnessed in the US opportunity to buy back their shares, Safer investors, who are sitting on
markets towards the end of 2018, and instead of using the money in its cof- cash, are also lured during a crisis to
beginning of the next year. There is an fers to pay higher dividends or issues invest in known blue chips, which are
undying belief that the V-shape curve shares for free through bonus issues. A available at lower prices, but are bound
is inevitable during the recoveries of few experts envisage a flooding of buy- to do well when the going becomes
equities from their bottom. The inves- back offers from the promoters in the good. Among the Indian stocks, these
tors think that the central banks and near future. Such hopes among the include renowned MNCs, as well as
governments won’t fail them. investors have the tendency to push up Indian firms that have consistently
Robert Shiller, another Nobel Prize prices of select stocks. If these stocks done well, and are managed profes-
winner known for his book, Irrational happen to be heavyweights, they influ- sionally. Such secure buying, along
Exuberance, said in an interview that ence the indices. with opportunistic ones, has an up-
the V-shape conviction isn’t true. ward impact on stock indices.
He explained that the bear mar-
ket of the Great Recession of Loss-aversion Bias
2007-08 began in September Almost three decades ago, Amos
2007, and the market didn’t bot- Teversky and Daniel Kahneman
tom out till February 2009. demonstrated what is called the
During the Great Depression, loss-aversion bias among hu-
the fall “began with the Wall mans. It contends that “losses
Street crash of October 1929 and are twice as powerful compared
lasted until the middle of 1932”. to equivalent gains”. Thus, a loss
During the period, the US mar- of Rs 100 will give twice as grief
ket was depressed by 80 per cent, to a person, compared to the
and “did not hit new highs” till happiness with a similar Rs 10
the 1950s. gain. In practice, it implies that
most of us display a tendency to
‘Promoters’ Impact be risk-averse, rather than seek
Companies that had scheduled risk. This can manifest in differ-
their rights issues are expected PTI ent ways in varying situations.
to get a tepid response in these mar- In the case of owners of stocks, the
ket conditions. Hence, their promot- Cash Factor bias reflects in propensity to retain
ers may be expected to react in several In times like these, when the markets them, even if the prices are considera-
ways. A few may urge their loyal bro- and most other asset categories are bly down, and the best option is to sell.
kers, and supportive institutional in- down, cash becomes the king. Most in- Investors continue to hold to
vestors, to go on a buying spree to vestors try to remain liquid, and adopt loss-making stocks in the hope that
maintain stock prices, or even drive a wait-and-watch attitude. But this prices will go up in the near future.
them northwards. Others may accept may not be true of aggressive and large This is most evident during stock crisis
the inevitable, and directly or indi- investors, who see the lower prices as and market crashes, when it may be
rectly subscribe to the portions of the an opening to increase their stakes. better to sell, stay in cash, and buy the
issues that remain unsold. They will Take the case of Radhakishan Damani same or other stocks at lower prices.
wish to sell these shares later at who, along with family members, in- On an overall basis, this reduces the
higher prices. creased his stake in the Chennai-based selling pressure, and increases the
One of the reasons for the spurt in India Cements to almost 20 per cent. chances of an upward volatility.
the Reliance Industries’ counter over This was the major reason for the The above factors contribute to the
the past few months was the expecta- stock’s recent spurt. volatility, and result in short phases of
tion of the rights issue, which opened Damani has emerged as a major upward and down movement of the in-
on May 20. Another positive for the Indian entrepreneur. He is ranked No. dices. Rest assured that if the negatives
stock was Facebook’s decision to in- 2 richest Indian, with a wealth of overshadow the positives, the bears
vest Rs 43,574 crore in Reliance Jio nearly $17 billion, on the Forbes ‘Real- can crush the markets for longer peri-
(telecom arm) platforms. In return, Time List’ of the world’s wealthiest, be- ods. Obviously, the bulls gain an upper
FB acquired 9.99 per cent stake in the hind Mukesh Ambani ($52.6 billion). hand if the opposite becomes true. O
Years of
Bhupender Yadav Bhavna Vij-Aurora
Rajya Sabha MP and Political Editor,
BJP General Secretary Outlook
join us on
@outlookindia @outlookmagazine
May 23, Saturday, 6:00 pm
Dr. Shashi
Member of Parliament, Lok Sabha
Corona and
the new world
In conversation with
Satish Padmanabhan
Executive Editor, Outlook
‘Vocal-for-local will
lakh crore COVID-19 pack-
age and called for self-reli-
ance or ‘Atmanirbhar
Bharat Abhiyan’. Are you
decentralised production globalisation, with lessons in tectionism is seen as a dirty What is your view on priva-
model and use of domestic self-reliance. Two weeks word, with negative connota- tisation of PSUs in non-stra-
resources and talent. before the Prime Minister tions, in the past three dec- tegic sectors that the
talked about it in his address, ades. It is not a crime. The government has
You believe that the local sarsanghchalak ji (RSS chief government, for the first announced? Your sister
indigenous industries need Mohan Bhagwat) had called time, in February 2018, organisation, the Bharatiya
a push? for national reconstruction raised tariff to protect our Mazdoor Sangh (BMS), has
➞ It’s unfortunate that pol- through swadeshi and self- industry. The trade deficit opposed it.
icy makers in the past never reliance. He had also talked with China had come down ➞ We have always been
reposed trust in indigenous about the model based on from $63 billion in 2017-18 to against privatisation, espe-
talent, resources and knowl- decentralisation, using indig- $53 billion in 2018-19. It has cially the strategic route to
edge. There was over-emp enous talent, giving employ- come down further. disinvestment of PSUs that
hasis on public sector and ment to our youth. Also, to make self-reliance was undertaken under the
later on foreign capital and It can also be called work, the government needs Vajpayee government. We
MNCs. PM Modi’s call of ‘sanatan’, invoking the phi- to do major structural are also against disinvest-
‘vocal for local’ is a pleasant losophy of integral human- changes. Most industries ment of BPCL and Air India
departure from the existing ism as put forth by are working below capacity. as planned by this govern-
policy based on globalisa- Deendayal Upadhyaya and Jobs have to be created. ment. These issues must be
tion and liberalisation, later by Dattopant Theng- India has so much potential. resolved. We have seen the
especially foreign capital adi. We are seeing its adop- If we can launch 104 satel- resolution of BMS, and are
dependent model of tion in a new context. lites in a single rocket into in the process of making up
development. space, why can’t we manu- our mind on supporting it.
It is time to revive those There is a fear among some facture computer parts that
local industries that were sections that the emphasis we import from China. Lastly, what do you have
taken for granted in the era on local may make India to say about thousands of
of globalisation. It is also isolationist? Do you think that in the migrants walking home
time to usher in economic ➞ This is not isolation. We post-lockdown world, India in misery? Do you think
policies that produce wel- are not breaking relations has an opportunity to that the government has
fare, sustainable incomes, with other countries. We are enhance its economic might failed them?
help job creation and, all in ➞ I don’t think, the govern-
all, put faith in the people. ment has failed them. The
There are more than 700 government has made all
MSME clusters in the coun- efforts in taking them home.
try with a long and prosper- “The virus outbreak has already Even the states have made
ous history of industrial efforts. Civil society—the
development. Many of these accelerated the collapse of the RSS and many NGOs—is
clusters lost their sheen due
to unfair competition from
existing model of globalisation... also working hard.
At this point, I want to ask
China and unfair import no logic in blindly importing in all policy-makers and glo-
policies. They have to be balisation apologists—that if
supported and strengthened the name of free trade.” globalisation was a suc-
by all means so that they not cess—why are the majority
only create employment moving towards fair trade. at the cost of China? of labourers still in this
opportunities but also pro- China has been dumping ➞ This thought is being shape? Over 37 per cent
duce high-quality products goods in our country since echoed everywhere. The children between one and
in the most economical cost. years, killing almost all our world over countries are five years are still stunted.
More such industrial clus- manufacturing industry. The realising that self-reliance, The average wages, from
ters would be identified at government has risen to the or rather self-sufficiency, is 1991 to 2016-17, had gone up
the district level all over the occasion and there has been a the best policy. China is by seven per cent, while
country for ushering in conscious effort to ban Chi- going to be the biggest loser, inflation went up by 6.5 per
future growth in nese goods. Even Piyush losing out on various counts. cent, barely leaving any sur-
manufacturing. Goyal (minister of commerce One, on demand, as it is plus for the people.
and industry) had earlier said bound to face cancellation They were in the same
Do you think the coronavi- at a meeting with us that we of orders. Second, by reloca- miserable position 50 years
rus outbreak has nudged the are proud to be swadeshi. tion of various MNCs from ago. It is all because of eco-
country towards swadeshi? Protection of our people and their soil. And last, it is nomic policies of the Con-
➞ There is definitely a con- industry against unfair trade going to lose infra projects gress. Those who are
text here. Coronavirus has is not a crime. There is no in over 65 countries that responsible are now
already accelerated the col- logic in blindly importing in were part of China’s Belt shedding crocodile tears at
lapse of the existing model of the name of free trade. Pro- and Road Initiative. their plight. O
Small Screen,
Big Locha
As movies release directly on streaming platforms
during the lockdown, theatre owners seethe and
threaten ‘retributive’ measures
tres across the country have been
HE week around Eid wearing a desolate look shorn of glitz
ul-Fitr is a carnival for for more than two-and-a-half months.
multiplexes teeming Worse still, there are no signs of things
with movie buffs united by their looking up anytime soon.
shared love for Salman Khan. This unexpected twist was not there in
Undeterred by an overnight hike the original B-town script until March
in ticket prices, they wait for this year when everything looked hunky-
their turn to see their beloved dory on the business front. With Akshay
Bhai—as the 54-year-old star is Kumar setting up a clash of titans by opt-
known among his die-hard ing for an Eid release of his eager-
admirers—unleash magic yet ly-awaited Laxmmi Bomb on May 22
again on the big screen. alongside Salman’s Radhe: Your Most
But as fate would have it, there Wanted Bhai, multiplex owners seemed
is no activity at all now, let alone to be in for a double delight.
celebrations, at multiplexes, just Almost all of Salman’s Eid releases
were mega blockbusters, creating a
record enviable enough to deter the
biggest of his competitors. However,
Hit Hiatus Akshay Kumar in Laxmmi Bomb buoyed by his recent successes, Akshay
(left) and Kapil Dev’s biopic ’83 dared to grab a slice of Salman’s
Reeling While Radhe: Your Most Wanted Bhai’s (top left) release has been postponed,
Gulabo Sitabo (top right) and Shakuntala Devi (bottom) are releasing on OTT platforms
box-office pie on Eid. It was, of course, Vidya Balan’s Shakuntala Devi, a biopic
a win-win situation for multiplex own- of the legendary ‘human computer’.
ers, who looked forward to the immi- Sircar’s Amitabh Bachchan-
nent showdown between two of the Ayushmann Khurrana starrer will be
biggest superstars with bated breath, released directly on Amazon Prime
little realising what was in store for Video on June 12. Five big movies from
them in the weeks ahead. the south—Ponmagal Vandhal (Tamil),
Forced by the prolonged closure of Penguin (Tamil/Telugu), Law
cinema halls, with little chance of (Kannada), Sufiyum Sujatayum
them reopening soon, filmmakers (Malayalam) and French Biryani
are now turning to the over-the-top (Kannada) will also stream on digital
(OTT) platforms for direct digital platforms within the next three
releases of their movies. On May months in the face of growing uncer-
22, a Friday when the industry tainty over reopening of theatres.
expected a Salman-versus-Akshay “At Prime Video, we believe in listen-
duel, it will be Nawazuddin ing to what our consumers want and
Siddiqui’s chance to hog the lime- working backwards from there,” says
light by default as his long-in-the- Vijay Subramaniam, director and head,
making Ghoomketu is bypassing content, of the Indian arm of the global
the traditional route of a theatri- OTT platform. “Over the past two
cal release to stream on Zee5 for years, Prime Video has become the
OTT audiences. And this may be destination of choice for our custom-
just the tip of the iceberg for the ers to watch new releases across lan-
multi-billion-rupee industry. guages within weeks of their theatrical
There are other movies with releases. We are taking this one step
digital premieres in the pipe- further, with seven of India’s most
line, most notably Shoojit anticipated films premiering exclu-
Sircar’s Gulabo Sitabo and sively on it, bringing the cinematic
experience to their doorsteps.” Adds
Gaurav Gandhi, director and country
general manager, Amazon Prime Video
India, “We feel truly excited about this
initiative and also confident of delight-
ing our members with this offering.”
But what may delight the growing
tribe of the OTT audience has come as such fair-weather friends”. up at homes for the past many weeks.
a shocker to multiplex owners, who are INOX’s strongly worded statement We are likely to see demand on a sus-
crying foul over these developments. evoked a sharp response from the tained basis once we reopen.”
Until now, most movies would reach Producers Guild of India. “Statements Gianchandani hopes that producers
Amazon Prime Video, Netflix etc only that call for ‘retributive measures’ will accede to their request to hold
after a few weeks of their theatrical against producers who decide to take back the release of their films till cine-
releases. Therefore, filmmakers’ deci- their movies directly to OTT plat- mas reopen. But as Amitabh Bachchan
sion to opt for direct digital streaming forms—especially at a time when cine- says on his official blog, it’s a situation
sent alarm bells ringing for theatre mas are unfortunately closed for the that cannot be altered now. “.. finances
owners. Fearing a loss in revenues in foreseeable future—do not lend them- and other contractual obligations need
the long run, INOX, a leading theatre selves to a constructive or collaborative consideration .. not just my films there
chain, reacted angrily, calling it a dis- dialogue on the way forward for the are other artists too .. they also need to
concerting move. “INOX would like to industry,” it said in a two-page state- space out their films .. recovery of in-
express extreme displeasure and dis- ment. “The production sector ( just like vestment .. cannot take forever .. if the
appointment on an announcement by the exhibition sector) is suffering hun- digital price is amicable then they go
a production house to release their dreds of crores of losses daily as elabo- for it .. it is the future .. the option to
movie directly on an OTT platform by rate and expensive sets erected for release in theatres later always open ..
skipping the theatrical window run. under-production films have had to be that contained in the terms .. so yes in
The decision of the production house taken down. Huge cancellation charges time there could be theatre release as
to deviate from the globally prevalent are being borne by producers even as well .. others wait for the results of dig-
content windowing practice is alarm- interest costs are mounting on amounts ital release to make decisions on their
ing and disconcerting,” it announced a raised to fund films.” films .. (sic)” he wrote on May 14.
day after filmmaker Shoojit Sircar But INOX is not alone. Another mul- Thankfully for multiplexes, none of
revealed plans to take Gulabo Sitabo tiplex major, PVR Pictures, which op- the big-ticket extravaganzas starring
directly to Amazon Prime Video. erates a cinema circuit comprising 841 reigning Bollywood superstars, their
Reminding filmmakers of the ‘mutu- screens at 176 properties in 71 cities in biggest revenue generators, have fallen
ally beneficial partnerships’ they have India and Sri Lanka, also expressed its for the OTT bait yet. Rohit Shetty’s
shared over the years, INOX stressed disappointment with producers decid- multi-starrer Sooryavanshi featuring
the need for standing shoulder to ing to go straight to streaming plat- Akshay Kumar, Ajay Devgn and
shoulder. “Such acts, though isolated, forms. “We believe that theatrical Ranveer Singh along with Katrina Kaif,
vitiate the atmosphere of mutual part- release is the best way for audiences to which was supposed to release on
nership and paint these content pro- experience the labour and creative March 24, and Kabir Khan’s Ranveer
ducers as fair-weather friends rather genius of our filmmakers. This has Singh-starrer ’83, which was slated for
than all-weather, lifelong partners,” it been so for decades and not just in April 10, have been put on hold indefi-
said, adding that it would now be “con- India but globally,” says Kamal nitely. Similarly, Salman Khan’s big-
strained to examine” its options while Gianchandani, CEO, PVR Pictures. budget Radhe: Your Most Wanted Bhai,
reserving all rights, including taking “The COVID-19 crisis has caused an said to be based on Korean action-
retributive measures in “dealing with unfortunate shutdown of cinemas. We thriller The Outlaws, will not be
are confident that once we get to the released soon.
other side of this crisis, there would be Meanwhile, speculation is rife that
Will They? Coolie No. 1 (left) enough and more pent-up demand all these movies might be released
and Gunjan Saxena from cine-goers who have been cooped directly on OTT platforms. There are
Thappad was
written keeping
me in mind
on her career in films and future plans
in conversation with
Mitrajit Bhattacharya
Columnist & Author
TALKies with
Episode - 3
@outlookindia @outlookmagazine
Showstoppers Laal Singh Chaddha dented situation. “Since it will take a All these factors have contributed to
(left) and Sooryavanshi while before normalcy and footfalls Bollywood’s gradual shift from thea-
are restored, it is only reasonable for tres to OTT platforms. Already, there
also rumours about digital platforms producers to unlock their investments are talks about movies such as Varun
offering astronomical sums to the through digital platforms,” he says. Dhawan’s Coolie No. 1, Amitabh
makers of these films. The Radhe team, “This is more likely in the small-to- Bachchan’s Jhund, Janhvi Kapoor’s
however, has denied that it was negoti- mid-film segments. Large films may or Gunjan Saxena and Rajkummar Rao’s
ating a deal worth Rs 250 crore with an may not opt for these deals as their Ludo going directly to OTT platforms
OTT platform for the release of theatrical component is large and they in the weeks to come. Some say even
Salman’s next movie. ’83 director can hold on for longer.” Akshay Kumar’s Laxxmi Bomb might
Kabir Khan too makes it clear that Andhare claims that producers’ move release soon on Disney-Hotstar. The
since his films are meant for a big- to shift to OTT platforms should not pandemic has also cast a cloud on the
screen experience, he, along with other be viewed as bypassing of theatres as timely release of many upcoming mov-
stakeholders, has decided to wait for they remain the most central compo- ies such as Aamir Khan’s Laal Singh
the reopening of theatres. Filmmaker nent of the cinema value chain. Chaddha, Ranvir Kapoor’s Brahmastra
Karan Johar, whose Gunjan Saxena “Normalcy will return. The only and Alia Bhatt’s Gangubai Kathiawadi,
starring Janhvi Kapoor was slated for question is when,” he says. which are all due later this year.
release on April 24, has cautioned the It is this ‘when’ conundrum that is Interestingly, this is not a new phe-
media against conjecturing about adding to filmmakers’ insecurities and nomenon in Bollywood. Films like
movies going directly to digital plat- driving them to OTT platforms. With Rishi Kapoor’s Rajma Chawal (2018),
forms. “My hugest request to my the rapid rise in COVID-19 cases Vicky Kaushal’s Love Per Square Foot
media friends not to reach any across the country—particularly in (2018) and more recently, Sushant
assumptions on our fraternity films … Mumbai, Hindi cinema’s biggest mar- Singh Rajput’s Drive (2019) released
these are challenging times for the ket—the prospects of theatres reopen- directly on OTT platforms in the past
business and false news only makes ing soon look bleak. The lucrative without multiplexes batting an eyelid.
the situation worse! Please wait for overseas territory is also out of bounds, Even in Hollywood, a movie as big as
official news on any account!! This is a further aggravating filmmakers’ prob- Martin Scorsese’s The Irishman (2019)
humble request (sic),” he tweeted. lems. Worse, there is no guarantee that followed the same digital route.
Bollywood experts, however, believe the audience would flock to multi- Industry watchers believe that all
that stars and filmmakers, howsoever plexes immediately upon resumption stakeholders in the Indian film indus-
big, cannot reverse the trend now. “The of shows owing to fears of contagion try—actors, filmmakers and exhibi-
die is cast, but they remain in a denial and the need for social distancing. tors—will have to learn to live with the
mode. A few big studios with deep pock- fact that the OTT platforms, a cheaper
ets may keep the release of their films option than multiplexes, cannot sim-
on hold for a year or so, but what about ply be wished away. With penetration
small filmmakers who have borrowed There is no in about 4,000 towns in India and 200
money on steep interest rates? Can guarantee that other countries, Amazon Prime Video,
they afford to do that?” says a trade Netflix etc are here to stay and might
analyst on condition of anonymity. viewers will flock emerge as a game changer in the movie
Ajit Andhare, chief operating officer, business. The film industry as a whole
Viacom18 Studios, says that the indus-
to theatres when and multiplexes in particular should
try is in a crisis caused by an unprece- shows resume. become attuned to this reality. O
for Start-Ups
K GaneshSerial Entrepreneur
In conversation with
N Mahalakshmi
Editor, Outlook Business
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EPRESSION, the blight that has
its talons sunk across the world,
can melt the doughtiest of
persons. Only a few emerge stronger, but
it takes mental toughness and doggedn
ess. Sarfaraz Khan and younger brother
Musheer, the young cricketers of
Mumbai, seem to have those qualities in
abundance. They not only overcame a
tormenting 2019 but notched up career
best performances in the season that
ended in March.
Even as Sarfaraz was serving a one-
year cooling-off period in 2018-19 sea-
son to qualify to represent Mumbai
again on his return from Uttar Pradesh
after five years, the Mumbai Cricket
Association (MCA) banned Musheer for
three years for indiscipline. As the blues
slowly consumed Musheer, their father-
cum-coach Naushad too succumbed to
depression. The three faced a bleak fu-
ture in cricket—the only thing the fam-
ily lives for. But, guided by a doting
Naushad and some psychiatric therapy,
how the two boys have returned with
stronger resolve and renewed vigour!
They scored runs and dismissed bats-
men almost at will, playing with steely
determination. Hard-hitting middle
order batsman Sarfaraz, 22, finished the
Ranji Trophy tournament with the
highest average in India—154.66—while
plundering 928 runs in six matches,
comprising a fabulous, unbeaten triple
and a double century. Sarfaraz, who had
hammered a record 439 for Rizvi
Springfield in a Harris Shield inter-
school match in 2009, chipped in with
cameos for the Mumbai under-23 team
Road S A N D I PA N C H AT T E
y have slept as
For their entire lives, the
wrapped them, a
the bustle of the streets
n nightly still-
watchful slumber that eve world was
, as the
ness did not dispel. Then ected space.
d un exp
locked indoors, it yielde
pirited, sleepers
Homeless or merely free-s
vens: a woman
grasped at these safe ha
-pa ved courtyard
on a flower-strewn, stone menclature;
Ro ma n no
barely ennobled by
driff of a thorough-
another on the bared mi
atop carts, cars and
fare; men dossed down
nt Catalan slaked
polished surfaces; a defia hral Barcelona
his exhaustion on a sep ulc
y lay pro pri etorial claim to
street. Thus the
mmunal beds
their cities, these giant co no sharers.
where there re we
“…we lie on
Mother’s bed;
the rising sun
in war paint
dyes us red;
in broad day-
light her
gilded bed-
posts shine/
Robert Lowell
“When I’m in
the middle
of a dream…
Please, don’t
wake me, no,
don’t shake
me/Leave me
where I am,
I’m only
The Beatles
ISRAEL Chinese ambassador Du Wei,
who had been posted to Israel in Febru-
ary 2020, was found dead in his Tel Aviv
apartment. Initial findings suggest no
foul play. Du, 57, served in Ukraine and
was self-quarantined for two weeks on
arrival to Israel because of coronavirus
restrictions. His wife and son were yet
to join him in Israel. RRESPECTIVE of party affiliations, American presidents have
avoided making critical remarks about successors in public. But
recent developments indicate that the tradition may no longer be the
norm. Barack Obama has criticised Donald Trump’s handling of the
coronavirus crisis, saying the outbreak exposed the leadership’s
failings and described the situation as “an absolute chaotic disaster”. In
a recent online address to graduating students the former president
said some officials “aren’t even pretending to be in charge”. The total
death toll in the US is now over 90,000—the highest in the world.
Obama also spoke about the impact the pandemic is having on
Black communities in the US. “A disease like this just spotlights the
BRAZIL President Jair Bolsonaro lost his underlying inequalities and extra burdens that Black communities
second health minister in a month, embar- have historically had to deal with in this country,” he said. African
rassing his government and worrying Americans make up a disproportionate number of coronavirus
citizens. Brazil is a coronavirus hotspot. deaths and hospitalisations in the US.
But instead of tackling the challenge, The Covid-19 pandemic and the ongoing campaign for the
politicians have been busy bickering. November presidential election can be cited as reasons for the
Nelson Teich did not give any reason for
former and the current presidents’ public spats. But the US Justice
his departure, merely saying, “Life is full of
Department’s surprising decision to drop all charges against Donald
Trump’s former national security adviser Michael Flynn has
decisions, and I decided to leave.”
brought them to the centre of it.
Obama, who has kept a relatively low profile since leaving office in
January 2017, has rarely spoken out about the actions of his
successor. But in recent days the pair have been engaged in several
Flynn was forced to resign early in the Trump presidency for lying to
Vice President Mike Pence about his contacts with Russian
government officials. He had also pleaded guilty to lying to FBI agents
investigating ties between Russia and the Trump campaign. After years
of legal wrangling, the former three-star general is now a free man.
Obama said, “There is no precedent that anybody can find for
JAPAN The world’s third-largest someone who has been charged with perjury just getting off scot-free.”
economy fell into recession as the He added, “That’s the kind of stuff where you begin to get worried that
pandemic’s financial toll continues to basic—not just institutional norms—but our basic understanding of
escalate. Last week, Europe’s biggest rule of law is at risk.” Trump, never shy of criticising his predecessor,
economy, Germany, fell into recession; responded with a flurry of social media posts accusing Obama of
more are likely to face the impact of the engaging in an effort to undermine his presidency. “I wouldn’t be
lockdown. Trade-reliant Japan did not surprised if you see a lot of things happen over the next number of
go into a full lockdown, but a state of weeks,” Trump said after learning of the Flynn news. O
emergency since April severely affected
supply chains and businesses.
Satish Padmanabhan
Last week Outlook coined a word in its cover story: Covided. Here are some more words
and phrases we learnt during the pandemic and how they may be used in the future.
he largely unknown nature of the
corona virus has caused much
speculation and uncertainty
along all industrial avenues. Amidst the
chaos, companies face significant
challenge as they attempt to prepare
the workplace of the future. While the
times are as worrisome as they could
be, business leaders have a unique
opportunity to shape how employees
do the work in the future without
compromising on their safety as flexible Ankit Jain,
workspace providers formulate new Co-founder
techniques to offer a more conducive and adaptive ecosystem to
cope with disruptive elements.
K. Satchidanandan WHILE RISHY- the other hand, he is profoundly conscious of the moral and
political dilemmas of our time and uses chosen moments from
history, chosen forms from folk theatre and chosen myths and
HANDRASEKHAR ABOUT SIN AND fables to fight the negative aspects of colonialism, globalisation
Kambar is arguably the EXPIATION, and the divisive politics of hatred flaunted by a new brand of
most formidable and the TRUTH AND communal politics. But he does it in truly artistic and nuanced
most prolific playwright in ways suggesting rather than explaining the issues. Those who
Kannada today, besides being a REBIRTH, IT have read his earlier plays in translation, like Sirisampige,
significant poet and novelist in ALSO CARRIES Mahamaya or Jokumaraswamy , or watched their performances,
the language. He is one of the A CRITIQUE OF must be familiar with the subtle strategies he employs to create a
few writers who have redefined counter-modernist theatre brimming with poetry, humour, irony
modernism in Indian literature OUR COLONIAL and suspense and initiates a conversation among the classical,
by reconnecting it with native, BURDEN WE folk and modern traditions of Indian theatre.
mostly folk, traditions and INHERIT FROM The first play, Rishyashringa, a sequel to Kambar’s long poem,
regional histories so that they Helatina Kela (Listen, I Will Tell You) deals with the questions
give us fresh insights into
URBAN TRAIN- of identity, loss of selfhood, the legitimacy of human existence
contemporary life, not to speak ING. THAT’S and their complex relationship to the survival of earth. The
of providing writers with WHAT BALAG- myth of Rishyashringa that appears in Ramayana, Mahabharata
deeply communicative forms. and the Jataka has different versions. In the most popular ver-
But this does not at all mean
ONDA TRIES TO sion Rishyashringa was born to Rishi Vibhandak and Urvashi,
that Kambar is a revivalist; on GET RID OF. the celestial danseuse, who had been
sent by Indra to seduce the rishi whose
powers would otherwise have eclipsed
Indra’s. But Urvashi leaves once the
son is born and the sage, who now
turns a misogynist, brings up
Rishyashringa in a forest away from
Chandrasekhar the sight of women. When the king-
dom of Anga suffers from a severe
Kambar drought and famine, king Romapada is
TWO PLAYS | advised to bring the chaste young
Translated from Brahmin from the forest, whose arrival
Kannada by would herald rains. Vaishali, a charm-
Krishna Manavalli ing young woman is sent into the
| Penguin woods, who secretly meets the youth,
Randomhouse | awakens his adolescent desire and
leads him to Anga, now blessed with
208 pages |
abundant showers. Rishyashringa,
Rs 299 however, marries another woman,
Shanta, and settles down.
Kambar gives many twists to this
story. Here Rishyashringa is renamed
Balagonda, the Gowda’s son, who has
gone for studies in the city, whose
you to
try new
Actor Jaideep Ahlawat is winning accolades for his entertainment industry for about a decade now. Do
portrayal of a down-and-out cop in the web series you think web series will take it to the next level?
Paatal Lok, a neo-noir crime thriller. The 42-year-old > Absolutely. It is an audio-visual medium that
actor talks to Giridhar Jha about the web series and enables you to tell your story on a huge platform
his journey in Bollywood so far. Excerpts: with a worldwide reach. You can showcase your
work through it and also watch the work of others
What is the USP of Paatal Lok? from across the world. It helps you widen your
> It is one of the finest written shows I have seen horizons when you get to see such work. You get a
in recent times. You get to see a social structure better vision and perspective as an actor and feel
made of different strata of society—Swarg Lok, challenged to try new things. It also allows you to
Dharti Lok and Paatal Lok—where people from show certain content that cannot be shown under
different classes lead their lives in their own way. the present Indian censorship laws. Of course, web
As far as my character is concerned, content is classified in different categories, such
Hathiram is from Dharti Lok. He is torn as 13+, 16+ or 18+ depending on their suitability, but
between his personal and profes- this is discretionary.
sional lives. How he lands in such a You have worked in different media, from theatre to
situation and how he fights his battle web series. As an actor, do you have to change for
on both fronts to forge ahead is what different formats?
this show is all about. It is the story > When the camera rolls, it is all the same for an
of every individual actor. How your work is taken to the audience after
Content has been a buzzword in the that varies from one medium to another. The mode
of work as well the reach of all media are If you look at it, there has been some good
different. You have to play your part as an work. I am happy that I am not in any blind race.
actor at the end of the day, regardless of the I prefer to be selective in my work. I am never
medium. It does not bother me whether my depressed nor do I ever feel suffocated. Ups
work is reaching the audience through cinema, and downs are part of life. One has to try their
TV or a web series. best and march ahead.
Gangs of
With the advent of global OTT platforms, Wasseypur How do you remember your character Shahid
do you foresee a time when they will Khan in Gangs of Wasseypur (2012)?
replace cinema? > Films such as Gangs of Wasseypur and Raazi
> Twenty years ago, you had to pay for incom- (2018) are milestones in my career. Whenever I
ing calls on your mobile phone. Who had then look back, I realise I was lucky to be part of such
thought of using smartphones on which you projects. By the grace of God, I got such oppor-
could watch all kinds of audio-visual content? tunities. I hope that I will keep getting one such
In the coming years, OTT platforms will certainly Commando project every year for the rest of my life.
grow bigger, but cinema has its own impact. Will the rise of content-driven movies lead to
Movies that were made at the start of this the end of the star system in Bollywood?
millennium are still considered classics. Even > I don’t think so. The hero keeps changing in
today, films are being made in and outside the every era. Every 10-15 years, society under-
country. Cinema, therefore, cannot be replaced, goes a change. The thinking of a 10-year-old
but OTT platforms have immense scope, espe- kid changes when he turns 20. Such changes
cially in the East, where many people are still can be seen in every aspect of life. People’s
not connected to them. preferences also change with time. Stars, for
There has been a rush lately to make web one, will always be there; only their face will
series, which has raised concerns regarding change. Old stars will make way for new ones.
the quality of content. For example, there were stars like Balraj Sahni
> It has always been like that in every medium. and Dev Anand earlier. Today, we have Shah
It is the responsibility of filmmakers, actors and Rukh Khan and Salman Khan. For actors, more
writers, who have the freedom to do the kind of options have come up due to the advent of
work they want to do irrespective of whether it new platforms.
is good or not. If I feel I have to do a certain kind What are your forthcoming projects?
of work, I would like to do it. > I had completed some work just before the
Are you happy with the way your career has Baaghi 3 lockdown. I cannot say at the moment when
evolved so far? those will be released. Baaghi 3 was released
> It is not that I am happy or unhappy, thinking only two weeks before the lockdown and was
how it could have been better. And who will doing well. Right now, I am reading scripts to
decide how it could have been any different? make the most of my time at home. O
Lady, Do It Alone
As is the fate of works by creative geniuses, Tagore’s
oeuvre has been twisted around for some time—songs
flogged for everything from rock to fusion; his fiction,
some of them modernist gems, whipped mercilessly
for contemporary turns. Now, in a Delhi air thick with
rock n’ roll rebellion and angst, the immortal Ekla Cholo
Re appears in a boldly lettered tattoo below Kiara
Advani’s sternum. Cast as a band member in Guilty, the
gorgeous, prominent forehead hides under a wave of
hair, as the heavily lined kohl doth detract from those
eyes. Though millions did answer his call, the song was
a favourite of Gandhiji. Will it work for Nanki?
She Is
Sushmita Sen was the one
star who eagerly got on to
digital media for direct commun-
ions with her fans: all about herself, her
projects, her daughter, workout regimen,
a crocodile of boyfriends…. For an actress
bare there as a top draw, these (and a polished,
articulate persona, one hastily adds) enabled her to hold
on to a steady fandom. Add to her revelations the fact that she
suffered from Addison’s Disease, an auto-immune disorder
that for four years from 2014 ate into her vitals. Along-
side usual treatment, Sushmita self-medicated
with an intense programme of meditation, till
wellness broke through her dark horizon.