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Leaders today face an increasing amount of pressure to do more with less and get more
done in less time. They are confronted with an increasingly complex, ever-changing business
landscape, are expected to be always-on, and are often overloaded with information. In
addition, they have to face these challenges in work environments that are filled with
distractions. We like to refer to this as the PAID reality, standing for Pressured, Always-on,
Information Overloaded, and Distracted. In our experience, leaders who allow themselves to
be a victim of the PAID reality do not do well. They are often overwhelmed, overworked,
stressed, and ineffective in leading their people and delivering results. Quite often the
reason for their poor performance is that they respond to the PAID reality by going on
autopilot and simply trying to do more, run faster, or work longer just to keep up. In our
view, the way to succeed in a PAID reality is not by speeding up. The key to enhancing
leadership performance and well-being in today’s fast-paced work environments is by
slowing down. It is about ensuring we are doing the rights things as opposed to just lots of
things. It is about ensuring we are managing not just our activities but also our mind and
remaining focused, calm, and clear even in demanding business environments. We believe
the key to becoming a successful leader in the PAID reality starts with learning to
understand and manage your thoughts. This gives you the ability to take a one-second
pause to respond to situations as opposed to reacting on autopilot. Mindfulness training is
an ancient technique designed to help enhance focus and awareness. When skilfully applied
to today’s demanding leadership context, it can be the key to enhance performance, well-
being, and greater results. It starts with understanding the nature of our attention. Training
our minds is possible. Decades of research shows that our brains are changeable. It’s called
neuroplasticity. In short, the way we use our brain is the way we reshape it. Any action we
do or thought we think is creating neural pathways in our brain and becomes easier to
repeat. The brain is changing according to how we use it. This means we are not predefined
by what we are now, but rather we are recreating ourselves by what we do now. This means
that every moment we spend with a focused and clear mind, focus and clarity become traits
of our brain. In the context of the attention economy, this means we are not destined to
have a wandering mind. We can train ourselves and gain high levels of attention, focus, and
clarity of mind and thereby become better leaders of our own lives and the people we lead.
Mindfulness involves entering the attention economy and being able to manage your
wandering mind and external distractions. But the practice has an impressive list of research
proven by-products including stronger immune system, lower blood pressure, reduced
stress, better sleep, improved cognitive function, enhanced focus and awareness, increased
job satisfaction, better work−life balance, enhanced creativity, and better overall quality of
life. Realizing benefits from mindfulness requires formal training that can be viewed as going
to the gym for the mind. Instructions on a formal mindfulness training are presented in the
sidebar. Our approach to mindfulness training includes helping individuals enhance focus
and awareness—critical skills for today’s leaders. Focus is about training the mind to
maintain sharp focus on a particular task, with minimal distraction, for a long as you want,
with minimal effort. Awareness is about training the mind to be open and see clearly what is
happening internally and externally and make wise choices about where to focus your

Instructions for daily mindfulness training:

A formal daily mindfulness is the backbone of cultivating greater understanding of the inner
working of your mind and learning how to manage it to enhance performance, effectiveness
and well-being. We can recommend ten minutes every day. You want to make it for routine.
In general morning is the best time for most, but it can be done at any time that suits you
The training has four pillars:
1. Anatomy
2. Breathing
3. Counting
4. Distraction

 sit comfortably on chair. Feet on the ground. In balance. Keep back straight
 Relax your neck, shoulders, and arms
 Close your eyes and breath through your nose

 Direct your full attention to the experience of your breath of your nose
 In relax manner continuously monitor your breathing through your nose

 When you are in tension count numbers from one to ten and again in reverse
 So that you can again concentrate on your work again

 When your making some meditation, you can definitely distract

 To come over from this problem we want to make some practice with anatomy,
breathing, counting.
By practicing these four pillars we can make mindfulness
Now its time to know about mindfulness leadership
What is mindfulness leadership?
In our view, mindfulness is a foundational skill for effective leadership. Mindfulness is
about developing high levels of self-management by switching off the autopilot and
getting in the driver’s seat of your life. Mindfulness also cultivates the ability to be more
aware of others, which is a cornerstone for leading people and leading an organization.
Peter Drucker said that we can’t manage others unless we learn to manage ourselves

Self Others

Thoughts, Empathy
Mindfulness Emotions, values
and goals

Focus, Discipline, Vision and strategy

Leadership Authenticity, situational
Integrity leadership
compassion and

In this way we can say the mindful leadership is very Important in present organizations
in work space to making right decisions and making good relations with their workers and
making organization Good to Great.

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