Pearls of Islam

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The key takeaways are that the document discusses Islamic scriptures like the Qur'an and Hadith books, as well as the relationship between Islamic teachings and the Ten Commandments.

The Qur'an is the revealed word of God and contains Islamic teachings and laws. The Sunnah refers to the teachings and practices of the Prophet Muhammad.

Both list monotheism as the first principle and prohibit things like murder, theft, adultery, and coveting others' possessions. They also emphasize honoring parents and prohibiting wrongful use of God's name. Largest Islamic library.

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Pearls of Islam
Pillars, Art, People,
Traditions, Values Diary,
... For

By Soumy Ana

Most pictures in this book are: http:// 2004

What are the Qur'an and the Sunnah ?
The Qur'an is the last revealed word of Allah and the basic source of
Islamic teachings and laws. Qur'an deals with a variety of subjects including the
basic beliefs of Islam: morality, worship, knowledge, wisdom, Allah and man's
relationship, and human relations. Comprehensive teachings upon which sound
systems of social justice, economics, politics, legislation, jurisprudence, law and
international relations can be built, are important contents of the Holy Qur'an.
The Qur'an is divided into chapters called Surahs or surats.

Though Prophet Muhammad did not receive a formal

education, the Qur'an, as soon as it was revealed to him in the spoken word, was
committed to writing by his sribes. In this way, every word was written down
and preserved during his lifetime by his Companions. The original and complete
text of the Qur'an is in Arabic language and interpretations of its meaning in
most of the known languages are available in major libraries and bookstores.

Hadiths are books recording the teaching,

sayings and actions of Prophet Muhammad
, meticulously reported and collected by his
devoted companions. Hadith books explain and
elaborate the Qur'anic verses; they constitute the
Sunnah or a behavior code.
Since prophet Muhammad was a
perfect example of what Allah Almighty asked from
humans, his example is followed by all his followers,
even in the manner of eating, sleeping, etc.
"Thus we have appointed
you as middle nation,
that you may be witnesses upon
mankind" (Qur'an 11:43)

Islam was destined to become a

world religion and to create a
civilization which stretched from one
end of the globe to the other. Already
during the early Muslim caliphates, first
the Arabs, then the Persians and later
the Turks set about to create a classical
Islamic civilization. Later, in the 13th
century, both Africa and India became
great centers of Islamic civilization and
soon thereafter Muslim kingdoms were
established in the Malay-Indonesian
world while Chinese Muslims
flourished throughout China.
"I hope that in the next century we will come to terms with our
abysmal ignorance of the Muslim world. Muslims aren't a bunch of
wackos and nuts. They are decent, brilliant, talented people with a great
civilization and traditions of their own, including legal traditions.
Americans know nothing about them. There are people in that part of
the world with whom we are simply out of touch. That's a great
challenge for the next century."
U.S. Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy, December 1999 (ABC NEWS)

"Islam is the best chance the poor of the planet have of any hope
of decency in their lives. It is one revolutionary force that cares about
Former U.S. Attorney General Ramsey Clark, 1998 (ABC News)
What is Islam ?

One day while the Prophet was sitting in the company of some people, (The angel) Gabriel came and asked, "What is
faith?" Allah's Apostle replied, 'Faith is to believe in Allah, His angels, (the) meeting with Him, His Apostles, and to believe in
Resurrection." Then he further asked, "What is Islam?" Allah's Apostle replied, "To worship Allah Alone and none else, to offer
prayers perfectly to pay the compulsory charity (Zakat) and to observe fasts during the month of Ramadan." Then he further asked,
"What is Ihsan (perfection)?" Allah's Apostle replied, "To worship Allah as if you see Him, and if you cannot achieve this state of
devotion then you must consider that He is looking at you." Then he further asked, "When will the Hour be established?" Allah's
Apostle replied, "The answerer has no better knowledge than the questioner…”
Hadith 001.002.047 - Belief - Narrated Abu Huraira:

I was informed by Abu Sufyan that Heraclius said to him, "I asked you whether they (followers of Muhammad) were
increasing or decreasing. You replied that they were increasing. And in fact, this is the way of true Faith till it is complete in all
respects. I further asked you whether there was anybody, who, after embracing his (the Prophets) religion (Islam) became
displeased and discarded it. You replied in the negative, and in fact, this is (a sign of) true faith. When its delight enters the heart
and mixes with them completely, nobody can be displeased with it."
Hadith 001.002.048 - Belief -Narrated 'Abdullah bin 'Abbas
Inimitability of the Qur’an

Alî bin Rabbân at-Tabarî who was Nestorian Christian,

and at the age of 70 converted to Islam, asserts that he has never
in any language found stylistic perfection equaling that of the

When I was a Christian I used to say, as did an

uncle of mine who was one of the learned and eloquent
men, that eloquence is not one of the signs of prophethood
because it is common to all the peoples; but when I
____________________________________________ discarded (blind) imitation and (old) customs and gave up
____________________________________________ adhering to (mere) habit and training and reflected upon
____________________________________________ the meanings of the Qur'ân I came to know that what the
____________________________________________ followers of the Qur'ân claimed for it was true. The fact is
that I have not found any book, be it by an Arab or a
____________________________________________ Persian, an Indian or a Greek, right from the beginning of
____________________________________________ the world up to now, which contains at the same time
____________________________________________ praises of God, belief in the prophets and apostles,
____________________________________________ exhortations to good, everlasting deeds, command to do
____________________________________________ good and prohibition against doing evil, inspiration to the
____________________________________________ desire of paradise and to avoidance of hell-fire as this
____________________________________________ Qur'ân does. So when a person brings to us a book of such
____________________________________________ qualities, which inspires such reverence and sweetness in
____________________________________________ the hearts and which has achieved such an overlasting
____________________________________________ success and he is (at the same time) an illiterate person
____________________________________________ who did never learnt the art of writing or rhetoric, that
book is without any doubt one of the signs of his
____________________________________________ Prophethood.
Abdul Aleem, I'jaz ul Qur'ân, Islamic Culture, Op. Cit., pp. 222-223.
Prayers The Qur'an and Hadith on Prayer

Be ever mindful of prayers,

_______________________________________________________________ and of praying in the most excellent way;
_______________________________________________________________ and stand before Allaah in devout obedience.
Qur'an 2:238
_______________________________________________________________ Truly, to a happy state shall attain the believers:
_______________________________________________________________ those who humble themselves in their prayer,
and who turn away from all that is frivolous,
and who are intent on inner purity.
_______________________________________________________________ Qur'an 23:1-4
_______________________________________________________________ Extol, then, God's limitless glory when you enter upon
the evening hours, and when you rise at morn; and
seeing that unto Him is due all praise in the heavens and
_______________________________________________________________ earth, glorify Him in the afternoon as well, and when
_______________________________________________________________ you enter upon the hour of noon.
Qur'an 30:17-18

And before God prostrate themselves, willingly or
_______________________________________________________________ unwillingly,
_______________________________________________________________ all things and beings that are in the heavens and the
_______________________________________________________________ earth,
as do their shadows in the mornings and the evenings.
_______________________________________________________________ Qur'an 13:15
_______________________________________________________________ Our Lord (glorified and exalted be He) descends each
night to the earth's sky when there remains the final
third of the night, and He says:
_______________________________________________________________ "Who is saying a prayer to Me that I may answer it?
_______________________________________________________________ Who is asking something of Me that I may give it him?
______________________________________________________________ Who is asking forgiveness of Me that I may forgive
Hadith Qudsi 35
Sayings of the ISLAM began as something ________________________________________________
Prophet Muhammad strange, and it will become ________________________________________________
thus again, as it was at the ________________________________________________
beginning. Blessed, therefore,
(peace and blessings upon him.) ________________________________________________
are the strangers.
(He was asked who the strangers ________________________________________________
Selected and Translated are:) ________________________________________________
by Kabir Helminski 1 The strangers are those who _______________________________________________
restore what the people have
corrupted of my law, as well as
those who revive what has been
______________________________________ destroyed of it. Honor your children and thus improve their
______________________________________ manners.
______________________________________ You will not enter paradise until
you believe, and you will not The three best things: to be humble amidst the
______________________________________ believe until you love one vicissitudes of fortune; to pardon when
another. Let me guide you to powerful; and to be generous with no strings
something in the doing of which attached.
you will love one another. Give
a greeting to everyone among Whoever does not express his gratitude to
you. people will never be grateful to God.

I was delegated as a prophet to The best people are those who are most useful
perfect moral virtues. to others .

Good character is half of faith. Living among others is a cause for blessing,
while seclusion is the cause of torment.
God is merciful to those who
show mercy to others. Happy is the person who finds fault with
himself instead of finding fault with others.
Power consists not in being
able to strike another, but in From morning until night and from night until
being able to control oneself morning keep your heart free from malice
when anger arises. towards anyone.
Sayings of the Prophet
Selected and Translated
by Kabir Helminski 2

A perfect Muslim is one from whose tongue and hands mankind is safe.

Islam is purity of speech and hospitality.

Every religion has a distinctive virtue and the distinctive virtue of Islam is

Greet those whom you know and those whom you don't know.

When asked what was most excellent in a human being, he answered, "A
friendly disposition."

The best of God's servants are those who when seen remind you of God; and
the worst of God's servants are those who spread tales to do mischief and
separate friends, and look for the faults of the good.

Whoever believes in one God and the Hereafter let him speak what is good
The faithful are as one person. If a or remain silent.
man complains of a pain in his
head, his whole body complains; He is the best Muslim whose disposition is most liked by his own family.
and if his eye complains, his whole
body complains. Respect the guest and do not inconvenience your neighbors.

He is not of us who is not ______________________________________________________________

affectionate to the little ones and ______________________________________________________________
does not respect the reputation of
the old.
When Allah Ta’ala ( ) called The Gift of Salaah
Rasoolullah (Prophet Muhammad )
he was given such a special gift, namely the love for
Scallah (prayer).
This gift was not restricted to him alone, but was passed _________________________________
on to the Ummah (Muslim community) - Allah (The _________________________________
Only One God) ( ) gave this precious gift to
His Beloved, and from His Beloved it was passed on to
the Ummah. And it is in reference to this gift that Allah _________________________________
says, “Guard your salaah.” _________________________________
In his time, Allah spoke to Moosa (moises _________________________________
) , and he was told “Establish salaah for My _________________________________
remembrance”. _________________________________
The me’raj of Rasoolullah was this unique
meeting with, and witness of, Allah. This meeting was _________________________________
the me’raj of Rasoolullah, the me’raj of Moosa was his _________________________________
being spoken to, and the me’raj of the mu’min (true _________________________________
believer) is salaah. “As salaahu me’raj al mu’min.” _________________________________
_______________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________
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_______________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________
_______________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________
_______________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________
_______________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________
_______________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________
_______________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________
_______________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________
_______________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________
______________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________
Preparation for prayer If you look at the preparation required for prayer,
you will see how Allah has given special blessings in it.
So what will be the blessings for the salaah itself? The
preparation for the salaah (prayer) is wudhu (ablutions) -
____________________________________________________________________ this is the prerequisite for salaah. When a person washes
his hands for wudhu, Allah washes away all the sins
committed by those hands, and when he washes his
____________________________________________________________________ mouth Allah washes away, with the water of wudhu, all
____________________________________________________________________ the sins committed by the mouth. Whatever sins were
____________________________________________________________________ committed by the eyes or the mouth are wiped away with
the water. And when he finally washes his feet, all the
sins which were committed through them are also wiped
____________________________________________________________________ away with the water. All the sins are removed from the
____________________________________________________________________ body with the last drop of the wudhu water.
____________________________________________________________________ This is the preparation for the salaah - so now
you can judge the importance of the salaah itself. If all
the sins have been washed away in the preparation, what
____________________________________________________________________ will the salaah confer?
____________________________________________________________________ So just by preparing for salaah all the sins are
washed away.

In another hadith about wudhu, Rasoolullah (the

Prophet of God, i.e., Muhammad) said,
“Make wudhu all the time, for it will become a
light for you on the day of judgement. I will
recognise my ummah (the Muslim community)
by the light of the wudhu that the ummah
performed, because all the parts of their body will
be shining with that light.”
See how important it is to do wudhu, for this is how we
will be recognized. What about those people who also
pray five times a day? Rasoolullah will recognize the
people who made wudhu, but He will love the people
who prayed their salaah. Look at its importance, how
can a person leave the salaah?
Guardians of Salaahs
“Be guardians of your prayer and of the mid-most prayer
and stand up with devotion to Allah;
and if you go in fear then pray standing or on horseback,
and when you are again in safety
then remember Allah, as he has taught you that which
before now you knew not.”

Once Abdullah Ibn Mas’ood, a very famous companion of

Rasoolullah (Prophet Muhammad ), asked about the
importance of deeds. He requested Rasoolullah to please inform
___________________________________________________________ him as to which deed is most loved by Allah . The Prophet
___________________________________________________________ replied, “It is Prayer”(salaah). In another hadith, Rasoolullah said,
“Allah has selected a very good deed for a Muslim, and that deed
is salaah”. These Ahadith should make one realize the importance
___________________________________________________________ of salaah in the Deen (religion). Don’t think lightly of salaah. It
___________________________________________________________ is the most important thing after the acquisition of faith. In
___________________________________________________________ another hadith, Rasoolullah has stated,
“The first question that will be asked on the day of
___________________________________________________________ judgement will be about salaah. If your salaah proves
___________________________________________________________ to be good then all your other deeds will be good; if
___________________________________________________________ your salaah appears shabby and rotten, then there will
be no goodness for you.”
___________________________________________________________ Out of all your deeds, the first to be judged will be the
___________________________________________________________ salaah. Ibn Umar relates another hadith in which Rasoolullah
___________________________________________________________ compared salaah to the head on one’s body. If you take away the
head then what is left of the body? If you have the salaah then
you have the deen, but if there is no salaah then there is no deen.
___________________________________________________________ Khushoo (concentration) is important too as well as to know how
__________________________________________________________ to dress properly for both men and women.
Sayings of the Prophet Muhammad
Selected and Translated by Kabir Helminski - 3

Truly, the farthest seat from me on the day of _____________________________________________________________________

resurrection will be the garrulous, those who talk
glibly, and those who talk tall. And who is it that _____________________________________________________________________
talk tall? The vain-glorious. _____________________________________________________________________
God is gentle and loves gentleness. _____________________________________________________________________

Inscribed on the prophet's sword: _____________________________________________________________________

Forgive him who wrongs you; _____________________________________________________________________
join him who cuts you off; _____________________________________________________________________
do good to him who does evil to you; _____________________________________________________________________
and speak the truth even if it be against
yourself. _____________________________________________________________________
Whoever restrains his anger when he has the ___________________________________________________________________
power to show it, God will give him a great
Backbiting is more grievous than adultery, and _____________________________________________________________________
God will not forgive the backbiter until the one _____________________________________________________________________
wronged has forgiven him.

Keep yourselves far from envy, because it eats up _____________________________________________________________________

and takes away good actions as fire consumes and _____________________________________________________________________
burns the wood. _____________________________________________________________________
What actions are most excellent?
To gladden the heart of a human being, _____________________________________________________________________
to feed the hungry, to help the afflicted, to lighten _____________________________________________________________________
the sorrow of the sorrowful, and to remove the _____________________________________________________________________
wrongs of the injured.
________________________________________________________________________________________ I looked at all friends and did
________________________________________________________________________________________ not find a better friend than
safeguarding the tongue.
I thought about all the dresses
________________________________________________________________________________________ but did not find a better dress
________________________________________________________________________________________ than piety.
________________________________________________________________________________________ I thought about all sorts of
wealth but did not find a better
wealth than contentment in a
________________________________________________________________________________________ little.
________________________________________________________________________________________ I thought of all sorts of good
________________________________________________________________________________________ deeds but did not find a better
deed than offering good advice.
I looked at all types of
________________________________________________________________________________________ sustenance but did not find a
________________________________________________________________________________________ better sustenance than patience.
Umar (RAA)
________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________
________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________
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________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________
________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________
________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________
________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________
________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________
________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________
_______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________
Washing away ones Sins
________________________________________________________________________________Once on a beautiful Autumn morning, the Holy
________________________________________________________________________________ was out with his beloved companion Abu
Dharr. He broke one branch off a tree and he shook it
until all the leaves had fallen off the branch onto the
floor. He told his beloved companion Abu Dharr,
“See how all the leaves have left the branch? Likewise
when a person sincerely prays Salaah, all his sins are
shaken off.”
Hadith (Ahmad)
In another hadith Rasoolullah said, “If there was a canal
running in front of someone’s house, and that person
washed five times a day in that canal, then would there
sins are washed away in the same manner.”
Hadith (Bukhari & Muslim)
Another hadith:
________________________________________________________________________________ the Holy Prophet said that at prayer
times, angels fly around in the sky saying,
“O people get up and cool the fire of Hell, which you
have caused to rage around you with your sins”.
________________________________________________________________________________ (Hadith Tabrani)
The Holy Qur'an (Sura Al- Who receives Zakat?
Tauba: 60) classifies the due recipients
of zakat under the following eight
categories. _________________________________________________________________________________
1.Fakir - One who has neither material
possessions nor means of livelihood.
2.Miskin - One with insufficient means _________________________________________________________________________________
of livelihood to meet basic needs. _________________________________________________________________________________
3.Amil - One who is appointed to
collect zakat. _________________________________________________________________________________
4.Muallaf - One who converts to _________________________________________________________________________________

5.Riqab - One who wants to free _________________________________________________________________________________

himself from bondage or the shackles _________________________________________________________________________________
of slavery. (In Singapore, zakat due to _________________________________________________________________________________
this category of recipients is spent on
those who need help to pursue
education or to improve their standard _________________________________________________________________________________
of living). _________________________________________________________________________________
6.Gharmin - One who is in debt
(money borrowed to meet basic, halal
expenditure). _________________________________________________________________________________
7.Fisabillillah - One who fights for the _________________________________________________________________________________
cause of Allah.

8.Ibnus Sabil - One who is stranded in _________________________________________________________________________________

journey. _________________________________________________________________________________
(Source: MUIS in Singapore) ________________________________________________________________________________
Zakat: obligatory Charity Literally speaking Zakat means ‘grow’ (in goodness) or
'increase', 'purifying' or 'making pure'. So the act of giving zakat
means purifying one's wealth to gain Allah's blessing to make it
grow in goodness.
One of the most important principles of Islam is that all
things belong to Allaah, and that wealth is therefore held by human
beings in trust. Our possessions are purified by setting aside a
proportion for those in need, and, like the pruning of plants, this
cutting back balances and encourages new growth.
Zakah not only purifies the property of the contributor but
also purifies his heart from selfishness and greed. It also purifies
the heart of the recipient from envy and jealousy, from hatred and
uneasiness and it fosters instead good-will and warm wishes for the
--Source: Zakat (the Alms Tax)

ZAKAT: (Alms) The Zakat is a form of giving to those who

are less fortunate. It is obligatory upon all Muslims to give 2.5 % of
wealth and assets each year (in excess of what is required) to the
poor. This is done before the beginning of the month of Muharram,
the first of new year. Giving the Zakat is considered an act of
"Take from their wealth a portion for charity,
worship because it is a form of offering thanks to Allaah for the
in order to clean them thereby, and sanctify them."
means of material well-being one has acquired.
Walking towards the It is stated that for each of the steps of a person walking towards prayer,
his sins are forgiven. Also his status in jannah is raised by one grade for each
and every step. In another narration, it is stated that a person who goes for
Salaah / mosque prayer receives the reward of one Hajj.
Rasoolullah (SAWS) has foretold that people who come for prayers
during the hours of darkness, especially for Isha, Fajr and Maghrib, will be
met by Allah on the day of judgement with His own special light. Such is
the reward for going towards the salaah.
Another hadith states that if a person leaves salaah, he will join himself to both
kufr (disbelief) and shirk. Yet another hadith explains how the only difference
between Iman and kufr is salaah. So what is the nature of that place where the
prayer is performed, namely the Masjid? Allah states, “The places
that I love most on the earth are those places where people go and pray.” And
for those who help in building these Masjids with Halaal earnings, Allah
will make palaces in Jannah (Eden) with pearls and diamonds.
Those people who clean the Masjids will receive a great reward. Allah says that
those people who remove just one piece of dirt from a mosque, He prepares for
them one palace in Jannah (Heavens). One palace for each piece of dirt
Another precious reward is given to people who do service for the Masjids, for
the Prophet loves these people. In the time of the Prophet a poor old
Abysinnian lady used to sweep the mosque and nobody took any notice of her.
She died; the Prophet did not see her and inquired as to her
_______________________________________________ whereabouts. The sahaabah replied “She has passed away.” Rasoolullah
_______________________________________________ (Muhammad, SAWS) said “You should have told me. Take me to her grave, I
want to pray for her.” Rasoolullah went to her grave and made a special prayer
for that lady - all because she used to sweep the Masjid. This is the place where
people worship Allah with Salaah, so people should have respect when they are
_______________________________________________ sitting in such a place. Rasoolullah (SAWS) warned us about this, saying
_______________________________________________ “Don’t talk about worldly affairs in the Masjid.” If anyone talks about
business in the mosque then Allah will not confer any blessings on his
business. Also, if someone has lost something and makes an announcement
about it in the mosque, he will never get that thing back. People should
_______________________________________________ refrain from shouting or raising their voices in the mosque as well. The
_______________________________________________ mosque is only for Dhikrallah (supplications to Allaah). It is for the
remembrance of Allah, the highest form of which is the salaah. So if you find
anyone talking about worldly matters then you should stop him.
Muslims and True Words

The Arab grammarians were excellent
linguists in both the realm of phonetics and in that _________________________________________________________________________
of grammar and syntax. Jonathan Owens' The _________________________________________________________________________
Foundation of Grammar (1988) as well as a new _________________________________________________________________________
book just completed by him on medieval Arabic
grammar have convincingly demonstrated that, in
many ways, the Arab grammarians were way _________________________________________________________________________
ahead of their time. _________________________________________________________________________
Review of Grammaire Fonctionnelle de l'arabe du Coran
(Bahmani Nedger) by Alan S Kaye, 1990, The Canadian
Journal of Linguistics, Volume 35(4), The Canadian _________________________________________________________________________
Linguistic Association, pp. 381.
This proves how the language of the _________________________________________________________________________
Noble Qur’an influenced the entire Arab world. _________________________________________________________________________
In order to understand the structure of the Qur’an, _________________________________________________________________________
many scholars studied the Arabic language in
great depths, and until now, Arabs artists are
often great masters of their language; they can _________________________________________________________________________
make their audience cry by their choice of words ________________________________________________________________________
and images. Words have traditionally powerful _________________________________________________________________________
meanings for Arabs, that is why one is careful of
his/her utterances. In Islam, it is believed that
words can lead the worshipper at the gates of _________________________________________________________________________
Hell. _________________________________________________________________________
Muslims are responsible for their words _________________________________________________________________________
and they must always choose them carefully or be
educated in that sense. Words have long taken
the place of certifications and contracts in Islam _________________________________________________________________________
because they reflect a man’s heart, even through _________________________________________________________________________
contracts existed since early Islam. _________________________________________________________________________
_________________ Language of The Qur’an
_________________ And this Qur'ân is not such as could ever be
_________________ produced by other than Allah (Lord of the heavens
_________________ and the earth), but it is a confirmation of (the
_________________ revelation) which was before it [i.e. the Taurat
_________________ (Torah), and the Injeel (Gospel), etc.], and a full
_________________ explanation of the Book (i.e. laws and orders, etc,
_________________ decreed for mankind) - wherein there is no doubt
_________________ from the Lord of the 'Alamin (mankind, jinns, and all
_________________ that exists).
_________________ “The Qur'ân is not verse, but it is rhythmic. The
_________________ rhythm of some verses resembles the regularity of
_________________ sajc, and both are rhymed, while some verses have a
_________________ similarity to Rajaz in its vigor and rapidity. But it was
_________________ recognized by Quraysh critics to belong to neither
_________________ one nor the other category.”
_________________ A F L Beeston, T M Johnstone, R B Serjeant and G R Smith
(Editors), Arabic Literature To The End Of The Ummayad
_________________ Period, 1983, Cambridge University Press, pp. 34.

_______________________________________________________ ___________________________________________
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_______________________________________________________ ___________________________________________
_______________________________________________________ ___________________________________________
_______________________________________________________ ___________________________________________
_______________________________________________________ ___________________________________________
Beauty of The Qur’ân
___________________________________________________ “The Qur’ân is one of the world's classics which cannot be
translated without grave loss. It has a rhythm of peculiar beauty
and a cadence that charms the ear. Many Christian Arabs speak of
___________________________________________________ its style with warm admiration, and most Arabists acknowledge its
___________________________________________________ excellence. When it is read aloud or recited it has an almost
___________________________________________________ hypnotic effect that makes the listener indifferent to its sometimes
strange syntax and its sometimes, to us, repellent content. It is this
quality it possesses of silencing criticism by the sweet music of
___________________________________________________ its language that has given birth to the dogma of its
___________________________________________________ inimitability; indeed it may be affirmed that within the literature
___________________________________________________ of the Arabs, wide and fecund as it is both in poetry and in elevated
prose, there is nothing to compare with it”
___________________________________________________ Alfred Guillaume, Islam, 1990 (Reprinted), Penguin Books, pp. 73-74.

Uniqueness of The Qur’ân “That the best of Arab writers has never succeeded in
producing anything equal in merit to the Qur'ân itself is not
surprising. In the first place, they have agreed beforehand that
it is unapproachable, and they have adopted its style as the
perfect standard; any deviation from it therefore must of
necessity be a defect. Again, with them this style is not
spontaneous as with Muhammad and his contemporaries, but
is as artificial as though Englishmen should still continue to
follow Chaucer as their model, in spite of the changes, which
their language has undergone. With the Prophet, the style
was natural, and the words were those in every-day
ordinary life, while with the later Arabic authors the style is
imitative and the ancient words are introduced as a literary
embellishment. The natural consequence is that their attempts
look labored and unreal by the side of his impromptu and
forcible eloquence.”

E H Palmer (Tr.), The Qur'ân, 1900, Part I, Oxford at Clarendon Press, pp.

Qur’ânic Style
___________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________
___________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________
___________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________
___________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________
___________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________
___________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________
___________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________
___________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________
___________________________________ “Because the Qur'ân is composed of Muhammad's revelations
___________________________________ only, the Qur'ân does not possess the literary variety of the Bible.
There are, for example, no folk songs in the Qur'ân, no elegies and lamentations, no
prophetic rhapsodies, no idyllic poems, and certainly no acrostic. On the other hand,
___________________________________ the Qur'ân possesses a rich literary repertoire of its own. Besides making a
___________________________________ masterful use of language on the level of words and phrases, it contains figures of
___________________________________ speech, satire, and irony; employs a variety of narrative and dramatic techniques;
and presents characters that, is spite of the sparse personal detail provided about
them, come across as vivid figures. For those who can read the Qur'ân in Arabic, the
all-pervading rhythm which, in conjunction with the sustained use of what may be
called rhymed prose, creates in many sûrahs a spellbinding effect that is impossible
to reproduce. There is the characteristic terseness of the Qur'ânic language which
makes for some complex constructions, but which is difficult to convey in English
without being awkward. The existing translations of the Qur'ân impose a further
limitation, for they fall so far short of the highly nuanced original that a detailed
study of the Qur'ânic language and style on their basis is well-nigh impossible.”

Moulton, Richard. The Literary Study Of The Bible, 2nd ed. Boston: D.C. Heath & Co.,1899; 1909
See also: The Qur'ân As Literature, by Mustansir Mir. Renaissance, 2000, Volume 10, No. 5.
Allah’s Attributes 1
One of Allah’s attributes is
___________________________________________________________________________________ Al-Musawwir
The Shaper of Beauty
___________________________________________________________________________________ He it is who:
___________________________________________________________________________________ has created for you all that is on earth,
___________________________________________________________________________________ and has applied His design to the
and fashioned them into seven heavens;
___________________________________________________________________________________ and He alone has full knowledge of
___________________________________________________________________________________ everything.
___________________________________________________________________________________ Al-Baqarah 2:29, tr. Asad
Everything that is made beautiful and
___________________________________________________________________________________ fair and lovely is made for the eye of
___________________________________________________________________________________ one who sees.
Mathnawi I:2383, tr. Helminski
Addressing the unbelievers

The Qur'ân is divided into 114 chapters (or sûrahs).

________________________________________ The chapters are of varying lengths, from 3 verses to 286 verses.
Many verses address people who refuse Islam or are not converted yet. Why?
Because the Qur’an was revealed at the same time the message of Islam was
spreading. Verses were actually revealed just before or after the need was strongly
________________________________________ felt. It was like Allah was watching over the new converts and was directly teaching
________________________________________ them through the mouth of His Prophet .
________________________________________ The period of the compilation of the Qur'ân is rather short. Muhammad
________________________________________ was 40 when the Revelation began; he died 30 years later.
“The Qur'ânic challenge was addressed not to the believers but to the
unbelievers, and was not simply denunciation of the unbelievers, but constituted an
________________________________________ invitation to them to carefully examine the Qur'ân and see if it could have been, as
________________________________________ they claimed it was, the product of the mind of a man possessed. Irrespective of what
________________________________________ conclusion one reaches on the question of the Qur'ân's origins, one must agree that
the underlying assumption of the challenge was that the merit and beauty of the
Qur'ân could be appreciated even by those outside the fold of the faith. And if
________________________________________ that is the case, then it would be possible to dissociate the literary study of the
________________________________________ Qur'ân from the theological study of it.”
________________________________________ A F L Beeston, T M Johnstone, R B Serjeant and G R Smith (Editors), Arabic Literature To The End
Of The Ummayad Period, 1983, Cambridge University Press, pp. 34.
Allah’s Attributes 2

One of Allah’s Attributes is:
___________________________________________________________________________________ The Just
Behold, God enjoins justice, and the
doing of good, and generosity towards
one's fellow-men;
and He forbids all that is shameful
and all that runs counter to reason, as well as envy;
and He exhorts you repeatedly
so that you might bear all this in mind.
___________________________________________________________________________________ An-Nahl 16:90, tr. Muhammad Asad
O God, help me against this self of mine that is
seeking help from You;
I seek justice from no one but from this justice-
seeking self.
I shall not get justice from any one except from
Him who is nearer to me than myself;
For this I-ness comes moment by moment from
Rumi, Mathnawi I:2195-2198, tr. Helminski
Unity of content

________________________________________ The Qur'ân dealt with a variety of subjects over a period of more
________________________________________ than two decades. It is natural that it should come to have considerable stylistic
Still, in a certain sense, the Qur'ân is marked by a unity of content and
________________________________________ style that admits of taking a synchronic approach, especially in a study like the
________________________________________ present.
________________________________________ First, historically as well as theologically, the Qur'ânic revelation was mediated
________________________________________ through a single individual, Muhammad .
Second, it is generally agreed that the compilation of the Qur'ânic text was
finished, or nearly finished, in a short period of time - within Muhammad's
lifetime, according to some authorities.
________________________________________ On these two counts, the Qur'ân comes to possess a unity that would
________________________________________ justify taking the Qur'ân in its finished form as the starting point of a literary
investigation. To the argument that the Makkan-Madinan division of the Qur'ânic
sûrahs calls for a diachronic approach since the Makkan sûrahs (revealed from
________________________________________ 610 to 622) are more poetical and rhetorical and the Madinan (622-632) more
________________________________________ discursive and matter-of-fact, one could reply by saying that many literary
________________________________________ devices (such as ellipsis) are as characteristic of the Madinan sûrahs as they are of
the Makkan. It is true, however, that, in general, the Makkan sûrahs, with their
greater narrative and dramatic element, are best suited for such a study.
Precise & Subtle Words

The Qur'ân uses words with precision and
subtlety, and often the text yields its full meaning only
after a careful re-reading of it.
For example, an impatient Jonah (AS) shakes
_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ the dust of
Nineveh off his feet and, boarding a ship, departs. Verse
37:140 reads: ‘ When he fled to a laden ship.’
The Arabic word used for 'fled' is abaqa, which is
specifically used for a runaway slave. Jonah of
course is no slave. But then he is one - a slave of Allaah.
This one word imparts a whole new meaning to the
incident. Being in the service of Allaah, Jonah
ought not to have decided on his own to quit prophesying;
he should have waited for God's command. His 'running
away' is thus not simply a physical act that may be
reported as a historical event; it is an act fraught with
moral implications.
In 622 AD, Muhammad
_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ and his
followers emigrated from Makkah to Madinah. Madinah
(literally, 'city'- short for 'city of the Prophet' ) was
formerly known as Yathrib. In the Qur'ân, the city is
invariably called 'Madinah' - except once, in 33:13, where
it is called 'Yathrib'. The verse reports how, at a time of
crisis, a certain group of people deserted the ranks of
Muslims, appealing to their compatriots ('O people of
Yathrib!') to give up Islam for lost. The use of 'Yathrib'
instead of 'Madinah' graphically portrays the mentality
of the deserters: they were convinced that Islam was
about to be wiped out and that the city would no longer be
the 'city of the Prophet' but would revert to its pagan
status, becoming once again 'Yathrib' (Islâhî V:200).
Light in the Qur’ân

Surâh 24:35-40 contains a series of similitude, contrasting the people of
_________________________________________ faith with the people of disbelief. The contrast is drawn in terms of light and
_________________________________________ darkness. Surah 24, Verse 35 makes the point that the light of divine guidance
_________________________________________ is given to one who has kept the natural goodness of his heart intact. Already
possessing an inner light, such a person is prepared to receive 'the light of God'.
His natural goodness reinforced by faith, he comes to possess 'light upon light'.
_________________________________________ The verse reads:
_________________________________________ ‘God is the light of the heavens and the earth. The similitude of
_________________________________________ his light is as if there is a niche, in which there is a lamp, the lamp in a
glass; the glass looks as if it is a bright star. It [the lamp] is kindled from
a blessed olive tree that is neither of the east nor of the west, one whose
_________________________________________ oil all but lights up, even though no fire has touched it. Light upon light!
_________________________________________ God guides to His light whomever He likes. God strikes similitudes for
_________________________________________ people, and God has knowledge of all things.’
The niche is the heart of the good man, and in that niche is a lamp that
_________________________________________ burns with the light of his innate goodness. The high degree of the purity and
_________________________________________ brightness of the light is emphasised. First, the lamp is enclosed in a glass, so
_________________________________________ that it has a steady and bright flame and is not put out by the wind. Second, the
glass is not dirty but clear and shiny. It is like 'a bright star' so that it reflects the
light well. Third, the lamp is fed with olive oil that has been extracted from a
_________________________________________ tree that was planted not on the fringe of the garden - 'neither of the east nor of
_________________________________________ the west' - but right in the middle of it, so that, being secure against the fury of
_________________________________________ the elements, it has yielded the purest kind of oil. The oil, in fact, is so pure
that it would catch fire before coming into contact with fire. And when the oil,
or the inner goodness of a man, does come into contact with fire or divine
_________________________________________ guidance, the result is 'light upon light'. Possessing this 'double light', one sees
_________________________________________ the heavens and the earth lit up, acquiring the master key to all knowledge and
_________________________________________ understanding, for, as the opening part of the verse says, 'God is the light of the
heavens and the earth.'
Accurate images
The Qur'ânic language is frequently picturesque , and among the several devices that account for
it are the simile and the similitude. The similes bear reference to the natural phenomena and existential
situation the Arab was most familiar with, but one does not have to be an Arab to feel their force.
Allaah punished a certain rebellious people by unleashing upon it a wind blast that 'uprooted people as if
they were stumps of hollow palm-trees' (54:20).
On the Last Day, people will come out of their graves and will spread out in all directions 'as if they were
locusts scattered all over' (54:7).
Disbelievers shy away from the divine message 'as if they are frightened asses that run away from a lion'
The crescent moon passes through many phases and, after becoming a full moon, again 'becomes like an
old twig' (36:39).
The Arabs thought that the mountains were not subject to change, and called them 'the eternal ones'.
When Muhammad warned them of the Last Day, telling them that the world would be
annihilated on that day, they sarcastically asked him, ‘What about the mountains? Will they be destroyed
too?’ The Qur'ân replied by saying that the seemingly immovable mountains will on that day float around
'like carded wool' (101:5).

Fasting during Ramadhan
In Ramadhaan, Allah has made fasting
compulsory. It is one of the five pillars of Islam. Just like
the flower which outsmarts other flowers in its smell and
color, and like the fruit which surpasses the other fruits in
its taste, the Ibaadah (acts of devotion) of fasting outweighs
the other forms of devotions in reward.
A person gives up everything whilst fasting, only to please
his Almighty Creator. It is one of the most accepted forms
of Ibaadah, because Allah Himself will give the reward for
In this month, the first verses of the Qur’aan was
sent down to Prophet Muhammad .
Ramadhaan is a month of countless blessings and ________________________________________________________________
virtues. The word Ramadhaan is derived from “ramdh” ________________________________________________________________
which means “burning of the feet from heat” This is ________________________________________________________________
because of the fast, which burns the sins of a Muslim into ________________________________________________________________
ashes. ________________________________________________________________
Muslims stop eating from Dawn to sunset and pray more ________________________________________________________________
than usual. For one month, Muslims forget the needs of the ________________________________________________________________
body. It is a month given to Allah to show Him Ramadhan is the time when Muslims spin their rewards with
gratitude and obedience. patience & endurance. It is a time of worship and righteous
This is the month of patience and the reward of this patience works.
is Jannah (Paradise). ________________________________________________________________
This month teaches the lesson of kindness towards others ________________________________________________________________
since Muslims multiple acts of kindness towards others. It is ________________________________________________________________
also a month where Muslims are very careful not to hurt
people by their actions, their words or thought.
Salmaan relates that Rasoolullah (The prophet of ________________________________________________________________
Allah) said: ________________________________________________________________
“Ramadhaan is a blessed month. In this month is a night ________________________________________________________________
better than a 1000 months. "
Ablutions ________________________________________________________________________
The most essential tenet of Islam that the soul ________________________________________________________________________
be purified at least five times a day through ________________________________________________________________________
prayers 'Salat', to strengthen people's
commitment to God 'Allah' and to refresh his
ambition in his quest for truth. Cleanliness ________________________________________________________________________
and hygiene are the most basic, but vital ________________________________________________________________________
prerequisites for the maintenance of good ________________________________________________________________________
health. Muslims care about bathing facilities
'Hammam' for washing and doing the
ablutions for prayers in almost everywhere. ________________________________________________________________________
Hajj (pilgrimage to Mecca)
pilgrims The word Hajj means, literally,
repairing to a place for the sake of visit; it
implies repairing to Bait-Allah (the House
of Allah, one of the names of al- Ka'aba)
to observe the necessary devotions. Hajj
is not a new institution introduced by
Islam, This institution is as old as al-
Ka'aba itself which is called in the Holy
Koran ‘the first House of Divine Worship
appointed for mankind’ (Qur'an 3:95).
This verse corroborates the Hadith
(Prophetic Saying) which tell us that al-
Ka'ba was first built by Adam, the first
man on earth.
Pilgrimage is rightly said to be the
perfection of faith since it combines in
______________________________________________________________________________ itself all the distinctive qualities of other
______________________________________________________________________________ obligatory acts of prayer, patience,
______________________________________________________________________________ privation of amenities of life, devotion,
Zakat (alms) and supplication. In fact,
physical pilgrimage is a prelude to
______________________________________________________________________________ spiritual pilgrimage to Allah when man
______________________________________________________________________________ would bid good-bye to everything of the
______________________________________________________________________________ world and present himself before Him as
His humble servant saying:
'Here I am before Thee, my Lord,
______________________________________________________________________________ as a slave of Thine.'
Virtues of Hajj
Abu Hurayrah reports that Allah's
(pilgrimage) Abdullah ibn Umar reports
that Allah's Messenger said:
Messenger said: "When you meet someone
"Whoever performs Hajj and who has just performed the Hajj,
commits no indecent actions nor greet him, shake hands with him and
disobeys Allah, shall return from it ask him to pray for the forgiveness of
as pure and sinless as he was at the your sins before he reaches his
time of birth" home."
(Bukhari and Muslim)
(Musnad Ahmed)
Abu Hurayrah reports that Allah's
Messenger(saas) said:
"Those who make the journey for
Hajj and Umrah are the guests of Abu Hurayrah reports that Allah's
Allah. The supplications they make Messenger said:
will be granted, and if they seek "Whoever sets out with the
intention of performing Hajj or
forgiveness for their sins, their sins
will be forgiven." Umrah or for Jihad in Allah's path
(Ibn Majah) and then dies in the way, the same
amount of reward will be written
down for him as is fixed for those
Abdullah ibn Mas'ood reports that who perform the Hajj or Umrah
Allah's Messenger said: and those who carry out Jihad in
"Perform Hajj and Umrah again and the path of Allah."
again, for both the Hajj and the Umrah (Bayhaqi)
remove poverty and sins in the same
way as the furnace removes the Muslims who do not go to the Middle East
impurities of gold, silver and iron, and for Hajj still perform the ceremony of
there is no lesser reward on a pure and sacrifice. They also fast the day of ‘Arafat.
sincere Hajj than Paradise." The meat will be distributed to the poor in
(Tirmidhi and Nasa'i) the community.
Steven Barboza is an American Journalist
who converted to Islam after discovering Malcolm X
and his ideology. Barboza later learned that this
early ideology that was held was not the true Islam
and that through jihad Malcolm X becomes El- Hajj
Malik El-Shabazz.
Barboza, in his book 1 American Jihad: Islam After
Malcolm X, attempts to compile an anthology of
various famous and everyday American Muslims
and their stories of jihad. Jihad is not a term for
bloody warfare or fighting. In Arabic it is a word
that means to "strive" or to "struggle." It is against
the Islamic religion to engage in aggressive fighting
according to the Qur'an, the Holy Book in Islam.
There basically two types of jihads: the greatest one
is called jihad bil nafs, which is the jihad of the inner
self, and the second is called jihad fi sabilillah,
which is jihad for the cause of Allah. "This jihad is
carried out by word or deed- by the tongue, by the
pen, or as a last resort by the hand." Muslims are
not allowed to sit by while people are oppressed and ____________________________________________________________________________
must come to their defense.
___________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________
___________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________
___________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________
___________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________
___________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________
___________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________
___________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________
___________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________
___________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________
___________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________
Islam possesses a religious law called,
Shari'ah in Arabic, which governs the life of
Muslims and which Muslims consider to be the
embodiment of the Will of God. The Shari'ah is
contained in principle in the Qur'an as elaborated ________________________________________________________________________
and complemented by the Sunna. On the basis of ________________________________________________________________________
these principles the schools of this day were ________________________________________________________________________
developed early in Islamic history. This Law,
while being rooted in the sources of the Islamic
revelation, is a living body of law, which caters to ________________________________________________________________________
the needs of Islamic society. ________________________________________________________________________
Islamic laws are essentially preventative and
are not based on harsh punishment except as a
last measure . The faith of the Muslim causes him ________________________________________________________________________
to have respect for the rights of others and Islamic ________________________________________________________________________
Law is such that it prevents transgression from ________________________________________________________________________
taking place in most instances. That is why what
people consider to be harsh punishments are so
rarely in need of being applied. ________________________________________________________________________
_______________________________________ All for Only One God
_______________________________________ Muslim and Bukhari related from Anas that
the Prophet of Allah said:
_______________________________________ "No one may be said to have faith
_______________________________________ until I (Allah 'Praise be to Him and
may He be glorified') have come to
be held by him dearer than his son,
_______________________________________ his father, and all mankind."
_______________________________________ "Whoever loves but for Allah,
whoever hates but for Allah,
whoever befriends but for Allah,
_______________________________________ would obtain Allah's friendship.
_______________________________________ No matter how often he prays or
_______________________________________ how long he fasts, man will not taste
the sweetness of iman (faith), unless
this description becomes true of
_______________________________________ him. Most people befriend their
_______________________________________ friends but for the world, (not for
_______________________________________ Allah), which is utterly worthless."
_______________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________
_______________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________
_______________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________
_______________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________
_______________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________
_______________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________
All for Only One God ___________________________________________
___________________________________________ “So when you meet (in fight - Jihâd in
___________________________________________ Allâh's Cause) those who disbelieve,
smite (their) necks till when you have
killed and wounded many of them, then
bind a bond firmly (on them, i.e. take
___________________________________________ them as captives). Thereafter (is the time)
___________________________________________ either for generosity (i.e. free them
without ransom), or ransom (according
to what benefits Islam), until the war lays
down its burden. Thus [you are ordered
___________________________________________ by Allah to continue in carrying out
___________________________________________ Jihâd against the disbelievers till they
embrace Islam and are saved from the
punishment in the Hell-fire or at least
come under your protection], but if it had
___________________________________________ been Allâh's Will, He Himself could
___________________________________________ certainly have punished them (without
you). But (He lets you fight) in order to
test some of you with others. But those
who are killed in the way of Allâh, he
___________________________________________ will never let their deeds be lost.”
___________________________________________ (Qur'an 4: 47)

___________________________________________ "One important aspect of jihad to
remember is that it is not just the kital, or
war which is waged against the
disbeliever, although this is the highest
"Use Qur'an as your flashlight". ___________________________________________ form and to die fighting, or to be
Imam Siraj Wahaj ___________________________________________ shaheed, has the highest reward. Another
essential and inter-related part of jihad is
Be careful of the doors you are opening, jihad bin nafs, or striving against the
from them can come light or darkness. ___________________________________________
Know your battles before your enemy.
___________________________________________ HAAIC instructor
Know your Sunnah and aqeedah (creed).
Jihad means 'holy war'. It has nothing to do with the crusades that were
destined to eradicate members of another faith. Silat
Jihad was declared only whenever there were no other solution; it was a means
of defense. No Muslims go to Jihad unless he has been first attacked. Since
everything a Muslim does is for Allah, the main goal is to show compassion so
the enemy might embrace Islam and be saved from the Hellfire. But no
Muslim would force anyone to embrace Islam; on the contrary, a Muslim
informs, never forces. The Qur'an says : "There is no compulsion in Islam".
Prophet Muhammad was never kept responsible for other people; he was
sent to invite to Islam and to confirm the truth other Prophets (Peace be Upon
Them) had delivered. Thus nobody converts anyone else; the individual
chooses for himself/herself and Allah guides whom he wants to.
Consequently, as far as the means of Jihad are concerned, Muslims from Asia
adopted the art of SILAT that is a martial art, a means of defense.
In China, Prior to the invention of rifles and other modem weapons, Wushu
(Silat) constituted the major means of combat and self-defense. To foster Ever wondered where the United States Marines
perseverance and courage among the Hui people (Muslim Chinese), their chiefs earned the nickname, leathernecks? When the U.S.
called upon them to learn Wushu as a "holy practice" in the struggle for invaded the Philippines, they had the heaviest
survival and self-improvement. resistance from the Muslim island of Mindanao.
Readings: Wushu Among Chinese Moslems by Ma Xianda. The Muslim fighters, armed only with sticks and
swords, prevailed over the U.S. Marines who were
________________________________________________________________ armed with automatic weapons and supported by
________________________________________________________________ artillery and modern machines of war. The
Muslims would kill the marines with a single blow
________________________________________________________________ or slice at the neck. They were so effective that the
________________________________________________________________ U.S. government issued steel-reinforced leather
collars for the marines to wear around their necks
________________________________________________________________ in battle. Hence the nickname, leathernecks. Not
________________________________________________________________ that it did them much good, though…
And it was from the scrap metal salvaged from
________________________________________________________________ abandoned jeeps and other military war machines
________________________________________________________________ that the Filipinos fashioned the notorious balisong
knives (or "butterfly" knives), which could be
________________________________________________________________ easily concealed and quickly and effectively
brought into play against an opponent.
The Ten Commandments 1. There is no God except one God
Bible (Exodus 12: 1-17 & Deuteronomy 5: 6-21) 2. There is nothing whatsoever like
Confirmation in the Quran (Chapter: Verse) unto Him (42:11)
By Shahid Athar 3. Make not God's name an excuse to
your oaths (2:224)
4. Be kind to your parents if one or
_________________________________________ both of them attain old age in thy life,
_________________________________________ say not a word of contempt nor repel
_________________________________________ them but address them in terms of
honor. (17:23)
5. As for the thief, male or female, cut
_________________________________________ off his or her hands, but those who
_________________________________________ repent After a crime and reform shall
1. Thou shall not take any _________________________________________ be forgiven by God for God is
God except one God. forgiving and kind. (5:38 - 39)
2. Thou shall make no 6. They invoke a curse of God if they
image of God. _________________________________________ lie. (24:7) Hide not the testimony
3. Thou shall not use _________________________________________ (2:283)
God's name in vain. _________________________________________ 7. If anyone has killed one person it is
4. Thou shall honor thy as if he had killed the whole mankind
mother and father. (5:32)
5. Thou shall not steal. _________________________________________ 8. Do not come near adultery. It is an
6. Thou shall not lie or _________________________________________ indecent deed and a way for other
give false testimony. _________________________________________ evils. (17:32)
7. Thou shall not kill. 9, Do good to your parents, relatives
8. Thou shall not commit and neighbors. (4:36) Saying of the
adultery. _________________________________________ Prophet Muhammad (P) "One of the
9. Thou shall not covet thy _________________________________________ greatest sins is to have illicit sex with
neighbors wife or _________________________________________ your neighbors wife".
possessions. 10. When the call for the Friday Prayer
10. Thou shall keep the is made, hasten to the remembrance of
_________________________________________ God and leave off your business.
Sabbath holy.
_________________________________________ (62:9)

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