Peace Treaties

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(Translation of the book was done by our brothers in JIMAS)


THE PRELIMINARIES ............................................................................

ACCEPTING A LESSER EVIL. .........................................................................
Allah did not give permission for the Muslim ’ummah to make a call to
the unbelievers for peace except in two situations:................................



IS AN INVALID CONDITION: .......................................................................
LAWFUL: .................................................................................................
AND CONSULTATION IS INVALID:...............................................................
NOT SIMPLY THEIR DÎN: ............................................................................
Some of the losses that have been caused to the Muslims behind the veil
of these treaties: .................................................................................
In sum: ...............................................................................................


In the name of Allah, the Most Compassionate, the Most


All the praise is for Allah, Lord of all beings, the Most
Compassionate, the Most Merciful, the Sovereign of the Day of
Judgement. You Alone we worship and You Alone we ask for
help. Guide us to the straight way –– the way of those You
graced upon, not of those under wrath nor of those gone stray.

And peace and blessings be on the one sent with the perfect
dîn, the straight way and jihâd by the sword till the Day of
Judgement, and upon his Family and Companions and those who
follow his guidance till the Day of Judgement.

During the recent years the Muslim ’ummah have been

afflicted with an immense catastrophe which could not have been
imagined before its occurrence nor could anyone of the Muslim
’ummah think or suspect that such a thing would happen to them.
It is the victory of the Jews, notwithstanding that they are a small
group, over the Muslim ’ummah in four successive wars in which
the Jews fought in one united front against the Muslims divided
into divergent ranks. The Jews raised slogans that run counter to
Islam, such as nationalism, patriotism, regionalism or mere
defence of the land. The Arabs and the Muslims have been routed
by their enemies, the Jews, in defeats which history does not
know any instance of. Moreover, the Arab Muslims whom these
defeats have affected concur about the indispensability of
concluding peace and compromise with the Jews, saying that
there is no alternative before them and offering the excuse that
the Jews are helped by the Western nations and America while the
Muslims have no power and authority in their favour.

And after having extended their hands for compromise with

the Jews some of the Arabs have in fact concluded treaties with
them calling these Peace Treaties. Since these treaties contain
conditions that are invalid, more harmful and graver than defeats
in the wars, and since people are asking about what should the
Muslims' attitude be towards the Jews and towards the Peace
Treaties that have been concluded, and because Allah Subhânahu
wa Ta‘âlâ has taken a covenant of those who are given
knowledge to elucidate and not to conceal anything, I have liked
to write briefly about the attitude which, according to sharî‘ah,
the members of the Islamic ’ummah should adopt towards these
treaties they call Peace Treaties.


I say, and Allah is the Helper:

( ) The Jews have been the enemies of the Islamic

’ummah since the Messenger of Allah, Muhammad,
peace and blessings of Allah be on him, began his call
to Allah; and their hostility to this ’ummah will
continue till the Day of Resurrection.

The Messenger of Allah began the war with them at an early

date. He first fought Banû Qaynuqâ‘ on account of their
treachery, gained victory over them and expelled them from
Madînah. Next he fought Banû al-Nadîr for their treachery and
expelled them from Madînah; then Banû Qurayzah because of
their treachery and betrayal and then he conquered Khaybar
which was a result of their evil machinations. Next ‘Umar ibn al-
Khattâb, may Allah be pleased with him, evacuated them from the
entire Arabian peninsula. After their defeats their enmity was
transformed into artful plotting in secret. Hence they were behind
the secret factions and most of the internal troubles of the Islamic
’ummah. Moreover, they were active behind the destruction of
the last khilâfah of the Muslims, the Ottoman Caliphate. It was
also they who turned the attention of the Christian European
nations to fighting Islam. Volumes cannot contain the tale of their
conspiracies against Islam and the Muslims.

Their hostility to the Muslims continues, so much so that

stones and trees call out to the Muslims saying: "O Muslim, here
is a Jew behind you, so fight him" (hadîth, agreed by Bukhârî
and Muslim); and it will continue till the last of them come out
following Dajjâl.

The enmity of the Jews towards the followers of Islam and the
Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings of Allah be on him,
emanates from their envy and jealousy – envy because of the
transfer of Messengership and Prophethood from the progeny of
Ishâq to the progeny of Ismâ‘îl, and because of the illiterate
Arabs' becoming masters of the world by Allah's Book, His dîn
and His law (sharî‘ah). Allah says:

Bad is what they sell themselves for, in that they disbelieve

in what Allah has sent down, out of envy, that Allah should
send down of His grace (wahy) upon whomsoever He wills of
His servants. Thus they incurred wrath upon wrath; and
there is for the infidels a humiliating punishment (Al-
Baqarah : ).

And it was they who started the hostility, have continued it

and have not ceased to be hostile as Allah says:
And the Jews say: 'The Hands of Allah are tied up'. Be
their hands tied up and be they accursed, on account of what
they utter. Nay, His two Hands are stretched out. He spends
as He wills. And indeed what is sent down to you from your
Lord increases many of them in transgression and disbelief;
and We have flung amongst them enmity and hatred till the
Day of Resurrection. Each time they enkindle the fire of war,
Allah extinguishes it. They strive in the earth making
troubles; and Allah does not like the trouble-makers. (Al-
Mâ’idah : )

Whoever supposes that this war and hostility between the

Muslims and the Jews may be brought to an end does in fact
disbelieve in Allah’s promise and His dîn; and whoever works for
eliminating this enmity and hatred between the Muslims and the
Jews is an unbeliever in Allah Subhânahu wa Ta‘âlâ; for the
essence of belief is love for the sake of Allah. It is not lawful for a
Muslim to combine in his heart love for Allah and the Muslims
and friendship with His enemies.
There is for you an excellent example in Ibrâhîm and those
with him; when they said to their people: ‘We are clear of
you and whatever you worship besides Allah. We have
rejected you and there has arisen between us and you enmity
and hatred for ever, unless you believe in Allah Alone… (Al-
Mumtahinah : ).

Hence there can be no friendship between a Muslim and a

kâfir unless the two become either unbelievers or Muslims –
either the kâfir embraces Islam and thus becomes our brother
whom we can love and befriend, or the Muslim abandons Islam
and thus becomes a loved one and brother of the kâfir.

O you who believe do not take the Jews and the Christians
as friends. They are friends to one another. And whoever of
you takes them as friends is indeed one of them. Verily Allah
will not give guidance to the transgressing people. (Al-
Mâ’idah : ).
( ) No call to conclude peace is to be made except
when the kâfir is humbled and surrenders, or it is for
warding off a greater evil by accepting a lesser evil.

The basis of relationship between Muslims and unbelievers is

enmity and war; for Allah says :

And fight them till there be no oppression and the worship

becomes totally for Allah. (Al-’Anfâl : ).

Allah further says:

And fight those who do not believe in Allah nor in the Day
of Judgement; nor treat as unlawful what Allah and His
Messenger have made unlawful, nor adopt the dîn of the
truth (Islam), from among those who were given the Book,
until they pay jizyah with their own hand making
submission. (Al-Tawbah : ).
There are indeed many ’âyahs and hadîths in this regard; and
all of them enjoin the believers to take to fighting until all submit
to the dîn of Allah (Islam) and His sharî‘ah, either voluntarily or
being humbled and compelled.

Allah did not give permission for the Muslim ’

ummah to
make a call to the unbelievers for peace except in two

(a) That the unbelievers are humbled and weakened, their

powers decline and they show eagerness for making peace. In
that situation the conclusion of peace will be in the interest of the
Muslims, for their conviction is stronger and their action greater,
and thereby the field will be opened for people to enter the dîn, as
was the case between the Messenger of Allah, peace and
blessings of Allah be on him, and Quraysh. The Prophet, peace
and blessings of Allah be on him, began fighting them at Badr,
then at ’Uhud, then at the Ditch (Khandaq) and then at
Hudaybiyah. The Companions pledged themselves for laying
down their lives when they received the news that that Quraysh
had killed his ambassador, ‘Uthmân ibn ‘Affân, may Allah be
pleased with him. The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings of
Allah be on him, did not incline to make peace with Quraysh
except after they themselves had made proposals for peace and
had sent ‘Urwah ibn Mas‘ûd al-Thaqafî for the purpose, because
Allah says:

And if they show eagerness for peace then be inclined to

make peace and depend on Allah (Al-Anfâl : ).

And the conclusion of this peace and treaty (at Hudaybiyah)

was entirely in the interest of the Muslims, for the big shots of
Quraysh entered Islam during the period of this treaty.

(b) That the conclusion of peace be in the nature of accepting

a lesser harm so that the Muslims resort to that in order to avert a
graver danger, such as the Messenger of Allah, may peace and
blessings of Allah be on him, thought of concluding peace with
the Ghatafân tribe on paying a half of the date produce of
Madînah so that they dissolve their alliance with Quraysh and the
Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be on him, may isolate and
fight them singly after that.

Apart from these two situations it is not lawful to make a call

for conclusion of peace, so that it becomes reliance on worldly
advantage and dislike for jihâd or fear of the large number of the
unbelievers; for the believers are helped in their fight against the
unbelievers notwithstanding their large numbers. This is Allah's
ever continuing norm (sunnah) in His dealings with His servants.

How many a small band triumphed over a numerous host

by Allah's leave; and Allah is with the persevering ones. (Al-
Baqarah, ).
And if those who disbelieve engage in fighting with you
they shall turn their backs; and then they shall not find any
friends nor anyone to help. This is the norm of Allah which
has happened before; and you shall not find any alteration in
Allah's way of dealings. (Al-Fath: - ).

As regards making a call for peace in the sense of abandoning

war once and for all, and concluding peace with the unbelievers
for all time to come, and discarding of war and fighting
absolutely, that is disbelief in Allah and exit from the community
of Islam and revocation of the duty of jihâd which Allah has
made incumbent on every Muslim till the Day of Resurrection as
He says:

Incumbent is made on you fighting, though it is loathsome

to you. (Al-Baqarah : ).

The word kutiba here means "it is made incumbent, an

obligatory duty (fard)". And the Prophet, peace and blessings of
Allah be on him, said: "There is no hijrah after the conquest (of
Makkah), but jihâd and intention (for it)." (Reported by
Muslim, Ahmad and Tirmidhî).
So the duty of jihâd continues after the conquest of Makkah
till the Day of Resurrection. It means either to undertake it
personally, and that is the individual obligation (al-fard al-‘aynî),
or an intention to do so by a Muslim which he should never cease
to entertain and on which he should meet his death, so that he
remains prepared to pursue it in all situations, and does actually
engage in it whenever it becomes an individual obligation; or else
he commits a sin if he abstains from the individual obligation.

( ) It is not lawful for a Muslim Imâm to stipulate in his

peace treaty with the kâfir a condition that
contravenes the Qur’ân, the sunnah and the dîn of

It is of course implied by Islam that it is not lawful for the

Muslim Imâm and leader, while making a valid peace with the
unbelievers, to agree with them on any term which contravenes
the Qur’ân and the sunnah. Any term which violates these
principles becomes invalid ipso facto.

So the terms that are permissible to stipulate with the

unbelievers are only those that are lawful, such as the conclusion
of an armistice or agreement for the cessation of hostilities,
whether temporary or for a specified period, as the Messenger of
Allah, peace and blessings of Allah be on him, made an agreement
with Quraysh for stopping hostilities for ten years, or any such
treaty without specifying any period, such as the Messenger of
Allah, peace and blessings of Allah be on him, made peace with
the Jews of Madina without fixing any specified period.

Hence conclusion of an armistice or settlement with the

unbelievers may lawfully be made by a Muslim Imâm. Similarly
peace may also be concluded with them providing for their paying
something to the Muslims, or the Muslims' paying them some
money under duress. These and such other terms as may lawfully
be made.

As regards the invalid conditions, they are for instance, to

stipulate that the Muslims give up something of their dîn, such as
praying (salât), fasting, jihâd or administering justice according
to what Allah has sent down. Such conditions and the like amount
to disbelief in Allah, replacing His sharî‘ah and dîn, and
abandonment by the Muslims of their conviction (‘aqîdah) for the
sake of pleasing the unbelievers. And this is kufr or unbelief in
Allah Subhânahu wa Ta‘âlâ.

Every treaty and settlement between the Muslims and the

unbelievers that contain invalid conditions are void, even if there
be a hundred such conditions. Rather, any condition in any treaty
or agreement between a Muslim and a Muslim, if it contains an
invalid condition not in accord with the Qur’ân and the sunnah of
His Messenger, peace and blessings of Allah be on him,
invalidates the agreement or the condition; for the Messenger of
Allah, peace and blessings of Allah be on him, said: "Whatever
condition is there that is not in the Book of Allah, ‘Azza wa
Jallâ, is void, even if there be a hundred conditions. The
Book of Allah is the Truest and Allah's condition is the most
binding." (Agreed by Bukhârî and Muslim).

Hence, agreements for interest (ribâ), adultery (zinâ), killing a

Muslim, gambling and any agreement to do what Allah
Subhânahu wa Ta‘âlâ has forbidden is void ab initio; and it is
neither lawful for a Muslim to conclude such an agreement nor to
fulfil it if he makes one; for it is void ab initio and it is not lawful
to abide by it.



After the foregoing and essential preliminaries we say that the

three agreements concluded between the Jews and some Arab
politicians are void according to sharî‘ah and it is not lawful for
any Muslim to consider them as valid or to give effect to anything
of these agreements except under duress and compulsion with
regard to such matters about which duress and compulsion are
valid extenuating grounds, not with regard to such matters in
which duress and compulsion are no valid plea, such as to kill a
Muslim, for compulsion is no valid plea of defence in such an act
because the life of the killer who raises the plea of compulsion is
no more valuable than the life of the murdered individual.

* The grounds on which this verdict is rested are as follows:

( ) In these agreements war between the Muslims and

the Jews are said to have been brought to an end for
all time to come, and this is an invalid condition:

It is not lawful for a Muslim to stipulate with the unbelievers,

whether Jews or other, for ending war for ever between them and
the Muslims; for war or jihâd is an obligatory duty which remains
in force till the Day of Resurrection. It is not lawful to eliminate it
from the legal code. Whoever thinks that jihâd is not an
obligatory duty or endeavours to nullify it or to set it aside is a
kâfir and unbeliever in Allah Subhânahu wa Ta‘âlâ and he leaves
the millah of Islam and denies an essential and well-known aspect
of the dîn; for fighting [for the dîn] is a continuing duty till the
Day of Resurrection. The evidences of the Qur’ân and sunnah
and the consensus of the ’ummah in all ages are agreed on this.
But it is lawful to end the war for any specified number of years
or without specifying any period.

As regards the stipulation that war is brought to an end [for

ever] between the Muslims and the unbelievers or that this is a
treaty for permanent and comprehensive peace (al-salâm al-
dâ’im wa al-shâmil), it nullifies the obligatory duty of jihâd and
confirms the unbeliever in his unbelief; and this is not lawful for a
Muslim ever unless he disbelieves in Allah and his Message.

( ) These treaties provide for removing the causes of

hostility and hatred and for eliminating all legislative
texts that keep up this hostility:

And this condition is void because it contradicts the basis of

belief (’îmân) which rests on distinguishing between a believer
and an unbeliever and on the fact that the unbeliever (kâfir) is
Allah's enemy for all time to come unless he embraces Islâm and
absolves himself of unbelief (kufr). And Allah has made it
unlawful for a Muslim to be on terms of friendship and love with
the unbelievers, even if they were fathers, sons, brothers,
clansmen or husbands or wives, as Allah says:
You shall not find a people who believe in Allah and the
Last Day befriending those who oppose Allah and His
Messenger even if they were their fathers or sons or brothers
or their clansmen. (Al-Mujâdalah: ).

And these treaties stipulate the absolute necessity of removing

all causes of enmity. Nay, they forbid citing the evidence of the
Qur’ânic ’âyahs and the reports of sunnah that point out to this
enmity; and they enjoin the suppression of all the historical events
that recall the history of the hostility between the Jews and the
Muslims in order to strip the Muslims of their dîn, history and

( ) These treaties confirm the Jews in all that they

have taken of the lands of Islam by force and
treachery. And this cannot be lawful:

These treaties confirm the Jews in what they have snatched of

the land of Islam in Palestine which the Muslims had conquered
and of which the inhabitants had embraced Islam. It thus duly
became a land of Islam which it is not lawful for the Muslims to
give up. Rather it is the bounden duty of the Muslims to wage
war for recovering it from the Jews. There is no doubt that to
confirm the Jews in it and giving them its ownership by a treaty
and a deal, and accepting the position that they have become its
inhabitants and masters having power to do deal with it as they
like is an act of perfidy with Allah, His Messenger and this
’ummah, and an abandonment of what Allah has made the
Muslims owners and rulers of and on which He had settled them.
Greater still, it is an abandonment of al- Masjîd al-Aqsâ which
Allah had returned to the Muslims, openly declaring the transfer
of religious precedence and leadership of mankind to the Muslim

Confirming the Jews in the possession of the land of Palestine

is void; because it is not lawful to confirm an unbeliever in the
possession of the land in which he has grown up except on a
temporary basis. So how could he be given for ever that which
was in the hands of the Muslims?

Surely such an act is symptomatic of unbelief and exit from the

dîn of Allah; and it is not lawful for a Muslim to be convinced of
the propriety of such an act. Rather it is the duty of a Muslim to
entertain the conviction that the Jews have usurped that which
does not belong to them and that what they are holding of the
land of Palestine is not their property. Nay, they took it by way of
usurpation and due to negligence on the part of the Muslims. It is
a bounden duty to remove their nasty hands from this land and to
restore it to the clean hands.

And indeed We have written in the Scripture, after the

reminder, that My righteous servants shall inherit the land.
Indeed herein is a message for a people worshipping [Me]."
(Al-’Anbiyâ’: - ).

( ) These treaties have been concluded without

consultation of the Muslims; and any treaty which is
concluded without consent and consultation is

Concluding peace between the Jews and the Muslims and

giving the Jews the land of Palestine or part of it as property for
them are matters that concern every Muslim because these are
interlinked with his faith and belief and the code of law which
Allah has sent down and wherewith He has honoured every
Muslim. These treaties have been concluded by diverse rulers
each of whom supposed he represented some of the Muslims in
some Islamic lands (Egypt, Jordan, Palestine, ...). There is no
doubt that these treaties do not bind any Muslim in the world;
because these have been concluded in the names of regional
nationalisms that are basically invalid because these create
divisions among the members of one ’ummah and one millah.
Consequently, whatever agreement is concluded by any of the
Muslim heads of states individually does not bind all the Muslims
in the world, because he does not negotiate on behalf of them,
nor can he lawfully speak on behalf of all of them. Hence these
treaties do not bind the Muslims in general. Nay, they do not bind
any section of them, because the Islamic peoples were not
consulted with regard to anything concerning these agreements. It
is only the politicians who took them by surprise with what they
themselves signed and concluded. Agreements such as these that
are concluded without consultation do not bind the Muslims.
( ) These agreements are contracts made under
duress, and a contract made under duress is not
lawful in Islam.

The fifth reason for which these treaties are void is that these
are treaties concluded under duress. The Muslim politicians who
signed these treaties imposed these on them because of force,
violence, duress and compulsion. They did not consult about
these treaties any religious and learned man of the Muslims, nor
anyone possessing judgement, experience, independence of mind
and prudence. The treaties were concluded by those who give no
weight to the dîn, nor distinguish between the permitted and the
forbidden, nor between what is lawful and unlawful. Moreover,
these were imposed by force of arms and subjugation. The
consent given by a Muslim who is compelled and subjugated and
thus appears to have given his consent has no validity; nor has his
affirmation, for the affirmation of the one compelled and
subjugated is of no account in an agreement. An agreement must
be made by consent; for the condition of validity of an agreement
in Islam is mutual consent and satisfaction even between a
Muslim and a Muslim; and it is more so between a Muslim and a
kâfir. Hence if a Muslim is compelled by force to conclude a
treaty it is not lawful to accept it except being compelled to do
so. Hence it is to be repudiated as soon as the capability to do so
is attained. This applies even in respect of uttering a word of kufr:
Whoever utters unbelief after having believed except the
one who is compelled while his heart remains happy in the
faith; but whoever opens the heart for unbelief shall have on
them wrath from Allah and they shall have a grave
punishment. (Al-Nahl: ).

On account of the foregoing reasons we say that the these

treaties are invalid and void from the day of their signing; and the
void treaty is as if it does not exist. These are like agreements in
respect of interest (ribâ), adultery, theft, cutting a public path or
killing a Muslim. It is not lawful to abide by such agreements, nor
to believe them to be valid.

It goes without saying that it is not lawful for a Muslim to

conclude an unlawful agreement, even if there be some worldly
advantages in it; for there are worldly benefits is an agreement in
respect of taking or giving of interest (ribâ) for the creditor and
the debtor, but its worldly benefits are to be avoided because
Allah has forbidden it (ribâ). Likewise an agreement for adultery
is of mutual benefits for the adulterer and the adulteress; for the
adulterer enjoys and satisfies his desires and the adulteress enjoys
and takes her fare. The same is the case with agreements in
respect of lottery or buying and selling of wine; for there is no
doubt that there are some worldly benefits in them ; but these are
to be set aside and not taken into consideration.
If anyone raises the plea that the treaties that have been
concluded with the Jews are of worldly benefits (for the Muslims)
we would say that a forbidden agreement is void ifso facto even
if there may be some worldly benefits in it. The argument of
worldly benefits in the case of the treaty of compromise with the
Jews is like the argument of one who raises the plea of the
benefits of interest, gambling, buying and selling of wine, etc. And
the treaties concluded with the Jews are worse in respect of
invalidity than contracts regarding these forbidden things; for
these treaties constitute an undertaking to abrogate jihâd, write
off enmity towards the kuffâr, drive out the Muslim from Islam
and strip him of his ‘ummah and dîn; nay, of his history and

There can be no doubt that this is a graver sin than making

contract for the giving and taking of interest, committing
adultery, gambling or for buying and selling wine.

( ) These treaties will spoil the worldly interests of the

Muslims, not simply their dîn:

It might be argued in favour of the validity of the treaties and

the legality of sticking to them by some who supposes that these
will result in worldly benefits for the Muslims and will give them
the time required for preparing themselves against their enemy. It
might also be said by the one who sells one's hereafter for one's
worldly life that the fruits of peace are very great and that the so-
called peace will bring wealth and prosperity to the people of the
area, as they say. But the truth is that the worldly and material
losses involved in these treaties and their harmful effects are far
more, and will be compounded manifold than what appears and
what is supposed to be the benefits.

It is an admitted legal maxim that it is not lawful for the

Muslims to conclude a peace treaty with their enemies of which
the ill effects outweigh the good effects – and this is with regard
to the lawful terms –for such an agreement will be neglecting the
right of the Muslims, destroying their wealth, worldly affairs and

And this is one of the invalidating factors for a treaty with the
kuffâr as laid down by the Imâms on the ground that it is not
lawful to conclude an agreement which is not in the interest of the
Muslims. Hence it is not lawful on the part of the Muslims to
conclude a treaty in which the losses to the Muslims are more
than their gains, because that would be neglecting the right of the
’ummah, giving to the enemies without any reason and
strengthening them against the Muslims.

The following are some of the losses that have been

caused to the Muslims behind the veil of these treaties:

( ) These treaties set the hands to the Jews free with regard to
the wealth of the Muslims and raise the economic blockade
against them (the Jews) so that their economy grows and they
establish their power over the Muslims with their wealth, as they
have done in America and Europe. For, in spite of the fact that
the Jews are a minority in America in relation to the total
American population, the economic role is almost completely in
the hands of the Jews so much so that they have captured the rein
of life in America and have captivated its people. This grievous
fate will befall the Arab people if the doors of the Arab countries
are opened to the Jews for establishing their control over their
economy and for playing their game with this ’ummah as they
have played with the Christian peoples, putting them in their (the
Jews') service and under their feet.

And what is regrettable is that the Muslim Arab peoples have

abandoned many aspects of the culture of Islam and its
injunctions and have become an extravagant people expending
more than what they earn. They do not even produce one tenth of
what they eat, ride on, wear and use, whereas the Jews are just
the opposite of it. They are a persevering, producing and active
people; and this will make them in the long run masters of the
Muslims and leaders of the Arabs, for the treaties will necessarily
transmute the wealth and resources of the Muslims in the hands
of the Jews, and the sons of the Arabs will become tomorrow the
servants of the Jews, being workers in their factories, tillers in
their cultivating fields, petty employees in their offices, small
retailers for their big businessmen, humble agents for their
companies, servants in their houses and builders for their palaces.

( ) Entry of the Jews to become a member in the body of the

Arab states and of the Islamic people after divesting them of the
names of Islam and Arabs – for the Islamic Arab region has
already been divested of these names and has been designated by
a new name, that is the "Middle East". This name makes the
Jewish state a part of this "Middle East", for it is situated in it,
and this will invest the Jews with the character of being
indigenous to this part of the land of Islam. Nay, the
brotherliness, the friendship, and the neighbourliness in the
context of this "Middle East" which will probably give rise to a
unified market and unified policies and objectives. Consequently
the Jews will become part of this fabric. The entry of the Jews in
the Islamic Arab body in this manner will give them freedom of
movement in broadcasting the poisons of division and jealousy
among the Muslims; and they will spread false dogmas and creeds
of unbelief, and all that they are distinguished for throughout
history for destroying their enemies.

Indeed the Jews have ever been moving across the earth to
create troubles since they strayed from Allah's dîn sent down on
Mûsâ; and Allah cursed them and they were cursed through the
tongues of His Prophets and Messengers after Mûsâ.

Accursed were those who disbelieved of the Children of

Isrâ’îl through the tongue of Dâwud and ’Îsâ ibn Maryam,
because they disobeyed and used to transgress. (Al-
M’idah: ).

And their endeavours to create mischief and to bring about

troubles continue and will continue till the end of the earth and till
they come out for Dajjâl and make the world ready for him
alleging that he is Allah and lord of the heavens and the earth. It
was the unbelievers of the Jews who killed their Prophets, and
attempted to kill ‘Îsâ ibn Maryam, but Allah rescued him from
their conspiracy. They also attempted to kill the Messenger
Muhammad, peace and blessings of Allah be on him; but Allah
saved him repeatedly. Then his death came through the effect of
poison which a woman of the Jews gave him. They also
endeavoured to dislodge Islam as they dislodged the Christian
religion; but they failed in the attempt so that this dîn remains in
force and shall so remain till the end of the world, in spite of their
intrigues, and till they are done away with at the hands of the
Muslims in the last period.

These are the Jews who have become by virtue of these

treaties part of the Arab and Islamic land which they have
designated "The Middle East". The treaties will give them the
opportunity to blow their poisons among the Islamic ’ummah and
to enkindle internal and internecine wars among the Muslims with
a view to wrecking them and destroying their power; and they
will do so confidently and contentedly now that they have come
within the House of Islam after they had been –in some degree –
out of it.

And tomorrow, if these treaties are given effect to, there will
be found no land whence it will be possible to exclude them,
except Makkah and Madînah. As regards all the other Islamic and
Arab lands, these will become the stage for the Jews to indulge in
their conspiracies and mischief-making.

So will any reasonable person say that these treaties are in the
interest of Islam and the Muslims as regards their worldly affairs?

( ) The truth about the benefits for the Muslims which the
Jews have beckoned from behind these treaties is that they are
either absolutely harmful or a very insignificant thing that does
not at all compare with what the Jews have taken and obtained;
for the abandonment of war with the Jews and hostility towards
them is an undiluted damage; for it constitutes abandonment of
the dîn and abrogation of the laws of Islam. This is an absolute
loss for the Muslim. As regards the plea that the peace will bring
in aids for the Muslims from the unbelievers, it is a loss likewise;
for the kâfir will not give aid to the Muslims freely and for the
sake of Allah. The unbelievers' aid to the Muslims will invariably
be hedged by conditions involving humiliation, destitution,
abandonment of the dîn, dismemberment of Islam and fighting the
righteous which will not please any who fears Allah and guards
himself against Him. Or the supposed benefits will be loans
whereby the Muslims will pledge themselves to their enemies and
thus fall in the web of compound interest which will enfetter their
economy and resources. And this is what the unbelievers have
done in the Muslim countries.

And as regards what they call self-government for the

Palestinians, that is simply a kind of humiliation and debasement;
for the land becomes a land of the Jews, while the Palestinians run
the administration for themselves with regard to some of their
affairs on the land of the Jews and not on the land of their own!

Indeed it was more appropriate and better for the Palestinians

to live on the land of Palestine with the belief that their land is
illegally seized than to live on it with the belief that they have
given it up to the Jews and that it has become a land of the Jews;
for it is better that the Jews rule over them by force while they
continue to dislike and oppose it than that they (the Palestinians)
govern themselves in some minor affairs leaving all the important
matters in the hands of the Jews willingly and surrendering
Palestine to them.

In sum:
The material losses and the immediate evils resulting from
these treaties are innumerable compared to the benefits that are
either delusive, such as peace and prosperity, or very few devoid
of any real benefit, and that also in exchange of the Muslims'
forgoing through these treaties their dîn, their honour, their
dignity, their land and their sacred spots in favour of the Jews.
Therefore what gain can balance these losses?



And now comes the most important question, that is: What is
the duty today on the Muslim as regards these treaties?

The answer:

( ) The first duty is to firmly believe in their invalidity and that

because they contain invalid conditions they were born dead the
very day they were given birth to; because it is not lawful for the
Muslim to conclude an agreement with the unbeliever for
abandoning jihâd and abrogating this religious duty, nor for
giving up hostility towards the Jews and affirming love and amity
for them; for this is leaving the millah. These treaties also contain
provisions making it incumbent to screen out such ’âyahs of the
Qur’ân and ’ahâdith (statements) of the Messenger of Allah,
peace and blessings of Allah be on him, that declare this enmity
towards the Jews. This undertaking constitutes a collusion with
the unbelievers for concealing the dîn and knowledge and for
suspending the ’âyahs of the noble Qur’ân and ’ahâdîth of the
Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings of Allah be on him, that
explain the essence of obligatory relationship with the Jews; and
this in fact is driving the Muslims out of Islam and stripping the
’ummah of its belief and history.

And since these treaties contain such conditions and stipulate

them clearly, they are therefore invalid and it is not lawful for the
Muslim to believe in them.

( ) The second duty of the Muslim is to believe that these

treaties do not bind him and that it is not lawful for him to give
effect to any of their contents except under compulsion and
necessity to the extent compulsion is a valid ground for

This is so because they contain the above noted invalid

conditions and because they have been concluded without the
consent and consultation of the men of religion, learning and
judgement and because they will spoil the dîn of his sons and
progeny, besides spoiling his worldly interests.

( ) The third duty is to work towards overthrowing these

treaties. Their position is like the position of every abomination
that may be found in the land of Islam and that which it is a duty
to abhor and reject according to the conditions and requirements
of rejecting as far as practicable, and to see that there does to
accrue to it a worse abomination and that an abomination is not
met by another abomination.

( ) The fourth duty is to believe that the Jews, as long as they

adhere to their false religion, waging war against Islam and its
followers, they are members of a community on whom Allah 's
wrath has fallen. It is a duty to fight and confront them as long as
they remain on their course of action in fighting Islam, disbelieve
in it and commit aggression upon the Muslims. To detest them is
the dîn to be followed for Allah's sake by a Muslim.
( ) The duty to unite the ’ummah towards attaining this
objective of putting an end to the sway of the Jews in the world
and to their tyranny upon the Muslims and their capture of the
base of the Night Journey of the Messenger of Allah, peace and
blessings of Allah be on him, and of al-Masjid al-Aqsâ.

( ) To believe that the Jews could not have been able to

establish their sway in the world to such an extent except after the
elimination of Islam from the Arab states and their constitutions
and legislation –except as Allah had His mercy –and the slogans
of nationalism and secularism had taken the place of Islam and
there had taken up this issue the secularists who fought the Jews
under slogans other than Islam, and isolated Islam from this issue.
Then when they were unsuccessful, and this is Allah's way of
dealing with His creation, and they announced their humiliating
surrender and threw themselves under the feet of the Jews, they
gave it out as the highest degree of wisdom and reason. Hence
they failed in their war and Allah debased and disgraced them in
this life before the hereafter, on account of their moving away
from Islam and their discarding of the Book of Allah and the
sunnah of His Messenger, peace and blessings of Allah be on

And on that account to believe that there cannot be any victory

in this issue and any dislodgement of the Jews from the midst of
the ’ummah and an ending of their sway in the world except by
means of Islam in belief, in method and in jihâd.

( ) To pray to Allah Subhânahu wa Ta‘âlâ day and night that

He unite the words of the followers of Islam, that He unite their
ranks and that He return them to their dîn; and that He prepare
for them the means of their victory over the enemy of Allah and

And all the praise belongs to Allah, Lord of all beings.

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