An Integrated Approach To Extracting Ontological S

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An Integrated Approach to
Extracting Ontological
Structures from Folksonomies

Conference Paper · May 2009

DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-02121-3_48 · Source: DBLP


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3 authors, including:

Joseph G. Davis Ying Zhou

University of Sydney University of Sydney


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An Integrated Approach to Extracting Ontological
Structures from Folksonomies

Huairen Lin, Joseph Davis, and Ying Zhou

School of Information Technologies, The University of Sydney, Australia


Abstract. Collaborative tagging systems have recently emerged as one of the

rapidly growing web 2.0 applications. The informal social classification struc-
ture in these systems, also known as folksonomy, provides a convenient way to
annotate resources by allowing users to use any keyword or tag that they find
relevant. In turn, the flat and non-hierarchical structure with unsupervised vo-
cabularies leads to low search precision and poor resource navigation and re-
trieval. This drawback has created the need for ontological structures which
provide shared vocabularies and semantic relations for translating and integrat-
ing the different sources. In this paper, we propose an integrated approach for
extracting ontological structure from folksonomies that exploits the power of
low support association rule mining supplemented by an upper ontology such as

Keywords: Ontological structure, Folksonomy, Collaborative tagging system.

1 Introduction
Organization of digital resources has been a major challenge on the World Wide Web.
Recently, collaborative tagging systems (CTS) have emerged as a mechanism for us-
ers to organize and share such resources. CTS allow users to use any keywords or
tags relevant to the content to annotate their favorite resources on the web. For exam-
ple, Flickr1, an online photo management and sharing application launched in Feb.
2004, counts more than 40 million monthly visitors and is ranked as one of the
world’s top 30 websites. As of November 2007, 2 billion photos are stored on the site
[1]. Another example is Citeulike2, a free online bibliography manager allowing users
to gather, organize, and share scholarly papers. It has become popular especially
among researchers and other academic users.
This kind of informal social classification in CTS where users use their own lan-
guage or terminology to describe and classify the content was first recognized as
folksonomy by Vander [2]. When a user tags an online resource, s/he is creating an
informal taxonomy. These tags are aggregated to help find the information they repre-
sent. With bottom-up, user-driven and freely chosen vocabularies, folksonomies stand

L. Aroyo et al. (Eds.): ESWC 2009, LNCS 5554, pp. 654–668, 2009.
© Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2009
An Integrated Approach to Extracting Ontological Structures from Folksonomies 655

in contrast to taxonomies which use controlled terms. The relationships among the
terms are typically contributed by domain experts in order to classify resources.
As the amount of resources annotated using folksonomies has increased signifi-
cantly, exploration and retrieval of the annotated resources pose challenges. The ma-
jor problem with folksonomies is that the tags used to describe the content can be
idiosyncratic and not understood by many users. Most tags are chosen based on indi-
vidual users’ own experience and linguistic styles and preferences. Furthermore, the
concept and internal structure are not explicit to the machine or to other systems even
though the tags may be meaningful and coherent to the user who created them [3].
Folksonomies tend to include all kinds of tags ranging from standard dictionary words
and compound expressions created by individual users such as “evolutionary- genom-
ics” to jargon and nonsense words.
Various solutions have been proposed to improve the quality of queries based on
folksonomy. One stream of research has attempted to refine the query result using
meaningful knowledge derived from the folksonomy itself. Clustering and tag clouds
are widely used approaches. Clustering techniques group the search result into several
subsets and recommend related resources based on selected tags. However, clustering
techniques rely heavily on statistical association or co-occurrence of tags. The effec-
tiveness of this approach can be limited as the relations derived are not based on
meaning. Tag cloud is a somewhat rough approach to organizing tags. It shows a sub-
set of frequently used tags in sizes relative to their frequencies [4]. It is easy for the
user to see the “hot” keywords. However, tag cloud normally contains very general
terms such as “computer” or “picture” and do not show any semantic relation between
the tags. Another stream of research takes an existing upper ontology as the base
structure and uses it to facilitate organizing query results. Although the need for rele-
vant ontological structures to support CTS systems is well understood, the upper on-
tology may not be well matched with the tags in the folksonomy[5]. For example,
WordNet is widely used as an upper ontology because it describes very general
concepts across all domains. However, methods heavily dependent on WordNet
frequently get poor results for accuracy due to the fact that many of the tags from
collaborative tagging system do not exist in WordNet.
In this paper, we propose an integrated approach to extract ontological structures
from folksonomies. Our approach combines the knowledge extracted from folksono-
mies using data mining techniques with the relevant terms from an existing upper-
level ontology. Specifically, low support association rule mining is used to analyze a
large subset of a folksonomy. Knowledge is expressed in the form of new relation-
ships and domain vocabularies. Standard tags in the vocabulary are mapped to
WordNet to get semantic relations. Jargon tags and user defined compounds are then
incorporated into the hierarchy based on domain knowledge extracted from folkso-
nomy. Thus, the hidden knowledge embedded in the folksonomies is transformed into
formalized knowledge in the form of ontological structures.
In particular, this paper answers the following questions:
• How to extract shared vocabularies from large data sets?
• How to find the semantic relations for these shared vocabularies?
• How to handle the non-standard tags in the folksonomies?
656 H. Lin, J. Davis, and Y. Zhou

The rest of the paper is organized as follows: In section 2, related research is re-
viewed. In section 3, we present our integrated approach and discuss the detailed
steps. Then in section 4, experimental results are presented and evaluated. Finally, we
discuss our conclusion and future work.

2 Related Research
One of the main strengths of folksonomies and CTS is that they directly reflect the
users’ vocabularies, their choices in terminology, and subjective meaning [6]. Despite
the fact that people assign one or more freely chosen tags to each of the resources and
these tags are based on their own knowledge or professional background, there is a
common basis of understanding of the tags used to communicate with each other [7].
Thus, a folksonomy has its uses and has the potential to be a weak knowledge base.
Since users add new contextual dimension during collaborative tagging, most of the
tags or keywords annotated by users tend to be more highly correlated than keywords
automatically extracted by machine, such as Term Extraction Web Service from Ya-
hoo3. Thus, folksonomies and CTS can be seen as potential sources of semantic in-
formation to support ontology evolution [8].
Approaches such as clustering and related tags do not make the hierarchical rela-
tions explicit between tags. As a result, it is difficult for a user to find related re-
sources with broader or narrower tags during navigation which may better represent
the user’s current interests and help a user who has limited subjective knowledge. By
representing folksonomy as a tripartite network of users, tags and objects, semantics
such as relation between broader/narrower tags has been unveiled through a process
of graph transformation using social network analysis [9]. Aiming to converting a
large corpus of tags from folksonomy into a navigable hierarchical taxonomy of tags,
an algorithm using graph centrality has been proposed. Cosine similarity between tags
has been used to measure the distance from one tag to another and organize them into
a hierarchical tree by starting with a single “root” node representing the top of the
tree, and adding other tags to the tree in decreasing order of distance [10].
Association rule mining has also been adopted to analyze and structure folksono-
mies. Since folksonomies provide a three-dimensional dataset (user, tag, and re-
sources), Schmitz proposed a conceptual level notation to reduce the three-dimensional
folksonomy to a two-dimensional formal context and apply association rule mining.
The output of association rule mining on a folksonomy data set are association rules
like A → B, which shows that users assigning the tag A to some resources often tend
to also assign the tag B to them [11]. Association rule based approach has been ex-
tended in [12] to mine structural features of taxonomies by pruning the less important
relations between tags.
Significant research progress in the field of semantic techniques has offered prom-
ising prospects for extracting semantic structures and relations from the folksonomies.
To further discover the relationships within tags in clusters, several existing ontology
resources can be used as references, such as WordNet (despite its limitations) and
other semantic web resources. Ontology mapping and matching techniques are com-
monly applied to identify relationships between tags, between tags and lexical re-
sources, and between tags and elements in an existing ontology. For example, by

An Integrated Approach to Extracting Ontological Structures from Folksonomies 657

mapping “apple and fruit” in a food ontology, we can find the relation that “apple” is
a subclass of “fruit” [13] [14]. WordNet has been successfully applied in many appli-
cations as a reliable upper ontology. An et al [15] presented an approach to automati-
cally build a domain ontology by interweaving sub-taxonomies of WordNet with
information extracted from deep web pages. In this research, concept and relations
from WordNet have been used to bridge the concept gap and tie together ontology
fragments into a single ontology. Laniado et al [16] illustrated an approach to inte-
grating WordNet noun hierarchy in the related tags panel of (a collabora-
tive tagging system which allows users to tag, manage and share Web pages). By
mapping related tags to WordNet and getting the related terms, the tags and terms
will be organized into a navigation tree according to a semantic criterion.
The ontological structure extracted from folksonomies can be useful in many areas
of CTS, such as providing multi-dimensional views, cataloguing and indexing, query
translation and tagging suggestion. It can be used to organize the search result into
different dimensions like topic, date, location, etc. For each dimension, relevant re-
sources can be organized in a hierarchical structure. Second, ontological structures
provide an expressive way to catalog and index large digital resources. While a query
needs a pre-specified keyword for information retrieval, the ontological structures
give users a quick understanding of the subjective knowledge and let them directly
browse for further information. Third, with query translation based on an ontological
structure, we can enhance the precision and recall by matching the query keywords
and the potential results at the level of semantics. For example, the keyword in the
query can be replaced by their approximations and related instances will be returned
to user. Finally, suggesting relevant ontological classes to the user will not only im-
prove the tagging experience but increase classification quality [7, 17, 18].
In summary, folksonomies have their own shared vocabularies and relations, which
can be extracted as an ontological structure and used to improve the exploration and
retrieval of digital resources. Although several approaches have been proposed to
bring structure to folksonomies, they do not come without limitations. These include
the inability to decide the rules generated by association rule mining as to which term
is more general or narrow, and tags that cannot be found in the upper ontologies.

3 System Architecture
In folksonomies, natural language has been used to annotate resources and to recall
resources. As the result of non-controlled human language, the vocabularies used in
folksonomy are shaped into following four word-formations:
• Standard tags, which can be found in traditional dictionaries, e.g. “genomics”.
• Compound tags, a non-standard expression, part of them can be found in
dictionary, e.g. “evolutionary-genomics”.
• Jargon tags, another non-standard expression frequently used to quickly
express user’s ideas, e.g. “scientometrics”, “folksonomy”, “CSCW”.
• Other nonsense tags, such as misspelling tags.
In this section, we present our integrated bottom-up and top-down architecture that
aims to extract ontological structures from folksonomies based on the four word-
formations. A visual representation of the entire extraction architecture has been pre-
sented in Fig. 1. The system proceeds as follows:
658 H. Lin, J. Davis, and Y. Zhou

Fig. 1. The extraction process

1) In the data pre-processing phase, resources with only one tag or tagged by lan-
guages other than English are excluded. However, we should be very careful in
this step not to delete jargon and compound tags. Thus methods like traditional
dictionary filtering are not appropriate in our approach.
2) Low support association rule mining is applied to generate association rules rep-
resenting relations between correlated tags. In brief, it has three sub tasks:
• Discovering shared vocabularies or essential tags, where a tag should have
certain relation with other tags, which is the basis for ontological struc-
• Extracting the association rules between jargon and standard tags. Those
association rules are treated as ontology matchers to incorporate jargon
into ontological structure.
• Retrieving associated terms and excluding non-relevant terms during the
mapping and matching with WordNet.
3) WordNet is implemented as an upper ontology providing the semantic is-a rela-
tion, which is called as hypernyms in WordNet. After the standard tags have been
connected to each other via semantic relations from WordNet, they were organ-
ized into a hierarchical structure.
4) A series of similarity filters are employed to interpret the compound tags before
matching them with WordNet.
5) Jargon tags are incorporated into the previously built ontological structure by
matching tags using association rules and similarity coefficient.
In following subsections, we discuss in detail each of the steps.

3.1 Low Support Association Rules Mining

Association rule mining technique is applied to the dataset to discover possible pair
wise associations between tags. A priori association rule mining algorithm has been
proposed to solve the “supermarket basket” problem and to discover interesting rela-
tions between items. If 90% of the transactions that include butter and bread also in-
clude milk, the relation is showed as { butter , bread } → milk with a confidence
value of 0.9 [19, 20]. Such analysis is based on the past transaction data consisting of a
An Integrated Approach to Extracting Ontological Structures from Folksonomies 659

set of transaction D = ( d 1 , d 2 ... d k ) and a set of items, I = ( i1 , i 2 ... i k ). In our ap-

proach, given a dataset from CTS, where every resource was annotated with a set of
tags by several online users, the resources set corresponds to transactions D and the
set of tags correspond to items I.
The aim of association rule mining in CTS is to generate associations in the form
t a → t c between tags t a and t c that have support and confidence above certain
thresholds, called minimum support and minimum confidence. Support of a rule is
simply computed as the percent of the resources containing the tag pair. Confidence is
computed as the ratio of the number of resources containing both t a and t c and the
number of resources containing t a only. While the confidence threshold reflects the
strength of the rule, support threshold measures the coverage.
As folksonomy is collectively built by various users, the tags in folksonomies usu-
ally follow a Zipf distribution. Except for a few general tags, majority of the tags do
not occur very frequently in the dataset. Traditional association rule mining algo-
rithms normally set a relatively high support and confidence threshold to find
common and strong rules. However, this is not the case for folksonomies. Setting a
relatively high support threshold is likely to miss important associations among tags
in the long tail of the Zipf distribution[21]. Hence we adopt a very low support
threshold to include tags that do not occur very frequently in our analysis. Lower sup-
port may inadvertently bring lots of noise in the rule set. To offset this effect, we in-
troduce cosine similarity[3, 22] to filter out possible noise.
To apply this measure, we first convert datasets from folksonomies into a metric
space V. Given a pair of tag (x, y), tag x is expressed as a vector xr in this space,
where each dimension corresponds to a resource and value indicating whether or not a
tag appears in a resource [23]. This tag-resources model can be converted into a 0/1
matrix because the times of a tag appears in a resource should be 0 or 1.
Table 1 shows such 0/1 matrix for tag(x, y), where each column represents a re-
source and each row represents a tag x or y, intersection (row, column) = 1 if a spe-
cific tag appear in the resource. If not, the value is 0. The traditional cosine similarity
between (x, y) can be measured as Eq. (1). Considering the occurrence value is only 1
and 0 in folksonomies, the Eq. (1) can be simplified as Eq. (2) where the capital letter
X and Y correspond to the set of resources having tags x or y.

Table 1. 0/1 matrix view

⎡ t 1 t 2 t 3 t 4 ... ... ... t i ⎤

⎢ x 1 0 1 0 ... 0 0 0 ⎥
⎢ ⎥
⎢⎣ y 0 1 1 1 ... 0 0 0 ⎥⎦

r r
cos( x , y ) =
∑ i∈ |v |
xi * y i
r r (1)
∑ i∈ |v |
x i2 * ∑ i∈|v |
y i2

| X ∩Y |
cos( x , y ) = (2)
| X |*|Y |
660 H. Lin, J. Davis, and Y. Zhou

Compared to the support measure, cosine similarity measure not only provides a
correlation value between two tags, but it also enable us to prune the rule set because
it does not calculate the resources that contain neither x nor y. The cosine similarity
measure also helps to exclude high confidence but poorly correlated rules.
Considering the above mentioned specialty in our approach, Apriori, the earliest
and highly efficient algorithm to mine association rules, does not fit our purpose well.
We modify it and develop a simplified version of Apriori algorithm, LApriori: We
only calculate the relationship between tag pairs; both antecedent and consequent can
only have one tag; additional cosine similarity threshold is set to offset the noise
caused by low support and to compare the relevance between tags.

Algorithm 1. LApriori to discover association rules mining in folksonomies

1) L1 = count frequent 1-item sets;
2) for every resource r do
3) for each pair of tags { t a , t c } in r do
4) if t a ⊂ L1 and t c ⊂ L1 then
5) increase support of { t a , t c } by 1;
6) end if
7) end for
8) end for
10) for every frequent 2-item set {x,y} do
11) cos(x,y)= Support(x,y)/sqrt(support(x)*support(y));
12) if cos(x,y)> min_sim then return x->y;
13) end if
14) end for

3.2 Standard Tags: Ontology Matching with WordNet

We use WordNet as the upper ontology and compute each semantic relation between
tags in terms of hypernym relation from WordNet. A term that is more generic or
more abstract than a given term is considered as a hypernym. For example, in table 2,
the term wine has the following upper hypernyms: alcohol, beverage, drink, red, etc.

Table 2. A hypernym example of “wine” from WordNet 3.0

Sense 1: Sense 2:
wine, vino wine
=> alcohol, alcoholic beverage, intoxicant, =>red
=> beverage, drink, drinkable, potable =>color
=> food, nutrient

Possible semantic relations between them are described as more general ( ⊇ ), less
general ( ⊆ ), equivalence (=) [24]. x ⊇ y, if x is a hypernym of y. For example alco-
hol is a hypernym of wine, then we can say that alcohol is more general than wine, or
wine is-a kind of alcohol, alcohol ⊇ wine.
In folksonomies, we added another two definitions: essential tags, and candidate
An Integrated Approach to Extracting Ontological Structures from Folksonomies 661

Essential tags are all distinct tags existing in association rules filtered by pre-
defined thresholds.
Candidate hypernyms: Given a tag, only the hypernyms that exist in its related tags
are regarded as candidate hypernyms. For example, if beverage and food are two hy-
pernyms for wine and also related to wine through association rules, then beverage
and food are candidate hypernyms for wine. On the other hand, although alcohol and
red are also hypernyms for wine, we do not consider them as candidate hypernyms
because they have no relationship with wine in the generated association rules.
We only use hypernyms both existing in WordNet and association rules, because
those hypernym terms not related to certain tags in folksonomies do not reflect the
subjective knowledge well.
Based on the above mentioned considerations, we design the following Folk2Onto
algorithm to find more general term for each essential tag.

Algorithm 2. Folk2Onto to find more general term for each essential tag
1) for each tag t k in essential tags do
2) U k = the more general term for t k , set U k = null;
3) S k = get all tags related to t k from association rules;
4) W k = get all hypernyms for t k from WordNet;
5) candidate hypernyms { h1 ... h n ...} = S k ∩ W k ;
6) for each h n do
7) if U k
is null
8) U k = hn ;
9) else if U k
is not null and h n is a hyperhym of Uk
10) break ;
11) else if U k is not null and U k is a hyperhym of h n
12) U k = hn ;
13) end if
14) end for
15) end for

For example, given a set of tags {food, beverage, wine, milk}, following semantic
relations or ontological structure were generated as Fig 2:

beverage ⊇ wine,

beverage ⊇ milk, beverage

food ⊇ beverage, wine milk

Fig. 2. An ontological structure for “wine”

Beside hypernyms, WordNet also provides semantic relations such as meronyms,

synonyms, and antonyms which can potentially be helpful in our approach.
662 H. Lin, J. Davis, and Y. Zhou

3.3 Compound Tags: Token-Based Similarity Matching

Compound tags are non-standard terms and thus cannot be processed by WordNet
without transformation. Here we adopt a series of filters provided by Jawbone[25] to
analyze the compound tags. If they match certain defined criteria, the compound tags
will be reserved and represented by its base term for more general parent finding.
In detail, the following term filters are applied to check whether the compound tag
has a particular relationship to another term existing in WordNet:
1) EndWithFilter operates by splitting the compound into independent token of
standard terms. The last one is used to represent the whole compound. For
instance, “collaborative_tagging” is represented by tagging.
2) StartsWithFilter operates in a similar way as EndWithFilter except that the
first token is used to represent the whole word. We apply this filter after the
EndWithFilter because the first part of a compound is usually a definitive
term while the last part is usually a subject which reflects the main meaning
of the compound tag.
Note that we do not replace or transform the compound to the standard term, but
only use them as interpreters for semantic relation discovery.

3.4 Jargon Tags: Combination of Association Rules and Similarity Ranking

In this step, jargon tags are incorporated to the previously built ontological structure
with a matcher using graph centrality in a similarity graph of tags[10]. Although jar-
gon tags are also non-standard and cannot be recognized, the association rules show
their relations with other common tags. Considering each jargon and its related stan-
dard tags as separate subset in vector spaces, the tag similarity graph for each subset
is a subgraph where each tag is represented by a vertex and the cosine similarity
measures the distance between them.
The incorporation considers each jargon tag as the central node of a subgraph.
Then it adds each related standard tags in the subgraph. Based on the matcher be-
tween this jargon and its related standard tag, the jargon tag is incorporated to the
structure. If there is more than one standard tag associated with the jargon tag, the tag
with the highest cosine similarity index will have the priority. Association rules in-
volving jargons usually have the jargon as the antecedent. Thus, the jargon tag will be
considered as a child of its consequent in the rule. This incorporation repeats until all
jargon tags have been connected with their related standard tags in the structure.
For example, a jargon tag “folksonomy” is associated with four standard tags,
“tagging, plurality, social, ontology”. Ranking by cosine similarity, the rule “folkso-
nomy → tagging” was selected. Based on this match, folksonomy was incorporated
to the ontological structure as a child of tagging.

4 Experimental Evaluation
The experiment was based on collections from two separate CTS, and The collection from Citeulike was crawled from using several keywords,
including “science”, “philosophy”, “research”. We got 30,769 rows of data, where
An Integrated Approach to Extracting Ontological Structures from Folksonomies 663

each row represents a paper and a set of tags described by online users. Another data-
set from Flickr was collected with flickr API, which consists of a set of callable
methods for users, photos, photosets and other uniquely identifiable objects. We
crawled the data using a narrow keyword “fruit” and collected 18,555 rows of data.
Pre-processing operations were performed to clean up the datasets. For dataset
from Flickr, we only kept one record for each user because many users batch upload
multiple photos with same tags. These repetitive tags will give us biased support
count in association rules mining step and thus were excluded. Other common
cleanup methods were applied to remove the tags called “no-tag” (a system generated
tag for empty tag). We also removed objects with only one tag.
The descriptive statistics on the datasets after pre-processing is shown in Table 3:

Table 3. Statistics of collections used in experiment

Citeulike Flickr
Resources 30,769 18,555
After cleaning 25,937 6,462
Distinct tags 26,709 16,832
Users 4,068 6,462
Seed keywords science, philosophy, research fruit

4.1 Low Support Association Rules

There are three parameters, minimum support, confidence, and cosine similarity (de-
noted as minsup, minconf, and mincos) need to determine in our approach. We
counted the number of essential tags with different minsup threshold and observe that
most of the essential tags do not occur frequently (see Table 4). Moreover, the inves-
tigation of the initial association rule set reveals some interesting patterns of the co-
sine similarity. The value of similarity between pair of synonyms or sub-classes under
same upper class tends to be high, sometimes close to 1. On the other hand the simi-
larity value between a sub-class tag and its parent tag or upper class tag tends to be
low. For instance, food is the parent of beverage in WordNet, the cosine similarity
between food and beverage is low because food is a general term and it is associated
with many other tags in the data set.
Thus the mincos was set to a relatively low value 0.2 to preserve the relations be-
tween upper and sub class tags and the relations between subclass tags. The minsup
was set a very low value, 0.02% to include low-occurrence tags and reflect their rela-
tions. As usual, minconf was set to a 0.8, a relatively high value.
We observe that in total 152,372 rules are generated from citeulike at 0.02% min-
sup. These rules are significantly reduced to 24,025 by 0.2 cosine similarity and 0.8
confidence thresholds. Approximately 4,000 essential tags have been found. Table 5
also demonstrates the necessity of very low support threshold. In both these experi-
ments, support 0.02% retains relations between around 4,000 essential tags. It only
keeps relations between 300 essential tags if we increase the support threshold to
0.18%, a low support in traditional associational rule mining.
664 H. Lin, J. Davis, and Y. Zhou

Table 4. Distribution of essential tags

Table 5. Rules generated with 0.02% support, 80% confidence

Rules Support Confidence Cosine Accept?

folksonomy → tagging 1.59% 0.82 0.722 Y
macroeconomics → economics 0.09% 0.96 0.2671 Y
cyber-ethnography→ ethnography 0.06% 1.00 0.2872 Y
asc → collaboration 0.03% 1.00 0.172 N
final → social 0.04% 0.90 0.1679 N
seeking → information 0.03% 0.85 0.1605 N

Table 5 shows the effect of the three thresholds. It contains 6 randomly selected
low support rules generated at support threshold 0.02% and confidence threshold 0.8.
Low support value helps to preserve rarely occurred pairs while cosine similarity acts
as a guard to exclude rules consisting of tag pairs not highly related. For example, the
relation between macroeconomics and economics was revealed under low support
threshold. On the other hand, although the confidence for the rule final → social is
higher than 0.8, it was excluded because cosine similarity is less than mincos. If
we set minsup higher than 0.18% or mincos higher than 0.3, both second and
third rules will not be discovered and will not be included in the final ontological

4.2 Ontological Structures and Evaluation

In this section, we present and evaluate the results. Taking the task-based evaluation
approaches [26], we measure how far the extracted ontological structure will help to
influence and improve the results of certain tasks including multi-dimensional view
and cataloguing and indexing.

Multi-dimensional View: The result retrieved with the “fruit” keyword was success-
fully organized into several dimensions in our approach. In these concept dimensions,
“produce, plant, food, and color” contain most sub-classes. In Fig 3, it shows that
detailed sub-classes are organized into multiple level ontological structures.
We provide a subjective evaluation of our ontological structure (Fig 3) by compar-
ing it to an ontology (Fig 4) extracted from and cluster results from (Fig 5).
An Integrated Approach to Extracting Ontological Structures from Folksonomies 665


|--produce plant |--food |--color

|-----apple |-----banana |-----bread |-----bleach
|-----avocado |-----blueberry |----------bagels |-----brown
|-----berry |-----bush |-----cake |-----green
|----------blackberry |-----cactus |----------cookie |-----pink
|----------strawberry |----------tuna |----------cupcake |-----red
|-----citrus |-----cantaloupe |----------pancakes |----------cerise
|----------mandarin |-----crop |-----cakes
|----------orange |----------grass |-----cheese
|-----leaves |---------------corn |-----cocktail
|-----vegetable |-----flower |-----cocktails
|----------bean |-----tree |-----coffee
|----------pepper |----------apricot |-----dessert
|---------------chili |----------apricots |----------compotes
|-----veggies |----------baobab |-----meat
|----------cherry |----------hotdog

Fig. 3. A fragment output of “fruit” ontological structure, extracted from Flickr dataset

We observe that the terms from our result have a reasonable coverage and similar
structure with the ontology in Fig 4. Such as the name and color of fruits like “berry,
citrus, and red”. The result also shows that our method produces more specific terms
and additional levels than the ontology in Fig 4. For example, the “citrus” includes
sub-classes, “orange” and “mandarin”. However, our result does not provide enough
property information for each term, such as flavor and seedless of strawberry in the
ontology in Fig 4. The reason is that we currently only consider the hypernym relation
from WordNet.

Fig. 4. An ontology of food4 Fig. 5. Fruit clusters5 from Flickr

After that, we compared our result with clusters of query result using keyword
“fruit” from (Fig 5). There are three main clusters in the screenshot. First is
“red, food, etc.” Second is “yellow, banana, etc.” The third is “nature, tree, plant,
etc.” Although we can see that the third cluster are mainly about nature and is right to
be separated from other clusters, there is no significant difference between first and
666 H. Lin, J. Davis, and Y. Zhou

second clusters since most of them are names of fruits. Furthermore, tags like “food,
yellow, red” are not distinguished correctly, and are mixed in the two clusters.
On the other hand, the terms related to fruit are clearly classified into four dimen-
sions in our results in Fig 3. Furthermore, our structure provides detailed sub-classes
in each dimension, for example, the “berry” is placed under the “produce” dimension
and could be further navigated into “blackberry and strawberry”.
Although terms like “fleshy” are missing in our structure, it is actually rarely used
by users. By checking the photos annotated with “fleshy” in Flickr website, we found
that only 0.00003% photos were tagged by “fleshy.
In short, the extracted ontological structure reflects the fruit domain knowledge
well and organizes the related resources into several navigable dimensions.
Cataloguing and Indexing: Fig 6 illustrates a fragment of the experiment result in sci-
ence domain from Citeulike. The related terms are organized into a 5-level ontological
structure, which gives users an overview of knowledge in science domain. It also pro-
vides a conceptual framework for cataloguing and indexing the resources. For example,
from general to specific, anthropology and biology are organized under science cata-
logue. Then, biology is further divided into genetics and neurobiology. The number
beside each term shows how many papers are contained in the corresponding catalogue.
|-science (762)
|------anthropology (111)
|------------ethnography (128)
|------biology (256)
|------------genetics (154)
|------------------evolutionary-genomics (41)
|------------------evolutionary-proteomics (22)
|------------------genomics (250)
|------------------proteomics (127)
|------------neurobiology (41)
|------------------neuroscience (199)
|------------------------neurophysiology (24)
|------------sociobiology (26)
|------system_biology (6)
|------------sysbio (74)
|------cryptography (25)
|------economics (259)
|------------macroeconomics (21)
|------informatics (141)
|------ip (54)
|------mathematics (163)
|------------geometry (78)
|------------statistics (456)
|------medicine (105)
|------------toxicology (12)
|------------biomedicine (11)

Fig. 6. A fragment of ontological structure in science domain

We evaluated the catalogues manually and observe that compound and jargon
terms have been appropriately incorporated at the correct hierarchical level, such as,
“evolutionary-genomics”, “evolutionary-proteomics” and “sociobiology” (see fig 6).
In total, 1540 terms were incorporated into the ontological structure. Among those
terms, 35.65% of them were standard terms and more than 64% were non-standard
terms, including 36.17% compound and 28.18% jargon terms.
An Integrated Approach to Extracting Ontological Structures from Folksonomies 667

5 Conclusion and Future Work

In this paper, we have proposed an integrated bottom-up and top-down approach to
extract ontological structures from collaborative tagging systems. Through the inves-
tigation into four kinds of word-formations (standard tags, jargon tags, compound
tags, and nonsense tags) in folksonomies, our approach has produced promising initial
results using two datasets from Flickr and Citeulike.
Though WordNet as an upper ontology resource contains a sufficiently wide range
of common words, it does not cover special domain vocabulary and cannot reflect
usage change. In CTS, many of the tags are in the form of jargon and compound
terms. Mapping terms with WordNet ontology is obviously not enough to find the
relationships among them. Thus, additional consideration was given to incorporate
there terms into ontological structures by matching tags using association rule mining
and token-based similarity. Rather than the clustering technique, association rule min-
ing is a unsupervised data mining method to find interesting association between data
sets. In this paper, we applied the association rules to find semantically related tags,
which is the basis for further ontology building. Furthermore, we simplified the a pri-
ori algorithm to find 2-item set rules and introduced a new cosine coefficient, which
significantly improved the efficiency in low support mining.
We observe that the ontological structures obtained could be enriched and deep-
ened using larger tag datasets, other semantic relations provided by WordNet, and
more specialized semantic lexical resources such as thesauri and subject-specific dic-
tionaries. Additional work to represent the extracted ontologies in the web using RDF
data format and SPARQL query language will enable the integration with other web
services, such as a collaborative ontology evolvement environment to reflect the
knowledge and usage changes in CTS.

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