Trapezoidal Solar Distillar
Trapezoidal Solar Distillar
Trapezoidal Solar Distillar
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Article history: A model of heat and mass transfer phenomena in a trapezoidal cavity is established. This work is partly based on
Received 12 April 2013 the experimental results obtained in the case of a trapezoidal-shaped solar distiller. The resolution of the related
Received in revised form 3 March 2014 system of equations gives results that are in a good agreement with those obtained experimentally. The modeling
Accepted 29 March 2014
was made on the basis of a stagnant zone within the closed cavity, whose walls are at different temperatures. The
Available online 3 May 2014
numerical simulation could contribute to the study and design of numerous applications such small solar
distillation units, solar driers and solar greenhouses, among others.
Heat and mass transfer © 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Closed trapezoidal cavity
Natural convection
Solar distillation
1. Introduction Published research material shows that most of the theoretical studies
[1–4, 6–8] and experimental works [5,8] undertaken on the heat and mass
Many countries, such as those of the south bank of the Mediterranean transfer in trapezoidal and triangular closed cavities, concern differentially
Sea, having an important solar energy potential and brackish water, suffer heated systems. Two walls contribute to heat and mass (condensation)
from the scarceness of drinking water due to low rainfalls. These difficul- exchange, the others are adiabatic. In the theoretical studies, the flow of
ties can be overcome by small solar distillation units, locally usable and in- fluid inside these cavities is, most often, treated in laminar regime. Very
expensive. The operating principle of these units is based on trapping by few theoretical studies are undertaken in turbulent regime [9].
greenhouse effects, the solar energy entering a closed cavity. This energy To the author's knowledge no work regarding two different surfaces
will serve partly for evaporating the brackish water. The distillate is collect- of condensation has been done.
ed by condensation on one or several surfaces. In this respect, the most im- The design of the proposed experimental system takes into account
portant point is the outputs of these distillation units. The mastery of the the results obtained by R. Tripathi and GN Tiwari [10] and Anil Kr Tiwari,
phenomena of simultaneous heat and mass transfer in the distillers and GN Tiwari [11], which state that increasing the thickness of the strip
could contribute to improve their efficiency. To this end, we propose an ex- of water, in a solar distiller, negatively influences the performance and a
perimental study on simultaneous heat and mass transfers in a trapezoidal lid inclination of 30° leads to better results than inclination values of 15°
cavity with three non-adiabatic walls, in view of developing a more gener- and 45°. The use of experimental results led us to propose correlation
al mathematical model to simulate the distillation unit. With respect to the expressions for the average of the Sherwood and Nusselt numbers of
theoretical study, the proposed cavity is dimensioned so that the moist air the isothermal flat plate, established for the laminar flow regime.
flow inside it could be two-dimensional. To model these simultaneous heat and mass transfer phenomena, we
relied on our experimental results [12] and on a preliminary study of the
⁎ Corresponding author.
structure of a laminar and stationary saturated moist air flow, in a cavity
E-mail addresses: [email protected] (M.S. Maalem), [email protected]
(A. Benzaoui), [email protected] (A. Bouhenna). similar in shape and having the same geometrical dimensions as those of
Tel./fax: +213 21247344. the experiment setup. Writing the global balance equations along with
0011-9164/© 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
372 M.S. Maalem et al. / Desalination 344 (2014) 371–382
the appropriate initial conditions identical to those of the experiment, Glass +Aluminum
leads to the establishment of the theoretical model. The validation of the
neglect viscous friction and assume that the air is incompressible, Fig. 4. Theoretical model (trapezoidal configuration).
we assume also the Newtonian fluid and obeys the Boussinesq ap-
proximation. 3.2.3. Boundary conditions
– Heat transfer by infrared radiation between walls is neglected due to Interest is paid to the structure of the flow at time instant t1 within
the low temperature difference. the stationary region, Fig. 1. The temperatures of non-adiabatic walls
– The diffusion coefficient of vapor in the air is that of water in air at are 308.6 (K) for glass, 322.6 (K) for water and 294.2 (K) for an alumi-
atmospheric pressure and temperature corresponding to time num wall. These temperatures are taken as boundary conditions for
instant t1, Fig. 1. Its value is 0.22 · 10−4 (m2/s). the non-adiabatic walls.
The concentrations are calculated [2] using the temperatures of
3.2.2. Equations the non-adiabatic walls. Their values are φ1 = 2.24 (mol/m3) for glass,
The governing equations are the following: φ2 = 4.99 (mol/m3) for water and φ5 = 1.02 (mol/m3) for the alumi-
num surface.
– Momentum equations.
The initial conditions are identical to those at the beginning of the
! experiment:
∂u ∂u 1 ∂p Ëc ∂2 u ∂2 u
u þv ¼− þ þ
∂x ∂y ρ ∂x ρ ∂x2 ∂y2 – The temperatures are: 300.2 (K) for glass, 294.2 (K) for water, 294.2
(K) for the aluminum plate and 294.2 (K) for moist air.
– The concentration is determined at ambient temperature. Its value
∂v ∂v 1 ∂p Ëc ∂2 v ∂2 v is φ0 = 1.02 (mol/m3).
u þv ¼− þ þ þ gβðT−T c Þ – The velocities are zero at the walls (no slip condition) and at the
∂x ∂y ρ ∂x ρ ∂x2 ∂y2
initial instant.
– Continuity equation.
3.2.4. Numerical resolution
∂u ∂v The system of equations is solved by the finite element method. The
þ ¼0 computer code COMSOL Multiphysics available at CDER (Center for
∂x ∂y
Development of Renewable Energies) is used.
– Heat transport equation.
3.2.5. Results and discussion
2 2
∂T ∂T k ∂ T ∂ T
u þv ¼ þ Velocity field. The streamline and surface velocity fields are
∂x ∂y ρ:C p ∂x2 ∂y2 depicted in Figs. 5 and 6, respectively. The y-velocity (for five values
of x) versus y, and x-velocity versus x (for five values of y), are depicted
– Mass transport equation. in Figs. 7 and 8, respectively.
! Far from the walls, we can assume, at a first approximation that the
∂φ ∂φ ∂2 φ ∂2 φ flow is horizontal at a very low velocity and air may be considered as
u þv ¼D þ
∂x ∂y ∂x2 ∂y2
Fig. 8. x-Velocity.
Fig. 6. Surface velocity field.
concentration variations versus y (for five values of x) and the concen-
being quasi still. Indeed, Figs. 5 and 6 show three low strength vortexes tration variations versus x (for five values of y) are depicted in Figs. 15
and almost horizontal streamlines. Fig. 7, in turn, shows insignificant y- and 16, respectively.
velocity values compared with those in the vicinity of the walls. Fig. 8, At the first approximation, horizontal isoconcentration lines can be
on the other hand, shows relatively low x-velocity values which in- assumed parallel in the zone far from the walls. Indeed, Fig. 13 shows
crease as y increases slightly. For a fixed y, horizontal velocity value is that they are almost parallel to the surface of water. They tighten as y
roughly constant. However, near the walls, y-velocity and x-velocity goes down to zero. This reflects, as for the temperature field, diffusion
values become more significant, which means that the main flow occurs and convection mass transfer of water into the air. Beyond y =
between the walls and a quasi motionless air core. 0.08 m, they relax and become almost equidistant. Their concentration
decreases with y while the corresponding gradient is constant. This re-
flects an ascendant transfer by the sole diffusion. In the vicinity of the Temperature field. The isotherms and the surface temperature are non-adiabatic walls, the concentration gradients are significant (tight
depicted in Figs. 9 and 10, respectively. The temperature variations lines of equal concentration) and larger at the top than at the bottom
versus y (for five values of x) and the temperature variations versus x part, along the glass. The reverse is observed in the vicinity of the
(for five values of y) are represented in Figs. 11 and 12, respectively. aluminum plate.
Fig. 9 shows that from the walls the isotherms are at a first approx- Figs. 15 and 16 confirm the conclusions relative to Fig. 13. Indeed, for
imation parallel and equidistant. This reflects an upward-conduction y b 0.08 m, Fig. 15 shows that the concentration gradients increase as y
heat transfer in the stagnant zone. Fig. 11, on the other hand, shows decreases. This reflects an ascendant mass flow. For values of y N 0.08 m,
two areas. In the first one (0 m b y b 0.08 m), the temperature gradients the concentration gradient is roughly constant. It reflects an ascendant
increase as y decreases. In this area, both transfer modes, conduction mass flow by diffusion (constant gradient). Figs. 14 and 16, in turn,
and convection, are present. In the second area (0.08 m b y b 036 m), show that the concentration along x depends only on y, and for a
the temperature gradient is constant. This reflects an upward-transfer given y, the concentration is nearly constant. As y decreases to about
by sole conduction. Figs. 9, 10 and 12 show the thermal stratification 0.08 m, the concentration increases. This reflects a mass transfer by
and confirm the ascendant heat transfer. Indeed, the temperature de- diffusion in the direction of y N 0. Figs. 14–16 also confirm that, near
pends only on y and decreases as y increases. It can be seen that, along the walls, a mass exchange by diffusion and convection between the
the glass, the temperature gradients are relatively more significant at main flow, the walls (condensation) and the layer of stagnant air
the top as compared to the gradients at the bottom part. The reverse (as for the temperature field) takes place.
is observed along the aluminum plate. This shows an area that can be considered as stagnant at first ap-
proximation. The heat and mass transfer occur between this area and Concentration field. The isoconcentration lines and the surface
concentration are depicted in Figs. 13 and 14, respectively. The
4.4. The governing equations with: q45 ¼ h45 A5 ðT4 −T5 Þ; q 45 ¼ h 45 A5 LW ðT5 Þðρ5 −ρ4 Þ;
qr15 ¼ hr15 ðT1 −T5 Þ , qr25 = hr25 ⋅ (T2 − T5) and Qe5 = he5 ⋅ A5 ⋅
Considering the above hypotheses, the heat and mass balance can be (T5 − T7).
written as: – At the stagnant zone
⁎ Heat balance
– At the glass pane
0 ¼ q24 þ q 24 −q41 −q 41 −q45 −q 45 : ð5Þ
C 1 1 ¼ α 1 H s −Q e1 þ q41 þ q 41 þ qr21 −qr15 ð1Þ
⁎ Mass balance (the vaporized water flow mass)ṁ2 ¼ L q ð24T Þ and those
W 2
of condensed water on the glass pane and on the aluminum plate
Q e1 ¼ he1 A1 ðT1 −T6 Þ; qr41 ¼ hr41 A1 ðT4 −T1 Þ; q 41 ¼ h 41 A1 ṁ1 ¼ L q ð41T Þ andṁ5 ¼ L q ð45
T Þ, respectively. Then the mass balance at the
W 1 W 5
LW ðT1 Þ; ðρ1 −ρ4 Þ, qr21 = hr21. (T2 − T1) and qr15 = hr15 ⋅ (T1 − T5). stagnant zone becomes
– At the water strip
q 24 q 41 q 45
¼ þ : ð6Þ
dT LW ðT2 Þ LW ðT1 Þ LW ðT5 Þ
C 2 2 ¼ τ2 H s þ q32 −q24 −q 24 −qr21 −qr25 ð2Þ
Fig 20. a
¼ 0:40.
Fig. 18. ba ¼ 0:3. b
So, the simultaneous heat and mass transfer within the cavity are • The surfaces of the walls (glass pane, aluminum surface and water
governed by Eqs. (1)–(6) with the dependent variables T1, T2, T3, T4, strip) as gray; they are diffused and their physical properties do
T5 and ρ4. not depend on the wavelength of the radiation.
• The surface temperatures and heat fluxes are uniform.
4.5. Coefficients in the equations system • The radiation heat exchange is restrained to window pane/water
strip, aluminum surface/window pane and water strip/aluminum
The resolution of the system of the previous equations requires surface. In addition, these three surfaces are assumed to be
knowledge of the different coefficients. For text shortening, only their adjacent.
expressions and how they were determined as well as the used refer- The coefficient of exchange by radiation between surfaces i and j is:
ences are given. All coefficients are expressed in the International Sys-
tem (IS).
σ T2j −T2i T j þ Ti
– Outside global heat exchange coefficient, he1, by conduction, convec- hrij ¼ ðW=KÞ:
1−ϵ i 1−ϵ j 1
tion and radiation through the window's pane. þ þ
Ai ϵ i A jϵ j Ai F ij
By conduction and convection [13], he = 5.7 + 3.8 V where V is the
wind speed (m/s). By radiation [14], hre = 5.67 · ε1 where ε1
≈ 0.85. By conduction, convection and radiation:
Replacing the parameters by their numerical values, expressed in In-
ternational System, in the case of the employed experimental device,
he1 ¼ he þ hre ¼ 10:7 þ 3:8 V W=m K : the following expressions are found:
– Between the glass pane and water strip: hr21 = 3.58 ⋅ 10−9(T22 +
– Radiation heat exchange coefficient, hrij. T21)(T2 + T1) (W/K).
Because of the relatively low surface temperatures, the radiation – Between the glass pane and aluminum plate: hr15 = 2.99 ⋅ 10−9(T21 +
heat exchange is essentially in the infrared range. Therefore, we T25)(T1 + T5) (W/K).
consider the following: – Between the water strip and aluminum plate: hr25 = 3.58 ⋅ 10−9(T22 +
T25)(T2 + T5) (W/K).
q45 ¼ m 5 Lw ðT5 Þ≈0:11 10
−;3 3
ðkg=sÞ:2458 10 ð J=kgÞ
T3 þ T2
λ2 ¼ 270; 38 ðWÞ:
2 −2 −1
h32 ¼ NU L W m K
Experience shows that the maximum deviation between the temper-
ature of the cooling water and that of the aluminum wall is less than
T3 þT2 T 3 þT 2
where λ2 2 is the thermal conductivity of pure water at 2 , 0.5 K (the temperature of the wall is about the same as that of the
L2 ¼ Lþl2
is the characteristic length and NU L is the mean Nusselt cooling water). The coefficient is then evaluated, as shown below,
number. and its value is taken as being constant throughout the simulation.
– Exchange coefficient between the absorbing receptacle and the air within
q45 −2 −1
the underneath zone, hb. he5 ¼ ≈930 W m K
A5 ðT 5 −T 7 Þ
This coefficient is determined experimentally in the temperature
range corresponding to the stationary region, as shown in Fig. 30; it
– The natural convection thermal and mass exchange coefficients hij, and
is expressed as:
h ij .
dT 3 They are determined from the mean correlated Nusselt and Sherwood
τ3 HS −h32 A2 ðT3 −T2 Þ−C 3 numbers, established in part I [12]:
dt −2 −1
hb ¼ W m K – For the glass pane (bottom face)
A3 ðT3 −T4 Þ
qffiffiffiffi 1=4:
where, A3 is the external receptacle surface, and T2, T3 and T4 are the S1=4
c Gr þ PSc GTr
¼ 1:667 :
mean temperatures at instant t2. SHL1c 1=4
1 þ 0:952
– Exchange coefficient between the aluminum surface and cooling water, S c
Heat transfer:
By convection and conduction
By mass transfer
. By infrared radiation
T1 Glass
T2 Water strip
T3 Absorbing receptacle
T4 Stagnant zone
T5 Aluminum plate
T6 Ambient environment
. T7 Cooling water
SHL2c ¼ 0:098 Gr Sc :
Fig. 27. Concentration versus y.
Stationary region
Temperature of the receptacle (°K)
295 T3 Experimental
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Time (in hours)
Fig. 28. Concentration versus x. Fig. 30. Temperature of the receptacle versus time.
380 M.S. Maalem et al. / Desalination 344 (2014) 371–382
312 330
320 T5: Theoritical
304 T5: Experimental
T1 Theoritical
296 T1 Experimental 300
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Time (in hours) Time (in hours)
Fig. 31. Average temperature of glass versus time. Fig. 34. Average temperature of the aluminum plate versus time.
328 1600
324 1400
320 1200
316 1000
304 PS Experimental
T2 Theoritical 400
300 PS Theoritical
T2 Experimental
292 0
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Fig. 35. Amount of condensed water on the aluminum wall versus time.
Fig. 32. Average temperature of water versus time.
SH L2c (m/s). To keep the solar radiation incidence angle on the glass constant
L1 and L2 are respectively the half perimeter of the glass pane during exposure to sun, the experimental setup is reoriented about
and the water strip. every 15 min. Considering the geographical coordinates of the site, the
– Solar absorption coefficient of the glass, α1, total solar absorption inclination of the glass pane, the diffused solar flux, the reflected solar
coefficients of the water strip, τ 2 , of the aluminum plate, τ 5 , and flux by the aluminum plate, the physical properties of the glass pane,
absorbing receptacle, τ3. the aluminum plate, the water strip and the absorbing receptacle, the
Each of these coefficients is defined as the ratio of the solar calculations give:
flux, absorbed by the medium under consideration, over the
incident solar flux, HS (Fig. 29): α 1 ¼ Absorbed solar Hflux S
by the glass
; τ2 ¼ α 1 ¼ 0:08; τ2 ¼ 0:00313; τ3 ¼ 0:646 and τ 5 ¼ 0:015 :
Absorbed solar flux by the water strip Absorbed solar flux by the aluminum plate
HS and τ 5 ¼ HS
and τ3 ¼ Absorbed solar fluxHSby the receptacle :
Amount of condensed water in (gr)
Temperture of the receptacle (°K)
324 500
312 300
308 200
304 PG Experimental
T3 Theoritical
100 PG Theoritical
T3 Experimental
296 0
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Time (in hours) Time (in hours)
Fig. 33. Average temperature of the receptacle versus time. Fig. 36. Amount of condensed water on the glass versus time.
M.S. Maalem et al. / Desalination 344 (2014) 371–382 381
6. Numerical resolution
Figs. 31–36 depict the theoretical results along with the correspond-
ing experimental ones. The numerical results are in very good agree-
ment with the experimental ones. Indeed, a maximum deviation of
less than 1.5 (K) for the temperature of the window pane, 3 (K) for
the water temperature, 2 (K) for the receptacle temperature, 0.5 (K)
for the temperature of the aluminum plate, 170 (gr) for the production
of the glass pane (which constitutes about the quarter of the total
5. Important remark
2 2
h41 ¼ 10 W=m K ; h41 ¼ 0:0045
Þ; h45 ¼ 5 W=m K ; h45
¼ 0:00235
ðm=sÞ;h24 ¼ 5 W=m K ; h24 ¼ 0:0028 ðm=sÞ; h32
2 2
¼ 239 W=m K and hb ¼ 8:87 W=m K : Fig. 38. Inclined rectangular cavity: case where L/e = 5 and α = 30°.
382 M.S. Maalem et al. / Desalination 344 (2014) 371–382
9. Conclusion
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