Technology Hospital: New in Blood Banking
Technology Hospital: New in Blood Banking
Technology Hospital: New in Blood Banking
J Clin Pathol: first published as 10.1136/jcp.46.7.585 on 1 July 1993. Downloaded from on August 1, 2020 by guest. Protected by copyright.
J K M Duguid, I M Bromilow
t mated polybrene technique, a two-stage
papain technique microtitre plate IAT, and a
spin tube low ionic strength IAT for routine
antenatal antibody screening and identifica-
J Clin Pathol: first published as 10.1136/jcp.46.7.585 on 1 July 1993. Downloaded from on August 1, 2020 by guest. Protected by copyright.
tion, showed an increased antibody detection
Ea rate (148 antibodies v 95 antibodies in 3900
0 --1 1 2 1 3 1 4 1 5
Lo samples) and a decrease in the number of
non-specific enzyme only antibodies and false
positive screens. Antibody titres showed an
Neg. Positive. reactions 1- 5 'Mixed' increased reaction strength and so titre scores
field were higher than tube IAT titres, suggesting
0- 1I reaction
an increased sensitivity for the gel system.'0
Use in a routine hospital blood bank
7cm laboratory for red cell phenotyping (ABO,
Rh, Kell M and N), direct antiglobulin test-
Figure I Reading and grading of haemagglutination in ID gel test.
ing (DAT), antibody screening and indirect
antiglobulin test compatibility testing showed
that care must be taken to ensure that no
greater than a 1% suspension of red blood
pre-sensitised control cells to check negative cells is used and that problems may be
reactions. encountered in patients who are DAT posi-
Neutral cards can be used as part of anti- tive." It has also been shown, however, that
body screening for a two stage enzyme the serological assessment of drug induced
treated cell technique (fig 2). immune haemolytic anaemias is considerably
Reactions using gel techniques are stable improved by using the gel system.'2
for at least 48 hours and have the added facil- One study has cast doubts on the sensitiv-
ity of being able to be photocopied, thereby ity of the antiglobulin "gel-test" for antibody
providing a permanent record for future ref- detection,'3 because of an apparent inability
erence. This system is currently marketed in of the gel system to detect a few specially
this country as the ID-Microtyping System selected weak "difficult" antibodies with het-
(DiaMed-GB Ltd, Dalkeith, Midlothian, erozygous cells. The clinical importance of
Scotland). these antibodies is unknown as they were
Another system is also available based on principally used for assessment of AHG
column technology-the Ortho Biovue reagents and techniques. This type of testing
System (Ortho Diagnostic Systems Ltd., was recognised as being a stringent sensitivity
High Wycombe, Bucks). This column con- test'4 and was being compared with a "well-
tains a density gradient comprising a combi- performed" spin tube IAT. The relevance of
nation of a macromolecular density barrier this type of testing to routine work in a busy
and glass microspheres. The system is cur- hospital or transfusion centre serology labora-
rently available as microtubes with columns tory is uncertain. Available reports indicate
containing AHG or neutral density gradients. that routine use in a busy district general hos-
Again, this system offers the ability to pital showed a decrease in false positive anti-
perform a "no wash" antiglobulin test. body detection, with an associated increased
Preliminary reports suggest that this system is antibody identification rate (Thomas BE,
easy to use and produces stable results which Yates S. IMLS 20th Triennial Conference,
can also be photocopied. September 1992, abstract 123).
Implementation of the DiaMed-ID gel system Both commercially available column systems
indicates that its sensitivity is superior to that using microtubes embedded in plastic cards
Table 2 Comparative costs of ABO and D grouping plus antibody screening by various freedom of choice of reagents, particularly
techniques (150 sampleslday) AHG, and there may be cost implications
associated with this. All techniques are per-
e P171.1777 sssssssssssss formed using a low ionic strength suspension
medium. Problems known to occur with the
J Clin Pathol: first published as 10.1136/jcp.46.7.585 on 1 July 1993. Downloaded from on August 1, 2020 by guest. Protected by copyright.
use of this type of medium for certain anti-
bodies may therefore remain. There have also
been grave anxieties expressed at the possibil-
ity that certain laboratory skills will be lost, in
particular the ability to perform a reliable spin
4 tube IAT. It has to be recognised that this is
not necessarily detrimental. Certain labora-
tory skills considered essential in the past
6 have been lost because of the implementation
of new technology: this has led to improved
patient care.
0 0-5 1-o 15 20 25
Cost (f/sample) Costing
1. All conventional tube tests. Hospital transfusion laboratories are not con-
2. All microtitre plate tests. sidered high spenders (excluding the cost of
3. All DiaMed ID gel tests. blood and products). The cost of these com-
4. Microtitre plate ABO/D + tube ICT + enzyme screen. mercially available systems may therefore
5. Microtitre plate ABO/D + Capture-R ICT (no enzyme test). appear prohibitive.
6. Microtitre plate ABO/D + DiaMed ID ICT + enzyme screen. Perceived savings generated by decreased
false positive and non-specific antibody
detection or by the ability to alter staffing will
obviously vary among individual laboratories.
are technically easy to use. The "no-wash" An analysis of comparative costing of ABO
IAT means that reliable testing can be per- and D grouping and antibody screening using
formed by a wide variety of staff. Most false tubes, microplates, a gel technique, a solid
negative IAT results, when using conven- phase technique and a continuous flow
tional tube techniques, are known to be analyser has been performed.'5 Costs depend
caused by inefficient cell washing or from on the volume of samples handled, and for
trauma to weak red blood cell agglutinates laboratories processing more than 25 sam-
produced by over-vigorous agitation following ples/day gel cards for ABO and D grouping
excessive centrifugation. These problems are incurred significantly more expense. A
eliminated when using microtube columns, combination of microplate grouping and gel
allowing for the use of a broader skill-mix of antibody screening, however, was shown to
staff in individual laboratories and also facili- cost less than conventional tube techniques
tating the use of multidisciplinary on-call (table 2).
staff. Both these aspects of staffing are also
helped by the stability and robustness of the
reactions which means that results can be Conclusion
checked by experienced transfusion staff. It is unlikely that for serologists there will ever
Both systems require only small amounts be a single system that encompasses cost
of red blood cells and serum for testing effectiveness, ease of use, and accuracy.
(10-40 pl), making them ideal for neonatal Transfusion laboratory practice will always be
and paediatric use. The ability to photocopy problematic due to the combination of rou-
results and thus keep a permanent record is tine and emergency work, together with
also an advantage. sometimes unreasonable clinical and financial
Microtubes can be sealed once cells and pressures. The introduction of gel technol-
serum have been dispensed thus eliminating ogy, however, provides a refreshingly new
aerosol formation during processing and approach which may, by its sheer simplicity
making the system particularly useful for han- of use and standardisation of technique, facil-
dling "high risk" samples. itate the working practices of transfusion lab-
Currently 5% of United Kingdom partici- oratories and thus enhance the quality of the
pants in the NEQAS serology scheme use service provided to both patients and clini-
DiaMed-ID gel technology. As yet NEQAS cians.
organisers do not routinely analyse results
from these laboratories as a separate group,
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J Clin Pathol: first published as 10.1136/jcp.46.7.585 on 1 July 1993. Downloaded from on August 1, 2020 by guest. Protected by copyright.
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