Five Heresies Examined - Dr. Peter S. Ruckman 17 Pgs

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By Peter S. Ruckman
B.A., B.D., M.A., Th.M., Ph.D.
President and Founder of Pensacola Bible Institute
Copyright © 1981 by Peter S. Ruckman
All rights reserved
(PRINT) ISBN 1-58026-288-7

P.O. Box 7135 Pensacola, FL 32534
Other works available on Kindle

The Scripture quotations found herein are from the text of the Authorized King James Version of the Bible.
Any deviations therefrom are not intentional.
Church of Christ
Jehovah’s Witness
Seventh-day Adventist
Roman Catholic
Church of Christ
The so-called “CHURCH OF CHRIST” or “CAMPBELLITE” church began between 1800 and 1830 in
Kentucky under the defection of Barton Stone and the Campbells from the Presbyterian church during the
“Cumberland Valley Revival.” Being unwilling to confess the Baptist faith, but seeing the truth of water baptism by
immersion, Stone and Alexander Campbell decided to originate a nondenominational church that would call itself
the “Church of Christ” (first called “The Christian Church”). The idea behind this was that they were the true church
that Christ founded and no other one was: in this teaching they were simply imitating the Roman Catholics. Another
Roman Catholic practice they picked up was the taking of “communion” (“mass” to a Catholic) every Sunday
morning. The proof text for this was supposed to be Acts 20:7. Here the “breaking of bread” was privately
interpreted to mean the communion of 1 Corinthians 10 and 11.
Bible believers, of course, know that the “breaking of bread” (Acts 20:7) was not a reference to a communion
supper at all because in Acts 2:46 the breaking of bread was a DAILY thing and was carried on from “house to
house”—not in a church building. When Christ “breaks bread” in Matthew 14:19 and Luke 24 there is no Lord’s
Supper present, no communion, no “eucharist” and no “mass.”
The third Roman Catholic practise that Barton Stone and Alexander Campbell retained was the ancient heresy
of baptismal regeneration. This persistent lie, which has probably damned more people than any false doctrine
taught from the word of God (note that Satan quotes scripture to prove false doctrine: Luke 4:11), is derived by
reading the word “baptism” into every verse that mentions “water” (see John 3:3–6). The Bible believer knows that
there is no WATER connected with ANY baptism in Colossians 2; Romans 6; Ephesians 4; or Galatians 3, and there
is no BAPTISM connected with ANY water in John 3:3–5. Notwithstanding, these ignorant heretics continue to
base their lies on that type of perversion.
It is the baptism of the Holy Spirit (1 Cor. 12:13) that puts all believers into Jesus Christ (Rom. 6:1–4) and that
is the “ONE baptism” found in Ephesians 4. Since this baptism is SAVING baptism, Satan has raised up two cults to
lie about the passages. The first of these cults is the Charismatics, who were raised up by Satan to make the saved
believer think that he could not be saved if he didn’t talk in tongues—since tongues were the “evidence” of the
Spirit baptism at Pentecost. The second cult is the Campbellites, who were raised up by Satan to make the believer
think he could not be saved unless he was baptized according to the Jewish water baptism of Pentecost (Acts 2:38).
Both of these Satanic abominations obtain their cultic teaching by “wresting the scriptures” (2 Pet. 3:16).
Notice !
1. No apostle in the New Testament was ever baptized according to Acts 2. Also, notice that Ananias (who
baptized Paul) called Paul a “brother” (Acts 22:13) BEFORE Paul was baptized in water, and also didn’t tell him
that he would receive the Holy Spirit upon being baptized, but would be “FILLED” with the Spirit. The Apostles
Peter, James, John, Matthew, Bartholomew, Thomas, et al., were never baptized by anyone “in the name of Jesus
Christ” in order to receive the gift of the Holy Spirit (Acts 2:38). They received the Holy Ghost (John 20:22) forty
days before Pentecost ever showed up.
2. Notice that it is a converted Jewish proselyte (Acts 22:12), who still observed the Jewish laws (Acts 22:12),
who baptized Paul. Ananias certainly did not have the revelation of Galatians 1:8–12 when he baptized Paul.
Ananias still associated “purification” (Acts 22:16) with WATER, exactly as did ALL JEWS in the Old Testament
(see Heb. 9:19 and John 2:6).
3. No Christians are present at Pentecost (the word doesn’t show up in the Bible till Acts 11:26); no one there,
including Peter, knows that their sins were blotted out at Calvary (see how Peter says this will take place in the
FUTURE when he preached in Acts 3:19); no one at Pentecost knows of salvation by grace through faith in the
finished work of Christ (Gal. 1:8–12); and no one present asks how to be saved, what to do to be saved, how to be
born again, what to do to get eternal life, or how to get to heaven. The Jews and Jewish proselytes at Pentecost (see
Acts 2:5, 14, 22, 36) ask only what to do in view of the fact they have crucified their Messiah (Acts 2:36–37).
Therefore, any “Plan of Salvation” taught from Acts 2:38 is desperate wickedness of the most perverse sort. It
is taught regularly by Charismatics, Catholics, and Campbellites.
In the Bible, the Gospel of the Grace of God is given in 1 Corinthians 15:1–4; that is the Gospel for this age
which is manifest by the fact that anyone who preaches the “Gospel” of Matthew 10 or the Gospel of Acts 2 to
Gentiles is ANATHEMA-under a curse. The Campbellites make the “good news” (that is what “Gospel” means) of
the Kingdom, and the good news of the Second Advent, and the good news of salvation all the same thing: they are
NOT the same thing. In this church age the gospel (1 Cor. 15:1–4) is NOT the preaching of water baptism (1 Cor.
1:17); the new birth is through the gospel (1 Cor. 4:15), NOT water baptism. Furthermore, the Holy Spirit in this age
is NEVER received by repenting and being “baptized in the name of Jesus Christ,” etc. Even before the Book of
Acts is over, Gentiles are receiving the Holy Spirit by grace through faith (Acts 10:40–44) BEFORE water baptism,
and afterward they are plainly said to receive the Holy Spirit by FAITH (Gal. 3:14)—not water baptism.
The heresy of Campbellism, then, is a grievous and damnable lie that has destroyed literally thousands of
ignorant sinners who refused to study and believe the word of God. The Campbellite system is erected by simply
refusing to accept ADVANCED REVELATION (John 16:12–13). Campbellites refuse to accept the Pauline
revelation (Gal. 1:8–12) as the correct Biblical doctrine for this age. Instead, they resort back to Peter’s Pentecostal
message preached before one New Testament book had been written while at a time when revelation on New
Testament salvation was so incomplete that the preacher (Simon Peter) at that time actually thought it was a sin to
eat rabbit and pork (see Acts 11:1–6). That is the measure of the true spiritual maturity of your modern
“Campbellite.” Peter gets his GRACE doctrines straight (Acts 15:11) after his experience with Cornelius (Acts 10)
and never again does he mention Acts 2:38 to anyone, saved or lost.
The only people who still waste time going to hell on Acts 2:38 are Campbellites, Charismatics, and Catholics
—three of the greatest Satanic cults in America today.
In the New Testament, water baptism is defined as a “FIGURE” of real salvation (1 Pet. 3:21) and a man’s sins
are washed away by “CALLING ON THE NAME OF THE LORD” (Acts 22:16). No man (Jew or Gentile) since
Pentecost ever received the Holy Ghost by being baptized in water by anyone, and the poor, lost, wretched, self-
righteous sinners who are counting on that Jewish Pentecostal message (Acts 2:38) to save them are just as lost as
the most villainous criminals who ever died (Rom. 3:23).
No Campbellite knows for certain where he is going when he dies, although Paul knew (2 Tim. 1:12), John
knew (1 John 5:13) and Peter knew (2 Pet. 1:14; 1 Pet. 1:4–5). The “Gospel” which Campbellites preach is not the
Gospel of the Grace of God. The buildings they meet in, which they call the “Church of Christ,” have nothing to do
with the real Church of Christ, and the title is not even scriptural. “CHURCHES” (plural) of Christ are mentioned
(Rom. 16:16), but the church (THE CHURCH, singular) which is Christ’s Body is NEVER called “THE CHURCH
OF CHRIST” anywhere in either Testament. The term is just as nonscriptural as “Roman Catholic” or
Jehovah’s Witness
These people meet in what they call “Kingdom Halls,” and this title was chosen to match a standard perversion
which they teach on the Kingdom of God: that the Kingdom of God and the Kingdom of Heaven are identical.
Garner Ted Armstrong and Herbert W. Armstrong in Pasadena, California, and their magazine, The Plain Truth
(available “free” at grocery stores, airports, etc.), teach exactly the same thing. The idea is that nobody is born again
now, nobody is saved for certain now, no spiritual kingdom will come, and therefore, all Jehovah’s Witnesses will
inherit the EARTH: none of them will go to “heaven.”
The original Jehovah’s Witness was a man named Pastor Russell, who, with Judge Rutherford (back in the
nineteenth century: 1860–1931), constructed a system where Tribulation saints (the 144,000 Jews of Rev. 7) were
actually “Christians” in this age. Having put themselves under a faith-and-works setup (see Tribulation passages on
this in Matt. 24:13; Rev. 12, 14, 22:14), they applied Matthew 24 to the church and converted all of the NEW
Testament saved Gentiles into Tribulation Jews. The alibi for this was a verse in Romans 2:29. This heresy was
called “Postmillennialism” back in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, and it was the teaching that God was all
through with LITERAL ISRAEL. Those who believed this teaching were called “CONCEITED” and
“IGNORANT” by the Holy Spirit in Romans 11:25. Nonetheless, this heresy will be found in the Amplifled Version
of the New Testament (see 1 Thess. 2:16) which was published by the Lockman Foundation-the same Foundation
that published the New American Standard Version (NASV) which is being promoted by Bob Jones University,
Tennessee Temple, Pensacola Christian Schools, and others.
The NASV has also picked up the Jehovah’s Witness reading in John 1:18 which made Jesus Christ a “created
God.” The old ASV (promoted by the same schools) said clearly in its marginal note on John 9:38 that Jesus was a
All Jehovah’s Witnesses believe in two gods; one of these gods was unbegotten (Jehovah) and the other was
begotten (Jesus Christ), so the Jehovah’s Witness Bible (called The New World Translation) has written TWO
GODS into John 1:18, substituting the word “God” for “Son.” The NASV did exactly the same thing. The NASV is
promoted by the Bible faculty at Bob Jones, Wheaton, Fuller, Moody and Biola as well as Northwestern, Dallas, and
Piedmont. Since neither the Jehovah’s Witnesses or the translators of the NASV really believed Jesus Christ was
“God manifest in the flesh,” both of them removed the word “GOD” from 1 Timothy 3:16. IT IS ALSO FOUND
The three main heresies of the Jehovah’ s Witnesses are:
1. Jesus was a created God who was inferior to God the Father.
2. Unsaved men will never experience eternal punishment or conscious torment of any kind.
3. No one can know whether or not they are “saved” until after the White Throne Judgment of Revelation 20.
To a Jehovah’s Witness, hell is “the grave.” In their “plan of salvation” everyone goes to “hell” when they die
because “hell” is only the grave; and then at the last judgment, they come up out of an unconscious sleep to see if
they will get to live on the new earth or else be ANNIHILATED in the Lake of Fire.
A number of novel perversions have been made to support this anti-Biblical cult. First of all, the passage in
Malachi 4:1–6 (which describes the Second Advent) has been converted into a passage that deals with unsaved
people in hell; the “ashes” (Mal. 4:3) have been removed from Palestine (where they will be: 2 Thess. 2; 2 Thess. 1;
Rev. 19) to the Lake of Fire, where they will not be.
Secondly, the word “everlasting” has been lifted out of Genesis 49:26 (a poetic prophesy) as proof that the
word “everlasting” doesn’t really mean “everlasting” but only “for a very long time” (see Jehovah’s Witness Bible,
and the ASV, and the NASV, and other apostate “Bibles” in Micah 5:2).
Thirdly, the word “destroy” or “perish” has been privately interpreted to mean “annihilation” in spite of the fact
that no such word exists except in relation to someone who was LOOKING AT SOMETHING. The first law of
thermodynamics shows that nothing can be destroyed absolutely or created absolutely; it can only change FORM.
Disintegration into absolute “nothingness” is a hallucination. There is no such thing in scripture or out of scripture.
In the scriptures, a man is said to “PERISH” (Luke 15:17), and then the same man gets up and goes home. A nation
is said to be destroyed with a “DOUBLE DESTRUCTION” (Jer. 17:18). How could it have been “annihilated”
TWICE? When David says he is “CONSUMED” (Ps. 39:10), he goes right on to finish another fifty Psalms. The
words PERISH, CONSUME, DESTROY and DIE in the Bible are never references to anything or anyone being
“annihilated” (see for example Prov. 5:11; Deut. 30:18; Amos 3:15; Prov. 29:18).
It is obvious that most Jehovah’s Witnesses are headed for hell and want to get rid of it before they get there,
or, at least “recondition” it so that it won’t be too hard to live in. By equating hell with the “grave” they ignore seven
basic Biblical truths found in the New Testament.
1. There is no fire in the grave; there is in hell (Luke 16; Matt. 25).
2. There is no weeping, wailing or gnashing of teeth in the grave; there is in hell (Matt. 13, 22).
3. No one is praying in the grave; they are in hell (Luke 16).
4. The grave was not made for the Devil and his angels: hell was (Matt. 25).
5. No Christian’s soul goes into ANY grave when he dies whether it is “hell” or not (Phil. 1:21–23; 2 Cor. 5:1–
10; 1 Thess. 5:10).
6. If hell was the “grave” then Christ was a fool and gave the most stupid instructions to sinners that a teacher
ever gave, for He said it would have been better for a man to go through life halt, maimed, or blind, than to go into
hell in good health. If hell is the “grave,” you would go “to hell” no matter WHAT SHAPE YOU WERE IN
7. Everlasting shame and everlasting punishment (Dan. 12) with everlasting torment (Rev. 14) and everlasting
fire (Matt. 25) could not be related to anyone’s dead body or annihilated “corpse.” You cannot PUNISH or
TORMENT A CORPSE with anything.
Now these seven great truths show us the true nature of the people who publish for “The Watchtower and Tract
Society.” They are demoniac agents who have denied the negative truths of the Bible which point out that men’s
sins against God require ETERNAL PAYMENT—because God is ETERNAL. By denying this basic Biblical truth,
the Jehovah’s Witnesses have attacked the very heart of the blood atonement of Jesus Christ who died to pay for
sins. God is eternal; eternal life is eternal. It holds absolutely that eternal death is eternal in the sense of
UNENDING. A payment for SIN was made at Calvary so that sin is not eternal. But if Christ’s payment is rejected,
then someone else must make the payment: the payment is eternal (Isa. 66:22–23; Mark 9:44, 46, 48).
No Jehovah’s Witness believes that. His homemade “do it yourself” plan of salvation is one of works where the
sinner works, and hopes for the best, and pretends that eternal torment cannot exist. By doing this, the Jehovah’s
Witness enlists thousands of self-righteous humanists like himself who don’t think that God “would do such a
thing,” and they all pass off as nice people since they grant that human nature is good enough to earn favor with God
and, at its worst, it will only be “annihilated.” The fact that Jehovah’s Witnesses make a liar out of Jesus Christ
(Luke 16:19–25) means nothing to them. They pretend that Luke 16 is a “parable,” although it does not mention the
word “parable” within twenty verses of the passage in either direction.
Down South we call the Jehovah’s Witnesses “no hellers.” They teach there is no conscious torment after death
for a Christ-rejecting sinner because his soul is lying unconscious in the grave; then there will still be no torment for
the Christ-rejecting sinner at the White Throne Judgment because he is going to be “annihilated” in the Lake of Fire.
That is, they teach that a life of Christ rejection, Bible perversion, and sin is nothing particular to worry about
because NO SUFFERING will come upon any sinner at the judgment. The Jehovah’s Witness heresy is one of the
most damnable false teachings that ever cursed unsaved mankind.
Seventh-day Adventist

This cult began in the early nineteenth century under a man named William Miller (1782–1849), and later it
was propagated by Ellen White. They were often called “Millerites” back in the 1800’s. The people have changed
their theological beliefs several times since then (as do all of the cults) in order to adjust to various environments
they have found themselves in. The original position taught was that no man could be saved unless he kept all ten of
the Ten Commandments, including the Jewish Old Testament Sabbath (Friday 6 PM to Saturday 6 PM). This was
modified—due to the cult being constantly confronted with Bible students who knew a liar when they saw one—to
the teaching that a man was saved by grace through faith in Christ, BUT he must keep the Old Testament Jewish
Sabbath or he would lose his salvation. Down South this was altered again—due to the cult being constantly
confronted with saved people who knew a liar when they saw one—to the teaching that a man was saved by grace
through faith, but he would keep the Old Testament Jewish Sabbath if he really LOVED Jesus Christ (John 15:10–
14). One might say that the Adventists have backslidden continually since the days of Ellen White and Miller.
The main publications of the cult come from the Review and Herald Publishing Co. in Washington, D.C., the
Southern Publishing Co. in Nashville, and the Pacific Publishing Co. in Los Angeles. These books are lavishly
illustrated by an airbrush artist who does all of the commercial work for the Coca-Cola Bottling Company. The most
popular book is called BIBLE READINGS FOR THE HOME. It will be found in 50 percent of the Southern homes
in Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, Georgia, Tennessee, Arkansas and the Carolinas.
In this book we are told that the Second Advent has already occurred; you just missed it! The White Throne
Judgment is now taking place; you are just not aware of it! And Christ’s Millennial reign (Rev. 20:1–5) will actually
Among many other blasphemous and foolish teachings, the Adventists teach soul sleep (as do the Jehovah’s
Witnesses) and salvation by faith and works with no one sure of eternal life until they are dead. The main body of
Seventh-day Adventists (as well as Campbellites and Jehovah’s Witnesses) come from Southern Baptist churches
whose members were led off into the cults due to their lack of Biblical knowledge (Gal. 4:17, 5:7–12). Bible
believers have a knowledge of the Old Testament Jewish Sabbath far beyond that of any ordained minister in the
Seventh-day Adventist church.
1. The Sabbath was a “SIGN” (Ezek. 20:20) given to the Jews because the Jews require a SIGN (1 Cor. 1 :22).
2. The Jews require a SIGN (1 Cor. 1:22) because their NATION began with SIGNS (Exod. 4).
3. The sign of the Sabbath was unknown to every man, woman and child in the book of Genesis for more than
2,000 years, for it was first revealed to Moses on MOUNT SINAI in 1500 B.C. (see Neh. 9:14). This explains why
no one in Genesis ever kept or observed the Sabbath: Adam, Enoch, Seth, Abel, Noah, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob,
Joseph, et al.
4. The heresy taught by the Adventists is based on the fact that since Genesis 2:1–3 speaks of the Sabbath as
blessed and sanctified, everyone from that TIME (4000 B.C.) on kept it. This conveniently overlooks the Biblical
FACT that Moses wrote Genesis 2:1–2 and did not write it until 400 years after Abraham was DEAD. (See the
article on Campbellites and note the remarks made on the refusal of these people to follow PROGRESSIVE
5. The first day was actually set apart as a sanctified day of rest BEFORE the Sabbath, according to Exodus
12:16, and these instructions were given to Moses and Israel BEFORE any law was revealed on Mt. Sinai.
6. Christians in the New Testament do not meet on the Jewish Sabbath. They meet on the FIRST day of the
week (Acts 20) and take up collection on the FIRST day of the week (1 Cor. 16:1–4) and preach the FIRST day of
the week (Acts 20:7) because their Saviour rose the FIRST day of the week (Luke 24; Matt. 28) and the Holy Spirit
came down the FIRST day of the week (Acts 2:1–6).
Now, the way the Adventists throw out this barrage of New Testament truth is by pretending that there are two
laws in the Old Testament which they call the “CEREMONIAL LAW” and the “MORAL LAW.” They classify the
Jewish Sabbath as a MORAL LAW instead of a ceremonial law because it is found in the ten “moral”
commandments given at Sinai. This overlooks five Biblical facts that deal with sound doctrine, and it marks the
Adventist cult as one of the great Bible-perverting, Bible-rejecting groups of this century.
1. There are MORAL LAWS given right in the same list with CEREMONIAL LAWS (see Lev. 19:5–9, 11–
2. There are CEREMONIAL LAWS given right in the same list with MORAL LAWS (see Lev. 19:17–20, 22–
23, and 30). Notice that the SABBATHS are ceremonial observances to be kept (Lev. 19:30).
3. The New Testament clearly forbids anyone judging you in respect to the ceremonial observances of ANY
day (Col. 2:16). When giving the “ten MORAL COMMANDMENTS” in the “MORAL LAW” (to quote the
Adventists), Paul purposely omits the SABBATH or the observing of the SABBATH as a MORAL LAW OR A
CEREMONIAL LAW (Rom. 13:8–10). According to Paul, the Old Testament Sabbath is not a moral commandment
for ANY Christian.
4. Observe that the Old Testament laws on STONE (the “moral law” of the Ten Commandments) were done
away with in Christ (2 Cor. 3), and the Christian’s reason for observing the real moral commandment in that Ten
(Paul omits the Sabbath from them: Rom. 13:8–10) has nothing to do with SALVATION. It has to do with good
health, testimony, spiritual success, answered prayer, and peace of mind (see Gal. 5; Rom. 6–7; and Eph. 4–5). No
Christian was ever saved or was ever kept saved by keeping ANY of the commandments-moral, ceremonial or
otherwise (Gal. 2:16).
5. Finally, observe that if any sinner is counting on the law to justify him (moral or ceremonial, in part, or in
whole) he is an unsaved man who has “FALLEN FROM GRACE” (Gal. 5:4) and Christ is of “no effect” to him at
This then is why no Bible believer is a “Seventh-day Adventist.”
The word “Charismatic” is not an English word: it came from the Greek word for “Charisma” which means
“gifted.” “Charismatics,” by definition, profess (whether they admit it or not) to be more GIFTED than the average
Christian. The Bible tells us what to think of these people who brag about gifts they don’t have (Prov. 25:14). It also
tells us what to think of people who profess to have the apostolic gifts (signs and wonders, 2 Cor. 12:12) but who
don’t have them (Rev. 2:2). The Bible calls these people “LIARS.”
Charismatics, as “Campbellites,” came on the religious scene late. The Bethel Bible College in Topeka, Kansas
(1900), and the Azusa Street Mission of Los Angeles (1910) were the beginnings of the present movement, and it
came into full blossom between 1920 and 1940 under a woman preacher in Los Angeles named Aimee Semple
McPherson. Later (1945), Charismatics infiltrated the Christian Businessmen’s Fellowship (1945–1950) and
converted it into a so-called “Full Gospel Fellowship” (1950–1970). The word “FULL Gospel” is a non-Biblical
term (such as “Four Square Gospel”) and would be included in the anathemas (curses) which God the Holy Spirit
placed on anyone in this age who is not preaching THE Gospel (1 Cor. 15:16). “THE GOSPEL” (Gal. 1:8–10) never
includes any mention of apostolic gifts given to any apostle or to any convert under an apostle since “THE Gospel”
was to survive centuries after the last apostle was dead.
Charismatics were formerly (1900–1940) called “Pentecostals,” or in the old days “Assembly of God,”
“Church of God,” or “Nazarenes.” All of them bore the same stamp; all claimed that the Jewish signs (1 Cor. 1:22)
given to Israel (Exod. 4:1–10), under the Jewish apostles (Mark 16:17–20), were for Gentile believers even after the
last apostle had died.
Counterfeit tongues and counterfeit “healings” are the main marks of these groups although recently they have
majored in humanistic psychotherapy and “positive thinking” (or mental suggestion) to get money, health, and good
social standing. Most of them have abandoned the New Testament completely where it deals with SUFFERING (2
Cor. 11–12; Rom. 8, etc.). All Charismatics are interdenominational and all of them are deathly afraid to discuss,
read, or study (or preach) BIBLE DOCTRINES.
They use “love,” “sharing” and “unity” as the main alibis for rejecting the word of God and for blaspheming
the words of the Holy Spirit. Since the Bible was written primarily for “doctrine” (see 2 Tim. 3:16), it is a book that
is a closed book to the average Charismatic. Their reason for rejecting it is not hard to find when we actually study
to see what the Bible says about “tongues and healing.”
In the Holy Bible “healing” begins with Moses (Exod. 4) as a SIGN to the nation of Israel (Exod. 4:79). This
explains why the Jews “require a sign” (1 Cor. 1:22). Their national life began with SIGNS (Exod. 4).
This also explains why Jesus gave His Jewish disciples the “signs” of Mark 16. Observe that only the converts
WHO BELIEVED UNDER THE MINISTRY OF THE APOSTLES (Mark 16:17–20) received these gifts. These
gifts are called “the signs of an apostle” in 2 Corinthians 12:12 and in Romans 15:19, so that anyone who wishes to
counterfeit apostolic succession (Campbellites and Catholics) must also counterfeit the Jewish signs. These liars—
and that is exactly what the scriptures call them (Rev. 2:2)—are said to be “false apostles” in 2 Corinthians 11:10–
14. They are here to herald the coming of the Antichrist who also is a Charismatic according to 2 Thessalonians 2:9.
God can and may heal anyone (James 5), including those who have no faith at all (see Mark 6:5–6), but the
“GIFTS of healing” (1 Cor. 12) as a SIGN (Mark 16:18) disappear with Paul. This is perfectly apparent by the fact
that at the end of his ministry not even Paul is able to heal HIS OWN FRIENDS (2 Tim. 4:20) and is recommending
MEDICINE for Timothy (1 Tim. 5:23). The crowning capstone which the Holy Spirit has set in the Bible to refute
heresies of the Charismatic cult is the fact that Paul, who was sick all of his life (2 Cor. 12:19), carried a medical
doctor (Luke) with him on his trips and, had this physician with him when he died (2 Tim. 4:11).
Charismatics have various ways to lie around these passages. The most popular one is to pretend that Paul’s
“thorn in the flesh” (2 Cor. 12) was not a physical problem. This is done by pretending that Paul’s “infirmities” (2
Cor. 12:9–10) were no real infirmities (sicknesses): they were just “problems.” Since all the other “problems” were
listed in the very same passage (2 Cor. 12:9–10), the Iying is not very productive to anyone who can read.
But the most vicious lying which Charismatics participate in is their peculiar perversion of Acts 2 and 1
Corinthians 14. One of these chapters (Acts 2) deals with the baptism of the Holy Ghost and the other (1 Cor. 14)
speaks about the use of unknown tongues. Any sinner who can read will observe that there is no UNKNOWN
TONGUE anywhere in Acts 2; therefore, unknown tongues have nothing to do with the baptism of the Holy Ghost.
He will observe further when he reads that in more than thirty-four verses in l Corinthians 14 on “tongues,” there is
not one mention of any “baptism” anywhere in the entire chapter. What these incredible liars have done is to transfer
the tongues of 1 Corinthians 14 over into Acts 2, where they are NOT, and then they have removed the baptism of
the Holy Ghost from Acts 2 and transplanted it into 1 Corinthians 14, where it is NOT.
This can only be successful where the sinner refuses to read what God told him to read. Observe in regards to
the “baptism of the Holy Ghost” in Acts 2 that:
1. No one is kneeling or praying for any “baptism.
2. The “initial evidence” is NOT tongues but it is the sound of a mighty rushing wind.
3. Only twelve men speak in tongues (notice Acts 1:26, 2:1, and 2:14). Since 120 disciples were there (Acts
1:15), it is apparent that tongues have nothing to do with the ”baptism of the Holy Ghost” for Christians, because
108 of them at Pentecost did NOT speak in any tongue.
The Bible believer then should be extremely suspicious of any Charismatic, having observed that the
foundation of his theological system was erected on four LIES before any of the system was taught. They will lie
about the number of disciples who spoke in tongues. They will lie about the initial evidence of the “baptism.” They
will lie about the way the baptism was received. And they will lie about what kind of tongues were spoken when
they were spoken; all of the “tongues” in Acts 2 were foreign languages (see Acts 2:8, 11).
Any “Christian” who professes to be “gifted” (a Charismatic) and then will lie four times in a row before
getting his feet off the ground is certainly not to be trusted in financial or moral matters—let alone Biblical or
spiritual matters.
Charismatics are actually what we call “humanists”—people who reject any Bible truth that they don’t like and
accept only the Biblical statements which will enable them to make a good living, stay healthy, get along in the
world, and maintain a spiritual reputation. Charismatics such as Oral Roberts, Rex Humbard, Jimmy Swaggart,
Kenneth Copeland, and others hardly ever actually lead anyone to Christ. They have what we call in the ministry,
“retreads.” That is, they get decisions from people who get saved and lost over and over again or “born again and
again and again, etc.” It has only been since 1950 that any “Charismatic” professed to believe in eternal security and
then only because Baptists began to be sucked into the humanistic emotionalism of the movement. All Charismatics
will wind up as liberals in the NCCC; exactly as the Methodists did before them (1900–1950). The end result of
rejecting Biblical truth in favor of “sharing” and “relating” is MODERNISM: total rejection of every passage in the
Bible that “crosses the grain” (Matt. 23; Jer. 23; Rev. 17–18; Titus 1; John 8, et al.).
The Biblical rules for the use of the “unknown tongue” in 1 Corinthians are regularly violated by every
Charismatic church in America. In the first place, WOMEN are not to speak in tongues in the assembly (1 Cor.
14:34). In the second place, the MEN are to only speak in turn and never more than three at a time; one after the
other (1 Cor. 14:27). Thirdly, none of them are to speak unless an interpreter is present (1 Cor. 14:27), and then it is
understood that all tongues are for a “SIGN” (1 Cor. 14:22) to the unbelieving Jews in Corinth. That is why they
only occur THREE times in the entire New Testament (Acts 2, 10, 19): in every case it is for the benefit of a Jew
who is seeking a “SIGN.”
Since we are told that the mark of a spiritual man is his observance and obedience to the passages found in 1
Corinthians (1 Cor. 14:37), we can be assured that Charismatics (saved or lost) are carnal children (1 Cor. 14:20).
The arrogant and blasphemous way they stamp all over the divine instructions given by the Holy Ghost, and their
constant and stupid refusal to abide by His orders, so that they may have their own way, shows exactly what they
are: Bible-rejecting humanists who have been deceived by the Devil.
Roman Catholic
Of all the cults on earth the Roman Catholic cult is by far the largest and the oldest—at least when it comes to
perversion of Biblical truth. The word “Catholic,” to begin with, is neither a Christian word nor a Biblical word. The
word was used by unsaved Greek philosophers before the time of Christ and was later used one time by a “church
father” called Ignatius to describe the entire collection of Christians who were scattered all over the Roman Empire.
Ignatius, and other “church fathers,” always used the term in reference to the Body of Christ as a group of
individuals who were saved and who composed the “church” mentioned in Colossians 1 and Ephesians 1. It was not
until the time of Eusebius and Augustine (fourth century) that the term began to refer to a political hierarchy at
Rome which was supposed to control all of the local churches. Even though Cyprian (an early church “father”)
refers to the bishop of the church as a ruler with supreme authority, he never used the term “church” in the sense of
an ecclesiastical organization headed up by a Roman bishop. In the Bible a “bishop” (Phil. 3; 1 Tim. 3:1–3) heads up
NOTHING but a local congregation of baptized believers. He is called an “elder” (1 Pet. 5:1–4) and an “overseer”
(Acts 20) of a local congregation.
The Bible knows nothing about a huge sprawling ecclesiastical network with bishops over whole areas and
“archbishops” over bishops. Jesus Christ was only a “bishop” (1 Pet. 2:25); therefore, an “ARCHbishop” would be
of a higher rank than the Lord Jesus. The Catholic church boasts about scores of “archbishops”—men with a rank
higher than the sinless Son of God.
The Catholic cult is by far the most effective cult when it comes to damning unsaved men as it comes closer to
the PROFESSION of being a real Christian church than any other cult. The reason why over 400,000,000 lost
people (Spain, Ireland, Italy, Mexico and South America) can never find heaven or eternal life is because the
Catholic church PROFESSES to be the final authority on salvation when none of its cardinals, bishops, archbishops,
priests, nuns, monks, or popes even have assurance of eternal life (1 John 5:13).
All Catholics profess to be “fundamentalists.” That is, all Catholics PROFESS to believe in the Deity of Christ,
the Virgin Birth, the Incarnation, the Crucifixion, the Resurrection, Heaven, and Hell, and the last judgment of the
dead. However, when it comes to PRACTISE, we discover that the official books put out by the Catholic church
(you can always tell an official Catholic book by the sign on the flyleaf with the Latin inscription “NIHIL
OBSTAT” after it) teach that:
1. A man is born again by being sprinkled into the Roman Catholic church (there are variations allowed for in
exceptional cases, if the Catholic is “put on the spot” by a Bible believer who has better sense).
2. Any man can lose salvation and become “unborn again” by falling out of a “state of grace.”
3. No man can know whether he is going to purgatory, heaven, or hell until he is dead; to be saved he must die
in “a state of grace.”
4. The blood of Jesus Christ is not sufficient to save anyone who trusts in His atonement by faith. One must
take the Catholic sacraments and stay in a “state of grace.” (Modern Catholics have also made exceptions to these
rules in order to organize Buddhists, Moslems, and Hindus into a one world church; however, OFFICIAL Catholic
publications—“NIHIL OBSTAT,” meaning “nothing objectionable”—state that no man on earth can be saved
without being in subjection to the Roman Catholic Pope at Rome.) Pope John Paul asserted this at his coronation
(1981), and spoke it verbally before over 50,000 people.
5. Prayers should be made to Mary and to dead saints. A man can be prayed out of purgatory AFTER he is
6. A piece of bread (called “the host” or a “wafer”) can be turned into the literal flesh and blood body of Jesus
Christ by a Catholic priest during the “mass.”
7. Mary was born sinless. She beat the entire human race in the resurrection having been “caught up to
heaven,” alive, during the Book of Acts without any of the Christians or apostles knowing anything about it! These
two teachings are OFFICIAL DOGMA given by the popes “ex cathedra” (“from the chair”), and constitute CANON
LAW FOR EVERY ROMAN CATHOLIC. He must believe in them under pain of going to hell.
Now, when Catholics are confronted with these things (as well as things like kneeling in front of statues,
confessing to priests, etc.), they always DENY every charge on the grounds that somewhere in some Catholic book,
or somewhere in something that some priest said, or in some circumstance that existed somewhere, there was proof
that some Catholic didn’t REALLY believe in these things. Official books, however, bearing the imprimatur of the
bishops (nihil obstat) state that non-Catholics can be burned to death if they don’t submit to the Catholic church, that
the Dark Ages (when the Catholics ruled Europe) were the golden ages of history, that Ireland must become a
Roman Catholic church-state as well as Spain and Italy, that the United States Constitution is a dangerous and
heretical document, and that no Catholic will be obligated to obey the Constitution as soon as a Catholic majority in
the U.S.A. can get rid of it; it is obeyed until then for purposes of expediency.
These documented FACTS attested to by the Catholic hierarchy itself are found in the works of Lambert
(Catholicism Against Itself) and Avro Manhattan (Vatican Imperialism in the 20th Century).
The outstanding Catholics of the twentieth century were:
1. The Fascist dictator of Spain, Francisco Franco.
2. The Fascist dictator of Italy, Benito Mussolini.
3. The Fascist dictator of Germany, Adolph Hitler.
4. Clare Booth Luce, the wife of the editor of Time and Newsweek magazines.
5. The head of the Nazi Gestapo, Heinrich Himmler.
6. The head of the Auschwitz Concentration Camp, Rudolph Hoess.
7. The leader of the Ustashi (Yugoslavia) that murdered more than 200,000 Serbians, Archbishop Stepinac.
8. The Communist dictator of Cuba, Fidel Castro.
9. The head of the Treblinka Concentration Camp, Kurt Franz (Franz Stangl).
10. Pope Pius XI and Pius XII, who signed concordants with Hitler and Mussolini to the effect that Catholic
doctrines had to be taught in the public schools, and that no Bible study groups could meet in public or private.
All of these HISTORICAL FACTS are shoved “under the rug“ by Catholics in America. American Catholics
pretend that history never took place. At the meeting in the Vatican on “papal infallibility” (1864), the Catholic
historian, Dollinger, had to leave the church. He could not stand the monstrous way in which the Jesuits and priests
there ignored the entire history of their own church in order to set up the doctrine of papal infallibility: later this was
modified to “being only infallible when he pronounced OFFICIAL DOCTRINE.” To this day no one has been able
to put their finger on ONE OFFICIAL doctrine any pope spoke “infallibly” except the SINLESS BIRTH OF MARY
(the immaculate conception, making her equal with Christ) and her RAPTURE UP TO HEAVEN (the divine
assumption, making her equal WITH Christ). And neither of these blasphemous heresies are taught in the Bible or
even hinted at.
The reason why the Catholic cult is so effective is because she PROFESSES to believe in five things that Bible
believers believe in. Ignorant people do not even consider that such terms as mass, nuncio, archbishop, pope,
Catholic, purgatory, Christmas, Christophers, monks, nuns, etc., are not even REMOTELY connected with New
Testament Biblical Christianity. There are no nuns, monks, or popes anywhere in ANY New Testament: no one
attends “mass,” no one goes to confession, no one plays “bingo” and no one asks Mary for the time of day. Catholics
In regards to Mary—Pope John Paul is a fanatical devotee of the Black Madonna of Poland and the Fatima
shrine in Portugal—the Bible notes:
1. She was a sinner who needed purification of her sins (Luke 2:21–23; Lev. 12).
2. She, as a sinner, thanked God for a Saviour (Luke 1:47).
3. Her Saviour never referred to His mother one time in the scriptures as “mother” but only as “woman” (see
John 2, 19).
4. The last time Mary is mentioned in ANY Bible (or any translation of any set of manuscripts) is in Acts 1
where she is found praying in the upper room with the other women and the disciples. Not once in Acts 2, 3, 4, 5, 6,
7, 8, 9, etc., does anyone ask her opinion or advice on ANYTHING.
5. No one in the Bible prays to Mary. In Acts 12 prayer is being made to God (Acts 12:5) and worship is to be
made to God ONLY according to Revelation 22:9. No one “honors” Mary in the Book of Acts, no one mentions her,
no one calls her “Blessed Mary,” and no one looks at her picture or kneels before her statue at any time, anywhere,
under ANY condition. The Catholic picture of Mary is pagan blasphemy.
6. There is ONE MEDIATOR between God and man (l Tim. 2:5) and it is not MARY or any other woman; it is
a MAN, and that man is not “blessed Joseph” or “blessed John the Baptist.” Paul never prays to Mary, never prays
for anyone to honor her or talk about her, and in thirteen Pauline Epistles, there is not ONE MENTION of Mary as a
“mediatrix,” “intercessor,” “gate to heaven” or any other blasphemous title attributed to her in the official Roman
Catholic books (nihil obstat) written by Catholic cardinals and bishops.
In regards to the heart of Catholic idolatry, the mass:
1. There is no “mass” in either Testament.
2. In John 6 when speaking of disciples eating his “flesh and blood,” Jesus tells them His literal flesh would
profit them nothing (John 6:63) if they could eat it, and tells them that “eating His flesh and blood” is to be done
exactly as He Himself was feeding off of HIS OWN FATHER (John 6:57). Cannibalism is justified nowhere in
either Testament, and the eating of LITERAL BLOOD is forbidden before the law (Gen. 9), under the law (Lev. 17),
and after the law under grace (Acts 15).
3. We are specifically told in 1 Corinthians 10:16–17 that the present “BODY OF CHRIST” is not the dead
corpse that was taken off the cross or the live sacrifice on the cross; the “body of Christ” in this age is A GROUP
OF SAVED PEOPLE IN CHRIST (1 Cor. 12:13), and if a Catholic does not discern this (1 Cor. 11:29) when he
goes to “mass,” he eats and drinks DAMNATION to himself (1 Cor. 11:29) in every mass that he attends. There is
no BLOOD IN THE PRESENT BODY OF CHRIST, as all of Christ’s literal blood had left Him when He came up
from the dead (Luke 24:39 and John 19:34).
The very heart and center of the Catholic cult then is black magic and cannibalism, and this is why Article 31
of the Thirty-Nine Articles of the Anglican church called it “A BLASPHEMOUS FABLE AND DANGEROUS
When the popes “celebrate masses” in America and Europe, they institute a pagan religion of Baal worship
which is more than 3,000 years old. The Baal worshipers (Judg. 2:13) had “vestments” and “vestrymen” (2 Kings
10:22), and worshipped “THE QUEEN OF HEAVEN” (Jer.44:17–19), and ate literal blood (Ps. 16:4). They used
images and statues as “an aid to worship” (Exod. 23:24; Deut. 7:5, etc.), and prayed to several gods, as well as the
true God (Josh. 23:7; Judg. 2:3, 10:14; 2 Kings 19:18, etc.).
The true nature of the Catholic cult is described (and thoroughly proved with historical facts) in the classic
work by Hislop called The Two Babylons, which has been in print for nearly 100 years. This work shows that the
Roman Catholic church is actually the Babylonian harlot of Revelation 17–18 and only PROFESSES enough
charitable works to give the Harlot a reputation for being “Christian,” and millions of its duped members are
religious enough to give the Prostitute an aura of being a “religion.”
The Bible is much more exact:
1. It forbids a disciple to call any religious leader “father” (Matt. 23:9).
2. It condemns religious leaders who get a widow’s property by praying for her dead husband (Matt. 23:14).
3. It calls the teaching of these leaders “LEAVEN” (Matt. 16:12) and points out that a “WOMAN” will put
leaven into the body of true doctrine (Matt. 13:33) until the entire body of doctrine is corrupted (Gal. 5:9).
4. In the Bible the church of the Lord Jesus is never called “A WOMAN” anywhere. The church is called a
BRIDE (Rev. 21), a VIRGIN (2 Cor. 11) and a WIFE (Eph. 5)—never “A WOMAN.” There is a “woman” in
Revelation 17:1–6, but she is a religious prostitute built on seven mountains whose colors are purple and scarlet and
whose symbol is a GOLDEN CUP (Rev. 17:1–10). This religious whore was guilty of killing millions of Christians
(see Rev. 17–18). Her record is preserved in Fox’s Book of Martyrs, which is banned in the American public school
system. Jack Chick of Chino, California, did a great service to the American people in the 1980’s when he published
three books: Alberto, The Godfather, and Sabotage. These three books show the nature and work of the religious
whore not only in the field of international politics and corrupt theology, but in Bible revision and Bible translations.
All new translations (the NASV, the NRSV, the NIV, and even parts of the New King James Version) come from
Greek manuscripts that are called “ALEXANDRIAN” after Alexandria, Egypt, in AFRICA. The Latin church,
which became the Roman Catholic church of the Dark Ages, began in AFRICA, and its first real “Catholic”
(according to all church historians) was an African named AURELIUS AUGUSTINE. He taught that Baptists (they
were called “Donatists” in those days: the fifth century) should be imprisoned and killed if necessary. All new
English translations come from Alexandrian Greek manuscripts that contain the Roman Catholic Apocrypha as part
of the Old Testament, interspersed between the Old Testament books as “inspired” literature. This is part of the
“LEAVEN” that was implanted by the whore (see Rev. 17, and Matt. 13:33).
No Bible-believing Christian has any business getting entangled with the Roman Catholic church in any
RELIGIOUS or POLITICAL thing which she practises or teaches. At present the Catholic Pope is organizing the
Communist nations (“Third World Nations”) to put pressure on the U.S.A. so she will succumb to foreign leadership
from Rome (his own leadership as head of the United Nations). This is all documented in the work by Avro
Manhattan called The Vatican Moscow Alliance.
Catholicism is a worldwide cult. It is the most subtle and dangerous of all cults as it comes closest to the
Christian profession of any of the major cults.
It is unlikely for a man to be a member of any one of these cults (Catholic, Campbellite, Charismatic, Seventh-
day Adventist, or Jehovah’s Witness) and still be saved, but if he IS saved, it is because he has REJECTED THEIR
DOCTRINAL TEACHINGS ON SALVATION. A man is saved in this age by grace through faith (Eph. 2:8–9) in
the one, final, effectual sacrifice of the Lord Jesus Christ (Heb. 10:8–12) dying in his place as a substitutionary
offering for sin (Rom. 5:1–10). If he has done that, and received the Lord Jesus by faith (John 1:12) in his heart, that
sinner is SAVED, and is saved, once for all; finally and forever. He may get “messed” up, or entangled in one of
these cults later, but this will be because of willful ignorance, failure to obey God in reading and studying the word,
or because of a desire to sin and justify it; the old nature is still there. However, if he gets to heaven, he will get there
like every other saved sinner on this earth got there: by rejecting the teachings of the Roman Catholic church, the
Church of Latter Day Saints, the so-called “Church of Christ,” the Charismatics, the Jehovah’s Witnesses, and the
Seventh-day Adventists, where these heretics give their privately-interpreted “plans of salvation.” No man can be
saved if he actually believes and follows what these cults TEACH in regards to the new birth. If they contain saved
people, it is because these people followed another spirit, another teaching, another book, and another Saviour than
the one presented to them by the cults. They are saved IN SPITE of their church.
The Christian’s attitude toward these people is clearly given in the scriptures in Romans 16; 1 Corinthians 3–6;
Galatians 4–6; and 2 Corinthians 6. Rebuke them (Titus 1), witness to them twice (Titus 3:10), and then avoid them
and stay out of their way (2 Thess. 3:14). They are a disgrace to the Holy Spirit and the Book which He wrote.

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